why you need to develop your audio platform now(it's more than podcasting)

#cmworld Why You Need to Develop Your Audio Platform Now (It’s More Than Podcasting) Pamela Muldoon Social Media & Content Strategist @pamelamuldoon

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Why You Need To Develop Your Audio Platform Now(It's More Than Podcasting)


Why You Need to Develop Your Audio Platform Now

(It’s More Than Podcasting)

Pamela MuldoonSocial Media & Content Strategist


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Director of Social Media/Content Strategy

Consultant/Podcaster/Voice Over

A Little About Me…


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Page 4: Why You Need To Develop Your Audio Platform Now(It's More Than Podcasting)


• Talk It Out & Record Everything!• Blog Post• Presentation• Brainstorm• SME Interviews

• Not Everyone Is A Writer• Transcription = What you really said

• Moments of Inspiration

Verbal Processing


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• Between You & Your Audience of One• Thousands of subscribers listening one at a time

• Theatre of the Mind• Visual use of language

• Never Insult Your Audience• Balance of Evergreen & Real-Time PR

Audio Is Intimate


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• Audio has a unique listener commitment expectation• Stop/Start/Replay

• Audio Can Go Anywhere• Car• Desktop• Mobile Device

The Listener Is A Multi-Tasker

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• Create it once; Use it again and again and again….

• Transcription• Blogs• Articles• Testimonials• Quotes

• Editing• How many ways can one audio piece be edited for use?



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• Microphones/Podcast Kits• USB Mics under $100• Kits $100+ to under $2000

Easy Entry Into Audio

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• Software• Ranges From Free to Under $100 to Monthly

Easy Entry Into Audio


Adobe Creative Cloud Monthly Subscription

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• Social Sharing• MP3’s • Audio platforms

Easy Entry Into Audio


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Is 2013 The Year of The Podcaster?

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Let’s Go Back To Leverage


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5 Ways To Leverage Audio


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SME Blog Posts@pamelamuldoon

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Objective: Increase content from adjunct faculty & staff.

• Work with staff & faculty on content needs based on editorial calendar

• Use Formstack to gather information• Record SME• Transcribe Recording• Prep Blog Post

*Edison Research 2011

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Staff Training@pamelamuldoon

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Objective: Update Community Managers On Changes/Information

• Record as needed• Upload MP3 into newsletter & SharePoint• Mix up VAK* needs for audience*Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic

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Adding Audio To Newsletters

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Objective: Create Financial Aid “How To” Webinar

• Record SME• Transcribe Recording• Use Camtasia to Create Financial Aid Webinar for

New Students

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#4Podcast = Increase


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Objective: Increase Web Traffic & Engage Alumni Referrals

• “Where Are They Now” Podcast (Audio version & Video Version)

• Transcribe Audio Version• Write Alumni Interview Article for “Connections”• Drive Traffic to WATN web page (print & digital


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#5Quotes. Tweets. Status Updates.


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Objective: Promote Content & Provide Content In Smaller Chunks

• Transcribe Audio (podcast)• Use Transcription to Create Multiple Tweets/Posts• Drive Traffic To Content (podcast)• Use Transcription To Pull Out Great Quotes• Curate Your Own Content Into Blog Posts

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Are You Ready To Add Audio To Your Content Plan?


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Pamela MuldoonNext Stage Media Group

[email protected]



@pamelamuldoon @NextStageMedia @CM360Radio



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