wiftacti ^eshund -...

GoofflS : ,lbday’s fprecas ;' ; iW ly cloudy with c : ' thuadershowcTS. Ligl .:. • - the .upper 80s to-low. ,ncar6Qs/ . — Inthedock> ' I t . It!’,what could be . MitcbeUohn Odiaga-; •;j n Halicy;.to answer.t ' down two men on the {;■ ... hist year. ....... - In a pinch - A. doWDturh in K ' - economy is pmchin( option tax revenues ___ • decisions in thc munic r— -commgyearT' ' ‘ Rain changes sli ........... -,-TSunday'rnun ftjrccj the scheaule for the Class AA Americi . baseball tournament. Eiicltsan wins 1 Twins pitcher Scott ____ [Mgue*high-15tli:ga took, two-of-three OakhmdA’s. ■= Juvenile diobetes ^ Andrea Rftisrof Twi B ym t df^Bbise.-T f' - thotisaafe ofodierar t r. ..withthe disc^e/.'.!. ! Incoiiipetent cri . : Dave Barry recountj ' criminal attempted to I won; the criminal lost 1% underscniti . . ■ In guest..editori newspajpers look at. lim l^ o n inidadvc. B( Schoolniiltemes A Justice__peparme ....... bid-rigging on school spread to at least .16 stt ______dairies,—^— ----------- ^ ~ 'pBus driver sBm : '• Ab-'armed pusinige the driver afliet they ■ r r r m o ^ g B u T * ---------- :. • .... Oncefrt^d^iic . Croatian-refugees friends they once tn ■hecome~dcBpised-e .- p u b lic 's vicioua undt SMitionA iWeathefh.nr^.va— F Worid..............;3v E .: MagIcVfllley...4'- I Nation..............6 L Mwl68 ..... .......6 C ^mk» ............ 7 Opinion........ ..... 8. Sports .....;..9-,10 . ^ • piflflBfltacycto . ' i ~ . . . . . . . . . . c- -------"T | norm ng ast: . , . th chance o f aflemoon . x - -ight winds. Highs in owj^s; Lows.^ight be a'landmark trial, ga-g'oes to court today- er charges he guiuicd - the streets of Ketchum )pafleA4 ; 1 Ketchum’s resort ling the city's local-- es and forcing tough micipal budget for the__ Pafl«A4 slate reed officiatoto juggle the. remainder of the rican Legion state it. ■ . P»0«A9 ilSth :ott Erickson won h is' , •gnm** T*? M inn^arttfl______ :e games from the Pago AID laSMIIIZZ!!! Z ites'hosn’t' stopped-- "~- rwimFalls or Karen j -THeyi along.with . ij-fetve-leafoed-to-live— ■■■■PigeB l eririirial' unts a story of wben a to hold him up'Barry DSL , Pag«B2 ___; utin^ ' - ' orials, two Idaho at.the 1 percent tax . Bolh find flaws. • - ___ PageA8 H ment.invesdgalion of K)t milk contracts has • , < i states and implicated : mtey^s-hcstrJyiQwn______i ' Pag*A2 MtsbiJacI^ ^ ilger.triid to hijack a ndav_butwa5.sho.t_by^ ey tumbled from thc __ Pa^A2 iio^ enemies :es say the Serbian 5 met socially have l-enemiea-in 't heir ------- ndeclared war. . ’.-,.V-7P*geM’ -S*etionB - Fealure8-;.»...1-4- -- DearAbby‘ ......2 Dave Barry;....2 Legal noUc8s4-5 Clas8ifled..'.4^10 - ■■ !■ Ship X •T ^ Associated PireM. . f EAST LONDON, Sdulh', . and helicopters pluctnsd i people irom a sinl^g cruise ^ ■ li^e'd wat«R plT . At .least seven’pcbple-i missmg. ^ > --^Transport Minister■P.J., V ;• ■invcsttgairnrrcpoTrof rbon the ship, thc Greek liner Oc days. Mdn>r of the passengers. crc’w'di'd.nbt'do enough i Bafety.as the disaster be -accusing.ship workers of lei .touajoCJpfaahiieshuc^'at] •' -faQcagrt'Graham Kirigsl hlJKWrc, H m cr,‘V(ere ahioh .byir^UeopntTShe'Said tl: . lifb boau ^ d Jh? s 'bjg'4)r;(0thCT'6hip8).to g^rdi .... ...-.T^fled^pusengCTS; wui '• nlgfif;6n.the ship's upper dc . begi^(to list, some leaped force,.Maj. Gcrrie E v ^ told .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’s o iiid 'to g o 6vCT,” Tic a Air Forcc Coramandant A 557 people had.becn rcscucd —air-and-sea operation in the Indian Pc«m a milo off Uie i •Onc man was rcscucd af tho water, eight miles from sank.' said Air .^Force Steenkamp.. , , , , Ai'least some of those u may hajfo. been rttcued by . yet to.fiontact the militor — *‘Wc^ip'i& wn to-15'and~wci the re s ig n ,” he said.'. Aleyiros Klaudatos, a spc shipping .company; Epirotiki . Greek Merchant Marine st tuiaccounted^or. The discrq immediately be,rcconciIed. Militory ofTicials.said thc; .....why.thcship began taking ot __itsjjoximiWoJshorciuggcs dahgcrous “Wild.Coast.” The ship fouiidered ^hca w ^ f l o o d ^ . and b'cgaiiTIistit "it'was'batte^by \yaV«'Up and winds gusting at up to 8J Haibbr Control in East Loi telephoned bomb threiit .diro Fridoy night, about 24 ho vessel began laking on water Maj. Gen. Johan Rust said the investigote. but were dc ship Capt. John Avranas. ■'security officials reported the evidence ofabomb. Kiaudatos denied that A Please sise Israeli < The Bahtmpre Sun JERUSALEM — By a-C 16-3,,Israel’s government fi —Sufldayuo-atterid-Mideof sponsored by the United 1 " Soviet ynionpj^n -co •Palestihiaiis fdtm'a delegati —atucpUible. . ....... In Tunisa, an aide to Pales , Organization- Chairinan'.'^ showing new PLO flcxibil for the proposed peacc conf —believes-Patoti'mans-wilfitti "And I-^on’t-iHiiik the The Senate’s pay ralsi $300,000 in additional _ _ist«ye SS»nm».atlt>Mi ijM I Ith' Africa— Ships ■ !d more thdn/SOO: lisC'&fiip tod^tbrm - ■Afri^'on :Simdav.:-.f l^H c - ^cre Vsp.bfted IjHHg r..:_Wc)gemoed_jold TombihrcaRgamsTv^^^B Occanos, in rcccnt :rs .cpmpjaincd A e ; ;h to ensure thnr—^ ^^l began, with one r leaving first.-TFCv^^^H »(rU)c'char,ge^^~^^^H igsl^rWJllnns and- nohg thi3»;.rescued , 1 thcre;^weTc not ]ff swdfs'^wm too i;closc;;V'-\:,- fpr-h^pdill— r deck.' the. shjp UgPH }cd bycrboari}; jiir .• oldjTb'e ’^ s o c ia tc ^ to the sea^when the-,' S |H | te ratdr............... ^ n^BBj It Andre Botes »id ucd in the dramatic ‘ .I89IH I the wind-whippca--fafiSP tie $outheast'coQst. HSw I 'afler 10 hours in HRS om where the ship :e Maj. Andres H I e unaccounted for , a «sn,,. by ships that have itaryr said Botes, sank a ■ve CTpect to-locate— ^ spokesman for the ^ itiki Lines, and the ! said seven were CTqjancycould not d. IN A they did not know ^RUIS 5 oo-walcr, Sffltenaqnmgly^::^^ leiLils .cngiiie'room . isling heavil/ntlCT ' y " “ ” London received a iirccted at the ship n^py. hours before the .With Iter, police said ^ ' divei^s, 1 said policc went to earned : denfcd acccss by more tl IS. Rust said ship Oceano , they had found no notorioij An / t Avranas did not photogn 5i9:e.RESCUE/A2” ‘ho vcss Cabinet a-Cabinet, vote of. )t formally a ^ e 'd : obstacle eafll-rpeacettiriks dic-Pate :d Stales and the said." :condirion- that _ -Hfcsai gatibn'Isfael finds 'desi^at —: -------- : y hihfca'Ui olestine Libemtion formulc n',Yasser Arafat,: Jcfusalc ibility over terms delegatic ___ there will.be.an.. said. Wl AHOYA JW a m n Tki»»4*r ilso could mean nearly iai retirement benefits foi iiend of his current term.- safte uth African Air Force hel about 90 minutes after r wiftacti PTTM __ A PLANE ABOVE THE OC ISE LINER-------From t ead; thd wbite cmlse'sWp;llst lite-capped-waves-blaVtei j^ye'r-lhfc-b<)W.--:=^==^-” ~ Shte'ned passengers in ora huddled on deck, await ssjtJop_ff6m>irJprce_heI ring.’above.in a.ilcrcc.wir .- including two-tankers, /, tb help in the opemtion.’ h helicopten, planes, boats a South Africa’s air force a d oiit a dramatic rescue Su than 500 peoplc.on.the £ aos'cruise liner off thc cc ously dangerous “Wild Coast Associated Press rcpor grapher who flew over the s ssci buffeted by 9- to' 12-foo tOKstj Israelis wary - AS le that is big enough that will tc!>iiniuni>"guing,'VBu!fi>ujirAb mid that-the PLO must be all latc a Palestinian delcgatior IhatTnvould ngrce'toTi'com t!a — attaching a'form< >lem resident onto thc Joi tion going to the peace confe link &ere is rooi^for a fonr ifrilitairenHc^ace^rocess;* Mhen asked about-the com; Wm II almost 1^ E^Di^DeSilvi^r 9|B I'TjraestNews wri.ter jil: TWIN FALLS — 1 retires from the U.: year, he can retire alto Symms, a two-tei facing an election c ! ! ■ , Democratic Congre: ^ISg.- Stallings, can expect t j i | l - million irrTctircmcnt H - he dies. ^According to a . ‘wbtibnal Taxpayers ^■ 7 ; -would be in line for.i million in benefits if a third term. If hQdo< . . elected next year,ljis benefits would incrcai or \ . The $2.75 million n.g • the proposed’pay rai 1C S ; lellcopter prepares to alrl r rescuers finished pullln ion^v( OCEANOS a- plane ll»ed badly ■ted-it-aiid- life aiting the ieIicopters_^^^^^^y| vin37 j F i v e ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g | B rs, waited 3 and navy and navy' Sunday of e stricken country's ast." . orter and and within IS m e ship saw deeper into the I foot waves, Ninety inin' talks; PI formula, he said l\3 talking about.” ........ Israel has rc rill prevent Palestinians froi AbTrSlmrir“ouTT:raenirc"oa demands to kn allowed to Palestinian del ion but he Jordan and lsn mer East The Israeli ( Jordanian limting brthodc ifcrence.. ministers of thc )nmula that of the"cTnditioi 5s;*-Sharif-^ifiharShiimii )mprbmise Secretory of Stt 1 . Steve Syn f $3 millron bccomcs .......... Senate 1 ..... ' but it' - If Steve Symms signatur U.S. Senate next Symn iltogether. , vote fo tehn Republican would, 1 n challenge from - St01,90i ;ressman Richard The p :t to cam neariy $3 salaries :nt benefits before wages, 1 , - from rec a report by the It also rs Union, Symms bccause >r.moriB than $ 2.75 the ave if he doesn’t seek highest docs run and is rc: spokesm lis lifcftme pension' If the ease. law, Sj Dn figure assumes pensior raise for senators Service am pti alrllft-passengere.from th> lling people from the vess ^eshund 5 minutes tlie ship was sinkinj ^e Indian OcCan. linutcs after thc rescuer; *LOapp said, “That is thc room I wa: I rejected participation b) from East Jerusalem or fron- know in advance who th( delegates.will be. But botl Israel ajc supportive of thj li Cabinet’s lopsided vote odox'religious portics wiU lhc righ^ was on cndorsemcn tional "yes” Prime Ministci imifgavc-last-wccTrto U;S State Jomes A. Baker III. 1 Tnms retires 1 in;benefits mcs law. Both the Hbusc.and; te hove approved thc -pay mi it' awaits 'Prcsidcnt-'BiM! iture.- mms was one of 53 senators for thc pay increase, whi Id,raise Senate salories fri ,900 a year to $125,100. - ' ' e plan wodld bring senoto ies in line with reprcscntativ !S, and would prohibit scniit receiving fees for spcechcs. ilso would boost Senate pcnsii u e benefits die based partly iverage. of a senator's thi est years- salaries, stiid N' ;sman Pete Scpp. the pay raise does not beco Symms’ estimated lifeti ion benefits from the. Ci ce Retirement System would ic res< the Greek cruise Uner Occ ssel. ireds o f finishe^ull^g people« completely submerge Passenger Graham I —said-thc trouble-slartcd-l ~whcn the ship,-hc3ded f< —w^cf.'jostjjower and h =rthe=ainiUivi^gerbf-JC ','Indian Oceiin i^oast. Passengers were told 1 and get on deck. !^ere_wn9n’t any- h Wilkens said af^cr orriv London. “People were very call But he said the ere' 35 anything. They just 5 problem." ' :T For the next 12 houi ship’s upper deck as it ing rocked from'the bashing People slTd into cach :rs rollings for support. Som jears fle ?as thereby shifted prc; Palestinians as the only | by the U.S.-*brokcred plai >m scheduled to begin in Oci 'it" —IShamir Ties insisfc he agreement to negotiate Kh and Palestinians would he giving up territory. He ;:^^right-td^ei-ni£my-ol^h< tc, who'can and can no ith- Palestinians, ait “What is sure is that ter understandings conclude ;Si Statcsj^''Ehud^31mert, r It said after tht; vote. A s, he can ex] s fromtaxpj d:(lie S2.478 million, acc raise, smdy.. ' iah’s .”Thc.53-ycar-^ld Sy owns a share of his fl •rs to. County fruit-growi hich making operatioris, l^rom ' dccide by Labor Day • •. ■ •' r^lectioit next year. torS| .Congressional retir •ivcs- .'nrc paid annually ators estimated that Symms or first year's che sions 555,816 with thc | ly on $50,289 without it. ^L®.® However, Symms’ • will rcccivc a hcf^y money, according t '9"'® , Court nfcords. Under I Sam s e s ' 1990 divorc Id be .Please se ; '■ 2 i •' •• _______APUMrphetM Oceanos. Tho ship F lives 3le^off die ship, it was sL'' • - : m Kingsley-Wilkins ; ed-late-Satimlay-night- ........... - id for Durban, took on ---------- *- id began drif^g.ncar. _ .. •f-JColJijCTflyrDn-Qic '' I 3ld to put on life vests lyjhavoc," Kingsley- irrivlng safely in East calm.” crew “didn't tell'us st said there was a lours they sat on the s it listed further and ing by the-waves., ich olhcr and grabbed >ome children cricd. exible pressure onto the ily party yet to accept plan for peace talks. Octobcr, isfcd fhat Israeli iate with Arab states - uld not lead,to,Israel He also has kept thc ^ho-ground-rules for— .— not speak for the • hat Israel accepts the luded with the United rt, minister of health;------------ itc xpect , payers according to the .'SjTnm^-whFalso' is family's Canyon awing and wine- ris, is expcctcd to lay whether to seek or. - ' retirement benefits ally. The NTU ims' initial benefit, — :heck, would be le pay increase, ns’ ex-wife, Fran, :fty chunk of that Ig to 4th District Jcr the terms of the . vorce, Fran Symms BseeSYMMS/A2 mmm ; i 3

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Post on 12-Apr-2018




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Page 1: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

GoofflS: ,lbday’s fprecas

; ' ; ■ iW ly cloudy with c ■ : ' thuadershowcTS. Ligl . : . • - the .upper 80s to-low.

,ncar6Qs/ .

— Inthedock> 'I t . It!’,what could be

. MitcbeUohn Odiaga-; •; j n Halicy;.to answer.t

' down two men on the {;■ ... hist year. .......

- In a pinch -A. doWDturh in K

' - economy is pmchin( option tax revenues

___ • decisions in thc municr— -com m gyearT ' ' ‘

Rain changes sli........... -,-TSunday'rnun ftjrccj

the scheaule for the C lass AA Americi

. baseball tournament.

Eiicltsan wins 1Twins pitcher Scott

____ [Mgue*high-15tli:gatook, tw o-of-three OakhmdA’s.

■= J u v e n i l e diobetes ^ Andrea R ftisro f Twi

B y m t df^B bise .-T f ' - thotisaafe o fo d ierar t r . ..withthe d is c ^ e / . '. ! .

! Incoiiipetent cri. : Dave Barry recountj

' criminal attempted to I won; the criminal lost

1% underscniti. . ■ In g u es t..ed ito ri

newspajpers look at. l im l^ o n inidadvc. B(

SchoolniiltemesA Justice__peparme

....... bid-rigging on schoolspread to at least .16 stt

______dairies,— — ----------- ^

~ 'pBus driver sBm: '• Ab-'armed pusinige

the driver afliet they ■ r r r m o ^ g B u T * ----------:. • . . . .

O n c e f r t ^ d ^ i i c. C roatian-refugees

fr ie n d s they once tn “ ■hecome~dcBpised-e

.- p u b l ic 's vicioua undt

S M itionAiW eathefh.nr^.va— F

W orid..............;3v E.: M agIcV fllley...4 '- I

Nation..............6 LM w l68..... .......6 C^ m k » ............7Opinion ......... . . . .8 .

• S p o rts .....;..9-,10 .

^ • p if lf lB flta c y c to

. ' i ~ . . . . . . . . . .

c - -------"T |

n o r m n gast: . , .th chance o f aflemoon . x - -ight winds. Highs in o w j^ s ; L o w s.^ ig h t

be a 'landm ark trial, ga-g'oes to court today- e r charges he guiuicd - the streets o f Ketchum

)pafleA4 ;

1 K etchum ’s resort ling the city 's local-- es and forcing tough micipal budget for the__


slatereed officiatoto juggle the. remainder o f the rican L egion stateit. ■ . • P»0«A9ilS th:ott Erickson won h is ' ,•gnm** T*? Minn^arttfl______:e gam es from the

Pago AID

laS M I I I Z Z ! ! ! Zite s 'h o sn ’t' s to p p ed -- "~- rw im Falls or Karen j -THeyi a lo n g .w ith . ij-fetve-leafoed-to-live—

■■■■PigeBle r i r i i r i a l 'unts a story o f wben a to hold him up'BarryDSL , ■Pag«B2___;

u t i n ^ ' - 'oria ls, tw o Idaho at.the 1 percent tax. Bolh find flaws. • - ___

Page A8

Hment.invesdgalion of K)t milk contracts has • , < i states and implicated : mtey^s-hcstrJyiQwn______i

' Pag*A2M tsbiJacI^ ^ilger.triid to hijack a ndav_butw a5.sho.t_by^ ey tumbled from thc __

Pa A2

iio^ enemies:es say the Serbian 5 m et socially havel-e n em iea - in ' t heir-------ndeclared war. .■’.-,.V-7P*geM’

- S * e t i o n B - Fealure8-;.»...1-4- --

D earA bby‘......2■ Dave Barry;....2

Legal noUc8s4-5 Clas8ifled..'.4^10 -

■ ■■ !■ ■ ■

S h i pX •T ^ Associated PireM. . f

EAST LONDON, Sdulh', . and helicopters pluctnsd i

people irom a s in l^ g cruise ■ li^e 'd wat«R plT

. A t .least seven’pcbple-i missmg. ^ >

--^Transport Minister■P.J., V

;• ■ invcsttgairnrrcpoTrof rb o n the ship, thc Greek liner Oc days.■ Mdn>r o f the passengers.

crc’w 'di'd .nbt'do enough i B afety.as the d isaster be -accusing.ship workers of lei .touajoCJpfaahiieshuc^'at]

• ' -faQcagrt'Graham Kirigsl hlJKWrc, H m cr,‘V(ere ahioh .byir^U eopntTShe'Said tl:

. lifb boau ^ d Jh? s'bjg'4)r;(0thCT'6hip8).to g^rdi

.... ...-.T^fled^pusengCTS; wui '• nlgfif;6n.the ship's upper dc

. begi^(to list, some leaped force,.Maj. Gcrrie E v ^ told .Prc^Vi'

- . “P »p lc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’so iiid 'togo 6vCT,” Tic a

Air Forcc Coramandant A 557 people had.becn rcscucd

—air-and-sea operation in the Indian Pc«m a milo off Uie i

•Onc man was rcscucd af tho water, eight miles from s a n k . ' said A ir .^Force Steenkamp.. , , , ,

A i'least some o f those u may hajfo. been rttcued by

. y e t to.fiontact the militor — *‘Wc^ip'i& wn to-15'and~wci

the r e s ig n , ” he said.' .Aleyiros Klaudatos, a spc

shipping .company; Epirotiki . Greek Merchant Marine st

tuiaccounted^or. The discrq immediately be,rcconciIed.

Militory ofTicials.said thc; .....why.thcship began taking ot __itsjjoximiW oJshorciuggcs

dahgcrous “Wild.Coast.” The ship fouiidered ^ h c a

w ^ flo o d ^ . and b'cgaiiTIistit ■ " i t 'w a s 'b a tte ^ b y \yaV«'Up • and winds gusting at up to 8J

Haibbr Control in East Loi telephoned bomb threiit .diro Fridoy night, about 24 ho vessel began laking on water

Maj. Gen. Johan Rust said the investigote. but were dc ship Capt. John Avranas.

■'security officials reported the evidence ofabomb.

Kiaudatos denied that A P lease sise

Israeli <The Bahtmpre Sun

JERUSALEM — By a-C 16-3,,Israel’s government fi

—Sufldayuo-atterid-M ideof sponsored by the United 1

" S ov ie t y n io n p j^ n - c o •Palestihiaiis fdtm 'a delegati

—atucpUible. . .......In Tunisa, an aide to Pales

, Organization- Chairinan'.'^ showing new PLO flcxibil for the proposed peacc conf

—believes-Patoti'mans-wilfitti "A nd I-^o n ’t-iHiiik the

T he S e n a te ’s pay ra ls i $300,000 in additional

_ _ i s t« y e SS»nm ».atlt>M i

i j M IIth' Africa— Ships ■!d more thdn/SOO: lisC'&fiip tod^tbrm- ■Afri^'on :Simdav.:-.f l ^ H c - ^ c re Vsp.bfted I jH H g


T om bihrcaRgam sTv^^^B Occanos, in rcccnt

:rs .cpmpjaincd A e ;;h to ensure t h n r — ^ ^ l began, w ith one

r leaving f irs t.-T F C v ^ ^ ^ H

» ( rU )c 'c h a r ,g e ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ H igsl^rWJllnns and- nohg thi3»;.rescued ,1 thcre;^weTc n o t ]ff swdfs'^wm too i;closc;;V'-\:,-

fpr-h^pdill— r deck.' the. shjp U g P H }cd bycrboari}; j i ir .• oldjTb'e ’ so c ia tc ^

to the sea^when the-,' S | H |te ratdr............... ^ n ^ B B jIt Andre Botes » iducd in the dramatic ‘ .I89IH Ithe w ind-w hippca--fafiSPtie $outheast'coQst. H S wI 'afler 10 hours in H R Som where the ship:e Maj. Andres H I

e unaccounted for , a «sn,,. by ships that have itaryr said Botes, sa n k a ■ve CTpect to-locate— ^

spokesman for the ^itiki Lines, and the ! said seven were CTqjancycould not d. • IN Athey did not know ^R U IS 5 oo-walcr,

S ff l te n a q n m g ly ^ : :^ ^

leiL ils .cngiiie'room . isling heavil/ntlCT ' y " “ ”

London received a iirccted at the ship n ^ p y . hours before the .With

Iter, police said ' divei^s, 1 said policc went to earned : denfcd acccss by more tl IS. Rust said ship • Oceano , they had found no notorioij

An /t Avranas did not photogn 5i9:e.RESCUE/A2” ‘ho vcss

Cabineta-Cabinet, vote of. ■)t formally a ^ e 'd : obstacle eafll-rpeacett iriks dic-Pate :d Stales and the said." :cond irion - th a t _ -Hfcsai gatibn'Isfael finds 'd esi^at

— :-------- : y hihfca'Uiolestine Libemtion formulc n',Yasser A rafat,: Jcfusalc ibility over terms delegatic


there w ill.be.an .. said. Wl

AHOY A JW amn Tki»»4*r

ilso cou ld m ea n nearly ia i re tirem en t b en e fits foi iiend o f h is cu rren t term.-

s a f t e

uth African A ir F o rce hel a b o u t 90 m in u te s a f te r r

wiftactiPTTM __

A PLANE ABOVE THE OCISE L IN E R -------From tead; thd wbite cmlse'sWp;llst lite-capped-w aves-blaVtei j^ye'r-lhfc-b<)W.--:=^==^-” ~ Shte'ned passengers in ora huddled on deck , aw ait

ssjtJop_ff6m >irJprce_heI ring.’above.in a .ilc rcc .w ir .- including tw o-tankers, /, tb help in the opemtion.’ h helicopten, planes, boats a

South Africa’s air force a d oiit a dramatic rescue Su th an 500 peop lc .on .the £ aos'cruise liner o f f thc cc ously dangerous “Wild Coast A ssocia ted Press rcp o r

grapher who flew over the s ssci buffeted by 9- to' 12-foo

tO K stjIs ra e l is w a ry - AS

le that is big enough that will tc!>iiniuni>"guing,'VBu!fi>ujirAb

mid that-the PLO must be all latc a Palestinian delcgatior IhatTnvould ngrce'toTi'com t!a — attaching a'form< >lem resident onto thc Joi tion going to the peace confe link &ere is rooi^for a fonr ifrilitairenHc^ace^rocess;* Mhen asked about-the com;WmII almost1 ^ E^D i^D eSilv i^r9 |B I'TjraestNews wri.ter

j i l : TWIN FALLS — 1 retires from the U.: year, he can retire alto

Symms, a two-tei facing an election c

! ! ■ , Democratic Congre: ^ISg.- Stallings, can expect t j i | l - million irrTctircmcnt H - he dies.

^ A c c o rd in g to a . ‘wbtibnal Taxpayers

■7 ; -would be in line for.i million in benefits if a third term. I f hQdo<

. . elected next year,ljis benefits would incrcai

o r \ . The $2.75 million n.g • the proposed’pay rai

1C S ;

lellcop ter p re p a re s to alrl r re sc u e rs f in ish ed pullln

io n ^ v (OCEANOS

a- plane ll»ed badly ■ted-it-aiid-

lifeaiting thei e I i c o p t e r s _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y | vin37 j F i v e ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g |Brs, waited

3 and navy and navy'

Sunday of e stricken country 's ast." .orter and and within IS m e ship saw deeper into the I foot waves, N inety inin'

talks; PIformula, he said

l \3 talking about.”........ Israel has rc

rill prevent Palestinians froi AbTrSlmrir“ouTT:raenirc"oa

demands to kn allowed to Palestinian del ion but he Jordan and lsn

m er East The Israeli ( Jordanian limting brthodc ifcrence.. ■ ministers of thc )nmula that o f the"cTnditioi 5s;*-Sharif-^ifiharShiim ii )mprbmise Secretory of Stt

1. Steve Syn f$3 millron

bccomcs.......... Senate 1

..... ' but it'- If Steve Symms signaturU.S. Senate next Symniltogether. , vote fotehn Republican would, 1 n challenge from - St01,90i;ressman Richard The p:t to cam neariy $3 salaries:nt benefits before wages, 1

, - from reca report by the It alsors Union, Symms bccause>r.moriB than $2.75 the aveif he doesn’t seek highest

docs run and is rc: spokesmlis lifcftme pension' I f theease. law , SjDn figure assumes pensiorraise for senators Service

a m p t i

a lrllft-passengere.from th> lling p eo p le from th e vess


5 minutes tlie ship was sinkinj^e Indian OcCan.linutcs af te r thc rescuer;

*LO appsaid, “That is thc room I wa:

I re jected partic ipa tion b) from East Jerusalem or fron-

know in advance who th( delegates.will be. But botl Israel a jc supportive o f thj

li C abinet’s lopsided vote odox'religious portics wiU lhc righ^ was on cndorsemcn tional "yes” P rim e Ministci im ifgavc-last-wccTrto U;S State Jomes A. Baker III. 1

Tnms re tires 1 in ;benefitsmcs law. Both the Hbusc.and; te hove approved thc -pay mi it' aw aits 'Prcsidcnt-'BiM ! iture.-mms was one o f 53 senators for thc pay increase , whi

Id,raise Senate salories fri ,900 a year to $125,100. - ' ' e plan wodld bring senoto ies in line with reprcscntativ !S, and would prohibit scniit receiving fees for spcechcs. ilso would boost Senate pcnsii u e benefits die based partly iverage. o f a s e n a to r 's thi est years- salaries, stiid N' ;sman Pete Scpp. the pay raise does not beco Sym m s’ estim ated life ti

ion benefits from the. Ci ce Retirement System would

ic res<

the G reek c ru ise Uner Occ s se l.

ireds o ff in i s h e ^ u l l ^ g p eo p le « completely subm erge

Passenger Graham I —said-thc trouble-slartcd-l ~ w h c n th e ship,-hc3ded f< —w ^ c f . 'jo s t j jo w e r and h =rthe=ainiUivi^gerbf-JC ','Indian Oceiin i^oast.

Passengers were told 1 and get on deck.

— !^ere_ w n 9 n ’t any- h Wilkens said af^cr orriv London.

“People were very call But he said the ere'

35 anyth ing . They ju s t 5 problem."

' :T For the next 12 houi ship’s upper deck as it

ing rocked from'the bashing People slTd into cach

:rs rollings for support. Som

jears fle?as thereby sh ifted prc;

Palestinians as the only | by the U.S.-*brokcred plai >m scheduled to begin in Oci 'it" — IShamir T ies insisfc he agreement to negotiate Kh and Palestinians would he giving up territory. He ;:^^right-td^ei-ni£my-ol^h< tc, w h o 'c a n and can no ith- Palestinians, a it “What is sure is that ter understandings conclude ;Si Statcsj^''Ehud^31mert, r

It said after tht; vote.


s, he can ex] s fromtaxpjd:(lie S2.478 m illion, acc raise, smdy.. ' iah’s .”Thc.53-ycar-^ld Sy

owns a share of his fl •rs to . County fru it-grow i h ich m aking operatioris, l^rom ' dccide by Labor Day •

•. ■ •' r^ le c tio it next year. torS| .Congressional retir •ivcs- .'nrc paid annually ators estimated that Symms

o r firs t y e a r 's che sions 555 ,816 w ith thc | ly on $50,289 without it. ^L®.® However, Symms’

• will rcccivc a hcf^y m oney, according t

'9 " '® , Court nfcords. Under I S a m s e s '1990 divorc

Id be .P lease se


' ■ 2 i •' •• _______’


O ceanos. Tho sh ip

F lives3le^off die ship, it wass L ' ' • - :m Kingsley-W ilkins ;ed-late-Satimlay-night- ........... -id for Durban, took on---------- *-id began drif^g .ncar. _ .. •f-JColJijCTflyrDn-Qic ' ' I

3ld to put on life vests

lyjhavoc," Kingsley- irrivlng safely in East

calm.”crew “ d id n 't te ll 'u s st said there was a

lours they sat on the s it listed further and ing by the-waves., ich olhcr and grabbed >ome children cricd.

exiblep ressu re onto the ily party yet to accept plan for peace talks.Octobcr,isfcd fhat I s r a e l i iate with Arab states -uld not lead,to,Israel He also has kept thc ^ho-ground-rules for— .—

not speak fo r the •

hat Israel accepts the luded with the United rt, minister of health;------------

i t cxpect , payersaccord ing to the

.'SjTnm^-whFalso' is family's Canyon aw ing and w ine- ris, is expcctcd to lay whether to seek or. - ' retirement benefits ally . The NTU im s' initial benefit, —:heck , w ould be le pay increase,

n s ’ ex-wife, Fran,:fty chunk o f that Ig to 4th D istrict Jcr the terms of the . vorce, Fran Symms B seeSYM M S/A 2

m m m ;

i 3

Page 2: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

Weath<T h e A ccu-W eat

-^08^ -O s O s ' 1 0


- r - T -COLD W A RM

M ondar,A ug.5 Accn-WcaihcT* fowca»i fodjyi

. l.CotuifgAtonaLas*I _


^ I M

^ < i

__________ EoriTwin Falls, Burley. R uf

cloudy loduy w iih ii clium Lighi w inds. H ighs in ihc c loudy tonight w ith a ch: n e a r 6 0 . M o s tly c loud} Ihundcniiow crs, H ighs in I

C am as P ra irie and W o today w ith n chiincc o r ai in Ihc mid-H(K. M ostly cl ihundershow ers. L o w sjic w ilh a chancc o f ihundersh

, E x tended F o recast So i ',W c< lncsday th ro u g h Fri ihundershowers. m ainly o ' mid?8(l% to m id-90N W c 'lliurMlay imd Friday. Low:

............Uinh: Partly c loudy W etiifierooon und evening moi lo near lO.S. Lows upper 5f

------------------ ------------ R a i r r s i

T h e A ssociated Press

___________Raiii.wuhJ.caucrcd_f£o.- - __M lu n liv .C o a s t und ,iicro

lemperiiiurcs hil record l)ig At m idday, show ers an<

Ihe the cenlrut iiW southen__. ... Mi\siM.ippl-Vallcy. up txr-i

and Ihc northern Attunlic C Heavier ra in fa ll^ u rin g I

included 1.47 inches III, Por Brunswick. Miline. ” '

Riiin a lso wus scullercd • M exico, und over nonhern

ThundccsionTLS.ul.sa.de------------ CcnrfamnasouitrenrUiBfrM

In Ihe Southeast, Cupc ( 'h ig h ,o f 93. G reenville un

Nearly 3001MILWAUKEE (AP) -

300 pcople-nuuchcd Sunda; City Hall to show suppor policc dcpartmcnl amid ai:

■■' that' policc may hove b « i : stop Jeffrey D ahm cr’s

killing sprra two months coi

. - ..................... C i r c u l a t i o n• Allen Wilson, circulaiion dir• ■ ;C irculolion plione lines I bciween 7 and 10 a.m. only. If 'rc c e lv c .y o u r paper hy '7 u .r

niiMilwr for your are;i;. Jcfoinc-Wemicll-GMKllnB-H

« IJurley-Riipert-PuuI-0.iklcy ; <i7B.lS.S2

nulil-CavilefiKiI ‘ 5-13-164H '

rilcr-Ri>}!crson-Hollislcr .; .12C.-5.175> Twin FuIIi aiul alj nllier area;

. : 73.1-0844 .

' N e w sI:— Stc\xCmnt[T:city-’cdin}f—’ . ■ If you have u new« lip or wi: ^someone in the editnrial depai• 7.13-0'>.n M w cen 10:00. a.m

k - - - ■ ---------- -

A - 2 ■ ' T l m o s - N o v r e , T y v i n F u l l s ,

ler■ m ^ nl a t h e r ^ f o i - e c a s t f o r ni

'lO s-' 208“ '3 0s^40#~ 50S -Bands show high I

■ ■ -- 1 L 1 5 i

jiaMw Hf S T A T IO N A R Y ■


1 - : v

djyiinn? CTwdltiotn anJ htth ittnpcndufCT

f -


Rnow Ic sf. n ei%K• ’ :i«i •

(recasts __Rupert. Jerom e and Gooding:Pur lancc o f uftem iwn thundershowc Ihc upper HOs lo low er 90s, Mos chance o f thundershow ers, Lo’

u d y T u e s d a y w iih ii chunce in Ihe mid-80s.'W ood R iver V alley Purily clou if aficm oon thunJershowcrs. Hig y cloudy lonight w ith a chancc ; j i e a r 5(1. M ostly cloudy Tiiesil rrshowcrs, Highs im h e lower KOs S outhern Idaho — M ostly sum F r id a y w ith ii s lig h i chancc

y over Ihe m ouniains. Highs in 1 W e d n e sd ay w arm in g to the 9 flw s in the mid-5f)s lo mid-6()s. iVedncsday llirough Friday. hoJal m ouniain ihunilersiomis. Highs 9 r SOs to low er 7(K,

^scattered from:

c ro s s the S ou th on Sunda j;, aIjighs in Ihc Southcasl. .................and thundcrM orms exicndcd o\

liem RcKkics. ccntral Plains, mid( >cr-O hio -Valley. lowi;r Crcul Lak ic Coa.si.ng Ihe six hours up to 2 p,m. EE Ponliin‘I..M‘'inc,,imd 1,05 inches

red a long the coasi o f ihc Gulf crn R orida und soulhcrTi Florida, .d& vcloped-rupidlv-over-m uch-i l r w l t l r tc ^ l t^ e a v y r n n i t -------- ^

Hallcra.s, N .C . reached a rcco und Spanunbu rg t S .C .. tied lh<

I f f l a r c h i n s u ]

I — N e a r l y T h e ' ‘O p e raid a y o u ts id e ra lly w as orgaf p o n f o r t h e . th e ir fam ilie s t<

a l le g a t io n s d c m o h s t r a i i o i-een a b le to re s id en ts .■'s a l l e g e d ' U w a s d i s c i: e a r l ie r . th re e o ffice rs c

a n p.m. wcclclayv* -spom results afie

id.rector call 7.WI9.1I. 'nes ure open y. If yoii do noiu.m:. ea ll- thc - A d ’

PeierYo«k.ad> B.HJgem».m „

call 7.VV0V.TI. C 'fy 09.11 Monday ihf' • ■ uniil 5 p,m' and

until noon. Infun . uvullahle wcekdij

I Homeper week; daily.:

: Sl.tK) per week, " b e paid in advant

— ;------------- _i..:;whcfe-c»fricf-Uclr w'i»h 10 lalk lo ’ daily and Sunday epanment. call; f(w 13 week*; dai n.m. und 5:30( S36.40 for 13 w*

a l l s . I d a h o M o n d a y . A u g u s t S . - 1 5

9 BOS 708 . 8 0 s - 90S~100j jU t e m p e r a tu re s fo r tl ie d a y . •

m T e m p e r a t u r e sMax Wn Pt

im ' Albuquorquo BO 6 1 .1<------ , Atlanta ' 93 73 ,o:

.B oston 69 6 4 .1 ::— Chicaoo 67 6 1 .....

Dallas 100 7 6 .,..............Oonvor 75 58.0£

. O osM oloos 61.....Dotroit 80 6 5 .,.,Honolulu 90 77 ..., Houston 96 75 .3 :IndianapoPis 86 66.01 K ansas Ciiy 76 6 5 .3 : LasVoflas 102 79 .... Los Angolos 76 6 3 ....Momphlo a a .7 6 .....

f V - Miami Boach 90 8 1 .... t — Milwaukoo'— ^ -7 1 -6 3 .“

Minneapolis 77 5 5 .... N ow Orioans 94 7 4 .,.. Now York 88 70 ,..,

- CHtlaboma City 90 74 .....’ O m aha ,• .7 9 58 „„

Phoonix 109 86 „„. . Pitlsbufoh------.-84 69.02

Portland. Mo. 68 60 1.<: _ J . Portland. Ofol - 03 5 9 ..., ^ ^ v _ . St. Louis . . . 6 0 .71 . l i

f S W e a t h eTlicN;niiuiiiIWe(iihi.T.'

_ Cassia C ounty on S(nul;iy rcpt>ned seeing one 15 mi

w;,tch w;is-ii(ieil-:il 4 Partly • o f a lom ado had!H;c;i rijpc )wci^. T fic'tonuido waich w;i% Instly inlo the M agic Valley wi' Lows lilllein«iihers. ce o f T he fronl moved in a

.......... aho'uf I.'i mph. " "loudy A reporting station nea lliglis rain In I.*) m inutes. I>ui i ice o f gaihered sm aller ;mi<mnls, esday W inds <)f .“iO ntpli wet' KOs. Hurley..unny Clou<K hr»iught w a n cc of- southern Idaho Sunday. B In the 72 degrees, e 9(ls S a ie llilu p ic tu res Just s. mostly c lear skies in nonuJalcd cloudy skfcs over souiherr IS yiK Tlic overniglii low ieiii|


i r t h ^ R o c k i e s l o l

rccord for the d.ile o f 9.S, •al 3 p.m. fiD T rungeil frin

rihcrn_E .h(ypj? , ■■, and ..^Sunday’s low for ihe b

Luiie nnd lnlcrn;i'tlon'al I I oVcr* Calif. . ■ ■ ■ riiddle.. r ~7~', I J / —

(Ilf o f ' <

u p p o r t q f M i ti r a l i o n B l u e R i b b o n " y e a r g an ized b y o f fic e t^ a n d D ah r 5 to c o u n te r a s e n e s o f b la c i t io n s b y o u t r a g e d n e e d

'w a csc lo se d I a s i w e e k th a t d is c c s on M a y 2 7 I c f i 'a 14- - o n J u

y<. Ti> rcpon luie news and per ' after 5:30 and rn weekend*. -Siuilet

week.■ Al-

, J . . . . - reiumiA d v e r t i s i n g ..................... adveftisihji dlnxliiV Mah to place an udveniveineni. ThiI. Classified uds. call 733- puMis:- ihmugh Friday fmm 7 it.ni. Falls,and Saturdays from 7 a.m. Ncw\(iforinalion nn tli'play ud ' is al T«ikdaysonly. ............. . city a

•Seciicorwei______________ I ’Tfimsc'eiy: daily and Sunday. $2,6,' iillliely. S2.23 per week; Sunday. puUlislek. Mail subscripiions m u't Pojvance und urc uvuiluble only addre*■dcli>.crvJ:uiol muiniuined: Idahoday. 53.25 per week. VlJTIS ; daily only, 52.KO per week. ,

■ week«3 Sunday only, Sr..SO 7***

Z J r — ~

1 . 1 9 9 1 ' • -

l i i io o s -n o s .......... .


J - y

' (p i 991 A cco-W oather, li

\ ^ t Lako City « San F randsco 61 55.,

SO.M O- a0 5 3 ., Spokano 94 5 6 .1 ^ 2 W ashington 01 60..

6 .... Twin Falls------------ MaxMin}

1....... Yostofday BT 6 t -l ..... L as tyoar 84 50 .,'.■■■■■ Normal - 91 5 3 - f SonsoJ today 8:53 p.m.: Sunriso tomorrow 6:35 o, * Lunar phJiso; Last quartoI ..... Aug, 3: rww Aug. 9; lirst: ..... quartorA ug. 17; full Aug,


5 ■ Tdalio, ..... Max Min I

Boiso 97 72 1...........Burioy • 6d 58 .(

} ..........H agorman 97 .63J; .......... Idaho Falls 63 56 ,I 02 Lowlstoo' 96 63 ,) 1 40 • McCall 82 46 ..) ..........P o c a Jo llo .. B 7 .6 2 J1.13 Salm on ® 1 M .

h e r s u m m a r j T "ler .Servico issued a tornado walcl il;iy ;iHemtH)n. al'lcr an 'aiiplanc p > miles nonh o f O akley al 3:4.5 p :il 4 r?0 iifler iu> diiiilage or ovi«lo riiportcil,w;is a-piined as a Morni J'ninl liut

will! heavy rain in some spots

n a nonh lo noriheasi dlreeiloi

near M alia m easured a ha lf incl ml o ther regular reporting siali' mis,were reported helw een O akley .

varm o v e rn ig l ii ic n ip e ra iu re s y. Boive's low Sunday moming '

usi he l’orc noon Sunday rcvca iiorihcni Idaho and parily lo mo' hern Idaho.leiiipenilurc was 4 6 degrees at Si

j - N o r t l i e a s t ^ —

‘>.5, Tcm pcrulures around the nut from .55 ul A rcaia. Calif,, lo 101

e Lower ,4B stales was 4 1' nl C r al I'allV, M inn .; a n d 'trn k e Tah

i a t h e r l i n eT h e T i i n e s - N e v r a

C a l l :

^ 6 B 2 6Vu.‘sOnpte Instructions. '

ilwaukee pplicar-o ld , naked L aotian bi ahm er's aparimeni even ih lack neighbors pleaded th( :eded help. T he boy’s'rcn ac iunong I l dismembecedt iscovered in~ Dahmer's apan iJ u ly 2g. -------------- L-

;r w eek. S l ‘*.5(t fo r 13 wc' uilcni/niilinity scrvicc delivery S2J( eek. 52V.9U lor 13 weeks.A cliiirjic.cif SI5.tl) will Ix: levied fr

lumed tliecks.

Mail infonnationThe T im es.N ew s (UPS 631-OHt

ililislicd daily ul 1.12 Tliird -Sl. W.. 1 ■Ils. Idaho. K330r. by Mugic Va cw\n;ipen Ine. Second-clasi postiiiie Twin Fulls by TtieTinievjsiews. Of! ty and counly newspapeVpUrsuor :c tion 6C-I0H o f ihe Idaho C< lutsclay Is hereby dcslunuied uh llie Tire-w « r7 r .rs iit frR g 5 i noirecTur lUlishcd.Pusunasie r,.p lease send ehang< dress fomt to; I'.O. Bo» .54H. Twin f ahn >133tM.

u>Qle y«IHT fw g y p f lofe,

_ ..Brielch airm an o f tht a n d onc titn e R a i c f , d ic d 'S u n h c t ta f tc r a lo n i63 . ..................

•Burch, Ihe.di► - .............. th e c o m m u n ic

co aso rtium Int> s u r g e r y f o r t

— ear l i er in Ihc yc L l B u rc h , a lav

- a id e to f o rm I G oldw nter, R - /^ d ir e c to r o f G c

p r e s i d e n t ia l s e r v e d a s e h i C om m ittee in 1

.......................... d u r in g the N ixfriend o f P iw ic vice>presidentic

V ir g in i a ’sZ .V . Z I ^ A N b k E

son w ho bccan h a d to supports

' ■ ' ■ Sa lu rday a fte r 1

■ bid-r1 .....• w a s h i n g ' t C5 ..... Ju s tic e D cpartm ci3 .......... b id -rig g in g on sch3 ..... h as sp rea d lo u t 1®..... ■ im p l ic a te d so m e

' b e s t- k n o w n d u iri _ s c a n d u l ' in v o iv i

-d o l la rs .g _________••!! h u s b c c o r3 ; i n c id e n t s o f c o ll3 ..... ep idcn iic in d h e di

J u d y W h a l lc y . ;o ,m. _ a t t o r n e y g e n e r a rtor D e p a rtm e n i 's a n tit5t M u c h o f th e t>g. schoo l lunch a n d I

i is p a id fo r by the________ _ D c p i i r i m e n i _ w h i

m e a ls to e n s u r n P c p p a rtic u la rly ih o se i tra. ') .0 5 I

L :: : :T )n \■ U N IO N TOV

— — 'A n 'a rm e d * ! - • ^ h ija ck -a :G rc> 'h c

A tla n tic C ity c iii-h in w as sho i a tul c r■-pilol th e d riv e r al'icr

P '” ' Ihe.tnovitig bus. deiKC ---------------A n o lh c r-« r- i

brough t UiC'.slov slo p . Miiii Bill

is inul L in e s Inc. sp oT w o passengers

ion at . Ih rough em erge , ’ ' ' t a k e n io Yi lioV

Kh ol - ,

s;iid.T h e has w as c

y . Purkw ;i'y headeC i ty lo A tlu n

g w'ls p a s s e n g e r p u ll

- > - , . R e s c u

■ Continued Irom i a llo w ai'iihorlties 01

---------------- — r F C ~ 'aid i t i ro aw o rd o f 11 b o i

luiinn W c lu c m o e d m t I*’?-*" - . te lcv is iu ii . - •~ ;— ------S o m e pa ssen g e r

L L c re w ’s resp o n se 'w ta k in g '-o n 'W u te r l

' th e so u th e a s ic rn ' C o ffee Diiy.

------------------ " T h iH i^ tf i-w e n iw hal w as go in g o Jo h n H in k lin . ” T

........ „ k n o w , ih e .,. Itfelc rew on il." - -

_____________ ^ T h e y d id n ' t Ipas'sLNTi^r“T c s s t r

r = —c fe w j:H a .w .e .v e i^ su id m a n y c re w n

. -o n b o a r d .I T h e la s t p e o p l

re scued ut tn idday■ 12 houpi after the l l v C troub le , unci o n ly ^................ .s a iik ..................b o y In A t le a s t I.*? m il t h o u g h a irlifted m ore than h e b o y O ce u n o s . E vert sa o m a in s " .100 w ere piillcd fn tb o d ie s . . : , life r a f ts . a r tm c n t - - --------------

SyminS t j ; Continued jibm 'i

, ' ■ • w ilt ' reee ly is S 3 .0 -h e r h u s b a n d ’x C S I re s t o f h e r life ufi fro m llie Senuic.,

***Twin m o n e y w ilVolley ■ S y m m s 'd i re c i ly . 0 iiepuid a s p u r l o f th e sc Dfficial a c c o r d in g to th

S i ' : ' '■he day • A n y .c o s l -o f - liv « n t t x r - - b e slinreU b y bo tl , „ . „ f Symn).'.’. 'i FalU, T h e taxpayers g

e s t im a te d b e n efit! - r e c o r d s - c o n c c m in j • s e rv i c e — .in Sym r

■ • h is sc rv icc in the H

■- ---------------- --------

5f lyG O F ^ C q g p p ^

___ •P'e ii h f i u r g h:th c T ^ e r a l C o tn m u n ic a iio n s < : I^epub licon P a r t y ^ j l ^ ^ iu n H a y 'a t 'h ls 'h o n ie o n g . i l l n e s s ^ e

: .dirt;c ior g e n e ra l o f n i c a t i o n s M te iH te ^ - In te l s a t/u n d e rw c n l r b l a d d e r e a n c c r ' year. ’ .

la w y e r , w as a to p K ' r m e r S e n . B a r r y r * ^ -A riz ., and d e p u ty | -- - > G o ld w a te r ’s 1 9 6 4 gll c a m p a ig n . H e . _ :h a irn ^ u n o f ih c R e p l ib l ic a n 1964-65 a n d h e ad e d th e FCC ■^ixon a d m in ism itio n ^ H e w as Lsidcnt B iish a n d s m c ^ a s ch i i tia l cam p a ig n in 1980.

’s poet laur^^diesa^ E ^ ^ ^ C a r l H o n * D S ^ T» m e V irg in ia 's poe l lau reate irted h im s e lf a s a ra ilro a d sta ti :r l> a ltling pneu m on ia '.'H c w as

iceDeparigging;T O N ( A P ) — . A ~ r a m i ln e n t in v e s tig a tio n o f p ro ieisch o o l m ilk c o n tra c ts Av«It le as t 16 siiite.s a n d s c h o om e o f t h e c o u n t r y ’s c h ild ri i r i e s in a w id e n in g In cI v in g m i l l i o n s o f case ,

w ouU:QOierJCicHr . . . th a t th e _rro l lu s i o n h a v e b e e n d i s t r i: d a iry in d u s try ." '.said s u b m

d e p u ty a s s i s t a n t chose:: r a l f o r t h e J i i s t i c c inflatei t i tn is t d iv is io n . " I sc m i lk p r o v id e d in U nilciid b rea k fa st-p ro g ra m s m il l i tth e U .S . A g ric u ltu re sa id .. 'l u c h J .u b a id iz e s - lh e __ih c cou r e th a t c h i l d r e n . M o

>se f ro m lo w -in c o m e e a s e s

ver shooO W N S H IP .T R J . ( A P ) 'a n n od * p a s s c n g c r-« r ie d to b u s t ^ 'h o und -bus-head ing4o~ -bo ro iy c a s in o s S u n d a y b u t T hc rit ica lly w o unded hy A rm i

te r th e y tu m b led from n e x tu s. an o ffic ia l su id . T o w i>r-lli«r 4 .^ 'p u s se n g o rN - N e wlow ly m o v in g b u s to a pass*11 K u la . a G re y h o u n d id e mp o k e s m u n in D a l la s , spok i;crs w h o tr ie d to ju m p A srg cn c y w indow .s w ere H ellii o s p i t a r 'b u t w e r e n ' t d riveid w ere re le ased . K ula 6 . hil

.• ■ woul(as on Ihe G ard en S ta te saicTjd e d f ro m N e w Y ork T hl a n i i c C i t y w h e n a s t a i ru l le d u h a n d g u n a rid passe

Lie ___n A l |— I

< o n bo ard 10 seareh . * ;i, Ir '.

lo m b th r e a t .^uptil ;V m e n t io n e d it - o n ;i n i

le rs -w e re -a n g ry a t t h e - ^ ■when th e sh ip begun ' j r 'l i i tc .S a tu rd ; iy :n e n r '- q { - ~ •n c o a s ta l v i l la g e o f -

ent-oulr-N <K >ne-knew —• on»” sa id p u s s e n te r j " T h e n e x t th in g w c -sr.::;— ife b o a t le f t w ith th e

t te l l u s u n y ih in gs u - R in g - s u id - o H th c -£ ^ iU li lC X L M f ic u ih i^/ m e m b e rs rem a in e d

) p le o n b o a rd w e r elay S u n d a y — nearly . PlurIhc sh ip .c n co u n te rc id p e ^ l iy 9 0 m in u tes b e fo re it w ere :— ............ ;■ .................... incTudm il i ta ry h e l ic o p t e r s ih e s c ilan 2 0 0 people ' o f f th e A irsu id , a n d m o re lh a n circlccfrom 'th 'e seu~br from Stindu

J .O d O 'f l 'n i o n i i l r ^ ^ m ' : S R S p c i i , l < ^ o M H 'c r ^ ^ ^ " ^ a f te r Sym m .s'’j«t/rcK^,^-

• w ill b e p a id Ib lF r a n . C O L /

a n d w i i l - B O ^ u r t t - iiiilt^S K cn a to r.’ .s i r i c b tn c . ( K c N th e f i n u i ; ^ i v 6 r c e ’.sp'riVul<

liv in g in c rc a s c s w i l l ,‘*Thib t l r H ran a n S '^ lS V S IlilT es

a y c r n’ g ro u p ca lc u la ted (he S e p pf i ts b a s e d o n p u b H c i ts e lf !in ^ Je i ig L h o f fed e ra l fiscnl.m m s’ case , in c lu d in g > Oc{;! H o u se fro m 1973 to s c rv e i

1 !^ : r. . . . . . , , - s j Sn s C o m m iss io n • a n y th in g ," D

- to th e tim e 1 1 a cn rn m ile re i

------ Drew ryr^Ji

h e a r t f a ilu re

I r i s h r a i i. D U N D A L

T h e 'l r is h 1 B urch o f in fo rm ing

ic o n N a l io n a l Ju ly .l9 -7 T i= ?C C in 1969-74 d e n ies l i c ^ m s a lo n g tim e H ,™ ," i h i e f o r B u sh 's

fee lin g s o f tl IR A 'd b C i ho

sa t-y u - , h a v c f o n t r h iry . a m i m i t ^ s • T h e peace

ita tis tic ian fd ie d bo rd er w iih t vas '90 ;------

artmeiit ; dmries ]r n i l l c s r h a v e a g o o d '^ u r c a iein a n d eno u g h to eat. A v erag e d a ily p a rtic ip a tio n ir h oo l lu n c h p ro g ra m is 2 4 m i ild ren , U SD A said .In a typ ica l b id -r ig g in g consp i sc, W h a llc y sa id , d a irie s in an }uld d e c id e w h ic h o n e woulci S_mi 1 k .e o n t r a c t - f o r a . p a r t ic s t r i c t . T h e o t h e r s w o u ld 1 b m i t h ig h e r b id s to e n s u r e o sen d a iry w on the c o n tra c t , i l a te d pric<^..•1 su sp e c t th a t as w crg o acros: tiled S ta le s , w e 'll fin d hundrec i ll io n s o f d o l la r s i n v o lv e d .” id. I n v e s t ig a to r s b e l je v e so m ; c n n sp im c it:s da tti lo th e I9 6 0 ' M ost o f th e Ju siitre D e p a n m i s c s in v o lv e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t

yts poteriii 'nouncV d lie w a s -h ija c k in g JS to N ew Y ork C i ty 's B rook3 r o u g h .- lC u la - v a id _ - :-------- -T h e p a s s e n g e r o r d e r e d d r i ' rm an d o H e jljg e r. 2 9 . 10 take :x l p a r k w a y e x i t in U n i :>wnship, a b o u t I.S m ile s w est o w —Y ;o rk -C ity - r -a n d - i^ ‘to ld r s s e n g e r j p c o lle c t^ n io n e y j e n t i f i c a t i b n s f ro rn o th e r s , 1 K )kesInan^aid.A s th e g u n m a n t r i e d t o ;

e l l ig e r 's id e n tif ic a tio n c u rd , iv e r. w ho jo in e d G re y h o u n d Ji h it th e b ra k e s , h o p in g th e n

ou ld fall and d ro p th e g u n , K

-I.T h e g u n m a n fe l l in lo tt i e I a i r w e l l a n d H e l l i g e r u n d issc n g c r tried to w re s tle the pi:

M i l w l t e ^" IW H B H B I - l l l !

^ lu n es d ro p p e d life p re se rv e t [y>lc in th e w a te r , h e sa id . N- re s ttv ed ’by th ree m e rc h an t sl ;Tudmg lin o il tu n k er. th a t rilsh t : sc en e . •\ i r f o rc e p la n e s a n d h e lic o p cled .thc '-sunken sh ip u n til n igh ndu jrto '^e c-if 'iih y lo n erw u H s lir.w^ipr~A ;7icnreTi;:t>y ,nii.vy tii

8 0 - r r a g e a t . 'r e t i r e m e n t . , x c ta n c y a t';re tiiT m en trund cos ih ^ n d ju s im c t i t . s ^ s l im a te d ■cchiu year. 1'C o n g r e s s rb 'u f in o ly "v o tes , it s t-o f-llv ln 8 ;- '3 k d Ja 5 T m ® n T !r ; a iA s i 10 k e c jj pa ee w h h inHai t f S e p p ; In -c o n tiitid . a cc o rd in r 'N T U . . le s s , i h a n . 1 0 ,p c re e n v u i e - ^ t o r p e n iio n K 'o f fe r foi)LAsr-*'^- -T h e p e n s io h p la n is tw o to t

e r n g e ;p r iv u i c - s c e t o r p e n s i t p p 's a id . ’‘C o n g re s s h a s in su l 'f f f r o m th e cffcc t.s o f its ow n:n l tw lic ie 's ." ___d e p e n d in g o n h o w lo n g th e ; *ved in C o n g ^ e s s , s 'c n a to r s .

............ * ■ ________

^‘ o l T y i ^ i n i a 'a h T

D ie w ry to ld on in te rv iew er in I w a s 2 1 . 1 had n o occes^ to a Ii

! ^ j ^ . ^ [ ^ n i m u m t y - H o 4 p i i a J e-cause o f d e a th w a s described ■c b ro u g h t on b y 'p n e u m o n ia . -

liiy a g a i n s t I R A . v io le r iL K , Ire land— M o re ihiin 2.doi 5 o f th e b o r d e r g a th e r e d in u p ro te s t IR A v io le n c e a n d the

tl R ep ub lican A rm y accused T lg fo r th e Irish p o lic e and shot he fam ily o f th e 4 0 -yea r-o ld fa v a s a i i i n f o r m e r . ' • e fo re th e ra lIy ..C a rd in a l C aha “ s in is ter a n d d is tu rb ing .” . - in ( th e IR A ) a re .s o o u t o f to

!■ th e I rish nationali.st p eop le , not kn o w o r th e “ *dcp ih -o ffcvu-hc-sald:------------- ------ -----------ce cam pa tg iieh rrfllllcd 'n ra 'S D C m ir o u ts i d c ^ h jn d a i k r € o u n t j^ i t h e B ritish p ro v in c e o f N orthe

' Compllcdfiwi

t^ n ^ e s t igimplical

r c c ~ o f ‘" F to r id n r w h c r e - th e -f l w as file d th ree ye a rs j

in th e A c c o r d i n g to n ill io n D ep a n m e n i. investiga

c o n d u c te d o r a rc p e n ip lra cy G e o r g i a , A la b a m i in a rea V irg im a , N ew Je rsey tld s e t T exas. N o rth C aro lii ; ic u fe t , ,s ix .Q l i ic r j i tn le s .i t w ot I th e n W hallcy siiid sh e susj r c th e sta te s e v en tu a lly m ay . a t an “ It’s q u ite w idcsprc

o f b i d - r i g g i n g f o r 3SS th e c o n tra c ts , and q u ite reds o f sa id .. ’■ s h e ' L in w o o d T ip to n , p im e o f M ilk In d u s try Foiind lOs. g ro u p fo r th e d a iry in m e n t’s issu e “ w a s no t a mat c t s in en g ag e d irt.” '

itial hijacji llie iiwdy’ fro m hiih '.’K u la ’ 3 k ly n .- b u s w a -s .tra v c lin g .a .f i------ ^ .J iau r—in _ ih e . righi--lr iv e r H e llig e r und the guntn e th e th e -b u s a n d th e d r iv en io n w ea p o n . ............:s t o f " A p a ssen g e r b roug l I d - .a - u - s to p .o n - th e - s id e o f J ' a n d a n d a n o th e r pa ssen g e r , t l te "p laced a h e ad lo c k oH ;

s in c e th e s tru g g le w.i: > g e t o n ," K u la said.1. th e ^ .T h e g u n m a n , w hc Ju n e y e l l in g h e w a s g o in g m a n d r iv e r a n d the passeng K ula c o n tro l o f th e g u n . brol

s t a r t e d r u n n in g , th e ; b iis sa id . " O u r d r iv e r sho t n d a in th e b a c k w ith th e pisto l -said.



- / ‘Protofla 1

-A F B ieA- / / o i l

'e r s to d id n o t tu m up anyoni M a n y A ir f o r c e B r ig , 1 sh ip s . M u n n ir ik s a id 57i( p

b e d 10 • th e sh ip , bu t T F G .sa w a s c a r ry in g ."^74 pi

o p te r s c re w a n d 2 6 T F C ei gh tfa ll to ta l o f 5 8 0 .s ii ll- in -------1 h e — d is c r e p e n c ;diver.s ' i in m ed ia le ly b e riisolv

— ---------- 1 :_ 5 --------------------------

I . , l i f e r e p r e s e n ta t iv e s m a y o st-o f- . p e n s i o n b e n e f i t s n d a t 4 .S y m m s is 5 3 .a n d a r

■ c u r r e n t te r m w il l h i t s e l f y e a r s in C o n g re ss , ■

f m r r ■ ■ 'T h c ;a v e ra g e e s t i i la tio n . in c o m e f o r th e S l si ling to b y t h e t a x p a y e r s e n t o f $ 2 ,0 2 3 ,6 9 1 . S e n . 1 fo rm al M i s s . , t o p p e d NX.I

e s t i th a te d life tim e ^ » th re e . 'm i l l i o n . S e n . R o b e i - y O T i t^ p r w D u l d T T o l l c c n h s io n ." a n n u a l p e n s io r tc h c c k u la le d ' J S T U . . d i d , n o t •n b a d re ti re m e n t bc'ncni.s fc

s e n a to r , L a r ^ C n tig .' i c y V c T T je e n - ln 't h t r S c n i i tc - • s .a n d 'm o n th s .

m le c tu re d 'a t th e ; fiere o n c r e a u v e

*Hn l9 8 ir“Pnor ^) a library^ I rea lly B try-caraefronu™ __ nitnl n f R o n n b k e j.. bed a s c o n g estiv e a. -

ile n c c>.()0b p eop le fro m ■’ in an I r i s h f ie ld , 2 ;I the m u rd e r o f a .

:d T h o m a s O liv e r sho t h im to de a th Id fa lh e r .o f sftven.'; ^

rahal D a ly c a lle d

i f to u c h w ith th e ' • le ." h e sa id . T h e - . fcvu ls io n '^ p eo p le -------

•soccerfield-ncar------tyi4^ih;.ncauhe------ ^r th em Ire lan d . • ; fro m w T t r q x f ^ '■ *- •

i te dte ~ ftrs t* p ro sec u tio n ars ago .to tWe J u s t i c e itiga tio lis h av e been p e n d in g in R o r id a ,. ' a m a , J K e n t u c k y , rsey , P e n n sy lv a n ia . ‘ ro l in a J I l l in o is a n d . w ould: np t id c m if y ._ • _ su sp e c ts even .ix iore ” n a y b ri inv o lv ed , sp rea d , th e p rac tic e ' f o r f |c h o o l m i lk

lite a p p a l l in g .” sh e

n . p re s id e n t p f th e -iin d a tio n , th e t r a d e "y industry , sa id th e ^___m a ile r w e ’v e b e e n :

ckeru l a 'a i d r A V th e " ........ i“ ’a . f e w .- m i le s ^ a h - .. .-i-;--,hi--hand-lanc.-------- ^unm an fell fro m ’ r iv tv 's e iz e d th e ,

Dught Jhe b u s to . - o f j l tc J i ig h w a y . . . ig e r ran o u t and oH th e a ssa ilan t W.1S s t i l l goi^ng

w h o h a d b e e njing 'to killnhc - - - :...........lengcrs if h e go t b roke Ioo .sc 'and th e s p o k e s m a n ho t th e a.«;s3ilant .' th e g u n , ' K u la

AP/CynihlaOrMt ;

yone . o ffitiia ls sa id . ; g , G e n . T h e o d e

p e o p le w e r e o n .'■-said th e 'O c e a n b s - , .4 p a s s e n g e r s . 180 'C e m p lo y e e s f o r a .

j n c y - ^ p u l d ' n o t—s o ly ^ ; j ^ , '_ .

n a y s ta r t d r a w in g :s n.5 e a r l y a.s 5 0 . •I a t . th c e n d o f h i s .II h a v e s e r v e d '2 0

i s t im a te d p e n s io n :i s e n a to r s s tu d i e d • e r .s ' g r o u p , w a s - n . T r e n t L o t t , R - N T .U > lis * . w i t h ■B ^ n e f i t s o f $ 3 .8 8 o b e r t .B y r d . - p - W . , ' T lh t 'l a r g C T t : in i l i a h - f ; - - i c c k ,$ l l l . 7 9 5 .Dt e s t i m a t e t h e Ls fo r Id a h o 's o th e r / - ; a ig .'.b ecau 'sc ihe bus i tc - fo r o n ly * i» e v tf n - :— -


Page 3: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

' WorWManyK iii^ iritlrtrtfrN E W S'Se iv l

TEL AVIV — Up a r------W SC riil-x lcxiilc.faclD ry. I----- fimn-hnal-itscIfi-Ch)JiBV

• gambling that Israel and some day make pcacc.

------- Lcemail' 25/ruiis llic fbusiness as did his parcnii ralhcr-before him. Little < ago.' hc assigned one of h lific workers to sew Syriai

"Whcn Egyptian I^sii Sadal camc on short notici work night and day" ma tian flags in 1977. Lccir don’t want to go ihrough i 1 So. Gabriel A:5!ierov, 7!

sowing machinc and green stare on banners ofl and red to produce the syr

-----ia.-Jong one of-Israel-s ini____ blc-cnemies-cmbodietl'b-----Hafez Assod.-..... ......— -

n ^ e i g H B’ ZAGREB, Yugoslavij ; Croalian refugees say I;-----incndtTihcys once -met. or

field and at (he coffcc (at ■ comc despised enemies ; public’s vicious undcclare ; The bi(ter ethnic fightir I ia has killed scores, pre;___ drcds._dividcd_famHics.i

and wrought huge materia What were once tranq

where Serbs and Croats I I other with (he harvest, p . , or drank ;IocaI plum bram : are now smouldering batll I ' Refugees fleeing the fi

for homes and loved ones -B ufm bst'ii^c they will-

' be able to live sidj^isy^nn I - as friends and'ncigh^rs.

Milena Zugaj. 25. dun ycar-old son in her la( pressed tears while lellin

I bian neighbors had suddc foes. "I( is hard to bcliev

j___ drinking coffce wiih eachday. and then (hey all tui us." sobbed Mrs. Zugaj. v the Croatian capital of lrac(or from the small C

S c h o o l b u s f

i n Z i m b a b i

k i l l i n g a t l ^ f

HARARE. Zimbabv — An ovcrcrowdi flipped off a winding r

___ _ ments after passcnKers(he driver (o slow

: killing nt least 80 scl! - dren and seven adults

babwe's worst road uc( Police said (he drive

........ ently los(-conirol-of-and overshot a sharp b the' village of Troutb Saiurday. Minutes some (errifled pupils with (he driver lo stop them walk-ihe rcfnai: miles to their school, vivor said.

There were earlier the bus's brakes failed, licc said there appean ho malfunctions.

S r i L a n k a n s o l

____f o r t u n d e i

C O L O M B O . Sri U n k----- pjvc-soidicr^-were-kilk

wounded whcn govemtr smashed a rebel siege ui

— sb1dief5'tfapi»d1ii-in;u£ne 25 days.' miliiary ofncial' day.

An 'unspecified large " T.Tmil~Trgcr rebels also

licved killed or wounded sault on (he Elephant

m.-canvp~Saturdayf:5aid;nffi< — j^tT T jfw raiions— Con

Colombo.The (roops blasted ai

guerrilla bunkers and o(h positions befbre entering ( 6:40 p.m. Sa(urday. said t: on condition of anonymity

Q u e e n M o t h e i

B i r t f i d a y p = M l

sXNI5I^GHAMr~En{ Queen Molher’ Ellzab

celebrated her 9 Ist binhd with her daughter, (he qu royal Sandringham eslate caslem England.

As the Queen Moiher Ic dringham parish church afi servicc. the organist slip bars of "Happy Birthday into the processional. s( small and smiling farmer q wailing well-wishers with i

-------- r R E P O S n s T r o - V /L V jUI available from governm ent i I rep a ir . N o c re d it ch ec k . I seizure a n d IRS forectoju: I back taxes. Can 1^05^2-: S238Srofrepol!jtlnyouran

------ ; j v - - ..... [Call 7 days a w ee

' Israeliia v l c a r :-'^ — . ..':NcTc a i i t

ist o r a lefli; a ricke ty sta ir- w an ts peace, ry ihaL is.D ldC L - d ie te d jh a i s

be-waving-iSj a n d S y ria 'w ilt celebra tion .

Most Israc ic family's fln g lh a t Washlrij cnis and grand- efforts to bn le over n week The Israeli C if his most pro- attend a pcac rian flags. ed Prime N! esident Anwar approves the nice, we had lo But the fa< making Egyp- to invest (he

cemati .s.nid. "1 Syrian flags jh (hai again.■■ tlie shelves s

79, sit,s at his raeli psycholi I ••stitches two "You can t of black, white dc-denionizir symbol of Syr- Israeli comii1 imw(-implacn- "Nothing-is-]dJ)y~J?rcsident_ihat_Assad is-----;----------------dictator.-But-

bors7fri<ivia (AP) —

S c rb im , - p;. c n - th e . soccc r______—X ^ U J(able have be­

es in (heir re-lared war. CLL hting in Croat-probably hun- BELGF:s.und..friend5.._ _Euraptrial damage. to' brokeianquil villages „ Croatia ccIts helped each leader ofI. played cards ihat "trag.randy together, loominglatllefields. tion.2 fighting,long , Dutch- nes left^hind. van den 'illjjevcragain • (hrce-mun ?rac with Serbs (wo days rs. gosl.iv ie: :lutched her 2- ■ •lap and sup- Iage of Dvi

liing Ijow Scr- south,ddcniy become Her husbailieve. We were a memberich other every forces, stayecturned against "We had a

j. who came to Wc were friof Zagreb by but then Sert1 Croatian vil- ing Croatian

3 flips ] Y e l tbwe, ‘ ■ Mdscov----- T 'O 'T dcm Borisov5 a S l o / - - - - - the dism antl

ce lls in factc >abwe (A P ) ,ook cffcc t S w dcd b u s • npparem ly iti ig road m o- ., -Hie Comi ;e rs b e g g e ^ _ to be p layinf o w cfowh, Y elisln w ill l sc h o o lch il- viet P rcsider

ilts in Z im - b r by a const a cc iden t. T h e stale

riv e r ap p ar- only 10 penof-the-biij.-------agcrrlnLcnl

____Sovici.ciiy.lutbcck late ry oui Yellsii :s before. Moscow'siis pleaded Yuri Prokofitop and let interview S;inaining 20 js no needool. a sur- with (he dec

licr reportsled, bul po- ^:ared (o be

soldierse x s j e g e _ * ^ h

;inka (AP) — tilled-nnd-17— mmeni troops ; and rescued r jie jic -fo rrfo j^:ials suid ,Sun- ■ m

;c number of

Lied in the as- It Pass army jfficiiils.at (heCommand— in-------------------

and torched ' odicr fortified ig (he camp al id the officials nily.

ier gets« t i n p 7EnE lanil (A P) zabelh quietlyihday Sunday qiqueen, at ihe ,

lie in Norfolk. IC

:r Icli Ihc San-I after morning Slslipped a few „Jay (0 Your.“, sending /h e :r queen oul (0 ith a flourish. >

Ih u o Ih o u H ! ] - _ • _____3Tt from $ I ydu I:ck. Also drug Ijsures sold for i „02-7555 Ext. H-1'area. <w e lc .) ^ ______ {..................... ..

1 I ...

is wary <f tist o r a rac is t, e v e r y b ^ y . (h c e ," sa id L ecm an , w h o p rc- Je I m m c d a y Js^raelis w ou ld Pr ;- iS yriaft-flags-in -T el-A viv-iti-^c n. (llrae lis a re no t as con fiden l m i lt ig to n 'w ^ llS u c c c c d in i(.s b ro k er M id d le E as t pcace. D; i C a b in e t a g re ed S un d ay to su c ac e co n fe rc n ce ,— p rov id - Ai

M in is te r Y itz liak S h a m ir h e P a lestin ian de leg a tio n . - pr fac t (hai L cc m a n is w illin g " ' o r (he m en a n d maierialH on gs — h e h as 5 0 s tack ed on lo s s o fa r — re f le c ts how Is- pr lo lo g y is sub tly sh ifting . . o r in a lre ad y see (he p ro ccss o f lo: iz in g o f (he S y r ia n s ," says' to m iiien la io r Z e 'e v C hafe ts . wl is-g»5in g - lo c h 5in g c -lh c -fa c t— SlI is a .b a d jn a n jm d .a j i iU d c i5____lu t-he -& -no t-bo ing -pon raya l—Kil

ieiiiflsarei i r o p e a n p e a c ip a r t; ‘c a ta s t rG R A D E . Y u goslav ia (A P ) - rc| ro p ea n .C o m m u n ity ..e f fo rta . .u r iker peace in breakaw ay ha I c o llap sed S unday , a n d (lie tal o f a n E C m ission w arn ed Sc ■agcdy and ca(.xs(rophe" are he g in th e troub led fede ra - lai

h -F o re ig n M in is te r H uns thi ;n B rock , w ho he ad e d a to n u n -E G -p e u c e -m iss io n -fo r-^ w : ly s o f ta lk s w ith to p Y u- thi leade rs , b la m ed the la rgest on

D vorista . ab o u t 50 m iles — to

b and , a p o lic em an a n d ihUH m : r o f C ro a tia 's de fenseyed beh ind . hi:d a lw ay s he lp ed eac h o th e r. Alfriends b e fo re ." she sa id , pn

e rb s sco rn fu lly s ta r ted call-ian w om en " T u d jm an o v e " . sn

t s i n d e c r e eDW (A P ) ~ R ussian Presi- "ii s^Y e lls in 's ciccrce rcijuirini*., pr intlii»i! o f C o m m u n ist Party ni ic to ries. sc h o o ls and o ffices ;t S unday . bii( pa rty leade rs cli y igno red it. I'oim m un ist leade r- appeared 'ing-a w ailing gam e, hop ing vi i irb e 'r e W rse d c ith e r by S o - - ni deh l M ikhail S . G o rbachev lu ■nstitutional ove rsigh ( panel. P; lie n ew s agency T as s sa id in w rcent o f th e factor^' m an- ta •cn lngrad .'thc sccnnd la r j e s t— y. h a v e js s u e d orders lo car- .th lls in ’s d ecree . qi

<oflev. sa id in u te lev is ion In: S a turday n igh t that "there

:d fo r haste"’ in com p ly in g oldecree . P roko fiev prom ised pi

, KAC:ii ■ n v i N i - 'A i . i . . '

R ig l r r n O w 'M b r i /^ s a l e p r i c c o n a l l o u r fli

j e w e l o f T l j c G e m S t o u r s p c c i a l r a t e , j u s t h l e a s t t h r e e d a y s in a d ' b c c a u s e s c a t s a r e l i m i s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t r e s t r i c t i o n s r i i a y a p p h

F o r r e s e r v a t i o n s ,

a g e n t o r H o r i z o n A i r ;

of pe^Jeni.salem R epo rt, w as sp o k e P rim e M in isicr- ,M en ach cm

:=s6vcrTim eht-rii-l977 w h cn :& (he h c a n s o f I.sniclis b y m uki m a lic visi( to Je ru sa lem .

T h e Visi( se t (he s inge f6 r t; D avid p e n c e 'tr c a iy . .so far such ag re cm e n i b e tw een Isnu A n ib Slate.

C hafe ts a n d o th e r analy st predic( lha l p eace w ill c o m £ ;

'o r e a s i l y . 'T liey .say A ssad h as n o t 1t

love Ih f Israelis, Instead , (h pres'iOenr'T? reacting To a nc o rd e r iii w hiuli the S o v ie t I longe r Supplies D am ascus w to ba lance those o f Israel, w hich arc p rov ided by the

-Stales.---------------------------"President Assad has con


eienemh-------------- ^ ^ --------- :------------- i

ic ,e re ffb rts -fa

t r o p h e ’ s e e n- repub lic . S e rb ia , fo r the ta lk s . .u re ..’;T lie .o u l5ide_w orId.dcrii

has th e righ l to k n o w " tha ta lks b roke dow n bccause c S e rb ian d e leg a tio n ’s s tubbo rr he sa id on arriva l in th e N« lands.' ■

V an den B rock sa id (ha( the C ro a jian s rea lized " it w as to g ive up a num ber o f froz

-w andpoinU .-for-:tlie^i:n:alcr.:£ the S e rb s re-fused lo c o m p rt on any po in t.

— " T u d jm a n 's w om e n " — to C ro a tia 's P residen t Fnin

" F o rm e r sc lu w lm ates firci hoiise and de stro y ed i t ." sai A bra m o v ic from (he (ow n p itsko . near D vorista .

A rm etl e tlm ic S e rb mi som e from o ih e r reg io n s o t

5C a p p e a r s" u n divcriniiiuitory m easu re p ressive . m easu res" to ent<

— nieasurc.-siarting.lhis w eek.In announcing (he decree ,

d id luil say how he iiileiide Corce il.

Seve ra l o rd inary pei)pl< v iew ed S u nday on Russiii

-. nighily.iiew>cast.>ai_d iliere 1 110 m o v e to d o aw ay vviiii C o Parly c e lls in tlieir w ork plac inc luded a po licem an , a soldi taxi d river.

— -Y e lls in 's-Jiily - 2U -< lecrcej .th e hear! o f th e p a rty 's pow i qu iring Ihe "d e -p o litic i/a l w orkp laces acros.s the Ru^ largest o f the 15 Soviel repub

F or d e ca d es, the p.iriy m; o ffices in a linosi every i pliinl. goven iiiicn t agency , a

■ —-

i f

1 Sale

: iiW A Y ,, l „ S T O DOISI':

r i / o i r A l r h a s a - g r e a i ; - ' f l i g h t s t o B o is e ;

S t a t e . T o q u a l i f y f o r c b u y y o u r t i c k e t a t i d v a n c e . , B u t h u r r y , m i t c d a n d t h e . f a r e is I ' i t h o u t n o t i c e . O t h e r

p ly-,LS, c a l l y o u r t r a v e l i r a t 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 4 7 - 9 3 0 8 .

:e w ith iw .t^ i tu r ul' ' ■‘d e&iTurl ' ^ i r t * : c k ly . ,T h c , a rc su sp ic io u s ..: kesm an for abou t ilie irm o liv m B eg in ’s (hem ,’’ Po licc Mi -S adat-w an^ ^ lK iting Amcrtcai k in g a d ra-' A ssad dem oiid

s taunchly refuse r tlic C um p (lie G o lan H etg ,r th e on ly ta in s from w hich n ie l and nn shelled I sm e l's n

Sh a m ir dem an 's (s do no( Israel d irccdy i £ sudden ly ccm s. H e rejects- . ' ........ a.scus has a roUle a rn ed to pilier issues, sue Ihe Sy rian resu tualion and ll n ew w orld pied W esl B ank i

U n ion no But by s im ply w ith a rm s racl a t a peace-t

I. m ost o f ta in c ond itions, I ihe U nited S tate Ja m es Bak-------------------- toT ind-m iddle-g .>mc to the go iiatioris a lrea :H ercanno l“ Q ia fe i i siiys.

es^in Gr(—i-------------1 o r ev en from Se

1 1 c rouched in to 'e tlr ^ i l - she lling vilL igcs

L eaders o f s trong e th n ic Sci

f l ' I percen l o f the ■ C roa tian popula

k s ’ f a il -- - •iof’ by Ihe Z agi i f in ite ly ,. _ w anl_ indcpcnder ha( (he un ion w ith Serb i

o f th e C roa tian secu t )m n ess. found (hcm sclvi N ether-. gun n ed and in c

(heir v illagus. i( w h ile k now ledges his I 'as (im e a n d a ccuses Se o z en - in S e rb m ilitia s anc - g o o d ” • ~ - :-b ac k in g .th em .in n o m is e saysS ^ acts on ly

sides.----------------1 Forced ou t o l- rc fc m n c C roa tian fan iilii m jo T u(ij- “

hostile Sc rb -heh red on m y T e n s o l lln iusam said M ilan D o /e iis o f I .'n o f T o - refugees rolled

C ro a tia ’s caste rr n ililia m en , Se rb ia and has h o f C roa tia o f ihe fiercest fi^

5 w i d e l y;res o r re- in stitu tion . Iiosp iitorce ihe s ta le -m n biis ines'

T liese " c e l ls " ! :e . Y eltsin ca l m eetings, c'o ded 10 en - ne l decis ions ai

m ain insiriim ent p ie inier- lions o f w orkers, sian T V ’s - ; had .beenI 'on im unist- ■aces T liey I n t f OIdier and a •

i - x l r u c k - a l— —w cr by rc- ■ ■ :ation" o f B i i :ussia. Ihe ■ 1

fiiaintained '

“ S h o w c e v e r y j

i s .


C i


S yria-s .^6 ut 'we an*’"' wo )tivcs.... W-e ■will talk io" Minister Roni Milq (old lean college studenis. ; ' , ' mds what Slmniir so far, •JSCS to give: return of*-' eights', s(m(egic moun- ' ich the Syrians for ycar^ s north,lands that Syria talk lo / aboui bilateral con- cis the notion that Dam- role in-negoliations-on — iuch as Pale.siinian rep- r a d the future of tlie occu- c ik and Gaza Strip. |[)ly agreeing to meet Is- | e-talk'table, under cer- g s. by using Secretary of ra laker as the middleman @^ground,-a-form-of-nc-___Sready is under way. &

'oatia iSerbia proper, have en- g 'ethnically mixed areas. ra !cs with'mortars. Sf Croatia's 600.(MX)- @ Serb minority, about 12 & the republic's mainly a ulntion, claim persecu- agreb-au(hori(ies. Tliey dence for their areas or B rbia. Icurity forces often have * :lves outmanned, out- incapable of defending .. Even Tudjman-uc- is forces lack firepower Serbia jof arming the

and the Federal anny of -inrthcfidd Jlic -arm v— .i_ niy to separate (he two

of their homes, many iiiies have trekked on , or by tractor through leld terrilory to safety.:mds have tied.

buses packed wiih ed ' through ' Slavonic; em region that borders s been the site of some figliling.

i g n o r e dispiial. newspaper and 'less. _ I." held regula'r ideologi- j controlled key person- '•* and were the party's

;nt of control over niil- :rs. , - ■

•oducing . . . GI:

V o f f y o u r , c a r i n T h e

y p e r s o n i n t h e M a eI t w il l , b

— T h e l i m ^ Chat! o n

R E i WE

k n .M W I M

iw ia a a M ta M K Hm k m w m

- J C s L i i i lA ctual Six* 2-K 2*


> 3 0 ° '

Deadline: Ti C a l l T h e T i n i e s - I \

D e p a r t m e n t

V n n

Monday. A

LZ j } J,• A ll c o u rs e s ta u g h t b y l(x

-* -N in® 4nonU ujw w m gIpH c• F in an c ia l a s s is ta n c e av ai• S p o n s o re d lo c a lly b y Ida ■ O ff ic e o f 'C o n lm u li ig Ed• E v e n in g c la s s e s h e l d in 1

W mi Speeial:-i - N . e e d : a : L 1 g h t t Ti S m .i l lB c e fo rC h ic k c n ( C

I C u c o - ■(Ukr.-i (.ICO u iad - Unur lortil

E; s bc.inn. loiiucccu.tcamolc. loi ra ficforchickcrE By rcquesi only. Monday th n I — ^ - A t ig 5 -M 9 9

|a Hours: Mon. thru Thurs L ocatcd D o w n to w n • 360

Sometimes n fattening

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s a 7 3 4 - 1 3 590 5 SH O SH O N E

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h e T i m e s - N e w s , C la s

a f ! ic V a l l e y c a n s e e

f b e p u b l i s h e d i n :

^ ] N e ^ ? M i - o n - R r i c i

n T u e s d a y s

/EEKLY o n S a t u r

( I w

> iaa-r,— J

n i w o i m n i ^ t ^ H . I

------- : Foii n P ic tu re f

3 .L ine. 1 Classifi*

Tuesdays, 5 :0 0 p. r l M e w s C u s t o m e

I t f o r f u r t h e r d e

I T h e T u n e s ^


AU0U515.1991. . Timds-Nowa. 7

o c a l ^ d i c i n g a tto rn ey s . I

S . - ^ ......- Id a h o S ta te U niversity , I: d u a ( i o n . .......... " ■1 T w in Falls. “ |

lO C H U REC ALi: 1 - 8 0 0 - 9


v s m- , r — m

P2A Q _ 0rtitlJ, with hyrr ol ■ H H f lom.il(Ki‘, cIm-M-, H H B B S

[mi Thursday Only.

r e ' n - 9 , F r i .& & t . 11-10^d o s iO M ain A ve, N . ■ T w in F.ills, 1 ifMSf5J5J5MSMSM5J3f5It

OUGIFRIn o t e n o u g h c a n

T a s TOO MUCD W m u c h / S e n tr> (E.LG.) can tell you i l.your-Iean:tO:faLratio._ le information for tailori J weight loss program.,G . Only^13><‘ied in the Diet Certter r lent necessary for an E


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i s s i f i e d s w h e r e ? i t e a c h w e e k .


i n l a y ' s

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e w s


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OOD?an be asfCH!nough.»u your basalo._An,E;L.G_____ ;____ .loring your -m. ' ■ '}

jr registration 1 E.LG.)


P a t A lires


f r

Page 4: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

[AImmii the VISun VaUey to the big ti

HOISI: - Two Ii *' ranked among NpnJ:

the latest’ i.ssuc_________ Magazine.

Sun Valley, a prci-------- - — ccntury : - w a s -rn

■ ■ Sclj\victv.cr, 11 mile;_________ t!niiied tlie No. 36 sp

; Sch\vcil?.er is ne\ ’Valley wus ranked N

C o lo rad o 's Vail followed by JJlacI British Columbia.

_ ^Quebcc was No. 45...........Resorts were sc

measurements and ■ readers who sent ir arc selected as the iri

. , for readers' vacation

Paving of Rupi be done by enc

R U P E R T - “A’ should be finished week, according to c

Some of thc side < were being paved oi

I.!—■---- — the sido-roads anfl'AI • today, weather perm

The pavem ent i shortly after it is Iai live in thc area shoii getting to and from evening. '

D avid Faifbank . superintendent of tb

--------------project.-said-inan-e• people who live in '■ will be notified jU!

' begin paving.

School board a principal at Ml

,B U iaE Y :-_ N cl selected us princip

, View Elementary S ’ ■ ” ' .school with more lh;i

She is thc wife o: District Supcrintendt

Neta Bfpwii fills , alk-r spending five j the Adams Elem

RcxbiiYg.She ?Iso .serve

administrative posit• Roxburgh Drown v

I • — teachcr and administShe has un nsso

R icks C ollege nni bachelor's degree an from Idaho Slate Uni

The Browns reside

Cliaotic weathe of lightning, du

■__________TWIN F A L L S - J closed for a short •j\ >__ winds whipped up i

part of the road that 1; But heavy rains; knocked the dust dov; reopened, a dispat<• County Sheriffs ofTi

■ Thc road ^vas clos I was opened about 2 ( ; tlie dispatcher 5aid.

____• __ Thc-dusl-j>lonn-w;iI ‘ o f weather.----------I The National Wen l a tornado watch afi I seeing one 15 miles------3:48-in-lhc-aftcrnotI lifted at 4:30 aft<

■■ ■ • cvidenec o fa tontadc " • ^ A Hghmin^g storm

[' fire near tlicTdaTib » - close to Mugic Wuie

out. a spokesman f Department said.

Pow er was out t Elmore County as tlu

. through, but the ol ,, . long, a sherin'.s dispa

Jerome parents• "-sessions call meiL - JEROM E - Porcn

sessions at,Jeroine N fe ' callcd u public mectir

; !^ It is set for 8:30 i• ‘U Jerome Courthouse bl ; § ••We’re sure hppin;

Jsj ■ split sessions before %» one organizer. Ann E;

:■ iS: p , County Commi ; comment on dai■ g j ...... TW rN FA LLS.

< Commission will ta: . S proposed dairy ordi

: :hcairinfrthls-Wcdnesd p i - • Thc hearing will

; . College o f Southern I '■ -o f thc Aspen Build

■—c-ycnlng:— 7 ----------: , , Conqrflod ftopi st

L____ ._______ u . . ' . . '1

r ■ • .

md/alley:y makes it time in poll

3 Idaho ski resorts are jnh America’s top 45 in jc o f Snow County

premier resort for a hulf-

iili^north of'Sandpoint. ” “) snot.___________________new to the rating. Sun d No, 11 last year.'a i l wus rated No, 1. ackcom h-W histler in ia. Mont Tremblant in 45.scored on their area

id on ratings by 3,700 t in report cards. They e iTiost likely candidates ions.

i p e r t S tr e e t >vUll

n d o f t o d a y‘A" S treet in R upert led by thc end o f this to city officials, • .> de entrances, to A Street i on Friday, Thc rest o f j ^ aA"Strcet-w1li:bc-pavcd— — :rmitting.It may be driven on laid down. People who

tioiild have no problems om their homes by the

inks, w ith PMF and r the S1.3 million dollar in-earlicr-interview that in the immediate area ju st before thc crews

i announces new- _ Mountain View'Jetu Brown has.been .........cipal o f the Mountain ■y School in-Burley.-u lhan 730 students..* o f ihe Jerome School indent Will Brown.Ils thc Burley position k'C years as principal, of em eniary School in

rved in educational )sitions for 10 yours in n was a kindergarten listratorfor I5 ycar5 . ‘ ssociate degree from and received both a : and a master's degrees University. ,>idc in Jerome.

her leaves path dust, outages) - Interstate S4 wus irt time Sunday whenIP a dust storm on the____;at leads to Utah, ns u short time later down and the roud was )atcher for the Cassia jfTice suid, •’:loscd at 6:15 p.m.-and— — t 20 minutes aller (hat.J, ____________-was pan-ofii wild day •• " ,

Veather Service put out after a pilot reported

iles north of Oakley atnoon—I'lie-watch-vvas-------afle r no dam age or ado was seen.»rm in-Buhl sparked a __iTioTowcr' substationuler. but mmTCTrpUTit-------n for the Buhl Policy

It b riefly in parts o f ; the stomi front moved outages did not last


Its a g a in s t s p l i t

[ le e tin g to n ig h t -rents protesting split e Middle School have eting,50 p.m. tonight in th"? c basement.ping wc can get rid of )re school starts,” said 1 Egbert. ^

m is s io n s e e k s

J a i r y o r d i n a n c e ,

.s . - The County take comments on a

>rdinance at a public i!Sday,“Atigr7. • / • •; ~ 'ill take place al the m Idaho in Room 108 ilding at*7:30 in the '

Q Staff flnd.wifD reports

TfM tBy Brad Bowlin • Timcs-News writer

H A IL E Y W h a t went John Odiaga’s head when two tnen on the streets 0 than a year ago?

That is thc question jui answer :it thc end o f ■ Odiaga’s murder trial. I w hich beg ins th is 11 aflcmoon in Hailey. • ’ 3

O diaga’.s-attorncys^ J have , a lready )

— ncknow lcdE cd -th n t— theij^client shot and

Schafer o f Burley and Gerald "Shenandoah” Wright of Kcichum on June 22. 1990.. .O d iag a 's s ta te o f mind is crucial to his dcfc claiming insanity as a deft actions is illegal in Idaho.


Thoro w ore p lonty ol......... w lth-tha thom o'-iLot

c o s tu m e d k id s sh a n

Fail offi officialsBy Michael Hofferbcr

— IimusrNav£ioiu;stiimdi;ii

KETCHUM . ^ - . A - Ketchum's resort economy c i ty 's local op tion tax forcing tough decisions ii

- —budget for the coining year Thc K etchum City

proposed a preliminary b " , back ori marketing, ppslpoi

departm en t.bu ild ing an employee wages. At the city would increase Its pi the maximum allowable 5

— its-cxpcnsc^'-----------------“T hese issues arc :

I discussion." suid Cily Ad Jaquct.■ Pilblic comment on th e

---- lhe-ftrtil-Oft}ef-»W)usineCouncil's agenda when i t :

I today.

Make aBy Liuirid Rasmussen

___ TimcsrNews corrcsponde

RUPERT - Drinking a No. 1 killer o f teen-agi ages o f 16 and 19. and c’ percent chance o f being drunken 'd river, says enforcement ofTiccr.

Sonny Reyes, a Rupci wants to make a positiv community by getting

“ T he m ission o f Mi Drunk Driving is to sloj and to support tlic victim Reyes said. •

Reyes, the certified N Drunk D riv ing , or M organi2cr-fottbc-Mini-C he feels thc group will b thc community. '

Part o f the reason. Rcyc — —with-the-numbcr.o£diu^

that ore not prosecuted. •

t o f o ^ent through Mitchel .j-j len he gunned down ' Qdic s of Ketchum more jjj

jurors will-havc-to-----

still n somco


lefensc cvcn-though - Thai cfcfcnsc for criminal commc lO. rea. ha:

m walkIBE n

f o f trib u tes to liberty a s 1 .et F reedom Rlng."-iV(any tarod th e s t i^ e t du rlh g fal

' in reson s to wran


__ . Ketchuj V per

-d o w n tu rn , in . permit imy is pinching the Alto ax revetitjcs and S350.( s in the municipal cxpcctc'ear;— --r - - - ......— The-ty C ouncil has city’s*' y budget that cuts fund, n ipones a new street option and freezes city Jaqui

he same time; the city rev > property tax rate Buil : 5 pcrccnt to meet more t------- -------------------- rcvenuie still open to downS Administrator Jim The |

City athc'budgcrwiU bc' pcrccnt ines(*-on-th«>-Gity— —^ 2 - it meets at 7 p.m. budget


I differenc“Thi

ndent. - ......— ------ area,":. to back

Ig and driving is thc month: •agers between thc -Rig d everyone has a 50 numbc ing thc victim 'of a rcducet ays a local law 3 0 and

will noipcrt police officer, addrcsf itivc impact on the be able “MADD,'^" we carM others A gainst commi

slop-drunk driving. Rcyc itims o f this crime," police 1

-whend Mothers Against awaren MADD, chapter - i ki

Ii-Cassla'arca,said__drunkeill be a big asset to, cvalua

given tLcyes said, has to do drunk.int-/»n Hrj y j p g c n i H Bp

ite jfiis^irO iT r i a l b e g i n s t o (Thc m urder trial, for Mi jiaga. chargcd with killing 1 Ketchum on June 22. 199(

onday at thc Blainejunhoiise in Hailey.-----------Opening arguments will 1 out 2 p.m. After that, pro( ill con tinue from 9 a.m. onday through Saturday, Attorneys estimate,thnt te11 wrap up within three week:

ithobt the insanity defense, p m ust prove two things t<

:one of a crimc: first, that t ally committed the illegai nd, that he or she intended to iQt legal ooncopt-of-crimir nonly known fay the Latin i rias been part o f American ar

s th o C am as C ounty Fair ly w ero o n h an d a s v o te r Fair fo s tiv itio s .'

t trade c agle withne months intc) the currcnt fi; hum|s sales lax revenues ah erc’enl'bchitnHast-year^s,- lii fees axe down by 45 pcrcci to g e th e r , ihc city is co ) .0 0 0 less iri revenue tha ctcd.e shtiiifall-has-bcen-absorbi: > “Land Acquisition & Deve j_djscrctionary..budectJine n tax revenue.luet anticipates linle imgrov vveiiues for next year, lildi’ng permits will contr r than this year and city { meJs estiinatedaLcIoscLlo^J 1S160,000 from its peak in 1 e preliminary budget proposi Council cuts back on spendi inr.'Mnjor reductions includc12 l-lT73.i- from-Ui&-j>trtfct.Uc et that would have been use ruction on a new building;

ce: Attaclhere is som ething wron( - Rcycs said. '-I don’t have ck it up right now, But I will :hs. '.ight now, I would guess b er o f DUIs that arc dro; red in Minidoka County arc nd 60 percent,” Reyes said, not attack it in n negative lot :ss it in a positive way, We jIc to changc thc whole cou: an make a positive-impaci nunity,”yes said he feels that becaus c officer he has an "acc in I n it com cs to alcohol, ar encss.know what it takc.s to ba ken-<lriving'Oase:-I-know-t jations and sobriety tests 1 to determine if a person i: <. becausc r have given thos[leycs,------------- --------------- •yes said hoi>hopes to org

!® aga’jo d a y P r e p a iM itchel J. ByBradBoig two men Tii^es^Ncw)90, begins •___ 1 _e County HAILEY............. ......... . -have cxpcr

11 begin at double mun roceedings but attorney m .-4 p.m . much.

..........................Defensetestimony..;, , more.cxpcri

eks, anyone else

r. prosecutors commbn law : to convict erased when I It the person insanity defen gal act; and To eonvic to do so. m urder. Blai

ninal-intont,—Williamson-t n term wens was shootingI and English trigger 14 moi

---------------- ---------------------

air p a rad e rolled th rough leransi floa ts , h o rse s , pat

causes KII tough ct fiscal year, • $15,000 I ah: running to Sun Valli fi_BiiildinL» Com m erce cent.. marketing'] ■co llec ting ♦ S60i520 1 han it had ' services;

• S48.8001Irbcd-by_lhc------ Tho;»uncil•vclopmcnt" percent incre me Item for taxes then wil

S I00.000 in VIrovcment in

,Jaquct.rcpoi, tribute no , y sales lax ' i,$LmiUion,n 1989-90. 555^000 m P .osed by thc oouncil lakes nding by 10idc:----------------- Public-comUcpanmcnt-^oli>-tho-City- jsed to start budget propo: ; budgetwiil.be

k drunkeim g'lh—oui—group'of-coocc ^c the facts' public to alco /iii in a few problem s. The

organizations ss that the v ictim s o f dr T o p p e d or families, irc between "W c canU d lid . ‘‘But, I “ support o f busi lone. I will thc community, /e may not hc said he ar ountry, but m ADD foundc act on our can to get a M /

Mini-Cassia are lu se h c isa “ W hether y n tlic hole*' drunk driving t and drug whose daughte

driver.back up a “C om m unit v-tho-fiold—burden reused ' ts thnt arc crashes.'It is a l i s legally addressedJ)y<a lose tests," MADD \vflS,

irganizc a

iiienta r a t i o n w i l l b e 1Bowlincwswritcr_ ........ .........

EY - Mitchel John Odiaga, « pcrience on his side whch i lurdcr trial begins this aflcmoi ncys say that may noi’ count :

se attorney David Nevin h pericnce* wiih murder cxses th :lse involved-in the trial,-huvi

aw for ccnturics, and it was :n Idaho lawmakers outlawed fcnse nine years ago. v ic t O diaga o f first-degi llainc 5 ounty-Proscclltor-^ 'n-tnust-provo-Odiiga-knew ing people when he pulled i Tionths ago.

gh Fairfield S atu rd ay pack m u les and


)0 from thc city’s contributic allcy /K ctchum Cham ber < e v is ito r in form ation ar

’0 less for fire and ambuiuili

10 less for public transit. iciUs-proposal-also includcs-a crease in the city’s tax rate will be approximaiely S218 pn voluation. ’ V ............rporlcd that property yaluatioi cceived from Blaine Couni in higher than expected, Tlio: would produce an addition

riTcvcnue for the city, if tl :cs tlie full 5 pcrccnt mill ler

ommcntTcccived-tonighrwi ity-Council-prcparc-ilR-form iposal, Jaquct explained. Th .be presented Aug. 19.

in drivingaccrr)cd_^citizcns to alert thc Icohol a 'm ntstdnis-reiatcd- rhe group woiild get ojher )iis involved atid help the

drunk driv ing and their

t do it alone, we need the )usinesses and the people in ity,” Rcyes'said.: and Betty Stadler. tlic Idaho idcr will do everything they MADD chapter slatted in the area.r you are a victim o r not, Ig afTccts you,” said Stadler, ;htcr was killed by a drunk

nitie s carry the financial cd 'by a lot o f drunk driving i a problem that needs to be ’<aeh arid every one o f us.*' flS-fpJindcd in-Califomia in ‘"’■'“ p re a s e s iS D U i/^ .;


talcoiidk e y i n t r i a l , a t t o

■ been a criminal.clcfc • more lhan 10 years,

— .■■“ B lu itfc 'C oun ty I will Williamson said prepn

^-his" -courtroom-expcricncc.looh, the ease, however:It for W illiamson' hus b

prosecutor since Janua has lie, intends to run for

than year. ...........................iving. Pleas

s not Defense attorney; dthc schizophrcnic and hi

' killing people that mghi gree Before 1982. dcfcns< -Ned ...to.proyidc cvjdencc thi w he—mcntai discase_nnd,,tha i the that person lo be una«


“ Oregoi reenaci

' coming. The Timcs-News

I GLENNS FERRY - Island Crossing will \ Saturday at thc Three : Glenns Ferry.

The crossing is a r difilcult and of^cndang

..........Snake River-m ade-ltraveling along the Oi 8,500 people attended watch riders, wagons swim from island to isl thc north side of the n this year an even larger

■ ' Festivities this year \ ... . Friday at the Buffalo J

campfire at Three Islam-_— -schedulcdMncludc-fiddl E “ readings und a wild w ® with a “shoot-out" en _ rnfnrr(-tin;nLQtTrpi!il<;

.Qn Saturday moming __a 7-10 u.m. pancake brc

J T . local.elubs, A slidrt.ds , honoring the organizers— enactment and’the di

original pioneers in the the park between 10 ant

The crossing will be----- ' Bud Allen leading the

as wagon-master. Ridei will start into the rivei point of the Oregon Tr the spectator stand on I river.

S The crossing \rasorii late Sen, J. Wils com m em oration of

. d ifficu lt crqssings 'c ^ Countless numbers

° . wagons were lost dut west, as were many oft! —--------- P lease sf

. M i n i d o t


i o n M o t t iThe Timcs-Ncws

Comc jo in thc fun will ■ County Fair,'which'star jnol run through Sanirday. rhat Fcslivities kick off at

with a jamboree featur Wheel," a six-man bah' western group has askec ■be available. Local entci

f also will perforni. Cos f S6.S10andS12.

’fhe 4-H horse event J® Tuesday at 8 a.m; Ol

— T-uesday-w tll—inclui f-'*’ Gymkhana” at 6 p.m, '.c animal weigh-ins. Mar

must be entered TuesdayOn Wednesday, mo

brought to thc fairgi judging will take place 1 the 4-H performance cl

10 and 4-H dog classes.:y Exhibits will be open le 10 a.m. lo 10 p.m.. but

class building won’t be t, At 8 p.m., thc gymkhant r. More judging and ai ik scheduled for Thursc

Minidoka County SiocI11 P-m. ^Ig ......... Tlie PRCA Rodco wi)c and Fridiiy nt 8 ' p.m. e

will be S5 for adults anc in ■ and under.•c- ---Tliints.wrap.u^uSiwui

o f Bctivities including i scheduled for 9 a.m

ditionI t o m e y s s a ydefense attorney for

y P ro scc u to r Ned • • reparation rather tlian ^cc will bc.thc.kcy t o ____

IS been thc county inuary ,1987. find said for re-clcctiori'nexi

lease s e e TRIAUA5

ncy^ sTy O diaga is d had no idea hc \vas light-'cnse attorneys hod only ; that a defendant had a that thc disease causcd

inaware that wBat he or ease s e e ODIAGt^AS

)n Trail :tment i g u p

Y - The onnunl Three ill be held Friday and rce Island State Park in

a reenactment of the langerous ^ p across the le-by -eafly -p ioncers — e Oregon Traili Atout jcd last year’s event to ;ons and pack strings D island on their way to 1C mighty Snake - and rger crowd is expected, iar will'begin o r 6 p.m, ilo Burger cookout and. sland State Park. Events fiddlcrsrcowboypoctiy— d wesfshowcompletc ' enacted by local law Is________ning thc fun begins wilh .: breakfast sponsored by rt.dcdiculioriTccrcmonyizers o f thc crossing rc-___e desceride'nts o f the the area will be held al

I and 11 a.m.I begin at 11 a.m. with the way again this year liders and their mourns iver from the southern t Trail and end up near on tlie north side.of.thc_.-

originally begun by the /ilso n S teen as a o f one o f ^ e mdSl ;s on thc, trail west.:rs o f livestock and during thc migration of the hearty pioneers.

)kaFaires”ofr”nday |fun at thc M inidoka stans Moii3iiy and will "y. ■ ......rr at 8:30 p.m. Monday aturing “Asleep at Ihc band.-The country and sked for a dancc area to Entertainer Suzniine Just Cost o f tickets will be

k’cnts gel underway on : O lhcr fa ifac tiv itics c lu d c - x - T in r - T o t --------i.m. and n variety ol Many , other categories sday also.more entries will be irgrounds and some ice for events incluilins :c class, swin? classes.

)pen lo the public from but the 4-H and open

't be open until 6 p.m. hana will begin, d animal showing arc ursday including ihcStock Horse Show ut 2

rwill be held Thunday ■- n. each night. Tickets I and S3 for children 12

Jaturclay-with’- o -variety -,, — ing the fact stock sale,

Page 5: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

J u dg(

— l^nigh t-R iddc rN cw fpa i

- "W ICHITA;.Kan;.-j u d g e v o w e d 10 la k e s iu n c c ih is w eek uftci 2UU ;a n i i - a b o n i o n

. inc lud ing 'm ore lhan 80 Ihc c lergy , w ere arrcsi a fte r block ing ucccss lo

' - - Saturdny’s arrests, ul q '/ ( f e s p a s s in g . b r in

"■.VfUmber o f a rre s ts lo ■July 22 , P o l ic c b e g a

> V-------— p f o l c s i e r s - a l - B r J 5 - jW ic h ita F a m ily Plimi

;iUrcc (lays, a fte r U .S. D Piitrick K elly callcd of

'f e d c r a r a u ih o r i t ie . ' : .ii............... ;«ve ra l_ .O pern |lpn ;,R ci '

- fro m ja ii,- In an in te rv iew S a ti sa id lie liiid lm d enougli.

— — „ ^ . “ T h ai,.'ic c i:u .necd5J he sa id . “ I 'm not goin th is lippy-loc proccss. J up and m o v e 'e m aw ay

J lc had been in touch-V ■ M arshal's o 'ffice in \

On the iH e r e 's n l is j o f gov

--meetings that are scheduled i -------ih^M og ic Volieyi This ilti

from advance schedules. 1 ■ N ew s suggests thai y o u 'c

Inform ation by calling 'the clerk 's office ^ f o r e niicndin

MONDAYB urley C ity C ouncil. 8

Hull.- .Q.Ic.trich C lty Counclj. 8

h o o d in g C ity C ouncil. C liyH ull,

H ansen School Board. 8 school,

J e ro m e C oun ty com m i; a , c o u n h o u s e .

Kcichum Ciiy Council. 'Hull'

Servic(O endd S. Jay. of Jerc

. . loday . L D S.C Jth Wurd • Caswell Ave. W,. Twin Moriuury). - -

----------------M flnhew D ee-W hltn i■ - f-alls, 10 a,m . lodayr>.D

Chapel, 82-1 C aw pll Avi __________ Mortu:n>’)._______ '

' A lice N aom i K crsha RU 'pcrt. 10 a .m . tod

--------7 ■Cemeiefy.'(HnnMn-Mnni

--------- --------- H aro ld -R a rF o w In ’. citm . loduy. View LDS \ 500 'E . 550 S..(Pnync Mi

■ LeR oy Farran. o f Rui lotlay. Ilunscn Moriuiiry Sixth Si. -

'■ Charles Robert W hite . • a.m. Monday, i'an n c rru ;

Betty Jane Johnson, ofscrvicc, 7:30 p.m. todny.'

■ ■ Caihollc Church, 1W)1 * M ass of C h ris tian Uui T u e s d a y . L llt ic F low Church. (Payne Monuary

M arcnaG cisslerB urki uravcslde scrvicc. 10 a, W endell Cemctcfy'.m 'cn


__________ Jeanetlc Ournes. D elConnie Mae Lively und

- Jt»huu Lynn AIk I and T< Jcanic 'llcbdon. of Dicirlt

Ronu A riel, Hahy Cir . Jennifer Hairidge ami da

Sliuwnu Kay Kiach. Le; ---------- — -j\v ln-fu llsrH ntlerN ich(

^ I i - -rK c lty 'S ucJ3w cn-and -wA le jan d ro L agunas, of H clendale. Calif.'.'Sarah Silvaz. of Burley.



■ | M __ 1 \

' " IM a r t h a U b C r a i j

■••• " HAILEY-'f M onha Lc ■of HQiloy, w eni.t9 b o v

----------------Saturday , -Aug.- 3,-1991

— '

;e i n m i d

tp a p c r s - - - • ■ ■ ■ w ou ld ::- tnak M onday aboi

; .— A -.fe d e ra l - -Mf w c co; a k e a to u g j i e r ' .hack w ith u . f tc r m o re lhan ia id . " I f w e t n p r o i c s i e r s . iv ll l b e s ia 80 m eijibcrs o f bu llhorn , ihc

rested Sa tu rday - , 'h c rc .w iih 1 i l o a c l m ic . ih c re w il l . a ll on chargcs any b o d y bio r in g th e to ta l u r re s te d o n tl 10 1 .838 s in c e poU ce D epai ; g a n a r r e s t in g : repeal v io la t 5 -a T in —a i - l h c —lo m y -c o iir tr l im n in g c l in ic . “ W c m ay

D islric t Judge niiiy h av e to I o f f po lice and house , bu l w< s .in d r e l e a s e d ' • , ■ , R c sc u c ItMiicrs

■ — m arrihn ls tocia lu rU ay , K elly p r o t t s 'c r s f ]«li ■ •'--be icvuse .-he ; fU in Iw n pen." ,o in g to to lc rale W e d n e s diS. Ju s t p ick ‘em K e lly -a n d civay ." K elly said po lice nnd f:h-w iih Ihe U.S. O peration R<n W ic h it a a n d him in c oun

agendajo v e rn m e n ia l M ag ic V al ed this week in C enter BoardIlti is com piled— room.-------------s. T h e Tim eS’ Tw in Falls ( u 'c o n f irm Ihc Hall, he appropriate T w in Fallsiding.' 8 :30a .m ..^ou i

,Y. 8 p .m .. C lly F a irfie ld C

firchouse.I. 8 p ,m ,. Ciiy Hagcrmun C

• - ~:i la l l r --------:l l . 7 :3 0 p .m ,. Je rom e Cit

Hall, . j . 8 p,m .. high Shoshone C

Hall.irn iss lo n e rs . 9 T w in Falls

8:30a-m ..coui il. 7 p.m ,. Ciiy Friedm an

'5 :3 0 p,m ,.coui

;es*Jerojtic. 10 u.m, 11 a .m . jrd C hupcl. 824 Prcsb^'ierlan ^in Falls. (W hite ofT w iti Falls

J a c o i p . , 'iltnkcrrnf-T ^vin— H nlK A ! O -t >.D S I2 th-W im l- -Memorial Pa Ave. W.. (Wliile ;

s h a w t ^ w is . of ii.m . T u esd to d a y . R u p e r t C hupcl. 550 lnnuury)r ^Funeral Horn

T. o f Buricy. 11 - Ruby Eilei IS W ard Cliapcl.M onuary).

R u p e n . 11 a.m. ^,« ryC I,.,|K l. 711) p a v i d L c .

' D U I I L - lhite. o f Huhl. II "Aiig, 3. IW I • Funeral Chapel- G raveside

10 a.m, Wei I. ofU urlcy .v iy ll C e n ie lery lay.'L lllte Flower iirranjscincni 1)1 O akley Ave.. ihe Ruhl Fun B u ria l. I I a,m,

M u rlin M' BURLF.y

iirks. o f Wendell, m onths old0 a .m . T uesday. I‘J9I a l Sl, I licnional sorvtcc—


AdmittedD elbert CIco C ra ig . D arrell f'l< jn d 'H c tcn Snyder. a i ro r T w ln f d Toni Rac Carlion. bolh ofD uhl :irlch . • *. •=’■-

-Released Girl Heard, T riaa G tia /ales and1 daugliler. Danniclle Mae McKi L eanca Russell and ilaughier, a ichol-Atkiiia.-M onlta Ik y lan and jrjienr.M artha-Sul!ivun4i4ilL“ f-I . o f G ood ing : T eresa Longori. irah Sauer, o f Jerome: and ^ddll

aries------S h e w a s

Shoridan . M Crull Young.

S b o m a rr Albany. Mo.,

f o g e ih o r■ t r a c lo r salv

N qrthw esla i a n d o p e n Salvage',

S h o lovo< -h a d a g roat

' a lw ay s dide a c h c h ild w as a mcmi

j / -■ G od C hurch

'a i g ■ Survivors I L eo C ra ig . 68 . H oiloy , five )0 w ilh th o Lord N o o d h a m , 391:---------------------- Bols©,-Bfad

d d le 4 )f a)K o f i

a k c :- a n - u in n o u n c c m c n t—b lo c boul his nex t m ove . w h c

c o m e back ;^ w eM I-com c u differen t app roach .” he. ' * ,

'C co m c buck, ih e murshill j-. s t a n d in g th e r e w ith a . there w ill be an a ssociate h f i lm , a n d e v e r y b o d y , 11 u n d e r s t a n d th o i i f b lo c k s a cc ess , th e y 'l l b e . n the spo t and tik e n lo the pa rtn ien t. A n d 'i f any arc ilators. th e y 'll b e b rought

a y li'iive n ig h t c o u r t, w e : to h av e io u r t in a f ie ld . ^ , w c w ill take cure o f it." ^ ^

nnday. K elly ordered U .S . Pen i0 cnt'orce hifr o rd e r lo s to p ~ n c x ' s f ro m b lo c k in g a c c e s s m en le 5n idreily-offiei(il»*w ere— line Ih c j r job. O s d a y -n fg h T n u T v P c V c r '. '" c le r]1 c i ty 'o f f ic ia ls c a llc d o f f W ic J fede ra l aU iho rities-a ftc r e v a i

R escue leaders p rom ised pluc )u rt,th a t they w ou ld s to p C ler

/a l l e y R e g io n a l M ed ica l ird . 7^p.m ., hosp ital boa rd - '

Is City Council. 6 p.m .. Ciiy8:3

Ils Counly com m issioners, burthouse,


I C ity C o u n c il. 7 :30 p .m ..8:3

n C iiy Council. 7 p'm .. Cliy------- ------------------------------•' Z o

City C ounc il. 8 p .m .. C iiy Co

: City Council. 8 p.m .. Cliy '

Us Counly com m issioners, ounhouse,n M em orial A irport board . - :ounhousc. " 8:.''

I. T u e s d a y . W en d e ll Yu an Chnfch. (W hite Mortuary a .ii alls).' • ................................... S ir

...........: .................o np . '‘Jake’’ T urner, o f Tw inV u .m .-T u e s d iiy .-S u .i- v » - .-------Park. iW hlie M onuary). - I

Ki<■ . Jor

:s d a y . V iew L D S W ard Ho >50 S. .Mm E.. (M cCuIIoch m n eo l Buflcyi-------------- - .

iilene Chidcster W hitaker, o f p.n

ath noticiLee F linn- David Lee l-lliin. 6.^. died „ ,

itle services will Ik he ld al i . ‘ Vednesday al Ihe W esl iind y i n ' B u h l . P u r ih e r ‘ , icnis will he annouiiL-ed by ' i-uneral CIw|k-I.

R .M iram o n les i

l-Y - M anin M iram onles. 3 T« <ld died Salurday A ugusi 3. f‘>l I, L uke R egitm al M edical arroLlainUniaiMYk- f iirc Ullll. i'P!

- ' ' i'------------------

Joa iie llu a n d S ie v e f-lorke. daiighlen O uinle M ae ;i n Falls :— irso n ran d 'l'o n l R:ic-nmuhl: and . . s o n . ............


md son . M ichelle Garner and ;K issen. R elear, a ll o f Susan C all and T raijiid M jn ._ - l- r ied e iid i.o f R uik tI; 1 if-D uhli iimt Jell Kiienour. o f Nt o ria . o fJd lheno M r. and Mrs. W illni

C a lla l l u f Burley, hatl I

For 0 c a ll?

a s b o r n M ay 9 . 1 9 2 3 in MIk Mo,, to Orvillo a n d A nna H a i

ig , . • J o ea rr io d B o f o a rd C ra ig in Sha lo , .o n S 6 p l .2 ‘, 1947. - H ar io r Ih o y p io n o o r o d I h e .9 ''^ la lv o g o . b u s in o s s in; Iho 1 a n d logoihof thoy ow nod o r a t e d I d a h o T ra c to r

- ------------------G

v e d q u ilt in g a n d ‘a lw a y s o a t s e n s o o t hum or, S h o ‘ Id sp o c ia l titllo th in g s for ild a n d g r a n d c h i ld . S h o p 3m bor ol Iho A ssem b ly ol moi rch in Hailoy. p .rr

Its Include ho r h u s b a n d o l,Ivo ’s o n s , L o o R u s c o of b o m . M a s s , . P a l C r a ig o( A s : a d C ra ig ol-Twin Falls, a n d --B 3 7

tb o r i i o n

ilo c k in g -th c -C D lra n ctiJL .lo j;li k-here,abortions were perforr Jut Ihc leaders said they, v peaking for ihemKclvcs.pnly lot for members of iheir group,

Operation Rescue, a nati' n ti-abortion group basec :harlcsion. S .C. began protcs Vichila on July 15 in whal il c I‘'Summer of Merey.”

Kelly said he did not 1 narshals oul Saturday to n irrests because, “given ihe fact vcrc:pullcd_Qff_wiih no expecti .f coming back, it’s a inaVU cgrouping.”

The action Saturday began ii ' a.m ., when a light blue I ’entccostal'Church bus pullc tcxt'to"ihc'clinic-and-dozei!nembers bf the dergy marcht

Oiher protesters cheered a: rlergy- memben. most lafJh c in . V ichita-area Catholic :vangcllcal churches, took ,i >luce. Some held up a “Wii riergy Rescue" banner.

- WEDNESDAY___RlUs City CQuncll. 8 p.m .. Cl

T w in F a lls C oun ly com m is 8:30 u.m .iccionhousc. ■

THURSDAYBellevue C ity Council. 7 p,i

H all. 'T w in Fulls C ouniy com m is

8:30 a,m .. counhonse.T w in F a lls C o u n ty P lann i

2toning Com mlsslon.^-p,m .v-Tv Couniy O fficc Building. 24ft.Th E.

W endell C ity C ouncil. 8 p.i Hall,

FRTOAY-Twin Falls C ounty com m is

8:30 a,m ,. counhouse.;

Yuma. Arl/... and formerly o f Bi ;i,m . T u e s d a y . L D S C h u rc h Sifcel. Buhl. (Fanner Funeral Co ru u h l) , , ■ . -

. F lo re n c e M a ry S h o e k le ;R ic h la n d .-W a s h ,, am i I'orme Jernm e. l l a,m , W ednesday. I

J i lw h u r ia l .......................... FiH ome Inc.'of Richland).

^ E s th e r C o g g in s , o f B uena Calih-, liud' form erly o r T w l i r l ' p.m.-W ctfnesday. W hile Mnrliiai


T he I'uiieral w ill he heUI a p .m . M o n d a y in ilie :'M cC i Funeral llo m e w lili Fa lhe r F.i Tcfriiiiie,'. »)tncialliti:. Burial wil Ihe Pleas.inl View Cenielery.. Frlentls may call prior I •sefvlccs.

R o b e rt E. H oustonR obert l id w a rd ilm is io ti . i

Tw in l-alls. died Sunday al Ills f o l lo w in g ' an illn e s s . I-i arrangcm enis arc pendlni: and > anndunecil hv W liilc-Mmiuurv—

iin h s - ---------- -----------------------uv cn -B arn e.s .-u f. T w in F a lK r I'le ami Doug Lively. o fT w in F'al 'tm d^harlc't'f^d '^'nrlltm ri^r'tiiilil

MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ■ ‘ . dxnlned . . j

md Susan Call, hoili of Burley, tl cosedIra ey Funk, tiolh o f Burley; R rl; Jerrrcy_J,li»tsscn, tiiyninrUMi. r New Pliiladclphla. Ohio.Jirths ^illiain Clarncr and Mr. ami Mrs lail hahies.

ir obituary ra ie Informalloi II 733*0931, ex tension 278

M ike a n d - B r u c o C r a ig , b o H a i lo y . tw o d a u g h t e r s . I J a c o b s o n - o l B o llo v u o a n d Shaw o l Kimboily; o n o sistor. H am ilto n o l S l , J o s o p h . Mo g r a n d c h i l d r e n a n d Iw o g g ra n d c h ild ren . S h e w as p ro c in d o a lli by o n o g ran d c h ild , s is to rs a n d o n e b iothcr.

- G r a v e s i d e s o r v ic o s wil c o n d u c io d W ed n e s d a y a t 10 a l S u n s e t M em orial P a tk wil Rov. B ru c e M arshall o lliciating

F r ie n d s m a y c a ll a l V M o rtu a ry o n T u es d ay ,I ro m -1 p.m ,

Tho.-lamity s u g g e s ts m em b o g iv e n to- th o I d a h o , I- A s s o c ia t io n , 3295 E ld o r . 'E to 7 0 4 — ...........- - -

^ ThisI ------- -------- “ H c rc 's 'o schcd i------------------ cYcmrthanVIII takeI College o f Souihem

n n n n r " W i r c r r, . - I . -. Projccl will be held

-in -A ipn ,-iO »r--^ - ) rm ed . . un ive rsa l F roze i w e r e iraining will be-hcld ly -iind ... in D c'cn 113.

'if";;; Engine<CSK in . C O E U R d 'A L i ca lled e n g in e e rin g firm

activ is t R on R ani : . - la test drive lo slu

m a k e • u . b E n g in e e r s 1 c t lh e y s la n d e r e d th e c m M n _ . _ p t c s i i l c n c _ d n r i

“ f --com m eniiiries lus In th e s u i t , fi

I abou l C o u rt la il w eek , r F i r s i

: : t T f - - F p r n i e i L '

:hed In , O G D E N . U taincc:-------------L o m o n d " H ic h Sa s th e a m o n g sev en pil

n .fn im ..- . - - v p r r i n l i v t ^ r m a n d astronau ts by NA

k th e i r A rm y M aj. Mi / ic h i la

- ^ - O d i a jC o n t in u e d f ro m

■ she w as d o in g WlP ro se cu to rs the

h a v in g to p rove City Hull, w a s c a pa b le o f k lis s ioners . sh e d id w as i l l ^

c rim e .In 1 9 8 2 . I

, la w m a k e rs o u tl p .m .. L iiy j c fe n s e in rcspoi

o f J o h n W . H in d 1' • H in c k le y w i in in g a n d - sh o o tin g preside Twin-FalU— inL lSSL hut.w iL S . Third Ave. reasim o f insanii}

p m City R c c e n l - I d a h i d e c is io n s h a v e

TVial— ^ C o n t in u e d from

T h is w ill be h I f. W i l l i a m s o n

, O d ia g a c o u ld Ix:------------ T h e .' 6 -yca r-oBuhl. 10 p o s t a l w o r k e r -h . 1-a .r c h a r g e d w itlL tv 1 C l.ap J ,„ u rd e r .

th re e c o u n ts o f___ _ _ a n d six c iiu n ts ol c y .“ Tl,. .c n n n n iiss io n o t 'ii i,crl% i.f expcriciK. Suiisci Ih e a m o u n tiim u :c i l_____ iH io rr ic j^ lia s .v e

th e p ro sec u tio n ■ g o e s IO tr ia l." W

ia P a rk . " I w o u ld h a ' -f'n tivrC -- ~ajrfc iT W liin l»a r.''

.............. B o th m e n g rU n iv e rs i ty o f It 5 lli O is lr ic t Jill w ho w ill p reside

------------- A lth o u g h he 1m u r d e r c a s e . V

. , 1,,. d e g re e in iyK 3 N am pa-iK -l'ure c

■ C f O S SJ will K- C D H linued (ro ny____________• D urinL ’ Ihc

c ro ss in g (h is yc lndi:in slioolout ' l>encllt o f special

— ------- :----------—A flcr-lliii-c to .'------------- s^agoiis w ill Joii--------------- - i n a . p a ra d e u ioN ri iid ra O regon T ra il int -alls.liiul E questrianihl. hm lii v e h ic le s are wa

-C o n la c t-R o n M i n io a ‘ in lbm iaiio i

f o l lo w e d by e iite rlainm cni. T

R id .ar.l;ii. Colo,. de iiionsira tions i

■■ square d a n c in fU

^ ~ d u EI--------------- ' C o n t in u e d f ro n----------------1 IM80 by a m o tlu

, k i l l e d b y a d niQj, r e s u l t o f Ih e g

’ c a m p a ig n . C a lip a ssed ih e tougl litwsTn th e co u n

“ i ' ’ C u r rc n lly . IlK

41X) M A D D cha ..U n ilcc i S la lo s .

g r i a l - ' o ilie r ■ .■ cpificld

D io a o d1. ih ro o C in in fc v illc .

.I ll b o ®10 0 m . . a p p l vllli th oig - ^ R l

w d i 'o

B o is e

i weeleatcrfulc o f m eetings and ...'ifcc placcThis-wrck-anhe-------- Id tcm Idalio; wo^k^

f“ Rcso~urce K cscarc li Tiiinir cld from K a.m. Ill 5 p.m, 113,

.............. A la)zcn Foods supervisory meets icld from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mi

• in Shi

e e rin g f irm s i^ L £N E {A P } — A d v i l Ja m i irm h as su e d p o litica l f a ls i a nk in , th e ,lea d e r o f the schei s la sh p roperty taxes. J- in p< rs In c . c la im s R a n k in th e e le c o m p a n y a n d its C<u r i n g _ l h r c c . . . r a d l o __ dam ilast m onlh , - ........ .............. oii-tli, f i le d in 1 st D is tr ic t C i :k . J -U -B Presiden t R . R ani

r Ogden man b<J l a h ( A P ) — A B en 4 0 . i h S c h o o l g n id u a te - i s — Dan- p ilo ts a n d 16 m ission A s tr

'JA S A ------ ‘ • p rogM ichacI K .U . C liffo rd , scjec

\gSL±-------jm A 4 b a n .w u s illeg a l o r w rong . th e n fac ed ihe ta sk o f v c th a t th e d e fe n d an t f k n o w in g \Vhat h e or icgal at th e lim e o f the

how ever. Idaho u tla w e d th e in s a n ity p o n se to th e acqu itta l “ " '= ‘ nck ley .w a s c h a r g e d w ilh id e m R o n a ld R e ag a n as fo und no i gu iliy by ■ n ity .

^ B oa ti h o S u p r e m e C o u r t b y t JC u p h e ld th e s l a t e 's O diu

1 _ __________ ________

o m A 4 . d e p i: h is llr s i m u rd e r trial. o n p r o v e s h i s c a s e .Iw se n ten c ed to de ath . Ni r-o ld O d ia g a . 'a fo rm er '^-'ho i e r f r o m B o i s e . ,is i j w o c o u n ts o f f irs t- T o le ,‘r. a lte n ip ie d m urdC r. _ o f a u u ra v a le d a ssau l t s oJ' u s u ig j i j i r e a r n i in 'h rc . rt'a 't'eliiny .e n ce in cou rl lias been ' hi n t o f e x p e r i e n c e an * vlMv l i t l le lo d o w ith P<-'rc >n o f th e c a se " oricc it W illia m so n sa id , * ' H

h a v e 10 p r e l l y n iu c h ir.” N c v i iis a id . • P« ‘’rg r a d u '. i ic d I 'ro m th e ' • N '

i Id ah o sc h o o l, a s d id O d i J u d g e J a m e s J . M a y . c'oui ide o v e r th e case . . ic lia s n e v e r ha n d led a " I . W il l ia m s o n s a id he pi-'p' co u n ro o m e x perience

c c u le d c o m p le x case s <^di; a tto rn ey s be fo re, tn . .35. r e c e iv e t l h i s d e l i 18.3. a n d p r a c t ic e d in N ev e c o m in g lo H ailey as c'ase

ising:___o m A 4le h is t s t a e e o f th e _______y c : ^ a c a v a lr^ ve rsu s

ut l>e staged lo r the Liaiors. ,1

to .s-sing .Jhe_rid>^^anil_____ [_ajoin w ilh o the r revelers i io n g - l l ie r o u te .o f .I h e . in to ThTW -lsliHul-Slalc— p ians and an im al d riven ' ii w a n tc d 'f o r ih c -p a n td e . - - o M o n a t .3f>6-2f).32 for j,

(ion. T he panide will l>e .y a b a r b e c u e and . T here w ill Iw arts and d a y e d a s w e l l as is o t |)ioneer-.skills :indp a l la t ic m o o n ; ........ .........I ~

o m A 4 MIther a fle r Her ch ild Was hy d r u n k e n d r iv e r . A s a ; g r o u p 's a g g r e s s iv e a l i f o r n ia 's L eg isla iiireug lie st d ru n k e n d riv ing P‘*'nlun try aT llie tiiiTcT ~ Ath o u s a n d s o f m e n and l^^tan v o lv e d in m o re lh a n M.‘h a p te rs ih ro u g h o u t the p s. T h e r e a re o n ly tw o !1 c h a p te rs in Idaho: one . j a n d th e o t h e r in ]

iuarantee^ j iL I A N C E ^

R E P A I R _ _ iS IN C E 1 9 6 4 I

-a K I->6re^S..| Ii | |


□rkshop coniiniics from 8 a.m. In .' Aspen lOAlln iv rfv til ■ F f u /c n . F o o d s If a

:3,A laB ic-Y allcy_G iti7 :cP’_for_Cj eels ul 7 plm. in Desert 113. Military. icsYmg will be held ai ( Shields 206,

sues r a d io C O I

a m eS C o l e m a n c l a im s Ri' i l s e l y a c c u s e d h is c o m p a i ;h e m in g lo c o m m it f ra u d and 1 p e rfo m iin g e n g in e e rin g w oi le c iiy o f C o e u r d 'A le n tf .-

C o le m a n is s e e k in g S 2 5 0 .0 amiip.es,'R a n kin d e c lin e d co tr n -the legal ac tion .

C o l e m a n 's s u i l f o c u s e t ;a n k in 's c o m m e n ia r ie s o n K<

b e c o m e s c e r t i f i i0 . r ec e iv e d u le tte r la s t w eek > a n -B ra n d en s te in .-c h ie f .o f NA . s t r o n a u t O f f i c c . C l i f f o r d p p l ie d f o r - N A S A ls _ l iL a i ro g ram s th ree tim es b e fo re In :jcctcd ,

a n . w h ic h c a s c d ' t h e b u r d c ro secu io rs .N o w , th e y m u s t p ro v e to a

l a t t h e d e f e n d a n t in t e n d e jm m it th e illeg a l act. - W h e lh e r o r n o t th e -p e r s o n 1 l e a c t w a s w r o n g n o lo m iters.

H o w t h o s e p o in t s o f la w f fe c l O d ia g a re m a in s lo be h e t e s t i m o n y o f m e n ta l hi x p e r t s . e s p e c i a l l y B s y c h ia t r is l M ic h a c I E s te s s . i e c ru c ia l.'E s t e s s r i r m e m b c r o f ' t h e - I d a rd o f M e d ic in e , w a s ap p o y th e c o u r i la s t y e a r to >diaga. In la te J u ly 1990 . h e ’

e p u ty p ro s e c u lu r .in O c io b e r I H e a n d h i s w i f e ’ l i v e o u

la ilc y .N c v i ii . 4 2 . g r a d u a te d f ro i r

c ho o l in I97K . ilien m o v e d to .h e re h e ta u g h l at the U n ivc rs 'o le d o fo r a ye a r ,

l i e w a s a c l c r k - f o r t h e ‘li u p r e m c C o u r t , l l i c n s e rv e i iree y e a rs a s a pu b lic de fend) v ilirC oun ty ..;- I n - 198.^. lie s ia r ie d h is ow n n B o i s e a n d s p e n d s a b o u le rcen i o f h is tim e d o in g c rii

H e h a s handled i j u n y m i ases and. represents a n u m b leople «in I d a h o 's death row,—

N e v i n has ta k 'e n t h e 'r e i i )d iag a 's d e fe n s e . -b u t his ounsel.^Brian f^kms of j<eidn nore lhan Ciipable. N ev in said.

•■Brian is a g ig a n tic a l ly lah le rson ." lie sa id .

H u t r - l k in s . w h o lo o k o i J d ia g a c a s e la s t J u n e d u r in iiial d;iv" a s B la in e C o iin iy p le f c n d e r . s a id h e h a d to bii 'J e v in 's e x p e r i e n c e w i th ca

— E l a n 4 a ^ t e

I f y o u 'r e |, l a i i n in f u i a Ihe historic crossing, plan ;

'as liir as parking:. ■_______T h is y e a r t r a f f ic th ro n g

p a r k .w i i f tr a v e l o n e w ay o in to ih e p a rk - i i iT i 'irZ 'p ''

• o tlie r w o rd s . d o n 't p la n to in Ihe lo i ;u lja c c ii i to (he p a rk i f y o u th in k y o n in; le av in g Ix ifore 2 |^ m .

lnste;U l. h e a d fo r o n e ol

•M a teria l fro m a pa m p lilc l p >y M A D l) s a y s d ru n k d r iv in g c c id e n l. It is a d e l ib e ra te ac le r s o n w h o m a k e s a d e l i l [ e c is io n t o . d r i n k a n d d r iv i lam ph le l sa y s,-- A n - o i ^ n i z a t i o n a l - m c e t i n g ocal M A D D d u ip te r w ill b e I

I S o u t h e i r n I d

S p o r t a n d 6 /

I T r e a t m e n t s c f s p o r t s in jI t o e n h a n c e

M o n d a y . A u f l i

r n c n r e l^ ^ - ---------------- 1-WEDNB(iS p .m . U n iv e isa l F rozen

eonlimics from 8 a.m. ILu m itli; l l .^. ., . . -------

- .SA T U PC fio iec liliiliii Pcrsmniel CMii

. ’ 8 a.m. in Shields; 205,I (i p.m. Military icslihg will

. in Shields 206.

j m m e n t a t o n ^ a

R iin k in FM in early Ju ly in a n y o f again st local o ffic ia nd theft l a b e l i n g a p o r t io i 'o rk fo r C o e u r d 'A le n e a bi

app lica lion for a fedi .0 0 0 in "M ost o f h is comim m cn i___b a s e d on a n y la c

^1 CoTen)an. w hoT riilsi e d o n C o e u r d 'A le n e K C D A - C om m erce .

led 3S NASA as;k fro m H e gn id u a led In

fcU ell_inJ.97p._w eri rd h a il M ilita ry A cadem y a ^a in .h ig__ la te r e a r n e d , a m a ­l i c w as a e r o n a u t i c a l e n g i

G eorg iii Institu te o f

d e n o n ' a le tte r lo 5 th D isii J. M a y sa y in g O dia

a j u r y stan 'd tria l, d e d to O d ia g a w a s rec

u n d e r g o in g tr e a in 1 k n e w ..a b le iQ iu c c - lh c jih iu l o n g e r B u t d u r in g ju r y

. . . w e e k s ago , d e fe n se to i n t e r v i e w E s t .

• I ' ‘“ ‘V p s y c h i a t r i s t w a s ab o u t w h e th e r O diu ab le to fon ri c rim in :

. c o u ldM a y a g re e d lo if

- Id a h o — s t i l l 'c o n s i d e r i n g p o in te d d e fe n se a t to rn e y s i J t r e a t to s lo p t a k i n g h c w ro te m e d ica tio n d u r in g ti

• | ‘J« 5 , ••I r e a l ly w a n te c lU ts id e c a s e . " E lk in s sy i

th u m b in m u rd e r i )m la w tw o law yers , h e s a il lo O h io " I k n e w I h a d rs ity o f e x p e r ien c e a n d ... h'

c rim in a l d e fe n se wi:• I d n h n -------T lie Irial w ill be^

•ed f o r c ase to co m c be fo re id).-r fo r .M ay. 6 5 . w a s a]

b e n c h by G o v , Jo •n firn i 19H6 lo fill th e vaca

D ul K5 P r io r lo th a t , he rim iria l jv v in F a lls fo r 3.5 v<-------------------- ? m er gi'a d iia ting"n u r d e r |n 1 9 5 1 . M a y jo in ib e r o f . M ay and Mify law’^-------- •;— p m c T ic c d - ln w - w itr in s o l M a y . w h o s t i l l pri l is CO- Palls ..•hum IS M a y s e r v e d a d. C o u n ty 's f irs t pub i:ile n ie d J a i e r b e ca m e ciuiiu

iy (> l7 H e p ro secu te o n th e fo r f irs i-d eg ree m u r in g h is M a y . w h o liv e s v

p u b lic s a id h e h a n d le d al b o w to- e a s e s a s a d c f i c a p i t a l a l th o u g h n o t a ll o

tria l.

e n d - c r o s s i n g - <a t lc n d d e s ig n a t e d sh u tt le

1 a head lo ts .

, , S h u ttle b u se s w‘ e v e ry .W m im iie s to

, h , -P--‘ii*' v _N oL *il B a n n o c k

s r r e e r ^CurVy ‘C o m iiie rc i:i l S tre c

o f f iv e l- le c tro n ic s o n A uth

pul oiit . 6 - p . in , A u g ; 16 a ng is n o ' Ju n io r H ig h . 600-> act ln;^a o n th e h ig h w a y b i i b e r a l e B uricy .

iv c . Ih eF o r m ore in lo n ii;

ip - f o r a - N J A O D - o r - M a r i ly r ; h e l d : u 7.33r59S2^ .

daho Health <iA C K T r e a t m e n t (

o f h e a d a c ib e s , b a c k | - i ju r ie s , a n d p r o g r a m ;e a t h l e t i c p e r f o r m a n

Dr. David L.C h ir o p r a c t ic P m(formerly Dr. Toolson’:

________L 4 9 7 -E astIan d .CTwin Falls, lidaHo 8

7 3 6 - 1 9 ^"Fours: Mdn*l-ri 8:30*6 • S

I f l u s t 5 . 1 9 9 1 - ' T i m o s - N o w s , T w

3NESDAY— t ------------zcn F oods i ra in u ig .m. lo 5 p.m. in I>:scn

TURDAY .« . .m s > i l t lK g iv^ j«U ._ .._ ,___J5, '» ill Ik held al 10 a.ui

.) • I- '

r a c t i Y i s t i - :

y in whicl} lie raileil I c ia ls and J -U -B fOr t io n o f d o w n to w i i a b lig h t s lu m in Ui\. federa l slum gn in l. coinincnl'ary w as 1191 f a c ts a t a l l . " s a iil

riilsiiT'ir;Trnnan o r ilie n e C h a m b e r o l

a s t r o n a u t ;

.1 from Ben L om ond w erit-on tn . th e .U .^ .:iy :u W e ^ P o ii i t a i i l ..............m a s te r 's d e g re e iii r n g in e c r in g a l tl(c .! o f T echnology . ; • ’

d istric t Judge Ja m es )d iag a w as ijo i fil to

r e e v a lu a t e d a f t i i r r a im e n t a n d foun^ichiirgci.againsi.hin)._______ju r y s e l e c t i o n tw o :n se a ito m e y s a sked i s i e s s . s a y i n g 't l i c /a s l i_ a v in g 'd o u b ^ s Ddiagu w as m e n ta l ly _Tiinal intent.

0 th e req u est. H e |s i n g - a m o t i o n b y y s to a llo w O d iag ii g h i s p s y c h i iu r i c ng th e iria l. |

n te d 10 h a n d le ih js s a i d . T h e r u l e i i f • e r c a se s ’ i s ' i o 'J r a J e sa id . . . t a d lo r e ly o n h is ... h is b a ck g ro u n d cn ; w o rk ," E lk in s sai(^.

b e 'l l i e f irs i c a p l t i l ' fo re Judge ' M ay .,s a p p o in te d to tlte , J o h n V , E v a n s in .•acant p o s itio n , h e p rac tic ed law in

i5 vears , 1lngnT n m ~t.nv“ «:chcrcil-------------jo in e d h is f a t f ie r 91 aw’ offices . H e la ter rw ith h iv s o n . J . l i ,

p r a c t ic e s in T w m -

, r a s T w in F a l l s lu b lic d e fe n d e r and ;u in ty p r o s e c u to r in c u ted G eo rg e O lson m u rd e r in 1965 . ; es w est o f B e lle v u e , d a b o u t 15 m u r d e r l e f e i i s e a t t o r n e j ' .II o f th o se w e n t (o


Itle b u s p ; i rk in g I

T w i l l run ;ilioOt‘“ r ~s to an il fro m ih e _ l -------h ig h s c h o o l , o n :c k ^ j r c a n j ^ f h ^ f --------—l-'irsl S l r c e t r ' l l i c ' 1 '

r . a l s o 'o n F i r s t : y G r a in o n ; ir e e l : ;ind M eath Author S tree t, |

6 a l W e s t M ih i d oJO -W est 1 5 0 S o u t h . .........y b e iw c e n l ’a u l a iid

in iia tio n . c a ll |.? 7 |7 - -ilyn_I lc m p lc m a n - |« t -------—

1 C e n t^ e ^ r i i ■,r Center i |: k p a i f i , j g -j m s - ; .......l a n c e . !

L . L o n g :’ H Y S IC IA N - ----------o n ’s o f fic e )

d .O r,--------- — 4 ------ --o 83301 ■: --------44 ____ :________

• S a t b y A p p t . {

T w i n F a l l s , . I d a h o ) j - 5

• I .

Page 6: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

A-6 Tlmo9-N#w3. Twin FdI

i Nation

j Q i e n e y : - G a j------- ;-----WASFITNGTON^

. I fended the rigiil of ho: ' saying as long as the> 1 private lives are their 1

___ ! Homoscxuaiily is g; lary’ scrvi«s,'Cheney : vigorously defend if. ? . [ally wrong” given uni

Official que;SALT LAKE CITY

: firing of'thoiisands'of Uike City remains ani cial mainlaiiis.. James Ferguson, a < Adminisiralion's Air I

: icmaliona? Airport, sai " ; Reagan fif'ed'I LOOO ci

~ r L o c k h e e d t o: SAN JOSE. Calif.! Space Co. to pay S92: i for compl.iining aboui ; After deliberaling f I that Lockheed retaliat( ‘uever. jurors found"? • againsi him becausc ol

was transferred and re;

I Womgn_fire■' % ^ R Y V lL L E . Mi

~ mates while they exc f with a sholto the Iiea7

Sherry Ann Korand = book photograph of tl

"Siie was auiuuinte they went to school I was never a girlfriend

"It looks like ... thi -------------Klhd'orsDunds-Ukc th

i G a r d e n C i t iBOISE — A35-ye

. day night in‘'a South'I Police said John S

'i 8:30 p.m. after an arg Tlie alleged gunm;

were meeting .hue Su to discuss whether a v

Neighbors and othi• between iwo men sho

A s t r o n a u t s---- : CAPE CANAVERAL

.— Two space shuttle as •ficd the effeels of griivii Sunday, sealing them'

______ waist-high vacuum co

. bodies to iheir legs. ;■ ll is one of several mc

" : imeilts' being conductec:; shuttle Allaniis'' nine*d ^find ways to ease the b■ transition from spacc t< : Earth.

Mission specialist O. was the first lo slip int'

• \ ^ ^ ^ f ^ \ BLU£lAGOOh


^ r ^ ^ r S S m mB roDAY-TM, H h BOBIMHOOD( W T0DAY-7M,



- . , B ------- CfTY SUCKERS---------r a _____.joday.-T2Q ^



— mSIHHOODitopav- T M ,


mHOOYWOOi> 1 ^


msHOTSm■' H

E J MOBSBSo _ _____ raMK.-9:30


FQII3. Idnho 'M onday . Aiiflusi 5.

a y s s h o u l d b e a l k'^ .D efense Secrelai^ Dick C homosexuals to hold civilian

hey fulfill their professional i ;ir business.”s grounds for dismissal fron ley noied iha’l-he-inherited tli i(. saying merely thal he did r unique aspects of miliiary lifi

l e s t i o n s U t a h a i r |TY — Tcn years after the na rof-airtraffic-conlrollers.-the aniiqunted and poienlially da

a conlroHer for four years at ,ir Route Traffic,Control. Cen .said Ihe system hasn’t been rc

0 conlrollers who'walkcd'off ll

t o p a y i n i i a r a s s nlif. L_ A jury has ordered 1 .925,(K)0 to an employee who ioul racial harassment by co-w g for a week, ihe Superior C iated against Norman B. Dr.»k J -the~compnny“ didn^r-intet c of his race. Drake, 43. a fom1 reassigned as a security guarc

r e s s h o t , k i l l s s e l fM o.— A woman.fired.,shot: exchanged wedding vows ai icacl, authorities said Sunday, ando. 25. knew ihe couple on ifthe groom was found in her imed with the bride and grooi ol logelher.” said policc Maj. :nd of this boy. ihe way'the groom describei

: the movie-^Ffllnl-Allmction.'

i t y m a n s h o t t o d-ycar*old G.irden Ciiy man w; [h'Boise home.1 Spencer McCay was shot argument with another man. nman has been identified. p> Sunday with'Ada'Couniy Pi a warrant for the man's arresi

jthers in the area said they h shortly beforelhe shooting'.


ts sp e n d 3 rd d,AL. Flii."(AP) sack-likcde : astronauts de-' The -ves* ivily-free space around his. nnselves in a inside gradi conlainer thal ing blood

he~inp-nf-thcii—strerr-on-h same as it

medicaLcxper- standing.on :ted during the ■ c-day flight to e body's rough ; to gravity on \

G. David Low ^ s - 2into Ihc white. ^

lurrenBUCm ' g'c•7:(IDr9:2H K

o m z Z oiM D I °8;C

■ i b t -------- S:CI 9:C

«Jjii/«a;OQ________><5^,.,10:3G - 10

H K Z Z — 12'rvnilm10,9:40 “ootfo-Hi ■ “ ^7'rDO, 9:40 U ==m s i e , “ “ ~ h ' p ;

YOUm15 ONLY ThEBS(f«-ui_____ __________!0j;30_______________

nssnm Mil& F

W M m Z Cairani/m 4 3 6 80,3:40.... . . . ______

DO, 9:40 -. . ^ . A

B W f i A r tHi


llo w e d -p o s ts rr - I Vk Chcncy-on-Sunday dc-------- Jian jobs at the PenlagoD, . al responsibilities, "ihcir ^

om the uniformed mili- , I this policy an^d id n ^ d not find it ’“fundaiffcn- life

r p o r t s a f e t ynationwide walkout and |he-eonirol-centcr in-Sull------ -dangerous, a union offl-

: al llic Federal Aviation !enter near Salt Lake In- 1 restored sincc President rftlicjobAug;-3; 1981. • ,----- ------------------------------Is m e n t - C ^ e . ^d Lockheed Missiles & <'ho said he was d e m ^ d . t5-workers. • t r Court juiy said Fridayr.»kc, who is black. How- iitcntionally diseriminoie - (ormer saiellite controller. [lard for Lockheed. i

sJ f a t w e d d i n g • 'lots at.twq former class*. and then killed herself ]'■ ly.only slightly, but a year- ler wallcl. policc said, oom only in ihe'fact ihiit laj. William Jones. ’’She

bed it. it was u crush, it »n.^^«nc!J-«aidi-------------------

d e a t hwas shot to death Satur-

)l with a handgun about

, police said. Detectives Prosecutor Greg Bower- - -

rest would be issued, y heard a loud argument

mpllcd from wire reports

d a y i n o r b i t

deviec. . ... .essel was closed lightly lis. waist, and the pressure ;iduiilly was rcduced. draw- d into his legs until the

it would be if he were on.Earth_______________ ___i

^ 0 © c c

MONDAY-AUGUST 5 .1 9 98:00afn-5:00pm.........................9:00am-10:00pm.................. Dec8:30pm...........................SuzannTUESDAY-AUGUSTS, 1998:00am.......................... 4H Hors................................. Trail, Clove8:00am-12noon....................Dec8:00am-10:00pm.......................9:00am-10:00am...................... C

10'SOam-*! 2:30pm!.... !...............10;00am-6:30pm........................12noon-6:30pm..... ...... Enler41:00pm-3;00pm.........................6:00pm........:..... .v.....................WEDNESDAY-AUGJJST 7.7:00pm-11:00am............... :...FId

_________________ - _ - ±Z o m e I n a n d S e e

s D u r i n g T h e F a ir ! "

rhe Becky A n n Cafe

— P g u l T - l d a h o ^ ^ —

W e S u p p o r t T h e M in id o k a C o u n t y F a i r I R o d e o - G o o d L u c k !

am eron Sales, Inc. 3 6 - 3 1 9 1 • 6 7 8 - 7 9 1 1

Ark A nim a! H o sp ita l W ishes All P a r t ic ip a n ts

T h e B es t O f Luck t t h e M in id o k a C o u n ty

F a ir & R o d eo ! irk Animal. Hospital H e y b u m • 6 7 8 -1 1 7 7

m a lg a m a te d S u g ar C o . Supports t h e M in id o k a C o u n ty F a ir & R o d eo" " G o o d t u c k To A ll------

P a r tic ip a n ts !i ^ ^ a jg ^ m a te d

S u g a r 'C o .'~ ” / P a u l * 4 3 8 - 2 1 1 5


'— I • •

^ t u d y :

WASHINGTON (AP) - wnrscrinfcwrffi5iy~Tccoi

_ilcrs-ihis_yiat,iLprcscDi-U tinue, with an estimated 2 ing their lives to violcncc, ’Committee predicted Sund:

Sen. Joseph R. Diden, . Judiciary Commillee mnj<

^ -compiled the report, bl; “rccord carnage" on what lhc“lhrec Ds.”

They are "drugs, and tin coused by hard-core drug a dealers: deadly weapons, p the easily available militar sault w'eapofrsT~arrd“ ai.w

Arson rule■ FAYETTEVILLE. N.C, A fire 'lhal heavily~dar

- abortion.clinic.wos set. un- vesti6ntor said Sunday~ ~

' No one was at the CaroF cn's Clinic of Faycilevil time of the fire Saiurd.ny there were no injuries, offii

Someone poured a flami uid on furniture in the counscfing room at ihc n building and set it ablaze, up vapors thal caused an ( said Sheriffs Detective Naylor. ’ ................

i ; ^ ' M a g i c '

a n d

Nosi a r e p l e a s e d t o


. w i t h M A T

a n d L A R

O T O L A l

P L A S Ia n ;

5 7 0 J

! | r I T w i i1 ) ^ 1 1 ■ T e:

OME t o 'A 0 G U S T 5 -

991.....................4H Horses EnlerecDecorate 4H&0pen Class Bldg anne Jusst ■ Asleep at the Whee 1991lorse Quality. Fitting & Showing ioverbud. Enolish & Green Horst Decorate 4H-.& Open Class Bldg........Swine Entered & Weinh-lr....Decorate in Commercial Bldg ....'Enterby West Entrance Onlj........SItmp EnitJTCtTS'Wetgtr^

................ ..Antique:er4H.FFA,Home Arts &Exhibi(!...........Beef Entered &Weioh-lr....................Tiny Tot Gymkhani7 ,1 9 9 1.FIdwefs'EnteredIn Flower Bldg

1" ' R u p e r t '636 Fror

I Rupert, IdahPhpno43i

— ---^11’ ----HourW Mor*.-Sal. 9ar

__ ^ ----- Nnncy Fc

~ r H a v e F d r I t h e F a i l

D a n ' s T .

1 8 t E l e c t r o........ 4 0 1 F S t r e

. R u p e r t • 4 3 6 . . ' -

: B u r g e r s ,' T w o L o c a t i i

,H w y . 2 5 , R u ' 7 0 0 O v e r l a n d ,I 2 R a n c h B u !

J 2 ^’

H C S l F A I R S P E ( ' l O T a n s . f

S u n s a t i" - - - 4 2 S F .- S m _ R u p e r t • 4 3 6 -

: N e a r l ] ^

— America fueling n grow lord'ofTnuT'- gangs;"said Bitrcndii. co.n - _ " j r he_2U 00 23.700 los- would be 260

:e, n Senate rccord of 23,<W iday. And tire stud, J r . whb.se alone will .suffi ajoniy staff — about 300 blam<^ the fleeting thulytl at he called not hitting cvci

While 21 Sl the mayhem crca.ses in hor ; addicts and,- Idaho, arc sho , particularly stotes plus ihe ary-siyle as- , arc sliiying vin Tiiograplucs~itig'.^”l"percci

led in clinicC. (AP) — Anti-abonioi am agcd-an-tarBctcd-thir- im arson in- Derkowitz, pi%— levillc Right t ofiHTWom- " i h f group' con k>ille at the she was "shocl y night and' the fire.j rficials said. Dr. Elliott I tnmablc liq- .who owns t le cbortion planned to h rear o f the therc reopened

ic, building comment on th 1 explosion. Tlie federal ve Merrill -Tobacco and I


■ V a l l e y S t i r g e ^ C

d M a g i c V a l l ^ E a

s e , T h r o a t A s s q c i a

0 a n n o u n c e t h e a s:


J ? K F . G R E F E N S O l

R R Y D . M A X W E L I

- I n - T l i e P r a c t ic e o f

^ R Y N G O L O G Y , F /

J T I C S U R G E R Y , H I

■ j o N E C K S L F R G E I

, M a i n O f f i c e

1 S h o u p A v e n u e W «

i h F a U s , I d a h o 8 3 3 (

'e l e p h o n e : 7 3 4 - 4 5 5 5

) r 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 7 7 - N O S E

THEMD. 1 0 1 / 2 n i

1 9 9 1 S c h cWEDNESDAY-AUGU

red 7:30am-l:0pm........Prodidg, 8:00am-6:00pm..... Judniieel 8:00am..................4H He

8:00am..................Swinenn 9:30am..........................JOj 10:00am-10:00pm.........

............Exhibits Open to In :00am.........................2:00pm.......................

t>9- 5:00pm-6:30pm..........4Hny.. 6:00om........................41-

................JCS 8;00pm...........................»;s THlJRSDAY-AUGUS’

8:00am-1l;00am....,.......8:30am.................. ......9:00am..................4H Bi

dg.~10 :00am-10:00pm~.::.v

------------------- "Come-=,T— — r -Minidol'

W a d .oho 63350 T r a i136-5335.,ura—-............... P a Uam-5;30pmFowora '-- ■ py< ■ • • D.

! n a t Ii r ! ( 2 0 8

■ In Idaho r . V . “ 1-800-632-3

o n i c s “

, E t c . M i n id ot i o n s 5 4 7u p e r t R u p e r tI, B u r l e y «T f^

j r g e r s - D r ui ? ____ Th

: C I A L. f o r F air p) 0 -----------------------^BesK

. Furi o n s _ ly iaim e t -------- ---- E q u l p r^ 9 6 1 ^ P au l, Ic

y 24.0D(owih in violent teen-agcd' pc: Biden, D-Dcl--------------GO predicibd, homicides de60 more than last,year‘'s cn ,440, -- -tudy (istlmuics that Texas thiuffer an even greater hike iniW more murders <— re- foit-the- homicidal ’trtnd' Is' nsvcrywhcre (iqually. ha

states arc enduring in-tiomicides. 18. including ii\jihowing decline.s and 11 10Ihe District of Columbia m.ik irtually the same, chang- t^i xcnrorlcssrln-Jdahor2-7—

c d a m a g e ~

tion activists often hadc—clinicr-'but—Kalhryn------president of the Fayct- _ It V6“ Crre Chaptcr.' saia :oiKlemns violence ond locked and iippalled" by

:t Pack' o f-aiapel H ill.- the clinic, said he have telephone lines

led Monday.-Hc4iad-n6......I the fire.rai Bureau of Alcohol, d Fireanns was helpjng ,.

— 0 5C e n t e r ---------------------

z a r , ..................................

i a t e s

a s s o c i a t i o n o f


D N , M . D .

L L , M . D .


■ lE A D


V e s t

1301 I

5 5 i W F

r t j . „

NTOQKA1m i l e e a s t o f f

l e d u l e o f E v e3U ST 7.1991 Continuedoduce Entered at West End of 4 Joing of 4H. FFA & Open Class E Horse Performance Class Comi

ine Quality, Fitting & Showing, J

.......Commercial Exli'ibi’ts & All 1to Public, 4H Bldg. Closed forJi

......Commercial Booths........Flower & Produce J

.4H Small Animals Judged in Sa „4H& Open Class Bldg. Open lo-------- ,lions-Ctub^afO€que

.......Gymkiiana&Talen1ST 8 .1 9 9 1 .......................Open Class Beef I...... ...........Open Class HorS'

iBeef Judging. Fillinq Showing, ,:::;.',~~.:.7,-,All Exhipits-Qpen tc

l e S e e - U s A t^ T h e ^ 'o k a C o u n ty FdirH' — "

d e Z o l l i n g e r

a i l e r S a l e s3u l & - B u r l e y , 6 7 8 - 3 3 4 2 : j -

R u p e r t V 18) 4 3 6 - 0 4 0 0lho n il ■2.3561 W . -Idaho h *6.6900 [ j; .

a n s T q r a i n - | -

l o k a P h a r m a c y17 S t h S t r e e t ; r f 4 3 6 - 3 1 8 1 .

T i e F r i e n d l y r u g s t o r e O n > i e C o r n e r " J ,

: Valley Equipm erit v !S M inidoka C oun ty ,‘ - !■ P artic ip an ts the 5t of Luck - H a v e — ^ un a t th e Fair!l a g l c V a l l e y a m e n t C o ;t I n c . -

Idaho ^436-2122 *f

people were murderca in 'H i-thc-sinff-csdmatcs.23:,will 1 dered this year-for a 15 peri crease. . •

The siaff. basing iis predic the homicides during the 1 tnonlhs of the year and adji for jeasonal changcs. found.

’n ^ 'b f being murdered in y has doubled over liie past 30 j

However, the murder rale ii\g.Uic number,of people s

'100,000 popCilaiiofl, sdll wc main below that of 198fr whii the record, with 10.2 killiogs

-^ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 people.---- — ^

Storm ri]s n o w b ir d ; “O ta iri:

— Mure 'tll.ttl ■thi'ce’Tfozen' — were-tnjured-Sundfty-wJwr

bail storm cau.sed a pavilio collapse on a sold-out cr

. lendinc an outdoor concei ski and summer resort. •

Authorities said none o injured siifTered serious hai

Snowbird vice presid communications Rusty Ma nobody was tnippcd bcni

J o i n

Fdmi— ^ E v e r

K id s u nwith pi


-------------------------e to B - to

COUNTYR u p e i i t o n H i

/ e n t s I id t u u r s d a V - a i)f4HBldg.' 1:00pm..............ss Exhibits 1:00pm..............ompetiiiong. Judging 2:00pm..............Dog Snow 4-oopm..............All Oylslde 7;30pm..........I.;,...

'hs JuSS'e’d

fsateSam IMtom-'ioijprn nto Public ......... .......

J e S h "o riA /u R O A Y ,A U i9;00am-7:00pm,...

■ef Entered 9:00am........ {....orseShow l2noon.............ng. Quality 12noon....... .....n to-Ptiblic - 2:00pm.......

^1 G o o d e F o r M e r e u r )

Your Country Qec for 52 Years 4 th & F S tre e t,

, R u p e r t > 4 3 6 ; j 6 1

^ : G o o d L u c k T o A P a r t i c i p a n t s ojT tl

■ M i n i d o k a C o u n tF a i r & R o d e d !

K & R R e i i H60 0 W ., 2 5 0 :? .

H a v e F u n A t T h e F B U T T E

i r r i g a t i o n , nL ln 'd sty /Z im m atit

T h u rd c rb lrd • W ader■ / 2 \ P au l, ID

^ V j y 4 3 8 - 8 ^

Have Fun __atthe_Fa.il.

s t o c k r o o m S h (_ : --------. 5 0 9 - 5 t h ' - S t . -

R u p e r t • 4 3 6 - 9 8 1

P h j o r d" l9 9 tr '^ ~ ~ * T n rm lc-r6 r^ l '

staffs picrcerit de-~ w6uld t>c'9.5 per.

t— '— iifc~I9S0“ ris:ord- ictions on Jiavc to be more ll:

first six this year. Ijustments The ye.nrs 196; d.tfiaL-thc—tercd the lowesiro I America decades: 4.6 sli 3 years. 100.000 people. ,lc, mean- ' To counteract slain per homicides, Biden

would rc- the Brady-Bill gu [lich holds to prevent convic gs for ev- buying guiis. and ------- L_— Istylc-assaulLwcapt

L p s U t a h C O

“(AP7 — ir400'squar?rdof m-TW0ple=nvhenil'C0llapicd >cn-a-froak—ficials hnd smppei lion tent io by the Utah Syn crowd at- Lcttermen.:ert al iliis Lellemien gro

founder Tony Bu of the 43 of funs were bene:

larm. il felt. “I had to ;idcnt for help pull people c -lanin said in n telephone int :neath the Salt Lake Inlcmali

n C a f e 0 1 6 f o r

ily Nic> ry J i/1o n d a y n i g h t

n d e r l 2 e o t f o r ( r e p u rc h a s e o( tw o en tre e sr>o restftcttons m ay apply)

L _______^xakes-B lydT -»4w in-F Q ll

r FAIR I w y . 2 4 ^

AUGubT8.1991ContlnUBi.......... i....................... Open Claj..........1......Sheep Judging, Breei................. Fittino & Showing. Fl..............Minidoka County Stock..................................... GoatQu

JS T 9 .1 9 9 1....C

m .........................All Exhibits 0........................Awards AssembI

U G U S T 1 0 ri9 9 V ^............................. All Exhibits 0

" Z ." ....... ;................. Open Cla:

^ l o n l t B i f C o*1 ' Hwy. 2 4 -

^ 436-0

i l l h

A ll HiVnnu’s Jewt ! ie TheirSMpp.

I’articipmi Minidokn C

iJ & Rcxlco - C- A l l H anna’s ,

521 F.£J 2 2 — ----- R iipcn ■ 4

Fc^irl ^ S t o p I n A n D u r i n g T

IN C . J a n e t ' s I-M gnU oV

529 F. I§ 3 _ J R u p e r t • A

a l . ] Enjoy Tl ir i _ Bob Cal

. Heating &:l O e S "Lekushandl.

8 5 6 , ; i ' 6 1 3 D St.,R upe

d e r e ^ lir 199 r r ir s ra m h ig -r t i^ ^ B 's projection is c o rrc c l,ff lH per 100.000..To.m fllch^™ r>rrt-^te.“ here-wouM^ M rc than 25,400 s ia y if ig s ^ |H

1962 and 1963 rggis-.^ J si rolcs in Ihe pn.' l three

slayings for every...........

racl the increase^ in den urged pa.ssag^of I gun control measllrc 1 ivicied criminals from and a ban on military- : r^npnns. ■ . ■_______ ■ _ .

: o n c e r t _,

rdofheavy tarpaulin »iicd-&lK)rtly.-a(tcr.Qf^ ~

fl joint cnncerr __Symphony und iFe

group kadei’ aod _Buiala said -doren>

eneath the lent whpti: - I to crawl under to lie out.’* Butala saH": interview from itlff ■national Airport.

or ,'v"

ghtyI t . =I r e e l =M SI)

^ i i s ! — :

lUBd .C lass Beef S ho w Ireeding , M arket, g. R e ece , Q uality lock H orse Show ! Q uality Ju d g in g . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R odeo

... D a iiy Ju d g in oIs O p e fito P ub lic_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i im b ly -S a le 'f ia rn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R o deo . ■' _ __

ts O p e n to P u l jI ic ' •... Fat S to ck S ale/e s to c k R e leased >. . . . .S ta te P o sse eC lass Dog Show

Co U P , I n c t ^:4 - Rupert . 3-0141

m A K ES

" • ~ •' "if ^ -----Jewelry Gives ipport To All Ipm itso fth e • n Q iu n ty Fair ?•*-G o o d Luck! ;i’s Jewelry ■F. Street• 436-6056— - n ~ - ....

And S e e U S a H J T h e F a i r !

5 F lo w e r s - Z G if lf i

.oy Mettler - .o ,F. Street•436-9811 y A .

The F a i r ! ■ r a t m u l l ' s ~ : & 'P l u m b m g “ ~ 1ndloallo fyour /Id htratin? neodsij— - / • upert « 436-3766 |^ / , ;

Page 7: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

E Comics■ - J ' “ ^iffARSlDi;--------

Wii;«(h«lrown«rJ ■ p f p t

^ 1 D 7t0fO^wturyinfr\


■ B W H A T A R E ]■ E V 0 U P 0 l^4 & , J■ E |S A R © E ‘?

I '*' ^ K ^ t ' 7 '

I 1 T I ^ F K p■ - - , w . — ^ . . _ - E ? ^

B ....... z ....... .......

I R ],I ” i'i _ ... D ’ ......

I I ;J B . .

^ r pN J

& , - ■ ■E I

IK5T ____ \ _______

i f c f i o s s p1 BftrtMCUo Horn __Sfltp'odftnk '*

lOyftyngo . j r14 Snorpon

■ ■ isinwnsB • •• JT _ 18 nvlslbMualityr- - -

— 17Tinybi|-.: ■l8Cena<noxom ■ 19Enlroomoo« » gORolMSln'Tank. _ . 22 Having a fooling »

of dlstoste - 3 " 24 P^ctico for 0 _ j

- - gsM{»up -----------IL26 Mhiromoro _ a

-------- 23‘ 'rroTTiaciotod-||i33StovoorWoody ■ 34 Drudgo . "35Thonlor5ign j r 36'Granc)stonct

; section 3".. 37Wingod ' _

3fl'Shlno S'39 NIgrtt boforo I__40Rongo om4l Nopp«d looihor *'

- —•42-Dhnlnishoa-----------44Ronraa-................”45 Y&io students46 AcroagB- - ........^2

‘ 47 Put on (a show).SO Wound covers 1354 Tibetan monk 2165 Happening- 2357 CoFufnbu#' ship 2568 Skating jump . 2659 flolaOvo 2760 Plug up 2961 ExcaxBtlon 29 62^001 out - - 30 63^8 Unchestor

DOWN 321 Transport 342 Needy 373 Concerned wltt> 38

— ^-TtucK-dflvnr.-. ......40.5 d«»ogarment.-41.6 More frigid 43

— — 7-Askafor ........... ^. payment 44

• .• fl timetable flWr.! 8 Kinsman 40• ICUDn “

m il J b J L ^ i^mer* elM p, nervous little doge . «partforU ieir< t«y.

n i a j - i

K o » » i o o s » ^ ,

1 1) PLAViNe I ITS;

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regrd ts a m o | x12 Special b a n k -J .. S f j S j f -

accoun ts g » ! ■}§■13 W an I21 S to io s ign . ■ £ .23 Climbing p lant B i L25 U se a rink • [c T l OTs2 6 Glutted - r n o n i t27 Martini item T V29 S p e e d y ...............t f 4 f S i n29 Rebuffs l l l £ lU fi.30 Small la n d ;: .......m P U L

m a sse s ICIAtM IE31 W ear aw ay ' tff lR K A32 U sed a p a d d le f f S 34 P laces for coins37 M ishap l E l bH U a38 Direction

_40 Shppplng event ___________.4 1 .B each covering 43 E n te rta in .

sum ptuously 'T « p o ! < e 'I h a ----------4 7 H itn o lt

violent way . 48 Cab 46 Old-faahloned 49 S o be

w eapon 5 0 B a rd r i

........ b l o n d i k

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30 It 63 Grandiose storydrink 56 Sevon

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il-A U G U S T 5 IS YOUR— Y<ui liavc "wrlicr’s signaiun _ iialural tliar.icicr aiialyM. yoi

cinali-d by w liji iilUcr> Ic l i »>wii.'‘ Cuiniiii.' Virgo, j a sons play kuy ,n)lc\ in yi*ur

m il dynamic; crvmive. m c in iw

* trjclivc. Ci:m;m tycli; cmptv “ cam <ionicsiic ailjuMiticiU._ A R E S (March 21-Aprif

wilil-yiKi\c tlu tw hy chock— appolnimui^^. Kclaiivc cnuUi

lliu>iiislic. couicl iorgcl lo laQi . Imi; Icniis, porl'cci your icclir

..Virpo pcrMin% rcuiurctl.____ TAURUS .(ApriI.2(tMuyJ

lor money, payments. (.•oUcci E ing incomc potuiiliai. You'll 1 '/^vijjomcm wquiring wixilom. i g wiliinijncss lo mei;i dcail

! ■ Cuprivom reprocnicd. m l OEMINI (May 21-Junc 2(1 U ] wcur your colur\: shinies o f i c j green und yellow. Avsctl vic» I g lie nppcanuiec. sirc-is inillvii ! ■ ' dixtuncc ’cuininunicutloit_co H overseas truvcl.I H -----CANCER- (Jurw -21-Juiyr a .ugrce. •‘It’s time for frcxh si TqI rceiion!” Jmprini siylc. pu.ih

IcsH feurM. doubix, susplc ^ "consuliullon" reveals you ht /®* ously "hidden."_____ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I. . fondcM, desires. .lu IfiircJ.,-

friends and induenco Importi ira__lu ltf^ in le ile c i serves m u<

Meunx hiinclTwlirrioi l*iru>ory un is In pieiurc.

ymoo (Aug. 2 .VSepl. 2

^ [ T w Or s

1 ( to ee FO

A T i

\ ____ - ' - / ■ ' f r * ' ‘

- - i w - r H t i N i ‘ s tc u R r r v . ^ -V f o0 ^ w ^ ^

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^ i i *■ . / ^ BUT A J t i !

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i [V

^ s - g Iy d n e y ' 'S g> m arr J “

itrological........ - JU —“ r e c a s t s - '

R BIRTHDAY; ‘li'P'-‘yunj." You aw a impt^'ve IxKly i;ou aiso aiv las- |H>piil.>nly surii icnn iho "un-.SaBillarius por- voIvq.I, ur li'ro; You'a tv DBRA-(.Sciors o r opp<..iio I" down I

phasi/i-s sipnil’i- rvlaliniisliii" a - - - omphasi. 0.1 II

pfif l‘» : Avoid roinanco.■ckiiig illiiorary. SCORPIO I' ■Id be overly on- dis'A-m.ilake rmios. Do- P-'l'-''’-

ihniquos. I 'iuvs,' mhorilanto. yn fy, Ui» and iici

,y 2(lijtu:clloni_jypfv 'onio< l.euiivns. iHoa-as- SA O nT A R i'll Ix; piven us- You niiijhi Iw 1. n;spon.ibilliy. r-.mgod iho lur adiinc. CiHKor. p laccaihom c.

need lorgivan: ■>i, ^ ■ Ul u ic wiihoui ahai' 20): Cycle high.o f silver, hriglil CAPRICOR iews. make puh- hcyomi the im viduuliiy. U n g - “psychic uhd could result in « h a i's expocu

can^uiTilclpaic dy -22); Y oull - .cmploymeni. d s L in new di- AQUARIU5

sh uslde ground- o" Iwenslij ^Icion^. Privuie "ciism. sex api huve ully pr«v]. eiy. experimer

ciiing rcseurc ): Many of your pluys key role.■^■'7 iiU *irw |n ------ P1SCBS-(F«.rtam people. In- uecoitipliHhcdl uecuniic guide, pnsoncr o f »i

ruy you. Auuurl-- Tiway from inu ure not involve

. 22): Diversify, c ltn rby 11 p.n

.5UPPSRI5 60IN6 ^F0URAUNUT65 l A i y

IN T E R tftT O F NATIOFTAirS T t t l ’MAFRAlP I 'M ^ O IN fr } ^ A v e t o c o N F l e c A T e , ) _ T H A T HAM BU RG ER /

# ^ 0

y c i J ' / 2 0

j 0 i f z

r r - fv E s E P A tfe HE ’ COS PAYe no P M l s n s r - ? / ^ I 1 ^


---------------y -------------- ■—



alW h at's ) ( 7 n Q o n



mr. inld 10 w:mln>lv. rc'oivo loly im:it:o. You're going placfs. .,i:rgcs lipwanl. yon Iim)1. (IimmI j*:ok "ik.tIocI lonn." Gemini in- I

.Scpi.-3.t-oci;-:2): no v.iiiing : 'n lor idiim;iic piirp<"o of tv-

s also roipiirv tuviow. l.iinar n iravoi. pul'lisliiiig. idoaliMic _

D KX'i. 2,VNov, : i l ; 1Um>I ;tni! ^ ■mimilo inrornuilioii. yol i<1oas .tittiHo li^i:lilighi> possil'iliiy oT groiilor knowledge ol' inveiiui- '' iiconsc rci|uiromi;nis.-Virgo is ''

<1ARIUS- (Nov:-t2-Doe. 21):Iw saying.'"Souieono has roar- I'uniiiua-r' Changes will uiko <' nc. ramlly'mcmbor ialk'.-;ib<nn ;alcr reci'gniiion. Ue diplomal- handoning principles, vORN (Doc. 22-Jan' hJ): Lixik J immcdiaie. give lull range lo

ihililios." rind oiii e»aclly i fcicd I'rum you and winii yoii^ I :uc in return; Fikus on riincss. . it. dependents.lUS (Jun. 20-Fcb. IH):Empha- i isliy. sensuuliiy. personal may-. , appeal. Scenario feiitures vari-

iientmlon. paniclpalion in cx-. j :un:h project. Cancer nalive )le. i.^Fcb...ly.Ma^;ll-20);.Mi^^ion- j cdl You need no longer-he. r Mulus quo. Break free, Ily i iriuW. iribulullons in which you | jiveil. Message becomes crysial | p.m. • • ,

Monday, Ai

K ^ ’ r. , . J!

T l " V E « ;T H £R E '1B "A T 0P 61 ) FORM ULA IN H tR £ WHi j O O tN Q rTO HAVE '

L z ®

r i c -

Pa ? - r H e i i i

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, / ^ ‘ A , "

f Rover w a n ts t . .... m g t e a m b u t l

■I NK I-,

K^=^1 'T'


B o !

O f m oles and wine

Modic-id rcsearcliors' have w ilh the curiiMis rc|xirl that i m oles liirn canccnnis on |x; drink w ine lh;in on others.

livery ciKkroach that dies ilouth iltv s so on iis hack,

Q. Hvcry U.S. Prcsideni i\ w ilh t'lio Ivind on a passage i' Hihle. W hai’s the passage?

A . W haievcr p;issage tlic pn bo ch(M)scs. ir liny.. N o iwo have been sworn with iho sanx

No, hum ans a ren 't ihe onl ihal snee/e . ju si ilic only snee/.c w iih iheir m oulhs open


••Mummnth Cuve reminded i_ ropcun seiilcn« o f Kc n l 's -Cii ‘. Torqmiy. England. So Ihcy ni

new .surroundings 'K eni/Torq I name evolved into 'Keniucky I ports O rlando 's Roland C. B

‘who rescurchcd the.miitier.

A ugusts , 1901 Times-Nows,

/ 0 0 6 \/ HARASSMENT! \ ( /

:-------_ 0 0 6

e e C R E T S | h>OU UV£ ih v o u'HICH I AM ^ OWN LITTLE WO ; T O y PONTVOO.OAfti

i h i m a

j / r B - i ? A Ni c e , I

-‘'- J 1

M m

to p i a g o n ] 'C ause ‘ I (dori-t > r->^ 'bou-t w

b a s e b


T r y n o t t o p a s s a n y s c h o c

C lien t's letter I man .starts: '‘I 'm a

■ M .ly d

................. Wh;n m a k c ' piphvll. Wiint n ia k o

3 v v M o i . p iiy iiu . im a .y o u f

._ If you changem ;igtic'ium . ytni gIhescicntisis.

■e come up,1 more skin a |I rijl.l . i i \ a n|«:i.|.lu « li,. I,

-------------- T A H .S----------------es a i>alur;d y

' Q. A ll.sh'.s laic...... — -- “ a w ln lc '^ ls :c his sworn .n Any reason for ihe

.• ol' an openA ,M:iybc. A f

pa-s.deiit-10- y .. pres,denisme passage, jo w n . 'n ia l 's ihe ll

mly aniimdsy ones I ia m nm c parents wl

\ usually liave lot ' have tmc parents.'

cd early Eu- ' Q .W Iu iis o n o f C ^ v ^ _ n e i i^ ' f in i coins ever mii numed their

>ruuuy';'Tlic A. Facc-K>-tuc« •ky‘.“ So rc'- lio " ' A boul 640 I

Bailey, Sr.. w ljal's now Turk cxpcri.

JW5, Twin Falio. Idaho A=7-'.

g T T "

^ U R y T H £ R E ^ ~ SWORLR V nO TH IN O t J

IrA R FlE L pa L lT T L E ^ -t ____ _ ^ B O O T

$ 9 0 0 P R B F E H S 9 ,: e , c o o L P / f f t ^ i r J i : r e o c r a ^ E R .

iT 7 'fOORPLAKtsisNTl* DO S E W T O ;IJOJAFT isno I S U N S .' t w d ^ . o o k t ;

s e l d o n - t c a r e b w i n n i n ’. . . I : w a n t t b p l a y

h o q ls , D a d d y .' .♦

er 10 cnn l.iivc and Wnr 'm a iiKicaroni-and-chcc.'»c

lo a I'ciu'icino' A llrcit>

■' piiml>- g iw n !•• ehU«*^- 7-----lakcN blix’d red is hen ic .^ f iic -iiug iic.siu tiiJii_d ilo rv- —•ou gel heme. •;

nge tlic iion in ih cn ic ]o oil gel chlorophyll. So Kify ^

s an ;mteiitcr if you say w>. c Icnniics lhan ;mls. ;[

1 •: laic is a rudder — vertical ? :i hydml'nil — lin r iro n p lr ~ r lhc dilTercnce'.’

A fish has more necd;.to prcdaiors. A w hale |ias . go up — for ajr — and

ih e lh w ry .

old Persian proverb: "F b r '. w ho have fine children

foriunuie children who nts."

n o f design wus on ihe r minted'.’

-t'uce heads o f u bull and 4 0 D.C! in Lydiu. pun^of Furkey. So rcpon r-a -vb in

A '

: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _

Page 8: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

• ' f

X rahypociRemember Idaho Set

allocking his last oppo------- airincrcasein'payforlt

Cnig is hoping you cJ_______ you won’t when he nex

in 19% .■riuil’s bccausc Crait

............. blasted.Democrat Ron•V wlicn Twilegar wus a

— -^vntijtlinTaisc-filFrD^^' It'was the right voi

coupled wilh a ban on known as honoraria tl uivc 10 politicians for at ualhcrings. And it is i tncmbers of. our govci

_______Jj-UJiriijlQli.Ii'-dP.rjUJlIVL-ar,' ' I

For that reason, you Sieve Symins criticized

iii^vote favoring tEi has spoken in support voled for them^and doi rcsponsibtlit>-fnV either

•OnePeI ive 1 Perccni Tax Lif

a poleittPal disasler Ih seem eager to embracc.

Proponents say it is property laxes-witliout ; in Ihc process. They s: can raise more money b; assessmenls. They say and will make up the schools with money fror

Bul Ihc claims, tfiou may mean well, are' mi

■* plain fatuous. Al a tii economy is showing bel rest of ihc county - a seems to be steadily ini] absolutely no sense lo confusion and unccnaini

"One Percenlers" are say there will be no si serv'iccs. Even if the sti and provide funding cnlUi'c.s.-lherc would

_______S.Crvj c.es^b.ec;y is.cJ ll atto provide services ihrou

One Percenlers are wr---------- that4oc;>U>r<;aK-can-rait

voting .for_speci.iIjisses injtialive allows for.'' requires a “super majori the registered voters ii have to vole yes for it to

II is virtually impossil . - -of that many voters- * Elections in the Pocalel

■have ah avcnige voter ti perceni'. No measure, hi could be approved und ciTect. ihc super inajorilj that no special assessr pass. To pretend olherwi;

No scanNo, Mrs. Gilbert, ther

lo circum vent the wi regurdtng lhc I pcrccr people simply wani

— ~ “ pro'poncnis’of thirprop have either been unwill don’t have.

In a guest commcnl: Rachel Gilbert, a fomcr

. . vice president or.llic ; Owners Association, saii

ihe libcnil eslablishment, the media are.mountii campaign predicting d< saying the initiniivc w services and strangle groy

; Scarc campaign?True, Gov. .Cccil Ar

wholesale slashing of nea -state’s property - tax acknowledges (he ncci

______rcdesigiLof-lhc-state^s-i;careful study.

The dreaded “L” word to use in debates such as t sure who the “liberal est this instance. Republican oppose the initiative; ai parties favor it. The ]< against the initiative - i

_____M ichael S impson o f E'hardly be callcd liberal.

True, the media have j ' - - -of fltories, primorilyibecD

reaction to the idea fr' organizations and individi have quoted opponents of say it will cut essentii strangle growth. Proponen M rs. Gilbert and o ther plenty of ink. as well w refutations.

TTi.............. Stephen Hangcn CL

Publisher Ml

-^ c m c m b i arc Slcph(

i -

aig’s pay i :ritical aflSen. Larry Craig's ads Li iponent for supponing cirldaho' legislators?--------)u don’t, or at least tiiat Brin next stands for election in h

“ payraig has done what he jw i on Twilcgar-fondoing— |egi; S'a stale .senator: He $23

------- —rtivote, because it was on the legalized bribes a that interest groups r attending one of their is not out o f line for ivernmeni’s full-timeiuaicc-Lvj^J.UmCLn____ ^( corr /ou will not sec Sen. zed by this;_ newspaper , tEe'pay raise.' Symms )rt of.such raises, has does not shrink from Sc

ICT— .------- • • ------------ t t

ercenters’Limilalion initiative is Oithat many Idahoans lhat 1

:e. • • - to lot is a way lo reducc loss-ut giving-up anything -gctiey say that local areas repaiy by voling for special olheiiay thai the state can andthe difference to the mustrrom the general fund. Or^ough the proponents that■ misleading - or just 5. fc' I time when Idaho's progi bellcr growth than the ihai,- and when businps.s cuts' improving - it makes and f lo inflict this sort o f rcpla

ninty. full i arc wrong when they year.'i 3 substantive loss o f are rslate were lo step in— resist

ng for local taxing lost p ,ld -Still be a.-loss o f OritjuoneyJs_no.w_t«icd__ tsmflrough the state. carcwropi; when they say aspe

r;>iKc-morc-moncy4^y— inan<;sessments._Whilc,.the__sjioiilj r ’such elections, it such jprity,"- two-ihirds of and p s in a district would Du I to carry. of anssiblo to get a turnout schoc rs in any election, area, alello School District Thi ;r tumoul of about 20 need :, however necessary, shriel jnder these rules. In wasti )rily provision assures--comc ssments would" ever mone rwise is ridiculous. Thi

re campaihere is no conspiracy . Wh will o f Ihc people we dc ccnt initiative.'-Thc; 'RcpT' ant answers thaf' whett top ertytax-m casnrt— los^p: villing lo provide or a redi■ ■ . ' ' sales 1 rnlary on this page, Thi Tier stale senator and chargi lie-Idaho Property , result said. “The governor, ' S165i ent, big business and base. ’ nting a huge scare cents• doom and gloom, lo 5 c : will cut essential prope 'rowth." option

percerAndrus opposes a Pro

nearly a fourth of the ' fundit ax base. But ho--care b iced for a possible both t 's-iax-stnicturc-oftcr— their f

the stiord is a popular p.nC •• make 1 as'tliis, but we’re n'dt Pro; establishment" is in is sim cans and Democrats-' really. ; and some in both in pro; c leading crusader 'reauin- Republican Rep. oner If Blackfoot - can rcvcnu - . . ..

k-e printed a number • Idoho tecQuse ofjhc.quick j.indigc

from politicians,' ' legitin /iduals, Nqws stories fear.; of the measure who The ntial .services and major < rienis - Ron Rankin, have 0 icrs - have gotten and d( I with their speedy conspii_____________________

leTlmesClark Wahvorth..........ADcnWiManaging editor Orculatl<

Tibcrs^rUie'cdilorlal b ^ rd aji phcn Hartgcn, Clark Wolworll

' ’ '1 . ; ■ ■

. 1. -■

raise vote rter electio

Larry Craig is another matter. Craig has not only talked as

nc's public salary is tantamoi irinks robbery, but has used it.a^ )_dtffcaLjio_opp.oncnt,_WJint!sj ay raise for Which Craig bh wilegar last.year brought 1 •gislotive-.salury-lo.only-o-fract 23.200 raise Crattiiustpockctcd And now Crai^'scumes to der

ay raise is a pay raise at all. li jIIs il a “correction,’' because it le bribes He can accept and b roughl senators’ pay into line w lerc House members.If C raig- were rea lly inter

arfec l10 ns. he woulU ;apoIi w ilegar and Idaho’s Voters ection-year trickery on the ) sue. But Tvvilegar knows Cn an to expect him to make things ^m eday, maybe Idaho voters \ r ^ e Lcvraton Morning Tribune

i’ logic wroOne Percenters are wrong wller at the stale will-i iakc up the lOsl • local schools and ihal there v 'SS o f im portant services. T moral fund doesn’t have the i pair the losses to schools, let a her taxing entities wilh their ; id continue the services that ust provide.One Percenters make much 01 at in the firsi year o f Oregon’s few schools have made deep cu

ograms or stafTing. They fail lo at. unlike the Idaho initiative. ' Its 'arc phased in over a fivc-ye id Measure 5 mandates lhat ihe s place the lost money lo the sehi 11 impact o f Measure 5 is stil ars away in Oregon. Many Or e.resigned io the creation of t sisted sules-lax as a way 10 rc| it properly lax revenue. Onu-goiil of-(he One Percent move educinion and-indit’cpt re from properly lax bccau: pccls o f these scrvicc.s ai andatd(li-^TIiey-H»y-thut-prop 0 iil4i.£0.QnlyJbLprbpertyj^Iaiet] ch as lire and police prolectiot d parks.But education is a part o f Ihc v any community - and the quali liools often defines the desirabili

The same people who are prolc ed 10 pay for quality educatio rick loudly if control of the loca IS to move oiit of the community mcs'down to is quibbling abc incy goes where.Tbe Idt^b Slate Jounial, PocatcII

lign with 1While we detect no “scare can do sec people with u'lot of qi

pT 'Slnipsonrror'iitsiancerrs .ether backers of the initiative i t'propcriy-tu.'t^venutMnuJe^ip- educlion in services or an inc cs and incomc t.ixcs. fhe initiative to limit propc irgcs to 1 percent of market valu ult in a-rcduciion o f SI05 mi 55 million from Idaho's S460 mi e. Tliat’s a big cut. It would rcqt Its tax on every Sl purchase, C( 5 ccnts now to make up for iperly taxes, Simpson says. / ion is to increase income taxj'ati cen t. •’roppncnts have said propc iding for schools and indigen 0 should bc-removed. OK.-Bu h those services gel the lion’s 1 ir<\lDdiag from property tax,-'wli stotc’s general fund get the m

<c up the difference? roponcnts have said the Idaho ii imilar lo one-passcd in Orcgi ly. Oregon’s Measure 5 monda iroperty lax support for schools, jircd they be done'grodually a: :r the state promised to repl :nue./e havcii’t'seen specifics like ho. ■Ques’tions ol’ how schc igcnt health eare.-wiUrberfum timale concerns, not provocal

he I pereent inilialivc would rc or choAgc iD-Jdahoans’ lives. A 5 a right -'indeed, a; duty - to q debate-it.w ithout being call

spirators in a scare campaign. he Post Regjgter, Idaho Falla

s-NewsWi!»on' •• W tcrY ork

lation mahajjcr Advertising dire

ajid wrttcis'ofcdltortolr------- -arlh tmd Sieve Crilmp.

e • ons ._ns_iftaisins________m o u n t to th e t.a^ a w ea p o n,!s jv o rse ,_ i lic _________'b lu d g e o n e d ' £ 0 ,

h t a n e n t i r eraction o f th t t ’ — ^

■ - t I i iP inden y ih a ru ie I. In s tead , h e e it resu-icied _ id b c c a u s c it e w ith thot o f

i t e r e s t c d in - p o lo g iz e to te r s f o r h is :ie p d y r a is pC ra ig b e t t e r ' ' ' ' * ' f f W ngs r ig h t. r -.;rs w ill too .

Let-hen Ihey say f c w mlo st rev en u es ' ■ ' "•c w ill b e n o Praiscfc;. T h e s t a l e . t i„.

jrs;: i r . ,h .m r a l ls

......c a rA " ;ll o f Ihc f a c t _

: " c u , r s 7 > •

. '’J .?r n .n nH

S = “ = 5s=;I ,i? try in g to mal

i r c p l a c c th e - ^ o ssib h■ . hosp ita l. Till

™ I ' i c o l i c o r j™c n u a c U ic a ] ---------J ,,

I T r c S - q u c i l i o 'S l o

r o p c f l r - l n ^

ib ility o f th e S o l tL a k c .

r o t c s t i n g lh e . H l e g a l o p i tio n w o u ld l a m a con oc.il sch o o ls ;iT5oulanille{ nity. W hat it co n tin u e ori t a b o u t-w h ii l th a t is no t on

h aza rd to the itc llo , , I fu^-l ihis,i

investiga ted 1 I i f j ' ■ ■ residen tia l a r

JL / O I a m on ly itired o f eutinj

c a m p a ig n ," ope ra tion for f q u e s t io n s ! ' - b e en m o v e d j r f s 'a s 'k i r i g t i m e r " ve w an t th e E L A IN E E -up^ 6 r'\<ith ~ ^ — B u h l : in c re ase in

BusincsscX'4'„13 T

m il l io n 10 J W d l l ' c c o I m il lio n tax

l o c n v tn x Wlio h av e c o t

„ k ille r o fM n g i ' m o n e y to . . g .

10 in itia tiv erc g o n . N o t h c a d in ju n c s , n d a tcd .c u ts s«" 'C thm g thr Ils, But a lso . I n le ss than y a n d o n ly 8 'v c aw ay ov. c p la c e th e . ch ild ren Ihroo

to issu e a chai i ik e 't h is i n " ' p r iz c s a t th e T c h o o l s o r d iffe ren t bushfu n d e d a re -------- for-excw ^-thcjc a t io n s to aw ay s o fa r w

I f y o u w ou ld 1

d req u ire a K 'S jR - ” *I. A ll o f us th e C h i ld h fc I to q u e s tio n R eg io n a l Med

T w k F a l i s

------------------ n R e ^ I a t i o i

' ;Y 6 u r J u ly 2 'R e s id e n tio lC i ' c o n ta in e d 50m

.................— — co jxcct..W hileailuo iion resid'

director th e D epartm ercom m itm en t n

— :---------- — b y th is industrWe have wc

I membcbofth



ttersfor local hospital)p le o f T w in .F n lls .ire vcry.luc lilily like th e t w i n F.il!s Cl’inu

m y dad . L ew is H offm an , d ic i le re w as n o th in g lo b e do n e fo m ake h im a s c o m fo r ta b le as fh e c u m p a s s io n a nd -cx cc llcn t im b y the nu rses a n d slaTf a t tl ■ill n e v e r b e fo rgo tten . E ven tl; ill w as fu ll, the n u rses o f th is f l i ta l had th e ab ility to m ake oi im ily feel a s though o u r loved »ly pa tien t th e y had lo care for l g ac tio n s a n d p e rso n a l a tten li le a th as p a in le s s a s possib le, se s a n d s ta f f d id un exce llen t j la k e o u r fam ily a s c o m fo r ta b l bly co u ld during ' o u r v ig il a t'tl l i e y w ir e a lw ay s th e re to oJTc uice' o7 il b lan ket lo 's il in a ch: ■ alw ays-had-tim e-toansw er ou lo try lo c o m fo rt u s a n d to s lu d a y s and n ig h ts w e n t on. sc s 'a t th e T w iTl-'allsVC Im ic & re tlie tr a e e p ito m e o f ih e nurs shou ld b e an e x am p le to a ll iri : p r o fe s s io n ." '3 F F M A N A N D F A M IL Y c C i ty

iperation near BuhlD ncem ed c itiz en w h o is w ritin le g al o p e ra tio n b e in g a llow ed ri th e scen ic highwayvijvcsl o f I on ly on e y eso re b u t a lso a hea he re s id en ts in ihe area, s ,il leg a l op e ra tio n sh o u ld be d n s it is-again sl th e co d e fo r c a n d farm ing a rea . y a rcn ie r. b u t m y ch ild a n d I j in g th e d ir t th a t h a s .co m e fron b r th e p ast IH y e a rs , s incc it 1; d in lo th e .irea in th is leng th 0

I B R A N t e N __________ ^

ses can help with heirT w in F a lls C o u n ty F a ir ju s t c o n ic r , I w an ted lo olTer a lo b u s in e ss o w n ers w ho are 1 g iv in g o w ay p r ize s to people le fa ir . W ith th e c u rren t cm ph lg b o th ch ild ren a n d a d u lts frc , w h y no t g iy e a w a y b icycle your boo'tWheo rd fro m o n u m b e r .o f porct o n ta c te d u s aA cr th e ir ch ild hi ■ash a n d th a n k ed u s fo r p rom o {c_in th e M a g ic ’V alley . T here l ike fo g iv e 'y o u ihc -o p p o rtu n lr m tal in th e f ig h t a g a in s t th e Ni ig ic V o lle y c h ild ren - p rev e n t c y c le h e lm e ts drc p ro v en to b< th e red u c tio n o f b icycle -re la ti

:s, s o w h y n o t giw : ow oy ;hot reo lly im okcs 'o d ifference, an a y e a r. W e hove be en ob le t iv e r 150 b ic y c le h e lm e ts to o u g h o u t th e v a lley . W e w oulc la llc n g e to o il bu s in e sse s giv ii 5 fo ir lW ith th e c b o p era tio n 'o f ^ incssbs, w e fell th a t y o u w ou hc-num bcF o f h e lm e ts -w t'v e -f w h ile be n ef ittin g th e com m ui d lik e to pa rtic ip a te , con tac t 0 itin g H eod S m art b ic y cle sho|: e P ro g ram o t M ag ic V alley e d ica l C en te r.M MATHEWS C ooT xU naior'Is •

ons assure good care ' 2 5 a rtic le c o n ce rn in g th e / . C a re A sso c ia iio n a n n u a l m eet )m c fac tu al c r r o ^ I w o u ld like i lc J - sy ro p n tb irc .iy i th jh e J ’intir id en tia l c a re p ro v id e rs a re fac lent o f H e a lth a n d W e lfa re 's f t mu.st b e to th e rc s id cn is servistry .----------------- --------------w orked c o o p era tiv e ly w itlf th c th e R esid e n tia l C a rc A ssoc ia t

• i . , -

f c



to license their fac , ; . qualilyoflifeforr

busiri«s concerns. The department

_ ensure families the citizens ore cared f

; lor him facilities. Quality c ** homc-likeenvironi

' ..physicalindcmoli '•.V'® , TlicldaiioLcgis 1 though for stale involvemc

care facilities-am ■ moniloring ofthosa-d one referred to House I

by the' Legislature rnlion responsible for

. . 772.Thulislhcjol n tjobol occupalionar Licet

Hou.sc Bill 601 \ '*i * forcc, including rej i-crus. -.RcsideniiolCQreA chairand_,njunc.jhe_Board.

acioptcd^-egulatiofi': Shed a T liat ac tion w as ta l-J,------------includiag-rcsidcntij------------- regulations und ofti

dcpartmcnl has hcl ' inform residential c

changes in the regu support the law. all concerned abolit ih'

. Your July 25 artiI ■ care facilities have illng Ihis and regulations. Fa. cd to notify and tum in;tl of Buhl department if they < icalth' licenses from fncili

because .of ily; regu ,c offaciliticshasgro

' 183 loday. Most of willi nine or fewer 1

I I jiry knowing about the: rom this Issues raised in y it has sialement that the c ll o f ' structural standards - higFi.-The reg

three years to comp

capital cost............'ImetS rcgulalioi

year to comply with it ratios. This was anc

accommodalo the ir time.b adjust to an

pie ^ (3) The rrquircmi iphosis nationally occcpted from care facililics, cuslo e standards bring Ida!

residential carc fori ircnts -. disabled, devclopmi lhad mentally ill. moting The department tt :refore, implementing resid<nlty to '—idahoans'cflflbe'ass : N<5.1 ■ elderly'and disabled entoble— staieis monitored b; > be the needs of today's lated RICHARD P. DC

Director ce. • Department of He leto •• .Bolflo •

uidiike Steroids hurt!------To high'Jchool at]

f On Tuesday aften S v e n I^Phacl talk show h n S 'os guests. The first v tone of Alzado, former tack 1 Raiders. He retired i

P tried a comeback in never made il. He w who used steroids to muscles big. I saw 0 wore 0 bandana on fc lossofhaif.hiswalii

• 'almost a stumble omloijt obout-50 poundi Hiswifewasonlhc

ccting knew whathe would like to almost nil. Ho figh^nnncial___ .Another mani abofacing, - - bui|no legs from-his s first pro boxer and fough :rved. the best hcavyweigh

_and shots. Fir^t his 0 \he baclc"on 'ih e c a in iF :iation Jatcr, h? lost the'othc


— - B i - —

facilities to ensure safety and br residents and addressms. ...... .......ent makes every effort lo ' that elderly or disabled

cd for in closely monitored ly carc me.nns providing a safe, ronment that meets bothnotional needs............:gi.slalurc rccognizcd the need ement in licensing residential and the need for state hose licenses. Your article se Bills 772 and 601. passed.,, jn.' in 1990. The deparlment is for monitoring Hou.sc Bill - job of the Idalio Bureau of ic'cnses.)l was proposed aSera task ; representatives from ihc e Association, dniflcd the bill.- ird pfHca^Kh.nnd.W.elfnr^ iofis implementing thelnw;: taken af^cr a eommiltec »)tial.«arcfrovidcrs-propoKud-ofter public hearings."Thc------held training workshops to ial care providers aboul cgulalions. Many providers , although some say they arc t the costs of complying.., . orticle said sorhe residential ive closed bccai|se of the law Facilities arc required lo

inithcir licenses to the cy closc. Wc hove received no cililics closing their doors cgulalions. In fuel,, the number grown from 173 iti January lo t of the new homes iirc small, 'cr beds. Tliey opened :hc new requirements, in your article included {1) o IC cost o f complying with new irds, including firc sprinklers,regulations give facilities.......imply. This ollows business iluji'siicud und budguffbrihc—

ilions also give facilities one wilh new staff-to-rcsident another cfTort to c ifidust^ b^ giving facililicsa ncw.situation___ .cmciits arc based on ' ted suindards for residentiol islomized for our state. The Idaho into the modem age of b rthc elderly, physically pmeniolly disabled nnd .

nt takes seriously its ro le ^ n ^ sidential care regulation/ assurediheleverofctffe“ ~ )led people receive.in our d byadepartmcnrscnsitlve to ly’s families.DONOVAN

'Health and Welfim

rt body and health1 athletes:-—--- -----------------[lemoon, the Sally Jesse w hod several former athletes "St waa'fh'c wife of Lyle ackle for the Los. Angeles ed a coupic of years ago but ; in the pre-season camp. He e was one of many athletes s to moke his body ond w o recent picturc of him. He >n his heod - presumably for • k'alk was very unsteady- one, he looked as if he had

tnds. He is broke, no income, the show and said she never )uld do. His reactions arc ^ JilSpnd argw?,5.aH (he time, ibput.e.fccund 320 pounds, his hips down. He liad-bccn a - jght some years ago against ights. He used steroid pills is one leg split open in the HcTost thiii one; a short liific ' )thcronc.

I Another man - body bu won many trophies such a

• is bn lours telling high lay off steroids.

A lady about 35-r body steroids, very disagreeable

fe, \vanlcd children but the sti form having children. She and hopes in a coupic of y

J Too many kids and alhl I make themselves big and:

play football.As a former high school

basketball and wrestling, I is athletes keep the bodies, ih

.Mcroids, il will ruin your b may moke you look big an will pay for it later on. Keiand be thankful......... '

NORMAN MOFFTTT I.- - Twin F alla ................

Graarig fee commij ' State Sen. Lai^ Noh wf i_sided-YJ^.XiI public kind i

30 issue of thcTwin Falls — It certainly wouldn’t be politician who is also a pul admit that livestock grazin depleted and polluted mon sources than any other lam states. .

I question how many bai ifgrazing fees were raised

10 to the taxpoycrs. One rcpoi pcrccnt of the public grazii

;r 3 pcrccnt o f the livestock c 3 Simplot is by far the larges , federal grazing privileges i

areas, Gcny Oil,.Union Oil Corp.. whose Roaring Spri

. ranches in Oregon lease 90 federal lands, arc being sutt a x p a y e r s . _______

' ’ According lo 0 House of , Committee on Governmcni

! lessiluin 10 pereent offc^c permittees who.orc considc

Mr. Noh Slated that if lh( raised 400 percent, the ram 400 pcrccnt more Ibragc. I)

* statement, then the Forest S ofLond.Mnnagcmcnt hove the federal land. Mr. Noh d S40 million per year the ta> shell out just to support o w longer economically feasib m cn^n the nearly S30 mil to taxpayers for the slai

«..._piOtcct livestock on public Also, Mr. Noh did not cx

__ paragraptvhow-tlie.teductl(.....livestock would devastate t:

Our eniircjccQsyalciiLCYoli! domestic livestock.

How would'the economy devastated when only 2 per million cattle pioduccrs in I hold permits on public land excessive grazing on the fn: entire state of Nevada, the s about as much meat as th<) t

•“ Vermoni:--------- ------ , f, JIMPRUNTY .

L. ' TwinFalls

Supports softball toIn response to your articli

tournaments:We at the Quick Slop in I

cnjoved ond greatly appreci ' and ousiness these loumami-town.------------------• The ball players have bee courteous ond oil around fui Wc feel it is well worth our

M onger hours or hire extra h( Kcommodate these ball pla

.- -Itisobigplusforouc-bus negolive oltitude docs not m majority opinion. Keep on r coming in, we love your bu;

> CINDY GRISSOM____’Quiclc'^t^'Inc. ~ ‘ Haecrraan, .

y builder, steroid u s ^ - ; ch as Mr. America..ctc.' ligh school athletes td •

ody builder, u.sed ^;oble wilh people - Vjic steroids prcventciBjer t j She has quit the pillf, of years to have a chHd. alhlcies use stcroid.sjo md strong so they cjm

hool coach in footbttfl, . lg, I hope today's , js.lhcy have. Don’tijjic. mr body and hcalth..li g and strong*, but yt»u Keep whal you have '

rr :.

iments unclcar ^ll wrote a very one-1 • - . md ranching in »ic Jiily , alls Timcs-Ncws. ; ; ,. tbe appropriate foria^--- -r..'1 public land ranchcrto azing has dcsiroycdj' ' .; ■nore natural walcr’v land use in the Wekeni

banks would go bnike ised to help pay thc'eost eport shows that 3K"‘ razing lands are used' by / ck operators. J.R. ... rgest bencficiary of jcsin Idaho. In other I Oil .and Vail Ski.-.' - Springs und MC c 900,000 acres of - ~ 'subsidized by the;,.

■eofRcprcscntaiivcif • . nent Operations report, . Tcclcral toragc gocsto isidcrcd small ranchers. ; f lhcgrazingfeeis" ' t ranchers would hapvest ",;c. If this is a true (»' . est Servico mid Bureau - - iave.no control at aU.of oh didn't mention tlic c taxpayers have toi'.' ; iaw ayoflifcthati»no ; asible, He didn’t - million cost per ywu- slaughter of wildliic lo i)lic lond.)t explain, in his liliifuction-ofgrazing— f------- —ste the environment.-----------yolved without-,

omy ofthe West b e ' , ’ .percent ofthe 1.6-'I in the Uiiiicd Staltf land? With all the e fragile deserts ofthe the stale only raises th{} ^nyjiate of __

I tournam entrticlconthesohball

I in Kagcrmon have fiivciated the peopS^ >5 laments bring lo

been polite and d fun to have arouiid. . our wliilc to slay '- ra help to . wi players.

:-b usiness. One____________ot make up t h e .............on playing and r business. -

Page 9: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

c T fa r i'ojiAfi^aqU)tI\e&f^

7 “

■• • s u n S y . ’ . s c b r e s .

. A m d | | c a h j ^ ^ Q .TBrenMBeMDnl ' KhWI^^CImMMO . D««rtia4N*»yDCk7r10Mnoi -Chte ;e»Bmo«0-,' M I m ^ 3 .T k m 3 , .8«M)» S. Call i i i hntag*

- N a t i ^ a t X e ^ 'u e - -PhladeM 3, UQMtwl 2.10 l(w/mrtn.-9aratg«T '- ■ 'PBaburghZ6llA*1 • HcMtm I Los AJtoM* 1. ID InnChb«0OB,N«wVM3

, cwlnn^M^8 1 'Pr»nelM»B

Dwbin' , ‘UlMAamieanLaalantimtaM

BM pm. —'C tm ^ 8, BM tat

Ny.04»r(».0 pjn.— Clwnn«.33.f«i Anart

E o r b e s n ^ i ^

a s i i i ^ ^ t - p a i i

J . — NEW....Y.ORK...-;r-: : . champion Evandcr Hoi

-S60.5 miilion this yeor-U __ cjinmgion Mike Tyson

■ paia atpletif iiftHc wor Forb^ magazine.

___ The fitmPcjaVpublict

... annual list of,lhe “Super -athletes that -TyBOo-wo

m illion. H o ly fie ld 's i position in 1990, wos fi than Tyson’s fall to seco

Thiid on the list was o f the NBA chamjpion

• ' who tHo magknine estii S16 million in 1991. On millioiv wlll come fron Jordan'is the only athl sport to be listed amon paid. 1

S e a h a w k s t ^ e b e

1 prese^on ib » to IKIRKLAND, W ish.

Renhffw lfg h n iiB e A m qri egos during.Saturday’s, loss to.&e Phoenix Dudi

---------- . bcaha^Vid gfltteh C hi. Sundoy.thQt .l 1 p f hii

injured during the gam practice time mis week.. T o p p ing 'S eo ttle ’s v

- fourthsyear quarterback who;»!fll-intw.ti»_nocrf

•with a separated right sl linebacker. Richard Newl right viTist and will be o days, then w ill'at^m pi protective cast for ano Knox au d : The Seahawk of ankle injuries.'theimc a s e y e ^ s p ra in by-jvid

J__ SWnn<i'~whf> will miM lip

L _ s e n d f o r m e rs t a r t e r t o A A A f a

■ CmCW NATl — Tki: <^tioned'pitchfrir'Jack Ai

• Class AAA'farm club S alter the right-hander sta gm e. The Reds rq)laced Mo Sanford, a right-handi

- 8easciu-Bre to sc A :» ^ a rt sptat less ttm an M n ^w i

It!» Sanford’s first exjpcriehce. ArniBtrdt complfljed a oai*ye« ft status:';' ’ • ’ ■ ■' >■ . ill ‘ O ' . .......

. ,;• / CpmpilalJ

: l ia y b e I hawi s te p , b u t I h i

t o lose

Vsteiin'wi -1 .’ Rov Green of thi

j f b r the latest b j scores, call: tS

5 3 2 6 >ryjtetnsfrucaD ^' /^7 ---- ------r ------- 1 die

H ii^ i' ............................ " to ■


I . . ; .



' " ' T ' — IOMnetDInnlnga . . . j .B , . ‘

_______> ■' :____



^ H q l y ^ I d -

a i d a t h l e t e

-=-1 .-Hcavy.wfiigh't-Holyfield. will c a m , ir-t^ displace former— .. . wn as the highest- ^vortd; according to '

lication, in a cover. ' — issaBneporttdlirits— ^ -r = per 40” highest-paid - would-make $31:5 's rise, from 10th s far more <Iraniatic econd.yas Michael Jordari........ion Chicago.Bulls^ ..... _ stimates will niakc On that totol,’S13.2 rom endorsements, thleie from a team long the 10 highest

beating in lo Cardinalsah. — Tlio Seattle iocc-than.just.theit—, . „’s .31-13 preseason............

ardinals.ChU~ck~Kuux. t»ulil ; ■ ~ h is .p layers w ere j

;ame and will miss , i . . . ; 8 w ounded list is ] ack Kelly Stouffer,------------t 0 n e i n M s f ^ ^ - iit shoulder. Backup Iewbill f r a c t a l his' ,e out for at least 10, •, n p t to play.w ith am other six 'w eeks, •iWkfl^uffcredarash- Jimost serious being > 'ivide teceiver Paul ‘ I up to two weeks. _ ; J

faiinteam ]iie Cincinnati Reds < Arinstirong td Their ,

b Sunday, oiie yeaf tstarted the All-Star t

ced Armstrong with ^indei:who started the ,Jhnttinoogg and has----------^1 w/ith_Na2iviUe. J ^irst.vtnajor-league t rdifg 's dem otion'- ' t r fall from All-Star _

,. •.%' isd$pm w tetq»rt8* J

miiiniiiiH''iva lo s t a J

a few •s e . '

wide receiver,U* Cleveland ' 1 " 7 .Browns '

RanFal^ RimOstes .Tirtcs»Ncws wntcr , .

TWIN FALLS — That Me hours nnd 20 minutes to oust h the Idaho ClaM'AA'Anicrican 1 did little to disrupt the touniey:

What rcally mattered was a left the Frontiet*-Field-diamon< befoTt the defending state chi take the ficldiagainst Nampa,... That deluge sent toumey ofT to decide how jmd when play a

there an^o

ITiist'and put tomorrow-on ho

Y o u ’ r e o i i l

.iD etto itT igereL ScottL lv li R obert G aren tMrby D etro it's Ldii VVhitake

“Dfficia tried t(

' get tap to Tyso

The Associated P im

‘“ ’ mblANAPOLlS — Beaut- ofTlcials B3k^ a n - In d i^ Bl

oiTlciol to offer to sell a vid Mike Tyson that reportedly { former heavyweight champi(

- pageant contestant who latei him ofrape, the Expo oflicial I ^"‘ h'c"offer”was riia'dc t y '

~B]ack-Americft-^geant43cfc ...knew df the tape, according tc C harles'R . W illiams, pres

' Indiana Black Ex|».. , .Williams said J, Morris A .. promoter o f the pageant,, want

o ffer the,.videotape to 7 , exchange for $30,000 to $50,( ’ o f television advertising. .,:..:JAr{](tam^.a-iH^ of-IVson

Indianapolis Star in Sunday ■~tluit he Aimed down the offci i

contacted Tyson, who has charged.

-W illiams; m aintains- 1 approached by Anderson to sC! to Tyson, but thinks the pron driven by a desire to help bi: rather than lo sell potential ev

-rapoliccTnvestigation.— t-— “ He (Anderson)'hos.had

time,* Williamssaid.'“He’s b< toTuoit allbyhinisrif.,

Maybe he just thought he c himsalf He knew the man (Ty have wanted ihe tape and ho Sl a way to'heip his p ^ e a n t '

.,. “I never, ever thought tha attempting to bribe me,” Willii _ jrhe.yidc0jaEc. shows' Tyso

'w i th c'd'nteitant's during a reheaml on July 18. Tyson ai year-old contestant reporK about meeting anepyard.'

The videotape is imporla case because the woman has


Those who have seen the ' Tysod’s remarks to pageant c< r-Tnr*'spioy” o«exualljLSU8^i

i l l e f t tMeridion’s lUingers needed st highly-toutcd Ppcotcllo-fro an Legion'ToumamcnrSundj cy schedule.i a Summer roihstdrm, whic lond-inundated-and^unplayab champion Boise Gems cou

I . , . . . . ..............." ^ c ia ls scampcring for cov y could resume. • • - • ~ ■c only two games lett m U iijuubQ ul(laX i»9L C lS ii^hold,’ .suggcsted associatic

l i t - t : : ; : - :

.Iv lngstone, left..contlnue ihlrd-lnning a c tion S u nda ik e r.'D e tro ltw o h , 8*7. .

M l . TTioAisocit

t e HAVAN. _ ^American C raYc-arghts"

bas^tball ti to the Air

. Spangled EThe won

game win competitior

* worid chamGames, as ii

'- '- • ■ A |n ,eB n .zby the Cube

_jyi?*5sAeirauty pageant

ly .how? thenpion with a The Am ater accused waiting that ial said. that the lol?y-th6 MiBS “ qualifying>cfore.police___g to the Rev. games left i irosldent o f . teams advu

all records ais Anderson, nmted.himlo.

ion, toid-The • day editions J p

las not'been ^ J ^ H o t * Times-Ncw

)s e U ^ e ta ^ , iromoterwas . led for 33 < I his pageant " ’‘“ n event 1 evidence in him and col

______________ On.Satujlad a rouch fortunes or 8 b c e n t ^ n g ~ " W 3 - n n d

. . . . theMagic .ecouldheip .n S n tu /^ “V

M S .

that he was' McKean,'illiams said. pack, waste

♦„ii,!.,« ' • In the mai

, his car in tu>rlant to the worked hishas accuscd 32, after tu ly J l? .‘n .o n ^

, duo c r o s ^the tape_^ay • After a >It contestants ‘ Fort outrac<^ tiv c ..____ _lwin__i------

________ The most


ifg io ir'president Norbcrt.H huddled In the pressbo 'But,■'.after furthcr.co

5d 3 would, weather pcrniit rom—Idaho-Falls.-which- c iday-opener, meeting Merid

Championship semi [lich nixxt two games as t able—foUowcdi>y-Cocmi d !/ }uld second elimination coi

Nampa, Coeur d ’Alene 5 ^ — ^it*s-go i^g^o•h^rt.........director Ron Boyd, T"tEF~“ W«rhad-n--good-gaTe;

crumbles.” . _____ __tiori - lioya'WcnTon fo'ej

u e s h is s lld e .af te r being . Ja y In Detro it. Llvlngs to r


NA — Anything goes at the 1 Games oftcr Sunday’s twinb [8 =-a-ldsrby;the'il;S '.‘won I team nnd a salute by Fidel C kihcrican flag during the Bonner.jmcn’s teom ended a 9-year inning streak in intem ati on, including two Olympics, implonships and two Fan Amc } it fell to Brazil 87-84. azilian women, cheered on v iban-fans, bedeviled the Amer ;ir malecompatriotsdid whcn j;S;'men'tdwin"th6i987'Pai QdianapoUs. Since then, the « in win in ihe OlymGames w d world chompionsl m erican women don’t pla lat long to bounce back, kno loss in the second game o g round reaHy-docsn^t-hurt ^winning Aji_gold They_hav( t iri qualifying and four o f thi race to-the medal round, in v } are wiped clean, not stunned, we’re jusl mad,’

Iwards. “We’re not down nnd ’Khatevcr it takes. We've got head of us. I think our action: der than any words could.”

rt reverse;;ws writer " .

FALLS - - U s t week Bob 5 o f the 35 laps of the Pro S nt before Eddy McKcan ovei ioJIected the win. l u r ^ night Fort reversed on McKcaifTTfikingHhe- lea id'caming th e chcckcrcd fli ; .Valley Speedway, ay n ight’s racing also sau jearance o f the season ol ntnin Super Shocks Jind thi

n, who staitcd at the back o Ited no time in getting to th e ain' ev e n t.'B y lap six h e in second behind Wiley G( } 16 the lead was his.22 Fort looked to, take hin

ly dut o f the running by fipjn tum one. But by lap 30 Fon is way into second place. Oi two laps o f racing side by .the Irad.fism cd the start/fmish Ime.,I yollow caution flag on la iced McKcan to the finish fo

>st txcitembnt in the Pro div

p m f i

TToiirnHcidman o f Lew iston as

box. . - ■ _consideration,, it was agreed

nitting, resume nt 10 this mot [v ousted Lew iston-8-6-in.l ridian in a loser oiit contest. ;mifirialists will be finalized s the Gems m eet Nampa i

n^ninct Tu/in Pn)lg nt contest at 7 o ’clock rctums.t cne-Twin_Falls losers to the fl a r tu s financialiy;’-’-s3id-toi , -Twin Falls o f the unexpcct n e rb u rrg u e ss 'th a t’s'how tl


ig.tagged..out.by New.Yor :o n e trietl to s c o re from s

siiappenithe Pan

of/omcn’s " ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H |

lie Star '

ics. two merican

1nericaiis . len they^Pm~Am ~' he U.S. ympics,

on mowing : o f the .

n which th e P an Am GarSaid coach Vi'

id,” said ployers arc chom and out. question they’ll coi jot a lot than ever bcrore.” ons will Andrea Lloyd sai

o f intensity and sor

?s last weewas crcatcd in the Thom ason won

• Thomason, who hi ob Fort o f bad luck, tool 0 Stock • Godby. vcrtook intcrmoun

.fc f' ended up being one M ike Byesch,

‘ ^^-^^-W aterarSait; U kc, nag at gjj,y35 lap main event pole, did not relinc the win. .

the OO Mpcouid hear tl Byesch. “1 wanted

c o f the the bottom aftd n lie front high side if they wc tie was In the heat i Godby American Fork, U

Pocatello, the poin himself night's action, poic pjnning'; R oger Cathey 'Ort had ' National champion On lap 100 cc class C

jy side, Kurpicwski. Boise, i^asjhe _ TTie duo imdc'i

alsd'iaking thcTieai lap 33 In the rnain evet for the way and was chal

----- - Canyoo-City, Ore.livlsion' Frenze! exchangct

Etameinas o ff id a ls will pare the ti

I contest hnd to ibed ihat play “It’s a tournHoming with two games in sm.Sunday.-L .Before A c’*• jitters td sendzed over the who totalled 1 )a at 1 p.m . 13-6 decision t n f d p t n A tip *H P ftcnteH n ns.the Boise-c field. Id a h o F alls 1-tournament-----Bhindon'Griccted storm, hurlcrs for a h RTthe-cookic-zrranicrriianii

--------- -----------AP.L»«rph«o.—

fork Y ankee's ca tch er , . n sec o n d on a s ingle'

lings atPj

omen'ff'SOK cyciing~team^ R odgers-and-D ede-Defnel jam es* tea m tim e trial SuiVivian Stringer: "These lampions, and there’s no comc out more detennincd

said the problem was a lack, some early foul trouble that

ek’sfiiiishthe trophy dash when Jeff on for his firs t time.) has experienced his share . ook the wih over Wiley

luntain Super Stock race one o f follow the Icadcra.- . ;h, Salt Lake, and Jimike,-startcd.thc-gcc.on the__;tayi;d there thfdughdiiV the enl. Byesch, who held the linqulsh thal spot and took

ir them back there,” said led to kein) it down close to i make them pass on the ' were going to." t raccs M cl R adm all,, Utah, and Danny Roger, . loints leadet: going Inlo the lolckcd up wins, icy, .Boise, the Grand ion collected the win in the : Go C arls and Larry isc, took the 250 cc class. Je-it-g complelc-night by- ieatwlns.......:vent Cathey led the whole hallengcd by Dick Chase, )fe. Kurpicwski and Steve igcd the lead ih’ Uicir'roce" “


ftscheti! tourney field to four teams tl0 be sent back to Wednesday i imiuncnt rule Uiat nobody cati1 a day,” he said.5-nuns came. Idal^ Falls qyei id Lemstdn lb the sidelines c : 14 hits in all, built a lO-l I in that elimihalcd a shorthandc lojiin?.__________ ’ . -•

s 8 , L ew isto n 65ruel;~who'Touchcd~cach of t hit, slammed a two-run hor ■in'ihe”Russcis‘“half‘of-ihc”

■----- . ,_ ^ ^ , ,P l e a s e s e e S(

Faxon V 7 years

1st w;- -ihe-Aa^ociated Press------

GRAND BLASIC, M cycle is completc.for Brad ; In 1983, the Buick Oper first professional lour Sunday, after seven year Faxon beat defending ch Beck in a playoff for his fi

“ihcPGA'Tdur; ■‘ “Well, I dreamed a lot r

this tournament," Faxon i close in 1983.”

Actually, he tied for sev< But'his only other top 10 Buick was a tie for eighth yeor, he missed the cut.

Faxon is the 10th first this year and the fifth In a r

It was the 12th playof season, including the 18-h the U.S. Open. Winning th has been bad news for the champions. None of thei PGA Tour event since. Thi reached four years -for-R< Scott Verplank and Leona

■ 'havc'bcen blonked since th- -19«8Hind-1989 and B ed

sincc his victory in 1990.

•air Am gj

Tffiwri id f tT ^ ^ B o lla n d , J e t ro n th o ^ a y to a gold;ir Iunday in Havana,^Cuba.

made the team case up on de

U.S. kayaker Mike Hcrbe ' medal and a unique place i

man who got Castro to salu ftag. I

i witH Methree times before Kurpie' the win.

'toa*ooc»t»H«« — 1. Ropw Colhoy, Dolt*. Z TBny f Ch*»». Csnron Clly, Of». 4. 0«ry Kul HUancn, ML Horn*.Uoln •vant — 1, Rogar CalTwy, DoWo.: Clt/. Of«. 3, 0»ta Urtjar. H«np.. 4, Dc*> t Jcfn NewtKwM. TMn Fait.

<i/\ r .trt ■_H*at - 1. Lan ' Kurpl».iiU.-tV*®'. Z'S Oala Uruac. Nampa. 4. Oav« Daaru Dolt Dolt*,

. Ualn av*nl 1. Latry Kurp**w»)U, Do D«ta. 3. Oav* Dean. Doli*, 4. r>sul F UrUar, Hampa.

PreCtot*Trepfiy d»»h —.1, JolTTfiomaaon. 2. WU 4.DouoCacpoMar.HMl — 1. wn*y OodDy. 2. Dob Fort. 3. Thomaion, B.Liffio Daw.Main avani - 1. Dob Fort. 2. EcXSr Mc

■VW*rOo«»r.*.H«fT>lelWaniufl. ,Pomta — 1. Dob Fort. 31. 2, EOdy McKai 27.4. J«<tL)«a,22.S, Jvfl-nvKWKn, 10.

TrwJhy dmh 'A* — 1. Omo Olaaton. Tiiy BuTQMMr. Idaho FaB*. 3. MaA CtK SaB -> 1. Rocky Can, Sail Uka. 2. ftlck ES Gaton, Sa* Uko. 4. Tad Oairat»»od«. DoM H*al 'A* — 1. M«l Rodn »l. Ama«le«i Fo«

' SalLaka.a,Ro(*vCanl.8al(UU.4,R> MM Oiit l i i - : H*anr - l.-C2, Jim Eaton. Sail Uik*. 3. Nofttt D«P

,Randy Harttman. Pl*a»anl Orov*. Utal Ooia*.Main *vam - 1. Mika Oya« , San Lat

ftoc*yC»d. Salt Uko, ‘

, , , • , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ t . ,

a n ie ^IS the championshiplay nonetheless. _ __ ,cari'pjay.nidre' than __T. . , ’

cs and Ific Rangcre," •-1 lead enroute to a • inded and obviously ' !

rof-thrce-Lewiston------—r —home nin off Andy . I thc-four^h-innlng.ya ■— —

3 SCHEDULE/A10 ' ;

waits ; sfor -h vin N, M ich. — The ;rad Faxon.>pen was Faxon's ournamcnt. On 'ears of struggle, i -J champion Chip ;ils first victoiy on

lot about winning on said. “1 came

seventh that year.) 10 finish in'the ;hth in 1987. Last .

Irst-tlmc winner .1 a row. !yoff in golf this ;•,8-holc playolTin . . .; g the Buick Open •’ ;the five previous jthem has won a . i That drought has r-Robcrt- Wrenn. . , - t" r ^onard Thompson !;e their succcK inJccl^-hasn-t won------------ —0-

lames 7

AP Laaafphoio ‘ ; i ;

d, Jo a n n e r :d m odal du rin g -— ; —a. • ■ .ndefensCi-^ , ;

crbert gained a gold • ce in history as the ■salute the American ' I

cKean Ipiewski picked up - . •

\ ; IfBny Fam«B. N»iipa. 3, We* . '-y Kullg, Mt. Horn.. 8. Oo& , |

>W*. 2. Ok* OisM. Canyon lDe*)Hic»«r»on,Ml.Hom«. S, • } '

•.'rS»v»>rBnrBi.OoB*. 3.-- ---- i- '-’ — 1. Dolte. S. Ryan KurciewiU. . , i

U, Dolto. 2. StBva Franrtl, .., “ •[•sui Raular. Oolaa. S. Dal* I i

7. WUay OodtTy. 3. JeR LySa. . < i

srt. 3. Cddy McKaM. A. M l ■ I |

)y McKotn. 3. J«1T LyOo. 4. ' _*

JcKaan, 2S. 3. VWey GodCV. ' “ i«.io. ;

*.T*Ylc»»«ffla.Ut»fi.2. No«Ba '. Saa Uka. .Tnvtry d*tti -D* . ’ ! ck Etocn. SaR Uka. 3. Jim - ; .

mFofk.’wat>.2.JlmWWe»j____^ .

i-i.-Oann, ttoo* ;P6<uit*«ir------ —p r -I Durg*n*r. Idaho Fadt. 4, ‘ .. Utah. 5, T*0 oanatxandl. : ' •

k L«k*. 2. Jim Watan, Salt ~-4. EatO"r-6*llUk».*,---- --------------

Page 10: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

! A-10 ■nmos-Ndw8.1\

E r i c k iT w ins 6 , Athl«

------ . OAK LA N P.S con E ricksoi i c a g u c - l^ in ^ American Leaj M inncsola Tw

---- ----------- co n tro v ers ia l-Oakland Athletic

' ■ , Tlic Twins w( Oakland. Dave loss as the thir fell five games b

Erickson (13 Oakland 2-0 in I season, gave up hits lit & 2 ^n h ii

^ S c o n

_ — A L sU indlngs

' £ r i :sDotion SO »

' . ■ No.Ye«k 47 M .....................M.naufja.-.-'M M--

lU.’T'mflf* « 810»«una M C9 WaaDmiian -

. . . ,W . ,LM *5 Oauina Hs? s s

Ka-nasC.frCulciru i3 53 .

SuriUy OB............. TororrjI.Oojtsnl - - •

KAAusC-i J.CvMianJO --------------------'OwmSMewVort-T-. ftnr

C'suoo 1. EWlmwa 0 U-Stiui oo 3. T«m 2

•5«iSg5.Clll«TM2.12w Um«ou 8. OlUjin] 2

r U.S<iuWM|Augu*ie- |ilD ' S3|,S<3Spm. . •

Kmn'ftik [S»vJ»<w'10-71 7.3|.53Sp<n. •'

----- OoclonlUertooJ-IlWKjni2),63ye«....... • • •D«»und(Kln9<eialTi.j

................. 9«sr)«(«'u#o»fJ-3}»lO*'ieospmUnnnou (7<9>i t-T) iI Ctl.flaapnOrtf e^mttunt^JtaAL box score;

wNSwenv' . cxcconi, i 006-Ceni Cl.'njir' OOflfl CJiw UJta,*!-, » t 10. Dtt.-n » > t e .MXW Pweuls <110 Cmci

. soMiH o a 0 u m : 0 t 0

Trrwit J 62 J S>Jrv» Seme -^QOO.EWKp

s s s ------- - -W. UriW '


_ _/Vrtsb^ 1 BJ 0- IfW: c*wt/i. ■■J 1 n 'wjtviO»'-01tl 3 0 11 XI*-’a-M'X 4 0 19 <Vtm«

1 UMMffI 3 0 10 DuiUlD t^ u 4 0 0 0 BmtrIHtiu 40 00 -toCT UMwl 2 0 0 0 ftsrm CW»T' 0 0 0 0 <Vjc

■ Testt » 7 7 J Toa*Java'' 600

C09 010 COO-1 C -Tsrorul Sow l LOO- 10 »-wn»fni Onuanei crtcnMi nil wn-jciM (1)1 &-jrirs*Tlll CS-fWxwlH s-n«a Sf-Cint*If* H n


U. 0 .

sS.C<Pi»nnpet«»IMr»..:r« ps-v] B < bew r t« 7Vi

BAi.TUC« CH« r K B

. Bina ..............^ 0 « » I 3 0 1 0 V W^ cnt»*"u 4 0 0 0 It™

C>1. Bl f C 00 PttQJ------

■ Biaro* , eoQE-Culwliri U»-04Sm»» a>-Tl«»T>M:t7J) Miuiiwnr . - (7) 4-Ot.wui.

BtksenMaaiuLO-i 4 t

" _ I ^ U L ' r " / e-------,•------ ■ oin»n-«™ftrrfni(M

HEWYOfW DP6 0 J 3 Ct/jVi.

StiSi 4 12 1.ua«?t1B s o o t uouti

■ UMmI 4 10 0 7r»cn*V»n3b 3 10 0 Bfrn£vraa 10 10 a*n«Uiu*> 3 ; : o PMpi

■' ' Gmnc 4 0 ? I M'nm44Ur)»M J 1 J 1

*17I3 7'’’t S■ ' " " ------:««-S!lr .' E-ViH»4>(4| LCO-<lMVtttnj-wajmnsi.jiiini.wM*

noi >s-iu)iii Hn-rMwniFmMllSI aV^|19l.UaulSF-Su.rfrwi,-/

NwYert7>)W 4 I 1 S 4tS S 33 1 0 ( Curamtn i 4 3

'r**T52 I t } 3° J°M»i9 * 5 -ChatA ! i 3KaV I I OKaon ; 2 0»*nwW,M I 0 0

(MMt-Hsmt. UiCer. Fru. M k 6 k m : Trm C«SMirem


' “ . Oinvgil* S i l l lUww-JS w to -iifa [?; r

- - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y ~ - - - - - - - - - -

}. Twin Falls, Idaho Monday. Au

kspn yrtns 1[hictics 2I p . C a l i f . ( A P ) — , s o n w o n h i s m a j o r I 'Ig 15 th g a m e a n d lh c ^ e a g u c ’ W e s t - lc a t l in g p | r w i n s . h e l p e d b y a t q o j a l - ^ a i l - , — b c B t—th e :— iw o^ e tic s . •• L lo yw o n IWO o f ih rcc in w itir

ive S t e w a r t to o k th e -T iec i h i r d - p l a c c A lh le t ic s ‘heir :s b e h in d M in n e so ta .( 1 5 - 3 ) . w h o l o s t t o w lU in h is f irs t s ta r t o f th e g ( u p tw o fu n ^ j lo u b

res and s.'tawi )06 0’

. . .DKM3e .10S.« ---- acnma-gs-i— - - - K 3 M 5 -H '

L M , TeM JJ2trJ*0 s a 4 _ w >H 4«S tot TaeouiliinMmwM - -421.-1S----------- £-<>»rBriSt91 40S I6( UJMtMO.SS-SwnSO J » .Mi , rti,SuMO'l'Hn-Ol l ' «

s B i " ' !ja MJ J* Catf3, J3 0' S2 SI ‘52 . .500 10. . cS’mS l?3«O m a I unprt»iH>m.n»3■ • ' Caofs: nw« Ro»

f«SO T-3.15.*-.'a,4M-------------------- -------UtKSOTA

» t n tt12uv>/'C* 0*J<nl 5 0 0 02 Krtxna 4 0 11 lOimM Pu04Sa' 4 110 III Dtn msn in Smitn |«t*k m S i l l

’ CCm « .3 3 2 } 10-7)IID«’rtit|T«’*a U^>( 302 1 PgMa3b 4 0 11 lUnutCJrWiwinoS-. ..lOOOGagtau 60 00I Tim (Omwn 7 8), Orut 3110ttimanu 3 0 2 0 lO*M*i (0««<g,00) ; TeMa 2 < 3 -illCa ionulOcsna t.

S T ’S. "SI.I lC»<.44<mu10.0>


" 0£vaw 0 ' ■ '51 S-Jlnmw 6f-«

JWI : 0 0 0 DoaBWIH SJJ"‘ 010 . . CMM

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sy n v i 8 12 33 0 0. 0 8 , J 0 10

v - r v ^ v r - - j a ; - i ! i ! '

.Mrt?3D:. sa-tii .- CaMlM ' 503A-gtvitft ■ rO‘B«'—■ E-i<mB11ft.llP-S*ci»-«an 312 1 lOO-5»iS>tg Ctlfcm>»«» 4 0 2 0 ScfoctKiJl fcB|12l >>u«ct 4 0 0 0 |I3) SO-VMi»»H«l &im un 2 0 0 0 |]i &.CUt«W.Wtul

000 0 . IPIsrma It OOOO $ • »V4C 4 0 0 0 lunM ~ 7 . . -..Ruetjii.. 3, „ -------TSM a j ; i c S « 223

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ITiVasnili i<WTT 3fnml03 1- I n Ea ua DO H»«npict»<016ia

, Hltf'>brFcim(£uiRi6 ' -1 3 1 Oawi.W .K" re-' 1 0 0 1 1 . urp/n-Hetn. n^.1

0 . 0 - 0 3 0 .5 1 . 4 5 ^-“»*-2 'W

Late a l b(a<n*ii a*TIU tilK Stvnttrft-iKtM.............— «r»B-

I f>r«.-5 < 111 nly .tij • 1 112 »

CHCAOO »«,!> 4J20 1&/wit 511} C

Vr*n30 3 0,0 0 frtf/c JOlO C 1t™^ 3 13 1 wjHc ‘ 1 I I 0 VPtiQjtn 4 0 0 0 yj3j¥a 4011*lUnMie 3 0 0 0Wiilrf-----S'OTO— -^ " T i----------------LTTMCJ 3 0 0 0caia—2 a.Lfi-----

COO.CW 03^1 CM»u2lC0-SMa>S

n En BO 50E«»

I I I 4 I (Un-ia<Wi»r0 0 0 0 t ^ j i^

s_e _____ u£uuui4_____iPmps-Smns, ---- XMs™*-------

nP-xnoKO' n~i‘r\)rom-»x^.UnemccrnofT t-^m*» 'm2

r?',"? NLstandink« ct> e 14 : Call«u«(? 5 112 W Lr»cnc 3 110 pnctfTijnniti 1 0 0 0 rwattnT-pit« 1111 CJKjgoI'irnnp OOOO Ptmiittnrimt* 3 112 UwmI 43 11mn 5 0 0 0 VMOted* 30 I t3 i LstArgMn r* f 188 ^ ^

^I2.0«reit2 .MMM«n4j.u<»«prwnn.Ptxpdii). M t t

nen DO so « S l ^ f o u « » i i<ai>sn2.U>Arg«M 1

4 4 3 4 O»i90e.I^Yt»«31 J 2 0 0 C«W»»'5>nfj»»CTt) a I

S 3 3 0 2 ■ C M ^I^3;f3(l»2 0 0 1 2 . '10 0 1 0 tMpn nnrnOuMMnn Or»rO«»*ttMttM

/ 'rSLboxscopinaKN

UIHAIKE' £lf,0 4 0*2 0 !tfrAO m»iH 30 0 8 CC 5 0 2 1 4 210 b

asao— j flJ B------- fco44»_i 4JJ.J0ncf . t 0 0 0 . Dm I 3 0 00 a

A u g u s ts , '1991

15th game JA m e r i c a n L e a g u e

H g e r » 8 r ¥ a n k e « ^ ^ - - ^

D E T R O IT l/^ P ) — P i n c l r l i i l l any P h illip s lie d th c gnm c w ith 'O ^ o rh o m criin h c T iim h 'iijn in g T i loyd M o sc b y s in g le d h o m e n l iiin c r I n 'l l ic lO th os th e ' D eirc ecrs beat the N ew Y ork Y ankees f e ir fifih .straighr viciory.

Hue Jays 2^Red.Sox 1B O S T O N (A P ) -*- J o h n O lc ri

m bicd liom e Ihe tieb reak ing rvn ffrighTh inning o m lT o m U c n k o if

i p l i f e T T J»o’oV»i* 4 0 0 0 30f^0 towM 1?00— L w a u - l l i 1 O'Eutcic -.4121 . -Pnwe 200J-p Cntwa— 3 0 0 0 ------ Wffp- -’ 0 0f fo o o . ■■ tem “ Jtfrit1’2 Tom .» ) I 0 3 .

I '.m ao-2. o S ir J- w). ,BB-a.................... r-ta jn ii0 « irnoQiuuBW.-W iuT i t06-i«tBij. - |tno»«oii|fi>.;E4nj(25j.pj«c«(5).1l*fi«n ’

:' 11. filfl.to 50........ 9.UWj KWU41 5 j 1 2 J Uart ■3 0 0 < 0 O Wv»-M»»(iei»5|‘ 5 J 0 0 0 ■

123'? 0 0 1 .0 PHU•nwl PD-«<a*l^ . CraMFnI.DrAn]n.S«era D)«Ucl 512, — .. tiuaic 40 0!___ __________ sa?-;!.;.

« lh U O vtn» 5 1000 - 3 0 0 0 ■ n<«r2s Joo10 nm a 4 0 0 0 trxn iso11 Cntcoit 4 8 0 0 UfR«p 0402 2 Dn>«> 4110 TWU *»1 2 1 OttPid 4 0 10 DUkae 2931.1 CUAC 4 1 t 0 000 0 0 ItOiBlti ..3 QJ-I..... _lW a(ft 100?o £ 3 u 30 10 ittH W a

St COI Ice-PMaMCMIl010 l» -2 &je®?i»nim C»uiO.CMim4 .^PucUBIIt). P-Mvanni DaUi2(i«l.j*a»f(l*) S-OOIM rc9««

cs-N««wf-«rou«n WlHip il' H REA es so CMu

UYr»W33f |.J 1 « 0 0 ,0 Hrr,

< Ajw<; t' 5' S ■ J ' ! B*n«0 0 0 0 2 0 FnrsLi:] 2 t .1 0 0 U^gny-ttn lk:S'■) 0 0 0 0 I OiOwtWUr*JJO) Vif*—&«s»1/sfirnlO**5««rt.HcM swntoo « I k1 nara» 502

5011CAUrcmiA tuutl 5 I2 |

DO.Pitnil SOOO Sn^c ' 523'i. |» .« . .kjW» J2II1 I 112- "«■ «0 ' I2 3 OmOX 0 0 0 tFn:iu <13:1 0 OPiMxti 0 0 0 Bwp 1 0-04

,, oo_o_____1.00150 CKfwa ■ 020 Cas«» 5J0I .-8-t.- .i; .gegp--_0.e fl.l

■ H'o'i

•roj“ ao-8------jn Ko - eno cco-4 iv o ip '

.ScAI.CM«)itu2 • .:M«« ■-; -.-. LlkiTw If .TI-PoiMiSi E-Wi<l?i Ur-J"j ’s S . w a x .wuM.OHisr-ftiints [2<icimi'i30-!

K ntn DO so iSiC»ri(2i50-'6MI1»1C5-C4-<|I

3 i2 2 5 5 1 .J_fl_ B_B _0_0_____ ^Snt>W>.;___1-3 0 8 0 0 0 nv%-<i)e,! 23 : 0 0 4 2 CxtAJ .

1 3 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 Ur«i»l ’

UMb< 'i23 7 2 2 4 5 u m '2 3 0 0 0 0 0 AMrrWi;5 '0 0 0 0 0 0 C«XT

1 0 0 1 5 a««1 3 3 1 1 I'lTMT

16l».rr«Wl Untt ,U«t»!J.W-*U-wnl*»»T Brrpjt'S.’t PB-v* ».»,pit;jo2ta:.rtf.frtl.Tanj S«W C«U tvP-S»o' - .

BjwI Asa? tvs Km

1-301 i-25Wbox score io5,« £ u

MJFOM* BJWd JtOtIB------------ *rh«l-----:• 5»-w<»—4-M-49 S«?3 J 0 2 0 Ur*rlS -401t1 FfcMl 3 00 0 S!»»i't 4 1112 WT Offi" 4000 ■■ ■ COWS ■ 401£ 0 Utfallb 4 0 0 0 S'»tn.i)8 2 0 1 C } Cmsk 4 1 > 0 utnso 1 ooc■i-Sr-5-SiS—0 O ^ n 3 111 te-rp I OOC0 vr».(« 1 0 0 0 cor<E» oooc______ M [ft____I Mnt e OOOC

kmijti 3 10 0ran, 3115

a»-ta»»--~J3.3t3-------- ------1-----------_ L-^r*

“ Bji-COi-jett::!----------lt0j5ai(7|ClP-SM=4l ■ H>-ttuiwl tP-»t io.5ditofus»-ciy«.CTi «M»i»-Owar ■MMI in-<VSri>(i]| Bm MI.5t-Ma>7llSl a .ftirtltJi.Stft/«r7| CS-B9j«lt;- P

2 0 0 C 0 0 j

2 " 4 3 3 e 7 n -c c m i~Pirv<, V’tm-HnUfUtcm.fi fiOt.SKcniYv^ >mnta.ntiCm.

CHMO ..l i n g s m . , : ? ; ; ;CMCMCn Oinle 5 2 3 0L PH GO 5n»3. 3 12 1

01 42 S» - Owmrt 310148 S38 S< CIMI 4 lt2

SI 48 S34 S -.wa«8 OOOO11 S2 4H 10 Wtrac 5 Cl 141 58 .442 ISt CUWCI 50)1

11 413 is Viaeau 1080 MOMMxi CUUp 3 0 0 01 PQ. OS , Urtp .8 0 00

58 45 5«3 - VkMtfl 8 10048 M» W _ W«"tl..,OCOOSt- iOe'--t<-............. —--------- r-Co<t»

U 51 485 ( bUpsa M 481 « • m ntfl44 U 427 14 IV»p

TM ' 3811] 0 - ,

• 1 NamMl.lOmnsi tfi-Oagollkwni3 W liKni(a UntSinOmm ■ . . Odp,utislMCaomatnpMl. CUBUtWi< ■

• • - : tUhytma 7)0Jm*l|SllVUt■ Lraar3*tN»«rcB|Stfo«k2-11. ■g*y®*5)»IH«*«(Hwijfli»-7), hr,:

Snn■d »y« . ' ...

cores . ■ S r ^ ; “ r . i a a fM M tM tn rf

.“T a - - f . W —S lo o o fo'J'i'

i-E^— i-ii!:— T S V i f H

y as Twins ta save record os the T o

9 sa lv ag e d ;thc f inale oi scries w ith Boston.

7 " W h iie^ x 1 , u r tl i i l ic r CH ICA G O (APJi— v ith a p itched h is first shutout ig-and-T-FroiUfThomnm omereC e n h e straight day as ihe Chic e i r o l f “spoiled MiKc M ussIna' :es fo r ..debut. biMting the Ballii

Brewers 3, Rang<M IL W A U K E E (A

le ru d R andolph’s tw o-oui di rtin in M ilw aukee’s sccond u ;o ifei}— i!w-'ninlh^nf«ri8.'ra1IyT

iH l SESE.....

■ » I's^ ' " S T a ; - -MD cm #33-2 . •• Drtmia CD. 010 093>1 tm«B

«1[!1DP-Peaifji1.9uua1. ' FrtStrrf-

1 ■ i ■ 2 - I J '* M ^ (1 l t 1 0 - 8 -8-D -2B-«to»f»R>) ' oi.tjtnfr

ii&«n.rfKWiasa«ii>9 .nM ’ tAincyvi

’ “ « -e -4 'fl Dtf tura lOniCiL tWfecn

Bi8H »taH - Dmi ! i i s ; 5 . J i ! i . .■ " s s a10 11 Q>»4<1 5 0 2 1 flmnrv-J0»-«-<J3n«l— 4-1-tO--------- OOM-----S8 I 0 VltK X 5020 Pi»n>W.4-i5100 Wft-16 3011 imm-H3 00 0 fU7«t 3 0 0 0 H«r*r,THrt2 100 Onntt 2 00 0 t-SdlA.^I SOO DW.U 1 0 0 0" m K J i ! " M B tl2S30 fUMp OOOO i M H! ! ! ! K ; ;■ !!!- .'..Buick900 0 f o n t OOOO OWCBLM38383 Toa S I 8 2 !UiU,f>MI

fMpBTJiR. . ..«8 -8B--0S -»-8..... (MMWa033 118 CCO M ifrnroji

simtui(iiicr-ft*Mfi)i. o«BeL.S'i Ml«rMK»?0-«/ffirii7). tmCtmJSnt>iumiiu)S8- 0|taiii<L SMPM.S .tuum itnCM w esi saamKamSMTi

’’ “ wLwt^r2 0 0 0 2 1 n^oior


S1 . 2 1 1 1 1

t ik:SVT> rm Cm Skm . Ck^mt Ur* IWJMMtg:i ‘ UFai|ii5

Urr<MMAHMTA « M m 1eiktt - O hH CiMEMa)02l Moirl 5100 AOiVCi10 10^-Uni 113) - M B m l M 20 Pre»lk 1111 (M^lUlS s 11J ana 4 J41 • - CkkrTio U3'0 a*i»H 4 110 . tmiMCMl I2IVBMU - 0080.: ...:■1010 t«^t»'. 3180 M<CrmM1132 CtrvK '4 1'3 I mUtOrt'ooo SSia ''Jfjo ' K 'S S ’nOQ fc*,»‘- - ' -3 C 0 8 - U8.0-Q*c,p ..-0,B6a,-Tr:T— h«te1»i

.j u s -^ 'v'j s s s ) 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 I 8.1 t Uaop 0800 MUM'i!

Fr*jru>il1)i C<'-S*'D<tal Ura b*Ortfjm.1, S S

i30-Srt»j><3rl*>-«*»Uei&lfI1 50-1Fv-MuilSi CUsMili fr«<Vtsi t: X i i0is-a<r>

•= H Bin B8 50

^ 13 3*~2^2^0~0 UutoJMi

!” ! : • ! ! E SUnHnnl

; i ; i i i ! s s s i ! i s x i

J 3 0 0 0 0 I . Omtcwr Jta:«n^tv(aBjBjI-i: r« Cfjuw S<ora U»»ll«t20CM Cf.?I.9;i»xt frureas


BihB ArhtI Ji4Uq>rtI1(00 rnnd 40 10 GnglMiw

4 8 J I- . -P ,.,*n ,|i

30 S Sentoi010 Cgmp OOOO JftOONYl

8 0 0 M m S 4 110 ' tenMMr0 0 0 OV>M>; 2000 MCmt3800 Ure<«tt 1011 UriLmal---------- - - 8 0*0»*1 t......................... - tttfrJlH1151 T»B a 21 2 JnQrtUr

CCO m w 1*2iiStfwwHM----------------------- l»T<twelltP-»t«anll06-U«»iv«1 toTlteresi9^n3lC»aMt|l(l OaKBtwfi

f H RLI to so' C n t S rI I I I 4 7 MOHmiJ? ; 13 2 1 1 1 2 JO M H

. ' 7 5 1 | - 1 ,5I 8 0 0 0 1 BLtnDMlS

n=r.-.jj_^r-sr.ie.-8J^rj.e«BsnB«tDvlkr fit.libt^.r/«.a>wS«2rd .DMWK.nLCMUa • ' 5«Hrt«.l.** SnSvMKltWfK MUtoiCM>tliH «l>t> JttftCiK2 2 8 tksERO • 2088 Alinnut: 2 3 0 1 8 88 Om iMM>.i s : s ? ' !!!! K C i; ; ! S K f . !!!! s s s r0 1 I «tm28 4 13 1 Ck»Unro<0) I 3 100 urr2.9K.i:0 88 fnen^b 4122 e«imrr.t30 0 8 b su l 4 80 0 riKHaM.)0 08 Soi«c’ 2 0 0 0 Didrtnm108 C«V*C 20 10 UnSMlUrCOO tiyt'm . * 0 00.. .Imp- - - aaoo______ <gaiuaa.1UUp 1 0 0 0

' 1010 JrrbtKSinp 0008 : JaAtuiilout lOOO JonMiU11 I] 8 Tom a 3 7 i Srtrrtnaj

MCra«n.lIS 033 ASMas 003‘ oco-8 - CMiuecerl

Nr KXI U»*OKi}9lNr*nitS.H nCB OB SO £SSfc»

■ !!3! J i i i a S , g g j g

i S ! ! - i ! . S - . K

itM RNM ' HnUHan tMirntMrMWlSard. MHmdS ftrf Jmfrn*.$K B ___________________ .M C rrpa

□NCMWTI MCHM.tSB11 hU . Ar hu 'yMF<oicli.lOOV^iu^O 4 0 8 0 ' ll»Hra?n r i- t-s » 3 B — «0 1-0- :— OB«ta<t«o

roronto Blue Joys t o « .flghi*i o f a three-game Texas Roni

-Itovals-. rfoI& T T CLBVE— Chnrlie Hough* Saberbage lUt sincc 1989 and • his-first si Td"fbrtHe.scuoiid "Ksin?!3S"Gtt Wcago.WhiicSox- Indians.m’8 major’IeigQe ' ‘ .. ........llimdre'OiSIIjs.

^ . Marine' a Nahi

;AP) '— Willie. Buhner hoi double'tJrovc in game, ii ll unseamed' run.in _ inning ihai

yTng-AlTBrbwcm ■ -■bvcrtlicCi

— T ~ ^

t" i?V "Jftiii s I t’D UTiii:;tta!ojilifceMli_it.o.B.o_l__, 1 ‘0 0 9 -I3«ant6 I I I O r-J-00 -OMi»p— -8 0 0 0' ------- *.?

- - S« .1 8 0 0. OOOO 'a t 0 OO.OIMl*. 1001 cue p 2 0 0 0 CH»*' - 1 2 10 .

5 o ? « J?oSi - a - i t i . i m - - 0 8 0 8ike. ; .''010 . 0C6 400-8 OVl- .. .;{aa-008 -30i-« j**jM lflO B^^^^trC K M iilll. . ^

” f»fc

a> ' s,- • • • i w r . j j l 2 2_____JJJO


D H H B B i B:k Q p e n r ------- g jUWC,MO»WP)-fto<K«t«Mrn<m P»Tt!M|l<MtuaC^W!«enM7.ii4- !fw 7KMHHS«MCl^a£ciuUli ^5i” 2o» *6Mt?iii-27i......... ilw1.1IMCW r«7-»*-271 SM.VItUCCO 8873<HS-272 >UVT..02833 6MS8M8-27J 1*3“»Wffl3 »»72r-2?J t*’ ti«» 132375 87«*»-273102375- B«l»»-2?3■ert321'3 71«»70-273 UM»ItOJTS <MM5Jl-273 S*»rlvrtncco '.t»«7i«»-274 (kxM■MC3C03 . 73«8«t.1»-2r4 tW!WK3CC8 IMS7W1-274 WStit23CCI3 l»«e7l-77< IXCC'i■0IS3833 »7»W74. :« B»0-lM|t70n 74(14MWnBt 117(00 .Urd«tt;aM 71( »7t-J»5 **"D.1ISSD »7»78I7-21 JU'P*nS14U3 8»»«7J1-271 - 6«?'oititea 7M»?»u-273 . . KnC<M in t u t8a7i.iV2r7 . Nm(111850 U«»8»7l-2n A»R•t|ii(M 71M»7?.2r> OMtiaUS25 I8»72 71-271 BM»*8^nSS 787»(*7»iJ7| PAM»itus2s- JJ;!,'’

H » ' i ! s K 3 ...........SrfMBUO 7»nU7l>)73 5<-i>i rMiteO 7».'eU?1-273 C-ttJ isfttoo ~ -----

fu.ua...*:.ifta«6w* onumisito U«J737»-aO c»>»i51«8 n«»f57t>-?#3 K««l

p-tiwr-.*JWTs«4-«t-— r ----<*iSS:J-JM«Wu3r-------- - R I?J.I3W ,M«r47i-:ii l y

WJUW 47JI.ri7J.rti K a

i i i i ^S UHO' »7»7I73 »J

HO--------JSC3e»7J-?B------------- Tfeilxtf»J2J!0 i»77»i7t-.^■fs i l s s s , tBnU2U' 72U73'i-;»< CP..i iS , 'SS3S:;!;. ' s . i v - r s s -rsMjUiU 72t8.7»I0-.’8JMlUlU 7i«?3:i-2flMU1S8 78U74T3-2S5 ,feisa 7B7I073-2I5t3033 70 717471-788 1aUKo tr;j74n-2« ' -ISDU U7»737V-;S7 jij';gtxtsno U717177-717 Hl[m tm 70i075-73-}S» jf,-ortllW 707I78.71-2WbwHW 71*|7S7*-2M ^ •, nm — nan-'wu - -. - -- .-. -V/I1M 7e;inrv7n .•

Ji W?0e77S.TJ-29i '

ors-Long IslandN Y (IA - r<« «»« rd itrifi

r3F“iiS!! ' si - k :inw - n n v - m ...............IU7M t*7fr»-?5C

4.|t43.'i___5 j» U -ia__________ j_asS g S S _ _____ S S

Mt 110311 70071-;ig D n, «o«t103l>70(»72-2i8i]7«SI U7}-n-}ll 7 ^ |J7«I 71.78W-21I ,«fl7iJ1 «71.73-21t - ?S£I I7fil 787871-211 ' uw]1184(0 7JJ070-212 aSp o ^ t tw 7o.7i.n-iuRtoSo 8»7»73-2l2 Z i i iItSJtt 74708W13 a,u,

S m s s l i i ; - “ £lt4JS5 72 71.7(-2t« 1223M8 7I>77«. 15 ^:»>.Ua3 7»73»-2t5-,i1|3j»» 7> 73 7B-215 ’ SX|Ht, BSD 72 73 71-215 ,7*^ VU113H1 17.7877-215

• CMS• Bin 717123-215940.728 71770-211 . . .SSSil! I Q

f f i j , SSK l!- “inS2J7| 72 72 73-217 uS 70T»74-ii; . ajsta

-■ ' s g

5 s - I IS - BOJ,|1J70' 7S.n7?-21l nltS70 . 7>n71.^l tMIO ...D »72-a0 . • 0 0 8 er 11.(10 7i«74-2ig i5«rc» “ S 533 i a 1 S K S 3 1 . KIr.tlU." 7;»7S-2:i' ' «5«()(S ■ S S 5 3 'BOO ■ ” -» 2 ~ SCLtU . a7>7».C2 CMhMtto' n n w~ri £575

MiiaileCS . 7Sn-74.42« SANM1588 • 7*-7S7J-B«. SEATIl;ipmr o . »*»■«■

i*737 \ onwos . ” :!S g f ^ ^

h l- in t^ p lc a ^ c ^ 'w e r \th eUngen."

i s Z I n d i ^ O •:VELANb (AP) •------Breligen pitched a ihrec-liIttCT ^or t sh'Ulout s ince 198^ a n d th e eit>rRoyala bedt-tho a<?);cland.-

n e rs ’5 , A nge ls 2.HEIM, Cal'ir. (AP) —l a y homered for Ihc fourth straight il ih rce« run sh o t in th e 12th ihat lificd lhc Seattle M arin(rs I'CulifiJmlrAUCCls.'. ..........


TOni^ ^cramom _ 72 73M3

P P r i l V ^ t P G A ^ ^ ^

k S S S S S tX cant |i«»en Ft tm'EM d BOanttWf^lkfJl,ina33 . 7IXS88-OTJy»v«I)n.Wt!0 ’ ' 8»7V«»-2g7 ' IrmtWmWnS 7l«e»-a*OtMUxVKtaTM »7»70-i« OaUtA JCJMV. 1237S8 (&72.7I-293J*rtS«.llJia.-.-D»7WIL— -----------vo.f«7i\iiiiu n7<t8-]ii $fi»rf«W«Jl3H6-'»JM»-21lCtejfwOr^HiW-lWtJMil--------- --FVWWVllUSO 177S»-2U |i;tfT'M><M.n250 73U71-2I2 BmCo H2» 71.70.71-212 . .a 's a a s ssKi! a a i g . - SSB S,;SSi'JStoi.KW n n n ^ a 'S>IC(»'«»H758 - 7071.7M13-• - .........U* UscaJAlIl___ Z4 JUi:2ll_______ ___HcM«E«l(4tl) 7373U-2K i>sSnpWL(4tll 74 7on-2l<'lniraa.«Ji». '.lMF«.VBOca.W«lI W7<-72.>2I4 kOUMt4|l> 7I7»73-214 hbMlKCintUIlt 7I«74-21<aSvf. 'SK!k=,J!riU8»I 7273-10-215 . . . . MHUM.nU' 727172-715 >erSM<Stit3HI 7t.n73-2l5 ^9«raMfU8|1 7l7»74-2li >^MU331 7274-70-211

...... —U W B S 31 . 7321,-WU —

52(31 7>7|.77-2ll *]Uatnt2Hi n.737}-}il I«ta«l2ni 7074.7J-JI1 l<-y*B<Uni .78.747}-]lt i«Pt*lo<l2t3l »n72-lH • I1H3UIUV«1S2(31 777»74-2H U>rla«B1 72ttJ»-Jll to<M»i*MJlU0 7*7??i-J|? w aK iIItU - 7>73 71-2I)WSkmtiUO 77 71.71-217 )(»>^U}tt^SlU3 78t»72.l7 kvotBAniiUO 7S78>JtJi7 l»oBu»»iJtU3 73727J-«i7- LSrOans'IlCM 717272-2l7 BxD*tiU8 71 74 72-217 BrPccatiUO 7D7S.72-H7 l«Bi»r#51l40 72 72 7>217 (nCoo«rlIi(U .;i.737)-217E O f i g Hits:!:!.IMttosatilU 707178-217lMftAMVrWt2 »7I72-21|IAm UsmtW 74T2 72-2UV<Iba>tO«Ut2 71 75 72-211maOtu'iSX Ji 740-711WiVsWf J « — 7473:4-:i8.............. -:«i5fc»'411 tM7 T37I74-IH n-oip*-«»i7.- " — 'i-r .t fw u a 70?8n-}l»'oinnaii|5!\*jir—74T!T5-ru----------aaSav.SCiC .''T:?-?'’ • ' ' irtOjno ItUlnlACjSU3 72 7171-211:»>««»nio8 737i.»-2i»j-r*Djm iiio 777377-21}|»- U/tff lM3 7J:t^2a.

■lace A cross A m eric aErtPWTftl iAPi-Ara.>3r>»i?f S/iayi'VWB . (Ua A«a A-ru OC-v) tK« - 1 J B3 nt ni% ew IK *C i>t.oi» '»w Ci

........- ........Itoloui (>>7 f'4 37'vtiM'>«

131QMKtnV&fiCtu 2C2 jrtiy*r ftrrtjUM ruvi rr»PeW/8 Sr>«st 0'< 251.la>'Ca»vai imwa (o' 7<4 ( PM'iTW Swr-n] 3C0 ! Sm 6o’ t’o.n»-aO«lCjU 3U

»sn*iCj^tM Cr-OC;t Uni l W>i^«CWOtB*»J! fcrw Ttm Sirtotmmiuifiro.PslMJOiJii

'lighest p a id A th le tes

ur^nthWrn-------- . jg^j-.ONr--- --_________ .

M8 " '05 «5- UttiunOctfg' .330 13 3i5

__IK t»0___J^5r"« "i28 '~"I8'' IJO' ■:»<Pr3aA«nK> 130 10 no LUS* littci fin>*g lOC 82 102.■WPwOal 0} >0 13-ncMnrt 4.ufUva 10 lO 10xtnoartOoJ- «5 - to 15

----- 74'- 85 -JI • ••j l } j _ ^ j __

w{te»»; twn 14 10 7< V

••OtAoMLltrm 01 15 73 oraBmr 1rr4 12 18- 72 (»r«&II9r1t®« 38 40 , 70 isMBpjvUalWg 10 18 70K t r . " a - I! !i ! ! - -l>}CXM«iie<sUSri 25 30 51a s s “ “ .

01 45 ■ 51

mi-wn>fw«MBas«4i .81 4 f • tnlrdttrCH * . 08 40 41 ejW Bw m fw tri 28 . 2_^ 41MtoQJiJMn UiitM 31 05 43 «T;f&ne>rfr Basil 31 OS -4)s « s j r .V .V r J S i r r iV V. •/, .x s x j , : ■!,•';■

, . BMtXU, — 35tWAGl»vjW0»)<r«».pc».0.r«__

SA«iJHnC»-a*nid»iaWCKlnIM'-'’sscss^.-«"5s^r 'HONNAtl'insJSS&KSnBiMMr.wM.«rM«HKnra(Mii3Jr3i RtuMOn - rM OMW. tM KnMt Cf n> Mow c o m CM • Wl SvM P(M. tsn Non*

.«l«WMMCM«I»(CaHtiaB0wm .M ^ m ^ t . ^ t > - . . n n 3 t ^ - ^ - £ S ^*St8 piSt. nw rafiww'oi w


aaMaiMertfMMccnm .•

r| PiratesN a t lp n a lL e

_ ST. T o u l ^ ~(AP ct . Pittsburgh PfrFtcs mi or -goojl. They just lost ti 1C and Sfill have a big

r -rNattonQl Leaguc-Easl— " I was rcal.lxi^-ckc

3m iiey s a iJ after hi! ■■-helped the Piralcs beat

Cardinals 2 -1'Sunday •y slide. "I wanted to go O' *l! ^*S game. I had .a go

■ *crc.” ‘ - • f l l , - J h e Pimles lead the

- 5H a n d th e N e w Y o rk ^

— J , S m ith ’s f if th e r r o r o — 1 g a v e Ihc P ira te s ' th c gO'- T-thft-sixlhrAVith-ninncTs

' .sccond and one out. Sth ro w a t s c c o n d o a Gi

I — g ro iih d e r. th e n s p u n a'l b a ll o v e r th e he ad o f tl

- - 'T o d d Z e i le i n a n a tte t O c la n d o M e ix e d o f f


Cubs 8, Mets 3I • N E W Y O R K (A P )‘ 1 - chased stnjggi iqgD ov id X I ru n 'th ird 'ln n in g . und we -— — N ew Y ork-toii;} fifth stmij ■ ~ _ -T he M cls retu rned fro i

thc Cubs, falling six game - g ^ e Piluburgh in the N s

'A s t r o s 2, D o d g e rs 1- ^ . H O U STO N (A P) — C

fifrt-scdfihg siitgiiriiritfj liAcd Houston over i;os.

D e t r o i t t a j

•DETRGITKAP)'—'■ ready to chant .“Bo m( some taxpayers are unha

-------way- Detroit- Tigers, piSchembeehler has hand build u new ballpark.-

Although a majority of residents who answered survey said they would I finance Ti new Tiger Sta

S c h o o n o v i

CALDW ELL-John of G lendale. A riz., si roiind 71 to pull out a

<victory-in.thc Idaho Stat tournament pt Purple Course here Sunday.

- Schoonover entered- - 'h o le s - w i th a f ivc-.s trok

■ - T h o m s e n o f B o is c '- c i_ ....S.iilUhiy-io-ehaiuiOci:

three-day to tal o f Holloway of Boise had i

- s ® d u i

' Continued from A9 blow which mushrooi Falls Iciicf to 7-().

‘ An uncamedfTiin-in il at bat proved n'lore than would require und although erupting fot scoring output cin a pair > walks and a hit butsman an unusually hasiy exil.

Mutt Bennett and R) each mulched Gru peformance with run sco for the victors.

Uwiston(KK)(KKJ060- - -ldahorFaHs01()-24| ()0

V—Bargcr.-Zimmerrti^h-(.(5) und CheffrScoresb> (H). Adamson {^) und

- - - -Watsoii (6). -W -— Scoi Burger. HR — GKiel.

Meridian; 13, Pocatello' Briton Siuartscattcrcd


.. The Rangers' offeh: wus paced by Ryan Hi two hits in tis mutiy offi

"■ ■■'On'thc duy, Hedrick-s(■ und his bat plated three r

After'a six-hir. fivc-rt


-. 3 WEEKP laase hav.

. ; cash or che ready for yo Times-Newi

■ . :! carrier.........


ehdlosirsurprising t'hrc

. e a g u e ■ - .The AstroLeague West,

i H Z 5 Z - E Z ! E 5 5 2 anijstt3 f pre tty . fi„,.p,ace Doeight in a r o w . bot.g lead in thc _ ,0n Sundaj----- ---------------- ^eirieconlLHkcd up." John lis. fivc-Kiiter Braves9,' S l l h c S t . ,U u i s X t i ,A N T / la y 10 e n d . Ih o rou^ h iu . i„c|, out and have a a six-run first

;6.pd time out to beat Sun Di Friahcisco’C

le Cardinals by anddrove iri i ■'Mcrsty six :'-“ ih'Tb'ig^friiM

50-iihead nm m . cabrera ad3rt-on-f1rst-aiul-,he-fifth^ff-n, Smith^ttfok a sinbtcs by Gai G ^ VarshO|’s iheBravestn and thrcw the tlflrd baseman " Ph illies 3,'

i c m p 10 c ? > = l> _ _ M O K rR E , f th e bag.and Dale Murpliy

_____i)icii.vih.'iam------ ---------•slkiirstrulglil

six .games in i -) — Chicago • • - ICoriiTin u five- , Lcnhy Dys went on to send single with oi aighi loss;--; --reliever-Jeff- rom a 2-7 Wexi sccond before.

Ties behind (irst-Naiional League Reds Gis----- - CINCINNA- drove in five r

*1 u bascs-loudcdCruin-Biggio's bottom of Ihc i

m tnw rinnin?—ilfrinrthc-eiIS Angeles for a victory over Ih

ix p ay ers upse-‘They're not don’t like S must go.’’,but f\rmed tactic happy with the ptiblished S president Bo . News... ndled plans to Sixty-two

Wayne. Oi of Detroit area County ruid :d a telephone .survey ' si d be willing to Schembech: >ladium, many officials are "

/e r h o ld s o f f Iin Schoonover Kip Thom] shot a ,final- Utah tied fi a one-slrokc White of Sail

tatc Open golf Twjn Fall le Sage G olf Hamblin ani

tied for sevei id the last 18 -Gooding tied 3kc lead; Jeff— Pat Rilcyi carded a ;65 -ih e senior di' gco'nd with-a tw o 'sfrokei f 204 . Tad Stroup of Wc d a 66 Sunday Chris th o mil-___- ........ - competjtioni

fifth inningiDiiicii idiiiio

: . Pocatello. Wl1 itirncjcr tum--‘ '>'“” in Id ah o Full.s J " * ' l'2 P l" : I L e w i s l o n . ro.M cr. sc g m i o r i i s c m i r c l h c s c c o n d i r o l 'h i i s , fo u r c lim in o lcd . ' an. c o m p lc ic d n i a l d id e\ 1. ■■ but not beftiRyan Rcilley Stan Hal?s h ru c l's RBI Despite a ba coring singles cost, the. Rc

oui.scored the,0 — 6 7 .1 " I T "[ | 0 x _ B 7 I . r c sp c c la b fe ...i.(5), Mochric____Meridian.0by, Mpacham Pocatello(X Id Ciimpbell. Stuart.and rorcKby;-L— r-.(4) and -Davi


no-6 '.■ed nine hiis in—• ------

le^ttfbels;--------- —p | - y jr•risive attack mi." - ^Hedrick with | l l f l | | n 1fficial at bats. IMmlW t scored twice - -.J02.N.II*I

emore. . . , ' T i•run Meridian- l a i i i iH H ^

ive your • S leck ’ ^ 'Our- f^Av e / y


. ' r . n - ■

j i g s t e a i c l "; inrec-gnmc *wccp. •, s t ro s , la'sit i n ' t h e N a tio n o l : > k'est.'havc w on scv en .sm ilgh i - .' * r the^ ir3 t-ttm o :« inco-M ^ 3 6 - ^ — OBO All ih tee win's o v e r the • - . : D o d g ^ cam e in the Aiitros’ r - ' It. . ' ' 'T ' ■; - .nday, th e tA ttrb s a lso tu rn ed r > . n i L i r i p l C p t o j ^ h o . ^ - ^ .

l9,Fadn^'7NTA (AP) - r Ron.pani.had*; including a three-ruii homer. In - ; first inning, as Atlania hcfd’on n Diego. " ' I - .co'Cabreinl. whb'Hod thrS hits':: :• iri four runs, and.Oantl&ycd-; rei:wiK.li6a»msrflfr.tl{hhist^^ : cn (3-9). who has lost-;elght;C imes. 'a added a two-run double i n '- )ff-relfev«-Joltn-Co6toll^erf:— f ' Gant ond Jeff Blfluser 4£glve stn8-2lfad. :

r 3 , E x p ^ V tir* "REAL7AP) — Plheh-hitterr* '. • _ rp liy 's ru n -sc o n n g dou6 Ie-m ' mninp~KavcTtnititteltrfiBrtir >2 ■ ■ -gill w if fi -T h e 'f ix p o y h ag r jc H tr;--------; in u row. and 14 of thOr lu.st;»

Dysklrtt beat out an in’Tield"; ih ohc'out lri'\hc-10lhH^lnsix^»'- leff'FuKsero (1-2) anchstolc-*^-- -- forc.acorin'gon Murphyi^ardr^iuV)t inpiflf*thf-'t i* 'l?ii'Kft-t Bni ~ .

Giants5 •.'7 «•JNATI (AP) — Barry-L^in:.- ive nins ond.Paul O'NeilJ drew- ; udcd walk with two outs i}i ihet the ninth inning Sunday nighi,* • c-eTncTTmirtHlcd»M6>ik-6.5-r: - cr Ihe San Francbco Gi^ls. Z ■

setwiili Bo;e Schembechlcr*s-stn>ngt^ 'ictics. according to a^poll!-:;:d Sunday In The D ^ ro it : -

two pcrccnt of th^O O ?.; Oakland and Mticomb;:;

esident.;: who answered the>^' s&id' they befievet--

echler and other ’tiam :; ire "asking too much." - ,

f challengelompson of Americah^orkr J d for, fourth with ^ n ry * - ; .Salt Lake City at 207:^ I-; Falls^-professiqnals'^MikcI^ and Steve Me'yerhoeffciC^

eventh al 211. Rob Ellis of*< tiedfor.l2thai.2L4. -.-t . .Icyof Arvnda;'Color;Avon;; r division-with-a 226-lotol.-J - - - Skcs'bettcr thTri~Drrin.v-? ~ •WclUvNev,..,.,.. . ..*■Thomas won lhc amatcurTrion a t 2 1 2 . _________ • _

- • ■ z-i — =-■■■.... — i t ----------------------

ling in which the J le b s ;" thc ball aw ay t^v^'ce.-:. Which entered slate HJlay-; Dcst-overall.record. but had?- players on the to iirn ey l- cnied destined lo betfome*- md frcqueni'-conl^ftdctxi

.d eventually come io pa.s.i'.t^)cf6:c Wade Bell singledZj fs home to make It ;^0 -2 .;J .'I bascrunning error which;?. Rebs a run P o c o ie llc ^ i the Rangers 4 - | oyer ihe^; ee innings to. m a k e -I tr^ -

m . 0 1 3 - l 5 0 - l 0 2 ^ j 3 ’l 4 1 : ; : _ ' lo000 M l3 0 0 ~ '6 :S L 5 _ * .- ;_ ..an(J Shafer; .Kain. W & m cr^------3avic.--W.-:-.,Stuart!^L-— _

I M S E ^ E :SEtfc TBimE :10 COIN galleries ^7 3 3 ^ 9 3 !

, A ? ,

^TPv V'

4 b - ,

r ■ X. • J g - *

r* I r‘ -I .

Page 11: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

I Don^If - y m

1 ' ' When it'coinc “I you can’t assume

. what’s going on-__ : :».rfi.aUy^.c_undet

t transla te y o u r ji> _ _ ' ' w 'ordrso that yc

accurately anB-so

I : . L e ttin g otb'ibrs

’ * tnVi»a tmdcrsQ: * ’ momcotTiy'inoiS

sldlla to-1>ring;im y o u rse lf to the

"■ — ....ovailablff-w ^yoiI f you’re like n

• - w ant to .unders t I ■ yourse lf better, j

- know w here to t . SberodMiller.com

handy little book I that ofTers stniightl simply techniques

'.'■I - to achieve j p c c ^The foundatido

. consists o f ft conc< I*; Awareness. Wheel

you can activate •’. bring aspects o f

focus. , /•: .• Envision; :if you

hub and five s ^ k any i s ^ or event 1

- Your relations! •' . dafing. -

' -Y ourw eight.-'> . - The promotio ■' losti -’ W hy you and^ getting dong bettei; - ......... 'W hatever you>i' - W heel— -five—C!^ ________ intormnnon t e ^ i f; . •- five sppkM ofther ■ ia t^ r e ia t i ’oa8,.fec

JJ your experience.5 . ■ MixetTlt^eflicr,' ...............'frequently pverwhi

The Awareness V~ help you to breakr whole o f an experit; cause it;-Y qu cat:: so > ^ teIy and sud“ ta te-on a'new col- make sense before:- • Aspects you hadn’ ' • into place.C . To go through a^ ; jump in at any spc; - work your woy ar<5 ■ V. again, the followirJ : you have focus*

: experiencing in on; . ; use “straight u lk"

7 person statcmem

____■ -„Ip 4 ea

J-' :;_BeatAbbyl;.L _____ paye.Ban5t_F toT lo for y a irE : Classified .

t~ ~ ; Barcelwia^f : : PORTLAND. Or\ . > Barcelpna was.ihci 'm e n ’s sweater collci} Mosaics and simI ' . abound In the co’ , :'collcction.; • VBarcclpna exude

- — : " n h e 'c enter 'o f the'cr .DesignerTauH FriiJ . iuscd Indio’s .tapci; S resources. •; ........•. . Friedland nnd h a; o f the Spanish c; . American-grown ';. ' ^'jMpssley, England,:: . V'boucle. .

' Besides, th.o rich; - - offers navy with to: ■ with sage, tflack wi

' ' blues and browns.-

Usebqokfc, , A new book, *’Tal

1 _ _AlmostAPXthi6a’:.(:— “ "USe’ffllienuy suppu

■-unwanted j)uh;ha8<

thers essiiig -nn<js".toxonnnnincotingj~“ me that pMpIe will know on insideiyourhead. To . dets'tQod; you ^needoo -> r jn n e r c)y>ei^n«'1ntD : you represent yourself


J o A n n r

- P s y c h o l o g y - ~

■6r« khbiv y o u ’re g and.wisD^g, o f course, wtM dintypurow n.w lf-.,.- ooterit.'^ and having the . vinner information about. . he surface w here i t 'syou need it - - - ---------e most peopl?, you may rstand and to express - r, vet maybe you don 't ;o-begin. H ere’s where »mes to thcTCSCue with a; . bk colled-“Straight Talk" ^tforWard and amazingly ies \o anyone wbo’d like 6S9 as a'com monli^r." ■ dn for M illC T 's^roach mceptual tool termed the k1 - a mental camera that ite at any given time to o f your inner sclfxinto

you wiQ, a wheel w ithu - [»kes.: At the hub place tit you’d Uke to euunine: ) n ^ p io a person you’re .

>tion'you expected and -

a nd^our teen-ager are«er.----- ; ..........-»putln the'cehlCT'of your “ csscntJaJ-^kinds ' o r D.ni<U'.J;EK8ffl!i.nSJM_ - he wheel: tho sensations,

crWcSTcxiicnBrtC^cair^ " whelnfond conftjse'youi";,8 Wheel, however, can 5ak down the unwieldJy, * ^ e h c e into the ports that " can examine each part suddenly the whole may '• cotoratipn; What dldn’t )ie may nuko sense now. dn’t considered may fall

;h a sohing'out process, spoke of the Wheel and around it, considering,

wing five spokes. Once u sed on what y ou’re any of these ca'tegories,

Ik" in the form cj;f first- ' icnts to describe th is

le a sa se e -L A R S E f^ 3 — J

'.....V .... ■ ■ -.-^21:::^.::, B2 _

i i r — ...... B3B4-^0

inffoeda wasJnspiratioiiOre. - The art and architect ih e inspiration for Jantzen)llectloti.’ .......... ........... ■.sim-drcnched Mediterranean com pany's m ulti-tex turei

udcs a creative e n e ^ that m le'deslgB’anlverseT^’saysTi Friedland,.who in'pirevioitf S' pestries an<j Santa Fe as a

ber associates interpret their 1 city in yarns o f 100 p t m. cotton, an alpaca blenB i^ ' and 0 muld<olpred, spac<

ich.M editerranean.hues, J? 1 tonarblues and'viblet; buf ; with olive, and winter whiti>■- ___ • ■■ . r

for returning iteTake II Back: The Art o f Reli |':.(Njji.qnal.Prei3.Boola^^^

loses; Authors Arlene Singe PihejjbnjgL't.QnaumBrtJvitH.t

P lease s e e i.OOKi^

. .....J,.. . . . . . . .

Living with

J l i l

d i a

By Suzanne Huxhold Tinics-News corrcspon

--TW IN FALLS - RitcriTaTmgHt; outgo: ager, w ith alt the i dow ns-o f 17-ycar-o

- acTOte the country. But has llyed with juvenile

■ since she was 2 years o'_ -1 ----don’t feel flny-d

. from my' friends," Ar.......... Twin Falls says, “I jusi

- watch, oiit for myself more.". "Actually, I feel I'm up healthier than mo agers, because 1 dc sweets and junk foo< w

-. -— say'fc-iiln-eomo-U'ays privileged."

Andna, who was am young people nationwide to.attend i International .Diabetic Leadership Confere Washington, D.C., is j o f thousands o f tec young children afflict ju v en ile d ia b e te s - i

, country.■ 'Dr. Paul Miles; a ped

.. . at the.Pcdiatric Center Falls, Mys that l ofevc 5-ycar-olds will get lhe

/ t h i s y ea r and th a t i ' .... jumps a i children age.-'- ••— to-a-:16-yeflr-old is obi

------ rn —M tles-B-ay sn h eo rie:why older children ai

I susceptible to diabetc------ <vhlr>t;icHtists*1tluuy

- - Diabetes-is-very CO M iles > a y s . "Type

, .juyenile diabetes,-con gcnctic predisposition

r:,Th^lBy Oeneview BuckChicagO'Tribune

C H IC A G O -“B" woi thing in casual clothe: cvciybody s'ccms'lo be in baseball caps and Bir

' “■ •“ 'shorts,-Bass sneakers a r • - --loVs.pf th e cutest .littl . - a lo ng-in their-t)rams-ar

everyw here from c ■■'Tcsiaurants.

Look around the next m all o r at an- art f

... :ncighboriioodicsiivaI.o ~ “ sec-ifymj-donH-notice:

BASEBALL CAPS; Jjockward or even with baseball caps arc tumin senior citizens and all tl

ecture of fall

an colors new


I s e a s o i i s / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f H ^ S i artistic

sir vision. percen t

acer^yed s S K B ^ 3 n [ ^

Jantzeniiifguody -


iger indK.tipa.on_— ,r::— CING/B3 M editerranean c<

mt j r — - —

v e M

i b i ^e doesn’t I ferent^teeiId , ' the disease c o [wndcnt ' Vtriggering fac■...... .■ inftctlon:'*-'’- Andrea - Type I dial:

tgoiiig teen- immune disc e ups and wheri.the pane r-o ld g irls that produces ii But she also, the body’s nati lile diabetes level, is . dar -sold. through hcreiy.-different infcrlinn As a Andrea o f body may outgr

jusi have to produce insul: self a little damaged porterc

When that 'm growing blood-suga’r 1 most teen- controlled witl d on’t cat ' insulin - somi

K\.ll-Andrca knows a lo t a aye,-l feeL -been giving her

■ injections Ibr as among 150 remember.

chosen .K aren Byi id a recent American Diab< etic Youth in B oise; has ercnce in accustom ed U is just one sting o f a needle teens and B ym e 'w asd licted with juvenile diabete s -in this 10 years old a

■ • farm in Weni pediatrician parents. She v, ter in Twin. thrw siblings tc every 1,430 the disease.•the disease "The feeling It n u n ib e t- sugat-is.the wor je.-Thc ri sk - world," Byrne; obout l in ‘‘Eyci^hing wc:

1 are more out o f ihe bathrc >etes tie in. B yrne’s mi

— - r ...... -to iho-doctor-'cbmplex,"—small.-The-doi pc 1,' or find anything v could be a ' • •ion toward - P lease s e e [


words arc the big.,big Slickc Ihcs this summer as Lee, o be hitting tlie streets ; Wc; Birkcnstocks, bicycle the si> imd Bermudas;:wilh-; Ghane ittlorbabies tagging, quilte ^and-strollerBrgoing—demoi

church to patio pfites- -r.---------vt 'Did

ext time you're at U)c madeI fair, enjoying a And, d.or the ballpark and...but bye: ‘ •••.-,------ " -.- BAI?S; Worn sideways, tcnni; ith the visor irt front, while, ■ning up on toddlers, camelII the in-betweens a s . Icaihe:

> co lo rs are po p u la r now.)

■■ n


i t i

l e I

es Imake | E 's a y s ^com bine^ w jtb.a ictorT ike a v iN

abetes. on o u to - seose," .B evelopT *!^^^^! ncreas,;'the organ insulin to control

itural b ld o d -s ii^ . a m a g e d ,. e i th e r . ed ity o r a, viral ^jL-child.ages,~th&—;gipw its obili^ to.' ulin through the :rcas... .It happens, the

level- m ust: be^ ith injections o f m ething Aridrea about. She has

erself twice-a-day as long as she can

ibeies Foundotion a&.olso becom e to th e fam iliar

:. diagnosed with le^.*when she was' and living on a

:ndejl w ith her was the first o f to show signs of

lg o f high blood orst-fceling in the - e; now 28, says—Licnt right th roughj^^^^^^l

)/llicj uVci luliroom."m other. Sonyo

r-whcn-sho -was^— loctbrs couldn't- ; wrong with th e . ■

Androa) DIABETES/B4 having

fashionll. Am ong the role mod )day" show ’s W illard See stal and his beloved Mels ca] kers,” a jogging Madonna s , o f course..^carers find them hip'(rappc s id c -tilt trend); fashionc nei-boutique-just got in a sh: Ited.ones.-pricod at $800 • iooratKH(Uie^re-uni66X|-Qge

id yoTi know th a f 7 out ol le in this country arc bascb 1, that they sell not by the 1 by thcjnillions?— .ASS TBNNIES: Though.pli lis shoes have been popu lc, ncwcst.noiv.orc me wiuW] cl-colorcd leather laces and ier piping around the shoe's

I isoneatin]amounts p just at thn

■ good way indicates cholcslcro cholestcn however, r

— ------ inmke ofd■;V THB BL College hn one's m pl

,thatinfr«ii 'feelings, V


^lcM*when you eat m

______ consume. J.less fat ani

' others, fad : how much

^ _,have foiin

compared— --------- -day.-Tho -s

' ■ TVwatchc

■ e s

-oa R iter o f Twin. Falls say ig Juyenile d iab e te s .

IS b e ^lodcls: the Kids wear the Jcott, B illy (Wc!re strctchi cap in "City also has this sr a and Spike BIRKENST

■ ’’ muUibuekled : jpcrs smrted favorites o f the )nable (the students have shipment o f w ^ ro b c s of f 0— each);’ comfort-scekci Bgelessrond.— BICy-CLB------------------- messcngci geuo f lOihats:-today’s:bicycl:

;eball caps? m ales and fc ic hundrccls, fashion look q

sccondthought plain-white • - BERMUDA pular for a anybody who iWonesTVith—hasn’twrnt-ihe nd matching • ' Non-Bs, but c's opening, scene:

ILB AWAY AT CHOLESTl ting style whereby food is co: s periodically throughout the hree main meals. Initially, it ay tp reduce weight, and nov ;es tha t th is proccss mo; :rol levels by an average of ;crol low ering benefits o f r, rhust be used in conjunctioi if dietary cholesterol and satiu BUNK OF AN EYE: Reseai hove detenhined-that cyeblii

npdonal and physical well-bc r^uent blinking was correlati i, while anxiety and pain wc uent blinking. So if^ o u r m -ofessing love, be wary. ALONE; LOSE.WEIQHT:1 Stnte University have found en they eat alone. In fact, tl t w ith , the more food yoi e.lnnddition,-mca!s eaten-aU and calories. The reason? W factors other than hunger dete ch you'll COL3 o Cn m a k e YOU TUBB lind. that men who wotch n

ed to those who watch l ^ o-same-relatidnship-was-four :hers. The solution is to tum

- .r

say s s h e d o e s n 't fee l any

I with ththe shoes unlaced, of-coursc tching the B word, herc;-Kcd: 5 style.)STOCKS: Those thick-solcd ;d sandals thai onct were th( the artsy crowds nnd graduati

ive made their way into thi 3f-fashiqn plalcs and plain okJeers as well------ ---------------.B -S H O R T S ;.a n sp ircd -h 3

/cle:shorts:art:ahowing up 01 fem ales who ju s t like thi

k and probably never give i ght to function.DA-—S H O R T S :- I s - th e n •ho doesn’t own a pair (am -lhem-ln-lhc-last-fcwuvccks)2_ but also very big on the strcc

STEROL: Grazing engage i consumed in sihail - C I ^

the day, rather lhan .over giv . it was hailed os a they ha now a reccnt smdy Kleinm n ay also reduce Boston, o f 9 percent. The they pro o f meal spacing, enpugh tion with a Tcduccd recentl>iiunilcd fats,- ------ vegcUjWsei^here at;Boston ...JCOF? blinks dm indicate o f coffci -being. They found to drink ilated with pleasant. . . .y o u were accompanicd Uniyersi - mate blinks: a lot consumi

associel[T: Rcseorchcrs ot people v imd that people cot anxiety! t, the niore people SIBU you are likely to the birjl .alonc tend-to have- monthly When eating with o r you ’

letermine when and Univcrs ■ i . Nadelni

BBY: .Researchers newborn h more than three received <elv't6'obcsc'whch to show » s than an hour a . orrange bund-wilh-children- pre^om tm off the tube and-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

..... 'T

........ UBceaALStly d ifferen t th a n h e r frfonc

le letter•sc. . TENT TOPS: The I eds short minidress, these

show up over skinny, s cd, o r bicycle shorts; they' ihc bright so lid s (apple £ ate orange are the leaders), the that looked great togcihe old ' chocolato mid-colf tigli____rcccntly. ...........•—hy SK IN -TIG H T_D E> nsr ~Thosc~long~(nlmos rTO' on-style-ahorts-with rolled :hc The Gap started selling t : a to lilhe-figured young

favorites o f all sizes and rrc - BICYCLE BAGS,-F. nd BELT BAGS: The, bag t2__Jirouiid_thc_waist_ond < ccl primarily by cyclists ha>

cWryone's pet accessory

e in physical activity. ILDREN AND SNACKS: Pi jiving youngsters snacks bctw have a w eight problem , si man o f M assachusetts Gen n. "Kids arc pcipciuol-motio irobably don't sit still ot the > $h to eat what their body : Ily. Klcinman rccomrhend& ihlcs and low-fat crackcri and FFEB AND EATING: If you fee, it may cause you lo overe ik more cofTcc^which couses ( u g e t'th e picture. New res rsity o f Michigon Medical C mption of about eight cups o iatcd with eating disorders I 5 with normal diets may eat t y brought on by caffeine. UNO RIVALRY: To best pr nh o f 0 sibling, don 't mak ,ly uptlotes.Qn'your pregnanc> uMl raise your ch ild 's onx :rsity o f M ichigan psycho Imon. In a study o f 49 ch: )m siblings, Nadelmon foum ed only moderate preparation iw faehovior ptoblcms. If a geinSnts’m ust be-cfiongediw ^ sh e odviaeg. • ----------

• Complied i


e n d s d e sp ite

/le length o f a verylese sleeveless topsy. short skirts, tightsncy’rc most often inle green , hot p ink.ifs). but two neutrals;clhcr (navy tent over ;tights) were spotted .................. j

^ I M S H b R T s l ^ .~r•TOTfairknccTjeiiTnr:----------------Tllcd-up bottoms that - — | ng this spring chiefly iing women are now md shapes.;,-FANNY-PACKS,------- - - .bags that buckle onnd once were worn__________have Bcconicncarly


1: Parents, ^lon't fret Ijctwcen meals unltss • i1. says Dr. R onald J!jcncrol Hospital in,- 5otion machines, and hlhe dinner table long ' ' p dy needs,” he said nid& fresh fruit, rawand cookies.—------------------------- 7'ou drink a whole lot— ----------^vercal and cause you V5CS overeating, which research from the f

ll Center shows lhat ______)s o f coffee a day is :rs in women. Even rat more lo quell the

;t prepare a child for make a "big fu ss .— ’ Pmcy, for example — ; : anxiety level, says chologist L orraine ch ild ren who hod

)und that those whotion, were.less likely .. .1_____f a ch ild 's sleeping_______ __;ed , do it by m id - ^

ledfinmwiteTcpoits- |j

Page 12: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

8-2 ■nmoo-No*3. Twin Fol

p a r r y

Somebody ho.'i got ( Uiin^about crime in ih«

----- ery-day-it seems o.s-tho(

Jhcrc. and the quality b is jiaihctic.

_____ Lhnscjhis_f!i.itcmcntcxpcricncc ! had rccc

_i_5Urcl5.of New York Cii iting Calvin Trillin, w New York and divides h ly much equally bctw< well-known wntcr anJti his car.

This W f x r i^ e . whi "niafcirig 'up. occunca'a^

turning to Calvin’s hous •a.m. after ah evening of Iated’ nonrt^rsonal; ta 1il(JraryrC:s«arch:

Just-as-w c Tcachcd- criminnl appeared from darkness and attempted___ to that point, 1 have•OI ihe criminal's tecTinli - donc'an excellent jo b "0

___ .lcctionL._Jn terms __ocourage. Calvin and I wi tlie two biggest weenie Manliiiitan at that hour. / criminal, armed with oi weapon, including a set pcrs, coiild have had iis i

“ CondaJDEAR ABBY: Your

sending in their crazy we siories.so here’s ours:

--------- ^VVhenTRick-ondri-ini14. 1985. wc had only a honeymoon, so we took advice and rented a co bcach in Roswitb, M^xic wedding, we mode th' drive, arriving at the gat

--after dark. We-asked tl speaking guard to poin

• - right d ircctiom o our' I showing him the street sc

Upon finding our cond not imagine why the ke; the potted plant by the the owner prothised it Also, my uunt *hod told unit was right on the be one was across the stre

------- Riclc-climbcd-the-balcoitercd the condo through glass door, then he openi door for me. We had brc

. groceries and even logs i place, so we made a delic and built a romantic fire placc. -It_was a pcrfecnight. .....................

Tlie. next morning, I dc outside and try to fine


—Open^io........... TWIN FA L L S-A n ini

open house for the Parale cation Evening Program

.to begin Scpl. 23 will I mid-August in Twin Falls

The program is sponso National Academy, of Studies Inc. in cooperatio Id.iho State University Continuing Education ar cnccs,

Tlie open house is set p.m. Aug. 21 at the ISL Center in Twin Falls. Cla Sept. 2^ and will meet frc p.m. Mondays nnd Wedn nine months at the ISU

____ Center. Idaho.State assistais attorney Guy Price' of

------ ;Faculty~mcmbcr.s ure loc------ in g~an om cys:----------- :—

Curriculum developrri . maintenance is directed b

P. Stauskcy. vice prcsida demic. affairs for the Nat

........ ale^al Academy.’ The-ucu<vides full-time placement and career counsclinc to of the evening program a with financial aid Ihrough

• cial aid office... Complete details.of the

U x x m m 'o u iB Y n io H4 flavors.....*3.50

Okangejbuyst ,■ light o r dailtcliocol

. . ; M .a o j b . .

I Fradertckson'


- ' p | 1 inch up to 16

- . t / * ^ ; . S t r a v y ; A b a c a ,. ■— — Naturaf'&'Cc

. i ' < ^ d e r l c k s o n '8 C r a f' { •ywaiDW.

Folls\ Idafw, Monday.. AiJgusl

teris theto do some-

ih^strceLs. Ev- itou^j itere are- jiiiig li^sc~out; y Of’their'work '

cnLon a .c n x n c _ JB iiB fi£ rccnlly' in ihc begging foi City.whilc vis-_'our,walleti

, who lives in . additional :s his time pret- morning t }wccn_Mng a mongngcs. uTlryrngtoparlc Bul this

as we were rc-; tjouse at about ! ! o f busincss-rc- r, ’ lax-deduciMc.

rf-h is door, ' ^ 3

-ivc rio criticism...... ^ _fimque. He had*” H e rrf f^ b-of-victim' sc-“ "I’H blow b ._ o f , .. phy s ic ^ ,.^ ^ J U tc c ^ [ were probably crime critic :nies abroad in numerous ir. A competent For one thi > any plausible had two gu set of nail clip- he hide th us irntnrfiately out: “Yc>ii ■

[fiiaeawa>ur readers are r ^ X H | j wedding night

-inarried—Decr= y a weekend to " ook ihy-aunt’s condo on the

ixico. After the potted plant the two-hour with the cc

gated entrance completelyI the-Spanish- than-the coi oint us in the don’t think 1 ir Tented ‘unit.‘" e s faster thai t address,. mode the be ando. we could and ran out key wasn’t in could-scon

he door where hysterically.it would be. could to'thc

)ld us that the blocks down bcach — this We never

street. Finally, that first co lcony-and.-enT_happcn-to-fr Igh Ihe sliding you, and we )cncd the front -KRIS brought along RIO, SAI

gs for thtf fire- DEAR AJ elicious dinner my partnts c Ire in the firc- moved to an rfect wedding -with her. I s;

..............—limes.untiridecided to go . him over Ihc

find-the key.. (| called hin wall above the-mffrHOFevei!

ottsesetftinformational are available

•alegul Certifi- during the oam .scheduled puckels, appiII be held in - 1 - . - ills. —nsored by the --------of Paralegalation with the ___ty Office of .

and. Confer- :

'ict for 7 lo 9 ISU ResidentClasses begin -from 7 to 10

:dnesdays for 7 3 0 ' 2 (SU Resident 1 m m — istant director of Pocatello.

localrpractic-- ' .....

I Z H Zipmcnt and . S S E N IJ by William, • C ,ideni of aca- <Mational Par- ?icademy pro- y -:nt assistance >to graduates V '

n and assists V " M ajgh it-s finan- v

the program ^ {Ij

W l b . ? ^STICKS S •cotate' < . '5 = ^ ^

IATSl I COM16 Inches 5 W K Spm

a, o r Felt-. . C - ; | ^ 9 | | C olors— v t S i S

. ^ - S 0 2 i*fa W ia i is T L V w

■ 1;-------2— —T'"

|usf5,1991 ;■ - ____ -

estory^oiW D a w e ~

: ; a B a t » p y ;

H u m o r

fdr mercy and handing overlets, and promising .to raise ■a] cash. first thing in the I: by applying for sccond '

tiis criminal had o. terrible ' iction. He had both hands in* ! eet --pockets.—and “ he—was— 5 the jacket material out to- . , the way the bad guy’s jack- but on TV whcn he-has a , '

his, pocket and , he doesnU J crybody to see-it. Clearly nd I were supposed to think , :rimindl had two guns point- |

F w h ar^h c -crim iiraf-saidr-’ M both of yourhcoifcoffA—

itique, Colvin and I found is flaws in this approach, r thing, if the criminal really I guns, why on Earth would t them? As Calyiii' pointed 'r

ill would definildy want to c

ay was WlS D e a p A b b y "

— A bigail— V an B u ren j;

I . I slint. I.saw a cenunic_plaque • hicondo’s full address - a Ic

ly-different street name hcondo we had re.served! I h:ik I have ever washed di«h- Hhan rd |d that ipomlng! Wc -ni bed. cleaned up .the place

3UI the door as fast as we 1:ored to death, bul laughing k<,ly. Wc drove as fast as wc b<he right condo - just a-few siwn the sircet. y 'cr did find out who owned, condo, but if the owners-

>-sce-thiB-4n-print.-^Tl)ank—SIA'C arc-sorry!" w RISTA AND RICK TOBE->AN CLEMENTE. CALIF, lyABBY: Whcn 1 was II . ats divorced and my mother bianother stale and look liie liiI saw my father only three • m ir i . wms -15. Kve talked.iQ-.fo Ihc felcphonc.a few.iimc-s.,r t im -h e has never called w ^en’«MiTny blrthdny;rMe-l~--~

bi^afaleg3le to all interc-sied persons. va : open house. Infonnaiion ob Implication fonns and reser- 92

GKatServi Low Prices

f a b r i c s - j

I 2 m d A v e . N . ( S h o i

........Its not too early tc= B A C K .* T C y * iN D Y O U R S T U D E N T BJ

J R T O T A L P A C K A G E= S E E U S B E F O R E

M P L ^ Service.Supplies fip — ^ S I N C E 1

M alff» -A v» .-S bv thv '^T w H O U R S : 8 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0

)f anattieshow your guas to a schlubs li'ke us." --Also,-,;two -guns was

tioHs, twd giiris ngiircs'c gun per hand, which raise

—tion:-How-wo-s the-criminc r to take our wallets? Was h e ■nsk-us-lo hold (>ne of-hij e him? Was he going lo ha’ J th e wallets in his mouth') _ ^_ould have hod trouble

our iwst-rob'bery InsfrucP . .IS “Don’t try following

l!Don’Ltty. anything-funnyJ . CRIMINAL (With his

his pcxrkets and our wall ’ mouth): Donghh ghry i

ghunny!‘ " ^ M E :^ ! ! ? ----- -----' CRIMINAL {gctting- ' DONGHH GHRY ANG ^ GHUNNY! •..... -CALVIN:. I think, he’

’‘Don’tThavcTbig (iini’ftiy —-*-ME-(hastily)r No! Yo :^_iixlLcLBcally.i.SirU .^^ I - But the criminal’s silliesi . my opinion, was thrcatenlr ' bdih of our heads off. That I an absurd wasie of buUeis I 'morc efficient way to gain I eratiori would have'been-

T o n g p l a

now remorried and living a able life with his second two stepchildren.

—TrHp'Aticon-a-falher-ignpj5 blood child? I have tried over to build some kind of ship with him, but it ha^

• hold. I admit. I’ve had sol lems growing up. I droppe high school, and every timi him he meniion<;d it. sayinf live up to his expectations

-nally quit calHnghim.— —I haven’t called him in’ix

l am 21 now. -Should I gi keep trying? U probably : bother mc afier 10 years. 1 still my dad. Well, maybe if your column he will ircogni

■: "ORPHANED" IN P,S. I am engaged to be

—Stujuld .1 ask ,bint-.to-pay wedding?

DEAR “ORPHANED**: A ly your father isn’t as eager a relationship with you us y build one with him. How him know thai you are engai

-married,-and-if he offervlo' ..for_your,:wedding. fine -tt .b

ask him. ir you expect noth won't be disappointed (ngnit


gal-pregnviiiions for the open house obtained by calling loll free y22-»771.

' KraN A Ircmi m . Bradshaw

rvice &es EVERYDAY! K


l o w n o o i y i ) 7 3 4 « 4 1

/ to begin thinking -,■ S C H O O I ^B A C K w S h T O E BEE


3E S T O pE N T STORI R E Y O U .B U Y = - :

I fipSupport On ALL We Sdl 1 9 4 1 — :

r w l r r P c i l l r 7 3 3 ‘ 6 8 7 3 0 M O N .- F R t .

I couple o f "blow Colvin’s have ' cooi»r

IS defincte ly -:< 5^h t*^allc

I but to one' robbcry.'I w scs the q u ^ Calvin imd I, nal-plunning~ing^<JowfHh« > he going lo the *crimihaJ’: his guns -foryii^tantly -deteci tave us stick our comput< h? ,If so, he franWy.duc tc e giving us research .we h

Ig me!” o r 'p u te rm o d casiyl!.'_-------1... scope-mode, ilis hands In Nevcnheles allets in his how we handl

angyghing, ally, it was Cj . ^ - You never rea

‘ gumption a n g- - angry): spinc^whnt k JGYGHING ioned "guts.”

handles himsp le’s saying, - down and all i

— TTnerCaiviirrc I'ou’rerycry-- and he looked

est move.-in . strength and ci ling to blow ■ intercom butto lat would-be_us in."tis. A mueih__;_Alicc Js.Cohin our coop-, the door lock, li-to simply' dodr’and wer

iceatrigl; a comfort- your life. I ho d wife and gnitulalions oni

>re-his-own----- Most-letnzOjd over and facts about drv of relation- prevent unwani asn’i taken in Abby's nev. sphie.prbb^. booklet, "VV/jai iped out of Know." To on mc I called size, self-addn ing I didn’t check or mon ns, so I fi- (S4.50 in Cam------ — Teert'Booklet, i"tv/o years. Moifis. III. 61 give up or eluded.)’ shouldn’t p— , ------------;, but he i.s m ifheread.s | U | n C

tnize me. - PHOTO< IN.IDAHO j d o j X married. p ^ - iM o r-m y---------

: Apparent- •:er to build

.but don;i -- I-------.. .iihing; yoli ' r," '" —"

c o n s

am- “; - G h m

•ee. I-8(H)- : ( j, . ■ 834 Fall

Tw in Fall


H 8 9737;

! 5 5 Q .... _CoU

—' V rnogrsm

=ST < □ Con- > , —

S Two^sesI rcccrtifii

f " ~ r> - □ Bab;

N Preicqui l |B 'S sliiers'bi

_______r e g l s t n u

□ F re e< Cafe

^ . 5 .. Injury pi B S Miles. FH - > 2430.

i ^ V

^ S . ‘ ' 9 o.ii A . S Two-<layB : > _ „ f i c h ^

. . driving.. the 5£nic

R E < ■. y : Q -P rep

< p.m.S LamazC']S ;$30.^:ai;

& ,Jc1 n z

~ ^Two-sess recertific

n’s head off.'I would then a [wi^tively handed over, pilUlet;.-':-" • di

would' like to jay ' that I,' even, as wc were stiu^ ' fc

lhe-menacing.^^>afrcIe-of—re aJ’s jacket pockeis, in-- th ectcd. all.'the flaws .wilh w }uter-like brains."* But dc : to the amount of literary in e hnd done that evening. : sc vere no! .so-tniich m com-, ,ci ds in Hubi>le Space Tele- '!. if-you-gct my^rift;----------less I'm very proud of idled the situation. Actu- Colvin who took chargc. • reolly know what kind of I man fias,”what Rm3‘'67“ t kind of plain old-fash- • i." until you see hciw he isplf .when the-chips are - ill the martilcs arc on the . rr(5bked ' i r ihe'crimrnal— cd at me, and then, draw- • ame—inner—reserve—of— i courage. Jic.presscd,thc_I ilton and said, "Alicc. let

lolvin’s wife. Shc-buzzcd - - ck, and we opened the « h l inside; leaving the '

jht time^hope yciH^havc it. Con- ond all^qod wishes,

Irugs, AIDS, and how to_ anted pregnancy. It ’s all iew. updated, expanded 'hat Every Teen Should order, send a bus/ness-:-.. - ^dressed envelope, plus )oney order for S3.95 'anada) to: Dear Abby, ■■I. P.O. Box 447. Mount ■- ~ 6I0.‘)4. (Postage />,/n-

tXSRAPHV D ^\a h o 's l9 d l * wtographer i f T h ^ m ------- --------- r

& • , \ “WHEN. QUa l h y j.


1734«S 223 j 5

' for.trn p -co s t: nsuitation.

r v T T t -

x opraeticG lihic'alls Ave., SIOSO - alls, Idaho 83303- _ 38)734-7077 ■

R e g k

rec Breast Screening Ec J7r2900. TheMVEMCi

JjOwJp.^riforai ypHr ov

ommuioity CPR Course m.» 3 rd south conferensession coiirseccrtilfiM ft ificatipn, just the 2nd ses

ibysitt^r Ccrtincation ( m .:-12:30 p.m ., 2nd!fli luiisites: Miist be 11 ye& biv August .7 at .8:30. a.m

'■olinn F n rJn fin

ee "Safe Kids" Class • ifeteria.preventipn and first aid. For further infpiroation

2 p .m ., 2nd floor [ay AARP program teacl; i ;^ s , in addition to lean g. $8.30 payable at the d iiorCowi«cr/on at 73.7-2

e p ^ d Childbirth Clas n .,' 2nd floor conferenc «*based series of six eve: :aii 737-29M to regisifer;

mmunity C PR Course iu > :^ ^ -S Q U th io n fe re n cMsion:course^cftrtifi<M fn fication, just the 2nd ses:

cJRariry,criminal out there. wJth hi pockets still pointing'at us. 1 did blow Qur heads off, olthi

j^next morning 1 wished ihui h ’'Anyway; it was a prelty'st

' formance, and if' he is in i -rcprcscntalivc.-ofl.llic_crimii ■ there tbddyi this is yet anot

where, the. .United States is down the tubes. 1 hope that-tl inal, if he is reading this, has

: sclf-jcspcct to learh from t) smsTs OQOIncd crcT

____ G <

^ _________ _ m


..................COME Ar^ : a n d -THI^ _ 5;

-- - r .... -............... . ONA S t A Z I T f C r

1751 E

............- ....... FIVE FII PU PPET s m r s . s

__ L__:__ r-------

- T w i n F a l l s t o : ^ ,

Pullman/Moscow:; !Spokane........*2Portland....... ®2

|,?B o o K ao \^ f6 'r!g ? :

sM agic Valle;

jignal M edical

Educational P r o g r ^ . V mammography facility

own breast eym ination. lufappoiutmen't, ''• ------

rse * Tuesday and Thu -eoce room. ' !l- s for infant, child and adi sKsion is required foL$£

n.Course • Thursday i Lfloor conference room, 'ears old. Must attend th< I.m., 3rd .floor south conl ifoniiatiqn and torcgisiei

; * M onday, August

id. Families welcomc. N ion aod to pre-register, a

ig]Coiiir^^’ M tfnday:« )or conference room.' ' achcs how to handle advc aming about the effi^ts c s door. Must attend boLb 7-2065.- • :

lass * Tuesdays, begini •nee room.ivening classes for parentbr. --

se < Monday & Wednc » n c ^ ro o m ,^ ~ ^ — — - .bLir\fant»j:hildJuuLadti lession is required for 5|6)


his' ji 'S c t .«« wsclheT. a IcIi'He never I should worn hin

Ihough Ihe h«ve given ouriliuhJii. lliouihlr-»nd-J-sonV per-“ 'ries

. W way tor a lillle s«rp' ninnls_put lime we’re gomg lothcr orea cisive aciwn. N6X is heading to/lave Alicc com tthccrim -' apicccofhcrm in las enough

the crili- Dave Barry wn nd~gd-his—Herald.--— -- —

. 1S9X 5 0 S P E L B n - I - * S



. August 5-'9 •6:45 p .m ^ '9:00 p.m. ,N VfbEO OASSETT& AT - —rCfRAXnETFEttOVElizabeth (YFCA Building)


!^ studi^DISCO


148 "fl-J 238 I I 238 ■ 238 n C238 v i:ttont apply. Fo/ot wjbjggtlo diongg. -

r h a n l t s l i w B § W M

To m

I C en te r ^

. By appointment only. ity is accredited by the A

n. You naay^schedule a E

lursday, August 6 & 8 ,'

uiuh CPR. Fee: only $11 S6)^CaU.732=2007jto rcj

> & Friday, August 8 &n . .................. 'the special CPR course fc inference room at no chai ier, call-go ttieM llerat-l

U» 7:30 p .m ., MVRM<

No charge. Facilitator: E call'Blosspm mathews at


verse driving conditions i 1 of agmg and medicatipo Lb days. Pre-register by c

lining A u ^ t 1 3 ,7 - 9:;

nts due in early October.


;6): Call 737-2007 ,10 DCB


iiiial O Ialthough in o1( faime.^s I him that Calvin and I )ur peifqirnaiice:,spmc.

if t h i s - c r i m i i ^ '> v f . r ■i again. he m ig ii i-b e -irr~ ^ H ^ tjrprisc. Bccnusii ticxt iHig to take stivng, de-rrexnlmerwB*i|rgolngr" ■comc'out and ctvc him mind;--------- • H '

writes fa r the f^tlami < ^ H

r ~ ' v . t

0 1 7 — ~ ~ Z

L B I L L , . ; .......::SANG ------

J W S H I P - ^ — - r’3) .

rm .________ l._u p c i w F r e i ,

v i T ^ i r

lENtHUNT'.OFFSfudenls 17-26

years old.

F :F F

m iflCE K .;

i l y . ^ “e American ’ "

a mam- ____ ______________ __ I * • ___

8 ,4 -7 ^

611. (Fori.register.rr?” ” " L - . .

I & 9 ,8 :30 , ;

e for baby- . • :hargc.,Prc-., ■at-737~^^-e^ L d 5 “


r: Dr; PaQl sat737-

zzzni ru ­

ns and traf- , dpnson: ■>y calling ‘ ^

9:30 ‘ V


i)egister. ;V.

Page 13: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

To doiRedCi^sche^ 8-hour First Aid

TWIN FALLS - 7 Cliapicr”of the Americ '■ 'in offer an eighl-h( Siandard Fim Aid in I

-— Ms'wiions-from 6 -to-!0 • and Thursday.. ;

The course fee is regisiratiori is rcquir information or to pre

----- ^733*6464-or-stop-bsKoffice a t7 I8 S W o n e

Weight control [ begins this Wedi

T W J N F /a i^ ^ T l •Ornic & Hospital will

-----for Life weight controlp.m. Wednesday in tf room.

The 10-week proRn 'By dietitian Janei ^ instruction on fo(

— —bchavior-modificatton-i_____ Ffir infnir nnrin


Relationship Pla introductory Rei

TW IN FALLS introductory RciJc;

L a r s e n .Continued'from Bl

“ '"’cxpSicncing to others;: ♦ Sensations - it

describe to others w seeing, hearing, tasti: and touching:

- I hear n lilt in you now.

-1 MC you staring of! - 1 s'lnell the arorna oi •"Intentions - at'ariy

you may w ant, for i approach: to support: tc clarify; 19 cooperate; t( friendly: or to be hon< c le a r conccpts to dc intentions to others:

- 1 wont to go skiing 1- I want be happy (

------(or charming). - ..........- 1 want to clarify my

' ♦ Feelings ■ tune in can alert you as to h< including physiologica heart beats rapidly v

. exciled):.behavioral s___^Qur_ voice. If.you^rc.

ind irec t'expressions___(p_uit ing someone .else

^ou feel hurt). -Once’you*rc”in*touc

feelings, use feeling wi pleased. satisficd..clai sad) to express directlyexperiencing: ___

- 1 feel sad we don'i together us wc used to.

L o o k i n gContinued from 81 returning merchandise, for help and suggestion get prorhpt action.

The book includes j with the names and a major department store

Citified dress sho alternative to sho

CHICAGO ; They they sayrbecaGsethey’r

_____ fcJot-QQly_lhflt._but tl

------comforUblttJind-Jiol-a;■ long, full skirt or pants,

becoming a popular al short skirts.

Be it a blazer .such i

W e a r e plea p f a board-*

____• .ValleyReg------ -4— -...........- -----------


• G raduate

• M ed ica l and Fellc U nivcrsii

• N o w a v a

for youl e d u le s Japanese

kid Murse -hlucsdjy^cJS aw ln D th _ « !}S c y C Terican Red Ctots The Ueil-hour course in Jreotmenin two. four-hour Anyone c-10-p.m. Tuesday for trcntin

• For mi' J ' addiiioni

For i ' ? ; pre-register, call )jyhe-Rcd-Gnm—oneSi. E. . . ,......................set to b(1 program t w i n

Hjnssday *■ The Twin Falls Commun •'ill begin its Slim Resusciti trol program at 2 sessions f 1 the conference and 14.

‘ \ Commu >cram, instructed adult, infc

food choices; ‘S fcqulrcc on-and-exerejse:—-lu-^iicycgi irinn, mil Pnul nt bV thc R

• S h^one"

’lace plans RecreaiJeiki class ' tb offerS - . A free TWIN Ik; ireaim enl, a Parks anc

I _____

1 - -1 feel d— l.pl.iy :bridi

identify and - I ’mdel s what you are . ; Interp isting, smelling idiosyncrai

conclusior your voicc right attitudes.

that leave : off into space. describing a of cookies. . ;your own: any bne' momerif “I' - Ir's lmi 3T exam ple, to - My imi t: to persuade: to - This is ;; to share: to be • Action lonest. Use such you say an describe your kinds of th

laugh, whi ng tomorrow. w atch, yi ly (or accepted) Action stal- --------- did in thcmy feelings. yesterday in to clues that presently (

) how yoij' feel, you will d ;ical signs (your less crit: y when you 're Using li tl signs (raising identify a ;re_iingry); and you’re inil; )ns o f feelings help you 1

when e x c h ange * mm, make

ouch with ySur conneelioi; ; words (such as - thai. he askelnletf. anxious----- 'Clly whal you're JdAnn L.............. . . family ancjn 't do as much column af. to. The Times

i g — -----------------

I Anne Kielse, where to call parka, ii'ilions for Row to shorts Into

businesseses an appendix d addresses of jre presidents. ■

h o r t s a r e h o r t s k i r t sey wear them,:y’recool.------ --- - ..... q iIt thesc.citificd.............. .O J

u a s - w a r m a s a ............. - j ,.'H.S. And they’re' ur aliernulive to ^

676 J;h as lhe black-

ileased to aniiounce thc s rd-cligible neurologist wi LegionaLJSiledicaLCeater.



S th H o o r , M V R M C 650 A ddisonXvcnue'^

ate o f Wayne Stale Univ

al Internship, Neurolog> illowship in EEG/EMG i rsity

ivailable by appointment

7 3 7 -2 5 3 0

^ - Magic V^ley Regional Medi

I . '

:se natural sel^hcanng art, )c offered at 7:30 p.m. oy at Thc Relationship Place,venth^ye. N;____ __________healing is done by a simple- ent of hands on thc body, e can ledm these techniquestin g th e m se lv e s o r o th e rs . ___more inform ation or for 3nal treatm ents, ca ll Judy sier al 733-2044.

ErosffCPRcourse' - I begin next week------N FALLS - The Snwioolh r of thc American Red Cross fer one, eight-hour course in.unity__ Cardiopulm onary—:itation, in two. four-hour s from 6 to 10 p.m. Aug. 12

munity CPR teaches CPR for nfant and child victims. The feCTs'S25”and' pre'^irglsiratiori Ircd.' Formore'Thformaiion or TgisicrOTlt29?i6464jirr't.onr

Red C ross ,o fficc at 7J8: nc"StrET------------------------\ -

nation departmenter water aerobicsN FA LLS^The.Tw in Falls ind Recreation Depanmeni

:l discouraged about Ihc wayridge .-;-.--------------------------delighted 10 hear from you. irpreiaiions - includes your rraiic ihoiighls, impressions, ions, opinions, beliefs, and 5. Tlius, use self-slatemenls ve no quc.stion lhat you're ng any experience oiher lhan -n:Importanno iricr....... .............impression is different.; is whal I’m experiencing, ions - includc not only whui and how you .say il. but the

■ things you do as well: walk, vhine, frown, nod. inlemipi. yell, listen , sm ile, etc.

utaiemcnts includc whal you he pust (I'tried to call you lay): what you are doing y (I'm listening): and whal I do in the future (I'll try 10 :rilieal).’ Ihe Awareness Wheel to y and then to relate whal ruly experiencing. inside.will_ lU create genuinc. upfront ges, says Miller. Thai, in akes for stronger emotional ions”wit^rothers. And isn’i asks, what life-isall about?

1 Uirsen ia a Suit Uil<c Ciiy ■jnd muriiiil counselor. Her ' appears every Moiitiay in



lein or a quilted summer i t 's the jacket that turns Ito an oulflt appropriaiL~for es

Compiled from staff and wire reports

/ l a J s m e d i c a l 'SUPPUES

B A C K A C H E ? _— W r a r r y -------------- -

fo u r ly p e s of-----------back cu sh io n s.


e association wilh Magics r________:___________ __

N D ,M .D .




igy Residency 3 at Emory

m l

y ........ ■------- - - -•idical Center

rt. announces iis Augusi s( n. the Twin Falls Municipal e . The schedule will be _ 3 ^ a i c i i f l c to b ic i^ iL b c le. noon to 1 p.m. y. Wednesdays and Fridays, cs SI2 for the Aug. 5-16 s__ S12 foQhe A ug.'19-30 13r additidnal^ateriierobicc ly held from 0 to 7 p.m. Tu

Tliursdays. Tlie cost is "Aug. 20-29 session.

For more information- 2336.736-2265 o r 733-8?

th Lifeguard TVainin to be held a t City J

: y__T.WlNi4^JVLLS - l l h e jr -Chapter of tlie American 12 will hold a two-w eck

Training Class from 5 to* ar 12-22’at lhe Twin Falls le Thc coursc fee is S50. )ri"~’'F6?‘fnbfi“informifl1dn Dr register, call 733-6464 or >T»^Retl-€f<w»-<>fnotf-at-7-l-8

St'.E. ;________ ..

Jerome Recreation sponsors several

JEROM E - The Is RecrcaiionJiistricLis spo 11 folJo»ving programs. Tht

U M Py Bring

: LAMP p a r t ;J L A M P F I X T U R E S

' 830 VISTA • BOIE - 3 4 3 . 7 2 3 0 .

' D i v o i

a n d I; T h o

; 3 1 7

P ric e s S t a r t A tP e r P e r s o n D o u t

D e p a r tu r e s A a n d S e p te m tP a c k a g c in c lu d c ; r o u n d I r ip a l r f a r

' C ity , t r a n s f e r s ai t r o p ic a l g e ta w a y

C o n ta c t J u n e , Tei


- — ^ l o e a ^ i u e r t e- T w tn F a U s *

• G ran ts /L o an ? ....... ...... ....... --PI

. d e w a f f i n g

“ 577tynwood

schcdulc.for .will'begln oi alFool. when 10c as follows: . registered. icJicld 'Jro ia.— r^regisie i

M ondays, 2444 S. L /s. The cost IS information,!> session and[) session. An A wok/sii2 cTass will b e ^ s lh ic fc d by Tuesdays and- field from 7 1 5 SIO for ihc Aug. 2 6 fo rf

County Cour on. call 734- is $10 plus •8918. ' evening. Prc-_____________at thts'Jeron"

office.me Class

„ , ,' -A tw o-’ ’ r o o l lifeguarding (ke:SawmoIh_Jj'™ HSh Au.n Red C r o s s ^ “ ' '* ' '° " f k L ifeguard ” ‘" 5 " ’' ' “ D9p.m.Aug. M pnday lh rIs Ciiy Pool. - f

Monday Ihi5fl br id pft-or stop by lhe Inslruclorsl-g -S h o tb o n e ^ ^ T h e i r s r

must toe 15 j tor ccnTrreoii

in D istric t order for a p:p r o g r a m sle Jerom e ca^iopulmor [wnsoring aid classTic programs officc.

> SHADES Gt3 your lamp In for a f

s Tne■® ‘Light UousI S E F ix tu r e

) r c e , B a n k r u

1 o th e r c iv il m a tio m a s A . N o

A t t o r n e y A t L a w .7 6 t h A v e n u e N o r t

T w i r l F a l l s 7 3 3 . - 5 4 0 0

^ n e i i

4 8 6 2j b l e O c c u p a n c y

A u g u s t 3 0 r § ib e r 6 - , tlc s '7 n ig h ts h o te l . ' arc f ro m S a l t L a k e a n d ta x . E n jo y ayi

I on d a ta s and do ttlna tlor erri, G all, o r M arJean Tc

ITSUN /ELS S IMtiu B B IwU..» 7 3 4 ^ 9 4 8 6 ~ ~ ^ ^ S ^

n s Available • Easy I P lac em en t A ssistanc

Juan’s Cc of Hair DijMaH»Twin-Falls

ro n 'th e date specified br0 partic ipants have I

••• •'. . < sierrstoprby-lhe-offtcr-m—j Lincoln or for more '

n. call 324-3389. ^

^ l ir -fry cooking class', i b y H a rrjrS u rp lu rw iH b l~ 7 to 9 p.m. today tlirough •r four nights ul the Jerome )urthouse Kitchen. Thc fee JS thc food, fee for each ’rc-rcgistration is required ome Recreation District

o-w eek Red Cross lg class will be held loday Aug. 15 at Ihe Jerome ii'CaiferT6i)l.-Tlic'class“ •Id from 9 a.m. to noon. Ihrough Friday the first1 frpin 9 u.m. to noon, through Thur.sday the ck-------------------------- -------ors will be Tanya Vogel 3tt~fflaas‘and~pnrticipant5 '5 years or.igc to qualify foiioifrnf£rrcc-trS3()riri—I participant's lifeguarding c valid , however, each must also u k e a lonary re.suscitaiion and a iss from a local Red Cross

iALORE1 f ittin g _________

u p t c y

itte rso la n/) r t h


/ Paym ent; P lan ince....-

collegelesiqnl l s > 7 3 3 - 7 7 7 f -


To Do fo r-¥ o u ~ i;h ^c : listing health-related ac

events and educatign.Llnfi —sl}oul(l-t>e-6ubmitled-by-7

for publication In ihc fo M onday's,Features.sectic notices to Tlte Times-Ne^

. Box S48. Twin Fairs,. Uehver to our otTice nl 132 W.



~ oli-fathlonwliifai.wthlheli_ comprtHhfB priced

7(T0urvalUEdtustoirefs: remen------- yuinJT^iies & blinds have m


f i M i m i u

rg iiif f


J l ’sbrc

(a) Diagnose the ]

____(bl Decide the be!

_ _Jio jighJlitse< iu from one chiropra visit usually includi of past health pro complaint, and ma determine whethei nature.

Then, more de conducted, usually These films help treatment contralnd doctor determine a

(If another kir chlropractlc-ls ln( woiijd so advise thE


:: = r A * : T f i F 5the dominant chiro two Greek words, i "done by hand", t do. Using their I vertebrae into their Irritations" brought

~ manlpulallons are most basic melhod

.Once the verl associated derangi begin to function n healing mechanism

Do You H«• You may n(

C a l lThis certUlcatB Is o ff an examlnallo consultation. Um presented on the .first vIsll.Exfilres

CHIR'— — e

------ ;-------------

ly. August 5 ,1991 Timos-Nows.

= ^ Mactivities, H t i }formaiion H W l lQ r e H -r/iu fsc /ay-8-iS trlde-R lta- fo llaw ing Bi«CQnvoroo tion. Mail J * B r l t l o h ™lews. P.O. 9 ■2 V,ird St. I '

i is a differei!ln»lBiIOsa!Hamsey‘slo ' ■ "i-inade draperies. Designing ,--------1, Quality CoDtrol lias ^anlooal. J


lembcrthe yea.rs of serv ic8~-W iigiven yoUrDon'llaiie— ______: Ramsey’s, someone you can depend on


JEVERBEENTO'/ OR. WHAT IS THI FOR A NEW PATHroad objectives of the f

a problem.

lest wav to treat the prc

luehce of events mav ractic doctor to anoth des finding out the pall roblems, listening to laking a screening ex: er the problem is chi

efinltlve diagnostic y including appropriate p pin down the diaj idlcatlons if any, and a a treatment plan.

Ind of health care-- ndicated, the chiropr: he patient).


FwofaxRIropractlcltsi ropractic treatment, it , cheir and prakilkis, vi And that's |ust what c ' hands, they adjust Ir rightful positions to i M on by the misallgra resilfa-atllustmBins- id of chiropractic treatn

rtebrae are realigni gements corrected, the normally again and the ms can take over.

lave PA Ileed to talk to a E I 7 3 3 -5 5 5 5Is good for $75 — lon and < ^must be y

^ G P R A C ^3ErESIie

ows. Twin Falla, Idaho ' B-3 . ^

ii»i I 'TXTiiianB9iifHi

o Y o u O l I ^ H e tto-:---- •IirAr^aP- t— ----) : T •Nlko - ! :rnlghta •S oftSpo ta !3oota -Nicole . ,{2ia i iy 2Sorol ' •• [T ^M o n .-S a t. ' ; ’ Sqtyare/n ’


odon. ~

}6.iVlain Ave Jiorti]___ L.^_

'33-1979 i

)A 7 ’HE USUAL : TIENT?le first visit:

problem. _ __

ay vary s llqhtIV- ___other, the first latlent’s history to the present examination to chiropractic In

tic exams are ; late X-ray films, liaghosis and d also help the

e--other than ipractic doctor

lEATMENTS- ------

Itself^escflbesi -------it comes from

!, which means .It chiropractors st misaligned to relieve nerve gnment;rSi;ch '


gned and the the nerves can the bodies own :

I N ?1 Doctor.

7S \r r ic i -7 3 3 j 5 5 5 & I ^

Page 14: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

Tlmos-Nows, Twin

SDiabetc' i ~ Continued from Bl

j undcrsizcil. fatigU' I. suggested Bymc take

11 was only wlie . 'I. brought to the dbct

; d iab c tic shock th.------ :-^em crgcncy-room -nuj

> tho'omce'recognlzcdi- . . —’rushcdthcchildtoihi:

M iles says Byrne _ were classic sympton

of dialKics, Tliey intli _ “■ thirst, hunger and urir^_____ '^„>V.itli_wfighI los-; and s

Byrne’s older broil 1 has d iabetes, and

K athleen has had “ dial)cles wiih'both he

---------AV-though vhe is now-olT-Pregnancy problem:

______ ._ iii_ d ia lK * ticb ..b O in e li_v birlli iraunia ur birth

baby. Miles says. Bu____ ._ ;^ iib rn io f iiig r .M iIe ~ j.a ^

c a n n o w b e m in im izes h a v e a m u c h l)e l le reh :

........ _ UiJ T O yjTar-rrigl).......MYles says tli’c

dirfcrcnce in age belv <>- I’riebe ''iblings might ' ol' a viral InleciiDn, p

.. ,r Ihe lamily. lliat may pancre:ilic damage, i

-- four years yuungcr-lh. ctof sh<MVfi iifiy -symi

: J u s t .

4 m a r r i e c

Tlic Timcs-News your wedding anno Please call 733-C 27K, or visit our of: Third Si. W.,_for i

- -v' fo'mi.— - - - W e a sk ihnt th e il

T ', ' ' b e t y p e d a n d th e r t r e tu r n e d lo o u r o f

wiih a photograph, ;; = w hite preferred ■*’ ' include a phone

■ r \'herc you can he re____ _Y our ann o u n ccn ii

published as spac« Ymi may pick ,iip;y at The Timcs-Ncw:

, ^ a n n o iin c e m e n t hasin Ihe p ap er.


: l y y lO CA TED jJ

___ U - - J f l l £ I I H E L 4 :D


! B U n O N S ,C t' ; NOTB:KuhhmtoUlhcfit<l


I ^ TERMS: CasI! OWNER: ClI Sates Managed Jiy.


i • " S n a k e s oi I • W h a t 's w i t

• C h e c k o u t• F u n 8( g am• In v e s t in a i

A ll this amC h a t !




win Falls, Idaho Monday. Augu

t e s -_31 . ; . d ise ase ;

g u c d c h i ld nn tJ , tke v ita m in s . th a t t^'h e n B y r n e w a s .h o sp jia li . o c t b r ' s o f f i c c in o ia b c tic s

t h a t a f o r m e r h e rd ia b c n u f s c - w u r k in g .a E _ “ '’^ ,il* “ L cd th e d ise a s e nnd Ihe h o sp ita l. h e r l i lo o c

r n c ! . . s y n i p l o n » - y , ^ ! ^10111!. o f Ihc o n sc . n c lu d ed e x c e s s iv e " r v e t i ir in i ilio n ,c o u p le d ,K ls U m s r o w lh .

ro ih e r , K e n . a ls o B y rn e sa n d t h e i r s i s t e r n o o n e c l la d g e s t a t i o n a l lo d o w ic l

h e r p re g n a n c ie s , b e s ic k ."ut'f-insulin............ ‘— -Iconicnis are common^ Ict it cont leliines.causing rth defccis in the Bul willl proper

J - a y . s j . t h e _ i . i r C e c j V . i . ^ £ ^ tzed. and niulhers ehance ihitn Ihey

Tli'c U -niontli —— lelween Ihe three AiVaight be indicative - " - m I, passed Ihrough ChfbJen lay have caused. - e. Broiher Kurt,“ Ihun-Byme. hus tHU,'fnptanis u f the M

— ra

i d ? ----------------- = s ,:u'.v w e lco m e snnounccment. DianAd:3-0931, CXI. ____ M■ oftlcc ai 132 n r eor a wedding KfiJEqui.

le in fo n n o tio n • -------------th e f o rm b e ; THOT o f f i c e a lo n g i ;

ph , b la ck a n d ' allai •e d . P l e a s e " ’"T T W.>ne"]r>ujnber,.. RJBatey e rea ch e d , e n ie n i w jll Ik*.a c e p e r m i i s . ' “ JUip:'y-O ur.pholo . . . . c w s o n c e Ihe Kts a p p e a re d

'C H B IC T E N A IIU T IE ) VII (R ed B arn Al

T U E S D A Y , A U G I]: 1054 Washinglon Notlh, TWIItWL

4:nn p.m .


3s h o r B a n k a b le C h e c


o f A n o th e r S o r t rith A rn o ld S c h w rt Id a h o 's lak es m e s p u z z le s a n o ld e r c a r

n d m o r e in These

It! J u s t a n o t h e r r e a s : : r i b e to ? 7 h e T i m e s -


iguolS. 199t

C.'ne nnd Andrea arc unusual in £yboltUiay£jiyaidi;d-£rc4Uont- alikalion. common in juvenile ics. Andrea says she controls ibctes through diet .ind insulin lal only nhc_ stress of finals at Fulls’IITgh School' can cause" jod-.sugar problems. ' - nc has not been hospitalized she was lU, and she docsn'r to be. .

e never been in the hospital y diabetes, and that's really lal for som eone my age ," says. "I can’l’explain il. and

: else can either. Mostly it has vilh the fact Ihat I don't like to

MJiroMl.”. Byrne saysr“l don 't- jntrol mc." _

-C V K R Y -^ E K > A Y -W \M i-------.— X2aaA£)wn(Um~ltouutoid— ------

MisoDaneoa-Tools-Jcrems VaSsaner* • Sua, Mon. lues, Ctojiliixls

Siena (Kale) A»te^-Rcd Ban Anliques-

S p ^ • Household • Jcrorne

omateJjw AucSoh-dc^jna

lAdanM iiB^-Anl'^-Stos^ (

iquipmcnl rfs^air • Shop • Msekin'e Tools • Joome

sliom^^-^-HotcctoM’ lWinFjils ^

itey EstaA WaxJrtfkingToob - Houiihold. •Kimbat/

ly ElccJiic - l«Bic3lSupcJ«3 • ftucka • CAI • - -ViNetes-KimBcfly

AdrtitiMjncfil-Aug lS WAUAUCnOHEERS

W ARBERG.ESTATEA ntiques): U S T 6 , 1 9 9 1FAU ,IDAH.O,„Wesi.o(C.S.I.on_I ..

- LunchbyRan _


; c k D a y o f A u c tio n

TIE) WARBERG"733-8700 or32B»5735

r t " - a W e s t e r n

i v a r z e n e g g e r ? -/

s d c ^ 's C h a t 'a s o n t o 1 s - N e w s .


. . . I .


o l ! / ReacliindietliaiiS:I ~ 7<


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- I C g l— 401 Sctech/lnniucBon,.: ua Met icsunikj.

'i--------- --IM onday-Friday, I

1 3 2 3 rd. T ~ 7 7 - 1

LIneAds; ' ;■ • 5:00 RM. Monday Ihi

^ - *12:00 Noon Saturda) OlsplayAds;

• 3 business days prioi Advertising Sales Rep

. 'SeniorDisco- - - - - - - - - '.Sludi

- - - - - - - - ^ -•H sm otli^ -Free A ds-Lost S- Wanted to Bl

’ See I

------------------------------- -----------1


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more t k l r m

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I T h e T l m e s



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iEBS.K li l a s t o n o p h i n e c a l l l

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ormation. g______ D.

U U U H U I U ^ M I Bo12day open rates '

i rates- - - - - - - - - - - - •lay, $ 7 .-5 0 -- - .raySlinesrSdays--.. . . . .erinsertion. ‘nrate ■ f

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L e g a l i ^ L t

" L E G A L N O T IC E


SUBJECTS: R ulot and Ftog A » ltta n c« e n d F^k)* a n d 1

-------vkter-Rofmbuiwnwnti----------: “ ACTIONS: T ho propoibd a

0 30 0 ^ 1 0 7 Involvos ^ prop- ropoal a n d ronumborlng } fr •Ittoneo, TWO 3, ChopTor 9. th o O e p o r tm o n t o f H oalth D oekst N a 031M l02-lnvQ mont and adoption ef rulot

^ • bur»oinontrTWoS.-Ctwptor-1 tho Dopnrtmont ot Koolih one AUTHORITY: In complianco Idaho Code, noiic* It hofobj tho Doportmont of Hoalth am ■Ion o l Wolfaro, h a s Inlliato procodurot a n d tchoduk>d a tion t oro authorfzod pursvont

-5ei2<»-<g),-Idaho Codo, for t Ing-tho proviatont of Idaho Hi

..toBot-1'. I M l.- ----------------------PUBLIC HEARING SCHEOUl Ing tho proposod action will gust 6, 1961. In tho basomoi Supfom o Court la w Library. ^

“ W .'tdaho r" ...._T ho hoaring slto will bo accoi -ablod.-lntO fprotorstor porsoni TjndtirffiiJiRiT8Tapoa-infommi ■■ InipalniiontrcairBaTJrovlriBd-

g n u g o c o n ts . contact t l« u

DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY: 1 n iv f f T w m n w ^ n n tn r o b iiB m

and o l tho pnncipki issuos ln\ fSocdoo 56-209 (d), Idaho ( Modicakl program to Indudo &

-don ta l «ofvteo«, adult vieton » VIC08, a n d pn s th o tic s (orvico;

_limitaiion.on tho rontal ol durot dolotod. TN> imptomondon o quIrOd tho additton or modirica cal A ssistanco Manuol Socti addod to doscribo covorago ol for ollgiblo roclp lon is Includi transplant fadlity crltoHo. Soction 03.9100 dolotos some nally doscribod sorvlcos limllo eorvlcos aro now lncludod will oBglblo rociplonts. This socdon which now do&cn'bo oovonig< hooring aids a n d sorvlcos, pri onol sorvicos, drugs, ond oxy undor tho EPSD T program. Soction 03.9106 adds a subso oqulpmont covorago,S pc tlon 0 3 .9 1 0 8 a d d s a soc Sofvicss* a n d oovots oxaminotl payment pnxodu ros, and limlta Soction 03,9122 odds a soction and covors oxomlnadons, lonsc Iramos. a n d claims.Soction 03.9125 Is ronumborod Sonrlcos.*Socdon 03.9124 adds a soctbi Orthodc Sorvicos* and indudo

.dort,;prognim roqolromorjts.anc duros. loos a n d uppor limits.

. S o c tio n 0 3 .9 1 2 5 a d d s a s o Son,rico8* and d o sa ib o s procod ondpaym onLAlso, tho Implomontadon o t thi: tho adcfition or modiflcotion of tl vidor Rolmburcomont Manual Si Soction 03,10455,02. is rovisod portionato shoro hospitals may mont paymont from tno Doponrr Soction 03.10455 Is am ondod allow an oxcoption 10 lho TlUo ) ol Organ Tm nsplanl and Procu compatibility Laooratorios. AVAILABILITY O F PROPOSEI

-REV IEW :-Priorio-lhOTJublic-h rovkjw -tho-propoood rutos-in- Procoojro Socdon or In any ol

roQuost spodfying tho dockot nc SU B M ISSIO N O F W RITTEN TANCE ON TECHNICAL QU subm it wdlton common! rogorc

. a n d any individual o r Industry > tho proposod ru lorfs-oncodrag concomlng tho antidpatod ocor posod action. O ral and/or wrlno sonlod a t tho abovo-notod put tonco on tochnlcol quostlons c

■ rulos for tfw’ D opajfm dhrdf Hba Boldon Ragsdalo, D opartmonlo' vision ol Wolfaro. (208) 334-580 All wrltton commonls ond da ta < rulos m ust bo diroctod to tho ui postm atkod or doHvorod on or bi DATED ihls 11th d iv of July, 191 D. KOREY LOWDER, Suporviso Admlnlstradvo Procoduro Socdot DHW OM tlon o l Logal S o n ^

I 450 W ost Stoto Strool. 10th Floo ' Boiso. Idaho 63720-9900 ;f20e)334-5f;f;o ■



‘ IN AND FOR THE Fo------------ COUNTY OF - Fo-------------^TWINFALLS------------ P

MAGISTOAT^ DIVISION «h< C a» bo tS P 91-4S 7 • ' ol NOTICE TO C R ro iT d R S an IN THE MATTER O P THE on ESTATE O F pn

~D PK A lC LRA y.SElM A S;:” | o

- N O T l O E - I S ^ H f R E l V l t r G IV EN th o t th o u n d o r - rul s lg n o d h a s b o o n a p - P < pointod Public Administra- Ch to r o f lh o a b o v o -n a m o d Co docodoni. All porsons hov- P ing claims against thb do- TH codom o r his osta to oro prc roqulrod to prosont thoir chi c la im s w ith in lo u r M ) lati

- jn o n ih s -a l ta r - ih o . d a ta oi-JOfi tho first ^ubllcadon ol this to

= n d & w .w -s^ .d a im ;w iU -b o llb L lo r o v o r .b a r ro d . C la im s (or m ust oilhor bo prosontod Ida to tho Twin FaUs Couniy pro Prosocuting AKomoy’s Of- no

' fico. .P.O, B ox 126, Twin’ cat Falls. ID 63303, or lllod va< with tho Clork o l tho Coun. Fot

.D A T E D th is 2 2 d a y o l #P« July, 1991. rfoiBonnio Bruning proPublio Administrator a a PUBLISH: M o n d a y , Ju ly ros 29, A uouet5& 12. 1691 pro


NOTIFIED thot tho Idaho ?f° R sh ond G am o Commis- sion. pursuont lo Its ou- S"* thority ondor Idaho Codo, 3 6 - 1 0 4 (b ) ( 3 ) . h a s s u s l ^ p e r io d bag, p o u o ssto n . and sizo limits for aB spo-

, d o s of fish in Mirror L aho' in Bonnor County offocdvo Immodiatoly a n d ihrough v*'* O ctobdr 1991. “ Api

Copios ol Oretor 91-20 ‘ Jf* a ro a v a i l a b l e fro m lh o ^ C o m m iss io n S o c ro ta ry . ’™] Id a h o F is h a n d ,G a m o

• Commission. P.O . Box 25.600 Soudi Walnut, Boiso. • I d a h o , T h o to lo p h o n o num ber for tho Commis-

-*io«4fr(8O0)O34-3771.- DATED th is ' 30th doy of I’O July, 1991.IDAHO FISH AND GAME ™

S ,r a .^ K v .S o c n ,» v nl<

" “S o y a c t S n " " ZIn tho Mattor o l Prooosod

- I . . ; -

4 .! ■ ,

■ e g a i s


ogylBlk)ns G ovbm lng.M odcal >; 1 fteguladons Governing Pn>- g

3 ^ S i m ^ S o n S S S F " of ^ t e s oovemlrM hfodcal As- " 9 . Rutos and Rogulations o l « Ih a n d W o lla ro . a n d u n d o r ”

r-107-Rulorand Roguladons o l ■ ^

Jvn'S^secSbn 67-5203 (a)(1 ). «>by glvon that tho Director o l •»nd Wollaro, through tho DM-. ^Ited two rooular nilo-moWng » a hearing, .th o proposod ao-

; n l M S o a > n .5 f 2 & l b ] m i ) (‘ r tho pu rposer o f Implomont-- 8 Houso a n 376. olfoctlvo Oo-

ljL£:~Pubiic hearing cencom - -*I : bo how ot 7 « 0 p.m., on Au- " lon t Conloronco room ol tho •. 451 W est S ta lo Stroel, Bol- “

» s s ib le lo tho phyaicoJIy «Ss- PT 3ns with hearing Impoirmenta—*“ latlo rrlo r p prson^ with visuaj nJTJDon^ivo‘dByr'not>co. F o r Ot

undorsignod a l (200) 334-

: Tho following is a doscrfp- tnco o! ifte^(i»ndff?r5ctI5n)r~‘®| Involvod, H ouso Bin No. 376 > Codo) expands tho Idaho I soft organ transplants, odull }|0 t-sofvicos. adult hearing # o c - ^ cos. Jn odditon, tho $200.00 ■able modicolJKiuipmont w as

o l this k)glslation h a s ro- ^ cation of d)o foltowing MecS- 33 clions: Socdon 0 3 ,* 6 1 Is o l cortain o rgan transpkints ^

Iding co v o ro g o lim itations,

n o subso'ctioris which ofigi- —liod only to chiWron. i'Tboso' - ^vilhoul rogard to ago lor all Con a lso rovisos subsections Ji.igo for chHdron lor vision, Ti private d u » nursing, nutriri- xygon a n d rela ted sorvicos

socdon to doccfibo m o d c al M;Co:

action e n litlo d *A udiolony NO odons, testing, hearing a ids. -In t Itadons. • - of:on entillod 'V ision Sorvicos’ I ISOS and ihoir ropJocomonl.

od and rotidod 'O piom olrist N GI

Jon ontittod *Proslhotic ond s ic dos roqulred physician’ or- pol indlim lta^ons. bifling .proco-^so i

nais o c lio n o n ti l lo d 'D e n ta l sor oduros covorod, limitations, tho

o r this kraisfadon h a s roqulrod tho r the following Modical Pro- mo Socdons: thood to stato d)0 *Air dispro- not ly bo'oligiblo lor on odjust- bo im ont. mud by som o cubsoctiono lo ‘t o j 9 XIX Cost Limits for costs“ ~Bdc curom ont Cosls ond Hislo- ^


n * ^ th T B 5 w " X c f f io & a ^o l the regional administra- f " . ta. Cooios of the proposed Too or charge, upon m tto n ^ num bers d ie d above. So:N C O M M E N T S, A S S IS - f e e JUESTIONS: Anyone con T R ireSng lho proposod rulos. Bp, / who moy bo olfoctod by oM Bgedto-gubm it Information ' PO xmomio Im pact o l lho pro- ME tton com m ent can bo pro- lublic hearings. For a ss is - '{pA

concomlng tho proposod W ■ Iballh ond W olfaro, con tac t »9 - 1 of Hoalth a n d Wolfaro, Di- AT 307, Boiso. Idaho. a concom lng tho proposod ° cli undersigned a n d m ust bo boforo A u g u s t 1 6 ,18B1. the

1991. " instB or. «tor

hl2in ’ - ^ o loor dorj

Sho Idol

-------------------------- -------------- 410A m ondm on ts to R ogu la- Koy don .185, Idaho Reglslored (R Q uarantinod Foedlot and FOF R e g u la t lo n .1 8 6 . S t a to / INC F o o o r a l Q u a r a n t in e d ' PLE Foedlot - - T - IDEPLEASE-TAKG-NOTICE SCI-

Ihat tho Idaho D opanm ont 686 ol Agriculture p ro p o ses t o ' Prc a m o n d R o g u la tio n s 185 pare and 186 pursuant to tho corc p rocodu ro p ro sc r ib e d b y .m o i S o c tio n 6 7 -5 2 0 3 , Id a h o Bide Code, tm d thanho 'au tfio r-— C o r Itir'foi; ptoiii'ulgoting"BucH ■ Stoi lu lo s a n d r e g u la t io n s la for i s r o v ld o d by T it le 2 5 , E d t Choptors 2 a n d 6. Idaho PI<

' p l e a s e t a k e F U R - fo™FH ER N O T IC E th a t th e tionjroposod om ondm onts will th oiia n g o lho na m e ol Rogu- Trai atkin 165. Idaho R e ^» -

0 Id a to A pproved ' Food- a t tt bH-'piflVldQ-a-p ro co d u rn -' E nn o r th e o s ta b l ls h m e n t o t |{ j ^ daho A pproved Foodksts; a i irovldo lor tho feeding o l o l F

a ttio that a ro too old” to / a c c ln a l o in A p p ro v e d p la r i d i o t s ; correc t errors In m adipellingandpiibctuo tion in to tlfoguladon 185 and 166; ik in : irovldo a m echanism to Theiccount lor caitio onterlng, rejoc oskiing In 'ond kJOving'Ap- —ao o iirovoa Foodlots; ogtablish prop1 p r o c e d u r e lo r th o r e - Iho-i noval o l cattte from Ap- No ■rovod Foedlot: restrict Ihe sidei la s so s o l calUo allowod nk>d intry In lo S t a te /F o d o ra l p o s : 3 u a r a n t ln o d a n d Ap> amoi icpvod F o o d lo ts ; req u ire por< rticoD osls'tosdng of cor- a m o tin d a s s o s of calds from This o r ta ln d o s ig n a lo d a re a s th o d o r to entry into S tale / C h o 'o d e ra l O u a r a n l ln o d o r Cho< ip p ro v o d F o o d lo ts : ro - banit ir ic t lh o d o s tin a l lo n s of, Idahi o r ta ln c l a s s e s o l c a t l lo p o r t om Stalo/Fodoral Ouor- Bone n t ln e d o r A p p ro v e d Bid( ^ o t s . In th P L E A S E T A K E F U R - tho : H E R N O T IC E th a t a cons omploto copy o t dw pro- mlttir o s e d a m o n d m o n U -lo .- ; The 10BO ru to s o n d ro g u la - A ct c o n s m a y b o o b ta in e dom d ie undersigned a t - C haf 2 7 0 O ld P o n i lo n t ia r y tho ; load, Boise, ldaho’8 3 7 1 ^ forth r -b y -w ri tin o f lh o -u n d o r» i— IL li ignmd a t P .b , Box 790, Id o h lolso.ldalio 63701.P L E A S E T A K E F U R -

_________‘iT T - .

p T14ER NOTICE that tor lho • ' -p u rp o se , o f do to rm ln lna

^ w h e t h e r Ih o p r o p o s o d ^ rules a n d rogulations win

b o a d ^ t o d a s .s ta to i l ' r - f l B o ^ o r ^ n y - p w o H o r " ' - i

g r o u p - ln to ro s te d In thoI m atter m ay subm it oral orII w r l l to n to « l lm o n y to th o > r undorsignod on or boforoL A u g u tt-12, 1991. a t itio.

a ro rb 'm e h tlo n o d n d d ro ss— - -.r..T hl8.D ppj^_ent;sl;m IlJij|^_____ ,

ro v lo w a n a c o n s id e r all written -or>d oral submls-

j s io n s c o n c e rn in g th o se •. . rulos a n d regulations ro- ]- coived on o r boforo this ! d a te . U n lo ss twonty-livo 1 (25) b r moro pe rsons, or a . . govon rnoniar.subdlv isipn______ .-. o r ogoncV or on assoda-

lion prosondrra o petibon— s lg n t& 'tO o 'fe w e r . 'th o n ----------., twonty-livb (25) monibors .• , o f tho organization, mako . a w rl t to n r e q u e s t fo r a -■

g o n o r a l h o a r ln g .b n tho • ■. proposod rutos and rogu- J a t i o n s .o r i or boforo Au- . ;_ g u s t -J 2 ._ 1 9 9 1 ._ A J _ » u c h _ ____

c o n v o n o d . A n y hoorlng 8ito{sl will b e occossiblo lo • the physlcaiy d s^ lo d . In . ___

h earing im pa irm on ls and *- bm illoa-or ta p ed infomia-

- tion fo rpo rsons with visual......... ••

notfco. For arrangomonis. contact tho undorsignod ot 334-3240.DATED t h i s ‘lOJh day ol'July. 1991.W, G, Nolson, Diroctor Idoho D epartm ent of Agri-

• c u ltu re ........ • - • — '- IN THE DISTRICT .




•In th o Mattor o l tho Estoto of:


Docoasod.N O T IC E IS H EREBY

G IV E N t h a t t h o u n d o r- . s i g n e d h a s b o o n ap- po ln to d p o rs o n a l repro-

_8onlatJ.vo o f th o .a b o v o :___nam od d oeodon t All per­son having claim s against tho docodont o r his e su io a ro r e q u ir e d tb p ro so n t thoir claims widtin four (4) i months., aftor tho dato ol : tho first publication of this nodco o r sak l da lm s will bo forovor barred . Cblms m ust either bo prosontod

-to tho undorsignod a t tho ■Bddross-lndlcoted. or fitod i . ,with tho Clerk o t tho Court. - • Voila Mao KInnoy 2715 Fronkio Lane

-Tvm-Falls. ID 8 3301-------------- -------PUBUSH; M o ndoy i, July 29 ond Aijgiist 5 a n d 12,199L______________ ____ - .

Sonlod proposals will bo ro c e iv o d by lh o IDAHO T R A N S P O R T A T IO N BOARD.only o l tho olilco o t th o ID A H O T R A N S ­PO R TA T IO N D E PA RT- ' - M E N T . 3 3 1 1 W E S T r.STATE STR EET;' BOISE,

; IDAHO, 63703 o r recolvod •. : W mall a t P.O . Box 7129,B O IS E ; ID A H O 6 3 7 0 7 . - A TTN: CO N T R A C T AD­MINISTRATION undl two o’clock p.m ., on tho 20ih day b f A ugust 1991,' for the vrork of removing and n , installing underground tuol :■ - sto rage tanks and Install-.Ing a tuol dispensing and 'tuol dotoctlon system . Un­derground ST orage Tank,Shoshone Y ard, known os Id ah o P ro jo c l N o. UST- 41000, IN Lincoln Couniy. .

^(?O^F?A^DITiONAL IN­FORMATION CONCERN­ING T H IS P R O P O S A L .PLEA SE-CO N TA Cr RES-............ - :IDENT ENGINEER ‘*‘JON ...........:!•SCHlERMAN*” -A T -(20a)----------686-2411.)....................................

P roposals m ust bo pro- i p a red ond submitted In ac- cordanco with d ie requlro- m o n ls o f S o c t io n 102 - BidcSng'RoqulromorTts'ond ' : "C o n d it io n s -o f th o - ld a h o ---------- :j. ‘.S to rid a rd “S 'pbc1frea!lo 'n» '“ : : ■ for H lghwayiConstruction.- . < * E d tio n o f l^ O .P l a n s , s p o c l l l c a t l o n s , .

fomi of contract, proposal . forms. ar)d othor Informa- . *' tion may bo obtained at th o o f f ic e o f th e Id ah o T r a n s p o r ta t io n D ep a rt- monl, Boiso, Idaho, and ' a ro ^ -O e -fo r-o x a m ln a B o n ..- : . _ ;r_; a t.tho.olficoiol th o .D ls tric t...;_ _ : :ij E n g lrw e r -a t-S h o s h o n e .------------1_:

A nai-rofundablo charge o l F IF T E E N D O LLA RS (S15.00) plus sa le s lax will ; '< bo m ad e for e ac h sot ot p l a n s , p a y m e n t to bo " J m ado by d io ck , payaWo lo tho Idaho T r a n s p o r t- , lion DepartmonL 'T he right la rosorvod to j

reject all proposals, or to a o o o p t Ih e p r o p o s a l or . proposals doom ed b est lor r iho-Siaie o ijd a h o . '•No proposal win bo con­

sidered un less accompo- nk>d by an acceptablo pro- -< p o s a f g u a r a n ty In a n ' amount not le ss than five . " s o r c e n i o t th e to to l . a m o u n t o l th o p ro p o sa l , rh is gua ro n h m ust bo In Iho fo rm O l a C o r t i l io d 2 h o « k o r a C a s h ie r ’s 3hod( drawn on an Idaho . • >ank, m ado payable to tho > ; dafw Transportation Do- ^arliT ient, o r a B id d e r 's > -

B iddors Shan bo lk»nsed n tho S tato ol Idaho by ; ho S tate Contractors U- » n s o Board, prior lo sub- <;. nlttingob id .The Fair.LalMr Suindards

\c t of 1936 {U.S.C:a ; TideParagraphs,.201-219. . -

Dhaplor 5) sitall apply in ho omploymonl ol labor orthlspi^oct ILls^thO-purposB. Ol. Iho daho ■Transporiailon

C ontinued- . . . j . . ; ,

Page 15: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

r i ®; : : L E G A L N O T ie

•■' ■pontinued :' - r . - - - B o B rd 'H rb u lt tJ - tn o

. _ .r :'_ .: .p ro v o m o n t In tho »hoi I timo con»i8tom with j

" c o n s tru c tio n . N ocoei oqulpm ont a n d an o

• • tivo ofsnniia tjon will bi s lstod upon.

0 : ^ J u l y 3 1 . 109!. ’ Q;K. G ReE N . P.E,

--------— s ^ W g h w n y . .......... ...__ — — fChlot.EiwlftM O—

HIIEl10V LOST 4 f o u n d ”

; ' Found; b( Btuo_Loko91 Foinvay, block & white

• “ - - tBnrV0fy-*W0«t-&:pl4' • ; ctoim Of odopt. 733-561 ; Found; Fotnalo Boaglo, i

por cokx, Mnin Siroot < Vinqmr«Ofoa 733-626

Froo: 8 wk old Yorkshl: Poodlo mix pups. C oll' 9 7 1 5 o rco o a lC a c tu fl

- M Q lol.l1.-1828K im b■ Rd.A ftoflpm .' JEROME DOG LC

Dog P o u n d Koui i ^ : 0 0 a m * 6 :0 0 pi

S hD llo rlo ca to d mile WoEl R oad . U so tho tro n o o to B ow or pi QcroBS Iho r o a d li KART Radio. Altor 4

_______c aa to ca d m ltto n co - -Call 324-8436 or324-4313 ;

This is a public torvic announoom ontol

- Tho 'nmo»-Nows. LOST: 1983 HON

• - 185 - ATC.dp o a rod lw kago .Sun .l

----------6«fial-numbof6-*-ID'6,' - ol KImborty. Coll 423-!


L osiT shnggT C ockX ? ; malo, light bfown, rod.c

with 2 ta g s . O 'U a ry High aroa. Call 734-334734-5552 . Loot floor Polo Uno Rd. Wo axo . po ralo , p lo aso call II

• ’ soo him! . - - .. TWINFALLS


- -------- -— F o u n d -&- F o r A dopl.......... -----------D ogs-ore l l s lo d in - u

• ■ doy. W odnosday . Th d a y & S u n d o y Tim

A vo W ..,# (J o r n o < : > o n ly , M on-F rl. CIO

Sat, Suh & holidaye.7 3 5 -2 2 9 9 fo rm o ro in

• - m alion._T hls Is a pu■ sorvico onnoiinoom dr

i ; : Tho Tlmos-rtewa,•' * Ths drat pl«c« lo look (or

basi tjuyt In •nllquoi . . _-.clM iin#d..Flnd your.i{

' lufetodsy. Clin 733-093

I ®

Rcmemlxir itial all cotro Do lun lo do, some

’ I.Wn«»ltBOlOlIXMttdtrttmiU.ftWiWgwtfilO (ltf^ ifCiixasamethinQttim MuU.yA'inlttBti oonl loroMlafneiLXMhoiiriritKMniK

___;tni»oajftta«Iur®iw.J««_- . m aw»««fTa)^»aioifOu

emtlow • WW» W W5c "umtei Jh9i nlnex lJ•wlSowClnl«iW«Mh»ndtMno tfulf*

’ , •• pr«wp«l*BCW5«*W *(T#op«».Th«t(>iwj<iIin9«Mtaucnlenef rtitflOT you mn nert lo sotj HJO #fx) rw« «irtwi Ww leneii

i ' yW M Ottt. Ca2A.cnecMinO•ll EntioM tmriopes »nd

' •wi»iiuMyeu>Mmontar mowiuilitoryai. ti*»a>«ino

• ' .PlrtlCWflOliWIMISjflW, • ^W?(£iSteunng<lcif»Jrt

‘ tjrwteattdnmnaro• ‘ -•Vi«*iiiM«iieonun

; ; >Oe»ored

- j ; ■

«foww*«CTMO n t . *mi «t«i<

t - A i i o q i i n c j E

l T i e T i n i e 8 J > J e wC U S T O M E IS E n v i C i ^

IC E I------------------- —------------•IM -H E E T ’YOUfl’ ^ -

______ MATCH____ __

-o sso ry p ro lo ss io n a l. I'm nov \ ? I®" low nandloo lgnglora* 01 bo in- c la l lady lo show mo

sigiita, A great sonso ot > m o ra m u s t.S o r io u s r i

tio n sh lp p o ss ib lo . 9e-------- -RhoioilpOssWowilfrphi

andkrtlorloMYM-OaOI. .-:’s .T = 35 sinfllo H . linoncialiy

•_____ eu ro , su c co ssfu l profflional S'lO*. 150 lbs. r to a ro a , a o oks to m at

'.bright to brtlHoffl, mtraa ■ P M io boauliful, toll single ■ l l l t l 21*35. norvsfflokor. with ■ ■ ■ ■ dopondomdrfor {fating;' .NIVIJ rbforlDpiiLtio^tinttpo o U f l ^ l o roIattonBhIp, Photo

prodntod, »MYM-1123 ' ■' ■' 35YToldSwtihftM (lotiire

,n . • m o a t caring ahd und •D - standing lady; lor opon I

M . hon o st re la tionsh ip , -yoo 'fo30-35yrsoW.ploi

^ Q o ‘ U k o sio tra v o l.lish .c a o u t.c ax d s .W h y b o lo n

;shlro S any moro? Piduro appn:aII734- alod. MYM4861 ■ ~

imbd"l3 A C C E P T A B L E^ D E S C R IP T IV E

T o g a b b r e v i a t i o n ;3 U rS ’ tor this cnlogory oro:

) j j m F^Fomalo^. M^(Mo!o)

th o on- TLC(Tonoor Loving C&i r p la n td Irom $00 tho Moot YourMiif r 4 pm; ad for dotalls on how i -------------- publish yoor^Qd a n d N

' Mtrollvo.O.whilo. F. bro • oyos. biondo hair. 5-4*. i

‘O' lbs, I'm good nctun>d, 0ily ploasod, havo (un. co

3 N D A l°vo a tl growing thin: O rfi<-nnn Socro to ry w ould liko

m o o d w tilto .S .M .S 'll ' w k J a i l , 55:66, honqsinoo

hopo tb add op lo yoor poclalioos. Non-smoke must. I’ll answof all lolt(

X p o o ! MYM-Bia3. ' kJ collar 3ivorcod whiio lomaio 5' la ry Jr , 145 lbs. light brown hi >3342 or bluo oyoa, lovos doncli oon on lishlng. dining oul. Thu: iro d o s- nnd iravolling, would lifu IIII you moot an honosl. cinco

,, , aonilomon. Finandnlly" c -------■ euro, will bring hnppini■ 5 _ _ -a n d TLC in to y o u r li .T E R Non-smokor. drink socii

a g o 65 ond up.,W rlloo p tio n - -BftYM-iaS2.__..______i j u o t * . D-whiloM.-37-bTownh T hurs- bluo oyos, 176 lbs. rooj

r im o s - ii)ly hondsomo, lonoly, ■ s ^ t i i - ^-pTTcgBB n anotyTwoman- n o o n s a g o or raco lor d is i r ^ io s o d ' loogtorm relationship, h yc. Coll p ro lo r quiot ovoningi o inter- hom o , im tim acy and pu b lic m onca. Photo, phono (

Tiont 01 lo tto r. S incoro only,______ roodv.flrovau.MYMS»(or lha For extra summar nalp,

lu a i l»w " T ii'S ^ ’In cU»»irad. Ifa f. Jf I f f ,. . Il'a Inaxpanilvo, anc OWt ........wonts, can 733-0031;-■

■ V —

/ (w nm oliM tsn l-


7 f — J ■ Reaillhff inn-roctim da;

BtrospondcnCo will tie handieS wiih tho i omo simpip ouldellnts should i» loilowt

N a m e _ : _________^ , A d d r e s s

. s t a t e ______Zip.'■■■■■ ■ — Writ* youfjnoflsoeo in U

Moal Your Molch, c

I t o -------- — --------------—

„ •U Cost^r p«r12lla n irhb n n u i t l > W « ~ > i r - i !


■ ]


- X X ;— J3Z31

; e m j e h i s - E n ! i i

W 8 ■ .......^scu^— IM MEET YOUR _ ________ .M A TCH -________h ito T r Hil I'm « guy looking to r ^« guy. vory spocial hidy. I Idvo tonow in go horsoback riding in-thoa tp o - -m ounta ins, onjoylng ail ol

no tho Iho trails, tokos, wildliio &► o(hu- broothtaklng b o i country. Is rola- liko lo camp out. snowmo-ao n d bllo, ski. go motorcvciing. phono: -Jamlly ad ivilio# & lovo lo

SL___ travol. I onjoy quiot timos.illy so-' ” JU8t tfllkino a lis ten ing , fofos-’ ■donclngrBOlngtoom ovios . now or a quiet remantic candlo-n e o to light dinnor whh soft music, ractlvo- .i 'm so lt-om p loyed . tinon-iglo F, daily socuroA would iko Iwithout m o o ta I fld y 3 0 .4 2 y o a r(>g; 0)i* o ld ;th a t on joysiho earn jpossi-: n tilc^ h tfftm L ri.th g .fltMtIo ap- th in g s lito hos to o iler,a ____ hovo nn oxtro horso. En

onand _____________ •HI, singlo man ia sookino

single lady In 30's to mWSloBjl5£L l u o v t o r (iniinflAjp]atlan-~ — sh ip . I hove brown hairKiWnB -b iu o o y o s, 5-5Vl.don'Hik«•n who i io , a , a n . | w ould liko Icam p hoar somolhing bock In n>-lonoly lurn ploaso . Wriio if intor-PPfoo- ostod. »MYM9570,e Male 28, wonts lo moot an-

o iho r m olo. Looking forb (ricnd or companion, \ oeipyiN S going piocos. if in to fost^ ,:ro: tnon write to m e. MYM-

8196.ilo) SDM, 6'1*. 190 m s . mid.cod) • 50-6. active outdoor type, IC&roJ on/oy good

tim os, and h av e a good ^nlch ftoftso ol humor. MYM3477. )w toih o w - -S u a v o oldor.Tom Selioc)

^ S I r s S i4 PASTA, Know m y ovori

m nk nood. shafo my Intoresl I wash my socks. Card ploy

i K ‘ng a mucti Must Ike iravo •iiV & lo J a c h p o t l Bul m ust b« . . . | I satlslioo with nickel slots

— Must ADORE my orondchitS o , ; d.co.DESPEBA'rtll___^ottors. S white moie. 62.5/7*. 141

ib. hoailhy. active, rotired . d o e s not sm oke of-drink

wintor, north in sum m or 1.^10 W ants alfoctlonatotomali

neoin jm voling com panion tha likes s im ilar . th ings

jiSoss MYM3250 f S w h i l o m a l a . q u l o t . 6 ' , 161

K^'find quiot'timos, coufrtf nho lr , - a n d so m o ro c lrm u s ic .-r r ooson- a lcoho l and drug Iroo ily, qui- • S moking OK, Would liko li

sero to ?5 to 35 who has sim t o in}. Must torosts. MYM3448ngs al widow. wfiHe lomaio. 5-2Wnd ro- ]39 ibs, brown hair, grooino ond - oyos, loVe dancing, diningly, I m out. movios, music, walk5i4.*> Ing, Liko to moot an honostIp, run sIncoro, Intolllgoni. finondora (SSL aeO uro m an, a g o SB-65and It Non-smokor, non-drinkor.;-------- MYM4824-......- . 7 —

I m ee t yo

r m s

s £ ^ n s s r , s s s a ? " s i i i

c i i y t :p.Code_____ ^ E h o n a iin lho.Bnd bolow Eoch blank repraaoi arkr<y-ap»«» ~ Z 3 apaca i pof-llno-ti»/ r>, c/o T T i^ m o s -N o w P.O, Bo* 540

STTteTfimesc u s to



- i ' .

A p l o y n o i e n t


------A 'M arK -(fom ' TV»ln-Falls;

tho - HII I'm a guy looking fo r#

Ksfi! S S S K MIng, bfoalMajung bock couniry. I0 1 0 - liko 10 cam p oirt.*noyrmo-10s . bllo, ski, go motorcycling,Ing. ta m lly a n h /it lo s& lo v o tow o - travol. I onjoy quiet t l r ^ ^idio- lu s t ta lk ing & lls ton ing ,jsfc. dancino, going to a movieian- or a quMt romantic candlo-0 lo l^ht dinner with s d i t ^ k : .

ime c^^m '& w oul^fko tc iwtt^ = m M .t^ .i# ^ A Q :4 2 ,y ia r t )r. I old; Ifiat enjoys Iho sa m t E n-. things I do 4 afi of tho proai tin - th ln a s l i f a h a s io o f f o r . TfcT" “ TTavo' an o x l r a n io r s o

. Ploaso vrrito to Horsobact ___ RUlng. POBox 2786, Twir


1° , ^ ■ * w n ^ ^ s h < S ^ P t ) * Sl>l» Ihe strool on Addison Julyo to 31. Ptoaso contact mo aHor>n>- 7pm ifyouhadanydam aooItor- to vour van, 734-4674,

Wedding ABridosmakJnn . Dross saws A rontab: 1516

1 (oj olfinvttalionB.733^8838.

;® - - - - - - - ----------------107 SPECIAL


■iiJ A L C O H O L IC S ood a n o n y m o u s^77. Cnll733-ejQ 0______TSrt OVEREATERSJ0U8 " ^ A N O N Y M O U S ......ypo, 733-9113i^HlS Toourclassifiodadvonisors.very prom time to timo we 010)sl A forced lo hovo early dead-ploy- linos due to pross copobiU-ravel nos and/or nolidays. Wo,it bo ihoreforo. rocommond thailiots, you ploco your ad a s lar tr

- advanc# n s possib le (bo-__loro 2:00 pm Iho day prioi,1 4 0 on m ost d a y s) to b e US’:ired, su redo f it being publishoc rin k ., Iho folliswing day. Wo rO'liking ' grot nny inconvonionco thisIth in maycauso.mor. Sincorely,malo ThoTlmofi-NowsCuslomoithat Son/ico Doonrtmofllng s . _ - .

U S E B O L D — IN Y O U R A D S ! _

otivy-------------- ------------------------ ----------i i r e a l l y d r a w s

' K A T T E N T IO N . I .

a/in- O n ly $ .2 5 p e r w o rd . ~ C a ll‘-•J • T h e T J m e s - N e w s ining" - C u s l o m e r S e r v l c e vaik- D e p t , f o r y o u r .

' B O L D c l a s s i f i e d a d n ' l l to d a y ! 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 .


o u r =

t c hi f s _ c i a s a j f l f l d s . i l

s i i ^ n•pctsonis) you would litoto meet,

d cJiooMi' who you wduldTOo lorenlacl."

ia A ( _ ) ---------------------esonfa ono lottor. punctuotton

---------- -

SEiS=SS;?M'3?’iS l , . -

e s - N e w s3 M E R


>375•JDEU 536-25352IIS ID S33Q3 ___ ___

fl • ■

^ U Y r r . s E U

i l i H' 107 S P E ^ - ' . . .


od HOTUNE-733-0122 ;_ A p ro b lo m lsn o la p ro b lo m •a w h o n s h a r e d . M e n ta l to H ealth A ssoc . 5pm -7om . rto 24hou rso n w k n d s-

c M a i L -F d rW h d ay p o r to s* ,

'?• JUST toS r JN « - 734-2683.»*r .................. ' ■


!?: AHordobloDivorcoaOUltc 4(avlnlyLf!ooara.tAUDnMy_. irL «i Law,^ 4 -4 5 5 3 nc* A ffbrdabib , d u a lity 'la w n ' >01 mowing. CASCAOELAWN . CARE.734-3148. . -

5 B A N K R U P T C Ytrir S lo p fo ro d o su ro s . ropos* ,n- s e s s io n s , su iu , garnish-

- m e n u A o lh o r co iiec tian .

fS— c o r r s u l ta t io f r ^ p p o in l— S" . m onts scftodwfcJd in Twin ^ Fons.— :----------------------“ !■ W m H M ulb*nY I* AnomfvatLM w.— P.O. Box 186.

RIH9. UBho 83443^ - 1^0-548-2166

BJ'S painting, (roo ostimotos.— tnloriof & oxtortor painting,

c ioan ino & carpo t sham - ^ n ^ .^ P h o o o 837-4771 or

— C leaning Sorv ico . M agicMnida. 733-4472-_________

Exporioncod housokdopor. I will do an housoa on presi-

“ donlial strool only. J4 .50 /

' C oyrif73” 9 P 9 .'" °"*

,<j. W anlod: H ouses to cloan. ),li. roforoncos nvoitabto, 734- /o . 5977. Afik lor Nicoto.

X '112 ROOMMATES )o------ ;— WANTED----------------lor^s- Elderly lady looking for fo- lOd mole livrf-in companion. Lo- re- calod In Twin Falls. II ini'd. his eall 733-2513 or 734 5797.

Room in oxchonge for part- timo light housokooping &

"Of answering phono. Must bo ^ m ature 4 hovo good rols.

. Locatod 3 miles Irom Buht.543-4554nhof6om.

Roommate noodod. closo to ; CSf.— n Ico ~ o p n rtm o n tr I _____si62.5Q/monlh. 73'4-5290.

i. n n

,d . . ^

^ y■ I ®



Sc■ W e ' r

1 _____ _ _ l i o m e - i r

m o r e . E i t h e S e n

o f f e r .w\ .


L L I T ■ F I M D l f

0 7 3. 113 .CHLD CARE


2 ' \ B a bysl7daysaw ook.24 : m _ hours. 00^736,1087.

BabvsltllnQ.6-6.734-3768. 8afaysHttnfl.Cnn.63&6l06. C hildcare .5am -6pm ,M on­

day thro ftiday ih my homo, CrA 733-3703, 1 Child c tr* . Great rates 1

' ............ 324-5172................ChiMcaro.Juno 7 3 ^ 9 1 6 .

“ C o lloon 's C lu b h o u se . FT _only. ages 2-5.734.9948, Daycaro with pro-school ac-

_ tivitios In my homo, lunch I ond snacks givon.roloronc-

_ Dopondablo day caro with

?n " D tav ^^^*^7 3S ^5 ”' ' l^to-babysitlmg'in my honw,**

’ '


;fl- ASSISTANT MANAGER ”^ Collogo or 2 yoars retail ox-“ porionco rooulfod. Prolos-- - s iona ia ttituaoandaltiroaI'O must. Possb lo future rolo-’_ colion. Salory DOE. Callr. I b e tw oon 10 a n d 12 onsi- Wod. 4 Thur. For intorviow,,01 K-Q M ons S to re . M agica ll -Valloy Mall. 734rS503, a sk ,__ «wDnvo-------------------------I Rosidoni managor & mainlo- 17 nance porson lor fodorolly ^ subsidized houslrig com- l i ' ptox in soulhorn 10. Must

frvo on sho. salary 4 apart- — m ent. must b e bondnblo,

no eota. 734-7327. EOE.

_ 202-ADULT CARE----------r

’O" Coro g iver lo r an oldorly woman in Twin FoSs. Svo4n

irt- Componi'on-NA for oldorly bS lQdy„variabIo hours. Call

(s. ■' ' ' ' ' m AGDtCULTUIULto E xperienced yoa r round

n t r - r a n c h hand noodod . Call B. 702-7S2-3575,

..dLooliervicei ' r e p r o f e s s i o n a l s j m p r o v e m e n t . t o I

E a s i l y f o u n d e v e i r v i c e D i r e c t o r y li;

ST h e l u i H CUSTC SERVI

BUHl 543-464B • ftl£R 326-S: /HAGCRMAN • G O O O tl^ /W E N ^^^BU RlfY /RU PER T 478-2552

M onday

i H j203 AcmiCULTURAL

Dairy help milkor wanted. Ex-

i- g g s , ' s i K r o r °r Exporioncod general (ofm*

hand n e o d ed , h o u sin g _ - avaltohto. Call 487-2819.

Milkor, hordsporson 4 (arm w orker noodod . S a la ry

- S13.000 to $ 18 ,000 do - . -pending on oxpofiortco.

_ S^ar Valloy Wyoming. Call_ 1-307-863-2236-_________=T Truck d rivers noodod fo r _ grain and potato ha rvest, c- m ust havo diosol oxpori- :h o n c ^ ^ p if l o ^ w *

[h ' iroctor’oporatorrlorhatvw t -bog fnm nfl-A ugu8 l;56 l^ i-

M ust have current drivor’a r n W it^ w .M A fi•»

Wantod: Exporioncod Froin " man baler opera tors. Coll

3?4-714S.J W anted: Y oar ofoond farm • '~hand.'gxporloncad in pota-

_ to o s 4 sprinkler irrigation. Wages dopoiidani 00 oxpo-

- rionco. InswBneo, imnspor-- totion, 4 othor bonotrts pro- v idod . Is^n


, B esi W este rn CanyonB. Springs Inn. houskooping. doportmont. has open ngs

o,’ lor full-limo ond port-limo.

fc 206 MEDICAU5k. . DENTAL .. .

1!^ F /T o v o s2 ^ * 0 p m ,C a !!7 Sandi Mohl DNS. tor iftlor-

vtow appointment otHar- ml-aWSuhl. 543^401.

0, CNA positions opon , night sh ill, 2 n ig h ts p o r w ook.

“ Cell S a n d y Moht, DNS,-------- H arra li 's N ursing.H om o,_ Buhl tor intocviow aool. ly CNA's. full or pan-tlmo. most •in bo conifiod, Ploaso apply at k, 634 A ddison Avo. or call_ 734^564._______________ly CNAs 4 NAa, Skilled long all lorm care todlily b inviting _ intorosled nurses a ides lo

come 4 join our toam lor on Iho job iraining 4 lo la k o

—' odvanlagoofC N A 4 CPR id training boing ollorod coon.Ill Full 4 part-llmo positions

nvnilablo.Colhy 934-5001.

■ i f


Is w f i o c o n fill a n 5 l a n d s c a p i n g t o < / e r y d a y in T h e Ti l i s t s o u r a d s a c c c

nes-NewsO M E R ICE JH E E 3 H I E 3 i a : —6-5375/ENOEU 534-2535 p .552 U

, 1

ny. Augusi 5,.1991 Ti'mo3-Nov

5 $20g UEDKAU • ____1 ?


' CNA o r NA lo t lull-llmo Exi

: E, KEEDED ■ HN to oom * • 5“

lo in o u r to a m . Wo a ro a » progro& sivo skillod long ,r tom rcare laciKy. Exconont ^ w ag o s. Contact C athy ot

I e^-5601 .E O E ,__________ •. O pen1nsfo rC N A .6 ;O O to ¥' ■. 4 :30 shift, full timo. Aoply, ‘ l

Mountain Viow Caro Con- cn Wo

. PnrtAfon-limoLPNforaarto .. long lorm caro aci My. Call

1 l ^ a l G G M H , 934^4433,,: PU BLIC H E A L T H W U R S E Jj I for Twin Fails County, (ull- _• ■ t im o '^ i io n caring for chi- 2OJ ; dron in schoo ls and Iholr _ ' (omilios, pregnant women ISI . and ch ild ro n in d in icsa n d v. I Iheir hom os. P rom ote S

hoatth and provoril illness. - o- A salislying oxporionco in d -■ A utw om ousnufslnoprac- s ■-- tlc o .-C a ll 'S h a ro n W hilo, Ir• 734-5900. ______________ P<I RNrtJ'l# P' Pan-tim o days, ovonlngs.• Bost benedts around, oxc

423-5591 - Mountain View ^ . Cnro Conlor. Kimboriv. . “ |' RN noodod (or patient caro JI coordinolor position. .. ' E xcellent be n o lils .; com poiltlvo w ago . C all ^' Kothy.,934-5601. C ro o n ■,. A c ro s C aro C e n te r In ^

Gooding- EOF.__________ __ |R N orL P N noedod fo rpart- 0

. t lm e c h a r s o p o s i t lo n .o n . ...c- d a y s a n d ovening sh ilt, e

.compolKivopay.shin dillor- - aontioi and bonollts. Contad bJill Howoll. RN, a l 324 - p4301 ox idnslon 201 , S t fii

. B e n o d ic t's Long Torm ^t Caro, .• RN or LPN noodod lull-time 7• or pan-limo. Call 536-6623 j, • - o r a p p ly a t M agic Valloy - f ,

• THERAPY TECHNICIANS” a i: Noodod 10 work with dovol- a " opm onla liydisabled chll- s- dron. Excellent pay Incon- To g lives. Opportunity for ad - U 3 vancomontandprorrfolion. P 3 M odica landdon ta lavall- 1i 1 ab lo . Grow with ono of J( } Am erica's loading hoallh 31 1 caro facililios -N ooxpotl- Ck

en ce noodod. On tho job ii 3 . tra in ing .C anL lndaa t934 ' J

5603 in Goedino, - 0

Jdssific ory Todm y r i a d o f n e e d s ■

c a r p e t c l e a n i n g c

r i m e s - N e w s C l a s s

l o r d i n g t o t h e s e r v

If y o u a r e a p r o f

□ n d w i s h t o b e i n c l

( h e S e r v i c e D i r e c t o l

p l e a s e c o n t a c t T h e

N e w s C u s t o m e r S e

D e p a r t m e n t .

-Nows. Twin Foils. Idaho B-S

1 0 1 - 2 0 8


207 OFFICE/CLERICAL----------------—

Exocwtive assistont lor Insur- anco ollico. Compuler and

. p eop le skills n o c o s s a r y . . ' W ord Porfoct sKills pro-r (ofTod. Send rosumo 10 Boi< 59B0.%ThoTlmO8-N#w»; — ~ P.O. Box 548. Twin Falls .ID 83303._______________ _

Full-tim e ro co p tio n isl (o r- busy o lllco ..M u sL h o v o - . _

Sood phone porsonalily , j^^n g -an d o ih n r o ((ic8

W anted : pa y ro ll/p ay a b lo dork with computer oJ©or»- onco. Edon oroa. Send ro­sum o to: Box‘ 9 8 1 6 , c /o --—

_Iim ot.N ow «rPO So*44» ,-------------~Tw7nFnTlsrtDB3303. ' --------

W ~ P R O ^ I W « L “

ISU h as position availab ie ' wllh E duca tibna l T alonI S ea rch P rogram ob R o-

- cniHpr/Countolof which In-. d e n tllle s 4 a s s i s t s h igh ............

- schoof-B tudom rlronH ow ------------Incomo family in onlorinQ_____ 1_post-socondary oducotlon.C ounsel s tu d e n ts on co l­lege adm ission , (inanclaloldo. housing, caroor plan­n ing. T rav e ls lo ta rg o i schools In Idaho Fate oroa.Contacis SociaJ Sorvicos agondos, high school and

' collogo pe rso n n e l, docu- m epts all activitios;devol- o p o s rep o rts on program s ta tia lic s . Ftoquiros BA, counseling oxperiena}, and know lodgo of a dm ission and financial aid policlos.Sood rosumo and list 3 rol­oroncos to: TRIO S ea rch

..C om m lltoo,ISU . PO B ox _ 8345, PocateRo, ID 83209 .'

- All applicalion matorials to bo reco lvod bo fo re 4 :00 ^.m: Augusi 16th (or until

Tho Joromo School District is occopting a p p tca tm s tor a . , .. 7th grado math teacher. An Idaho leaching conllicalo is

'requlrodw lihonolom ontaiy----------ondorsomont or a socond^- ory math or>dorsomonl . Sol- o g ^ p o r tho district soJory

To apply, contact;Linda Adams, sooetary P.O. Box 487 107 3rd Avo, West Joromo, Idaho 83338 324-2392

Closing dato for.applicnlion ____’ is whon position is lilled.

Jorom e School District is on EOE.*

iedV ^ day.is - f r o m g a n d .i s s i f i e d s , j r v i c e w e

r o f e s s io n a l \ i c l u d e d in :to ry , l e T i m e s -

S e r v i c e - - - -

/i-- ■______i _

Page 16: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo


■ ' I io » PROFESaOHAl

ISU h as poBilion ava 'w lth -E oucational'l Sonfch Progrom. ot

■ cioJislI. whkfi Woftllfii rocrviis7ih and 8lh studortta Irom low ir

■ , tamlllos for ncadomi- indivkjuaJ support. C< 'cludotits in slutfy skilltaking, caroor ond o

. planning, rocruits, I ; . and manooos tutors.

otstolargolEchoobL - . . alolto oroa. contacts

Sorvico ogonc io s. 'school and ccBogo p -n o l;d o c u n io n ls oil i

iios:dovolop8 ropo program sta tia tic s

__ __j:Z Q U iro9.BA jw pnsollj

f^*SfonMS In wo'rKln---------- 'young ttudon is , ogc

and sc h o o l porso Sond roeumo and list

. orohcos to: TRIO S Com m iltoo. ISU. P(

' 83<SS, Pocatollo, IDS--All opplicotten molef

------------ ber roco ivod be fo re------~ B :m . August 16th'(o• ■ l-Hodt................—

Summer I* harp - ani . garago ta le ««sionl

oul wfwra Ihoy are ai . ovaryono wfiora youi- be through lha poworti .0d»lr>clautr«d.


RI f y o u £

. T i m e s - 1

o r d e r f

___ . t h a t w t

~ a e l a y .

------ Pli-— : • Th(

: ■ b l a : ■ • Pie

■ p r i i

1 ( P r i n t orI

; ‘Z Z Z ZI _____________I

. I

....... ;

----------- [ N a m e

______: I A i l d r e s s _

, ; j c i t y ^ t i t e ,

{ P h o n e N u t

( . “ l o B i l l m t

= j p : M y - c h «

1 i h B i l l m j 1 ; C r e d

L;;; Number

i - 1-3 d a y s ...4-7 days...

- 8-15 d ay s. 16-30 days

# lines_______

F o r e a c h S u n d . o r l e s s l in e s ; ac

M a il y o u r o r d e r fo

; : J . ____ ■

B - 6 T i m o o - N o w a , f »


I T h e T i m e s ^

m s s T o m


availablo W onlod; Inslruclor, a l'T a to n t- - re o d in a n c a d o m lo sI. os Spo- _voIop_rnont^l8 U flctflilSos and opp lM tochn^ogy. <a ih g ra d o callORsiSpodliclrolw incomo roadin0-molh thru ollom icond . which provides tho iI. Counsol 'o d g o ond skills nonskills, tost to proporo studortuidcollogo p llod to c h n ic a f c(Is, iralns. cou rsos. A Bacholoors.Trov- - groo in q robnod Soldsb ln P o c - forrod . Abllily lo cclOs Sodal S poc la l N oods stUiios, high C ortlliab lo undor10 porsorv- Sloto plan for o voa011 activi* oducatlon, Spccial I o p e n s on conillcnio. Salary $: t ic s . R b- lor 11 monlh contra

irking with sultoblo candidolo Is ogoriclo's- -Slanrtft-diHiTATHiu irsonno l. 1991. O blain opplli I list 3 ro l-> form o n d jn s t ru c ll0 Soorch o lhor noodod inlorn1 PO Box trom Richard Sparks IDS3209, SuccOEsCDntorScl alofiols to A ppltod Tochnolog: lo ro '4 '0 0 — 8joO, RFC Building, h 'for until Stnlo Univorsity. Poe _________ ID 8 3 2 0 9 ,20B-236rand ll Is Complotod opplicalia

loni Find rosumo and supp '« and (all documonlation musl yours will c iovod by c losing , weriul litllo Univorsity is on


L IT! c-0931 I

L a r e u n a b l e t o

[ - N e w s o f f i c e , s

f o r m t o o u r c l

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lease run my# ' fl

o n e c h a r a c t e r p e r sp;

t e / Z i p ~ ~

lumber_________n e ( M a g i c V a l l e y

h e c k - d r - m o n e y ^ r

n y V I S A o r M a s t i

e d i t C a r d N u m b e r _

p i r a t i o n D a t e ______

P a y sier of Days :

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rform lo: f ^

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__ ____^__________


, T w i n F o l i o . I d a h o M o n d a y , ' /

i a n c i a | . | n s t i

l e w s

g C BHM. • gal^PHOBSss iiim c '"or, molh- ISU h as posillon ovalla Icskllldo- "'With E dJi» tIo rio l TqI fichooiol . .S o a i c h f r a a r a m i i s S ;y. OuAill- clollst il. which Idonill irolning In and rocniils youngs ludc uolgobro, from low incomo fiuniiios ho knowl* ocodom lc a n d Individ locossary cuppott. CoUnsol studo nts (or op- in high school currlcui N contonI ond coliogo ontranco iDlor^ do- (juiromonls. ttudy skils, w ldB pnh roof and coliogo planni, J counso l Travels to targot school! sfudonts. potontlolly tho Pocalo or Idaho and/or Idaho Foils oroi /ocalional C onlocts Soc ia l SorvI

ogoncios. high ichool a y$2l.OOO coliogo porsonnol; doc itracirOp— momimfl^icttvtiiosidov

_qollno.oxpotlonco^orac jgusrZ T T o ira tod o lloc livonoss ipllcatlon working w ilh young s i jc lio n or do 'n ls, a g o n c io s . oi

Irtu Adun<:ehQoi dI sumo and 3 roforoncos loov Box ---TFIIO Soorch Comtnill M ^ldahS ISU. PO Box 8345. Po p S io I to tollo: ID 83209, All opps

flon tnatoilals lo bo a i^n wilh colvod boforo 4:00 p.i

August 16th for unlli liltoc JSl bo ro- Th«r*’» a graat job In yo ig. Idaho ruliwa. Find ll by looking an c is iti r ia d 'i omployma


A T I m e s - N e w s C l a s s i f i e d W ill F ill

E v e r y N e e d


mes-]No c a l l o r c o m e b

s i m p l y c l i p a n c

c l a s s i f i e d d e p a r

u r a d s t a r t e d w :

r l y w i t h d a r k p e n c i l i m a t e l y 2 3 c h a r a c t ( • l i n e .l i n g t o t h e r a t e s c h i

/ a d Fn c T a s s i f i

f o r ____________ d

sp a c e p le a s e , in c lu d in g

y a re a only)J rd e r is enclosed -1 i te r C h a rg e (Circle

S c h e d u l e.____________ c i

l i n e ___________________________ ^

'a d i s 5 • e lines

JTheTimcsJVfews C U S T O M E R S E R V I C E =

(UMN • COROrjO/WiraU SU 7tl]------------- -------------

y . ' A u g u s t S . 1 S 9 1 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


'ailablo _____•Tnloni AREY O U A

------- CREATIVE—a i l * PERSON?iliiosfor B est W ostom Burloy Inn ivlduol tak ing app lica tions foi ludonls d inno r cook wilh o tio i Icuium throo yoa rs voriliablo c ICO ro- porionco. Hours wil! be ils .c a - pm -1 1 pm . 6 d o y s inning; w ook . S a la ry Is dopo lools in don t upon oxporionco. catollo T ho B osI W ostom Burl' o r o u . Inn Is on ’Equal Oppon orvico n ity Employer*. Wo pr wl and v la o 'C om pony* . sutji docu- dizod Insuranco, pbid hi dovol-- -IdaysT IridU stry -ro la ti trn ftlJVrooun------moal/tra votdTSCoums-aiomon:— a - p r o g ra s s lv a J n d u s t g°8lu- w ago advoncomonL '

A pplicotlons'oro availal - a r i h o Inn’s front dosk

icoslo : ' - o u t o l to w n , c a ll 67 mittoo. rS S O I 'to havo an Qpplic , Po.ca- ... tionm ttilodtovou. W Sca- BuroorW ngts now hiring 00 ro^ fult-llrn^ojandport^tlmod

‘'poatibns.rriii6tboovoIIal aftor sc#>ooi starts. Apply

It your person a t 360 Bluo LokWng in Blvd Neflh.__________ymani Diomondfiold Ja c k 's a t t:

B ost W oslorn Cany< Springs Inn. is occopiii oppllciilions for hostoc c a sh lo r .P lo a so apply pojson.aJ 1357 Bluo LakBlvdN._______________

1 Dunkon’s noods holp. Apt In porson 102 Mnin Avo. t

f Noodod: W aiiporson lo sti In approx 3 wooks. Sporl

* m a n * R iv e r Reao. — l...Haaorman,B37-£3B4... .

; b y T h e

i d m a i l - t h i s —

a r t m e n t s o

w i t h o u t

c i l o r p e n .

c t e r s ( i n c l u d i n g ^

i h e d u l e w h i c h i s

ificatioli | days. ;

n g b l a n k s p a c e s . ) I

------- ----- ------------------ 1I--------- ------------------- -------------,


-------------------------------1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ V I

______:_______ ____I


I---------- --------------------------------

_____ _________ I ------------------------------------------- 1

- - I ------------------------------------------ 1 ;---------------- — .— ^

— :------------------------------I

------------------------------------------ ,

____ __________________ I_I

-t'o ril; ~:le one) j-

' --X II


Charge per Une.$2.75 per Une .S4.25 per (ine .S7.25 per line .§13.00 per line

.......... Subtotal

+ _______________

Total I

P.O. Box 548^^^^WiHFallSildaho—

83303 ,

truction*RcB U Y i t ' S E



Part-timo day prop po rs

. oonAvo.W .TF.________nn is TACO JOHN’S would liko f o ra hiro day shift he lp forii lo ast fall. Nico p p o £ |o & goi o o x - pav.Coll4j3-S& 7ovo8.bo 4 W ollporsons, c o o k s , pr< f i a cooks, h o u sk o e p o rsa i pon-. d ishw ashors . PIooso c *. R o so o l7 7 4 .3 ;» Z o rm jrloy ro sum o to: P O B o* il5 ortu- Slftnlov. Idflho. 63278.

1&1- 210 SALES-ihoi- __________________1 -a to d ADVERTI3IN09ALES n c o .. -^C C O U H tE X E C V nV E -and- -An-unoxp9clod'Oponlnijhi iStfV- lhi> >>rivnr1l>Lli

' department a t King Vkto -caolo. Tho position ontoi

lablo soiling, sorvkdng ond pro .L . i i _poctngfornow-advortisol 6 7 e - writing or assisting In wr

_oncfltfidyoiilBlng:attH person prolorrod, howov'

-qu alilio ssu ch asso lf-sla i ing . d o lo rm lna lion , an

” ability 10 work with poop: wllboconskJorod.Oponlr

- Is immodialo. Appiicalior ittho -a tK in g V id o o cab le . 26 lyon E astldnd Dr., Twin FalliDling EEOM/F.______________loss/ AVONhaslOposittonsava

Apply im m odiotoly. N door.toKioor.4g3wagj7._

;— r C om putsr se rv ice & solo W forro lo lloutio l.O ulgoin i i i l - conlldont hands-on indivic start ual. OOS oxp roq. Sond rt

sumo: Compulor Job. P.C Box898.Burloy ID.B3318

■ • D IscovofyToysnoodspoc ■ ■ I p lo to soli qualiiy oducc

. tional toys, books 4 game tor In lan ls-a d u lts . G roi commission, fkixblo houn lax advanlogo. For inlo ca N ancy, collect; 503-653 7393. Also ask about oom ing froo to y s th rough D' Pany Plan, lor inlo cdl Pat

'" 'a t 734-5398. ' EXCELLENTOPPORTUNITY lor Iho ngl'

individual lo kiarn tho pro fosslonal retail aulomotlvi business. Exc.1 working la cilllios, prplossionol train inn. salary & commissior urilim iled incomo, lomil

......... hocpltallzolion-and vocations. ContaclBrad Dove Dick DoyOIdsmobilo Bucl' 712Maln Avo. South.

FOOD SERVICE SALES Magic Valloy & curroundtnj

-_ n 'o a ; Sond rosum o 4 sal ary hisiory to: J . Woil Food sorvico Co. % Norm VoBm

__ __ or. 5M 7 Cllnion SI.. Boise

Looking lor a ca ro o r ii SALES? Booln with AVON C nll734.92& .-- .___

NOW HIRING' Local succossfu lbusinosi

oxpandinn markoting tor• r ito r lo s .W o a ro lo o k in i

lor sa lo s p o o p lo w ilh o x po rionco in d iroct sa lo s

1“ " W o offor: M onthly g u a r I ' an too , comm!BslDns_,^o

n usos. oxtonsivo iraininj I with m a n a g o m o n tp o s i I t io n s to flir. C oll M agii I Valloy W ater C ondition

ino. 733-1027TOOL SALES

I .No oxporionco nocoBsary I will train , hourly rato plui , com m , no travo l. na llon ' wido loads. FT positions I opportunily for advonco I m o n t.C tI I7 3 3 -2 S 2 S b e j tw oen7.Q B m & 4-7pm .

I : ?12 TRADE ________

I Americani Tem porafyServIce*,tnc.

I •I . No fees. 7 3 4 ^ 5 2I Aulo g la ss Inslotior noedoc — — (oworkw ilhsuporiot-com

pony. Good hours, wages j- bone fH srP Ioasosond fO

sumo cr apply in porson tc• 292 N. Bluo Lakos.TF.

Experienced sidinn installer*_ noodod. melol & vinyl sId;

mg, m ust novo own tools, too w aaos paid. 733-9688


" I - E A R t Y IThe-Tlmes-New

a^ llc a tIN D E P E ^ N D R O U T E C A

G O O D I IApplicants inust he

Please cont a t 73

------ ------ BelweenSiOOMonday tl

______ 733-8704 a

I M E C H A N l

Wills Motor Cc experienct

openly. Musl tools. ESccellen resume & waj

to or secW U l s M

T w i n F a l l c

gal Estate/E L L I T - F I N D I

, 212 TRADE ^ '

___1_ DRIVERSoraoft -ENG t»yirTnU CK IHO

_____; ‘ $30,000 A YEAH?likoto IFNOTTHISSEWNAR s r th o ' IS FOR YOUI goo d Poslllonaavailablot08. Dflvo With the be st..lo o m t□roD drhn With Iho bost

l a n d Attend a career opportunli

°rM i! C oro^E rifliandofC .fi. Er ilSO . g land wni bo a t th o Twi .____ Palis Beet Woslorn Canyo

:____ Room , conducting a froES— -caroorsem lnaroxpiajning IVe • - their Truck Drivor Training ffh a F ^bh00l'w hich :«JJn l3 lti08

r j S u a l n l i f S i mntolls oomlnarwRI bo hold this pros- Tuosday. August 6 al 10:00 iso>8, om and7:00pm , Noragis- I writ- trallon is nocosBary. II you .a n d o ro a t lo a st 23 y o a rs old cpoti-' 'a n d wont lo know about tho la lo ai :inickiDgJndusuyj!oasQ_«- rover tend ONE of Ihoso soml-slaft-. -nais.- .............. ......... —a n d Horo b your chanco to (earn

loplo 10 bo a professional truck jnlng drivor from Iho bo si com- lions pany In tho business. You 261 slart earning mono/wilhin a lls . 3 w eek s. LdW(08l t uiljon.____ G uaronlood Job wilh En-jvoil Trucking upon sue-

No co ss lu i c om pletion . Pay ’ as-you-earnpiofl availablo. - r — rho bost caroor opportunity

is right in your own bock- o'flP ya ra Chock oul Iho chanco

ol a iiletlmo. Atlond ono ol thosofroosominors.

P'O- .o o k fo ro u rd lB p la y .o d in Sundoy’s Sportsisocllon.

poo- - This p v o r . Soo you Toes- uca- daylimes LOOK FOR OUR 1001 eiQREDTRUCK Mrs, INTHE .call PARKING LOT 353- H youneed larrv further Information , DT - cain-800-358-504e. - P“ !L -Ca!l-Cla#BlIiad'.,.733:0626, ____ W«’n ready whan you arcl

right H A IR S T Y L IS T N A IL T E C H

3 jo° Come work with Twin rain- Falls m ost progres- iion. sive salon: W e offer:mily . upboa t ond positive al-

>y ot , ."^A*(?vancod trainingitek, . G u a r a n to o d $ 5 p o r___ hour and commissionI -. %-iJUUww-&-Iargo salonding Coll lo r you r confldonliolsal- - intorvlow or s to p by Hairk kU ---Trondsr733-5646:-----jllm- Jo in usI! ond begin mokingMO, . monovvourlirctd.'ivl_ _

'ON S T Y L IS T S _— n a i L t e c h s ,J W o now havo openings »or loss youi tor- Rocoivo:ting - g u a ra n to o d s a la ry p lus ox- SS% commission, lo s. • pa id vaca tions, holidaysja r - an dm oro .- .................. —^ 0 - ^ c o m p a n y in s u r a n c o nt ling” "B roup ra to s.' o si- - rouromont, profit sharing, ■gic olc.Ion- -advancedtrain ing .___ c o n te s t s a n d sw o o p -

sinkos.a ry F o r m o ro Irilo rm ation alus a b o u t joining tho JC Pon- (on- noy S a lon toam , call 734*303, 0833 ask forToni,______ _

Local seod w arehouse has opening for mill asBlBtanl, For moro Inlormailon, call423-5529._______________

Mnfntpnanco nrpod.— onc o in m aln to n an c o an d

.-pow er-p lan t w o tk ,to .ln - dude

to m s , rofrlgoro tlon and oloctrlcal wiring, e tc. Full-

r —r tim e positon. salory com- ‘>‘><1 monsuralo with onwrfooca. onv— Contact personnef.-Canyon » » ' Viow Hospital. 228 Shoup ifO- ^A voW osl. 7 3 4 ^ 6 0 :— ^" Truck drivers noodod. Must— havo CDL and proo f ot lers good driving record. Apply S'.dt— —t f A rtoosh Produes, Inc. ) ls . in Gooding, Idaho or ’IA cnll 0 3 4 ^ 6 4 .


M O R N I N G —9WS Is now accepting-

o I n T M O T O R . A R R I E R I n t h e > I N G A R E Ahave dependable auto, n ta c t J im D ales 7 3 3 -0 9 3 10 0 a :f t i .-5 '0 0 p .m .-^-—

(thnj Friday or a f te r 6:00 p.m .

a c W A N T E D

Co. has a fulltime iced mechanic ist have your own ent berieilts. Send ■age requirements :ee Kevin at:M o t o r C o ,

I l s , p 8 3 3 0 1

>/Sale '

s■ 212 TIUU)E ”

N A C .A . Ino. noods drtvor ‘lO for foatrropomUon. 2 yoar sr OTR oxportcnco. good poa--------- " p aa ag g plus bonofita, trip? av e rag e 7 d ay a . Apply IAR S11 Hanson Avo, Burioyt

call67e<?01S.EOE. . W an ted : 1 full-tlm o and

part-timo yard man tor an) , ' lum beryard. Responslbit

lunlty n o a t. good wlih pub ik • havo understanding of lurr

tw in S o n d to : B o x - l i s o , c /

X Times Nows. PO B ox S4I Twin Falls. 1083301.

inlpor ■-ilrotf ---------- -- --------—

213 USCELLANEOUSnSS = iz:^=dM EC«TV IflU ES=7:j p ^ -^PT-dhrtaryflldffposilioni Ih u avail. Must bo floxlblo lo i-m d a y s & ho u rs . For m on

Into, can 733-3700 ext. 357 you Exporioncod roady-mtx driv o ld . o rs noodod lo r Bollovui

FA L L S ' BBANE ^ ROUTE DELIVERY^ Ouollfiod semi drivor lor h)ca am . <wd rogionol delivory. mus

, I load and unload bool anc ' boxes. Good hoahh and rO'

Inn ' ' tirement benefits, pay com' 'cn '.monsuralo with oxporionco

Ca;t Myron 7 3 3 ^ ^ _____Pay N oodod oxpo rioncod dos 6[o. oroomer. Coll 733-3662. nity Now taking applications foi ick-. school bus driver, Approxi- nco matoly 15 hours por wook. 0 ol Q ualifica tions; 21 yrs oi

older, good driving rocoro. d in wHI train. Call 733-8003.

Port-timo holp w anted, pro- 'ducodopatlm oni.g rocorv dopartmont & soofood de ­partm ent. A p p li^ t Waro- mnn. 1708 Kimboflv Road.

Process camera porw n wilh 4 co lor s tr ipp ing oxpori­onco. Conloct Roger at Ex­p re s s Priming. K etchum,

____________i r e r Several positions availablo,

full & part-time, snack bar T and desk. Apply In porson

a lte r 6 pm. Bowladromo. 220 Easiland Drivo or call

w in 733-0369, '_________e s - TOT hiring drivers for van di- f e n - vision.'2 yoars double ox- ol- porionco rHwessary, Excel-

----------- lontpay 4 bonolits-ContactKon nt 734 2249._________

>or TF fair booth, food trallor.OQuioood.B0li24S-3391.

f). , Truck Drlvars wanted. Pos- ^ '9 ' siblo lull-iimo, must hove

... chauflors license or CDL, ,, a b le to drive 13 spood . Wng 423J2 6 9 from flflm-vim

215 BABYSrTTEHS ____________ WANTED.-...... ..........

ito r - Hagerm an area , nood child c ate in our homo. M-F. 1)0 nInnlfloAuQ 12. 837-4444.

)lus Need vory dopondablo per­son In our homo or yours to

lays sit lor 16 month old, Toach------- _ e rs houra-PjalQr.SawtoolhB o t or Moroingsido areas . Call — -739-0703,--------------------


o p - _________________________AMERICAN

:ion P*raonr*el*T«mpor«ry.. 'on- Services, Ino,34- 734-6452




lust' 301 BUSINESS


Local vending route! M uitiellqu jck ly . -

302 M O N E Y T O L O A ^.

■' AAA LOANS— | —Bad-stew-ne-crodit? Ferony

• oi*f/or8^call8 u s lirst. 513438-3812. Foot

« NEED CASH?Wo buy notes & real ostato

cofttracls.Croativo Finance. 1-800-999-4809.

QUICK CASH For your Roal Estate ConUactor Trust


: . . -304-W V E^TM EM TS---------

15-20% re turn euaranleod, lullvsoeurod. 733-0658



D ie se l T ru c k D riv ing S ^ o o l i l n e ^ o w ^ a M O S


J B eginning plano-foBsons.' ■ J Call 7 3 6 ^ 5 5 .

I . ■ . ■ '

ror» j i p i l

% r a i n i n i l ny o r

^ 502 HOMES , inM ■ FORSALE bio, --------------------------------

i s S S M A R L E T T ^ ,^»gs. ,

Manufoclurod homo on por- m onon tfounda lionso ton 70 X100 ownod lot South ol Twin FallB. 1400 sq It., 3 bed room s, 2 ba th s , hoat

• punv, large docbto garago with sh o p a ro a a n d Iruit

“ - T'oonfainrtiUlBtBd and fin ' ..IshodinsidaJU sfljncIiidod

lor Is IhojpMg, sieve ond dish-, , 1 washerTC^BonorVirginioI 7 lo r"m o ro d e ta ils . J u s t^ J69.600. #91-233.. -

'UO ........... ....................


O RTO LLFREE 1.800-345-4665 6 x1 E11S Z b d rm , a lum inum Siding,

cn- a u to sp r in k le rs , len ced back w d , asking tS7,000.

— 288 dub o is Ave. TF. Coll ; 733-2583 leave mossago,

__ all calls rdumodl ,2 bdrm houso in Twin Falls;

•*>- $25,000. Terms avail. 734:8959 botwoon 8am-6om.

3 bdrrh. 2 bolh. full basement ‘ • wilh lamily room S possbly— 2 m ore bdrm s. 3 6 ? Crost-

Jry ^ - - & r 7 S & o l3 5 " ^ -* ^ ° ‘° '!®' 40 acros (m-2) with fuD TFCC

water, plus comfortablo 4 2^ bdrm homo, tuckod in mo- nth turo troos and landscaping, rl- ptusoulbuikfings. if- M O U NTA IN VIEW/

REA LTY r r . _ 1 2 1 6 .F i lG r .A V 0 .£ 0 8 t_ . .aJ 734-1B 9Bon $ 5 9 ,5 0 010. • 4 b d rm , 2 b o th h o m o , a ll fam ily ro o m , full b a so -__ m ent. patio, motal siding.di- c om orlo l>v RO BERTJO NES

■.____R E A L T Y _ _ :_ 7 3 3 - 0 4 0 4jr . or

1-800-262-5001 is- EXT. 1211 .ve 5 bedroom home, 2V« balhs, >L, - 2 mi. E ol C,S,I„ cpoco (or. . <d. RV & bool, quiol location, 2

firopiacos. 1416 sq. ft. plus— • ll» |sh o d _ bM om on l,— ~t84.900,'734-257T.*‘" ..... •

- - b r ic k S P L IT -.......ii5 LEVEL FOR SALE .1*^ T h is hom o h a s lour b e d - .

ro o m s a n d tw o b o lh - ; V room s with n family room.J® T h o ro a r e a ls o two llro-

p lacos in Ihls homo ond ii . ’’V, IS placed on approx. V- of.

a n a e r o . C a ll lo r Liz o t '— ■ 733-2365 o r 423-4789 for' ",

m oro inlormoiion.


7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5 In d o p o n d o n tly o w n o d ft i

— oporaiod.____________BY OWNER! 4 bdrm . 2 .

b a lh s, c lose to swimming I -pool, te n n is c o u rts , and

— aehooh. Cal 733-3609.... . Byownor:.7.bodroomhomo . i i •a c ro * 8 '” lf0m ’ C aD cad0” '

(Candy Cano) Park, 2 loav ! ■|lv rooms. 2W bath8.'docK r ‘ -o p e n cusioim jaK -itiicnonr-'

1909 G ra n ad a . TF. Call I734.1909 lor appt.________

BY OWNER: Boautiful 2600 . sq ft. 5 bdrm, 3 bolh. lornial ,

- llv in o -an d -d in in g -ro o m n - . _kllchon.w/Iolastorago..wQt. ..

■ barrfom llyrm .Irg cavorod . ^ pa tio , 3 c a r gartipe, au to S

sprinklon. L oatea In prime N E o re a . $ 1 1 5 .0 D 0 J2 f l5 --

— -Galonar736-OB61-ler.aopt-, j By ow nor Counlry living, S.

of lown. 4 bodrooms on 1'/4 aero. Fruit Iroos. larQogar- don a pn.quro. 733-0722.


3V. -Cenrally-locatodlhom B-ofr - ill fors; 4 bodraom s with tots _ o f c lo s o i a n d s to r a g o

sp a co . 2 full b a lh s, cozy . } fam ily ro o m , g r o a t I

kitchon wilh loads of cup- . b o a rd s , E X T R M A R G E lo n c o d b a c k y a rd w ith • g r o a t g a rd e n o r o a . g a - r a g o with a ro a lo r.D ad 's sh o p . PRICED T O SELL

— $ 5 ^ 5 0 0 . C a ll B obbI . Kolloy 733-2365 o r 733-

“ ~ 6 ^ Z ----- !------ : ------------------


WESTERN REALTY 7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5

In d o p o n d o n tly o w n o d &ooom tod. ....................

HOUSE TO BE MOVED: 2 _ bdrm., oood shape, reason- e ably oricod. 733-2957.

a NE LOCATION: 4.1B acros, laS ky tIno A cros, uniquo do^n ,3100sq .fi.-t-pan la l _ b sm m . 3 tiffrm, 2V ^bath,

_ atrium, offidff. Lots of stone, g w oodw ork, hardw ood It floors. Many maturo tro o s ,'

2 sta ll b a rn , po lo foncos. ;— ■»2S,000 C a f7 3 » e a 0 7 ..- -

Over2400Bq.tt..4bodroom , J

klors, 'hot‘tub . Assumoblo J- -b o lo n o o .- l9 2 .0 0 0 .- C o ll- -

734-4049 anor4.I

E f l L E S P O E P O R l B S r 1 ^

I i ta H oics . s ; 1FOBSALE —

■ j u s T U S T l E b ' '

CH A B U IN O H O M E w ith• lo a d s of p o to n tio L a t o.

P R IC E V O U C A N «^F - F O n O . N o s ta lg ic liro - p lo c o In liv ing '■ooff-,2

------ b o d ro o m s wltlt'Jk'oIli-In, c iflso tB ,. s to p s a v o r

kitchon In c lu d e s a p p li­a n ces, w ashor/dryor-yso

« r - C harm ing c o v o r o ^ o n l

3 yards lutly loncod. OtHCT

^ s iL L ,_ S 3 j ! 5 0 0 j . ^ l l I I .

| n c O L D W E E i ; ^ “

"“‘ w E r ^ S t v ,- 733-2365. : i .......

In d o p o n d o n tly o w n o d &

NE AREA EYE CATbHfenNow 3 bdnn. 2 bath. Iving 4 ....—

dining r o o m .f a m ^ r ^ . u p g r a ^ M f i i t a .

’e®d . . W E L L L O C A T O T .............

'SlI Jargo homo a l 353 eih.'l&vo.a»> . ^ s t .3 b o d r o o m , 2 b’a1hs.__ 1 living & din ing rddm s.Ils; $35 ,000 . Call PhyllU lorJ4- moro dolails at 734-i|S l3 ._ #401-90.ont ' T= ■

I GEM^ S T A T E R E A L T YJ < 734-0400la- O R T O a F R E B .';

1.800-345-4665 ex t E115


_ $ 2 7 .5 0 0 1 1 ",3ost buyl F in es t 3 bdrm

„ hom o av ailab le a t / lh i s n l price. Call quick bolora It’s “ gone. Merle, 543-5075;

5 B A R K E R° Call 643^4371 .-----------R E D U G E D .. . I I ---------

S ro c io u s 3 b d rm . 2 b a th- w /p ic turo-porfocl d eco r.

P nvalo natura l backyard.._ Brick 30x24 ga rogo-shop - ts, In a d d itio n to a t ta c h o d or. .doub)ogam go..;$72,t»jX i,_______

j i m m . iJOS GOODING/ i i i i i

............. WENDELLHOMES-------------g

3 bodroom home In Wen^U.' g i . $25,000. Gall 536 -272a.-_

5200 sq fl homff, lO 'trrio n. acroaonLhtloW ood'RIvorl0- Solar, greenhouse, orohardit . shop. Much morol D rbtraas-------of 4 C o . Edni80fM»J>-<»ai - .Ql ' -■_ .

506 J ^ O M E H O M S

W ant to Ik e ou t o f town?By ownor. 3 bdrm. lonjily &

injnt rm. 4 cor garog»sepa- , r a to , loncod . c o r ta ls . 5


:g BY OW NER: $5 1 ,0 0 0 . 3 d bdrm. fully londscofMd. Ig

loncod back yard. &'lreshly

^ 510 OUT-O^ A R E A p .,^

II HAGERMAN, 3 bdrm , VA, t a t h, 1200 sq It.-ojQra lel-------

io -nvnilnblo,837.6402;.... .

i12_EAHMS/RANCK£S_______Dt_______AND.OAIRIES ...____ _

10 200 a o re s , W ende ll, 10le tow or pivot. 4 whi lines,.?____i5- -handSnesrSlxf/m rfiom o.

i3 0 8crM.-Rupoit.-2-p ivots,____3 3 whi lines, 4 hond^lnes. 4 /4 bdrm. tri-level homo. shop./ . m ach ine sh o d . 320^acro .

s io to loaso. Pricod4o sell.- _R nndy».r,R ofl||y73p719 , (DAIRY— * _________

lor rent or loose/pu® »aso ;—2 0 0 cows^ 4 bdrm 4iom o. -

~ ~ c a i W o ^ 3 2 f - 7 S t B ^ --------- T

‘‘ LA ND M A RK R ^ T Y y 3 2 4 - 7 5 1 8 ." *It Dairy lor salo o lloas* ; dou-y b loS w /bckupa. 678-95011 F A R M S

• 1 6 0 A c r e s , ro w c ro p .I ' w h o o l a n d h a n m in o s ,^ foncod , te rm s , M ^ d o ll ,

>1 • 8 (P*Aoroa,*Ti’lc 8^ fo rm_crops.A-Uv?stock-ii«t-up.— —

2 hom os, o a s t of Jtfromo• 80 A cre*. kJts ofSSSrrals,. id o a l fo r 500-700> hoad foodlot, WondoU, Xa.

R O B E R T J O N E S f R E A L T Y ? ; :. ' . 7 3 3 - 0 4 0 4 .r . -^ -Of UO.u 1-800-262-60032 EXT. 1 2 1 1 "^ For Sale: 120 acre rcM ocp ._ SW o l Hazelton-.- 120I, s h a ro s of w aier.t» B o lilo0 o s to lo .2 0 6 -6 3 8 .T 2 2 S or -g 734-3022 attor 6om. .I. MecKsy R anchesK 686 ocms, with 1 pivot, 4d whool linos, 2 story ,t)ome,I.- $240,000h.rI. 2e0acn>N orthktac^,'W ith '

^ Wanted: 60 t o i 00 acTD'form > in tho Buhl area; vrtoid ISu1- -ownerfinortcbigw lftrdowfl--------

oavmonl. Call 4 5^ .

, , 208-5^ M

Page 17: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

M i S a i l^ cheages '/

1 ;L0TS

~ l i ar * l " >SS?S,

J - P<>W«iaiorJy'si^^ ono-won'llQBtlo.

lu st out: - Twn Foils dty lltr

U sa < 7 3 3 .2 ie 5 : 4 'e B fo r rn o ro ir


i ■ C O L D W E ; ■ B A N K E

WESTERN RE 733-2365

. - -------Indq^pndom iy ot.oporalod.

| H -------- FSTsalo By bwiw; 4r: — — pnicot*. cloaiirgt)

■ . .sprU o wlihln. $ oad»tCaliea&-296‘

f Motin> horn* le ts. I H lamX y.tmms, FH

......... ....... _ P00f0V0d.Ca)l734'| H . II lAhM onT/rNnulM I

. _____ ■ ■ yoi^datslflfld a d .rA ^ ttkaobH ton ;

5U:,&1C0MB . ^ - P R O P E R H

N V ^O H W A N IH______ mooiw homos In Tw

oroa, mobllo hom< nnffin i.thom out. font T ut, oxcolloni

patlrlor oddod insi ' Call owrwf m 377-4i

MUST SELL. 4-plo: coW) flows, FH^

...............................s i s - j o w i i R c i A lP r o p e r t y


YdG URfSH OP,”M191-152................J

_____ _______BEAUjySALpN^?^

D a j7 * i» i» 5

m J g i c v a l_ REALTY J 734 -1991

5ie'"i*JB ILEH 0W

■ ........................ 11)7414X70 VonOy•1 botftoom#, includo

---------- -f.- _ on?-dppllonco#i-1 - wffpd sto^o^20|j<

______6a _______lflfljJ2ntlaoix ._Win bdrm. 1 b o l h l ^&, Cnll326-«107.

---------1 -------- F d i ‘iW o:‘19flOK»ih o iS * , 14x70, 3 b

c l if ^ d , liko now, I noor Joromo Goll (

. w i l^ I l (22.000. 0. <5 ^ or 7 3 4 ^ 9 3 , .

------- _ 2 bdrm- 12iI60 Tnmarac. go:

------- -fumacoAwnlofhoagnlffdnfrosl frtdgo, (

, ' porch , storm wine se roon , sw am p < pliMd lor wood sK whffob,axlos&tlro vdntont locotion or

......... ....................... movodi-foof rosoo


4tpaco9atSuns<rtM ParTvanoy Viow D MfgA'ouno 67M11

— i-“ Lotvauirnndho8«i«l solo in S u n to l Mo

■iTTrr -------T-$iSO O valuV.-w^^$ 1000. For moro In

------- -----------^lfe,wall734-870B-SingloM autoloumc

------ — — g S $ 8 M n w l io d



1 b'drin, Joromo. $22: , * ddffts itcU l 324-349

2 bodroom oUorhomi ------ ------------

' s s a ° f e i x ' ; i ^3 Qdrm, 1 bo lh lor I

Hifllsing ronton. Cal a e r£ boiwoon 2*4pi t«T?avid.

3bdrtn.#IoBlocargD loneodyard . Rotorc rtquirod. 1375 mo-fdI l^ l t7 3 4 .3 3 g .------

Excepllonallynico2l $450 m o, 0 mo. I< $250dop«ll.C:oJlfor Iflltf'734-et56-

\ ’ 6MJFURNJSHED ■- - - a p t s b u p l e x e

1 bdrm furnbhod apt. u

m a . Coil 734-7883.

____ ■->/___ . .

Estate/SaleESAND . n t uim nksH Ei

■ • ■ APTMIfWa

a'&g.l'*"'*' KIIChDKOlKlllpl.iV

Droinlo,call----------- .604-UNPUHUSHEI;

..........A PT aP ilP L B

: - B U I tD -* ----------J - t i b i m i i t i51TE OUIETUJXU. . . r . . L ow oIW ndosot* MS.VsOlhls L a u ro lf^ A p o r tn It long. II l l 17® SL outsT dool Apl304,tTM>noa

rllmlls.Coll _ ■ 7 3 4 ^ 1 8 5 . >65 or 4 2 3 - 1 bdrm a p t, elove & ■olnfo/m a- som e ulTl. Indodod

Cali 734 -5483 04 3 jg ..

V E L L 1 bdrm aubsidlzod h<

< E R . -REALTY 3 t^ f6 o m .2 b a th i i i

y ow nod & ; ^ « " ,»oflso- Caa736; ' II you a ro lookinga r . i ^ a c ni.gtdon'nnd' ^ O I E T U V I K 1. $99,600 C loan complox, 1 &

FHAIVA ai;l»i<..l»r.Un ™ - 8 M l —

- ■1-------— #m ohor, DW,‘ liredock. $3^5.543-515

Y --------- '.gOS. ROOMSFORR

n T w inF t^ . -irtdividualroom,closo lom opofk, non-smokor. non*d oat.Homo» . ?18Q„D,»733-e€27,

S A ^ m o b ile h o m eJnsutM co. 3 bdrni. 1% bath, oasi'7-4711. om o . $300 p lu s d tjjlox inT F , Call 3 2 4 - 3 ^ .FHA loan , Vory nico corpolod, SM ._______ Quioi Filor iKollon


« 5 s E T2 fg. buslnoss ollicot

_...$44.500 3W 2ndAvo.E ..Tw ii

■’^ ,0 0 0 0 0 - Ct.1736.1224- .....jiw .u w AVAILABLE NOA i I c \ / Form or Pon d o ro sa(V L L E Y s io ro on Filor Avo,

;T Y) 9 1 • ihboxeonontkjcalkx---------------last Iona. Call 733-22OMES . - Boouliful prolossional_________ 2350 sqR , w ith? inc1 Dyl(or2-3 —oTHcos, conforoncoludoskilch- rocopiion oroa andIS. ooolor. -room.-AddHionoI bon0' porch, in ol 925 oa It wiih 3 m436-9021. licos also avtulabio,

_________ and Filor, LynwoodKll mbbli.- " P l r | 0 ^ . » 3 3 . ^ °, 3 bdrm, 2 O F F IC E S. 734-3i lio n u s in - C fllcospacoonB iuoIW, locatod noxt to Dosort Sun T0l(Cau«O, 734-9486 or 734-5250,t.ailJ<i«- oSTEflLOHAVENU

Irm 1 ba th nstaH on lolophono s)

J i m j ^ a M 33 o f Br ip cooior, floohy. 734-5aS8.Jslovo. all ’ ____________

Pfimo offico across Iror

Ssng,*4ouu.-------------- Hnoomian. 837-4570i LOTS & oKlco spacos

- busy Bluo Lakes nn< ot Momoriol localions; Lynwood : w K st.C ail plngCor«or.733-22B: ^-0117. Spaco avoil-'CompuB idatonolor -m o n s.C a 'n lo r.-fl/L : iMomoriai 6272 dovs-734-0624.iwsoction-- ................... ■will soil lor 608 - CONDOliKNta rolnfotma- . TIME SHARE-

jm crypt in 14x702bdnTi, ial. 1-503- n ic o . No p o ls . AC.

--------- eognW AREHOOSETin o l STORAGE REK

n o i ^ V ” 10 ,0 0 0 s q l l . m o l ^ i5. houso in T Fw /2 bare

' full bsm t, low lotal ( Ownor will eartv, 324-;

R o n l,aa lo o rlo aso ;2 i ■ E S 9 1 ;«}.ii.piuSi4ciwkKa.] V H B I -p o rm o . J .J .W In lo r iB T l T l l bo- 7fM-3556.

734-1400.U U llL l I W o st E n d M ini s to i


. r , , ' S12 PASTURES . FOR BENI

ForSaio;67Bhoro# Pto$225 plus Valloy Grazing Assoc.■3430, - now. balanco duo 1/«n io ,E o l Call 886-2652,.ftkilodand .W anlod:F ailpatiu raJia.$300-o towinlof200*-hoad«1209. ; - - con*J*tow oan»ndKIor Idaho «ho colvos. Cali 034-, Cali 733- onrlvmomaorovos...

ei3 WAOTTOBENT2 & 3 b o d ro o m h o m o .

734-2182or734<01l }4-dopo*- tofClndtforPcbbio,

“• '« « « • ' ? n h ^ d ^ i 4 ‘l l 3 7 fe Bformoro , rolsavoil.734-2137, c________ Wanlod: Ftil and wintor

tu re ,-fo r 50-200 he< - O o o A n o 'a j^ 934-571

EXES Wontod » rom: 4 or 5 ________ houMlnthoWmbcffy

xA l'tiiiP 614 MOBILEKOME a r r a a g - --------&PACB ' '

? olociT L o tln c o u n U V r3 2 4 ^chon, uliU -sonlor cU ian m o b ilo i la s corral pa rk . 3 m onths Ireo5082.1 M.TM97 or 543-9242

e<Real Esta<......................r -

^ED IIbE3(E8

ilRSSSSSHRog^' ^ | r |K ! ! |n |9 |M Q m ^

7M -~A UC^9----- -» - Q rttiny’ac io a rm lo u

thaaW oI.

<URY ® pZ S >^^£’b S a tt ;A C .. rn^,bodsol,ookrockO i irtmoritB ^ otost, sEfvor dollars, baSl N .; b ^ c a rd s ,p lu f ourrogi

5®®“ eoWtothoWghostWdcol:KlBaaAuctk)nBar

Joromo-324-5521. T u esd ay i-S P M

I o r 734- •Whoro tho boyw Croat.TT----T“ ____IhffWlmigffrff/'d housing,E H O .C all 702 CATTLE

kofit vanr Dairy bord tor solo. lO yt

H u ro b io d .Jo u ey jfliJn

' “ w m , tS ^ ^ ^ o MFARMdOM..- ' ; SERVICES

2-WIOE RETRIEVING: C -3hoohotd.3264342

0 ’A d»m *c«6tom aw alhi

llrop laco , , 7d7-15e9cnYilmo.____5157. . All Sw athing: G rass, an

........ o lo .d ro o o rh o ad o r& t“ “ Infl.324.5g1.324.790: R RENT An typos CHOPPING, po-------------- bloV calos.TH RE^H IIx e to CSli swalh, balo, roko. grou n-drinkor, w ork, rock p ick er, li >27. . p iano, trucks, will trai

f irm d y W o n v o r.5 4 ^8 'Mhb Cuciom b ig J a lin g ha------V .— straw . Roasonoblo ro)KtolJOT-^ anvwhorolnMV.438-2t1 dopoflil.. CUSTOM CHOPPINQ,. ■ g ra in & corn , p o r tid. 2 bdrm. scaloa. any aroa. 324-51

C uB tom aw alh lng .rok i ■■■plowing.'rollor harrow

disking o lc .T rlbU lltC J tom Farming. 733-527(^CE S o o tt’s ^ u a to m Farm -o -n .f l i l . Sw ath ing » baling , co s avai.- <j,apor h e a d e r lo r s.

c ro p s-p o as « gro in . < 54 3 .5 1 3 0 , m obile 7632M 555___________

c ’iiT 'WHI iMUJi h n y e r nraw-oi floidofflnck.67^S66_L

705 FARM j5ov?------- ■ MACHINERY

uo in^jlTo 10 5 Jo h n D o o ro combiB2^S3Q3, _________

0 now, OS 1068 Now Holland hayct. Uten Won! or. dioaol. 825-5828.^^228^. .i5 'Allowoypolatoshro<l inal oMIcd, wilh roller, usod 1 soot individual $6500. Call 678-3498-

hriSof ' .JVS'SA—io"sStei jB m o li- ------C all503 .372 .567J.Tuo'CoKm 1 9 9 0 t:Dgon'4rowwtndrlod Shop- er, boiiod chain, hydra2282------—shakeraioioctronic-valsa'v it ^— f°«k blades, oxctHlonI c

NUE (old bod ;3 IH 010 pickup ho g) wilh 5 ors: i r IH boll pickup, p ) systom . He loo th : 7 4 Q loano tdSMUf®- - comblno. 543-6888-

r ? r r 2) 802° Titan Ils, 860 ho. ?o!(‘uS?!; 24- hoadors. oxcollont c f Brawloy dlllon-Call 438-5546-

'■ '5 00 gnUon lami fool lonk;------------ a landw ithflow m otoriIfoni onuao.$17S. 336-4737i4'-2922 760 Massey combine, sli

choppor. liold roody. (678-1184,______

1 . — ,r 8 ' M elrowo p ickup , t J 1 7 ■ mooniod tooth, usod v

ondFller litilo.SlQOO. 823-4432,

m s C om :,. - ^aul. ID vjSs-5420j ■Orllllng-rlfl B ucyrus E

t 2 1 S ^ - ,2 2 -S ^ jo o lB .a n d ball<

TAL/— —nndmiccioofsr$7000.-( 801-635-2219. - •

= r = ^ ■ESTATE^SALE:105JDco r bine. 16' hoador, air cor

FEED.GHAIN MILLS, n ' ondXwod.mahymakosfl

y ------------- ^teO 5D V ^l0--438:8397Fw raL Pof “ 'o: Olo«nor combit

1979 model N-6 rotary, 2 i l w o rn : diosol turt». 225 bus! .oro iols ■ Wn' OJb withoir. 24' hoac a! D Ico ' wfh traiiof, 1106 hrs. on i 34-§404’ - .o o r .l5 0 0 ,b rs .o n m o t. ,. gn nnn Coll Adam or Ed Ot 1-4Cif s “i?SS 67MEOO.____________^ r h o l » Hoqih mo(fDl330 boot hi

v & ^ n w d g n g yo

Hosslon 1014+2 swothoi M F 510 o n d 8 2 co m b in

fyy> ' 'for ports,678-1277.tdaho T rsclor Sslvaoe ca

lo r sa lv a g e tra c to rs oquipmonl. Bomie Cmig

pioBsani 733-0889- —joc. 15S Jo h r tD o o ro 4 0 4 0 tro c ti »1/1/92. sound guard c ab , dual

A C .pow orsh ilt.roody

idw M er 1048, supor 1048. 1068. 34-6058 olhBfmodob. 1-286-7171t ---------- NH 505 PTO 3 s ir in g , li:

nowl AH Iho extras. Como HT n in i lH 2 t^ .7 3 3 - 2 1 4 6

!i— 1— - ■ ■■503-372-5671 -

s'W'Xcffl^ - s " a s ' f e a a " "

Tiekoit 1 s top be an cultc 5793. _ windtowor. G < ^ oondilic r 5bdm ) ontv uted 2 vrs. 531-548S ^ w o a . U sed Combine part*

f — ° a i s ^ i a y^ V ^ o d T o buy: OMof S i ^

' 'pulllypodisk.A lilsChali“ 3 a ___ Sh W 6:w d « . 0 -17 pitla Jiom s — orably-wilhironUoaded e o ro n l. lit those tractors. Any co >42. ' dillon,Cnn324.5858.

~ - - i ....................................._ 1 . ____ ____ ................ ’ -V

ate/Rent-FaH j l T O e . PARU&RAN01

tttflE IC N T S

9 i r R l ; . i « 0 0 & jtiosab . $5 l U l j l l l o r b e s t o ffer. Call 71

r : r . -

skdier 1983 enl 1885 Froofflnntdsoyo 3 siring baiora. Bold roaickon & adverse oondillonplckii,bBEo- c ab a ir , 'h e a t . $31,51regular $ 10 ,000 down linanci

o io b o y e a r s , will go la s t. C^ o r k fr324 -7^4 l,_____ _B a m - ig g o L o g a n p o ia lo d ig gS21<. bo ile d chaTn; oloctroi'M . controls, hyd^atdio-shaltf

rock blades, oxcollont ar r . , d lllon . C ali 436-0292

V 436-306BnvA*N«B(S cash? T***" “ P *

T— — d s u llM snd maks e 0 profit MPIno th* llama J

t e l 56j___ ^

.707 -FA H M SEED-------

I I allalla sood, oats, po u . g rasa o a .d o ln re ro d .C

Bob Hamilton Seed , 7; 3587,733-1477.. '

3-Craki AAA a lla l la se e d . Loot > grown hybrid sood Ir

I n a ^ Alfalfa seed . ConiliodWr ______ glor. by grower, wholes« .j£ £ teS i"gKaar"’"~°‘^HING. V N Salla»asood .$1 .10 jjround- pound. Call 1-362-2497r, land 1-e9&^336. traw6l..■6886^ 709 HAY.GRAWI hoy a ANDFEED B raioo,8-2803 1st and 2nd culling hay,'{Q. hay w eeds, no rain, small 1ortab lo • OK. $70 a tw , 733-7554?*-562i. i a cutting hay. some or#rak ing . Abo oat hmr.Both $65rowing. ' In Slack. C all 324-531la C ua- teavomosMoe.5270 200 to n o l good dolryarm ing crop hay In t io n m . balng. ta^ Monlevlow, ID. Ploaso Iir so o d -657-2242 Of 657-2256.In .C o ll 9 S lo n so in r8 lao p h a y .Je 734- Dofion-Can 734-3712.

■ Approx. 80 ion good quatf o um i ' “ ffrsrco iiinghQ yrno 'n667, C all 324-4390 or 31

Exeolkinl qualiiy 1st cult 'hay.53ton .$75rton .33

_______ o l^ h av .6 a n 3 2 e -4 8 2 timblno. Excol quollly hoy. 2nd c_______ tlno .^Sporlon : 734-45ly stock- For salo; Approximaloly - ■■ to n s o a t nay. sprayc hroddor cloon, oxcollont horse 1 soOEon. or stock hoy. $4 por ba)( 18:_____ $65 por lon. 3 string bj

- Also 70 lon Ufsl cuiung p a n s ,ni{a choico <jairy hoy.

( i , • OAT HAY: Good food, d( g j — .o,od.Can366-2142.

vTu r n youronJor in now. comp.

) hours- W anlod; Fall pasture S h rnt con^ to winlor 200^ head cow: I corrals lo wean and winn r r r r - the caivos. Call 934-so

n „ early moms or ovw.____rS7 W anted to Buy: Top qua , milk cow hoy.Afl cutlin(itf Can Also w anting oot hay

loodor hoy. Call Kt — r - r Wlorso'ma Trucking 32 3. be ll 8551 or324-5982jd v o r y ------- '^ ------ .710 HORSESvsg* ----------iciors 1 showy Aroblanpurobrc 2 0 J _ --m 8r».bayr5ye«».»ian<IS Erie -C nn324-364j.---------- -so llo rs 7 y ro ld sorre l maro-rldo

e M l M ^ d ^ 6 r s o s . 2 ^ - - 1 ^ nio8$600.Hor60Bj700i Dcom- Trah.foasons. 934-5288

H orsas: Bouaht, soldanc lradftd.Can7'»-6055,

f - 7 7 3 H orB eshoolnfl - call 32

HOnSESHOBNO Rw arTM m v 734^681,

l ^ A i HorBashoBlnofttrfmmln hoadof DBnRoM>lna:543-S3ai. onau- P re lly c h e s tn u t OH m a no to r. w i t h A r a b colt, good 1-40&. mountains, sell 1 orboi______ Also g ray A rab geldinSThSrT- - -mu8lsoo to o p p r o ^ .> i vttDi wa kor end ack or sal

------FormarnlnlormatlQ Oj:-733 .075^a-leav>m w se, ’AQHeorrengolding.goni

ibinos sm a rt, good dispositlo h a s w orkod c ow a .48 i

RooistorodVi Arabian ^ t 2 yoarok}maro,chosini

— :— wefl-broko, good lor ch a c to r , d ren o rb o 9 rn n o rs ,$ 9 0

«6-84;4M »i7i»11.____

2 3 i_ - -7tl_H0IBE------------ - EQUIPMEWr

m i_ _ is 'W e s le rn saddle.oxciB ,llke Ionl condition, $250 .1omo& Wostom saddlo, $150. C

733-9607.____________age 1960 7x18 Charmac, $476lofs FBmiersExchsngB,newI usod horse and siK k tra

____ ors.733-3961.W ernanate r lor U o Lino aluminum 4 hon-nune, trallerK W /lao, Ilko n cIMypO $ 7 5 0 0 .5 ^ B^-6313L------- NdW.Txl 6 Gooseneck tml(

^462/ 712 IRRIGATION

igo For sa le : 27 sh a re s NSCI 0 lB l so a re o a t io n w^to

Edon. C a n M arve 32<

ihalm- Mcfahy 3 i;4 ./al8 7 prol- SPRINKLER PIPE REPAI dad to - -S E R V IC E 2M 0 S’., mu ycon- havD 30 or moro. Call \ 465-7758.

■ . -------------. ■ - ■ I

armer's li/la713 POUkTHYAHD


TflS-’ '7 H 'S H E ^ r O O A T S "

R e g .N u b lM W ^ a o M loi«r.. too cuallhr. 702-75j<.?:i5g '6 7 8 . 'ifdss«m*d.*Overtltlngdldt

■ .‘ «xS»t.*omeoft* would lnv»— n-cjraH W ).---------- ^

; t is s w w e

l i ’ l l n ^ H>2 o r l l | J H h | J I | ^

801 AHTWUES ■ '

’ U nusuafJro 'p loaf tablo,l9flYW,?9tT?ir8.7??.-^a

‘.734-_ . B O j ^ p j j ^ C E S -

)oally 1982 H onda M agna. V4 Irom low mUefl. excelTont com

e b o n lion , g ro a t Inoxponsh

osalo Apt. Blze stove , good con a rd y . $ l5 0 ,3 2 4 -« ^ a t io r6 p n

__ ‘FrlgldBlra w ash e r a dryiDbln. oxcollen i cond ition , i_____ mend, $400 .734-68491Qpof ter 6 om or loavo meBaag. ;97o r GE relrigerator, 14 cubic_____ whito excellent conditio—— $lS0,736-7-210ofier5pn

Konmore rongo, exc. con( $150, C ol 326-518*

- S tove, self-detroB i rofri iV.no both almond, 3 2 4 ^ . y Usod kitchon range, worl

oood, $50. Call 5SM 426. Very nice dining room tob

J l ' ? .anddw ir# .$100 .C al!32 2950afler6pm . ■

-T T T W oshoradiyor,$l75.______ s t s l s a _____

;ecall W asher, d ry er, almor

7 ^ froozor.^ox^’cmt conditio i f ' ^ TV DOCTOR 734.9188.

^ '2 : . $50. Brand now colf-doo tng gas range, $250 or bo

i— T“ o llo r-C an :^S 493 -W hlflp«>l25cubteliakJol

s i ® ’ stdoTSoloraterfindoor.j mond. 5 years old. $600

^ bofloffnrC«n432-53aS.


2 4 -rock saw. liko nowl Ac

^^^g?r BW BUILDING ^ --------MATERIALS ......

Blad(WoD 365 pumpor hottl------------64W 4Vrunfrgroatr$a60'«• 733-3233-_____________9 ------ Cedar choko salo; Conlfodi

— h o s sh a k o , a t w holesa: ■ ring coat iti a lock . Now is-lh -F u t lime 10 Upgrado. Can foro



_____ EmiJoto.3500.aupof.B.mov1 hay Zamora, sopo r duel 8 m nvs i 9000 aulo movie pro)octQ m lo r tokos 8mm.or c o » r 6 Iilr 5058 Emdeko scrron 90‘. sup.

bright g la ssboodod . $61 ^ Can 538-6461,

iy®i- S O r CHILDREN'S ><urt tTEMS

Like now G am o Boy, Ligl Boy. COSO a 7 hot gamo.

. $ ^ n o w ,5 to o lH fo f$ ie i _ Cni|e2?-S6a?,_________ ;


1991 Tandy 1000 RL. 768 _ tu u r « o iu io p p y .d i iw 4 _20-M E O .harddrlvo,.cok

2 po- m onilor, m ouse , pystlcl 0„op- prin ter. $950 /m oka jiloB8__ Cflll 733-6021 after 5om.irxi Appio 11 computer, whh mor _ _ T o r& m ou80 ,2d l*kd rIv ( 324- -modum. printer, lots of sol

v S S g S ‘ A°,°.!gTondy 1000 EX with 256K

J t a C on tex co lor monlto ilna, *250; Tandy oxtornol dis >1 * drive. *12ftT andy dot Mi ^ trix prim er, $150: or $50Z'S, lomll.cul 543-5179___ifn'S; eiO RREWOOO

4’A "c o rd so lp in o r$ 7 5 -p t ^.®ii card-423-4775.

BU m JW Ji.a A « E --------=; f { ^ F irew ood cu l to leng th t

sem H oad.C al 324-3114, r80d C/Sciialnsawbaroil.

^Q H E L M F IR E W O ^fo rso le

chll- Rrowood lor sale, dolivoro eoo. in thoround.CanH & H Er----------- ««Prbes 7 3 6 ^ 8 8 .______

F ire w o o d , tro o topping ------- -C ?»»lrW 4W w feM a7Z i:

— r 811 FURNmJREAlffi CARPETS,

^ 7 dnnw r wooden desk, goo condition, good lor studor

1795. .o fhom oo ltie« ,$7S orbo i ««» dW.733-957e.a«i»5.

7* Ion sofa with woven strlpo ol brown «hd wood trim, 0!

orsa coltent condition, $150. C«'OW. ,.734-8605.__________________ Bunk B o d s; L oddor, aidBlor, rolls, m altross,$9S-$17!!641 Can 423-4411___________

Uke now: Couch a lovo soai p aste l co lors; Magic cho

— . w o sh er a d ryor: 2 aot ICC, queen s ize m atress a bo

E:=SiSB:~~ c M re : ffliso lum ps a on >AIR tables.>33-2207at»rS. lUBt- M aple-kltchon toblo,-droj

Io o v o s a 4 c h ttir6 .$ 1 4 d Coll 734-2980.

\ '

L----------------- -------- -------- -----------

arket-Misc(8 i i ' R iR w n m E


*>• -• C ouch a L o v e s e a t , - « ^ tonos; redyner, rust colo

s —Maplewood B a sse tt dinin

SS?*' Toom so t Inciudina hutcl . la ra o la b lo , 2 c a p ta in '

dldt)l c h d rs , 3 fide chelrs. $65< ovwl Call 436-9424 a ttor7pm /

-M ovm g-^U M n be d , refrlj clorage sholves, prolectc table & sa e e n , wail pnom

_____ '.c h a lr . 'tu lN e n g ih ririrroeach, 31‘x41*plauro,swaglami

^46. Somsonrto luggogo. woo ' 'C oolor,w heelD arrow , gai

R baoo can. 423-4679. - New 12* X i a dusty row ca . pot remanent, $ 9 9 .4 unlir rshb(l birch c ab ine ts , $3 e a c t . . 7 3 4 ^ .

Nowly rocovored- g reo twood hido-a-bed couct Can 324-2129. ■

S uper Singlo w oior bed , ^ 5 d raw er p e d e s ta l, 4 sh e . boo k c o se s id e b o a rd , a

comoloio, $400; 733-7626

“ Sl- condlilon, $75. Call 732 8840or734-4534.

812 HEATIN0 4A IR - " i S i CONDmdNlNG ■

Eorth slove in excollont cor------- dition, $300. Can 629-553::ond, after 6om.L eg’. G ibson AC 11 ,500 BTU’a Irysr, $375.324-5137 aftor 5pm. !• Largo rolrigoratod QE AC 19 ol- 220 volts, $140. Coll 934

‘4063nnor4:00om.bic II. ------^ ^ --------------Ition. 814 JEVreiRY

A N D F U R S ,.ond.. - ..............i185. Sablo-dyod lex lur, S ize s stria 10, w as $2300 now . Wl 0. KOlifor$550.423-4415.

1;^*“ 015 UW N&GARDEN

toblo C ra ltsm an lO hp. oloctrl 1324- gtorl. 5 spood. 30* mowoi_____ wilh roor ongino rider '.5. grosB b a g g er, oxco llo r

condition. Paid $1300. sofor $800-423-4514,---------

»ave ' Lawn m ow ers s ta r tin g s jhion! $30, Good soloction. c a 8. 736-1646-rntor Rodwood lavM lurnituro ih o r: k D v o c c a t .^ r .a m .t^ k > i jojin- cushiong. $30.733-4765r best Toro riding town mower wit____ g rass ca tch er, $350. Cndobv 736-2097 ovoflfnoa,_____


l f x 22 ' w alk-ln Iro o z o ro blasi froozer. Comploie fa

_ _ $5200. Can 733-36§5-_. Ask- 2 5 'Womor commoricaltiboi

g la s s ox tonslon laddor . near now, $210. Baby oib

$50 . Brow ning E xplore.......... -compound bow, Hot

pojnt sido-by-sido rolrig r ; n r (copportono). $175. Hoav

^ EP310. $350.734-8357^ >«nin 4 Chovy 14* snow a mui

Btuddoatirosawhoola.lil^ VO-. new $20 oa .: portablo fur

na co ho a lo r, p ro p a n e o — “ nolural gas. 520; Ho^oln

rolrig & Iroozor. $ a 0 ; I . piocodinnotlocol.$45;Up ' -righ t vacuum $2 5 . ColS 5 ^ . ........................ - •Jmm Ktor. •

^ : /

mos. « I;i60. ^ r v — ^

riw a.- ----------?:o lor ^itick ." . ^ 3 5 ^ :

nonT -rive.flofl- / = — 1oks. J f

........ ..............6K ailtor. -Idisc ^

iMa- (500— . '

■ ■ I

------- - -

ih o r ~ ~ ^

^ M 9 f Wta le .

lE n- * 1 • I " f t

good.Idembost K ir INO U D ES SIGNS | r - G O O O F O R S l.O O



a n■Ota ■box Im

SS---- -amend »UHI,543-464S>FU£SS2<

’ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ■

..................- . . . . ., Mon

cellaneous817 USCCUANEOUS

_____ F O R S A lf :C^Hh -16-3xA-L£hanr»l iron, som " lo n 1 2 '.6 ;4 x 4 lb c a m s .1 ? .5

utch® Chest-type freezer, 15.7 «j a ln 's It- $ 2 5 0 , slB llonatY bik. (6E0.- $7S ; p ic n ic tabfo $ 7 5 .1

porta»odbhw asho r$1M m -C a ab e lo re 6 .3 2 4 ^1 7 6 . . octor Coin o p e ra te d vrdoo 'm a

chinos. Prevh)usiy in a Iocs Irfor! _businots. 734.5892.-— — lamp, Color TV, 3 p iece oak wai wood unit, conforonco table wilt g a r- 6 c h a ira a c ro d e n za

__^ brass-glflitspuohcart.plwmisc Homs. <55i 829-S0SL

jnlin- OSchoinsow baroil,

roon lO ogkonne|chaininl(.door8 »uch. too-_$340. Can 734-4849.____ DP F it-F or-L llo treod milDd. 6 e lec tro n ic co n tro ls , liki Bhelf ' riow. lo s s th a n 'A prlcc d , a ll $200,733-7884 atlor 3 pm 6 ^ . - G oodlna C oun ty -H isto r

- 6 o o k rftoieft«W>ok>m»4ifiont CnII 934-5322.__________733- G re a lg ilt lo r te e n a l’Blac

U ghr lor their rooms a pai 1-“ ties. SringB oul th e ‘naofl

In virtuolly ovorythingl Com

—— Hix awing arm T-Bhirt proiw ^ books Induded. $600 lirm 5532 CaB834-Se8B. " t t ;— Im perial g a s s lo v e . $125 ^ *• van ity . $ 3 5 ; w ood dosk e a - $20:2-tw lnbodB i$50ea . AC. rolrfa..$125-734-e542. ~

o a etovo with 50 gal oil dnim____ wot1a.good«ond.$75.30<

4thAvoW -Jeroma P l r ^ machino. good condi

tion. Call 543-6045.T T T Portable dishwasttor. tabl<

and4chnira.543-5572..,i.. [. RCA SU 100 solid Btaio colo — ^ . TV.|ustrobulll$250.Sinoo M sow ing m achine on wooc____ la b io $ 6 0 , Wot bor $125c tric Franklin llroploco $75. Wil )wer. Irado Ior door riflo or pistol f o r a ~ 'S4y5950ofior6om .- • ' ■lent t f la ir boo th trailer ; sell OQuipood, 801-245-3391

iT a t TROYBlLTTiaERS Call BostprtaoavaUpiuslroosoo

____ ondsoason gardening kit.lu ro . Garden Country,ble a 1-800-447-876^

Viking H usqvarna sowln( with m acnino 6460 . liko new CnII $495. Call 788-9223.

____ W indshields roplacod, rodchips ropoirod, aulo glas:

S llnlod. Froo ostimalos. Thc Window Woldor, 736-1114.


libor- Eloci, guitar, oxc, cond.rwilii Idor, ~ oecossorlos. 543.6045.

FOR BEGINNERS; Bundj u clarinol. usod only 3 wooks, i i? i ' ■■ $300. Abo usod occordian, o n ^ mokoclfor. 543-6547.,i„ r^ Lowiy dobut oroon in doluio i p ^ —cor»dilicnr$7S<>r734.W9rr __ .. Upright p iano. $5o6>ollo7,

6air423-64S5, Mnroio .liko USED PIANOS. 733-3905.

[o o r 819 OFFICEaoint EQUIPMENT10: 8 ____________________: up- Eloclronic cash roglsiur, ox- C all collont condition, $200. Call

■ _ Sioohanlo ovos. 837-fi?69,



iN S , H P SHEET & ,IN V S 4T 0R r F .0 0 OFF A FU nntE " fA S r CAS^ ASE YOUI! 0U > M O W S ) .S LEF

S T h e t W s M I


^ U ^ 7 8 jiBduVHAGOBiiAN' • o 6 »ina£Y/Btiyqn 67»-2S53 ^

onclay-Auaust 5 .1991 Times-

i '


m a 3 Bordor CoUio pupe, parents .5 3 ar^ working d o e s a tria l ter.^ wlnnofs. $50 oa. 326-4690

4 AKC LobB, m a les & fo- '------jnolos. block; chocolate, a,i». yolk)w.$200on.676-6125. '

Add’la your ramity Cry Bdopl-.' Irgarradorablocstordog.

Um claxinsd to flr^ a pet— youcm-tova.na- - -------------------------^)cal 6 m onlh old m in iature — --S ch n a u zo r. iom e lo , all

Shota, o a rs cropped , haa- X pa p e rs , $250 . Cali 733- j j , ^ 2<&>Of^33^093efior5.- >lus AKC apricot toy Poodlo-pup- 4 ^ - plos. CaD 532-4485- . _

AKC Black Lab puppios lor Bolol Fiold a trial champion

___• -Knc.Call 886-2058._______ira AKC fomalo Gorman Shorl-

holr, 8 m onlho old, $100.snr. M536-2C6,_________liko AKC Ivory L abs , 2 loll. Ice. - -maloa, a wka.734-4883.>!!!_ AKCmaloBrlnonySpanlol.3’A

~month8.~^hos^hoo 2 so^c o f '

^ 5799.ChnmoionPodiareo. .

“ ''J . AKC mini black Poodle pup. on* Bw ooka.$t00.324-4835- onv AKCScollios, born 6/14/91. [lin 1st s h o ts , w orm od. 2

maJos, $300 on.. 2 fomaloa.

’rm.‘ AKC Yorkshire Terrior pups,6 wks. old. wormod, sho tsr'

^ $t75 oa. Also AKC Yorklo sk.' for stud uso. 543-5933,>a.; B irdcage. 6 ' h ig h .o rn a te . _ black wroughi iron, 3 'diam- ym oioratbottom , fd lam o lo r m »ll.p,»l5<1.5j3.5933.___ ‘BIRD DOG SPECIAL* -ftdi- AKC ta b p i ^ . yoHow’-choc-

o la lo .sfsO . Black. $100. Cftlleoltoci 1-467-6652.

,1.... Darling Shlh Tzu pupplesl ^ ItwllBoksvoai t s l s q h l l2

fomalo a 1 malo, 7 wooks,° d shots a vol chock included.- 25 $17S-$200. Call 324-3413.Will po9 konnolchoin.Snk.doora Jol, too. $340. Call 734-4849.

Exoilebifds. 733-2692. e r. For salo; Stock d(MS.,I male__ and 1 fom alo . $50 e a c h .

Call 544-2833.___________=roo killons; Sovoral colors, form ore in lo;m otion. Cali

’• 733-2012. - -.rroo fo good homo. 1 male

:— GoWon Lob X noutorod ond Ing shot5.8m o old. 736-7217 *'*• Froo to -k ind h o a r i r 2 . 2 ^ . wo^fllj^ld^o^han kiltono.

}“ ( ^ r L wllh kldsI AKC regIs'-' lhe lorod Siborian HuBky, lo- l i . ■ m ale, S'A m on lh . bluo

oyos, copper and silvor Tn color. $2a i. Call 734-6204.

POCKET PA RRO T, vory - - swool. ind. cago, ploy oym. (Ilh . porch &4ood, $ 2 5 0 .7 3 3 -_ 5959. ________'^ y Purebred D alm atian p u p s .' ks, $10Qonch.Coll 324-7^69.

Rog A laskan w oll-hybrid— puoa.-$200on. 733-8501 a i ■BttflJ-6tflL<ULB,q£d,at.CQlllp_ - i - pupe,good working clock er. d0Q3.Call324-8239.— SCOTTIES; 8 puppios. AKC L . xogis.'. ready $350 oa.

. CaHovos. ^ - € 1 2 0 .Sour Mug Konnol. qu its nil

brooding stock a puppios.— AKC E nglish B ulldogs, )x- p riced $2 5 0 -$ 3 5 0 . Call all 423-4265 . a llo r 6 wook- 9, d.’wnAnnviimowknds. ___


N i n v s

/ I E REiiT inPH ri------------■■ ■■_!____JOOoimAVENDCU U ^ 2 5 U

nea-Novra, Twrin Falls, Idaho .

513-825620 P T O AND ■ , 7 1 - ^

. SU PPU ES ' S : . •

f o . - ------'— r ~ ' -------,-s‘ . 822 TOOLSAND-------- “l ’I - MACHINERY _ . pi-- __________________ "

H eavy-duty D elta s h a p M w ith c u tle ra , $ 8 5 0 , C«U

^ 734.4766nvrmlnM. -

“i n B23 VARIETY FOODS ; .............l a s -----------ANDSERVICES........... - -33- ___________________i.- Canning tomatoes A rod p > r r toloos, will bo ready wHhln^ a wook 10 to <Sa^ Taking 7 “ ordore nowl Call 733-7170.

PICKUNG CUCUMBERS^Fresh pickod, w ashed , and

sorted to 6 sizes. Top qual- nn ily c u ck s for a l l ly p o s o l

homomado picklos. MoraW • ■rr P icklo C o .. Burioy. C all®'t- 678-1159loorrior.

3 ^ 824 VIDEOi l l - E N T E R T A I N » ^ . j _ _ . . .

S T 16: Philco color TV, with r ^; molo control a stand; $140.“ ■bT C n tl734-992t.-............. .

2 21*-Admiral console color TV, oa. wUh remote, good conditiort _ _ $ t5Q .C al7i& 9607. ~pS. ..'Cotorconsol*-TV,^UXL«— --- ------


ml 1 9 5 6 - 6 9 C h e i |^ P U ,2 o r4 lor whool drivos. 733-6913. , -

2 pair draperies, in good cerh dition; lo fit 90* f o d .a 4 *

y. longih wiihvalanCD, natural.!o ■color. 678-8593. ■_ ■ A k>w^unh Iw 1 l^ ^h p ^ l^ -

12 Buying'nightcrawlors.<s, Gilliland B Blt a Tackle kJ.- . . Call734-4S44 .

F ro sl-freo r a l r l g e r o t o r ^ a freezer ot le as t 1 7 c u l lU

m icrow ave In vory gooc{-corid. 4 drawer a 2 drawo^ ■ -

T filiig cabinol6(2 oodi). lofc*- ing charrs a k id 's p l«»

fl- kilchon sot-324-5363. i— 'G ood, m anual or.hydroullfc ,.

camper lacks and rucostofr all S ^ ^ h o d J ^ a l l 7 3 3 -8 7 5 •

ilo Honda Accords a Civics, r u ^ i’o ning ornot, v rfio loo rpo itj._ P loaao call a tto r 5:30pdi 2 Call 326-5091. ^

S. King s iz e mattroBS a o t to ■ good condlilon . and reS -

F - sonablyprlcad. 733-0358,;Looking to buy o usod trac^

golino In good conditio^ ,

— Moiocross riding goar, g o ^iry- -oondition,- r o a s o n a b b r ---------

p t i ( ^ . CnII 544-7720,- ' j ___ ^Nood 20 gal, Ilsh tank w/ sen •

5° ' . Nood old pfpluros a old F^f- ^ turo Iromw. 73»G696. -3- - ' Noedy family looking for Wt r - ovor rooling m aterial. C8IIUo -3g4-a280, ^ ----------

Old Grandlalhor clodt or. pjd— wall dock. Call 734-9393.^ - • --------

Stock trailer, approx. 4 h o te

r i r Wanlod; 135 gallon or larow " lish aquarium . Call 7 3 5 - ,;■ gB94. ______________

all W antod: 14-21 'a lum lnffm ,k- oxtonslonladdor.A lsolw *___ .in q h G n 5 .8 2 9 -£ ^ - .. ' -

, Want to tavs money? snop . ______claisined finl tor wtiat»v«ryou n«od,_____________

Wantod: 1973 through 1984 Dodge club cab . 360 V<8. . - . % lon, 2 barrel caiburetor, body In good condiikm, C&il 366-2279 attor 5-

W anlod ; 3 bd rm , brick houso. hip rool, dbl garago, qulot location a t edgo-o l ' tow n, p ro le r b a se m o til . - Cash to collor. 7 3 3 ^ 7 8 ^ ’ .

Wanlod: 5 ' sliding glass patio door. Call 7 34-7^7 .

Wantod: A Greoit Dane. CaU 438-6081._____________

~Cftn324-52S1.— :------- -----------------W e n ie d rB la z e K ln g ^ to ^ - -----------

P rln c o ss o r Boby Blo^Ot model, vifiih lan. 886-7552.

Wanlod; Broken down rkfinfl- Liwn mowors. 3 2 M 5 0 8 r-W an to d r- C a s D 'c o m b In o ----------

p ick-up o r ju s t th e b e tta .Front w indsh io ld . lo r 1955-59 Chovy or GMC tnjck. 825-5593 ■

Wanted; Double bod In good cond, a dfoftsor. 734-7S23.

Wontod: Early m odolDodgo Coronot, 2 door body, will tow. Call 324-7178.

W a n te d ^ m p ty Salarw a -

cows e a c h -W .IIb w ^ 5 tx j— hftvo.-nol.mrt.S434010j-------------

W anlod; Flat rock lor Slop­ping sto n o s, rlverrock or doco ra ied rock , lounljain and com en t law n o r n a ­ments at roasonoblo prlcos.Can 734-5^7.-

W onted: J a p a n e se sw ords and daqqora. 934-8172.

Wanlod; Junk tractor whool about 48*. 734-6915.

-WanWd- Mnlorniiy ,doih«,.iT):______excollont condition, s iz o 12-14.Cnll734-9877. •

Wanlod; Molal tonnis rackol,.............4 V ^ g ^ o r sm a llo r. C a ll •

W ontod: mobllo h o m elie r s io raao , m ust have g6od

«roof.Call326-5467. :WANTED; Nice. d e a n , r e a ­

so n a b ly p rico d , g ir l 's dothoB, sizes 24 months to 5T. Call 734-3768. . :

Wanted; Old bicycles, 1060 or oMor. 734-5007.

Wanlod; Old rodwood pipo.

'4«0 3p h a so lo 2 2 0 s li} g lo .phase. 837-6615.____.

Wanted: Outdoor lumitute & - ' picnic lable. 734-7523.'

Wanled;.Radial tiros tof pk*--------— uorCaH 625-5593- ................ .-■■■■W anted: Railroad ties, roa-—sonafalo prieo.-734-g977:---------■■tWanlod; Sm allcaiiber hl/nt- ’ lnanlle .243olc.734 'l654 .

- , . : - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 -

Page 18: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

B-8 7imo5-Now5, Twin F


l i i r i



- John ’* Shwpwilni I n b u s c ^ c i n a

Con 326-4*62 or 7

• Copulo’B Custom IQuoSiyeablfwUB

- . roaconaUo p d » lrDOOiUmolo.423

Romodoling. conci ' OB. docKs. tramir


• VIKing C onstfucl • tonelruction, foi

oddHlons. gonori ’ i . tn o ra .ie y rs o : ffoooclim0l08.72

G onoral oxcavo

‘7 ■ '.“ c n i j^ o i i t t tn ^ E : 7334061.

' Dollvorod for di - parkJng lols; ou

‘ ' haul loo. NonhwaRlggloB. 733-1:


W antod: Sm all molorho - w ith low rrll., oxc. cor

aulo iranc,. $10,000 rar Can733.7l09.

W nniod: So(id p lastic n j ’ Iiguros.5lo7*inhoi0ht,I c u rro n t, dig doop in! boxes. Cnll 423-4008.

Wamod: Standard Iransr slo n l ly w h o o lto ran C

------------------- V ^ S 4 ^ 5 4 .............Wantod to buy: A pair ol I

Inrd duek-i. Call M3-920 W an lod lobuy :B tkocai

• to riopotcnr. 324-S&01, W onted lo b u y : Honda

i tra il b iko to r p a rts . (• 734.1S8G,

W antod lobuy: Mlnl-bik . . go-cait. Coll 733-5686.

• lorBxftd^_________W onl; F ran siscan Roci

disholi. CnM436-4g10„ Waniod lo buy; Non-wori

aolid sta to color TVs. i e v e n in g s or w eokon423-4676.___________

W aniod lo buy: Portable ( ; gon E lank with or willl

roqu1nlor:423'67S8. . Waniod lo buy; Quoon ei

bod in flood corWiikyi.•. 733-14S5. ■ . -

Waniod to Buy; V-4John S o o Horso boat motor ho. oaflyeO't. 734-4919

‘ • W aniod: VW bun. no nj( ■ In nood sh.Too. 733-691:

----------------- W anmdrWator^tos-and-lo r 5l(i oqulpmont.-chile 10 ndult. 423-5038

------------------W A N T E D rW olg tif ltf tb onch with w ojghts. (733-7626-____________

W ant 10 Buy: childrens d o s . p ro -1060 , oflpocli

............ nkroagnie. 733-7457...' Mavinnf.alo-734-7523.


Esiato Sale; T uw orofaJ Fam ily onJique8,car> cola, diairs; rugs, bodrc co t, dosk S moro. Aug

— • • -AUO 12:702-756-5^28.

_____ . . _ . J M , A U T p , p E i ! ^ S

L a t h a nP l e a s e d

LEET o O u r P r o f e

; L ee in v ite; ‘ c u s to m ers

--------- — o

; a i 5 ] Q 2 ” Av

in Falls. Idaho Mon<Jay, Augij

l a n e o u s - R e i

p m ' . > B ilO a n m l TopSoUtUooprirtcop- o ryouhlaxBorvico. Excavall

iH 734-7526. •

nIngS«rvlc« W B kJncol976.OT734-4050. ' ~ CB rim Ic

ptum bti■ - — ------- TenyTa

om Cabinols.

Jta^..Can tor , ■ .423r6109. ' ■ ■ -------j j

---------- : — :— CO__________ _ H oro««Jancrele, tone- <

i6"‘? 8 ^ f ■ ________ ;P p o U rC

IorDlIy<rucllon .N ow ' W gorcr.rem odeling , • ''*noral repairs;[9 oipononco,

- T h ^ Rom odt


avQling ond j j j ^ Q

e ' i x ' s s r - "Cl

13-1234. j , JimWof

}rhomo | | l co n d ., I II rango. I I ■ | H | | | | | g H H

lie mon' I tiflht, not •< in le y ■ - '

- -001 ATV’SAND ?{loids- MOTORCYCLES

•olMai- "w ^ ind jam m orfairing .•9204. mulllor. .liras, soat. bat■ caifior $800 firm.-CnII 788-013X)i. 1900 . Y am aha V annda 90 ' tZ.OOO milos. noeda mS Call $600. CaB 734-7205.___ 1 _ -1962 Y am aha 500. iiai•biko or baas, fairing & moro. 3586 nsk or bofJollor. 352-4215.

’ 1934 Honda M agna, oxlocbllO' lom condition, now Ou0 . Qualifier roar lira. $150

bosi oilor. Call 436-395? s ' 3 _________konds 10.B6 Yam aha YZeO, ox

lont condition, g ro ^ bo r . nor ' s bike. $550. Coll <

1989BM W R100GS.iS; • • • 324-3746:

on Cali For so le ; H onda 1379 . 750K-.W indiflmm or

l-hncnn * 'AM-FIvI CaSOOllO plO' ■9600m l..$1600ofbos'

[gig for. Call733-7536.Harloj> Davidson Sporlj

G9 I3' ' new p o in l, noodc w(

.J02 v b Ic v c c e s ^

•itftinr -^no'spffffUBTtsoTiircn IS. Can 20* b ik e s ; $25 , $ 3 5 «

S40: Cnll 733-4193.JS dish-- Four 3 sp o o d bikoft, : oclally oach;Tandom'bitobuili 7 ..... • 2 .$2S0.C ali733-4193.3 _____ .f la lo in h m e n 's 10 cpi

b ike , good sh a p o . $ S 733-6215.

^ 903 BOATS AMDfa. NV. • MARINE ITEMScarvod ____________ 'odroom 196814'A'Hydraswifl w

ftug 8 • ^ ^ c a l^ n l“'1?12°*” ’'


a m ' M o t o r s I s i d T o W e l c o m e

: BYBEEr f e M l o n a l S a f e s S f o W

i te s h is f 'r ie n d s a n d ers lo s e c h im a l . . .

(?cL '3Gas»aFiroa ; o . j y w a & ^ - r a 'iV g y iJ E t— A ve. S ., Twin foils, Idoho


ugust.S, 1991 • •- •


3tl atvl fiS dirt W otu u l MRHJ hud . Fairbanks m,valhg.,ft3-3061. , 73

W g B w a w i W g M ,in

n lo tllB , cab lnalB ,& - ib tn g lix tu ro s. C sll

------- .___ ~ J | |

SheSooBConalRofflodol „

ditk)na.15yroxp. R eo p,oa lo .Jo tl7 i^7010 . C<

MACg O M t J .

>8dditkns&now homo Heonsinjctiofi. *


irC u B to m B ullderB , ^ IlyourbuBdJn^M ods.____

‘ Cal'7i33^4«. ' ^

) H o u se D o c to r& ^

mmm- M'8 landscaping & homo - ~ Boe jairs.Frooosiim atee. He

C a l 734-3322. pa

SIlo r & in te rio r h o u se ctilUno. ffoo o stim alo s." lo'Waggooer, 543-4271. Tr


1976 Chryslor Pro S a sse r - -14-w)lh MinaKoialrollin<

m otor. Fully oqoippod $ 2 8 0 0 . Coll 734-3269 ,0

, 420-1014.______________'1967 2 0 ’ Baylinor, 125 HI

OBM; Includos ail Ihe ox PS Iras, ready 10 go. $4995 _____ ^ Loave mossaoo, 324-5748

bw io?^ 1098 AUTO DEALERS •

■ ■


I ' i•• \ j.l

.__4 a

. I s


— ^'



~lS~i 1 ;





1 !

I \ ' V

MR. PAINTER: F fo o o s ii-m atoB, Insldo & ouia ldo . 7345762of736-1105.-

Wd do Worior/oxteriof palrt"^ ' ' ,ing. R e aso n ab lo rotOB & lrooeBllmalos.73W5J5.

Shopa & motal buiidingo. Ro- modollng a t Idolio pricea.F roo osilm aieB . T hom as C onslad ion 734-7763.

ProloBBlonal cloanino BOf- .

BrkJo. 7330939/734-4365

B oetronlc* Repair 8«w k*1 Homo and c a r Bloroo ro- pa^. Call 733^0820

m ult be pleatsnt^y turprttod 81 how eaiy .11» to ptaca b clB*»il(sd ad. Tha coal U I low---mB resultf aro hlflh.TKori dsMiTioa. 73MW3I.


sse r. Nico rocondillonod boat on >||ing - tmilnr-5300 firm. 32&-311I p o o l Our 1991 Soaswiclboais wil >9,or . OMC Cobra moloro oro ir____ aockwilh1990pfKOa.5 HP Tom’B Marina & Sport Gdi

HovbunVSurlov. 678-7473 995. Rowing rack for rubber rai 748 $50.733-9487 ahor Som.


1 9 7 2 C H E V Y 1

P I C K U P IThis Is n real nico pickupl Fi

3 1 0 0 ?1 9 8 3 F O R D 1 !

J L J T P Ciiyeb.-OTaautta/.p«.$:«rr9Scr»«s.-

4 9 8 8 ^1981 B U I C K - R E ^ A I - -Local 1 owner: 37.000 orig, milos,

^ 3 9 8 81 9 8 7 SA B LE W A G O N

f jo rack. outo. alr.-lioni wti. dtivo3988r9B 9~M E R C t

T3739 BtiQhl rod.aulomatic.pc

1989 MERCUFronl whool d r iv e ^

Z m m e t i i H a r n s o n ' s

m t i iF o f y e a r s ' A n d '

01 Main Ave. E..

^ J xrtE ACE'T h e m ise r a n d th c p i^ unlU dead. "

■ • Today’s South-was s■ he couldn’t bear to wa ^ spot whcn a six would i C j did his pet of slinglncs M . Instead. oI_fiame.ai(j

manufactured a minus The heart Jack wa:

dummy and East won i made the obvious swI and. they wtrc contlni t^uhds, South ruffiflg-

Whlch trump did So -. ing a truo-string-savc

with a niggardly six. I that was soon to haunt ■ Declarer led a diafr my’s king, threw his d:

-- __trump-finessc. Therc wand bad. The good worked; the bad was th; repeat the finesse. IIc\

- -on a hand that beggedAll that South had i

1 , ruff the third club wit higher tian the six. Si king was missing, all t than the acc were cqu:

After ruffing the thi South could have led th

• cn from dummy to tra{ East would have duckc ■but South’s play of tb have left the lead in dur repeated finesse would

' 10 tricks.


10’ ov e r-co b ' cam per. - Room y, so lf-con l. g as

slovo. lollot. sloops 6 . car- . pol. sman fon. fold up tabto

loo makes bod. 733-4950 S’/ j ’ campor ovorshol, jacks,

radio, porla-pot. slovo, ico box- S&2S. 733-3233.

8‘ o v e rsh o t cam p o r with jocks. sKJvo-ovon. ice box, Qfoal for homing. $400, Call

^ 324-4199._______________For solo : G lass'tno cam pei

- choll doublo or 8<nglo lull back door, fits full sf io PU, Can 934-8544.-___________

, . H o r«e»hoerorM ^hanlo7 7 Good lull sized campor shell ,, 'q w ith pop -up w indow s,

-$250; also sleol shell uniu w 'b |orfullci2obod,$150. Eve-5'f* ninos. 543-5092._________?H, WhHo fiberglass campor with 7.^ ' doluxo carpot kil. [iko now,^ £4?«>:734-4534-ov n s -------

One call - we’ll do It ani h- Clastined. 733-0020.



Autornatic. air conditic oruiso control, till s w

' - - pxcelleni condilio

- iS'HO.51 9 8 2 BUICK 1 R E C A L . CFulty equipped, outomalic.- Air

1 9 8 6 BUICK 1

CENTURY l\l^ont wtieol dnvo. aulomalic. • ■ b

I2 5 8 8 ‘

I 1 9 8 9 H4 f P R E L U I

t M 4 , iU R ir ro P A Z


s m s, n U e L cg cn c C i.

S E N Hf y e a r s T h e - E S S i 6 s r P >

T w in F al

E S J I n B R l i ^

^ l^a i-eo fiiousc "

^ n n c h proverb :— .— .........j . -

s a t r u e m ise r ; w ESt '*w asto -p n ciglU- ______Id do. A nd whaC ¥ J 10 9 8 6aess b r in g h im ? ♦ Q 9 4 3in(J ru b b er , h e ♦ A 9 6 2lu s sco re .was covcced in3n th e acc , E last • 'iw ltch to c lubs.Inued fo r th re e g. V ulnerable:S outh use? Bo- D e a le r Soul

av e r, h e ru ffe d T h e b idd ing t. I t w a s a p la y South ' Wci in t h im . ' a rnbnd to d u m - ^ ,s d ia m o n d lo se r Opcnlii r t a n d t r l c d t h c — r-PA C 2 w as good new s

th a 'th c co u W n ’t South holds:Ic w as dow n o n e ;ed lo su c ce ed . ' - - • id to do w a s tow ith a n y t r u m p y - j , t . Sou, S in ce on ly th e J y pfl.11 t r u m p s o th e r 3 ^ 'p a «quals. 5 * P a :th ird c lub h igh . ANSWERS £I th e t r u m p se v - one s p a d e trapE astsk lre . ,,|iror's ipckca. ot coutso. diamonds.

th e SIX w ouldd u rr im y .a n d th e s««i bndse qt uld*avc landed,


Ja m iso n (Soliorn portab io l a s shooting bonch. $75. Call :or- 543-41600V09, »

cks. cho'ctoriSO O Dolonddf, 6ico -shot. i2 00. w^istol grip &

___ 'sling. $19l7W -0131/ith___Rowbool, canoe, taliboat. )0X,____ powerboat-ir you don't use Call____ It. sell It with an economical __ dattined td . .________ -

!?!' 908-'MOTOR HOMES ■ - ANDRV’S

197Z;20’ American Clippor, low milos. excollont condi- lion-Call 324-7454,

Vft. 1963 21 'A 'W innebago, low milos. new lires, gonoralor.

■ r r 'p lu s h Interior; ro o rb o th ;

^ DUCED from $15,90{).to only $13,500.786-4333.,


l E V Y 1 9 7 6 T O YI A Excellent o a s miloas

K i a V i l S n l .

p A A 1 9 7 9 B UC C f K f Automatic transmiss

J Q O b s s s s

1 9 8 0 C H E V Y ■

C A P R I C E IAir. auto,. Rowor slewing 4 bra>i«, Ai

1 9 7 8 G R A N D

M A R Q U I S ILocal 1 ownor, powor options. •

lOE sre, aulomalic power moon “lo. powor windows. . Jus

9 8 8 ^ 1

R i 9 8 7 C A D I L lLow miles, looks liko brand m

I ^ 1^ C o n t i m t e s - O u n U f i

IVItf'P i s i r e l n r h e - W o r t d T c•alls



N O RTH ' #-»-A■ ♦ 7 ,4 2 .

- ----------------- -' ♦ K 6 2 ' i— + 7 5 4 - . , .

EA ST •♦ K 5 3

T e ~ V X ’‘T3''3 ♦ J 8 72 . ♦ Q J 10 3.........SOUTH

4 A Q J 10 0 8 6 .' V 2 .

♦ A 10 5 .............. 4 K 8 I

lie: Both ' k)uth ' .Ing:W est - N o r th E a s t P a s s 2 ♦ P ass P a ss ■ P a s s P a ss cn lng le ad : H e a r t Jack ‘

:A i > ^ I T H : T H E - A e E 9 ~ = - - ■ - ......... »-VB' . •---

Ids;. - 4 K 7 2 .!........

V 8 7 3 ' ‘■♦■&7"4

♦ J 1 0 9 8S o u th , i ^ c i s t N orth P a s s 3 4 P a s s P a s s 4 N T P a s s P a s s — ^ 6 ▼ A ll pass RS S p a d e d c u cc . T r y lo bu ild le ^ tric k b r j n o r e b ^ f o r ^ d e - _

s p a d e - 'lo s c r s . g b - b n - . l h c . . . Is. ...................................

e qunlloru to The Am, P,0. Dos , 11. Tc»a 7S2:S. with **ir.«(J<Ircn«d. ivHope lor rrply. ' ixhi. mi, UiuKxl Kniurr


^ 1904 Southwind. 2 r . Chovy 454 ongino. gonerolor, AC. exlraslGorogodsinconowl

__ 29 .000 m ilos. oxc. cond.45 529 950.837-6166,

y f 91o “SPORT1NG GOODS- -

3 w h o o lg o 8 floll c a r t with JT to p . oxc , co n d .. ro co n l. ne luno-tm. $400.734-2538.,

C lea r Lokos Counlry Club rnom borsh ip lor so lo .

— $4.500, Call M3-8094,Golf c lu b s. J .C . Snood by

Norlhwestorn, molal woods wlih bog & cart. $85 ,733-

— 7217 otter 7om orwkenda. ,dl^ GOOSE HUNTERSI DOCOW

oro h ; BioFoot & now mod- jr ; ; ols of GSH. Call 734-2060. lor Now Molox-usod goll cars,

-X dddor-0 l0d (5c. 46aAddl:ir« sonAvoW .TF___________I t - :.Sn9rWftJtf.0Lm8^,8J12l!ii2.. l.to oxiro lorgo fms. like now.


' I 1099 A U T O pE A L E R S~“

) Y O T A C E L I C A

1 9 8 0 B U I C K L . I M I T E DA0I0-, poAor s'lcoring S brakes.,

1983 C H R Y S L E R

L e B A R O N■ • Aulomatic7lroni‘ o o l dfivo. ■

powor sloofing, powor brakes. '39881 9 8 7 C H E V Y E L E B R I T YJust Iradod in. lully oquippod. ^88L L A C S E V I L L E>d now with all tho luxury options."1588' i m p u t a t i o n ( j T o z d s

F O R ST o - B a r A - C a r - ^ ...... '—

“ 733-7700



c i y S c o M o i• _ jrvtmt': ...............„ i p s iv w DASHER ST. WlS

i M s b 'S i o i i i ' i i i .............................................J.............

: ,.1384 CHEVY CAVAUER;: dooi mno.«iKac«,’..~ ..............

- ^9e4-T0Y0TfrTERCa—STNKN.tliayOICHWiSIUO........

1978 GMC CONVERSION 1FwicTiwauiw....^...........1388 PONTIAC 6000

. 1389 DODGE COLTwcofflionfiMoiEcaout...........1986 CHEVY S-10PICKUIteSOSUOKM'.................... ........

. ; 1985 BUICK CENTURY LTI- V6 « tO«W!S.,

F, . p S i^vl ^

^ 'ISBJfOHDnMPO .’1 - .......


S r m o T A S R Y b i3. ...................................................^ 1986 AUDI 40D0 COUPE [J* ........................t -1988 FORO RANGER - 8, ................................................V

1987 FORD TAURUS::- .KO) w:a ................. .................

198fN ISSA N 70(rS)t-^nmoafi^wfAfl I'.’cc.vj.s......

1 : J986JlQ D Q LSB «6JSia<o;o f oooAJifWic.;...........

1985 MAZDA RX:7 .

‘ i g M P b H T lA C u S . .................................................

1988 PONTIAC GRAND A................

m J E E P M D m i

1988EAGLE PREMIERS-• - -»£»W TOM «t f-'S V:,

l93(rGE0.WETR0_ _nCT Ipji" iiuA, ■. t J t ........... i •

■ 1988 CHEVY MONTE C*V 1 YTU 111 .......1---1988 CHEVY BEREnA I

i m s ’c h e w b e r S a '

■ l9 9 D iiis s ¥ s iiS R A«KW WlO.WrOO'.BStliSW........1887 TOYOTA CEUCAIi


1991 TOYOTA COBOIUIWio M 5tiqc............................1986CHEVYJtAZER ,

" 1990 TOYOTA CAMRYI— — jcaa'wnTit'O^zrrwwswrs^c

1S89.PONT. FIREBIRD FOPvt ssnio « IM1985 C E U C A t^ to m«iio U/wi*icp.......................1987 NISSAN 300 2X


1988 HONDA PRELUDEs» c c r» a to i5 ff fa w '...........1988 TOYOTA SR-5 4 R«IW«JM»aUS ..............1991 TOYOTA CAMRY Iwio WIOT! puflrfflomioos 01.-;1988 CHEVY 0-1500 4)avtMooioao .........................

1990 JEEP CHEROKEElOOOA ccnmontiTKi)..

W I I<se»To


.. . . .■' .1__ _________

/ T h S e S" used c a rs "

A alW IU s . ;J a r e ^ ' - - " ^

F ^ - i r n ^ - —i . ' - m C O U E :

~ — klSSSrj- t - . .•-

t :


°°°» 991 i_WSGON ' :

:::;i 524sd-^“ «289a L ^3490 “"VAN 53990 ■.. *4790 i *4990

c K u p $4990™.l"?;..*589p • I

........*68601 J:ED 4X4 $5890

«59|0 pEGT $5890 I*5890 *5990 -

: * 5 9 9 0 ^M J L ^ O P O - —

*5990 :"* *6490 i

™..*12990' ■....... 6sio: --

........„™*fiS9o: -

ECARLOSS .$- 0“LlI-.*7tf90:I i8fl90-_ «. *8990iis...7.:. *8990

1ADLX4DR. $93|0 B . ■ 7 9990 _

RYDLX $ - | n Q i a nOT rcRr..T7.. I U j y i l U - - .«*10,ffl0 . ONVERT. $10990L *10,090 . *11,980 !"' *11,990™. 11,i90'

*12,^0“L *15,490I L L ^WEST-WIN FAi[S-.7a)-BUVI- - ILL SAVE YOU~MOagYI '

. ' ‘V ,

Page 19: wiftacti ^eshund - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN501/PDF/... · .Prc^Vi' - . “P»plc just juinjpjj into t: s ^ ’soiiid'togo

I Recreatj i _ L .flii-T fiX vgit'^vr.

r- I,!___-_i l Q O f w li

r. i i074MdtKVi29'Sell-6‘ ' ta in ed sih M fh v a ru a n

I . J? • , ; 1675 K[fCo/np|jnion.2

V 1982 35* WllderneM i whool.-loadBtfwHhovo th ina l'aw n lnB .A C .S J

( S7SB.' ' ■■.: ' 1B841 rPoolw pod Roti

fuBy with.cwftiAYceorKTrtkift 73<-e214.

' ' ' 196623^1roban,tikonc ; M int^lC aO JohnatO. ; v e n > X i . 7 3 4 ^ ,

.'198B 32' A lp§nm * -«

: f f i s n v o s j !, , |0 f « 0 * CMMtW. • «

------; - cle4tHl/1678+lonCh«• - v -PU-734-qW8»»Nrrj

■" -! '1980 SMfCT«tMo1cl‘dO

■i J S S f J S K M. pm. of«M>lc<odi. '

' • 40«.an.K(h«9»rPaifcmoc......... • w /D »d*lr.O ood:eor

tS tXXRCtf 3Z4-S27B. ■ 72 22'.Ari*t0Cf«!, Mll-eo

• i ANDERSON'S RI * * * * i


• ' -144 Exit 1»2— - T w trtT«H«.783.C788

QoautifDiiflse aev ii'c Whoor, load«d.’Alio 19 v .tonFord4w hM ldri'

IExtra r » . c te n 1 9 ^

Riuiflaf.24 'tand«m ..lai j roarluih.manyextraa.

- I ‘ consed; ready to (84800. CttHaaUQIO.

: i sNOWBmoaPE«AL:.ig 3l-Flr«balI.Sthwt)oo)t many tfxtras. u»od vory Ifo, krot in insido'slorai

'■ I 912 'o n u r y ^ - .^TpAJlERS. .

■; I PU bod trallor, 560. C



. 19S7Wybuo.«nginbpn)fi .eionailyrabulliSRio ac : M angtow pan». Orivi

•& h n ^ ! $ 4 y ^ % 4 ^ ^ 454 haods big block par

. : 400 turbo trana a 4O 07b • - .m ain .(o rC hovy;C all73

- - :0 4 1 > ja v a n ln o t. a ak I

: % « « N E 8 E ^ ^

P o n .a« J ta> lraS ™ _________ >xnfTma»aof HD.12S. I

• R o i^ irm atto r jacKhai I mor,'100' hoao. aome d

-------------- ■ lo o s^ iH T ib u ^ ir ib s '1650 Cfiow.W Ion, cuaU’ cab;9ood r!xar<epor. |7i >orb«8^ottof.734g0(kl

: o x o ^ d .* N o i^ In t . 0

' : i? 9 7 o fe r5 ^ rg u p 5 ? e S• p l M i ^ r l p 4 ^ . p c w

___ ; • . .p u i g ^ t ^ ; OTh'gag y t

£ laatlo 1940 Oodge il- - - • -pIcVdR-Ihgoodworkli

. condQion, noeda bral ■ - wolMriainal ahop tnanu

I 'z w is e in iH E A X ^ ': ’ EOWPMEW..- •

1 4S68Sbay.2ton,18 'b7cI : 350yjB ln>j[4 apd.-g ape

- - —5e7& iro^iay#abe^ov» I •260Cummi(AfO<P«a(t

II : :’? a g u « r . ?I ‘1979 G0 C 427i64:.& 168

I .:. ' ':ieB1 0 MCa.2 Datroll, 1

' apa»{litandam,air.19B' f Firelalilllnar. <iOE. 35i

■ C u m m ln a j t^ a d , tan

~ 1887XWT:eO0r42SAT Cat;30ipaad,AO.P9,.ali

V mioM whM la.newpaii : ' iZsifiSo. f687 Raiohfflm

_ ' con v , 400 big cam Cun

22' bot

I- -

• 'S ? j a A u i : l r i f e * S

.... ..

itionai-Tyan| lOOff' 8EM8 >HEAVY

•*,da- i.10e o p o d sa2W lei)lrue at. nioa aiaal g r a l i ^ d A holiyi$lS£ ^ a s s a s s a i S s t i U BalUIVr 3-16MVolvt>whRelrucl(

t a Wf.'. ;7v«iYelaaf»:301w!EI!i

3^89fr / T f 2070 robuilt 250 C.. ■

VMki;(san'lo«Mi;iwwiir« ^frO.- ' Ouhmina,loath,

^ 5 i , 5 j r e ‘„ a ,f s s 'Si?8 hraoncomplaiocvmhai

\ .tAaimo(Snd.iTwinacn^ _dy!Pl>,«>»i*-888-7793.

0 ^ .For aaia: 1675 Ddubli

micro*. - |tg 7 8 0 .~ ^V T » '^T '?^

aupar -

.^ jfe-F H E iG H T U N E B’ Sth ' 107Oanoina&boxMOvi

•down1007 PICtWpTHUCKS

:------- 1966 OodD* Wton.319 V

S oSSf' ' i i J a S S f t f o H a f ? ^

&:eond; -1672FcrtMitonPU,'3/4t B. ■ • • ' raarand ,3S 04apd .;n f-eont, too pretty, runa alrong

i m f 1B78 C havyahertbex.A l '. " V o id a RV m otor, P 8 ; P

* powor wIftdoM, erulM a tr^,AC,tiltwt)ael,oufte

/ i s i ^ t e s s aK B • a a a ta rM tiila a li .m o

. - whaatBaarlnga. MSp

M o rtiM C . 4’ton»7ih l ■ . - bed. AT, 2 whaal driv

^!*ionB . 1987 NItaan Hard Body, J r f j i apood, 4 cylinder, ne

Ursa, chroma rima,itawal reo, groat condition. Cl

— , 734.a67, aflor.ft>m — li^Sl 1988GMC4»4.tenflbod.o

--leodad eab, 3M t o \r^ H *'}z tfan, AC, AT, cruise. 81 Jh “ BO- ml«.Cali7^1719.

-1990 ChavySM ton, loado

= = r ---------t7 4 ln irV 4 to n 4 x 4 ,P S .P

. . S500/ol(or.GoodMgatl< ~ • P.U.Cag423.5032/mcstt.

I. Call *75Fcird’Alon.nowmol<now iron, aw cond, $179 -'77 Ford'Suporcab, ho

! -,4.00.motor,AC,.P8..PI : rniijM-TjCiCT.

F u O ^ pickup bod wth ro :;atopbompor, Iita1«6i:

ton Oodoo. Now.StOOi : S37.€2KrofS37-6307.: .Rod19892whooldrlveMaI ..... da,aJumlnomtlms.wtdo

tlms , tint. 36.000 maos. = Ce»734.6«Q.------

■ ' 10(18 4X4-TRUCks -

■ 1671 Chovy Blazor. 350xotea- spood. $2500. Call 621O M O. sSABnftorSiOT. •.w S Ji 1977 Blaior350AT.PS. PI

! k for ’• .y«»lMvboiri?»ith^gOr

1670 Chovy 4X4 350 V-i

■_v__ 72l7atlof7omorwtei>d«.1686Toyola8R-5 4 * m


uatoffl 7aa-6389afl0f5pm. v ; |7 6 0 1688-Ford F-250 4X4.

I e sII, on : ‘ maintonanco rocortij.o>

p S S f

rklng >>ort.AC,|^,eniiw.eiflOSrake m lt.C ^7aft.1740 ..-^ .anual. 1689 Nlaaan 4*4. vory lo'


:apd, . nawtirea.Ex6al.eond.^ _____ down ak a ow ^H m atH

S T T i9 9 0 C h e v r r t^ to n ,4 ^

J - js 'i 10M ''vans’* B liSK

’| §

ATA-g ;


iS S ' ig 8 9 G m d 'c a ra w Jo a d • M.S11.BQ0.324.73&.

nsporfationlL - 1 . 1 0 2 4 _ B iiw’ • J

M i l i f l M ib i* BMW w ilh . ruck. 'l o a d a o fe x tr a a lT h la ia a

'*5K ‘s » & ' ! 3 K ™ S

a ^ i z s M S T i S s s j s rip o « d ,ib i^ i iu l« r (M W -

n S e ‘ m anceong lne;b randn«w JH Iohe1lnl4>f»tad t ir a e ,.

• « iW 9 Buick L aS abr* . good . cond. Can 73»4a06.

1 9 8 4 B u ic k P a tk A v e n u a . ,9 0 0 loaded , axe: cond ., g(Md

ru b b er, $4495 . S e e It.A •craw drive « .B I a c k o r ^ ^ U i^ .

oioB^m y CADlLiAC

W l c a d l a o S o ^ . Jitise. Jb lea K H g K g f K f Z T g ^ . , , . - ,

S ip J - 1028 CHEVROtET^, . V

£ - ^ .W .tN ova,.good«ondU oa,. ™ * e now paint, now Urea, timod ircar- windowa. AC.AT. i2 0 0 0 / iend. _oHgf,.543-578i'-kwvapoa-____ ..MOO..____________INER--:------------------------------ovor* ' . . . ■S.6S0.-)-)|»j-/iuiO D EM m S— •

..-not .......>ng & - a b > ,

;p B , '

if to n .ilra f.

latlon N

lo to r,.1795.how.

,. i ? s . . B T T T 7 n T ^ n B

u o o r ^ U p a p ^ p w ^ ^ p ^ p‘9 i v « ' ■ H 1 1 ■ 1 1 ■ H I !000.

^ ■ 11U 11 11 i 1H Vos. ■ I L « J « } | H | ' l ^ '1 1 1


r p ai5 o r

H m I U U M m U14x4 . -a n d M M H m H ! ' B

i9. .v-8 .TW. ' ■

2 ? ’: : : i 9 7 7 C « l t L A C '5 1 9 7 7 FO R D M UST

'ufU t - W f » W W ^ U U S J ’o o a - « 9 a 4 R E N A U L T E I f - - .1 9 6 7 FO R D F :f 0 0

, l9 7 2 iD d D G E DAi; -1978HUERCURY.B 1 9 7 9 CHRYSLCR t

000. I 9 7 3 .0 L O S 9 8 4 I 1 9 7 8 C H E V T C - 2 0

K ■ - ^ ^ 9lio n ;.

; « h 1 9 8 5 C H E W OTA o n e . 1 9 7 9 F P R D F -1 5 0

1 9 8 3 F O R D ESCOI 198 5 :M E R C U R Y T I

^ ^ ■ .- f Q f t l^ r g H E V y C A V i l9 8 < r> F 0 iR D F > l!r0


44 . •


n ____________________ _

la! 46«4Cafflaro2.2B..Tr«)p.S-lit litor V-8. 5 opd liana, da. :

4 door IMJCHallofl. W O.— 8« a a l816Bndkaos.N., «» e a n 7 3 3 ^ 1 0 .- ■ • _ -» 74ChavyMitonalepalda,UJl

<•- 4 r ^ : ' ^ ^ ^ » v y 3 u b u r -— ban; mot0f455, with turbo

' 40a M a y b a a « a n o n c o r ---------n « r -o M V a a h ln g to n _ 4

C a w a l O U b ^ e a m o r ,i»ft»»reom.733-0C73.

00 / tiraa,clean1lntorlor,iroftB ,0* . groat. 1 ow ner. Call 734-

I ^ i w n o o n o r M p r n .

— • 1089 'A U T p D C A ifH S r r

1991 FORD ESCI^ — ✓».«. 5EfM-Cyl.£nfli«).*/5

- y ^ B iiriiPt gfaK i/full Caipcling Contole term edG iaaV ^

■✓lnietvalWipcre>#iS« — '-----------— v n a t m r M

i 2 PS H

n D j i J H . ' : ' . ; H

g r E - / M q -

C 'S e V I L l£ '4 :d b O R r ) r 3 } 8 & IS T A N G 2 p O O R , »3 i83 l P S T A N G ^ D O O R ,;« 3 M 7 > ; .r E N C O R E '^ O O O R p r ^0 0 P IC K O P /< 4 9 3 4 7 .. - IA R T 4 d o o r ; #39481 : r .B O B C A T 2 d o o r ; #3948 R L e B A R O N 4 D O O R , «39 4 D O O R / *39486.2 0 P IC K U P ,.« 4 I6 8 9 -

; 1000 Quameed i r ^ vah». UW nily S sa liWTwioa$74.l3(>tTrno.O*CPiuit«&o

q i f e r / i y i o L

r r A r i b N 4 d o o r , « 3 ie se5 0 p i c k u p ; 4 4 1694; o R T 4 D o o r , *39476r T O P A Z 4 B O O R , »3ie6Z » M a u E R : j U 2 0 p R . j a m 6 Z . t f 0 ' 4 X 4 , « l 6 8 6 .- ' ' , ~ ! 4 X 4 ^ #41690— ......- , - ~1 4 X 4 , gC-633 ■ •

W m

L io 2 8 „ c a m m £ R l____: i ;

i‘,. -. A d tewml 4 » 4 g 7 B . .

; - I W - D A T S U H * - ^ - ^ ^' 1966 Datcun 4 dr, tair ahapo. ' 7 . 'o n V 70.000 m l, f u h a j ^ . •

I *80 D ataun; R un iitpa rta} ;■ . S 2 0 0 .a 0 4 W ,4 ih .lk ^ e .

; 1041, FORDr 1673 Ford LTD. good conA- t t lo n .o o o d t lr o a ,$ 6 0 0 o r ' be«l<Jtor. Can 934^118.

> 1960 Ford T am p, 4 dr,. e ru i# o ,A C .titt ,c a a a ,P 8 ,. i -o io c t .io ck a ,A T .j ir tra Io w ... r m lloago , a upo r a harp .

W h o lo ia lo p rle o $ 7 2 6 5 . Qoodlna A ubW holoaale. ;

■: , .

■ $2S9*^.(^ood!ng* 5aJio ' W hofoaaIa,.Oooding. Call


; 1099 AUTO DpALERS -

B0RTP0NY2DQ0R✓SiSpccdManualQvBO/ivC.^Clotft , ing ✓flemole Powci Mirioi ✓Ceniei •'' -Wieel IpfleixlendenySuspension__'&lllnB NamTPlaicfn ftioWDilil '■Monrstffliaarofcsuics-----------------

-SitC'CtirwicUv ^ .*7»M ««icnl, tldO

- umo('>*. II rss«n<------ E3rwP«innT3!n»Kr-

^M O M H rcnft.OACI-Wb.S

'■ .■ . *v

^ ^ W d h a ^ a i d ^

“ I 9 8 S PLYM OI • > . I 9 8 8 C H E V Y J

-------- i T 9 8 r r o N T r E8 ? ^ . : " M i ^ 8 4 D O D G E t- : i 9 8 3 0 L 0 C U

r ; - r 9 8 8 F O R D F i : j 9 a 3 C H E v y c

39463 1 9 8 0 O LD S Cl ' . 1 9 8 2 BUICK C

1 9 8 ^ .H O N D A isdocah 1 9 8 3 P O N T . B

• ■ . • . “ ^SSeffxTIJWOIir______ ______

1 9 8 3 C H E W 7 1 9 8 9 FO R D 17 , 1 9 8 4 H O N D ,----------— n S T F O R D *

19iB2 F O R D I1 . l y y o c H E W

i i? < 2 _ q w , V

’ ch jO T re d ,ilta d w W ^ f ^ . 4x4. A C .A T , lo w m lla i. ." . t t s o o .9 m ; s i - „ „ - . . .

C H O N D A --—

'• 1691 H onda A ccord EX, 4 ^* door, 8 apood. badad,fow- m lia t.m w tM n .» ie ,6 0 0 ..; ,.,A»kforTW8r7,43MM8.-.- -1

1058 JEEP : l97 lJo o p 2 w h ee ld rlv e . 1

' 1974JoopChorokoe, robuB . motor, AT, P8 , PS , oxcaK

- .le n tco n d itio n .il5 0 0 .634- 1• 44a5dflV aor93^g>^ . ; ’ l989U w ?O ieroi5»U ro^'

■ toododi ExMlont oondlkxt,' ^ 15.600 mitoa. 734-1800.

'* ■ ’

t Brockman'oM aNleHomaa ; 734-3167 or 324-8458

- 109 9 -AUTO DEALERS 1

T ^ i F b jD J✓231. EFI Engine ✓S-SpMdIr

• ✓IntcimincrtWipcn ✓FullGa ✓Rearftnli.Lock Brakes ✓ TinlK)



1991“F0BirTEM■■ ✓23WerEFMCy1int)cf£no:rei

......... . OiickctSMlS'^AirConailloninfl'Rcmoic Minors ✓light Group ✓!

- -;■ .HavcfiearWtndowDiltoil.Ciuii ✓BesI E(]aippcd Will Go Fji'

^ 6 9

5 S ;

O U T H T IE U A N T 4 T JO O R ; Y S PRIN T 2 D O O R , « 3 i;7 2 rB O N U E V IL L r-4 rD O O R '* iE O M N I^ -D O O R , #39475- :UTLASS 4 D O O R , >39464 I FESTIVA 2 D O O R , #39431 r C -3 0 PICKUP, #41693 CUTLASS '4 D O O R , #39409

C CENTURY 4 D O O R , #394 >A ACCORD 4 D O O R , #39 . BO NNEVILLE W G N ., a3<:

ma s 1000 guirxma tna w i vxi^. r.:ii uit;re,JO pj)n^ii^l2<.2i pe mo. C ^ n u t I

VY $ - 1 0 4 X 4 , #41679"D FESTIVA 2 D O O R , #3)8: ID A A C CO RD 4 D O p R , a j D T A U R U S "4 -D O O R r» J '8 :D B R O N C O , «4>695VY c -3 o ' m o t o r h o m e , #

^ T!<tEm n i7 i H v-l


1061. MAZDA 1C■ 1984 RX-T.-tooKa-*-nina- tio rait . $3300 or g o f f e r . <

. ^ 4.7727 Of 7 J 4 - ^ , . js

~ 10CT..>En(^Y._.. .. . «' • 1685 Morcory Lynx, aw tlqn t

w agon .m urtaeU IB aato l- 1■ tof. aSecr 423-6363. /■ 1988HarouryMarqt>la,blue <

M l whbo vmyl top, 4 doOC. -‘ lo a d ed , c lo an , e xco lten t j ,

condttton.fM>wtlroa, 47,000. mllos. $10.000.837-6651 ‘ ^

1981 Grand Maroula. wtiito. 1 4 door, burounoy Inlorlor.

. . .losa th a n 600 mlloa. mint r "; -------- 1C

■ 1065'. HQ IB

; 2 MQa to bo re s to re d o r to j 1 . 4 3 2 ^ o v o n s ^ ^

. 1068 NISSAN19M M a x im a ,$ 2 7 « WwMl _

10M - Aiiro DEAiaS— - 10


D HANGERSsi IrEnsrrlsslon ✓Power Sleering 11 Gauge Package ✓Powei BraVej' nicOGlwVCaigo Box UghVDual iy Uoie Standard Fcaluics

'Wtf<efKrittUM uu>c t»ix Ii4\m% . p£s 66w« ■J«ilUIMpt*

:MPgi5L-4D0qRrTj:re ✓S speed Manual 0 0: ✓£!oit» • j linfl ^nilSlci'iifioVDunlEifCliic''1 ✓DcckA'd Luggage Radt VSome CruIkConlioi'&AM/FMCasseilc. - dFiisI' /BI2^B66,/0i25aM

9 * ' V

n i a 6 D(

75 --------- 1 9 8 6 F<

431 .

'4 B 9 . ..............................39400 ■•IT39491 'S39490 • -

luiiyjtoooiJiJi"' ' ' ........nutt-u&tiuc. 1 9 9 0 F(

1 9 8 6 T <____- 1 9 8 8 0

-------- 1 9 8 8 F(• 1 9 8 5 GI

- 1 9 8 5 PI 1 9 8 5 PI


: , #41630

wfiwi^iToMHin iH C.^.wiDtie. . 5 E

■ ■

-------------- ,

y. August 5 ,1 9 9 1 ' Tlmos-Nowj

■. y.;;: - 9-■1070-OtDSMOBILE 1081

n « i O h>smo Wt» <to»aga7- 5 3 5 c le a n , ru n a good . ,i)reai coi cond ition , a co n o m ic al, $81 $1600 . C all D aka .734 -

'97irdavi734-81S4<W >a. ~ 1666Okl*Cutl088Ct0r a ,8a- 'dan;-AT;AC.'™ ,V-6;extra lo f t

low mnoago. Nlc«l Whok>- aalo price $3295, Qoodlng IE A inoW holoaae. Gooding, 934-8110,.

-------- ----------------- r ------- -M«1075 PLYMOUTH ' Bo

1976 Plymouth Hm. 80.000 T9S mto.$SOO/ot(of.7i»-5178 g»

1078 roHTlAC.i ' 1^

1989 Pontiac LoMana.oxco(- ieni condition, low imloago, ' $3700 .733-2621 d ay a or

-734 .0254 ovoa&wkn<fe. __ T55; 71 Pomino G rand Prix. 390

onolne. $400.734-3295. fJ ; ____________ $1

l o M ^ g A m r r - ^ ---------J9 8 4 S u b aru , good c o n ^ ___

lio n , $900 or b e s t o llo r. 167C 734-2597 or 734-«9W^ - bei

1099-AUTO DEALERS— 10«

t991F0RDFES^✓1.3LER4-Cyl. Engine ✓5-SpeedO ✓Froni Wheel Drive ✓Clotfi Redinin{

..Cafoeling.KfjiDfoid Rear S«t t<!ndcpe t^tatilliter ✓Power Brakes ✓Rack

|i<6i)wlng.Be3t.Qw'l«.Wintiova *<Sidfl ’ I . ■ ■- Seasonftaeliaifire:

1 M 6 1

_ i ^ l o s e d o n S u i - > o i r t o f r e ^ e c l

our fam ilie s . I ^ T ^ f e e l f r e e t o c i

& brow

1991 FORD F-150 -✓4 DL EFI 1-6 ✓5-Spccd Manual Ovc:dii

ConcJiiioning ✓AH/FMSlcicoCasseuCwj ✓Till PowtiLocksAVincfows ✓FOigi

• ✓Ligt’l/ConvcnicnccGtoup^RcaiSlcp PamyP23S/75X15XL BSW All Icnain

✓Ww M.wy Moic Slandaic

^ 3 , »

YOUR C H O IC E ^= A 0 * ^ j

D ODGE D ^ s b ¥ x < #4I6S‘ OLDS C U tL A S S -4 -D O O R , PLYMOUTH COLT. VISTA. FO RD RA N G ER PIC K U P, te iS9f S aficr {tOOO guTarsra) irxlMn value. 13 95% Are. 42 pajmoin Jt S 145.78 per mo. 1

C H O ic f ^

F O R D RAM GER PICK U P. < T O Y O TA SR-5 4 X 4 , #41607 CHRYSLER L eB A R O N 2 0 F O R D T AURUS W A G O N , GM C C -1 0 PICKUP, #41662 PLYM OUTH VOYAGER V J PLYM OUTH VOYAGER V> F O R D RA N G ER PICK U P, 1 F O R D B R O N C O 4 X 4 , #41^ F O R D F -1 5 0 PICK U P, #494e’lH «5 after 51 OOO’ s W r t crad» v * e 15.95% AfTl48 piiymtno « J 159.13 per ma (

H U R R Y - IN - W I E L E C T lO M IS

slows, Twin Falls; Idaho B-9 , '

9 1 1 - 1 0 9 9 r1087 TOYOTA -£

condnian . Lota ol'OKUasI $8800.0(^324.4609. - > -

iw^^vouttWAGm~~ ~ ■'•1084 VW C laatIo,1Z V O ll

systoffl,-robuil 1600m ot^ , >$800,734-7051 ntlor 6pm,' • ;

1967VWbug.engkiopn)h>a' > . .s io n a lly reo u n t6 m o ag o . vM onynow .ports.;D flvo8. f . - ,Boon In wreck, noods hood - Zafcwdor. $47^734^483 . .•-

1968 VW Boolto, nms oood. * 'good transportallQn. $500, *C a D 3 2 6 ^ 1 .P la a s a n o t -ean8«8or7pm. . . •

1674 VW Kormon Ghla. now -p a ln l. ongino. b rakoa , «shocks ond moro. You a s - *aombtoinlorior, $2300. C a l ::S36-g9a,________________-

■1964 V ota Rabb4.-1-ownofr' -1............flroat condition, oxcollont v .

f u e l ' oconom y. Asking \$16 0 0 . co sh ta lks. Cali < ' . '54^6720-------------------- --^ :

109^V O L V O --------------

1679 244 DL Votvo, $300 or •' best ollor. 324.3763. !

10M -A UTO DEALERS- | ----------

ESTIVALsed Ortrdrirt Transmission 3 itlning Bucket Seau ✓Full jndependent SuJpwtqn Front__ 'j_............'Rack and Pinion Sleerinfl -i? Ida Window DefliWtfj •'W . J ._____ ll fires iU ’StWCnetMiM» .. nssSMnawtUQ

oBiwnaiimAW :^ ------Upl,RI«3aStUaM< . -OPJTH-- .'«rtvO«Pwu‘» .:

S u n d a j ^ ^


i c o m e ^ ^ ^ -

iO 4X4 XLTvc:diivc ✓XLT Trim ✓AiririCw/ClockSpcedCanlioL. .............Foig':i) Aluminum WMctls Step Bumpci Two-Tone iriainSpaicTiieS Wheel indaid featuici.. • ............

148*i A W O V K ^ = ^

W S S . ^

1659>R,-a31fl39---------------- -------- -PA. .#41702...................P , #49401 ■ ;

- ,_______

IP, #41663 1607. - - 2 D O O R , 031035 iN, #3l64t 662I VAN. #49701 tVAN, «4I70I IP, #41666 f4l 68 #49409 .vaueTMtfuriyrtTWasfi -•- ----------•maO^PlujuiiBOe.

V H i t E - -----------------^5 B E S T ’

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A u gusts . IW tMmI L I R i

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SUBISHI!D FOR DODGEC K . S t o c k # 1 - 4 9 .

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