why runescape is still relevant

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  • 8/18/2019 Why runescape is still relevant


    Konoha-Since when did I stop saying things were troublesome?That was the thought passing through Shikamarus head as he gazed up at the blue sky. Even though the wind wasnt that strong, thin clouds were hurrying along one after another, passing in and out of his line of sight.Their flustered state seemed similar to Shikamarus own. He laughed derisively at himself for the thought.At any rate, he was busy.Two years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, the world was finally starting toregain its stability. The Kage Alliance that had come into existence when the war broke out had continued to this day, and the world of Shinobi was drasticallydifferent than it used to be.The alliance might have started between the five hidden villages, but after thewar, small neighbouring countries started to declare their participation in thealliance as well. It had come to the point the organisation that had started out as an alliance was developing into a Shinobi Union, one that involved every shinobi in each participating nation.Contracts that had been undertaken individually by villages prior to the unions existence were now being brought towards the Shinobi Union collectively. Each village who participated in the union had shinobi representatives assigned to every other village for discussing negotiations over contracts. In this way equilibrium of labour between villages was guaranteed, the disparity between villages was revised and the Shinobi World could finally greet the era of peace with open arms.

    HaaShikamarus sigh disappeared up into the sky. His back was absolutely freezing thanks to lying down on the cold stone floor beneath him, and if he stayed like this, then he was probably going to end up catching a cold. But he had his reasonsfor not getting up.Work was waiting for him.So much work it wasnt even funny.It was only because Shikamaru was intending on a short break that he was allowing himself to laze around in the afternoon like this to begin with. But he also knew that the moment he so much as sat up, his mind would slip back into work mode. And when that happened, Shikamaru was perfectly aware that he wouldnt get another chance to rest like this again.And so, he refused to move despite the cold, stubbornly intent on resting as lon

    g as he could. Until somebody found him out, Shikamaru didnt intend to move an inch from this spot.This spot was the roof of the Hokage Residence.You could see generations of Hokages faces carved into the mountain parallel to the round roof Shikamaru was sprawled out on. In order from the left, there was the first generations Hashirama, then his brother Tobirama. There was the Third who had died during Orochimaruis Konoha Crush plot, Hiruzen, and then the Yellow Flash Namikaze Minato. The Fifth was a legend along with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, one of the three Sannin, Tsunade.There were all past Hokage.Now, the face of the man who was the current Hokage could be found carved next to Tsunades.A pair of sleepy looking eyes peeking out from underneath wire-like hair could b

    e seen, as well as the bridge of his nose, while the rest of his well-defined features were hidden under a mask.The Hokage was a symbol of Konoha. It was a position that couldnt be obtained unless you were acknowledged by every single shinobi in the village. Even though that symbols face was supposed to be carved into the mountain as a commemoration, to still keep the bottom half hidden under a maskHatake Kakashi.That was the name of the current Hokage.The teacher of the two who had lead the way to victory during the war, there wasnt a single person in the Shinobi World who didnt know his name. Shikamaru on the

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    other hand, knowing both the man and his students personally, was far from star-struck. There were fans who adored and fawned over the three, saying they were heroes of legend but in reality none of the three were really types to fit the term legend.Kakashi, while certainly a man who got things done during a crisis, turned backto his usual role when it came to everyday life: a no-good adult who didnt feel like doing much of anything.The other two heroes had similar problems as well. One was an abysmal idiot. The other, abysmally stubborn. It was because the rest of the world didnt know about the hopeless sides of those three that they were being hailed as living legends.What am I even doing?The words left Shikamarus mouth without him really thinking about it.He himself was the type of person who would never become anything close to a hero. He never wanted to be one in the first place.If you said he wanted to be one of those ninja who practiced vigorously to improve their ninjutsu, youd be wrong. He certainly never thought about studying medical ninjutsu and becoming a specialist in the vanguard back-up, either. If you said he wanted to be someone with a high rank in encryption or in medical surgery, youd be wrong too.He justwanted everything to be average.That was Shikamarus dream.He wanted to be an average ranked ninja whod have an average job, marry an average wife and have an average child, and then, after an average elderly primeWell, everything came to an end one day.

    Was there any greater happiness to be found than in a life plan like that?He didnt think so.On days with good weather, lying down like this and watching the sky, seeing the clouds floating past and taking your thoughts with them. On rainy days, havingshougi pieces as your company would be more than enough. There would be no pressure from peoples expectations. No stress, either.Wasnt that a wonderful sort of life?HaaaIt was a deep sigh, issued right from the bottom of his stomach.The bastard called reality was a really tough opponent.If the thing you were fighting was a human being, then at least thered come a day where you would win against them. Even if they were a god-like person, they had to have a weakness somewhere. The enemies in the war had been abominations, and

     yet all the shinobi had focused their powers together and won against them, hadnt they?You can win against an opponent in front of you.HoweverReality is an opponent without substance that you can never, ever defeat.No matter how Shikamaru kept wishing and wanting otherwise, reality callously kept sending him towards the exact sort of fate he did not want. Shikamaru, who had wished so badly to be average, was now someone the Shinobi Union couldnt do without.He had so much work. All the jobs taken on by each nations Daimyo and citizens had to be classified from A to D rank, and then each villages characteristics had to be carefully taken into account to figure out which one was most suitable forthe allotment of labour  and then there were the Chiefs of the Union, the Five Ka

    ges consultations. They used him for everything, to the point where he even ended up being a shougi partner for the old Tsuchikage.The Shinobi Unions Shikamaru of Konoha.There were people who even went around calling him that now.Even though Shikamaru didnt want to stand out, even though he didnt want to succeed at anything, even though he fought and fought against it, his surroundings kept pushing him until he rose above others.His first mistake had been at the Chuunin Promotion Exams.The Chuunin Exams, started by the villages of the Five Kage and including even the genin of other small countries. In the midst of the chaos of Orochimarus plott

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    ing and the Thirds death, for some reason Shikamaru was promoted to the rank of chuunin.Amongst all the applicants, he was the only one to get that promotion.It was the kind of situation where Shikamaru felt that yelling what have you done?! would have been more than appropriate.His fatal mistake had been in the part of the exam where genin were paired off to fight against each other. His kagemane jutsus success had greatly shocked his opponent, a sassy kunoichi carrying an absurdly large fan that created giant gusts of wind, but at the end of their stalemate, it was Shikamaru himself who threw in the towel.It was this forfeit of Shikamarus that was so highly valued.Being a Chuunin included leading subordinates. That was why the ability to precisely analyse ones situation was the one most highly valued. The examiners approved of Shikamaru accepting that he was cleanly defeated, and gave him the highestevaluation.It was a really unwelcome evaluation.It was an examination he hadnt wanted any part in, one that hed been forced into entering by his teachers, Sarutobi Asumas, insistence. He hadnt intended on such onevaluation, hadnt felt the slightest desire for one either. But reality had still lead Shikamaru to becoming a chuunin, as well as to everyone in the village looking at him differently.And ever since then, Shikamarus life plan had started to slip out of his grasp.When Sasuke left the village, Shikamaru was assigned as a Team Leader working together with his classmates to try to bring him back, and after that as well, he

    was given the most missions out of all his classmates. He resisted and protested, but reality just kept bringing Shikamaru higher and higher up in rank.Since the Fourth Shinobi World Waritd been two years.Shikamaru had become 19 years old. It was an age where he could no longer be called a child.He wondered just how grateful you should be for people expecting great things from you. Was being someone who others depended on really such a wonderful achievement? The answer went without being said. There was a plain example in Shikamarus friend, Naruto, and how his desire to be relied on by everyone had turned him into the whole villages no, rather, the whole Shinobi Worlds hero.Shikamaru knew very well that people were living things who would end up depending on one person or another. Thats why despite his misgivings, he didnt feel any hateful feelings such as if only you didnt exist towards the people who relied on hi

    m. And no matter how much he was against the idea of being depended on, he had never once cut corners on missions.It had been 19 years since hed been born into this world, and yet he already hadso many obligations and entanglements hed gotten himself involved in.The group who had intended to take over the world, the Akatsuki, had killed his teacher Asuma. Asumas girlfriend Kurenai had been pregnant with Asumas child. That child was now two years old. Her name was Mirai.To become Mirais teacherit was a promise that he absolutely had to keep.Shikamarus father, Shikaku, had been tasked with being the Alliances main strategist at the time of the Fourth Shinobi World War. When Obito used the destructivepower of the resurrected Ten Tailed Beast to aim for the Alliances Headquarters,his father had died alongside Inos father, Inoichi.Even now, his fathers and Inoichis last words were still ringing clearly in Shikam

    arus ears.[We are always within you. Never forget that!]To become as great a man as his fatherit was a promise hed made to the man who had helped to bring him into this world.And then, there wasNaruto.Honest to a fault, the hero of Shinobi who believed wholeheartedly that hed become Hokage, who never doubted the fact for even a momentDuring the fight with the Ten Tails, Shikamaru had been on the brink of death. While he was being healed by Sakura, Shikamaru had this thought:

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    Nobody is more suited to being his advisor than me!If Naruto became the Hokage, then Shikamaru would be his right hand man. It washis dream.He had so many obligations already, he didnt even want to count them. There was no mistake that it was all because of that same force that kept pushing him forwards. It was a good thing to be needed, and he should be grateful for everyones opinion of him allowing him to live as he was.He should be grateful, butHe got tired sometimes.Shikamarus real self wasnt the man everyone thought he was. His real self was a man who thought everything was troublesome, who wished for an average life. The kind of man that could be found anywhere. And the greater peoples expectations of him became, the more he wanted to run away. That was the truth behind the man that was Nara Shikamaru.In the old days, all his comrades had fully understood how full of complaints he was, how much he didnt feel like accomplishing anything.Since when had they started to misunderstand him?Since when had he stopped calling things troublesome?Logically, both of those things must have started around the same time.When did it start?As he gazed up at the clouds, deep furrows came into Shikamarus brow. His eyes narrowed as he thought hard on the subject, until he could only see a little bit of the sky.A single hawk came into his line of sight

    The hawk was flying West, where parts of the sky were already beginning to be dyed a light pink from the setting sun. It spread out its wings and slowly started to circle. Shikamaru happened to be right in the middle of the hawks arc. No  the correct thing to say was that the hawk was circling around the Hokage Residence.Shikamaru didnt just sit up. He leapt right to his feet.His mind that had been dwelling in depths as deep as the sea was sharpening again, and his eyes locked onto the hawk, not glancing away for a moment.Jet blackThe hawk was so pitch black, it couldve been painted with ink.No  it really was a hawk painted with ink.Super Beast Imitating DrawingSais jutsu.

    Sai was the man who had joined Naruto and Sakura on team 7 as a replacement forthe missing Sasuke. His specialty was the Super Beast Imitating Drawing Jutsu, painting ink animals and giving them life and movement.The hawk flying overhead Shikamaru was definitely from Sai.Its finally comeIn Shikamarus field of vision, he could see the hawk stop going around in circles and start to descend.Shikamaru ran towards the stairs that went down from the roof. As soon as he reached the bottom of those, hed be at the Hokages office. The hawk would definitelyend up going there.The moment Shikamaru had reached the stairs, the hawk also disappeared behind the side of the Hokage Residence, as a shadow would flit over ones face. Shikamaruleapt down the stairs, running down the hall to the Hokage Office.

    He opened the door without even bothering to knock.Oh, Shikamaru.It was Kakashi who spoke. He was standing behind a desk cluttered with piles ofbooks and documents, reading an open scroll.Did Sais hawk just?Thats right.Kakashi turned the scroll over to Shikamaru so he could see. The messily written sentences on the white paper of the scroll flitted in and out of Shikamarus sight. It looked like a very hastily written message.The situation seems to be even graver than wed thought.

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    ly carefree movement to stop his thoughts from freezing up. He had learned to always keep his body moving from his years as a capable Shinobi who saw so much shocking, bloody carnage.Shikamaru was looking at Kakashi with an anxious expression on his face. He opened his mouth to speak.At the moment Sai realised he had lost all of his comrades, theres only one course of action he could have picked.Escape, right? Kakashi said, still watching the ceiling.Yes.Kakashi gave a nod to Shikamarus immediate reply. Although he should have been directing his face to look at Shikamaru, he was still staring up at the ceiling.And yet he sent this kind of letter, instead of coming back to the village and reporting directly to you, Hokage-How many times have I told you that just Kakashi-san is fine? Kakashi said, finally turning to look at Shikamaru. Since when have you gotten so stiff? It was nicewhen you used to have your shoulders slouched all the time.I wasnt going to stay a kid forever.Even now, Naruto still acts like a kid.Narutos Naruto.Oh, I seeSomewhat of a sad look entered Kakashis eyes. He spread out Sais scroll on his desk, eyes going over it again.Sai could transform his handwriting into an ink beast and send it to far away locations, where the ink beast would turn into handwriting again when it come into

     contact with a blank scroll. The hawk that Shikamaru had seen on the roof was the ink beast form of Sais handwriting he saw now.The situation is far worse than Id thought, huhIt sounds like itd be reasonable to say that the shinobi who went missing in action during the war, as well as those whove been disappearing lately, are all in that country.That does seem to be what Sais confirmed.The Country of SilenceThe whole matter had been snowballing since two years ago.Many lives had been claimed during the Fourth Shinobi World War started by Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito. Faced with the power of abominations outside the category of people, the shinobi of the Five Great Countries had gathered all their power and stood together. Finally, the person manipulating Madara, Ootsutsuki Kag

    uya, had been defeated and the war ended.As every village entered into a period of peaceful recovery from the war, the details of figuring out who had been killed in battle and who was missing in action had turned into an urgent matter. The war had been a fierce battle that even ripped apart the continents terrain. If someones corpse could be found, it was considered a stroke of luck.Compared to the number of shinobi that were concluded to have died in battle, the number of shinobi that were unaccounted for was far larger.The Five Great Shinobi Countries had lost roughly 10,000 shinobi10,000 shinobi were the victims of the Fourth Shinobi World War.Their enemies in the war could have wiped out the whole world. Many said it wasa great stroke of fortune for them to have ended the war with only this many lost.But that wasnt how Shikamaru saw the matter.

    Even one victim was one victim too many.In the last war, he had his lost his friend Hyuuga Neji. Shikamaru didnt think the pain of Nejis loss was the only case out of ten thousand. A similar pain to losing Hyuuga Neji must have been felt for every other one of those victims.In the death of only one person, there were emotions you couldnt separate yourself from by simply by saying they were just one sacrifice.It was for that reasonIt was for that reason that war couldnt ever be allowed to break out again.I wonder just how many of those missing shinobi couldve gone to the Country of Silence Kakashi muttered the same thoughts that were going through Shikamarus mind.

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    It was exactly as Kakashi said. Within all the shinobi who had been lost duringthe last war, there must have been a small amount who had survived but stayed out of reach.The Shinobi Unions Headquarters had been the first one to notice that.Since it was Headquarters who handled all forms of requests for help and such, they were the first to notice any patterns. One such pattern had started to emerge about a year ago.The requests for Shinobi dispatches had sharply decreased.Since the Five Great Shinobi Coutries had decided to from a union, the Daimyo had had remarkably less fighting in the outer lands they ruled as well. Thus, it was a very natural thing for dangerous A-rank or B-rank mission requests to decrease.However, the matter didnt end there.Even the relatively easy C-rank and D-rank mission requests had decreased in exactly the same way.Shikamaru had heard of this matter relatively quickly, since he had a place at the Shinobi Unions Headquarters as well. But it wasnt like there was something they could do to solve the sudden decrease of missions. The Union had said it was abrief change brought along by the times, and closed the matter.However, there was a man who said he could put an end to the problem of the declining missions, as well as one other problem that had popped up since the end of the war.That man was Kakashi.The other problem Kakashi was intent on solving: the cases of missing nin within

     the Five Great Shinobi Countries that had been going on for a year.Since about a year ago, every village had been losing one Shinobi per month. That made 12 missing-nin for every village up to now. The Five Hidden Villages hadhad 60 shinobi disappear in total. Furthermore, they were all young, single, male Shinobi.Abandoning your village was a grave crime. Of course, each village had sent people in pursuit of the deserters, but somehow, not a single one had been found.I probably did the wrong thing asking Sai to continue the investigation when he asked for back-up. Kakashi said. I shouldve pulled him out of the situation and gotten him mentally prepared before sending him to the Country of Silence.Regretting it now isnt going to change anything.Thats true.Sai, who had been sent to investigate the cases of the missing-nin, had sent the

    m notice of finding a lead about a month ago. Kakashi, who believed the increased missing-nin and the decrease of mission dispatches were related, had told Saito continue the investigation with the anbu as back up.The lead Sai had found was the Country of Silence.The Country of Silence could be found in the far west of a continent that rivalled the Five Great Shinobi Countries as well as the countries surrounding them.It was a country that had never made contact with any of the Shinobi Villages  or any other foreign country, for that matter. It was thus called the Country of Silence by outsiders. The only details known about it was that it was a country with samurai who kept its citizens in line, and a Daimyou who ruled over the samurai. However, anything further than that was a complete mystery.According to what Sai had relayed, it seemed that somehow Konohas missing-nin had run towards this country.

    And those werent the least of their concerns. There was also the matter of the Konoha Shinobi who had gone missing in action during the war.The Country of Silence was collecting shinobi who had gone missing in action aswell as shinobi who had deserted the villageFor what reason?Kakashi could see the reason as clearly as he could see the answer to the decrease of dispatches coming into the Shinobi Union.What do you think happened to Sai? Kakashi asked.Hes alive.Well, I agree with that. The bottom of Kakashis mask moved as if he was smiling. Wh

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    n you look at his obsessive sounding praise of this Gengo he mentions in his letter Kakashi touched the fine, delicate handwriting on Sais message.Seeing what he was thinking, Shikamaru kept speaking.Its not something I want to believe, but we cant discount the possibility that Saisbeen taken in by this man called Gengo.Sais so pure, after allIf Sais alive, we cant just not save him.Thats true Kakashis left scarred eye seemed to darken with despair.Shikamaru could tell precisely what he was going to say without needing to hearit out loud.This situation had a greater and more important matter than that of saving a comrade.Shikamaru himself forced out the words.If the internal affairs of the Country of Silence are really as Sais reported, ifthe goings-on within are as youve guessed, then we have to take action immediately.I know that.Shikamaru didnt stop talking.Its been two years since the war. All the villages have finally regained their stability, but the status of the country as a whole is still less than half as strong as it used to be.We couldnt possibly withstand another war.Exactly.Letting out another huge sigh, Kakashi stood up from his chair. He stepped aroun

    d his desk covered with scrolls and books and came to stand next to Shikamaru.It seems like youve come to the same conclusion that I have. Kakashi said.Yes.Then do you understand what I think of it?You want to go and do it yourself, dont you?Kakashi had a lot of experience from his youth spent in the anbu. He stood out amongst the anbu, whose specialty were shady missions, as a very capable soldier.Shikamaru could see those thoughts on his face, and let out a sigh.Hokage-sama. I understand your feelings more than enough, but you must already know that what you want isnt going to happen.Heh. Your thoughts flash through your mind almost at the same speed as Minato-senseis jutsu, do you know that?Shikamaru simply gave Kakashi a long stare as an answer. Kakashi continued speak

    ing in the face of Shikamarus silence.Anyway, going on what Sai said, the leading force behind that country is this man called Gengo.Yes.As long as we do something about him, then there wont be any further problems.Thats what Im thinking as well.Well thenPutting his hand at the middle of his back and giving a great stretch like an old man, Kakashi said, Who do you think should be sent?Ill go.Huh? Kakashis eyes widened. Youre Konohas representative. You have a lot of dutiethe Union as well. Theres no need for you to go on an assassination mission at this time.

    AssassinationKakashi had finally put it into words. The thought that had been going through both of their heads was now out in the open.If the Shinobi Union and the Country of Silence went to war, then the Union theyd spent so long maintaining would be disrupted, and possibly even rupture. Each nation was still exhausted despite all their recovery so far  there wasnt a singleperson who wished for a war.If Sais letter was to be trusted, then assassinating this Gengo would be quickest and most effective way of stopping the Country of Silence from disrupting the worlds hard-attained peace.

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    We have to keep the circle of people who know about this matter as small as possible. Shikamaru said.But Im telling you, for you to go isOne of my comrades has been taken. Please allow me to go.Kakashi stopped talking when he saw Shikamarus determination.As Kakashi said, there was no real need for Shikamaru to go. It wouldve been more proper to find another capable person and entrust the matter to them.And yet, Shikamaru himself volunteered.He himself didnt understand why he did it.But he just couldnt stay still.And with that, this months meeting is over. Does anybody have any questions?Shikamaru closed his eyes as he listened to the dispassionate voice addressing the gathering. The bespectacled man speaking was Chojuro, a shinobi from Kirigakure. Shikamaru knew him from the war as one of the Mizukages bodyguards.If nobody has anything to ask,then, Shikamaru-san Chojiuro spoke with an imploringtone from where he was seated next to him.Shikamaru opened his right eye to glance at Chojuro, then slowly opened both.Ten shinobi were seated around the circular table; both men and women could be found, all generally around Shikamarus age.They were in the Country of Iron;the Shinobi Unions Headquarters.The country had a multitude of strong samurai, and thus, not one single shinobiwas needed. Before the war,the Kages of the Five Great Hidden Villages would comfortably hold meetings in the Country of Iron, and now it was the Headquarters for the Shinobi Union founded by those Five Powers. The roots of the Unions headqu

    arters had been set in the same Country of Iron where the alliance had initially begun.All the leading villages of the Five Great Nations had some of their shinobi gather at the Unions Headquarters and, whether night or day, continue their hard work for the sake of the expansion of the Shinobi World overall.This meeting was full of people who would bear the burden of the next eras worldof shinobi. It was a place where the future of Shinobi was discussed. Shinobi sent to this meeting were the most capable ones in their villages, considered as candidates for kage as well as other positions. Of them, Shikamaru and Chojuro were the youngest.Besides Shikamaru, and Chojuro, who was chairing the meeting, there was Temari of Sunagakure, and Omoi of Kumogakure as well.Shikamaru had been charged with being the leader of this gathering of shinobi. O

    bviously, he hadnt volunteered. This was the result of everyone recommending himfor the job.Shikamaru-san? Chojuro sounded like hed become worried by Shikamarus long silence.Shikamaru cleared his throat, and looking at all the members, opened his mouth to speak.I believe we dont have any new topics of discussion for this meeting. I hope for more meetings at a comfortable pace like this. With that, see you next month.As he said that, Shikamaru rose to his feet and gathered all the scrolls and documents that had been spread across the table. Folding them under his arm, he turned to leave.Confused by their leaders cold attitude, the other members got ready to leave athaphazard paces. Everyone milled out into the two hallways leading left and right out of the room.

    Even though so many shinobi were restlessly walking down the hallways, not a single echo of their footsteps was heard. They were shinobi, after all. Other peoples footfalls could be heard, but not a shinobis. That had been one of the basics of the basics, back at the Academy.Oi. A voice called out to him from behind.Shikamaru anxiously clicked his tongue. Right now, the owner of that voice was the person he didnt want to talk to the most.He stepped forward as if he hadnt heard.Hold it, Shikamaru!The voice that hit his back felt like a flying kick.

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    What is it? Shikamaru turned his head to look over his shoulder at the woman behind him.Temari of Suna. Her hair had gotten shorter since two years ago, and was now tied into two bunches on either sides. Her face looked a little bit more like an adults, and her eyes were even calmer than theyd been in the old days.She was older than Shikamaru. Rather than say she looked like an adult, it was more like she had already grown into a splendid adult.Whats wrong with you? She asked.I dont know what you mean.Youve been acting strange lately. Temaris hands reached out to Shikamarus shoulderturning him to face her.TroublesomeThe word rose up to his throat, only for him to frantically swallow it down.Like your cold attitude at the meeting. she said, Youve been making decisions withot saying a word or giving an explanation, and its made everyone nervous. The atmosphere was so strained.Oh, did that happen?You didnt even notice that? Temaris eyes widened slightly. Whats happened?NothingIts something youre not going to tell anyone about? Not even me?Temaris gaze was pained.Since the war had concluded, hed been working with Temari at the Union for two years now. She was an understanding, good partner. They both shared the sentimentof not wanting all the shinobi who had been gathered together during the war to

    separate again, as well as the intention to work together and make the Union asgood as it could be.When you added that to the strong bond between Naruto, who intended to become Konohas Hokage, and Gaara, Sunas present Kazekage, that easily made the bond between Suna and Konoha the strongest amongst all the villages united under the Union.With such external forces at work as well, it was natural that Shikamaru and Temari had reached a stage of existence where both was the others biggest support within the Union.Since youre like this, something bad must be happening in Konoha.Temari had made a very good discernment. However, shed missed the mark a little.The situation wasnt in Konoha, though the situation did affect all of Konohas shinobi. Temaris theory was half-right, half-wrong.If there was one thing that never changed about the life of shinobi, it was that

     anything which passed the borders of your own village had to be jointly carried out with other villages. This was a basic principle of the Union. The course of action that Shikamaru and Kakashi were taking was a blatant violation.And yet, Shikamaru still had no intention of telling Temari the truth. It wouldnt be a wise move to get the whole of the Union involved with the business of theCountry of Silence.Hed firmly resolved that Konoha would handle it by themselvesYoure saying theres nothing going on that you can depend on me for?Nothing.Shikamarus firm tone made Temari close her eyes.Is that soThe punch came in the next moment.It had been one split second where the hurt look on Temaris face had morphed into

     righteous fury. There had been no time to avoid it. Before Shikamaru even knewwhat was happening, his body was already flying.He rolled onto the hallways floor before coming up into a sitting position. He silently raised a hand to touch his stinging cheek, already red.Before him, Temari was glaring at him with an outraged expression on her face.I never could have believed that Id misjudged you this much! She shouted, her words turning to wind that slammed against his face.I- Im sorryThe apology came without conscious thought.His father would come home as late as sunrise on some days, and get yelled at in

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     the houses entryway by his mother. Somehow, Shikamaru had found himself suffering that same scolding from Temari.She strode past him with swift, large steps, and disappeared over his shoulder.Those eyes of hers had looked slightly wet*Youve stopped eating.The voice came from Chouji who sat in front of him, both of his cheeks puffed up with food. Ino was sitting next to him.They were at Yakiniku Q.In the two years since the war, his two friends had become quite the adults. Chouji was still as chubby as ever, but there was a masculine look in his eyes now, and he now had a goatee. Ino had been growing out her hair more and more, abandoning her ponytail for leaving it loose, and looked more like an adult comparedto before as well.Did you eat something before you came here? Chouji opened his mouth wide to drop in even more meat, chewing and swallowing it down.Shikamaru and Ive stopped growing a long time ago, so were not eating ridiculouslythe way you do, Chouji.Hey! Choujis eyes widened in indignation.Shikamaru laughed without thinking. A calming breeze was blowing through his heart. Itd been a while.I came specifically to eat lunch with you two, so how could I have eaten something beforehand? So saying, Shikamaru extended his chopsticks towards a piece of beef that looked like it was about to burn.

    Another pair of chopsticks intercepted him.Hey, thats the meat that I put on the grill! Chouji protested.Alright, alright.Theyd gone through this many times before. Shikamaru let go of the beef, and turned his gaze on the piece next to it. He glanced at Ino, who gave a nod of permission.Its been a while since you invited us out, Shikamaru. She said.Yeah, Chouji chimed in, Lately, I havent been able to see you unless we set a time o meet like this.Shikamarus got his job at the Union and well as being the Hokages Support. Hes supe busy, Chouji, he cant always hang out with us anymore.I understand that, but Chouji laid his arms on the table, his cheeks puffing out as he pouted.

    While there was a part of Shikamaru that was happy theyd noticed his absence, another part of him also felt lonely, like a new distance had come with their separation.If he wanted to be an adult, then he had to stop thinking like a child. They were long out of the Academy. Things werent the same as those days when he could while away time playing with his friends till dusk.The same way Shikamaru was swamped with work from both the Union and his responsibilities in Konoha, Ino and Chouji had struggled through the last war and become fine, reliable chuunin. While they said it was because Shikamaru was so busy,his two friends had just as little free time as he did.And yet, theyd come to meet up with him without a word of complaint, simply because he said he wanted to see them.They were his oldest, closest friends.

    Whats up? Ino asked, tilting back her beer mug in a manly manner.Its nothing. Its just that I wanted to talk to you guys. Shikamaru put a tiny pit o meat into his mouth.Ah, kay.Ino didnt ask anything more. Chouji continued happily stuffing his mouth with meat.Then, the three started to talk. It was a light-hearted, silly conversation.Choujis eternal love of food.Inos usual talk about her love life.And then, the memories about Asuma

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    Shikamaru could feel the distance between him and his friends shrinking. It wasalmost like hed gone back to that moment when Asuma had first brought them here.That time, hed been full of complaints about how things were troublesomeLooking at how Chouji and Ino had grown up, Shikamaru could feel his heart grumbling about how theyd never be able to return to those old days.-Shikamaru went home alone.At the end of the day, he hadnt been able to tell them.Hed thought that if hed go to the Country of Silence, then hed go with the two of them. Hed invited them out to eat with that purpose in mind. But seeing their smiling faces had somehow made him unable to say anything.The road he was taking was a dark one.For Konohas sake, for the Unions sake, for the sake of every single shinobi, one man had to be killed.It wasnt a victory that could be gained from playing fair. And so, he had to be killed in secret.Assassinated.It wasnt like assassination was anything new to shinobi. Growing up, you realised sooner or later that things like that were necessary in this world.But, stillIt was still good to have as few people as possible get their hands dirty. He didnt have the heart to drag Chouji and Ino into the darkness too.So, its the Anbu after allShikamaru looked up at the night sky, and couldnt see a single star.

    Shikamaru was in Kakashis office.The Sixth Hokage was surrounded by mountains ofdocuments as always, his hand hurriedly signing papers as if it was just waiting for the time it could go slack with exhaustion.The window across the room had been thrown open, and you could see the streets of Konoha outside. The city seemed to glow under the sunshine of the bright morning, all wrapped up in a gentle, peaceful atmosphere.Ive made you wait. Kakashi said as he straightened out a sheaf of papers on his desk. What business do you have with me today?The Country of Silence.Ah, thatShikamaru still hadnt finished his report about the Unions meeting the other day.There wasnt anything particularly special to report, so hed left it alone.Everythings the same as ever at the Union. Its made up of a collection of capable p

    eople, theres nothing to worry about.Youre one of those capable people too.Was he really? Was he really someone who was fit to represent Konoha?Do you really intend to go? Kakashi asked.Yes.Kakashi let out a great sigh at his answer.Is it really necessary for you to go?Sais been captured. Our village has lost a large number of shinobi, both those who went missing during the war and those who ended up disappearing after. Whetherthey really left the village of their own free will, or ended up being capturedby Gengo is something that we have to verify.Youre really determined, huh.Shikamaru silently nodded.

    Kakashi closed his eyes and shook his head. He looked at Shikamaru again.I get it. I wont say anything more. Who are you thinking of taking? Youre not planning on going all by yourself, right?Could you spare me two people from Anbu?Huh Kakashi was cradling his chin in one hand, his elbow resting against his desk.There was a serious look in his eyes. Wouldnt Ino and Chouji do?The InoShikaChou combination can be used for sneak attacks, however I dont think it fits the requirements for this mission.Because its assassination, right?Furthermore, infiltration is a great part of this mission. I want people who can

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    hide chakra.HmmKakashi closed his eyes and thought. He was taking Shikamarus proposal and comparing it to all the other options inside his head.The one who deals the killing blow wont be you, right?I intend to use my jutsu to bind the target.Then youll need someone for the killing blow. Kakashi concluded ahead of any explanation. He understood what Shikamaru was thinking.Two AnbuOne that could manipulate chakra, and conceal their presence. Another that helda jutsu which could deliver the killing blow.I have suitable people. Kakashi said.Thank you.Ill make the arrangements.You dont have anything to tell me about my other duties? Shikamaru asked.None of your other duties are more urgent than this matter. Kakashi said, and youcould feel in that moment that he really was the Hokage.He calmly assessed the relative importance of various matters, and made quick, firm decisions on which were to be carried out. It was because he was capable like this that shinobi could work under him without worry, and give their all for the village. Shikamaru thought they wouldnt be able to function without him.He didnt have any thoughts like I want to be Hokage. But, it wouldve been a lie to ay he didnt feel the slightest bit motivated to grow. In front of a man like Kakashi, Shikamaru was still young and inexperienced, unable to compare to him, and

    it felt frustrating.Ill tell the two I have in mind to return quickly. You can wait a little longer, right?Please do it as quickly as possible.I get it. Kakashi smiled under his mask and stood up. He turned his back to Shikamaru to gaze out the open window.You dont have to burden yourself so much, you know. Kakashi murmured.Shikamaru didnt answer.Burdening himselfPerhaps he was.In a way even he himself couldnt understand, Shikamaru had somehow ended up carrying many, many burdens.Even though he found things bothersome, hed somehow ended up behaving unlike hims

    elf, and carrying so many things. Even though all these burdens were getting far too heavy for him to bear, he couldnt throw any of them away, either.Shikamaru was scared to.He got the feeling that he could end up throwing everything away, and losing himself in the process. Hed started out as someone who found everything bothersome.If he put down all his responsibilities and burdens for just one moment, then wasnt it highly possible that he wouldnt ever pick them back up?And when that happened, then wouldnt it be the case that nobody would need him anymore?The thought alone was unbearably frightening.Im going to tell you what I really think now. Kakashi lifted his left hand into the air, letting tiny bolts of lightning crackle in and out of existence. Right now, I really want to abandon all my duties as the Hokage and go to the Country of S

    ilence.Shikamaru could clearly hear the screaming frustration of Kakashis heart: how the man wanted to abandon everything to go and kill Gengo with his own two hands.But the responsibilities of a Hokages position couldnt be abandoned so easily.Honestly, Kakashi said, I think its inexcusable of me to burden you with this.Naruto and me, and every other one of our peers, weve already all attained positions with burdens and responsibilities. Theres no need for you to carry them all by yourself.Is that soThe lightning in Kakashis left hand melted away into nothing.

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    Shikamaru. Kakashi looked over his shoulder at the Nara. I wonder what it means tobe an adult, sometimes.Please dont look to me for the answer to that.  Shikamaru sighed.-Ill come back again. Shikamaru said to the gravestone. Turning away, his eyes caught on the name engraved into the stone: Nara Shikaku.Naturally, hed wanted to visit his fathers grave after his meeting with Kakashi ended.What did it mean to be an adult? It felt like he could find the answer to Kakashis question here, if anywhere.In the Fourth Shinobi World War, his father had been with the Five Kage at the alliances headquarters. After the Five Kage had gone to the frontline of the battle due to the severity of the fight, Inos father and Shikamarus father had taken charge of giving directions to the whole army.Then, Obito had resurrected the Ten Tails and made it send its explosive TailedBeast Balls in order to cause chaos amidst the Unions army. As the killing blow had approached, Shikakus last moments were spent thinking and conveying further strategies for the army.He had been a Shinobi to the very end.NoThe truth was that in his very last moments, Shikaku had been a father. Although the only one who knew that was Shikamaru, as his son.What was it to be an adult?Shikamaru thought about that for a while.

    Saying goodbye to his fathers grave, Shikamarus feet took him to the next person he wanted to visit.His teachers grave.Sarutobi AsumaHe was a man who had turned down the path of an elite that hed been entitled to as the Third Hokages flesh and blood, and instead constantly stayed on the frontlines.After Shikamaru graduated from the Academy, it was under Asumas care that hed been raised into the shinobi he was today. Along with Ino and his best friend Chouji, the three of them had constantly been chasing Asumas back, struggling through missions.Asuma, whod gone through any crisis with a cigarette in his mouth and his same easy going attitude, had been everything Shikamaru aspired to be.

    And yet, that Asuma could no longer be found in this world.Hed died, in a battle against the Akatsuki group who had been making schemes to take over the Earth.Hed died for the sake of letting Shikamaru liveAsuma had understood they had no chance of winning against the inhuman abilities of the Akatsuki member they had been faced against, and died while risking hislife to protect Shikamaru and his other comrades.He, too, had spent his last moments thinking of others.Shikamaru had yet to find anything he would sacrifice himself to protect.Of course, the people of his village and all his comrades were extremely precious to him. But it felt like those feelings were different from the extent of fierce protection that his father and Asuma had displayed.Perhaps that meant that Shikamaru still hadnt become an adult.

    He thought that in the first place that ambiguous word adult referred to a child whod at some point simply become trapped in their own body.In that case, even Kakashi was a child at heart.But Kakashi already had something hed trade his life to protect.For a Hokage, every person in the village is his child. Those were the words of Asumas father, the Third Hokage Hiruzen.Maybe when Kakashi chose to become Hokage, hed become an adult.He wasnt sure about anything anymoreShika niichan!Shikamaru was roused out of his pensive thoughts by the sound of that carefree v

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    oice reaching his ears.A plump toddler was tottering towards him. Swaying left and right with clumsy little feet, she made her way towards him step by step.Mirai. Shikamaru called her name, his voice naturally turning fond and cheerful.His tense features softened, and his mouth moved to turn into a smile.Gyaa! Mirai finally came to where he stood, and clung onto his legs with her short little arms. Shika niichan!The toddler looked up at him with dazzling bright eyes, her tiny face splittinginto a wide grin. The toddlers smile felt like the sun, and Shikamaru could feelhis frozen over heart thawing with its warmth.Its been a while, Shikamaru.Kurenai-sensei. Shikamaru greeted the dark haired woman that was Mirais mother.Im not a sensei anymore, so you can stop calling me that. She said, laughing.Sarutobi KurenaiOriginally, she was a jounin leader along with Kakashi and Asuma, in charge of a team made of Shikamarus other classmates. But now she was a mother who had devoted all her time to parenting.You came to visit Asumas grave? She asked.Yeah.And your fathers grave?Ive just come from visiting him.Listening to their conversation and still clinging onto Shikamarus leg, Mirai smiled and lifted her head.Shika niichan! Met Papa!

    Although the toddler could only manage halting sentences, she was bursting withthe need to convey everything she could. Looking down at Mirai, Shikamarus heartwarmed up.To become this childs teacherIt was a promise hed made to both Asuma and Kurenai.I see, you came to see your Papa, huh? Shikamaru crouched down so he could speak to her eye to eye.Mirai gave a delighted nod at being understood.Wow, how great of you, Mirai. Shikamaru said, gently patting her head. The soft feel of the toddlers still downy hair seemed to travel along his arm and all the way to his heart, turning into a calming breeze that soothed his insides.Grow up soon, okay?Mm.

    You really love your Shikamaru niichan, huh Mirai? Kurenai said.Mirai nodded so hard she almost pitched herself forwards, and Shikamaru reachedout to catch her with both hands.For the sake of this child, he really couldnt go and die just yetRight!Mirai babbled the word with such timing, it almost felt like shed read right into his heart.Well, thanks for liking me.Shikamaru picked up Mirai and lifted her into the air. As the two year old shrieked with delighted laughter, Shikamaru thought to himself one more time, much stronger than before:Standing in front of Shikamaru were two new, white faces: a cat and a monkey.Of course, the animal faces were only masks, and from the neck down the two Anbu

     were completely human. They wore jet black uniforms that clung to their skin, as well as the recently redesigned flak jackets of Konoha.The old flak jackets used to have pockets on both sidesof the chest for shinobito keep scrolls or ninja tools, but the new design had done away with those andkept itself relatively simple. It was a side-effect of the peaceful era that had come into being after the end of the war.Where there would have been eyes painted on the two Anbus masks, holes had been pierced like deep, dark caves. Both the masks had thin mouths painted on, curving from cheek to cheek. The cats mask had thin red markings under its eyes. The monkeys mask had thickly drawn red eyebrows that made it look like it was scowling i

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    n temper. Both the Anbu had their hands linked behind their backs, and the eye slits of their masks gave off such a feeling that Shikamaru felt like he was being sized up.If its these two, I think they can do everything youve been hoping for. Kakashi sai from where he was seated behind his desk.From where Shikamaru was standing, the cat-masked Anbu was on the right, and the monkey-masked was on the left. The two Anbu had a very large height difference. The Monkey was 176 cm, slightly taller than Shikamaru, while the Cat barely came up to Shikamarus shoulders.So, monkey-mask was male, and cat-mask was femaleEven without the height difference, their body structure made that much evident.Both of you, take off your masks. Kakashi instructed.The Anbus hands both lifted to reach for their masks at Kakashis command, slowly lowering them to reveal the human faces below.It was an Anbu custom to wear the masks with animal faces. Since they mainly dealt in shady missions such as assassination or causing disturbances in foreign countries, they loathed to let anyone know of their identities. Even most of Konohas own citizens didnt know who was and wasnt in Anbu.People who come and go from the village without eating anything are Anbu. There were lots of rumours and speculations like that.The man is Rou, and the girl is Soku.The two Anbu bowed their greetings to Shikamaru in time with Kakashis introduction.To have such a young girl in Anbu

    Its unthinkable, right? Soku cut into Shikamarus murmuring. But in the world of Shbi, competency is everything, and I entered the Anbu by proving the worth of myabilities, yknow.Shes right. Kakashi agreed with Soku.Shikamaru couldnt deny that he was surprised. Soku was extremely young. She was at least 5 or 6 years younger than Shikamaru, and mustve only just come out of the Academy. She had slightly red cheeks, plump with baby fat, but also a thin mouth set in a grim frown that radiated determination. Her thin eyebrows were arched, and her eyes shined with self-confidence.Something about her made Shikamaru feel like this was what Temari had looked like as a child.Hinoko was recognised for her abilities and scouted into Anbu the minute she graduated from the Academy. Despite only being 14 years old, shes accomplished a grea

    t number of missions. Kakashi said. Shes very relied upon in the Anbu.Its not good to judge someones abilities based solely upon their appearances, yknowSoku said, puffing out her cheeks a bit. And, Hokage-sama, I keep telling you not to call me by my real name, yknow.Hinoko Its a very nice nam-In a blink, Soku had disappeared from Shikamarus line of view and before he knewwhat was happening, a finger glowing orange with barely restrained chakra was pressed against his forehead.I hate being called by my real name, yknow. Be careful not to do it.Shikamaru could feel a sort of frizzing static from the edge of Sokus index finger. It felt like an incredibly small version of Kakashis raikiri.Chakra was bursting from the edge of Sokus fingertipsStop that at once, Soku.

    The one who spoke was the man whod carried the monkey mask. Kakashi had introduced him as Rou. He had thick eyebrows, a strong jaw and stubborn, one-lidded eyesthat were glaring at Soku in disapproval.I have to make this clear from the start, yknow. Soku retorted. I wont allow beingoked down on for being a kid, yknow.My bad. Ill be careful in the future. Shikamaru gave a simple apology. There was no need to aggravate the situation any further, and he didnt have the time to dealwith the young girls temper.Soku turned her gaze away from Rou and back to Shikamaru.As long as you understand, yknow. She turned her back on him and stomped back to wh

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    ere she had originally stood, taking on the same position with her hands behindher back.Rou can freely manipulate the quality and quantity of chakra; both his own, as well as that of anyone he targets and recognises. Kakashi said, and Rou gave a small nod.Does that mean you can increase chakra as well? Shikamaru asked.A smart question. Kakashi commented.The chakra which I can change is only that which is perceived by others. Rou said. To explain, if I increased your chakra, Lord Shikamaru, I would not be able to change the actual fighting potential in the least. Your chakra would only seem larger in the perception of other persons. In other words, my jutsu cannot be efficient in the practice of deceit if the subject of my chakra manipulation does not participate in the deception.Rou had a very old-fashioned speech pattern, and coupled with his round, boulder-like appearance, he seemed more like a samurai than a ninja.Shikamaru gave the man a nod to show him he understood his explanation, and then opened his mouth to speak again.When you say you can change the quantity of perceived chakra, does that mean that you can completely erase it as well?No matter how you looked at it, Rou was definitely in his forties. He was at least twenty years older than Shikamaru.That is certainly possible. I can make the chakra of any target disappear in themanner youve described, while also allowing you to trace them, Lord Shikamaru.With the mans old fashioned way of speaking, Shikamaru had half-expected the word

     track instead of trace, and felt a little fazed at the random modern word.I thought his jutsu would be the best suited for this job, but what do you think? Kakashi asked.Itll work. And the little one? Shikamaru asked, turning to look at Soku.The girls eyebrow twitched at being called little one. The child didnt seem to be aare that she was a child. Shikamaru wasnt sure yet if that was a good or bad thing for how useful shed be on the mission.A demonstration would be good, wouldnt it? Kakashi said to Soku.The girl nodded and turned around. She stretched out her left arm so it was facing the open window across Kakashis office. In line with the direction she was pointing, Shikamaru could see a single swallow flying outside.My jutsu is all about Chakra needles, yknow Soku murmured, and an orange flash of cakra burst out of her index finger.

    At that moment, the swallow which had been startled by the loud sound had quickly swooped to hide behind a pillar outside the window.If Soku had fired her chakra with this timing, there was no way she could hit her target. Her chakra would hit the pillar and just leave a scratch on its surface instead.ButThere wasnt a single scratch on the pillar, and from outside, the swallow gave ashrill, sharp cry.Shikamaru hurried to the window. Leaning out and twisting his neck around, his eyes searched the ground around where swallow had been flying, and found the bird on the ground. It did indeed look dead.I dont want you to misunderstand, yknow. Im against a meaningless waste of life. S spoke from behind him.

    As she spoke, Shikamaru stared as the swallow slowly came back to its senses, waddling to its feet and getting up. Soon, itd taken off again, flying even higherthan before.I made my chakra revitalising when it pierced through the target this time, so that swallow probably feels much more energetic than it did a while ago, yknow.How did you get it past the pillar? Shikamaru asked, taking his hand off the window sill and turning to face Soku.The little girl let out a delighted laugh that sounded her age for once, sticking out her tongue in childish mockery.Once Ive aimed at my target, it doesnt matter if they go out of my sight or not, my

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     chakra needle will follow it anywhere, yknow. My needle wont ever stop in its path until it hits its target.So.Rous jutsu would erase their chakras presence, and let them infiltrate the enemys ranks undetected. When they came within reach of Gengo, Shikamaru would use his kagemane to bind him. And then the killing blow would come with the foolproof aim of Sokus chakra needle.It was alright.They could really do itCan I just ask you one thing?You can, yknow. Soku gave a smile brimming with confidence.Can you stop tacking yknow onto the end of your sentences?*They were coming.The enemy.Oto-nin.Orochimarus underlings.No, waitSince when was I being chased?I was the one who was supposed to be chasing someone.Someone who had to be saved.Uchiha Sasuke.A classmate who could do anything perfectly, with a nasty personality.But he was a comrade. He absolutely had to be saved.

    I was leading a team for the first time. Failure wasnt an option.My comradesMy comrades were being felled down, one after another.Chouji.Kiba.Neji.And then NarutoWe were surrounded by sneering oto-nin.Im sorryIm sorry, everyone.Next time, I wont fail again.So please- please dont die-PLEASE!

    Shikamaru woke up to the sound of his own desperate shouting, twisting out of his covers in a panic. His whole body was drenched with sweat.Hed been dreamingIt had been his first mission after making chuunin: to retrieve the missing-ninUchiha Sasuke whod left the village under Orochimarus guidance.His comrades had been several classmates, and Neji. Theyd lessened, one by one, as they chased after Sasuke. Shikamaru had made the decision to entrust everything to Naruto and take on a sound-nin in a fight.And the result of that decision had been Sasuke leaving the village, and all his comrades sustaining serious injuries.As a chuunin, as a leader, his first mission had ended in despairing failure.Shikamaru placed a palm to his sweat soaked forehead, and slowly took in a deepbreath.

    Why did he see a dream like that?Until now, hed never seen those events in a dream.Although, it was a fact that scars from that incident were still left in his heart. Shikamaru saw the Sasuke Retrieval mission as his biggest disgrace, and never failed to think of it whenever he was judging himself.Hed never again been cornered like he had been on that dayDreams were a manifestation of your subconscious.Then, do I feel like Im being cornered right now?Its alrightits alright, ShikamaruAlthough it was unlike him to try and soothe himself, the words slipped out of S

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    hikamarus mouth before he could stop them. His heart was still hammering, blood roaring against his ear drums like a steady warning bell.It didnt look like hed be able to fall sleep again tonight.They were going to set out at sunrise.A bunch of ten year old boys crossed the street, laughing with seemingly endless cheer. In the distance behind them, a grim-faced man in his thirties was hurrying somewhere.The children were probably heading to the Academy, while the man was likely going to work.On the side of the street, there was a store that sold side-dishes in the earlymornings, its store-front surrounded with housewives gossiping with animated gestures.It was a usual mornings usual scenery.On this peaceful morning, Shikamaru was striding along the main street that started from Konohas wide open front gates and continued straight to the Hokage Residence. The street ended behind the residence, at the Hokage Monument where all the past generations of Hokage were carved into the mountain.Shikamarus destination was the latter. He had some business there.Usually, when shinobi received missions outside the village, they left Konoha through the main gates. There wasnt any particular regulation that said they had to, but it was somewhat of a tradition.The Anbu were the only exception. They dealt with many top secret missions, so in order to keep their departures unknown to Konohas citizens, it had been arranged for them to leave through the back gates found in the mountain behind the Hoka

    ge Residence.That back gate was Shikamarus destination. This times mission was being kept a secret from everyone in the village. The only ones who knew were Kakashi, a handful of senior shinobi, and, of course, Shikamaru himself as well as the accompanying Rou and Soku.Hed left the business of covering up his absence from the village to Kakashi. Ifanyone asked where he was, theyd be told Shikamaru had Union business outside the village bounds.The ideal scenario was to sneak out of the village without anyone noticing his departure, and come back before anyone was bothered by his absence.Hm? As Shikamaru quickly made his way to the back gate, he noticed a blonde haired man in his field of vision.The blonde noticed him as well.

    Yoo, if it isnt Shikamaru! Whatre you hurrying for?You wouldnt have believed the two were the same age, by the childish grin that lit up the mans features as he hurried to his friend. His cheeks had three whisker-like lines across each side, and his blue eyes were free of any doubt or hesitation.Thats what I should be asking you. Whatre you doing up this early, Naruto?Uzumaki Naruto.He was the hero who had shown everyone the way to ending the last great war, the son of the Fourth Hokage. The Nine Tails had been sealed into him as soon as he was born, and he grew up facing prejudice from his surroundings, and yet hed never once wavered in his goal to become Hokage, and kept on walking down his path. That was the kind of man Naruto was.Right now, he was a strong candidate to become the next Hokage after Kakashi.

    I couldnt really sleep last night, Naruto said, So when I woke up this morning I wet to eat some ramen at Ichirakus straight away, and now Im heading back home.You went to that shop this early?Lately, theyve been open for business 24/7. Naruto looked incredibly happy about the fact.No, I mean, youre eating ramen so early in the morningIm always good to eat ramen, whether morning or noon or night!Hey, thats not something to be boasting about.Half of my bodys probably made of ramen. Naruto seriously said, puffing out his chest with pride.

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    Shikamaru let out a sigh.Youre now known as the hero who ended the war. Try and look after your body more.Heroes are heroes, and ramen is ramen!That reasoning makes no sense.Hahaha. Naruto laughed, sheepishly rubbing a finger across the bridge of his nose.That behaviour of his hadnt changed a bit since the Academy. Naruto always livedhis life with a very pure, straight-forward outlook. It was that outlook of histhat had changed his surroundings- even changed Shikamaru.Naruto, who had been seen as the bane of the village, had kept his pure heart and slowly made more and more comrades that stood by his side.In the end, Naruto had even managed to save his friend Uchiha Sasuke who had fallen to the depths of darkness, full of resentment towards the whole world.Saving him wasnt an easy feat.NoRather, it was something that no one other than Naruto could have done.The dream Naruto had been holding close to his chest ever since he was a child was only one: to become Hokage.He had had no relatives to give him a kind word, and the only way he could get attention from others was by his repeated pranks, but still he kept insisting that he would one day become Hokage.In the beginning, nobody had believed Naruto could ever do it. But now, there wasnt a single person in the village who thought anyone but Naruto would be the next Hokage.Naruto was the sun.

    He had a brilliant flame within him that never so much as flickered, constantlyburning. It was because of how brightly he shined that he was the sun. Everyonewho saw that passion of his opened their hearts to him, and became his comrade.Up until now, and till the end of time, Shikamaru felt like Naruto would continue moving forwards without that flame of his ever wavering.And that was the way it should be. Someday, Naruto would be Hokage, gain even more of the villages trust, and then keep shining, brighter and brighter still.For the sake of that brightness, something like the sun couldnt know about the darkness in the world.Until now, Naruto had waged war against countless people whos hearts had swayed towards darkness, but he himself had never gone crooked.No matter how far someone sinks into darkness, a part of their heart will long for the light.

    Naruto fought because he truly believed that. Shikamaru had seen him change thehearts of his enemies with that same ideal many, many times.No matter how much darkness surrounded him, Naruto never lost his light.Thats why Naruto didnt really know the true meaning of darkness.There would always be darkness in the hearts of human beings. Thinking you could save everyone was an impossible ideal.No matter how frantically you reached out to save people and lead them towards light, there would always be those few who slipped through your fingers, continuing down the path of darkness. It was the way of the world.But Naruto didnt think like that. No matter how hopeless the situation, he wouldnever give up on saving everyone from that sort of fate.That was the kind of man Naruto was.And Shikamaru didnt want him to change.

    Naruto was someone who was supposed to stay pure and straightforward, a shiningsun.The more the light shines, the darker the shadows grow.But as long as there was someone to take on the burden of those shadows, it would be fine.Shikamaru thought that it was his duty to be that someone.Wasnt it only natural for a shadow jutsu user to take on the burden of darkness?Naruto would become Hokage, and Shikamaru would support him as his right hand man. That was Shikamarus dream: to stay by Narutos side and sort out any shadows that could interfere with his light.

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    The moment that thought passed through Shikamarus head, he suddenly understood himself.Why had he been so stubborn about volunteering to go to the Country of Silence?It had been for Narutos sake, of course.If the Country of Silence continued to grow more powerful, then Naruto would eventually end up suffering. The Country of Silence would be a huge obstacle for him.Thats why Shikamaru was going to go and nip it in the bud.He had decided to bear all of the shadows that would try to interfere with Narutos light, after all. That included dealing with future obstacles as well.So, whatre you doing out? Naruto asked, breaking into Shikamarus reverie.Im taking a walk.This early in the morning?Naruto, Shikamaru deadpanned. Me taking a walk is nowhere near as weird as you eating ramen at this hour.Well, thats true.They both laughed.Do you have the day off? Shikamaru asked.No way. Because a certain someone keeps giving me pain in the neck missions, I havent had a day off in half a year, you know. Im going on another mission at noon.That certain someone was, of course, Shikamaru.Theyre missions Im picking out for your sake, so stop your complaining.But I still want to take a break for just a biiit.Youre being eyed as a candidate to be the next Hokage. Its too important a time for

     breaks. Be more self-aware, Naruto.I get that But just one-No buts. Shikamaru said, like one would scold a child. Everyone in the village approves of you. But its exactly because they approve that you need to take on even more missions, so people can think ahh, what would we do if Naruto wasnt here. Its aready been two years since the war ended, you cant naively think everyones approval will be guaranteed with your actions from that time.Alright, alright Naruto pouted just a bit before giving a great stretch. My stomachfull, so Ill think Ill go home and sneak in a nap.Shikamaru narrowed his eyes at him. Dont oversleep.I wont. Naruto laughed at the serious look on his face, and started walking back.Oi, Naruto. Shikamaru called over his shoulder.What? Naruto turned around.

    Youre the man wholl become Hokage. Dont forget that.I never go back on my word, Naruto promised. Thats my ninja way.Never going back on your word. Shikamaru paused. Its my ninja way too.Yeah. Naruto raised his right hand in a great wave, and then turned to go on his way.After watching his back for a while, Shikamaru turned around to go on his own path as well.Im definitely going to make you Hokage.Shikamaru had long decided he wasnt ever going to go back on those words.-I made you wait, huh.Shikamaru was directing the words towards Rou and Soku.This times mission involved infiltrating the country as well as assassinating the

     target. It wasnt something that could be done completely under the radar. Thats why the two werent wearing their masks.We have several mission objectives. Shikmaru said. Surveying the situation in the country of silence. Searching for Sai and the 10 Anbu who we lost contact with. But the highest priority goes to assassinating the man named Gengo.The pair silently nodded.Kakashi hadnt come to see them off. The three shinobi were the only people near the closed back gates. It was hidden within a cluster of trees at the base of the mountain. Despite it being a bright morning, the gates looked wet and gloomy.Ah well, since we will be carrying out assassination, then we must make sure ther

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    es no observation Rous nostrils flared as he emphasised observation.Shikamaru stared at him, bewildered at what he could mean.Your joke totally fell flat, yknow. Soku told Rou.The man looked flustered, an embarrassed sweat drop clinging to his forehead.He was trying to make a joke, know. Soku explained to Shikamaru with an Im so sorrbout this look on her face. You were talking about us surveying the situation, and since surveying has a similar meaning to observing, he made that joke about our assassination not being observed, since its secretBasically, this old man tends to make bad jokes like that every now and then, so itd be a good idea to watch out, yknow.Shikamaru swallowed down the urge to make a witty retort, and cleared his throat, trying to reclaim the serious atmosphere.When we go past the gate, we start running, alright?Were aware, yknow. Soku cheerfully answered.Rou, whod turned somewhat red-faced with embarrassment, also gave a nod.Alright then, lets go.And with that, the three of them finally heaved open the back gates.Temari stood behind Gaaras back, watching his crimson hair swaying in the wind. Looking at him, she thought to herself that her little brother had really grown splendidly.They were standing on top of a hill, gazing down at the brilliant view of Suna from above. The people in their village called this hill the winds reading spot because the wind never stopped blowing up here, all year round. Temari knew very well that Gaara was the only one who came up here despite the strong wind to enjoy

    the view of the village.Do you need anything, nee-san? Gaara asked. He tilted his head back to look at her, and Temari could see the lone kanji for love that was tattooed onto his forehead.Several years ago, if anyone in the village had heard the name Gaara they would shudder in fear. But look at her little brother now. He was the leader of Suna, and a vital authority in the alliance holding all shinobi together. Gaara had become an existence the Shinobi World couldnt do without.It was all thanks to Naruto.Gaara had a bijuu inside him ever since he was born, all throughout his childhood. He used to believe in loving only oneself and had accepted the rest of the world to be his enemy, not letting anyone near. The old Gaara hadnt even let his elder sister Temari or older brother Kankurou anywhere near entering his heart. Even

     if he didnt say it out loud, his whole body, his actions of losing himself in the throes of bloodlust, all the things he did transmitted those words loud and clear.Naruto was the only one who had managed to reach Gaara.Naruto simply couldnt abandon Gaara, not when he was a fellow jinchuuriki whod lived the same life he had. After exchanging blows in a fierce battle that surpassed the limits of normal humans, the two slowly came to understand each other. When Gaaras bijuu was removed from his body by the Akatsuki and he was on the brinkof death, Naruto had pumped as much of his own chakra into him as he could, notholding back in the slightest. Gaara had recognised him as a friend.Gaara had been changing ever since he met Naruto. His cold demeanour disappeared. The way he treated and spoke to Temari and Kankurou changed. His attitude towards the village changed. His feelings towards the people in their village change

    d.And in the end, Gaara was recognised by everyone.Temari was eternally grateful to Naruto for that. She thought that the village of Konoha overall was likeable. Their villagers held a strong pride as shinobi, and many of them were logical people.Suddenly, that guys face flashed across her mind. There was a stinging pain inside Temaris chest all of a sudden, and she irritably clicked her tongue.Is something wrong, neesan?Eh? NoGaara was looking at her, worry transparent in his eyes. Temari could feel his c

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    oncern so keenly that it hurt, and looked away from his gaze.The village of Suna was always parched for water. Being right in the middle of the desert, it never rained. And sand always got mixed in with the wind as well.I got a little sand in my eye, thats all.Thats rare. Gaara mildly said. That doesnt usually happen to you, neesan.Th- thats trueThose born in Suna were accustomed to the relationship between its sand and wind, used to handling it. Even in a dust storm, no suna-nins eyes would ever sting because of sand.Temaris line about sand getting in her eyes was a blatant lie and excuse.Shikamaru Gaara suddenly said that guys name, and Temari was caught so off guard sh couldnt stop herself from stiffening.Although his sister had stiffened up as if in response to an enemy attack, Gaara didnt say anything about her sudden guarded posture, and simply went on speaking indifferently.I feel like hes been behaving strangely lately. The last time I saw him at the Unions Headquarters, it seemed like his heart wasnt in his actions. I got the feeling he was working himself too hard.You think so too, huh. Temari said.Gaara nodded. I used to not care about other people, but now Im extremely carefulto take notice of others behaviour and appearances. Maybe thats why Im sensitive to the movement of others hearts.Of course, her brother was, at the root, a very serious person. Once he believed he should do something, he put his all into diligently carrying it out. It was

    because of that he was able to open his heart to everyone so completely.It wasnt a surprise that her brother should notice the subtle changes in Shikamarus behaviour, when he was so careful about reading others in general.Hes hiding something.Mm Temari let out a sound of agreement.Hes someone who thinks about the future of the Union and shinobi over all more seriously than anyone else. Gaara said. I dont think he would do anything that could threaten the Union.Gaara was referencing the fact that each hidden village participating in the Union had the duty to report any problems inside or outside their jurisdiction. Hewas also referencing the fact that both he and Temari had noticed Shikamaru washolding back reporting some situation happening in Konoha. Any problem that made him act like that was very likely a problem that affected all the shinobi villa

    ges.Do you have any idea what he could be holding back, neesan?I wonder if I do.It was natural that Gaara would ask her. Temari was the one who worked with Shikamaru the most within the entire Union.Its not that I dont have an idea what it is Temari said. Im just not sure if ImGaara nodded, silently listening.Hed been seriously investigating the shinobi who went missing in action during the war, and the recent cases of missing-nin in the villages.At Temaris reply, Gaara took his eyes off her and gazed down at the village again. A furrow came between his brows.He was thinking.The wind suddenly picked up. Bits of sand scraped across their foreheads, a fami

    liar pain.Lets ask Naruto. Gaara murmured. Will you go, neesan?Yes. Temari was startled by how eager her voice sounded.Of course, you should ask Kakashi too, but hell definitely find a way to avoid answering, so ask Naruto about Shikamaru first. Gaara said, If it turns out that Shikamarus confronting a grave situation, then we must do nothing less than try to save him with our full strength. If you feel like shinobi from Suna are needed, take as many with you as you need.Shikamarus a shinobi of Konoha, you know?Were long past the era where we care about things like Suna shinobi or Konoha shin

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     Hes a man whos necessary to the Union. Its natural that we would support him.Thank you.This isnt something you need to thank me for, neesan.One small tear had slipped its way down Temaris cheek. Impatiently wiping it away, she looked at her little brother with a wide grin.Somehow, the sand keeps getting in my eyes today.*Hey Sakura-chan, are you listening? Naruto irritably asked, leaning his elbows against a pile of books that came all the way up to his chest. He was speaking to Sakuras back as she was rushing along the length of the bookshelf that covered the wall.Ya know, Sai hasnt been around for over a month now, and Shikamarus suddenly turned incredibly cold and stiff around me. Hey, dont you think hes hiding something from me?I dont!Sakuras exasperated voice made Naruto wince.What happened to your mission?It ended today.Then quickly go to Ichirakus, eat some ramen, head home and sleep!Whaaaaat, but its been so long since you stopped by the Hokage Residence. Youve finally shown your faceYoure acting so cold as an original member of team 7.Sakura furiously turned around to face her pouting friend.Right now, Im already overwhelmed with working with Tsunade-sama on developing a system for medicinal jutsu, as well as working on the structure of the Unions syst

    em. Ive got to go through documents left over from Tsunade-samas time as Hokage! I dont have any free time! I cant listen to your gossiping! Understand?Huffing, she turned back to face the shelves.Besides, havent you been hanging out with Hinata lately? Wouldnt it be a better idea to go and have her listen to you properly instead of bothering me?What? Are you jealous?Sakura turned around with a furious expression, her fist slamming against Narutos head.Obviously not! I decided to wait for Sasuke-kun, you know!Y-yes maam Naruto answered. Suddenly his eyes changed to look a bit more serious, ad Sakura, noticing, paid a little more attention to what he was saying.But lately, ya know, Ive just had this really bad feeling.Is the Nine Tails making a fuss?

    The Nine Tails was still living inside Naruto. There were also remnants of the other 8 bijuu inside him as well. In that way, you could say he was a human pillar for the power of the Ten Tails. In the last war, Obito had become a human pillar for the Ten Tails and gained chakra rivalling that of the Sage of the Six Paths. Naruto, whod taken the bijuu into him as well, had some of the Sages power even now. His bad feelings were different from a normal humans, and Sakura knew it too.Dont you think youre misunderstanding something?Youre cruel, giving my judgement zero trust Naruto muttered, flopping onto the floo in a sulk.Its because if you are rightly worried, theres nothing you can do. Both Sai and Shikamaru are brilliant shinobi. Even if they end up in a situation where need your help, then theyll ask for it. And if they cant, then the Hokage will tell you to

    go save them.Ehhh, I cant trust Kakashi-sensei to know when to do that.Youre much worse than he is! Sakura exploded, giving him a kick in the shin. Naruto shot back to his feet, wearily keeping a distance.Stop talking about things you cant help, and concentrate on your missions. Thats what Sai and Shikamaru would both want you to do. Especially Shikamaru. Hes been working himself to the bone in the Union and the village so you can become Hokage! You cant let all that be in vain.I know hes working for mebut thats exactly why Im worried, ya know.Sakura let out a sigh.

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    Get a hold of yourself. Theyre comrades whove believed in you all this time, theyrenot gonna die meaningless deaths.Dont talk so ominously about death!Oh, for goodness sake! I say one thing you get upset, I say another you still get upset. Youre being a real pain, ya know! Sakura used Narutos own phrase against him. Go home and sleep!Sakura threw Naruto out of the room.The Country of Silence-Shikamarus team ran for three days regardless of whether it was day or night, before they finally reached the Country of Silence.The Country of Silence was a relatively small country, located towards the Westof the continent. Most of it was surrounded by mountains and forests, and the remaining land was dotted with fields. None of the towns in those fields were anywhere near the size of a village in Fire Country. The Country of Silence would have felt like a rustic and rural countryside even to the three original foundersof Konoha.The countrys capital, Curtain Village*, was located almost in the very centre ofthe country. Since they were sneaking in from the countrys borders, Shikamaru and his team had to constantly run through hills and valleys. By the time they reached Curtain Village, it had been about four days since theyd left Konoha.Although it was a poor country, the capital still had all the splendour of a metropolis. While rest of the countrys villages had had houses with straw thatched roofs, even the smallest home in the capital had a tiled roof. There were many bu

    ildings made with reinforced concrete, and the streets were clean and well landscaped. Roads spread out around the city in the same shape as a spiders web, expanding in radials from the centre of the city. In the little sections separated by those roads, houses and apartments were lined up side by side.One very large building out in the middle of the city. If one were to look at the city from a distance, this building would be the only one to stand out from amongst the others. It was around 10 storeys high, with a crimson tiled roof, andon the left and right edge of the roof were two gold-coloured lion statues.Ahh, this must be the countrys castle which we seek.Theres no need to sound so smug about stating the obvious, yknow.Shikamaru half kept an eye on the castle, and half listened to Rou and Sokus conversation as they walked down the main street.Of course, they had all long changed out of their Konoha flak jackets.

    Just as the customs of every country are different, so is the clothing. Rou andSoku had advised that they should procure their clothing locally so as not to stand out during their infiltration, and Shikamaru had bowed to their experience as Anbu. Along the way to the capital, theyd stopped at the richest looking mansion they could find and gathered clothes for the three of them.The clothing worn by the people in the Country of Silence was very simple, without any patterns to speak of. The top was an uwagi** robe, wrapped around the chest and tied with a cloth belt. From the waist down, there were wide hakama**, with their cuffs stuffed into laced up boots which came up to the shin.The clothes colours were as droll as the design. Everyone who walked in the Curtain Village wore either black or brown or grey. Even the stores on the streets didnt have any bright lights or neon signs, their advertisements dull and sombre.There wasnt a single bright thing to be found in the entire city.

    Have you noticed, Lord Shikamaru? Rou asked from his position in front.Shikamaru was stuck between the two Anbu on their insistence. Rou was their front guard.The mans question was very vague. He wasnt specifying what it was that Shikamaru was supposed to have noticed, so there was no way of replying to him.We have yet to see a single one of the Daimyous attendants. Rou specified.Thats true. Shikamaru agreed.As the two conversed, they were heading towards the direction of the castle. Itwasnt with any intention to start the operation now, but simply from the habit people had of walking towards the largest building in the vicinity. Shikamaru had

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    absolutely no intention of rushing or rashly leaping into the middle of things and risking the mission going south.All the people we have seen on the street so far have been the countrys citizens.It is extremely strange to not have seen a single attendant.Rous observation was right on the mark.The rulers of countries within their continent were always, without exception, Daimyou. Unions within the Shinobi World were all very well, but shinobi never, ever took the front stage of politics. And Daimyous always lived in the capital city of their country, with their places of residence brimming over with the attendants who served them.Those attendants differentiated themselves from the countrys citizens with greatpride, from their colourful clothing to their overbearing and arrogant attitudes. They were always rushing about the capital where their Damyou lived, going around on errands for him.And yet, they hadnt seen a single one of those attendants.Its possible there isnt a Daimyou, yknow. Soku murmured.That could be the case. Small countries did sometimes have cases where citizensof the country made it appear like they had a Daimyou in charge while handling matters themselves.But this country was different. Shikamaru was very sure of that.He turned around in Sokus direction, his eyes glancing towards the castle theyd now left behind them.Sais message clearly said that this country is being controlled by a man named Gengo.

    But its possible hes not a Daimyou, yknow.You have a point. As Shikamaru said that, his eye fell on a man who was walking in front of the group.He was wearing a long, black cloak, and had a sharp, cutting look in his eyes. His clothing stood out amidst the hamakas and uwagis worn by the other citizens.The design reminded Shikamaru of the Akatsukis cloaks, although this mans clothing didnt have those red clouds, or the high collar to cover his mouth. There was no seam or fastener down the middle either, only five large, silver buttons.See that man in front of us? We saw some others dressed like him too. Dont you feel like youre reminded of something when you see them? Shikamaru asked.I say, I noticed that as well, Lord Shikamaru.Wouldnt a person normally wait a bit instead of immediately agreeing? Soku asked.Those clothesthe clothes make the target, after all. Rou made another one of his ba

    d jokes.We all want you to shut up, yknow. Soku groaned.Ignoring their bantering, Shikamaru continued speaking.Rou, what about that man over by the side of the street? He doesnt look familiar to you at all?As Shikamaru spoke, he incl