who killed artie choke?


Upload: chris-saunders

Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Page 24 of the thumbnailed comic


Page 1: Who Killed Artie Choke?

< i rented a storage unit in the factory district and we

steadily moved the equipment in there - i don’t think

anyone found the original lab, as i went back there

the other day long after the police had been and

gone for the last of it - nothing had been touched >

< soon we were back on track - turned out for whatever

reason, carrots worked the best, so we decided the

carrot crusader would be the first to be ‘replaced’.

the one in tube 01 had shown particular promise... >

< i thought it was time for a test run, but the doc said it

was still mutating or something, and needed more

tests... but he can’t be in the lab all the time can he?

as soon as he goes out for a leak, i’m getting this

thing in it’s sunday best and taking it straight to the

don! he’s gotta be impressed by this baby... >

< i don’t believe it!! don berry called me

crazy!! me!? short-sighted old fool!!

‘time-bomb of disaster’? it came right

back to it’s tube, just like i told it to! >

< wait... I think something... no!!

Something’s gone wrong...! >

< it’s turned into a monster! it’s

coming after me... got to get out

of here! it’s coming after me! >

< it’s too fast!! I don’t

know my way around

this part of the city! >

< no!! a dead-end! oh gourd help

me! somebody help me!! >

< ...no!! i’m sorry! I’m sorry for what i’ve done to you!

Dr Potassium! it was all his idea! I swear! maybe we can

cut some kind of deal- aaaaaaaaaaaaHHHH!!! --- >

- sound file cuts off to be relaced by a loud alarm -

< i’ll show him, if he thinks this thing is dangerous i’ll show him dangerous!! all

i gotta do is turn up the heat on that genetic soup he’s sittin’ in - lets see what

the don has to say when i turn a suped up version of this thing on him! >