wildlife protection. panda elephant golden monkey milu deer

ildlife Protectio

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golden monkey Milu deer


Page 1: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Wildlife Protection

Page 2: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer



Page 3: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

golden monkey

Milu deer

Page 4: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

tiger antelope

Page 5: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

tiger antelope

Milu deer


What do they have in common?

golden monkeyelephant

Page 6: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

tiger antelope

Milu deer


They are all in danger.

golden monkeyelephant

Page 7: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

tiger antelope

Milu deer


We should help wildlife.

golden monkeyelephant

Page 8: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife Reading

Page 9: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Places she flew to Animals she met

First visit

Second visit

Third visit

1.Skimming: Fill in the table( 表格 ).

an antelopeTibet

an elephantZimbabwe

rain forest a monkey

1.Which places did she fly to?2.What animals did she meet?

Page 10: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Part : Ⅰ

Part : Ⅱ

Part :Ⅲ

paragraph 1.

paragraph 2. & 3.

paragraph 4. & 5.

Read the text quickly and divide the text into 3 parts:


Page 11: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Match the main idea with each part:


Part 1 (Para.1)

Part 2 (Para.2-3)

Part 3 (Para.4-5)

a. The monkey told Daisy how important the rain forest was to them.

b. Daisy was sad to know what was happening to the antelopes in Tibet.

c. The elephant told Daisy how people helped them.

b. Daisy was sad to know what was happening to the antelopes in Tibet.

Page 12: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Q1: What was happening to Tibetan antelopes?

3.Careful reading: Para.1

In three years they may all be gone.

They are being killed for the wool.

Q2: What may happen to Tibetan antelopes in three years?

Page 13: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Q1: How did the elephant feel?The elephant felt excited.

Q2: Why have the farmers changed their attitudes( 态度 ) towards elephants?

time farmers’attitudes






Elephants __________their farms.

The government helped farmers make a lot of _______from tourists.money

3.Careful reading:Para.2&3


Page 14: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Q1:Why did the monkey rub a millipede over its body?

Q2:What does the sentence “No rain forest, no animals and no drugs. ”mean?

The millipede protected him from mosquitoes.

(A). There are no drugs in the rain forest. (B). The rain forest, animals, and drugs are closely related to each other. (C). Animals in the rain forest don't need drugs. (D). Drugs are not important for animals and the rain forest.

3.Careful reading: Para.4&5


Page 15: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

One day, Daisy dreamed a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful c____ to t___ with an a_______ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their f__ which can be used to make s_______ like hers. In three years they may all be g___ . Later,she f___ to Zimbabwe

where she talked with an e_______ and got to know the farmers there no longer h_____ them. That’s because the g__________ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of m____. At last she arrived at the thick rain f_____ where a monkey told her “ No rain forest, no a______ and no d____ .” Although finally everything was g____, she had l_______ so much.

hair alk ntelopeur




orestnimals rugs

one earned



Page 16: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Discussion Suppose you were one of the animals, and your deskmate were Daisy, please work in pairs and make a dialogue between them. Daisy & antelopeD: Hi!A: Hi!D: You look very sad. A: …. …. ….D: Wish you good luck.A: Thank you.

Anything wrong?

Daisy & elephantD: Nice to meet you!E: Nice to meet you!D: You look very excited. Any good news? E: …. …. ….D: Good luck.E: Thank you.

Daisy & monkeyD: Hello!M: Hello!D: What are you doing? M: …. …. ….D: Thank you for your

M: It’s my pleasure.


Page 17: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Homework1. Finish the exercise on page 28

exercise 1, 22. Review the reading

comprehension after class

Page 18: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

True or False?1).People hunted the antelopes for their meat.( )

2).In three years the antelope may die out.( )

3).The farmers in Zimbabwe killed the elephants and the rhinos in the past because they destroyed their farms.( )

4).Rhinos have been well protected in Zimbabwe now.( )

5).If you want to take a photo with the elephants in Zimbabwe, you will have to pay for it first.( )

6).Some people gave some drugs to the monkeys to protect them from mosquitoes.( )

7).Looking after the rain forest can help with the wildlife protection. ( )








Page 19: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Suppose you were one of the animals, what would you say to human beings? Try to use the following useful words and expressions as many as possible.

huntendanger suggestdie outin danger

Post-reading activity

protect….frommake friends withlive in harmony……be being done

Page 20: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Make up dialoguesThe first one: Daisy and the antelopeThe second one: Daisy and the elephantThe third one: Daisy and the monkey

Pair work

Page 21: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Fill the blanks with proper words.Not long

agoDaisy had the experience with the help of a __________, in order to know which animals gave _____to make her sweater.

In Tibet, China

Every year over 29,000 _________ are killed for ______ and fur. And there are only 72,000 _______.

In Zimbabwe

Rhinos used to ___________ because they destroyed farms and now tourists are allowed to ___________ or to hunt a number of _________.

In thick rain forest

Monkeys find millipede ________ and rub them over their bodies because the insects contain a powerful ______which _______ mosquitoes.

In WWF Daisy could tell what she had experienced and learned from__________.

flying chairfur


be hunted

take photosanimals




Page 22: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Read it again ,then fill in the form.




Rain forest

___ are used to make sweater.Antelopes are killed for ______.Every year over _______are killed


29,000Farmers used to _____them

Now farmers ____ them.



A __________ insect affects mosquitoes. No __________,no ________and no ______.

rain forestanimals drugs


Reading-II----skimming (3m)

Page 23: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

One day, Daisy _________ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful ______ to _____ with an ________ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their ____ which can be used to make ________ like hers. In three years they may all be ______. Later, she ______ to Zimbabwe where she talked with an ________ and got to know the farmers there no longer ______ them. That’s because the ___________ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of _______. At last she _______ at the thick rain ______ where a monkey told her “ No rain forest, no _______ and no _______.” although finally everything was _____, she had _______ so much.

dreamedchair talk


sweatersgone flew


hunted government

money arrivedforest

animals drugsgone learned

Page 24: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

2. What do you think we should do to protect wild animals?

1.First we should treat them as our friends.

2.Then we protect the environment in order to let them have enough food and good living conditions .

3. And we collect money to protect the endangered animals.

Page 25: Wildlife Protection. panda elephant golden monkey Milu deer

Thank you!

See you!