why tiny wood stoves are a great addition to your tiny house life

WHY TINY WOOD STOVES ARE A GREAT ADDITION TO YOUR TINY HOUSE LIFE If you are planning a tiny home design, whether it is for a portable, trailer-mounted mini cabin or a permanent, freestanding micro house, you have a lot to think about. Typically, tiny homes have limited resources in a variety of ways, and this can make running a large number of appliances that all require a high electric output an issue. One way that many people have found to get around this limitation is to use a low-tech alternative for heating, which frees up more of the home’s available electrical resources for other appliances. When this trade-off can make the difference between having access to a dishwasher or air conditioning unit and finding your resources maxed out, it is important to make sure you are getting the most out of everything you put into your home. Small wood stoves are quite efficient, too, and most homeowners who use them in tiny house projects find that their concerns tend to be in the neighborhood of overheating instead of under heating. This can be a good problem to have, especially if you live in colder climates, because you can easily reduce a stove’s heat output by reducing its available fuel, but an underpowered furnace can quickly become a long-term problem. Wood burning stoves also operate without the need for electricity, which ensures that your home stays warm and snug even during unexpected power outages.

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Why Tiny Wood Stoves are a Great Addition to Your Tiny House Life


        If you are planning a tiny home design, whether it is for a portable, trailer-mounted mini 

cabin or a permanent, freestanding micro house, you have a lot to think about. Typically, tiny homes have limited resources in a variety of ways, and this can make running a large number of appliances that all require a high electric output an issue. One way that many people  have  found  to  get  around  this  limitation  is  to  use  a  low-tech  alternative  for heating,  which  frees  up  more  of  the  home’s  available  electrical  resources  for  other appliances.  When  this  trade-off  can  make  the  difference  between  having  access  to  a dishwasher or air conditioning unit and finding your resources maxed out, it is important to make sure you are getting the most out of everything you put into your home.

        Small wood stoves are quite efficient, too, and most homeowners who use them in tiny 

house  projects  find  that  their  concerns  tend  to  be  in  the  neighborhood  of  overheating instead  of  under  heating.  This  can  be  a  good  problem  to  have,  especially  if  you  live  in colder  climates,  because  you  can  easily  reduce  a  stove’s  heat  output  by  reducing  its available  fuel,  but  an underpowered  furnace  can quickly become a  long-term problem. Wood  burning  stoves  also  operate  without  the  need  for  electricity,  which  ensures  that your home stays warm and snug even during unexpected power outages.


Page 2: Why Tiny Wood Stoves are a Great Addition to Your Tiny House Life

            There are  some costs  and  trade-offs  to  consider,  though. Most  small wood stoves do not have an air  intake built  in, and that means that they can easily suck  the  air  out  of  a  room  if  they  are  not  installed  carefully.  Building  an insulated pipe to the outside to feed your wood stove is integral if you do not buy  one  with  an  intake,  because  the  other  alternative  is  to  open  a  window, which can  let smoke from the stovepipe back  in, not to mention the cold air. It’s also worth noting that tiny wood stoves often have size limitations on the logs  they can  take, which means  that you may need custom cut wood  if you are not prepared to cut down your firewood yourself.

            Even with those trade-offs, though, tiny wood stoves have the advantage of 

flexibility and the low-tech appeal of being incredibly hard to break. Combined with  modern  innovations  like  catalytic  converters  to  reduce  stove  emissions, which help to keep your outdoor air quality up even when the stove is getting heavy use, and it is easy to see their appeal. When you add the fact that some even come with a range top for cooking, it’s easy to see why a tiny wood stove would be great  for  your  San Diego tiny house.  You may buy a wood burning fireplace  in  La  Mesa  here  at  this  website www.farrellsfiresideshop.com/wood-fireplaces