winchester news (winchester, ky.). (winchester, ky.)...

j 1 l kr t ast Editioj wS THE WINCHESTER NEWS VOL 1 NO 121 WINCHESTER KY THURSDAY MARCH 4 1909 2 CENTS A COPY A WEEK I RECORDBREAKING CROWD SEES WILLIAM T AFTi ti j I i > SWORN IN AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TSucceeds Roosevelt as Incumbent ofl I Nations Highest OfficeOath ministered at the CapitalCong- ressrnan Sherman Becomes Vice i iuf Inaug- uration r WASHINGTON ISOLATED dlt ws i WASHINGTON March 4 3p fOlL s today Severe storms being al ¬ most unprocedent Thousands are I detained at Baltimore and many snore at other points Taft first insisted on carrying out the original program but finally consented to speak in Senate chamber remarking Ial ¬ ways knew it would be a cold day Presidentr aro for clear weather before evening The tempera hire is f freezing w r I- rSc ¬ vere sleet and snow storm struck raging ¬ at noon in the Senate Chamber At- one oclock the storm was still rag- ing ¬ The streets are full of slush and snow but the parade program is be- ing ¬ carriedout The wires are down in all directions and the inaugural trains are detained capitol toda crowdy fend the constitution of the United States thud by so doing became the twentyseventh President of the Unit ¬ ed States Immediately after the administra ¬ tion of the oath to Mr Taft by Chief Justice Fuller the new President de ¬ livered his inaugural address which will be found on another page of to ¬ days paper He spoke for pearlan hour and lIning to his escort signified liis iwhdiness to leave the scene of- t lauguration for the Yhite louse iii t1icial residence luring the COlll I rr rng years A way was cleared for the new president and entering his carriage and escorted by his cavalry guard he was driven down Pennsylvania ave- nue I to the executive mansion From onr 1 > > a VICE PRESIDENT SHERMAN the face of the buildings nothing could be seen of thq avenue for the mile that Ijes between the Capitol and the White House but a mass of jammed progt wave of cheering Taftlind befp re proceeding to the grand stand at the court of hpjinr to revjew the v > f I 1 t f I rA S 5b i r f t 1 ft 1 > v ijrt r + inaugural parade With the passing t of the marching thousands before the new president the display of fire worlts in the rear of the White House eveninginaugural Beginning of the Ceremonies As far as President Taft and his predecessor Mr Roosevelt were con corned the day began with breakfast at the White House where Mr and Mrs Taft have been the guests of Mr and Mrs Roosevelt By 10 oclock all was made ready for the procession from the White House to the Capitol I Accompanied by President Roosevelt and escorted by a veteran guard com manied by General O O Howard Mr Taft was driven up gayly bedeck- ed ¬ Pennsylvania avenue which was already crowded On their arrival at the Capitol Mr Taft and Mr Roose- velt ¬ proceeded at once to the senate chamber to witness the Inauguration of Vice President Sherman Before the entry of the president elect who preceded the retiring presi- dent ¬ into the senate chamber the room was filled to overflowing with govern ¬ mont dignitaries assembled to witness the administration of the oath of of ¬ fice to Mr Sherman Crowded within Its doors were the members of the senate both new and old the mem ¬ bers of the house of representatives the justices of the United States su ¬ preme court the members of the dip ¬ lomatic corps the heads of tao execu ¬ tive departments high officers of the army and navy and others Sherman Sworn In When all the witnesses to the cere- mony were assembled Vice President Fairbanks rose and called the session of the senate to order After a brief valedictory address in which ho thanked the senators for the courtesy and respect shown to him during his term of office Mr Fairbanks called to his rostrum the vice presidentelect James Schoolcraft Sherman of New York and the crowd standing admin ¬ istored to him the oath and turned over to him the gavel that is the out ¬ ward symbol of the authority attach- ing ¬ to his new office The first official act of the new vice president as pre ¬ siding officer of the senate was to call the senate to order and direct the re cently elected members to come for ¬ ward and take the oath This accom ¬ plished Vice President Sherman de ¬ clared the senate adjourned for the time being Led by the sergeantsatarms of the senate and house the members of the two houses and the other officials marched through the corridors of the Capitol to the inaugural stand that lad been erected at the east portico As the retiring chief executive and his successor appeared at tho main door of the Capitol and proceeded to walk to the front of the stand toward Chief Justice Fuller who with Bible in hand awaited Mr Taft the troops massed in front of the stand and drawn up on two sides presented arms and a cheer rose from the crowd that extended as far as one I could see from the stand The was very quiet as Mr Taft crowdI the words of the oath after Fuller and their voices were plainly heard accompanyMr In accordance with his previously an ¬ nounced plans after the inauguration ceremonies he left the Capitol for the railroad station where heV and Mrs Roosevelt took an early train for New York It is his intention to devote his time to the preparations for his coming trip to the African wilds Protection For New President Custom requires the president of the United States to take the oath of office and deUlir the inaugural art j > VV- 1 fc VS PRESIDENT TAFTRSS j I r dress in the open air and Mr Vaft did not depart from the custom Ilow ever in deference to the protests of those who believed that his health should not be endangered by the March air more than was absolutely necessary the stand upon which he reviews this afternoons parade js partly inclosed in glass thus affording his considerable shelter It is a wear ¬ isome task to watch marching bodies of men pass for several hours and acknowledge their salutes but there is little doubt that President Taft will display as few signs of fatigue to ¬ night as did his rough riding prede cessor four years ago The taking of the oath is the only really essential part of the inaugura ¬ comparai ¬ visiting Washington can assemble be fore the Capitol within seeing dis tance For the rest the inaugural pa rade and the inaugural ball are the great features of the occasion For four hours this afternoon the oldiers sailors and civilians will march down Pennsylvania avenue and past the presidential reviewing stand in front of the White House President Tafts executive ¬ of Cleveland 0 known in Washing ¬ ton and elsewhere as the black horse troop Big Parade Begins March While President Taft and lIisguests had luncheon in the White House the parade < waited As soon as he made his appearance on the reviewing stand the grand marshq of the pa ¬ rade General J Frankm Boll1 chief of staff of the United States army gave the command to march and the procession began to move PjJHt the stand J Leading the great parade are the regular troops include JeV Mist Point cadets Then come in turn c ifl j y e h I marine corps and the jackies of thb navy the filter including the men of the hatt nip fleet which circumnavi ¬ gated P u world After them come the multi organizations and the civilian bodies wind up the procession For several days the paradars have been I pouring into town by thousands To ¬ days parade is declared to be by all marchedI ture of it is receiving generous ap¬ plause from the people who pack the sidewalks of Pennsylvania avenue and fill every window on that historic thoroughfare Tonights Two Attractions Tonight will hold two attractions for the visiting thousands The first fireworlsi j will be the ball The inauguration I managers have announced that the fireworks display will excel any ever willj fire the features of the incoming nnd j outgong presidents a battle between aerial warships floral displays and other exhibitions of the pyrotechnic art e Continued on Page 8J PUBLIC SALE OF STOCKS RRICESi Satisfactory Figures Are Realized By Mrs Bettie Todd cropof Tier Wine = on the Muddy Creek pike wnsnttilnlcl by a large cipwtl and satisfactory prices were mutlWlS fioiiedi R Wttts Ji- t r fitV s c f = SAYS BASEBALL TEAM WILL WIN PERMANT I Mr Jack Pence Knows All the Play ¬ ers and Thinks They Are a Fine Lot of Men Miv Jack Ponce of Bowling Green who is to have charge of the new soda fountain that is to be installed in j Dutys drug store arrived this week to take up his new duties Mr Pence is personally acquainted with nearly every member dt the Vin Chester baseball team and has seen they play He says they are all fine boYs and splendid players and be- lieves ¬ they will have no trouble in win ¬ ning the pennant in the Blue Grass League this season I 10G MEN FROM FORDr About forty log men from Ford passed through this city Thursday route toI3cattyville = hey arrived in the city over the early L and N train and left for Beatbvvillc- on the S 12 Lexington and astern HE KNOWS A GOOD THING LEXINGTON Ky March 4Itw- as I reported5 today on apparently good authority that ProfT H Scherffius has accepted the position reorganizer of the tobacco depart ¬ ment of the Transvall in South fri caunder4he British Government at a salary of 5000 > a year and will sail rom Nev Yyrkfor the country in April v fe V > 1 J y Y LI ° sjt S R MANAGER HORN IS TO BE HERE Thursday Night to Talk Over Base ¬ ball With Officials of the Club jIr Newton Horn of Nashville Tenn who will captain and manage the Winchester baseball team this season will arrive in the city Thurs ¬ day night Sir Horns visit here at this time isfor the purpose of meet- ing ¬ with the officials of the club and going Over the list of players and per ¬ preo ¬ paratory to the opening of the season here April 27 Mr Horn will probably bring his men here about April 10 to begin practice While here Mr Horn wi be located at the BonvnProctoria SECOND MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL Will Be the Greatest Event of the Kind Ever Held in the South Tire second biennial May music festival to beheld in Louisville May G 7 and 8 at the First Regiment Ar ¬ mory will give to the South the great musical event which it has even en ¬ joyed A greater number of artists of iIlternatibnalfame has been en ¬ gage < than ever before and the scope of the festival is of larger magnitude than hitherto undertaken It has been announced nevertheless that prices for the festival will b- lower 0 thin before so that the attend ¬ ance is expected to break records The attractions arc impressive Walter Damrosch has been reengag ¬ ed and will come to Louisville with his full New York Symphony Orches ¬ tra The artists incude three grand opera stars > Fremstad > Riqcarde Mar tip the celebrated tenor who has bee filling Caruso roles in the Metropol ¬ iran this season find Corinne Rider Kelsey the noted soprano Besides these there will be Spalding the tal- ented ¬ young violinist Germainte Schnitzer referred to as the fem- inine Padcrewski Rood Miller the oratorio tenor Madame Van del Vee contralto and Gustave Holmquist tIl wonderful bass baritone besides two other basses yet to be engaged The ohoral features will be a big part of the festival for the chorus will number 350 well trained voices representing the best singers Kentucky mal Southern Indiana produce drilled by George B Gookin- Their work will include one complete grand opera Aidu which is to b given in concert form Sir Iluber- Parrys Pied Piper of Hamelin S ColeridgeTaylors Death of Min nehaha and Dr Henry Smarts Bride of Dunkerron None of tires has ever been heard in this section before In addition there will be a childrcns chorus of 500 which will be a feature of the Saturdaymatinee CHICKEN THIEVES SPEEDILY ARRESTED Officer Tanner Apprehends Broke Into Nev Blake mores Place The chicken house of Xev Blake more was broken into Tuesday night and several chickens were taken Of- ficer Tanner arrested Rich Curry an- Neal I Rome five negroes on tin charge Thursday t1onl oa p the chickeiis were found at Currys eating house in Bucktown The trials will be held Thursday night in Police Court > < 0 > y r 5V- s Y j ti T4rt r- Ti r WEATHER Fair TewlAkt J Wrr FridayI IMtifrS I Wednesday morniijgcn c Negroe- Who MRBLACELLV PASSES AWAY One of Oldest Citizens of Clark County Dies At An Ad ¬ vanced Age i Mr Schuyler Blackwell one of the oldest citizens of this county antique father of one of the largest families in the community died at his home iu this city Wednesday morning after an illness of long duration of con- sumption ¬ and the infirmities due to his advanced age Mr Blackwell was 72 years of age and had been a resident of Clarkr county for more than 40 He was the father of eleven childfen nine of whom are still living The stir IivivoIs are Dillard James Marshall Miss Lida and Mrs Emma Kate Crews of this city and Walter Wil- lis ¬ and Wallace of Lexington and Schuyler of Bourbon county Until Mr Blackwells advanced age and declining health necessitated his retiring from business he was one of the most prosperous and widely known farmers in the county and was held in high esteem by all who knew him The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 oclock at the First Baptist church and will be con ¬ ducted by Rev Richard French The burial will take place in the Win Chester cemetery The Pallbearers are the following Dillard Blackwell MarshallBlack well Schuyler Blackwcll Walter Blackwell Willis BlaeJcwJll Wallace Blackwell PICTURE THEATER IS NEARLY mm Arched Metal Ceiling is Being Put in and New Lights In ¬ stalled pictureu theatre that is to be located in the Auditorium Skating Rink is progres- sing rapidly and will be ready for the opening April 1 An arched mewl ceiling is being put in just above tp gallery and new lights are being in- stalled andeverything is being put in first class order The theatre when prettieste and must uptodate in Central Ken- tucky ¬ I AUTOMOBilE GARGAGE READYs int Good Machinist 0- n JThe new automboile garage that s to be located in the Matt Bean build rapidJYI will be ready for business by the mid 4 die of March Mr Owens who will run the garage has ordered several new machines and they are expected to arrive inn few days Some of these machines will be used for renf and the remaindcr will be put up for sale Nothing but the very best make usedS CAN sip AT LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky March 4Au nouncemenf is made today by the Central Passenger Association to the effect that Louisville has been made a tenday stopover point After Ap- t ril 1 anyone purchasing a railroad ticket through Louisville will be priv ileged to stop hre for 10 days if fee so desires Louisville now joins Cin jcinriati Detroit 4St Louis Cleveland andother cities OB thin favored tint I d 9 VVVS

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Page 1: Winchester news (Winchester, Ky.). (Winchester, Ky.) … · carrying out the original program ... tion of the oath to Mr Taft by Chief Justice

j 1

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tast Editioj




Ii >


TSucceeds Roosevelt as Incumbentofl

INations Highest OfficeOath

ministered at the CapitalCong-

ressrnan Sherman Becomes Vicei

iuf Inaug-


WASHINGTON ISOLATEDdltws iWASHINGTON March 4 3pfOlLs today Severe storms being al ¬

most unprocedent Thousands areI detained at Baltimore and many snore

at other points Taft first insisted oncarrying out the original programbut finally consented to speak inSenate chamber remarking Ial ¬

ways knew it would be a cold dayPresidentraro for clear weatherbefore evening The tempera hire is

f freezingw r I-rSc ¬

vere sleet and snow storm struckraging ¬

at noon in the Senate Chamber At-one oclock the storm was still rag-ing


The streets are full of slush andsnow but the parade program is be-


carriedoutThe wires are down in all directions

and the inaugural trains are detainedcapitoltodacrowdyfend the constitution of the UnitedStates thud by so doing became thetwentyseventh President of the Unit ¬

ed StatesImmediately after the administra ¬

tion of the oath to Mr Taft by ChiefJustice Fuller the new President de ¬

livered his inaugural address whichwill be found on another page of to ¬

days paperHe spoke for pearlan hour andlIning to his escort signified

liis iwhdiness to leave the scene of-t lauguration for the Yhite louseiii t1icial residence luring the COlll Irr rng years

A way was cleared for the newpresident and entering his carriageand escorted by his cavalry guard hewas driven down Pennsylvania ave-nue


to the executive mansion Fromonr1



a VICE PRESIDENT SHERMANthe face of the buildings nothing couldbe seen of thq avenue for the milethat Ijes between the Capitol and theWhite House but a mass of jammedprogtwave of cheering

Taftlindbefp re proceeding to the grand standat the court of hpjinr to revjew the

v > f I








t 1 ft1

> v

ijrtr +

inaugural parade With the passingt

ofthe marching thousands before thenew president the display of fireworlts in the rear of the White House

eveninginauguralBeginning of the Ceremonies

As far as President Taft and hispredecessor Mr Roosevelt were concorned the day began with breakfastat the White House where Mr andMrs Taft have been the guests of Mrand Mrs Roosevelt By 10 oclock allwas made ready for the processionfrom the White House to the Capitol

I Accompanied by President Rooseveltand escorted by a veteran guard commanied by General O O HowardMr Taft was driven up gayly bedeck-ed


Pennsylvania avenue which wasalready crowded On their arrival atthe Capitol Mr Taft and Mr Roose-velt


proceeded at once to the senatechamber to witness the Inaugurationof Vice President Sherman

Before the entry of the presidentelect who preceded the retiring presi-dent


into the senate chamber the roomwas filled to overflowing with govern ¬

mont dignitaries assembled to witnessthe administration of the oath of of ¬

fice to Mr Sherman Crowded withinIts doors were the members of thesenate both new and old the mem ¬

bers of the house of representativesthe justices of the United States su¬

preme court the members of the dip¬

lomatic corps the heads of tao execu ¬

tive departments high officers of thearmy and navy and others

Sherman Sworn InWhen all the witnesses to the cere-

mony were assembled Vice PresidentFairbanks rose and called the session

of the senate to order After a briefvaledictory address in which hothanked the senators for the courtesyand respect shown to him during histerm of office Mr Fairbanks called tohis rostrum the vice presidentelectJames Schoolcraft Sherman of NewYork and the crowd standing admin ¬

istored to him the oath and turnedover to him the gavel that is the out ¬

ward symbol of the authority attach-ing


to his new office The first officialact of the new vice president as pre ¬

siding officer of the senate was to callthe senate to order and direct the recently elected members to come for¬

ward and take the oath This accom ¬

plished Vice President Sherman de¬

clared the senate adjourned for thetime being

Led by the sergeantsatarms of thesenate and house the members of thetwo houses and the other officialsmarched through the corridors of theCapitol to the inaugural stand thatlad been erected at the east porticoAs the retiring chief executive andhis successor appeared at tho maindoor of the Capitol and proceeded towalk to the front of the stand towardChief Justice Fuller who with Biblein hand awaited Mr Taft the troopsmassed in front of the stand anddrawn up on two sides presentedarms and a cheer rose from thecrowd that extended as far as one I

could see from the stand Thewas very quiet as Mr Taft crowdIthe words of the oath afterFuller and their voices were plainlyheard

accompanyMrIn accordance with his previously an ¬

nounced plans after the inaugurationceremonies he left the Capitol for therailroad station where heV and MrsRoosevelt took an early train for NewYork It is his intention to devotehis time to the preparations for hiscoming trip to the African wilds

Protection For New PresidentCustom requires the president of

the United States to take the oath ofoffice and deUlir the inaugural art


VV- 1fc VS



dress in the open air and Mr Vaftdid not depart from the custom Ilowever in deference to the protests ofthose who believed that his healthshould not be endangered by theMarch air more than was absolutelynecessary the stand upon which hereviews this afternoons parade jspartly inclosed in glass thus affordinghis considerable shelter It is a wear ¬

isome task to watch marching bodiesof men pass for several hours andacknowledge their salutes but thereis little doubt that President Taft willdisplay as few signs of fatigue to ¬

night as did his rough riding predecessor four years ago

The taking of the oath is the onlyreally essential part of the inaugura ¬comparai ¬

visiting Washington can assemble before the Capitol within seeing distance For the rest the inaugural parade and the inaugural ball are thegreat features of the occasion Forfour hours this afternoon the oldierssailors and civilians will march downPennsylvania avenue and past thepresidential reviewing stand in frontof the White House President Tafts

executive ¬

of Cleveland 0 known in Washing ¬

ton and elsewhere as the blackhorse troop

Big Parade Begins MarchWhile President Taft and lIisguests

had luncheon in the White House theparade <waited As soon as he madehis appearance on the reviewingstand the grand marshq of the pa¬

rade General J Frankm Boll1 chiefof staff of the United States armygave the command to march and theprocession began to move PjJHt thestand J

Leading the great parade are theregular troops include JeV MistPoint cadets Then come in turn

c iflj


hI marine corps and the jackies of thb

navy the filter including the men ofthe hatt nip fleet which circumnavi ¬

gated P u world After them come themulti organizations and the civilianbodies wind up the procession Forseveral days the paradars have been

I pouring into town by thousands To¬

days parade is declared to be by all

marchedIture of it is receiving generous ap¬

plause from the people who pack thesidewalks of Pennsylvania avenueand fill every window on that historicthoroughfare

Tonights Two AttractionsTonight will hold two attractions

for the visiting thousands The first

fireworlsij will be the ball The inaugurationI

managers have announced that thefireworks display will excel any everwilljfire the features of the incoming nnd j

outgong presidents a battle betweenaerial warships floral displays andother exhibitions of the pyrotechnicart

e Continued on Page 8J


RRICESiSatisfactory Figures Are Realized By

Mrs Bettie Todd

cropofTier Wine = on the Muddy Creek pikewnsnttilnlcl by a large

cipwtl and satisfactory prices were

mutlWlSfioiiedi R Wttts Ji-t rfitV


c f=




Mr Jack Pence Knows All the Play¬

ers and Thinks They Are a FineLot of Men

Miv Jack Ponce of Bowling Greenwho is to have charge of the new sodafountain that is to be installed in j

Dutys drug store arrived this weekto take up his new duties

Mr Pence is personally acquaintedwith nearly every member dt the VinChester baseball team and has seenthey play He says they are all fineboYs and splendid players and be-


they will have no trouble in win ¬

ning the pennant in the Blue GrassLeague this season I

10G MEN FROM FORDrAbout forty log men from Ford

passed through this city Thursdayroute toI3cattyville = hey

arrived in the city over the early Land N train and left for Beatbvvillc-on the S 12 Lexington and astern


LEXINGTON Ky March 4Itw-asI reported5 today on apparentlygood authority that ProfT HScherffius has accepted the positionreorganizer of the tobacco depart ¬

ment of the Transvall in South fricaunder4he British Government at asalary of 5000 > a year and will sailrom Nev Yyrkfor the country in

April v fe V> 1

Jy Y


° sjtS




Thursday Night to Talk Over Base ¬

ball With Officials of theClub

jIr Newton Horn of NashvilleTenn who will captain and managethe Winchester baseball team thisseason will arrive in the city Thurs ¬

day night Sir Horns visit here atthis time isfor the purpose of meet-ing


with the officials of the club andgoing Over the list of players and per ¬preo ¬

paratory to the opening of the seasonhere April 27

Mr Horn will probably bring hismen here about April 10 to beginpractice While here Mr Horn wibe located at the BonvnProctoria



Will Be the Greatest Event of theKind Ever Held in the


Tire second biennial May musicfestival to beheld in Louisville MayG 7 and 8 at the First Regiment Ar¬

mory will give to the South the greatmusical event which it has even en¬

joyed A greater number of artistsof iIlternatibnalfame has been en ¬

gage < than ever before and the scopeof the festival is of larger magnitudethan hitherto undertakenIt has been announced neverthelessthat prices for the festival will b-


thin before so that the attend ¬

ance is expected to break recordsThe attractions arc impressive

Walter Damrosch has been reengag ¬

ed and will come to Louisville withhis full New York Symphony Orches ¬

tra The artists incude three grandopera stars

> Fremstad > Riqcarde Martip the celebrated tenor who has beefilling Caruso roles in the Metropol ¬

iran this season find Corinne RiderKelsey the noted soprano Besidesthese there will be Spalding the tal-


young violinist GermainteSchnitzer referred to as the fem-

inine Padcrewski Rood Miller theoratorio tenor Madame Van del Veecontralto and Gustave Holmquist tIlwonderful bass baritone besides twoother basses yet to be engaged

The ohoral features will be a bigpart of the festival for the choruswill number 350 well trained voicesrepresenting the best singersKentucky mal Southern Indianaproduce drilled by George B Gookin-

Their work will include one completegrand opera Aidu which is to bgiven in concert form Sir Iluber-Parrys Pied Piper of Hamelin SColeridgeTaylors Death of Minnehaha and Dr Henry Smarts

Bride of Dunkerron None of tireshas ever been heard in this sectionbefore In addition there will be a

childrcns chorus of 500 which willbe a feature of the Saturdaymatinee



Officer Tanner Apprehends

Broke Into Nev Blakemores Place

The chicken house of Xev Blakemore was broken into Tuesday nightand several chickens were taken Of-

ficer Tanner arrested Rich Curry an-


Rome five negroes on tin

charge Thursday t1onl oapthe chickeiis were found at Curryseating house in Bucktown The trialswill be held Thursday night in PoliceCourt

> < 0

> yr5V-









Fair TewlAkt J WrrFridayIIMtifrS








One of Oldest Citizens of ClarkCounty Dies At An Ad¬

vanced Age

iMr Schuyler Blackwell one of the

oldest citizens of this county antiquefather of one of the largest familiesin the community died at his home iuthis city Wednesday morning afteran illness of long duration of con-sumption


and the infirmities due tohis advanced age

Mr Blackwell was 72 years of ageand had been a resident of Clarkrcounty for more than 40 Hewas the father of eleven childfen nineof whom are still living The stir

IivivoIs are Dillard James MarshallMiss Lida and Mrs Emma KateCrews of this city and Walter Wil-


and Wallace of Lexington andSchuyler of Bourbon county

Until Mr Blackwells advanced ageand declining health necessitated hisretiring from business he was oneof the most prosperous and widelyknown farmers in the county and washeld in high esteem by all who knewhim

The funeral services will be heldFriday afternoon at 2 oclock at theFirst Baptist church and will be con ¬

ducted by Rev Richard French Theburial will take place in the WinChester cemetery

The Pallbearers are the followingDillard Blackwell MarshallBlack

well Schuyler Blackwcll WalterBlackwell Willis BlaeJcwJll WallaceBlackwell


NEARLY mmArched Metal Ceiling is Being Put in

and New Lights In ¬


pictureutheatre that is to be located in theAuditorium Skating Rink is progres-sing rapidly and will be ready for theopening April 1 An arched mewlceiling is being put in just above tpgallery and new lights are being in-

stalled andeverything is being put infirst class order The theatre whenprettiesteand must uptodate in Central Ken-



READYsintGood Machinist0-


JThe new automboile garage that sto be located in the Matt Bean buildrapidJYIwill be ready for business by the mid


die of March Mr Owens who willrun the garage has ordered severalnew machines and they are expectedto arrive inn few days Some ofthese machines will be used for renfand the remaindcr will be put up forsale Nothing but the very best makeusedS


LOUISVILLE Ky March 4Aunouncemenf is made today by theCentral Passenger Association to theeffect that Louisville has been madea tenday stopover point After Ap-

t ril 1 anyone purchasing a railroadticket through Louisville will be privileged to stop hre for 10 days if fee

so desires Louisville now joins Cinjcinriati Detroit 4St Louis Clevelandandother cities OB thin favored tint

