who are seventh-day adventists? - home : stroudsburg sda ... · who are seventh-day adventists? ......

WHO ARE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS? WHAT SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS BELIEVE We believe that Jesus Christ; Is found throughout the entire Word of God. (John. 5:39; II Tim. 3:16, 17) Is the divine Son of God and our personal Savior. (John. 1:1-3; Heb. 7:25) Offers His righteousness to all who accept Him by faith. (Rom. 4:3-5) Soon coming will be visible to all, and at that time He will raise the dead. (I Thess. 4:16, 17; I Cor.15:52) Is the source of a new birth experience. (John. 3:3-5) Is the Creator of the world, and established the 7th day Sabbath for His people to remember His creative power. (Heb. 1:1, 2; Ex. 20:8-11) Is our example that the Ten Commandment Law is a reflection of God’s perfect character, and that it is our pattern for successful living. (John. 15:10, James. 2:8-12) In the Old and New Testaments, outlined the free giving of tithes and offerings to support the work of the church. (Mal. 3:10; Matt. 23:23) Through His baptism, gave an example of His death and resurrection, and new life through our baptism. (Mark. 1:9; Rom. 6:3-5) Through the Holy Spirit, makes our body His temple. (I Cor. 3:16, 17) Gives the gifts of the Spirit for the unity of the faith and the perfection of the saints. (Eph. 4:8-11; I Cor. 12) Expects modesty and deportment in His children. (I Tim 2:9, 10) Is now our heavenly Priest, and gives His last message for all mankind that, “the hour of God’s judgment is come.” (Rev. 14:6-12; Heb. 8:1-6) Pastor: Livingstone Aaron 570-355-5762 416 Tranquility Ct. Long Pond, PA 18334 Email: [email protected] Church Clerk: Stacey Charles 570-534-5311 Head Elder: James Obegi 201-423-3227 Community Services: 570-476-0039 or Sis.Jamala Asiyo - 570-644-0349 Pocono Adventist Christian School570-421-5577 Prayer Meeting - Wed. 7:00 pm First Service - Sat. 8:30 am Sabbath School - Sat. 9:45 am Second Service - Sat. 11:00 am Adventist Youth Society Sat. 1 hour before sunset C1 COME AND WORSHIP WITH US OUR PEOPLE

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We believe that Jesus Christ;

Is found throughout the entire Word of God. (John. 5:39; II Tim. 3:16, 17)

Is the divine Son of God and our personal Savior. (John. 1:1-3; Heb. 7:25)

Offers His righteousness to all who accept Him by faith. (Rom. 4:3-5)

Soon coming will be visible to all, and at that time He will raise the dead. (I Thess. 4:16, 17; I Cor.15:52) Is the source of a new birth experience. (John. 3:3-5) Is the Creator of the world, and established the 7th day Sabbath for His people to remember His creative power. (Heb. 1:1, 2; Ex. 20:8-11) Is our example that the Ten Commandment Law is a reflection of God’s perfect character, and that it is our pattern for successful living. (John. 15:10, James. 2:8-12) In the Old and New Testaments, outlined the free giving of tithes and offerings to support the work of the church. (Mal. 3:10; Matt. 23:23) Through His baptism, gave an example of His death and resurrection, and new life through our baptism. (Mark. 1:9; Rom. 6:3-5) Through the Holy Spirit, makes our body His temple. (I Cor. 3:16, 17) Gives the gifts of the Spirit for the unity of the faith and the perfection of the saints. (Eph. 4:8-11; I Cor. 12) Expects modesty and deportment in His children. (I Tim 2:9, 10) Is now our heavenly Priest, and gives His last message for all mankind that, “the hour of God’s judgment is come.” (Rev. 14:6-12; Heb. 8:1-6)

Pastor: Livingstone Aaron 570-355-5762

416 Tranquility Ct.

Long Pond, PA 18334

Email: [email protected]

Church Clerk: Stacey Charles 570-534-5311

Head Elder: James Obegi 201-423-3227 Community Services: 570-476-0039 or Sis.Jamala Asiyo - 570-644-0349 Pocono Adventist Christian School–


Prayer Meeting - Wed. 7:00 pm First Service - Sat. 8:30 am Sabbath School - Sat. 9:45 am Second Service - Sat. 11:00 am Adventist Youth Society Sat. 1 hour before sunset



Dear Brothers and Sisters: Greetings in the precious name of Jesus, we are moving quickly to end of this year and could

it also be the end someone today? Most people seem to think that it is a very easy thing to be

saved, that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is very simple. I have met a lot of people; most of

them have been very religious people. Most of the people I preach to are very sure they are

saved. Most of them never disturb themselves by questioning the matter. 1 Peter 4:17-18.

"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if

it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of

God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and

the sinner appear?

The word “scarcely” is a very poor translation. Peter is not suggesting that God’s elect barely

get into heaven, or that we shall enter in with fear, trembling, and hesitancy. God’s saints shall

be ushered into heaven in a blaze of glory, triumphant and victorious by his grace! The word

“scarcely” would better be translated, “with difficulty.” Peter’s meaning is this: “If the

righteous are saved with great difficulty, what shall become of the ungodly and unbelieving?

In verse 17 he then tells us, "For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God,

and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the Gospel of

Christ?" Here is the key to understanding the next verse. In this life we will suffer judgment,

which in this context means tribulation and suffering. Look at Paul's example and all he went

through. Study the book of Revelation and the trials of the early church. Get a copy of Fox's

Book of Martyrs and see what happened to some of the early Christians for their stand in the

faith. Judgment has begun with the house of God among men. Men do not understand what it

means to be a Christian, and because of this lack of understanding they will be the instrument

of trial upon the Christian.

That is not what the apostle is trying to teach in this passage of Scripture. Other passages

indicate the difficulty of living the Christian life (Matt. 7:13-14). Paul's life is an example of

extreme difficulty one could face for taking a stand for truth. But even the Lord's words in

Matthew and the life of Paul do not indicate that one is going to make it in one step away from

being "tagged out." Indeed Peter in his next epistle dispels this very idea of making it by the

skin of the teeth. "Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make you calling and election

sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to

you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ," (2 Pet.

1:10-11). The entrance into Heaven will be a glorious one for those who have lived faithfully

to God. This will be the reward for having followed a difficult path. That is the key when

looking at this passage.

This difficulty in salvation does not arise from any deficiency in the Lord Jesus Christ, our

Savior. There is no lack of efficacy in his sin-atoning blood or in his heavenly intercession.

Thank God, there is no difficulty there! Jesus Christ is an all-sufficient Savior. There is no lack of power in the Holy Spirit to save us. And there is no lack of faithfulness in our gracious


There is but one way of deliverance and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe on him and you

can never come into this awful condemnation. John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that

heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come

into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is

not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed

in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God

abideth on him. Your brother in Christ F1 Pastor Livingstone Aaron 1


October 1, 2016 Divine Service (11:00 AM)

Introit………….“We Have Come Into This House”…….……Praise Team

Call to Worship……………………………………….. Eld. Thomas Pitts

Doxology…………...“Praise God from Whom”……………...Congregation

Invocation………………………..…………..……….. Eld. Donna Wilson

Welcome………………………………..…………….. Eld. Thomas Pitts

Announcements ……....……………………………….….….Church Clerk

Pastoral Announcements……………………………… Eld. Donna Wilson

Hymn of Adoration……..…..……#159…..…...…….………Congregation

Scripture Reading…………… 1 Cor. 12:12-27……..… Sis. Stacey Charles

Intercessory Prayer………………………………..…... Sis. Audrey Sylvan

“I Must Tell Jesus”

Special Music……………………….….......………..…… Sis. Jasmine Dey

Children’s Story…………….………………………….Bro. Joshua Wilson

Offertory………….………………….…………….... Dr. John Colerangle

“We Give Thee but Thine Own”

Praise and Worship………………………………….....……...Praise Team

Sermon………….…. Walking In His Footprints …….. Sis. Marilyn Powell

Prayer & Fasting Program:

“The Church Has Left the Building” Benediction………………………..……….………… Eld. Thomas Pitts


Have A Blessed Sabbath



Our only option! Is Christian Education Really Important?

Christian education is my passion, so it sometimes amazes me when I hear other

Christians dismiss the whole concept or speak flippantly about it. Christian schools

are deemed by some to be inferior or unnecessary. They’re too expensive, too strict,

too intrusive, or too much of a bubble.

Satan is the master deceiver, and He desperately wants us to think that Christian

education is not really important and that the public schools can educate our children

just fine. He will use every technique and argument he can to trick us into

complacency. But we can’t afford to be fooled.

This subtle teaching of humanism, socialism, and progressivism is dangerously

persuasive to impressionable children and teens. And since we as parents are not in

the classroom with our students, we don’t even know what to refute.

I’m not saying the public school is system is Al-Qaeda, but we are fighting a

spiritual battle. We are fighting for our children’s future, for Biblical truth, and

for right. Children and teens are particularly impressionable and are still learning

how to distinguish truth from error. This is the time that they need Biblical

guidance and direction – and an hour on Sunday morning just isn’t going to cut


One goal is not to insulate them from the fight, but they just cannot train

properly in the camp of the enemy. We must diligently teach and train them as

young people so that they will grow up to be powerfully effective soldiers for


So is Christian education important? Absolutely. Our children’s future depends on it.


Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Stroudsburg and


Making disciples of Jesus Christ through the power of His

word and the ministry of His love, and by faith establishing

places of worship to prepare us for His second advent.



October 1, 2016 Sabbath School 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

Song Service & Opening Remarks……………….…….. Sis. Joyce Anderson

Opening Hymn…………………………………..…………Congregation

Scripture Reading ………..…. Job 42: 10 - 17……..… Sis. Joyce Anderson

Opening Prayer…………………..……….………...… Bro. Glen Anderson

Special Music …………………….…………………...Bro. Wesley Francis

World Mission Emphasis…………………........……… Sis. Joyce Anderson

Lesson Study: 4rd Quarter, 2016…….…….…...............………….Lesson #1

Welcome Visitors………….…………………………. Sis. Joyce Anderson

Closing Remarks……….…..….…………............…...… Bro. Glen Anderson


HEALTH NUGGET More than 90% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. The National Institutes of Health

reports that 10-15 minutes of sunlight allow adequate time for vitamin D synthesis to occur.

Vitamin D is very important for bone health. In one French study, researchers reported that

calcium and vitamin D reduced the risk of hip fractures by 43%! The study focused on women

aged 78-90, a high risk group for osteoporosis. Adequate vitamin D levels, along with

sufficient dietary calcium, have been shown to increase bone density in people who are prone

to osteoporosis. Vitamin D also helps the intestines more efficiently absorb calcium and

phosphorous, elements that can lower blood pressure! "From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised." Ps. 113:3



Today is our day of prayer and fasting

Three reasons to participate

1. THANKSGIVING. God has done so much for us. Be thankful. Thank him for his

work in the forty-five-year history of this congregation. Thank him for the people

who have played such vital roles in the establishment and continuation of this

ministry. Thank God for his faithfulness and for more treasures not yet revealed.

Thank God for working in your life, for molding and making you into a loving image

of Christ.

2. MERCY. Pray for God's mercy upon us. Pray that we will be a daring,

understanding, forgiving, hopeful, and supportive fellowship of believers. Pray that

we will be willing to promote the knowledge of all the good that is ours in Christ


3. VISION. Pray that we will be faithful to Christ now and in the future. Pray for

renewed faith and commitment. Pray for wisdom for our church leaders. Pray for a

renewed vision of what God would have us do and be in this time and place. Pray

that we can make effective plans and give generously to fulfill this vision.

Fasting is not mentioned often in the New Testament. However, we do learn that

Jesus fasted for forty days before beginning his ministry and that the apostles fasted

for short periods when they were choosing leaders or seeking wisdom about a new

course for the church. Jesus offers this warning about fasting: "And when you fast,

do not put on a sad face as the hypocrites do [referring to the Pharisees]. They

neglect their appearance so that everyone will see that they are fasting. I assure you,

they have already been paid in full. When you go without food, wash your face and

comb your hair, so that others cannot know that you are fasting— only your Father,

who is unseen, will know" (Matt. 6:16-18, TEV).

These comments from Jesus reveal that fasting is more than mere abstinence from

food—it is abstinence from food motivated by an unpretentious desire to honor God

in all things. Fasting is not magical—it is simply a vivid reminder of our dependence

on God and our need for prayer.

I am encouraging you fellow believers to pray and fast on your own in the

weeks and months to come as our congregation seek a new vision for our




Sabbath Prayer Session: Today - Immediately after Divine Service in the Kindergarten class

room, all are welcome. And Remember, every First Sabbath, Grief Support Ministry sessions

are incorporated into the prayer meetings.

Adventist Youth Society (AYS): AYS Today @ 5PM.

Health Ministries Special “Pamper yourself”, spa fund raising event October 15, 2016, you

do not want to miss this, more information to follow.

Final Yard Sale for this year will be on October 16th,2016. $15.00 per table.

Save the date. December 17th for the Church Banquet, more information to follow.

Singles Retreat:

The Chesapeake Chapter of Adventist Single Adult Ministries invites all singles to their Fall

Retreat. The event takes place on the weekend of October 7-9, 2016 at Hagerstown MD. The

speaker will be Lorraine Edwards. Lorraine is a single person who will speak from first-hand

experience about life as a single Adventist. Lorraine holds an MSW Degree and is the Area

Social Services Manager for the Salvation Army in Richmond VA.

Come and enjoy spiritual enrichment, fellowship and good food.

For more information, contact: Fred Thomas 410-992-9731, or e-mail

[email protected].



Trust and Obey


Come, every soul by sin oppressed,

There’s mercy with the Lord,

And He will surely give you rest,

By trusting in His word.


Only trust Him, only trust Him,

Only trust Him now;

He will save you, He will save you,

He will save you now.


For Jesus shed his precious blood

Rich blessings to bestow;

Plunge now into the crimson flood

That washes white as snow.


Yes, Jesus is the truth, the way,

That leads you into rest;

Believe in Him without delay,

And you are fully blest.


Come, then, and join this holy band,

And on to glory go,

To dwell in that celestial land,

Where joys immortal flow.

This Weeks Memory Text


Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who

believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.


Church Business

Choir Rehearsal Schedule

Youth Choir (12 years and up) – Sabbath at 2:30 PM

Children’s Choir (2 years thru 11 years) - Sabbath at 3PM

Board Meetings 1st Sabbath of each month

Baby Dedications Third Sabbath of Each Month

Medical Personnel on Duty……………………………………… Sis. Hilrea Morris

Pathfinders Club: meets every 1st and 3

rd Sunday of the Month.

This Bulletin is also available on-line.. @.............. http://www.stroudsburgsda.org

and eMail Bulletin related information to [email protected]

Like Us on Facebook [email protected] Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Please eMail all Requests for Church Related Information to…………….

[email protected]

Building Committee:

To submit your ideas on the Church Building Plans or Fundraising, please email the

Building Committee at [email protected]

Nursing Home Schedules and hours: 1st Sabbath-----Spring Village Home, 329 Brown Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 from 3pm-4pm 2nd Sabbath---White Stone Care Center, 870 White Stone Corner, Stroudsburg, PA from 3pm-4pm

3rd Sabbath---Pleasant Valley Manor, 4227 Manor Drive, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, from 3pm -4pm

4th Sabbath---Brookmont Health Care, 510 Brokmont Drive, Effort, PA 18330, from 3:30pm-4:30pm

SICK & SHUT-IN Bro. Richard Adams is now at the White Stone Care Center Rm 117B

Bro. Drakes at Brookmont Health Care Center Effort, PA 610-681-4070

Sis. Nemesia Rance 267 King St, Stroudsburg, 570-619-5338

Sis. Norma Leap 570-992-4970

Please remember; Brother Samson in your prayers.

Financial Report as of 09/24/2016 For The Month For The Year

Amount Needed $10,998 $ 131,976

Amount Collected: $12,455 $ 105,242

Amount Difference $+1,457 $ - 26,734

Sunsets C5F3 Today: 6:44 PM Next Friday: 6:34 PM


Stewardship Moments

Do we Tithe on net or gross?

This is one of the most often asked questions about tithing. The net income is what

is left after paying taxes. The Bible is clear that tithing is consider the firstfruits: "As

soon as the order went out, the Israelites generously gave the firstfruits of their

grain, new wine, oil and honey and all that the fields produced. They brought a great

amount, a tithe of everything" (2 Chron 31:5).

A tithe is "firstfruits" and therefore should be given "first" before you give

anything to anyone else—that would include taxes. The difficulty we have is

oftentimes a person's taxes are taken out first and it makes it seem that the

government got the money first. However, a person who pays his taxes later would

have gross income at first. So does this mean a person who has his taxes taken out

first should give less than the person who has his taxes taken out later, even though

they both pay taxes? I should think not. All should give the same. Both should give

the tithe on the gross. All the money you earn has personal benefit. We all benefit

from the taxes we pay. We enjoy the roads, parks, services, police and especially

protection from our military.

If we tithed on the net that would mean people who pay higher tax rates

would give less to God. In most cases, governments have an escalating tax system.

That is they increase the tax rate the more we make. So if we gave our tithes after

taxes, then the rich would give less to God. I doubt that this would make sense. "He

that is given much, much will be demanded" (Lk 12:48).

The classic passage on tithe is Malachi 3:10: "'Bring the whole tithe into the

storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,' says the Lord

Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so

much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Two thoughts about this

passage: first, we are to "bring the whole tithe." Not "part" of the tithe. All of it. This

would be our gross income. Second: God has promised to "open the floodgates of

heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

When you believe that God will bless you, then there is no problem in giving the


There are some of us who tithe on the gross income. God has been good to us and

has helped us as individuals to prosper. If God could do that for us as individuals,

surely, He can do this for us as a church. I doubt you will regret giving God a tithe

on your gross income.