why should we recycle


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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Why should we recycle


Page 2: Why should we recycle

These days, it's not uncommon to be told that we all must do our part in saving our planet by recycling. Must we really go to all of that effort? Well, have a look at this statistic: the average plastic shopping bag takes more or less 1,000 years to entirely decompose in a land fill site. Remember, you're simply talking about one bag so that's a long time. Think about the number of plastic bags you go through each year, not only shopping bags but bin liners also. You're talking about a good deal of plastic bags when you multiply that number by the number of people living in our country. Rather than tossing it and waiting for it to decompose, we can recycle it so that it can be used once more. Numerous other items are normally recycled, among them old tires being used in making playgrounds and plastic bags being used in clothing. Many things are candidates for recycling check out here.

Page 3: Why should we recycle

The town of Lemoore, California started a stringent recycling program 15 years ago. If Lemoore residents neglected to adopt the recycling rules, they had to pay fines. Most people chose to follow and the town profited greatly from recycling. A water park and playground were created. They were able to fund other municipal necessities such as a police department and pre-school scholarships via their recycling program.

Obviously, recycling does more than merely reuse tossed items; it can help to earn money for other projects. Most probably, you believe that you as a single person can't make a huge difference by your recycling but just think about how much the world would change if everyone did some recycling. We could reduce the size of many landfills which, in turn, would save money in operating them and prevent damage to the local environment.

Page 4: Why should we recycle

Through recycling, we can take care of the earth and also help to raise money for people in need. Everyone wins. Even if you don't care about the earth, try to think of others; not only human beings but also creatures. They are suffering due to troubles in the environment like global warming. By just spending a modest amount of time recycling, you're saving the planet for the next generation to enjoy, just as you have .

Perhaps you don't realize how long it really takes every item you throw away to decay It was remarked previously that a plastic bag takes some 1000 years to totally break down. Items like disposable diapers and milk bottles can take several hundred years to fully break down while glass and Styrofoam may never totally disintegrate. As all of these things are recyclable, why should we toss them out? Of course, presently we don't have the technology to recycle a few items but this could change later. Right now, however, there's no reason that recyclable materials like plastic, metals, and glass should end up in landfills. Recycling these items is pretty convenient in many communities such dumpster service rentals and is not costly, so it's a good idea to help the environment. If every person helped, a great deal of good would be done.