wife of c a n c e r ast^est-parjey^== ^heavy'sffioe...

C a n ce r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*: May IB C<V—Tlie director of tlie public liealth scrv- i^utule Mid loUuy luiik' cancer Is Incrcailng, « men over « who iirc lit-nvy clKarcttc r.mokera. jt.iier tURKCitcd ^>>0^ “ Jiciiiy .OTokcr .tiioiild cut out l*^. or "If qu''’ co»>PlcU'ly, he ouchl to cut I ^ V^H?hltd'mien'le»- In the.weekly maRailne'U. 8. News nnd I rccomtncnded ftlJo ttmi nn Inillvldual. who Is 45 1 over-and •■certainly one who Is a heavy u.irr or I ?»'>“ *^lo„id have 111* pliyMclan c lw lc his cheat by an X-riiy I fiamlnfttlon. I would say. at Icmi every jH months." I indusln- contends no nctuiU connection beuccn smok- I hns Ijeen KinOlhhcd, U la supporttnp research I »l d.l.r»tolng U.c f.icU,_________________ [Oriver Sent to Jail OnLeaving Mishap Vor leaving the sccnc of nn jtccidcnt itnd for drivinjr JkVnlv Willium ilfeycr, 39, JIurtauRh, wts sentenced .10 days in the county jnil niid fined SlOO and costa on '2 first charRC nnd ?50 nnd costs on the sccond by Justice lire reiwrleil'Eldrctl'BoHilyrrout^lrlwnflenrwas-di'iv- ?his 1953 Clicvrolet west on hiRlnvny aO, west of Hed ffln corner Saturday cvcnini? when he saw Meyer’s 1954 ' ------- ----------------------------- Mercury coming toward him o n - t h c —WTonR“ S}t)e-x>f;-the roud. IJodily drove cicar'bver to the north fiidc of the roatJ nnd iitoppcd his dar. Meyer’ii cSV *ldfRwlpcd DodUy’a car. In wlUch there wero four other p;i«enKers, BodUy manftBcd to halt Mcycr momentarily before he left the r^ccnc of the accident. None of Uic pa.v.tTKcrs was hurt, Sunday niomlnn, state Patrol- man D. L. Cain arrested Meyer. Jack William Warren. Logan, Utah. waaJlnwi tlQQ.inri ctau and sentenced to five days in the Cna- a county Jal! by Burley Juillce r Uic Pcftcc J. L. Wtldon for drl' IK wlillo l)U driver's lleen.'c wi ’.F. Assured^ *0f Memorial Day Missiles Al. tmt olflcml* have uiured i T ^ r S b o I an outstand nKm^. I2^<us>l*y Memorial dijy I m l-^ T /S itt. Paul Dyer told I yj commerclsl dlrislon of tJie I commerce Mondi^ I lEeBerxtanl Dyer said he has I iwred tint model* of tJic I sa rt Domatk, Titan and M m I to ja iffr Uit KtVmorlaUay dl5- I tUL A complete drone ptnne. ant I ; « ! - « . « / of A Je^ liU b? »T»llali1C lor public In. f Kit nUl be displayed In the Idaho Iwr.coBipiny window, aionB illh tlMJ«t enslne, Tlie enRlne I * ! 1 1 btt lei up to operate elecUlc. inj*aj»iil be mounted on ft turn- Ubim)j« “ 111- fiKtdrtDfCf. who went . sir ftrt* hue. Utah, to complete enflfBoesb fw U jbproiJertlrs to t« dlulired. adTlted that possibly I MUlJtle dliplsy luch m Ui# Pal- la or n trt also may be ndvlsable L litheoMblt. I JWie Rjscsl Till be moved -to n I locitlon ncir the two cemeterie.i J:r Mffflorlnl dsy. and the smaller . fihlblU »1U b« avsllable for view- I at pirklns lob at Albertwn'a 1 P»1 center. Okay Shopplns cen- / kr, Sttertj ntsre )n the Lynwcod ' illstrlct »nd Shtlby's'market. The lUical will be shown at At' bct^R'i Sunday morning, Okay 1 ‘j^t eundiy sitemoon'and on I ilcndar It the Lynwood Safeway I ilse In the morning nnd Shelby's I la ihe afternoon. PemUslon tor blocklnc Main , Mfsas between Shoshone street j ; t 2d-6teond-street-east has been I br yiff city commL'j)att for Tiii.'jdtj' nluht and Friday, nnd lU of Ihe nlrJorcc Items wllh the eicetllen of the Jet enjtne nnd prfuure m t wlU be set up along Ihlsliloc^, Ctialmj»n W«ley Bwope preiwd spprecUtlon to Dyer for ; Uie tlm( »nrt eJfort of mftklng , gfemfnti tor the Twin Falls W t. filorti will be open from f 'JOtsn. imtJI 3 p.m. both May a ind s , Swope said, Dulles Papers to , Go to Princeton I WAsniKOTo.v, May.,ia_(.fl_~ dipinmniic of »hn Powr Dulles wlli be Ki«n to J ’nncttcn unltfniiy. A rora or Dullw' friends wll JInanct iht building of a library 01 dipionjlie hlilory which wll fcw hli ninie, R'm coplM ot many official n.. ddcumenli of the Wit si* yn n »tjo will be housed ^ UK iKo-jiorj- structure N, j, th?r! « Wbut<‘ to ftf fornifr tttnturr ot eUte who wlwisly 111 with cancer GhiU'ch Says Forest Study Fund Is Cut . WASinNGTON. May 18 (UPI) —Propo-ied reduction In funds for forcr.t re.^earch and research fti- clllllc.i wn.1 labeled as "shocking examples of false economy' Sen. Pranlt Church. D, Ida. day. Church told the .senate proprlotlona committee "tho stag- Bcrlnji lo.'Mes wi suffer from dls- se nnd Insects, and the waste permit from lack of knowledge poor mnnasement will be saved only (18 wc viKorousIy push the research procrama already start' ed.- - Noting that the forest Industiy fts-one-of-the major Induatrlea Injldnho, Church siUd on many occnalons ”he'had found that ■•souncf mannffffnent praeJ/cea In jjueh matters as forest road and tmU proRTnmj. forest dei Tape Speeds fotals of Census ■ ASIiis-aTON, May IB Wl - - (lot on A plec# ot tape In^ In the census bureau. In the [050 census you were n « I'unchcd card. But that's '’'’.■ ‘""'•'S' “ I'M con .j?l'"minK new elei ntf today, “"t of tho,« the entire pop- S i But.. ts '• ’W ‘lMed by sex, ruceitnd ago. Baseball Today LEAGUE - ' - ------------- Oil 4-13 Berbert; SuUlvfta. WJf rs? n).Bows. chir. Ot,..'?? WttsJilngton and -- —----------- tar-M i Baltimore, nlglil "nee FWday when ynly (jamrs aehcduled. Clrrin^'''. LEAGUE ^ A'ngcles. night '■’-0 'An ■'lllftaukee at San T "• only eames —100 V Tivo teen-agers appearing before Burley Police Judge Henry Tuck- er for draB-raclnp at BOmiles per hour In a 3S-mlle zone were lined S W .cach. Tlicy,_are E. Lewis bcwcy. Id, Declo, and Myron Ray Harris, IS. Burley. Vtiaiia BerUvh, }?. Tteln FtUb. •as fined |15 and coals, and given 25 demerltc for following & Tehlcle loo closely, and fined )7 and costs for driving a vehicle without driver'* llccnse. both on Filer o». nuo civsU She appeared Saturday before PoUco Judge j. o, Pum- phrey on citations •issued last Tuesday. John Southworth, Oakley, woa (i;anllnB»d'eB ri»V 1, €•! ' Wife of "Trtiffian Said O K KANSAS CITY, May 18 (/I‘) — SurKCOiis reriiovetl u breast tumor Loilay from Bens Wallace Tninian, 71- year-old wife of the former President. A Ue.scarch Mo.s- pital Hpokesman describeti i\!rs. Truman’s coiuiition ji« •'very «atliIactor>'" alUT the t*o liour Jiiid 45 minute uiicTivllnn. The Bpokesman f.ald it vould'be two or three days beloro ii ij d c termlned whether tlie tiinior wa; iiallgnanL Earlier her husband. }lnrrj' 8 Truman, told newsmen the opera, tlon was "not os terlou.-i as wi UlOUBht," llie hospital spokesman aalc laboratory tests will have to bi jMde before n final dcicrmlnntlon. Truman had rcm.ilned close to the operating room on the llfUi floor of Research hwpltal from the stirt.:or~ii]e“ oiK:nition“ untii~iic is-to-liio.gruund-lbor-to..visit, office of the hojpltal director, Robert E, Adams. Newsmen caught him a-' he .itarted to enter the elevator to rtiurn fo'lili'mwnoJr. ---------- was solfmn-faced when lie down , the elevator but was Amlllng as he started the return trip, Mrs. Truman, who was 74 last Feb- 13. entered the hoiplUl Tliursday. At that time, a mem- ber of Uie family said i;he would undergo a checkup to determine the cause ot a scries of colds dur- ing the winter. CancerJKiUs Daughter of Cantor at 44 8 Engines to PusJi Rocket JlOLLywOOD. M.iy 18 (U P D - Comedlan Eddlo Cantor's clde.it tKhter.-MarJorle.-44i-dled-yciv- tcrday of cancer., Tlio famed comedian, who lins been oiling for ucvcral years, was placed under sedation. Cantor Lored Daurhtci Jite Cantor and her four si-v iCTS had provided a running gag for "Cintor during his radlo-tele. Tlslon days wMan ho programs and Umber marketing progrnms—which have been de-' veloped by the agency personnel—i arc scuttled by Uio bureau of tho: budget,"........Tlie senator said « report pub- IWied by the forest ser>-lce provid- ed proof that funds spent on for- e.itry research were returned to the nation ^many-fold.” disturbed that this pro- gram ahould be marked for re- duction by two and « half million dollars for construcllon of r#- neareh facilities, and a half mil- lion dollam for boile research." Church said. ‘Thcae are pittances, compared Wllh the «onoml: waste which will bo ottacked by these that ho had no sons. But hla af- fection for his five daughters waj well-known. ..MlRs Cantor had -suffered from Uio dlseaso for tlio pnat two years and entered Cedars of Lebanon ho.'ipltfti iMi March 20 for tlie kc- ond time wlUiln a year. She and her sisters kept the ■CVSof her nf/IlrUon from C.intnr njt^hls wife, Ida, until March lien her condition became grave. Both. Cantor nnd his wife suffer from‘heart, ailments.. Hlsten rresrnt Only the sisters. Mrs. Natftlle Metiger, Los Angeles; Mrs, Edna Mcllugh. Mnllbu. Calif., tind Marl- lyn.Caritor and Mi3..Jnnct Oarl, both New York, were at Marjorie' bed.^lde when death came. Cantor’s doctor said tlie banjo- eyed comedian was unable to speak to anybody. Marjorie ser^-ed for years as hei fatlicr’s secretary and was a WTlt. er, EhB contributed articles to many magazines and trnveled ex. lenslvely with her parents. 5 Children Dead In House Blaze PlflLADELPHIA, May 18 'Mommy will put out the fire. Everything will be all riBht," Dorothy Stocker. S8. reassured her flre'chliareti with Uiesb words yesterday-when & flr« stnrted-ln her bed In the Negro family's Uilrd- floor West Philadelphia apartment. She tried to exUnguWi the flames with a pillow and paai of water before leaving the apart- ment to seek help from others In the building. When she tiled to return to her apartment tho fast- spreadlnff flames drove Her back. ThB children nil perWied In the blaM. They were James, 7; Mar- sha^ 4; twins OalJ and Dale, 3, and Stephanie, 17 months. ast^est-ParJey^== Stalls Again; Both Sides Reject Ideas GENIiVA, May 18 (/P)— Russia and llio UVst each formnlly rejected the other’s propDSitls for a ('.crnuin jieace settlemenl ludjiy, but the Soviet Union announced readi- ness to (iisi-usH sevLTal points of the western iiacka^'c.jilan linking German ix.snes nnd M ’ctU'lIy. roruiKii Jlliilstor Aiuliej Gromyko-toid the Bip Four conference' that t j{^ Soviet troveniment is yi:epi^ Eltht of lhe»e II- . . . ... tered lo fflrm the P.j mlllfon pound lliruit propulsion system fnr the advanced rMeardi prnjtcli agency'* new Saturn space tehlcle, according to llir.ilcfrnte department nhlch released tU( photo In Waihlngton. The enjlnn are slmpUfled rrrtions of thofo nnir uwd In Ihe Jupiter and Allas rockeU. Thli one ti In place on a test •land lii n Held laboratory. Dr. Wernher ton Draun, the army'* (op mfuffe tclen<f>(. ifescrlbed (h6 Saturn prpjeet, noder war a< Reditone anenal, aa blcger than anything Itusila has yet demon- itrated. (Ar nlrtpbolo) Bleachers at Rodeo Collapse; 150 Hurt Later Report Has Business ‘Even Better' WASIIINOTON, M.ly 18 (UPIl —Uu-ilnru was even better In thi flrsl_threc_monthi_ot_tljh_3 'pfti Ihan-the-reeord-settSi-p-pnce-thc government ,crli[l!'nlly,^r<-porU-d,_, Rcvbfd flKu'res l.-.Micd by tin commcrcf department last night showed that the nation's outpuf ot goods and scnlce.i hit an all- !Jmr W;h-anmjsl-r3((^o'/^e7'b)l' lion dolUra. abouftwo billion above tl)e dfpattmcnfs earlier estimate. Heavy itockplllng of business In- . cnlorle.v especially steel, account- ed for hsif the increase. The de- partment calculated thnt factories and firms added to their Invcnto. ries at aii annual buildup rate ot five billion dollars. This Indicated a ftliarp jeveraal of Uie trend in Die cJosjng.monttis ot loss when comp.-inic.i reduced their inventories. Steel corvsun have been laying In reserves to In the event ot a steel .strike tills summer. The m-bllUffn-dollnr flfrure Jl_bMllPn_abc.yj_tht_lftal__tliree months of 1958. It was elghl per cent higher than the recc.islon rale at the beginning of loss. — MAYETrA-K(in9r,-,May 18 (/P)—A-rodotMirei................ crs buckled "with a pop nnd n bang” yeatcrdny in this eastern Knnsa.1 hamlet, injuring 150 persons, one fatally. Twenty-three of the victimH reiiuircd hospitalization. The others were released after treatment at hospitals in To- peka, Eolton aiid.Iji\vTencc.JCiithcrinc-Shay.,.61,JfoltQn; died today in a Holton hoa shock. “ There was a pop 2 Idaho Falls Fires Caused By Arsonists IDAHO PALLS, May I >ital of internal injuries and a bang and it collapsed,said C. W. La\yson, Perry, Kans. "Thero wiis no warning thnt It was going to give way," Law.ion was one of about 300 persons la tho recently lailalled bleachers when It crashed to the ground, lie was not hurt. Witnesses said Uie. Bpectators had Jait started to file out after CRASH VICTIM DIES KELLOaO, Mas 18 OlV-James Peyton. Multan, a-thlr'd man In- volved_ln_.ii.{wo-crfr:crash nea_j^ here over Ihe weekend, died yes- terday. Other* killed In the mis- e 8/figL Kenneth D Spanaway. Wash., am A l/d Murfef £>. liolbert, Fort- ]and- WASniNOTON. May II tfl—Americans weal on a ipendlng spre« the flnl Ihrep »ontb* ot Ujlt year. Spending by Indl- vIdnaU for petwnal ecniompUon was up H.600,000,000 to a ttcord ratajif. IMSi^UUon u rear. ___________ ______________ WASIIINQTON, May IB (UPD-Sen. Harry P- Byrd said today Uie govemraenl bought 33jlil military housing unlta over U « Ptfl three years for »87,400,000 more than Uielr original cost. He toM Uic senate and house In a report that the total *305.100,000 government outltiy foe Iheie tmll* was «3.400.000 higher than their replacement eallmated by fedenU housing admlnlstraUon. WASIUNOTOK. May IB l*V-Pre*ldent Elsenhower paid another lOsplUl call today on John Foster Dnllet. seriously 111 with cancer and pneomonU eomnUcaUons. Shortly after E£»«ai»i>w«r’* Wslt, the lUto department Ttgorted there was no ehaag# la Dulles' eondlllon Idnho Falls builnc-vj e.',ti menls were destroyed by fire c.\rly today, and offlccrj jnia 11 appeared rson was Involved in ijoth. One blaze wa-s at the Met Bro»n Pump company on tJie clt>-'s south' we-ntem outskirts. The other wu at the Max Kerr and 8on Lumber company oti the Yellowstone hiith. any <V. 8. 01) at the north end^ of the city, There were ntr Immediate esll- mates of touil damage. Damage I> Illgh Tlie pump company fire ported at 3 ajn. It caused eKtenslve damage, completely gulling QuoivKt office and warehouse building. While the city's fire equipment was sUll at the pump company, the lumber fire was reported at 4:03 a.m, The bla» gqt a good starl before erjulpment could rcach 11 from the first fire. The office buildings were saved, but several warehouses and ataclts o f lumber ere dfstroyed. All flre'equlpmenfln Uie''elty was cilled.-,and'cqulpment 'camc from the national reactor tesUng jtaUon about 45 mile# away. Arson Charged Tlie Bonneville county aherltfs .tflce said the pump company fire resulted from burglary and arson. Officers said a safe had been peeled and contents removed be^ fore the fire started, Tlie jamc spokc.^mim said that ^•Ithout que-Mlon ar.vin alio was Involved' in the lumber yard fire. Rain, Hail Cause Damage to Crops kdSUae wa* reporied. WASinNOTON, May 18 <UPD—The supreme court agreed today to rule on tho consUtutlonallty of two Arkansas City ordinances re- qulrloB the NaUonal AssodaUon tor the Advancement cxf Colored Peo- ple (NAACF) lU membentilp lUU aod fln»nfla1 data... , Dt least two tornadoes pounded parta ot Oklahoma. Kansas and MlMourl Sunday night cod «rJy Monday, causing heavy crop dam- Egg-Mted hall combined with r. four-lncli rain dtslroyed 75 per cent of the wheat crop in the Bluff City area oC.southcentrnl KantQS Ca.«oday In souilieastOT Kansas was deluged by a flve-loch rain- fall. ' A twister touchetf'down Sunday, durtngjhe _helffh£ o! a rain and hall storm In the ElTXinidorKaiia:; area, but cau-wd no Injuries or damages..A twister at Anthony, Kans.. desttoycd outbuildings on Ihe Herbert Wilcox farm. Wilcox Blct' he MW the tornado coming and took refuge with h u family In the basement Of hla home, up ne waJ hurl. Other severe storms dumped three Inches of rain In Jess than two hours at Pond Creek, Okla., and similar amounts at Pawhuska and Wynona In northern Oklaho- 'nia. Cuba In tfiwt central Missouri. Sweetsprlngs, In central Missouri and Jlarrlsonvlllo In tho yrestcea- Iral cecUon of the ilato. day rodeo when tho riccldcnt curred. Performers, and other fans In the crowd of about 6,000, plung. ed Into U)o wreckage to free the vlcUms. 'There was & Jot of acreamli _ and shouUng." said one wlUicss, "Some ot the people clung to gird- ers but most of Uiem piled up Into Just a bit; heop.-lt" took -several minutes lo get them unplled." Cau.'« of the accident hasn' been determined. The bleacher* had been built for Uils year's ro. deo. Hiey were constructed of n metal frame and wooden seats. The section was 75 feet long and had 10 rows, Uie highest of which aa about lo feet from tho ground. One ot Uie Injured. Donald Troughton. HjpeJta. *aJd*o Hque- fled gas line was broken. aetUng edge the nerves of victims amj Wetter Mote than normal precipita- tion Is fortcast'for Maslo Val- ley during the next five days, oMordlng to . the~forfcast -rt- celvcd hcre-vla-tha. Ataoclaled. Press. “Nothing could b« better thir year Chana toftg period o f sbors nonn&t rains." said the AP re- porter as he read tMs forecost: •'PreclpltaUon heavier than normal In showers occurring mostly alter the middle of tlie week. Temperatures below the normal maxlmuma o f C5 to "75 and normal mlnlmums of 30 lo 48." . (Probably). ^ said. -VleUnu hadlo.be taken.as.fnr as. ao miles-away, to Lawrence for medical treatment. Mayetta with a population of only 330, has 0 hospllAl. Search Ended DUBOIS, May 18 (UPl)-Clark }unty Sheriff Carl Holden said to'- ay Uiere 'would be no further search for a plane and Its pilot ml.«ing since May 1 unless new In- fonnallon was received. He said the search for George II, Cucklaai, 35, Denver, was offi- cially ended becac.'o there have been absoluUly no clues to prompt furtlicr atlemptJi to locate the ml.sslng Income Tax Cut Study Is lu Operation WASHINGTON, M ay 18 -(UPI) —The house ways and mearu com- mittee is launching an extensive Inquiry aimed at “slffnlficonf, in- come lax cuts, presumably next year. Chairman Wilbur t5. Mills, D. Ark., said yesterday th e eommlltee hoped tie tax base could be broad- ened enough to permit •'algnflcant reducUons In Individual and cor- poration income tax rates without sacrificing Uie ravenues needed by the government."-.— --------------- The commlllea time-table a; peared designed to perm it congres- sional action on- taxes before the IPflO presfdenUal elecUons. Deroo- <rats and Republicans.alike would like to.lsy a tax reduction before the voters, [president Elseohdver has been linUng at ISGO tax cuts. He eald 18 January, however, that chances f<r reductions depend, largely on lie treatment congress gave his 7i.bIIllon-dollar budget. [Elsenhower’s chief eeonomie ad- /kcr. Dr, Raymond J. Saulnlv, sUd yesterday tliat It %-os aUll "too riy" to give an administration ) slUon on Ux o it po&siblllUes for tt year. • le said If tlie fiscal looo budget. Uie year beginning July I. does : up balanced as hoped, and the finomy continues to expand.then 11Te would be a pranpect for lall surplus" in fiscal i&Ql. d to talk siiQcifieaHy about di.sarninmont. a nonaspression declaration and crcation of Suspect Smug Grinning J. P. ^Valktr. garage owner In Plcaynae, Miss, li ahown ai he told rtporlera that Fill arenls hare aeeaied him ot -Mack Charlci Parker. Parker, a Negro acetised ot raping a white woman, was taken from an nn- gnardrd Jail In ^ roplarrllle. FBI’s Lynch Ciase Qiierig# Anger Some POPLAIIVILLE, Miss,, May 18 W\-Cltlicns In this south MlsiU- slppl sawmill'town-are showing open irritation today over the FBI’s InveaUgaUon of the Mack Chnrles Parker lynching. Reports that the FBI was poised touraiserenjsta over the.wffk- end In connectloa wim the lynch- ing failed Co materialize. Tension was heightened yester- day when one man was hospllalUed for a cerebral hemorrhage a few hours atter FBI agents quesUoned him, Another man, J. F. Lee, Jr.. sold agents questioned him and hla wife twIce.and-ioUowed him mflrr than a week. J, P. Walker, a repotted canffl- daU: for slierltf, said he would not submit lo more questioning "unleas Uiey Issue a warrant for me.” ArUiur E. SmiUi, 33. a'stump hauler and tractor driver from nearty McNeill, was ho«plUillMd In undetermined condlUoa after the cerebml hemorrhage. The FBI declined to comment.' Average^of $598 : Is Paid at Show WALLA WALLA, May IBJffl- he average nrice ot t5B8 paid at le sale which conclu3ed the Northwest.Quarler Horse a.«isoeIa- Uon show and aale was consider- ably abTve that of last year. . Dr. E. II, Br>'an. Ooodlng. paid Ihe second high price ot |l,000 for a*roare consigned by Ell# Palnode,' Wapato. Wash. Art Danielson, Waltsburg, Wash., paid the top price, $1J00, for a mare consigned by Sam Porter, Pilot Rock. Ore. JlUnCLARr IKVERTIGATED BOISE, May 18 t f l - P o l l C , grilled known safe crackers today after a professional-looking Job rhlch netted more Uian t n ,000 at Boise department atore. Some 'ilO.OOO was cash, the r u t chKks. mixed committee of Euat and. West Germans. • . Ru.v.la win not dlicius German rciiiilflcntluii, he said. i;. S. Sccrdar)- of State ChHs- llan A, llcrliT told Uie confcrei.ce that a Soviet ptnpoittlon for a pcacc trcxty lo be signed Rjtn both East ond West Germany would "recoKniM In effect the Permanent partlllon of fiprmany" ---■ ■'‘-->lds-the-srrdsuf-ftiturcdis-- corcl and-confllet.'' Hc'rter adopted a somewhat tougher line Uian In'.previous speeches, but liB avoided angry ciiarges. n ie jiecrelsiy of slsie « !d Iha 'constructive proposals by tho United Slates were brought to naught by Uie conUnued refusal of tho Soviet Union to fulfill its sol- obllgatlon to Join with the Western allle.i In bringing about the reunlllcallon of Oermany and the establishment .of on all-Oer- man goverrunent freely chosen by Uio Oermwi people." Herter said as far a.i the United Stales. Britain and fVance ar« concerned, a final settlement wlUi Germany "must await the estsb- Ushmeni of a government wlilch in act for and bind Oennany as whole." Reun[TiwUon“ ls only'possible," Oromyko said, Uiroush direct ac- tion by East and West Gemiaa rtglma. He declared it woufd be - •:1 if the GcnBva Mnfcrtnce Pagree on telling up an all- Oermany agency, but said the de- cision must be up lo the Germans Injured Man Crawls 4 Days in Desert Before Res:ue; Lives on Cactus Juice TUCSOW, Ari2.; May i8 (U P D - i. 4D-year>old mao. painfully li>. jurcfl'in'ii-small plane'crtuh.'de- scribed from his hosplUl bed today how he crawled for foiir days Uirough Uie desert, llTlng on cactus JuJce, ■•■Tm'luckyioT)raUvcr3Tii3s.‘ said Lonnie Davison, He crawled eight mllea acros.i the desert while suffering' from a cracked vertebra d a broken ankle.' 'I didn't have anyUriflg lo eat and I'm sure dehydrated," he said, 'l l ’s no tun to be maimed out in the desert, crawling for your life.” Davison was Injured Wednesday in the crofth ol a {wo-seat plane piloted by his friend, R. V. Powell. 33, on a flight- from Ray.' Arli.. to here, a distance of about 70 miles. Both men are eon.tUuoUon workers who commuted from Ray .to their ’Tucson homes In PoweU’s place. - Powell, critically Injured, vas t frem-the-irreekage of the > 6t. Mary's boapllal-liere . jy after DaTlson 'cniwlcc highway and v a s spotted ritf's depu’Ues, rell. suffering from multiple a lacerated wngue and bdraUan,“ witaTtport4d’ m' MiUon. . a crane operator, sold circling to ffaln altitude Jfly over a mounlaln just atter ting Dtf when the plane went a nose dive and crashed near , several miles from Ray, plane hit the Rround nose DsTlson said. "Powell was I out, and gasoline wa* run- 1 over him. He couldn't -r tried to help him out Ithe.a'redULge but couldn't gel out." >Tlson aald be tried to walk his' Injuries ver* ao painful he eouldat stand-up'-asd he.was forced to cnw l to rsaeh halp......... - “I dldnt slerp-at-ntght; i-Jn*t kepi crawling, I got water frcm some big cactus plants In *the desert." At first he sued his pocket knife could suck out some Ufe-sus- tainlng Juices, The blade oi knife broke off'In one cactus and le later hod to use his hands to :law through the cactus' prickly- txterlor. lo get at the Julc*. - *'I guess I must hare cntwlcd :lghl mUes,*'^ he said. ' Deputies said Umperatures In the desert nrled from a nUht iov of atioul U to a daytime high near “W dejrtes. Tft'o men partlclpatlne la the air search were killed when their craft amashed Into a power line near RayThureday. They were WUUaffl 0. Rosen and Oeorg* Shuler. He’ said the West must break up It-i package in order to peanlt' dlscutsloa-of-lhe - parIs.In-wtdeb- Russia U inlereaUd. , . To make'* pescs lrf«’tr»Jlh the two Germanys, Herter said, “ would bo to recognise in effect tho permanent parUUoq*of Oer> many,” He spoke at the..end of a day marked by discord smong the western allies over how and when to t>egln negPtlaUng with Russia n. the Berlin crisis. The AlUe^'how«Ter;.palched up their differences' lii midday and Issued a sUtement saying that, while Berlin and other Issues could be'discussed wllh Russia' outside’ their proposed package peace settlement, such Issues could not acUially b^ setUed separately from the package. Gooding Tote ’ On Combining Schools OK’d BOISE. May 18 COPD-ThB state edueaUon department said It has authbrlxed a school distrfet reorganlzaUon elecUon In Good- lng_coxmly to determine whether , two dlsBcU would be blned. Department Wielals aald the authorirallon was given U>e coun-* ty oommlaslonen to set * date fo r - the clccllon to decide If class A acbool dlslrlct No. 333. Wendell, and comnjcn school dlsWct No, 13. Orchard Valley, ahould com- bine. Patrons of district 13 petltlooed- irustees of district 33J for the Joining of the two districts. Under terms of the proposal, which has l>ccn approved ^ the Ooodlng county school reorganisation com- mittee and the state boanl of edU- caUon, each district would pay Its own current bond debt. Petitioners c o n t e n d e d Uiat ahould the election cftrry. contro- versial problems of several years' • duration In the area would likely terminate, .......... •„ The Wendell dlsUlct enrolls eC3 high school and elememao' pupils and has a vahmtlan.of ^,939^34 while dUtrlct 13 has 38 etemen- - (ary pupils -and a vafuatfon of I7B7A29. HIGHLIGHTS in -Todoy's timosiNows~ Page 1—East-West meeUng make* no progress. Mra. Tru- .......... Cancer s amokers. col- Ta'psfi&noaMrGoodinrwtirmr- schools okaj-ed. FBI probe of lynching bothers pec^le. In- jured man crawls four days on desert. rate 4-Edllorial: "Sunday Is Dlffeitht*' Pare 8 » T w ln PUls county cows pQjt hlgh record for April Pace »-Elllebre« belts two< more homea.... ........ ............ P»p> ll-rPrtsIdent Sisenbov- er more on own after losiag two aides. x*-Old fiserton •cbool

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Page 1: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:

C a n c e r Striking^ H e a v y 'S f f i o E ^

nTvi*: May IB C<V—Tlie director of tlie public liealth scrv- ’ i^utule Mid loUuy luiik' cancer Is Incrcailng,

« men over « who iirc lit-nvy clKarcttc r.mokera.jt.iier tURKCitcd >>0 “ Jiciiiy .OTokcr .tiioiild cut out

l * ^ . or "If qu''’ co»>PlcU'ly, he ouchl to cut

I V^H?hltd'mien'le»- In the.weekly maRailne'U. 8. News nndI rccomtncnded ftlJo ttmi nn Inillvldual. who Is 451 over-and •■certainly one who Is a heavy u.irr orI ?»'> “ *^lo„id have 111* pliyMclan clw lc his cheat by an X-riiyI fiamlnfttlon. I would say. at Icmi every jH months."I indusln- contends no nctuiU connection beuccn smok-I hns Ijeen KinOlhhcd, U la supporttnp researchI » l d.l.r»tolng U.c f.icU,_________________

[Oriver Sent to Jail On Leaving Mishap

Vor leaving the sccnc o f nn jtccid cn t itnd for drivinjr JkV nlv Willium ilfeycr, 39, JIurtauRh, w ts sentenced .1 0 days in the county jnil niid fin ed SlOO and costa on '2 first charRC nnd ?50 nnd costs on the sccond by Justice

lire reiw rleil'E ldrctl'B oH ilyrrout^lrlw nflenrw as-di'iv-• ?his 1953 Clicvrolet west on hiRlnvny aO, west o f Hed ffln corner Saturday cvcnini? w h en he saw Meyer’s 1954

' ------- ----------------------------- M ercury com ing toward himo n - t h c —WTonR“ S}t)e-x>f;-the roud. IJodily drove cicar'bver to th e north fiidc of the roatJ nnd iitoppcd his dar. Meyer’ii cSV *ldfRwlpcd DodUy’a car. In wlUch there wero four other p;i«enKers, BodUy manftBcd to halt Mcycr momentarily before he left the r ccnc of the accident. None of Uic pa.v.tTKcrs was hurt,

Sunday niomlnn, state Patrol­man D. L. Cain arrested Meyer.

Jack William Warren. Logan, Utah. waaJlnwi tlQQ.inri ctau and sentenced to five days in the Cna-

a county Jal! by Burley Juillce r Uic Pcftcc J. L. Wtldon for drl'IK wlillo l)U driver's lleen.'c wi

’.F. Assured^*0f Memorial

Day MissilesAl. tmt olflcml* have uiured

i T ^ r S b o I an outstand nKm^. I2^<us>l*y Memorial dijy I m l-^T /S itt. Paul Dyer told I yj commerclsl dlrislon of tJieI commerce Mondi^

I lEe Berxtanl Dyer said he has I iwred tint model* of tJic I sart Domatk, Titan and MmI tojaiffr Uit KtVmorlaUay dl5- I tUL A complete drone ptnne. antI ; « ! - « . « / of A Je

liU b? »T»llali1C lor public In.

f Kit nUl be displayed In the Idaho Iwr.coBipiny window, aionB illh tlM J«t enslne, Tlie enRlne

I * ! 1 1 btt lei up to operate elecUlc.■ inj*aj»iil be mounted on ft turn-

Ubim)j« “ 111- fiKtdrtDfCf. who went . sir ftrt* hue. Utah, to complete enflfBoesb fw Ujb proiJertlrs to t« dlulired. adTlted that possibly I MUlJtle dliplsy luch m Ui# Pal- la or ntrt also may be ndvlsable

L litheoMblt.I JWie Rjscsl Till be moved -to n I locitlon ncir the two cemeterie.i

J:r Mffflorlnl dsy. and the smaller . fihlblU »1U b« avsllable for view- I at pirklns lob at Albertwn'a 1 P»1 center. Okay Shopplns cen- / kr, Sttertj ntsre )n the Lynwcod ' illstrlct »nd Shtlby's'market.

The lUical will be shown at At' bct^R'i Sunday morning, Okay 1‘j^t eundiy sitemoon'and on

I ilcndar It the Lynwood Safeway I ilse In the morning nnd Shelby's I la ihe afternoon.

PemUslon tor blocklnc Main , Mfsas between Shoshone street j ; t 2d-6teond-street-east has been I br yiff city commL'j)att for

Tiii.'jdtj' nluht and Friday, nnd lU of Ihe nlrJorcc Items wllh the eicetllen of the Jet enjtne nnd prfuure mt wlU be set up along Ihlsliloc ,

Ctialmj»n W«ley Bwope preiwd spprecUtlon to Dyer for

; Uie tlm( »nrt eJfort of mftklng , gfemfnti tor the Twin Falls

Wt. filorti will be open from f 'JO tsn. imtJI 3 p.m. both May a ind s, Swope said,

Dulles Papers to , Go to PrincetonI WAsniKOTo.v, May.,ia_(.fl_~■ dipinmniic of

»hn Powr Dulles wlli be Ki«n to J’nncttcn unltfniiy.

A rora or Dullw' friends wll JInanct iht building of a library 01 dipionjlie hlilory which wll fcw hli ninie,

R'm coplM ot many official n.. ddcumenli of theWit si* ynn »tjo will be housed ^ UK iKo-jiorj- structure

N, j,th?r! « Wbut<‘ toftf fornifr tttnturr ot eUte who

wlwisly 111 with cancer

GhiU'ch Says Forest Study

Fund Is Cut. WASinNGTON. May 18 (UPI)

—Propo-ied reduction In funds for forcr.t re. earch and research fti- clllllc.i wn.1 labeled as "shocking examples of false economy'Sen. Pranlt Church. D, Ida. day.

Church told the .senate proprlotlona committee "tho stag- Bcrlnji lo.'Mes wi suffer from dls-

se nnd Insects, and the waste ■ permit from lack of knowledge poor mnnasement will be saved

only (18 wc viKorousIy push the research procrama already start' ed.- • -

Noting that the forest Industiy fts-one-of-the major Induatrlea

Injldnho, Church siUd on many occnalons ” he'had fou nd that ■•souncf mannffffnent praeJ/cea In jjueh matters as forest road and tmU proRTnmj. forest dei

Tape Speeds fotals of Census

■ ASIiis-aTON, May IB Wl - -

(lot on A plec# ot tape In In the census bureau.In the [050 census you were n

• « I'unchcd card. But that's '’ '’.■‘""'•'S' “ I'M con .j?l'"minK new eleintf today,

“ "t of tho,« the entire pop-S i But.. ts'•’ W‘lMed by sex, ruceitnd ago.

Baseball TodayLEAGUE - '

- ------------- Oil 4-13

Berbert; SuUlvfta.WJf rs? n).Bows.

chir.O t,..'? ? WttsJilngton and -- —-----------tar-M i Baltimore, nlglil "nee FWday when

• ynly (jamrs aehcduled.Clrrin '''. LEAGUE

^ A'ngcles. night '■’-0 'An ■'lllftaukee at San T "• only eames

—100 V

Tivo teen-agers appearing before Burley Police Judge Henry Tuck­er for draB-raclnp at BO miles per hour In a 3S-mlle zone were lined S W .cach. Tlicy,_are E. Lewis bcwcy. Id, Declo, and Myron Ray Harris, IS. Burley.

Vtiaiia BerUvh, }?. Tteln FtUb. •as fined |15 and coals, and given

25 demerltc for following & Tehlcle loo closely, and fined )7 and costs for driving a vehicle without driver'* llccnse. both on Filer o». nuo civsU She appeared Saturday before PoUco Judge j . o , Pum- phrey on citations • issued last Tuesday.

John Southworth, Oakley, woa(i;anllnB»d'eB ri»V 1, €•! '

W ife o f "T rtiffian

Said O KK A N SAS CITY, May 18

(/I‘) — SurKCOiis reriiovetl u breast tumor L o i la y from Bens Wallace Tninian, 71- year-old wife o f the form er President. A Ue.scarch Mo.s- pital Hpokesman describeti i\!rs. Truman’s coiuiition ji« •'very «atliIactor>'" alUT the t*o liour Jiiid 45 minute uiicTivllnn.

The Bpokesman f.ald it vould'be two or three days beloro ii ij d c termlned whether tlie tiinior wa; iiallgnanL Earlier her husband. }lnrrj' 8

Truman, told newsmen the opera, tlon was "not os terlou.-i as wiUlOUBht,"

llie hospital spokesman aalc laboratory tests will have to bi jMde before n final dcicrmlnntlon.

Truman had rcm.ilned close to the operating room on the llfUi floor of Research hwpltal from thestirt.:or~ii]e“ oiK:nition“ untii~iic

is-to-liio.gruund-lbor-to..visit, office of the hojpltal director,

Robert E, Adams.Newsmen caught him a-' he

.itarted to enter the elevator tortiurn fo'lili'm w noJr. ----------

was solfmn-faced when lie down , the elevator but was

Amlllng as he started the return trip,

Mrs. Truman, who was 74 last Feb- 13. entered the hoiplUl Tliursday. At that time, a mem­ber of Uie family said i;he would undergo a checkup to determine the cause ot a scries of colds dur­ing the winter.

CancerJKiUs Daughter of Cantor at 44

8 Engines to PusJi Rocket

JlOLLywOOD. M.iy 18 (U PD - Comedlan Eddlo Cantor's clde.it

tKhter.-MarJorle.-44i-dled-yciv- tcrday of cancer.,

Tlio famed comedian, who lins been oiling for ucvcral years, was placed under sedation.

Cantor Lored Daurhtci Jite Cantor and her four si-v

iCTS had provided a running gag for "Cintor during his radlo-tele. Tlslon days wMan ho

programs and Umber marketing progrnms—which have been de-' veloped by the agency personnel—i arc scuttled by Uio bureau of tho:budget,"........•

Tlie senator said « report pub- IWied by the forest ser>-lce provid­ed proof that funds spent on for- e.itry research were returned to the nation ^many-fold.”

disturbed that this pro­gram ahould be marked for re­duction by two and « half million dollars for construcllon of r#- neareh facilities, and a half mil­lion dollam for boile research." Church said. ‘Thcae are pittances, compared Wllh the «onoml: waste which will bo ottacked by these

that ho had no sons. But hla af­fection for his five daughters waj well-known...MlRs Cantor had -suffered from

Uio dlseaso for tlio pnat two years and entered Cedars of Lebanon ho.'ipltfti iMi March 20 for tlie k c - ond time wlUiln a year.

She and her sisters kept the ■CVS of her nf/IlrUon from C.intnr njt^hls wife, Ida, until March lien her condition became grave. Both. Cantor nnd his wife suffer

from‘heart, ailments..Hlsten rresrnt

Only the sisters. Mrs. Natftlle Metiger, Los Angeles; Mrs, Edna Mcllugh. Mnllbu. Calif., tind Marl- lyn.Caritor and Mi3..Jnnct Oarl, both New York, were at Marjorie' bed. lde when death came.

Cantor’s doctor said tlie banjo- eyed comedian was unable to speak to anybody.

Marjorie ser -ed for years as hei fatlicr’s secretary and was a WTlt. er, EhB contributed articles to many magazines and trnveled ex. lenslvely with her parents.

5 Children Dead In House Blaze

PlflLADELPHIA, May 18 'Mommy will put out the fire. Everything will be all riBht,"

Dorothy Stocker. S8. reassured her flre'chliareti with Uiesb words yesterday-when & flr« stnrted-ln her bed In the Negro family's Uilrd- floor West Philadelphia apartment.

She tried to exUnguWi the flames with a pillow and paai of water before leaving the apart­ment to seek help from others In the building. When she tiled to return to her apartment tho fast- spreadlnff flames drove Her back.

ThB children nil perWied In the blaM. They were James, 7; Mar- sha 4; twins OalJ and Dale, 3, and Stephanie, 17 months.

ast^ est-P a rJ ey^ = = Stalls Again; Both Sides Reject Ideas

GENIiVA, M ay 18 (/P)— Russia and llio UVst each form nlly rejected the other’s propDSitls for a ('.crnu in jieace settlemenl ludjiy, but the S oviet Union announced readi­ness to (iisi-usH sevLTal points o f the western iiacka^'c.jilan linking German ix.snes nnd M’ ctU'lIy. roruiKii J lliils tor Aiuliej Gromyko-toid the B ip F o u r conference' that t j { ^Soviet troveniment is yi:epi^

Eltht of lhe»e II- . . . . . .tered lo fflrm the P.j mlllfon pound lliruit propulsion system fnr the advanced rMeardi prnjtcli agency'* new Saturn space tehlcle, according to llir.ilcfrnte department nhlch released tU( photo In Waihlngton. The enjlnn are slmpUfled rrrtions of thofo nnir uwd In Ihe Jupiter and Allas rockeU. Thli one ti In place on a test •land lii n Held laboratory. Dr. Wernher ton Draun, the army'* (op mfuffe tclen<f>(. ifescrlbed (h6 Saturn prpjeet, noder war a< Reditone anenal, aa blcger than anything Itusila has yet demon- itrated. (Ar nlrtpbolo)

Bleachers at RodeoCollapse; 150 Hurt

Later Report Has Business ‘Even Better'

WASIIINOTON, M.ly 18 (UPIl —Uu-ilnru was even better In thi flrsl_threc_monthi_ot_tljh_3'pfti Ihan-the-reeord-settSi-p-pnce-thc government ,crli[l!'nlly,^r<-porU-d,_,

Rcvbfd flKu'res l.-.Micd by tin commcrcf department last night showed that the nation's outpuf ot goods and scnlce.i hit an all- !Jmr W;h-anmjsl-r3((^o'/^e7'b)l' lion dolUra. abouftwo billion above tl)e dfpattmcnfs earlier estimate.

Heavy itockplllng of business In- . cnlorle.v especially steel, account­ed for hsif the increase. The de­partment calculated thnt factories and firms added to their Invcnto. ries at aii annual buildup rate ot five billion dollars.

This Indicated a ftliarp jeveraal of Uie trend in Die cJosjng.monttis ot loss when comp.-inic.i reduced their inventories. Steel corvsun have been laying In reserves to In the event ot a steel .strike tills summer.

The m-bllUffn-dollnr flfrure Jl_bMllPn_abc.yj_tht_lftal__tliree months of 1958. It was elghl per cent higher than the recc.islon rale at the beginning of loss.

— M AYETrA-K(in9r,-,M ay 18 (/P)— A-rodotM irei................crs buckled "with a p op nnd n bang” yeatcrdny in this eastern Knnsa.1 hamlet, in juring 150 persons, one fatally. Tw enty-three o f the victimH reiiuircd hospitalization. The others w ere released after treatment a t hospitals in T o ­peka, E o lton aiid.Iji\vTencc.JCiithcrinc-Shay.,.61,JfoltQn;died today in a H olton hoa shock. “ There was a p op

2 Idaho Falls Fires Caused By Arsonists


>ital o f internal injuries and a bang and it c o lla p se d ,sa id C. W . La\yson, Perry, Kans. "Thero wiis no w arning thnt It was go in g t o g ive w ay,"

Law.ion was one of about 300 persons la tho recently lailalled bleachers when It crashed to the ground, lie was not hurt.

Witnesses said Uie. Bpectators had Jait started to file out after


Peyton. Multan, a-thlr'd man In- volved_ln_.ii.{wo-crfr:crash nea_j here over Ihe weekend, died yes- terday. Other* killed In the mis-

e 8/figL Kenneth D Spanaway. Wash., am

A l/d Murfef £>. liolbert, Fort- ]and-

WASniNOTON. May II tfl—Americans weal on a ipendlng spre« the flnl Ihrep »ontb* ot Ujlt year. Spending by Indl- vIdnaU for petwnal ecniompUon was up H.600,000,000 to a ttcord rata jif. IMSi^UUon u rear. ___________ ______________

WASIIINQTON, May IB (UPD-Sen. Harry P- Byrd said today Uie govemraenl bought 33jlil military housing unlta over U« Ptfl three years for »87,400,000 more than Uielr original cost. He toM Uic senate and house In a report that the total *305.100,000 government outltiy foe Iheie tmll* was «3.400.000 higher than their replacement

eallmated by fedenU housing admlnlstraUon.

WASIUNOTOK. May IB l*V-Pre*ldent Elsenhower paid another lOsplUl call today on John Foster Dnllet. seriously 111 with cancer

and pneomonU eomnUcaUons. Shortly after E£»«ai»i>w«r’* Wslt, the lUto department Ttgorted there was no ehaag# la Dulles' eondlllon

Idnho Falls builnc-vj e.',ti menls were destroyed by fire c.\rly today, and offlccrj jnia 11 appeared

rson was Involved in ijoth.One blaze wa-s at the Met Bro»n

Pump company on tJie clt>-'s south' we-ntem outskirts. The other wu at the Max Kerr and 8on Lumber company oti the Yellowstone hiith. any <V. 8. 01) at the north end of the city,

There were ntr Immediate esll- mates of touil damage.

Damage I> Illgh Tlie pump company fire

ported at 3 ajn. It caused eKtenslve damage, completely gulling QuoivKt office and warehouse building.

While the city's fire equipment was sUll at the pump company, the lumber fire was reported at 4:03 a.m, The bla» gqt a good starl before erjulpment could rcach 11 from the first fire. The officebuildings were saved, but several warehouses and ataclts of lumber

ere dfstroyed.All flre'equlpmenfln Uie''elty

was cilled.-,and'cqulpment 'camc from the national reactor tesUng jtaUon about 45 mile# away.

Arson Charged Tlie Bonneville county aherltfs

.tflce said the pump company fire resulted from burglary and arson. Officers said a safe had been peeled and contents removed be fore the fire started,

Tlie jamc spokc.^mim said that •Ithout que-Mlon ar.vin alio was

Involved' in the lumber yard fire.

Rain, Hail Cause Damage to Crops

k dSUae wa* reporied.

WASinNOTON, May 18 <UPD—The supreme court agreed today to rule on tho consUtutlonallty of two Arkansas City ordinances re- qulrloB the NaUonal AssodaUon tor the Advancement cxf Colored Peo­ple (NAACF) lU membentilp lUU aod fln»nfla1 data... ,

Dt least two tornadoes pounded parta ot Oklahoma. Kansas and MlMourl Sunday night cod «rJy Monday, causing heavy crop dam-

Egg-Mted hall combined with r. four-lncli rain dtslroyed 75 per cent of the wheat crop in the Bluff City area oC.southcentrnl KantQS Ca.«oday In souilieastOT Kansas was deluged by a flve-loch rain­fall. '

A twister touchetf'down Sunday, durtngjhe _helffh£ o! a rain and hall storm In the ElTXinidorKaiia:; area, but cau-wd no Injuries or damages..A twister at Anthony, Kans.. desttoycd outbuildings on Ihe Herbert Wilcox farm. Wilcox Blct' he MW the tornado coming and took refuge with hu family In the basement Of hla home, up ne waJ hurl.Other severe storms dumped

three Inches of rain In Jess than two hours at Pond Creek, Okla., and similar amounts at Pawhuska and Wynona In northern Oklaho- 'nia. Cuba In tfiwt central Missouri. Sweetsprlngs, In central Missouri and Jlarrlsonvlllo In tho yrestcea- Iral cecUon of the ilato.

day rodeo when tho riccldcnt curred. Performers, and other fans In the crowd of about 6,000, plung. ed Into U)o wreckage to free the vlcUms.

'There was & Jot of acreamli _ and shouUng." said one wlUicss, "Some ot the people clung to gird­ers but most of Uiem piled up Into Just a bit; heop.-lt" took -several minutes lo get them unplled."

Cau.'« of the accident hasn' been determined. The bleacher* had been built for Uils year's ro. deo. Hiey were constructed of n metal frame and wooden seats. The section was 75 feet long and had 10 rows, Uie highest of which

aa about lo feet from tho ground. One ot Uie Injured. Donald

Troughton. HjpeJta. *aJd*o Hque- fled gas line was broken. aetUng

edge the nerves of victims amj

WetterMote than normal precipita­

tion Is fortcast'for Maslo Val­ley during the next five days, oMordlng to . the~forfcast -rt- celvcd hcre-vla-tha. Ataoclaled. Press.

“Nothing could b« better thir year Chan a toftg period o f sbors nonn&t rains." said the AP re­porter as he read tMs forecost:

•'PreclpltaUon heavier than normal In showers occurring mostly alter the middle of tlie week. Temperatures below the normal maxlmuma o f C5 to "75 and normal mlnlmums of 30 lo 48." .

(Probably). ^

said.-VleUnu hadlo.be taken.as.fnr

as. ao miles-away, to Lawrence for medical treatment. Mayetta with a population of only 330, has0 hospllAl.

Search EndedDUBOIS, May 18 (UPl)-Clark }unty Sheriff Carl Holden said to'- ay Uiere 'would be no further

search for a plane and Its pilot ml.«ing since May 1 unless new In- fonnallon was received.

He said the search for George II, Cucklaai, 35, Denver, was offi­cially ended becac.'o there have been absoluUly no clues to prompt furtlicr atlemptJi to locate the ml.sslng

Income Tax Cut Study Is lu Operation

WASHINGTON, M ay 18 -(UPI) —The house ways and mearu com­mittee is launching an extensive Inquiry aimed at “slffnlficonf, in­come lax cuts, presumably next year.

Chairman Wilbur t5. Mills, D. Ark., said yesterday the eommlltee hoped tie tax base could be broad­ened enough to permit •'algnflcant reducUons In Individual and cor­poration income tax rates without sacrificing Uie ravenues needed bythe government."-.— ---------------

The commlllea time-table a; peared designed to permit congres­sional action on- taxes before the IPflO presfdenUal elecUons. Deroo- <rats and Republicans.alike would like to.lsy a tax reduction before the voters,[president Elseohdver has been

linUng at ISGO tax cuts. He eald 18 January, however, that chances f<r reductions depend, largely on lie treatment congress gave his 7i.bIIllon-dollar budget. • [Elsenhower’s chief eeonomie ad-

/kcr. Dr, Raymond J. Saulnlv, sUd yesterday tliat It %-os aUll "too

riy" to give an administration ) slUon on Ux o it po&siblllUes for

tt year. •le said If tlie fiscal looo budget. Uie year beginning July I. does : up balanced as hoped, and the

finomy continues to expand.then 11 Te would be a pranpect for

lall surplus" in fiscal i&Ql.

d to talk siiQcifieaHy about di.sarninmont. a nonaspression declaration and crcation o f

Suspect Smug

Grinning J. P. ^Valktr. garage owner In Plcaynae, Miss, li ahown ai he told rtporlera that Fill arenls hare aeeaied him ot

-Mack Charlci Parker. Parker, a Negro acetised ot raping a white woman, was taken from an nn- gnardrd Ja il In roplarrllle.

FBI’s LynchCiase Qiierig# Anger Some

POPLAIIVILLE, Miss,, May 18 W\-Cltlicns In this south MlsiU- slppl sawmill'town-are showing open irritation today over the FBI’s InveaUgaUon of the Mack Chnrles Parker lynching.

Reports that the FBI was poised tou raiseren js ta over the.wffk- end In connectloa wim the lynch­ing failed Co materialize.

Tension was heightened yester­day when one man was hospllalUed for a cerebral hemorrhage a few hours atter FBI agents quesUoned him,

Another man, J. F. Lee, Jr.. sold agents questioned him and hla wife twIce.and-ioUowed him mflrr than a week.

J, P. Walker, a repotted canffl- daU: for slierltf, said he would not submit lo more questioning "unleas Uiey Issue a warrant for me.”

ArUiur E. SmiUi, 33. a'stump hauler and tractor driver from nearty McNeill, was ho«plUillMd In undetermined condlUoa after the cerebml hemorrhage.

The FBI declined to comment.'

Average of $598 :Is Paid at Show

WALLA WALLA, May IBJffl- he average nrice ot t5B8 paid at le sale which conclu3ed the

Northwest.Quarler Horse a.«isoeIa- Uon show and aale was consider­ably abTve that of last year. .

Dr. E. II, Br>'an. Ooodlng. paid Ihe second high price ot |l,000 for a*roare consigned by Ell# Palnode,' Wapato. Wash.

Art Danielson, Waltsburg, Wash., paid the top price, $1J00, for a mare consigned by Sam Porter, Pilot Rock. Ore.

JlUnCLARr IKVERTIGATED BOISE, May 18 t f l -P o l lC ,

grilled known safe crackers today after a professional-looking Job rhlch netted more Uian t n ,000 at

Boise department atore. Some 'ilO.OOO was cash, the rut chKks.

m ixed committee of Euat and. W est Germans. • .

Ru.v.la win not dlicius German rciiiilflcntluii, he said.

i;. S. Sccrdar)- of State ChHs- llan A, llcrliT told Uie confcrei.ce that a Soviet ptnpoittlon for a pcacc trcxty lo be signed Rjtn both East ond West Germany would "recoKniM In effect the Permanent partlllon of fiprmany" ---■ ■'‘-->lds-the-srrdsuf-ftiturcdis--corcl and-confllet.''

Hc'rter adopted a somewhat tougher line Uian In'.previous speeches, but liB avoided angry ciiarges.

n ie jiecrelsiy of slsie « !d Iha 'constructive proposals by tho United Slates were brought to naught by Uie conUnued refusal of tho Soviet Union to fulfill its sol-

obllgatlon to Join with the Western allle.i In bringing about the reunlllcallon of Oermany and the establishment .of on all-Oer- man goverrunent freely chosen by Uio Oermwi people."

Herter said as far a.i the United Stales. Britain and fVance ar« concerned, a final settlement wlUi Germany "must await the estsb- Ushmeni of a government wlilch in act for and bind Oennany as whole."Reun[TiwUon“ ls only'possible,"

Oromyko said, Uiroush direct ac­tion by East and West Gemiaa rtglma. He declared it woufd be

- • :1 if the GcnBva Mnfcrtnce Pagree on telling up an all-

Oermany agency, but said the de­cision must be up lo the Germans

Injured Man Crawls 4 Days in Desert Before Res:ue; Lives on Cactus Juice

TUCSOW, Ari2.; May i8 (U PD - i. 4D-year>old mao. painfully li>. jurcfl'in'ii-small plane'crtuh.'de­scribed from his hosplUl bed today how he crawled for foiir days Uirough Uie desert, llTlng on cactus JuJce,■•■Tm'luckyioT)raUvcr3Tii3s.‘

said Lonnie Davison, He crawled eight mllea acros.i the desert while suffering' from a cracked vertebra

d a broken ankle.''I didn't have anyUriflg lo eat

and I'm sure dehydrated," he said, ' l l ’s no tun to be maimed out in the desert, crawling for your life.”

Davison was Injured Wednesday in the crofth ol a {wo-seat plane piloted by his friend, R. V. Powell. 33, on a flight- from Ray.' Arli.. to here, a distance of about 70 miles. Both men are eon.tUuoUon workers who commuted from Ray .to their ’Tucson homes In PoweU’s place. -

Powell, critically Injured, vas

t frem-the-irreekage of the > 6t. Mary's boapllal-liere

. jy after DaTlson 'cniwlcc highway and vas spotted ritf's depu’Ues,

rell. suffering from multiple a lacerated wngue and

bdraUan,“ witaTtport4d’ m' MiUon.

. a crane operator, sold circling to ffaln altitude

Jfly over a mounlaln just atter ting Dtf when the plane went

a nose dive and crashed near , several miles from Ray, plane hit the Rround nose

DsTlson said. "Powell was I out, and gasoline wa* run- 1 over him. He couldn't -r tried to help him out

Ithe.a'redULge but couldn't gel out."

>Tlson aald be tried to walk his' Injuries ver* ao painful

he eouldat stand-up'-asd he.wasforced to cnw l to rsaeh halp.........- “I dldnt slerp-at-ntght; i-Jn*t kepi crawling, I got water frcm some big cactus plants In * the desert."

At first he sued his pocket knife

could suck out some Ufe-sus- tainlng Juices, The blade oi knife broke off'In one cactus and le later hod to use his hands to :law through the cactus' prickly-

txterlor. lo get at the Julc*. -*'I guess I must hare cntwlcd

:lghl mUes,*' he said.' Deputies said Umperatures In

the desert nrled from a nUht iov of atioul U to a daytime high near “W dejrtes.

Tft'o men partlclpatlne la the air search were killed when their craft amashed Into a power line near RayThureday. They were WUUaffl 0. Rosen and Oeorg* Shuler.

He’ said the West must break up It-i package in order to peanlt' dlscutsloa-of-lhe - par Is. In-wtdeb- Russia U inlereaUd. , .

To make'* pescs lrf«’tr »J lh the two Germanys, Herter said, “would bo to recognise in effect tho permanent parUUoq*of Oer> many,”

He spoke at the..end of a day marked by discord smong the western allies over how and when to t>egln negPtlaUng with Russia

n. the Berlin crisis.The AlUe^'how«Ter;.palched up

their differences' lii midday and Issued a sUtement saying that, while Berlin and other Issues could be'discussed wllh Russia' outside’ their proposed package peace settlement, such Issues could not acUially b setUed separately from the package.

Gooding Tote ’ On Combining Schools OK’d

BOISE. May 18 COPD-ThB state edueaUon department said It has authbrlxed a school distrfet reorganlzaUon elecUon In Good- lng_coxmly to determine whether , two dlsBcU would be blned.

Department Wielals aald the authorirallon was given U>e coun-* ty oommlaslonen to set * date fo r - the clccllon to decide If class A acbool dlslrlct No. 333. Wendell, and comnjcn school dlsWct No, 13. Orchard Valley, ahould com­bine.

Patrons of district 13 petltlooed- irustees of district 33J for the Joining of the two districts. Under terms of the proposal, which has l>ccn approved ^ the Ooodlng county school reorganisation com­mittee and the state boanl of edU- caUon, each district would pay Its own current bond debt.

Petitioners co n te n d e d Uiat ahould the election cftrry. contro­versial problems of several years' • duration In the area would likely terminate, ..........•„

The Wendell dlsUlct enrolls eC3 high school and elememao' pupils and has a vahmtlan.of ,939^34 while dUtrlct 13 has 38 etemen- - (ary pupils -and a vafuatfon of I7B7A29.

HIGHLIGHTS in-T od oy 's timosiNows~

Page 1—East-West meeUng make* no progress. Mra. Tru-

..........— Cancers amokers. col-

Ta'psfi&noaMrGoodinrwtirmr- schools okaj-ed. FBI probe of lynching bothers pec^le. In­jured man crawls four days on desert.

rate 4-Edllorial: "Sunday Is Dlffeitht*'

Pare 8»Tw ln PUls county cows pQjt hlgh record for April

Pace »-Elllebre« belts two<more homea.... ........ ............

P»p> ll-rPrtsIdent Sisenbov- er more on own after losiag two aides.

x*-Old fiserton •cbool

Page 2: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:



Keith Cutler, 40, Passes of Heai-t Attack

Keith Cutlrr. 40. 178 Tnylor •trcet. Twin FalU. died Sunday oft* emooa of a heart «U(u;k at Slue Lakes counUr club foUowlns • round of folf.

ite wa* bom Au;. 22. 1016. >n Prc»lon. Bealdcs Wi widow. Mrs.

=TFlaTnn«'Cat!er. ~wh»m-1ie nmr- rl«l In PocaUllo D « . 15, IMl. he U iurrlred by two daUffhlers. Terry Lyon Culler and Kathy Ann Cul­ler; one wn, Clmrlt* Leo CuUcr; his parent Mr. and Mra. Charles Culler, at! Twin FalU, and ono j U- ter, Mrs. Clarj-ca Dahlraan. Oil* letW, Wyo.

Mr. Culler cam# to Twin F.tlls In IMS from Oarland, Utah. A 1941 graduilo of Idaho 8Ule eollecc ^hool of pharmacy, he operated th« Medical Arts pharmacy for 10 years, At the time of hU dealh Mr. Culler waa wjoclaled wIUi Jiuncs Henry of {he J. H, Henry produce company, Murtaugh and Kimberly.

Funeral Kn-lcfJ will b*> held at 1 p. m. Wednesday at the LDS sJxlh ward alalcehouse with Dl^hop S. L. Crowley and Elder Oeorite Miller presldlnj. Friends may call « l m# White mortuary Tuej'ilay and unUl 12:30 p, m. Wednrwlay.

Final rites will be held nt Sun­set Memorial park.

Weather, TemperaturesMAQIC VALLEr—r»rO r tloBdy with »h<nren tememw. Dl«h l«-

Borrow H to U ; low-Unlrtt 13 l« « with frost paUbe* Id hlfbrr ratleyi. Uw last nljht 45. 45 at 8 a * , aod 51 at noon. PrcciplUUon: .07 of aa Inch between 5 pju. Bsturdsy and 5 p m Stmdsy. A trace be. twecD 9 pjD. Ijaadsy and 8 ajn. todsy.

NOnTIlERN IDAHO-Mostly cloudy with showers Ihroueh tomor. row. Lillie temperature change- tomorrow 65 to 92; low tonljht 13 to 41.

NEW YOnK. May J8 (U m —The lUiheil.tiiDperatur* rtperied to ie"U.'"Br”we*Uier bareaa jeilerdar ■»* at Trcsldlo,

Tex., lowest reported thU morntDt was 20 at BIj Plney, Wyo.

Cll/ ______»i

U^Atvi. «jjimr'hl/ .'".I ... ■.... •

Rupert Home Is Damaged by Fire

nUPERT, Mny 18- T h e four. _room home of Mr. and Mrs, C- L.

damaied extenalvely by ..I -----portedaboul-6-#rm.-M<»ndRyr

The klkhen burnedwith exlenalro smoke damoce

■ to the rest of the house. Bofcral — wIndoM.scrt .broken-------

Firemen reported the fl/e was caused by a skillet of ercasa left on the electric kltclien rnnse. The nre \ru reported by a neighbor «hllo Mr. and Mrs. Koonce vcro worklne In their garden. The dom- itee WM corered purtlatly by In-; suracce. . .

Magic Valley FuneralsTWIN PALLS - Services for

Keith Cutler will be conducted iit 1 pjn. Wednesday dt Uio LDS sixth wsrd Btakehouso wlULUlshop 8. L. Crowley -and Elder Ocorgo MlHcr prrsldlng. Friends nuiy call at the -Whlto-surtuary-Tuesday and ualll 43:30-pjn,-W«dne*day,-Fla*i- -

FILER — Ser -lcfs ?or Delbert W. emitli will bb held nt 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Filer Baptist church with Uie Rev. John D. Qor- don orriclaUng. Final riles will be conductcd at Sunset Memorial port----------------------------------

the Twin - ......................with Bishop Melvin VonNov fldaUnr. Friends may call n*. Twin Falls mortuary Tue«liy af­ternoon and Wednesday monilng. Concluding services will bo tield in Brigham City, IJtah.

Magic Valley HospitalsSK Benedict’s. Jerome

Vhltlns hours art from a to 4 ■nd 7 to 8 pjn.


Bums. Mrs. Harold Re<ilcker, Vcr- aoa Thrall, Mrs. Milton Mondrn-

’ eon. Mrs. Walter HenAger. Mr_8. Ldurel Ploes and Mrs. Stxother nppHni >11 Jerome; Mr«. Stewart Taylor, Twln-P»u7: She^'l Thorpe, Peatherrllle, and Terry BytnstOD, Shoshofls.

. DI8MISBED Mn. Jit MarUnea and ARoyd

rcotnmou; both 'Wendillj Mrs. £mest Walker and M n. Predr'Bulhirford -ah4“»oiirT»U\-IUcli:

' field; Hit. nex Jones and Mrs. Homer Andemon, both Dietrich: FTed Nakata, S ho^ ne; nay Hop­per, Mrs. Donald‘^Isen. E<lmund Weitt, Mrs. Kenneth Johnston and Mr*. Edwon Baer, all 3er«me.

BIRTHS Sons vero bom to Mr. and Mrs.

Laurel Ploaa and to Mr. ood lira. Harold Redlcker, all Jerome.

Cottage. BurleyADMITTED

Prtnk Mallory and Mrs. Nodlne Dayley, both Burley; Mrs. Lor- rolnerBasmu-tJen-and-Mnr—Jtme BUI, both Paul, and Mrs. Dolores KeUey. Dcclo.

DISItnSSED Mrs. Carol Hess,' Declo;

Zatk .Zflii. Mf», HelML^nJinsen. and Mrs. J »n Rorb, aH Burley; Henry WeUcI, Albion; Mrs. Oail Stuart, Rupert, and Mrs. Snndra Byinston, Oakley.

._GoDdinB:_Mcmorial_ADMITTED ,

Mrs. J. L. DeFiinl. Fnlrfleld; Mrs. Mle Paskell, Jerome; Robert Braun, Blioshone; Lynn Bennett. Haserman; Mrs.

held at the Cirey LDS church 2 pjn. Wednesday with Bishop Verl Slmpjon offjclatlnB. Final rlte.i will be-held -Bl- the-OBrey-eemelery. Friends may call at Thompson funeral chapel. Ooodlnir, from Monday cvenlnR until Tue.idsy eve. ning and (it the church Wednes- dsy until time of services.

WEND52LL — OrftTeslde services for Estcll Ptanr Caldwell will be held nt 3 p. m. Tuesday at Suiuel MemorliU park. Twin Falls, with the Rev. Jack Foremsn, Ooodlnc First Chrlsl Friends mny call at the Thomp­son dispel, Ooodlntr, until II a. m, Tuesday. Friends will meet nt Bun- set Memorial park at 1:C p., Tuesday.

---- Minidoka CountyNo restrictions on vbltlng hours.

ADAnTTED .- - Mrs. Ke3Ui-JenMU.’ Mra. Dave

Coronado, Quadalupe Moral More- ]es, Mrs. Buster O o ^ , Mrs. Oorth Brim and Mrs. Oeorge S . Nellson,

• all Ropert.'DisnnssED

Mrs. Charles Qutzman a n d daughter, Mrs. LaMar Net and Caughter. Mrs. John 0. Btoket and Sheila Oummo«-,/all Rupert;

BIRTHS eons were bom to Mr. and Mrs.

Buster Goody, Rupert, and Mr. and I^ls Morton, Burley.

Area Woman, 84, Succumbs

CAREY, May 18-Mrs. Marjaret V. Altken, ai, died at Ooodlng Memorial hospital Saturday nft- erooon fellowlos a lensthy lllneu.

— She-wu • l»n i ’ Dec,~3iri874.“ In Drumtlxler.~8coUimd.- snd was mon-Jed to William Allken In ScotUad in November. ISOO. They .cams to Aiiierlfa In .1907 and homejitwded at AcfQUla. later

• movln® to Muldoon and later to Carey where they lived for many years.

Since the (leath of her husband in 1D50, Mm. Altkea had made her home with a son In Jerome.

She was preceded In death by two sons, survlrlns are two sons. John Attken. Ooodlnc, and Wil­liam Allken, Oimnett; one broth­er, James Vcltch, Milwaukee. Wls.; one sbter, Agnes Veltch. ScoUand, and four srandchUdren.

.SerrlcM will be held at the 'qarcy LDS church at a p. m. Wed­

nesday with Bishop Verl Simpson . ofllelatlnc. Final rites will be held

at the Carey cemetery. Friends may call at Thompson funeml chapel from Monday erenlni: un­til Tuesday erenlDg and at the church Wednesday unUl* time of the service.


Mra. Walter Wclsman, Wen­dell, Mrs. Jack Pruett and son. Hammett and Mrs. CelesUno Mar­seille, ooodlng,

OIRTnsSons were born to Mr. and Mrs

, L. DePanl,. Fairfield, and Mr. and Mrs. >lle PtuOcett, jerome.

Report Given on Minor Accidents

City police Investlffoted three more accidents over the week-end.

James J. B>'mes, S3, 330 AUuras drive, backed his 1059 Bulck out of a parking space on the 100 block of Second avenue north, and was Involved In an accident with Hu­bert O. Wanel, 40, Burley, who was driving a 1057 Pljmouth. Damages to Warrel's car were es­timated at $76. No dlntlona were issued.

Neva Tnylor, route 1, Hnnsen, stopped her 185S Chevrolet to wait lor onoUier car to' turn left at Maln-nvenuB south,-nt ihb-comer of Fifth street, when-a cnr driven by Louis Kucuft, 21, Filer, hit the rear of her car. Damnso was minor. -No citations, were Issued.

Robert La.-Lhby, 19, BurJey. halt­ed his U57 Bludebaker at Uio slop light at Five Points west, backed up.-and hit the front end o f In­ternational pickup truck driven by B. E. Canner, 43, Twin FolU. Damoce to the pickup truelc-was estimated . at $35. No citations


BUHL — Services for Fred Ira Cammliek will be held at a pm, Thursday at .the Church of the Nnzarene with the Rev. M. M. Mat­lock orflclatlntr. Frlerfds may call

1C—AlhBrtson fiiiiRml home from 9 Bin. to i3 and 1 to 5 pjn. Tuesday and Wednesday and D to 13 a.m. Tltursday. concluding rites will be held at the Buhl city ctme* tery.

MtJRTADQH-lservlces lor Wll. llnm Arthur Adamson will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the LDS chapel in Murtn\jnh, with Bliihop Herbert Tliome In charge.' Con­cluding rites 'will be held at Twin PalLi cemetery. Friends may coll at the Twin Falls mortuary from 1 (o 9 p.m. Tuesday and at the Lps chapel in Murioujh on hour prior to icrrtces.

TWIN PALLS-Funeral senlces for Wllcy C. Illff will be held at

. i; Tuesday at Oie Tu-ln Palls Church of the Asccailon. ^Is- copal. .wlUi. the Jlcv.-Horman-E. Slockwell ofriclaUng. Concluding services will be held in Twin Falls temelery. Friends may call at the Twin Falla mortuary from I to 9 p,m. Mon'Uivy and from 0 a.m to noon Tuesday. The family jur- gests donation. to the Heart fund.

nUPERT — araveslde ser,'lces Jor Hubert A. Turley will be ducted at 4 p.m. Tuesday at the Rupert cemetery by the Rev. Wen­dell Coe of the MelhodL<;t church.

JEROME — Qraveslde *er\'lccs for Debbie Fne Hennge will be held at 4 pm. Wednesday with Bishop Lou S. Pratt officiating. The funer­al cortege will leave the Crlppin thapel at 4 p.m.

■t ^ ” f a l i5 ' —'Icn-lees for Bobby Lee Morion will be held nt 4 pm. Wednesday nt the T»'in Palis m?rtunrj‘ chapel with the Rgy. H. B. Walk'in, A rtnblT of Ood church, oltlclatfng. Conaud- Inc services will be held In 7P>‘in Falls cemetery.

B0RLEY—Funeral services for Victor A. Olson will b« held st 3

Tliursday at the Dirley Christian church with the R:v. Emil Heheth offlclatlnK. nna!

Man Is Jailed After Leaving

Wreck Scene(FrM Fas*

fined »35 and $3 cosu by Justice of the Peace Lynn Sherman, Kln« Illll, for speeding.-Eusebio jUyandre. Burley, fined $20 and costs Sunday by Justice of tlie Peoe«-J.-L.-Weldon, Burley, lor speedinj 85 miles tn hour In a 3S>mile zone. He was cited by State Patrolman Marvin Snyder. •

Paul S. Swan. 5S, 733 Blue Lales boulevard, was fined <10 and given 25 demerits Monday morning Twin FalU Police Judge J. Pumphrey lor faUure to yield the right of way Saturday night at the Intersection of Second street west and SKond avenue west Swan's car wa» involved in an accident with a IB54 Nash driven by Doris E. Stark, 403.Quincy street.

Bwt(n entered Second avenue west without waiting for the other car to pass, police reported. Dam- SRcs to the left fender of the Nosh, was estimated a,t »30. and $10 to swan’s '7554 Chevrolet. —

Poster J. Sorensen. 64. Buhl, wi cited for traveling on the -wrong side of the hlfthway Sunday afier an accident four mliea west arid one-eiBhth of a mile south of Buhl on the Deep Creelc road. Sor­ensen told State Patrolman Richard Bums nnd Deputy . Sheriff Curtis Pi 'or, Invcstlsntlns officers., that he was looking at a fanner's field on his rlBht, when ho ran off the road on the left side. His vchlcle S’ent throush a ditch and hit a telephone pole. He woa ur lnjured.

Tliw »mmf« nfflrrr* iMTTf^taa cliaUons when K 1948 Chevrolet drtvea-by-Ciarence E...Allddlelon. IB, Buhl, was struck In the rear by a 1953 Ford driven by perry It. Pierte', !», also Buhl. The accident occurred one miio east of Buhl a county rood* B71&I1 itldlllfl slowed without slgnailins nnd v stfudt by Pierce. Middleton » cited for failure to signal and Pierce was cited for excessive speed for existing condltioru.

Jack FJynn, Oooding, was fintd IIS . and costs' Sunday by jusUco of the Peace C.'E. Budy, Bulii, for

stop sign violation. He was cited r state Patrolmaa Richard

Bums.Gordon Cheater Schmelser, Salt

Lake City, was lined $15 and-'U costs over the week-'end for passing another velilcle without sulflcltnl clearance. Ho was cited by Stale Patrolman Snyder and' fined by Justice of the Peace Weldon, Bur- M?;


Twin Falls News in BriefBonds Posted

Ome lUyden posted a t l bond Sunday for overtime, parking. 6. Kovels posted a $2 bond lor im­proper parking.

Trains al YakimaPfc. Delwin D. Cook. 23. son

Delwin D. Cook. Turn falb . paruclpatlng with the 4lh infan­try division In Exercise Dr>- lIUls at the Yakima Firing Center, Wash.

Elections Will End Rtiperf’s CatlioUc Meet

RUPERT, Mny IB-The Idaho Council of Catholic 'Women was scheduled to elect officera this aft­ernoon to ‘ Climax a three-day meeting here.

Approslmately 550 women from all over the slate allended the reception Saturday evening honor­ing the Most Her. James Dyme. bUliop of Boise.

Also honored sere the Rev. Majachy McNeill, Rupert; the Rev. Prancli ODriscoll, Burley, present sUto officers and past presidents, and EiUabelh Maloney, Missoula, Mont.. national director., 4 Tlie Wftjhlnglon Junior hlfih school chorus, under the direction ol Mrs. Howard Druns, and .chil­dren of St. Nicholas' pnrL'h school, under tiie direction of Bister M, Sylverla. presented the program.

Following mass Sunday tlie omcnjnevJot-bniDchJilJlULpiir^.

You rely on him 3']—for coursje, iniplralion, tuiJ- j' 1 ante and help. Inilinciively,)ou ;. ] place your tniit in him— snd your falih makes powibl# his e^ual ilevolion to all men.

I Count on us, loo c z r ___ y— for that same desire to be truly helpful in every

■ possible >vay.‘ W e w sh to offcrow-morMhtitj the— high ideals, clhical practices and business integ­rity which our mcmlxrship in National Selccied Morticians guaranteei.

Richard It SpUiett, Pocatello, -OS lined »3 Saturday by Jerome Police judge Roberta Kehrer lor

Illegal U-turn.

Cars CollideBUHLEY, May' 19—Car# driven

by two 18-y«ar-old Hurley youth* were Involved In a slight accident Thursday afWmoon at the stop light In-front of-the Burley high school.

A 19M Mercury two door hard­top driven by Melvin Nefrer struck the rear end of a 1040 Ford coupe being driven by James E. Benson

J ho started to mnke a turn.Damnge to the Mercury was esti­

mated at $20 and to the Ford nt $60, The accident was-lnvcsUgated by Officer Flo>-d Stewart.

MANY FISK PASS DAM — BOI6E.-Moy-lB IR—Oxbow and Brownlee dnma failed .to stop mur( than a million salmon nnd steel- head' fr6m- awimmm(f~aown the Snake river to the ocean In a 12- montli period.

rites win be conducted at Qea Memorial Gordeai, Friends may call nt the Paime mortuary Wed­nesday afternoon and evcmsg and Thursday until time of sen'- Ices. The lamlly suRRCst conlrltai- tions to the American Cancer lo- clely bo iCft with the Rev. Mr. Hetseth.

JEROME—Puneml services wlU be lield nt 3 p jn. Wednesday at the St. Paul’s Lutheran church for Mn. Anna Klnsfather with the Rev. Carl W. Brueggeman offici­ating. Friends mny call Tuesday alternoon nnd until time lor serv~ Ices'■l^■llle"C^Ippll^chaI>«l.^n■ leu of. flowers, contributions mny be made to the on;an lund for.the St. Paul’s church. Concluding riles

'■ be lield In the Jerome ceme-

. . ;5Tpe' cial' guesL The Rev. Father Mc- Nelil-gave-the-weleome-wlth-the respotue by fclrs. E. C. Florin, Wal-

Mrs. Paul' Zlllner, Burley, play­ed ft urd "P ^ y Rauch, Rupert, was organist lor group singing.

Tlie Rev, Father O'Drlscoll gave Uie main address, citing examples of what prayer nnd work can do for individuals and Uie cliurch.

Reports of lost yeir's national council convention at East 8t. Louis, IIU were given by Mrs. Her-

Hclnscheld, Rupert, and Mra. John Hudon, Bondpolnt, Mrs. Heinscl>eld announced the national meeting will bo held In Las VcRfts.

Following the brunch, a round­table discuision was held by Dean­ery presidents and post stale presi­dents. with Mrs. lleln.v:held out- goTng state presideElTlii'cnnrijr.

Concert Slated The Twin Palls high school choir

will present a senior concert at * p. m. Coday at the Junior hig school auditorium. Tlie public invited. ’There will be no admis­sion charge.

Grange Plans Meet Mountain Rock Grange No. STO

wiU meet at 8:30 p. m. Tliunday nt the Community hail. W. W. Noble will direct a memorial pro­gram. Those attending are asked to bring a pie. .

Gi^ndion Bom Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Dean have

received word of the birth of a grandson last Enturday. Tlie p.ir- enp nre Lieut. Comdr. nnd Mrs, W. S. Qabrlel. Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Gabriel Is the lormer Alton Dean. Tvtln FaUs.

Choir to Sing Tlie Waslilngton school filth and

sixth grade choir will sing at 7:30 p. m. today nt the school. English folk songs will be highlighted un­der the dlrccUon of Dlllle Justice. Tlie school^ fnUval winning song; will conclude the program;

Death,Qainis W . Adamson

ilURTAUan, May IS-Wllliam Arthur Adamson, e. retired car­penter and resident of Murtaugh since.IOOO, died at 12:45 am. Mon­day at Magic Valley Memorial hos- pltal after a two-year Illness.

$500 Damage Set JbiJMoiiday_Crash

Damages were estimated at |SOO to the Iront end of a 1D58 Mercury driven by Elva M. Parish, t!l, in a collision one-half mile east of Twin Falls on sUto hlghway- Monday morning.- 'EuJa M. Jensen. 47, i « 3 Elisa­beth boulevard, who was driving

1048 Dodge, slowed to five miles 1 hour on the-highway to make left turn, was narrowly mijsed

RctUng hit by a pickup trucic fol­lowing behind her. Tlie car driven by Elva Parish was following oe hind the pickup and he couldn' swerve in time, to avoid the colli­sion with the Jensen car.

Damages to Uie Jensen car e.itlmftted at $150, No citation issued-by State.Patrolman D. L.. Cain, who Investigated the acci­dent. No Injuries were reported.

’The bl({eil worry about guid­ed mi»ilet if (hey are apt lo get In the luads of misguided people.

Kodak Finishing'—DAILY itiiVlCE—

leedom Photo

Spanish Fork, Dtah. He married Rolilna MoycsJuneJ4ai4. alMur.- taugh nnd the marriage was sol­emnized In the LDS temple at Balt Lake City on Oct. 8, 1014. Mr. Ad- amson was an elder In Uie LDS cJiurdi.

Survlvora Include his widow, lour>ns, David Adamson. Moses Laki.

Wash.; Aaron Adamson, and Ar­chie Adamson, botli Twin Falls, and Cecil Adamson, stationed at Randolpli air lorce base, Tex.; lour daughters. Mra. Dalorls Pepper, Spencer, la.; Mrs. Naomi Reid, Salt Lake city, nnd Mrs. Afton Morten- sen nnd Mrs. Angelin Roe, both Ogden; 24 Rmndchlldrcn; Uiree broUiers, J. W. Adamson, Twin I-'dlls; Lyonel Adamson. Pocatello, and David Adamson, Provo, Utah; tliree sljters., Mrs. Esther Woods, Boise; Mrs. Donald Roberts, Mur- taugh. and Mrs. Vern Hayes, Span- Uh Fork. Two sons preceded him In

Funeml ser\-lces will be held nt 2 pm, Wednesday at the LDS'chhp- e| in Murtnugh by Bisliop Herbert Tliome. Lnst riles will be held

call at the Tu'tn.Falls mortuary Irom 1 to 9 pm. Tuesday nnd nt the LDS chapel In Murtaugh one hour prior to serviees.

Missile Launch Time Cut Down

VANDENBERO AIR FORCE BASE, Calif.. .Moy 18 «1-The air force Is getting claier to Its goal of being able to launch intercon.- tlnentnl mLvslles before they can bo knocked out by n sneak ntUick.

A new.electronic brain de. lgned to cut pre-launching countdowns from hours to 15 minutes Is being Installed nt this West coast mL«lie base. . . . . . .

Current ICBM’s. boUi Soviet nnd American, take about 30 minutes to cover their fl.OOO-mlle. range.: Assuming military crews here' were alerted iff minutes afitr thS: llflnR of an enemy missile, tlic'y could lire retallaKp' warheads five mlnute.s before tne mlulla landed.

Wiley C.Iliff, 73, Succumbs

Wiley C. nifl. 13, reUred farm- ier and resident of Flier lor the past live years, died at 13:30 Bin. Sunday at Uie Valley Nursirig

■home, Twin Falls, nfier a long illness. .

He was bom May 15. I8M. at Solt L&ke City. He-was graduated from Kcnion Military academy and alXended Kenyon colleje In Ohio. He was » member of BeU T7ie> Phi fraternity; Mr. liiff came to Idaho in I9I3 and most of the time since Uien resided on a Salmon tract farm. For Uie past five years he bad made his home with a daughter, M rs.' Clyde Smith, Filer.

Mr. Biff WHS a member of Twin Falls Elks lodge No. 11B3. Iloliister lodge, AF and AM. ond the Episcopal church. He marritd Florence Dudley In August, 1III5. nnd she died Sept. 30, 1049. A a,lso preceded him in death.

Survivors include a son. Thom­as C. Illff, Twin Palls; three daughters. Mrs. Mary Lewis. Van Nuys, Caiil.; Mrs. June Dwlgans, Tcrreton, and Mra. Alice Smith. Fllerj 13 grandchildren: lour great-grandchildren, and a sis­ter, Mrs. Lois Anderson, Apple Valley, Calif,

Funeral seirices will be held at 2 pjn. Tuesday at the Church of iho Asccn.ilon. Episcopal, wlih the Rev. Norman E. Stockwell offi­ciating. Concluding services will be hetd at Twin Falls cemetery. Friends mny call nt the Twin Falls mortuary Irom 1 to 0 pm. Monday and from 9 am. to noon Tuesday. The family suggests donaUons to the.Heart fund.


Sheeplih-lookii; emerging from o; judge . . . Flov dlrecUons to prc Jsmes Blake ur.i-. city official . . ..pUld Sl0Ck»-tl;'LTi;|!-,- '("'J' street nonh in r- wind , , , Mum brtrrtr wlch from impor::^-;.' case . , . .Men tliij.i:;,i pinochle and br!i! c entering clly hall iD mr record books . . .

op of couiucr ;i; i.. K;in:an n. k;n..•

local high tchool . a'-. r, v ' '• wandering around 'b';:-/;;..,. . . Woman roumiir.- ' ’* hurrj' iiciirly rui!!’ 'i . . . And ovcr!;c-:ir(i ■It would do one or i' r ‘ ‘iquitj-

Funeral Is Held For Mrs. MtCall

Mrs. LaNora Ccnlry, -■ accompanied by D.uid G r rA " ^ I lb e ire rs Lcor.i-Pelerson. Lorca Drair Di m v der, Robert Ocniry. f-r,,--,' and William Bear.lrj-

Final rites w,iTe ecr.i'jc, Sunset Memorial psri:.

le aBgressor'fi

Mishapinyolves 3 Autos Sunday

JEROME. May 18—An accident at 10:30-a..-m _Sunday three- foufths of a milB south of Eden involved a 1953 Fonf driven by Cluirles Webb. Harelton; a IB5I Clievrolet driven by William R. Rogers, Eden, and a lOSO Ford driven by X3ordon Trevlett, Eden,

Tha collision occurred when TVevlett, Unveling north, came

a hill as Webb was turning driveway, wlUi Rogers Imme­

diately behind him. Trevlett slde- swlped Uie right side of Webb’s, cnr, skidded across Uie road and hit Rogers' car on the left side.

Aaron Corbin, Eden. piL'.ienser In Webb’s car. was treated for head lacerations by a Jerome phy­sician. Webb’s car was damaged to tho-«xtenror»300T” noKcn:'$550: and Trevlett $500. Deputy Sheriff Gordon Newbry investigated. No cltatlon.1 were iisued.

SpecialTUeetProblems eonceming.the tise

of federal funds and zoning for elementary, school . attendance will be dlKUtsed «t 8 p.m. to­day at a special publlo meet­ing at Uie Junior high school library.

Supt. E rn e s t H. Ragland urges all parents and Interested persons to attend.


SPECIAL Commoniration

Wednesday' May 20. 8 P. SI.


M ASONIC TE M PLE B lu e 'I jik cs and Falls Ave

> tv, Crili Eu(«n* D. PlpclU W, U, H*cr*tAr7

^ ^ J N o _ j m o r 9 _ ^ _

Closet Clutter


ALL MASONS MEET Filer Lodge Hall

TUES., MAY 19 - 1 P.M. to attend funeral of

BRDTHErDELBERTISMITH-J. A, Milltr, Sccy.. Foster Sulick, W .M .

Kiep Summer Clothn^

- In Sof# Box Slorogi I


(Set Plant Namt)

And You'D HoTe

OoMt Spoco to Sporel

All the clothes you csn stuff | into ono of our special boM . . . cleaned and stored oa hangers. Delivered when no^ed . . . spotlera ready to wear!Total Cost only $2.50

fhi rtBtt/w coiti

? m s m \LAUNDRY

ond .Sonitonc Clconcrt

Mr “G '":. . now serving the nation

Joints wett of Denver itrrrd by Gerrett FreioHllines, Inc. Pointt

-eaiLof_OcnYec_iet¥edJiyJnl«ntQt«.Motor Fr«)ghl Syitem,

> Direct Thru Troiler Sorvico• Dircct Thru Trailer Scrvicc with Other Carriers

Ship by CARRCTT for Diitct Sepyict lo 90% ol the Induitnol Aieo « i l of the M1ul»lppl

^ ona nodh-ol Ihs Moun- Dl«on line. Aik y o u r GARRETT SALESMAN (or a Con'plete B ook

• ih o w I n g .Routes ond


SALT LAKE OvcrnighrDelivery

4lh Morning Delivery


PHONE RE 3-3283-----SCO 3rd fit. West ■ TwId FalU

Page 3: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:


Ueaux— S e t jp linco lns parth Contest


. .>.• countyit, Cim'


urn county eonteal « • - tn

sponsoric po«l-


6“ *** i.>mllon dUtricU. •■

UdtnMn. Wnr.ores “ any. Wftho SU.IC

‘ idSio WoolpweM «M>-

can'"'” *'S “r M

wenu of land muMRc- r fS w i wrvlce and the

.uie eotnmlttfe »l«> (t|vcsprovld^R there

,.Ifulliirte «nirlej-

be enlercil In t.li-

Tt» stiotJjone Chamljcr fi! Com- I^^wScltarlnfj Hoiwe lor thf

w-nnd-8poww-oMhe-i£k:aiS S ^ S i la a io n * u'lU « l^ ;l

^ Ot the country.

Espresso C a fe to_ O penatK etch um

'Brtr-Tt May Jfl le -^ n E3pres»o ^ i S t h « been incorporated ttId ^ rob»b ly ihB flr«l ot Ita Had.

rticia of Incorporation were niMKW fof LeadvlUe EsprwM Sf-.YKttchuin. It wu capltal- S .1 .mooo by John Uiter nnd

B i l i K.taiim, .nJDr, DceiU Soli, Jerome.'^»nso U the lUllun form of

J[S.bftwed in stewn In & jtruc- i-tofdiromlum pipe* that looks u coapUcated m a mlds« nuclcar

been 'iwputiir-M-Wttr (mA but hM become .famlUnr la idahouia mostly Ihrougli the

Joins Club,7 flrrBWN. Miiy !&-Mrt. Ornce . Eiiie, laal poatrobtrea. tiM been »n.*iW k tertlflcnti of member* thJp la th9 Portliind region 1000- i:«r Kd Leave club.

Utetxnlilp In Uie elub ennnot b« ({jutotd ullh money. Extended

t id ond conwlcntioiM use (let lace are the only emQll- 3t rr?«Ircmcnla.

Hailey Seniors Plant SliriibbervPAGE TTTREB

Jame* Campbell, Ie((, and Ilirold Rldprsy,. 195S*S3 lenlor class pretldcnti, pUre an arbnrTltae ihrub at (he lide of (li« »outh entrance to Hailey hlch Mhaot. Tlie arnlar clau, lo lUrt ichool- fTound* beautUlcallon prnjrcl, planted iwo of these treei la»t week. Jt li planned to lantlicape (he cTounila nncl continue nith 'plantlnit later in (he year. {Staff phato-entraTlncl

Picnic Planned For Bliss Club

BLISS. Mny 18—Tlie nniiual picnic wn.i pliinned by Uie Dltr.i Rod nnd Oun club Tliurx<lny rvc- nlnrc nl Uie home of Mr. mid Mrs. Ed Dalby.~Ttie~pignlr~TrH>~b»-held-uii-Btir

Wood river July, II and 12.Enrle Hobdey. president,

ducted tlie meetlni:.A df.«u«Jon tnvored eponscrlng

ehnrlol rwc«.»Kaln.Tlie next mcctlnj: will be held

fit the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Herb PfltterMn In June.


Science Shrinks Piles ay^thout-Surgerjc-

Relieves PainStops Itch—r<.« T.rfc. N. T. <Sr«l.1>_rflr ths flnt time •cl«nc« hu'found a nowhyaline lubiUnce -itb U)» attOD.lutilnc sblllty to ihrlnk hcmor* rhoidi, *top Itehlni;, tnil rcllevt pain —without «urjtry.

In crnio nflrr eaif, »hilj ftnlljr rellf vinr pain, nctual rcducllOB

■itenlihin;* llatcrnenti like 'Tiles havtetaitd to b« a problem I**

................ ............h«altnBtnl>.... , diieoirery ef r<t«sret) IniUtols.

Thit iDbaUnea (« nov aTallabl* In luppttiltry or »<n(m«nt /arm under (ha nima /'r<paro(ioii II.* At roar drucclit. Uonay back ruariJH**.



If you wnnt enough cookcd rice to fill an 8’i or 0 Inch ring mold, you’ll have to start with 2 cups of raB- rice.

110 Seeking Payments iji Wool Project

OOODINO. May la-Arcnrilir.: to J:iiiir.i p, Ounnlnc. Oocxlu.t county ajrlcultural »tat)lllja!ini «;i(l coii-vnntlon ofWce. « tof.ii oi 110 Gi'Oiliiii; county mTWliro iTr.' luitt— lor Inceiilive pax.

' viticlir tlir nMloii;il \n.n Iii<':rniin for Uie lfl.’>8 itimii, :ii.i K'ir. 'Hip dradlme for opiiliciiii n;

Apnl 30,On' (tie 'bn,sis of wool applIc.itJorj crivcd tliroushout tfir rottiun-.

tlie •niitloiinl percentaRe nitf o( pnvntrn! will be calcutnlfQ niul piyniniw ihrn will be muilp- : i:m-,vfr.< throuRhout thrir co-int: ASC olllcc'.v pnjTneiilJ arc ripr.t- fil til be nindo aome time after July I,

mirnf.n wiii be made »f ptrcrni.ice rate neces-Miry if i Ihr nal:nn,ii nvernKe farm pr. wool vip !r) C2 centa a pouiul, ulilch'

tlie nniiounced Incenilve kvrl. Tliat pfrcenlaKe will be appllfo to each Kroiver's niarkttlns* to calcu- btr hh payment. On iiiwimri lamlu, p.iyiiieiil ii made i r.iii bn fll (Ml the nool rate.

Guniiiiic po|nta out tlul the purptvse of Uii,n program Is to m- crra.ic U. 8. production ilnre lliu country producM less tl:an Us needs.

TliU Li done by mean.i cf the fncrntlvc paymenU to Kro*frn io cncduraKe Kiwera to do ilic best poiiible Job of markelliis iiiclr


IIow manj TeariuU in the Jar ( (ilobe Sretl and Feed Co, Adv.


RAIN GU rfERS AND ~ G E N £ R A L S H £ E T ._


SALES & esnvjcE For Free E*tiina(e:

RE 3-sm All work Euamnteed


27 0 Maurieo

U i


no wmsKey- like Bourbon no Bourbon like pLpSTAGGr

Down in Kentucky, they know their Bourbon, T hat’s why they've been drinking-OM Stagg for generations. Every mellow drop is borraand bred in the blue grass region of Kentucky, Try,the real

“ thing*in-Sfraight-Kentucky-Bourbonrioiiight.-and-ynidl_imi' stand w hy they say. .“.There's no ^ Bourbon like Old Staggl”

Mny isNational Tavern MOiitli, visit tlio friendliest , place -Ifi town.

' eOPfooI-SU6gi5iililllD5Conipiny.frankfofl,Ky.

7 P R O V E N F A C T Sthat will help you make the best mattress buy!


• Focuiod H eat Brollor A ll Calrod M eet Element*

• Hugo 2 3 " M o tte r Oven

• Center T op W ork Area

MORE PEOPLE SLEEP OH BEAUHREST THAN ON ANY OTHER MATTRESS! Sowhsn you buy Baautyreit you know you're QBHlng the maltrau that hat proven Itself best (or comfort and rest.In other matlreuet iprlngi Mg together i/ndar'your W9lgkt. £ach Boavtymt— jpring vrtsrki wparatoly, Indapondonlly from every olhar on#.



_Jbojn0f9.dflBpjIaflp.yoiLg«f,Jh«.morB— :.rofrBihed you oro In th« tnofnlng. Thot i___why, when you buy Beoutyrejf-you're ouurad'of maximum healthful rett.

B u u m E s m o T E o r T o a r i H E —SHOPPER. A t stated by Grant SImmoni, ’■Jr., Praildent of SImmonj Companyi "Beautyrejt It never offered with cn artifidat, Infloted list prlea. Olhen do th!i conllnuQlIy. The Advertbed price U slothed down to ihe odvol price of

_lhe.mottT»M atq/tome-qn*. Becutyrcst ahrayi mecmi what It loy i-on d It gWei- you 579.50 value for $79301"

W oIKeriWhere you ge t blggei buyi and better terv* Icel G-E Factory troin - ed terv!cem «n.

2ONLY BEAUTYREST HAS SEPARATE BACK SUPPORTING SPRINGS THAT PUSH UP m THE SMAU OF YOUR BACK.This li the kind of restful support tJiot h designed lo end bockoche. Only Beoutyrest hos separate tpn'ngi to fit Ih* curve, of .your bock. And because it has buoyant flrmnen, Baautyreit wll|- not robyou of comfort and sloep-os do so many to-coIled posture mattreuet.

5 ONLY UAUTYREST GIVES StNOU-BED COMFORT m A DOUBU BEO BECAUSE. ONLY BEAUTYREST HAS SEPARATE SPftMOS FOR EACH SIEEPERI Baauty. n t f t springi a n $*pa/afo end Inde* pendant. Pres* down on one Baauly-

____rest spring and others ore not offaded.—__No_rolIIng together. The heovlejt hus*

,tand wnnot dliturlThir^fe's rest.


u u n m n 90 M«KT a U (I S T C A RO,VOOI NAMJ- -


a Beautyrest in ybui* O w rrH om e—

at Our R iskSlec > on It for 30 night*. If you're not convinced It's th« fSnast maHresi you over owr id, y ou r guest trial 'won'f coit o ifngla cent. Comei fn to d a y , orranga.to , be ur guest for 3 0 nights of buoyaof, h eavon !/ sleeping Full or fw/n liie ,

520 South Main-RE 3-3839

B e a u t y r e s t

M a t t r e s s e s

" 3 H A tEKOS OP DURABUTr TESTS BEAUTYREST WAS PROVEN TO LAST i TIMES AS .WHO AS THE WXT BEST MATTRESS TESTED BY THE UNITED STATES TESTING COMPANY. So If yoi/re ovt to tcnre money, It poyi to Inskt,on Ion0er>[oitlng Beautyrest. In the long

the b«t-aeh»o7ly w i ther teostr: Importont to know with many uxolled

, •Borgoln buy*" on the market today.

6 THI PRESDENT OP SHERATON HOmSS A T S i^ h 49_of A m ^c^s leodlng hotels, we ^ d e ou n etm on hwphol*'' Ify and comfort. Beotrtyrwt U the only mottms we now buy*. And beautyrest b the only mottreti that hot posed the

i .minimum performoiw»-»fat»dardt-o{- the Amerlcon Hotel Astodotion.


con ort on a Bedutyroit mottreu, fiiade only by Simmon*. *79"


Page 4: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:


hiWliM Atlir u>i SuBilor >t lit »«••< 8 ^ t *'■1. Twl»r»IU. M*bo. bj lk< 'ncDM.Noi r*WMkln( CcaiIlMnd M Mcvrut ciM mill maiwr ArH> >•>!•tflf* ia Twis riU«. I4*S«. BB<«r Uk ct M«r

TW O-TERM LIMITTho chanc<tf would not seem to be too

Btrontf that there will be repeal o f the con - Btltutlonal am endm ent limiting prcBldentlal tenure to two terms. But at least one o f the arguBients fo r repeal does seem to hove 6ome force.

I t b n ot the one advanced so pointedly by •former President Truman In hts recent con- grtsslonal testimony;, namtiy, that the tw o-

'term.limit makes a president a nearly pow - erles.1 lame duck in his second term.

T1)U Is a contention that has n o t been proved, and there must be more than a little doubt that it can be.

President Elsenhower Is the first chief executive who is subject to the constitu ­tional limit.

No one has ^et persuasively demonstrated 1 .that his control over a«M r» has be^n m ask-

edly affected by hU "lame duck" situation........ “ Mr. Elsenhower has by nature a very con -___ flCPiUlYC'-Tleff o f the, uses Qr-PrcsldcntLni

■power. Therefore, it would inevltabiy be ex- trem<!ly d ifficu lt to ehow that hla, exercise o f leadership has been and will bo han d i­capped by the fnct h is tenure cnda In Janu-

“ ary, lOCl. " " "There is good reason to believe th at a

m ore Irec-swlnslng cxecutWs w ould n ot really find his power badly clipped.,

A more forcefu l objection to the tw o-term limit may be that it puta a stiff h a lter on the American people's freedom o f choice.

We cannot foresee all the eventa and cir­cumstances that will affect th l« nation, There may bo times when the people will affree ovenrtielmlngly that they w ant a cer­tain man as president/ even though h e may already b « ^ d l n g up his second term .

^ say v e cannot have him because there la danger ho m ight become a dictator Is to

•—placa-JlttlotBlth-ln-ourBcl7B3=lndredrln-tIi5whole dem ocratic process o f voting. I f wo, have the power to iriatoU.a man, we have the power to oust him.,

Ko one su gg^ ted Canada woa heading -wbon-lUJM pt- " ■


w h i r l i g i gWABinNaTOH-AMlh«r «eUon of the eounlry—

Uu tnduimtl ind miriUine tu ta of New Es^Und tad Ih* Kortheut tnierftlly-hw mingled Its voice wttH the Souih'i In compl&int «s«tjuc kllesed dls-

>ry pollclcj «t Wutilnglon. boLh ftl the WJilW Houm M)d on Capital Hill.

Aliiiough lor different reMoni, thfM e«l7 e-olon lfci «*comon- iwUlhf feel thit.federsl f»»or»

: ^ecUnr their indiutrlcf. riillr0ii(l&.' porti « id connimer* are being dl»- Crltniled'to oUier arcu. They lUt psrtleularly the Middle West (form &uuldl»); Dorder »U tu «ubsl- dlud electricity); 8ouUiwe&t (oil,' gu knd/ rural eleclrlflcatlont; CoMt (aircraft and defense con- tr»cla-tenc

caJualUeA-'^Tffonj veteran R«r Txkn uid InnutnUftl olUclnb nnd lavt-

niakera 'from Uie Northeait have been fenrful Jn recent monilu, Md partially reaponalble for this condition. Included fihtnnan Adams, former V/hlC« HoUM chlcf o{ «U(f; -Joe" Martin, defeated houio mlnorllj' lender; the realgned John Fojler DuUe*; Sinclair WeeU. former KcreLory of com­merce, «nd Charles B. Wllaoo, fornier defenic »tcre tAry, whoM economic lies to Uie Nortlieiut wen cl(ue.

BrT0AT10^ IfliLPFtJL TO SK.SATOIt Kt.V. MEDTf—Todjf. thk.1 »eeUon 'does not hnve a single chilrnian of the 16 mijor »enale commlltecs. It has only four on the 20 loiportant house commiitees, and none of Uie four has JurlsdleUon over prob­lems espcclalljr pertinent to this area's brefld>and> butler inlerealft-publlc works, foreign affairs, Ju­diciary and un-American actlvltlM.

ThW sltuailon cxplalnrwhy Ben. John P. Kennedy of MossachUMlta sill have almost the solid auppor of Uio New £cjland delegations for tlie lOCO preil< denUal nomlniUon, and peilupa surprising backing from Now York. New Jersey and Pennsylvania, r may oper»t^ igaliut.Vlcs Prtsldenl Nlxoi^ • Calltor- nlan, ^lould he head the Republican ticket.


s r . LAWHENCE SEAWAY COSIPETITION-AI' T iusa sirrT iijw H irin rT ijp im a irm & T 'T iir^

K la s in the prim e minister's post over a long .'span. .W hen the Canadians 'w anted a change, they go t It,

^ thd 22nd amendment we seem to be — »a7ing 'that TTB have htul to ’ DUlltt"»7llm ita-

• tlon into the law because we'do n o t believe . ' wo can m anage wlthout.it. Is that really so?

' ' SU N D A Y IS DIFFERENTII In a world o f clam or and turm oil, ol : ' frenzied paee and breathless confusion, men '‘ i • oI good will everywhere may be thankful-*..... -ior-tho;Quallty o f Sunday.

Millions o f Am ericans these days travc the length and breadth of their ow n land

: _Mllllon3. too, aee Europe, and increasingz:-------numbers s « Asia, South America arid A frlco

These lucky ones know for themselves -what th e 'r e s t o f their countrym en. can readily Imagine: Sunday Is. everywhere the same.

It’s more, m uch more, than Just a time o f rest and worship.

I t ’s a m oment o f peace amid tho tumult.. It’s ‘o wclcom e space, In an age when men find fewer and fewer spaces In their crowded days.' ' ‘ ,

On Sundays, m en recover some o f the dignity they cast to the winds in the week- long competitive struggle.

They have tim e to think, a rarer and Toitr cxperJenco fo r many nowadays. T h e j can "lake stock, reflect, see themselves and

LawTence, seaway prorldes sertous competition for many InUresls In this Motion, cflJeclAlly rftllro«d.i and ahlpplng, It «11| hurt such ports as Coiton. New York, Jersey City, Hoboken, Nework and Plilla- delphifl.'Xossts of oce’nn tmfflc'hava been esUhiatcd at from 10 to 20 per cent.

The United Stales and Canada have fixed seaway rates *o Icrw, according lo rallroad staUallclMis, Uiat they aro discriminatory. Such lines as the New York Central. Penn.fylvnnln, SiUUmore and Olilo, Boston and Albany, as welt tis feeders, may hnve to reduce freight rates from 20 to 25 per cent.

R«reoue losses will causa furttier cuts In pauenRer and cofflmuUng/fsclIltlM, for cargo Income serves Co make up. parllnlly far unprofitable services tn haullns human freight. Already, (he affecled lines eomplaln over Uia lack of federal relief, especially In Tlev of subsidies to other forms of traosportaUon,

York, New England. Nev Jersey and Fermsylvanin members. Republicans and Democnls alUce. 8uct) flmis as WesUcgbouse and General Electrlo have been hit hard, causing unemployment.

busetts and Neir Jersey cocgreumen tom-

V I E W S OF O T H E R Sr r s TJiE coSranEss’ bespo nsid ility

There’a well warranled concern in WashlncUm__ „ __ _____ ________ ver the farm prohlem and Ue evident InablUCj-

____ ^theltjlra In som e lo r t ot iw repccthe.____ *“ ” ■ . ________________________---------ThT tllll n f In H oilj p T O * .l :-r™ r tr t -lh eThe full riches o f family living p our In

upon them. Sunday Is a day o f com panion- ship, o f long w alks and talks, o f sm oothing tho raw edges gouged In otie’s feelings In

—the battles of'thB ’ worktnBTlay:Sunday Is n m agic pause when l ife xencw s

Itself a little. Y ou can feel It In the a ir on a rural road In Idaho, on, a boulevard In Chicago, a park In Paris, a winding coastal highway In Portugal, anywhere at all.

Sunday is Just different. I f it should ever cease to be, then man should take olam ). For he may bo in danger o f losing the crowning spirit th at makes him w hat h e Is.

“ R A D IC A L” DEPARTURE__1__ Pari3,lsiam ed, o f course, for its w ild tr a f-

' lie. I t doesn’ t f low like a deep river. I t swirls and eddies and plunges-ll)ce-a mplds.

Yo\i never hear too much, though, about the cars that go tumbling along li) this tor­rent. I f you've ever gotten a good look at a

------- French taxi youni understand'why. M ost- - o f them surely are fugitives fro^i the aMto*

mobile graveyards, rattling, affairs put to- . gether from old parts.

The London ta x i Is quite a d ifferent thing. Small, prim , Invariably black, de-

' flantly Victorian In its angular styling, it cruises the city as a constant reminder to CSirddncrs'of'lh'eTr love o f lra31lloii.’

Step inside one o t these, and you feel like j ’ou’re entering a corner o f a staid gentle­m an’s club. B lack leather upholstery with deep-set buttons, a faint air o f the'elegance

r-tlmes.Wo hear now th at after four years of.

at)b« study, Scotland Yard hasplans for new ••streamlined"-London cabs.

. Edges are rounded off, window.^.are bigger, the Interior Is a b it roomier. '*■

m - Pictures suggest the new departure really : Isn’t too radlcaL I t ’s etUl black and prim 5-and-conaerTatlve. But ■watch U. you fellows • over there. In th is shaky world wc don ’t , like to see props knocked out from urider • . .114 for no real reoson. Wo expect a London “ t a n to look like a London takt.

Japaneses tesUlu. Although a Bay sUter. it is doubtful If Secrtlary Kerter ulll h«<l deavaiwla lor higher wrUfs or smaller quotas lest It endanger good reUUons with Ihe former caetny. Tokyo needs Amer­ican markets beauu ot n«d China's Inroadi on the Aslan trade’.

Ttu Eaybum-John leadenhlp's concern for cheap w tor power, ai embodied In TVA and REA. has precipitated a furious fight among the New York delegation In the house. It is sj-mptomaUo or other confUcUng sectional interests. '

VIEWPOINTS DHTER - In conference with Governor RockeleUer. Democrstic and IlepuWlcnn members agreed to cooperate ,ln order Co obtain more defetue contracts. But they broke a part on the first t«st over a bill permlCUng TVA to finance

pictures this yesr of our honor studeota? Neirly every night ' pick up pap" expecting to e them and nearly every night I'mdisappointed.

Bo far. rd iwcar Uie T-N has printed the pictures of honor stu­dents at every other high r/Chool In Maglo Vslley. How come yoi don't use thoM from Twin Palla?

Alter all. If* not as If ihe namta were secret. All the auidents know In fact, our daughter told us wl they are &omc lime ago. What a you walUiig lor, Chrbtmas?

A. Parenl <T»ln l-’alls)


Have four klltens lo give away. They're dark m color and c w««U old and know how lo eat. You cati find them «l 715 Tlvlrd sUeel. Ilu- pert, Uie fourth hnuso ucsl < Andy McRoberls" lllUng staUoa < the soulii side of the street.

IlUnk (Rupert)

These five fluffy gray kittens need a new home. 'They're 3 months old. You can gel Uiem at 1303 Fremoni drive or phone REdwood 3-4IB<l.

■ OUB BULLETI.V.'BOAllO- A. Reader, Twin Falii—Thanks

for the • suggtsUon, but you're About-ttt'o-ymi loo Ut*. ■

YOU UA>X TO 'IVATCII Dear pet Shots;

‘Hie contractor that built iiouss UK lU la t meg. Bcctusc-oi Ills ftltllude I’ll alwsy# be sorry

e made that flrjt down payment. When Ihe cellar leaked I called

him. He valked in the front door snylng: 'No wonder, You haven't graded yourlaB’n." Tlie cellar leak­ed only where the sewer pipe holu had not been filled In.

EveryUiliig I complained About my fault. All ho kept saying

was; "If you got a new car you'd expecl to lake It bock for adjust- menU.- Maybe so. but I'm sure those adjustments would be made cheerfhlly and not blamed on me,

To top the whole thing off. he ad a beauUfuI grading job done

on an unsold house nearby. And HTiTOrtctimK niy husonnd'Silir “ I don't do any grodlng." Our 1 was full of pieces of wood, cen glass, stones, nnlls—you

through sale of revenue bonds. Under Raybum-

York 8tal« unanlmou^ allow TVA. with Its cheap utility rates, an undue advanUge over the city and sCaIo oX New York."

Almost luJly electrined belore Uncle Bam enttred t^at field, the Northeastemers also protest'the Up on their taxpayers for REA's lor rates and intertst changes. But. although eouenraUve on many ques- Uons, supplj'lng Ineipewlve power to farms, caltle ranches imd oil fields is a "musr with Speaker Rayburn and Senator Johnson.

(IUI«4Md bT UcGurt Hmpsptf enKHcaU)

other day that 'farmers ihemselrcs do not know what lo suggest to solve the current farm dilemma,"

But why, Indeed, should Uiey be expected to lead the way out of a situation that has so obvloa-ily

What with drought and pesUlcnee and varbble markets, tliere's alwaj-s been a'fann problen of sorts. Until lately, though, the farmers themsilvcs hate demonstrated pretiy welt Ihelr eapabmtj_for dealing with it. Now the sgcold problem hn.i been comrOIcaled and aggravated by a govemmentiU pro­gram that they dldnt ask for but hare had to deal .•lih Just tho same.It's a program ihiit cosUy experience has pnven

to b« unrealistic and unworkable. In wartime .t oei up incentives for Increasing.crop production toroeet emergency requirements. The emergency Is lonj past but the program's artificial price Incentive con.lnuea to build up enormous surpluses whlch__iu__»-slcm or-»ert»jri'rt#lrIeU6ns b’ qulte ihadeouale lo dniioi;' —Jusfna they, always "hase sunuountcd other obstacles. Uiey have gone all out to adjust totliese new conditions. When permitted acreages wre cut they have made use of improved seeds and ciltural methods to produce more crops on IciS acrcngi tiinn

per before.In thla development there Is cheering promko tor

tho. futur» vhon Inevlubly the-demand for'food must put a strain on the supply.

Immediately, though, thli surplus productlot l.i . major factor making the farm problem one of In­creasingly frrlevous concern to eveo'body.

The farmer haa a direct and vital lnler.it Ih

hat put tho gorerruncnt up lo its neck In ihofarm- ng busine.-5». and It's n responsibility Uiat c m be

slUfted.—Ooise SMtesnian.

SO n r s TOO vouno, is he?We receive a number of letters from Oregon com­

plaining that Sen. Jack Kennedi-, ai <3. Is fir too young to bo seeking the prp.Mdency. We have done wm# reading of .hljlorj'; you'd be surprt?.ed atwhm wc have learned.

Jelfccson. founder of the Democratic part', wns S3 whea ho wrote cur Declaration of Indepeaience. Alexander Hamlllon_was JJ_irhta,he-beauie Uie n m »ecrtl*ry of the treaniry. WUllam Pllt viu 2i when he became prime minister ef Great Irli.-vJn. Teddy Roosevelt, cliamplon of eoiiser'aUon.' vos « when he succeeded the aisiuuinsied Wlllinn Me- Klnley.as president in IBOl.-Prom Uio WeeklyNcws- \etter ot Sen. Richard Neubcrger.

PUPS FOR KIDS DEPT, ©ear Pot Shots;

There is a very lovable collie 3up at our house. He wandered n about a week aao,-but-as-wc

already have a dog he mlRht make ft real niee pet for some olher' Ittle boy or girl. You may pick him up at 70S Washington street north anj- time after noon.


. . ANTsy ar« j'«u hctdlng jotiv breathr ........



PEGtER’S ANGLEFor about 100 years. Use sUtes

c f the norUiera tier have heaped Hjperolllotu abuse on the stala oi Uie South, This uiu ecessary and danceioUs conduct canUnntS

In agltaUon “

largdy Immigrant ar)d stUi alleti by contrast with the patriotic n a t Iv e q u a lit y ot the 8ouU) and this remains a nasty fact today.

A c t u a l ly the hosUle propagan­da c o m c s QQt

from a few hundred clever vlduaU In command of letter-head soclelles, noUibly th« NaUocal As* soclatlon lor the Advaacefflcnt of Colored People, and from a few' sllck-papcr magaclnes. The Luce and Cowles groups have been call­ed an axis, a reference to the niller-MuEsoUnl com b in e and iltelt brwh wnlempt tor the nlceUes of truth, YeUoA’ Journalism ic an old Idiom and s e ^ to have been a native America:but the daring of these publics' UoAs In their general attacks or. the culluro and moral character of millions of aouthem clUsens Is brealhtaklng.

About- two years ago. In Shreve­port. a group of ■

Rflclc.matter,.dlr«i»il-rrom New York City, thought about'reprisal. Tliey. Ujought of organlilng

centcrs which conUiln the population, to warn magazine dealers to quit selling ccrtaln magailnes. Other»-lse neighbor­hood -oustomers would- refuse-to spend money wltii them for clgS' reltes. cosmcUcs,' sotl drlnks-for anything.

In principle, this Is an effective method, but tliere tos no orgnnlM- Lon. no skill, no common deler- mlnaUoa So Uie SouUi is still the victim of A hateful propaiiitndn which hurts the people of the North, too. because It deceives and mlslends (hem and Inevitably fo­ments mutual hatred.

Actually, the deportment of Uie southern Uer towar-l Negroes li at least as good as that of Nen York. Chlcaso. Detroit and Phlla- U dphli—- ....... -• ■

aggressor. The 6<njth was claiming a right to secede from the union, not a right to practice slavery. The Nortli put Uie SouUi to '^ e torth aad.th«~f«t.that-Northem mlH- tary and Industrial power fin; prevailed overnn Ideal and a weak-

lynchlng In Mississippi which liave been used to arou.^ fiiry against Uie South have been no worse than many more brutal ossasslnatloM of non-union workers on picket lines In tho north. All mob-acUon

Ing,But the North, speaJtlng In the

voice of Uic enUiics which I have menUon'ed, condones union lyncli- ing.ln.lls.owa.danuila. as.rub.of. tbe*grccn. And one ol. the Missis­sippi eases, the Till case, was ob­viously a slnylng by two Individuals with revenge.or punishment for the moilve and not n mob Job at all. All vicllms'of Southern lynching are ot Icaat accused of serious crime. Picket lino victims are all innocent and tmaccused.

Tho people ot Uie'Soulhem slates clung lo Uielr state loyally long niter Uie North had lo.it rcRsrd for

stale lines and state soverci«nty By tuw. to be sure. Uxls old SouUi.

pride has lost vaimtb, bu j VlTTinians sUlI are Virgin­

ians even though Uie overflow from Waahlngton. D.C„ aod other ml- grmUoQs into Vlrglfiia eauscd by war acUniy and Industrial irovUi have almost swamped the berlUge

Elsewhere, millions of us, prob­ably a great^majorlly.' have (So pdde of stale dUxenshlp. Some sUtcs even compete with oUiera for mercenary carpetbag populaUoo by offering tax advantage Florida once, toyed with aa experiment in easy Olvofce although time was when divorce was forbidden there and E. M. Flagler, the raUroad pro­moter. got a sp«clal monetary lai from his puppet legislature so that he could be divorced. Theti the law

as repealed.II would be Incorrect to ssy that

good Vlrginiaru arc superior to good New Yorkers, but New York unfortunately is nol a model state or city. 'The gOTemment prescrib­ed by law for the city Is Incapable of Its task, and the police prob- lem. alone. Is complicated by hun­dreds of Jurisdictions.

No -Southern community has a Jumble of discordant peoples com- parable lo Uiat of New York Clly. To be sure, Bouthera wlille and Ne­gro elements do sUy apart mostly by mutual accord, but In New York both of these elements are sub­divided by many other considera­tions as o f religion, "countTy of Igla" andklaaguage.

Only In the SouU^tm slates do the people raaliu that the-var-of Uie CQs was, on the Southern part

In defense of a sacred home' -Thfr

Demonstration SetHAltEY, May IJ-A demonstra- on on tnaklnj hamburgers, frolt

kabobs. hamburger rariatlons and mUcd vegetable* in foU wiU be g i r « - Wednesday --by Barbara Brathoover, extension nutrlUon specialist, at the Oruge hall. Hailey, and at the home of Mrs. Eugene Sweat, Carey.

The-Halley meetlni_wUl be at 2 . . m.-and the Carey neeUng Wednesday evening.

TRAINS IN , BHOSnONE,John p. Uunsier, —


l e g A l" a d v e r t i s e m e n t s

^OnCK or FATMENTa — wonCE Is irSuelir civkn dt tiII. Tf^nf.r of Ik. a i» •/ T»i» K-ll

imI luuMismt ... )l>lrkt Na. ID tb*!!\ «( ivM kn.t

VMM WfitH o( bitIBS ir u ftiiru (ft I

>t to Msuci u< orriM «

UtauUnl.TlMMJuu 11, |>(B. Ui Uhlnc oi» to lir S «r 4 pu.-.I<>»r I botltooUl tira (Dta StoUta ilsrinc

'!r Uelltf for ISabd SUU Cell***. l‘oc»-rropouU vlll b« opcanl and p

.. foe did not Imply'thal secesiton had been beaten on morn] grounds.

New York belmves wlUiout grace In slurring the South, but again be It remembered that these mng- ozlnes ond their editorial employes nnd Uie NAACP are not the North

New York.

Girl ImprovesHAILEY, May J8-Mr. and Mrs,

Jack Dnvlcs report that their daushlcr, Laren, is making grad­ual recovery In tho XdiUio Elks ?hiibllltatlon-center|-BolscrMiss Davies wns stricken wlUi _

p.irnlysLi, which has not yet been illngnosed, more than a month ngo Tliey report she v,lll l>e tible to walK wlUt the help of crutches In



Rtil-I 1‘repo-u .III U hr th.onrniUilancr of I’uWe IVofU or -ir. lloli*’. Witio. umn l:M p.m., 1 iln BUndinl Time, on Jun* iL IM imlihinf nlr. aiiil mtltin Mr ipr f»ura 11 Ib« Id»h9 SUU Col^^ rre^Miii will l» o;«ini ind public

• ot Iht ilio.. ouifj kour, SpKiricallont. pratxi**! r°rm> 4bJ otb«fI'lhTSf/l?. of’ Ih? Dfi-Vlm." J*' "" -orki: tnS mir l>« oMalnnl for lM.llnz

" im iu “ wAnutv,(■iimmlnlnn«rOfP.nmrnl of r»bll« Wo

ltir»rm.tl«i tn on lUi for «i«nln___e(flc« of tb* Drf«natnt of I'ubMe ; mif U vbUlMd for bidding m Inm iL* umt of/k».


Mf3. Peter Mumier. parUclpallng wlU> y.* fantry division i '

w l u l y .idunta u ator In headquirifr.

1..1on ■! rt. '«■


■ in Hl.nJ.rt Tim, r ' s * ■ H . uniUhlrf ■'>*

rrop.»jri .lit

AIITIIir r4.|.


IDAUO flAVINta AND I.OA.S AS80CUTI0.S, IS ?*br«>rr 31. Ill*

ASSCTSl^nt.JLnt aurtcuf lai atatr -

5«*lnffi .......... —------..... i •nd »[ranet* boffowrn for Uam itock uid mfrro ___

I. Ctnldfd I'uklk A

rubllibi Hir IT. II. 1 rS '?^a Vilt'

The right furniture

tfflot up efficiency

o f office routinetl

From desks to stonce qablnets, we have evejj- Uilna you need for a

- smooth runnlng-olflce.

" I f It's For Tho O ffice — W o Hove it"


13B Znd Ave. South :

Here’s money-saving proof...IT PAYS TO OWN A DODGEI


_D_o dgellntro duGes-t-he-

6 e t a)) th ese e x tra s at

n o e xtra c o s t !

• Si)ccial Interior • W liitc WckU Tires • Wheel Covers • Floor O rpcting • Du-tL Arm Rests'-• Electric Windshield Wipere'i'Total-Contnct'*' Brakes • Torsion*A:ro Rido

Ccijfj /fjJ tol)uy! -0 n u 4 fss -i{h iirk .v 4 -

, Gixts more for l/ie money!




TW IN FALLS— BOB REESE MOTOR C O M P A N Y ,. 500 Sccond Avenue South BURLEY__ BU.'ILEY M O TO R C 0.“, Inc., 1137B U H L -A N D Y AND BOB’S MOTOR CO., 415 50. fliTOdwoy . RUPERT-BILU THOMAS M OTORS, <18 6lhSt. ’

“ O D IN S-H A RB A U SH M OTOR CO., Inc., 500 M oin St.

Page 5: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:


Boys’ Stale Delegates NamedTIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO

Testllijih for MiUc Cows in April in Area

Onp of Uie hluhr.- ;. moiulily ftnKTs in ycnrs u.,.. t-coii!cd lor

IcoMS ir.Mcd In Ajir.l ijv Uic T>Un ll-'-.ilh County Daiij Hr.-d Iniproif- mciil a.vKKlftlloii. .KC)!cl;iiK to C. \V. Dilsli. Tuin countyDRrnl,

An avrrnKC of yi2 pouiich of nillK nnd pounds o{ iniltnliit producfd by tlir i: cij.j com.i cu tf.ll. Of lhl.% loiiil, 1 ^ rJc mllW- ln« nnd 230 \u'ir dsv. In loiiO pound.', rrporu U.n,;ii' iiirrr Mere atiiio.'t two intllimi iKiuiii*. of nillk and “7,000 poumu ijmtirfivt.

DalKh .laid njijwi jji)v nm j irJrd lo mnkf up for tlir m nation* al iiilllc producll.'ii lUirliii: 1058. BiatLille.i from ilif u. S, drpnrl- mviil of nKriculiiiir r.'vr.\l'Hie Jirsi drop sincp ivr r.ipitnprodufilon lor i!)5a u cit Mncc 19:;4.

Of tlic 71 lifrd.s -»;i t, nr:pcl <0 or mort pournh uf Dutlfr- fat, Normally nbtnn m pjr cent or the cons ore .In uiii ihcjt- lop 21 lirrds lied only u :i [>, r crnt,

Tlic lild> piodiJclnEherd In the n-vvK-Mimn m unit one, oivnrd by T. W liidimond, Bull!, Ills 60 rnriMrii ii ;md grade UoL-.tcln , wiUi frnir diy, averaKfil 5<0 uitli nn nvcMi;,. of 1,<60 pounds of milk. 'Ilir •ifoiid hlnh herd In buttrrliit u.is irom unit two owned by II. j Vrn Zanle, abo Duhl. HUi nine rii;iMcrcd nnd Krade Jeri.cyfl. nil iiiilkUn:, nvrratrd 52.5 pounds of bullrrfr.t wid 1,034 pounds of milk. Tlip iliird herd above .lUe 50-pound avprncc wns the 57 cows of mixrd lirtpds. with two dr}', owned bv Jif;„%rtiholt and araybeivl. Bulil. Tlirv ,ivcrnRed 50.< pounds of bultert.a and 1JJ5 pounds of milk,

•n e high herd In rym cg. mill:

TED 'STOL-rt^OlEBG /iiumk, * * * * I f e r - ---------------- - — -51

-----GAYLE 8TASTNY ' MELVIN MAIITIN. . . Hare been stleclrd to repre*ent (he Mtirtauch. ilanxit ‘and

Klmbetlr hich lehools al na;t‘ ila(e. Medlcr. ton of Mr. and Mn. Kots Medley. Kimberly, it iponiortd by G. W. MiUcr Product com* panjr and IIoIk Payeltc Lumber company; Gary Keatan. *on of Mr. and Mn. John Reatan, Kimberly, iienry Prodact company; Ted Slollenberr, Kimberly. Arnotd'i dcparlment ilort; Lloyd nrawn, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mnyd Urown. ir.. Murlauch, Kimberly Lcrlon; Gayle Staitny, »an of W. K. Coonti. MurtAuth. Kimberly branch, Twin I'all* Bank and Truil ccmpany; Mcltin Marlin, ion of Mr. and Mn. Sam Martin. Ilaniten, Amalfamaled Sucar company, and Slercn nail. «ori of Mr. and Mrt. Verrll Ball. Han.cn. L. Moor* warehoute. (Staff encrarlnp)


^nnBURN, May IB — A 3/cl - Oanlu Waratr, rho hM been vis-

— UlJi|-*rth». horn*. o t h ls . parcn ta, Wj Wrineaday to vlilt.hls sister, Un. Uura Somonson and fam<1y, Pcwttno, before leavlnc for Mn- pil(* »lr force bue. New Jcrijy,

— UiJle«.to4cclaod.loday_whErcJie illlbeilatloned for the next ycnr.

Wa Flora Hacking Is vla>:;i;B thU vetk In Downey with' her son* W;liw and dwtfhUr, Mr.’ nnd M--. Dir*TBt lUndy, Handy hiui nc- c»5led a teaehlnif poaltlon on Ton- p iiUnd near New Zealand.

He and hli family plan to lea/e July U to make their home iiirre for the ntti four yews. He rill leieli arts and crafta ln the c l- leje there.

Couple Returns im-California

SHOSHONE. May 18-Mr, niid Mrs. A. M. Andcr.^on nrrlved lume After spendlnR tl^ winter niontlu at Orldley, Cnllf,

Mrj, P, D. Dnt«mftn has •turtied-hotne-fl}t« -belnR-U*(kUKJ at St. Luke’s htjspltnl. Boise, Tlotiert Mtu-tln. Idaho Falh, at' tended bu.ilncM mcctliiRS ol the bureau of land mnnagcmcnt i)c;i ycstcrdtiy.

Mrs. Marlin and her two chil­dren. Craiff and SCcren, friends hero ^ •hllc Martin nts at the mcetlnR. She was a luncheon Rue.ll of Mr. and Mrs. HaiTcIl Thome,

Martin formerly was employed at Uie li}cal BUM office before be- Ins tranaferrtd to Idtilio Patlj three yeiirs nRo,


ciit£llo._Mny_J8TTJlrsl_Sccurlty foundation scholarships of 1500 each have been awarded lo t*’o Idaho State cqIIckc studentv Pres­ton C. Middleton. Pocntello, and Ronald ’ E. Melton. T\v'ln Palb, Melton Is a sophomore In .account- InR and Middleton Is a Junior In buslnew. Both men rank hlRh In their elasjes In academic ttann- Ing.

Licenses IssuedHAILErV, May la-BIalne county

CcmmLaloncre-trjued-'n-llijuot-ll- ceii'.c to Al Lewu for Tlie SnuR Bar, Hnllcy. at tlidr May meetlnR

They nl.'o ls.iued beer Hcen.ws, bottled orTnhncd, to be

KneelftndJ. and .Maurice Bevins for hi* Smiley Creek lodRc on Uie headwaters.of Uie Salmon river. ,

A license lo sell draft.,botUed oi canned beer wax iMued lo Lead- vllJe Exprcaj, Inc.. Kelthum (the application was aigned by Herman L.Jdarlcich).

Mrs, Roseberry .Paid Last Honor^ la m E L D , May Ift-aravcslde

for Mrs. Amy Roseberry were Bslurday-fflomJojt.-J>t-.Ui£'

RithtlHd cemetery with Uie Rev. Ralph Laurence. Rlclifleld Melh* odUi minister. offlelatlnB.

Ptllbtifets tew Tiiomaa (Budi KoaWin'rjtromc. nephew of liie dKcued. anil Donald Riley, Don

and Bmce Borensen. krt, noKberry was a « -re a r

Richfield, She

!«;, PU " *'“^ind died In April. MettiodW church.

Stud{!ntsReceive Military Hnnnrs

1 the premlsM. to Uie ClirlsUanla

production wa.< UiP tune reRL'tered and Krnde Holstclnn, all mllklnK, ownril l>>' Simon U;;k:'r. Jlfln.ipii. Tlipy hnd and average of 1,<7< pound.i of milk, anil 4113 pounds of bultcrfat. ' '

Tuo reulstcrrd ai;d i:rnde Ilol- slelii her±s hod IdenlliTal avernRPi of 47,1. Their owners are Dale Wil­liams, Flier, with 21 cnvis, one dr>', and Truman Peter.',on, Kimberly, •Ith 10 cows oud,oiic..dn'..Just a tenth of n pound lourr

were the 27 rcKli.tcred and srade HolMclns, with Uiree (irj-. owned by Albertson nnd Laudn. Buhl, Cal Jlarpcr. Buhl had r.n averase of 40.7 from 24 Rradr IioW«ln.v with one dO’. and Tom Walker. Twin Palls, had an nvpraRe of.403 from 40 rcRtiterfd (ind Kiade Hoi- steins. wlUi three dr>-. Roger ford. Kimberly, had an aveniKe ot-40-from-23 reRl.itei ^ -tnd-pTide Hobtelna, with one dry.

Other herd owner.' above Ihe 40- pound avcriiBC Includc Gary Cus- ler. Ttt'In Piklls; Utmmers Dairy, Buhl: Larry Knelp, Filer; Ray Melsner. Bulil; Marlin Knelp.

FATHEn 18 ILL RICHFIELD. May 1&-Clarence

Lemmon learned Tliur.iday eve­ning of the Illness of his faUier, R. J, Lemmon, while he was visit­ing In Norfo.k. Va, Ho was sent to a Norfolk hospital by a doctor recommended by Uie Rev. Marcus Bloodworm, fo r m e r Richfield Memoaiiriiimi3tcr,-who-livcj-ln Norfolk. Tlie Lemmons' grandson, Charles McGill. Is slatlaned In Norfolk by Uie ndvy.

rTVSERVIcTi Doy P.bone RE 3-7111 J Nlg(i» Phone RE 3 -1 0 3 7 ;

I R IS E R -C ^^^^



^UHiVEnsrry op id a h o . mos- m.. Vftiley

the Uni-«n (i} of id },o mlUiary rcvjew.

A Quun^uwitd military award >0 1 Junior. J. n,

W sht, Gondlnc. ftlr farce. A top f ‘l' award went to D. O.

r f* - } °'»<lln(:. won the ftlrf-iree T , “ mnn award. Professor of »lr

Jleybum. air force.i cow*munica^ M electronics nwird.

. , Patient Moved18 -M n „ PautlU

" fias brcn taken from the Bun \ alley hosplUU to Uie -flho-

«ie pxptcti to be » patient for Uie next three months.

Slip is Mill Inaeasl'to the?,Tilst,I 1" automobile accl-

Lvn ubn* d'"’


f „ DiH.f 8«nlc«KIMHKJtLV C U e i ■ROAo SHELL

If Takes Just Minutes

To Bank From Your Car!You con make deposits and r c « iv o your receipts in minufcs ct our handy drive-ln

_______teller window without ever Icoving your cor.Drive in todoy!



TWIN FALLS . AT FILERM em ber Federal Dflpoiit Iniuranc# Corp.

Soren and Gerald Jensen. Buhl: Morgan and Okleberry. Hansen; Everett. Alldrltt. Kimberly: Ed Wright. CasUeford, /ind Henry Or-Uiel. Jr.. Ftler. -— ............- .............

The cow with Uie hiRhest milk

Hailey Boys’ Staters Named Wrong Type fo¥West Glorified In TV Programs

SI:n V.M.I Ky. M.vy is i.r,-nie dlrri-tiT ..I th- III;,I,„ • Historical mii.rii:ii tr.,u-mn ;iiirt radio havr t:l,i:il:c(l '.In- upr of vvr.M- eriK'I- «l;u y.i.N I;; tt,(. Iiiliiurity in Uie biliM;!!,: (i; t.';r W,-.-,:,

"Tills r.)ii;:!:v -i., . by ppo- pie «lici u„Tk. J icrrlblyhcatllc 1,.iuK.m|:,-. iu.; uy the oul- law.i uli.. -.ii,': 11 :i; hinli nnon

IP s;<lixiii.v- u, ,t, tiwmnpy told

ALLEN DKOWN >V1LLIAM ItKMIlKil. . . are bcinc ipoDnorn] by Blaine rnunty po«t Nu. :i, American

Lpjlon, lo atlcnd Boy»' »lalr. Brown l!.Uif ion of .Mr. and Mr*. Warne llrnnrn and Ilcmbrr l« the ion of .Mr. and Mra. ( rale ltemt>cr. Both are Hailey hllh 'irhcH)! Junlun. Slruwn li enipontnrvd by the Hallry llalary club. Hp haa rrprcsciitnl hl> clau nii the iludent t.'uncll for fire iemcstm., Hrmbrr li ntanatcr of Ihp Junior class and a ni(ml>rr f)t the i-Xin rlutr* He hat malntalnrd a h|(h acho- lasllc avrraie. (Staff eiicravlntH

itiembtrs of the Rocky Mountiilb'n I’iydiolocy awoclatlon. ' ■ T

Swiiiney. addrt.\ilnj Uie p«rchal-L ORlsis'niinual banquet, pointed outH

11 a.is the law abiding c lU «n«ll c.irvcd the prosperous stale o tf l

Id:vho Irom nn nrJd wilderness. F 'Id.iho .rliould commemorate not I vman who j^oibuc the namelci#! n Rho'woried’ too hard lo Worry II

about the holdup man and lha 'ante hall Rirl," Swinney talj.

DEMO KLECTED DEW\-i;rc. May 18 tfl - Calvin

Haulms. Salt Lake City, has been . elected'chalmmn of Ui# 13-stat« !*■ ar. tcni itates Democratic confer*


production for the iiiondi w, rriiclc Hi>l'tcln, "Judy." ouiu-il by Simon Hakpr, She i>r«Mlucpd 2.B40 pounds of milk. "Umph,’ n trude HoUtcln produced 3,81(1 jMiunds. Shr Is osiied by Hcaselholt and Griiybenl. Castleford,

"Tiny." a rcRlslered Jei.-.py owned by H, J. Van Zanle. BuJil, v,;ui hiRh In builerfal with 97J. Other cows listed above BO pounds <>( builcr- fftt include "Revel.” ft rcKlstered Hokteln with' 02.1 pounds- owned by T, W,'Rlelunond. Butil. ivnd "Nunibrr One." a rcRl.Mrrcd HoU

..................... - . ______ ....icrt-m and Lauda. Buhl, llierc tt re 33 herds in unll one

In the wc. t end and 38 In unit the enstem part of the Twin

Kulln tract. Ttt'O fomirr members' in the n.vioelatlon st-irtcd ic.Mlnn BRBln during April. Tiny were J. C. Wllllnias, Tttln Falls, wlili 04 Rrade Holstelns, nnd Mnurlce Capp.s. Hansen, with 11 rcRlstered milking ShorUioms.

All 71 herds were fed some con­centrate In addlllon to foriiKC and 45 unprolllabte cows were sold for beef. .

Filer Youth Wins $200 in AwardsFILER, May 18— Robert Engle, in ofTTr. andTUr».-L7misn-En8lei

Filer, has won a tlOo scholar. lUp and n $100 award.

n ie scholarship was presented by Uie College of Idaho for Engle's

• '..........I. Jl will be^im U 2w ar4

year.Tlie award was n combination

of *50 from the Flier Klwanls club and *50 from J. R. eimplot.

EiiRle-ls ncUve In-Uie-Key club and ft member of the Thespians.

Aides feamined By Dental Group

Nine members of the South Cen­tral Dental A'sslslaiil.s society look certltlcnuon examlnstlons Satur­day allcnioon at Uie office of Dr. Frank Carpenter, T-*ln Falls,

Tlic cxamlnatlaiu uerc prepared by the bosrd of certlflcaUons for the MaUoiial Dentil AislsUuila.afls soctatlon;

Dr. Wyla Ame.v Idtiho *F lls, ai.clinlnnftnJn_dianie_£lic-WU .

a.«lsted by Dr. Cari<nter, Dr. Rex P. Hall. Dr. H, E, ihimess and Dr. DDJ JojjM, sJI THin >-alls.

Girls who took the examinations •fxp RuDi Bo/ri, llupert; Brook-

qulene Mrat, Biihl; VI Brown. Wendell: and Irene Flint, Anne Prey, Naomi DoUjon, Ann Mc­Kinnon. Vera Munwn and Frances BadBcr. till Tuln Frills,


school sophomores went on a swImmlnR p a r ly Prtday after school lo Banbur ''*. Accompany- InR the youUis wero Lois Howell; leacher adviser, and Mrs. Clifford Slulzman and Mrs. Donald Sandy, parents.









: and


lot mnlkiiid ctm. killi himiltit bidttii *hil« l( »ooihrt ia«, Inlitird ind inl'imtd iliin ilim. S<oti KiiKbinfi—«o


- B E S T


JAHNIY lUT Or.J. A KOUU” lad i f i t« «

JfH. H.LK ' ftflBIC'ttWWWlrid* • palatine. Cdd.p.f» •llh olhtfurtin* H »M0 U" *9.00 a fallen. Buy » * and----

| 2 S 5 = ‘ .1 ° <■« OAUON

5 -9 8

K R E N G im ii^

You've tsen Hiem In «!l tiii imart daeoraKn9 tnd beifM r in ff ir'miny^ifriti tfilt 'Iow "prie*."

Modtm t«om divider pelt lamp plugi h EU «ny oth*f Ump, ntedi no tptdallniiaDttlotu'BliKki «Al(fft'd)0^ olete or bclga with brau «cetnK

Page 6: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:


State Leader Is Present at



SII06H0NE. May li-T h e Rrr.Dr. P. Malcolm HMnmond. dUtrlcl tupcrlntendtn; of the church, nwnded the locnl cliurth

iliJw.'lJ bwJncij mrellng »nd quariftly ^'eMr cunfmnce l « l urclc. | "j VJpV K«nHbrt '• llie mtetliii: wm opened *»d - .......—• Of ■ cloicd »Uh prayer by the Kcv. Ur.

' ' liiiimnoiid. Mr.'. K. B. McNr--Ifffoi------- Krtmarrrro-irm-ln-ttii'-sU'f thl|i of ihe recordlnis iccreUry. Ray E.

jubtljit Oyer. The Iny lejidcr'i report »I laHtl I siven by Leonard RoKer.i.

Conimlulon reporu *err lifird from Arthur Kerner, ch»lrinan i evincrtUin' and m:uiutw: Mi Donald Sancly. cliairmnn of nJt cation; WlllUm Kcmer. ctinlnna of fiiancr; Mr. iind Mr*. Ornr

of n, W,

. Youns, co'cliAlrtnen of Clir tlsn wx-liil reljitioti.n,

Mrs. Young iiiwi kuvp llie Worn- eij’.i Boflety of Chrlillm

• rrpon la Itie Alx.ciice of Mr», n \V, Mannliic. Tlie financial »ecre- tar)'* report wn* Kiven by Lfoimril DnuBlirriy In the nb.'enc MMUiinR. D.iugherly #Ui treaiUrefi rfport.

neport wa.1 given by llie par' nonage ,1'oninilllee on the rerenilj cnmpleted reniodelini: project fni tthlch HJJOO u'fts spent for r rwi' pitlfd Jill) ttortn or cjtlmntecl 11,■ 000. Tlie favtngs wiui made by !«■ bnr donated by men of tlic church A apeclal thanka waa given no*.i P. Borden ulio wm In charge of construction deli .

The putor, the Rev. Ralph A. Uwrence. gave lil. unnual report to tiiB thurcli In which the iMUt, yew's proimni wai revleu'ed. Pol-

-l<wlng-Ui»-t«porl-of-U»«-nomlnAl- Ing coinmllU-e, officers

( ■ through May 31, 1500.Elmer I. Terry wnj elected lay

>eader: Ray E. Oyer.. secreUr? of official board: Leonard Daugherty, treasurer: R, W. MfinnlnK. flnan-

A— c<n(-*PCfTtarT:--f.-t>.'HBrnes.-chUfeh I school auperlntcndent; Leonard I nogeri. njulalonl church AchMl lu­ff pcrlntendent: Mrs. Donald Sandy, I ' iecreury of churrh school.F All teachers and' prtapectlre

teichera were urged lo sltend. Tha MelhodUt projectji tour of Uie NorlhKCAt stales for youlhi will b« held June M-30, with a coal Of $55.

Ta'o hundred copies of n ma«a- 7 sifio Article written J>y Dr. Ham*

f ; mond will be dljtrlbuted U) mem- |L ben of tlifl church.

Tha Idaho onnuftl eonferenec of til# Melhodlst church • wm an-

p nounced for May 20-3« In Salmon.

|| HerterWins Praises for Work so Far

KEEP( l i » KUooclM)

la Si«ru. Jia Tirlw

Senior Class ^tHagermaii —Is Graduatetl

Hcrlnklln MUrduil

KLIX(t llf auoeretoi

0 Str.Mlt r.f Om



■.□L TuenuAT

g McUxlj OifBtr

HAOERMAN. May 1»-Twenty- five Mnlor* received diplomas ul commencement eierclxex held In the school gymnatlum Thur.idny crenlnf.— , , • ' •' ' -

They are Don Ailolf, Ann Droclc' ett. Jean Bllllngton, Bill BrnllS' lord. Doyle CnnUIn, Sydney Er­win. Jod Prult, Steve Olauncr. eianley Orbnei. Blaine Hulme. Bob Hogue, Bruce Jones. Joan Jolley. John Looall, John ' ' Vlrclnla Nom-ood. Joan Doyle Pcnfold. Margie R«a. Dob Relnke, Bobble Stewart. Mnr\-ln Slolcea. Judy Tate. Karen WrliihC and Charlene Wlsmore,

Diplomas were presented by Prank Henslee, diilrman of tin school board.


GENEVA, iia y I8_(ypl)-E uni- petni wld today ChrlsUan A. Her- ter has handled himself well in hla lin t sklrtnUhei with the..j secretary of state. The nusslani tlnd him tough.

Ttie West Oermans and lUllans were particularly full of praU« for Hcrter. The British «dmlr«d Ws ability to slmpUfy complicated matters. The prench expressed approval but were waiting to see how he fared In brass tAcks

•' BOllatlons with the Ruulatu. Herler has worked hard ■

alnce his arrival In Oeneva. even . maHnp an nf»cli«l 4lde..trlp^t0

Italy Batunlfly.lUUsns PtaIm Him

Italian newspapers. Inetudlns those usually critical o f U. 8. tor

■ cUm policy, prftised the busy secre' tftry of state lor maklnu the trip #nd said U would have far-reftch- Jng e ff«ti toward cemcntlna Ital- lan-Amerlcan relatlona.

Yesterday llerUr sot In a bit of relaxatlan by golnir over tlte bor­der Into Pnince for o. lonf lunch «lth his wife and three other American couples on the shores cf Loke Annecy.

The East German communists put out ft feeler to tc.it Herter

. ngalnal his predecessor. John Fos­ter Dulles. Tliey Invited him yes­terday to visit East Germany. 0(-

.llclal American fiourccs.&ald.that since the United StAtes doe.i not recognise an East German Rovem- Dient. Herter would not reply;

IlaHlans Mum Tlie Riii-ilan delegate.i have of­

fered no direct comment on Her- ter personally, but Soviet delega- tlnn BOQrcrs have Mill privately they ore ••(lLy»ppolnted’' to fine! him as touch as DulIH on ba.;le points of principle. . nlthough lie handles Uiem wlUi le.vi nbruplnc& than hl.i predeeeasor did.

TTie 6<-ycar-old secrrlnry. de- Eplte an excellent InltinI Impres' Jiion on weat European-v still Is or trial in the ryes of diplomats, poli­ticians niid press.

-— Mo»t-of-th«m'(»el Uiat hU real .lest wUl-eome when the Big Pour Porelgn Ministers’ conference net.i down to the tooth-o,nd-nall stage In a week or two. •

cf tha program. Invocation wmi given by Blsliop D. II. Gold of the U>a-chOThT~ind-salutatory—ad­dress by Margie Rea.

Two songs were auns by the girls chortis. Nancy Miller. Linda Williams. Dlann TItmus. Kay BtJirry, Marla Hawkca, Charlotte Jensen, Ann . Jensen . Coleen Bllgar, Charlene Wlsmcre, Karen Wright, Ann Brackett. Marilyn Ravenscroft, S a n d ra Roberts, Joan JoUey, Unda llordwlclc and Ben>ree Hoshlvec.

Jean Jolley save the Taledletory A glr^ quintet Included

This dally schedule o*(eletUloD uid radio pron»nTs Is pmented ai I le^lce (o readers of the TImes-New*. Ustlnn are fDmlthed by

* * * * * * * -




>0 Uj lltfo III Tfirkdown Id T.u On Ih« AM* <4 KUX,U«dilnt.

i.og of Lir.'■.a (;Xfi* “ijfh™ '"”'

S IliiU£l». U«ir<li, K 10 VVmnI/ WoulFKlitrS EsS;"


Miss Tltmus, Miss Starry, Ann Jetuen, Cliarlotte Jensen and Mlu Jolly.

6 up(. Cleacient Prince Intro­duced Dr. Prank Bennett, prc.il- dent of Eastern Oregon College of Education who gave the com- mencement address. ■

...........-...-d that AnnBrackett had received a scholar­ship to Colorado Woman's college at Colontdo Springs and Joan■Tniw « trhftlafthip In Ihn fy\]lr-gfOf Idaho; caldwell.

eighth grade diplomas were pre­sented by Jack Martin, teacher, lo Bonnie Beckstead. MeA'a Jc.u. Slilrlcy Miller, NlnltU Abbott. Mary Williams, Martha HoRue. Joan Bortboy, ijiNona Kledcr, Penni' Strange. Carolyn Moora. Keith Crist. Jim Palmer, Mlckcy Orldley, Douglas Mlnard. Jim Eaves, A lle n Howard. Roland Conklin. John Eaves. Jimmy White. Gary Maude, Johnny derson. — - • -

Rose GlowsLONDON. May 18 (UPI) — Sam

McOredy, Brilnln’s leading ro!<e hybrldlii, Mid today he had pro­duced A rwe tlmt glows, -

McOredy Mid Uie new ro.w wili Almost fluorescent and could be. seen a quarter of a mile nwny. He

d i d It hJid token lUm &,000 seed- lings and tu ,000 to produce the orange roae. which ho jumed •■Orangcade.“ -

Baker and Bruce McConnell.The award for the best All-

around sports for the boys pre­sented each year by Dinty Moore went to Marvin Siokes for the boys and to Joan'Jolley for the jlriL

The Rev. A. E, Gilbert. Hngcr. ..lan MeUiOdtst church, gave the benediction. •

Processional and recessional wire played'by'UiD high'school band, Margie Rea aecompanlcd ilnging on tha piano.

DanglesHOLLYWOOD, May 18 Ifl —

Enift Tanner wanted to plant some geraniums on the 100-fo„t cllffjide behind her Hollywood HllU home. She inded up dan­gling over the cliff.

She tied n rope to the bump­er of her ciir and let herself oTM_tli#-cUff-*ut-th«- ground - gave out from under her half­way down.

She eluiched the rope for <5 minutes unm firemen rescuej'

THAIN.S WITH V fiir KIMBERLY. May 18-Second

Lieut- Gary N. McEwen. son Mr. and Mrs. Orlo C. MeE>*—. route Kimberly, is partlcipntlns: with ihf infantry division Inl ExerclM Dry HllU at the Yoklmft Firing Centcij Wash, Lleuternintl McEwen Is regularly-U4lfined“ iui a platoon leader In company D of Ul* <Uvtilon'8 33ih Infantry. Pt.W..K ^ '

Matsu Island Is Target of Red Chinese

Red China turned Its guns on Utile Mntsu Island for the flnt (Ime In two years, yMtcrday. heightening natlonBlL'!t~fenre“‘thB comniunlsu may ba preparing a new crisis In the Pormow stmlt.

A nationalist officer and tvo soldiers were reported killed tha reds lobbed over shells the offshore Island group at I nortliern end of the PbrmoM strait.

Counler-Flre Reported Tlie nutlonalLit defense ministry

snld tha red mainland batterlu were silenced after W minutes by effective counter-fire.

An hour before the red gun opened up on Matsu, 10 communis ships fired on nationalist warships which-Bighted-them-west 'little Island. Tlie defense mlnliuy said the nationalist ships relumed Uys fjre and Uie red craft fled.

Quemoy Iilandi ShelledA few hours before the reds hac

hurled M shells nt the luual targe —the Quemoy blands—150 mllcj south of Matsu.

n was the first time the reds hAve shelled Matiu since April 28 10S7.

Natlonalut circles have been pre­dicting for several weeks that the Teds might try to sage a new crisis In the Pomwn strait to warn the Wc.'l there could ba trouble In thb area unle-« conccs-tions are made u tliB Soviets on Berlin and Ger­many.

Porelgn observer* are Inclined to make light of such fears,

Agrarian Law Is Enacted in Cuba

HAVANA. May 18 (UPD-Pre- mier Pldel Castro and his cabinet Inst night enacted a new.ngrarln'n reform law deslKiied lo gel Cuban land Into full production.

The measure, which-Castro de- ;rlbfd as ‘'the fundament.ir law

of tlic Cuban revolution.'" will force Ihe .'.-lie of Idle prlvatily-owned land to the .ilMc.

This, along with land alresdy In stflte hands, will be redlslrlUiled among Cuban peasants.

70 Attend Buhl Rotary Program

DUHL, May I&-A ladles night dinner And progmm was held by. mcmbeni of the Buhl RcUry club33iur*doy-<>refilnr-ftt-thc-Odtf^l' lows hall. Apprmclmately 10 Roiar- lans and tlielr wives were present,

Lyla Evans was master of cere­monies;- A - tjuartet.- composea- of Jolui Craw/ord. Evans. Ephraim Hackett and Dr. Charles Marsh, sang three vocal selectJonj. Afar- lljTi Parish entertained with t dance number. Howard Parish wa: program cJialrman.'Mrs. Joclc Claibom. Jr.. Klmber-

ly, winner of the Big Payoff tele­vision contest, was guest speaker. She spoke of her recent trip to New York as » winner on " test..Tlie tables were decotuted wlUi

lavender and while lUacs and tulips. The dinner was prepared

rot the ncbck-ah lod«c.

Officials NamedKETCnUM. May 18 —Ketehum

Tillage counellmen have been ap­pointed, They are K. W. Richey, chairman of the village board anU eommlisloner of finance; John Harri.w). p o l i c e commLviloner; Ralph Thomas, street commis­sioner; Ed Bennett. commLisioner of heavy equipment, and Gerald

Demo Blasts Are Seen as

— ^Hai'assmentWASlnNGTON, J>Uy 18 (UP!)

— A Republican senator has ac­cused Democrats of waging a po-

nf -bnrrwMtnynfagainst Commerce Sccrctary LewtS; L. Strausa and other appointees o President Elsenhower.

Sen. Karl B. Mundt. B., 8 . D charged yesterday that the senai tXmocratlc leadership had slver Its "full blessing” to such a cam palgn In an effort "lo embarmss presidential nominees.

Mundt predicted that Ogden R Reid., former president and edltoi of the Neu- York Herald Tribune would receive "the luune treat ment" on lUs nomination to b U.’S. ambassador to Israel.

The senate commerce eommlltc< Is scheduled to vote tomorrow or Uio Straiua nctnlnatlon. Many ob servers have given Strauss onl. iHghtly-TitCrun^M:5trcliancc of winning senate conflrmntlon.

Sen. George D. Aiken, n „ Vt. said that he believed Gtrauss wouU "probably be confirmed by. a no very large margin."

prcn’e he ho.i quatifird hlm.-self aj A diplomat" If he cnn sun-lve tlx he.vinga of Uie senate foreign rc- lations-conunlttco “ without blcnv- Ing his top."

"That's the ncid teft," m Il Aiken, a member of the committee

Tlie senAlfl also Is expeclciTU net thLi week on the nomination of C. Douglas Dillon to be under­secretary of state. Tlie foreign re- latlon.i committee approved the appointment last week by a IS* to-I vote.

Sen. Russell B, Long, D , Lo.. who cast the lone dissenting vote has vowed a last-dllch flghi against DlUon. Long has ques­tioned Dillon’s handling of th foreign old procram.


C. Doman. son of Mr. and Mn. Melvin Doman. Burley. Is partlc- IpoUng with the 4Ui infantry di­vision In Exercise Dry Hills At tin Yaklmn Firing Center. Wa.ih. Do- mnn Is regularly a.islgned -4W a nipply clerk in headquarters bat­tery of the division's first arUlIery at Pt. Lewis. Wash.

Mrs. Ben Conley has been, named as new vlllaj e clerk and; Lfster Jankow re-appolnted as, "■ e marshall.

Carey JuniorHigh’s Team Sweeps Meet

HAILEY. May I»-Carey Junior high sctiool carried off honor* at the third annual Junior high school track meet held Friday »l the Hailey recreation field.

Corey finished with S3.16S points, HiUey received 604 points; Ketehum 354 and Bellrwe li point*.


Pretty SoftLONDON, M*y IB WU-C<tw«

on Anthony Bramley'a farm in Oxfordshire sleep on plastic foam mattresses instead of ex- perulve, scratchy oiraw.

He sajsJ\|s herd of Pries^ Isns sleeps more cooifortobly on pUsUc beds, specially designed St 30 by IB feet to hold several cows. The cows yield ICS gal- Ions of miik a day. triple the nalloaal average for farms of his slie.

E.-F,-Cardwell, 82, Claimed by Death

t second

FREEDAUSRK ll -ilt- UM. m.tmbl. ftr S »«>pU

$19.50 Voluowail rardoM «r

Slt.VritAHA FIrlari TaW


Phooa HE 3-:«}3

The el*hth r»d e 100-yard dash record wm broken by Bennett, Carey, wlih i j seconds. McKensle, Hailey placed second and Uinny, Carey.thlrd,

The seventh grade 1 » yard dOAh was broken by Mecham. Csrey, wlUi a time cf stJ seconds.'Elslam,Hailey, placed second and Hswkes. Hailey, third,

Dinlelson. Carey, broke the eighth grsde no-yard dash In seconds. Young. Hailey, took s ond, and Judy. Carey, third.

Carter, Carey, broke the seventh grade brosd Jump record with 13 feet, 9 'i incbcs. Mecham was lec- ond and Mecham third.

Hawkes and McWlllis. Hailey, tied the record In the sevenUi grade high jump each mftklng lour feel three inches. Exner, Carey was third.

in the seventh grade 100-yord dash, Exner, Carey, was first In 12i seconds. McWlllli and Grace. Hailey, were second and third.

The seventh grade baseball throw held for the flrsl time, was won by Exntr. Carey wllh a heave of i l l fcl, five Inches. Miller, Ketehum. and McWlllls. Hailey, took second and thbd.

The erihth_tT*d_e bas*ball throw

• a r f s i r . .and Young, Hailey,And third.

The eighth grade high jump won by McKenile. Hailey, wlUi -if(vt. fli; inphM AllsADd^lljreih-:n. Carey, were second and Uitrd. Seventh grade 4<0-yard relay

was won by the Carey team In 48 seconds. Hailey Vas second and Ketehum. thlrd.

Elghih grade 4<0-yard relay wm won by the Carey team, with Hailey, second, . and Bellci-ue, third. Time was 55i seconds

There were five glrb events. Tlie &0-yard dadi was a tie between Smith and Young, Hailey, with a time of e Sfcond.1. Tliomp.^on. Ca-j rey, wa-i Uilrd. I

Colt, Kelchuni, won the U-yard dash In lOJ second-v Waller, Hnl- ley, ond Rember, Ketehum, wer« sccond and third.

The girls iwtcball throw wa: TPonTjy io'rali, Ketchum,"wltfrl33 feet, 8 Indies. Coates. Hailey, and ScaxborouKh. Ketehum, were ond and tlilrd,

Tl;e girls' broad jump was by Tliompjon, Carey, wlU> 1'3

ond and Stephens, Hailey. Uilrd, The gtrLv high-jump was won

by Fife, Ketelium, at i feet, 1 Inch, Rembcr, JCelclnim, \Yns second and rtlce, Carey, third,

Mike Ubertiaga, one ’o f Uia Ketehum team's best high jump- -■ broke hh ankle tlie evinlng

re the meet and was unable to compcte.

Judges and timers were Rober Shay nnd II. K. Tliatcher. from Carey; Wllliur Dell and Mark Pat- Unon. lUlley; Gerald Harding Bellevue, and P.iul Pinder. Ray Jefferson and Mrs. Donald Item- her. Ketclium.

... died Sunday ot Magic Valley Manor, Wendell, following Illness.

Mr. Cardwell waa bom In April, 1ST7, In Springdale, Ark. He nmr- rled Sadie Ann Nall Oct. 23, lS9a, in Springdale, Ark. • ,

They moved to Twin Falls In 1834 and farmed there until they purchased a farm near Wendell in IMO. He was a member of tiio Melhodbt church.

Mrs. Cardwell died Dec. 13, 2868. Survivors Include two sons. o . J. Cardwell, Compton, Calif,, and Hany Cardwell. Wendell; two daughlen, Mrs. Lllllan Love. Tul­sa, Okla, and Mrs. W. O. Russell. Oooding; six grandchildren and 11 (reat-grandchlldren.

Graveside services will “be ducted at aunset Memorial park.' Twin Pslls. At 3 pjn. Tuesday wllh tlie Rev. Jack Foreman of tiie First Christian church. Qoodtni:. officiating. Priends may call nt Thompson chapel,'Ooodinp, Mon­day and until l l nm. TXjesday. Priends will-meet at Bunsel Me­morial park at 1:46 pjn. Tuesday



Bobby R, Hays. J3, whose wife and moUier, Mrs, Mauilc M. Unyx. " at &4S UlAh street. Gooding. porUclpitlng wlUi tlie 4Uj infantry dlvlsllon In Exercise Dry Hills nt the Yakima Flrlnff Center, Wosii. SpeclAllit Hays i* regularly as­signed as a cleric In combat sup­port company of the division's 13lh Infantry, Ft Lewis. Wasli.


Honor Given Top Military Men foi- IS(;


ed to outstanding rr.-.r. .. ' Idaho State callecr 1 ; ..-. , training corps duju-.s ROTC rc ’lew. " ‘

Rldmrd P, Driikfli. 51. , a captain in the cm!'- c-'.. celved three auarc'- i'.',' named "dhllnKuiflitd dent" and received .> 1?, stick from Lieut, cm » p p'lf mer. profesior ot nnli;.,ry y-)r' and tactics; won a mm r:; |„. from the eolIeRe-of-7-:.U.' , "outstanding ROTC c.ni-: - Ing In pliariniic}," i,-,/' awarded tlie ArmiT n.- award given lo llie cadet a.isiKntd to armnr- '

A Nate Morgan Mrir(.r;.i- a- a KO.d wrbl naich fo.- gulshed mllllary sr.vlnvri' pointed In tiie resula: a: went to Joe D- Ulrlcli, Txi;: i Ulrich was awarded ilie and Blade trophy Bw.ircv - ' year to Uie outilandiiu the onraniiallon. a mii!t.-i[v

ice honor wcleiy.Superior caoei rll)t)on

awarded to Earl C. Uoyse ci ing. tiUrd year auaid, mui jZ A. Duff. jr. Burley, fourth u t ribbon. Duff also uon Hjr -,.1,' tlngulshKl flight sliidrm- a, a set of wln«. given fur iiu record In ROTC fllRln ir.-.i-i-,'

The Idaho Notional Ou.ircl nill elation presented the oiiiManaw second year cadet irophy to Dni4 W. Hall, Shoshone. ^

A Chicago TMbune ROTC m«ii' as awarded to wlnner.i of 11

-nuBl-ann-eompetitioiinMiiTdii-Terrell W. Hansen. Jeromr won second among first cadets.


at CM Main Avenue North. Ph. answering, parking space.

CALL DR. SHAWRE S-1151 or BE 3-lCO}

RadidtdrsNEW AND USED Service k Repain

Phono RE 3-6080AU Type»-Klnds


nt-ff«y JO-On Tnick Uni BAdlatan Ara Oar Osslaei^

a Sideline


Til 6:39 11.00 afler Children 25e ^ ^ H O THEATRtV •

^Cominr May 23th •SHAGGY DOG-



22. RuDtrt' wM'flned ilO.40 , Police Judge Henry Tucker for

driving wllh an expired llcen.ie. Dr. Orr Keen, 43. Burley, was fined


INDS TONIGHTDeborah Kerr - Yul Drytiner


ENDS TONIGHTJoseph Cotton -'Debra Paget.




SUNDAY, MAY 24At the Jr. Hi Aduitoriuhi

Proceeds for Civic Auditorium JC's


Grand Total Is

*90IP°-1. *300'"’ DRAWING^2. SOO"® DRAWING3.^100:?tDRAWlNG-



Page 7: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:






< Boo«_<^Yni,* WocKinifl «

uS. EI«lne

p u T .r^ '-^ rU on, senior ,k.|; C»rw “ ^ .,_ .,ll lutilor

Woodnilf, Inner K ^ fr .tir Bro»'0. ouler ^ard, rarf; i^ordtf Jt*” TU‘=*'5»-“ »0;“'„SS:'SS:

- ““ S r s r s fz ^J a i»[i, •«i

“ SfSuW d win* ‘ f’ ® ceremon- * ^ t ^ ^ n c l I o r Robert Pnrk. “ “ ^ r ^ Ihe qu«u to !ici 5 « wM asaliied by nich.

0,ry -AdflmJ, Jumci SllMM »wl

J f f out oucen'* pla *t»d a cor- Ydnrrega. The pfe- pin and a cornet

^;*ri«nlo ti,e n«*qu«n .'^ u «d .»-cn _O lor l» M” !” ’ nSrTuilu. Eva Jo Jilaxwcli,

p«M or btlhel NO. i2: yir- «... Kariood. pwt qtifim of IIbk-

htlbel No. « : Bhnron Jtn-

r'sTaw l Mrs. E. S. Pan. w ^ .^ ’wirdlnn and Ruardlan ot g J a ' K l : Mr.. V W Nor-

itutrmsn. Mr*. 8. K, Dun- ^fftadeU. pMt BUnrdiiins. and SiuW U i. p « t iiioclat< guar-

Wendell: Mrs. Norwood,

aW W, Order of Eftilern Star; yiT H. Do)'d. worlJiy matron ot

ttie We.1t ctiapter No. 35. wd MMtcr Councilor

« c l Parklwon ot the Jerome Ojfiir- Other sueflU from Ts'ln

)^-TnT-.Mrs7-J—Wr-Newmiin' ulMr».t*rry Jenklni. itrtcrtm w u prcMnted during

e» Kill hour. Earlene Wilson iirtdipliCi) solo: DIannn PrlUi,,jgci*nled by Sharon DunRum. ,,.^^to»r*n<t-01orla->X«lo«-|Ln r n Uj a n » rtidlng.Rjjmliments were_ Mn’cd _ by

of UnKcrmnn Chnp.


ICtRrMch. Joan Mall*, JoAnn E3.' Bheryl Blerenson, Bnndm Ci‘A Julie StrfekllnB and Lynda

,Tote Bags Made

Society Meet''*fiAaD!iIAN, May IB - Pla-'Hc Wf were maoe by members d U)( Relief society lost week nt CitM church under direction of ICi Claries Sherwood, rjlciwn waa Riven by Mra. D.

a.p«Id. fctrs. J. D, EUls Kave the (5 pmycr nnd Mrs. Fled

-tec.psonrttic'clotlPirL-'- .;: -----RtffBhinenta were serred - by

Ua Bnerjon ruBmire., Mr*. Cle PrjM uid Mrs, MorliKi Pusralrc.

Marian Martin Pattern


JtlNUTE-MADE BLOUSEjWne cvtnlMK's iewlng-prcstol n

new blouM to st*r »llh|

,, “ ''‘ iKR—smootii llHlng — « cnm In Bhantuns. ihapcly Jcr-

eoiion. Tomorrow’a patKm: tf''TlnU'd Piittem oicfl: Mlssea’

1^M, 10.18, 20, Site Ifl Ukes.V 30-inch foUrlc,

.directions on each pal' P«t. EMier. accurate,

n^'2! r " '“ 5 10 “ O'* JofSm . ■ « '“ » nulUnB.w . i".^'arinn MarUn. Times- fi. •' Dept., 23J West 18thPUinu''!' "• N. 7, Print

nL nddrcM with wne, ana nyio number.

Honored Queen

I And ;irr-

r. tHf prf

IWilliams to Wed Idaho Foils Miss

HAII.EY, May 16—Mr. end Mr Uobcn ami. lormcr Ilalky >cm- cleni> ittiw rMldlng lij Idiilio Fn!;S. unnomiee the enKURcincni of tlielr iIiiiiKhlcr. Marilyn, - to niornlcy Wllllniiw. Jr.. wn of Mr. luid Mrs. Thornlcy Wllllains, sr.. Hailey.

MIm suit aliended Halloy schooh iinlll thlj ycnr, nnd I now in her Junior year' at th Idaho Knlls hlKh aehoffl.- Wllltnm»| was sraduattd from Hailey high

[-schoot—snd-jpent-fmir-yeafti-ln tlie air force. He la eniployed by ft lumbfr company in Idaho yuil*.

Tlie wedding Is planned for 1:30| pjn. June 5 In Emanurl £plKopal clrunrh-/ifrrr-A- reeeptJorr- wll{-/ol' low In tlie undercroft ot the church.

They will make fhetr home in Idnho Kalis.

tf. >(. If.

Sliower Held by Hagerman Club

2IAOERMAN, May IS — Mn.l nar;-ey Easton was honored ai a pink and blue shower Wcdnc.nday evening Dl the horrir of Mrs. Don- n)d AJcAjJuJly. Mrt. nonoW Krojjn

n. co-hoslesj>. *Mrs. Lawrence Hill nnd Mrs. E.

E. Kolwell were In charge of Kiitnes. _QutsUJotIudcdJhcjvlvc'_''fJhe personnel at t ie Lower Salmon pou'Cf pJiUiJ (UJtl the upper and

r Salmon power planu.

Mother Selected At Sorosis Club Meet in Gooding!OOODINO. Mriy 18 - Moth'Tj'

.lay wiis obsrnrcl liy Titnnbtr.t of the.Sorcjia club b : : ’.'.ffi:. Mrs. c .; D. Moore wix* *rl(Clfi!".Mothcr of the Day” duisus n mi'.?. coiiHhcvmI by Mrs. Suf-in llni sfnlKl a potted jil.isi

OlhefJ parlldiia!!!KT»m were Mr.'. i'aul 1..iUup, Mr.', Harold Hobsnii. M.irllu I.nttiip, Mr.'. Elmer Ncif, Mii. j,f>; Ktc- nian. Sheryl Qiiu-Nlr. .M.irilyii La nue, Mrs Brrili;i C.iipni’er nndMrs, J.B.Kllboui!!.

During the biiMiir.v' mrpi;ns the club collect wa\ rc.id. .\n inUiii- Iloa 10 the d«tlf.iiion the new Nation?! Ounrd armory ;iLo m:i'

|md. Membrr.'<dLv:ii.' r!l.-.r:rr:ii;'ni clmlnnan for the lilvi.Oouof Ilie civil tlrfch'r iinm.im

OuesU inchiclpcl Mr'.. Clilford Dell and Mrs. It. Ailiiiii,-.. 'nic ho.'te.'W.', Mrs. I.pot.i Uowlenjijle. Mrs. BeiV Pnrkrr and .Mr.\ Kujd Oweni, served rcfrf.'.limpiii.'.

At the next riieetliis May :fi. members will Imr.or niiiiblcr.s' wives and Jny-C-Elies i\lih .■> lea nnd a program. HoitCK'C' \\ill be Mm . William Pyle, Mtt. Kdbaiirn. Mrs. Harriet fiicvciis nr.d Mrs,! Lillian Hughes.

Fetes GraduatesHAILEY. May 18—Members ot

Uie Olrl»‘__Ipnm'c entortalnedgraduates from Ketchum and Hailey grade Mhoola Friday aft­ernoon at llie high (ichool. A progmm wa* preaented to ac­quaint next year'* freslimen with tlic (ichool they plan to ntt«nf Ttiey were taken on, a tour ot Uie building and served refreshments.

Lost week the atudenl* were given . pre-hlgh school ndapl- abllltyc tests and Inter, together with tlielr parenU. met with WiU Ham Lipscomb, prlnclpaf, nnd Jean Mlicr, vocational director, of Uallcy high r.chool.^The_»tu- denti were,advised of courses to be made available to them and ad­vised to choose between business] nnd the regular accelerated pro­gram offered by Uic school.

♦ * _ *First Lesson-In

Series Is GivenHANSEN. May 3B — the Wom­

an’s Society of ChrlsUan Service held its first study lesson on Isaiah

Ixhursday afternoon at the Com' munlty Methodist church undei direction of Mm. W. C. Kluttr. A meeting will be held twice a month until the study Is finished.

Mrs. J. L. Bame-n gave tlie in- stalloUoR service tor ne,wly*elccted officers. • ............ ...........

The group decided to lead the worahlp scrvlce and dcvotlon.i dally ot the VscnUon Blblo school to bo held May » through May 30. St the church. .

Mrs. Bryan Hanis was the hosl-|

June Bride-Elect 1, Wedding Planned

Program Marks -Date for-Group

SHOSHONE. M.iy 18-A Moth- fr'a day proiiram wa.t Il e cut d at the Wood Rlv’cr Center Orange Home Economic.' cltiti niPPtlng Wednesday afternoon at llic home of Mrs. W. W. Whllehend. iioflh

I of Sliojlione.Mrs. CiUford Stut7.man. pn.'tl

prcnldent, officiated, Itoll call laaiwered-to famous moihfr.'.

Hazelton Man to Wed in GermanylHAZnLTON. Mny iR -’ilic rfed'

t'liiK ot Darbam liiiiiuim. Lewis iiid Cordon 0

Itift. Ocrmi ,ltnl3-. Aiir.trw iiiul Swill,

crlnnd during tliclr wpilillui: trip, forthcomliitf marriage U cpd by licr ■■

and 'Mrs. D. B. liranaiii, Lc


Hcndcr'.fin, the .'oi Mr.'. Floyd O. Hni r cond lieutenant i

blailoned..iil JJnd.HcritlcIC-Ocr. many.

jnltice-.;ported having visited Mr*. Annie I Hands and Mrs. John Simms. I

Following a report on the FFAj Ibanquet served by the group nndl lcoiul!Jtrit!on_of_<’ t.h'T_prnJi-t!5.: Uie group decided not to scnc at more banijuets this yc;ir.

They went on r«ord favoring plan being brought before llie nul ordinate Orange to remodel tiiel Orange kitchen.

The group decided again to con­tribute to Uie seeing eye fund.

Mrs. Donald Sandy was in charge of the program. Mrs. Stutanan received the prl« fn a quiz.

¥ ¥ *

Women in Almo Quilt at Parlay

ALMO, May 19 - Quilting wa*

last week of the Ilcllef society at Uie LD3-church.

Mn. ArUiur Taylor ciiargc of the meeting and Mrs. Floyd Knight, who was In charge t-iho^wlngr-praMnl«a- '

Mrs. Edwin Durfee, Mrs, Alice Rlcn and Mrs, Knight served lunch at noon.

II u'ua announcMt vWting teachers will be honored June. 2 at the Raft River stake society eonvenUon at Uie Malta stake* liouse.

¥ ¥ ¥

Mrs.- Sievers Is Program Leader

HANSEN, May 19 — Tlie Home Improvement club met Tuesday erenlng at the school home eco­nomics room with Mni. Howard Sievers giving the programlakeiip an4 «cln care.'----------Roll cail was answered wIU

:dUplay ot hftti madeJrom kilchen lartlclea. ‘ --'-i

Ttto trays were given to the home, economics department in

I appreciation for the use ot t^e )om by club members.Hostesses were Mrs. Charles

Istelnmeti, Mn. Robert Stanger and Mrs. Cecil Stanger.

* ¥ ¥

Heyburn WomenMeet for CardsHEYBUflN. May I8-BB clul

merabera and guests were enter' talned at a dessert bridge party Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Max Orage. Mrs. Stella Peterson recelv«a"HlgU'prltc, ■‘Mrs.'Ernest Erwin, low. and Mrs, Charles Kilngingberg, the guest prize.

Ouesla were Mrs, Dorothy Itoos,! Mrs, Kllngingberg. Mr*. CoraSllb- Orovllle, Calif., and Mrs. E. I

[fllmi>tr.-Brlghiun City, UUh.

Care of Your ChildrenBy ANGELO PATRI .

"Do you Uilnk tllst ft child sho— be kept back a whole term becoiue he does poor work In spelling wiille he gets good marks In arlUimetlc and reading and his oUier subjNti M weU?-Du^Mn> a pqor_epcllCT and the teacher says he cant be promoted snless he geU a posslog mark of 80."

No. I think spelling Is a minor subject and so should not be used M a mJuuremenl 6f fitotij for promotion. •When the course allows IB or at most 30 minutes a day for spelUng, it Is plain the authori- ties regart It as a minor subject and so it should not be boosted » the Importance of a major one like arithmetle or reading. “ Nevertheless,- chlldrrn-should leam-to ipcll and tt»T wlll.-pr(^ viding oUier UUngs ore equal such as hii ejcilght, hearing, and pow­er of otaeni-itlon.-When a pupli spells poorly such matters should bo invcsUgttted. If vUlon or heartyts pwi'. 'thOT~is~«~fewedy~anautshould be applied as soon « Uiji need for It U knowa A, / cmio| who does not see well, or does not hear well Is likely to be a pwr. speUer. When he Is ILted wiin Blaas<«. or hearing *ld, seated welH in-the classroom, his difficulty is lessened and he usually learM ]0 spelL

All the subjects In the course are not of equal weight In the eon-1 alderaUons-Iar promoUon. If the] pupil has a good standing In We, major subjecu such as arltnmeuc. reading, hlstanr »nd science, ha u m d y 10% projnoUon fclUiough tl»

fpelling, or music, or art, Is noil too good. He will get oii well enough I as long as his basic subjccu mastered.

This threat nf non-promoUon ls| often used by the teacher to force Ui#'coopcntUon-ef-the-pupll-who U behind In his work, and that ot till parents, when nothing -else deems to help. A teacher can' send home reports, note.% special home­work-all Intended to wakm-the pupil to his seed for greater ef­fort, all to no arali. finally the' word goes home that “unlW — then usuMIy something is dont, often too late to allow the promo­tion ot Uie pupil.

If parents could only reallie that ti ihe_d_ay-by-day, steady allcnr,

dti to «c l) day's lesson that pro-, pares a cWld Tor” nie tiexl grade' th<y will give a bit more heed to. his dally lessons. It ijt not posjlble to do a whole term’s work, to gnin' a wiiole term's growUi and ability, in a few days of cro.'nmlng. Even I A* pour speller can~b^he!ped^9 get I

passing mark before term end. '

FCTUKIAS, Oeran^nms, lo< bella, Balria. Harir>U Aiy*.

nm, etc. Also Ve^Uble PlaoU Orlo W nilam i


.111 t.ike pl ic Juiir, ,1 I-T:l1lk-

.M)n. I.'.rffly

Foo3 Exchanged At Club Session

LiWETAUQH.J>Iay_ia Huddv Hour club meinbi-r;, hrlcl a food exchnnge at thclr mptlliii: Wcd- itaday altcrnoen at »ic iiomc of Mrs, O. W. Dnijlclj. Roll call wa:

,ered with n favorllc flower, m. Wallace rikc.' received t

birthday nnniver-vnr}’ Klti fromhei secret sL'ter and Mrs.. Henry Pe­terson waa ftwnrdrd the white eie- phnni prlre.

Mrs. Earl Vounc and Mrs.l William Pratt uere yearbook commltipc.

Mrs. JUggs and Mrs. Ralph I Drnton rrporled on iJipJr \'ljit U the Horton Nursing home liwl week where they pn-jcnled home­made cooklcii and candles to the patients.----------------¥— JF------------

Job's Daughters Pick New Queen

—ciiaryl :d queen

:(ie meeting of brHicJ No. « . Job's Daughter*. Wetlnesdny evc- ilng at the Mnr.rinlc temple.Marliv Hawkes'wM'electcd wnlor'

princess: Jcnn Heir-lce, junior prlncei.»: Kny Starrj-. guide, and Sally Hea^lce, marshal,

Judy Tate, outcoing honored queen, conducted Uie meeting. New officers will be inslalletl Tuesday

'enlng. Tlie nppolnUve officers wlll be announced. Tlie la't-illation iwlll be public and anyone Inter- jested is Invited.

Refreshments were serii'ed by I Miss Tate. ¥ ¥. ¥Date Marked at

Twin Falls MeetMother's day wns marked rt the

meeUng of the Lend-A-Hand club ?yJday (it tije home of Mrs. Alva KlaUer with a sp^ial roll call and program. t /

Articles were read by Xirs. Nell Watts. "A good rest for motliera'’: Mrs. F. n. Darling. “A jounj mother's life"; Mrs. Anna .Woods,

i‘ 'Mcdltntlon for Mother's day." anc I Mrs. Harley Swiiher. "Be the boj I your mothfr thinks you are."' Mrs. Watts was as-Mslani host-

¥ * ¥• OFFICERS 1NSTALLF.D Members of T a -W e-C o-L a

Camp Fire ,«roup met recenUy at Uie home gf Janie Berkley to complete moUier's day gifts and Install officer.'. After the meeting the girls played b sliorl'pantomlme game.

Prliiirujc Rcbekah lodge nicpt ;it fl p. m. Tuesday a Odd Fcllov.} hail for Inlti OtflrcT.' iinii degree staff are rd to wr.ir forraals. Ail vl'liin. brkaln iirr urlcome.

¥ ¥ ¥ RICHFIELD—Woman’.' clu'

nipri Wrdnr.'rtay aft^mooii ii hump ot Mrs. Eugene AIcx.i flub prp.'ldeni, lo IniUll olfiri A ulillf rli-ptl.oJlt auclloii-Ml>‘ ' hi- held for bcncllt of tlit Biclili public libr.iry.

¥ ¥ ¥ :_Ilu-Al.ai:il_UiOiJOm club vmI! va nt 2 p III. Wfdnp.'duy ai ilic li- « f Mu. C. W. DalRh. i:U(! Nil nvrniic p.i.vI. Mrs. 0. B. Iliiiiin '

■11 Ilf hpr iprrni Hauaii.'i)

..ml llrllefti.il .'.ck'nce rncpiiDu ji: 2 Mliiy nl the IJJS i-lnin li. ..ird Arrington will pr,-- Icv.on. Nuner)’ r.iu' will

I be provided.¥ ¥ ¥

L.idlrs of tlip Orniiil Army o( le Rppublic will meet al 10 n. ni.

|Wedne.'d.iy «t the home ni Mr.-.. R. E. CoiiiMions for a colipp hour.

¥ ¥ ¥

New Plants Are.Ro,ll Call Topic

WKNDKLt,. Miiy 18-Mpmbi r.'. of I the MoiintiiUi View club iiii-,ui-ici'

llh."Neiv plant.' iiiul vck. :mi ral'lng," for 'l.\ Wcil- leetlng al Uie liuiiie <ii

Mr.'. Nellie llomlllon;'.Mrs. Wyati llaiiilllun was assistanl hutc:.^ .

VIsllnrs were Mrs. Kcllh Ham-, :on and Mr.v Joe Doranius. botlii

Wemlell. and Mrs, Mao; LiBuhl,____.

Mrs, J. j . Stickle prtilded for the bu/.lnew metUng, ‘Mrs I^ouclI^■pau■cel fl■nl “ lr5::

H. B. Loniln volunteered lo decor-' te gravf.1 for Memorial day. Olh- r members will oML't.Mrs. J. C. Kcndrlck. Mr.'. Arllmr

iiJ'. frsi^W'yott {fanilllon recti'v- ed gifts from their secret p iL'. Mr.v Puucctl received the lioslfAS gift.

Chrbtine Doraimis played tev- •ai .'cleaidils on 'the accordion, he.pexl meeting will be held at

,lhe home of Mrs. E. F. Maurer.1/. ¥ ¥

IToast Lesson IsGiven at Parley

FILER, May 18 — Mrs, Ralph Ai'cndnip and Mrs. Wade Sharp pri-jented a lcs*ra on "ioast irlcks" nt Uie meeting Tliursday of Uie Maron club nt tlie home of Mrs. H. A. Childers. Mrs, PaulBgnfly wM co-hotteir— -----------

Mrs. D. D. Hinc rtad li prayer. Roll call was aaswered with as-

, .Igned subjects. Mrs. ,3line and :Mrs. Siiorp recelv»d Uio whlle{ I elephant priic.i,I Mrj. Hlne report^J vi* thc~Ita' tlonal Home Demonstration week I obsen-ance In Twin Falls. Mrs,| rioyd Sharp, prc.'ldcnt7c0nducted: Uin business seuioo. I

MrS. Dale Childers and children' were guest.i.

Pair Marks Foil For Temple Rite

Kin and Chatl.-> They will 1)1- niiirrU-il Salt Liiki- Clly LUS

, Lo:

it Mr. liiul Mr.'. C tornipr Kimberly n proiprclivc brlilccriHiiii i'

- “ r. and Mrs. C. !'. Myl< Anseies.

Uolh arp -Miulcnl.v at llrlgham Voung unlvmlty, Prcivo. whr

Orcewn Is ii Miilnr maju lac-In sociology, and Mylcr.la Junior majoring in filiicntlon ai

affiliated wllh I.'inba Delta Sigma.'7Ic"lias>cnVi! aTour Of duty.wlth the ormy nnd has ful­filled a Nurihcentral states LDS mission.

Buhl Club Has New President

DUHL, May 19-Mrs, Olen DsvU was elected president of the Men­tor club when it met Wednesday at the home of the oulgolnff presi­dent. Mrs. Fred Brallsford.

OUier officers elected for the en suing year include Mrs. John Con­over. vice president, and ^Jr*. John iMncIntojh.'aecrttary-lrcMurcK

A book review. "Dear and Olorl- w Physician." by Taylor Cald­

well, was given by Mrs. Enoch Wall.It was announced the annual

spring luncheon will be held nt| Uie next-Dwellng May 37 at the homo of Mrs. Dai-is, A program will be presented under direcUan of Mrs. Lloyd Byrne.

BIRTUlfATES 'rTaRKED , UNITY, May 18 - Mrs. Lloyd I Punk honored her husband and Iher son. Jack, on Uielr blrUiday anniversary last week wiUi a

Graduates Feted At Area BanquetCASTLEFORD. May Ifr-A ban­

quet honoring elRhth grade grad­uates waa held Inst week at Uie school lunch room with moUiera of ■ students preparing Uic dinner.

IiivocnUon was given by Uie Rev. Robert Crenshaw, elglilh grade tcttchor.

Mrs. WllIls Otfen was program chairman. L. D. Major presented i his dancing dolls wiili Mrs. Leol Sentten at the piano. Jnmea Qlbbsl

Uie winner ot a ganie,_ nests were the Rcr. and Mrs.

Crpn.'h»w,_Mj'. and__Mr». Floyd Boier*. Mr. aiid Mrs. VerllfTWil- ilomaon, Mrs. Norma Stoner and Richard Jcppcson.

Mrs, Je.« Oorman was dinner j chalnnan and Mrs. Tlay Carleej-as__Is__rhargB.,ot ri

Other moUiers aulstlng Arthur Qlandcr, Mrs. Bill Garri­son, Mrs. L. D. Major, Mrs. Melvin Moore and Mrs. John Do.'ro;,'.

............. ¥ ¥ ¥■niRTHOAT FETED

EDEN. May 16 - - Mrs. Pauli SchwUU entertained lost week atl her home in honor of Uie 10th birthday anniversary of. her son, Russell.


RE 3-2740 We call for and

dellrcr anyUUsfl

What t6^o trrrthe d o c to r cornea

m ~Emcr4luddcn swiftness. ^ ili'p,

, J u coUaion ii KlJom . announced. So be prepared. At one member '

o f every family should have a working knowledge of firat aJd.-Therc are books on the subject and the American Red D ou gi\ts clu iei where »udi Infofmatlon and trainins can be acquired. We rccommend that you, or someona in yourhou>e>

■ hnlil, nrfiiiire thn knoui-4 >w. Anotbef-Ui.onfy—TTcpmmendiition ij to ^ n ta io a supply of flrjt-

.aid medications on hand al all times—anliseptic, jauze bandages, adhetiw tape, alcgho!, toothing

__rrratn< etc. Thu pn«t l« tm«11 i»nH k» jl«<<__to assist yov ia your sdeciioa.

DRUGFiler Avenue East RE 3-8931

Recognition Is Given Members Of Filer Order

FILER, May IS-.Members wllh lonKl'-:e sen-trc In Kilrr clmVtcr N'-';--10. Order o f-tij'.cm Star, wprp Kivpii rccoiiiiUDn .n ilie May mrrtiUK ot llip clnpter at the

ifnth.. Miiy la —

i-iiiplp.11 tlaiiRlUi-r I,. Oui Idem.-,. Tlie

! •. iv-v/xlnte' Hi;;inl colidurlipr.' of ihf craiid cl;. :ner ot Idahii, w.i.' iimoni: the Kiip.-.l;, fn)in Tv.Ui f-alL'. Ji mid .New York, uluj were wcl- rnmril iiiid Intrudiiccd.Liillii-r I'iprce un' InlriKliic'cil "ii.' I'liiilrniim of ilip frpilrntl,il com- mliipp (or traiid cliapipr. •iiiid Ml'. J.iy Colb. a^^iise fur Krnnd iliaiiier.

A (liipt wn' fiiiis by Mrs. Hex Ilrrd iind .Mr». Clyde Vnnausdeln. .Mrs, Reed al-vi Jang a luilo. Mrs. 1' Ti c wa« In elmrce of the gurat liciok nnd Mr.'. R. W. Plrrce. the w-(nihy nrntroii’s book of aicm*

rvUiK iriilttee_ ........................ ..... Mra,liiirrAJorrlitiid. .Mr. iind Mr , Rob­ert .Moldciiluiiier. Mrs. Edgar Vlncrnt, Mrs. Clifford Jolu'ison, Jr., - and Mr, and Mrs, Claude Olive

Reports Made to _Shoshone-Gro'up

SHOSHONE. May JB-Commlt- tee reports were made by member; ot Opal Rebekah lodge at theli meeting last week at Uie lOOF

e reports were on the Mother' tea liut week and a visit to the I Richfield lodge when Uie sUte

jaembly president made her official

Discussion centered around the purclme nf grave markers for de­ceased lodge members. AcUon or the matter was tabled.

Rebekah Unit Is Feted by Women'

DUHL, May IB-Mra, Fred n ip- Icy and Mrs. H. P. Kramer were hostesses for a dessert luncheon when - the—Rebekah—Kensington met last week al the Odd Fellows hall. J

Mrs, E. A. Owens, past president, as in charge of Uie meeUng. It

reported 83 calls were made

members.Prlie.1 at games went to Mrs. E.I

M. ratilnger, Mrs. Elmer Latham,! Mra. William Oh»mbers, Mrs. John! Goodhue and Mrs. LoueUa Cber. mok.

Mrs, William worland and Mrs. EllrabeUi Homling will serve m iiostesses for Uie next meetlogl ,May 38 at Uie hail,

June Calendared By Miss NielsenDUUI.EV, May IB - A June » _

;crcmoiiy at Uie rocjit«Uo Pint— I MctlitxllH church Is being planned by Caidtrn Nielsen iind Wiley SinlUi. Tlio cngaRenient and ap> pro.icliliiK marfiac are announced by her parents, Mr. and M n. 6ocen NltLien.

Tlie bride-elect waa graduated from Burley high icHool In 19S7 and attended Idaho StAU cbliese, Pocatello, two years. . . .

Smith, the son ot )>lr. and ^ rs. Francis L. Smith, Mackny, Is a 1957 Mackoy-hlgh Mhool-traduat*— 1 and also attended 180 .two years.

Poetry Winners Are Announcedrw.-MirrJn-MJrtUi)e3rordf»trJct'—Hi

four chairman for the Idaho Fed* eraUon ot Women’s clubs recent Penny Arts poetry contest, an­nounces Uiat Uits district has three state wlnnen.

Qary Moon received f ln t plan In elementary division two. Q w f is In the sixth grade at the Twin Palls . Memorial scliool. Pamela Gardner placed third In the'Bams division. She is in Uie sixth grade at Filer central schooL

Jn junior high division thrw, Tliomu Robertson placed second.He is a student at Twin Falla >m< lor lilgh scliool.

¥ ¥

Party-Held-for-— d Unit's Sponsors i,

HAH-EY, May 1 8 -M n . Cralf Rcmber, Mn. Leonard Enlsht.

^cliardi, all registered nurses, were honored al a supper slTCQ

I by members ot the Hailey high Khool Future Nunes of Amerle* • club. Tlie women- aponsotetf tHe- club Uils year.

Mrs. Joe MaccailUa u d ited by making Uis spagheUL

Each sponsor waa pre*ent«d - wiUi a gift.

- D - U P - L E - E ^ S - -



/o r -y o w _ o U _ /i ir _ coof, fur-trim m ei c loth coet on purcJuu0 o f «ny Daplir fur. A com - pfrte $e!eeiJon o/ <jual‘ iiy,./urs.are .o/ /tred^ ^ .. Seaton's lotcett pHcet.' -

• A vhbH dapoilt hoMi____ypur_iel«ciion_Ii^|ay-_

iwty wiih convenianf Rionilily Payminbl


Duplcr*' fur ityliit , will bo in itoro > J u «ida y ond

W cdneidoy, May__ lj>th_Qnd.20tb,_

to help you whh your lelectlon.

SAFE - FUR STORAGE - INSUREDB rin g -y o u r-p re d o o s -fo r"to o -fu rr ie r fo rp r o p e i storage. Rbly’ b n ' D u pIer 'j- Inimiiobto fu n le r^

' kn ow -h ow . . . b a sed o n yeors of experisnco handling the finest furs. For repairing, remodel- ing,' a n d Dupior’s exclu sive Hollanderiring furc lean ing process, Dring7 our-fur in toddy” -

Page 8: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:

Mrs. Grace John Honored at Meet Of Area LAPMOOODINO. M»r 18-Mr». Grace

John,-PocatclIo, prreldcnl of Uif depttrtment w.»cl»CIon tr AuxllljirlM Pniriwchs Mllltrmt of

iCMftho. w u the lionorcd suMl ol 1 Woodrlver valley No, 22. LAPM,

•; when a met Wednfiwlny evening at , U;e Odd Pcllow. Iiall.I A 7:30 banquet preceded the

meeting which wna conducted by Mrs. J. U. BufliacJj. auKlUary

.president. Mm. Jetile palmer pave the prnyer.

Mra. Burbach welcomed Itic iroun. LcRpne lAtton. D:llcvue,

~~fntr'&du'« d Mr— JtTOTTT-TT-Unrf . Mr«. Ted ArborM*!. Burlr)" Mar-

Un Jewert, Bellerue; Italjcrt H. Bo-an. Ooodlni: Mm. 'A. O. Bl.i- u-ell. Bufil: Mra. Lllllnn liURliri, Qoodlng, at d Mr». PCRiiy Lrnslt- man nnd Mrs, Darlene. Bloom, both Pocatello.

Members decided to contribute tlO to the oMoclallon

In l« r oUlclal vlsU' to Ihr •uxlllarr. Mrx. John stated li motto was “ With Ood all tliln

be done," Her embli


. John' 1 hei.•Build lor the lulwe-lt can be ione.”

Mni. John was presented wllli a . gift from the mtmbcrs of ibe f ouxlllnry by ML j I.urscii.

: In honor of MoiUcr's rtny Ihe group aanit “ A Prnycr for Motlirr." , Tlie next regular mcetlnu of the

LauxlUory »IU br held June 10.

|:HawaiianTrip Is 'I?,:,Related for Club

Mrs. Jo.\le Jonei pre.'ci P tmvcloifuo llluslmtfil with colored

illdes of her recent'trip to IIu> "at the meetlnc Tliursday niKhi •PB.it~Noble-Ornndi-eluli-nt- Jioino of Mr«, J. C. Doollllle.* Thought for the day wn el by MfJi. EdRor I rtoo-. A white Bible purchitned by the

-Pjlmrose^BebcJcsh-icdjrp-No.'^fl wa* .dlsplnyed,

Mr*. W. O. WotU, mtmber < IhB hom« board, reported on recent mcetlnc at the Home on th Hin. Caldwell. While there »h

i , *l4lt«<l J.U*. Effle WalktM. local pH Rebekalr member.

■I The whlto elephant prl/.e wa.i

r '{ received by M n. 0. H. HlRRiai, t! Mr«. tawrence Roublnek. nuhl. t < «M & sue.'tt. Mrs. Vlol& RolntA «a&

Jjrofiram chairman. '[ < Refre.’ihmcnt.'i were nerved by |[ Mrs. Edsar Larson. Mra. CIni Fl PMfcB and Mrs. M. Peterson,» Next mtellnR wlH be htltJ al II

III Jioms of M n, W. Seal,^ ^

'-cJerome-Mlnister' 'rv i Is Club SpeakerI ■, ' J BUIIL, M»y 18—Tlie Rev, Don- [■•;i *ld Roas, pnator of the Jeroi I ,, . ; . glr«t.Chrt»Uan-r.hiirohr^«ai-gm. ' ' l i ) ipeaker when the Presbyterlai li||l Bupper club tnet last week At till I l l r Ixal church.I ' The nev. JJlr. Rom. a retired l i 'lH chaplain, .told tha group of U|fl| the Waldenaean movement In Italy

This WM ft church ertanlMd be- ik lli the Cnthollo church orlRl- j l f l f Jiat«t. He o I « spoke on hlj cxpcrl- 'Ji ' «nces while In Italy.Ikin ’ Members eervlng rtfreshments 'V .v »ero Mr. and Mrs. Jwne.i Shield#.Jt ) Mr. anil Mrs. J. B. Mou. Mr. and f . ; itrs. Elvln Noh and Mr. and Mra.

' JUchard AUltia. t.. . ; J U wft* announced thlj was (hi

juutaeedns o f Iho aeawn with thi Buppcr dub to reconvene In Sep' tanber.


Leah Halverson To Marry CraigJKHOME, May JB-Mr. and Mrs.

John Hnlvrr.ioii aiuiounce.the en- Renient of their duuchter. Lrnh ly. 10 William Crnlc. son of Mr. id Mr*. Erne.rt CruiK- Ml.’J liii)* r»on b BttendlnR jcroinc lileh hiwl, and will cradiiate thL

iprtnK-CnilB wa.i'Kriidua(ed from JC'

•wnt lilHh kclit»l In 1S51 and aV cnilcil Idaho State colleKe, I’ocft' ello, one year. He Is employed by he Mate hlshway depni

GfficerrSeated" For Hailey FHA

irAILEry, May 18 — Officers of hp- ^ Hlr -HomfJn.•»Jrer3 c/Amrrl- a for Ute JD50.1060 schcxil year ,'ere Inxtalled ln.n formnl'candle*

llnhted ceremony la.it week at Uii- home of Mra. Paul Dcmpsey,

WorUilnRlon. retlrlos presldcrit, wan ln'tn!Ilnn offi

Joanne WorthhiRlon wai ilalled president; Becky flroolts.■ Ice prc.'ildent; Jnnet Eatock. sec- ■etary - trea-iurer.' Janice Dccm- nan. parllamcntorlan; J oh a n Dorclwk. reporter; M117 Shaff(., JCRree chnlmian; Shirley Schmoe. recreiitlon chairman, and June Povey. custodian,

R)llawlnB Uie cercmony promptu Rames were played and

~o,ica"wih a bi’ ffct lunch.Members ot the club prestnled

Mrs. Dempsey with a ibje corsaRe Mrs, Lyle Breneman and Mrs Vearl WorthlnRton were BuesU.

Christian Homes Are Subject for Fellowship Meet

BUSS. May 18 — “ ChriaUaO lomcs" wu the'program' Uicme It Uie /necCins of the ChriAlan romcn’s Fellowehlp of the Bllis

Community church Wednesday it the liowe of Mr>.

OrecR Belshcr. •s. BeWier read an article. “U

a houic or a home?": Mri. Olbson read "A desljn for «:

Jiome” ; Mrs. Durrlll Llnre gave' •Christian worihlp In the hotnc.", uid Mrs, Doran Butler led the; ir'oilons. "n»e protecUon of

ItSiJC__________________________ 'Mra. Herbert Stroud, preildent.

-onductcd (he buslne&s meeUnz. ihe read a poem and Mr*. 01b. ,ou i;ave the openlnR prayer.

Mrs, Tom Olbson wax elccted at he new president; Mra. Melvin • tukr.t. vice presldeht; Mrs. Lircs, itfrlary. and Mrs. Doran Butler, rea^urer. They will be Jnsuiled it tlie next mectlns..

ft ua.'> decided to recoRnlze the cnlnrs and elRhth Rradcr* at Sun­

day church service. .D.m 'Lcadi

tiid Mrs. Xcrnn Vadcr.c next mccUMR *in be h.10 home of- Mrs, Llr^R wi OIU’.on as co-hoslCM, Mei nrc iiAkfd to brlnR lt<ms t :htirch_kltchen aa n.fiocclal

jiri>Jcct,Mrs. L, H, howlanda was

lioMm.¥ » J|t

Women Choose Meet DelegatescIcKHlestolheJui. tifln' Wfro numc3 TliUraday

a meetInK of Uie auxlllarj'

of World war. I, at tht LcRlon hall,

re Mrs, Onint Kunkle Mrs. I>ctcr Ooertzen, Mra, Vernon

.mrf—Afrr—Kor~CJ.7.TfclJ/. r Mrs. Cerosc Bur­

dick. Mr.v W. Ivan John.wn, Mrs, Alklnaon and Mr.i, Kobert

Sept. The convention will be Jicld June 7 through 10.

T «o new members were accept- rd. Mrs. Charle.n Ru»ell and Mrs, Pred Kelly.'obllsatlGn ceremonies were held for Mra, Harriet Jones and Mrs. Kelly,

The charter was draped In mem­ory of Mrs, Phoebe Frantz,

ncfreshmcnti were wn'cd by Mrs. C. W. Stflne and Mrs, Gene Helms.

Next meeting will be held Jurn 1 at the Legion hall.

Pledge Service Given to Guild

JtANSEN. May IB — Mrs. CarJ ’ Dirt* presented the pledge aerrlce at the meetlns of the Wealeyan Service guild Thursday m nlng Rt * tlie home of .Ntri. Ralph Simmons.

It a u decided to hold a progra for the building fund at Ihe church June 9 at ttw CommurUiy Meth- odut church.

Ufi. Jo* Enjrl reported t guild week-end alilch ahe and Mn, T«n-6t«limilh aileode^ it Idaho Pstli. Ttvey reported that Mri. Simmons hid tiren >flect«d as 1 member of ii;»,n3mirjur^ com.

fer the ftk:r;<W- «ork d+y »«J» pIaDOnT_for «

Da vis.The June meeting will be held I

at the home cf Ur». W. c. Klutt. -i Woman's Soc.ftr of Chrtatlan } Btrtltt tooTdvr.itivr for the group. • Mn. Tnjtnsn Rilhbun U the pro­gram leader.

* ♦ #

Jewel Presented At Jeronie Meet iJEROME, May ifl — Mrs. J c i

Smith was prr^entcd a 15-yei (Cleran Rebekah Jewel and -n- cqr-


r. snd r^o.lJIxf U rooniiM. rr ’ Wiri .

• lu prtxiil* for on

>rl>« War Jail |in»lilo||(.rb.,i., <.,b meinu. II

U. VcaJ«. tm. r.

1 m«lpu.fm,' tUi.CQ:'

M r S S 'f e T , ; K ' 'n G r F ~ U n i t - P i c k sLeaders at Meet

SiProgram Marks

Day .^r LeagueEDEN.“May la -A Molhcr'4 day

program wai given by, Mrs. Ray­mond Eniat recently when thi

■ c ra n Women's Mi.ulonary met at Uio.home of Mra.

Soplilfi Bnius.Mrs, Herman Martens, presi­

dent. was In charge of (he iiusl' neaa meellng. Tlie origin o Mo(hcr's dft>- and tlie various wayi

la obscPi-ed In dlfftrtnV toun- Tci were told by Afrs, Em.it. Mrs. William Kohts led the de-

•otIonaU and the Rev. Mr. Erast 'A living worship.'

iry at n meeting last week. )Uier officers elected aro Mra

Artlwir Greer, vice president: Mrs, Joe WelLt, second vice president; trs, Pred Robertson, aecrctarr:

Mr*. CbttTlea Bullock treasurer; Mrs. Wortlj • Montgomery, histor­ian, and Mra. Elbert Gherman, publlcKy chairman.

MrJ, ArUiur Oreer told of the distrtct meeting held at Shoahonc. Tlte’ local auxiliary post will be hwts’ for tlie fourth dLUrlet con- .-entJon to be held here Sept. 13, nie state convention will be held A Twin T^Hs MartlnR June 25.

Refrcslimenta were served by 'irs. OeorKc Taylor, Mrs, H.. O

Johnson and Mra. Ernest Mcs- :rly.

.. .. ellntSyrlrga Rtbekah lodge h in the lOOK hall, Ttiey v> . .\entfd by Mr.v Doris Studyvln. Mia, Loren Ciin.ida read a tribute,

Mrs.- Lloyd Ovcrmon. noble grand, conducled the meeting, Mra. Ru.vel| Shsud, staff captain, announced Initiation will be held May 2S, Practices are schcduli ' for 2 p. m. Sunday and at 8 p. ; Monday. All Officers are urged to attend,

Plans wtte made to senlor-.banquet Tuesday. Tentative plana were made for the

eported vUlllng lodges Rlclitlcld, Kctctium and Rupert

Host committee wus Atr. and { Mrs. George E.-vston and Mrs, i .?iank_MciJCCgcr._* *Communications Read at Meeting j

jBUOSUONE, May 16 — Lcltec ' from niLuloiiaricA ucrc read at ,

oL the A.yembly of God Women's MK'lonary council iwt ,

U tlie church.Carl Kinnry, president, rend

■■Memoo' to the Living," Mrs, Har­old lluyser accompanied alnRlng, Mrs, Kinney led the memory vcr.ie ind Mra. Hujjer nave Uic prayer. :>1ts, John Shaw gave a Bible read­ing.

••Dominican Republic" was le.i- .*on . U>ple.-Tlie-fl(;cret«ry's-reporl f nas given by .Mr.v sliaw. Mr.v Jen­

nie UeMls gave the cla-ilnR prnycr.


ProccDdinRS of the Board of County Commission­ers, T vin Falls County, Idaho. V

'WCt'C Jr.Ud ir T.ifi f»*|, C


fhJIfU ConwnUon. or

»' PI"

:«i.An MARCit SKtfins

. Ajcnu, |naur>nrf ptrmliinn.- ' Thltu.n. Ml.rr,

Jill l«i,,lrT. »5.M

'j Tlm«*.Srw« I'ub

__IciiHuinn nnuil »Uls>llxn ol Um mI

. . .

t'.H. .kn\:tO i»l<.m

lluu»ll C. Unrn, Chjinu[•II.. Ij»,

HKCCI.An APIIli.Thf llo.nl of Counir Conimluk

I >0 i*rru,«l lid" 'wUbLtU fmil.tI.T AphI I. i/st. ir>1 •rpnird u|

l*‘ r” f on°lhr'fnllo>lni Inll0>lns .mvunu: Cu0( ’ Wr l Kr.<T[r.lloi‘ Cl.lm. for sicl.l Sn

.ruQunU t Current hiQ«n«4

HiUr'llr a|."hI iTOit. .Viwamnu orilrtr l drawnIbrrrof oa tTli faltoainc followlnc .mnuntJI C i

” ^ . s r

if caifonl TbomiMii.run «r Dolorrt i' 'I tl.rs [Kr hou.

n I hfrnt:

JH, I.l»fr»ni. H.0«; Donild }'. '••)> mrlru. Kl.U: lUluMh Z Mh rw.lpo, 15.00; J, 0, rum[.hr.7. Ju»- Ir. fm. i : : . » pu.iiow^i: J, 0, r hrrr, Jutllr* fm. lit.Ji PliilloirKl, l-^r F.1.4 CUI.. r~« tUlrn* vrr. «wrov».i

rirraeli «r»rt or.!«r»ti driwn In j>«rni

Graduation SPECIALStereofonic Hi-Fi Sound

from a Single Portable Fonograf

WEBCOR "Holiday”

'— ^ nussT.i.Trc,'i:Aiiav.H'" .cnilrmin i-', BTlvr.UH. Clfik

bu*lnrii .!> innuiixl IIt:Oa .n'rUk l-.H. .k..> l*litn unUI 10:00 o'rlok A.

Iliturll C. Chtlr»*i

A s k f o r t h e

to I

. W.,

>•11 C. Ch.ltt

. . . And for oven greater itcrco ecparntion ona two citra «noa!icro,-(eam the Holiday mth Uic new WeWor Stereo Mato VI cxler- nnl epcakcr eyatcml

Externa) Speaker Included at NO EXTRA ____CPST During This Special-Evontl-

Rog. $130 Voli^cGraduoh’on Special>

Home of_ _heCen's y y

Rccord Shop

In lU . 1. 1#. .ncl

Idtba Drsit. iilsrt. anattrnl-a

T if ncxril of Co«nii

W C. t^nro. CVilnn

nl to JnhT. H. 6W41.Wm4 OnlrirU

>r)i«r*tir Ihn* lira flrmi n't »ind dliMirM *»»<1 triummHiUU Xl-UB.OUMt-oC U«

______ilor.r L.BCMUf .n4Ir carrlrd.''

W*«Wrr nr«.. fu.’rns.W; 1

mrVl'iVta'jIii■ f-«Vr« U»V»t». Jl-rlUl ,^ rrlr.V

K'» hh.,p, If,,,ir*l I*

•' t d.. t»conlj. llj.w'j ^bund.nT'


T-la r.». ^

tlKCULAR APRIL 8ES410* Bo.nl of Cotinir

Page 9: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:


I IliB WMhlnlKonI j ^ ^ t l e r recelred wnplo l)ut-

iram Jim Lwj?"I h f v ^ lA . E»ch homercd W ncr 1 n J M in the secondIS S o r u ifro p w w * -----------

loier * u Diet Donovan. J J ? L i !>*■■*>•" tJw Senators five i S f W *»J i3 times >n I®"':?” !: | 5 ^ «r iU « Pox paced <i 13-hllI S g j J . l t t t l .lui « •"IISti*ln»lM I" Mcond game.l-^_jyj_.yjjJp5.*|l*.th8-blg_£UUI^^Umore-* Ilfsl same uplilll IfitCT' oitT CicteUnd. He umaslied • I iSe-run homer with two out

t ^ n l n t h 10 lie Uie ecore at W?i la ttie litD. wJIh the bn«s I J ittd lM out, Billy Klaus coax- I T . walk off relltf pitcher JUii I ptrrf W force In tlio wlnntnc run.I cm 11-hU ftt-I ^twtnhlJ third Rttme for Clcve- I liad la Ui* niRbtcsp.I^ t-b in d er Dud Dalcy lo.il t. I wufbrtaktr first Rame for Kan-■ w W - »’ “<» thcce-hmer■ Uie Yonkeei and led 2-<l I l « b l o the nlntlt Then a wait 1 Sfflur consecutive slnRlo Rove I lit Vinktfs Uirce runs and the I oae.lhe last Yarilecnilt. irBinffle IH Hank Baues, came off reliever I ojtab Ttxry and drove In Uie win-

[nin. E»a Lnracn (3-0) won It i Drimin handcuffed hi* for-

okto teammalcaJKUlit^ ■niiT5fC0iiQ"Biime.-A-.iix* ind inalns nialnal Tom

I ^ r t n l wa« hlglUlghted by Dick I TOiuM’ three-run homer.I tid WUUama now l-for-23 wcnl I f j q tsaln bul Dick Ocmert had

» wftct four-for-four m Uie Red _ 63 TOO their Jlnt ttdme In the I cssnt home Hand. Re Dcliwlc I i;acriilx Tiger blU for his fourth

17 wairut one defeat.


_ O M .’l ^Uxttl■ “Tiuysnd“ Jui37-TVle3- defeated 7 ' a j* and Eva How 4*0, Bob and

Urn* Lane defeated Dr. and I n«th Ruihlon 3-1. Vera and Leaba I .Riddle defeated Earl and Kit Pct-

rwn M . nalph OUletto and Shir. I hj JUttn defeated Bob &od Uz

Rfdl«r3-1.Hl|h Individual same, Hay lYles, r«; high Indlrldual ccries, Ray

Prlca. C3I; hlRh scratch team nme, Raj and Judy Frlcii. 393; hijh handicap team mme, Bob

I and Mrma lAne. t il ; high tinndl- I cap team serlat, lUy and Judy

Wes, IJM; hlth scratch tenm m- rlti. Ray and Judy Pries, 1.113.

Hl{h women’i game, Judy Pries. HlEh women's aeries, Judy

M91-Nll« 0 « b Mixed

UriUng and Efterlclns dcfcaled l^lUsltr-and Anderwn 3-J.._DAy.

D;e*nier» defcaled cralg and Kedler 3-1. Riddle and RouUi de- fMl«3 Jtuns/e ttnd WJJWte 3-1. Mi andTullmer split ivlth Cubit and IUu‘ 2-2.

Hlsh IndlTlduftl Eiune, Bill Lloyd, hljh Individual eerles, Paul

—Wliltt^Se—nim-Ecrntclr-tniir nnte. Cubli Bnd Roan, 071; high nwdteap team Kame, Riddle and R «l^ 7S«: hljh handicap tet>m«rlu. njdiij 2 ,53.i m acatch itam aerlcs, Cubitand 1J38.

tadiM hlfh game. Joann Ows-HedleTiol^'"' ^

f l « l Seirejatlon Lea|;u6 Udif* B<rwler of tbs ye»T

“ Ijh Individual Bame, Jean Crtuarlne, IM,

®»fes of malclit Jean Crumrle, Jlnner, 1J03| Barbara Jolinnsen,

Yulah Black. 1.118; Velma I.IM; LoLn Brsgi, 1JI73:

WelU. 1JJS7; Trlno WUUama, Agnw Bowlin, 007; Myrtle

»...f, D(U.

flnt Srjrtjallon Learie Men-a Bowltr « f the V w

,H«n iflctlHdunl game, Don Black, -»3. 'Don Black, winner. 1.B29; Chftrlea

Cnimrlne. 1,733; Grant Boulh- 1,733;-Ken Qobel,-1,712;

• -wnlly BriKB.i-.aTSroim WellsTi;- 6C0; Clyde Kttsennnn. i . « 0; OUa

.caruo^ur Strikes defeated Alley Kats

t,',:; Wright defeatedButil 3-1, -n,8 Hooda defeated Kll I and Kin 3-1. /

“ ish Individual pime. Zldon Murrny. iiijj, individual aerlca, [■'en,I Eldon Murra)-; high'scratch

Perttlna and Wright; hlKh hMdlcap teara game. Perklra

-aw \snimt: hlgh horiaicap-wun * « « . Petklna and Wright; high

Perkins *nd 'rlsht. high aeries women. Ruth

buu” PM^® nnmbtr of Seed Pea- “ "I* la the Jit at Gfobfl Seed. AdT.

i three m ore thnn niiituuHip Coin-

IggSrew Hits Two More jflomers; All Teams Split Tn American League Race

DyTheAsaaelaledl'rcas American Icapuc liouiurun h lttinp percnnln l.i like Wickcy Miuille, Roy

It’s Jensen and R ocky Colavito .slarlcd ta k in g \Va.shingtoa’a Hiirmuti Killc-Icicv cr* '. Iv The~22-y^ T -oM from I’ayettc, Ida., .‘ima.shed tw o more humeruns Sun* lh f « ‘?**2JlJ*8U^risinff Sciiutors^H|)liL n liou b leh ca d cr with the sccoiid-iJatc.C hicaK o

warminB up

Kin'brm- h” " ;-

m ' ^ 3 ‘ 2 wUh runs.In Uic

3 Veterans Qualify In Race’s Front Row

IN DIAN APOLIS. M a y 18 — T l'rec of tlic liardest driving vtUeran.'t o f A m erica n tracks — Johnny TiiomHo'n, E ddie Siicha and Jim Rathm nnn— .will fitnrt in the front row o f the 43rd 50 0 -m ile iiuto ra cc M ay 30 at the Indi- unapoli.H M otor .ipeedw ay. They w on the u)vfroat slarting

•positions in week-end time triiil.i marred by two »i)ec- t f t c u l n r wreck.s and the death o f driver Jerry UnHer from i n j u r i e s in a crash M ay 2.

Tony Bellenhausen of 'nnely Park, HI., twice National BlK Car driving champion, hit the walland ovcrUimed fialurdsy la a j)racUco run and Johnny Tolnu of Nor­walk. Calif.. looped and crashed Sunday In a qualllylng run. Nei­ther was Injured.

Uiuer, 2fl-year-old'mcmbcr or a famous Colorado raclnc lanUly, died Sunday «I-comi>llcftU0M9 from bums Incurred In a practice craah 15 days before.

Uiuer's death was the 48lh from B^cedway mishap since the iilaiit opciied 'aa a ‘ macadifir fracfc—in IS09, Tliere have been 43 deallta Blnce the 500-mlIer was itnrled a new paved track In. 1911,

The M week-end qualifiers left IS BBOta open In the 33-car iiart- InB I'lneup, The lO-tnlle qualifying record set laat year by Dick Rath- mann of San Oabrlel, callf., w.-us not bfoken but Thoram 37-year- old Scot from Boyeriown, Pa, turned In a one-lap tao and half mile record of H0i32.

Thomson's average tpccd to win the pole poslKoD. Inside of . die front row, was H5JJ08, a watch tick under Dick Rntlunann'a 145i)74 rccord. Saclis, Center Valley, pa.. .taycnL,Qi»cralor._WB3_ciD£ktl_flt M5.42S and Jim Itathmann. Dick's brother from Ml.iml. at HV«3.

Padres Give Fisher First Season Loss

Ky The AHOClattd rreaaTwo p.iclllc Coast IcaKiic pitch­

ers wllh n no-lo« record InnRled nt Sun nieRO Sunday, Phoenix' lidille J^lier nb-wbcd lila flrnt los oftKe MCLlon nnd-Dud Podblelaii pllclicd the Padres to n 3-0 win._Todblelan...wlio.hMn:j..iJlpwcd -rm In 22 innln?«, khvc up fix hits In twirling hLi shutout. He liasn't been touched for more tlian all hlW In any same thl.'. year and1119 B-B-0.reeord.-rUhcEla-nDW-ls

Another old-fnllhful. Steve Kll- ko, hit a baaes-londed homer to clvc Spokivne a 5-3 wln'ovcr Seattle iuler i)!e JndJans Jifld tAken the first game 10-1, Bacramento took two from Sail Uko City. 3-0 and

•I, Vancouver beat Portland 6-! ..I a alnglc game and San Diego completed Ita sweep with a 5-3

In over Phoenix In the nightcap Dllko'a grand-slam homer broke

- 1-1 tie at Bpokanc. gave tlie In- tllon* U)Cir flfUi slraUljt victory and dropped ScatUo fucther Into Uifl cellar. Tmo Ralnlcrs whacked homcruns during Uie nftemooa Ed Wlncenlak hit one In the first Kamo ■lin'd'PauTTDllir Rbnt-foar. bagger In U10 second contest.

Vancouver, vihleli Ulmmed lb roster to 21 players by pulling Spider Jorgensen on the Inactive ll»t, u)i»d flve-pltchers In beating 1‘brlland. 'I'hil DIR Blow cithe eighth Inning when Ron Han'

;n whacked n threc-run homer. Bncramento pitched Joo Slanka

clialklng up his fourth victory In tlie shutoufppencr, -Hornoruns by Mike Krsnlch and Mickey Jones tied the tcore in the nlghtcjvp after the Bees scored two runs In the first Inning, Tlie Solons’ winning tally came in the fourth on a.walk,

.wild,pilch and ft Blnslo.

Bengals W in Conference’s Track Meet —

COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo. May U Ifl-The big BenRnla from Idaho Slate won the Rocky Moun- Uln conference Iraclt and field clMimplonablftt again Baturdacr.

It was the eevenUi time In a row.Dennis DeWIH won the pole

vault and high hurdles, pliiced sec­ond In the low hurdles, third In the troad-lump and tied for third In the high Jump.

Charles Campbell won the.lDO in a,S Mconds and the 200 In 212

Tom O'Rlordan. the Irish Import at ISC won Ihe mile In 4:2a and the two-mlle In 10:25').

Dewitt cleargd the bar at 13 feet. lOU Inches, a tww confcrence pole vault record.. The- old one waa IJ-I?;. set by ISC's Jim Wag- sUfX

The other R.MC record^Bct^as by Colorado Slate coUcbc's Bob fUng. lie put the stiol 60 /eel. 7?* Inches. The old record van *S-i\ set by Les Prothe of CSC In 1053.

ISC won eight ot the 14 ertnts and complied 80.7 polnU. CSC was nrnncrup-with-HM-po'"*"

First BasebaU Game Replayed

AMHERST, Mass.. Miiy IB W— It took 100 years but Williams has wiped out a black #pot on ita ath­letic record.

Williams lost the first intercol- regiato ba.ieball game ever played, 73-32 In 2D Innings, to Amherst In IBiB

They replayed It Saturday-uslng ..ie same nilfc. equipment, and unlforms-wlUi Wllllaina claiming

1 11-5 decision after *lx Innings.In- lew, playcn did not use

glores, The bat was about tha alwf ft broom handle and the balla» n Uny, two-ounce affair.The diamond wa* square, wlin

the liases CO feet apart. T bera-— only one out to an Inning, there was no foul line, M could b« recorded back over the

.head. - . - -

^Benton toFight- Boyd for Break

PHILADELPHIA. May 18 Unntnkrt-Oeoite-Bentoni a «pol or looking for a break lo mo»e,hlm Into boxing's big money class, gels his chanc# tonight against Bobby Boyd for whom defeat means smaller' purses. _

. Boyd. 25, was knocked down to the lOth-ninklnff poslUon in the middleweight division aru r being, stopped by Spider Webb In his last njht.— Boyd'B'reconl-la - 61-u-a against the best In the dlvUlfln.

Benton-s a aUght favorite for.^e scheduled 10-round bout »t tne arena, Benton, a .......... .... — celebrated his 38th birthday annWersary last week, Haa com- pUed a 37-<-l record. 1

Littler WinsHot Springs Golf Title

HOT SPRTNQS. Ark, May 18 W1 —Oenlal Oene Uttier headed for Memphis, and another match with (2,800 m winnings and Uic Hot Sprlnps open Golf lounronicnt UUe, .

UtUer, 2S-year-old navy yeltrtin from Binging Hills, Calif., parlay­ed careful pulling to a 270, stroko victory Sunday.

Critical putts marked his duel•Ith second-plncc finisher Jim'

Perreo of Crystal Rlrer. Fla, who hod n_67_ivna a 371 total_to wlh

DouB-Pord.of PanvdlJse, Fla, took third place and |>,<00 with total of 373.

"I could have played belter,” Uttler commented on his victory.

“This wins me a Uciet to the Tournament of Champions,"

Tho Caliromlan referred t Las Vegaa. Nev„ toumey which he has won three tiroes.

Art Wall, Jr, of Pocono Manor. Pa-, shared fourth place with Johnny Palmer of Tulsa, Okla. Each shot a total of 278 and »f.IM.

The win was Littler’s third of the year and pushed hU total 1050 o'lnnlng.i to $20,541. Earlier, he won the Phoenix and Tucson opens.'.-

Uttler and-many of the other prtti headed for Memphis and the $25,000 ftreiirphls lnvllntlonal open net for next Tliunday through Sttndfiy.


rhiWfirkU _____SnaSir ntmi* ritutarth (-«. Chlcuo t-7

lHI««Dk>« I. Aks<Ih Sfl.n Fr«iiel»«o ». CIh«Im»U J

SI. UuU. t, n.KARUB 1 I. Trt. CD - 10 .« « _

Jockey IVH/Jc Ilirmilt flrei hit rm rJ In Iho form of a kli* lo hit PrtaknrM ninunl.- Jloyai Orbll, in llie winner*i circle at rimllcn after the Jacquei BraUntteln coll tron the ISO.OOO-added race. (AP wlrf|ilinliii •

B oise Holds L ea d -— B ylV ^innin^T w ice

By The Aaoclated PrcMPDcaleJIo hcut Jlissaulfl T-S'Sundnj’ W c lim b -fro m fifth

lo fo u r th placc in Pioneer Bnsebnll Icaguo BtiindinRii. It wn.s tho onh ' chnnKC in the Pioneer rnnks. B o is e whipped G rcnt Fall.s G-3 iintt 6-1 to hold the lead, h a lf a fcame nliend o f Idnh o F iiIIh. The Kus.scts cfobbered B illinga IQ-6 nnd 8-2. AII_j\ver^ Keven-inning ^ ^ -

Snead lakes Home Romid 21 Under ParwniTE SULPHXm BPRINQS. W. Va.. May 18 M—A phenomenal 69 followed by fc tidy 63. An 11- .uroir Tlctoryln-his-own-Bam Snead festl»-al. I t may not be too late after aU for elammln’ Sam to win that elusive Kotlonal Open Oolf champlbnshlp.

Snead wound up hla competlU'

11 cnmc in the f i ft h inninp. broktru 2-'i tic, nnil Hct tlie stiiKc for the D o t lK c r H ' fourtl; straight defciit. Ttie vic­tory efinbled the Urave* to' re­tain thfir two and onc-UuK icanie niartlu over tlic ruuiier-up 6nn FrV'‘=l^ Olunts. who defeated the Cincinnati Reds 0*I.

Chicago's Cubs crcpt to wllliln too percentage iiolnt.i of the fourth place Keda, pulling out i\ split In Uielr doublehc;idi-r with Pltis burgh. Ernie B.tnks' ninth hoine- rufi iirovlded tlii-ia with n 7-8 tri* umpli otter PlibtJurKh had won llie opener 5-<. Rain forcrd the poitiioiiemcnt of the achedulcd doubltheadcr between the Phila­delphia Phils and Cardinals In St. Louli.

Lew Burdette made only pllchu'la'iubauing'tlip -Dodgcra for a 0-2 record. The Milwaukee Tjffhi-ljnnflrn’i’nnnfrjl-ijffht-yjltji; Including homeruns by Don De­meter and Charlie Kcal. Del Cran­dall had four lilts. Including homtr, ,• snorujip Andre“ T lM «rj“ iiup= ported Stu Miller's flve-hlt pitch

(fam es. T h o Pocatcllo game rained out after five

inniuKs and a seconit gntnc, schedu led for B e v e n , wns po.stponed..

Bolao .collected four homers In le two games at Great Kails, two

of them by Bruno Tcrclll. Ills two-run homer in Uie second game gave the Braves enouKh margin■Wr-t

Idaho Fulls won e.-vch of Its games with' a five-run Inning. Jim Campbell sparked the first game with his seventh homer nnd three lUila, iuid ho sinelcd'-in H n n -------------- TXpllthat won the i.econd game.

Monday the teams niovo around tlio clrcult.'Ior Uirec-dni' sunds. Mlasouln Is at BHIIni;s, Pocatello goes -to Great Pnlls-and-Idaho PalLi h nt Boise. .

Mt'ooula fo.-rd nil five of Jls iiw off the Athletic.'/DIckoSckuI I n fifth Inninc rally before tlic

game was rained out.Tlio TUiiburJucki'Kul three Sin­

gles, a double and a ho:ticr. .before Bill Corrigan rcllevud Scgui;-Bob Van Dyke hit the homer, his llfth, after Ray Mendoza doubled. •

^VljUe BoiM s'sj colJecllHff lour homo niav Bill Laehmann lUt his first of tho season lor Orcat Falls with nobody-on baso. Braves Dick Lolsell <md Tom Brown both had bosea—empty homers.

Tho BllllnRs Mustangs rallied for three runs In the last ot-the first gome before tho side was re­tired. The.Mu5tAn«3_couldn't get started In the second round.

Drummond hit « homerun for Billings and Duke Wrlght homercd for the winners.

fltndir nM>lu Knr Yark >■«. K»n> CIti IlkKtmor* M, Cl«r«laa4 I-l ItMUo 19. Ottrolt 1


1* u J1I iu1! !! .-IJ! f -

Btafar KmoIUH. B«n Dl>t® fitenmtnu t-S. Silt Uti Cllr S.2

-- -• I ii 411 «i•>« ’nalii M. (irnl Filli s-t DlWnt* i-t. Iij>h» F«U* Ift-II. UlMoal* S (Mrtt i*m

^1.4 .t ««4 o n WoM of nlni MM [w* pMlMBtri. rtU)

Toledo, Olilo. b u t "Mother of Tivlos'’ bowling lestue. It U a atx- team mixed leatue vlth U moth< en uid their husbands pattlcl- patlJtf.

Colorado State , Ties Conference

FORT COLLINS, Colo,, May 18 on — Colorado state university gained a tie for the Eastern divi­sion champlon.<ihip of Skyline con­ference baseball Sunday by dUld- infc n doublcheadcr with NewMdlCO..^.

CSU copped the first game B-7 arid drop i^ the second 12-7,

m e split left CSO with a nlne- on 3-lost record, .the same as

Wyoming. The teams will play Tuesday afternoon at Fort Collins forthe eoatern ohomplonshlp.-The winner will meet Utah at the easU em school's home Held for the confcrcncc title.

The fikj'JJne champion n'lJl play Colorado State college, the R ' >lountaln confcrc



- am tm tuC

__ ______________ ,-bTl ye Cubs. His sccond, la-thishooUng the lowest 12-hole total] “ “P- tir

ifesslonal____ of his 25-yeftr prol.„.carcer, 2i!>-21 under par. It letl runner-up Mike - Souchak of QroeslnRor, N. Y., wallowing In hli wake by 11 dtrobU nnd utarted up talk again that this may finally be the year for fincnd. only nine dsj's away from his 47th blrUiday nr nlvcrsary, to win tlie open title. ,

It was the 103rd tournament victory for Sntad, Including, all of note cxecpt Uio open, in which he has been runner-up three times.

•’Sure. I'd like to win It," he Mid today, •■beeausft then I'd hare won them all. But it's.only & prestige tournament.

•'I can't seem to get In the mood to win U, Tlie field la not as good as some of Uie-rcsUlanPOA-tour. namenta because Kjme of the bet­ter players fall to tiuaUfy.

‘The courses are doctored up lo mtlie - them unusually tough. That's not golf."- Snead hfmself wlU havo to ijuall- fy for the open June 11-13 at Ma- Biaroneck. N. Y. H ell try It In Washintiton June 1.

His festival, which he has five of IJ times, waa only the thW tournament for Snead this year. __________ ■

Another ChampLONDON, Moy 18-(OPI)-The

••world's greatest atlillte- onct again Is a Russlaiv^Vftsslly Kw- netsor, who has broken American Rafer Johnson's world record in tha EruelUng decathlon, accoidlng •1 a Toss report on'MoscOtt'Tafllo;

Kusnftsov scored a tou l of BJi7 points In the 10-evcnt competition to break by 85 polnta the mnrk that Johnson set last Jult 21-28 when he defeated Uie Russian lo a face- to-face meellns at Moscow.- - Johnson at tbat time ifored 8 J02 points and became a popular sporti figure In Russia. In so dolrvg he broke Kuznetsov's urevlous record or 8,013 pofnu.

Aaron May Become First ,400 Hitter in 29 Years

» j The Auoclalfd Pru*Hoary A aron, w h o inny hci'onu* ihu Nntidiinl Icuifue’ s fir.st .4 01 h itter In 29 ycarSi

mu.H feel like a Kiiy swim minj,' nui'in.sl tlie title. The iM ilwaukee mauler rapped a hom e- run and single in the B ravos’ 8-:i v ictory over I.03 AnRcle.s Sunday. That savo him a ’ apectnculnr run o f ui>jht consuctitive-Kanies in which he 's m ade tw o or more hits. Y et, durinc that tim e h e ’s tack cd im only one purccnlnRc point t o an averaRC that now stands at .'18'1. A aron ’.s hom er N o . ; '

Utah Sports Car Event Won by Weiss

S A L T LAKi: CITV, M ay 1 8 (/P>— Speedy Sam W eiss o f Sacram ento, Cii!if., beat all th e flmatl sports ca r competi­tion Sundiiy nnd camc w ith in one car o f doing the »am e to the liig niiichiiicH in the th ir d running o f the Great Salt Lakfl Jload r;ice.s. Threatii,ng his 'nimble Porsche R SK tlirough the c o r n e r s , h e — '

Pancake SupperA oourdough pancake iupper‘<

will be held by the Twin Falls chapter of the Idaho Outdoor aasoclaUon (,rom 0:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the group's club*

Proceeds of the supper wUl -b»-u»ed-ln-the elub'a-coramun- Ity project*.;

Host le arn Wins Track Honors

HUTCmNSON. Kan*, May ISB in-Kutchlnson Junior college, tha || host team, won the Notional Jun.- { lor CoTlege AthleUo assoclatloB i track and field championship Sat*; unlay night with U polcta.

Arlington r i^ .) SUt# waa run-1 ner-up with 40 polnta.

Other Uam (core* tnelodei V Ricks. Rexburg, 31; BoUe, IS,,, Weber, Ogdea. II. - . If

Dixie of fit. Q uite. Utah. laOid t| lo score. ”

ber of their three-game ret with Cincinnati. WlUio May*, continu­ing hb hitting spree, sUunmet] a homer and double. Tito defeat was clurged to Dob Purkey, who de­feated the Giants four times in five decbions last year.

Ten homerun.1 featured the Pl- ratei.CMb* twin bill. Bill Mazer- oskl hit two for PltUibursh In the opener. Vem Law was the winner but he needed help from Elroy Face in the nlntli.

Face, who has a 0-0 rccord In rBUef,.cftma-onflwHh-nimiera-cn first and .Hhlrd. none out and Pinjburgh ahead S-3, He reUred

■■ with only one run scoring, ... n double play.

DiJe Lanz Wt t«-o iiomeruns /fJr

....... thrce-run rally capped byRanks' homer off loser Rennie Daniels.

W oiryofFALSE TEETHS lip p in g o r I r r l f a t i n g ?Daa't bo raWTTnaBcd b7 loo»» f»l»e

Ktth tllpplnit. dropplufi ur wobblliiii wliea Tou •*(. talk or Iiujiti, Juit tptlQkfg i UIU« rAUTt:ETll OQ your puu*. TbU plOLtant powder give* • nmtmbls iCDM of itddnl romfort ■ad tecurtty br bolOlu mons a c ' s ™ ® K ’. s “OK m TIxnX at any (Inu counter.

p l a y e t l near bum per-tapf witli Jack I'ahcrty’.*! L ister- .lafniar in the 2D-lnp fin a l for tJie blKKCr enjined cars. Once or taicc. Weiss sot past.

But the Ustcr-Jaj, seeming to suck up the roadway through Its low-aliinfr-alr »eoop,-pullfd-*Wi»y cach tlmt: in tlie count's 1.3-mUe P^tcicstrttclniiTslshtainiy;

Fiiherty, San Francisco, was first past Uie finish line, with Wclaa rlKht behind and Jay Cliamberlaln otJUaJ^da.laiLl/3Hu J5.jibouA - mile Iseliind In tlilrd. '

Chamberlain was only hall a car Icnttlh Ahead of Dob Donner of Colorado Bprlnss, Colo., In another porecho asfc.

Tlie rnco wns one of sbc over 11 C.7-mlle airport course, In the first competllion for the Bporta Car club of America's 19S9 Pacific C0a.1t ch a m p ion sh ip points. Nlnely-elaht cars were entered from 12 western stales.

Chamberlain and Donner aloo dueled for second place behind Weiss In the race the latter won —a 25-lap event for smaller en- Rlned cars. Weiss took and held a hefty lead, but chamberlain's Lo- tus-ncalmnoaned-pasl-lhfr-flnUh line les.*! than a car lensth ahead of the Coloradan.

■ E x c iu s iV E D m e RIsMacle ValMy For

HAMMOND ORGANS[WHITE'S M u s i c c e n t e r |

. . . a i Maln.Aye, Eart-.I tlie oldest trophy In ractns.

Complete Line of Uquid_FERTILIZER]^


FARM SERVICOnc.Kimberly GA 3-5596


You'll like


I . F O E T H E MONEY. Yon get doiwith a choke of 6 tbort-tlioke, low ipm. alx-cyllodsi mjtKw boUt for trudc work eloBO.2 . FOB TEB BDOW. New dual headlisbU and SBodlzed iluml- Dum srille moan laitlat food looks. Luzurlotu cab hat more flAM n/ea, more paasen er toom. Long-leiling vinyl npbobte^ kees* Ita.

8 . TO LOAD-yP. New Bonof-Load body (7. or-BVi-ft. W ) h fluilj’ io cab lo giT» ■ywrcvoiy'indiTrf lo*d»paee pewIUe. Ceataf— controlled tallfale assures eaaler load btniiiiny. DnntUy isooth aU-stoeJ floor.4. TO "GO” I Yon get rtep-aboad power fcoo « cbolcd of 3 MW op* tlonal V-8 ensiace lhat'brin* new economy to V-8 opestion. T W oiler toileacQ liom legulai gas> plot low cAcoDmoptioOa

A K ing once d iose tliis Scotch above a ll o lh cn ...s in ce

then, tn illion jhave made • It a popular favorite.



--------Naw laaTinTTi* N tw T«*v«i*n .*. N»w *tok* «f ploK-------J ---------HUi' itrr<tunq<n--------Moinead.-pamiffn--------- form-iitwd«lr»ff«f----------

plui pickup leodi. roomiSona**we9ea.' . 4x2cr4x4driv«.


k i % / F V # C 161 3 r d A ttm ii W « »M cV E T d, INC. tw in F oU . - RE 3 -9 01 8 .

Page 10: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:
Page 11: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:


^ K E T S a n d f in a n c e- V . . * * * * * * * * *

• • t T GrainsStocfe.....

T . ^ “» u X S ' " I S

Ways Sought To Mine New Sea Minerals

Dam Not Opposed Ii-aii Chance Fa ir to Keep Russians Out;

DOISE. M iy :fl (UPIt-Tli prr-ildtni of the IdsUo AKL-CIOwld lodiiy ihAt hU srmip w«s noioppa'Pd lo construction of nurrj Crfck dam Iti cosKm Iflnlin ijii;

rorrd liiduslrlfcl deTelopmciit cl IdtOio over Wyoming.

Dnrrell Dorrntm’s remariw U'l ixrd ft Btatrmfnl by Sell. linii)

TEHRAN. Irnn. Mny J8 D;»vld nnd Oollatli biUlc q1 ner>'M niKM In ihe Mlddlr fUiM ttxlny be-

Smarter?MOS-niEAL. May J8 Ift-Arc

porpolJM marlrr limn propie?Could be, f-i)j Df, D. O.

Ilrbb, McGlII university, presl- denl-elfct of the Atncrlcan r,')clioloirlcal (Lvajclnllon.

He lold an liitervlev,cr the

D!STi;{U(ER.S FI.SED Bu;u-Ey, .\J»y 3B—m r person*' .

brouRhl before Po> ? Judffe Henry [Tucker on cbnrBes of dlalurbln* Ihe penee were fined 125 caeh. They nrc EUm Uribe, 4B H^^ybum; jimmy W. Calico. IB, Crown Point, In. M.: Grr.e Coffer, 18, Leuppl, iArlz.. nnil Snm Jim. 20, Burley. [Tliey were died by 6f!l- CharleslOlvcns.

Jerome Teacher Dies at Hospital

JEllOMK, Mny 15-Mnry Veron- Iciv McCabf. i 8. n Jerome hldi school tcnclier, dlril SalUrday ul

Urnefliefa ImM'li-’'!.;he was born Nuv, 9.1000, at MC'

Donald. Pa. Sht innie to Jerome t ye.ir aKO to leach Kh»l, Prevl' oiwly Rfie hnd laujhl In scvera

Idursl schooln.MLu McC.ite wai n Kradiiale o

St. Mary’n nt Nolrr Uaine. she wfl. member of iiie Catholic ehiirch Her psrenti, Mr, and Mr«, p. H,

McCabe, prece lrd her In death.SurvlvlnK are an aunl, .\tr«, Jo,''

fph McCabe nnd an tinele. Charier McCobt. nddre.uei uiiknowii. one



Infant DiesjrnOME. May 1B-Dfbl)le Fa)

.,’enaKe, Infant daughter of Mr, ■ftnd'Mrs. W.ilter H. Henajt.

•lortlyVfter ^irth Sunday m IK at Ku^tQcdtcl'i hoipital.In Addition to.hrr parent* Blie I-' irvJvtd by a bfoliier, DouRlai

nichard HenaRe; palfmai frrand- parentt, Earl lUnase. Jerome, nnd Mf8J -l3-rn(v_\Vamball._Tttln Fnll.t. ,nri mttKrnal itrandpftrtnis, MT .nd Mf». F. 6 . Boyd, Jerome.

Omveslde services will be held al i p,m. Wednesday wltlUSiiliop Lou

Pralt-offlclatlnc. Tlie

p e r s o n a l s

Thousands This YearWill Never Reach Market

Probate of Will Sought in Court

A rnjueit to probate the will -s. llatlle Mae Ellis, Tn-fn Fnlla Idem « Jio died May 6, wm filed

Wliu.T e ulu# or re.ll and peraonnl

properly Li unknown.“ -I'eita-iuij Dorn Wllka

»nd OUdya Dalr, boUi Twin Fnlla, cSlo • ■‘me. n . Collins,

Olhff devHea IcRoteek ore Clayton., Mrs.. OUver

Wlklns and Mrs. Ada Lawton, nil • Collins. Colo,; Frank Bassett,

j-omlns; Lloyd llolmqulal nnd both Twin Pnllii.

Wlllhm L, L.uiBley. Tft'ln Falla, Uio attorney. •

<t»l onol Iom US.OK

$90 Action Filed OverAuto Crash

, *ull for »M.B5 damagej to 1953 Oldsffloblle belonjtlnR to Hi ley D. Sizemore wtu filed-In pro* ttite court Snlurdfty nRatnst Oer- nld D. Steward and Donna U E«- bcrC tia resuU of lui accident Main avenue on May n . 1D58.

TliB complaint statei Stewn..- JMl. Mercury collided with'Sbse- niore’s car because of the neRlI- Rence of etewart, or Miss Enbcrt, who wa.1 drirlnc n 19*9 Chevrolet, or because of the negUsence of both. '

Lawrence D. Quinn, Twin Palls, la attorney lor Btremore.

YOUTH c o n r s u h c e d .WASinNOTON. May IB (tn>I) ■Sen. Franlt Church. D„ Ida., to­

day unred eetnbllAhment ol a youth conservation corp# similar to the old civilian conservation corps.

: Fred I. Cammack, 83, Dies at HomeBUHL, May 16-Prcd tai Cam'

mack. 63, route I. Buhl, died a' )||» hnmw Rnntlny Hf{frTlf>f’f' nftfr

extended Illness._Ie was bom In Raadolph coun­

ty, Ind., July 3, 1076. With his family he came to WendeU In lOOl from Indiana and moved to Biihl In 1910, He had Inrmed In tlie

reiv until his reUrement In 193i. Mr. Camroaok jnoirled CJn» ect-at Independence,-Kan«.rFob,

25. IW , She died Oct. 6, lOSO.Survlvlnif are three Botu, Fran-

;l3 Cammack. Buhl, and Paul Com' mack and Arttiur Cammack, both Portland; and three brothers, Ralph Cammack, Twin Falls; lUy Cammack. Boise, and Horace Cam' mack. West Allis, WIs,

Funeral services will be conduct' ed at 2 p. m. Thursday at thi Nasarene church with the Hev M. M. Matlock offlclaUntr. Friends may call nt-tha Albertion tnneral home from 9 n. m. to noon and 1 to 5 p. m. Tuesday iind Wednesday and from 9 a. m. to noon Thurs­day. ConcludlnB rites will be held it the Buhl cemetery.

President Elscnho'>een eo much on hij own In Ihi ire.-Jdency a.t he Is now, on prob' ems at home and nbrood.iWlth. tlie..cJcpftrlutfi.of_lhD-two

rien upon whom he relied most completely—Slierman Adams John Fo.nter Dulles-he has to depend more on himself.

Tlie result haa been more and nRKre.'..ilveneA3 In deallnR dome.itlc issues and foreign fairs.

Adams, who quit under unhappy clreumstancei la s t Seplembei

tfian }ait-EUennowa‘s top White-House aid.

He was a ’ combination buffei filter, work-remover and very iouKht«W8r:or. ••

Ko President ever relied ibiolutely on hla secretary

state tlian Elsenhower did Dulles until cancer forced Dulles’ reslfmatlon last month.

AlUiouRh the President li one ultimately responsible for American forelRn policy, was not mud) doubt it was Dulles who-made the policy.

With the excepUon of the for- Ditr secretJitj- of the treosuiy, QeorRc Humphrey, no other man WAS ever credited with as mudi Influence on Eisenhowi and Dulles.

Humphrey, who quit In mid' JDL7, reportedly still has Elsen­hower's very attentive car on mat-.teni__econonilc, _jlnanclal ancbudRctary. But he Is' nd'lonjicr i day-to-day advUer.

Elsenhowcr'i Increased nRRres: siveness shows cJeariy in hla reli' tionslilp wIUi congress.

For most of his White House years — except around electlei Umo — ELienhower leaned ove. backward to avoid connict. wlth

term limit, Elsenhowef,.^R^^0 n 2^ “^ again. |iwr.:^;But.hl3JnfluencejTith.hU.0ffn Republican party hag sol noUce- >bly diminished at all.

Elsenho 'er, In two presldentli jlectlons, Has ‘ahowrj hlmse» 40 infinitely better' liked thi ' ' party, which has lost congTess three Umes In a row, that the Re­publicans there dont dar# cross

r forsake him.Actually, the party h u no lead­

ership but Ei.«nhower’i anyway, surprise they trail alonij

with him.

- T\vin Falls Markets

Hubert A. Turley Dies at Age of 63

RUPEIIT. May 18—Hubert A. Turley, S3, longtime iDcal tlack- smlth. died at T.ii ajn. Monday atiUnldoltft County_hMp]W.____ _

Mr. Turley waslxjm eeptnS, .055,' He cam's to the Rupert area shortly-after. World_war. J anrt opened a blacksmith shop he had ipcratcd since. Ife was a veterar - •• ttnt-Wi)rld-mir._

mffressi ■’One of the outstandlns exam­

ples was In 1937.That year he. Humphrey, and

he budget director had worked months on the national budget, supposedly to keep espected ex­penses to the lowest possible figure.

Elsenhower even said his budg­et was as Ught as he could make It. Hut Humphrey starUed the counto’-hy-soj-lnc It could be cul In no time at all Elsenhower wsi urglnc conKTC-y to cut It any plsci tt could tlad # sell spot.

Tills year It's different. Elsen- hower has fought congress, and

Ernest Small b Paid Last Honor

Funeral services for Roy 2me»t Small were conducted Uondsy from the Reynolds funeral chapel with the Rev. D. L. MIkel offlclst- lnfr-asslated-by-ttie-Rer.~j.-H.- Myera;

Muslo.TOs provided by U n. V.HTTerry.- • - ------- ---------

Pa}!tKann IncJvded Wsyne L. Haney. Lyle Davis, Lynn Cory, A1 e r Nelson r^Ian7Cnlbertsoa-«Dfl Leland Small

Concluding rites were held Sunset Memorial park.

« iNsuunoM Bowo-niii y, mm• COIO-SAOC £xnu fKorratoK• SHMI-SHINCU BEAUn »FAaOlY*llUl)EfANll.

-------- Sturdjr tltuninun aod cfHcieoc iuulatioa board .wedded m one faoory-inade paaeL Shake-shtagle

______ bca ii^ .a l» lovr pficet Get the facts fcuiay/


(Dwitn cel

________ -


Jerome Twin Foils

If YOU expect to C o n tr o l BLOAT when You turn out to-paature on Oreen Oresa, AlfoUft and

member of B> church. She

J ’ ‘ serv'lccj wlll l)f held nt .2 pm.Wcdniaday nt flt\Paul's Lutheran

/. churcli..wmi-Uie .1DruegKeman otflclatinif. Friends

• may call Tuesday attemoon and ; vntll time for ser ’iees at the Crip.. pin cliapcl.

jn lieu of floaers. contrlbutlonn mny be made Co TTTe orRan fund for Ihe at. PftHl's church. Con- cludlnK rlle.t will be In tlie jcior

,j cemetery^__^

i Charles Moberg Honored at Eite ’

Funeral rites for Charles Robert Mobcfir wer<j,conducfe<I at lyhJle mnrtuari'Tlinpel Monday by the Bet. W. A. MacArthur and Twin Fnlls Lodge No. 45. AP nnd AM. -jaek-.Hrder..was.80l0lst and Mn, Nellie OstfOm Babcock, organist.

Honorary pollbearera included Charles lleartburj, Chttflea Mnr- slult, Orlo Williams, OeorRe Hof. Ouy Turner, Oscar . Heartburg, LawTenco Murphy, Clarence Case, . Fmnk Inlow, Frank Mlak, Alo>-s Hot and Anton Hof.

Active pallbearers were Richard Diamond. Kenneth Dodds. O.’ J. Bellwood. Willis Thrtlkeld, Lynn Stewart -and Hans Thome.

Final rites were conducted 1 Twin Pall* cemetcry.

■ Stnrt now feeding Banner Mineral nnd C hem ical ! Compound Jn your SalH ^’ You can gel Banner Mineral and Chemical Compound already : mixed with Salt at the Globe Seed it Feed Co. on Truck Lane . In Twin Falls. - - .. - Remember thousands.this year will not reach mukeL OOMT

U T .YQCfBS-gf - ......... -

- I

r Chemical and Mineral compound


TRUCK U N E — TW IN FALLSAlso Available at Most Peed Supply Dealers.



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as a FREE gift

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et ifctM d ttu n .


. OvoiwlM • nim* T«Jkc-


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Page 14: Wife of C a n c e r ast^est-ParJey^== ^Heavy'SffioE ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF196/PDF/1959_05_18.pdf · C a n c e r Striking ^Heavy'SffioE^ nTvi*:


Old Emerson School Changes; Grange Raised, Lowered Ro'ofliEYBUnW ■

puali hOUK

lIEYBUnW. May 18 — PcfMni ualns Emerson uhool-ittUM !n the Eaieraon dlatrlci these

i t j i wUl-noUce a srcai cfunje ir . tu ■ppearanee. U Jan't 40 Ull any-

Tho old brick KhoolhooK. cm of Emerson'i oldtjt Undmftrts. built nearly 60 year* « o , U osntiJ now by lha West End Oronce. U il (all in II remodeling projfcl Ita »«ond «tory was removed Iron under tho roof.

The project UcBun by first Jack- Inj up and broelnu the roof of the bulldW. Tlie floor and »Iik».of

■ the »eeond atory were knocked out and the roof was then Jowerrtl I tfto aecond floor level and put li pUce. The roof lowerlnif projcet li th# bejinnlns of a remodeling pro-

indertalm by Orange n:bers alcce purch««Uig the biUlalni In Ifi».

Tlie arango ha* told port of the ground and remodeled the euC

Into $. kitchen and banque' . Members iu« the veiC rooir

for meetings. Puturv worX vlll ronaUt of lo»erln* the ceilings In both rtMmt u soon oa funds available.

The old bulldlnf has a long and colorful history Interesting to re*l- dents of the community. Oeor e HaUiaway and William Srewtter

tho eontmctors who built tlie (chooUiouse. It bccome neceuarv :htn tJiB small two-room frame

building became too Amnll.Members of the school board at

the time of Its construction

E. T. RoUeobtck. Wimorn Keefer ■ and R&lph UeoL Ur. u d Mn i John R. Catiell were the first < trachers.

After the buUdlng was compiet- ed. the old t«o>room school was UA^'OS » gyihnaslum for liidoor ' iporU. In 191S the Ut« W. A. Drer 1 bought the building and moved it |

3- and Mr*. ErM*t Erwin In l « l md 1M2. Teacher* were Clyde 3brry and Opa Zenke.

After the school closed, students rtre transported to Heybum and Jib Did Ctnidmi W « used for pub­ic gathering* anfl elecUon* unill jurchised by the Orange.


son, fireman apprentice, son of Mr. and Mr*. Walter Ijimm, route 1. Itonsen, Is serving aboard th t'ittacl: alrcnift carrier USS Shangrl»La operating ta the Far East.

bom. for which it la still in use.iiio CiKj ut Brauc graouai*

Ing clau from the building in 1913 included Frank Bchodde. Harry Keefer, Donald Jo/ley, Howard Cooper, PJank Nelson. Tniman Cooper and Annie Johnson. - -

Among those serving on the Emerson school board during the

BILL COUBERLY IReal Estate & Loam . 1

W. A. Nelson. A. P. Ame*. Ja-n s Cloughley. Jack Foster. W. A. Drew. W. T. McCord. Ray Ursen. B, D. Schrbck. Ira Short. Ray Barry. Walter Nelson and Edwin

42o iVlain Avenue ivoriii — . iw in r a i i s m PHONE R E 3-3553 1

Want to Sell? We need Listings. 1Ames. The lost botird to serve in­cluded Pred Schodde, Frank Keleh-

th r u M a y 3 1

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