why muslims boast—they are the blessed, the best - by shamsul arifin

Why Muslims BoastThey are the Blessed, the Best by Shamsul Arifin 03 Aug, 2008 Christianity and Judaism prove to have taken the followers to an advanced humanity and on the other hand followers of Islam are lagging behind being one of the most backward if not the most backward people of the world. Unawareness and slowness I see more in none other than the Muslims. Muslims' tendency of disliking and avoiding mental and physical activities has not only rendered them unsuccessful and ineffective people in the world but this very tendency makes them firm believers in God. Moreover their failure and ineffectiveness generate frustration in them, which cause many disturbances in the world. My objective analysis shows that Muslims need to be introspective to look within and reflect on themselves. They must analyze the reasons behind their almost ungovernable anger and hatred against Israel, US as well as Europe. This would help them not only in recognizing the reality of the situation and come to terms with it but also it would make them stop blowing their own horn, which is ludicrous. I was recently in Saudi Arabia on a field study trip. There I met a cross-section of people. I saw the Saudis who have, for some time, lived in the US and Europe are quite different from their counterparts. Their exposure to the Western influence and thought has made them more reasonable, balanced and progressive in outlook. Not only the Saudis but also all the English- speaking Arabs I have seen in the Arab world are much more far-sighted and enlightened people than those deeply religious Muslims confined only to Arabic language. Seeing them it appears that Prophet Muhammad brought the Arabs to the fold of Islam and made them Muslims but it is Americans and the Europeans who have played a vital role in giving them human touch. I know Arabs will find it difficult to digest, but I am sorry I can't help telling the truth. In fact religious bigotry and rigid practices among the Muslims have raised many questions about Islam. They are bound to jolt our religious beliefs and observations. As a matter of fact immature and irresponsible behavior, stupid and wild action of Muslims all over the world put a question mark on whether Prophet Muhammad failed to convince thinking and wise people? Did he succeed to persuade only thoughtless, foolish and languorous people to come to the fold of Islam? If it is not so then I can confidently say Islam is a bygone religion. After seeing Arabs' discrimination and injustice to women, cruelty to animals, ill treatment, dishonesty, and unfair deal with foreign workers and many more such a sickening trend, I can't help thinking why Allah stopped sending prophets to them. What made Allah think that

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They will have to study and investigate which religion they are following. Muslims are a collection of fools led by bloody fools.


Why Muslims Boast—They

are the Blessed, the Best

by Shamsul Arifin

03 Aug, 2008

Christianity and Judaism prove to have taken the followers to an advanced humanity and on

the other hand followers of Islam are lagging behind being one of the most backward if not the most backward people of the world. Unawareness and slowness I see more in none other than the Muslims.

Muslims' tendency of disliking and avoiding mental and physical activities has not only rendered them unsuccessful and ineffective people in the world but this very tendency makes

them firm believers in God. Moreover their failure and ineffectiveness generate frustration in them, which cause many disturbances in the world.

My objective analysis shows that Muslims need to be introspective to look within and reflect

on themselves. They must analyze the reasons behind their almost ungovernable anger and hatred against Israel, US as well as Europe. This would help them not only in recognizing the reality of the situation and come to terms with it but also it would make them stop blowing

their own horn, which is ludicrous.

I was recently in Saudi Arabia on a field study trip. There I met a cross-section of people. I saw the Saudis who have, for some time, lived in the US and Europe are quite different from

their counterparts. Their exposure to the Western influence and thought has made them more reasonable, balanced and progressive in outlook. Not only the Saudis but also all the English-speaking Arabs I have seen in the Arab world are much more far-sighted and enlightened

people than those deeply religious Muslims confined only to Arabic language.

Seeing them it appears that Prophet Muhammad brought the Arabs to the fold of Islam and made them Muslims but it is Americans and the Europeans who have played a vital role in

giving them human touch. I know Arabs will find it difficult to digest, but I am sorry I can't help telling the truth.

In fact religious bigotry and rigid practices among the Muslims have raised many questions about Islam. They are bound to jolt our religious beliefs and observations. As a matter of fact

immature and irresponsible behavior, stupid and wild action of Muslims all over the world put a question mark on whether Prophet Muhammad failed to convince thinking and wise

people? Did he succeed to persuade only thoughtless, foolish and languorous people to come to the fold of Islam? If it is not so then I can confidently say Islam is a bygone religion.

After seeing Arabs' discrimination and injustice to women, cruelty to animals, ill treatment,

dishonesty, and unfair deal with foreign workers and many more such a sickening trend, I can't help thinking why Allah stopped sending prophets to them. What made Allah think that

there was no need to send them more prophets? Or if Prophet Muhammad declared himself (on his own) the last prophet then what made him form this view that the Arab Muslims

completed the lessons? Does it all show the character of omniscience and infallibility of Allah and Prophet Muhammad? Where is perfection and where is prophesy in their


The so-called Islamic countries in the Gulf and Middle East where slavery is still extensively customary in some other forms, I have seen the foreign workers from different countries how they are compromising with the declining human value and disagreeable work culture there. I

have seen how suffocative and like slaves they feel there. This is really difficult to describe how they are becoming victims of abusive behavior and spectrum of rudeness of their loutish

Arab masters. Especially the female workers, working there as domestic help, nurses in the hospitals etc. are the worst victims of all that. They are going through a traumatic experience of sexual exploitation and abuse of their over-sexed and licentious Arab masters. These

workers are of course making some money there, but at the cost of human dignity and self-esteem. That's why, I am sorry to say, after staying for sometime there, especially in Saudi

Arabia, these foreign workers become first class stupid people, just like asses and donkeys. They lose their common human sense. Their brain automatically stops working properly, because application of mind almost comes to zero level there. Their logic and reaso n, intellect

and vision forget functioning. The physical and mental tortures there they pass through render them very much mentally deranged. Does all that not put question mark on the so-called

Islamic society about which the egotistical and blockheaded Muslims feel pompous? What a stupid society! What a brainless people! According to my findings, the entire Islamic world is nothing else but a top-security prison.

Now my conclusive findings say US decision to impose ban on all the Muslim countries on

developing weapons of mass destruction is a very perfect and sincere decision and should not be argued on. World may be of the other view but I am of the firm mind that if Palestine had

any nuclear weapon, it would have used it long back against Israel in which not only Israeli Jews but also many Palestinian Muslims would have been killed. But it would not have been a matter of concern and worry for them (Muslims) because their mistaken belief says that

world is a secondary matter and they have to live for hereafter. I don't like to discuss on whether Muslims' religious viewpoints are incredulous or not but I would certainly like to ask

- Do Muslims not believe that the world is a secondary thing and the hereafter (heaven and hell) is given more importance by them? If it is so then how the interests of the world is safe in their hand? I confidently say the day Muslims develop nuclear weapons, the end of the

world will not be far away.

I would like to ask every thinking person of the world - Is it not true that in place of US, Israel and other non-Muslim countries of the world, if nuclear powers were in the hand of

Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine or any other Islamic country, the fate of the world would not have been cataclysmic? Would not the world have been changed into hell long ago? I say,

"Certainly it would." I don't believe Pakistan's nuclear is in the hand of Pakistanis. The day Pakistanis take control of its nuclear arsenals, there would be nothing but repentance and gloom for the world.

I would like to make it clear to all those who are of the wrong view that the US and its allies

did not do the right thing changing the regime in Iraq removing Saddam (Satan) from there that Saddam Hussein was not one of the most cruel-hearted and dirty-minded men of the

world but evidently he was the cruelest and the dirtiest man on the earth. If any prophet were

to descend today and if any revelation of God, like that of Koran were to come today, it would not be Pharaoh again but it would be Saddam now whose inhuman and satanic way of

life would have been disdainfully described by the prophet and warningly revealed in the book.

Now on the basis of substantive evidences the so-called anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim

Western society, which is inherently concerned not only for human welfare but for the welfare of animals as well, is very much better and preferable to that self-styled Islamic society in which there is no concern even for the human value and where there is no use of

human sense. I feel really sorry to say that Muslims, especially the Arabs do not know any other use of brain but as a foodstuff. I have seen no difference between good and bad, right

and wrong, educated and uneducated, literate and illiterate and so on in the Islamic society about which Muslims feel toffee-nosed and stuck-up. Down with such a sick and lunatic society! It may be Islamic but observably it appears unconcerned for humanity and lacks

good human qualities.

It is interesting to know that all the Muslims, who call the same human-concerned

Western society an anti-Muslim and anti-Islam, prefer it for their good education, manner and personality development. I see the people everywhere in the world how they feel content and

bigheaded whose people are in the US and Europe. This is a fact that qualities count there. On the other hand people who completely fail in their countries, say Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri

Lanka, Indonesia, India and Pakistan, easily get a passage to the Gulf and Middle East. And not only that, the most noticeable thing is they, the same uneducated and untrained, inexperienced and untried people who are good for nothing in their own failed countries,

become very wealthy and prosperous people there, in the Islamic world. Is it not an abode of multitude and moving corpses? Where is the value of education and quality, skill and ability?

Is it the meaning and definition of equality in the eyes of Islam? If so, what the hell an Islamic atmosphere is! Shame on it!

I make it clear that there is no comparison between the Western human concerned society which provides a quality life and the subjugated and oppressed Islamic society which is not

only unconcerned for human values but also sick and apathetic.

I have seen many American and European missionaries, especially when I was in Africa whom I found restlessly concerned for entire human beings. Even their kind concern for

animals that I have seen in them is really praiseworthy and touching. It has really moved me deeply. On the other hand I have seen everywhere almost all the Muslims praying, performing hajj, observing fast and many other such a ritual in which they are completely

engrossed and obsessed by to ensure a seat for themselves in the heaven. Does not it clearly show their concern for selves? It is therefore reasonable to assume that these self-seeking

Muslims cannot do anything good for the world. Then why this hue and cry? For every achievement and development in the field of medicine, science and technology credit goes to the Christians and Jews. Of course Muslims stand nowhere. Despite their being the wealthiest

nations of the world Muslims do not have any contribution in all that development and progress which is in the interest of entire human beings. Then the question is - Why do they

boast? Why do they feel they are the blessed ones? What makes them believe they are the best?

In the end I would certainly like to say if Muslims want to be a part of any goodness and learn something, they will have to get rid of their presumption that they are the best and the

most righteous people in the world. Rather they will have to accept the truth that they are the most imperfect and failed, digressed and deviated people in the world. They will have to be

less superstitiously religious. They will have to acknowledge that their excessive, unreasonable and superfluous faith in religion has deprived them of the good human quality and has made them sensibly and intellectually bankrupt. Their cravings and persistent efforts

to be near Allah have driven them away from human beings. Their religious teachings that they claim to be the best, may be so. But what is the use of that which is not practiced or is

impracticable? As a matter of fact Islam is a bygone religion and Muslims who claim to be followers of it will have to rectify themselves. They will have to study and investigate which religion they are following.

Believe it or not but the fact is that many ordinary Americans and Europeans are much more

sincere, reasonable, logical and practical than most of the highly spiritual and religious Muslim leaders of the so-called Islamic world. They have more human sense than all the

religious elite of Mecca and Medina. Not only that but even the Muslims living in US and Europe, which is known by the Muslims as an un-Islamic and anti Muslim society, have more humane quality and are better people in every aspect than the Muslims living in any Islamic

society and Islamic world.

Protest I have seen almost everywhere in the world against what has happened with the prisoners in Abu Ghuraib and Guantanamo Bay jails . They say there are violations of human

rights there. Of course, there are. But how many of them, who have been protesting, know where, in which parts of the world, the worst types of violations of human rights are being perpetrated? If they want to know the truth, if they want to see the most brutal and the most

agonizing sorts of human rights violations about which they have never even imagined, they can see it in the Kingdoms, Sheikdoms, Sultanates and Emirates of the so-called Islamic

world which is not only undeveloped, undemocratic, oppressed and suffocative but also anti-human and dangerous for the entire humanity. This is a society of heartless and mindless people. This is a society of extremists and skeptical people. My study says that the people

living in this society, not may cause, but will certainly cause an irreparable damage to this beautiful world one day. Their cynical belief and uncontrolled desire for an abode in jannah

(heaven) is going to turn this world into a hell. So it must be checked before it is too late.

I would like to advise them who have always been critical to US, Britain, Israel and all their allies for their roles in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine to scan their criticism

and scrutinize their disapproval and condemnation with deep thought of reason and logic. Many things cannot be expressed in words; it can only be felt and thought. It needs a serious contemplation. So they must try to feel and think.

I have heard them say that there are more mentally sick people in the Islamic world than

elsewhere. As a matter of fact I do not know it well but my reason and logic endorse it, because the subjugation, oppression and suffocation that I have seen there are bound to cause

mental illness.

Muslims are a collection of fools led by bloody fools (brainless mullahs).