why worry about brand identity?


Upload: christopher-dill

Post on 16-Mar-2018




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Page 1: Why worry about brand identity?


Page 2: Why worry about brand identity?

thedilldesign.com https://thedilldesign.com/why-worry-about-brand-identity/

Why Worry About Brand Identity?

The Importance and Advantages of Brand Identity and DesignBrand Identity and design are an integral part ofevery company, and includes much more than just alogo. Regardless of the size of your business, havinga strong brand identity and a solid design canvirtually make or break your company’s bottom line. Abrand identity is much more than an image followedby a logo. A brand identity conveys to the consumerwho you are as a business, what your values andethics are, and what your worth is to the consumer ona personal level. In this technologically driven societywe now live in, having the right web design, andestablishing your brand identity, early on, can providelimitless growth possibilities for your business. Goingdigital could essentially sustain and expand yourbusiness.

By finding the brand identity and web design that expertly blends the personality of your company with a superblevel of professionalism, you will be able to achieve a level of credibility among competitors while gaining adifferentiation to stand out in this highly aggressive, over saturated marketplace. Regardless of the size of yourcompany, brand identity communicates your value to the consumer. Having a sound image can make a hugeimpact on the sales and profitability of your business. The importance of finding the right brand identity anddesign to reach your target audience cannot be understated.

What Brand Identity and Design Can Do For You:

1. Breathe life into your business – make aconnection to the hearts of your consumersand evoke a sense of personal associations,thoughts, and emotional experiences whichmay compel the potential customer to chooseyour brand over others with a less appealingidentity and design.

2. Solidifies a positive consumer perception ofyour brand – Brand identity and designtouches human emotions on a subliminallevel. This is where you can convey theintangible benefits of your business, like itsvalues, character, and personality.

3. Re-enforce your authenticity and productquality by showing you are ready to be a major contender with your competitors.

4. Increased profit margins. Customers are often willing to pay a premium price for a brand they know andtrust.

5. Give your business maximum visibility and recognition. Customers remember things they see more easilythan things they hear and read.

Page 3: Why worry about brand identity?

6. Give your business room to grow. With a strong brand identity and appealing design, your website givesloyal customers the premium opportunity to try something new from a brand they know and trust, and givespotential first-time customers a front row seat to new products/services you may add in the future.

A website is often the first point of contact between a business and potential customers, and as we all know, firstimpressions are absolutely everything. A customer’s initial visual perception can influence your bottom line. Fromlogos to color schemes and everything in between, the right branding can drive consumer focus to deliverfinancial value necessary to keep your company ahead of the competition. Brand identity and design arefundamental for business success in this highly competitive marketplace. By creating a strong, recognizable,credible brand identity, you are setting you and your business up for unlimited success.

About the author

Christopher is a web developer, designer, and SEO specialist. He runs a SEO specific company athttps://www.virginiaseo.org and really enjoys design and marketing.