why businesses need a blog


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Post on 27-May-2015




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Business needs to take a step back and think what the Internet is and what does it represent. The Internet is a vehicle for mass communication between two or more parties. Like the telephone it’s just another form of communication. Unlike other technologies the Internet provides a platform for huge exposure of your business to the general public and anyone who is looking for your service or product. The problem is however, is that every business is jumping up and down to get the attention of potential clients.


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Why businesses need a blog

Business needs to take a step back and think what the Internet is and what does it represent. The

Internet is a vehicle for mass communication between two or more parties. Like the telephone it’s

just another form of communication. Unlike other technologies the Internet provides a platform for

huge exposure of your business to the general public and anyone who is looking for your service or

product. The problem is however, is that every business is jumping up and down to get the attention

of potential clients.

Harnessing the power of the Internet first starts with getting noticed by your potential customer, if

no one notices you, then no one’s going to buy whatever you’re offering. The first thing a business

must do to get the attention of potential online clients is to have a web presence in the form of a


I see a lot of static business websites, where the business owners just puts up maybe 10 pages on

their site and then never touch it again. They might as well not have a website at if that’s all they are

going to do.

Don’t use your business website just for a silo of information

In cases where the website remains unchanged it’s normally used as an information silo to contain

information about the product or service they are offering. Some business owners see website as

just an extension of their business cards. A way to relate product information to their customers.

Business owners who have this perception are missing a huge opportunity; they should view their

website as a marketing vehicle to pre-qualify leads, not just an extension of their business cards, but

as an online lead magnet to attract potential customers.

Websites should be organic

Websites should be organic and grow and provide value to their customers. Your website should be

dynamic in nature and provide valuable information that will help your potential customers. After

all, readers come to your website because they either have a problem to solve or want to know

more information about the problem and possible solution. This leads to the question of how will

potential clients find you if you just have a static website and do nothing to market it. Business

owners must strive to promote their websites if they want it to be an effective lead generator. One

of the ways to market your business website is to create dynamic valuable content to attract

potential leads.

Make your website dynamic by adding a blog

One of the best ways of making a website dynamic is to have a blog. Blogs are a proven way to

increase traffic for the business owners. Blogs provide dynamic valuable information to the

potential customer. Having a blog and regularly updating it provides your customer with on-going

and continuous value. Once you have placed value in the minds of your potential customers you are

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creating trust and the biggest obstacle to all sales is trust, if your potential customer doesn’t trust

you they won’t buy from you period.

Blogs gives you a chance to showcase your business expertise and authority

Setting up a blog gives you a chance to show that you know what you are talking about and that you

can talk about your product or service in depth. In the current state of internet marketing you can’t

just put up a website and expect customers to buy what you are selling, you have to prove to the

customer that you know what you are talking about and having a blog acts as a proof to the

customer and builds trust, which will eventually lead to sales.

Blogs engage potential customers

Having a blog continuously engages your potential customers and keeps your product or services at

the forefront of their minds. Providing your potential customer with on-going valuable information

provides supports a seamless buying decision making, because when most people are making buying

decisions they search the internet to help them make an informed decision and if your website

contains value you information to help them then they will refer back to your website as reference.

Search engines love blogs

Search engines loves blogs because the whole framework of Wordpress blogs is for information

publishing purposes, to provide an easy delivery method for valuable information to potential

clients. Since one of Google’s main philosophies is to provide relevant and valuable information to

their readers, Wordpress blogs are perfect for delivering this type of valuable information. Search

engines tend to favour blogs over types of websites, especially if the blog is being constantly


Blogs are an internal form of marketing

By creating a blog on your website you are generating marketing pieces from within your website to

attract potential customers who may be searching for your product or service. The more useful and

valuable content you have, the more chances there are of your website being found by searchers.

Valuable content on your blog will always attract traffic, especially if it is related to a problem that

they are trying to solve.

Blogs allow interaction with potential customers

Having a blog on your website allows potential clients to comment on your content; this will show

that your potential customers see your content as valuable enough to comment on as well as

providing social proof to other readers of your blog. Business owners also get useful feedback from

the comments and get a better understanding of their problems and the kind of solutions customers

are looking for, so you can better adapt your solutions to real customer needs.

Building loyal followers of your blog

By blogging continuously on your website you will be creating a continuity relationship based on

value. If you keep constantly offering value on your blog then you will build a loyal customer base,

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which may not necessarily buy straight away but who will eventual buy from you, because of the

value you have provided to them and the trust built on the valuable content of your blog.

Word press blogs are easy to maintain

Before the advent of Wordpress, to continue generating website content was hard work and you

needed to have technical knowledge such as HTML. These days Wordrpess has made it very easy to

publish content without having any technical experience. Wordpress has been built to allow non-

technical people to publish their content very easily and quickly. This is the reason why you see

many Wordpress blogs because of the ease of content management and maintenance.

Nash Rahman – Freelance Writer|Blogger|SEO Copywriter “Helping Your Business To Grow and Profit”

Contact: [email protected]