why to invest in gold etf?

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Post on 24-May-2015



Economy & Finance

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Gold ETF are transparent vehicle and provide an effective and efficient platform for small investors to diversify in to GOLD. Gold is considered as a Global Asset Class and there are various reasons why GOLD ETF is a must in retails investors portfolio, and how they are better than traditional forms of investing in Gold. The expenses incurred in buying and selling Gold ETF are much lower then the cost incurred in buying, selling, storing and insuring physical gold.


  • 1. Invest in the best form of gold there is. Invest in Paper Jewellery today through your broker on BSE LTD.

2. Gold ETF is a financial product that is available for trading on stock exchanges and represents ownership of underlying gold assets. BSE would like to present a whole new way of looking at gold through Gold ETFs - investing in Gold ETFs is as good as investing in GOLD as a product and thus we call it investing in Paper Jewellery. Gold ETFs allow investors to tap the huge potential growth in gold price without attendant costs, risks of theft etc. No jewellery making charges payable ; No locker required, no fear of fire, theft, etc. tax efficient (No STT or WealthTax); extremely easy to buy and sell; When required can convert to physical gold ! (U can now convert even 10 units to 10 gms physical gold) 3. Source: http://www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_98/madhok101598.html From the chart given below one may accurately conclude that the Gold demand in India cannot go down unless the psyche of the Indians undergoes a sea changea very unlikely event in the next few decades. 4. ETFs small compared to other asset classes Gold most predominant ETF type 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Asset class Other ETFs Balanced Liquid/Mone y Market Equity Oriented Debt Oriented AUM (Rs, 2011) Source: AMFI 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Asset class Non-Gold ETF Gold ETF AUM (Rs, 2011) Includes all investor classifications (both retail and institutional) (95% corporates) 5. 41% 1%11% 8%1% 24% 0% 2% 7% 1% 1% 2% 1% Benchmark Motilal Kotak UTI Religare Reliance Quantum SBI HDFC Birla ICICI AXIS IDBI Source: Bloomberg 6. S.No ETF Scrip Name BSE Scrip Code BSE Scrip Id 1 AXISGOLD 533570 AXISGOLD 2 BIRLA SUN LIFE GOLD 533408 BSLGOLDETF 3 GOLDBEES 590095 GOLDBEES 4 HDFCGOLD ETF 533230 HDFCMFGETF 5 ICICIBANK 533244 ICICIGETF 6 IDBIGOLD 533719 IDBIGOLD 7 KOTAKGOLDETF 590097 KOTAKGOLD 8 QUANTUMGOLD 590099 QGOLDHALF 9 RELIANCEGOLD 533891 RELGOLD 10 RELIGAREGO 533172 RELIGAREGOLD 11 SBIGOLD ETS 590098 SBIGETS 12 UTIGOLD ETF 590101 GOLDSHARE 13 MOTILALOSWAL - GOLD ETF 534185 MGOLD 14 CANARA ROBECO MF - GOLD ETF 590125 CRMFGETF 7. Invest in GOLD ETFs available at BSE - invest karo, relax karo ! For queries, please call at BSE Helpdesk : 022 6136 3151 or Email us at : [email protected] Visit Us at http://www.bseindia.com/etf Disclaimer: Recipients should not construe any of the contents within this document as advice relating to business, financial, legal, taxation, or investment matters and are advised to consult their own business, financial, legal, taxation and other advisors . This document does not constitute an offer for sale, or an invitation to subscribe for, or purchase any assets or securities at BSE and the information contained herein shall not form the basis of any contract. This document is also not meant to be or to constitute any offer for any transaction. This document has been prepared and issued in the interests of investors.