who wants to be a millionaire? national anti-bullying week 2014 created by john khan


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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?


Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

National Anti-Bullying Week 2014Created by John Khan

You might want to familiarises yourself with some of the facts behind the findings.

Where possible facts have been provide with each of the slide. 2In a survey of 10,537 pupils, how many students said they felt safe at school?A 91%B 92%C 93%D 94%It is important that you end the quiz on a positive note. In a recent survey carried out in East Sussex with 8,300 secondary school students 94% stated that they felt safe at school.

Interestingly, of those students who reported being bullied (23%), 70% still reported feeling safe at school. Equally, you may have an alternative positive fact that you want to substitute this question with.

64bullyingstop together lets4

Lets stop bullying together! 5Are you ready to play...

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

6Question 17What is the theme for this years Anti-Bullying Week. Is it.......A Racist bullying B Cyberbullying C Homophobic bullying D Bullying due to a special educational need or disability 8Question 1A

BCD Bullying because of a special educational need or disability --

910010Question 211Bullying comes in many forms. It can be...A Physical e.g. punching or kickingB Verbal e.g. name calling C Indirect e.g. spreading rumours D All of the above 12Question 2A

BCD All of the above--

1320014Question 315What is the most common form of bullying behaviour amongst young people?A Indirect bullying B Physical bullying C Cyberbullying D Verbal bullyingVerbal bullying is the most common form affecting pupils aged between 11 and 15. 16Question 3A B C D Verbal bullying 1730018Question 419What is the main reason why young people say they are bullied? A People thought they were gay B Because of their appearance C People were jealous of them D Due to a SEN or disability 20Question 4A B Because of their appearance C D The most common reason that students gave for why they think had been bullied was their appearance (43 per cent). However, when taken as a whole, various forms of prejudiced based bullying (e.g. racist, faith based, homophobic, sexist and bullying because of a disability or special educational needs) was mentioned by nearly half of all students (48 per cent).

2150022Question 523Which form of bullying is said to be the most harmful?A Verbal bullyingB Physical bullying C Indirect bullying D Cyberbullying 24Question 5A B C Indirect bullying D Research suggests that indirect bullying is more strongly associated with poor emotional well-being than any other type of bullying, including more explicit forms such as physical or verbal bullying (NfER:2011). The possible reasons for the damaging effects of indirect bullying may be:

The importance that young people place on their friendship groups;

The frequency that young people experience indirect bullying (e.g. on a regular basis) over other forms bullying; and

When a young person is socially isolated, rejected or ostracised often this is done by an entire friendship group, class, peers group or year group, rather than by a single individual.

251,00026Question 627Which of the following statements is true? A Girls tend to cyber-bully less than boys B Boys and girls bully in the same way

C Girls never use physical bullying D Boys tend to physically bully while girls bully indirectly B28Question 6A B C D Boys tend to physically bully while girls bully indirectly 292,00030Question 731Where does most bullying usually take place? A On the way to schoolB At homeC In schoolD On the way home from school Most bullying (2-3 times as much) happens in school rather than on the way to/from school; generally bullying during school hours occurs where there is limited or no adult supervision, including lunchtime, between class periods, and break. 32Question 7 A B C In schoolD 334,00034Question 835In a survey of 4546 pupils, how many students wanted to help someone who was being bullied?A 62%

B 10%

C 45%D 33%36Question 8A 62%BC D 378,00038Question 939Are bystanders affected by bullying behavior? A No, because they are not directly involved in the bullying B Yes, but more needs to be done to support themC Yes, but the effects wear off pretty quickly D No, because they are not targeted by those who bully 40Question 9A B Yes, but more needs to be done to support themC D The passive role of bystanders leads to a sense of powerlessness, fear of being victimized, and anxiety that they'll do the wrong thing in the social group. In addition, they can become desensitised to negative behaviour and many repress feelings of empathy for bullying victims.

According to research cited by Orpinas and Horne (2006), bystanders who witness a bullying incident may feel helpless or even guilty for not doing anything to stop it, thus increasing their risk of mental health problems4116,00042Question 1043Who are more likely to intervene if they see bullying behaviour taking place.......A Girls B Boys C Adults D All are likely to intervene 44Question 10A Girls B C D A4532,00046Question 1147Young people learn bullying behaviour from...A Other young people B The media e.g. television C Adult role models e.g. parents D All of the above48Question 11A B C D All of the above

4964,00050Question 1251How many young people play truant from school each day because of bullying? A 10,000 B 15,000C 20,000D 25,00052Question 12 A B C 20,000D 53125,00054Question 1355The following may prevent you from becoming a victim of bullying A Engaging in bullying behaviour yourselfB By ignoring the bullying C Having a good network of friends D Retaliating against those who bullyEvidence suggests having a good network of friends is a key protective factor against bullying behaviour56Question 13A B C Having a good network of friendsD Evidence suggests having a good network of friends is a key protective factor against bullying behaviour

57250,00058Question 1459Bullying is a problem that effects...A VictimsB Those doing the bullyingC EveryoneD Schools60Question 14A B C EveryoneD 61500,00062Question 1563Question 15A B C D 94%651,000,00066Congratulations!

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