wimimi)iwit i' v&&a.:r bt - university of hawaii...houses, cottages, lloums anil...

wfmm'wwB "wr,r t-.- , .. , . j... iupppw s .' .J "f TJW . , ? rw f, ninw xwogwn my ' nim ajj w wiMiMi)iwit e ij i ,',7? fcH !' I' 4 ., vJ''A v&&a.:r . .""..'' v.-- ' r-sr- "" ..'' .BM - .' .'! KL" bt ,tKi&v-- .' Vol. XIV. No MM. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EY13NIVO. .IAMUAKY ii7. ISilO. SO 0ENT8 BUUOORIPTION PR MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN id printed mil published al tho office, Queon Streot, Houolulu, H. I., every afternoon (Sundays oxveptcd). Subscription, SO cents per Month. Addross nil Communications Daily tfUM.BMN. Advertisements, to ciniirn intuition, ihimhl be In before one o'clock V. M. WALTER IIIU Editor and Proprietor BaUetin Stoam Printing Office. Nowapapur, Hook uud .lob Printing of ull kinds (lone ou lliu most favotablo Uoll Telephone No. S6tl Mutual Tolcpki.no No. i!6ll THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An Intonating ami comprehensive publication, contains i columns of lending mutter on local topics, uml it complete resume or Honolulu and Island Now, ll id the beat paper uubllshed ru the Kingdom o scud l" fi Tends i.bduit. ,Hiibej-lpllon- : Ulrfud : : : t W ' Poreigu : : : f Ot) " Commission Merchants. HA.OXCPI2rO Ac Co., H. Oonoral Commission Agente. . i ' Honolulu 0. W. MACFABLA1JE & Co. nirouraus and commission MERCHANTS, CJueen street, Houolulu. II. 1. 1048 OrONSALVES & CO., Wholctale Groctrs & Wine Merchants Beaver Ulouk, Houolulu. BBS WEB COMPANY, J. (Limited) (iENKOAI. MEIICANTtLB AND Commission Aukiuu . UBT OV OFITICKUS: P. C. JosbB, Jr....l'rcidout & Slauigor ). O. Oahtbh Trcoauror & Secretary ' diueotohb: Him. O. R. llreuop. S. C. Ai.i.kn, H. WATEnnousis. 38B ly. T. WATHBHOUBE, JOHN Importer and Dualor in Qeiieral Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Oaatlo.-- J. B.'Athcrtou-U- . P. Castle Al OOOKB, CA8TLH Skipping and Couiiaualoo Merofaants. Importers ami Dealers hi Uonerul Mer;kandiso, Ho. BO King St., Uouoiuiu. OUni Hpte'ekeM. Wm. U. Irwlu. IBWIN SB COMPANY, WO. Sugar Factors and Cummisslon euts, Honolulu. 1 a CO., WILDBB Dealers in Lumber, 1'aluta, OUs, Nalla, Sal, and Building Materials ut every kiud, cor. Fort aud Queen sle., Honolulu. ' . Uers, r. J. Lowroy 0. M. Oooko. Al OOOBtB, , (succesiors to Lowers & Dickson.) Import ww and' Dealers in Lumber and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. 1 Pioneer Shin Factory 104 Fort 81, Upstairs. Tlio undersigned begs to inform the public of tliio islands tka lie Is making jtrrectipnB, forBelf.mcasuremciit will he g'iveo on a'pj)liwtoi. bttflohlrts, Of ersblrts & Rlgut Gowns A fit guarantee by making a sample Blilrt to every order. Island ordsr sollclled Bell Teleshon 410 BOly A. M. SIKIiMtV. H. O. CRABBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, 81 Kin Street, opposite the Old Station House. Dliituitl Tulchono iNo. 1. 87 tf A. H. ItASEMANN, Hiok-blnde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blauk- - book Manufacturer. No. Merchant stroet. Up stairs. oot.l-88-l- Professionals. M. MON8AKRAT, J' Altoruey tit Law & NoUry I'libllo 141) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If JAUPRKD MAUOON, al Law & Noluiy i'libllo 178 4:1 Motohanl street. Houolulu. ly Ml' ' i n David Dayton Will piat'tloo In tin- - lower con or the Kingdom ai attnrney, attend to colled lug In all lie branches, renting or Uoiisub and any otliei bualtiesv rnlriiMul to It i in Otlloc Ul King Stree- t- UpMuirs. Keli 1'ioNiiiiait STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND HAMVJL2UV. K. HOHN, Practical Confectioner, Pustiy Cook uud Uaker. 71 Hotel St. Miar Telephone 74. HOLLISTEll & CO., Druggists & Toliaccoutstj W'HOIiKHAliB AND KBTAII., 109 Fo.nHtrei't, : Wllllnio's Ulork, 210 Honolulu, 11. 1. II. Jl. lllC.NdON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, US Jkl'ltl Fort Stieet, - Honolulu Depot for lloerioke & Secolilk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Hlek?tcker' l'orhimcs and Toilet t lteciul9itefl, i2y WEMER&"ca iHannfurturliia Jewellcm, ivo. a ti'vniavi'i Constantly on bantl'a Inrge asaortiucu of o?ery drrlpiion of Jewelry. Watchen Gold and Silver Plated Ware, ic. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, ii Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kului Icwelry a Specialty. King Stitot, llonolnlu, II. I. Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram, way Uompnuy's Olllee. taC" Particular attention paid to nil kiuds of repairs. jui.lU-S- S& The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours Tlio Finest Brand of Clears, js&l Tobacco wl5 Alwayn on II ami. II. J. NOI.TK, Proprietor. Hustace& Robertson 'J 1 If'iV V X Ifl J . LL onlers for Cartage promptly at-x- l. teuded to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllee, ne$t door to .las. F. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone tyo. ID. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. Engineer & Contractor, Is prepared to design and contract for all classes of Sugar Extraction Machi- nery, Irrigating Machinery, UvaporaU lug AppuratuB, Vacuum Pans, Knylnuh of all kinds and for all purposes, Water Wheels, Water Conduits, both pipes uud lluniosj, Steam Boilers of various Kiuurt, uuiironu Aiaieriai ami iioiuug Stock, Etc., Etc. ii ffiimion m Atii i . i:nv, III all its brandies a specialty. Plautallons-Biipplie- l with Chemical and Analytical Apparatus of the veiy best ilmciiplion to order. Ittf- - Close alteiillou,paid to all ordeis and satisfaction to tho purchaser gua. rantocd. P. O. Box 1180. Fort street, Honolulu. sept.Q8U.ly LADIES' NURSE. HB. MONHOK. loilics' nurse, ha M removed to No. !!, Miluii lane. Feb. 14 SU fflMissEr 'I'll 10 Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KINO .STHKKT, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager ' Wholesale St Retail Butchers ANO NAVY CONTRA (!TOIi. 1117 ly JOS. TINKER, UIITCIIP.lt. City Market, Ninianii Sired. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Eork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Frehh Kvery Day. tW"H is noted Sausages are made by the eveiy bel and all onlern entruflteil Ut his cure will be delivctcit with promptness and dinpnU'li, ami his prices ure lis low as anywhere in the city. EETTry his Bologua Sausages.tsM oet.r 88 WANTED AN Kueisetie, Trustworthy Man us collector and to make hlinscll generally iihctul in the otllce. Address, staling last place ami tei ins desired to "P. O. Uo.t 4t!U," (f Collector WtintMl. WAN'J'KD an Active, Trust woi thy Collector vho will rcn derail eiiiivleiil for salary leeeivetl. Address Post Otllce Lock llox No. 3.11. (.Iviog full pailicitlurs, referencea and salary icipiirvd. None other noticed. FurniHlied Cottage To Let. A XKAT Cottnci', (lesttablN loe.itcd, I'Oiituiniiii; 4 moiiin. niei'ly fill iilihcd, kitchen, Imili room, stable, hencry, etc. Lot liox:iO0, lawn, shade trees, and Mowers. Kent $40 por month, Including wntenate and telephone. . HAWAIIAN' ItrSIXKSS AOKNCY. FiiriiiHluul House To J.et A T Wuikiki, a two stoiy xv inoiihc, contaiuiiifi uls looms nicely furnished, with kitchen, binai. luiili and servant's looms. st'iblc, ttu., to let for a lew mouths at a seiHouublu late. Or rooms will be let simrly tvlih i;ond table board. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOKNCY. Valuable PropevtyFor Sale "N Nuuiinu Avenue, u AssLWH V newly furnished UBEHI House containing K looms, kitchen, bathroom, closets, carriage house, stable, heiiery, etc. (1 rounds contain " 2.10 acies, well laid out in lawns, shade and Irilit I ices, (lowers, etc. Will be sold low, with or without tiirniturc, horses, carriages, live stock, uud all the appointments needed in a llrst.oliibs icshlence, as the owner in. (ikIh leaving these Islnndn. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AllKNCY. I h1 iti i d Views. A I, Alton assortment of PJiotographs and SleieoseOie Views of the most attractive; seonoiy, buildings, etc, In these Nhinds, for .sale, at icasonuble "HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOKNCY. Comer Foil and Merchant Mtieets. 2.108 tf Prof. (J. SAIJVLET, . PIANO, VIOLIN & SINGING LESSONS. Hesldeuco: No. 10.1 Nuiiunii Avenue, Mutual Telephone No. .7.1". nov i.11.3m CJ. MULLEU CO., PRACTICAL OWN St LOckflMITHS llelhel Street, "Dumon's Illcck," Coiner store. Suigieal As Musical IiiPlrumciits neatly repuued at leasonahle rates Sewing Machines and repniiing ot all kiuds u specialty. All kinds ol Sates A, Scales repaited. Household Sewing Muclilues lor sale. ilect4 8i) VETERINAUY. AH. UOWAT, Veturlnary Surgeon, mid pluirmucy ul Huwaiiiiu Hotel Stables, coiner Hotel ami Hlchard stieets. Scientific treatment iu ull dis- eases of domestic aulmuls. Orders lor plantation and much slo'k promptly attended to. Mutuul Telcplione M4. P. O. Uox IWfl. mli.lRJW- - PUBTifO NOTICE. WHE iiiidrsigncd having been np X pointed agent for H. M. (jueeii Kaplolttiii, notice is hcieby given that all tenants by lenso or otbeiwiflo, urn ordered lo make all payinciits to me, mi other receipt being valid. Oltlce at the Palace Hungnlow. Hoins fioui 11 a. m. to 4 r. i. II. O. UI.UKOU, 4B!)lf Agent lor 11. M. the (Jiicen, This Space -- Kill! Reserved POPULAR MILLINERY - - HOUSE, HOLLISTER &. CO., 1V9 VitHT NTKEKT. HONOI.IH.II. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Colgate & Co's Cclifateil Pcita & Toilet Soaps, Photographic Goods of All Kind6. BUH A C HEE- E- WAUUANTEl) (IKNU1NK A IN QUANTITIES TO Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines Cigars, Cigarettes & . Tobaccos. ,, . '. - 1. I ' L1 - - -l i '. ' ". ' Uoll T;l'hoii, r tiiMl Mutual 'J'leiihoiu-,.- : 1 HAWAIIAN No. 24 OK UIPOIITKn INTO Our " IS tig- - will AT 2170 is SUIT. TIIK- - WINE CO.. THIS KINODOM. JIMENEZ " H1II1LIME. LOWES I' KATES by FRANK BROWN, tiUiiutiCi, Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. HAVE THE BEST QUALITY EACH AND KVEI1Y K'lND CALIFORNIA-:-WINE- S PEDRO SIMPLY Which lionolil NTERPRISr r PLANING MILL, P I Alnkou, utiur uooii Ml. I t i i lui lie Xii. &&. Hi WALKEK 6t REDWARD, C.'Olll I'll OtOI'rt 4V ItllllCtOl'M. Ililck, Slnno ami Womlon Hullilings; tinnitus given. Jobbing piomptly at- tended to. '(0 Klnjf Mrctt. Htll Tele- phone N . a. P. 0. Dox, 4V3. up 5 ly n KOKOI LUUAS, yj Coutrnetor and Uulldi'i',1 Honolulu Steam 1'lanliii; Mill?, Knpla nade, llonolnlu. Muiiiifiieliires all kinds of Moulding?, Itiuolu'te, Window Kiumi'H, llllnd.s, Sailies, Donrri, uud ull kinds of i. Turning, Setoll and U.iud Sawing. All kinds of Sawluy and Mortlelug and Trimming. Ouleispioiuptly atliuli-i- i tu and woik guaranteed. Onler.s ftoin the other solirited &!. HONOLULU IKON WOttttS. iSte'iiii engines, suiriir mills, boil en;, coolers; iron, brass uud lead east ingij machinery ol every description mude loonier. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work e..o. ruled at abort notice. 1 I. O. Ilux :t..l. -- M4- Ki-l-l Tell'. 471. Hawaiian Business Agency Coiner Knit & Merchant Mreetn, Houolulu, H I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Ai'coiiiitnulH & Colli'ctoi'i FOIl THE Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising Department KOlt 'I'HK "Nupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive special atten- tion Mini teturu promptly made. Real Estate bought, told unit leafed. Taxes Paid and property sulely Houses, Cottages, lloums anil Olllces, leaded aud rented, and Huts eollectnl. Fire anil Lite Insurance ell'cctid in liut. cluss limuriincc Conipanien. Conveyancing a ipccialty ltcnmU. seurchitl aud coirect Aliatructs ot Title furuishcil. Legal Documents and Tapers of cveiy description curetiilly di.iwn and hiiml soinely eugronsed. Copying and Translating in all language in geneial use in this Kingdom. Custom House Business tiaiHucted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at fuvoi.iblc lutes. Gold, Silver and Certificates hungM ami iOlil. Advertisements and Subscriptions soli cited lor publHicrx. Any Article puichased or sold on favor uble terms Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti, e.ular attention. To- -' Let, Furnished and Unlurnished Col- lages in desirable localities at reasonable lentuls. Several Valuable Properties in and around the city now for sale and lease on easy tcims. T"A1I business entrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful ultcu-tio- at moderate charges Keb-4-H- WRiaHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, Jt 1 Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmilhing, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building as specialty. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a and executed al short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 1ST Orders from the other islands solicited.. Will be, pleased to sec all our old customers as well as new ones Mutual l'elcpliono Nn 575. apr-19-8- 0 W.W, Wright & Son ) 79 A8I Bell Tele. King St., No. 381. (The Itose Premises i All (filers for wheel vehicles of tveiy ilou riptioit filled with piumplnc. Pust dais mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty lit II !AIIH, OMMIirNhKN. Piantatiou Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts, Mode to order, ultcied or repuiud. Carriage Painting, Trimming, KTC, inc. 1.1 C, hlf. Our HORSE SHOEING Department Ik iiudei the mumtgemcut of It. Cay. told, who will eulleet and ii'eelpli all bills due tint bianeh of our business, (Slgnetl)' i ct IMm W. W. WIIK1IIT A S(N. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $90,000,000,00 "Facts arc Stubborn Things." At every ngc, on every premium table, ami in every ycai, (lie AC- TUAL IJKSl'LTSf.f Tonliiid I'olicie.-n- f tli" New Ymk Life Iiibiirance C. li.iw been I.AHOKK than Hiomj OK ANY OTHER COMPANY nr Mtniliir policies. gjtf Fur parliciilairt apply in Ocn'l Agent llnw.iiiiiii Ixlamlh, 28:i if hiiE, LIFE, ami, MA RINK INSURANCE. Halt ford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. . (Kiro aud Marine) Assets, $460,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Iusurnnce Co. Assets, $95,000,000 CO. BERG Eli HONOLULU. Oenerol Agent, Haw'n Islands. 105:t ly Prussian National Insurance Comu'v KSTAUUSIIKIl 1845, Capital 9,000,000 ileichtmsrl.i fpiIE liodersigned, having been ap. J. pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept riska, against Fire, on lliilldlug, Kurnltiire, Merchandise, Prialucu, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Teiiu Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. HIEMKNSCUNEIDEH, Jlyo7 1y at Wilder & Co i. FILTER JESSES ! Paadhau Plantation, ) Hawaii, March U, 1SS8. Iti Hit on Iron & l.oeuinetlvti WurUm Hum t'rutieincn. Oknti.kmi:n: Wu have ucd lwoi. your Filter Presses tliK .season. They mo convenient, e.isllv hatiilled ami arc woikingentiivlv to 1 can ici'omiiiL'iut no its. g ptoveineut ou them. Very respectfully yoiir, (Slgned A. MuOItK, Manager Paaiihau Pluututiou; Hkeia, Sept. 28, 18S3. Mn. .Iohn Dvku, Agent Hlsdon lion Works, Hoiiplulu. Duaii Sin: Please ship us one f jour Filter Prtstes, '.MO gquinf feet siirluee, same as thu one supplieii us lut searon, which I inn plesoed to say ha" given us entire sutistaciiou. Yours truly, Gio. II. EWAKT, Manager Heeta Agricultural Co. Theie, PitM's (no made extra htat) for high piesPiiics, occupy a iloir Sfueo 1 1 feet by l feet, and" pveiciil n liltering -- in face of 240 tquare leet. A limited iiiitubcr in stock In. Hono- lulu and ate .sold at try low prices. Hisdon Iron & Loco. Works. .sail Kiancifco. (Krir For particulars enquire of .IOHN OYElt, Honolulu, Itooni No. il Siueckels' Ulock. W0 if W. O. Irwin & Co.. Aeat. Anderson &Lundy, OciitistfS. Arlillcial Teeth from one to an entire set inserted ou gold, silver, allumlnum and rubber bases. Crown uud llridge Wink a specially. To persona wearing i libber plates which are a constant souice of irritation to the mouth and tin oat, we would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operatlous jierfouned in accordance with the latest improvements iu dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide (las. , tarOllicc at Old Tregloau Residence Hole! street. Feb2..iu ' 1. ux . i. Atii k '..L TJLjMBLsk 1 i -- 4 "i-- i i

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Page 1: wiMiMi)iwit I' v&&a.:r bt - University of Hawaii...Houses, Cottages, lloums anil Olllces, leaded aud rented, and Huts eollectnl. Fire anil Lite Insurance ell'cctid in liut. cluss limuriincc

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bt ,tKi&v--





id printed mil published al tho office,

Queon Streot, Houolulu, H. I., every

afternoon (Sundays oxveptcd).

Subscription, SO cents per Month.

Addross nil Communications DailytfUM.BMN.

Advertisements, to ciniirn intuition,ihimhl be In before one o'clockV. M.

WALTER IIIU Editor and Proprietor

BaUetin Stoam Printing Office.

Nowapapur, Hook uud .lob Printing of

ull kinds (lone ou lliu most favotablo

Uoll Telephone No. S6tl

Mutual Tolcpki.no No. i!6ll


Weekly Summary.

An Intonating ami comprehensivepublication, contains i columns of

lending mutter on local topics, uml it

complete resume or Honolulu and IslandNow, ll id the beat paper uubllshedru the Kingdom o scud l" fi Tends

i.bduit.,Hiibej-lpllon- :

Ulrfud : : : t W 'Poreigu : : : f Ot) "

Commission Merchants.

HA.OXCPI2rO Ac Co.,H.Oonoral Commission Agente. .

i ' Honolulu


nirouraus and commissionMERCHANTS,

CJueen street, Houolulu. II. 1.



Wholctale Groctrs & Wine Merchants

Beaver Ulouk, Houolulu.



Commission Aukiuu.


P. C. JosbB, Jr....l'rcidout & Slauigor). O. Oahtbh Trcoauror & Secretary

'diueotohb:Him. O. R. llreuop. S. C. Ai.i.kn,

H. WATEnnousis.38B ly.

T. WATHBHOUBE,JOHN Importer and Dualor in QeiieralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Oaatlo.-- J. B.'Athcrtou-U- . P. Castle

Al OOOKB,CA8TLH Skipping and CouiiaualooMerofaants. Importers ami Dealers hiUonerul Mer;kandiso, Ho. BO King St.,


OUni Hpte'ekeM. Wm. U. Irwlu.IBWIN SB COMPANY,WO.Sugar Factors and Cummisslon

euts, Honolulu. 1

a CO.,WILDBB Dealers in Lumber, 1'aluta,OUs, Nalla, Sal, and Building Materialsut every kiud, cor. Fort aud Queen sle.,Honolulu. '

. Uers, r. J. Lowroy 0. M. Oooko.

Al OOOBtB, ,(succesiors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Import ww and' Dealers in Lumber and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. 1

Pioneer Shin Factory104 Fort 81, Upstairs.

Tlio undersigned begs to inform thepublic of tliio islands tka lie Is making

jtrrectipnB, forBelf.mcasuremciit willhe g'iveo on a'pj)liwtoi.

bttflohlrts, Of ersblrts & Rlgut Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a sampleBlilrt to every order.

Island ordsr sollclled Bell Teleshon 410

BOly A. M. SIKIiMtV.



81 Kin Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Dliituitl Tulchono iNo. 1.87 tf

A. H. ItASEMANN,Hiok-blnde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blauk- -

book Manufacturer.

No. Merchant stroet. Up stairs.oot.l-88-l-


M. MON8AKRAT,J' Altoruey tit Law & NoUry I'libllo141) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If

JAUPRKD MAUOON,al Law & Noluiy i'libllo

178 4:1 Motohanl street. Houolulu. lyMl' ' i n

David DaytonWill piat'tloo In tin- - lower con or theKingdom ai attnrney, attend to colledlug In all lie branches, renting or Uoiisub

and any otliei bualtiesv rnlriiMul to It i in

Otlloc Ul King Stree-t- UpMuirs.Keli


AND HAMVJL2UV.K. HOHN, Practical Confectioner,

Pustiy Cook uud Uaker.71 Hotel St. Miar Telephone 74.


Druggists & ToliaccoutstjW'HOIiKHAliB AND KBTAII.,

109 Fo.nHtrei't, : Wllllnio's Ulork,210 Honolulu, 11. 1.

II. Jl. lllC.NdON. O. W. SMITH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,US Jkl'ltl Fort Stieet, - Honolulu

Depot for lloerioke & Secolilk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Hlek?tcker' l'orhimcs and Toilet

t lteciul9itefl, i2y

WEMER&"caiHannfurturliia Jewellcm,

ivo. a ti'vniavi'iConstantly on bantl'a Inrge asaortiucu

of o?ery drrlpiion of Jewelry. WatchenGold and Silver Plated Ware, ic.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

iiManufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kului Icwelry a Specialty.

King Stitot, llonolnlu, II. I.Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram,

way Uompnuy's Olllee.

taC" Particular attention paid to nilkiuds of repairs. jui.lU-S-

S&The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

Tlio Finest Brand of

Clears, js&l Tobaccowl5

Alwayn on II ami.II. J. NOI.TK, Proprietor.

Hustace& Robertson'J

1 If'iV V X Ifl J .LL onlers for Cartage promptly at-x- l.

teuded to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllee, ne$t door to .las. F. Morgan'sauction room.

982 ly Mutual Telephone tyo. ID.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineer & Contractor,

Is prepared to design and contract forall classes of Sugar Extraction Machi-nery, Irrigating Machinery, UvaporaUlug AppuratuB, Vacuum Pans, Knylnuhof all kinds and for all purposes, WaterWheels, Water Conduits, both pipesuud lluniosj, Steam Boilers of variousKiuurt, uuiironu Aiaieriai ami iioiuugStock, Etc., Etc.

ii ffiimion m Atii i . i:nv,III all its brandies a specialty.

Plautallons-Biipplie- l with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the veiy bestilmciiplion to order.

Ittf- - Close alteiillou,paid to all ordeisand satisfaction to tho purchaser gua.rantocd. P. O. Box 1180. Fort street,Honolulu. sept.Q8U.ly

LADIES' NURSE.HB. MONHOK. loilics' nurse, haM removed to No. !!, Miluii lane.

Feb. 14 SU

fflMissEr'I'll 10


Meat Company81 KINO .STHKKT,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager

' Wholesale St Retail Butchers


NAVY CONTRA (!TOIi.1117 ly


City Market,Ninianii Sired.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Eork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Frehh Kvery Day.

tW"H is noted Sausages are made bythe eveiy bel and all onlernentruflteil Ut his cure will be delivctcitwith promptness and dinpnU'li, ami hisprices ure lis low as anywhere in thecity.

EETTry his Bologua Sausages.tsMoet.r 88


AN Kueisetie, Trustworthy Man uscollector and to make hlinscll

generally iihctul in the otllce. Address,staling last place ami tei ins desired to"P. O. Uo.t 4t!U," (f

Collector WtintMl.

WAN'J'KD an Active, Trust woi thyCollector vho will rcn

derail eiiiivleiil for salary leeeivetl.Address Post Otllce Lock llox No. 3.11.

(.Iviog full pailicitlurs, referencea andsalary icipiirvd. None other noticed.

FurniHlied Cottage To Let.A XKAT Cottnci', (lesttablNloe.itcd, I'Oiituiniiii; 4 moiiin.niei'ly fill iilihcd, kitchen, Imili

room, stable, hencry, etc. Lot liox:iO0,lawn, shade trees, and Mowers. Kent$40 por month, Including wntenate andtelephone.


FiiriiiHluul House To J.etA T Wuikiki, a two stoiy

xv inoiihc, contaiuiiifi ulslooms nicely furnished, with

kitchen, binai. luiili and servant's looms.st'iblc, ttu., to let for a lew mouths at aseiHouublu late. Or rooms will be letsimrly tvlih i;ond table board.


Valuable PropevtyFor Sale

"N Nuuiinu Avenue, uAssLWH V newly furnishedUBEHI House containing K looms,kitchen, bathroom, closets, carriagehouse, stable, heiiery, etc. (1 roundscontain " 2.10 acies, well laid out inlawns, shade and Irilit I ices, (lowers,etc. Will be sold low, with or withouttiirniturc, horses, carriages, live stock,uud all the appointments needed in allrst.oliibs icshlence, as the owner in.(ikIh leaving these Islnndn.


I h1 iti i d Views.

A I,Alton assortment of PJiotographsand SleieoseOie Views of the

most attractive; seonoiy, buildings, etc,In these Nhinds, for .sale, at icasonuble

"HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOKNCY.Comer Foil and Merchant Mtieets.

2.108 tf

Prof. (J. SAIJVLET, .


Hesldeuco: No. 10.1 Nuiiunii Avenue,Mutual Telephone No. .7.1". nov i.11.3m


llelhel Street, "Dumon's Illcck,"Coiner store.

Suigieal As Musical IiiPlrumciits neatlyrepuued at leasonahle rates SewingMachines and repniiing ot all kiuds uspecialty. All kinds ol Sates A, Scalesrepaited. Household Sewing Muclilueslor sale. ilect4 8i)


AH. UOWAT, Veturlnary Surgeon,mid pluirmucy ul Huwaiiiiu

Hotel Stables, coiner Hotel ami Hlchardstieets. Scientific treatment iu ull dis-eases of domestic aulmuls. Orders lorplantation and much slo'k promptlyattended to. Mutuul Telcplione M4.P. O. Uox IWfl. mli.lRJW- -


WHE iiiidrsigncd having been npX pointed agent for H. M. (jueeiiKaplolttiii, notice is hcieby given thatall tenants by lenso or otbeiwiflo, urnordered lo make all payinciits to me, miother receipt being valid. Oltlce at thePalace Hungnlow. Hoins fioui 11 a. m.

to 4 r. i. II. O. UI.UKOU,4B!)lf Agent lor 11. M. the (Jiicen,

This Space-- Kill!





Colgate & Co's Cclifateil Pcita & Toilet Soaps,

Photographic Goods of All Kind6.


Fine Chemicals, Patent MedicinesCigars, Cigarettes &

.Tobaccos. ,,

.'. - 1. I ' L1 - - -l i '. ' ". '

Uoll T;l'hoii, r tiiMl Mutual 'J'leiihoiu-,.- : 1


No. 24



Our "


tig-- will AT











Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.






Which lionolil

NTERPRISrr PLANING MILL, PI Alnkou, utiur uooii Ml. I

t i i lui lie Xii. &&. Hi


C.'Olll I'll OtOI'rt 4V ItllllCtOl'M.

Ililck, Slnno ami Womlon Hullilings;tinnitus given. Jobbing piomptly at-

tended to. '(0 Klnjf Mrctt. Htll Tele-phone N . a. P. 0. Dox, 4V3. up 5 ly

n KOKOI LUUAS,yj Coutrnetor

and Uulldi'i',1

Honolulu Steam 1'lanliii; Mill?, Knplanade, llonolnlu.

Muiiiifiieliires all kinds of Moulding?,Itiuolu'te, Window Kiumi'H, llllnd.s,

Sailies, Donrri, uud ull kinds of i.

Turning, Setoll and U.iudSawing. All kinds of Sawluy and

Mortlelug and Trimming.Ouleispioiuptly atliuli-i- i tu and woik

guaranteed. Onler.s ftoin the othersolirited

&!. HONOLULU IKON WOttttS.iSte'iiii engines, suiriir mills, boil

en;, coolers; iron, brass uud lead eastingij machinery ol every descriptionmude loonier. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work e..o.ruled at abort notice. 1

I. O. Ilux :t..l. --M4- Ki-l-l Tell'. 471.

Hawaiian Business Agency

Coiner Knit & Merchant Mreetn,Houolulu, H I.


GENERAL AGENTS.Ai'coiiiitnulH & Colli'ctoi'i


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentKOlt 'I'HK


Collections will receive special atten-tion Mini teturu promptly made.

Real Estate bought, told unit leafed.Taxes Paid and property sulelyHouses, Cottages, lloums anil Olllces,

leaded aud rented, and Huts eollectnl.Fire anil Lite Insurance ell'cctid in liut.

cluss limuriincc Conipanien.Conveyancing a ipccialty ltcnmU.

seurchitl aud coirect Aliatructs ot Titlefuruishcil.

Legal Documents and Tapers of cveiydescription curetiilly di.iwn and hiimlsoinely eugronsed.

Copying and Translating in all languagein geneial use in this Kingdom.

Custom House Business tiaiHucted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at fuvoi.iblc lutes.Gold, Silver and Certificates hungM ami

iOlil.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

cited lor publHicrx.Any Article puichased or sold on favor

uble termsInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti,

e.ular attention.To--' Let, Furnished and Unlurnished Col-

lages in desirable localities at reasonablelentuls.

Several Valuable Properties in andaround the city now for sale and leaseon easy tcims.

T"A1I business entrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful ultcu-tio-

at moderate charges Keb-4-H-

WRiaHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmilhing, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specialty.

Every description of work in theabove lines performed in a

and executed al short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.1ST Orders from the other islands

solicited.. Will be, pleased to sec allour old customers as well as new onesMutual l'elcpliono Nn 575.

apr-19-8- 0

W.W, Wright & Son)

79 A8I Bell Tele.King St., No. 381.

(The Itose Premises i

All (filers for wheel vehicles of tveiyilou riptioit filled with piumplnc.

Pust dais mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

lit II !AIIH, OMMIirNhKN.Piantatiou Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts,

Mode to order, ultcied or repuiud.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,KTC, inc. 1.1 C, hlf.

Our HORSE SHOEING DepartmentIk iiudei the mumtgemcut of It. Cay.told, who will eulleet and ii'eelpli allbills due tint bianeh of our business,

(Slgnetl)'i ct IMm W. W. WIIK1IIT A S(N.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $90,000,000,00

"Facts arc Stubborn Things."

At every ngc, on every premiumtable, ami in every ycai, (lie AC-

TUAL IJKSl'LTSf.f Tonliiid I'olicie.-n- ftli" New Ymk Life Iiibiirance C.

li.iw been I.AHOKK than Hiomj OK


Mtniliir policies.

gjtf Fur parliciilairt apply in

Ocn'l Agent llnw.iiiiiii Ixlamlh,

28:i if

hiiE,LIFE, ami,

MA RINKINSURANCE.Halt ford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,000Commercial Insurance Co. .

(Kiro aud Marine)Assets, $460,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Iusurnnce Co.

Assets, $95,000,000


Oenerol Agent, Haw'n Islands.

105:t ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comu'v


Capital 9,000,000 ileichtmsrl.i

fpiIE liodersigned, having been ap.J. pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept riska, against Fire, on lliilldlug,Kurnltiire, Merchandise, Prialucu, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Teiiu

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayableHonolulu.

H. HIEMKNSCUNEIDEH,Jlyo7 1y at Wilder & Co i.


Paadhau Plantation, )

Hawaii, March U, 1SS8.

Iti Hit on Iron & l.oeuinetlvti WurUmHum t'rutieincn.

Oknti.kmi:n: Wu have ucd lwoi.your Filter Presses tliK.season. They mo convenient, e.isllvhatiilled ami arc woikingentiivlv to

1 can ici'omiiiL'iut no its. g

ptoveineut ou them.Very respectfully yoiir,

(Slgned A. MuOItK,Manager Paaiihau Pluututiou;

Hkeia, Sept. 28, 18S3.Mn. .Iohn Dvku, Agent Hlsdon lion

Works, Hoiiplulu.Duaii Sin: Please ship us one f jour

Filter Prtstes, '.MO gquinffeet siirluee, same as thu one supplieiius lut searon, which I inn plesoed tosay ha" given us entire sutistaciiou.

Yours truly,Gio. II. EWAKT,

Manager Heeta Agricultural Co.

Theie, PitM's (no made extra htat)for high piesPiiics, occupy a iloirSfueo 1 1 feet by l feet, and" pveiciil nliltering -- in face of 240 tquare leet.

A limited iiiitubcr in stock In. Hono-lulu and ate .sold at try low prices.

Hisdon Iron & Loco. Works..sail Kiancifco.

(Krir For particulars enquire of.IOHN OYElt, Honolulu,

Itooni No. il Siueckels' Ulock.

W0 if W. O. Irwin & Co.. Aeat.

Anderson &Lundy,OciitistfS.

Arlillcial Teeth from one to an entireset inserted ou gold, silver, allumlnumand rubber bases. Crown uud llridgeWink a specially. To persona wearingi libber plates which are a constantsouice of irritation to the mouth andtin oat, we would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operatlousjierfouned in accordance with the latestimprovements iu dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide (las. ,

tarOllicc at Old Tregloau ResidenceHole! street. Feb2..iu

' 1.


i. Atii k '..L TJLjMBLsk




"i-- i


Page 2: wiMiMi)iwit I' v&&a.:r bt - University of Hawaii...Houses, Cottages, lloums anil Olllces, leaded aud rented, and Huts eollectnl. Fire anil Lite Insurance ell'cctid in liut. cluss limuriincc










mm',. '

nyvi r nvsyp ' piBS,'iiii'nii myipjiw 7? "fn( HS$$WW$-ryr- ''f'y'm-mnvf- t

'.'H W




1st District, 2nd Precinct ! '.I

I louolulu.Bee 1st rat ion of Voters !

Notice is heieby given tlint n meet-

ing will be hi'lil in the 2nd 1'ieeine.t,1st. Distiiet, Honolulu, nt the l'ublieSohool House on lieietr.nin stieet,between l'ensacola ami l'iikoi .Mreeln,

on TUESDAY, 28th inst., fiom Mo7':30 t. m nnil on Fill DAY, :il-- tiiit., from 2:110 to fiiilO l M.

A list of poisons icgisteted and en-

titled to ole will he posted nt theihove plaee on ThuiMlay, !.Oih inst.,ami FiUluy, :ilt inst.

All voteis in this Pieeinet meto -- eo Hint theie n nines me


liHiretoia of Kleetion 2nd Vie-nne- t.

I'M tj

2qi1 District, 2nd Precinct !

I loliolulll.Registration of Vote s !

'The llo.ud of Insneetois of Elre-iio-

for the 2nd Precinct, 2ml Da-

niel, Honolulu, will nitet I'm Regis't'rinj; A'otei- - nml con eel in;; tin

IN'gifetei, .it the PiHin$: lMnee formid Piccinct (Hon. W. 11. Rice'slijiu, tiehool street), on FRIDAY,.Inn. 17th, fiom 7 to i) e. v . mi SAT-

URDAY, Jan. 18th, tn.m :t tot!. m.; nt Engine Co. Xo. I, on MON-

DAY and TUESDAY, .lau. 20th ami21M, fiom 7 to !l eneh evening.

Meeting- - "ill In.' held nt aliovo

idaoes on .anie day- - of the week

.mil at -- .iiiii' bonis until liutheinotice.

fjf Voteis will please lu in;; theirT.ix Itceeipt-- i with them.

JONATHAN sHAW,4."il tf Chniiniiin.

5m District, 2nd Precinct !


R( gittration of Voters I

The Inspectors of Election lot the2nd 1'ieeinct of Distiiet .", Honolulu,Oahu, will meet in mid 1'ieeinct atthe Refonnatoiy School foi the pin-pos- e

of ltegisteiiug Yole.'i- - for Nnbleeand Kepiesentalive, and collectingthe Itenistei, on SATURDAY, Jan.2.ith, fiom 1 to 7 e. M on WEDNES-DAY, Jan. 29th, fmni I to 7 v. .M.,

iiiid on FIMDAY, Jan. ISlM, fiom 2

in 8 i'. m. Notice of fuitber meet-

ings will be Riven at the abovemeetings.

"l'lense IniiiK voui T.i R-eceipt.

F"The 2nd l'leeinet of the "ith

Dintiiet, compiii-- all that pnitinnof the Dictiiet inakai nf KingMieetand west if the ruad up EalilnVnlle. W. L WILCOX,''haiiinmi of Inspcctoisof Election

2nd l'leeinet, "tb Dipliiet,Oahu. 118 tf

6th District, 1st Precinct!

Honolulu, Ouliu.

Begittratioa cf Voteri !

The r of Election foi theFiiirl l'leeinet of Dictiicl Five will

meet in .aid 1'ieeinct nt the Uefonn-

atoiy School for Nohlen and Itepie-sentalive- s

and eoiieetiug the Kegiu-lei- ,

on MONDAY, Jan. 27th, fiom7 to 9 i'. ii., FIMDAY. Jan. :ilt.,fiom 7 to 9 e. M.

Notice of nny fuitber meeting will

he given ut the aboe meetings.

Th' Fi'ist Precinct of the FifthDistiiet compii.-e-s all that poitinn of

Difitiiet lying En-- t of the maintoad up Kalihi Valley aitd liinukn of

tJHg RtlCCl.

All oteih wlit ii regibtciing aieichpeelfnlly ieiuesteil to hiing theirTa leeiMjits,


42 tf Chaii man

3rt District, lst'Preclnct !

IIONOl.rLC.Registration of Voters.

Notice if heieby given that a meet-

ing will be held in the:iii Distiiet, HouoiuliYi M'thc Hono-

lulu Itilk'H Annory, Heietania stieet,An MONDAY, Jan. lilth, between thehouib of 7 and v. n., on WEDNES-DAY, Jan. lfitli, iiRino houii', and onFIMDAY, Jjin. 17th, and SATUR-

DAY AFTERNOON, from I to 0, forilie purpose of RegisteiSug Voters andoircetiiig tho Register. TIicmi ;eet-aiig- s

will bo continued fiom week toweekdt ilii euuin placo on tho :unu

ilaj. ami Uo)if as above.F.TURIMLL,

;H7 If CJjaiijjiiui.


4th District, 1st Precinct !

The l.ispeetortf of thin 1'ieeinet awill lit at China Engine House, onTUESDAY, Jim. 2Sth, fiom 7 to It

m., FRIDAY, .Ian. Itlst, fiom ti toi M.


liilol Chuiiiniin.

M District, 1st Precinct!Honolulu.

RegUtiatUn of VoUis !

The Inspector of Eleetion foi the2nd Diitiift, 1 l'leeinet, Honolulu,will meet at Stoie, enmerof Nuitimuand l'nnon sited-- , mi the niuioso of

Reitfuleiinu Voteis and coueetinjithe Repntei, on SATURDAY, .Inn.2.'.lh, fiom 2 t.i 0 M.MONDAY,

.lnu. 27th, fiom :t to li v. m., WED-

NESDAY, .Inn. 2!th, fioin 7 to 9

v. ii., unil on FIMDAY, .Inn. "iM,fiom 2 to 0 i'. M.

ALFRED W. CARTF.R,Chnitimin of lnsiioctoi-.o- f Eleetion

lrt 1'ieeinct, 2nd Di-tii-

(til Id

Notice to Electorsrow mi

1st District, 1st Precinct !

A Lint of Voleii. fin Nobles andltepie?entatie has hceii poslcd atthe l'olline place of ihif I'teeinel,the (loveinment Nuisery, on King

ulieet. Volei- - can IheiiiM'Ueh

by inspeeling . list that theirnames aie piopeily enleied. Forthe purpose of-- nukin", any collec-tions nnd foi any additional namesto be added, utcetiugn will be held atthe (fiiveiument Nui-ei- y, Kin;stieet.on WEDNESDAY, Jan. 20th,fiom 4 to S p. m., THUESDAY, Jan.:10th, fiom I to r. ii., FIMDAY.Jan. :!l-.t- , fiom l to H e. m.

E. fi K'lll MAN.

Chniiiii.ni oi Inspeeloic 1st Pie-

einet, Ut Dihtiicl. (Ol tili . '

X' i n

t,iTu ii.nqfiPltilftd to neither Sect nor Party,Hut established for the benefit of all.

MONDAY, JAN. 27, 1890.

Is it true that some of the Inspec-

tors of Election state publicly, thatthey mean to "'onok the register"and hash it up to suit their own

A correspondent calls attention toan appaient oversight in the electionlaw in not making pinvision for a

casting vote in caie of a tie lietweentwo candidate- - for tilt position ofNoble, it i an impoitaut pointwhich calls for timely consideration.

It ha? lieen d that theUeaver SuUinu erect & private roomin connection with the goncial busi-

ness, for the use ofthe Minister ofInterior, that lie might take hi- -

lunch in pence and ipiietness, insteadof being pestered with a lot of poli-

ticians, who nutter around him likea swann of bees as soon as tie be-

gins jiis midday meal.

In the nine ward? now forming thefive distiicts of Houolnlu, the olllcialnumber of voter legistered in lfirtt

was between ti.fiOO and .1,700. Atpresent the total number of icgK-terc- d

names is only 2,400. If theregistering does not progress livelyduring tho few remaining days,about 1,200 vntei'K will lose theirright to the ballot, t lint is to sayone-thir- d of the total number. Whatconclusion can be drawn from thisstate of things V

The Marshal sayS that It was not"by order" that lefraetory personslocked in tho Station House cellsmay have been doused with water.We have not charged that it was,

but simply that the practice has

been lesoited to, order or no older,timl now add, "in. more cases thanone." It inat.es no material differ-

ence whether a lioe or a bucket is

used: the result is the same; vi..,the man's clothes Is saturated withwater, which is, neither pleasant norsafe for the .subject. We can under-

stand how hard it is to deal with tur-Jcn- t

fellows under the intlueiice ofliquor., ut cannot admit that there is

is justification fijresoi ting to uieth-ojl- s

of quieting tli.em .dangerous to



One of the private enterprisewhich is at present especially assisti-

ng;, ami will in the future assist tomuch greater extent, to bring in-

creased piosperity to Honolulu amithe island of Onhu, is tho Oaliuralhoad. Never was an enterpriseinaugurated in fnce of greater apa-

thy or stronger opposition. Nothingbut the firmest faitli',in the soundness-- of the project and a determin-ed perseveinuee on the pait of the

projector, Mr. H. K. Dillinghani,could have enabled that gentlemanto overcome the preliminary obs-

tacle in the way of commencing

the undertaking, lly the aid ofthese qualities he surmounted everydillleulty, and about twelve miles ofthe road ate actually in use. Every-

body now concedes thai the railwayi? a greil boon, and will be a great-

er. Two companies have beenformed to plant cane and manufac-

ture sugar, as an immediate resultof the railway, and others will prob-

ably follow. Mr. Dillingham's com-

plete scheme is to ultimately extendthe line until it encircles the island.Probably the next Legislature will

be asked to afford some pecuniaryassistance, and considering the pub-li- e

benefit ol the entei prise, the peo-

ple's representatives are not likelyto be unfavorably disposed towardsit.

"THE HONOLULU DAILY TIMES."The "Honolulu Daily Time-,- " a

little campaigning sheet, made its

first appearance last .Saturday even-

ing, "and will be published duringllii' present campaign and distribut-ed fiee." Its language is, so far,moderate and decent, in strikingcontrast to that of the leading :u li-

cit of its morning contemporary on

the same side of polities, Usued thesame day. It is a paiiy organ, re-

presenting the d Refoiui

parly. The Times is "in full ac-co- id

and sympathy witli that partyand its put poses," and is "pledged"to its suppoit. Like any other"thick and thin" parly organ, it

"can eoncelve of no more uncom-jo- itable position than that occupied

by a paper which, having pledgeditself to neither s,ect nor party,finds itself in sympathy with a par-

ticular paity and hostile to another."'etc.

Minds are not all cast in the same

mould, and it is quite evident thatthe Times and the IIuixi.tin were

not. The latter does not see thingsin the same light as the foimcr. Infact, wo have not yet reached the

stage of "full accord and sympathy"with either sect or party strugglingfor mastery in the present campaign,and would he sorry to see eitherticket, complete, elected. In ouropinion there are good men on both,and also dutlers; and by selectingthe best men on the two tickets we

may get a good Legislature. Other-

wise, no. Many electors, quitecapable of funning their own opin-

ions, think as we do In this matter,'and in suite of the Times and allthe patty organs in the country,will act accordingly at the polls. Tosuppose that men are any better orany worse, or that they aie going topull opposite ways in the Legis'a-tur- e

where the vi'al interests of thocountry arc concerned, simply

they happened not to be on

the same ticket, is to our mind absurd.

The Times objects tc a jointguarantee of the independence ofthe country by the Powers, piefer-rin- g

that of b'nclc Sam alone, andfurnishes the information that "theReform paity advocates a sole guar

antee by the United States." Thisis new. The platform adopted bythe Convention of the party says no-

thing about it, and some membersof that Convention say lljat they donot entertain such views. Readingbetween the lines we would fancythat our new contemporary has "an-

nexation" proclivities.The Times is not in "full accoid"

with the great morning organ nf theparty. The latter endorses the Imdependent ticket of Nobles for theisland of Hawaii; the former op-

poses it. Doesn't like Mers, Pur-

vis, Itutchurdl, and Marsdeu, be-

cause their names were rejected bythe llilo Convention, in which theirdistiiet did not have the number ofdelegates it was entitled to; andthen they are Englishmen. Nevermind about the ability of these gen-

tlemen and their general fitness forthe Legislature, the two pointsnamed aie enough to throw themout.

The Advertiser, unless inducedto change its mind by the d

reasoning of the Times, wouldlike them elected. Herein we atein "full accord" with our morningcontemporary, because we believethey are capable and honest, andtherefore Ihe pioper men to elect.


The Huiuenie Court llrelitcM Hintthe HIt lliunlrcd Onltor MuhIlie CiimIi.

Dr.iwHTMRNT or nit: JtimciAiiv, )

llosom.r, Jan. 27, 1800. )

To His Exoixi.unpy L. A. TmiitsToN,Minister of the Interior,

.SiV: In continuation of our, ro-pl- y

of the Ufilli inst. we beg leaveto'answer the remaining question asfollows :

Second question. II au employeereceives a sum less than S'iOO inamount for the year, but teceivesfrom his employer his board andlodging, is it allowable to considerthe inatket value of such board andlodging as being a part of such em-

ployee's income, or are his wageonly to be the basis of estimate'

The language of the statute beinglikewise the words of the constitu-tion, which is required to be con-

strued in giving an answer to thesecond queslion, is that the voterfor Nobles ".shall have actually re-

ceived an Income of not less thansix hundred dollars during the yearnext preceding his legislation forsuch election."

The one clear construction fieefrom embarrassment in its applica-tion to all cases which might be putwould be that the elector must havereceived six hundred dollars. Thereare no words indicating that anequivalent, or a value may be count-ed for the six hundred dollars or apart thereof. The word "actually"is not necessary to the sentence. Itis a qualifying word or a wind otemphasis, and we icgaiil its force tobe that the presciibed amount shallhave been leceivetl st nelly in theteiuis ol the act. It purpose wxildseem to hae been to exclude all

niodes of counlii g up the in-

come to siv hundred dollars. In theconstitution of lfllil the languagedeliuing the qualification tequired ina candidate for Representative is

"or who shall have an annual in-

come of at least two hundred andfifty dollars derived from any pro-perty or some lawful employment,"and for an elector "an income ofnot less than seventy-liv- e dollaro prryear derived from any propetty orsome lawful employment." It Is

known that the operation of theseprovisions was countervailed by al-

lowing constructions which reckon-ed income as something else than"dollais actually leccivcd," notablyby the expedient of counting sub-

sistence as income. Iu seems to usthat the words used in the presentconstitution were designed to ex-

clude such previous constructions.When a departure is made from

the first obvious meaning of thesewords, one ia led to uncertainground. A duty would be east uponthe inspectors or election or tteier-minin- g

"the market value of boardand lodging." What board andlodging are worth depends on thequality of them, which is very vary-ing. The more consideration wcgive to the ditlleultieK attending thequestions which arise when someother i ule is adopted than the sim-

ple one of "dollars actually re-

ceived," the more does it appearthat this is the coned and properconstruction to ho adhered to.

We therefore answer the first. paitof the second question In the nega-

tive.A. F. Jftn.,L. Mi Ci i.i v,Ilium. F. HifKi'.Kiov,.Sankoiih 15. Ddi n,

Justices of the Supreme Com t.


Kimon rluu.r.TiN: I wrote youon the lfilh inst. pointing nut theinjustice of depriving the chairmenof inspectors ol their light to ole,except in the case of a tie. It Ijassince occurred to me that in the eventof an equal number of ballots beingcast for a Representative in a dis-

trict in which there are' two or morePrecincts no instructions have heenissued as to which of the chairmenin that district shall take precedenceand give tUe casting vote. The veryfact ol theie being two or more pre-

cincts in each election district provesI think the absurdity of prohibitingthe chairmen from voting.

Having lead the election lawscarefully through I find no provisionis made for the possibility of a tiebetween Nobles. Should such anevent come to pass, who is to givethe casting vote? Certainly not t liechairmen of inspectors, for the Noblesare not elected from districts, there-fore why prevent .them '(the chair-men) 'faun voting. These are mat-ters which should be attended towithout delay.

Though a supporlei ot thejuiupi-pic- s

of the Reform Paity, yet J

think this lack nf detail proves thatit is not wise to hurry new measures,through l)je Iloifse as was done lastsession, an evperience by wbjpli I

trust the coming legislature willunfit. Ii, II. (i.vitsiv.

Kilaiica, Kauai, Jan. '2.""


NK .seiieinier's lo'aiisenpe with

i onmpicie H't nf uiiinoatus,welff htB, amp, etc4fl't 2w 'J'. H.DAVIKSJICO.


A NICK Cottnge In good

dffift loeullty, liiiniblieit oruiitiiniislii'il. AihhcM "W,"

lliis otllee. ifll tt


(II HI, or young NVonmn to doA Imiisework mul tuko chiii ol twoyoung eldldien. (lermnn luetencd.Apply "lUU Foil Street." 101 ill


Ol? TV12 W yORKIs issuing ti new form of insurance which provides, in tho .event of death, for a return of rill premiums paid in ad-

dition to the amount of the policy, or, should the insured survive a given number of years, the Company willreturn till the premiums paid with inteicsl; or. instead of accepting the policy and profits in cash Ihe legal holdermay, WITHOUT MEDICALEXAMINATION and WITHOUT FURTHER PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS, take inlieu thereof the amount nf policy ami ptollls in FULLY PAID UP iusmafice, participating auntinlly in dividends.

Remember, this contract, Is issued by the oldest Life Insurance Company in the United States, and the Lar-

gest Financial Institution In the Woild, its ussets exceeding One Huiidted nnil Twenty-Si- x Millions of Dollais.

tt&' For full particulars call on or address29. 3B. ROSE,

Dce-24-.s.- fl General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

o uv "-- j&ai nnHMiihiMO' tCSk V. H )

' M. 5

.Jilllllllllllllr B

ssj,V. "r?s Mtws- -

n ill ii II llrBMTBilT r fr' wz. stv

1. rI BAILEY, Manager.MA











Gliiicr Ale, Hop Ale, Gnie, Bnspberryade. Sarsipilla, Mineral Waters, Etc.

" All 'oiumiiiilrntloitu and oiiUmh tfiotud lip iwUlreauMl to

389 1m

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

auction kali:or

Household FurnitureOn TIJESDAV, Jan. 28th,

AT lO O'CLOCK .. .11 .

At tl.eie.ideiiceof II. OORMAN, No'i'.t Unelanla Mrctt, I will sell i:t Public.".net Ion

The Entire Househ'd FurnitureU impi'islng

i 9. r'nii

Muck Wuluul ( Ijaiis,Wiukii Rorken,

Elegaut Black Walnut

Bedroom Set,Tenessee Marbletop

Wlic & Spring Mutlmsrici),Kea'lii'r I'illows, Mosquito Net0,

1 Gypsy Qieen Stove & Utentils,IMiii-Kl- HedriHimSi't, Chilli's t'ril',

, Kie., Kte . Km.

JAM. F. MO KUAN,4H2 ','1 Aueiloneei.

Household FurnitureAT AIU'TION.

On WEDNESDAY, .liiii.2!,AT 10 O'CMM'li. A. M.,

At thi' leoidunei of the Inti- - (JI1AS.HANSMAN. diei-i-i id, I will si-l- l atI'ulille Aiutimi

The Entire Houseli'lt) Furniture,Ciilllpliidllg

1 Upliolslciiiil parlor M,1 1,'irRi' it W. (tautfir'l'.ihle,1 :i light C'hiui.lellei,

Black Walnut Whatnot.Pictures, Rui(.,Ciirtiibni & Cnrnlci's,

2 B,W, Marbletop Bedroom Sets

Sprhu; & Hir Mu'li asses,MiiMpillo Nets,

B.W. DiningUlaek Wulniit Olialrs,Crockery & (Jluonwnie,

I New Home Sewing Machine,

1 Meal Sale, Kle.,, Kle., Kle.

JAS. F. AIOHOAN,i(iJ Ut Auetloneer.








llloi'lc. WtVMt.OF

inUov -


andCnnier ol King mid Alukca iirecln,

Honolulu, II. I.


furuieluil on till cIusm'snl iibiinbiDL; urn! wokFI i at dim and intilirial

hi all the uliove branchesot my business t reasonable iuten.

40 Urn

yqn hale

- k?' ifoUf;ii ami tniinilin fdltrenrot8

ft- -ir.u lit


Q 80W8.7tC youutf 1'ig, t

month old. 'I'rlro 20each for I lie lira lot. 3

I'OI " at 2 innntlia old. Anply ut ouce.W R.SKAL.

wsiw i. o iio No. ;nn.


ITMFl'y UKAD of Fat.AjkA V Steers. Apply toKAIIUKU ItANCH,

4111 II Kail, Muw.'ill.

Slftv hit- 'rffT'ii . if a,. fs&.s."

... !t, '

M r SL,. 'i..i. Ai


Just Received !

IMI 2w

L:5- -






This Space





is ReservedTHR


27 - 8!)

Catholic Fair!A Fair will be given by the Calhnlle

Liilic-i- ' ltenevolciilMocieiy on

Thursday, 30,

-- IN THE- -

ARIONHALL.AiiAiiHHitrv,' i n ontu''457W

Tluee f.i:i) Dolinglie jiald to tle

Die futei-lshi- nd Hteai'iiJfiivi-ail- on Co, oi THIIR.S1AY, theiMnl uM., i( llieir ojlleu on Queenttu'i't.- - .. KN'A,

Seoreinry 1. 1. H N. On.lioiiolubi, Jim. 'Si, 1SHII. .yj at


"THY iibu eanncd sabnnn when NewU Zralaml Mullet, piouonnred by

coiiiioltsiuir in be vuhlly suputior, UobtainalileV Wholesalo iiirentu are

.1. K. HHOW.V A CO.,457 lw Merctiant street.

I'lisliire at Walklki, foi aituiubtir of homes, at re

Hotmhle iftlf-p- . Apply inJlllin W. II. AI.DHIUII.

AKiIlM'l'liy No, 77 I'-o-i't


Froncli, Enilisli ami Ancai Dry iiiiil Fancy Goods,


Kid Gloves, Diamond Dye Black Hose IM & Plain.



TKIiklMIOISKrWorkiliop.-Mu- l








..."Ww'.'.uaLiii. ,fe.

January 1890,










Page 3: wiMiMi)iwit I' v&&a.:r bt - University of Hawaii...Houses, Cottages, lloums anil Olllces, leaded aud rented, and Huts eollectnl. Fire anil Lite Insurance ell'cctid in liut. cluss limuriincc

P x 'fHMBnflHBI1pplipp

j.' 1 1 m

--T'' ' "-- ,wr r." "sM i,-rT- fWr

" "''"" "T"rv7rr T7 -- ' t vP'T"'Wr" ?'"'"". '. - HT r;- - yWV 'rjpvw'w,,

nAfl.Y MUl.LMTfJN: ll.ONOL.LTLU, II I., LVNlfARV .! li'.iOiiiiiiMiiiiini ntnwi(iwniniiniiaMiwmiiiMWU'wn"iw hhiihiihih ....iimii 4mSlLJiarrt4mU2."1AmUMVIim

gaitu HTU:tin

MONDAY, JAN. 27, 1890.

ARRIVALS.(tin 'Jt- i- ,

StiiirMll.uliala from KnmiiSttur Llkellkc from Maul

.lnu 27-S- chr

Kutillhut from LalinhiaSchr Walehu front Kahiilm


Htinr.l A Cummins for Kuolau :it ! :i inMmr IVIe for Kona pot (h ul I inHtiiirKllaucalloii for llamukuu ampinSlmr Mokolll for Mnlokal at ft mSchr Kawiillani for ICoiilauSchr Kaiiikeauull for KohalaSi'lir Kiilitimimi for llitwuliStun Jiittit-- s Makee for Kupiiaat B p in

VESSELS LEAVINSStinr L'kclikn for Maul m ." inSlmr Mlkahula for Kauul hi : p in 'Stinr Klnaii for llilo and way pints sil

2 I" mSlmr Wuialeale for KII.iiiim iiiiiI Hiiiih- -

N'l at 5 p hiSchr Kiiiililiin for WaistlineSchr Walehu for Kuliiikn

PASSENCEflS.Krom Kntitil, per stinr Mlknliiil.i, .Inn

20--- .r K Faile.v. I. II Stol, Mr (ilhhardstud wife. .MrAehnck.S Macauley timt 1"llt!fk.

Kioni TtTaui, per stinr Llkellkc, .Ian'.'ii- -0 itoli,., v () Mnlili, .1 M Vivas .1

K Kaiilla. S M Kaankai. C Uakcr, .1

Dyer, Mr Dnmliuro, 11 .r .Mlwiiiau, CaptIliiM-h- , W Wnlteis, Ah I'iiii;. Wins;('hong.


'1 lit- - m'Ikioihtn I. iika ami Catcilim will)n' haitY-- d on tin; t.iiilnc I'allway io- -moiiow.

A whalcVpa .i'il ofr ilii- - pi it vest r- -il.iv I'ViMilnir

The haikcutiiic John Smith has beendofkeil m the I'.icltlc Mall Company'-wlini- f.

The li.nki mine KIIMtut Is hciuj;lii will leavu for Kahnliil

next week.The steamer Mlkaliaki drought yester-il.i- y

fiom Kaiia) ,iuhh:ig sugar ami 'Jt'i

lie.nl cattk'. fThe balk Ceylon in at the Kiimil

wlinif receiving sugar.The steamer Hawaii will leave for

wlmlnaril pints at It) o'clock WednesdayIllOllllllg.

The, d.nkeiitlucs Wrestler and N'ews-hn- y

aie at Ifaliiilul iinloadliig enal.'I he hilgantiue.lohu 1) Spreckels will

fill fiom Kaliulul for Sail Frnuelsconet .Saturday with a full cargo of niigar.

The .schooner Kuiilllua drought TOO

h.ig Kiigar fiom I.ahalmi.Tin1 steamer Llkolike drought ,!!4n

d.igs sugar, 80 pk'gs snudrle-i- .


At a meeting of Hie l'rivy Coun-cil Saturday morning the followingmiutile and resolutions were presen-ted :

The Honorable Kdward Prestondepailed this life on the 17th day ofJanuary inst. He had been Attor-ney General of the Kingdom. Hewas a member of the l'rivv Councilsince February 13, 1889. He heldthe olrlcc ofAssociato Justice of theSupreme Court from the 7th day ofJuly, 1885.

An an expression of the estimateof this Council of its deceased associ-ate,

Me it resolved :

1. That by the death of Mr. Jus-tice Preston Hub' Council has lost amember of singularly clear viewsupon the business brought before ittrom time to time and strictly faith-ful and independent in ndvising andvotings

2. That we hereby express to HisMajesty our sense of His loss of awise counsellor, and to the widowof the deceased our condolence inthe atlliction she,lias sustained.

:t. That the proceedings hereinbe published.

These resolutions wore unani-mously adopted.


At tie in.p,ri)in.g service of l;oHecaiid Congregation of .St, An-

drew's Cathedral on Sunday, thoHew Alex. Mackintosh made thofollowing remarks from the pulpit;

llefore ontering on tho considera-tion of the subject I have chosenfor this morning, it is my duty loInform you olllclally of lliat which,no doubt, you have already heardinformally, namely, of the resigna-tion of the Rev. Geo. Wallace fromhia. post in this cathedral. It be-

comes therefore necessary to takesteps for the nomination of anotherpaslor; - A meeting ror this purposewill be held in the schoolroom ofthis'thurch Monday evening at 8o'clock, at which all church mem-

bers are earnestly invited to attend.. A few wonfa concerning a frpn.d

N am -- brolljer wiq has savored hisjuTmqdluje connection wllh us aftergoing lit and oiit amongst us formore than seven years. His genialface and hcarly manner, togetherwith his fcjndly disposition, have d,

Idni to all who really knew(ijm, aii II will be. long be-

fore ujs'inemqry wil fade. Al who

faino under his ministration willinisi'.hhn from 1ip' palh, they wjlwH one Record, fervently tpiltq inprayer 4o,.our. Gqd, o shed htmsmd, prosper Jdiu In .the new work hehas ifn1ertaken in his own country,


THE LIE DIRECT. .KniTOit Bui.i.utin: In reference

to a blntcmcnt in tjie Atlvcrtiser,In ft pin'ty l'riot, about n

mulracl for building a wall In rearof tho palaco, allow me to say tlmlwhoever is responsible for tho asser-

tion in question is, in Plain ttnglisb,a. i.Aii, mid I can prove him s.ieh In

any court- of tie vlngdoii.K. II. Thomas.

Honolulu, Jan. 9A, I8(HI,


Ham: you

Mh. .lit-di- Dole pri'bltli'K nl chain-hoi- s

this week.

Tili'.o. II. DnvicH t ('' Iiamj ii

pnlaiiscnpo lo sell.

Hi'.iiiH'i UA'iinN in piccinet, llhHist i id, i" olcwheie aibciti-ed- .

Anki'ai. iiiccliiiK nf Kapiolan!Park Association 11 o'clock -


N. 1 lliii(ii:itf tulvcili.M'h copies of"The Aniciii'un Sentinel" to lie had"of him.

,'1'nr.nr. will h" an iiiformnl ImpVVwlni'Nilitv eveniiiH at llm icsiclcnceof Hon. I.'l. lUwui'll.

AnnsriiiN' of voteirt in .eeond pic-

cinet of first di.stiicl is called to tinH.'HiHtnition notice icvitcd

II waiiak and foii'ten jiuoi.i aieteiiiicd toiittcnil tin- - Supieuie Omitnl 10 o'clock nioiniiiK.

.Ias. F. Moie.au will hi'11 fiiriiiluienl the icsidence of the late Cha.lliin.snian, ten o'clock Weilnc-da- y.

"It. Haiinkiki.ii, hi list, announcestlic opening of ait clashes Tuesday,IViituv, and Sultnd.iy, nt dill'enntlimit .

Tin: "Hawaiian Coniiiieici.il Sales-looms- "

inn n new institution, themerits of winch aie in anailvt'itidcnu'iit.

Tin: tegular meetings of tin- - St.Andrew's Sowing Society will he

in the Sunday bdiool iniuny,Tuesday afternoon, at 1!


HoiiN Juuiimy 2."., ISO!), ul :i

o'clock p. in , lo V. A. Kinney andL. A. Thuiston.a "Daily Timer."Dikii bVluuniv f, Iblli), pom little"Times," ago 10 day. Kip.

Tiik Koyal Hawaiian Maud gavean apinopiiate conceit in fiont ofthe Herman Conml.ile (H. HackfeldV Co. h Imildiiig) at noon, in honorof Kmpeinr William ll.'s biithday.

A sAit.oi: fiom the Nipsie, died forassaulting a native woman, in thePolice Court thir nioining, was

the benefit of a doubt.One case of drunkcnne.sa met n icpii-muii- d

and four cases forfeited llibail each. Twocaes vagiancy andopium woic conlinued.

Somk time ago the qucHtion waslaiu'd in the Uoiinl of Health, as towhether diedgingn from the liaidor,deposited on shoie, were prejudicialto the public health. PicMident Kim-ball had samples of the materialanalyzed by Piof. Lyons, who Inn.lepotted that the mateiial containsonly one and a half petcent ofoiganic matter, il soon dties, and inhis opinion holds nothing daugeiousto the public health.


Lodge lo Progies, A. P. and A.MM 7;30.

Harmonv Lodge, 1. O. I). P.,7:30.

Meeting Second Congregation ofSt. Andrew's Cathedral, fi p. in.

Band concert, Arion Hf.II, 7:!t0.



At 10 a. in., at resideuce of II.Gorman, 2!l Berctania street, house-hold furniture, etc.


Chief Justice Judd presiding atterm this morning heard lvnudsguvs. Slolz, an over taxation case, ju-

ry waived. Argument n conclu-ded and decision rcseived. Hart-we- ll

and Hatch for plaintiff. Peter-so- u

for defendant.Mr. Justice Biekerton at cham

bers heard Henry Mana vs. Ltika-n- a

and Abigail Mana, petition todeclare a marriage null and void.Demurrer of defendants was sus-tained. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff,W. A. Kinney, for defendants.

IIRTHDAYCELEBRATION.To-da- y is the Ihlrly-flrs- t anni-

versary of the birth of KmperorWilliam of Germany. The eventwill be celebrated by the HonoluluArion at their hall by a concert fol-

lowed With a social. Followiug isthe programme to be played by theHawaiian band:March Ofiliui thtag , Faust1'atitasle lilo Kaiser Parade. KllenbcigParaphrase Kiilsei s Cornhliinien . . .

TlduePotpourtl leiUM'he, MjiirHclio ,..,...

, .,.,,", ., LeidcitglaiinniifMidliiuil'.s llriiineuuigen an 1S70- -

1S71 Sito(Inloii llneh soil or Leheii .ikolfPutpuiurl DeuthV'hn Lleder Heiger

li! Waclitnm llhelii.s Hawaii Ponol.


The Sunday trains of the ClaimI(ailw.iy ant Land Co. seom to hoslemlily guining in patronage Yos-terda- y'

extra, oars ti lo be pill onto accommodate the numbers apply-ing- f

or tickets. Many who are fullyoccupied at their regular occupa-tions during (hp train hours of theweok days avail themselves of theSunday liains, for change of sceneand air. The line is now prettythoroughly ballasted to Manauri,;nd aofiommotklion provided at allthe intermeiliato htopping stations,for waiting passengers, Neat litllesheds, aU'ordiug protection frommiii and niin, Imvo been erected,Hitting conveniences aro also provi-

ded. At Maimna, something, muioextensive js contemplated, and lum-

ber s already on the ground forliililiMlig.


Alli'm-i- l lit In' sIiiivIuk liireilue millll.injeriiiiH HeniNcnc mi Ilium.Itilti.

A frosh breeze Jim sprung up incommercial circles oVer the doingsof the local monopoly of the Stand-ard Oil Company.

About two years ago the Stand-ard Oil Company decided toiuu litismarket on oil. In order to do thi- -

they i educed the price to such allgiiro that good oil could not be im-

ported from the Coast, in competi-tion. People, having oil here at thetunc were obliged to sell at a sacri-fice

Alter running out the other con-

cerns the Sliiudaid people, it is sun!by local inei chants, sent nn oil herewhich barely passed the legal lestof 100 degrees Hash. This gavedissatisfaction, as nil at less than110 In 1.'10 Hash lesl is considerednot safe to use in this validity.Then the other dealers In ought goodoil, compelling the Standard to ie

sending a better quality, andagain those outside the monopolyhad to slop importations. In conse-quence the lasl two or three shipshave brought nothing but oil thatwould barely pass the lest, and aserious number of explosions arereported to have happened in town.

The Standard operators controlimportations by making an agree-ment witli the only two packet linesround the Horn, whereby these willtake no oil except from themselves,nor receive freight from any oiliershippers of oil.

It is generally believed that thenil now in this matkel is not safe,although oflleial tests of it havegiven slightly over 100 Mash. Out-side parties have found some of iilo flash below the legal degiee. Acase taken fiom the warehouseSaturday morning was tested in theMarshal's ollice and found to stand10!5 degrees- - -- not considered a groatdeal of margin in this clitua'le amiwith the very heatetting lamp burn-ers commonly employed.


lr iitsruii'T.1st Precinct .Mr. Schuinaii, at

the Government Nursery on Kingstreet, on Wednesday, Thursday,and Friday, trom ! to 8 o'clockp. m.Kstimatcd total of voteis .'!'0Electors registered to date 2l.'i

Polling place Government Nurs-ery.

2d Precinct Mr. Magoon, Berc-tania street school house, on Tues-day and Friday from ." to 7:.'l0 p.m.Kslimatcd total of voters !!.'."

Registered up to date 27(5

Polling place School house, liero-tan- ia

street.2nd nisrnici.

1st Precinct .Mr. Carter, store,corner of Ntiuanuand Pauoa streets,on Monday, from :l to (i ; Wednes-day, from 7 to 'J, and Friday, liom2 to (5 p. in.Kslimatcd total of voteis I570

Electors icgistered 2t;."

Polling place store onNuuanustreet.

2d Precinct Mr. Shaw, at No. I

Engine House, Ntiuauit street, onMonday and Tuesday from 7 to '.),

and in the barn on School street,near the In idge, on Friday, from 7to 0 p. m.Estimated total of elcctois 500Electors rcgisteied 24 1

Polling place barn on Schoolstreet.

tfitn wivnucT.1st Precinct Mr. Ttirriil, at the

Hilles Armory, on Monday, Wed-nesday and Friday, from? to U p.m.Estimated total nt electors !)0Ucgistered to date 21 ii

Polling place Uoynl School,Emma street.

2d Precinct Mr. Smith, at theCourt House, on Monday and Thurs-day, from 7 to 'J p. m.Estimated total of electors 100Registered to dale L'.'iO

Polling place New Governmentbuilding, Kapuaiwa.

4 1 ii uisrr.icr.1st Precinct Mr. Monsairat,

China Engine Co. building, Miiuua-kc- a

street, on Tuesday trom 7 lo !),and Friday, from C to ! p. in.Estimated total iir0Ucgistered to date 2110

Polling' place China Enginebuilding.

2d Precinct Hr. Rodger. BellTower, on Friday from I lo 8 p. in.Total estimated .'100

Registered lo date 212Polling place Bell Tower, I'nion

st i eel..'mi n;5,iaicr,

1st Precinct Mr. Wundenberg,Reform School, on Mommy andFriday, from 7 lo II p. m.Total estimated ,..2.'i0Registered . . 180

Polling placo Tramway building.2d Precinct- - Mr. Wilcox, J'elorm-ator- y

School, on Wednesday, fromI to 7, and Friday, from 2 to 8 p.m.Total estimated JI.'iO

Registered 210Polling place, Reformatory School.

'iiik t'tvr. PIVllllCTs.

Total estimated.... :l,f4fillcglnterod to date 2, Hli


AM Muntug den 'il .Iniiiiar Abends 8Phr ihulBt .r Keier des llebiirt

sliiuim foitifi- - Mnestnt des DeutscheiiKuIhom, W1LHKLMM II. Im I.okiduilen Honolulu Alton cln Coucuit stfttl,wou Ramiutllehe DeiitEolie lilerduichliuiiudlleliht eineelaili'ii werdeu. ImAilUraae. UASCOMlTi:.

4l tr


1, 1st ill' 0itililiiK 'I'll'ki-l- s tl U IIIHUVrc.lt IsUiiiIk.

Jllf'in'DI, Illlft'iflllll'llt.'

oAiir. JL

' llOUSC 01- S'llllt.Ks j

W C Wilder .1 A Cumui'ii"M M Itohlnsou II A Wlih'iuJtiiiW O Smith .1 S Wtilki'i-

.Sli-- Yean..1 1 I lOW (el I I) W 1'u.i allHuhi'it K Mtillui' weII .1 (ill-cu- P. (,' Maefiu' Hie s,l

I our Yea is. in

S M Kiuukai John Phillipst: S Ciiuha II (i CiahlietlFlllllinehiim C.I Mefarthv

Two iieal .

Iloi si: or ItKrnr.-r.- vi uivi - d?

l'lit t.

(Veil IJiowii .1 i: Itn-- h

Second Mlslnct.S K K'aiie W II Ciiuiuiiug'

Th'itd DiMllclM A Con-ia'Vi'- - A .Maiinii-- s

I'oiiilh DNtiicl..latiies I Mmg.-ii- i T It l.uc.is

rifih nistiut.U C Add 1! W Wilcox

SlMh DMilel..1 I. Kiiiilukou .1 Paikuli

ScMuith District.Antone ltu-- a ri

Klghlh Dl-til-

.1 I Dmv-ct- l. jr A Kauhi


Hex ' oi Noiii.ks..1 K.iuluilie fs I'aiker.1 M lloilii'r I K'aiihllie

l Years.It It Hind I". A Ituiehaidl.1 Wight It It Himl

I'm if Yens..Suinl I'.ilkei J .Vai,cnC II Wetiuoie W II I'iiixU

Two Veals.Hoi sk ok Itr.fitfcsKM tin i .

.south Illl.i.It llxeiofl .1 Xawnlii

Ceull.il llilo.Ceo Kallieuul .1 T Maker

Ninth llilo.Allien Hoi net- - .1 Mult. in ii

llaiu.tkii.i.W it Itirkard .1 K Kiiuii.iiii.iiih

Koha'a..1 W Miuiiauli .) K KuhookMiio

Kona..1 W II W.ilpuu.ihi (i I' KiuiuiiihIu

I) II N.ihiniiKail,

(i K AplU .1 Kapdiii


llOl'sf OI .VlllllKti.

II I' llahlwiu W II li.iulel- -W Y Hot tier Win tiomlnes.

SK Yniis.W HCotnwell .1 KamakeleIt Walhlhlgti Antone lti.ilu

Four Yeats.Ja Audeisoii COUeigi-- r

1. You Tempsky, D.iuiul Logan'l!wo Year;

Iloisi- - ok Itr.iMtKtKNririvi-i- .

Wni1iil.ii.W K MakaUoa L W 1' Kiiue.iliiPatrick Cockeit .loliu W Kaliu

Mak.iwao.WHllaljte.nl WllK.ili

Hau.i..los I' K.iw.iiuui P Kama!

I.aliaina. vW White J Nazaicta

Molokal.A V ICnpaehaoleI ICiiplhf.i


"(J N Wileo A PwierSix Years.

P P ICa iiiKiPoiir Yeuis.

Paul Isenheiy;Two Ye.n-- .

Hoi SC ill' ItKimr.sKM lt'Ks.Han.ilei.

A S Wiloox Isaacl.ihue;

W H Itice W IT Klli.iWalniea.

V. KniiiNeu Jos Apukal

M. THOMPSON,Couiisolnr, ivei the law nnd tin: aiitluiritiis In w'litiu, answuriiiL' questionsnf law unit facts submitted to liiiii, andindicates- - tin; proper courn! Ollice:Corner Kiiij hiiiI IIuiliul stieeisi, llouolulu. . 4UI tw

ANNUAL MEETING.IIIK annual mcoliue of the Kttpio- -

lani Park Amociuiioii will he heldt the rooinn of the Cbauilu-i-' of Com.

uteri:,' nn TI'KSO.VY, the 28t1t i list., at'1 1 o'clock a. M.

W. M. (.II'TAKIi,4U,i It Secretary.


rp llKiuinti.il uicednx ofX Society will he lit-h- l

on WKDNESDAY, Jaiittury Ittlll.iittho otlloe ol II. A. Whlumttnu, Ksq.,Mercliunt Htieit, at :i o'douk i. m,

.1. KCKAltDT,I U3t Sierelaiy


4 SITUATION as Suur Cieik oril Nlh'hl Wiitcliin.il) ul a mill, or uplaco ui I. u im on n Kootl phuiiatloii.HiHuxpiiifinru ami can furnish ((oilrcfeienoe. (;,ill or mldlcss "M. K. P.,"JUil.i.fcTl.N Otllte.. 4T.7 It


DKAWIXU ami I'aint'uiK in oilmini, Monochrome,

Ciayon, Etc , on Tuesdays anil Fridaysafternoon, utul Saturdays nuiitiiuf, andafiemooii.

It. ItAltS'l'IKLD, Ailist,Spitckt-ls- ' Hlrs-U- , Foil htiet-t- .

4ll) lw"

IMPORTANT to ALL!SPECIALLY to tlm,i. who believe iE in iiiilnl lights. "I'he Ameiiciiii

Sentinel," a weekly paper, the otiji-o-t ofwhich is to show the evils ot "ItdliglnusLtrihlatluu " One or uime enpUr. ofdilleteiil diitus can he Imd lice, dy upplying personally in dy post to theiiiuUrAlgnisl

N. V. lU'KUKHS,Honolulu, (I. I.

I'. S. Would la glad to hear fromthe ultitti lilalid-l- , 103 iiw


Cue. queen .uiuuiii MIh.

rpjlKSK rooiin have been opened foiHie i oiixeniuiici! not only ol Mcr.

cliHiitK, hut of the General Piihllo Itallot ds u desirable tili'iliilni l sillingotl'iiceimuiliti'.l jlo s (iruilielio of miydespiiplioti, wilhoul t It- neee-it- y o'fptiltlug ilniiit I'lnter the "hummel "

Few of tut, cvt-i- l in our houschnldIrs, but wlut have HOtutMliilig Unit,rontliiuiilh su "I wish I (fiiiblt but il I M-n- il tunurlloii I

iy gi-- l nevt to nothing for it " Tames'llejioimin 'tiiei't your iripibeini'iiU-- -wluii )oii ilo mu waul olliu are inheed ol

li&r ThU 1 - a. strictly (;nininlionliusincKs ami tin: inturesta'of cIIl-iiI- will

ciretully guarded.IM). WALKKU,

Mnimgcr.Hotio'ulu, Jan. 20, ll)(1. "1J lw

Baldwin Locomo tives

he l liavlni; Ifcn niniitiltilapenls frir the Unwallnti IhUihN

For the Celebrated

Baldwin - Locomotives

Krotn I he works of

liuruliaiii, 1'iiriy, Wiilimn it Co.,

IMilliiili-Ipliln- , 1'omi..

Aie Hurt pivpiii-i- l tu fi' iteb amiiceeive outers liu the e eiiji'tni-s- , nl nliysle ill I s li

The lUl liwts I.o(omo-- i Won its arenow in lU'iliieliiilu- - .i st ol 1, 'Culm-- .

piriicuhirly mlaplu l"

For Plantation Purposes,

A niimdi-- i ol which leive boi--

KH'eive.I ul tliesc lalmnU, :ui.l we willhave pleiMiie in liiiiiishiu plautatiminueiits ami mini a'r. Willi ii'iitlculiir'of lSltlll.!.

Tin- - superiority of ilufc Loeniiiotivuiunit ill I ot liei- - iimkfj is no' only knownhere Inn is ieliiiowh-ibv'- l llnoiihoul1'ie DniUil States.

Win. (J. I It WIN &Vo.,Ageing lor Httwniiati lslnnil"

4112 d 121 w.ly

California : LandsI'OK SJALIO

umlcr-lgtif- d wl-lu- -s lo infoiiiiT1 uulilie tiiat lie Ii.Ih npeneil allranch C.nlfointa Laud Ollice. at 'o.Ii Merchaul slicel, Honolulu.

To . wishing to Invest inChoice Timber. AgilcultniP. Kiult orOr.uing Lauds In tin tine Stale of Cali-fornia, or in Dchlrable Iluihtliig Lot-- , inHie beautiful Oily and Milnuhs of Oak-land, with lis unrii. tied climate, amioppot (unities'. I am piep.iied to ottereveiy imluceiiicut In the way of bar-gain-.

The Lauds which I heie offer have allbeen nio-- t can-full- by athoroughly reliable siirwyor, employedhiieclaliy for that purnosu, and I "amtherefoio enabled to she satisfactoryguarantee that every piece olteied willstrict l coiresponil wild theglieu by me.

'I he Titles to these T.aud aie pel feet,lioliit in the main .state school Mini-- .

The piexinus pei-nn- at liinpeetloliihen-o-f at great expense, ntfeis abso-lute sccmlty to ptiiehasirs and is anhiducciiif ut'uflciud by no oilier dealer

school lands in California.The pi ice ranges f i om .sj!l.,'ii) per acre

upwind according to quality mid locu-

tion, and tlieto is no doubt, by takinginto account the rapid rowili anil

of tiiat State, that the-- e hindsotfered at these low llgiucs inilsl withina lew years command a much hlgherptica and w seeuro to eiery inve-to- r ajn'ollt not easily eiiiiiiled.ltrany olhei'line of speculation.

This oppoitiiuity will lie open fo.' alimited lime only, and 1 theiefore ex-tend an imitation to all who wish iosceiue good and cheap liumes in thatinagnillcent State ami Country, and alsoto those who desire to Invest a Utilemoney to so gieat advantage and profit,lo call upon me soon and obtain fullparticulars.

Information will he clieeifuih ghcu.JC Ollice mom wltfiM. A. Mngoon,

altornev, No. IL' Merchant stieet.l'.o it A. MOlCOt'P.


rVHV. Ilnwaiiiiii ltllle Aoclatiou'-- i

JL ItuiiKe. Kiiifj slreelvIs closid fromlliirt date All perpons are hereby

to pnu'tlai: over above l!'ini;euntil lurthei notice. Hy order.

.1. H.SOPKli,President IL K. A.

Honolulu, .laii.24, 1HB0. Hit Ivy

(icrniiiii SiUHiig;o IMtirkcl

I l .HP opened in "Arinsiron block,"tr ta-H-r tvinu Mireet uriilite. nnIres dally -- lieiul Clu-t-se- ,

llolonu, Kryln-f- , Liver, Smoked andtilier aiKhges.

.lACOIMMilMIM'.460 If I'ropiietoi,


Ps UOOM Cottage at Kiipa-laui- a,

near l.ililin stieetISliitlon ut TrainwajsCo' Cnl- -

tlic tccelitl p.llllleil ami papeleilllnoiiirlKiiit. Heat nioueiaie. Applvto A. .1. UAHTWIIICIIT.Or tn.T.F.Ilinwil, tinveiiuilent Miivey

Ollice. I.VI-i-

Heal Km(u1' For Hah;.

rpW'O MniiHvs and l.nls on1 Itohdllo l.mie, l'aliiiua.

Coiivenicnl to Menu! and ti amniffl. Very healthy locality. Lot n'tKlmr Htreet.iit'iir Hiiiuiiukii'i- - L'uie. ForpuiliciiltirH apply tu

JOHN V. I'OWLKH.OrOlcii.T. (luliek. JWUtu

Views of the

The Eiuilable shows flguies pqual lo those ofsheets of some vciy id Statis. TheLoudon.

The Life U a Il Uin its iiinl mat in ils It the


lt is no me disguising the fact thatthe of

ncss, a and aLeamington


British Press.


larger-surplu- s

the national balanceInsurance. World of

EquilsJiln Assurance Society colonial Inslilulinn.unique )iHltioii vvlous terord. occupies liiheolplace among kiiidieil institutions. -- (The Irish Insurance BankingFinancial .louinal.

position among lnsiiratico nlllccsholds give

company. Spa Connor.

the Equitable athe Win Id. a liusi


With the pitiful system nf state iiisuiance in Gcrmsny couqi'ire wlntis done by soincof Hie irivalc (Joiiip.uiies, by the greatest,of them all, fur instance, the Eqiiiluble Life Assiiiauee.society of the lluitedStales, j Dublin Lyceum.

Tlic largest of Aiiiciican Life Olfi is ami thcrefoie Hie in theWorld is the Equitable Life Assurance Society of Hie I'. S. Tairplay ofLondon. ' -

The ofllcc that lias done tlic in promoting safe and lihpnlJLifeInsuuiiice Is the Equitable Life As'siif.ince'.Snciety oftlit'S.fLondnti'"Society.


New business in 18S!) ...?..- -

Income AWplus

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT,Geneial Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Lite Assiitance Society

of Hie I'. S. .Jan-1-f-

Pacific Hardware Co., Id,IHOIViMOISGISRS !

Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Fornisliiuf, Goods,


Glassware & Cutlery, Just at Hand;(l.ilv.iuii d W'iic, 'lll.ick .Steel Fence Wire, ..Galvanized ftliipKs,

lll.ick Stapleii, Special Qmlily Pence Staples.


In .ill lines hy 1 ite iwiivnl-- . Ageulk loi

KitbluM- - (Jnrih'ii I lose. Wire Bound lloije, HIdhii Hone,








, , 'i

i- i





,v T.Vl

- , 'arnishiM, and


PACIFIC-- HAUDWAltE CO.,II. F. Dii.i.isuii m, .1. (.;. Si'KScki:, F. L. Wi.srr.i:,

I'le.-iden- t. .Manager i Secielary. Tie.isiitei.an rnwiMW ) in miujihu ii mmm mm lAmsxlmMMi'im

(3A-STL- E & COOKE,, - iMrou'rioic,

Shipping & Commission Merchants;


)i:ai.i:iis is- -

'Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,

I'l.A NT.V'riON

(J.irpenlei;', P.l.icl.'Kinillf.'.

' - y ' J si

t'lcusilp, Oil

Blake's Pufaips, Weston's




Wilcox & tiibbs, Sl

Dr. & Sods.htn-'l-'I-

mwn1I'. It. UhNimr, Pirshlent ,v Miiiiaer.(,onn:i:v IIkuwn, Sccieiar.v XTitMsuivr.






17.'i,00(i;000 Oft

10,000,01)0.InO.OOO On



.M.ichiiiis0 I'liinilir-t.i- '





Kitchen Punts,

ciH'Hil lYToivIiiiituliiHO.



Hemioglou Sewlug Hacbiaes,

Jape Family Medicines.


Oppn. Nprcckcln' Hmilc, : Kort N(r4t, HiMintiilii.IMI'OHTKUK and DEALERS IN -

Hardware, -:- - Crockery,Chandelier, ElcctnlierH, Lampa fc Lamp Fixtures,l'.iintH, Oilrt ,v. N'arnislu's, Laid Oil, Cylinder Oil,I'owder, Shot .v Cap, Machine-loade- d CatlridKeHClifUnheilaiiiV I'utent;

HOUSE FURNISHING-:-- . -- :r GOODS,Silver Plated Waif, Tattlefloors, l'l.llllein' Sice Hoes,

butter oilier



Limp ('.tods

.Ioii.n Kna,Ci.un. lliaivsN, Auditor.

Pocket Cutlery, ,v--

iuiiI other Aniicultui.il Impleincnti.



PLANTATION SUPPLIES Of EVERY BESCf TI01!Ilarl'n Palont "Dnplos" lu Stock 'for Pipn .fc Unit Ciiltiu-- I ?!.Manila A. Sieal Kojic, Kuliher Hu-e- ,

lie Hound Jluhhei Hose, Sjunclei-;u- p ; ,tSpuuklcir. iV Spi'uiUler Stands,

--V12NL'H U'OIC iOrrni .i.i t n "'Piiion .Metallic Cult idge (.').,

HiirtuianV Wiu Fonco Htcel Wite MnlO"New Pioccbs" Hope,

Win. fi, FisherV Wrought Steel ltaucn, NculV C'liriipK'l I'aint),Oulc City Ktono Filler, ' .

"New 1'ioccsri" Twist Drillh,Uiv'J'J-S'- J Hint's Patent "Jluplex" Hie .Sukc,

i& . sjli(tf Vr.vfc&j ., i .,:.. a.






Page 4: wiMiMi)iwit I' v&&a.:r bt - University of Hawaii...Houses, Cottages, lloums anil Olllces, leaded aud rented, and Huts eollectnl. Fire anil Lite Insurance ell'cctid in liut. cluss limuriincc







&ww " --


Chas. Hustace, King Street,

HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"lkHnALiakii Sen Tintit, Kits Mnokeiel, Ittti Salmon Hollies, Kiln Tiiiikiiciuml vJyulH, Cases Vienna S.itt'-.ie.o- , Until S.iin.w, S.tlinon in 1 nml 2 1

I lit, Ham, llnt-mi- , CodlKli, Tin mt'eil M.iekorel. Boiled Miioketel in To-tna-

Sauce, Top O'l'an Hiuiul Hutloi, Honed ('liiel.en nml Tuikoy, Twin15totliei' Yonst Cuke.

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!CeruAineFl.ikoi, (lorinoii, llionkfust Clem, Wliito O.vtj., 1 1 iltlit nl llolleil O.tN,l)i toil Apilcnts, Diioil Peaches l'liinc.-i- , Tiililo Fnti'. P.itiv, Fit;, Ulilo'Food, Gelatine. Sardines, Wheat, O.it, Bum, Putiiloe, Onion-- , nml .t

Gonoi.il of Onuouo'S at I'iulu piier

l.Cflio ymir orders or lint: up


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,KAST CORNER FORT

New Goods received by evety Packet from the Ensttrn .Stales unci Europe,freak California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.kud Goods delivered loauypartof the city free of charge-- . Island otders soli,olud. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Ollico Box 146. Telephone No. 0J f nov.4.85

Tulephone 840.- -

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOIiUliU, H. I.,


By each steamer uf the O. 8. B. Co. from California

Fresh Cala, Roll Batter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala. Fruits,

1?Im1i, Giiiiio, "Vecjtttl, Ute., 12ie.A complete line or Crosse a Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canoed & Bottled Goods

Always on liandl Also, just received a fresh line of

xeromu Paten &. foiled Sleuth &. Mottled I'renervcit FrnitM.I aw Is & Cn.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flaked & Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-l- G Satimiaetioii O iiariinteetl. 87



California Ilsiy, Oiiis, Bran,Oil Cako Meal, Linseed Meal,

liarloy, IJolleri Barley,Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Cora Flour.FLOUR --Alta, Golden Gate & Salinas- - FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

DroBsmaking Dop.irtntcut

Xo. 1 111


-- 1. O. Box 2V7.

ICJL2 --m

Cor. Edinburgh & Sts.

under the management of 3IISS

Ur Hi UT Itlnur Stro't.



CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - WORKS,JOHN GRACE, : : Proprietor.



Ginger Alo, Sarsapnrilln, Lemon, Cream & Plain Soda.


Mutual Telephone 3 30 o a&- - Bell Telephone 298'Itdnml orders pioniptly atlouded to. nov-8-8- !) (Jin


Ulaek Sp.iuihh L.iee Flouncing, from !jl y.ud upvv.iiri.Black f'h.intilly Lieo Flouncing, fioin 2 y.ml upwind.Eejii, Cio.uii & Wliito Oriental Flouncing, from ollols yaiil ttpvvniil.Extia. llea y (now Mvlo) Oiiental Flouncing, fiom $1.2.') y.titl npw.ud.

Dress Nets in Pink, Blue, Red, Cream & Black.Full fifiuii intent of all Mi.tde of C.i&limcro, Mniroo, S.ilin A Gt

(li.iiii Rililion. Vcliot Rugs in nil mo jtirt tooeivod.He-,- 1 v.uioty in Ctniluto, Swiss it 'Nainsook Eiiiliioidoiioi :it


JOHN." ntiiioiul Iilo'lf," ISoh.




Gfranite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER ANDm Sheet Iron Work.


W. G. FISCHEBSFaniousOianil Artlvo A Golden



Cooking-:-Rang- es


Broiler and Hot Water Attachments

Co .siiming one.ll.lrd I.ES3 FUEL thanany other Btovc in exist tiue,

either wood or coil.

No Brick Work About II!Just a Clean Cut Stove!

Who'o Biking finalities uie uii'iir.passed.

Reversible Grates !

Tlii Orate is of a trinngular form,liming three surfarcs whleh are roveritile, so that a "cparato lopsinfnoeeaii boused on alternate tlay; or il the one sur-face in couiBe of use shows any weatthen the other ean bo tuine'l up, and soon the other, ninklng it equal in duiabilily lo three distinct Urate;.

F01I flU,, BY '1HI.

Hawaiian Hardware Go.,

Foil Street, Honolulu,Ufi tf Opposite 8prcrk-- llank

Union, Fire & Marine

Insurance Co., L'd,OI Sew Zealand.

Capital - $10,000,000

Firo risks taken on Dwellings, Stores,Storehouses and Contents. Also, HugarNiid Hire Mills, Machinery, Etc , Etc

3Iui-iu- c IiiKiirancMOn HulN, Cargoes and Freights. Losspaid heie.

J. S. WALKER,A unit for Hawaiian Islands.

jiii.G DO


The Lessees of Lotshlll'A'li: IN Til F.

Kapiolani ParkAie hoioby not tiled that the Assooi uton

U prepared to

Grant a Renewal of their Lease lot30 Years from date,

Unon pieientallon of pioper lit li deed.mil the pa.imei.t ol a iiiuui.

mil rental.

t$f Applications to be made to W. 31CI I FFARI), Secretary.

A.S. CLEOHORX.I'lc.sldenl Kapiolani Fnik Asvi'n.

Honolulu, Dec. L7, 188'J. 4af) Im


U King st. Sd 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.



"VTOTlCE Mictcby glcn lo nil poi-- ll

miii Hint on llio aotli day Doioin-lii-- t.

lHrtil, a meeting of llio MneMioldci-- ,ol the Hawaiian I'.iolllo Cnlilo On.w.i-- ,

hold at tho nlllco of E. (). Hall it Son,Limited, Honolulu, and at said mootingIt was voted by said MocklioldciA toaooopt a flintier of incoipoiatlou Kinnt-o- d

to them under I ho ontpotalo naineami stilo of Hnwallan I'.tcillo C.iblo( o." November 13, lBs'J, and that thooorpoiatlon undor dd oliatlor there-upon organlcd theiiiM'les ami electedthe folloulutr ollloois:,1. .Shoiui.in JLirtliolouiQwof Honolulu

I'le-Iile- nl

Hon, Edcui C'iow llakor, M. !., otVictot 1.1, 11. C nt

E. O. White of Honolulu Seetotaty1'i.ink A. Dudley of Nhigai.i FaIN, X.

Y Ti easin orWin. W. Hull of Honolulu Auditor

Xoiko Is fuitlier given that pii?uantto thoteinisof n.tid chattel, "No

.shall individually bo liable forthe dobti- - of tho Cot notation beyond theamount vvhkli shall bo duo upon thotlyii-li'ii- ui h'iie held or owned bvlilint-c-lt'.- - i:. O. WHITE, '

Jll I in .Seetctury,



General Election of 1890 !



oi Kov.v, OviirVvi;i) 1 .1. E. I'II.


W viu I T. It. LI'CAH.Waiiii :!!. V. WILCOX.

ImIuikI of Ttlfiui.




L. AV. KANEALII.Lmivina J. NAZARETA.Hana P. KAMAI.Mvk.vvvvo-- W'. 11. KALA.Mi.ioK.vi A. 1. KAPAEHAOLE.

1I4 tf

Nobles for Hawaii.


R. R. HIND, ) ,

E. A. lU'HCHARDT, J" VPnr- -

J. MARSDKN,Y. II. PURVIS. 2 vears.




Cooked lolled OatsFUK IIHKAKK.tMT.

lion I III In I


W Simple lieeat all Lending roeeries.

MITCHELL & PETERSON,H9J H. R Agenlfl. ll!it


A FIXE Colt (nial.;)' Iiuiulio ar Hir Ollloo.I."i.l I'.'tJ5r---S.- .


VI RS. OSHORNE Is now propaied lo1V1 nlve Instiuctlnns In Fancy Workat "The Arlington," Room 0. ClassLessons :, Mondays, Wednesdays andFijdvjs l'li.yiite lessons by specialariitugeinent. Stripping and ordersptomplly iittrndcd to. J 50 tf


the moro satisfactory uccomme.dation of our pattons wo beg to

suggest to them that in cases whqrediajsaio ifijulied for shipping goonsto out.gning steameis nud coasttif, r'in any ease where leiptired, at 1 o'clockshntp ot tho day, they will Und that byrlngine; up Mutual Telephouo No. 20',between 12:15 and 12 4.'", In thu noonhour that Mr. Hewott will bo thereinperson to receive all orders, and ourfriends will thereby. greatly facilitatebusiness to tho better cat is fuel Ion ot alconcerned. .




Just Hie Tiling for (lie Holidays

-- AT TIIK- -

Pacific Hardware Co.Villi


Oiilm Railway k Laai Go.'!!


," rfgQg.

HKOI'l,.in Tlt.VI.NH:

Leave Honolulu Xo. 1 D n. in.;Mohmiliin (2.7ti tnllos) !i:12; I'nulo.i(Counties) 11:2.1; llulnvva (d.U inllo).UliO; Alea (!) M7 utllcO 0:30; Kabttao(lo.Oi miles) a::u: Wnlau (io.in miles)!i : CI: atilvo tit Mituaiia c 1 .70 tulles)

Leave Honolulu Xo. :t 2 ti. in.;Moanalua 2:12: I'uuloa 2:2.'; Hal.iwn2:!i0i Aiea2::iii; Knlauao 2:;t'); Walall2:4:t; aiilvoiit M:iuana2!48.

Leave Miiuan.i --Xo. 211 a. in.;Waiuit (o.KI miles) ii:0.": Kalaimo(1.74 mile) H:i)!); Alea (2.! mllifi)11:12; Hal.iwa (.1.02) II :H; I'nulo.i(.1.511) 11.2.1; Mo.inaliu(!)mlle.) 11 :S:iinlveat Honolulu 11:4s.

Leave Mauann -- Xo.4 4 p. in : Wulau:0(1; Kalauao i:0'j; Alea 4:12; Ilnlawa

4:1H; Pmiloi 4:2.1; Moanalua 4::i(i; at-

ilvo at Honolulu 4 M.S.

MI'XHAV TltAIN:Leave Honolulu U :U0 a. in., 12:30 and

a i m.; Moanalua !):I2 n. in., 12:42and 11:12 p. m ; I'nulo.i !l:.';i n. in.,12:5:) and 11:2.1 p. in.; Hahiwn 10 a. tit.,I and 3:30 p. in.; A leu 10:0(1 a. m.. lilW!mill :i:;iil p. in.; Kalauao 10:01) a. tu ,1 :oii nml 11:30 p. in.; Walall lU:13a. in.,I Mil nml 3:4.1 p. in.; arrive nt Manana10:18 n. in , 1:18 and 3:48 p. 111.

Leave Manana 11 n. in., 1 till nud 4:0.1p. in.; Walaii ll:0.1u. in., 1:18 und 4:10p. in.; Kal.iuao 11 :0y a. in., 1 :52 and1:1 1 p.m.; Alea 11:12 n. in., 1 :.15 and1:17 p. m : Ilnlawa 11:18 :i. in, 2.03and 1 :23 . in.; I'uuloa 11 :2.1 a. in.. 2:0Sand 1:110 p.m.; Moanalua 11:3(1 a.m.,2:ltlnnd l;ll p. in.; in live at HonoluluII MS a. m.. 2:31 nud 1:53 p. tit.

X. U. Trains stop tit Ivallhl eithervv.ty only on iiuai or to leave pas-eiijr- oi


i ti. iit ', ' 'i C il t.ft 3 ". i r. so

&i KV S.?y I.3"

O ft- - V 4J

Moatuilua ,2.ViJ .15 $ .40$ .110

I'uuloa 10 .2,1 .7.1 .50(Macf.ulaue's)

Hahiwa 50 .31 1.00 .0.1Ale.i tit) .10 1.15 .70

(McOiewMKalamio .0.11 .4.1 1.2.1 .75

(Mt. KiiiinV)Wai.ui .05 .45 1.21 .75

(AklS Mill)Manilla .7.1 .50 1.2.1 100


N. B. Passengers not piircliaslng tic-

kets befnte boaidinj; the train at sta-

tions vvlicte tickets are sold, will beuhaiged 10 conN nddltlomil to thoregular fate for train tatos.

fir" '1 he above time tables and ratesof fates to take effect on Thursday,lauiMiy 2, l.s'JO.

W. 0. ASHLEY,412 tf Superintendent.


Hardware, Shipping'AND

Commission Merchants.HKAI.KIIS l

General Merchandise I

Phulatlon Agents,life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents.

Jan II HONOLULU, II. I. 161)6


LiJe, Tire & Marine

Insurance Agents !

AUKST1 Mill:

New England Mutual Life Ids. Co.,


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


Insurance Company,'Ire M Marlur.



Returned on the Australia and hnspiactlco ut his former oruce, 08

Hotel strcot. 400 tf

CHANGE of KESIDENCE.in--, oi.ivi-i-

Has rrmoved Irom Fort street to Ho..hello Laue, I'alamn.

Oki'ipe Houhh: 9 a. (4. to 18 u. and rv. it. to 0 v. u.MulHil 476

A Cure 1'ov Induouxu t

DR. LOZIER'6 HAWAIIAN CHERRV COR.DIAL, one of the host remedies

ever prepared for eougli9, asthma, luutfnml chest trouble, und a ureal relefto whooplue coiikIi and throat ntlectinit.Ask for Or. Uzler's Hawaiian Cherry Cor.dial yold at


433 Urn


HAV1XO bought out Mr. W. H,In the "Honolulu Carriage

Manufactory," at 12d Foft btreej, I amprepared to coutinuc tho ubovu businessunder the old name of Honolulu Cur.Huge Manufactory, and being an oldexperienced, carriage builder I solicitthu patronage ot my old friends and thonubile Jn geiiernl, and with my thoroughknowledge of the business and with ox.pcrleuceiT workmen and using only thebest material 1 guarantee jjeocral satis-faction. I'lcabo call and si-- mc beforelining clsowhere.

(tHened): OlIVEON WEKT.Jloiioliilit, Ort. Cfl, lsa. 31U tf

Oceanic uieainsbip Goin'r.


From San Francisco.I.onvo Duo utS. F. Honolulu

Aliiiiicd.t .Inn II Juii IS.Mn lipoma Frli 8 Fob lo

enlaiiili.i.. Mai 8 Mar lfiAlameda Apr 5 .Apr 12MaripoHU Mnv :i .Mity 10Zealiiiidin Mny :il June 7Al.vtncdft .hi no li8., ..July tiMaiipoi-- July 20. Auk 2Xciilandia. A iik 211 Ann 30Alnmoila Kept i!(l Sept 27Miiiipop.i . Ocl 18 Oct 25Zoalaudia .Nov 1,1, ...Nov 22Alamoila . . Deo 111 . .Dee 20

For San Francisco.

Leave Duo atSydney Honolulu

Zenluidia . Jan 22. Feb 8Alainovl.i . . Fob I!) MmMntipnmi Mar AprZealand in . . .Apr 10 MayAlameda ,. M.iy H MnyMaripowi .June 11 JunoZoaliuidia .Inly '.) JulyAlamoda. .. Aug 0 AttKMaiipnc.i. . Hojit :t. ..Kepi JOZealamlia .. .Ool L. ..Oct 18Aliunod.v Oct 21) Nov 15MiuipoKi, .Nov 20 Doo HIZoiilandi.i... , ,.l)oc 21 . Jan 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia.

Le.tvo S. F. Leave Honolulu.Friday Jan 111 Fiidny Fob IIF'tiday Fob 28 Ft idny, . .MarFriday. Mar 28 Fiidny AprFriday . Apr 23 Fiiday WayFriday . . .Mny 211 Fiiday . JunoFriday . June 20 Friday. J ttlyFriday July 18 Fiidny. . . AugFriday .Aug 15 Friday, AukFriday Sepl 12 Friday . Hepl 20Fridny. ..Oct 10 Friday Oct 21Friday, . Nov 7 Friday, Nov 21Fi iduy .Doc fi Friday . . Doo 18

Australian Mail Service.

FOB MAN FllANCIMCO,The now and fine Al steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Of Uie Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from tiydnoyand Auckland ou or about

February 8, 1890.And will lcare for tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdale.

For freight or passage, having BU.PKR10H ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto

WM. Q. IRWIN ft CO Agent.

For Sydney and Auckland

T4ic new and flno Al steel stcarxiBhlp

"Alameda,''Of the Oceaalc BtcamsUip Company, will

bo due at Honolulu from SauFrancisco on or about

January 18, 1890.And will have prompt dispatch wlhiuwib unu DBBsengera ror me above porta.

For freight or passage, having BUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, aiinhto37 WM. 0. IRWI5 ft CO.. Agents

LOVEJOY & CO.,13 .unanii Nt.. Uenolula.

Offer for sale at unusually low priced, afull iiRsoilinent and best biands of

Ales, Wines, Beers, SpiritsAc.

ifirUavlngbpen nppolnted by Mea;is.larhinsn A, .Tacobl of San Fianelacotheir Ageuts for Hawaiian Islands,we ate enabled to offer their justlyCelebrated Wilier to our filomli and iltepnblli.' at vety low iate-t- . 41)1 1m

The Thoroughured Stallion


Will stand at BCtvlcu nt

-- AT-

$50 ai $75 Insurance.

Recohd 2 ;22lj, Sflcrameutn, Sept. 15,1887.

I'edioiikk: Mattu was shed byOulnn's Patchep,'-h- by Geo. M. Pat-cue-

Jr. i Martn's.ihiui byiEmigront. heby Billy McCrackeit) Hilly McCrackenby MoCraokcn's lilack Dawk, 7G7,'(lliesire of Lady Dooley, mid of the danvofOverman, 8:10W)- - MeCraoken's BlffckHawk, 707, by Yermout Black Hawk, 0 ;8ml dam by Marshall's Black Uuwk, heby Kaston's Black Hawk. The dam ofQulnn's Fatchcn by Btockbrldgo Chief,ho by Vermont Black HaWk, 6.

It. T. Carroll of Bun Frauolsoo, theformer owucr of Marlu, vouohes, thatout of thirty-sit- e mares served by thishorse durlug his luit scasoti lit Call,fornla, tlilrty-ilv- o proved with foal.




Per "Eskdale"123 days front Liverpool.

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied A Selected HtMlt.


Mirrors,Wlckei Ware, Kin.


A large assortment.




Oni'i-Ins't-t Kmii

Bats, """":,,. Burtons,



Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.



American andPortuguese




Rotk,Liverpool and

Higgln's Dairy.

Oil ! Oil !

Untied A a&w Linseed, Caeior.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pote.

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Kte., Ktr


Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wir.e !Annealed,

tialvanized Barbed,"jfafent Steel Barlipi




t rt m

b'ullin IranOf all varlellea, always In stock.


Hay, Feed & Flour


i ,

'(, fJttft
