why social media matters

Why Social Media Matters You need to get on the ‘Social Media’ band wagon….

Post on 19-Sep-2014




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Here's a copy of a presentation I gave on Why Social Media Matters to Business. You can check out what we do at: http://www.socialforcefive.com.au


PowerPoint Presentation

Why Social Media MattersYou need to get on the Social Media band wagon.

PsychologySocial Media

Microphone Seminars Coming to a Town Near You!Come learn the POWER of the microphoneYou too can make 30 pounds, in 30 days or less using a microphoneMicrophone Wealth Creation Master-Class101 ways to use a microphone

This telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. Western Union Internal memo 1876The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular? An inventor in response to David Sarnoffs push for radio 1920

While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility. Lee De Forest, radio pioneer 1926

Visionaries see the future of telecommuting workers, interactive libraries and multimedia classrooms. They speak of electronic town meetings and virtual communities. Commerce and business will shift from offices and malls to networks and modems. And the freedom of digital networks will make government more democratic. Baloney!! Cliff Stoll, author, astronomer, professor 1995

The New MediaMarketing Equation

Facebook is King of the Kids!

The R.O.B.O. Concept

Excellent Example of Using Online Traffic to Drive People Offline

Customers are Now Your Marketers. EmpowerThem!


What is Mobile Media Marketing?

5 BILLION mobile phones4 TIMES as many mobile phone users as internet users33% of phones use high speed data servicesEvery 60 seconds, 13,000 apps are downloaded around the world

Zero Moment Of Truth

79% of people use smart phone to help with shopping95% look for local information88% of people use local information to take action within one day71% of people search because they saw an ad48% of people use smart phones to get coupons$216 billion = total amount of retail sales in Australia for 20114.9% of total retail sales were made online & of that, 75% were from domestic online retailersSome Staggering Stats

What is Location Based Marketing?

Also known as geo-targetingResearch tells us that consumers generally shop within 15km from where they liveIf youre not on page 1 of Google, youre not on Google & in the consumers mind, you dont exist!

Location, location, location!

The best way to increase foot traffic into your store is to influence them whilst theyre walking!The Fastest Way of Getting on Page One of Google!

*Top 10 Social Media Trends For 2012

*As predicted by Randi Zuckerberg

Tip 1: Luxury living, without luxury spendingAirbnbCherryRent the RunwayFancy HandsTask RabbitJetsuite

Tip 1: Luxury living, without luxury spending

Tip 2: Creating the Loyalty Program of the Future

Tip 3: Using Platforms for Customer Service

Tip 4: Mobile First

Tip 5: People as Curators

Tip 6: Have a Sense of Humour

Tip 7: Crowdsourcing

Tip 8: People as Platforms and Media Brands

Tip 9: Video and Live StreamingJustin TVUstream TVSpondo

Tip 10: Gamification of EverythingNike + that cheers when youre runningAlarm clock app donates $1 every time you hit snoozeScales that tweet you weight

The 10 Key Takeaways

Accept that it is happening whether you like it or notJoin it with traditional marketing, not instead ofDont write cheques with social, mobile media and location based marketing that your business cant cash Openness and transparency Wiki leaksHave a publisher mindset, not a marketing mindsetDont ask what (thats a tactic) ask why (business strategy)You are who Google says you areContent plus community equals currencyYour consumers want you, right here, right now ZMOTClaim your online real estate NOW or face becoming a swagman (a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none)

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