windows azure active directory: identity management in the cloud

Windows Azure Active Directory: Identity Management in the cloud Chris Dufour, ASP .NET MVP Software Architect, Compuwar Follow me @chrduf NET349

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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Windows Azure Active Directory provides easy-to-use, multi-tenant identity management services for applications running in the cloud and on any device and any platform. Originally created to support Office 365 it is now available as an Azure service. On November 28th, 2012 Microsoft shared that Windows Azure Active Directory (AD) has processed 200 BILLION authentications. “At Microsoft, we have been on a transformative journey to cloud computing and we have been working with customers every step of the way. Millions of customers have embraced the cloud and we are excited to share the news that we’ve reached a major milestone in cloud scale computing. Since the inception of the authentication service on the Windows Azure platform in 2010, we have now processed 200 BILLION authentications for 50 MILLION active user accounts. In an average week we receive 4.7 BILLION authentication requests for users in over 420 THOUSAND different domains. This is a massive workload when you consider others in the industry are attempting to process 7B logins per year, Azure processes close to that amount in a week. These numbers sound big right? They are. To put it into perspective, in the 2 minutes it takes to brew yourself a single cup of coffee, Windows Azure Active Directory (AD) has already processed just over 1 MILLION authentications from many different devices and users around the world. Not only are we processing a huge number of authentications but we’re doing it really fast! We respond to 9,000 requests per second and in the U.S. the average authentication takes less than 0.7 seconds. That’s faster than you can get your coffee from your cup and into your mouth! (Do not attempt this at home :-))!” In this session we will take a tour of Windows Azure Active Directory to learn about its capabilities, interfaces and supported scenarios, and understand how you can take advantage of the features in your application.


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Windows Azure Active Directory: Identity Management in the cloud

Chris Dufour, ASP .NET MVP

Software Architect, Compuware

Follow me @chrduf


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• What is Active Directory (AD) • What’s the problem?• What is Windows Azure Active Directory?• Create and Publish an Application to the Cloud

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What is Active Directory (AD)

• Directory system created by Microsoft in 1999• Provides a central location for network administration and

security• Makes use of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

versions 2 and 3, Kerberos and DNS• Most popular directory system in use by organizations

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While enterprises working to consolidate identity system on-premises, cloud apps are fragmenting identity… again

Separate username/password sign-in Manual or semi-automated provisioning

No direct connection to directory

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Anatomy of a Typical Cloud Application

Clients using wide variety of devices/languages/platforms


Mobile App

Server App

Web Application

Account and profile


Web Service API

Server applications using wide variety of platforms/languages

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What is Windows Azure Active Directory?

• Service that provides identity and access capabilities for on-premises and cloud applications

• Extension of Active Directory into the cloud• Built concurrently with Office 365• Provides integration of applications with Azure AD to

provide single sign-on• Designed primarily to meet the needs of cloud applications

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Released to production April 8, 2013

• Processed over 265 Billion authentications since 2010• 2.9 million businesses, government bodies and schools are

already enjoying the benefits of Windows Azure Active Directory, using it to manage access to Office365, Dynamics CRM online, Windows Intune and Windows Azure

• Over the last 90 days, Windows Azure AD has processed over 65 billion authentication requests while maintaining 99.97% or better monthly availability.


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Identity Management as a Service

• Consolidate identity management across cloud apps

• Connect to directory from any platform, any device

• Connect with people from web identity providers and other organizations

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Design Principles

• Maximize device and platform reach http/web/REST based protocols

• Multi-tenancy Customer owns directory, not Microsoft

• Optimize for availability, consistent performance and scale Keep it simple

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Identity Types

Cloud Identity• Separate credential from

corporate credential• Authentication occurs via

cloud service• Password policy stored in

the cloud

Federated Identity• Same credential as

corporate credential• Authentication occurs via

on-premises ADFS• Password policy stored on-

premises• Requires directory


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Relationship to Windows Server AD

• On-premises and cloud Active Directory managed as one

• Directory information synchronized to cloud, made available to cloud apps via roles-based access control

• Federated authentication enables single sign on to cloud applications

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Anatomy of Windows Azure Active Directory

Graph API





Fabricam Tenant

Windows Azure Active DirectoryCloudapp



Compuware Tenant



EastTorontoUG Tenant

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Directory Graph API

• RESTful programmatic access to directory Objects such as users, groups, roles, licenses Relationships such as member, memberOf, manager, directReport

• Requests use standard HTTP methods POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE to create, read, update, and delete Response in XML or JSON; standard HTTP status codes Compatible with OData 3.0

• OAuth 2.0 for authentication Role-based assignment for application and user authorization

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Create an Application For Your Organization

1. Get developer prerequisites for Windows Azure AD Visual Studio 2012 Web Tools Extensions for Visual Studio 2012 Microsoft ASP.NET Tools for Windows Azure Active Directory – Visual

Studio 2012

2. Get a Windows Azure AD tenant to test your app

3. Integrate your app with Windows Azure AD

4. Test your application

5. Publish your application to Azure Websites (optional)

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DemoCreate and Publish an Application to the Cloud

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Next Steps

• Get a Windows Azure Active Directory tenant• Integrate your application with Windows Azure Active

Directory• Publish your application to Azure Websites

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• Free Windows Azure Active Directory Tenant

• Sign in to Windows Azure Active Directory

• Graph Explorer

• Windows Azure

• Manage Windows Azure Active Directory by using Windows PowerShell

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• Visual Studio Express 2012

• Web Tools Extensions for Visual Studio 2012

• Web Tools Extensions for Visual Studio Express 2012

• Microsoft ASP.NET Tools for Windows Azure Active Directory – Visual Studio 2012

• Microsoft ASP.NET Tools for Windows Azure Active Directory – Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web

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Windows Azure Active Directory: Identity Management in the cloud - NET349