wiley blackwell seminar 19 jun 09

Ways Ahead in Scholarly Publishing Michael Jubb Research Information Network Wiley-Blackwell Seminar 19 June 2009

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  • 1. Ways Ahead in Scholarly Publishing Michael Jubb Research Information Network Wiley-Blackwell Seminar 19 June 2009

2. or, Good, the more communicated, more abundant grows 3. The Political Context 4. Political Context

  • developing the UKs knowledge base and translating this knowledge into business and public service innovation
      • Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014
  • policies for research and innovation are evolving, in response to broader reforms to boost productivity and economic growth as well as to address national concerns ( e.g.jobs, education, health) and, increasingly, global challenges such as energy security and climate change.
  • Governments would boost innovation and get a better return on their investment in publicly-funded research by making research findings more widely available .And by doing so they would maximise social returns on public investments
      • OECD Report on Scientific Publishing, 2005

5. Whose perspective? some key stakeholders

  • researchers as creators, disseminators and users
  • research funders
    • public, charitable and commercial sectors
    • national policy-making bodies
  • research institutions
  • publishers (and secondary publishers)
  • ICT service providers
  • libraries and publicly-funded service providers
  • commercial information service providers

6. A particular view.. from Microsoft 7. Some propositions

  • the volume of research undertaken worldwide has increased, is increasing, and will continue to increase
    • and more of it will be done collaboratively
  • researchers are both producers and consumers of research outputs
    • but they dont necessarily share the same interests
  • Governments invest in research because they believe it has a positive impact on society and the economy
    • and they want to maximise that impact
  • the costs of research, and of higher education, have increased, are increasing (and ought to be diminished?)
    • cost-effectiveness an increasingly-dominant theme in current economic climate

8. The big picture: overall costs of the current system 9. Key issues Skills Services Content Who provides what and how?Is that provision sustainable?What are researchers needs?How can they best be met? 10. Content: user expectations and needs

  • published and non-published
    • grey literature, reports, working papers
    • data: raw or refined? mine or yours?
    • websites, blogs, wikis, emails
  • quality-assured and non-quality-assured?
    • the good-enough source and/or version?
    • pre or post-publication peer review?
  • digital and non-digital
    • perdurance of the book?
    • role of digitisation

11. Content: who provides?

  • changing roles of
    • researchers and research institutions
      • personal websites, repositories etc
    • publishers and aggregators
      • direct relationship with authors and readers
      • who aggregates?
    • libraries
      • from ownership to licensing
      • consortia as aggregators?

12. Content: costs and sustainability

    • continued growth in the volumes of research
    • constrained university budgets
    • sustainability of the publishing business under challenges of
      • green OA
      • gold OA

13. Services: user expectations and needs

  • researchers as creators
    • quality assurance and enhancement
    • distribution and marketing
  • researchers and others as consumers
    • quality assurance
    • search and navigation services
    • access, 24x7 and permanent
    • links and interoperability
    • text mining (published text as data)
  • funders and research institutions
    • assessment and evaluation services

14. Services: who provides?

  • publishing services
    • still needed?
    • competition from other providers
  • search, navigation, access & preservation
    • overlapping roles of
      • search engines
      • individual libraries and consortia
      • individual publishers, aggregators etc

15. Services: sustainability

  • search, navigation and access
    • invigorating competition or wasteful duplication?
    • levels of usage of services provided by publishers and libraries
  • sustainability/preservation of digital content
    • roles of publishers and libraries
    • grey literature, websites, blogs, wikis, emails.
  • increasing interest in assessment and evaluation services
    • RAE/REF in the UK; ERA in Australia

16. Skills, expertise and competences:user expectations and needs

  • specialist research skills and specialist information skills
  • whats easy, and whats not
    • and how that changes
  • information literacy approaches and their limitations
  • enhanced needs in some areas
    • eg business, management and communication skills; bibliometrics

17. Skills, expertise and competences: who provides?

  • differences of view as between researchers, librarians and publishers
  • changes in views over time
  • de-skilling, up-skilling and complementarity

18. Skills, expertise and competences: sustainability

  • continuing need for skills development for both researchers and information providers and specialists
    • generic and specialist skills
    • complementarity
    • engagement and communication

19. Some conclusions:seeing through a glass darkly

  • 1. Users(creators and consumers)
    • they are (or should be) the drivers
    • but we are only beginning to understand how they use information resources and services
    • imperfect understanding of the digital information environment; but they want content and services that
      • are quick and simple to use
      • are as comprehensive and interoperable as possible
      • provide for both quality-assured and non-quality-assured content
    • theres an increasing demand for assessment and evaluation services

20. Some conclusions:seeing through a glass darkly

  • 2. Providers
    • growth in concentration of resources and services
    • growth in overlaps (and competition?) between differenttypesof provider
      • researchers and research institutions
      • libraries and library consortia
      • publishers and aggregators
      • search and navigation services
    • complementarity and skill sets

21. Some conclusions:seeing through a glass darkly

  • 3. Sustainability
    • constraints on university funding, and need for a value proposition
    • while research volumes continue to increase
    • growing interest in theoverallcosts of the scholarly communications process, and in the (cost-) efficiency of the research process as a whole
    • growth in support from Governments and funding agencies for gold OA policies;and from universities and research institutions for green OA
    • growing concerns about the pace and the costs of transition


  • Questions?
  • Thanks
  • Michael Jubb
  • www.rin.ac.uk