wichita daily eagle (wichita, kan. : 1890). (wichita, ks ... · end national irrigation association...


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Page 1: Wichita daily eagle (Wichita, Kan. : 1890). (Wichita, KS ... · end National Irrigation association meet- ... L Round trip raie will be 545. The Rock J Island will soil tickets Aug


Id. il. itURDOCK, I K. P. MURDOCK.Editor.! Business Manager.

Publishers and Proprietors.Members of the American Newspaper

Publishers Association ana Asso-ciated Press.


Daily, one copy, one year nrDaily, one copy. six monthsBaily, one copy, three months lTlnflr nno onn7 rn mnnth ........ "IThree times a week, any day desired,

.50per yearIThree times a week, any day desired,

six moijUisffwo times a week, any day desired,

per year "

Bunday, per year. w

WEEKLY EAGLE.One copy, one year 30

Eastern Business office. 43, 44, 45, 47, IS.. "The Tribune" Building. Xew Yonc

City; Western Business office. ThaTribune Building:, Chicago: The S. C.Ecckwith Special Agency, sole agents.

Cut Prices on

High Grade Photographs

Work that Is guaranteed. Our Be-stir CO days at


Photo Parlors106 E. Douglas.

Baldwin s

PhotosThe NewFinish

is uut inPrices...

60 DaysOnly

Every picture perfect or3our money back.'Phone SS5. 118 E. Douglas ave.

LadiesNow Is the time to store your furs and

winter garments to protect them againstmoths, vermin, etc. Cold storage Is theplace to store them. Charges reasonable.WICHITA ICE & COLD STORAGE CO.,

C. W. Southward, Mgr.J3oth 'phonos 712; . f-

Big reductions in prices on our photosJuly and August. Baldwin Photo, 118 E.Douglas avenue.

Notice.Notice is hereby given that the under-olgn- ed

appraisers have been appointed bythe mayor and city council of the city ofWichita, Kansas, to assess the damagesand beneilts to property owners for the

pening of Lulu avenue from Gilbertstreet to Lulu avenue in L. F. Hay-toakc-

addition to said city and fromLulu avenue in said L. F. Haymaker'saddition to Lulu avenue in Kellogg Streetaddition to Wichita, Kansas, and thatraid appraisers will meet in the ofllce ofthe city clerk in the city building onJ.Ionday, August S, 1C03, at 10 o'clock a.to., for the purpose of assessing damagesand beneflts in the benefit district es-

tablished and bounded as follows, viz:Commencing at the intersection of the

north line of section 28, township 27, rangeJ east, with the west lino of the east halfpf the northeast quarter of said section

US, thence soulh to the south line of saidJiorthoast quarter, thence east to theeast line of Grlffensteln's fourteenth ad-dition, thence north to the north line ofthe south half of said northeast quarter,thence west to the oast line of L. T.Haymaker's addition, thence north to thecenter of Chiaholm creek, thence in anortheasterly direction to the southeastcorner of Kellogg Street addition, thencenorth to the north line of said sectionSS, thence Vest tp the-pla- of beginning.


L Appraisers.

First class pictures at reduced pricesduly and August at Baldwin's Gallery. 113

E. Douglas avenue.

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.Has been used for oyer FIFTY YEARS

by MILLIONS OF MOTHERS for theirCHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, withPERFECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES theCHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYoell PAIN. CURES WIND COLIC and isthe best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Soldby druggists in every part of the world.Bo sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'sSoothing Syrup" and take no other kind.Twenty-liv- e cents a bottle.

Commercial Congressend National Irrigation association meet-ing will be held at Saattle, Wash., Aug.

L Round trip raie will be 545. The Rock J

Island will soil tickets Aug. 1 to 14, goodlor return Oct. 16.

Now is the time to get cheap pictures.16 to per cent off on all first dags work.Fred Baldwin, Leading Photo.


Operators Will Make Consumers Payin Full Measure.

Kansas City. July S3. Boca us of an In. 'crease of about 7 cents a ton Just grant-ed


the ci miners of the southwest, atthe Pittsli ng, Kan., miners and operat-ors


to:.:, r, nee. which President JohnMitchell has been attending, the operat-ors have, H is stated, deckled to increasethe cost of ful to consumers from 0cents to JI per ton.

s &

For Infants and Children.The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought

Signature r fJuOnion. Mo.. July ZL George Collins, the

bank robber, who last night was con-victed of having murdered Ptocrivefechumacher. was todaj ser.t.nced to beSucked on August 2S.

dinun 1L

Live Stock Association Sends

Out a Petition.


Cattle Shipping Rates Are to

Be Increased.

Emporia, Kas., July 23. The Live Stockassociation of the state of Kansas, withheadquarters here, George Plumb, president, and Senator L. R. Wright, secretaryis sending out the following petition toall the county live stock associations forsignatures. The, petition here is beingsigned by all the live stock men in Lyoncounty:'To the Honorable Board of RailroadCommissioners:"Gentlemen: We, the undersigned cat

tle shippers of Kansas hereby desire toenter our protest against the increaseof cattle shipping rates to be put in effect by-th-e railroads of this state on September 1, 1303.

'About two years ago the Kansas railroads changes the method of chargingfor cattle shipments, from the car loadrate to a rate per hundred pounds; although the railroads declared at thattime that they wanted no more money outof the cattle men, but simply desired tochange the method of charging for cattle shipments, yet this change has madean average rise in cattle rates throughout the state of about twenty per cent,and to make another increase of overfifteen per cent just at the time of yearwhen shipments are heaviest and themarket the lowest, is more than the Industry can stand.

No business in the state today is laboring under the depression found in thecattle business. Added to the increasein the price of feed and pasture is adecline of nearly two dollars per hundredin the price of cattle on the market,and in the face of this condition, and in'view of the raise of rates of two yearsago, to permit the railroads at this timeto increase the present shipping rateswe hold to be most unreasonable and unjust.

"We respectfully petition .your honorable board to give us a hearing upon thisquestion" at the earliest possible date andin ample time to prevent the enforcementof the contemplated raise In rates."


Details of the Maneuvers Have BeenRevealed.

Wellington, Kas., July 23. The militarymaneuvers which have been assigned tocompany B are complete and the prob-

lem is as follows:The squad is to leave Wellington and

pass through the enemy's country southeast of Oxford. They must go throughOxford, cross the bridge at that placeand pourney to meet reinforcements ata point southeast. The route throughOxford is supposed to be the only wayto reach reinforcements, and it is agroundhog case; they have fot to getthere, at the risk of being captured. Ox-

ford is to be guarded of course.Twenty-tw- o men from the company

have been .assigned to the Oxford post,and thirty odd men will leave Welling-ton Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clockto make the objective point. Each sideis to work out its own problem. A wagonloaded with tents and grub, representinga guard of mounted soldiers. Somewherethis side of Oxford they will be dis-

covered by a company of raiders fromOxford, who will give the alarm and en-

deavor to capture the wagon train. Afight in which blank cartridges will beused will take place. Capt. Mayhcw willgo along to keep score, and if the Wel-lington side wins the most points, thecompany is supposed to have made theJourney through Oxford, and will campon the school grounds there until Sundaynight. If the Oxford company defeatsthe Wellington company, Oxford's vic-tory will be acknowledged, and the com-pany will be permitted to enter the cityunder escort and spend Sunday,

If the Oxford people will permit shoot-ing, there will be a sham battle acrossthe river Sunday afternoon. A greatmany people are preparing to attend,and witness the fighting Saturday after-noon and the .Sunday sham battle, if thelatter is held. Each side will be incharge of lieutenant, Capt. Mayhew tak-ing no part except to do the scoring andlender the decision.


Four People Taken in Charge WithinTen Days.

Emporia, Kas., July 2S. During thelast ten days there have been four peo-ple taken In charge for insanity, threefound Insane and the fourth la havinga hearing this afternoon. This is some-thing new for this county and is Justa little surprising. Edward Sheene, ofReading, whs brought in today, and thisafternoon is being examined to seewhether or not he is insane. Several daysago. William R. Stafford and G. P. Grlf--flth, both old men were found insaneand Stafford was taken to the asylum.Hendford was found insane the otherday and the papers have arrived so thathe will be taken to the state institutionsoon. If Keene is found insane the coun-ty will have .a new record.


State Rate Will Have to Be Raised aMill or More.

Topeka. Kas., July 23. On acount ofthe heavy appropriations made by thelast legislature it is probable there mustbe a material Increase in the rate of tax-- !ation. Last year the rate was 5.5 mills.This year it is believed the rate will bein the neighborhood of S.5. The stateBoar of Equalisation has not yet com-pleted the work of adjusting the assess-ments of the various counties and untilthis is done it cannot be accuratelyknown what the rate will be There isMule question, however, bat that It wiRbe higher than last ,y ear.


Wilson Is Said to Have ObtainedAbout SS5.0OO.

Wellington.' Kas., July 53. A summonsupon the Sumner-Sharma- n Cattle Co..irraed out of the district court of Shear-wa- n

county in a suit brought by thelouakins Trust Co.. to recover JS.OCO loanedto Bmera E. Wilson as president of thecompany, has been received here for

It is claimed that, all told, Wilson

xt WUcWk lails 'gtcgk: Ifrittait rttitig, gitfij 24, 1903.


Skin Humoors, Scalp Humours,

Hair Humours.

Whether Simple Scrofulous or


Speedily Cured by Cuticura

Soap, Ointment and Pills.

Complete External and Internal

Treatment, One Dolltfr.

In the treatment of torturing, dis-

figuring, itching, scaly, crusted, pimply,blotchy and scrofulous humours of theskin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair,Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills havebeen wonderfully successful. Even themost obstinate of constitutional tu-mours, such as bad blood, scrofula, in-

herited and contagious humours, withloss of hair, grandular swellings, ulcer-ous patches in the throat and mouth,8ore eyes, copper-coloure- d blotches, aswell as boils, carbuncles, scurvy, sties,ulcers and sores arising from an im-pure or Impoverished condition of theblood, yield to the Cuticura Treatment,when all other remedies fail.

And greater still, if possible, is thewonderful record of cures of torturing,disfiguring humours cmong infants andchildren. The suffering which CuticuraRemedies have alleviated among theyoung, and the comfort they have af-

forded worn-ou- t and worried parents,have led to their adoption In countlesshomes a3 priceless curatives for theskin and blood. Infantile and birth hu-

mours, milk crust, scalledhead, eczema,rashes and every form of itching, scaly,pimply skla and scalp humours, withloss of hair, of Infancy and childhood,are speedily, permanently and economi-cally cured when all other remediessuitable for children, and even the bestphysicians, fall.

Sold ttrof!iot t!jt irorld. CoMcmm ftMotrent. Oo. (Tn

form of ChocoltU CmM Pilli.t5c.ptr TiU of flfl),

S- S". c. DfpoUi London. It CfcarterhoutcSq. s ?rU.i Rce da H rlx BoeVm. 137 Clwaku Xr.PotUr Drat Cha. Corp.. 8et Frepu

O-S- Bead far "Th Ortt Boxmut Oaz."

succeeded in getting hold of about $S5,-0-

on the strnegth of the Sumner-Shear-ma- n

Cattle Co. How much of this hehas in his pockets, if any, is hard totfll. His relatives claim they can accountfor every dollar he secured except thelast ?400 on one of his checks.


Live Stock Makes a Fine Showing forthe Year.

Winfield, Kas., July 23. On March 31,1903, there were in Cowley county, 16,802

horses, 2,730 head of cattle, 31,650 hogs,2,079 mules and asses, 1,138 head of sheep,says the Free Press. During the yearending on that date the value of all ani-

mals slaughtered and sold amounted to$1,036,551. The year previous ending March31, 1902, there were in the county 16,693

horses, 69,299 head of cattle, 29,868 hogs,2.01S mules and asses, 1,274 head of sheep.


Last of the Jail Ereakers Has BeenRetaken.

Junction City, Ivan., July 23. HarryBarney, the highway robber Hho escapedfrom the county jail here two weeks agoin company with Gilbert Mullins, leaderof the famous Fort Leavenworth mutinyof 1901, and two others, was capturedten miles north of Junction' City thisevening. The others had previously beencaptured.


Dipping 'Cattle Will Not Be Univer-sally Demanded.

Topeka, Kan., July 23. Governor Baileyannounced today that the order providingfor the dipping of cattle' of the westernKansas counties would be modified. Someof the counties assert that the cattlecoming from Colorado are not afflictedwith the mange, and that therefore theorder works an unnecessary hardship onthem.


One Day's Heat Did but Little Dam--ag-

Sallna, Kan., July 23 It was announcedtoday that in spite of the hot winds incentral Kansas yesterday corn is notdamaged to any great extent. Tn someplaces the cereal is fired, nut not enoughto interfere materially with the yield.Cooler weather today and rain last nightenabled the corn to overcome the effectsof the heat..


They Were Stolen Some Time Ago atPonca City.

Hutchinson, Kan., July 23. The Newssays: A Mr. Knowles of Ponca City wasIn town today looking for a team ofhorses which were stolen from the Ok-

lahoma man in June. He thinks he hastracked them this far, believing that ahorse trader sold or exchanged them forother horses here some time ago.


No Rain There and Corn is BeingRuined.

Pratt. Kas.. July 23. There has been norain in this territory for Fix weeks andthe corn crop Is mined. The thermome-ter registered 106 Wednesday afternoonand the threshing is delayed owing tothe laborers being unable to work in theextreme heat. Wheat will average SO

bushels to the acre.

c? j- - zzz x cr is. jc a. .1he to'jirs I - ,J 3rS


Traffic on Santa Fe Was Delayed onMain Llrfe.

Sra porta, Kas.. July 23. The Santa Ferailroad bridge on the Mais line searLaag. in Lyon county, was destroyed byare early today. Traffic was delayeduntil afternoon. Through trains fromKansaa City and the west were fent averthe Ottawa cut off.

Emporia. Kas.. Jaly 2S A great com-

motion was created In this city todaywhen it becaiae known that Oooaty At-

torney W. T. McCarthy was tesoi&g sub-poenas on those who attended the"French picr.lo," held near this city onJuly 4. There was ber sold.

City Is Taken After 52 Hours

of Fighting,


Entire City Is in . Hands of theGovernment.

Soledad, "Venezuela, Tuesday, July 21

(By boat irom Culdad 'Bolivar). CuidadBolivar was captured at 11 o'clock lastnight, after fifty-tw- o hours of a des-

perate struggle and horrible carnage,during which great courage was shownon both sides. The jail and the capitalwere the centers ol the most severe fight-ing and many men were killed or wound-ed there. When those places were cap-tured only a few blocks behind the cap-it- ol

remained to be taken. At midnightthe fusilade ceased and the silence ofdeath reigned all the rest of the nightover the city.

At 5 o'clock in the morning the corre-spondent of the Associated Press fol-lowed General Rivas, the commander ofthe government troops, who met Gen-eral Gomez, the Venezuelan commanderin chief, near the eapltol and confirmedthe announcement that the capitol, thejail and the rest of the city were inthe hands of the government soldiers.General Gomez informed the correspondent that the resistance at the capitol hadbeen of a nature worthy of a bettercause; that each yard of rampart wascovered by the dead, and that GeneralNicolas Rolando, the last representativeof the revolution, and his two lieutenants,Generals Pablo and Guzman, and Gen-eral Vasquez, had been taken prisoners.

No adequate idea can be cabled of thescene which Cuidad Bolivar presents.Tne city appears to have been swept bya cyclone, accompanied by a conflagra-tion.


President Roosevelt and His Son TakeHorseback Ride.

Oyster Bay. N. Y.. July 23. Shortly af-ter two o'clock this morning PresidentRoosevelt, accompanied by his eldest son,Theodore, started from Sagamore Hill ona horseback ride to Sayville, Long Island.The president goes to Sayville to visit hisuncle, Robert RoosevelL It was expectedthat Sirs. Roosevelt might accompany thepresident, but she was deterred from at-tempting the long ride, about thirty miles,by the very unpropitious weather. Thepresident and his son, were unaccompa-nied. Two secret service officers left Oys-ter Bay last night for Sayville, by train.The president will spend the day andnight with his uncle, leaving for Saga-more Hill on his return ride early tomor-row morning.

Sayville, L. I., July 23. The presidentleft Sagamore Hill at the fag end of asevere thunderstorm. During the entirenight it had been raining heavily, thedownpour being accompanied by a tre-mendous electrical dispaly. Undeterredby the raging elements President Roose-velt and his son prepared for their jour-ney. The storm had abated somewhatby 2 o'clock and soon after they startedsubsided entirely. The president and hisson were accompanied on their ride bytwo nephews of President Roosevelt. Formore than two hours the little cavalcaderode through a night that was inky inits blackness, but shortly after four dawnbroke and In a little while the sun wasshinning gloriously. President Roosevelton his favorite riding horse set the pace,Theodore, Jr., riding the horse Wyoming.presented to the president by the citizenspf Douglas, Wyo. The party arrivedhere a few minutes before 6 o'clock thismorning, riding directly to the home ofthe president's uncle, Robert B. Roosevelt, about a mile from this little town.

The president arrived at too early anhour to attract much attention. Sincehe came he has spent the time about thegrounds of his uncle's estate. His visitIs of a purely social character and it isunderstord it will not be made the occa-sion of the least public demonstration.


First News of the Pope's Death Reach-ed .Londan From New York.

Paris, July 23. This morning's Figarosays:

"It Is a curious fact that it was fromXew York that the enws of death of thepope reached London. As soon as hewas Informed of the decease of the popethe correspondent of the associated pressat Rome cabled Xew York by all of thevarious routes. One of these messacswas sent by the French cable companyfrom Brest to Xew York and arrived atits destination in a few seconds, in spiteof the crowded condition of all the liresstarting at Rome and ending at XewYork. The Xew York office of the associated press in its turn cabled the newsto the Reuter Agency in London whichhad not yet heard it. although there exists a direct wire from Rome to London.The satisfaction of the associated preMcan be conceived. We understand it ha3cabled its congratulations and thanks toM. Berards the under secretary of statefor posts and telegrams (of France) andto the French cable company.


County Officials Are Mixed Up in theKentucky Feud.

Jackson. Ky., July 23. Captain Ewnleft today for Lexington. He will go toCynthia na Sunday to testify agalnet Jettand White. Ewen was escorted by sol-

diers as far as Torrent. At that piacethe troops left the train and escortedCharles Green, a witness before the grandjury, who had been threatened, back toJackson. Green Is to testify in the Cock-ri- ll

case. It is claimed Vwt he saw- - theman who fired the shot that killed Cock-ril- L

Green told his story to the grandJury which. It is bHieved. will result in.

the Indictment and arrest of certainclals of the county on eh?rges of briberyand accessory to the murder of Max-eai- a.


Fugitive Warrant Had Been issued forHim.

Chicago, July ZL E. E Farley, whoway ruled OS the turf far alleged "ring-

ing" by the Detroit Joekel dub. an,for whom a. fugitive warrant had beerIsseed by the Michigan aatboriiie. walk-ed into the central pofie stUaa 'her

ht&&y and gave hirasfcu up. Farley wastaken before Jadg Chetlaia, wh afterfciarisg preliminary Set thetrial for next TSrsrsday.


SL Petersburg. July 23. It is said thatRussia has arranged with French cap-italists for a loan of $26,000,000.

Chicago. July 23. Adolph. Ehman. amember of the firm of Charles Ehman &Co., mantel manufacturers, angered hythe , jeers of a crowd of union work-men while he was acting as guard ovrnon-unio- n men, shot and seriously wound-ed Robert Kouter, one of his tormentoia,today. Ehman was arrested.

Xew York, July 23. Frederick W. Oils,secretary of the American delegation toThe Hague peace conference,. and morerecently member of the internationalcourt, did suddenly today at his homeat Yonkers.

Baltimore, July 23. Today 12,000 Elks,now attending the national reunion oftheir order in this city, went to Tolches-te- r

Beach to participate in a crab feast,t

which has been prepared for them bythe" local lodge.

Mexico City, July 23. General PedroRincon Gallardo, Mexican minister tothe court of St. James, left last nightaccompaniedby his family on his way toLondon to take his post.

London, July 23. B. Jj. Farjeen, thenovelist, died suddenly at his residenceat Hampstead this morning. He marriedin 1S77 Margaret, the daughter of Jo-seph Jefferson, the American actor. Mr.Farjeen died from the rupture of a bloodvessel.

Xew York, July 25. Acting Police Com-missioner Ebstein today refused a permitto march through the streets to MotherJones and her "army" of textile work-ers. Mrs. Jones came over from Jer-sey City, where the "army" is to makethe application.

London. July 23. The new battleshipKing Edward VII, the largest in theworld, was successfully launched by thePrincess of Wales at Devonport thisevening. Among those present were thePrince of Wales. Princess Henry of rg

and the lords of the admiralty.King Edward laid the keel plate MarchS, 1902. The vessel cost 57,500,000.

Richmond. July 23. The cruiser Galves-ton, which was under construction whenthe Trigg shipyards went into the handsof. a receiver, was successfully launchedtoday. Miss Ella Selay of Galvestonacted as sponsor. The only governmentofficial present was Assistant Xaval Con-structor Groebeck. '

London. July 23. The Irish land billpassed Its first reading in the house oflords today. The second reading wasfixed for August 3.

St. Paul. July 23. Every boilermakerand boilermaker's apprentice In the em-ploy of the Chicago, Minneapolis andOmaha road struck today and the totalnumber out Is about 145. The boiler-make- rs

demand the payment of the Chi-cago scale.

St. Paul, July 23. The secretary of warhas instructed District and" States Att-orney Houpt to commence condenjnatfon.,proceedings to secure possession- - of the-- '

land required for the extension of theEort Snelllng extension. ' ' 7 j

Chicago, July 23. The counter propo-sition made by the striking unioniststo the Kellogg company that the latterreinstate within thirty days all the strik-ers who applied for reinstatement withinfive days was emphatically rejected by-- i

the Kellogg company today and peace '

negotiations are at a standstill.Washington, July 23. Acting Adjutant

General Hall has been advised that MajorGeneral James F. Wade will relieve Ma- -;

jor General George W. Davis of the command of the division of the Philippine.Saturday, on which day General Daviswill 'be placed on the retired list. '

Washington, July 23. The president hasdenied the application for commutationof the death sentence passed upon Ben-jamin G. Hill, a white man 65 years old.who killed his wife. Hill will be hangedtomorrow at the District jafl.

Washington, July 23. Secretary Wilson


Hill IL T-- tTSrHA square cake of ,

soap of a yellowish '

color, one of the"finest French Soapsmanufactured fragrant, refreshing,pure. ' r id a y s


.. 35c

Much Mixed July

Handsome&4 Line

iJarasols$3.'"" and up will go

and SaturdayOr.p-Thlr- d ThanMarked Price. Every-thing marked In plainf.gurps.

Helt SaleFor the price they are

urprccedr-nte- values.7 .S9 andFncv Bplts. andcol rs. at 23c Seamless

marStraight FrontHose Supporteriale Pszssstfst'ur best Grecian Pse

Supporters. Mackand colors, newest d. Choice

today, 13c at

Last Day Dress Shield Saleconcludes the spedsi M- -

g or Brooklyn ShfcMswarranted imperrifese ShteMs ax tisf allowing3Sc grade --ISc

grade Jc

15cTurn Collars

BeautiesToda' Saturday


annnnacannacannannna ncaarxaancanapaannnnnannnriDnannnnauaaoaaanauaaa


aa Biack Lacea


aa Today,a

This mornins wcLadies' Stainless Fastalace weaves. See windowday, starting at nine o'clock.


Hose14c PairBlack Hose, in beautiful

display. On sale all

See Windows for Saturday SalesnnnnnnnnnnnnanaaDDCcnDnnDaaarjanacnnncncnanannnannnnD

today issued an order removing the pro- - hre tonight by from Sanhibltlon against the exportation of rattle, j FraUc for New York- - They have beeu

; sheep and other ruminants anil arwin . two months on the trip and will be thrj the port of Boston on . first to moke trip across the continent,

existence of the foot and mouth dte-Hs- e. Vienna. Ju!y 23. The S tarn pa and otherWashington, July 23. The case of tho Belgrade papers publish rumors of a rev- -j

Western Union Telegraph company otatbm in Bulgaria and Prince Fer- -against the Pennsylvania Railroad com

j pany, involving the right of the railroadj company to remove the poles of the tele-- !

graph company its right of way) today was docketed in the United States

supreme court- -'

Washington. July 23. The interior? de- -'

partment today advised Governor Bradythat First Assistant Secretary Ryan willconfer with authorized representativesfrom Alaska at Seattle on August S rel- -

to the Alaskan exhibit for theworld's fair at St Louis.

St. Louis. July 23 Abe Aitell, the Cil -ifornia featherweight, and Johnny Regan,the bantamweight signed articles todayto box fifteen rounds before the WestEnd club here on July 30 for the legiti-mate featherweight championship ofAmerica at 122 pounds, ringside.

Kansas City. July 23. Mrs. WllhelmlnaGrace Barrlngton was today granted a

from "Lord" Frederick SeymourBarrlngton, who is now under arrest atSt OLouis, charged with murder. In thedistrict court at Knnsas City. Knn.

London, July 23. Henry George Llddell,second earl of Ravenswon Is. dead. Hewas born in 1S21.

Kansas City, July 23. Wm. Ahern. anIrish comedian, well known 'on the vaude-ville circuits died at his home here todayof consumption, aged 33. His wife, knownon the stage as Annie Patrick was athis bedside.

Xew York.-Jul- y 23. Justice Mayer inthe court of special sessions today denied.the motion the charges agamstAlderman J. B. Ga'ffney, accused of beinginterested In the lease or a pier whileholding public office, and ordered theprisoner held. -

Sandy Hook. X. J., July 23. A 12 Inchmortar was blown to pieces at the SandyHook proving ground today. The ex-

plosion demolished tho mortar and piecesof tho piece were scattered all over theHook and the adjacent beach. The firingsquad was all behind bomb sheds and noone was injured.

Toronto, July 23. Joy, wife of J. J.Joy, bnrrister and member of parliamentof Toronto, committed sulcklo by jumpingfrom the upper deck of the steamer ia

between this city and Hamilton to-

day, in full sight of the pasengera. Shehad

Syracuse X. Y.. July U. NelsonJ.ickRin rf Burlington, Vt . and Sow allK. Crotkir of Tacima, Wash., arrived

HffCi Vaf 1 l.Di V lid A Jmi


'The Store that Has the Goods


Measuring Counting Clearance Salepower

floor third. therefor env.rtstock before the Today start


Fri-day at





from account






IN DRUGRubbr Co. a guaranteed goods, reg- -

- --t viesTth ?wlr. today sod Satur- -

Face Powder. Friday sod SUsr- -

Sponges Half Priceor ita good sfzsd flponre FrMay m&


Ladies' 5c Bach. ,

FrtdT "w wfi seli Lsslrs Mem .. . .

hgS. SII

SUIT SECTION' Take SsconJ Floor3 0Px AjtJcu&ftM: Atih-t- , au4e

9t tec swftzd tfistrtim&i sod u$timctatffe. s4JxtaMs rofc. Pr-fe-et

Ba4a: ssoictrbUcks. a Unr tkH b Us

wort np to k4 sr

Lot 1 ,89Lot 1.49

3 198HuKyM&fesrg Crfb Sktrtm se--jr

n4e sjfce-ttor- s 4te-pr-p

sad twejrr rvra t'rt t,iJtti U Bar CO

place on sale Fifty Dozen



dinami on the advice of his governmentki about to flee or has flod tf Belgrade.

Bar Harbor, Me.. July p. The battleahlp squadron of the North Atlantic fleetarrived in harbor today and anchored.

Chicago. July 23. Under the asrecrofr.tasigned tonight between the Hotel Kecperyassociation and Waiters' unions, six

i thousand employes are given a 10 per entj advance in wages and improved woS!nc

J Chicago, July S. In the WesternJ Cricket association championship tourna- -ment today. Chicago defeated

j anj Manitoba was victorieus over S.j .cmls.


Emits Puffs Which Cause ElectricalClouds and Rumblings.

Kingston. Island ef St. Vliwent. July23. The Soufrlere volcano has beon slight-ly agltatrd since July 19. emitting pufrintermittently, which causa eleetrltldclouds and low rumblings. A "aevprsearthquake shock wa felt at 1:) a. tn .Tvsday, accompanied by a subterraneansoud of cracking, which shook the build.InKs here and threw the people Into astate of consternation, foaring thatdisastrous phenomenon weuki fol(ow thisenrthqunke. similar tht of July 17,

which preceded tho oruptton of Sep-

tember 3, lOQB.

Quay to Visit.City. July C.

p. Jorfes today received a letter fromSenator Quay stating that ho wouui ar-

rive In Oklahoma City tn September andwould make-- a tur of tho territories 'from,here to look into the statehood tdtuatlon.

Apache Prisoner cf War.Guthrfe. O. T.. July 33. Captain Sayr

ht Fort Sill has caused th arrest of AaDokiugue, an Apache Indian, aof for alleged criminal assault nHannah, Yaller, a o

an Apacho prisoner of

Coffeyvilte GetaCoffeyrillo. ICa . July JO. At a meotlnjf

last week In Dnrer of th Tnms-Mi- v

plfslppl freight bureau. th Kbij )

rate wns authorized to appH nagricultural Implements fmm Conv i jo,

Thl!" puts tV.fr Hip In a tMn -- i

ltv f.r an t.;n i ff" w hTopeka. W!hii nr.d "!'

You Can(Save 30 PeriCent onThese

Good Snaps. au has Parker s Tami Oiti i.raSnap the w 1

ever, wli! p; J

on mi- - a iiteday "a y

" at. ...

IDomestic Sectiondaffm Pillow fpn

llmOm it full Meftheljto vy. royrwj thread (

Biuttitti ess. t h v

hc, 8ft Jnrhr lor K anl1 a4 il lor-hv-

wKkr. worth j a iOr. flsxgaln Kriia,e'h 1 e.

ItobOff.cio-u- t the rerr.a.r

dr sf sr 8immtr LDtfUitsr w" will 'them at tio-tbir4- s thr

OCUQQp rsgvlar vaJu.Me fr S

j5C e for fr"siM 19? r

25 C SIM frtr - .

Pom bis J: fr a rilr prwJtfAep HJf Vrirjt

8tanSa? Me a4s& fr . VtSVyC SCr-in- rs for Ce

HusbandiStrte Apprrsssts rais n- t

s&eri&vg la &Ui'fWSMaer UMrwarKsaaerou ly1 3j &rte.l r .

nr. 2 a4 UswJr-si- r qTWsy ssMt SaittrAty. xrsteit

andAnd as a natural consequence reduction follows reduction. The purchasing of a dollar t the RoriV;?ch

store is greater than ever, and In some Instances will buy twice n much as usual. Twice a ysar w mk nof every item from the first to the It Is no small taak. p ar tuning svery tn so.ias mych as possible heavy work begins. will be aa srceiient ttm to your pun-ha-

ing. Xoad the partial list and remember, too. it's BARGAIN FHIDAY.


to Silkblack



Fiturdaythe cV






dspor-ilfnt- .



Ecru Vests,


tfce ssrfjrSttlag l'jrirtrrt



Lotc fr











cak- 19c




i QDPf l a i M

Buys Witch Clotha Great

Polisher for Metals

; Regular