why 95% of businesses get their website all wrong and end up losing potential customers


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Post on 27-May-2015




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Most businesses make the mistake of designing and creating their website all about their business and what they offer. Your website is not a business resume to showcase your services, but exists for the needs of your customers. I see so many business websites listing all of their achievements and accolades, as if to try and impress potential customers, but no content that can be of any real use or value. I would say 95% of all business websites follow this strategy, in the belief that it will somehow be helpful to their customers.


Page 1: Why 95% Of Businesses Get Their Website All Wrong And End Up Losing Potential Customers
Page 2: Why 95% Of Businesses Get Their Website All Wrong And End Up Losing Potential Customers

Why 95% of businesses get their website all wrong and end up losing

potential customers

Most businesses make the mistake of designing and creating their website all about their business

and what they offer. Your website is not a business resume to showcase your services, but exists for

the needs of your customers. I see so many business websites listing all of their achievements and

accolades, as if to try and impress potential customers, but no content that can be of any real use or

value. I would say 95% of all business websites follow this strategy, in the belief that it will somehow

be helpful to their customers.

Businesses need to rethink their mindset when creating a website, the prime focus should be moved

away from the emphasis on description of their services and products to a new mindset of “ how can

my website give value to my customers”. That’s not to say you shouldn’t have any information about

your company and your services, but the ratio of information content on your website should be

80:20, where 20% of the content is in relation to your product or service and 80% is about your

customer needs and wants.

You have to put yourself in the shoes of your existing and potential new customers. If your website

only contain information about your business and what services you offer, than what differentiates

you from the thousands of other businesses that are competing for the attention of the same

potential customers? In the information age, businesses need to differentiate themselves from other

businesses to stand out from the rest. If you don’t differentiate, then you’re losing potential


Ultimately what businesses want are sales to increase their profit margins, so your mindset needs to

shift, to ask the question, “What do potential buyers wants”? By using this mindset as a precursor,

prior to designing your business website, then you will be positioning your business to have a

proactive affect on potential customers by moving them further along the sales cycle.

Potential buyers don’t want to know about self promotional content relating to your business,

because that doesn’t build trust, for all they know you could be lying about your content and your

claims about your business. Every business puts themselves in a positive light and blow their own

trumpets. I’ve never seen a business that puts themselves in a negative light. But think about this

from a buyer’s perspective, how is this information helping them make buying decisions. To be

blatant it’s not helping them at all.

Your Website content needs to be geared around helping potential customers make a positive

buying decision in your favour. They are not really interested to know about your company; they are

only interested in information that will help them in some shape or form. The content that you

provide on your website must be targeted to your customer needs and wants.

Example 1: Accountant business

What kind of information would be useful to potential customers looking for accounting services?

Buyer decision making content

Page 3: Why 95% Of Businesses Get Their Website All Wrong And End Up Losing Potential Customers

How to save 30% on your tax bill

How to put an extra 10% as businesses expenses

5 ways businesses can prosper by streamlining their accounting process

How accounting software can cut down your accounting bill by 15%

How to choose an accountant

Example 2: Real estate business

What kind of information would be useful to potential customers looking for Real estate business?

Buyer decision making Content

How real estate buyers can reduce their costs by 10%

5 costly mistakes to avoid when buying real estate

Beware of the hidden cost when buying real estate

How to chose a real estate agent

Definitive guide to selling your property

All the “buyer decision making content” in the examples above are designed to help your customer

move towards a buying decision for your services. By generating valuable useful content on your

website, that the customer wants, you will be providing the following:

Positioning your business as an authority, and that you know what you are talking about in

relation to the needs of potential customers

Creating trust between you and your potential customers by providing valuable content

As part of an inbound marketing strategy to attract potential customers

Pre-qualifying leads before they make contact, giving a higher percentage of conversion to


Reducing the sales cycle, because the leads will be pre-qualified

Reducing business costs as a direct result of the reduction of the sales cycle

Differentiates your business from other businesses

Gives you an edge over your competitors

Removes early objections

By providing your customers with the information they are looking for on your website, you will be

moving them one step closer to a buying decision and increased sales for your business.

Nash Rahman – Freelance Writer|Blogger|SEO Copywriter “Helping Your Business To Grow and Profit”

Contact: [email protected]