william branham - a high cloud and ring of mystery

www.williambranhamstorehouse.com THE CLOUD STUDY COMPILED BY THE MIDNIGHT CRY Revised May 2011 © 2010-11 The Midnight Cry. All Rights Reserved Please refer to our website for the Terms of Use

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On February 28, 1963, an extraordinary cloud appeared in Arizona skies that science said was " too high, and too big to be true,” but some 80 photographs were taken and at least 5 significant publications carried articles about the cloud. These included the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Arizona, Science magazine and Weather Wise magazine. There has since been no scientific explanation given yet Rev William Branham, told in advance of many details about a tremendous blast occurring in Arizona in which seven angels would come to him in the form of a pyramid to reveal the mysteries of the Seven Seals of the book of Revelation. The extraordinary cloud proclaimed this momentous event to the world at large and one week later on March 7, 1963 as Rev Branham was hunting Javelina hogs, some 40 miles NE of Tucson, AZ., the mighty blast that he spoke of took place in the presence of witnesses and he was commanded to return to Jeffersonville, IN, to preach the mysteries of the Seven Seals that had been hidden through the ages.


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Revised May 2011

© 2010-11 The Midnight Cry. All Rights Reserved

Please refer to our website for the Terms of Use

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The Cloud





Carefully catalogued and available on five DVD’s for US$29.95, delivered to your door.

Christ shows Himself alive in our generation! Jesus Christ had more success through William Branham’s Ministry than He did through His own, such was the extent and the wonderment of the miraculous that accompanied this modern day prophetic ministry which even overshadowed the legendary Old Testament Seers of the Bible. William Branham single-handedly spearheaded the worldwide Healing Revival of the late 1940’s and early 50’s, from which came forth the major ministries of the day such as Oral Roberts, TL Osborn and AA Allen etc., and changed the direction of the full Gospel Christian Church forever. But to what purpose? A prophet to the Gentiles Before the Gospel had been rejected by the Jews and the Holy Ghost had turned to the Gentiles, and long before the Christian Church had lost the power of God that was so ably demonstrated by the early disciples, Jesus spoke of a future prophetic ministry to be sent to “restore all things” in readiness for His second coming, ie., a future forerunner. He went on to warn that generation that they had missed their day of visitation because John the Baptist (Christ’s first forerunner) had “come already and they knew him not.” (Mat 17:11-12). Could history have repeated? Might we also have missed our day of visitation? The most amazing true story ever William Branham’s life story is the most amazing true story of the supernatural you will ever read. It is your chance to update and build your faith to a new level. He left us a Gospel Message to restore God’s people to the original Apostolic faith and power, even to enter into rapturing faith. His Message is today fulfilling it’s purpose to encourage, sustain and transform believers into Christ’s likeness before His return. This vital insight, wisdom and spiritual counsel is for all Christian believers who are earnest in their desire to walk closer with Christ, coming as it does from a man who manifested the love, humility and power of Christ the likes of which has not been known since the Master Himself walked the shores of Galilee. Against the Odds The Jewish nation is back in her homeland after an absence of 1900 years just as their prophets foretold millennia ago. The devout Jews are looking for their Mashiach (Messiah) to return, world social and other conditions are deteriorating rapidly. Evil is taking hold at an alarming rate. The Gentile nations have experienced (and ignored) a God-given, vindicated prophetic ministry which demonstrated the works of Christ more than any has done before. Revival fires are burning low and storm clouds are gathering. What can be next? Bible readers know that at such a time, Jesus Christ promised to return to receive a people who had made themselves ready for His coming (the wise virgins). Christ has shown Himself alive in our day and if you have ears to hear, you should be in haste to prepare because the hour of His return is upon the world. The comprehensive William Branham Storehouse Collection contains;

1188 Anointed Audio ‘Message’ sermons plus transcri bed text. These can now be read or heard by simply clicking a link on an Index. Please note that through the generosity of the people who complied this material, this part of the collection is free of charge to you.

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A Powerful Searchable ‘Message Database’ program. Quickly and easily find all references to any topic, word or phrase that interests or concerns you in any Sermon or 20 other associated major Message Publication (including A Man Sent from God, A Prophet Visits South Africa, The Acts of the Prophet, etc.) and the complete text of the King James Version Bible. The William Branham Memorial Photograph Album This new self playing digital album has over 700 catalogued, timeless photos, including some never published before. It is an extensive record of people and places where notable events or miracles occurred. The photos allow you to understand William Branham’s ministry and the Divine Healing revival almost as if you had been there. Meet those who were healed and absorb the background information.

The ‘Tucson Years’ Photograph Album 1963-1965 The arrival of Brother Branham and his family in Tucson in January 1963, began a series of incredible events, the likes of which have no precedent. God visited His servant in amazing ways. Over 200 photos trace these happenings in detail and the photos are accompanied by extensive background information.

Multimedia Experience all of the William Branham film footage, see his unfailing gift of discernment in action, view Rebekah Branham-Smith’s insightful slideshow and marvel at an additional 90 hours of audio and 25 hours of spellbinding video testimony of the miracles and the supernatural from over 30 eyewitnesses, or simply be uplifted by listening to selections of some 400 minutes of anointed campaign singing. The ‘Evidence’ Consider the newspaper reports, the many magazine articles, photographs, documents and eyewitness accounts, the written personal testimonies of healing, the amazing and the miraculous. Be encouraged by the biographies of spiritual giants of bygone eras or study the extensive materials detailing more than twenty five separate significant ‘Places and Events’ associated with William Branham’s ministry. Review the Timeline of the major milestones in William Branham’s life and his seven major prophecies of world events, the first five of which have already been fulfilled in detail. Los Angeles Earthquake Review new information about the ‘Big One’ to come & the judgement prophesised by William Branham.

Inspired Spiritual Insights Over 500 pages of William Branham’s inspired insights have been compiled and catalogued so you can review what he told us to expect and to prepare for as the coming of the Lord draws near. Bonus Items These include over twenty five classic Christian books that are sure to strengthen and encourage, plus various Bible study tools and several premium computer software programs to ensure you can easily access, search and view all the information and to find answers to your questions. Discover what William Branham really taught and believed and how this contributed to his outstanding success.

Study in the privacy of your own home Experience and share the love, humility, faith and hope that so motivated William Branham’s life and permeated his character. The William Branham Storehouse Collection DVD series is a rich, inexhaustible treasure, laden with spiritual food and insights for the hungry soul. Prayerfully listen and study in the privacy of your own home away from other influences – just you and God alone. Draw near and allow Him to lead you into all Truth.

Purchase your copy or find out more at www.williambranhamstorehouse.com

May God bless you abundantly, g{x `|wÇ|z{à VÜç For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. © 2010 The Midnight Cry. All Rights Reserved

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26 miles high and 30 miles wide: “A lot higher and bigger than a cloud should be”

Dr. James McDonald, Meteorologist, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Tucson Arizona

THE CLOUD - No scientific explanation. The cloud appeared towards evening on Thursday, February 28, 1963 over Flagstaff, Arizona and was so high that it remained illuminated by the sunlight until twenty eight minutes after sunset. It was photographed and observed by many people from as far afield as Phoenix, Tucson, New Mexico and Colorado. The most distant reliable sighting was made in Juarez, Mexico, approximately 380 miles away! The cloud was last seen departing to the east into the twilight beyond Flagstaff which also happens to be adjacent to a cone shaped volcanic mountain called Sunset Crater. This crater was originally named Sunset Peak.

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1. The Cloud Photograph ……………….……………………..………….....………....

2. Contents ……………….………………………………..……………….....………....

3. Overview and Summary ……………….……………………………….....……….... 4. Background …………………………………………………………………..…….….. 5. Life Magazine, May 17, 1963 ……….. ……………………………...….……... 6. The Pyramid Shaped Profiles ….…………..………………..…………..…..……...

7. Timing of the Appearance of the Cloud and the Angelic Visitation …….…. 8. Facial Characteristics ……..……............................…..……………..…..…...…. 9. Witnesses to the Visitation by Seven Angels ……..………………….......….….…

10. The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ …………….…………………..….….……. 11. Sunset Mountain …………………………………………….…………….…...….…. 12. Other Quotations ……………………………………………….………………...……

4 5 6 7 13 15 22 24 31 35 40 41

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1. The cloud appeared in the Arizona evening sky on February 28, 1963 over the Flagstaff

area drifting east. It was so high that it remained illuminated by the suns rays until 28 minutes after the official sunset.

2. Due to its extraordinary size and height, the cloud could not have been comprised entirely

of moisture vapor and neither did the prevailing winds on the day satisfactorily support the theory that it had been formed by debris from known rocket activity.

3. Brother Branham did not see or know of the cloud until Brother Gene Norman showed him

the photo in the May 17, 1963 issue of Life Magazine. He first made public mention of the picture in the sermon ‘Come Follow Me’ preached on June 1, 1963 at Tucson, Arizona. Brother Branham did not claim that the cloud appeared on the day the Angels visited him, and in this same sermon said, “I looked to see when it was, and it was time, same 'bout day or two before or, day or two after I was up there”. He was not so clear about the timing of the two events in later sermons and these further references could lead the listener/reader to understand that they were one and the same.

4. Brother Branham remarked on the pyramid shape of the cloud over Flagstaff, Arizona in

various sermons both before and after it had appeared and later confirmed that it was formed by the same Seven Angels that visited him on March 7, 1963 when they caught him up into their midst while he was hunting Javelina hogs about half a mile from the Sunset Mountain campsite. The campsite is just south of Klondyke, Arizona, and nearly 50 miles North East of Tucson.

The cloud was NOT the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as has been supposed by some but rather was a very public sign in the heavens that God was about to do something of Dispensational importance, i.e., to open the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation.

5. The Life Magazine photograph is the most authentic photograph of the cloud available. The photo shows that the cloud possessed no facial features at all. However, when Brother Branham first attributed facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) to the cloud in the sermon ‘It is the Rising of the Sun’ preached on April 18, 1965, he was not looking at the original Life Magazine photograph, but rather at a brownish/white duotone (halftone) replica of the Life Magazine color picture that Brother Pearry Green had had made by Shirley Abbott Studio’s of Beaumont, Texas in 1964.

6. It appears that deficiencies in the reproduction process created some patterns of lighter and darker shading not present in the original picture, some of which fortuitously occurred in just the right areas to suggest two eyes and a nose, before spreading further to the left to cover half the width of the replica (as viewed when the print is orientated to mimic the upright human head).

7. The front cover of Science Magazine issued April 19, 1963, also carried a replica of the Life

Magazine cloud photograph which again presented suggestions of facial features. The irregularities were consistently parallel and extended well beyond the width of the ‘forehead’ to cover most of the image, strongly suggesting that they had also been caused by problems with the reproduction processes.

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The Acts Of The Prophet - Chapter 11 - The Cloud

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

Luke 21:25 - 27 These verses of Scripture have been read for hundreds of years. Always in the thoughts of men the appearance of clouds and the appearance of Jesus Christ have been connected. Even learned theologians who believe in a return of the Lord to the earth, to take His Bride, have formed this connection in their minds. Yet these same theologians may miss His second coming because, though given "eyes to see, and ears to hear," they will refuse to use them to detect those things which God has promised in His Word would precede the second coming of Christ. Matthew 24, beginning at the 23rd verse, is also a witness of these days before the coming of Jesus Christ:

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or, there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

(Notice that Jesus didn't say "false Jesuses," but "false anointed ones," those with a genuine anointing, but speaking that which is not true, false mouthpieces.) Jesus was warning of deception at the second coming, but He promises that the elected would not be deceived, whose names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life from before the foundation of the world, and they are predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. And whom He did predestinate, them He also called and justified, and them He also glorified. Jesus says though that there shall arise those about whom people will say, "Here is one anointed! Here is one who has the Word!" In Matthew 24:25, He continues:

Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert (some place of isolation); go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

Among denominations today there are those who would rather believe a denomination born creed, dogma, or doctrine than the Word. They fulfill this Scripture, for they say, "Here is the Word. Here is the anointing. We council members, the leaders, have met in private, seeking the Lord. Now we come forth and tell you that this is the Word." They seek private revelation and force it upon their followers. Remember, He is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Without revelation, they interpret Scripture, such as Matthew 24:27:

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

From this Scripture, they expect Jesus Christ to streak across the heavens, shouting His return to take His Bride. Those who teach thus forget the Scripture where He plainly tells that His return will be "as a thief in the night." Look at civilization; it travelled from the east to the west. Look at Christianity; it travelled from the east to the west. Look at the sun; it rises in the east and sets in the west. In Chapter 10, it is stated that God began each messenger's message to each church age in the east and the last messenger appeared in the west, bringing the mysteries of God to completion, as foretold in Revelation 10:7. Therefore, if supernatural phenomena were to appear to people living in the last days before the coming of the Lord, these phenomena would occur in the west. For, "as the lightning cometh out of the east, . . . unto the west," so has Jesus Christ revealed Himself from the east to the west through these seven messengers. As each brought their message, so the revelation proceeded, expanding with each one: Luther, who brought justification; Wesley, sanctification; the Pentecostals, falling of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of this Laodicean Age; and now on to fulfillment with this message to the Bride where these mysteries have been spoken by this messenger and the seals have even been opened. Matthew 24:28:

For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Therefore His angels will gather the eagles, those living in this age, the age of the eagles. Eagles eat fresh meat, not for the "vomit" that shall fill all denominational "tables" (Isaiah 28:8), but for the fresh meat of the Word. That is where the eagles will gather. As this Word comes forth, so the people gather who believe it, as God calls them. Matthew 24:29 - 30:

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man corning in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Another reference to the coming of the Son of man, in Daniel 7:13:

I saw in the night visions, mid, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, .. . Daniel of the Old Testament even testifies to the coming of the Son of man as being connected with clouds. Likewise, Jesus, every time He spoke of His second coming, spoke of clouds. In Arizona, so the Chamber of Commerce proclaims, eighty five percent of the time, there are no clouds in the sky. But on February 28, 1963, an extraordinary cloud appeared in Arizona skies which was featured, complete with a picture, in an article written by Dr. James McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona in Science magazine, April 19, 1963. People had been asked to send in any available photographs or other information which could shed light on the origin of this cloud. Why the interest in one cloud? Simply because of its phenomenal size and height, calculated by trigonometry from eighty odd photographs, as

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being twenty six miles in altitude, fifty miles long, and thirty miles wide. Sightings came from two hundred eighty miles away in one direction and many in other directions from over one hundred miles distance. The magnificent spectacle of this cloud remained illuminated by the sunlight twenty eight minutes after sunset. Above the atmosphere, above the flight ceiling of airplanes, beyond where moisture can form and condense, and impossible to have originated from a rocket by the sheer bulk of the moisture it would have to contain, the great cloud remains a scientific enigma. The editors of Life magazine came across this article in Science, and on May 17 (the same month and day, according to the Scriptures, that Noah entered the ark), 1963, published a picture of the cloud with these words, "A cloud which is too high, and too big to be true, but yet, here is a photograph of it!" I learned of the cloud for the first time from this issue of Life. As I look back, I realize that the article was interesting, yet I attached no special significance to it. A full gospel minister, filled with the Holy Ghost, I believed I was a member of the Bride of Christ, but I was not then spiritual enough to realize that Jesus Christ had said that His return would be accompanied by clouds. How humbling, in retrospect, to realize that I had not attached supernatural significance to that which could not be explained naturally by science. It was not until 1964 that I heard the truth of the outstanding events that occurred when this cloud appeared over Arizona. On December 22, 1962, a full two months before the cloud appeared, Brother Branham received a vision while sitting in his den in Jeffersonville, Indiana, one of thousands of visions that he had received in his lifetime. On December 31, 1962, he related this vision to his congregation in the Branham Tabernacle, in Jeffersonville. His words were heard by the approximately six hundred persons present that night and recorded on tape as he brought his sermon entitled “Sirs, Is This The Time?” He told how in the vision he was on the side of a mountain, removing a cocklebur from a trouser leg, when suddenly he was shocked by a mighty explosion, then visited by seven angels. He admitted to the congregation that he didn't know the meaning of this vision. The vision troubled him exceedingly, and in the weeks that followed he mentioned to others that perhaps God's purpose in his life had been fulfilled and he was to be killed in an explosion. He wondered whether these angels were to bear his body away as had been done for Moses. Shortly after this experience of the vision, he moved with his family to Tucson, Arizona, and took up residence there. He preached a few sermons and began to fit into life in this desert community, but still the vision haunted him. Was his time soon to be up? When would it be? True to his nature as an outdoorsman and hunter, he found himself enjoying a favorite sport of the area, the hunting of the wild desert pig known as Javelina. It was during such a hunting trip that the disturbing vision was fulfilled. The date was March 7, 1963. It was morning and Brother Branham had set out from camp to help his brethren and fellow - hunters, Brothers Fred Sothmann and Eugene Norman, locate the elusive Javelina. As usual, he had already been successful in the hunt for his animal. He climbed to a ridge, having directed the others in the paths they should take to encounter a herd of the pigs which he had seen previously and would force down to them. Resting atop the ridge for a moment, he noticed that there was a cocklebur on his trouser leg. Shortly after he had reached to remove it, a blast shook the mountain and as the ground quivered beneath him, he jumped in the air, not knowing what had happened or what to expect next. There, in the sky above him, appeared seven tiny dots, like airplanes. Less than a wink later these dots materialized before him - a pyramid of angels with a mighty angel at the top and three smaller

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angels down each side. Just as Paul said that he was caught up into the third heaven, so Brother Branham related that he was "caught up" into the midst of this angelic constellation. It was at this time he was given the commission: "Return back east from where you came and by revelation and vision, God will open the seven seals that have been sealed in mystery since John the Revelator wrote them in the Book of Revelation!" The brothers with him knew of the vision and they had experienced the quaking of the mountain, but, to my knowledge, were not aware of the presence of the angels. Brother Branham charged them at that time to tell no man what they had seen and heard. Leaving Tucson, on March 13, 1963, he returned to Jeffersonville. From March 17th through the 24th, he began the most outstanding and enlightening series of sermons ever known in the Church. Taking one seal each night, he, by the direct revelation and inspiration of the Holy Spirit each day, preached the mysteries of God, which God had promised Daniel would not be revealed until the time of the end and which John the Revelator had also been told would be sealed up until the time of the end. This was that time spoken of in the Scriptures, the end time, and God spoke through His prophet as He had always done, but this time the Word came in a way of revelation that had never before been spoken to man. The Bride was shown that many of the things that they were looking for were already past. It was already time for the Bride to "make herself ready." If you examine the photograph of the science - baffling cloud, you can see the face of the Lord Jesus Christ in it, looking and facing the east, with hair like wool, as John the Revelator had seen Him. He appeared not as a young man as He was when He hung on the cross at thirty-three, but as He who is the judge of the world. It may be difficult for some people to receive, but does it not say in the Scriptures in many places that when the Son of man is revealed, when He appears, there will be clouds? Since the distribution of the pictures of this cloud, many people have written articles about it. Professor McDonald wrote another article in Weatherwise magazine, where he projected the theory that the cloud could possibly have been caused by the explosion of a rocket of the armed forces out over the Pacific that day. It so happens, however, that wind soundings that day were perfect at all strategic locations and a thorough analysis of this information revealed no winds of such velocity to transport the debris and moisture from that rocket from the point of the explosion, nearly five hundred miles out to sea, to a position directly over Flagstaff, Arizona. The fact remains that they were not then, nor since, able to find a scientific explanation for the cloud. Believers in Brother Branham's message, however, desirous of obtaining as much information as possible about the cloud, began to write this professor, asking for information. Finally he became annoyed, demanding to know the reason for the spiritual significance being attached to the cloud. He thrust the question at one of the believers who had walked into his office one day. The man referred him to me; thus I received a phone call shortly from this professor. He inquired of my interest in the cloud. I replied that I simply believed this to be in fulfillment of Scripture, and that my being a minister who was looking for the coming of the Lord, I felt that since there was no scientific explanation, it had to be a supernatural occurrence. The scientific impossibility was all too evident, requiring that tons of water be dispersed above the atmosphere. (Is it not strange that in Noah's day, the scientists tried to prove that there was no water in the sky and today they try to prove that there was water?) "Who is this William Branham?" he demanded of me. (Someone, it seems had mentioned Brother Branham's name in connection with the cloud.)

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I was careful to refrain from telling him all I knew, because of Brother Branham's instructions to the brethren not to tell about the cloud since it wouldn't be accepted. But as he pressed me, I told him that Brother Branham was a man of God that we believed to be a prophet. "What about this vision he had?" he questioned. I told him the vision and related our explanation of the cloud. To this he responded, "You know that I can't accept that explanation!" "No Sir," I replied. "I didn't expect you to, but you say that there is no explanation of the cloud ... " "There is absolutely no explanation," he interrupted. "Sir," I continued, "You may not have one - but I do - and I believe mine!" The matter did not drop with this interview, for a newspaper reporter soon entered the scene, seeking a story for his paper. He interviewed Dr. McDonald, then myself, and continued in his search by talking with the Brothers Norman and Sothmann. He made an agreement with me to let me edit his article prior to publication. It seemed that this was one time that the true facts could be brought out, favorable to Brother Branham and spiritually uplifting. For example, in the original article he had written "Branham healed thousands." I had him change this to read, "Brother Branham prayed for thousands and God healed them." Incredibly enough, this reporter is now a believer of this message. He believes that this was a visitation of God, that this was fulfillment of Scripture in this day. How this proves the power of the Word. Don't fool around with it if you don't want to get caught by it. If you hear it enough and there is any life there, though you may be one of those stubborn seeds that takes a long time to come up, yet you will eventually come to life when the light strikes you. The reporter's article was published in his newspaper, which had a circulation of two hundred fifty thousand, but, unfortunately, the article had been subjected to additional editing after it left his desk. As a result, it contained inaccuracies which Professor McDonald found offensive. He was angered, particularly because he felt that I was in some way responsible. In a subsequent newspaper article, he vented this anger by saying, "The Reverend Green should leave superstition back in the 14th century where it belongs!" Naturally, I felt obligated to call him on the telephone again. I asked him whether it might not be possible that the editor, not the reporter, had changed the article and misquoted us both. He would not be pacified, however, and again charged that it was foolishness to believe what we did concerning the cloud. Then God gave me a verse of Scripture: Jesus, in Matthew the 16th chapter, said to men of learning, "Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; (you can look and say that it is red, it will rain tomorrow) but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" I proclaim to the people of this age that the Scriptures promise there is to be a cloud connected with the appearance again of the Son of man on this earth. Now I bring you the startling news that there has been such a cloud in this century - a cloud that cannot be explained by science. If it could be explained through scientific principle then I couldn't believe what I do about it, but there is no explanation. I have been told by a man whom I believe to be the prophet of God for this age, Brother William Branham, that seven angels came to him and

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revealed the mysteries of the seven seals of the book of Revelation, caught him up into their midst, and leaving him, formed this cloud. I have no reason to doubt this explanation. The cloud was too big, too high, and would have to contain too much moisture to be real; but the fact remains - it was real. It was also beyond the real. It was supernatural and God sent it as a sign to the Bride.

Rev. Pearry Green Tucson Tabernacle, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.

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The Life Magazine cloud photograph – February 28, 1 963

When the Life Magazine color photograph is rotated 90 degrees to the right, the profile of the head of the Lord Jesus Christ is see n, with hair like white wool,

reminiscent of how as he appeared to John the Revel ator.

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THE PYRAMID SHAPED PROFILES Both before and after the visitation, Brother Branham describes the constellation of seven Angels that met him March 7, 1963 as being pyramid shaped. After becoming aware of the remarkable cloud that had been photographed over Flagstaff, Arizona on Feb 28, 1963, he notes that it too is pyramid shaped and confirms that it had been formed by the same seven Angels. He did not see the cloud with his own eyes and only saw the Life Magazine, May 17, 1963 cloud photo when Brother Gene Norman showed it to him shortly after its publication. Brother Branham’s first public mention of the cloud photograph occurred on June 1, 1963 in the sermon ‘Come Follow Me’. In this sermon he confirmed that the pyramid shaped cloud had been formed by the seven Angels that visited him a week later near the Sunset Mountain campsite (south of Klondyke, Arizona) to proclaim the opening of the mystery of the Seven Seals of the book of Revelation.

Before the events.

But here they come. And they were so terrifically fast, till I thought when it lifted up... I heard that explosion like, or like a blast that went out, like a sound barrier; and when it did, I thought, "Well, this must mean that I'm fixing to be killed (See?) in a blast of some sort." And--and I--and while I thought on those things, I thought, "No, it wouldn't be that, because if it was a blast, it would've got Joseph too, because there he is still talking, thinking that I'm there. I can hear him. It wasn't that." This is all still in the vision. It wasn't... See, it's in the vision. And then all at once, as I realized that I had been... They were around me. I couldn't see them, but I'd been brought into this constellation of a pyramid of them, inside this constellation of--of Angels, of five. And I thought, "Now, a death angel would be one, five would be grace." I was thinking that; I thought, "Oh, it's the--it's coming with my message. That's my second climax. They're coming to bring me the message from the Lord." And I screamed out with all of my might, as loud as I could, "Oh Jesus, what would You have me do?" And when I did, it just--just went away from me. My wife's a very odd woman, one of the best in the world. But a little while, I didn't say nothing about it; I went ahead. She knew there was something happened. So when I told her, she said, "You know, Bill, I see and hear you in many of those things." Said, "You know I believe you with all my heart." She said--she said, "But that really had something." It just seem to just shakes me, that blasting, and that swift coming of those Angels, like that, five of them together in a constellation of them, like--kind of like a... Like I had that pyramid drawn here. It looked to be... First it looked like, kind of a... In the distance it looked kind of like that color of doves. And they were in a--in a--coming from this way. And they were looked like one, two, three, four, and then one right at the top, making five. And they come with such a speed. There is nothing, no jets, no nothing else can compare with that.

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And I can just see them with their heads kind of turned sideways and those wings tipped back, full armored, and here they come. Whew [Brother Branham makes a whistling sound for description--Ed.], like that. Just come right down and took me right into this pyramid of a constellation of them. I seen I was off--up off the ground. I thought maybe... I heard way in a distance that roar. "Whoom," like a plane when it crosses the sound barrier. You've heard it happen like that, just like a distant roar. I thought, "This may mean now, when this vision leaves me that I'm going to be killed by an explosion or something." I thought, "Here I am; I'm lifted up. I'm... See, they're here somewhere. I'm--I'm in this--this pyramid of Angels here, but I--I don't know. Maybe the Lord is coming to take me home." Then I heard Joseph down there saying, "Daddy?" I thought, "No, if that's it, it would took him too." Then something said, "You..." Remember, that I'm waiting, watching for a message that I've always looked forward to--something. In the vision the other day, you know as I had here not long ago telling me about what was going to happen, how I was preaching in--from the sun into this place, and--and then He said, "Now, remember, the second climax is yet to come." And I thought, "There'll be a message." You remember my message here? The opening of that capstone, where those seven voices and Seals was not even wrote in the Word of God. Remember? And It took me into that pyramid. And Junie Jackson (if you are here), that dream that you give me not long ago, I won't tell it this morning, you were so... God was so perfectly... Excuse me for not giving you the interpretation, 'cause I seen something moving. J. T., same thing. See? And I--I--I knew that. And Sister Collins, exactly the same. See? And six of those leading right straight to the same thing, and then the vision that I told you all years ago, it happened just the other day (See?), that would happen. And there it is laying right everything laying right out there. It's just something moving. I don't know what it is. God help me, is my prayer. Let us pray.

William Branham – REPROACH FOR THE WORD, JEFFERSONV ILLE .IN 62-1223 “And those blasting the other morning that shook me plumb till I raised up in the air as high as this building, and that constellation of angels, seven Angels, in the form of a pyramid... Is that them thunders that's coming forth? Could it be?” Look, then look, the Capstone was not interpreted. See? "Get west and come back." Or is it this? Is these seven Angels in this constellation that came to me... When I meet you at the day of the resurrection, you'll see that I lie not: God my Judge. Or is this that second climax that I talked about the other day. Is there something coming forth for the church? I don't know. I could stay on that a little bit, but I'll move on.

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Could it be that? The mighty thunder, or the seventh Angel in the seven constellation, seventh period constellation, the pyramid made in a form, three on a side, and one on top, and they dropped from eternity. Could it be? Is this the mystery of the thunders that will bring back the Headstone?


After the events

Before I talk to you kids, I'd just like to talk to the adults just a minute...?... to all of you. It's... Now perhaps, maybe, a strenuous trip; it's been a... But the experience that I've learned from God, I wouldn't take ten thousand dollars for what I learned of the Lord since I been here. I truly believe I come in full obedience to the command of the Almighty, and I--I hope I can ever remain that way. And there's a... When I come, one thing, was by a vision, that I was standing above Tucson up here when a blast went off. Brother Fred was there when it went off. And they took that picture, you know, in the sky. And I didn't think much about it, never noticed it. so it begin to impress me somehow the other day. And Brother Norman, Norma's father here, told me, said, "Did you notice this?" And just as I looked, right there was them angels just as plain as they could be, setting right there in that picture. You see? I looked to see when it was, and it was time, same 'bout day or two before or, day or two after I was up there. I looked where it was at: northeast of Flagstaff, or Prescott, which is below Flagstaff. Well, that's just where we was at (See?), just exactly.

William Branham – COME FOLLOW ME TUCSON, Arizona. 63-0601

I believe that. I different with some of our Pentecostal brethren who believe that the remnant of the church is those who will be caught away in the last age. I different there, because God... How could a man... How could God... We don't say, "How could He?" He can do what He wishes to. But God, Who promised Luther... And under justification, that's all they knowed. See? He promised to take the church. And He... I believe by the grace of God and by the Scriptures support it. Because He didn't come in the first watch, and they went to sleep, and the second watch, on down. In the seventh watch He come. And that's the seventh church age. That's the seventh angel's Message. See? And when He come, all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamp: Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, whoever that's borned of the Spirit of God shall go in that rapture. I believe that the Bride will be called out during that time. I believe there will be some in the last days won't have to taste death but will be changed in a moment, a twinkling of an eye. Now. But insomuch as you noticed in Brother Jackson's dream, that there was no writing on this rock on the inside. That's what I went west for. Now, as it's happened... And I told you someday I would tell you what it meant. I went west for it. And told you the vision which the people, both on tape and present this morning, will know in taking "Sirs, What Time Is It?"... And any you tape brethren that doesn't have that message, and want to follow this, take "Sirs, What Time Is it?" Before... Weeks and months before it happened here, I saw the vision of being at Tucson, north of Tucson; that'd be east of Flagstaff, north of Tucson, and

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would be picking burrs off of my trouser legs and a--a blast would go off that would actually look like shake the country. How many of you remember that? That's right. That would shake the country... Well, it happens to be that at least one man is present this morning who was standing there when it happened. It actually shook the rocks off of the mountain. And now, they... We find out that during that time I saw seven Angels in a--in a form of a pyramid that swept down and picked me up. And I was brought east to open the Seven Seals for God. If you haven't got them... If Jesus tarries, and I... My great grandchildren, little Paul's children... That will still be the eternal truth of the living God. Now, that was to find out that it was sealed inside this mountain. That wasn't wrote. It had to be interpreted. And when I come back, the first Angel on the first night opened the Seal contrary to anything we ever heard in our life. And all the seven come out the same way. You know that. You were here present when it happened: many of you. And now, I didn't know it at that time, but Brother Fred Sothmann... I know he's here. And I'm pretty sure Brother Norman is here. We was up... I had to go to Houston about getting that little boy saved from the electric chair. And then I went back, and I went hunting up there with the brethren. And that morning, I was standing there picking cockleburs, or--or what they call "goat-heads" there, burrs off of my trouser leg. And the blast did just exactly the way It said. Is that right, Brother Fred? And I--I--I must've jumped way off of the ground. And just above me was the Angels of the Lord that sent message back for me come here to break these Seals. Why here? Why at the Tabernacle? Why didn't I do it there? Because I'd made a promise to my church and to God, that any new message would come from this Tabernacle, recorded from here. And He was helping me to keep my word to stay back here to do it. And then immediately I went back again... And now, I didn't know at the time, that they were taking pictures of that, scientists was, as the Angels lowered themselves from heaven to bring the message. And you remember, I said the one on the right side of the constellation had His--kinda chest back, and His wings... You remember me saying that, all of you? And how that I watched him? He was very distinctive from the others. And I didn't know they were taking a picture of It, 'cause immediately I hurried east. But going back home to Tucson, there it was all through the papers that had been seen almost nationwide or--or plumb into Mexico, all the western States. And I think the "Courier" over here... It was on the Associated Press. How many saw a mysterious cloud in the sky? Lets see the hands. And now, the "Life" Magazine picked it up. And I have the--the article here this morning in the "Life" Magazine there, of the show... Now, here it is, the same time I was there. See the pyramid or the Cloud? I was standing just below this. And there... See the distinctive Angel on the right hand side? See the pointed wing of It? Just exactly what was said. And here's interview of Mexico and different places from where they took the picture. Now, this scientist here is trying to--to get all the information about the picture that he can, about the people who has the picture. He's studying it. Now, he says here that it would be impossible for it to be a cloud, because moisture doesn't go over about--I'd say about six or eight miles high, something like that. When we go overseas we usually fly nineteen thousand feet; we're above the storms then. But this cloud, according to this article here of this scientist, is twenty-six miles high. It would be miles and miles beyond moisture. And he said, checking the area... And now, you know I... How many remembers that I told you, "It sounded like the sound breaker on a plane"? Remember? But there was no plane in the district. The book says so here. They checked it. There wasn't no--wasn't no planes up there. And besides, it couldn't...

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That fog behind a plane is nothing but broken up air, moisture. 'Cause it sucks through this unit, as a jet. As it's pulling itself, it breaks the moisture in the air. They can never get rid of it as long as there's a jet, because it's got to... That's what it propels on. And it's the moisture scooting out from it. But here it is, miles above where there could be moisture, and no planes in the district. And it couldn't be moisture up there, and hung up there that day. It's thirty miles across it, twenty-six miles high. You see? Just as the same, it was that picture there, when I told you, "the Angel of the Lord looked like a Pillar of Fire years ago," before it was ever took. God made science recognize that it's truth. And here of the prophecy that was given, God made science testify that it's the truth. Now, where do we stand? I want to keep this, for I--I may speak to a friend of mine that's present this morning to--to write those Seven Seals. He might want to use this for it. And so, you have a copy of it... Why, if you get one, hold it for reference. See? Now, he's wanting to find out, but what good would it do to go to tell him that? He'd laugh at it. He would just merely laugh. So don't cast our pearls like that. But we know, the church knows, and God knows that it's the truth. And then while I was praying on this subject, a wondering what would happen to me, and you know where I was at? North of Tucson, east of Flagstaff, just exactly, positionally, where I told you months before it happened I'd be standing. And exactly, according to this paper here and the papers--or this magazine, and our own testimony, exactly where it taken place. God is perfect and cannot lie. And it will come to pass. See? You remember on the tape, "Sirs, What Time Is It?" I quoted over it, "Remember, something's fixing to take place major." And now it's made the whole nation testify to it. Every newspaper on the Associated Press, and one of our leading magazines, and everything else testifying about it, it ain't all over yet. But what a privileged people, a--a privileged people that's Christian, to know that in this dark hour when there's no hopes according to science there's an atomic bomb waiting for us. And no hopes in our organizations ever getting together; they're consolidating with the mark of the beast... And when all of our hopes that way is gone in our economy, of our Christian fellowship amongst the organizations... It's heading up into Catholicism, which will be a mark of the beast in the confederation of church. But it's those who love God and are looking for a reality that... The very God Who made the promise in the Bible, spreads it before our face and makes the church, and the people, and science, and magazines, and everything recognize that He's still God and can fill the promise. What a time. Then in Sabino Canyon that morning, praying and wondering what would happen, holding my hands out to God upon top that mountain, that Sword dropped into my hand with a pearl handle, and its guard over it, and a long blade about three foot long, and glisten like pot metal or--or like chrome, razor sharp; and I didn't know what it was. And I said, "I'm afraid of these things." And just then a Voice spoke that shook the canyon, said, "This is the Sword of the Lord." And the Sword of the Lord is the Word of the Lord. For the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword. Then coming back to that... Then during that time a gallant little brother here in the church, and he's a--was a soldier and got blowed all to pieces in the army almost, and laid out for dead; and said, he'd... They didn't... The medics didn't think he'd live and wasn't even worth fooling with, he was so far gone. The main nerves in his leg burst, and his little arm almost blowed completely off, his leg--one leg off and everything.


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11 And I was talking to someone a few minutes ago. If you look in “Life” magazine, last month, you'll see there. And you got that tape. I'm not a tape salesman. But if you ever believed the Words that I preach, and you can afford it, get "The Seven Seals," and first get "What Time Is It, Sirs?" Listen to that spoke of, six months before it happened. And science is baffled. Standing right under where it was happening there. And told them, six months before, how that there'd be seven Angels in a form of a constellation, and look like a pyramid, would drop down. And I'd be standing north of Tucson, Arizona, and there would be a roar that would even shake the rocks from the mountains. Brother Fred Sothmann setting there, who was standing with us, many of them, when it happened. Now, science took the picture of It, you seen It, went on Associated Press. They didn't know what It was. There's a Cloud hanging, twenty-six miles high. That's fifteen miles, or twenty, above even where vapor's at. They don't know what it's all going about, and they're trying to investigate It. And there, right under It, I was standing. And those seven Angels roaring out their voices, of those Seven Seals, standing there. And the witness, three of us, as a witness of the things that was prophesied on the tape, "Sirs, What Time Is It?" And there now they're trying to find out. It's a mystery to them. 12 Some of them said, "Go, go... Why don't you go tell them?" It'd be just like when the Angel of the Lord appeared here at Houston, Texas, in that Light. I told the people all my Life I seen that Light. The church knows it. Science knows it. It's... Everything has to testify when Jesus Christ makes a move. There it is. The magazine, if you want to look in it, it's the one that's got Rockefeller and his new wife on the back. I think it's May's issue of the “Life” magazine. He's God. We're living in the last days. Now, I've come this morning to try to pick out a few notes here and things to speak on something that would help the church, would help with these minister brothers to put my shoulders to the wheel with these men. We are brothers, and they bring me here because they believe in the same ministry. You've been saved during this meeting, why don't you take your membership up with some of these fine churches here that believes this type of ministry. They--they believe it; they stand behind it. And I--I come that we might lay down the Scripture and for something that might help the church. And my subject like this morning, is to what state that I think the Pentecostal church is of this day. What stand, what hour are we standing in, and what's the possibility? Now, let me quote that again. What state the church is standing in now, and what possibilities lies ahead for it?

William Branham - LORD JUST ONCE MORE HOT SPRINGS AR 63-0628A 73 There's no mistake, friends; it's not what I'm saying; I'm just your brother; but it's what God's proving to you, what makes it the truth. Same Pillar of Fire He used for the other two, He's brought it among you today and proved it by scientific. As you know, “Life” magazine packed it last month over there, where... How many was here and heard me tell about that would happen before it did? I think about everyone in the church. There it is. They don't know what it's all about. The scientist are trying to... "Anybody got a picture, of it, call in"--a cloud twenty-six miles high in the shape of a pyramid: seven Angels represented in there and brought back, and brought you the Word of God, under the inspiration and tells you these hours that you're coming and living in. The spiritual mind will pick that right now (See?) and get it. It's an exodus. We're going to leave one of these days. Thanks be to God. Remember, and I'll close just in a minute. I got ten minutes. Notice, the Pillar of Fire that called them out, led them to the promised land under the anointing of a prophet. A Pillar of Fire that they could look at, led them to the promised land under an anointed prophet. And they constantly turned him down. Is that right? Sure.

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William Branham - THE THIRD EXODUS JEFF. IN 63-063 0

Brother Branham followed the above with similar statements in many subsequent sermons confirming that the cloud had been formed by the seven Angels that had visited him near the Sunset Mountain campsite.

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A week after the cloud had appeared over Flagstaff Arizona in the evening skies on February 28, 1963, seven mighty Angels met with Brother Branham a little over 40 miles northeast of Tucson on March 7, 1963 near the Sunset Mountain campsite, as foretold by vision and told him to go back to Jeffersonville, Indiana, where the mystery of the Seven Seals would be revealed. If we follow Brother Branham’s movements that week, we find that after preaching the Message 'An Absolute' in Houston Texas on March 4, 1963, he left immediately after the evening service and drove home to Tucson. Later in the day (March 5), he travelled out to Sunset Mountain for the hog shooting season which that year was open March 1-10. The day after his arrival, he quickly secured his game the next day, (March 7) was able to set out early in the morning to the east from the campsite, to get into position to move a herd of about 20 Javelina hogs towards his companions (Brothers Fred Sothmann and Eugene Norman) to help them also secure their game. Around 8:00 am, he sat down cross-legged to rest near some jagged rocks below a ridge and spotting a goat head (cocklebur) on his trouser leg, he reached forward and removed it. Just then about 500 or more yards away, he saw the hogs he was after and immediately stood up and made off quickly across the ridge and down along a deer trail that led along the canyon. Suddenly there was a blast so powerful that it shook the hills for miles around and rolled 50 - 60 lb rocks down the slopes. He felt like the shock of the explosion had made him jump five feet off the ground. Stunned by the blast, his first thought was that he had been shot but then Something said to him, “Look up” and far away in the western sky, seven tiny dots appeared and those seven dots came from eternity in an instant of time and a constellation of mighty Angels appeared before him in the shape of a pyramid. There was one angel atop and three others down each side. He was caught up into their midst and commanded to, "Return back east from where you came and by revelation and vision, God will open the seven seals that have been sealed in mystery since the Apostle John wrote them in the Book of Revelation!" When Brother Branham first made public mention of the cloud appearing over Flagstaff, Arizona, he said that he had carried out a check on the timing of the events and that this had placed the occurrence of the appearance of the cloud to be within a few days either side of when the Angels had visited him near the campsite, but not on the very same day. It is apparent that the check that he carried out was not exacting because in his mind, it did not need to be, given that he had already recognized the Angels profiles in the photograph. This statement also more reliably establishes his understanding of these events as to when they occurred and whether or not they were related or in fact the same event. We must conclude therefore that although they were related, he was satisfied that they were not the same and occurred on separate days. In later references to the two events, he was not so clear and so if these subsequent accounts are read in isolation, they could lead one to understand that they were one and the same event. It would seem reasonable to attribute the lack of consistency to the dimming of his memory as time passed, as well as the lack of any need to detail what he already knew to be true.

Before I talk to you kids, I'd just like to talk to the adults just a minute...?... to all of you. It's... Now perhaps, maybe, a strenuous trip; it's been a... But the experience that I've learned from God, I wouldn't take ten thousand dollars for what I learned of the Lord since I been

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here. I truly believe I come in full obedience to the command of the Almighty, and I--I hope I can ever remain that way. And there's a... When I come, one thing, was by a vision, that I was standing above Tucson up here when a blast went off. Brother Fred was there when it went off. And they took that picture, you know, in the sky. And I didn't think much about it, never noticed it. so it begin to impress me somehow the other day. And Brother Norman, Norma's father here, told me, said, "Did you notice this?" And just as I looked, right there was them angels just as plain as they could be, setting right there in that picture. You see? I looked to see when it was, and it was time, same 'bout day or two before or, day or two after I was up there. I looked where it was at: northeast of Flagstaff, or Prescott, which is below Flagstaff. Well, that's just where we was at (See?), just exactly.

William Branham – COME FOLLOW ME TUCSON, Arizona. 63-0601

But before He broke forth on those Seven Seals to reveal them, that He showed miraculous, He showed it first in the heavens. That day they took pictures all across southern United States and Mexico. There it hangs now in the "Life" magazine, still a mystery to them. But He declares it* in the heavens before He does it on earth. He always does that. He shows His signs in the heavens first.

William Branham – SHALOM SIERRA.VISTA.Arizona 64-0112

• the opening of the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation as promised at the ‘time of the

end’ in Daniel 8:17 “So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of Man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision” and Daniel 12:9 “And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” etc.

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FACIAL CHARACTERISTICS (The Cloud – Thursday, Feb 28, 1963)

The Life Magazine May 17, 1963 photo cloud is the most original photo of the cloud that has been available to Message believers. From the evidence of the photo, the cloud possessed no facial features whatsoever. When Brother Branham first attributed facial features to the cloud (eyes, nose, mouth) in the sermon ‘It is the Rising of the Sun’ preached on April 18, 1965, he was not looking at the original Life Magazine photograph, but rather at a brownish/white duotone (halftone) replica of the Life Magazine color picture that Brother Pearry Green had had made by Shirley Abbott Studio’s of Beaumont, Texas in 1964, a company that had no relationship to the Message or Message believers at all. It appears likely that deficiencies in the reproduction process created areas of rogue shading on the duotone that were not present in the original picture, and which fortuitously occurred in just the right areas to suggest two eyes and a nose before spreading further to the left to cover half the width of the replica (as viewed when the print is orientated to mimic the upright human head). Similarly, it is not known for certain how facial features came to appear on the reproduction of the Life Magazine cloud photograph that was featured on the front cover of the Science Magazine of April 1963. However, the irregularities were consistently parallel in appearance and extended well beyond the cloud profile, suggesting that they were due to technical defects. A third black and white glossy reproduction of the Life Magazine cloud photograph was in circulation in the early 1970’s. This reproduction was of poor resolution and the cloud profile was excessively prominent but it also presented suggestions of facial features caused by areas of unexpectedly dark shading that extended across most of the image, (i.e., well beyond the width of the ‘forehead’), strongly suggesting that the shading had also had been caused by problems with the reproduction processes, although human intervention cannot be ruled out. A reliable copy of the duotone was not available while this article was in preparation and so the black and white image (which was similar to the duotone that Brother Branham saw, except that the features on the duotone were somewhat more pronounced) has been used to make the comparison shown below.

The Life Magazine photo - no facial features . This image has been scanned directly from an original

copy of the Magazine

The Black and W hite glossy copy of the Life Magazine photo -

similar to the brownish/white duotone

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The original duotone reproduction of the Life Magazine photograph has been on display at Branham Tabernacle since 1965 and Brother Branham refers to it as follows;

2 I certainly deem this a marvelous privilege this morning to be back here in Jeffersonville, Indiana, with this great congregation, the church packed and standing in the--round and outside and in the lots and everywhere. To you people on the phones across the nation, it's a beautiful morning here. Five o'clock this morning, my little friend with a red breast flew up at the window and woke me up. Seemed like his little heart would burst saying, "He is risen." I've always thought of this little bird as being a friend to me because I like him. As the legend about him says, a little brown bird saw Him suffering on the cross where sin had placed Him. Of course, the little bird had no sin; He didn't have to die for the little bird; but he flew in to the cross and tried to pull the nails out with his little beak, and he got his breast all red. And that's the way I want mine too, as this shield of trying to protect this glorious thing that He died for. Realizing that our time is limited here, especially for those friends who are listening in by this telephone, I would like to call your attention this morning to a--a picture that some time ago was taken by the camera of a vision that I had here at the Tabernacle of leaving Indiana to Arizona, where I was to meet in the form of a pyramid, seven Angels. 3 Not knowing what would happen, later when I got there, thinking it was the end of my life, that no one could stand the blast... (And I'm sure all of you are acquainted with the story.) And then in Sabino Canyon one morning like this, while in prayer, there had been a sword placed in my hand and said, "This is the Word and--the Sword of the Word." Later the Angels appeared as was prophesied. And at the same time, a great cluster of--of Light left to where I was standing and moved thirty miles high in the air and around the circle, like the wings of the Angels, and drawed into the skies a shape of a pyramid in the same constellation of Angels that appeared. Science took the picture all the way from Mexico as it moved from northern Arizona, where the Holy Spirit said I would be standing (forty miles northeast of Tucson). And it went into the air, and “Life” magazine packed the pictures: a mystic something way in the spheres where there can be no moisture, where there can be no evaporations of anything, thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across and coming right up from where those Angels were. Now, they asked to know (science); the--one of

The Science Magazine reproduction of the Life Magazine photo

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them at Tucson wanted to know any significance, but I didn't tell them. You all knew it told beforehand, but it wasn't for them; it was for you. 4 And so there He spoke to me and said, "The Seven Seals will be opened. The seven mysteries, sevenfold mystery of the Bible that's been closed up since the foundation of the world will be revealed." And we, yet a humble little group compared with all the world, we've enjoyed these blessings and hearing those mysteries: Marriage, Divorce, Serpent's Seed. All those different questions has been completely revealed to us, not by man but by God Himself, that's opened those seven mysteries of what the church was, how it was in Christ at the beginning, and how it would be revealed in the last day. And now, as this went up... We have the picture outside on the plaque. But then... I have the picture laying present here, if you notice it as “Life” magazine had it. But I wonder if my audience visible here has ever really looked at the picture (See, see?) in the way it should be? You remember, I was preaching when this vision came, upon the subject of the Book of the Revelations where the old judges, where we seen Jesus in Revelations 1. 5 When we started to open the Seven Seals--or the--or the church ages, rather, just prior to the opening of the Seven Seals, Christ was standing with hair like wool, white; and I described that to you that the old English judges and judges of long ago, when they went to the bench to be sworn in, their supreme authority was given them; they wore a white wig, as it was, over their heads to show their supreme authority. Well, if you'll turn the picture like this and look (and you can probably see it from the audience), it's Christ. See His eyes looking here just as perfect as it could be, wearing the white wig of supreme Deity and Judge of all heavens and earth? Can you see His eyes, nose, His mouth? Just turn the picture from this (the way they had it), this a-way, the way it's supposed to be. And you... Can you see it? He is supreme Judge; there's none other but Him. And that is a perfect identification again, a vindication that this Message is the truth. It is true. And making Him, not a third person, but the only Person with the white... See, you see the dark, His face, His beard, and His eyes? And notice, He's looking; from Him comes this Light shining on the right-hand side to which He's looking to. And on the cross that's where He looked, to the right, where He pardoned the sinner. In the light of His resurrection we still go forth in His Name.

William Branham - IT IS THE RISING OF THE SUN JEFF. IN 65-0418 23 See the picture the other day, how He turned that picture sideways there? And the very picture of that seven Angels being lifted up, turn it to the right-hand side, and there is the face of the Lord Jesus looking down to the earth again. You remember when I preached the seven church ages, I couldn't understand why Jesus standing there with a "white" over His head. He was a young Man. I took it back in the Bible, it said, "He came to the Ancient of Days, Whose hair was white as wool." Jesus was only thirty-three and a half years old at His crucifixion. I called up Brother Jack Moore, a theologian. He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, that's Jesus in His glorified stage." Said, "After His death, burial, and resurrection, He turned to that." That sounded all right for a theologian, but it didn't go good, it just didn't hit the something. I went up there and started on that first church age, there the Holy Spirit revealed it. Now, you got it right on your church ages. I guess the books will be out pretty soon now, the full detail of it. And it showed that Jesus was Judge. There's a white wig that they used to wear, put a wig on and wear it as a judge (England still does it.) when you got supreme authority. And that turning sideways in this picture, there He is, His black hair, you can see it in the side of His beard, and the white wig on.

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William Branham - ASHAMED OF HIM JEFF IN 65-0711

68 I love Brother Jack. He's one of the best theologians I know of, but I just couldn't hit it just right. I was standing there, I said, "Lord, how is this? Young man here" I said, "with hair like wool." And He said, "He is wigged." Watch in the book, before it ever happened, I said that. And that day when that happened, it went up. And then you turn that picture sideways, if you've got "Look" magazine or “Life” magazine. Turn it sideways. There He is, just perfectly Hofmann's Head of Christ, looking right down where I was standing; there It is in the magazine. How many's ever seen It? 'Course, you've all seen. There, looking right back, proved exactly the revelation was correct. Why wigged? Why, the old English judges, the Jewish judges, used to wear a wig, they do yet in England; when he's... That's supreme authority; he wears a wig. And that showed Him standing there wigged by Angels' wings; He is the Alpha and Omega.

William Branham - WORKS IS FAITH EXPRESSED SHREVEP ORT LA 65-1126 19 I'm not disgrading my Presbyterian brethren there, and some of you Baptist brethren on the way you have security. I'm not saying this to be different, but you didn't have it just right. See? That's right. See? But I had it wrong too. But when an Angel stands from heaven and tells you, and here it is right in the Scripture, that--that's true. See? That's right. See, He always speaks exact with the Scripture. In there I watched it until that circle went up, started sweeping up, and they turned into like a mystic light, like a fog. Just exactly the way... How many seen the picture of It that was taken in Houston? Nearly all. See? Well, that's just the way this was. It turned into the same thing, It kept going higher and higher. I was running and running, trying to find Brother Fred and them. After while, about a half hour later, I could see him way down, waving his hands; and Brother Gene coming, waving. They knowed something had happened. And so then I got with them. That's Brother Fred setting right there. As it went up, I didn't know that the observatories and things, plumb into Mexico, was taking that picture. “Life” magazine packed it as It went up. And many of you... Here's “Life” magazine packing the picture of It. A mysterious thing here, they said they don't know where it come from; it's too high. It's above all the spheres and everything else to be... 20 It's too high for fog, because it's thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across after it got up that high. There's not even humidity nor nothing up there. You see? And they thought of a plane; so they checked all the places, no planes up that day. See, they have to, on account of shaking windows and things. "There's no planes up." Here it is right here in the magazine, will tell you the same thing. And--and it went on and on. And today right in the... Here it is in "Science" magazine, where they can't understand; they don't know what It is. Tucson, at the university, a friend of mine went over the other day and was talking to them about it. Said, "We can't understand what..." I said, "Don't say nothing, don't do no good. 'Cast not your pearls before swine.'" See? It's to the church, to the elected, the called-out. See? And then each one was coming, saying, "Brother Branham, I see your picture here. I see this. I..." You know how it is. But that--that long sweep as this brother has on here where its... Excuse me . Here's the way It started up, sweeping up. Actually this was on the right hand side. And you all remember I said, "The noted Angel was the one that talked to me, was on the right hand side," even before it happened. You remember? His wings pointed back like that, that's exactly the wings of that Angel as it went up. See, as it...

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21 So they started taking the pictures because it was so mysterious. But when the last picture, when It formed Itself into the skies and so forth, this is it as "Look" here packed it. You see how it rose up just as they begin to see it. You see? And there comes the--the real main and last picture, when it formed. They don't know where it come from or where it went; they don't know yet. Science is completely stumped about it, don't know what happened. But we know; "there shall be signs in the heaven above." We know it. See? And He promised these things. See? And the only thing that this was permitted to be taken... I know we're just home folks here this morning. If I ever impress you brethren or sisters as a know-it-all, please forgive me. I don't mean to be that. I'm stand--setting here this morning talking before men who are scholars, men who are smart; now, I--I'm a illiterate; I can't even pronounce my Scriptures right. I got a chapter to read this morning, I'm... was going to ask one of the brothers here to read it for me, 'cause I can't even pronounce the names in it, I Chronicles 13 (if you will, Brother Jack, you be hunting it up), for my subject. I--I can't even pronounce those names; I'm letting him do it, 'cause he can pronounce them. And I know I'm talking to smart men. But, brethren, these things are done that you might not look at my illiteracy, but believe that I'm telling you the Truth. 22 It's God telling you the Truth. That's the Truth. See? Now, and when I speak of denominations, I'm not meaning for you to be so cruel and... No, I don't mean for you not to go to your church. Go to your church, what you're supposed to do. But just don't join up with them organizations, because one day I'll be telling you and prove it by the Scripture; it is the mark of the beast. And you just remember, it's the mark. I'm preaching... I wouldn't preach it in Brother Jack's church, he'd tell me, "Go ahead and do it"; but I'm going to the Tabernacle, it'll be about four hours long. And my subject is: The Beast at the Beginning and the Beast at the End, Through the Trail of a Serpent. See? Takes about four hours. I got my Scriptures all laying out. The beast from the beginning, he was the beast at the garden of Eden; he's the beast at the end, and show that he's a religious person and a denomination (that made the denomination); and come right through the trail of it, and prove it to you by the Scriptures that it is. I didn't know that till the Holy Spirit give it to me the other day up there. Now, in this, I was watching this one day, standing, and something said to me... looking at it, and I thought... Brother Hickerson, one of my trustees--or deacons at the church at Jeffersonville... If I don't believe in going to church, why do I have churches? 23 We had them all across the country, hooked up the other night, every two hundred square miles had one of my churches. Now, this--this picture, I was standing, looking at it, and something... I was standing in my room. Something said, "Turn it to the right." Now, listen. I know that sounds like somebody's a little mentally upset, but (You see?), as I said the other night, all these great things are so scholarly... Now, I'm not against that. Remember, we have to have... Now, send your children to school and get education and so forth; but I'll tell you right now, it won't do them no good in the world that is to come, 'cause there'll be another civilization, only so far above this. That civilization won't even have any... It won't have any schools in it; it won't have any death in it, won't be any sin in it. This has all that; no matter how much civilized we get, more and more death is added all the time. See? That one will be without death. But now we have to have school; we have to wear clothes, we... 24 I was going to speak this morning on Satan's Eden (many of you's got the tape of it), Satan's Eden. He has made another garden of Eden, and six thousand years it's taken him to make it, just like God did His at the beginning. God made His Eden, and Satan corrupted it. Now, Satan's made his own Eden, and God's going to destroy it (That's right.) and put

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His own. Something said to me, "Turn it right." I thought, "I think I'm looking at it right." Said, "Turn it right." See? I thought, "Maybe that Voice means turn it to the right." And when I did, you see what it is: Hofmann's Head of Christ, at thirty-three. Here, looky here, see His dark beard, His face, His eyes, His nose, and everything else. See the part in His hair here coming up. And He's wigged with that white Angel wig to show that the Message of Him being God is the Truth. He is the supreme Judge of the universe, supreme Judge of heaven and earth. He is God, and nothing else but God. He is God expressed in human form called the Son of God, which the Son was the mask. And if that don't make our Message exactly right: identified by the Scripture, identified in service, identified by His Presence, the same yesterday, today, and forever... Therefore those Seven Seals are the Truth, brethren. Might disagree with them, but just set down and study with a open heart one time, just let the Holy Spirit lead you from... 25 Here, when Brother Jack... I called him before preaching this and talked to him one time about "What was this white wig?" He said, "Well, Brother Branham, I declare it to be that it was in His--after His resurrection in His glorified body." I was talking to Brother Jack. And there's... I don't know of anybody in the world that I'd rely on anymore of their teachings on theology and things as I would like Brother Jack Moore and Brother Vayle, and such men as--as that, real theologians, that's read all kinds of books and different angles from everything. Well, but (You see?), even with that, and my bosom friend, I--I--I just couldn't receive it; there was something there just wouldn't take it. And then when it come, this, then I see what it is. Here's His dark beard. You seen It, I guess. See? His dark beard and dark hair, His eyes, nose, everything, just perfectly, and even the part in His hair coming over on this side. He is God. See? And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And this is "Look" magazine--or “Life” magazine. I think this is the... I forget what issue it is now; oh, May the seventeenth, 1963. That's when it come out, if anybody wants the magazine. It's the same picture that's got Rockefeller and his--his wife on the back of it. And this is the new "Science" magazine that "it's still a mystery." What did I say these things for? 26 That it might give you a little view of the things that we're trying to say, that God is identifying both in heavens and in earth to be right, these discernments, visions. We have plenty of impersonations, we always. But remember, before there can be a bogus dollar, there has to be a real dollar first; first has to be a real dollar, and then they're made off of that. Just like we had a real Moses and a real Aaron, then we had a Jambres and Jannes after them. You see how it all comes? They see it and then they try to impersonate that, when there's truly one original. That's right. Not saying that to harm, or to degrade, or misplace something, but just for Truth; to know that I... I'm getting to be an old man, and I know my time ain't too long. If Jesus tarries, I may--could stay a little while; but I know that someday this heart's going to make its last beat, and I'm entering into a great, dark chamber there called death. But when that comes, I don't want anything to have to look back for, to try to repent for. I want, when I come to that time, to be clean and pure by the grace of God. I want to wrap myself in the robes of His righteousness, when I enter there with this one thing in my mind: I know Him in the power of His resurrection; and when He calls, I'll come out from among the dead and live with Him forever. And it's my purpose here now to try to get every man, not to change your theologies or nothing, but to increase your faith in God's promise of this day. Now, let us pray.


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(Thursday, March 7, 1963) Fred Sothmann – testimony No. 1

I happened to be privileged in 1963, to be at Sunset Mountain, when that happened out there which Brother Branham tells on tape. Tells all about it before it ever happened, told in Jeffersonville and I believe in Phoenix, and we was out hunting pigs, Brother Gene Norman and myself and Brother Branham. Well we heard this blast … it sounded like seven of them planes breaking the sound barrier at the same time, it was such a bang. I thought “Mercy, they’ll hear that all over the country” and, when we come back together, I could see at the very time that that blast went, there was the Pillar of Fire above Brother Branham … and I could see that Brother Branham, he looked different and truly he was different and he told Brother Gene and I something that we can’t tell but I happened to be privileged to be a witness at seeing this.

Brother Fred Sothmann

Transcribed from the audio testimony held in the William Branham Storehouse collection

Fred Sothmann – testimony No. 2 Fred H. Sothmann, a 52 year-old Canadian wheat farmer who moved to Tucson in 1962 to be closer to the religious leader, was on of two persons with Mr. Branham that day the cloud appeared. Sothmann's account:

"Reverend Branham and another brother, Gene Norman, and myself were well up into the mountains hunting Javelina. I remember it was late in the afternoon, a clear warm day with not a cloud in the sky. The three of us were spread out in different directions, perhaps about half a mile apart from each other. Then all of a sudden I heard this tremendous blast like a jet plane breaking the sound barrier, only much louder. Many rocks began to roll down the mountain not far from me. I instinctively looked over in the direction of Brother Branham, but couldn't actually see him for he was behind a knoll. But just above him I saw this strange circular-shaped cloud rise into the air. It was kind of small at first, but the higher it rose the bigger it became." Startled by the blast and the tumbling rocks, Sothmann said he didn't grasp the significance of the cloud then. "But when Brother Branham and I got together a few minutes later." he said, "he told me that seven angels appeared to him and had instructed him to go home (to Jeffersonville, Ind.) and reveal the meaning of the seven seals of Revelation.” (chapters 6 through 8).

Sothmann was not surprised by Mr. Branham's explanation.

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"Everyone who knew Brother Branham knew that he had these experiences all the time," Sothmann said, "So neither I nor Gene Norman doubted him for a minute."

Arizona Republic Newspaper - March 26, 1967

Eugene Norman – testimony

We went to … Shreveport meeting, the last meetings he had there, in the fall of ’62, and he invited us out for dinner there and he told us when we went back to find him a home …. that he was coming to Tucson …. and that was the first I knew that he was ever going to be in Tucson ‘cause he had never said, (anyhow, we found a place for him) and he wanted us to stay in the worst way … in his room that night and not leave …. We was going to leave and start back that night for Tucson and he didn’t want us to leave, he wanted us to stay there. And what it was, we only got part way, we didn’t even get out of town and the bearing, the universal bearing in the Ford went out, went to thumping and we just pulled behind the station. Woke up the next morning and we was right across from a wrecking yard. Drove it over there and the guy put a new bearing in and we was on our way … but he tried in the worst way for us to stay, but we wouldn’t impose on him like that but he was always so gracious. Brother Branham never missed chance to do something for you and it was always such a wonderful spirit. And when we were in the room he wanted to know if he should go through that prayer line and tell us what happened again and we said, “No.” We wouldn’t make him do that you know. We knew he could do it but that was sure something that he asked us if we wanted him to. But anyhow, he came in the first part of January in ’63 and when he first came to our apartment we had there, he came for the key and I’ll never forget it and neither will my wife, she always reminds us about it and tells people about it how that when he came there, he stood like a fighter …. feet apart like and he stood there so … I can’t explain how he looked, but he said “something’s fixing to happen” and I didn’t know what it was and didn’t have any idea you know and anyhow, what it was, was a couple of months later, that’s when the Seals was opened, see up at Sunset. But we got the key for him, got the little place for him, that’s where he moved over into Alf Larsen’s house and he rented, (had that rented) till the summer there. So I had the privilege of going up hunting with him up there with Brother Fred and of course that’s on tape in several places and it started the night before and he was talking to Fred and I about a couple of hours before dark and we was going to go out. It was just around the corner from where the main camp is and where the whirlwind came down and we was camped right there along that little jeep trail and there’s a little canyon that went up back up in there and he was talking to us there and telling us some things and finally he shouldered his gun and he says “…..” Umm, oh, what it was, I was praying for my daughter. Let’s go back a little bit …. I was praying for my daughter, my oldest daughter and when he left off talking he said “Gene, I didn’t know you was out there praying for your daughter?” and I said “Yes Brother Branham” and he says “Well, it’s going to be alright. I see a light above her.” He says, “It’s going to be alright”

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And he was telling us some things there and he shouldered his gun and he held his two hands out and he said, “Do you think when visions come like this here that they don’t bother?” And his hands was just trembling and he said “We’ll hunt a while and then we’ll have a little lunch and we’ll come back at dark or after dark.” So I went around the corner from the camp and Fred, I think he went up the main wash and I went around the back of him and was going to hunt that wall right above where the whirlwind came … back up in there and I had just got around that corner just a little ways and I sat down and …. I never wept like that in my life and I wasn’t thinking about anything. I wasn’t thinking about my daughter … he says everything was going to be alright and I just wept and wept and wept and when I got done, I was just real drained you might say, tired. So I got up and walked and I got up on top there and I could see ….. before that happened, I could see him going up what he called that that hogback there by that pine tree. He went right in the direction where that blast was the next morning. So I went around the back and I went up around up on top there and I had hunted about an hour and the same thing came on me. I just sat down and wept and I didn’t even know why I was weeping or what happened. Anyhow, we all got back in there about dark and we didn’t see any pig, but the next morning he had us to go up there where he’d went the night before (a lot of brothers know just here it’s at) … We went up that direction there and he separated us. He was hunting to the right and Fred was hunting the middle and I walked down the Rattlesnake Mesa road and I hunted downhill and I went down into the bottom and I got down in the bottom and it happened to me again … that was three times. I just sat down and wept and wept and wept. And when that passed away I got up and I hunted about … I started working back and I hunted probably about a half hour and that blast went off. It sounded like it was right above my head and I looked up and I didn’t see nothing … I didn’t see the cloud in the form that it shows in the picture … when I looked up I seen two long streaks like a plane a leaving a trail. Two streaks with a great miles one way with a spot … a big space in between it but I couldn’t see no plane. I thought what it was probably a plane bust the sound barrier but there was no planes in the area … there just wasn’t any there you know and I didn’t know what it was and so I started hunting back up the hill there and I met Fred and Brother Branham. They was sitting on the Rattlesnake Mesa Road on top waiting for me and the first thing brother Branham asked me when I got on top was “Gene, did you hear that noise?” And I said, “Man, Brother Branham! I’ve been out here five years and I have never heard a sound like that in town, out of town or any place” But he didn’t say anything. And Fred and I walking back, I said “Man! Wasn’t that a blast?” and he said “Yeah, there could be something to it.” So we got back to camp and Brother Branham said he’d put a piece of paper up there on a bush and that “We’ll come back and try it” And if they’re not in there, we’ll go back. So we went up there the next morning and tried it and they weren’t in there and he’d drawed a little map and he give it to me and it showed where that piece of paper was so we would get out on the right finger you know and he positioned me to where I could scare them over to Fred and Fred hadn’t got his pig but there was nothing happened so he was going to go back. A few days later I had the privilege of going back …. ride back with him to when he preached the Seals. So he come and picked me up. And Fred Sothmann, Tom Simpson, they had cars and Billy Paul and we had quite a convoy so anyhow, I got to ride with him and he said “We’ll eat breakfast at Benson” and I said “Well I don’t know if I’ll be able to eat

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breakfast. I had too much pork last night and I was up a couple of times in the night and I don’t know.” He said “Well we’ll stop and … ” and you’d think you was listening to a medical doctor, ‘cause he went right to explaining what happened on my insides. “You got too much of that rich grease” and it had upset my stomach. And the way he’d explain it, you’d think you was listening to a medical doctor. And when we got to Benson, I ate breakfast! That was alright! We got back to Jeffersonville there and I got to stay with Brother Beeler and Brother Palmer and had good fellowship with them and I’d like to say that to me them Seals are so outstanding and I thought I was getting a lot then but I tell you, I wasn’t even scratching the surface, but to me they’re just so wonderful. I think it took more out of him on those Seals than people really know and I could see that. And he was so nervous that we got into Arizona, he started singing for maybe two or three hours and he’d say “Well do you know this one Gene?” He was trying to pull himself out of it. Really it just took and awful lot out of him from what I could see. And the next day I went over to mow his back yard and take care of the place for him. And I walked round the back of the house in the morning and here he was hunched up against the house. He was just beside himself I guess. Anyhow, he said “Don’t tell that guy across the street.” (There was kind of an odd character that used to bother him). He said “Don’t tell him I’m here Gene. I just want to be alone”. So I got around the front and went out there and mowed and got out of there as quick as I could. And he went back in the house I guess by the time I got round the backyard, ‘cause I wouldn’t bother him for anything and so it really drained him. I was over at my Brother in Law, Willard Weert’s and he got a phone call and I picked up that Life Magazine and I was thumbing through there and I seen that cloud picture and I didn’t have any idea what it was and so I asked Willard “Don’t you think that’s strange?” and he said “Sure is” And I said “Can I just take this and show Brother Branham?” and he said “Sure you can have it if you want it.” Brother Branham come over Sunday to go to Church at one of the Assembly of God Churches down on Broadway and I showed him that picture of the cloud and I said “Did you ever see this before Brother Branham.” And he says “No, I haven’t seen it” He looked at it and said “I guess you’ve seen that it’s in the form of a pyramid?” and I said “No I never” And he said “Do you mind if I have it Gene?” and I said “No, take it along. I don’t want it”. And he never said what it was but later on when he said what it was, why we were going to Church another Sunday morning and he said “Gene, why don’t you go down and tell that McDonald” (he was the guy at the university there that was making light of it), ”Why don’t you go down and tell just what happened up there?” and I said “Oh not me Brother Branham. I’d get it all balled up. I said “You go tell him”. He said “Well it’s not for them, it’s for us that believe”. And I think it was a year and a half or two years later that that man took his own life. Now that’s the difference. If you stand for the Word or if you go against the Word. That’s quite a contrast. He took his own life.

Brother Gene Norman Transcribed from the audio testimony held

in the William Branham Storehouse collection.

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When the pyramid shaped cloud profile is overlaid upon the head of Christ in the painting "Christ and the Rich Young Ruler" by Heinrich Hofmann, the closeness of the match is notable. Hofmann’s head of Christ is the likeness favored by William Branham and is shown below reversed from left to right.

Despite the coinciding profiles, the cloud DID NOT indicate the coming of the Lord at that time.

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The cloud was NOT the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as has been supposed by some but rather was a very public sign in the heavens that God was about to do something of Dispensational importance, namely He was about to reveal the mystery of the Seven Seals referred to in the Book of Revelation (Chapters 6 and 8.1). The confusion has perhaps been caused by the circulation of composite photograph’s that have convincingly merged Hofmann’s ‘Head of Christ’ with the photograph of the Cloud to show facial features within the boundaries of the cloud but as shown previously, this was definitely not the way the cloud appeared on February 28, 1963. A further contributing factor may also have arisen as a result of the publication of the duotone image which as mentioned earlier, now resides at Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, Arizona, and which discloses facial features that are likely to have been caused by the comparatively unsophisticated reproduction processes available at the time. It should also not be overlooked that after the Seals were preached in 1963, Brother Branham made over 40 statements to the effect that he was still looking for the coming of the Lord and of which, the following quotations are representative. Brother Branham was still looking for the Coming of the Lord after February 1963

8 And aren't you happy to be living in this day? That... See? Not only that, friends, but always remember now; last Sunday morning where the whole thing was based on, simplicity (See?), simple, humble. Happens in such a way that people just go right on by and don't even know it happened. And remember, we are Looking for the Coming of the Lord anytime. And when we... I made a statement that I perhaps the rapture would be the same way. It'll be gone, over, and no one will know nothing about it, and just come like that. See? And usually... Just go on back to the Bible and look how it happens like that (See?), even as great a thing as the Lord Jesus coming. Nobody knew nothing about it. They thought, "That crank, somebody..." The churches said, "Just a fanatic. We... He's really crazy." Said, "He's a mad man. We know thou art mad." "Mad" means "crazy.” “We know you got a devil, and it's run you crazy. And you try to teach us when you were borned out there illegitimately. Why, you was born in fornication, try to teach men like us, the priests and so forth, the temple." Why, my, that was a--an insult to them. When John came, been talked about down through the ages from Isaiah to Malachi--that's twelve hundred--or seven hundred and twelve years he'd been seen of the prophets coming. Everybody was Looking for him to come, expecting it at anytime.

William Branham - THE SECOND SEAL JEFF IN 63-0319

55 Wonderful Lord Jesus. All right. We find Elijah kept looking until he seen just the size of a man's hand. Now, unbelief would've caught that right quick. "If that's the best you can do... (See?) If that's all you can do, well, take it back." But what was it? He was Looking for the supernatural. Oh, he knowed only the hand of God could do it. And when he saw that hand, J-e-s-u-s, he had f-a-i-t-h. Yes. And when he saw it, he said, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." What was it? He accepted the first move. Oh, unbeliever this morning, you who have been all scrupled up in your water baptisms and everything else, let the Spirit of God open your eyes and show you just a little something. Then you start from there. "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." You who believe creeds instead of the Word, come back to the Word. Just see the first little move. Faith accepted it. "There's what I'm Looking


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for." We're Looking for the coming of the Lord . We look at the Holy Ghost falling in the last days. We look at signs and wonders. We watch what's taking place. See? Don't you see? What you looking at? That's exactly what God said would take place. Let faith grab it.

William Branham - LOOK PHOENIX Arizona 63-0428

4 As we know, our time is running out. We're just so close of--of tomorrow, that the Evening Light's of the day... And I... Our family's out in the west. We all got along fine. And I gained twelve pounds and lost ten of it since I been back. And Billy Paul gained eighteen pounds. And Rebekah, and Sarah, and Joseph all gained. Of course, my wife didn't gain. So--so... I'd be daresn't to say that up here, you know, 'cause I have to go home after while...?... See? So I... But we had a--a wonderful, wonderful time and so grateful. We... Kinda bad, I thought, to come back, but there's one great thing--two things mainly that we missed, that there's no other place can take its place: one thing, our friends here, and the church. No matter where we go, we find friends. And we're grateful for our friends. But there's something about those friends who stuck with you through the thick and thin, that there's no way to substitute them friends. No matter what any other friend could be, there's no way to substitute a friend like that. You're just squeezed into them; you're one. And we, together, Looking for the Coming of the Lord as the days go on... And it's kinda hard to try to think that you could... You cannot be separated.

William Branham - STANDING IN THE GAP JEFF IN 63-0 623M 21 And if what he says comes to pass, then hear him. If it doesn't come to pass, don't hear him." That's no more than good reasoning to any man. Now, we find ourselves here in the last days now, when we're Looking for the Coming of the Lord again. Well remember the old Baptist preacher that baptized me into the Name of Jesus Christ, when I was just a little boy. And he used to discuss this subject with me, about John the Baptist. He said, "Brother Billy," he said, "When John... When He said, 'Suffer it to be so,' and then he suffered Him. He said, "Then John, baptized... Jesus baptized John, because as we know John had never been baptized, and yet he was preaching baptism." Well, that always kind of stunted me a little. Then the other--here not long ago it was revealed to me at this way, that there met in that pool, in that hole of water, the two greatest messengers the world ever seen: a--a man that was above all the prophets, which was John. There never was a man born of a woman, as great as he; and there was God Himself manifested in a body of flesh. And remember, and the Bible tells us that the Word of the Lord comes to the prophets.


2 And I want to say that I deem this a grand privilege this morning of being here again. And sorry that we don't have the adequate seating room. And we are going to try tonight now to have prayer for the sick; today, this morning, it would be a little hard. And--and I was going to tape this message today. I... The Lord seemed to deal with me concerning it, oh, a month or two ago, and it's a long... And I don't have the time out in the meetings, because we allow that to thirty, forty minutes of service. And then we... Because of the people having to go to work and things, I found it better if I make my messages short. And they didn't have time out there to record it, so I thought I'd just wait till I got to the Tabernacle here and then record it from here. And it's a little lengthy, and I know you're standing, and I--I'm going to

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hurry just as fast as I can. And now, you won't bother me if you're switching seats, or whatevermore, that'll--that'll be perfectly all right with me, because this is a special day that we just make these recordings. And so we got great reports from what the Lord has done out in the field, but we'll probably give more of that tonight when we can give more time to it, have more time to give. And now we trust that the Lord will bless each one of you. I know your hearts are full of joy, Looking for the coming of the Lord . And mine also, bubbling over, to see things that's happening the way they are.

William Branham - THE UNVEILING OF GOD JEFF IN 64- 0614M

4 And the next day the mayor of--of Durban (which is Sidney Smith) said, "Go to your window and look coming down the street." And there were van load after van load just piled full of old crutches and things, just piled up. That they were coming behind the natives (which was at war at one another) coming down the streets of the city singing "Only Believe" in their native tongue. I'll tell you; my heart thrilled like... When you see something like that, Brother Shores, you feel your work's not in vain then. You see, you tried. And I hoped God repeats it again, not because, 'cause we're going down there, but because we're Looking for the coming of the Lord . He's... As the songs said, we're seeking out that little lost sheep that's, that... He--He won't come until that sheep's in. Everyone has to be in the fold. He won't close the door till that last one's in. So minister brothers, I'm sure with you this morning, I'm trying to hunt out that last sheep. 5 It might be in Phoenix this morning. I don't know. But when the last one comes in, then the Shepherd will close the door. That's perfectly all right...?... I don't. I'm the one that has to write out what I'm going to say almost. I’m--since I'm getting older I find it harder to remember, put my Scriptures down and so forth. Used to be I could line up about fifty Scriptures in my mind and never even pass right on through it, but I got a lot of rough miles behind them days. So we're Looking for the coming of the Lord . Lord bless you all. And you--you get up here and you think... You set down here and hear these people testify, and you think, "Well, when I get up I'm going to say something about that." And there's so much to say, you'd be all day saying it. But I certainly appreciate you all. May this little chapter just keep growing. May every church in Phoenix continually to grow until Jesus comes is my sincere prayer. Now, I think just to rest us just a little bit, let's stand while we have prayer, will you?

William Branham - THE EASTER SEAL PHOENIX Arizona 65-0410

9 Now, we are going to use this like a Sunday school lesson. And it's not directed to anything, any certain persons, or anything: just to the church, the Body of Christ, that we're trying to lead to deeper thoughts and higher objectives, believing that the coming of the Lord Jesus is at hand. We believe that much more. It's twenty years closer than it was the first time I come to Shreveport. Oh, so much has happened since that time. Now, we're Looking forward for the coming of the Lord in our g eneration . I'm not Looking for revival in our generation; I'm Looking for the Coming of the Lord in our generation. Now, in Romans 7, trusting that you have your Bibles open everywhere now across the country, we want to read closely. Now, this is--this message out of here, it seems like, it's on marriage and divorce; but it really isn't. To me it's a prophecy for the church in the last days. Let us read.


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68 Your actions speaks louder than your words. All they think about is making denominational members, but there are some people, one here and there, that's Looking for the coming of the Lord. They're watching for though. Only those will He reveal Himself to; only those will understand. Just the Elected understood Who He was. Just think, there's about maybe three million people, Jews, on earth; there wasn't one third of them ever knowed He was there till He'd done come and gone. See? But He revealed Himself to those who were waiting: John the Baptist, and--and the apostles that had been called by John, and so forth, and blind Ann in the temple, Simeon the priest that it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he was going to see the Christ. All those great religious leaders, theologians and things, blind as they could be. Only can the rain raise the seed, if the seed's already there. And as you was a germ first in your father, and he didn't know you, yet you were in your father. But through a bedding ground of your mother, you were made manifest in his likeness, and then he could talk to you.


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Sunset Peak (7024 ft) is in the rear and to the right of the picture.

'Desert Rainbow' by Merritt Simmons of Tucson, Arizona

The Sunset Mountain campsite Located a little over 40 miles North East of Tucson, the campsite area that followers of Brother Branham's Message have come to refer to as ‘Sunset Mountain’, lies some 3 1/2 miles south of the settlement of Klondyke and fifteen miles north of the highest point (Sunset Peak) in the nearby Galiuro Mountains. The general area forms a small portion of the Coronado Forest, Arizona. The ‘Sunset Mountain' campsite was used by Brother Branham and his companions as a base from which to hunt Javelina hogs and became known as 'Sunset Mountain' to believers of his Message after Brother Branham referred to the location where the visitation of the Seven Angels took place as ‘Sunset Mountain’. In reality, the Angels visited him on an elevated ridge (Rattlesnake Mesa) about a half mile east from the campsite. The visitation occurred at a time in the world's history that to Bible believers may be likened to the setting of the sun. Thus, as the sun sets on the civilization we have known, the revelation of the Seven Seals was delivered in reassurance of the resurrection just as dawn breaks on the next millennium when Christ will reign and rule on the earth. For a more detailed explanation of the visitation, please refer to the study entitled, ‘The Tucson Mountains’, to be found on DVD 3 (William Branham Storehouse Collection) within the folder entitled ‘Places’. While there is an actual community named 'Sunset', it is located nineteen miles to the south of the 'Sunset Mountain’ campsite, the latter being a term that was unknown to the residents of the area until they became aware that the people who follow Brother Branham’s Message, were referring to the location of the campsite by this name.

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IS THIS THE SIGN OF THE END SIR JEFF.IN 62-1230E 25-3 Now, in this vision, or as I was speaking, I looked, and I saw a strange thing. Now, it seemed like that my little son Joseph was by my side. I was talking to him. Now, if you'll watch the vision real close, you'll see why Joseph was standing there. And I looked, and there was a big bush. And on this bush in a--in a constellation of birds, little bitty birds, about a half inch long and a half inch high, they were little veterans. Their little feathers was beat down. And there was about two or three on the top limb, six or eight on the next limb, and fifteen or twenty on the next limb, coming down in the shape of the pyramid. And those little fellows, little messengers... And they were pretty well worn out. And they were watching eastward, and I was at Tucson, Arizona, in the vision. For it made it so purpose that He didn't want me to fail to see where it was at, I was picking a sand burr off of me from the desert. And I said, "Now, I know this is a vision, and I know that I'm at Tucson. And I know that them little birds there represent something." And they were watching eastward. And all of sudden they taken a notion to fly, and away they went eastward. 25-5 And as soon as they left, a constellation of larger birds came. They looked like doves, sharp pointed wings, kind of a gray color, a little lighter color than what these first little messengers was. And they were coming eastward swiftly. And no sooner than they got out of my sight, I turned again to look westward, and there it happened. There was a blast that actually shook the whole earth. Now, don't miss this. And you on tape, be sure you get this right. First a blast. And I thought it sounded like a sound barrier, or ever-what you call it when planes cross the sound, and the sound comes back to the earth: just shook like roared, everything: Then it could've been a--a great clap of thunder and lightning like. I didn't see the lightning. I just heard that great blast that went forth that sounded like it was south from me, towards Mexico. 26-2 But it shook the earth, and when it did, I was still looking westward. And way off into eternity I saw a constellation of something coming. It looked like that it might've been little dots. There could've been no less than five, and not more than seven. But they were in the shape of a pyramid, like these messengers coming. And when it did, the power of Almighty God lifted me up to meet them. And I can see it. I... It's never left me. Eight days is gone, and I can't forget it yet. I never had anything to bother me like that has. My family will tell you. 26-4 I could see those Angels, those shaped-back wings traveling faster than sound could travel. They come from eternity in a split like a twinkling of an eye, not enough to bat your eye, just a twinkle. They were there. I didn't have time to count. I didn't have time, no more than just look. Mighty ones, great powerful Angels, snow white, wings set in head, and they were "whew wheeew," [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.] and when it did, I was caught up into this pyramid of constellation. And I thought, "Now, this is it." I was numbed all over, and I said, "Oh, my. This means that there will be a blast that will kill me. I'm at the end of my road now. I mustn't tell my people when this vision leaves. I don't want them to know about it, but the heavenly Father has let

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me know now that my time is finished. I won't tell my family so they'll worry about me, because He's fixing to go and these Angels has come for me, and I'll be killed pretty soon now in some kind of an explosion." Then it came to me, while I was in this constellation, "No, that isn't it. If it would've killed you it would've killed Joseph, and I could hear Joseph calling me." Well, then I turned again, and I thought, "Lord God, what does this vision mean?" And I wondered, and then it come to me, not a voice, just come to me. Oh, that is the Angels of the Lord coming to give me my new commission. And when I thought that, I raised up my hands, and I said, "O Lord Jesus, what will You have me do?" And the vision left me. For almost an hour, I couldn't feel. 27-1 Now, you people know what the blessings of the Lord is. But the power of the Lord is altogether different. The power of the Lord in them kind of a places, I felt it many, many times before in vision, but never like that. It feels like a reverent fear. I was so scared till I was paralyzed in the presence of these Beings. I tell the truth. As Paul said, "I lie not." You never caught me saying anything wrong about something like that? Something's fixing to happen. Then after while I said, "Lord Jesus, if I'm going to be killed, let me know so I won't tell my people about this; but if it's something else, let me know." The--nothing answered. After the Spirit left me for about a half hour I guess or more I said, "Lord, if it is then that I am going to be killed, and You're finished with me on earth, and--and I'm going to be taken home now, which if that's it, that's fine. That's all right." So I said, "If it is, let me know. Send Your power back on me again. Then I'll know not to tell my people, or anybody about it, because You're fixing to come catch me away." And I... And nothing happened. And I waited awhile. Then I said, "Lord Jesus, if it did not mean that, and it means that You've got something for me to do and it'll be revealed to me later, then send Your power. And it almost took me from the room. 27-4 I found myself somewhere over in a corner. I could hear my wife somewhere trying to shake a door. The door in the bedroom was locked. And I had a Bible open, and it was reading... I don't know, but it was in, I believe, Romans the 9th chapter, the last verse: "Behold I lay in Sion a cornerstone, a stumbling stone, a precious cornerstone, and whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed." And I thought, "It's strange I'd be reading that." (Spirit still packing me in the room.) And I closed up the Bible and stood there. I went over to the window (It was about ten o'clock in the day or better.), and I raised up my hands, and I said, "Lord God, I don't understand. This is a strange day to me. And I'm beside myself almost." And I said, "Lord, what does that mean? Let me read again, if it be You." Now, this sounds juvenile. And I took up the Bible, opened it up. There it was again at the same place: Paul telling the Jews that they tried to--telling the Romans that the Jews tried to accept it by works, but it's by faith that we believe it. 28-1 Well, it's been a terrific time since. Now, you see where I stand. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what to say. But now, let me now, from now on, for the next about fifteen, twenty minutes, let me try to say something here now. Remember, not one time has those visions ever failed. Now, I'm going to take the Scriptures for a moment. If you notice, in Revelations the 10th chapter... Now, let me say this: If the vision is Scriptural, it can only be interpreted by the Scripture. And then I want you to put this together. And now, you present and you on tape, be sure you say this the way I say it, 'cause it could be mighty easy misunderstood. REPROACH FOR THE WORD JEFF.IN 62-1223

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4-2 Now, I have had many things to happen in my life, but I never had anything like that. I went into a trance. I don't know the interpretation. I've never had anything like it in my life. But before me, it seemingly that I realized that it was a vision, and I was in the vision. But I was talking to my son, Joseph which he was not in the room at the time. But somehow, just as it struck me, I was talking to Joseph. And I--I looked up, and kind of in the shape of a pyramid, standing before me, was little small birds, something like a half-inch long. And they were up at the top on the limbs, they was a--may say three or four, and the next--next limb had maybe eight or ten, and down at the bottom had fifteen or twenty. They were little warriors, because their feathers was beaten; and looked like they were trying to talk to me, saying something. 4-4 And I was in the west, seemingly around Tucson, Arizona. And the birds were looking east, and I was listening close to--trying to say... Looked like they were trying to tell me something. And they had--little feathers was all been beat up and things. They were pretty well battle-scarred. Then all of a sudden, one bird begin to take the other one's place--jumping like that--and they, the little birds, swiftly left, flying eastward. And when they did, from that came a larger bird, more like doves, with the pointed wings; and--and--and they come in a swarm and swiftly--more swift than what the little birds was--flew eastward. 4-6 And I, still in my--the two consciences together, I knowed I was standing here, and I knowed I was somewhere else. See? And I thought, "Now, this is vision, and I must learn what this means." And no more than the second group of birds come by, I looked to the west; and it looked like in a form of a pyramid, like two on each side with one in the top, came five of the mightiest Angels I ever seen in my life. Such a terrific speed I never seen... Their heads back and their pointed wings just sailing quickly. And the power of Almighty God struck me in such a way till it lifted me plumb from the ground, all the way from the ground up. I could hear Joseph still speaking. And sound like the sound barrier breaking, that--that a great roar went off way in the distance to the south. And when I was lifted up, and there was such a terrific speed of the Angels. And I--I can just see them right now (See?), as--as they were coming in that shape like that, just sweeping right into me. Now, not dreaming now. No, I was right there wide awake as I am now. See? 5-3 But here they come. And they were so terrifically fast, till I thought when it lifted up... I heard that explosion like, or like a blast that went out, like a sound barrier; and when it did, I thought, "Well, this must mean that I'm fixing to be killed (See?) in a blast of some sort." And--and I--and while I thought on those things, I thought, "No, it wouldn't be that, because if it was a blast, it would've got Joseph too, because there he is still talking, thinking that I'm there. I can hear him. It wasn't that." This is all still in the vision. It wasn't... See, it's in the vision. And then all at once, as I realized that I had been... They were around me. I couldn't see them, but I'd been brought into this constellation of a pyramid of them, inside this constellation of--of Angels, of five. And I thought, "Now, a death angel would be one, five would be grace." I was thinking that; I thought, "Oh, it's the--it's coming with my message. That's my second climax. They're coming to bring me the message from the Lord." And I screamed out with all of my might, as loud as I could, "Oh Jesus, what would You have me do?" And when I did, it just--just went away from me. 5-5 I--I--I haven't felt just right since. See? I was... All day yesterday, I had to stay in the house, almost feeling beside myself, I can't make my mind get clear, and the glory and power of the Lord... I was numb all over when it left me. I was trying to rub my hands, and I thought, "I can't catch my breath." And I walked around and--through the floor, and back and forth. And I thought, "What does it mean, Lord? What does it mean?"

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And then I stopped and I said, "Lord God, Your servant is... I--I just cannot understand why. What was that? Make it known, Lord." 6-1 Well, when the... I can't tell you about when I say, "Power of the Lord." There's no way to explain that. It isn't what you feel here in the blessings. That's the blessings of the Lord. This is a sacred... Oh, my. It's--it's beyond anything that a mortal could even imagine. See? And it--and it was bothering me real bad. It don't--it isn't a blessing; it's a bother; you're troubled. See? If it is... If you could only... If I could only get some way that I could tell the people what that was, or what--what the feeling of it was. It--it isn't just like setting here want to rejoice. It's--it's something that every nerve in you just... It's beyond scare; it's beyond frightened; it's a holy reverence of... How... There's no way to explain it. Even to my entire back, up and down my spine, through my fingers, up and down, on my feet and toes, my whole being was just numbed. See, just like you was--you'd--it way out of the world somewhere. And--and it was leaving me gradually. And I said to the--to the Lord, "Will You just let me know, O God." I guess the closest that ever come of being that strong again was when I was in Zurich, Switzerland, that time when He showed me that German Eagle watching that English horse rider come down through Africa. And He said, "All have sinned and come short of the glory." 6-4 And I was crying out to the Lord to help me. And I--I wanted Him to give me the interpretation, because I wondered if it meant--if it meant that I was going to go away--I was going to be killed. And if it was, I wasn't going to say anything to the family about it. If it's my time to go home, I'll just go home; that's all of it. But if--if that's what it meant, I didn't want to tell the family, didn't want them to know nothing about it; just let done, and that--that would be all of it. And I said, "Lord, help me. I don't want to tell the family if--if You're... If it's my call home, why, I--I'll be going," You see? I said--and I... You know... You say, "Why didn't you think about what you said in the vision, what the vision said?" But you can't think of things like that then. You... I can't anyhow. 6-6 And I thought... I was just troubled, upset. You don't know how to think; you can't think. And I said, "Heavenly Father, if that meant that--that an explosion was going to take me, why, let me know now, so I won't say anything about it. Let Your glory and power come upon me again, and lift me up again, or let Your glory come upon me, and then I'll--I'll know then that it meant--it meant that; and so I can keep it to myself." And nothing happened. So then I said, "Then, Lord, if it meant that You're going to send Your messengers for my commission, then let Thy power come again." It like to took me out of the room. So I--I've come to myself with my Bible in my hand...?... (See?), and asking God to help me; and when I did, He--He showed me something in the Scripture, pertained right to it, right there. And I thought, "Could that actually be that... How'd I do that?" And oh, I--I can't explain these things, folks. It's beyond anything I know about. See? 7-2 My wife's a very odd woman, one of the best in the world. But a little while, I didn't say nothing about it; I went ahead. She knew there was something happened. So when I told her, she said, "You know, Bill, I see and hear you in many of those things." Said, "You know I believe you with all my heart." She said--she said, "But that really had something." It just seem to just shakes me, that blasting, and that swift coming of those Angels, like that, five of them together in a constellation of them, like--kind of like a... Like I had that pyramid drawn here. It looked to be... First it looked like, kind of a... In the distance it looked kind of like that color of doves. And they were in a--in a--coming from this way. And they were looked like one, two, three, four, and then one right at the top, making five. And they come with such a speed. There is nothing, no jets, no nothing else can compare with that.

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7-4 And I can just see them with their heads kind of turned sideways and those wings tipped back, full armored, and here they come. Whew [Brother Branham makes a whistling sound for description--Ed.], like that. Just come right down and took me right into this pyramid of a constellation of them. I seen I was off--up off the ground. I thought maybe... I heard way in a distance that roar. "Whoom," like a plane when it crosses the sound barrier. You've heard it happen like that, just like a distant roar. I thought, "This may mean now, when this vision leaves me that I'm going to be killed by an explosion or something." I thought, "Here I am; I'm lifted up. I'm... See, they're here somewhere. I'm--I'm in this--this pyramid of Angels here, but I--I don't know. Maybe the Lord is coming to take me home." Then I heard Joseph down there saying, "Daddy?" I thought, "No, if that's it, it would took him too." Then something said, "You..." Remember, that I'm waiting, watching for a message that I've always looked forward to--something. 7-7 In the vision the other day, you know as I had here not long ago telling me about what was going to happen, how I was preaching in--from the sun into this place, and--and then He said, "Now, remember, the second climax is yet to come." And I thought, "There'll be a message." You remember my message here? The opening of that capstone, where those seven voices and Seals was not even wrote in the Word of God. Remember? And It took me into that pyramid. And Junie Jackson (if you are here), that dream that you give me not long ago, I won't tell it this morning, you were so... God was so perfectly... Excuse me for not giving you the interpretation, 'cause I seen something moving. J. T., same thing. See? And I--I--I knew that. And Sister Collins, exactly the same. See? And six of those leading right straight to the same thing, and then the vision that I told you all years ago, it happened just the other day (See?), that would happen. And there it is laying right everything laying right out there. It's just something moving. I don't know what it is. God help me, is my prayer. Let us pray. COME FOLLOW ME TUCSON. Arizona 63-0601 E-6 Before I talk to you kids, I'd just like to talk to the adults just a minute...?... to all of you. It's... Now perhaps, maybe, a strenuous trip; it's been a... But the experience that I've learned from God, I wouldn't take ten thousand dollars for what I learned of the Lord since I been here. I truly believe I come in full obedience to the command of the Almighty, and I--I hope I can ever remain that way. And there's a... E-7 When I come, one thing, was by a vision, that I was standing above Tucson up here when a blast went off. Brother Fred was there when it went off. And they took that picture, you know, in the sky. And I didn't think much about it, never noticed it. so it begin to impress me somehow the other day. And Brother Norman, Norma's father here, told me, said, "Did you notice this?" And just as I looked, right there was them angels just as plain as they could be, setting right there in that picture. You see? I looked to see when it was, and it was time, same 'bout day or two before or, day or two after I was up there. I looked where it was at: northeast of Flagstaff, or Prescott, which is below Flagstaff. Well, that's just where we was at (See?), just exactly. E-8 Twenty-six miles high, why, vapor can't go for over four--four miles high, or five, moisture, any kind of fog or anything. You see? Planes fly at nineteen thousand. That's to get up above all the clouds. You see? And nineteen thousand is about four miles high. This is twenty-six miles high and thirty miles across it and in the shape of the pyramid, if you've looked at the picture.

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And on the right-hand side, as I told you I noticed, outstanding, that Angel, there He is, chest out, wings back, coming right in, just exactly the way it was. I never noticed it when it first... There's been so many things that's... STANDING IN THE GAP JEFF.IN 63-0623M 44 I believe that. I different with some of our Pentecostal brethren who believe that the remnant of the church is those who will be caught away in the last age. I different there, because God... How could a man... How could God... We don't say, "How could He?" He can do what He wishes to. But God, Who promised Luther... And under justification, that's all they knowed. See? He promised to take the church. And He... I believe by the grace of God and by the Scriptures support it. Because He didn't come in the first watch, and they went to sleep, and the second watch, on down. In the seventh watch He come. And that's the seventh church age. That's the seventh angel's Message. See? And when He come, all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamp: Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, whoever that's borned of the Spirit of God shall go in that rapture. I believe that the Bride will be called out during that time. I believe there will be some in the last days won't have to taste death but will be changed in a moment, a twinkling of an eye. Now. But insomuch as you noticed in Brother Jackson's dream, that there was no writing on this rock on the inside. That's what I went west for. Now, as it's happened... And I told you someday I would tell you what it meant. I went west for it. And told you the vision which the people, both on tape and present this morning, will know in taking "Sirs, What Time Is It?"... 45 And any you tape brethren that doesn't have that message, and want to follow this, take "Sirs, What Time Is it?" Before... Weeks and months before it happened here, I saw the vision of being at Tucson, north of Tucson; that'd be east of Flagstaff, north of Tucson, and would be picking burrs off of my trouser legs and a--a blast would go off that would actually look like shake the country. How many of you remember that? That's right. That would shake the country... Well, it happens to be that at least one man is present this morning who was standing there when it happened. It actually shook the rocks off of the mountain. And now, they... We find out that during that time I saw seven Angels in a--in a form of a pyramid that swept down and picked me up. And I was brought east to open the Seven Seals for God. If you haven't got them... If Jesus tarries, and I... My great grandchildren, little Paul's children... 46 That will still be the eternal truth of the living God. Now, that was to find out that it was sealed inside this mountain. That wasn't wrote. It had to be interpreted. And when I come back, the first Angel on the first night opened the Seal contrary to anything we ever heard in our life. And all the seven come out the same way. You know that. You were here present when it happened: many of you. And now, I didn't know it at that time, but Brother Fred Sothmann... I know he's here. And I'm pretty sure Brother Norman is here. We was up... I had to go to Houston about getting that little boy saved from the electric chair. And then I went back, and I went hunting up there with the brethren. And that morning, I was standing there picking cockleburs, or--or what they call "goat-heads" there, burrs off of my trouser leg. And the blast did just exactly the way It said. Is that right, Brother Fred? And I--I--I must've jumped way off of the ground. And just above me was the Angels of the Lord that sent message back for me come here to break these Seals. Why here? Why at the Tabernacle? Why didn't I do it there? Because I'd made a promise to my church and to God, that any new message would come from this Tabernacle, recorded from here. And He was helping me to keep my word to stay back here to do it. And then immediately I went back again... 47 And now, I didn't know at the time, that they were taking pictures of that, scientists was, as the Angels lowered themselves from heaven to bring the message. And you remember, I said the one on the right side of the constellation had His--kinda chest back, and His wings... You remember

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me saying that, all of you? And how that I watched him? He was very distinctive from the others. And I didn't know they were taking a picture of It, 'cause immediately I hurried east. But going back home to Tucson, there it was all through the papers that had been seen almost nationwide or--or plumb into Mexico, all the western States. And I think the "Courier" over here... It was on the Associated Press. How many saw a mysterious cloud in the sky? Lets see the hands. And now, the “Life” Magazine picked it up. And I have the--the article here this morning in the “Life” Magazine there, of the show... Now, here it is, the same time I was there. See the pyramid or the Cloud? I was standing just below this. And there... 48 See the distinctive Angel on the right hand side? See the pointed wing of It? Just exactly what was said. And here's interview of Mexico and different places from where they took the picture. Now, this scientist here is trying to--to get all the information about the picture that he can, about the people who has the picture. He's studying it. Now, he says here that it would be impossible for it to be a cloud, because moisture doesn't go over about--I'd say about six or eight miles high, something like that. When we go overseas we usually fly nineteen thousand feet; we're above the storms then. But this cloud, according to this article here of this scientist, is twenty-six miles high. It would be miles and miles beyond moisture. And he said, checking the area... And now, you know I... How many remembers that I told you, "It sounded like the sound breaker on a plane"? Remember? But there was no plane in the district. The book says so here. They checked it. There wasn't no--wasn't no planes up there. And besides, it couldn't... 49 That fog behind a plane is nothing but broken up air, moisture. 'Cause it sucks through this unit, as a jet. As it's pulling itself, it breaks the moisture in the air. They can never get rid of it as long as there's a jet, because it's got to... That's what it propels on. And it's the moisture scooting out from it. But here it is, miles above where there could be moisture, and no planes in the district. And it couldn't be moisture up there, and hung up there that day. It's thirty miles across it, twenty-six miles high. You see? Just as the same, it was that picture there, when I told you, "the Angel of the Lord looked like a Pillar of Fire years ago," before it was ever took. God made science recognize that it's truth. And here of the prophecy that was given, God made science testify that it's the truth. Now, where do we stand? I want to keep this, for I--I may speak to a friend of mine that's present this morning to--to write those Seven Seals. He might want to use this for it. And so, you have a copy of it... Why, if you get one, hold it for reference. See? Now, he's wanting to find out, but what good would it do to go to tell him that? He'd laugh at it. He would just merely laugh. So don't cast our pearls like that. 50 But we know, the church knows, and God knows that it's the truth. And then while I was praying on this subject, a wondering what would happen to me, and you know where I was at? North of Tucson, east of Flagstaff, just exactly, positionally, where I told you months before it happened I'd be standing. And exactly, according to this paper here and the papers--or this magazine, and our own testimony, exactly where it taken place. God is perfect and cannot lie. And it will come to pass. See? You remember on the tape, "Sirs, What Time Is It?" I quoted over it, "Remember, something's fixing to take place major." And now it's made the whole nation testify to it. Every newspaper on the Associated Press, and one of our leading magazines, and everything else testifying about it, it ain't all over yet. But what a privileged people, a--a privileged people that's Christian, to know that in this dark hour when there's no hopes according to science there's an atomic bomb waiting for us. And no hopes in our organizations ever getting together; they're consolidating with the mark of the beast... And when all of our hopes that way is gone in our economy, of our Christian fellowship amongst the organizations... 51 It's heading up into Catholicism, which will be a mark of the beast in the confederation of church. But it's those who love God and are Looking for a reality that... The very God Who made

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the promise in the Bible, spreads it before our face and makes the church, and the people, and science, and magazines, and everything recognize that He's still God and can fill the promise. What a time. Then in Sabino Canyon that morning, praying and wondering what would happen, holding my hands out to God upon top that mountain, that Sword dropped into my hand with a pearl handle, and its guard over it, and a long blade about three foot long, and glisten like pot metal or--or like chrome, razor sharp; and I didn't know what it was. And I said, "I'm afraid of these things." And just then a Voice spoke that shook the canyon, said, "This is the Sword of the Lord." And the Sword of the Lord is the Word of the Lord. For the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword. Then coming back to that... Then during that time a gallant little brother here in the church, and he's a--was a soldier and got blowed all to pieces in the army almost, and laid out for dead; and said, he'd... They didn't... The medics didn't think he'd live and wasn't even worth fooling with, he was so far gone. The main nerves in his leg burst, and his little arm almost blowed completely off, his leg--one leg off and everything. 52 But God seen grace and saved him and healed him one day. He, Brother Roy Roberson was present when that picture was taken there at Houston. How his wife was told by a vision, what she'd been doing in the day, and how she had a trouble, and it would be healed. And that brought him a believer. But he, being a military man was kind of a (I hope he forgives me for saying this from...) more on the--the rough, precise side; giving orders (See?), in the army as a command of men, He'd had to sass-out, and, "Do it." See? And he--he believed though. But steady coming around with the church and seeing the supernatural, he said, "I believe that, but that's for somebody else." One night the Lord woke him up, one morning. We was setting, he and I, look like in Jerusalem at the Lord's Communion Table, and I was talking. He couldn't understand it. And Brother Roy, setting present, looking at me right now, and he saw it. And he called me up in--out in Arizona... Or sent me a letter and I called him back. 53 He said, "You were setting there, Brother Branham, and I saw that big Pillar of Light come in and get you and take you away from the Lord's table, and you went westward." 'Cause he was setting on the east side watching me go west, and this Light come in and take me out. Said it was one morning like it was a vision. Got up in the bed about three or four o'clock in the morning, something like that, and saw this happen. And said he screamed, look like for days, "Brother Bill, come back." And Roy and I have been real brothers. We live together, and hunt together, and we're just brothers. And he--he screamed for me till he was hoarse in his throat, "Come back. Bring him back. Bring him back." Crying, he said, I'd... Here come that Pillar of Fire coming back, or a Cloud come back, and He set me at the head of the table, and I'd been changed. It was a mystery to Brother Roy, me being changed to look different. (I lay this up here for something I want to remember) Being changed... (when I give him the interpretation of it.) That was just before I come back for the Seven Seals. When I come back for the Seven Seals, then I... One morning he got ahold of Billy, and he wanted to talk to me. And I was busy, under prayer for the Seven Seals, and then he told me of... It happened again and repeated again. Brother Roy, if I get this wrong, you--you call my attention. 54 And he said he--he got up again in--in the morning, I guess early again in--in the morning, and there he looked in the room, and he saw this big Light, or a Cloud upon a mountain. He asked me not long ago, "Was there something about a cloud being on a mountain?" And I said... "In the Bible." And I said, "Yes, when Peter, James, and John was took up, and the cloud overshadowed the Lord Jesus. And--and God spoke, said, 'This is My beloved Son.'" I preached on that here, not long ago, a little message, the tape brethren might understand, "Hear Ye Him." I suppose, maybe you have it on tape. I'm sure. And he said that he went up the mountain. And when he did, I was standing there. And a Voice came from the Cloud (Wasn't it, Brother Roy?) and said something on this order: "This is My servant. I've called him to be a prophet to the age, to lead the people just as

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Moses did. And he's been given the authority. He can speak into existence." Something like that like Moses did, like speaking in the flies. And we know about the squirrels and so forth, and things that's already took place. Little Hattie Wright back there, I suppose would know what taken place at her house. And He told him that I had done what Moses had done. And I... LORD JUST ONCE MORE HOT SPRINGS.AR 63-0628A 11 And I was talking to someone a few minutes ago. If you look in “Life” magazine, last month, you'll see there. And you got that tape. I'm not a tape salesman. But if you ever believed the Words that I preach, and you can afford it, get "The Seven Seals," and first get "What Time Is It, Sirs?" Listen to that spoke of, six months before it happened. And science is baffled. Standing right under where it was happening there. And told them, six months before, how that there'd be seven Angels in a form of a constellation, and look like a pyramid, would drop down. And I'd be standing north of Tucson, Arizona, and there would be a roar that would even shake the rocks from the mountains. Brother Fred Sothmann setting there, who was standing with us, many of them, when it happened. Now, science took the picture of It, you seen It, went on Associated Press. They didn't know what It was. There's a Cloud hanging, twenty-six miles high. That's fifteen miles, or twenty, above even where vapor's at. They don't know what it's all going about, and they're trying to investigate It. And there, right under It, I was standing. And those seven Angels roaring out their voices, of those Seven Seals, standing there. And the witness, three of us, as a witness of the things that was prophesied on the tape, "Sirs, What Time Is It?" And there now they're trying to find out. It's a mystery to them. 12 Some of them said, "Go, go... Why don't you go tell them?" It'd be just like when the Angel of the Lord appeared here at Houston, Texas, in that Light. I told the people all my Life I seen that Light. The church knows it. Science knows it. It's... Everything has to testify when Jesus Christ makes a move. There it is. The magazine, if you want to look in it, it's the one that's got Rockefeller and his new wife on the back. I think it's May's issue of the “Life” magazine. He's God. We're living in the last days. Now, I've come this morning to try to pick out a few notes here and things to speak on something that would help the church, would help with these minister brothers to put my shoulders to the wheel with these men. We are brothers, and they bring me here because they believe in the same ministry. You've been saved during this meeting, why don't you take your membership up with some of these fine churches here that believes this type of ministry. They--they believe it; they stand behind it. And I--I come that we might lay down the Scripture and for something that might help the church. And my subject like this morning, is to what state that I think the Pentecostal church is of this day. What stand, what hour are we standing in, and what's the possibility? Now, let me quote that again. What state the church is standing in now, and what possibilities lies ahead for it? THE THIRD EXODUS JEFF. IN 63-0630 73 There's no mistake, friends; it's not what I'm saying; I'm just your brother; but it's what God's proving to you, what makes it the truth. Same Pillar of Fire He used for the other two, He's brought it among you today and proved it by scientific. As you know, “Life” magazine packed it last month over there, where... How many was here and heard me tell about that would happen before it did? I think about everyone in the church. There it is. They don't know what it's all about. The scientist are trying to... "Anybody got a picture, of it, call in"--a cloud twenty-six miles high in the shape of a pyramid: seven Angels represented in there and brought back, and brought you the Word of God, under the inspiration and tells you these hours that you're coming and living in. The spiritual mind will pick that right now (See?) and get it. It's an exodus. We're going to leave one of these days. Thanks be to God. Remember, and I'll close just in a minute. I got ten minutes. Notice, the Pillar of

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Fire that called them out, led them to the promised land under the anointing of a prophet. A Pillar of Fire that they could look at, led them to the promised land under an anointed prophet. And they constantly turned him down. Is that right? Sure. IS YOUR LIFE WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL JEFF IN 63-0630 2 I know it's awfully warm and place all packed out the way it is; and so we're sorry we don't have the--any air-conditioning. And I... Maybe that'll be... There's two things that I want to do for the church as soon as I can get back in the way I want to, if I can get back in the meetings properly. I want a--a piano, where it sets this way, so the pianist will be looking towards the congregation. I want a organ over on this side and a air conditioner, then I feel like I--that'd be it. And so we are... We'll trust the Lord and know that He will grant it to us. I believe they told me Brother Hickerson just took this out of the magazine. He put it on my desk back there. That is that constellation of Angels that's in the--the magazine that was spoke of. See the pyramid shape? Look at this one on this side, the pointed wing coming with his chest out like that on my right-hand side, as I spoke from this same pulpit months and months and months ago. See? There it is. And "Look" magazine--or “Life” magazine has it, the--the May issue, May the 17th, I believe it is (Is that right?), May the 17th issue. Mrs. Wood was telling me today that many called her and asked... That's in the May issue, May the 17th. It's a mysterious cloud. The cloud is twenty-six miles high and thirty miles across. And that's what we were speaking of here. 3 And that's where the Angel of the Lord came down and shook the place, and the whole... It sound louder... I know there's one man if... I think Brother Sothmann--I seen him awhile ago somewhere--he's here--he was standing (yeah, right back here)--he was standing near when it happened. I guess I wasn't too far from him; I just seen him, tried to wave to him (only I had his binoculars), that the--the animals in which we were hunting had--wasn't on this hill. Now, it went on the other hill. I'd found them the day before and told them where to go to. And I went over here where if they come this way, I'd just shoot up in the air and run them back that way, so that they could get their--their--their animal. So... Javelina is what it was. And so, I went over on this side, and they wasn't--they wasn't on either side. I seen Brother Fred walk out, and they wasn't there. He went back, and Brother Norman went over the hill. 4 And I turned, went down in a little chasm and come up, just by myself, about a mile and a half through some real, rugged country. And I was set down and was just looking around. It was getting up in the day, and I was picking those, what we call there, goat-headers, something like a burr, picking them off of my trouser leg, just exactly the same kind that I saw myself doing when I was here telling you about the vision six months about, before it happened. And I said, "That's strange. And look how perfect north I am of Tucson, kinda northeast, makes..." Tucson, you remember I said a little southwest. And I said, "That's strange." And I was looking at the--at the burr like this, picking them off of my--many of them--off of my trouser legs. If you've never been there, that's a desert country. It isn't like this at all. About twenty times brighter, and no trees and things like there is here, just cactus and sand. So I--I was just looking at it like that. I just raised my eyes up; at about, I'd say, half a mile from me I saw a whole head--herd of javelina, laying--coming out on the end where they was eating some fileree. And I thought, "Now, if I can just get Brother Fred and Brother Norman to there, that's just the place. And the evening before the Holy Spirit was so tremendous in the camp, that He was telling me things that had happened and taken place, I had to get up and walk away from the camp. And then that next morning I'd went up there, and I started... I said, "Now, if I can get to Brother Fred, I'll get him around this mountain," which was about a mile this way.

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5 I'd had to go about a--about two mile or better to pick him up, maybe three, back this way, down this what we call hogback, come up like this, up top these rugged, jagged mountains and run down this way, cut across and come over and go down in this direction and pick him up. And then he'd have to go plumb to the bottom of the hill to get Brother Norman, which would probably been four or five miles, then get back. And I was going to put a--a little piece of Kleenex, that I was going to hang on a piece of--of the mesquite there, so I could point myself to which ridge to go out when I come back. And I--I just come over a little ridge where there was a lot of jagged rock, and there's a--a deer trail come down the other side about, oh, forty, fifty yards beneath the cliff. And it was about, oh, it was up in the day. I'd say 8:00 o'clock or 9:00, wouldn't you think something like that, Brother Fred? Maybe 9:00 o'clock, something? I run over on this side quickly to keep the javelinas from seeing me. They're wild boar, you know, and they're pretty scary. So I--I went over the hill this way and cut--and started to run up the hill, and I just run along in a little--what we call a dog trot; and all of a sudden the whole country just rung out. I never heard such a terrific blast. Just shook, and the rocks rolled. 6 And I felt like I--I must've jumped five feet off the ground, looked like. It just--just scared me. And I thought, "Oh, my..." I thought I'd gotten shot, that somebody... I had on a black hat. I thought they might've thought it was a javelina running up the mountain, somebody had shot me. It went so loud right on me like that. Then all at once something said, "Look up." There it was. Then He told me, "It's the opening of those Seven Seals; turn home." So here I come. I met Brother Fred and Brother Norman about a hour later when I found them, and they were excited and talking about it. And there it is. And science says that it's impossible for--for any kind of a--a mist or anything get that high, fog, vapor. See, it'll only go just... I wouldn't know. I--I--we--when we go overseas, we travel nine thousand feet; that's above the storms. That's approximately about four miles. And say, let's say maybe it's fifteen miles till you can't get no more vapor. But this was twenty-six miles, and she hung there all day. See? They don't know what it is. But thank the Lord, we do. Thank you, Brother Hickerson. I'll keep it on my desk in there, and when they write the book, why, then we can have it. I got a little note here was give me... I believe there's been a increase in our number since I was here last. CHRIST IS THE MYSTERY OF GOD REVEALED JEFF IN 63-0 728 Now, when God used Martin Luther for the coming out, for that first church (that church age), and when He used John Wesley, and He gradually brought them out and was revealing in them that church age. When we--anyone goes back through the Bible now and find out... But in the last days... The reason that was such a tremendous thing, that He spoke of it here and showed those Seven Thunders and "Look" and “Life” my “Life” magazine there, packed that circle of cloud and light there that they could not understand and don't know it yet, but here telling, "Go there and wait for these mysteries to be revealed" and here months before it happened; and then it happened, and exactly the way He said it would do. Did you notice in that picture even that Angel on the right when He was being materialized, coming down, with His wings back and His head setting sideways? There it is right there in the picture just exactly: months before it happened, told here that He's going to bring the Body of believers together to reveal, take up them lost ends. 173 Hebrews 11 said, "They could not be perfect without us." Hands and feet cannot be perfect without the brains, the knowledge, the head, and so forth. See? And we're all perfected in Him. So by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body, free from judgment, passed from sin... (unto death)... Amen! God's own Son will be the leading One, at that meeting in the air. Do you love Him? I love Him, I love Him, Because...

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Lord Jesus, the anointing of the Holy Spirit come upon these handkerchiefs, Lord, and heal the sick, right now in... How did He--how was He revealed? Because He first loved me. What did He do? And purchased my salvation On... (Glory.) That great Angel of the Covenant, that One Who was with Moses in the wilderness, that One Who come to Paul on the road to Damascus, that same One permitted His picture to be taken with us; the same One that was in the picture in the “Life” magazine the other day, the same Word by the same God, through the same channels, by the same way, by the same promise: "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst." Then He's here. The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him, that hangs only to His Word. PERSEVERANT CHICAGO IL 63-0802 5 Now, if any of you hearing about that vision of going up here in the north woods to a place I never knowed, and about that seven-foot silver-tipped grizzly, and that forty-two-inch caribou, and where it would be laying. It's laying on my den room floor, just exactly. Where it was said, the place it was said, how it would happen, and exactly word by word... How many ever heard the tape, "Sirs, What Time Is It?" just before I went out west? The reason the Angel of the Lord sent me out there, He told me, said, "Now, coming from the heavens will be seven Angels in a constellation, there'll be three on a side, and one in the top. It'll be like a triangle, or something like a pyramid." And I said, "The one on the right had His wings turned back, and I was swept right into the constellation by Him, and He was to tell me what to do." And I went west, just as He told me, was up there on the very same day. And when they started coming from heaven, I said, "There'll be a sound like a great blast, something like a--a breaker of an airplane, a sound breaker going forth." But I said, "It'll be so much louder than that. And I'll be just northeast of Tucson, about fifty or a hundred miles, something like that, and Tucson will be setting this way. And I'll be picking some kind of cockleburs, or goat-heads, they call them there, off of my trouser leg." And I said, "A blast will go off." 6 And we were up there at that day, and I was over to myself. There's a man. I think Brother Sothmann is here tonight, that was with me, he and Brother Norman. Are you here, Brother Fred? I thought I heard you say, "amen," the other night. I thought he was here; maybe I was mistaken. I... Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, yeah, sorry, Brother Fred. Yeah, we were up there. And on the day just before it happened, the Holy Spirit came right into the little camp where we were camped at, and said, begin to reveal about our children, and what they must do, and how, what condition, and things that were taking place among them, and telling us what to do, and so forth. I just had to get up and walk away. And the next morning, I'd found out where the javelina were, and I was trying to tell these two brethren how to get to them. And I went across the mountain, down over a little, what we'd call, a little hogback, like. 7 And I had Brother Sothmann there to go over to another place where I'd seen those javelina the day before. I'd already got mine, and so I was trying to get these brother in position for it. 'Cause I--these brethren, many a times I--I guide for them. And I told Brother Norman to come the other way, and put Brother Fred in the middle, and then I'd go this way. And if I hit the mountain, and they run this way, I would just fire up in the air to run them back that way again, so he could pick out the one he wanted. And we got out there, and there's no javelina. I glassed Brother Fred, about a mile away, and I could see him. He went back up the mountain, when there was no javelina. I went down the mountain to a great chasm, come up, set down. It was about eight o'clock at morning. And I'd folded my legs. And was, off my overalls, was picking some of them goat-heads. And I said, "You know, look at here, isn't that strange." I said, "This is exactly, and I'm

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perfectly in the position, northeast of Tucson, and Flagstaff (See?) and I'm be east of Flagstaff, northeast of Tucson." 8 And I said, "Here's these goat-heads that I said I'd be picking off of my trouser." I said, "That's strange," and I just throwed it down, like that. And I looked up, on the side across the great chasm, and there was a whole herd up there. They were almost in shooting distance. So I--I wouldn't shoot them myself, 'cause I didn't want them. I said, "If I can just get to Brother Fred and them, now, and get them over there." And I run over a little ravine and along a ledge. And as I was running along there, all of a sudden it sound like the whole country come apart, with such a blast. And it scared me till I thought... I was wearing a black hat, big black hat, and that just looks like a javelina anyhow, I thought somebody'd shot me. And--and it just scared me till I jumped up in the air. Just then I thought, "What is this all about?" I seen the rocks tumbling off the side of the hill, rolling down. 9 And I looked up, there was that white circle above me there, circling around. Here come seven Angels, come moving down out of the air, picked me up, and said, "Go back to your home to the East, right away, and bring those Seven Seals where there's seven mysteries, for the complete Word is revealed now in these seven mysteries." If you've never heard, if you ever believed I ever said anything in a sermon inspired, you take them tapes of the Seven Seals. I'm not a tape salesman. I am the... Mr. Sothmann here sells tapes, him and Mr. Maguire, but I don't sell tapes. They take them. And if you ever heard anything that's really, as I can say it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, get those. And you know, not in that time, I didn't know it; but cameras from all over the country was taking the picture of that, as the white cloud settled down, went on the Associated Press. I think your Chicago paper packed it, all around. “Life” magazine packed it. How many has seen it in there, that Mr... That (See?) that was it right there, just exactly the way it said, standing right under it when it come down and formed. 10 They said, "It was way beyond, and they hunted the country, and there's no airplanes or nothing in there. And it was too high, twenty-six miles high, where there is no vapor or nothing. You couldn't... They couldn't have made vapor, anyhow. And thirty miles across it... And here it come, settling down. And watch on the right-hand side of that constellation, if it isn't... Read the tapes, or listen to the tape, "Sirs, What Time Is It?," about three or four months before it happened. There it is. Even science has to recognize it to be true. They're studying It. They say it's a mystery; they can't understand. The science down there in Tucson are trying to understand it, what it is. I thought first I'd go talk to them; I thought, "No, it'd be just like that picture of the Angel of the Lord on the picture; they wouldn't believe It. There's no need to tell them." So, but you see, in the face of all of it, they have to know that it's truth, anyhow (See?) that it's the truth. Brother, sister, I don't know when. I'll make my last trip to Chicago one day. This may be it. But I'm telling you, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, the Gospel is true. This is the last days. We're living in the shadows of His coming. HE THAT IS IN YOU JEFF IN 63-1110 7 And what it's called, it's fool's gold. It's not even worth as much as the rock that it's in. It's called iron pyrite. I think in the--the--the scientists claim that the waters and the leaking acids and things never got there quite enough to harden it and bringing it into a place to make it gold; so it--it shines better, but it don't have the chemical in it. And that's just the way a lot of make-believe Christianity is. See? It'll shine, and like Hollywood; but the Church glows with the Gospel. See? Now, some sister here, Billy just showed me, was nice enough to go get this Life Magazine, this picture, and blow it up, of that... of this--of the seven Angels, and had it taken and sent to me. That is the picture. And now, if you'll notice here, as it was a-leaving, ascending back, when the Angels had

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brought their message, it was in the form of a pyramid, just exactly what I told you three months before it happened, the way it would be. Is that right? And the notable Angel, with His wings back on the side, back, laying back, you remember me, said, "He had His head... coming to speak." Don't you even see the wings there? And there's the Angel there, just exactly the way it was said. 8 Now, only God can do that. They have a photograph laying here too, of a woman that said... Many times, people say... In the discernment, say, "This person is shadowed to death, a dark shadow." They say, "Well, he just said that." See, that's the people that can't go all the way; they can't see that. They can shout with you; they can--they can talk with you; but when it comes to really believing all whole soul and body, they can't do it. So, but you see, if God is in it and telling the Truth, this is the last time of history. This is the last of the world's history. It's closing. There'll be time no more, someday. God is confirming everything both spiritually and scientifically. When I said, a little boy, "A Pillar of Light, looked like a star..." How many remembers, old times, they used to can it "Star"? When It appeared down here on the river, when He said, "As John the Baptist was sent..." Now, finally, That come down and the picture was taken of It at... We used to have one here somewhere. Yeah, they say it's over on the corner, I can't see it. Scientifically proves that's the truth. And now, and saying the people were shadowed. Now, here was a woman, a photograph. There it is, regular, just like any other photograph, like one taking this one, a machine. I said... (a person was wondering about that)... and said to the woman, "You are shadowed to death with cancer. There's a dark shadow." She turned and took the picture. 9 The woman's been here to testify, and may be here yet tonight for all I know. See? Now, there is the woman with like a black hood over her. All right, now, there is the scientific proof that that is the truth. And immediately after the woman was pronounced well, they took the picture, and it wasn't there. What struck the lens then? And what left that didn't--wasn't on the lens when it was pronounced that she was healed? See? Now, standing here, told you that the Angels was coming. Brother Fred, being one... (I seen Brother Fred awhile ago. I thought he was right over here, but I've missed him somewhere. Oh, back here, that's right.) He was standing within a--a two mile, or a mile and a half, or two mile of where I was, heard the explosion, felt the rock and everything else, when it went off. That right, Brother Fred? And there went the Angel that sent back with them message. And here it even is in the pyramid form, as I showed you what it would be in here, told you how they'd be standing before I left. Photograph after photograph across the country took it, plumb into Mexico, be thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across it. And it's so high that even moisture or nothing can... Moisture don't travel over about eight or nine miles high. Then you's out to a place where there's nothing to make moisture. See? 10 And this was, I think it was either twenty-seven miles high and thirty miles across it, or either it was--it was twenty--thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across it, one or the other. The “Life” magazine packed it, or "Look." Which was it, "Look" or “Life”? "Life, Life" magazine. I think, May the 17th, issue. That's it. Now there it is, scientifically, proof that it is the truth. So therefore we--we don't worry about whether it's truth. Both scientifically and spiritually, and what was said come to pass. So the message of the Seven Seals, in their closing, that's the message of the entire Bible. The Seven Seals closes the New Testament and sealed it up, that is true. Now, we know that that is by prophetic utterance, by scientific, and by the Word. Three has give the witness to it, that it's the truth. Therefore, we know that we're at the end time; we're here. I don't know how far away; I--He--I... He will never let us know that, because His coming will be as a thief in the night. But, friend, my brother, sister, let's us be ready regardless. Let's just chaste ourselves. See, because the world will go right on. They'll never even know it's happened. 11 When the doors of mercy's closed, preachers will be preaching salvation, be (See?), causing people to repent, going right on just like it always did. It did in other ages and it did in--it will in this

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age. And the rapture will be so sudden and so quick that the world will never even miss them, that they're gone. That's right. They'll know nothing about it. He comes and slips Her away. It'll be gone; they know nothing about it. So be in prayer. Pray for me. I pray for you. We don't know when that hour will be, but we believe it'll be soon. And stay away from shiny things. Stay with the Gospel. See? Stay right there now and pray. Now, Billy wrote me a letter here, or a note rather, and said someone wanted to dedicate a baby. If that's right... Is it? Raise up your hand, if some... Yeah, two babies. All right, bring them up that way. And Brother Neville... And I wonder if our sister at the piano would come over here just a moment for baby dedication. We don't want to leave out any... Now, remember, by this time tomorrow night, the Lord willing, I'll be in New York City and we're going there on the battlegrounds to fight the good fight of faith. So just right here, sister, if you will, right here in front. I'll pick them up. Now, you are... Thank you. And now, we are... How many will pray for me? THE WORLD IS AGAIN FALLING APART SHREVEPORT LA 63- 1127 5 When that last name was called, the Book, the plan, everything else was revealed then, the Seven Seals was opened by the Lamb. The mysteries of the whole Bible was hid in There. If we had time, I'd like to... Just got through with those Seven Seals, just recently. I'd like to go through them again. And just how the Lord blessed us. And many of you has heard of it, and read in “Life” magazine, and things, the things that taken place during that time. When they caught the picture even of the seven Angels, as was predicted as we went west. And He told me, three months before, where I'd be and how I'd be standing there, and there it was. And the--and the cameras that all for hundreds of miles, caught the picture of It right there, just exactly, was foretold exactly. And if I ever preached anything that was inspired in my life, it's The Seven Seals. And so I know we're at the end time. And the last name goes on that Book, or, the last name that's redeemed, that was put on that Book, that settles it. He comes to claim what He redeemed. TESTIMONY SHREVEPORT LA 63-1128 Now, these things has got to come to pass in this day, just as He promised that He would do it. And now, about five years ago, after that had served its time. Each one of those phases had served its time. And He give visions, and many of you tape listeners, and so forth, know that there was coming one more phase, and He simply drawed that out so perfect. There's men setting right here now, I'm looking at, was right there and seen it take place as perfect as I ever seen in my life. And even took pictures of it, of what the Lord God said would take place. And we went right there, and there it was, just exactly like He said. Just about... Like the March 17th, the--the March issue of the “Life” magazine, you seen that circle of Light in the skies, thirty miles high, twenty-seven miles across. Why, moisture's only about nine miles high, and they can't even make up what it was. And right standing beneath that, a man that is setting right present now, was right standing there by me, when seven Angels come down from God, visibly standing right there, and told me about the end time, and these revelations and things of the Book of Revelation, the Seven Seals, and said, "Return home, and one by one will bring the Message." That--that's right. 12 And It went right up, and begin to turn white as It went up, on up; and a blast that shook the mountains, till rocks, size of a--of a--a bucket, fell out of the mountains, like that. And nothing was around. Even the newspaper said they checked to see if there was a sound breaker, or a plane, or something. There wasn't nothing, no planes up, nor nothing. Besides, a plane breaker could not do that. And then it was foretold it'd be that way, six months before it happened, six months. And there it was. And the science searching it today, right there in Tucson and different places, they can't understand what was that up there. And then if you'll get the magazine and look, you can even see the shapes of Their wings is still in there as they're going up, the seven Angels. And we

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are--know that these things are correct, friends. Oh, if there ever was a time that the church ought to be in deep sincerity, it should be right now. Now. But just, It's done something to me, now I--in myself. For five years now, I've wondered what was wrong. I felt in my heart like I was--I was all crushed down with something, and I--I couldn't make out what it was. SHALOM SIERRA VISTA Arizona 64-0112 25 Let your--your meditations, which really reflects your dream (See?), 'cause it's your subconscious. If you'll watch a dream, you'll see it's something that you been thinking of, or something like that usually. You see? And let your mind be on God then (See?), so it reflects something for Him. And whatever you are, let it reflect Him. Now, in the heavens above... Did you notice I'm looking on this, the--the Light on the picture there out of the “Life” Magazine, that the brother that lives here in this home has put on his wall, that triangle of Light. I just happened to run across my mind. If any of you has the Lamsa Bible translation, if you'll notice over the cover of it, is a triune, trinitarian light, a three-cornered light like a halo. And when Dr. Lamsa, a friend, my personal friend, was translating the Bible, that is the old Hebrew symbol of God in the true trinitarian way that He is: not three Gods, but three manifestations of the same God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Light is one complete circle of Light in a triangle shape, which means that God will dwell in three offices, the Fatherhood, Sonship, and Holy Ghost dispensation, all the same God. 26 But did you notice before the Seven Seals was revealed, before the great mysterious Light showed forth in the heavens up here at above Tucson, Flagstaff, where we were? Brother Fred, two of the men that was--the two men was with me that morning. When that had been told months and months ahead of time would happen... Both Brother Fred Sothmann and Brother Gene Norman setting here this morning, when it--was there when the blast went off, and not knowing these things would take place. And He sent me back, said that the time was at hand for these Seven Seals which held the seven mysteries of the entire Bible was sealed in with these Seven Seals. And how these angels down along the road, messengers of the church ages, opened to a certain part of that. But in the seventh hour, the seventh messenger, that all these mysteries should be finished. See? The seventh earthly messenger (See?), this angel that He speaks of then was on earth. A "angel" means "messenger." 27 And then, after that, he saw another Angel coming down, not the earthly angel that had been given the Message here, but the--another mighty Angel came from heaven with a rainbow over Him, and set His foot on the land and sea, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever, "Time shall be no more." See? But before He broke forth on those Seven Seals to reveal them, that He showed miraculous, He showed it first in the heavens. That day they took pictures all across southern United States and Mexico. There it hangs now in the “Life” magazine, still a mystery to them. But He declares it in the heavens before He does it on earth. He always does that. He shows His signs in the heavens first. And even in the zodiac. Now, I'm not going back to teach zodiac, but I'm just showing you the heavens declare it. In the zodiac we find out in the constellations of the stars, that He declared the whole Bible in the constellation of the--of the zodiac. We find out there that He starts off, the very--very first figure in the zodiac is the virgin, and the last figure in the zodiac is Leo the Lion, showing that Jesus would come first to the earth by a virgin; He'll come the second time as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. See? He goes through the crossed fishes just before that: cancer age, what we're living in now. 28 "And all the heavens declare Him," the Bible said. Now, a few months ago I preached for a series of meetings at the Tabernacle on the Seven Church Ages. You, perhaps, all have heard them. And when I finished drawing out on the blackboard the seven church ages, how the Light

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come in and how the Light went out... And I guess you have that, perhaps, here somewhere; but it's among us, anyhow, we know. And the strange thing, on the last day when the last church age was drawed out, this great Pillar of Fire (which is among us) came down among hundreds of people, and took Itself back to the back wall of the Tabernacle, and there, before these hundreds, drawed those church Ages, darkening and lightening, just exactly the way I had it drawed on the board: mysteriously. Now, the other day, we've had in the event of the history of the church now... In the--the Bible the moon represents the church, and the sun represents Christ. For we find that in Revelations the 12th chapter, the woman which was the church, she was found with the moon under her feet and the sun at her head, twelve stars in her crown. Which the--the old orthodox Jewish law was under her feet, she'd crossed over that into the light of the sun. 29 Twelve stars are the twelve apostles that brought the messages to us, now, under the Holy Spirit. Now, we find that the moon in the heavens is to reflect the light of the sun in the absence of the sun. It gives us--it gives us light to get around. But it's still... No matter how much it reflects, it's still not the perfect light, because it is reflecting. And the sun shines against the moon, and the moon reflects its light in the absence of the sun. But when the sun, comes up, then the moon is not needed no more. And today the church is reflecting the Light of the absent Son of God. The church is a reflection of the Light. Because He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the age. The works that I do..." Lights that He made manifest... And there's no Light except through the Word of God. There was... That sun is the Word of God. In the beginning, God said, "Let there be light." And when the manifested Word of God, when the Word of God was manifested, there was light. 30 First God spoke it. What if it didn't manifest? Then it wasn't light yet. But when He spoke it, and then it was manifested, vindicated, His Word was a-vindicated, light come into existence. And that's the only way it can be done now, is when the Word is vindicated, God's written Word a-vindicated, then it shows Light. It's... A portion is lit, or put out for each age. We found it in the church ages; we find it in the Old--the Old Testament church ages. Each time that there come a time for a--a certain manifestation of the journey, there was a prophet came to the earth. And the Word came to the prophet, and he made that Word live. And when that Word was identified, it reflected God. And there was the--the age, there was the Light. And that's the way Light comes today. Now, I have nothing against any denomination, people. But I have all that I can think about against the systems, because they're wrong. And the first system that ever rose up was the--the Roman system of the Roman Catholic church. That was the first organization that ever was organized, was the Roman Catholic church, Nicaea Rome, about three hundred and twenty-five years after the death of Christ: 325, came forth the Roman church organization that put the people together and blinded out anything else that was contrary to it. That's where they got their strange doctrines and started off in a system away from the Word. Um? 31 And now, that church since that time has exactly reflected darkness, because at that time we go through what we call the dark ages, about a thousand years. It's known to all historians and Bible scholars, and so forth, as the dark ages, is when the Roman church controlled everything. And this Roman church is the--the mother of harlots, the Bible said, in Revelations 17: she was a whore, and the mother of harlots. Now, that is immoral, unclean living of a woman. Both of them is the same thing, both the same. So if--if a harlot, it'd have to be a woman. So therefore, you notice it's not "harlot," but "harlots." See? She is "her," singular, "whore." Then the churches is called "harlots," daughters of the Roman whore. She is the mother of all of it, the mother of organization. And is it not a strange thing, that in this day that when we have come through all these things, and the Message has crossed the earth, against organization, it's blasted it from right to left, that in this hour that's been told since 1933, when the Holy Spirit gave me that visions and showed me the end time, seven things that I spoke of, and five of them has already happened, perfectly, right on:

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like Germany and--and Italy and all the wars, and the national things (seldom speaks to me on those things). 32 But they happened just exactly the way He said they'd happen. How Mussolini would go to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia would fall at his step, and then how that he'd come to a disgrace, and be spit on by his own people, and disgraced, hung up-side-down, with that prostitute that he lived with, on the street. How that the Americas would go to war with Germany, they'd take an awful beating at a place called, a great line where there would be concrete fortified in there; I believe it's called the Siegfried Line. And there's one called Maginot; I believe that was the French. Was that right? And the Siegfried Line was the German line. And the Lord let me see that eleven years before it was built. And they never would admit getting a beating on it, the Americans wouldn't, till they almost sunk the complete army. When they went in there, the Germans had their guns just trained right out on that fleet, and let it get right in there, and almost sunk it. I seen that eleven years before the line was ever--ever a foundation was ever poured for it or anything, the Siegfried Line. And all these other things, like machines and automobiles, and--and how everything has come right down exactly what He said, until a woman ruling this nation, which, perhaps, is the church. See? And then the end come. 33 Now, we find that in this, all this thing and how I've blasted against organization, isn't it a strange thing that the pope of Rome would leave Rome for his first time to go back to Jerusalem? And doing this... Jerusalem is known the oldest church in all the world. When Melchisedec met Abraham from the slaughter of the kings, he was the King of Jerusalem, a Priest, which was Christ; it was God; no one else could be Melchisedec but Christ Himself, God Himself, rather (See?), God Himself, because He was without father and without mother. See? Jesus had both father and mother. See? So this Man was without father, without mother, without beginning of days or ending of life. And whoever He was, He still lives. And He was King at that time of Salem, which is interpreted, "King of Peace, Shalom," King of Jerusalem, Who met Abraham and give him wine and bread, communion, after the battle. A very beautiful type there in the 7th chapter of Hebrews, we find it. 34 Now, gave him bread and wine after the battle was over. As He... That's the first thing we'll take after we enter into the New Kingdom, we will eat it anew with Him in the Father's Kingdom, the bread and wine. "I'll not drink the fruit of the vine, or eat the bread anymore, until I eat it with you anew in the Father's Kingdom, and at that day." Now, now when we find out that after King Shalom was in the--come from the city, then creed took it over later. And it's constantly been creed, but it represents the old church. And we're taught in the New Testament (Don't fail to get this.)--in the New Testament, that we are not of this city, Jerusalem on earth, but we are from the New Jerusalem above. So this must be the moon, Jerusalem, and not the New Jerusalem above. So the moon representing the church, earthly... And isn't it strange that just before the pope took his journey to Jerusalem, that the moon in the heavens made a total blackout, just a few days before he took it, his journey. He's coming here also, you know. See? Now, that's never been known. See? 35 But what does it show? That this, he's doing this to win fellowship as he met on the day after he come into Jerusalem, he met the Greek Orthodox hierarchy. And what does that reflect? Fellowship, they're wanting Protestants and Catholicism joining together, which they are doing and will completely do. And God reflected this to us in the moon of a total blackout. By His mercy and grace... Did any of you see the paper where they took the pictures of the moon? I have it here. If it ain't a perfect image, leaving out the seventh age which is not yet, exactly the way I drawed by the Holy Spirit, the church ages. There's the six of them; the seventh is not finished yet. The six conditions of the moon, how in its brightness in the first church age, dark in the second, third,

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fourth, fifth, and sixth; just the way the Holy Spirit let me draw them on the board, and then identified them with Hisself on the wall of the Tabernacle two years ago. The moon reflects itself, and science again picks up the picture of the church ages, just as they picked up that Light yonder and put it in “Life” Magazine, of the opening of the Seals, of the revealing in the age of the seventh angel. In the days of his ministry, the seventh messenger, the mysteries of God, which all the mysteries has been along the ages, should be revealed, made manifest; it should be at that time. And He did it. 36 His Words don't fail. Isn't that a mysterious thing? God drawing in the heavens the same thing that they hold, same God let me draw on the blackboard, and then by Himself. That's three times He's perfectly identified it, and just before the pope goes into Jerusalem. Which that was the church, the moon is the church, represents the church. And before the church, the shadow of the world crosses the moon. And the shadow of worldlyism, the shadow of worldliness, worldly church, has swept across to blackout the entire Light of the Bible. The world got in the light of the reflection. Do you understand? The world crossed in the light of the moon, and blinded out the sun. And the reflection of the moon that's supposed to be giving light to the earth, it was blacked out. And It come in and drawed the pictures just exactly like It did, by inspiration, before it happened. Now, that, I believe, Sister Simpson, was the Tucson paper. I don't know if Sister Simpson knew... She didn't understand it then. SHALOM PHOENIX Arizona 64-0119 9 Now, I hope that anyone that gets in their mind that I'm doing that to act smart, then, brother, sister, you're certainly wrong. I'm doing that because I'm duty bound to That. I--I am bound to stay with that Word. Whatever It says, put no private interpretation, just say It that way. Now, there's some that might be able to interpret It and make It sound a little different, but I can't do that. The only language I know is what is wrote on Here, just the way is this a-way. Now, a few, about three years ago, it will be now, that, at home, at my home church, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, said, "Go to Tucson; there's a--something waiting." I stood on this platform and told every one of you, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, something's fixing to happen." There's probably hundreds of people setting here that know it. I just told you what I saw. The message is on tape, "What Time Is It, Sir?" I saw a constellation of Angels like a--a pyramid come down just north of Tucson; up in this way, north of Tucson. And They spoke to me something, and I didn't know what it was. And one day there... 10 There's men setting right present now, two of them, that was with me, back over there when that happened. And they took the picture of It in the sky. It come out in--in the magazine. I thought I had a copy. I do. That's it. You see it here in “Life” magazine, this copy, just exactly the way the Holy Spirit said it would be. And there stood those seven Angels just as natural as you see me standing here, and told me to return to my home, that the mysteries that the reformers down through the ages had failed to pick up, the mysteries of the Bible, which the Seven Seals held, would be revealed. I challenge anybody, get in those Seven Seals and look them over, and find a fault with them. See, see? Because it's given by inspiration of God. Prior to that, I preached on the seven church ages. And then drawed them out on the blackboard in my Tabernacle. My doctrine, I don't preach doctrine out here, nothing but just great evangelical fundamentals; because I'm with brethren, might different with me, and I don't give that out before the people here. AUDIO LETTER TO LEE VAYLE 64-0500 29 And a voice spoke to me in the canyon walls, and said, "This is the sword of the Lord," the sword of the Lord. Well then, I couldn't... "The sword of the King," it was. Not a king, the sword of a king--of the King. And then it left and the--and the thing went out of my hand. And later, I--I was

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standing there, I thought, "What is this?" And then the voice of the Lord spoke to me, and said... I was thinking of a king knighting a knight with the sword. But it's a... It was a reminded. It was the Word of the Lord. It was like a sword (See?) in Revelation, or I mean in Hebrews 4. "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword," (See?) Hebrews 4th chapter. And that's what It was: The Word placed in my right hand. And the visions, which would be innumerous of what I could tell you, of what it's always been the Word, the Word, the Word. All the time, every vision nearly, pertains to hold that Word. And then, back to my story now. I was up in the... setting there with that cocklebur, or that sand burr in my hand. And I remembered that. And I seen some game. And so I was trying to get Brother Fred Sothmann to where these javelina hogs was. And I run over the hill real quick, and started where I could find him. He was about a mile from me. 30 And I thought maybe I could find him and get him up there. And as I run over the hill... (I had on a black hat.) Got to the other side, down in a canyon, started up over a little game trail. That blast went off. Rocks rolled from the mountain. That was predicted six months before it happened. And rocks rolled off the mountain. And--and like the--like a breaker from an airplane, or something, and like the sound breaker, that what it was, only fifty times as loud. There's no planes or nothing. Even the paper said there were no planes up that day at all to break that sound, like that. And as it went off like that, I thought somebody had shot me. And then with this black hat on, which is the color of the hogs... And I waited just a few seconds there to kinda get to myself. And there came the Angels of the Lord, to return back east, that these mysteries was to be made known. And later, I... about a half hour later, I was running and trying to find my brethren. And here they were trying to find me. And both of them knew what had happened. And that was it. Now, and then I come east. And there, not knowing... And day by day this revelation of the Word was revealed, which absolutely completed the complete Bible, these mysteries would be known in--in these last days. And you see, it has to be a prophet, 'cause the Word can only come to a prophet, Lee. And see, the Word back there... 31 The reason those reformers didn't find it, they was not prophets. They wasn't predicted prophets. They wasn't called prophets, as you said, from Paul till this time. It is... The Word is revealed to prophets, and that alone. And that makes again, Luke 17 there exactly, that... Perfectly on--on the--on the mark, just exactly. Now, we could speak of that. And then how that this great... after these Angels descending and--and ascended back, there was a light in the skies. you know, about that the... The science can't even figure out. They don't know where to go. It's still in the same shape that those Angels was, just in a three cornered, like a pyramid, ascended up, went miles high, went plumb back into... way back across the country. And they took the pictures of it out of the States, and everything. Got it in, I believe it's “Life” magazine," or "Look," one. It was “Life” magazine I believe, May the seventeenth, about 40... 1940 or--or 63. May the seventeenth, I think that's the one packed the article. You... I'm sure you know about it. And well, Lee, there's just so many things that could be said right here. I'm going to stop just for a minute to try to think of something that would--would be a help to you. Lee, I just happened to think of another one that... THIS DAY THIS SCRIPTURE IS FULFILLED JEFF IN 65-02 19 46 I said, "The entire Bible, as much as has been revealed to men through justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the baptism in Jesus' Name, and all these things has been revealed, but there is secrets that's hid inside, because the Bible's sealed with Seven Seals. I must go there to find it." That morning when those seven Angels come down and blasted the earth and rocks flew every way, seven Angels stood there and said, "Return back to Jeffersonville from where you come from, for the Seven Seals of the seven mysteries will be opened." Here we are today, we're understanding serpent's seed; in a few days, if God willing, we'll understand the correctness of marriage and divorce and all these things that God's opened, every Seal, the

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mysteries, since the foundation of the world, and we've been--enjoy the Presence of His blessings. That is true. This day this Scripture... 47 The “Life” magazine packed an article of it, "Mystic circle of light goes up in the air above Tucson and Phoenix" in the same way that I told you nearly a year before it happened, how it would be in a--like a triangle. The picture hangs in the church down there. You that took that magazine has it. There it was just exactly. They said it was twenty-seven miles high and thirty miles across. They don't understand yet what happened. It appeared mysteriously and went away mysteriously. And Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Gene Norman, and I stand there, three as a witness, like it was up on top of the mountain: Peter, James, and John to give witness; stood there and watched it when it happened and seen it done. There it is, hanging in the sky so far there's no humidity, no moisture, nothing to make a--a fog. How could it come there? It was the Angels of God returning back after their Message. 48 This day that prophecy has been fulfilled in our midst. This day this Scripture has been fulfilled. Watch. Seven Seals has been opened, the whirlwinds to the west coast. Now, don't miss it like they did back yonder. Now, our attention a little closer to our day. What does the Scripture say about today and about the time we live in? Jesus speaking... I won't have time to take them all, but I want to take this one 'fore we close. Jesus said in St. Luke the 17th chapter, the 30th verse, Jesus Christ, the Word Himself (Do you believe that?)--Jesus Christ, the Word Himself made flesh, spoke and said what the Word would be in the end time, what would be the sign of the end of the world. He told them nation would rise against nation, but He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is being revealed." THE EASTER SEAL PHOENIX Arizona 65-0410 72 Then the Holy Spirit caught me away. And I looked over there and I seen those saints, just as certain I'm standing here by this desk, with this sacred Book laying here, and a minister of the Gospel. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? If I did, I want you to tell me about it. Every time, hasn't it been perfectly at the platform? Every time hasn't it happened just like He said? This was THUS SAITH THE LORD. I stood there and looked over in that time, and I seen tens of thousands times thousands coming, young men and women running, throwing their arms around me, screaming. I looked right back and seen myself laying on the bed. Oh, Lord, let me look a-past the curtain of time. What is it? It's quickening power that'll catch us away: that great quickening power. The quickening power come in this last days. That's what I'm in Arizona for right now. There's many people setting right here, stood right here in Phoenix and heard me tell you from this very platform, THUS SAITH THE LORD. (How many remembers it?) Now, goes... Something's fixing to happen. I saw seven angels come. Didn't “Life” Magazine pack it, just a fog of It floated across here twenty-seven miles high and thirty miles across. 73 Is not Fred Sothmann and these others, Gene Norman and them setting back there, stood right there when them seven Angels appeared right there on the hill? It shook the hills for miles around like that. There stood seven Angels and throwed a sword in a hand and said, "Go home and open these Seven Seals that are given." And here they are, the true mystery of marriage and divorce, and the serpent's seed, and all these things that's been fussed about. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. What is it? The quickening power coming to the church, making her ready in this hour that we're approaching: quickening power. Oh, God help us to receive it. Help us to believe it. See? Just depends on what attitude you take to It whether It's going to do you any good or not though. See, you have to believe that. If you don't believe it, it won't do you one bit of good. How old Samuel stood there before that people and said, "Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? Did I ever beg you for your money to live on?"

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RISING OF THE SUN JEFF.IN SUNDAY 65-0418M 1-8 Realizing that our time is limited here, especially for those friends who are listening in by this telephone, I would like to call your attention this morning to a--a picture that some time ago was taken by the camera of a vision that I had here at the Tabernacle of leaving Indiana to Arizona, where I was to meet in the form of a pyramid, seven Angels. Not knowing what would happen, later when I got there, thinking it was the end of my life, that no one could stand the blast... (And I'm sure all of you are acquainted with the story.) And then in Sabino Canyon one morning like this, while in prayer, there had been a sword placed in my hand and said, "This is the Word and--the Sword of the Word." Later the Angels appeared as was prophesied. And at the same time, a great cluster of--of Light left to where I was standing and moved thirty miles high in the air and around the circle, like the wings of the Angels, and drawed into the skies a shape of a pyramid in the same constellation of Angels that appeared. 2-2 Science took the picture all the way from Mexico as it moved from northern Arizona, where the Holy Spirit said I would be standing (forty miles northeast of Tucson). And it went into the air, and "Life" magazine packed the pictures: a mystic something way in the spheres where there can be no moisture, where there can be no evaporations of anything, thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across and coming right up from where those Angels were. Now, they asked to know (science); the--one of them at Tucson wanted to know any significance, but I didn't tell them. You all knew it told beforehand, but it wasn't for them; it was for you. 2-4 And so there He spoke to me and said, "The Seven Seals will be opened. The seven mysteries, sevenfold mystery of the Bible that's been closed up since the foundation of the world will be revealed." And we, yet a humble little group compared with all the world, we've enjoyed these blessings and hearing those mysteries: Marriage, Divorce, Serpent's Seed. All those different questions has been completely revealed to us, not by man but by God Himself, that's opened those seven mysteries of what the church was, how it was in Christ at the beginning, and how it would be revealed in the last day. And now, as this went up... We have the picture outside on the plaque. But then... I have the picture laying present here, if you notice it as "Life" magazine had it. But I wonder if my audience visible here has ever really looked at the picture (See, see?) in the way it should be? 3-1 You remember, I was preaching when this vision came, upon the subject of the Book of the Revelations where the old judges, where we seen Jesus in Revelations 1. When we started to open the Seven Seals--or the--or the church ages, rather, just prior to the opening of the Seven Seals, Christ was standing with hair like wool, white; and I described that to you that the old English judges and judges of long ago, when they went to the bench to be sworn in, their supreme authority was given them; they wore a white wig, as it was, over their heads to show their supreme authority. 3-2 Well, if you'll turn the picture like this and look (and you can probably see it from the audience), it's Christ. See His eyes looking here just as perfect as it could be, wearing the white wig of supreme Deity and Judge of all heavens and earth? Can you see His eyes, nose, His mouth? Just turn the picture from this (the way they had it), this a-way, the way it's supposed to be. And you... Can you see it? He is supreme Judge; there's none other but Him. And that is a

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perfect identification again, a vindication that this Message is the truth. It is true. And making Him, not a third person, but the only Person with the white... See, you see the dark, His face, His beard, and His eyes? And notice, He's looking; from Him comes this Light shining on the right-hand side to which He's looking to. And on the cross that's where He looked, to the right, where He pardoned the sinner. In the light of His resurrection we still go forth in His Name. 3-4 I wish, this morning, that I had just--much time to--to spend upon these phenomenas, that's beyond any shadow of doubt been proven for the past thirty years--or thirty-five years right here at this church, since down on the river when that same Light came down here in Jeffersonville in 1933 and spoke those words: "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will forerun the second." We're at the end time. And we see it. We wonder sometimes why it hasn't spread over the earth; maybe sometime we'll have a chance to explain that, if God willing. THE CHOOSING OF A BRIDE LA CA 65- 0429 56 Until the church becomes that, they're not one. The character of Him, the Word for this age, must be molded... She must be molded like He is. Now, in closing I want to say the reason that I've said these things, and I'll--I'll close. The other night about three o'clock in the morning, I was awakened up. Now, I take any of you to answer this: Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what it was right? It's always been right. So help me; God knows that is true. There is no one nowhere in the world, of the thousands of things that's been told, that He has ever missed one word of it. Always been perfectly come to pass, even to when I was at Phoenix the other day (or about a year ago it was) and told you that about that message on--on "What Time Is It, Sirs," and told you seven angels would meet out there, and it'd be the opening of these seals and what... And there the--the “Life” magazine packed the article of it, this great flame going up into the air thirty miles high, twenty-seven miles across, and they said they couldn't make out what is was, don't know yet. And men setting right here in this building tonight was standing right there with me when it happened, just exactly the way it said. SPIRITUAL FOOD IN DUE SEASON JEFF.IN 65-0718E 83 Then back out there at the beginning of the Seven Seals, when those seven Angels come down in that pyramid form, stood there, and told me to return back here and speak on those Seven Seals. He'd be with me. He showed me what they were, the lost things. I always thought it was sealed on the back of the Book and it'd be something wasn't wrote in the Book; but it turned out that it was made known that He cannot do that. It isn't something that's written in the Book... It's something that's been hid in the Book. "For whosoever shall take one Word from It or add one word to It..." So it is a mystery that's been in the Book in these seven church ages. Each one of them produced a--a mystery, all about water baptism, and these other things that they've fumbled about so long. Then when that went up, the big observatories from way down in California, plumb down in Mexico, over Tucson, everywhere, taking the picture of It. It was a mysterious sight. Brother Fred Sothmann there, setting right back there, and I and Brother Gene Norman, standing right there present when it went up... They took the picture, still they don't know what about it. Here sometime ago, everybody saying, "Looky here at this, looks like this, and the--them angels' wings, how they're folded in there."

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85 One day, turning it to the right, looking, there was Jesus Christ just as perfect as Hofmann ever drawed Him. It was standing there with a white wig on, looking back down towards the earth, showing that He's supreme Authority. The heavens declare it; the Bible declares it; the Message declares it. It's all the same: Supreme Authority, with the white wig on. You see His black beard under it. Many of you have seen the picture. We got it back there. Just turn it to the right, sideways; look at it. There He is, just as perfect as it was--if it would been photographed of Him. They're looking at it from the wrong angle. You got to look at it in the right angle. And only the Lord God can reveal which is the right angle. Turn it to your right and look at it. There He is just as perfect, and it'd been photographed up there. The first time I ever seen Him, He looked like a Head of Hofmann. I had never seen that before; and in Billy Sunday's tabernacle years later, I saw it. My house has never been without one of the pictures since. Then, here in the skies, saying that the very God that I saw up in this vision out here, just a little boy out here by where this schoolhouse stands, He looked like that. And here in the heavens, thirty-three years later, declare it, that it's the truth. That's the way He looks: not some mystic something of somebody's idea. INVISIBLE UNION OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST SHREVEPORT LA 65-1125 85 It did in Noah's time; did in Moses' time; did in Christ's time; did in John's time; did in the disciple's time; did in Wesley's time; did in Luther's time; it did in Pentecostal's time; and so has it again. It don't change its pattern; always comes in the same thing. Only reformers through them seven--six ages till the seventh in Revelation 10, said, in this hour it would change, and it did. Now, we're closing in saying this: Finish up the great commission, how could they do it? We know they're dead. God let it die in its scientific age all of it's so... So He could do what? Open up the Seven Sealed mystery to the undenominational Bride. How can a denomination accept those Seven Seals when it's absolutely contrary? Serpent's seed and all those other things, the whole full Seven Mysteries is contrary to what they've been taught, because they took the old school from the Bible school. And the Seven Seals of God, when it was opened on the mountain... God, let me die right now in this pulpit if that ain't the Truth. And I foretold you a year and six months before it happened when He told me to go to Arizona, what would happen out there in the desert; and there's men setting right here tonight was standing right there and present when the seven Angels came down, and even the magazines--”Life” Magazine packed the article of it. It was right there in the observatory and everything, and now they don't even know what it is all about. WORKS IS FAITH EXPRESSED SHREVEPORT. LA FRIDAY 65-1126 252 It was revealed to me, "I was going to Arizona, and there I'd meet seven Angels. And they'd tell me then what--a Message that I was to preach." And that was the Seven Seals. It happened. How many remembers me saying that, the tapes and things before it happened? And it happened. Magazines, everything else took the picture of It. That Light there in the air, they can't even understand It yet. There it was. I remember calling Brother Jack and asking him about that, Christ being standing there, and Brother Jack said, "That's in His glorified state." See? I love Brother Jack. He's one of the best theologians I know of, but I just couldn't hit it just right. I was standing there, I said, "Lord, how is this? Young man here" I said, "with hair like wool."

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And He said, "He is wigged." Watch in the book, before it ever happened, I said that. And that day when that happened, it went up. And then you turn that picture sideways, if you've got "Look" magazine or "Life" magazine. Turn it sideways. There He is, just perfectly Hofmann's Head of Christ, looking right down where I was standing; there It is in the magazine. How many's ever seen It? 'Course, you've all seen. There, looking right back, proved exactly the revelation was correct. 256 Why wigged? Why, the old English judges, the Jewish judges, used to wear a wig, they do yet in England; when he's... That's supreme authority; he wears a wig. And that showed Him standing there wigged by Angels' wings; He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the supreme Judge, and none other but Him. He is to look upon as Alpha and Omega. And there He was a young Man, no more... thirty years old, wearing a wig of white, showing that He was supreme, God, "The Father hath committed all judgment unto the hands of the Son." Hallelujah. The revelation is never wrong. Speak it anyhow, no matter what it sounds like: goes right with the Word. TRYING TO DO GOD A SERVICE SHP. LA 65-1127B 63 So then, and going back, I went up in the mountain and I went with Brother Fred Sothmann. He's here somewhere. Brother Fred, where are you at? Right here. Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Gene Norman; one day, the second day setting there, the Angel of the Lord came right down into the camp where we was at and begin to tell about their children and things they were doing. I left and went back on the hill. And I'd already got my javelina; I was trying to chase one around to Brother Fred. So I found where they'd been eating on the side of a hill, and I said, "Well, now, I'll tell you what I'll do, Brother Fred." I said, "Now, you go over on that point in the morning." We go up there at daylight, climb up over the mountain. "And go there at daylight, I'll get over on the other side. Now, I won't shoot one, but if they run this way, I'll shoot in front of them and turn them back. You pick out a big one." "All right," he said. 66 So Brother Fred went over there. And Brother Gene Norman (I don't think Brother Gene come, did he?), he was--he was on the other side. Many of you know Gene Norman, a bosom friend of many, fine brother. And he went down a little below where the--them pigs, they just wasn't there that morning. I could see Brother Fred, wave at him, he was about a mile away from me. Well, I thought, "Where could they have went?" I went down into a great ravine, and come down; I thought, "I'll see if I can find where they're at." Started back up. It was just a little after daylight; the sun was just begin coming up. 67 And I went around a great big chasm, oh, my, hundreds and hundreds of feet, just great rocks in the great canyon there, them big walls. And it was kindly getting... The sun was raising up, about seven o'clock, I guess, or something like that. And I set down and I was looking around; I happened to look down on my trouser leg and there was that bull-header, burr. And I said, "You know, that seems strange. You know, the Angel of the Lord told me I'd be about forty miles northeast of Tucson; I'd be picking a bull-header off of my leg." You remember I seen it? Uh-huh. See? And I said, "That's strange." I was holding it. 68 And just as I looked up, I seen about twenty hogs about five hundred yards from me, come out eating this little phyllary and laid down. I said, "Now, if I can just get Brother Fred and get him around to that point there, he'll get his hog right there. But I know he's about a mile or two from me now." So I said, "if I could cross over this little ridge without them seeing me, up by this little juniper

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tree there," I said, "if I get around this side, there's a deer trail comes down this side; I can run up there and get out of the way. And hang a little piece of paper here where I know which one of the fingers to go out on, on the canyon, and get Brother Fred there just in time." 69 I throwed this little bull-header down, forgetting about that, and started across the hill real easy and looked back, they didn't see me, and run down and hit this deer trail. I had a great big black hat on. I started running up through this canyon real fast, and it happened. The whole earth shook, everywhere. Rocks that size rolled down, dust flying like that. And I looked, and standing before me stood seven Angels, just exactly the way it was. I felt like I was standing way up off the ground. First, I thought somebody'd shot me, you know, with that black hat on; looked like a javelina hog, anyhow, you know, they're dark. I thought somebody'd shot me, such a... right close. And I--I seen then what it was. Well, as soon as... I got my commission, and the Scripture, "The Seven Seals which is the seven mysteries..." See? 71 Someone said to me, said, "Now..." Oh, he said, "Well, now, someday the Lord, probably you seeing visions, Brother Branham, will reveal to you what these things are; we can all get closer to God and have more power than we get in speaking in tongues and things." I said, "It can't be that way." 'Cause, see, I believe the Word to be the Truth. And the Bible said, "Whosoever shall add one word or take one Word from It." It has to be in this Word. See? It's the mysteries that the people's overlooked. Well, right there is where come my Message of serpent seed and the true belief of the security of the believer. 74 I'm not disgrading my Presbyterian brethren there, and some of you Baptist brethren on the way you have security. I'm not saying this to be different, but you didn't have it just right. See? That's right. See? But I had it wrong too. But when an Angel stands from heaven and tells you, and here it is right in the Scripture, that--that's true. See? That's right. See, He always speaks exact with the Scripture. 75 In there I watched it until that circle went up, started sweeping up, and they turned into like a mystic light, like a fog. Just exactly the way... How many seen the picture of It that was taken in Houston? Nearly all. See? Well, that's just the way this was. It turned into the same thing, It kept going higher and higher. I was running and running, trying to find Brother Fred and them. After while, about a half hour later, I could see him way down, waving his hands; and Brother Gene coming, waving. They knowed something had happened. And so then I got with them. That's Brother Fred setting right there. 77 As it went up, I didn't know that the observatories and things, plumb into Mexico, was taking that picture. "Life" magazine packed it as It went up. And many of you... Here's "Life" magazine packing the picture of It. A mysterious thing here, they said they don't know where it come from; it's too high. It's above all the spheres and everything else to be... It's too high for fog, because it's thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across after it got up that high. There's not even humidity nor nothing up there. You see? 78 And they thought of a plane; so they checked all the places, no planes up that day. See, they have to, on account of shaking windows and things. "There's no planes up." Here it is right here in the magazine, will tell you the same thing. And--and it went on and on. And today right in the...

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Here it is in "Science" magazine, where they can't understand; they don't know what It is. Tucson, at the university, a friend of mine went over the other day and was talking to them about it. Said, "We can't understand what..." I said, "Don't say nothing, don't do no good. 'Cast not your pearls before swine.'" See? It's to the church, to the elected, the called-out. See? 82 And then each one was coming, saying, "Brother Branham, I see your picture here. I see this. I..." You know how it is. But that--that long sweep as this brother has on here where its... Excuse me [Brother Branham gets the photograph--Ed.]. Here's the way It started up, sweeping up. Actually this was on the right hand side. And you all remember I said, "The noted Angel was the one that talked to me, was on the right hand side," even before it happened. You remember? His wings pointed back like that, that's exactly the wings of that Angel as it went up. See, as it... So they started taking the pictures because it was so mysterious. But when the last picture, when It formed Itself into the skies and so forth, this is it as "Look" here packed it. You see how it rose up just as they begin to see it. You see? And there comes the--the real main and last picture, when it formed. 83 They don't know where it come from or where it went; they don't know yet. Science is completely stumped about it, don't know what happened. But we know; "there shall be signs in the heaven above." We know it. See? And He promised these things. See? And the only thing that this was permitted to be taken...