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WOBBLE IN PISCES 21 degrees affecting our Weather Glob




IPSE IN LIBRA 3 degree 17 M

ARCH 23, 2016




8, MARCH 19, AND MARCH 20,



Leap Year happens every 4 years. interesting Leap Year was also in February 1968 plus January 29, 1968 was also Chinese New Year of Earth Monkey. Interesting also starting on March 8th, ending on the 9th, will start the year off with a Total Eclipse of the Sun on March 8-9, 2016, caused by a Super Moon at the New Phase. The path of totality for this Eclipse will pass mainly over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Only those along that long, narrow path can see the Total Solar Eclipse. The path of totality starts at sunrise in the Indian Ocean to the west of Indonesia, and then goes eastward across the Indian and Pacific Oceans until it ends to the west of North America at sunset. A much larger swath of the world gets to see varying degrees of a Partial Solar Eclipse. Hawaii and Alaska will see the Partial Eclipse at late afternoon on March 8th, while southern and eastern Asia, Korea, Japan; North and Western Australia, will see it on the morning of March 9th. You will think about a variety of needs and issues in March, as several planets are moving through

Pisces. The Sun is in Pisces - (3/2/2016) Mercury in Pisces - (3/5/2014) Venus in Pisces- (3/12/2016) and conjunct Neptune in Pisces-- four planets all in same sign of Pisces. Pisces is a Mutable sign; governs compassion and clarity to others, of course, but people with more than a planet or two in this sign can also be very gullible and easily led. Escapism and the love of fantasy can be a big part of the Pisces personality, as these people often find it difficult to separate fact from fiction, and don’t relish being told the Truth. Pisces is associated with imagination, spirituality, and compassion.

Mars, since January 3rd, has added excitement to your life, as this planet spends the month in Scorpio, where the planet is especially powerful. Check your chart to see which area of your life is ruled by Scorpio. This is where feelings, situations, relationships and work relationships can become intense. Now this month Mars will go into Sagittarius and then go retrograde next month April 17th, still squaring Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn still in the alignment with trouble making Mars. Not a good day for traveling by Air, Land, or Water. As I tell you this my husband and I will be flying back from his Solar Return Birthday trip!

Today, March 2, 2016 the Sun is in Pisces, Mercury in Aquarius, Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Virgo Retrograde, Uranus in Aries, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. Mars will still be in Scorpio until March 6th moving

into Sagittarius 0 degrees, until April 17th, turning retrograde, Mars in Sagittarius 73 days. Then in May will be back into Scorpio until August 2nd under a New Moon in Leo. With the Saturn squaring Neptune in Pisces, this creates fear and anxiety due to all those killings in the United States; health issues, earthquakes, tsunamis, and we will see a bigger shift this month and next it will not be just on our land it will be globally. People will be leaving this earth plane during this eclipse. My oldest daughter lives in Maui, Hawaii which is the Pacific coast area. I’m worried there will be a big earthquake that creates a Tsunami there!…re-read the Eclipse portion above or just goggle - March 8, 2016 Total Solar Eclipse.

This Square is on the United States chart, also other countries, but it’s in all of our charts where the T- squaring is happening. In our life houses, the angles are squaring where you have Pisces, Virgo, and Sagittarius on your charts. If you don’t know your charts well enough then this is why you need get into my small class on astrology coming up soon. Call or email me.

The Cycle of Neptune is a predominate player in the affairs of the World at this time. One main reason is that it is in conflict with Saturn in Sagittarius this year and the Lunar Nodes in Virgo and Pisces which continue their impact into May of 2017. Neptune, of all the Cycles, is one of the most difficult as it is nebulous where what one is

experiencing is unclear and vague. It is the Cycle where, if it is on a difficult angle in a person’s Mars, Mercury and or Sun, they could have a nervous breakdown and or get involved with escapist patterns such as alcohol or drugs. In extreme cases a persecution pattern may develop. If you are aware of your Cycles these things do play out if you take necessary precautions and get professional help. It is also the pattern of the person who wants to die in the name of their misinterpreted religion. Neptune Cycle can be great on another side; writing, creative art, expanded intuition, heighted sensitivity, and greater compassion and understanding. Accompanied by the desire to serve and help others, not harm them. I recommend a great read “Meeting the Shadow” edited by Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abrams.

Wonderful life, gift giving, good fortune, happiness--Jupiter entered Virgo earth sign August 15, 2015. Jupiter in Virgo likes a solid routine. It helps with productivity and harmony. They have high standards set for themselves. Disciplined and discriminating, Jupiter in Virgo can help others to refine their lives and live better. They have a sense of grace. They are known for lending a hand when it is needed. They are good at analyzing problems and puzzles. Ruled by Mercury, we all will begin to look at truth, perfection, building a new outlook on how we want our lives to be structured. Jupiter

went retrograde January 7th, but now in March it will bring in the alignment also with the eclipse, the nodes, and T-square to Mars and Neptune.

Jupiter Retrograde periods last about four months, so this gives you enough time to reconsider decisions you have made, to find new options, to refine your goals or priorities, or to do similar activities. You can benefit from a retrograde if you use the time wisely. Jupiter in Virgo will go direct on May 9th. At that time squaring two major planets, Mars in Sagittarius, Saturn in Sagittarius and opposing Neptune…for these times this is why you need an update with me personally or plan on taking astrology classes or attending a presentation.

So Uranus Retrograde- Pluto went direct last month, which they will actually be 2 degrees apart but still in effect all this month. This aspect, associated with Mars, can bring tension, a crisis, an awakening break through, or dilemma in an area of your life as well as to the USA. If a problem arises, don’t over react. Therefore Prayer, Meditation, and Learning will be needed all of 2016. Another good reason to have an update with me is so you understand the energy of how it will play out in your life chart. Will it be your success, your health, marriage, divorce, or a loss of family members? Read the Calendar on the Website and click on the days and you get more information on most days.

I cannot see or remember all of your charts--- no one in the world has the exact same chart! Isn’t it time to get your 2016 update? So do you know where your Earth signs are to get benefits and knowledge? What are your angles of Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo for the now Wobble action will be in Pisces 21-22 degrees until April 12th. Where are these Eclipses happening this year and into next year for you?

You will see how the Eclipses, Mercury Retrogrades, Wobbles and the T-squares can play out as good times as well as bad.

Protect yourself by doing your Solar Return Birthday trips.

Contact me or call me for an update, Solar Return presentation, or a class:

If you are interested, there is a Presentation by me that is planned for March 18, 2016 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Craycroft/Broadway. March 19 th , 2016 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (location to be announced) and March 20 th River/Oracle (time to be announced) There will be Limited space at all locations. The cost for the Presentation is $50.00 and must be pre-paid 5 days prior to the Presentation days--- please email me or call. [email protected](520) 320-7718 - (520) 975-5512

ARIES: What’s happening for MARCH? (March 20-April 19) The Eclipses are back, and although you may be saying to

yourself, "Oh no! No more Eclipses in my sign or the sign that lies 180-degrees from mine, in Libra! I have had enough!" Indeed you have, dear Aries. Eclipses come in families of signs, so you were feeling the Aries-Libra family since late 2013. Libra is important to you because it is found 180-degrees from your birth date.

The first Eclipse in that family of signs dates back to October 18, 2013, and affected Aries born near April 19. In 2014 one Monstrous Full Moon Eclipse came by on April 15 in Libra (affecting you if that was near your birthday), followed by the October 8 Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Aries (affecting those born near April 8). Then, in 2014, you had another two Eclipses, a Lunar Full Moon Eclipse April 4 and the first New Moon Solar Eclipse of the series that came by on September 27, 2015. If you were born in late March, the eclipse just listed affected you. Now the very last eclipse in this series is due March 23, a Lunar Eclipse in Libra 3 degrees. If you look at the list, you will see almost all are Full Moon Eclipses. Any Eclipse that falls on or very close to your birthday (within four days) would speak directly to you.

While you would not feel every one of the Aries-Libra Eclipses that I listed, you would have felt some of them, and that is why I listed all of them for you - does one date jump out at you? Full Moons tend to bring an ending to situations and relationships, so dear Aries you've been through a period - starting in October 2013 - where life may have brought a series of chapters that ended. You likely had a lot of adjustments to make and you did - you are finished with almost all tests. As tough as this past period might have been, you cleaned your slate and can gradually redirect and reinvent your life to your liking now. Trust that you will create a much more fulfilling life, as soon as you are done cleaning out the cobwebs. After the March 23 eclipse occurs this month, you will be done, and you won't have any more Eclipses in the Aries and Libra series again until 2023.

Venus rules Libra, and this is an Eclipse in Libra, so Venus' role in this eclipse will be important. Venus is found in the house of secrets and is conjoined with Neptune, the planet that conceals

information at times. (Often I like Venus with Neptune - it can be very glamorous - and it might be for you this time. I am concerned that both Venus and Neptune will be in hard angle to Mars, suggesting information will surface that someone has tried to conceal from you, that you never saw or previously misunderstood. Or, it may be that a secret of yours may come out. When news comes out, it can be a shock, but keep reminding yourself that it's better to have vital information than not. Remember - your guardian planet, Mars, is friendly! This bodes well for you in the overall scheme of things!

Let's now go to the top of the month and see what else is going on this month.

First, on March 5, Mars will enter Sagittarius and be set to stay not the usual six or seven weeks, but nearly seven months, until September 27, 2016. This suggests that the areas referred to in the ninth house including long-distance travel, will become a dominant theme. Mars in a fire sign like yours will be a big plus to you because your energy will blend well with Mars energy. The catch in this situation is that Mars will go retrograde from April 17 to June 29, and that will completely slow your progress. Mars is the energy planet that helps us excel in competitive situations, but with Mars out of phase, you will have to supply the heavy lifting. We are all in the same boat, so don't feel alone in this. Because Mars is your ruler, you may change your mind now and then about a course of action you are planning to take. You will have the time to do so when your schedule changes.

In addition to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse March 23, we will have a Solar New Moon Eclipse March 8 in Pisces. A New Moon Eclipse is less emotional than a Full Moon Eclipse. In fact, most New Moon Solar Eclipses bring wonderful news and open a new path to an entirely new opportunity. If you could see your chart, you have a gathering of many twinkling stars in your twelfth house of intuition, so your hunches will prove remarkably accurate. This same house is the house of solitude, so you would likely see your best productivity when working alone, behind closed doors.

With this Eclipse, you may have interaction with a doctor or dentist, or find you are in a hospital or visiting a friend or relative in the hospital. (Don't be concerned, as it might be for good reason, such as if you visit your friend who needs to fix a problem with his knee or if your friend has delivered a sweet little baby.) The twelfth house is the house that the ancient astrologers called the house of confinement, and that house is lit up for you with many planets. Places of confinement would include hospitals, rehab centers, physical therapy facilities, nursing homes, and even prisons. (That latter category does not seem to be in the realm for you, dear Aries.) You may also decide to see a therapist to work out something that has troubled you, and that, too, would be a wonderful idea.

This Full Moon will receive support from Pluto, which indicates a boost to your career is due near March 23, but there will be an obstacle that you will need to work out, due to the position of Saturn. Saturn's position suggests you will need to be realistic and practical to deal with the situation. Be ready to assume more responsibility if offered to you or asked of you. This is a complicated New Moon, for Pluto in Capricorn in your reputation and career prestige house will be in hard angle to Uranus in Aries, so you will have to expect something unexpected to arise concerning your career. This is par for the course, for Eclipses teach us the value of being resourceful and flexible, and show us how necessary it is to adjust to changing circumstances.

Solar Eclipses bring new opportunities, so no matter what news you get, there will be gold embedded in that eclipse - your job will be to find it. Pluto's friendly stance suggests you can use all that happens to catapult yourself to a higher level or to show VIPs there is more to you than meets the eye. You are in a transformative phase, and soon the caterpillar that they see is about to turn into a magnificent butterfly. Dates to Note: ARIES

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Aries: 4, 9, 17, 18, 26.

Eclipse bulletin: Your energetic approach to life can lead to problems. You need to think about possible consequences and

cultivate a prudent attitude toward risky ventures. Your loved ones will be glad!

TAURUS: What’s happening for MARCH? (April 20- May 20)

Last month required you to focus strongly on your career, but March will allow you to socialize to your heart's content. Take a deep breath, dear Taurus, for with Uranus, the planetary ruler of your house of prestigious career progress, and Saturn, the planet that nudges you to think long term, in sync this month, so you won't lose any ground by taking your eyes off the road. You can still find time to have career interviews and make presentations between your extraordinary amounts of socializing you seem almost guaranteed to do this month.

You have a powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse, March 8, and the New Moon indicates that enormous change and opportunity is about to come your way to zest your personal life. Life will change for the better by making new friendships and bonding closer to your long-term friends. Glamorous Neptune and news-oriented Mercury, the latter planet also the ruler of your house of true love, will be squeezed with the Sun and New Moon Eclipse in your eleventh house ruling friendships, groups, and your humanitarian efforts. Thanks to the Eclipses that will continue to visit this house until February 26, 2017, the spotlight will now shift away from your career to this enjoyable, social area of your life. Indeed, your area of greatest personal growth during the coming two years will be through widening your contacts and strengthening interrelationships. Many new faces will begin to pour into your life, and when they do, decide which individuals you'll like to cultivate to know better.

The month's second eclipse will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, March 23. At this point a project dearly important to you that you worked on behind closed doors may now finish. A secret may surface, but it might be yours, so be careful to keep a lid on things.

Romantically, you could not choose a better time to be on a romantic vacation than in the days surrounding March 16, the date that Jupiter and Pluto will be in rare conversation. It does not matter if you are single and looking for love, or married a long time - travel will excite your love life at this time and also make it grow. Jupiter and Pluto are both financial planets, so you may be in a "let's splurge" mood. Look at hotel one-week packages that might be perfect for you. It appears you'll be heading overseas, so get your passport in place early in the month.

If you can't take time off, March 20 will be a divine time to carve out time to be with your one-and-only perhaps for a long drive into the country. Venus, your ruler, will cuddle up to Neptune, both in Pisces, a magically romantic aspect, and the icing on the cake will be the transiting Moon in Virgo - echoing the sign on the cusp of your fifth house of true love. It's hard to imagine a day more enchanting day than this.

A long theme in 2016 will arise centering on money management, due to the long tour of Mars to Sagittarius, to enter your house of money March 6 and remain there until September 27. Mars will be retrograde for a large part of that time, starting in April, and even when Mars moves direct, he will be moving slowly. This is so that you can have all the time you need to review your financial picture with your advisor, and to make needed corrections when necessary.

Now let's look at other days of the month that may prove to be important to you. On March 2, Venus and Uranus will be beautifully angled, suggesting it will be a gold-star day for your career. You may score a victory or get enviable publicity.

My favorite day of the month for you will be March 16, when Pluto and Jupiter, in rare aspect, trade signals, and link your fifth house of love and your ninth house of travel. What a wonderful week to take an awe-inspiring trip with the person you love. This would be an ideal time to go to any location that requires a passport for entry. The fifth house is also the repository of your creativity, so you may launch an idea on this day that will bring you a handsome profit.

Venus will be in Pisces from March 12 to April 5, your very best time to circulate to find love. Spend a bit of money on yourself, go shopping for new things, and generally find ways to improve your looks.

Romantically, when your ruler, Venus combines forces with Neptune, March 20, you will have a dream of an evening to celebrate the love you have for someone to whom you are seriously attached, or to enjoy a date with someone fairly new to you. If you are single, your best way to meet new people this month will be through the introduction of a friend, or by mixing and mingling at a club you belong to now. Dates to Note: TAURUS

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Taurus: 2, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 27.

Eclipse bulletin: Be open to trying out new ideas and methods. You can keep those that work well for you. It’s fine to have your set standards, but different situations may require a fresh look.

GEMINI: What’s happening for MARCH? (May 20- June 20) You have the most exciting career month in years! A

prestigious promotion or a new client, along with much loving publicity, will make this month a standout. Be ready to have all eyes on you just after the powerful solar eclipse of March 8 arrives to put you in the spotlight. Dear Gemini, it's your time to reach for the stars! In the days that follow the solar eclipse March 8, you will find opportunity, applause, and reward for years of work well done. Events will move very fast - so fast in fact that you will feel like you're on a fast-twirling carousel, and it will take all your energy to keep up. You may assume you know what will happen, but you don't - Eclipses bring surprises. A partner, agent, manager, or broker may bring the opportunity to you.

At times a business partner may disagree with your approach, or a romantic partner may feel neglected. Proof of this may arise on March 5 when Saturn will be in hard angle to the

Sun, a day when you may feel overwhelmed, overly criticized, or completely deflated. If you do need to add encouraging words to either partner, or work out a matter where you both can start to see eye-to-eye, choose to talk over Saturday, March 26. That is when Mars in Sagittarius and the Sun in Aries, fire signs, will be in ideal agreement and will be ideally suited to your air-sign element.

At the start of the month, Venus (popularity) will be at the tiptop of your chart at the mid-heaven. Venus will enter your professional sector on March 12, to stay until April 19. You will find that most people will applaud your burgeoning success; the people around you at the office (or your industry) will encourage you. Venus in this part of the chart points to what the ancient astrologers referred to as that of the Benevolent Ruler, where higher-ups and underlings alike treat you with respect and admiration. This month, dear Gemini, you can do no wrong.

Your love life or, alternatively, the welfare of a child will be your complete focus at the March 23 Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra. Mars in Sagittarius will be beautifully oriented to this last eclipse in a long series of Eclipses falling in Libra-Aries. The first in this series began on October 18, 2013, and your relationship(s) have been a focus ever since. If you aren't dating and don't have a child, and aren't interested in starting a pregnancy, then this Eclipse will bring a creative project to the final stage of launch, and your creativity will be golden at this time.

If you are attached, Mars in Sagittarius now and in coming months will focus you strongly on your partner, and you can spend more quality time together. If you need to work out a sticky relationship matter, you will have until September to do so.

Financially, you have a sunny, bright day coming when powerhouse Pluto reaches out to the mighty Sun in your career sector. If you have to negotiate a fee, commission, advance, royalty, or petition venture capital, choose March 6 or the day leading to it, March 4 or 5.

Home and other property continues to be your lucky place in life. If you need to discuss a mortgage with your banker, schedule your appointment for March 16 when Jupiter and Pluto will be in

divine sync, for you may be amazed at the attractive mortgage you will be offered. If you need to move, and rent, buy, or sell property, you are now in your best year in the decade to find a deal you'll find exciting. Keep looking, as you may settle on a spacious apartment or house on March 16. If not, you have until early September to make your choice. This year, you can make your home your castle. Support from family will be very strong for all your home-related goals, so your parent(s) may offer you a financial gift or loan to help you get started.

With Saturn opposed to your Sun, the old formulas that always worked won't work now - Saturn calls for innovative answers. I can't see your unique horoscope chart, but I can see that Saturn will be on a mission to teach you one or two life lessons this year and next (2017) regarding the nature of partnerships and competition. Every sign has Saturn moving though a part of their chart (somewhere), and for Gemini, this year and next, it will be focused on the seventh house of those who work with you or against you in a one-on-one relationship, in love or business.

With Mars in the seventh house, Mars can bring strife at times with your partner. If only because you will be together more than usual, perhaps working intensely on a project or goal together. Mars will retrograde on April 17 to June 29, not a time to launch new initiatives or enter into highly competitive situations. In retrograde, Mars will be weak, so you will have to supply all the energy that action-Mars is known to impart when moving in strong, forward orbit. Even after Mars turns direct at the end of June, he will be groggy until August 22. While Mars will finally resume full strength on August 22, one week later, August 30, your ruling planet, Mercury will go retrograde, until September 22. Let's just say that life won't move ahead in a speedy way until September 22, so this is another reason you should try to launch as many things as possible now in March.

Saturn in the seventh house can bring on a feeling that your partner is too conservative about trying new ideas, or simply too stubborn to move an inch. As a Gemini, you never run out of ideas, so the smart money will always be on you. When things get

tough - and I am not saying they will, but if they do - you can always rely on your intelligence and on your ability to communicate superbly to win in the end. With Saturn in the seventh house, there is another way to read this situation. It may be that your partner is or will be moving through a tough patch and will need you to help him or her get past this situation. You may have to supply compassionate support, or even money, say, if it turns out to be your mate or other close partner you feel deserves it. Dates to Note: GEMINI Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Gemini: 1, 2, 7, 16, 24, 29.

Eclipse bulletin: Thoughts have life. Maintain a positive attitude. Positive thoughts attract positive people and events.

CANCER: What’s happening for MARCH? (June 21 - July 22)

This will be a big month, for many changes are afoot. The Eclipses are back, but compared to ones you've had in the past, you can handle them easily. Eclipses typically come four times a year, in pairs, so this month will bring two, a solar eclipse in Pisces, March 8, and a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, March 23. The next two Eclipses will come in September. Needless to say, this will be a busy month. Eclipses typically illuminate certain hidden truths, change our priorities, and move up timetables dramatically, especially if they mathematically touch parts of your natal horoscope. Chances are, no matter what you are doing now, your attention will likely be powerfully drawn the subjects that the Eclipses ask you to look at and act on.

Let's get started by looking at the first eclipse, March 8, which will fall in your highly compatible sign of Pisces, at 19 degrees. This will light your ninth house of long-distance travel, so you may be getting ready to take a very long trip that will require you have an up-to-date passport. The Moon rules Cancer, so a solar eclipse is ruled by the Sun, and it can only help, not hurt

you. A New Moon Solar Eclipse will almost always open doors and help you take full advantage of new opportunities.

This Total Eclipse is a friendly one, with support from Pluto in your seventh house, so one partner / collaborator appears to be a big help to you now. Saturn will not be supportive, so you may find that work brings you a heavy load. Attending to travel plans or other areas of life (which I will list) might be hard to do. Neptune will conjoin the Sun, so this eclipse will be very inspirational to some. To those who are not dealing with a realistic view of things, Saturn's hard angle to the Sun and Eclipse will actually be a blessing, for Saturn will keep everyone, of every sign, objective.

Travel will be exceptional, so if you can take a vacation early in the month, do. At the very least, look into special packages. In addition to long distance travel, you may also have an opportunity to excel in the media, either with an assignment to work on a project that will soon be published, broadcast, or posted on the Internet. You may see an opening in a court case, or begin to find a way to solve an immigration / green card / visa matter. If you plan to go back to college in September, you may be finishing up your application in March, or you may be taking final tests to get the credentials you may need. If you have been writing a thesis, this would be the month to present it. Spiritual, religious, and philosophical subjects may also be on your mind, and if so, you may decide they deserve study.

If your birthday falls on July 10, you will feel this eclipse and benefit from it in a big way. If you have Cancer rising at 18-19 degrees in your natal chart, or a natal planet in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces at near 18-19 degrees (plus or minus five degrees), you will also be at the right place at the right time to enjoy the effects of the Eclipse. To a slightly lesser degree, but still substantial, if you have a natal planet in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, you too will benefit from the March 9 eclipse.

The second eclipse of the month will mark the last one in the Aries-Libra series, which started October 18, 2013, and continued April 15, 2014; October 8, 2014; and last year occurred April 4, 2015 and September 27, 2015. One of these Eclipses likely stand

out in your mind. Have a look at your email, if you save it, to see which dates stand out for you. Your work and your property / home / family were very much on your mind. Astrologers use bell curves, so sometimes you will feel news from an eclipse one month to the day earlier or one month to the day later, plus or minus four days. I would say 70 percent of Eclipses are felt directly on the day, or within four days.

Your home will be the center of attention at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This is the one you will feel the most this month, particularly if your birthday falls within five days of June 25. Something is changing in your private home life, or it may be that change is coming in regard to one of your parents. You may be ready to move, finish a fix up to your home, or you may complete a paint/repair project. Your parent may be selling your childhood home and you may feel sad to see it go. It is also possible that an outside event might be affecting your home life, such as if your landlord sells the building, as only one of many possibilities. If you are in charge of an estate, you may be moving certain possessions out.

Something is certainly ending, but an ending always allows for the possibility of beginning something new in six months. You may be relocating, thanks to a job offer, or if you are offered a higher salary, you may be able to upgrade your living standard. Mars is so well angled to this eclipse, and Mars rules your tenth hour of career success - that's a sure sign your career will go well. Because the eclipse falls in your home sector, that's where the change will be.

March will leave like a lion, in the best sense. On March 31, Mercury and Uranus will both conjoin in Aries, the sign of the pioneer, in your house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. What a wonderful day to generate innovative ideas! You will positively sparkle with dazzling ideas that will come to you if you set aside time to think. It seems you may do better alone than with others - the fact that these two planets are in Aries tells us something. Aries likes to lead, not collaborate. Work alone.

In terms of love, Saturn, the planet that rules your commitment and marriage house, will go retrograde on March 25

to August 13, so you may want to put aside a decision about whether to marry to person you are dating. All depends on how well you know your partner. If you know each other well, then there will be no reason to put off the decision, but if you find yourself waffling, wait.

If you were thinking about breaking up, wait to see what the Eclipses this month reveal before making a decision. With Saturn, the ruler of your seventh house of commitment, about to go into weak retrograde state on March 25, you may change your mind about what you plan to do more than once between now and August 13. Don't put pressure on yourself - the right answer will appear to you gradually. You may find the answer to be obvious by the Full Moon July 19.

This month, Venus will tour Pisces, a lovely place for you, from March 12 to April 5. This planet of love will tour your ninth house of travel, so this suggests going on a trip together for a fun vacation would fan the fires of love. Venus in Pisces would also help you improve your looks, so go shopping for the coming season during this period. New things will be pouring into the shops, giving you a wide selection. Shop and you will find madly flattering clothes to help Cupid help you! Dates to Note: CANCER

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Cancer: 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 27.

Eclipse bulletin: Your nurturing nature attracts all kinds of people, some of whom can drain you emotionally. You need to set firm boundaries to protect yourself and prevent people from taking advantage of you.

LEO: What’s happening for MARCH ? (July 23- August 22)As you begin March, a New Moon Solar Eclipse is due on

March 8, opening a path for you to earn, deal with, or generate a large sum of money. The Solar Eclipse will fall in your eighth house of other people's money. New Moons bring news and offers, opportunities and enlightenment. When New Moons coincide with

an eclipse, it becomes three times as powerful and often reveals previously hidden information. You are ruled by the Sun, so you are always more affected by Solar Eclipses like this one than you would a lunar eclipse, which will occur later this month.

It appears that you will be discussing a substantial lump sum. It may be a scholarship or student loan you need or want to pay off. Or, it may center on a negotiation with the government about a tax matter, or an inheritance, insurance payout, a retirement fund, the fair division of property in a divorce, or a big deal you are hoping to finalize. This is the beginning of talks, and because Saturn is in hard angle, it will take time to sort out - months possibly. Saturn is in your fifth house, so if the deal centers on your creative effort, you will have to refine certain parts of your project. Don't be overly concerned - overall, you are on an upswing.

Neptune will conjoin the New Moon and Sun, and for other signs, this may be a positive alignment, but when money is involved, it is not necessarily a good sign that Neptune is near. Neptune rules the fog and can obscure information. For this reason, any deal you are offered or are negotiating / handling in an ongoing fashion must be handled carefully. Consider consulting a lawyer or financial advisor who has fiduciary responsibilities (that is, one who is bound by law to act in a way to protect and advance the security and growth of your funds, and not work in self-interest.) Keep digging and ask many questions.

I will raise a caveat in that Neptune also rules the arts. This means you may be working on an artistic venture in early March and seeking funding. In that case, Neptune's presence may describe the condition - you are speaking about art, music, film, dance, photography, or other phase of the art, and that means you won't likely need to be quite as concerned about Neptune's presence. Neptune furthers art, so don't be overly concerned. Just in case, be alert, and don't let anyone make financial decisions for you without you being in the room.

One last parting word: You have Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your second house of earned income, and so Jupiter is partnering with the eclipse in your other financial eighth house,

found precisely across the sky at 180 degrees. Jupiter will protect your interests, so forge ahead, but even so, ask many questions.

The month's second eclipse, March 23 in Libra, won't directly involve money, but it may find you finishing the final details of a contract that can eventually bring a handsome payment to you or to the other person. It's never wise to sign on or close to an eclipse - wait until March 16. (I will explain why I chose March 16 later.) This eclipse will light a mild house, namely, your third house of communication. You may give an important speech or send your written manuscript, report, white paper, or other document that you have worked on many hours to finalize. This report or communication will likely have special import to your future because it is being finalized on an eclipse. In a game show, bells would ring and balloons would fall from the ceiling. This March 23 eclipse is in positive, tight alignment with Mars in fire-sign Sagittarius, so you will do well under this eclipse. You will be ready to take action, and you will, within days.

Just one day after the eclipse appears on March 23, on March 24, we have a lovely alignment between Mercury and Mars. You may see quite a tidy sum of money on this day and it appears tied to a project you worked on. This theme is being underscored over and over this month. See what happens.

If your birthday falls on July 26, you will feel this eclipse the most and benefit from it. That includes Leo birthdays that fall plus or minus four days from this date. You would also feel this eclipse if you know you have Leo rising from 0 to 8 degrees, or if you have a natal planet in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra in the same span or degrees, you will feel this eclipse and likely benefit from it.

March 16 will be a powerfully beneficial day. Be sure to circle it in gold. It deserves several gold stars too! In a rare communication between Jupiter and Pluto, you should absolutely be sure to plan something business-oriented for this day. Jupiter, the great good fortune planet, will be in perfect harmony (120 degrees) to Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house of work projects. On this day, the work you do will be rewarded generously. This is also a superb day to sign a contract, and make

it one that will give you the opportunity to make a solid profit based on your work on a certain project. I love this day for you!

You are ruled by the Sun, so mark down March 26, when the Sun will align with Mars and give you a wonderful jolt of energy. You may find this weekend day to be perfect for a fun night out, whether you are single or attached.

Speaking about Mars, this month on March 5, Mars will enter your fifth house of true love for an astounding amount of time - nearly seven months. Usually Mars spends six or seven weeks, not this long! To say that your personal life will take center stage is putting it mildly. The reason Mars will spend so much time in this area of your chart is that Mars will go back and forth in retrograde. As said, he will enter Sagittarius, a fire sign like yours, on March 5, go retrograde April 17 and forward on June 29. Actually, however, like a little guy who is asleep a long time, when Mars awakes on June 29, he won't be very peppy. He will need a lot of coffee to get going, and he won't be in former shape until August 22. At that point, his brother, Mercury, will go retrograde from August 30 to September 17. You can see that the coming months will proceed slowly.

Moving on the end of the month, Mercury will conjoin Uranus on March 31, bringing unexpected news, possibly involving a quick, adventurous trip, news of a legal matter, or concerning the media. You may be working with others overseas or receive another kind of breakthrough. Whatever comes up, you won't see it coming. Both planets are in Aries, a fire sign like yours, Leo, so all news should be good news.

Romantically, Venus will tour the areas of your chart ruling your closest relationship, and with Venus in Aquarius from March 1-11 (a holdover from enchanting February), a wonderful time to feel very close to your partner. You already know that Mars will circulate in your love-and-children sector for months, so you have the strong possibility for a tender, close emotional life, now and in months to come. Dates to Note: LEO Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Leo: 2, 6, 10, 12, 17, 18, 28.

Eclipse bulletin: Equality and sharing are necessary to have good relationships. Be sensitive to the needs and feelings of friends and loved ones. Really hear what they say.

VIRGO: What’s happening for MARCH ? (August 23 - September 22)

The Eclipses are back, and the new series, started last year on March 20 and continued on September 12, 2014, were both in the family of Virgo-Pisces. There will be three more Eclipses this year that will name you directly and likely push you forward in a very noticeable way. Your priorities may change, timetables may move up, and truths will be illuminated. Best of all, opportunity will proliferate. Remarkably, most of the Eclipses in this series are New Moon Eclipses, indicating you are about to go through not one new door, but a series of them. (The only Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will occur in Pisces on September 16 this year.) Your life is changing before your eyes, and it all will seem to be quite amazing as you begin to see events unfold. Eclipses always bring surprises.

The first eclipse will occur this month, as a Solar New Moon Eclipse in Pisces on March 8. The other two Eclipses in the Virgo-Pisces series won't arrive until September 1 and September 16. The series in your sign and Pisces will be finished with the last one, in Pisces, February 26, in 2017. An eclipse in Pisces is important for you, because Pisces is found 180 degrees away from your Virgo sun, and therefore affects you directly.

All Eclipses come in pairs, two weeks apart, and always arrive either on a new moon (always a Solar Eclipse) or a Full Moon (always a Lunar Eclipse). Accordingly we will have another Eclipse this month, a Full Moon Solar Eclipse on March 23, in Libra, putting a punctuation mark on a long series of Eclipses in the Aries-Libra family that began way back in October 2013. I will tell you more about that series of Eclipses, too, but let's start at the beginning of the month, for you will feel the effects of the March 8 eclipse almost instantly.

Just one note before I begin. Sometimes we feel Eclipses one month to the day earlier (15 percent), so that would have brought you to February 8, plus or minus four days. Or, sometimes we feel things a month to the day later (15 percent), namely February 23, plus or minus four days. I would say most people (70 percent) notice the news of an Eclipse on or very close to the day it occurs, in this case March 8. Astrologers deal with bell curves, which is why we see this happen mathematically.

Every year, by March, the Sun has journeys to as far away from your own Sun sign as is possible, for in March the Sun is six months away from yours. Accordingly, you seem to sense rightly that this month - and for many coming months - the idea of teaming up with another person in love or business would be the right idea. This is not a month to try to get your own way, but to work with others, in all phases of your life. People around you have good ideas now, so revel in that possibility. You seem to have many qualified people near you who care about you and want to help you get ahead.

March will be remarkable because a crown of stars will collect in Pisces - four heavenly bodies in all - and squeeze into your partnership sector. You seem to only have eyes for your significant other, and thanks to a powerful solar eclipse, March 8, you may be ready to get engaged or wed, bringing you into a completely new phase of life. It's a good time to do so. The timing of this major step may surprise you and catch you off guard, as Eclipses move up timetables dramatically and create progress quickly. If you are already wed, your partner is about to bring you exciting news, and you will be all ears. If you have no significant other, you may be forming an important business alliance now. Again, your timing would be on target. From March 12 to April 5, Venus will move into your partnership sector too, adding to the silky smooth interactions with partners.

By the time the month is out, there is a good chance that your life will have become transformed. Saturn will be at hard angle to the eclipse, so there is some indication that if you have to relocate, or if you are getting married, that you may have problems finding new living quarters. Or, in a completely different

manifestation, you may need to consider the needs and care of an older relative, most likely one of your parents, in any decision you make. As a Virgo you have a loving, compassionate nature, so the right answer will surely appear to you.

One day when love and marriage will go together like cup and saucer will be March 6, thanks to the Sun and Pluto in ideal sync. Pluto is now in your love sector, proving to you many times over that love has the power to transform you to an entirely new place of the heart and mind.

This same message will be even more powerfully brought to you on March 16, a five-star day, when Pluto in Capricorn - now in your fifth house of love, creativity, pregnancy, and children - will be in ideal alignment with Jupiter in Virgo. Make it a point to make an important initiation on this day in love or business - it is sure to grow beautifully. If you have had problems with conception, see a fertility doctor or schedule a procedure on this day.

This will be a very busy, and at times a demanding month, so take good care of your health so that you don't run down your resistance.

Eclipses always come in pairs, and this one will fall in Libra, in your house of salary on March 23, suggesting you will make your income from a different source in weeks ahead. This will be a Full Moon Eclipse, so something is ending and soon you will see money come from a new client or company. Some Eclipses are difficult, but both this month will be mostly friendly. Mars is making a big play this month to help this Lunar Eclipse, helping you not only find new ways to earn money, but also with the considerations you had earlier with home, property, or family needs.

Dates to Note: VIRGOMost important dates for love, meetings or actions Virgo: 2,

4, 6, 12, 16, 19, 27. Eclipse bulletin: Maintain a positive attitude. Instead of concentrating on imperfections, focus on the admirable traits and abilities of yourself and others.

LIBRA: What’s happening for MARCH ? (September 23 - October 22)

You will be one busy person this month! As March begins, you will have Neptune, Mercury, the New Moon, and Sun in a Pisces Solar Eclipse on March 8. Every month, the New Moon is always the nodal point on which the month rotates. When you have a solar eclipse, too, it triples the strength of the New Moon, making it super powerful. Each year we typically have four Eclipses, arriving in pairs, one on the New Moon and one on the Full Moon. This year will be no exception - two will arrive this month in the Virgo-Pisces series of Eclipses, and the other two in this series will arrive in September. The other Eclipse this month will fall in Libra, 3 degrees, on March 23.

Eclipses are the some of the most powerful instigators of change that we are given to create progress. They bring outside events to your doorstep - events over which you have no control, but that will have a way of having a direct effect on you. A New Moon Solar Total Eclipse is generally a happy event, for it opens a previously locked door to an entirely new experiences and opportunities. New Moon Eclipses start things, and that is what is about to happen very soon for you, after March 8.

The first Eclipse, March 8, will have bearing on your workaday life. Your sixth house, where this New Moon Solar Eclipse will appear, governs your assignments, workers who report to you, or co-workers who are on the same level as you. It covers the assignments you do, the equipment you use, and the actual physical headquarters where you work. Some short of massive change is coming, and it may be that you change jobs. If you were promised that you will have a better job with more responsibility, that won't quite be the case - any job move would be a lateral move, to the kind of work you've done previously. That may be fine with you if you are not happy where you currently work.

How might this eclipse affect you? You may get a new assignment that changes the game for you, for it helps you to

prove you can handle more complex, sophisticated projects. If you change jobs, however, it would not be to one with more power and status - that would come in July. Sometimes it's okay to make a lateral move, especially if you don't like the work you are being given or if the person you report to is not someone you like because the chemistry between you is off. You may get the chance to hire an assistant, or at home, you may search for a nanny, au pair, gardener, regular babysitter, or other personal assistants. You may get shiny new computers, gadgets, or software to do your work more efficiently. If you are self-employed, you may start to pitch new clients and get a major one in short order.

The sixth house, which rules your work, also rules your health. If you have been troubled with a painful condition, you will likely see a new doctor to find relief. With four planets in Pisces, the problem seems to involve your foot.

Pluto will be beautifully angled to the March 8 eclipse, so a family member may be very helpful for tips for a doctor, treatment, or in regard to a topic you may have to learn or solve at work. Pluto's position also suggests you may make good money as a result of the work you do this month, or in regard to possessions, furniture, or a house / condo you sell this month.

Saturn will be in hard angle to the eclipse, suggesting that if you have to hammer out an agreement, it may be harder to do than you expect. This deal is not beyond your ability to handle, so simply go slowly and search for areas of accord.

Your third house of contacts, communication, and close kin, ruling siblings and cousins, will have an unusually strong emphasis in the month to come. I say this for two reasons. You've had Saturn in this part of your chart since September 17, 2015 (and prior to that, from December 23, 2014 to June 14, 2015). Saturn brings life lessons and opens up paths to maturity. You may be learning to write, edit, lecture, or translate in a more compelling or sophisticated way. If you work in advertising, marketing, or public relations, you will sharpen your skills too, thanks to Saturn's position in this house.

Mars will move into this your third house too, on March 5, and be set to stay an unusually long time, until September 27 of this year. The more typical orbit of Mars is to stay in one sector of the sky six or seven weeks, not close to seven months. The reason Mars will deviate from his normal orbit is that Mars will retrograde from April 17 to June 29. Even after Mars awakens, he will move very slowly, and only gradually ramp up his speed to full power - that process will take until August 22. Work hard to wrap up talks, make decisions, and initiate new projects now, without waiting. Stay away from acting right ON the day of an Eclipse. So much dust is in the air when an eclipse occurs that it is hard to see the road ahead. That's why it is wise to schedule big actions on days other than eclipse days. That often can't happen, however, because Eclipses trigger big life events - ones we always remember.

The second Eclipse might have an even bigger effect on you. Coming March 23, at 3 degrees Libra, it is the last eclipse in the Aries-Libra family of eclipses. Those Eclipses started October 18, 2013, and then in the following year we had a true monster, April 15, 2015, and one only a little less difficult on October 8, 2015. A walloping one came April 4, 2015, and a gentler one arrived September 27, 2015. This one, March 23, 2016, will be the last, and after this you can rest, as there won't be any more until 2023.

You would never have felt all the Eclipses in the series, only one or two, but they may have been life-altering events. The readers who will feel this one, this month, will have been born on September 25 plus or minus four days. Or, if you have Libra rising at 3 degrees or within four degrees of that, or have a natal planet in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you, too, would feel the shifts.

With all Full Moon Eclipses, the door is bolted shut - something important to you is ending or conversely, culminating. For example, you may get engaged or married, or hear good news from your mate. You may not have planned this event (whatever is due to come up), for if you did, you planned to act on it in the distant future. Yet Eclipses have a way of demanding instant attention and dramatically moving up events. The

universe wants to see progress, so you will feel its hand on your back, pushing you ever forward. This eclipse could easily put the spotlight on a one-on-one relationship, such as on your partner in love, marriage, or business. A friend may have a role to play too, one that is integral to all that goes on.

Transiting Mars will be very friendly to this Eclipse from his perch in your third house, and that suggests you may take a trip suddenly to a location not too far away. The third house also rules writing, so you may be working on finishing a very important document, whether that be a book or screenplay manuscript, a white paper, thesis, or a contract, as some examples. Additionally or alternatively, Mars may bring good news about your sister, brother, or cousin, for the third house covers those close kin too.

When you host an eclipse in your sign, you may decide to change your appearance or follow a very different routine, perhaps by moving to a different city in a completely different part of the country. You will begin to see your identity in new terms, and everyone else will see you in a new light too. Anything you do, see, culminate, or begin on an eclipse is very important by virtue of the fact that your experience is happening at eclipse time. Dates to Note: LIBRA

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Libra: 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26. Eclipse bulletin: Choose companions carefully. They influence your views, values, and reputation. Never waste any time, money, energy, or affection on people who don’t respect you. The sooner you learn this lesson, the happier you’ll be.

SCORPIO: What’s happening for MARCH Y? (October 23 - November 21)

You are a hardworking, savvy sign that puts a premium on excellence. The universe wants you to have fun and relax, and is also sending you shimmering vibrations for romance. If you are single, March should be one of your very best months of 2016 to

find the right person for you. You have a crowd of heavenly bodies in your fifth house of true love - Neptune, Mercury, the Sun, and New Moon, plus the Sun will be a solar eclipse - and all in Pisces, a sign that blends so very well with your Scorpio Sun. If you've been thinking, "It will take something dramatic a total eclipse of the sun and a crowd of planets to bring breathtaking love to my life," well, actually, you have precisely that! You should be excited! Be sure to leave the house after the March 8 eclipse, as it is unlikely that anything of importance will happen if you don't!

Eclipses are highly important nodal points of the year, for they trigger events that are landmarks. The news they bring is almost always unexpected, and they tend to change timetables and shuffle priorities. The events that happen at eclipse time usually relate to events that are happening elsewhere and out of your direct prevue and control, but nevertheless, if they fall close to your birthday or a natal planet, they will influence you in a powerful way. Most years we have four Eclipses, and they always arrive in pairs, two weeks apart, coinciding with a New or Full Moon. Eclipses demand that we move forward, as you will never have an option to go back to an earlier time or previous situation.

The first Eclipse will be a Solar New Moon Eclipse, March 8 in Pisces 19 degrees. Pisces is a highly compatible sign for you, and so that solar eclipse will come with a basket of goodies and surprises for you, especially in the area of love and fun. Eclipses come in families of signs, and this one is the Virgo-Pisces family that started last year, on March 20, 2015, and affected Scorpios with birthdays that fall on November 11, plus or minus five days. You will note that this year's Eclipses are very similar to those that occurred in 1997. Think back to see if you can find a theme that came up that might re-emerge now. This series of Eclipses will continue on September 1 and 16, 2016, with the final one coming February 26, 2017.

The second eclipse this month will fall as a Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra and put an emphasis on your area of the twelfth house of the subconscious mind, mental and physical health, and healing, creative efforts, and behind-the-scenes, secret strategy

building. This will be the end to the Aries-Libra Eclipses that have been going on since 2013 (October 18, 2013; April 15, 2014; October 8, 2014; April 4, 2015; September 27, 2015; and this one, March 23, 2016.) You would not likely feel every eclipse in a family of signs, but one or two dates might stand out. Keep in mind that an eclipse can deliver news one month to the day earlier or one month to the day later, plus or minus five days. If you feel them at the time they occur, Eclipses have a long area of influence, plus or minus five days.

Let's start at the top of the month. The Solar eclipse of March 8 will most often bring happy events. It won't bring on a highly emotional time like a Full Moon Eclipse would do, and Solar Eclipses are known to bring new opportunities you've not seen previously. New Moons begin trends (like this one will) and Full Moon Lunar Eclipses bring endings or closure, like the one that the Eclipse March 23 will do.

This New Moon will get much support from powerhouse Pluto, and that's great because Pluto is your ruling planet, giving this eclipse extra oomph. Pluto is currently situated in your house of short distance travel. This eclipse may trigger a quick trip, perhaps with your sweetheart / spouse, or you may go to a resort where substantial singles go and meet someone there. With so many heavenly bodies in Pisces, consider going to a beautiful location near water. This would be a perfect month to take a vacation, or at the very least, to away for a long weekend by the end of the month.

Saturn will be in hard angle to the March 8 eclipse, so the cost of socializing or traveling may concern you. Do your best to not to spend more money this month than you can afford. Neptune will conjoin this New Moon solar eclipse, so you may feel you're living a dream this month, for it will be that romantic. This would not be the month to rush to get married, however, not unless you know your partner very well, for your decision might be based on economic factors (like having a partner to pay the rent wit you) rather than love. Marriage is forever, or at the very least, not easy to become detangled from, so be careful, but know that the force IS with you in this highly romantic month.

The month's second eclipse, March 23 in Libra 3 degrees, will light your twelfth house of secrets. This eclipse may bring a confidence to light that has been hidden for some time, and when you learn what it is, you will likely feel you have to act on that information fairly soon. If so, let the dust settle a bit, and make sure you have all the information before you act. Or, it may be one of your secrets that will come out in the open - be careful.

The twelfth house is associated with the subconscious mind and professional therapy. If you have been seeing a psychiatrist or have checked into a rehab center, you may have a breakthrough and possibly be able to end your sessions if your doctor agrees. The twelfth house is also the area that covers work done in solitude, so perhaps you will finish up work on a manuscript or thesis. Work done alone is often highly creative when this house is emphasized, so treat self to quiet time.

I spoke about money earlier, but it appears you may be entering into a high spending period because of Mars, soon to enter your second house of income on March 5, to stay an unusually long time, until September 27. If you are in the process of a lifestyle change, such as to move, buy a condo, go to college this fall, or do any other exciting action, you already know what will be a drain on your bank account. If you don't know yet, the wait and be conservative about your spending until you get a view of the lay of the land.

March 16 is one day when money may fall straight from the sky into your hands. This is when your ruler, financial powerhouse Pluto, will be in perfect alignment with good fortune Jupiter. Pluto will take the considerable goodness of Jupiter and multiply it ten times over. Pluto is in your third house of agreements and communication, so you may sign a contract on this day, and if so, this would be one of the best days of the year to do so. Or, you may give a presentation or have an interview, and if so, the stakes would be high, with good money the prize.

You have another good money day, March 26, when Mars will be in ideal angle to the Sun, and again, you seem to have the Midas touch, for everything you touch will turn to gold.

March will end like a lion with a fantastic aspect for generating genius ideas, March 31. Mercury and Uranus will combine energies in your house of work projects, so direct your thinking to a creative problem you need to solve. You'll be original and innovative, and others will applaud your imaginative ways of thinking. Dates to Note: SCORPIO

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Scorpio: 6, 12, 15, 16, 18, 24, 26.

Eclipse bulletin: letting go with grace can be a major victory. Know when and how to leave a situation, job, or relationship that is not good for you.

SAGITTARIUS: What’s happening for MARCH ?

(November 22 - December 21)

You are very busy with your blossoming career, but as the month opens, your home or other property you own or rent will take all of your attention. With the Sun, New Moon solar eclipse March 8, Neptune, and Mercury squeezed in together in your fourth house of home, you will be given an opportunity to substantially improve your living conditions. Protect your home against water damage, for Neptune in Pisces may bring a possible flood or other troubles that are water-related. Early in the month, check your renter's or homeowner's insurance to protect yourself against such an eventuality, and call your broker to add a rider if you see no clauses addressing problems with water.

The presence of the Solar Eclipse in your home sector, March 8, indicates rapid change is about to happen now regarding your home or a family member. If you hope to move, do repairs, renovate, decorate, change roommates, or have any other plans for home or family, the March 8 eclipse will open a portal of opportunity to give you the options you need to get started. If you need funding, make an application for a mortgage or home improvement loan on March 6, when the Sun and Pluto will work

together to bring you favor from the VIPs who hold the purse strings.

Mars will enter Sagittarius on March 5 to stay an unusually long time. Instead of its usual tour of six weeks, Mars will remain in Sagittarius from March 5 through September 27, a total of also 29 weeks. Mars is the planet of courage, daring, action, and energy, and having Mars in your sign will be a great advantage. Usually the caffeinated effect of Mars is so strong that we can accomplish a great deal in the space of six weeks. To be accurate, Mars will be retrograde and in a weaker state during a large part of the time that Mars will spend in Sagittarius. Even so, the spotlight will be on you, so 2016 will be an important year for you. A project you are working on that you deem essential to your reputation and career may need many course corrections. While Mars is languishing, you will likely have problems setting final deals regarding real estate or plans for one of your parents, and you may change your mind about what to do more than once.

Despite the retrograde, you will have presence and weight, so continue to present your ideas, and temper them with practicality. Also, take into account team members' views, and you will become a master at blending the best of all that is being said for a winning outcome.

The second important event this month will arrive on March 23 as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra and bring your attention to your social life. Something about a friendship is ending - it may be that a good friend will move away or that you will deeply disagree with a friend, possibly causing a rift. Still, this is a friendly eclipse, so nothing is predetermined and chances are, you will have options to stay in touch if you want to remain close. In another, different manifestation, Mars will be very friendly to the lunar eclipse, so if you are single, a friend may be very helpful in introducing you to a romantic interest that may click perfectly for you. Attached Sagittarians will have much more fun, and children may form part of the picture.

In your career, you are about to show the world that you are made of the right stuff. Watch events that surround March 16 when Jupiter, your ruler, now in Virgo and in your tenth house of

honors, awards, and achievement, will receive a golden beam from Pluto, now touring your second house of earned income. If you are employed, you are likely to rise in prestige in your industry, and your compensation will likely rise with your growing status. If self-employed, a client who you bring in at this time will have enormous potential for growth in the future of your business. This is a rare, five-star day - use it by setting a key meeting or presentation. Dates to Note: SAGITTARIUS

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Sagittarius: 2, 6, 9, 12, 19, 26, 29. Eclipse bulletin: Loyalty and reliability are necessary in a person’s life and business. If you want alliances and relationships to succeed, you have to be reliable.

CAPRICORN: What’s happening for MARCH ? (December 22 - January 19)

The minute you start March, you'll be moving at the speed of light. A crowd of happy heavenly bodies are partying in your third house of communication and travel. These little guys are jumping up and down and into quite a celebration, and sooner or later you will catch their spirit and revel in a sense of fun. The third house, where these little guys are all based, rules writing and public speaking, negotiating, presentations and interviews, travel, and your relationship with your sister or brother. All or some of these areas will light up for you now. Neptune, Mercury, the Sun, and New Moon Solar Eclipse will all be in Pisces, a sign highly compatible with yours.

An eclipse is one of the biggest and most powerful initiators that the universe uses to create massive change, and the solar eclipse will arrive on March 8 in Pisces. After that date, the pace will pick up, certain truths will be brought to the surface, and you will be able to see a situation more clearly. A solar eclipse almost

always brings a big opportunity, and when news arrives, it is usually completely unexpected. With eclipses, no matter what happens, there is no path back to the previous situation. The only way possible is forward.

This eclipse will bring up a contract, but because a powerful eclipse is happening at the time, you are likely to have to sort out certain clauses. This eclipse is in hard angle to Saturn in Sagittarius, found in your behind-the-scenes sector, so you might find something with a confusing or hidden meaning in the contract, or a clause that is missing (because neither side thought to address that eventuality), and if not added now, it could jeopardize the venture later. Although eclipses always bring a surprise or two, this is a really positive eclipse, so you can win.

Pluto in Capricorn is beautifully angled to this eclipse, so you have much more control than you might assume you do. Pluto is a very powerful financial planet and is known to transform situations too.

Because this eclipse emphasizes communication, you may be launching an important publicity or advertising campaign. You may be printing up new business cards and stationery, or having your website designed. You may give a speech or serve on a panel. You may learn another language, or take acting or voice classes. You may soon launch a new app or improve one you have now. There are so many communication-oriented possibilities.

If you have a birthday that falls on January 8, plus or minus five days, you will absolutely feel this eclipse and benefit from it. The same is true if you have Capricorn rising 19 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, or a natal planet in Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer, or Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn at 19 degrees, with the same plus or minus five degrees. Take notes after each eclipse, for we will have others, in September 1 and September 16 of this year, and whatever happens now will be advanced at that time. I will ask you to look back to March 8 for clues of the transformation you are currently working on achieving.

The second eclipse of the month could be exciting, for it falls in Libra 3 degrees as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Something is ending or culminating now, so if you have been interviewing for a

new position, you are likely to hear now. Your tenth house is accented, so if you get it, this job would represent a big step up, with a better title and more responsibility. If you are self-employed, you can now get exciting publicity or bring in a highly prestigious client, and be the talk of the industry. Mars will be very friendly to this eclipse, suggesting you will have courage and drive. Mars is in the twelfth house of people who are behind closed doors, so you seem to have help from higher-ups who don't want to be identified.

If your birthday falls on December 24, or within 3 days, this Eclipse may pose an obstacle. You have a basically solid chart, so don't cave in should anything go amiss. You can prevail if you are determined enough to win.

Let's now talk about Mars, which will move into Sagittarius on March 5 and remain in that sign for an astounding near seven months, until September 27. The usual journey of Mars through a sign is six to seven weeks, for that usually is sufficient to create actions and change, but this time, Mars will go retrograde from April 17 to June 29. However after June 29, Mars will take quite a long time to get back to former strength. With Mars locked in your twelfth house for so long, until the end of September, you may want to spend time alone in solitude, possibly to concentrate on a novel or screenplay, a thesis, research project that may have come with a grant, or other intense work that must be completed this year. You will be highly creative under this vibration, and because Mars rules your home sector, it appears the best place for you to work will be at home.

Mars in the twelfth house makes this an ideal time to investigate the corridors of your inner subconscious mind. If you have a matter that has troubled you, the coming months would be ideal for talking over your concern with a psychologist. If you have a dependence on any substance, Mars in the twelfth house, a place of healing, would make this the right time to go to rehab or to get into a group where the members are dealing with the very same problem as you've tried to fix.

In regard to home and real estate, the collaboration of Venus and Uranus may bring you a lucky break. You may find the right

house or condo, or rent the ideal apartment. You may find the perfect piece of furniture you've long sought, at the right price.

An even more important day for finding lovely home, property, and family-related decisions will be March 25, a Saturday, when Mars will contact the Sun in your fourth house of home. This could be one of those days when fabulously fortunate home-related opportunities come your way. Be sure to browse your options this weekend.

On March 25, something else will happen - your ruler, Saturn will go retrograde until August 13, so watch the days that tightly surround this day. You may get a clue of what is coming next in your life. Often when a planet turns to go backward, we get a signal that we will have to rework a project to make it more marketable. If you get a setback, it would only be temporary, so take it all with a shrug and a smile.

Romantically, you will do best this month when Venus enters Pisces from March 12 to April 5. Travel would be a divine way to find love, and with Venus forming a conjunction over the weekend of March 19-20, you will find you love the scenic spot you choose to go for one or two nights (if you leave on Friday evening).

This same period, March 12 to April 5, while Venus tours Pisces, will be an ideal time to go shopping for new things to wear, for you would easily find flattering things you love. You'll likely want to rip off the tags and wear what you buy tonight. See about changing your look if you haven't modernized in a while - talk to your salon stylist or barber (for my guys), and girls, have a look at the new makeup for the coming season. I love the weekend of March 19-20, so if you are single, step out. If you are attached, you can entice your mate to fall in love with you all over again. Dates to note: CAPRICORN

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Capricorn: 2, 12, 16, 19, 26.

Eclipse bulletin: Don’t close yourself off emotionally. Be open with people who sincerely care about you. People are more important than work or material success.

AQUARIUS: What’s happening for MARCH ? (January 20

- February 19) Many planets migrating into your financial house suggest

you'll have plenty of money management meditations this month. This is unusual for a sign like yours that is basically not at all materialistic. Nevertheless, your work has apparently been first rate, so you may receive a large bonus or an offer for a bigger salary, or you may win a contest, as a few examples. Clearly, a new source of income appears to be on the way to you.

Among the planets visiting your second house of earned income will be Neptune, suggesting it may be that an artistic creation that you recently finished that impressed the critics that will turn out to be the reason you see a large sum now. The friendly solar eclipse March 8 will start events moving very quickly, and it appears you may leave one source of income for a more lucrative one. Saturn will be in hard angle to the eclipse, so if you do take a new job or new project, it appears you will have to be willing to give up free time for approximately six months - you will need to concentrate hard on the new assignment. Saturn will demand an all-or-nothing devotion to the job at hand. Saturn and Neptune will be in conflict, but that won't necessarily be bad. If you are asking for money from your employer, a bank, venture capitalist, or anyone else, Saturn will keep your feet on the ground, while Neptune will keep your spirit and creativity burning brightly.

Put a gold star on March 16. Excellent news about your income is on the way, for Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will reach out to powerhouse Pluto. This is an exceedingly rare aspect, so take seriously any offers that you receive on or near this date. Schedule meetings, and sign papers on this magical day. The growth potential of at least one possible deal will be astounding. Saturn will be at hard angles to the eclipse March 8, so although at times you may dream of having a more carefree life, in early month, keep your eyes on the road, and your hands on the

steering wheel. All your hard work will add up to something big, so keep the faith.

Later, at the time of the second Eclipse, a Lunar Eclipse of March 23, you may be able to travel. Take the opportunity - you might go for business or pleasure. A friend seems to be helpful to you in regard to the travel you take, even if you go for business. Alternatively, it may be that a friend will introduce you to an executive based overseas, and if you get involved with the endeavor, you may be stunned to see it grow like wildfire.

Mars will enter your friendship sector on March 5, to stay until September 26. This is very long for Mars to stay in one sign, for Mars is typically only in one sign for six weeks. This suggests that a friendship will be on your mind quite a bit in 2016. Mars, the energy planet, sees to it that all human endeavors are successful, whether that be a new relationship or a product or service launch. The reason Mars will spend so much time in Sagittarius is that Mars will retrograde and even after, will move very slowly until September. This suggests you will waffle back and forth about your feelings about a certain friendship, at once "on" then "off." It won't be until October, or even December, that you will finally decide how you feel about this person.

In terms of love, fun, and romance, you'll do best while Venus tours your sign, Aquarius, a holdover from last month - note March 1 to March 11. Your allure will be high, your eyes will sparkle, and you'll be the most memorable person in the room. This is your time to go shopping. Don't miss out - you'll find many ways to update your look and enjoy the admiring glances. Dates to note: AQUARIUS

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Aquarius: 2, 6, 16, 19, 26, 29.7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26.

Eclipse bulletin: Include quiet times in your daily schedule, so you can relax and review recent actions and decisions. If you are always on the go, you can become burnt out. Rest and periodic solitude are necessary.

PISCES: What’s happening for MARCH ? (February 19 - March 20)


This will be a huge month for news and change. If you could see your chart as the month opens, you would see that entire crowd of friendly heavenly bodies will be crowded into your second house of earned income. Those include Neptune, Mercury, the Sun, and New Moon Solar Eclipse, all in Pisces 18-19 degrees. You are not a materialistic soul, for as an Aquarius, you are more interested in thinking about facts, ideas, and concepts over any time spent exclusively on money. You will have to think about your income this month nevertheless, and with a Solar Eclipse, it seems one source of income will be ending (at least temporarily) and a new one will eventually replace it. Or, you may take a sabbatical or unpaid leave of your job temporarily to attend to another part of your life (such as if you recently had a baby) and resume your job at a later date. Still, with all this change happening in your finances, you still have a good time to ask for a raise - do so just after March 8.

Neptune will be among the planets in your earned income house, so you will have to be careful. Neptune can fog information, so this month, when it comes to money, you may not be seeing things clearly. It may be that someone near you doesn't want you to know the whole truth, or that you misunderstand something vital, or, a third possibility might be that you have closed your eyes to something you would rather not see. Taskmaster Saturn will be in hard angle to Neptune at the time of the eclipse, and will work to keep you realistic. You may be frustrated however in that you may have to delay action on something you want to buy because you simply cannot stretch your money far enough to cover it. Still, it appears you will be working hard on a project that might last as long as six months, for Saturn demands complete attention to the job at hand.

On the plus side, you have fantastic support from Pluto, now in your twelfth house ruling things that go on behind the scenes in

secret or out of view. It looks like you will get extraordinary help from someone who believes in you and who will go out of his or her way to make sure you feel secure and have enough money coming in. This person may not want you to know his or her identity and work very quietly in the background, overseeing what is happening with you like a real life fairy godmother or godfather. If you do find out this person's identity, you will likely be asked to keep that person's name to yourself, and not speak about it.

The second house of income rules not only the money you make, but also how and where you make it. You may be thinking about your future and seeing life a little differently. Money is simply stored energy (for your work turns into money) that you can spend in way you feel is right. This is a New Moon, opening a new path and new opportunities. The harsh angle between Saturn and Neptune is simply a sign that you will need to be realistic and practical in making any changes. As said, powerhouse Pluto will help you. You had the first eclipse in the Pisces-Virgo family of signs (both covering financial houses for you) last year, on March 20, 2015. This eclipse on March 8 will pick up a thread on this subject you may have started a year ago. All Eclipses hang together like pearls on a necklace, but unlike a necklace, each eclipse advances the talks that occurred previously. The next two Eclipses in this family of signs will occur on September 1 and 16, 2016. This series of Eclipses, focusing so strongly on your income will end on February 26, 2017.

Now let's turn to the unusual action of Mars that will begin this month and make headline news in astrological circles. Mars will enter your eleventh house of friendship on March 5, to stay not the usual six or seven weeks, but nearly seven months! The reason Mars is remaining so long in one part of your horoscope is that Mars will retrograde, so in the time that he goes forward, then back, then forward again, tracing his steps, months will go by.

Mars will retrograde from April 17 to June 29, but even after Mars awakens, he will be out of sorts until August 22 - at which time his brother, Mercury, will go retrograde August 30 to September 22. You see the problem. You have to get as much

done in March as possible, and perhaps edge your work projects into early April a bit. After April 17, the world will start to sputter, and you may feel your life has become a film in slow motion.

When Mars is retrograde, you cannot make rapid progress, and because Mars rules competitive ventures, Mars will not help you win easily. You will have to provide the heavy lifting to stay ahead of the competition, and without Mars' support, it will be a strenuous experience. We are all in the same boat - every person of every sign will feel like they are suddenly walking through glue. When any planet retrogrades, it is a sign that we should be looking back in time, not forward to generate new ideas or new relationships. Look back and delineate what is broken, and then brainstorm for ideas of how you want to fix it. I feel that the first, most obvious answer that comes to me is not usually the best answer - so go deeper and don't be satisfied until you've made a list of ideas. Then, choose the ones you like the best. Dates to note: PISCES

Most important dates for love, meetings or actions Pisces: 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 16, 26.

Eclipse bulletin: Don’t waste any time or energy trying to change other people. The only person you can really change is yourself.


Pray, Love and Many Blessings, Rhonda520.320.7718Email: [email protected]