why you need a pre-purchase property inspection


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection
Page 2: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

Buying a home is the biggest investment you can make in your life. It is a huge act that you will be paying on for 30 years with your mortgage. If you make the wrong decision, you could end up with a huge financial disaster on your hands.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/

Page 3: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

A pre-purchase inspection will help you find problems before you sign a contract to buy the house of your dreams. This simple act can save you from 30 years of misery and potential financial ruin.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/

Page 4: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

A pre purchase inspection is completed before you finalize buying a home. In your sales contract there will be a clause that lets you cancel the sale if the inspection reveals problems that are not okay with the buyer. Once the inspection is scheduled, the inspector will go over every inch of the house.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/

Page 5: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

If the home you want to buy has problems, the inspection will reveal them. You can use this additional information to either lower your purchase price or cancel the sale altogether. The inspector will do things like check to make sure all the outlets and electrical systems are working in your home.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/

Page 6: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

The inspector will check the plumbing, check to make sure the drains all drain normally, and even check the water pressure. The foundation will be inspected, the roof, and the walls. The inspector will look for rodent and bug infestations. He will let you know how much life you have left in the water heater and the roof.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/

Page 7: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

The inspection is long and thorough and usually takes up to 4 hours. Every issue will be written down in a report which you can go over at your leisure. You can use this report to your advantage. Use it for leverage to drive the price of your home down.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/

Page 8: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

Having an inspection like this is invaluable. It is important to know what you are getting into before you buy a home. There are plenty of horror stories where people have bought homes only to discover months down the line that the home has foundation issues that will cost tens of thousands of dollars to fix.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/

Page 9: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

You just never know what is going to be wrong with a house. Knowledge is power and your pre-purchase inspection is your best friend. Don't even think about buying a home without one. You can find an inspector through your real estate agent or you can go online to find one.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/

Page 10: Why You Need A Pre-Purchase Property Inspection

The cost of a pre-purchase inspection is well worth it because it will give you peace of mind. You will know what you are really getting when you buy your house. Whatever happens, you will know what you are buying.

More info on:http://www.tpcpropertyservices.com.au/building-inspections-gold-coast/