william evange1istic fire was appointed burns...

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8,1909. THE DAILY GATE C1T X PAGE FIVE f W* PHYS 2IANS, U WILLIAM WAS APPOINTED Will Take up Duties of the Assistant Secretary at the Y. Nl. C. A. on the First of October. AN EXCELLENT CHOICE Young Man Appointed by Directors Connected With One of Keo- kuk's Largest Whole* . . sale Houses.. ... The new assistant secretary of the y. M. C. A. to fijl the vacancy made by the resignation of E P. Davis, which takes effect October first has been appoited, William E. Brugman having been appointed at a meeting of the executive board of the associa- tion at a short business meeting held by them at the association yesterday noon. A meeting of the executive commlt- *tee was held on Monday night to con- sider the application of the new as- sistant secretary for the position and the directors of the Y. M. C. A. feel that they have have made an excellent choice In the appointment of Mr. Brugman who is a young business man of exceptional ability having been connected with the wholesale grocery firm of Kellogg-Blrge for the past four y.ars In the capacity of assistant cash- ier where he has gained valuable ex- perience and the trust and confidence of iis employers. He was an attend- ant of the Keokuk grammar Bchool and an attendant of the night school where his business training has been gained. He will assume his new duties Octo- ber first when the present assistant secretary leaves for Oklahoma where he will resume his medical studies at Oklahoma City. Mr. Brugman will have charges of the general offices in absence of Mr. Hufstader the new general secretary and will be engaged in Bible study and the various other departments of the assoication. "My mother is a great suf- ferer from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills is the only remedy that relieves her." MRS. G. DAVENPORT, Roycefield, N. J. The pains of rheumatism are almost invariably relieved with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They also overcome that nervous irri- tation which prevents sleep be- cause they soothe the nerves. To chronic suffers they are invalu- able. When taken as directed, they relieve the distress and save the weakening influence of pain, which so frequently pros- trates. Many sufferers use them whenever occasion requires with the greatest satisfaction, why not you? They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit. Why not try them ? Get a pack- age from your druggist. Take it according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. EVANGE1ISTIC FIRE BURNS BRIGHTLY Evangelist Lockhart 8poke to a Crowd Last Evening at the Special Meetings In First ' Christian Church Big IS THERE A . HELL? •f : Now That the North Pole Has Been . ?• Discovered, People Would Like " to Know About the Other Place. v ' > - v.-: ?• Wawa. 9 Do you know what it means? If Vou would like to know, write W. S. A. G. ; P. >A., GranA Trunk ifctfay System, 135 Adams street, Chicago, who will send you a beau- tifully illustrated booklet, which tells and at the same time describes the uew hotel which bears the name. ••••••••••• CARTHAGE, ILL. ,•••••••••••••• At an adjourned term of Circuit court, held Saturday Sept. 6th, Harry Waggoner, Judge presiding, the fol- lowing proceedings were had: ?: Chancery Cases. Julia V. Triboulet, vs. Hor*er V> Trlboulet—Partition. Report of Com- [Communicated.]'" ' Mr. w. F. Lintt, singing evangelist, and Mr. Hughes opened with a duet on "Eternity is Near" a most dramatic service. The duet was well received and the congregational singing was beyond comparison. Lintt Is different from all other singers. He sings with his voice, his body and every part of his personality. The music fairly drips oft his finger tips. It is an in- spiration to even watch the man work. Evangelist Wm. J. Lockhart chose for his theme last night the dramatic incident of the feast of Belshazzer, | "Thour art weighed in the balance and ~ | found wanting," was the text and so over Sunday with the family of Leon I forcibly was the sermon that three- Chevlllon. i fourths of the audience stood for Mrs. Eliza Browning and Mrs. Sarah j prayer as the evangelist prayed God Carroll spent Sunday with the family I for forgiveness for the many light of Frank Gray. . . < | weights in the church. Miss Allie Tlmberlake visited over' Such a scathing denunciation of sin Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. R. A. Nel-:is not often heard but so tender was son, of La Harpe. - ' j the appeal of the preacher that tears Miss Goldie Hopkins and Hazel (were often in the eyes of many. He Lane are attending High school here. ! took up different ones of the ten corn- Ray Worley came up from Ursa Sat-! mandments and emphasized Jesus urday to enter his junior year in the; Christ's interpretation of them. Idol- High school. | try, murder, theft, adultery, when de- Wallace G. Humphrey, of Hamilton, | fined as Jesus defines them, were was a business visitor in our clty.Mon- j found the most common of sins. None day. I could listen to the dramatic picture Nell Steffen of Basco, is in the elf j without realizing the awful sinfulness The Misses Royer have returned to i of sin. the city to enter upon their college j Evangelist Lockhart and Lintt re- work. ; cently closed a meeting at Lockhart, Mrs. Henry McCoy, of Springview, j Texas, and we clip the following edi- Nebraska, is visiting relatives in this; torial from the Register of that city: city and expects to go to Hamilton \ what is going on at the Christian next week to visit her brother, John j church? Go there and see. Step in- T. Smith. j f ide the capacious auditorium any Miss Nellie Culkin goes to Chicago j nj ght and you will see It filled, nay next week to spend the winter. i packed, and the lecture room like- Mrs. Emanuel Jones of Rapids City j wise, with the open windows and South Dakota, who has been visiting i floors hanging full of people anxious Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jones, goes to j f 0 ]oge no word of song or sermon. Chicago the latter part of this week to j And al] the people of al , churches, visit her parents. j and no churches say, that Lintt Is the Mrs. Wm. A. Fletcher has returned , greatest song leader and has the greatest chorus ever seen in our city. f £udweiser's a friend of mine £ THE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILIST - ' * :•/ }=o- 1'^ A type of manhood all of us are proud to acclaim—"A countryman of mine." No matter if touring our own glorious country—or the countries across the seas—every- where he awakens respect and admiration as a sportsman and a gentleman Every American automobilist knows that DR. CORAL R. ARMENTROUT PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office—Y. M. C. A. Building. Resi- dence 912 Fuiton street. hours:, 10 to a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m.; evening hours by r-ppomtment. Iowa phone, 629-Y, and Hub. phone 2092, ottice phone Residence phoue. Iowa li-Ai;, Hi. 3516. DR. J. EATON JOHNSTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON The only physician practicing Oste- opathy in the county. Tim Smith- -ilan Una- uttfcd guaranteed. only truss that holds. Office North si ie of Main street, third door above Fifth. Phone 93, Residence, •Ninth, an Webster. Phono 184. P. O. Lock Box, 4if Warsaw, 11L DR. o. T. CLARK, PHYSICIAN ANJ3 SURGEON Office—Y. M. U. A. building. Office hours—9:00-10:30 a. m.;3:30 to 5:30 and 7:00 and 8:00 p. m. Phones—Office, Iowa 306-R; Hub. X57 - Residence, Iowa 6293; Hub. 2092. \ \ A H. L. COURTRIGHT, M. D. Office 601 Main street. Special attention to X-Ray =nd eloo trical work. Office hours, 10 to 11:30 m.; 2 to 4:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence. 1123 Franklin street. W. M. HOGLE, M. D. j !| 601 Mala street. | Office hours, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 9. m. Residence, 604 High a'.rect. DR. W. P. 8HERLOCK, , j PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. j Office and residence No. 18 NoItH Dttth street in Howell building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to * P. m. Evening, 7 to 8. Pbozee: Iowa, 781-R; Mlestaslppi Valley, 1819. " The King of All Bottled Beers is a superb brew of malt and hops of unsurpassed excellence. It is brewed from the finest barley American soil gives forth, and from the rarest hops grown in the district of Saaz, Bohemia. The Most Popular Beer in the World Bottled Only at the * Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, U. S. A. CORKED OR WITH CROWN CAPS New Mexico. The ball game Monday played be- ! tween the Dallas City and Carthage | teams, on the Carthage diamond, re- j suited in a score of 5 to 4 'n favor of Carthage. Neap Death in Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death. , remedies failed and doctors said I was missloners filed, decree approving ; incurable. Th n Dr. King's New Dls- same and ordering sale signed. j c0ver y brought quick relief and a cure William B. Cox vs. Thomas P. Cox, SQ permanent that I have not been et al. Partition. Report of Commis-, troubled in twelve years." Mrs. So- sioners filed, decree approving and per jj ves j n gjg pon(j ( pa_ jt works ordering sale filed. wonder in Coughs and Colds, Sore William DeHart vs. Thomas Printy j Lungs Hemorrhages, La Grippe, As- -Foreclosure. Order appointing spec-1 thma c whooping Cough and all ial master, In place of John B. Risse,, BroncMal affect ions. 50c and $1.00. __ ! Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Wil- Charles H. Yates vs. Edward T.J a & ^ ^ j_ p > ' Brenner, (..t al,—Partition. Report of sale filed and decree approving same, and ordering distribution signed. Clare M. Kimball, vs Wm. B. Kim- ball,—Divorce. Suit dismissed. Kiedaisch & Son. ''' Common Law. German American Bank, vs. Mad'son & Appanoose Stone Co.— tachment. Suit dismissed, cause action satisfied, costs paid. Leave given to withdraw attachment bond. .' '.News Notes. Mrs. Thos. Cecil and Mrs. W. Strafe tcin Flick, Of Oklahoma City, visited A Conservative. vjgKf "Your great trouble," said the saga- cious person, 'Ms that you don't ap- ply scientific principles to agricui- Ft'i ture." "P'raps," answered Farmer •At-1 Corntossel. "What, in your opinion. GF! cause so many crop failures?" "I 1 dunnu for sure. But I've a suspicion it's tryin' to follow the advice of everybody that comes along an' says he knows all about It." —Read The Dally Gate City. The music rolls out like a mighty tidal wave and the whole town has to stay awake to listen. After the songs and prayers In the preliminary service are over, a small- sized. dark-haired and dark-complex- ioned man steps out and begins to preach and seems not to have one moment to waste, so intense is his manner, so rapid his utterance. He catches up the audience and holds It tight-gripped in sympathy and atten- tion till almost every heart is attuned to the speaker's will. Mr. Lockhart is certainly a powerful speaker and he does not Ignore any vital element of human nature but drives straight at heart and brain with logic, reason, common sense and with the Bible. He flays sin and sinners whether In the church or out of it. The society de- votee to whom cards and balls are all In all, and to whom poodle dogs are better than babies, receives caus- tic treatment, as does the red-handed murderer of the unborn child. Vice and uncleanness of all sorts are severely castigated, the sot and the "cusser" and the church hypocrite are all tossed in the blanket together. Any man or woman who is practicing anything they are ashamed of, are made to scringe at the fiery lambast- ing given to all meanness, public and private. Such plain talk has. not often been heard here. There have been conversions every night during the meeting and It bids fair to make a record for revival work in this part of the country. . '•ft""' '• OVAB9 FAIN 18 THB 8T0KACH, MC. EHHNMOIIN CKAUf COLIC, BILIOUS COt-IC, PAINT&XB' OOUC, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy >KL i 4 fsayjm cevwm CBOLMRA. OYSENTERY, DIARRHGDk bloody flux, CMfKMOO ouwmoA. CMOttM INFANTUM, AND BOWKt COMPLAINT xir AZL ITS roam*. rairtBSO oxlv if OaakerliiB HeJIeiii Co., BvatecWkf nivMCkM. !>«» MOIMH, IOW*.».«.». 1'RICE, 9S CENTS. ' •NM/MU Reduced fae •Imile < Acknowledged everywhere to be the most suc- cessful medicine in use for Bowel Complaints. Can be depended upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. \ I t V REMEMBER ALWAYS CURES ^ CURES QUICKLY , MONEY RETURNED IF NOT SATISFIED J. F. Daugherty & Co. . i, . Distributors ; Keokuk, Iowa ARE ENLARGING > f DODGE'S THEATRE ~ Two Hundred New Opera ChalrjB to . be installed—Work Starts Today. That they may accomodate the crowds, the management of Dodges' theatre are removing the stage which will give room for fully two hundred new opera chairs which will fill a long needed want. Besides giving more seating capac- ity, this will give the theatre anoth- er side exit which is another step to- ward making the theatre one of the safest in the country. This will make three exits on the fourth street side. The program for tonight Is an ex- ceptionally strong one, headed by Apprentice Boys at Newport Naval Training Station. Short of an actual engagement at sea, nothing in naval tactics presents a picture of such brisk action, picturesque effect and stirring qualities as a large landing party crashing through the surf in long boats, the men leaping and dash- ing through the water and then surg- ing forward in a thin wicked line of attack on a semi-concealed enemy. It Is a thing full of fire, vim and dash, and It was the Goddess of Chance, smiling in one of her happier moods, that enabled the Edison com- pany to secure a picture of such an occurrence during the naval appren- tice maneuvers at the Newport train- ing station. Nearly three hundred apprentices participated in this particular piece of "small boat" practice, which was carried out to the T.oint of showing the men entrenched, firing and then advancing in heavy skirmish order. It is a decidedly unusual scene, re- vealing the method of landing and of how our sea dogs conduct themselves when ordered ashore to fight as In- fantry. Another interesting feature of the maneuvers was the "setting up" drill, executed by a full battalion of sailors, and a reproduction of this In pictures has been plaoed on the same reel with that showing the landing party and shore skirmish Hne. There Is a certain fascination in watching three hundred or more tars performing their movements in per- fect unison that baffles description. Mere words could never convey an adequate idea of the charm of this picture. It may be entertaining to know, In passing, that the "setting up" drill was performed In the open when the temperature stood somewhere around zero and the band accompanied the ex- ercises by playing "In the Good Old Summer Time" in slow measure. Cer- tainly a cheerful air for a cold day. Linquist Bros. ARE Complete Housefurnishers ; For the PARLOR An Axminster or Body Brussels Rug. ' '* Three piece Parlor Suite, and one Rocker. A r k Leather Couch and quartered oak Centre Table. ^' Some fine two-tone Lace Curtains and brass rods. Duplex window shades and silk balls to match. For the DINING ROOM Quartered oak pillar extension Table, Six quartered oak box seat Diners. \ "\> One set Haviland Co's fine China. . " ' Three fine paintings and one side table. -t One body Brussels Rug and border to match, , . One lamp for table and Glassware. - One Buffet and China Closet to match. ; Fine ecru Lace Curtains and Holland Shades. ' * ' " ^ For the KITCHEN ; , Inlaid or printed Linoleum on the floor. ' One Quick Meal Steel Range. One Quick Meal Gas or Gasoline Stove. < ' % One McDougal Kitchen Cabinet. ( ^One kitchen table and oilcloth for same. ''Ollena shades for the windows. $ ^ Tinware, Granite ware and Copper Utensils. , j I Two wood seat chairs and Refrigerator. / For the BEDROOM •' I I II I I 11 . 1.... I... ,11 , » I - v ^ , J Fine Japanese white or green Matting. 4 , - One Smith and Davis fine brass Bedstead. £* * 1 One of our guaranteed single cone springs. One of our guaranteed Felt Mattresses. One Bed Spread, one pair pillows and Lace Cover. > « One fine blanket and comforter. ^ Two oak chairs and one slipper rocker. One quartered oak Dresser and Washstand. Muslin or Bobinet lace curtains and shades. * f- One Haines twelve piece chamber set. » The extra sitting: room and library we have not space to mention the furnishings. We will sell you an 0 atfit to furnish any size of a house you have and will make you prices and terms to suit you. Remember we guarantee everything that we sell you. and a Linquist guarantee is better than a govern- ment bond. ^ W. FRANK BROWN, M. a ! 700 Main street. Surgery, C>nito-Urimiry and Skin Diseases. 2:3<M:00 p. m. 7i4M p. m. INSURANCE, Only, reliable comQanlM of assets represented. H. a bloodl ls aootb Sixth. Street tars*! *-j i ; 1 KILL thc COUCH AND CURE THE LUHC8 w ™Dr. King's New FOR C8ES? 6 Free AND ALL THROAT AMD LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MOITEY REFUNDED. •» £ * DesMoines Iowa cvfies XIQUOH.OBUO JAff-D TOBACCO v (habits ; WtmNCJWtor Toe west fourth st. Our Free Bo»kl« CHpESTER,SPIELS THE DIAMOND Sill T®*! 4 ? 1 lUomondllrandi? PlIU to Bed and Gold mtelltaX }x»ie% sealed with Bit* Xfbbom* Take bo otber* Soy {*"*«§!& Ask for CuLClftfLTV ^-i DiAllOMO BKAJfD PlU&fofftl yetrs kaovro as Beit, Safest, AlwaysReilablc HD BY DfiUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ~ 1 $ E. E. HAWKE8b H . l tJ UNDERTAKER ANO LICENSED EMBALM Eft 728 Main. Both Phono*, Bed CrO~S 4 CRIMMIN8 & CHASE UNDEETAKINQ * ' EMBALMINQ J 723 Main Street 'Phones I. s. ACKLSY , , I UNDERTAKING 2 and EMBALMING 1 1007 Blondeau 2 Iowa 'phono, 456-M. Hsmo ,3435 T . abootua vroDotnu k MARVEL Whirling Spray B Thb BOTV Syrinv«* Best->Mo0tcoriTen* lent. It cle&oacl Air yoor for it. , if ixo c&nsot eapriy the HABVKL accept no ^ ^ S ther. bat «nd »t»mp for itutrated book—«e»led. It fall parti cat lira v- viklaAulo to ladtee. M t- MEutliMliuwUiCWiOttK. Frail women, women during menstrua. Hon. pregnancy or nursing should keep the bowels well open. Try Dr. Cald- well's ^ Syrup Pepsin. At all ^ drug .'tores, 50 osnts and ? 1 w bottle. Our Store Open Every Monday Evening : 518 MAIN STREET Home Phone, 199. Piano Tickets given 10c Purchase KEOKUK. IOWA. Bell Phone, 399R. . . . zmuani —READ THE GATE CITY EVERY DAY FOR NEWS. & Co. A Narrow Escape. . ;f i?! | Edgar N. Bayliss, a merchant of - j Robinsonville, Utl., r.-rote: "About ; two years ago I was thiu and sick, i and couglied all the tlrae and if I did | not have consumption, it was near to it. I commenced using Foley's Honey and Tar, and it stopped my cough, and I am now entirely we", and have gained twenty-eight pounds, all due to( the good results from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Wilkinson \ x» «

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Page 1: WILLIAM EVANGE1ISTIC FIRE WAS APPOINTED BURNS BRIGHTLYchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025182/1909-09... · WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8,1909. THE DAILY GATE C1T X PAGE FIVE f W* PHYS 2IANS,





Will Take up Duties of the Assistant

Secretary at the Y. Nl. C.

A. on the First of



Young Man Appointed by Directors Connected With One of Keo­

kuk's Largest Whole*

. . sale Houses.. ...

The new assistant secretary of the y. M. C. A. to fijl the vacancy made by the resignation of E P. Davis, which takes effect October first has been appoited, William E. Brugman having been appointed at a meeting of the executive board of the associa­tion at a short business meeting held by them at the association yesterday noon.

A meeting of the executive commlt-*tee was held on Monday night to con­sider the application of the new as­sistant secretary for the position and the directors of the Y. M. C. A. feel that they have have made an excellent choice In the appointment of Mr. Brugman who is a young business man of exceptional ability having been connected with the wholesale grocery firm of Kellogg-Blrge for the past four y.ars In the capacity of assistant cash­ier where he has gained valuable ex­perience and the trust and confidence of iis employers. He was an attend­ant of the Keokuk grammar Bchool and an attendant of the night school where his business training has been gained.

He will assume his new duties Octo­ber first when the present assistant secretary leaves for Oklahoma where he will resume his medical studies at Oklahoma City.

Mr. Brugman will have charges of the general offices in absence of Mr. Hufstader the new general secretary and will be engaged in Bible study and the various other departments of the assoication.

"My mother is a great suf­

ferer from rheumatism, and Dr.

Miles' Anti-Pain Pills is the only

remedy that relieves her."

MRS. G. DAVENPORT, Roycefield, N. J.

The pains of rheumatism are almost invariably relieved with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They also overcome that nervous irri­tation which prevents sleep be­cause they soothe the nerves. To chronic suffers they are invalu­able. When taken as directed, they relieve the distress and save the weakening influence of pain, which so frequently pros­trates. Many sufferers use them whenever occasion requires with the greatest satisfaction, why not you? They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit. Why not try them ? Get a pack­age from your druggist. Take it according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money.


Evangelist Lockhart 8poke to a

Crowd Last Evening at the

Special Meetings In First '

Christian Church



•f :

Now That the North Pole Has Been

. ?• Discovered, People Would Like

• " to Know About the

Other Place. v

' > - v.-: ?•

Wawa. 9 Do you know what it means? If Vou would like to know, write W. S.

A. G.; P. >A., GranA Trunk ifctfay System, 135 Adams street,

Chicago, who will send you a beau­tifully illustrated booklet, which tells and at the same time describes the uew hotel which bears the name.

• • • • • • • • • • • •


• • • •

, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • At an adjourned term of Circuit

court, held Saturday Sept. 6th, Harry Waggoner, Judge presiding, the fol­lowing proceedings were had: ?:

Chancery Cases. Julia V. Triboulet, vs. Hor*er V>

Trlboulet—Partition. Report of Com-

[Communicated.]'" ' Mr. w. F. Lintt, singing evangelist,

and Mr. Hughes opened with a duet on "Eternity is Near" a most dramatic service. The duet was well received and the congregational singing was beyond comparison. Lintt Is different from all other singers. He sings with his voice, his body and every part of his personality. The music fairly drips oft his finger tips. It is an in­spiration to even watch the man work.

Evangelist Wm. J. Lockhart chose for his theme last night the dramatic incident of the feast of Belshazzer,

| "Thour art weighed in the balance and ~ | found wanting," was the text and so over Sunday with the family of Leon I forcibly was the sermon that three-Chevlllon. i fourths of the audience stood for

Mrs. Eliza Browning and Mrs. Sarah j prayer as the evangelist prayed God Carroll spent Sunday with the family I for forgiveness for the many light of Frank Gray. . . < | weights in the church.

Miss Allie Tlmberlake visited over' Such a scathing denunciation of sin Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. R. A. Nel-:is not often heard but so tender was son, of La Harpe. - ' j the appeal of the preacher that tears

Miss Goldie Hopkins and Hazel (were often in the eyes of many. He Lane are attending High school here. ! took up different ones of the ten corn-

Ray Worley came up from Ursa Sat-! mandments and emphasized Jesus urday to enter his junior year in the; Christ's interpretation of them. Idol-High school. | try, murder, theft, adultery, when de-

Wallace G. Humphrey, of Hamilton, | fined as Jesus defines them, were was a business visitor in our clty.Mon- j found the most common of sins. None day. I could listen to the dramatic picture

Nell Steffen of Basco, is in the elf j without realizing the awful sinfulness The Misses Royer have returned to i of sin.

the city to enter upon their college j Evangelist Lockhart and Lintt re­work. ; cently closed a meeting at Lockhart,

Mrs. Henry McCoy, of Springview, j Texas, and we clip the following edi-Nebraska, is visiting relatives in this; torial from the Register of that city: city and expects to go to Hamilton \ what is going on at the Christian next week to visit her brother, John j church? Go there and see. Step in-T. Smith. j f ide the capacious auditorium any

Miss Nellie Culkin goes to Chicago j njght and you will see It filled, nay next week to spend the winter. i packed, and the lecture room like-

Mrs. Emanuel Jones of Rapids City j wise, with the open windows and South Dakota, who has been visiting i floors hanging full of people anxious Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jones, goes to j f0 ]oge no word of song or sermon. Chicago the latter part of this week to j And al] the people of al, churches, visit her parents. j and no churches say, that Lintt Is the

Mrs. Wm. A. Fletcher has returned , greatest song leader and has the greatest chorus ever seen in our city.

f £udweiser's a friend of mine


THE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILIST - • • ' * • • :•/ }=o- 1'^

A type of manhood all of us are proud to acclaim—"A countryman of mine." No matter if touring our own glorious country—or the countries across the seas—every­where he awakens respect and admiration as a sportsman and a gentleman

Every American automobilist knows that


Office—Y. M. C. A. Building. Resi­dence 912 Fuiton street. hours:, 10 to a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m.; evening hours by r-ppomtment. Iowa phone, 629-Y, and Hub. phone 2092, ottice phone Residence phoue. Iowa li-Ai;, Hi. 3516.


The only physician practicing Oste­opathy in the county. Tim Smith-• -ilan Una- uttfcd guaranteed.

only truss that holds. Office North si ie of Main street, third door above Fifth. Phone 93, Residence, •Ninth, an Webster. Phono 184. P. O. Lock Box, 4if Warsaw, 11L


Office—Y. M. U. A. building. Office hours—9:00-10:30 a. m.;3:30

to 5:30 and 7:00 and 8:00 p. m. Phones—Office, Iowa 306-R; Hub.

X57- Residence, Iowa 6293; Hub. 2092.

\ \

A H. L. COURTRIGHT, M. D. Office 601 Main street.

Special attention to X-Ray =nd eloo trical work.

Office hours, 10 to 11:30 m.; 2 to 4:30 and 7 to 8 p. m.

Residence. 1123 Franklin street. W. M. HOGLE, M. D. j !|

601 Mala street. | Office hours, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 9. m.

Residence, 604 High a'.rect.


Office and residence No. 18 NoItH Dttth street in Howell building.

Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to * P. m. Evening, 7 to 8.

Pbozee: Iowa, 781-R; Mlestaslppi Valley, 1819. "

The King of All Bottled Beers is a superb brew of malt and hops of unsurpassed excellence. It is brewed from the finest barley American soil gives forth, and from the rarest hops grown in the district of Saaz, Bohemia.

The Most Popular Beer in the World Bottled Only at the *

Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, U. S. A.


New Mexico. The ball game Monday played be-

! tween the Dallas City and Carthage | teams, on the Carthage diamond, re-j suited in a score of 5 to 4 'n favor of Carthage.

Neap Death in Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs.

Ida Soper to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death.

, remedies failed and doctors said I was missloners filed, decree approving ; incurable. Th n Dr. King's New Dls-same and ordering sale signed. j c0very brought quick relief and a cure

William B. Cox vs. Thomas P. Cox, • SQ permanent that I have not been et al. Partition. Report of Commis-, troubled in twelve years." Mrs. So-sioners filed, decree approving and per jjves jn gjg pon(j( pa_ jt works ordering sale filed. wonder in Coughs and Colds, Sore

William DeHart vs. Thomas Printy j Lungs Hemorrhages, La Grippe, As--Foreclosure. Order appointing spec-1 thma c whooping Cough and all ial master, In place of John B. Risse,, BroncMal affections. 50c and $1.00.

__ „ ! Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Wil-Charles H. Yates vs. Edward T.J a & ^ ̂ j_ p

> '

Brenner, (..t al,—Partition. Report of sale filed and decree approving same, and ordering distribution signed.

Clare M. Kimball, vs Wm. B. Kim­ball,—Divorce. Suit dismissed.

Kiedaisch & Son.

''' Common Law. German American Bank, vs.

Mad'son & Appanoose Stone Co.— tachment. Suit dismissed, cause action satisfied, costs paid. Leave given to withdraw attachment bond.

.' '.News Notes. Mrs. Thos. Cecil and Mrs. W. Strafe

tcin Flick, Of Oklahoma City, visited

A Conservative. vjgKf "Your great trouble," said the saga­

cious person, 'Ms that you don't ap­ply scientific principles to agricui-

Ft'i ture." "P'raps," answered Farmer •At-1 Corntossel. "What, in your opinion.

GF! cause so many crop failures?" "I 1 dunnu for sure. But I've a suspicion it's tryin' to follow the advice of everybody that comes along an' says he knows all about It."

—Read The Dally Gate City.

The music rolls out like a mighty tidal wave and the whole town has to stay awake to listen.

After the songs and prayers In the preliminary service are over, a small-sized. dark-haired and dark-complex­ioned man steps out and begins to preach and seems not to have one moment to waste, so intense is his manner, so rapid his utterance. He catches up the audience and holds It tight-gripped in sympathy and atten­tion till almost every heart is attuned to the speaker's will. Mr. Lockhart is certainly a powerful speaker and he does not Ignore any vital element of human nature but drives straight at heart and brain with logic, reason, common sense and with the Bible. He flays sin and sinners whether In the church or out of it. The society de­votee to whom cards and balls are all In all, and to whom poodle dogs are better than babies, receives caus­tic treatment, as does the red-handed murderer of the unborn child. Vice and uncleanness of all sorts are severely castigated, the sot and the "cusser" and the church hypocrite are all tossed in the blanket together. Any man or woman who is practicing anything they are ashamed of, are made to scringe at the fiery lambast­ing given to all meanness, public and private. Such plain talk has. not often been heard here.

There have been conversions every night during the meeting and It bids fair to make a record for revival work in this part of the country.

. '•ft""' '• OVAB9



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Acknowledged everywhere to be the most suc­cessful medicine in use for Bowel Complaints.

Can be depended upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. \ I t V



J. F. Daugherty & Co. . i, . Distributors ; •

Keokuk, Iowa


Two Hundred New Opera ChalrjB to . be installed—Work Starts •


That they may accomodate the crowds, the management of Dodges' theatre are removing the stage which will give room for fully two hundred new opera chairs which will fill a long needed want.

Besides giving more seating capac­ity, this will give the theatre anoth­er side exit which is another step to­ward making the theatre one of the safest in the country. This will make three exits on the fourth street side.

The program for tonight Is an ex­ceptionally strong one, headed by Apprentice Boys at Newport Naval Training Station. Short of an actual engagement at sea, nothing in naval tactics presents a picture of such brisk action, picturesque effect and stirring qualities as a large landing party crashing through the surf in long boats, the men leaping and dash­ing through the water and then surg­ing forward in a thin wicked line of attack on a semi-concealed enemy.

It Is a thing full of fire, vim and dash, and It was the Goddess of Chance, smiling in one of her happier moods, that enabled the Edison com­pany to secure a picture of such an occurrence during the naval appren­tice maneuvers at the Newport train­ing station.

Nearly three hundred apprentices participated in this particular piece of "small boat" practice, which was carried out to the T.oint of showing the men entrenched, firing and then advancing in heavy skirmish order.

It is a decidedly unusual scene, re­vealing the method of landing and of how our sea dogs conduct themselves when ordered ashore to fight as In­fantry.

Another interesting feature of the maneuvers was the "setting up" drill, executed by a full battalion of sailors, and a reproduction of this In pictures has been plaoed on the same reel with that showing the landing party and shore skirmish Hne.

There Is a certain fascination in watching three hundred or more tars performing their movements in per­fect unison that baffles description. Mere words could never convey an adequate idea of the charm of this picture.

It may be entertaining to know, In passing, that the "setting up" drill was performed In the open when the temperature stood somewhere around zero and the band accompanied the ex­ercises by playing "In the Good Old Summer Time" in slow measure. Cer­tainly a cheerful air for a cold day.

Linquist Bros. ARE

Complete Housefurnishers ; For the PARLOR

An Axminster or Body Brussels Rug. ' '* Three piece Parlor Suite, and one Rocker. A

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Leather Couch and quartered oak Centre Table. ^' Some fine two-tone Lace Curtains and brass rods. Duplex window shades and silk balls to match.

For the DINING ROOM Quartered oak pillar extension Table, Six quartered oak box seat Diners. \ "\> One set Haviland Co's fine China. . " ' Three fine paintings and one side table. -t One body Brussels Rug and border to match, , . One lamp for table and Glassware. -One Buffet and China Closet to match. ;

Fine ecru Lace Curtains and Holland Shades. ' * ' " ^

For the KITCHEN ; , Inlaid or printed Linoleum on the floor.

' One Quick Meal Steel Range. One Quick Meal Gas or Gasoline Stove. < '

% One McDougal Kitchen Cabinet. (

^One kitchen table and oilcloth for same. ''Ollena shades for the windows.

$ ^ Tinware, Granite ware and Copper Utensils. , j I Two wood seat chairs and Refrigerator. /

For the BEDROOM •' I I II I • I 11 • . 1.... I... ,11 , » I - v ^ , J

Fine Japanese white or green Matting. 4

, - One Smith and Davis fine brass Bedstead. £* * 1 One of our guaranteed single cone springs.

One of our guaranteed Felt Mattresses. One Bed Spread, one pair pillows and Lace Cover.

> « One fine blanket and comforter. ^ Two oak chairs and one slipper rocker.

One quartered oak Dresser and Washstand. Muslin or Bobinet lace curtains and shades.

* f- One Haines twelve piece chamber set. »

The extra sitting: room and library we have not space to mention the furnishings.

We will sell you an 0 atfit to furnish any size of a house you have and will make you prices and terms to suit you.

Remember we guarantee everything that we sell you. and a Linquist guarantee is better than a govern­ment bond. ^

W. FRANK BROWN, M. a ! 700 Main street.

Surgery, C>nito-Urimiry and Skin Diseases. 2:3<M:00 p. m. 7i4M p. m.


Only, reliable comQanlM of assets represented.

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and EMBALMING 1 1007 Blondeau 2

Iowa 'phono, 456-M. Hsmo ,3435 T

. abootua vroDotnu k MARVEL Whirling Spray B Thb BOTV Syrinv«* Best->Mo0tcoriTen*

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itutrated book—«e»led. It fall parti cat lira v-viklaAulo to ladtee. M t-MEutliMliuwUiCWiOttK.

Frail women, women during menstrua. Hon. pregnancy or nursing should keep the bowels well open. Try Dr. Cald­well's ^ Syrup Pepsin. At all ^ drug .'tores, 50 osnts and ? 1 w bottle.

Our Store Open Every Monday Evening :

518 MAIN STREET Home Phone, 199.

Piano Tickets given 10c Purchase

KEOKUK. IOWA. Bell Phone, 399R. . . .



A Narrow Escape. . ;f i?! | Edgar N. Bayliss, a merchant of

- j Robinsonville, Utl., r.-rote: "About ; two years ago I was thiu and sick, i and couglied all the tlrae and if I did | not have consumption, it was near to

it. I commenced using Foley's Honey and Tar, and it stopped my cough, and I am now entirely we", and have gained twenty-eight pounds, all due to( the good results from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Wilkinson


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