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Winslow Dynamics Profile Participant’s Report Participant . . . . . . . . Organization . . . . . . . Location . . . . . . . . . . Department . . . . . . . . Assessment Date . . . . . Deybis Abril . Rich Dad's Coaching . Choose To Be Rich . Personal Coaching . October 01, 2006 Copyright © 1996-2004 By Winslow Research Institute All rights reserved. Not to be translated or reproduced in whole or in part, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, photocopy, mechanical, electronic, recording, or otherwise, prior permission in writing, of the Institute.

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Winslow Dynamics Profile

Participant’s Report

Participant . . . . . . . .

Organization . . . . . . .

Location . . . . . . . . . .

Department . . . . . . . .

Assessment Date . . . .

. Deybis Abril

. Rich Dad's Coaching

. Choose To Be Rich

. Personal Coaching

. October 01, 2006

Copyright © 1996-2004 By Winslow Research Institute All rights reserved. Not to be translated or reproduced in whole or in part, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, photocopy, mechanical, electronic, recording, or otherwise, prior permission in writing, of the Institute.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 2

Contents of Report

I. Introduction

II. Assessment Validity

III. Trait Descriptions

IV. Influential Traits

V. Personality Profiles

VI. Personal Development

VII. Report Conclusion

VIII. Appendix

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 3


This Winslow Report provides an in-depth description of your personality and attitudes as determined by the self-assessment you recently completed. The following suggestions will insure that you derive maximum benefit from your participation in this program. We encourage you to read this information carefully before proceeding to your assessment report.

Your Participation The descriptions of your personality presented in this report are based solely on your answers to the Winslow Profile questionnaire. The assessment instrument was created by a distinguished panel of professionals following extensive research with thousands of individuals. Subsequent studies have confirmed the validity and reliability of this instrument for measuring behavioral characteristics and attitudes. Your responses to the assessment were processed to establish the trait scores and interpretations included in this report. Your scores on the behavioral characteristics indicate how you compare to other members of contemporary society. They offer a valuable description of your current attitudes and probable behavior. This report is not a clinical diagnosis, but is designed to identify behavioral and personality differences within the range of "normal" behavior. This knowledge will prove valuable in helping you attain the career success and personal contentment you desire.

Reading Your Report Your report is organized into eight sections. Each section has an introduction explaining the purpose of the section, and contains suggestions to help you benefit from the information. We recommend that you start at the beginning and read your report slowly and carefully. Information that initially may seem to be confusing or illogical will become clear later as you consider the influence of the other traits. Your report will become more focused as you progress through it, and provide a comprehensive perspective of all facets of your behavior.

Read your report with an open mind, without prematurely judging its accuracy. Some statements may not be complimentary; however, it is essential that you not become defensive. Remember, the information presented in this report is based solely on the answers you gave to the questionnaire. We suggest that you read your report several times, and allow yourself to thoroughly analyze and integrate the information. It is imperative that you understand the relationship between each individual trait description and your overall behavior. The purpose of this report is not to

compliment or criticize you, but rather to bring into focus areas that may need attention. While an objective look at your shortcomings may be uncomfortable, it is an essential first step in self-improvement. However, a completely honest, non-defensive willingness to examine the influence of certain characteristics will be to your long-term benefit.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 4

Trait Definitions Pay strict attention to the definition of each trait as explained in this report. The questionnaires and this report employ terminology that was specifically defined by the authors of the assessment instruments. To use any other definition could cause confusion and may prevent you from receiving maximum benefit from the information presented.

Behavioral Examples Consider the examples given in each trait description to be your probable behavior. Most individuals with similar scores will manifest the traits essentially as described. Of course, each individual is unique, and every example presented may not fully apply to you. Even if a specific example does not seem completely relevant, the underlying principle should be representative of your characteristics on this dimension. Each trait description is illustrated with a variety of behaviors, which are intended to serve as illustrative examples only, not as predictors of your own behavior or attitudes.

Consistent Behavior The trait messages describe your usual attitudes and behavior patterns, rather than how you may feel or act in special situations, or for short periods. A person scoring low in Ambition, for example, may temporarily manifest high Ambition behavior if sufficiently motivated, such as applying for a new position or working on a special project or hobby. This temporary behavior may cause an individual to think the report description is inaccurate. However, even though people can manifest almost any behavior if the rewards or penalties are great enough, individuals return to their usual patterns over time. Unless individuals make a determined effort to modify their behavior, they usually revert to their basic patterns over time.

Individual Characteristics Your report describes each characteristic individually, without considering the interrelationship between traits. As a result, it is possible that some trait descriptions may seem to contradict others. Objective consideration of all of the information, however, will reveal that these perceived contradictions describe different aspects, even paradoxical dimensions, of your personality. A person may score high in Sociability and low in Exhibition, for example. The message for high Sociability describes an extrovert, while the message for low Exhibition describes behavior you may think is introverted. Closer analysis, however, reveals that both descriptions can be accurate. The Sociability message describes a warm, friendly, outgoing individual who enjoys people. However, that same person does not behave in a conspicuous manner, or by using other means, try to be the

center of attention (low Exhibition). Therefore, be sure to examine especially closely any apparent contradictions that may appear in your report, and attempt to determine the underlying principle behind the paradox.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 5

Trait Interactions Behavioral traits naturally interact with one another. It can be misleading to analyze one trait without considering the influence of the others, particularly those in the same trait group. For instance, a person may be low on Endurance, but very high in Ambition, Recognition, and Conscientiousness. The motivation reflected in these high scoring traits will result in one being more energetic and persistent than the low Endurance description would indicate.

Behavior Is Relevant Your report describes your behavior in the abstract, and does not consider your particular career or lifestyle. Traits that may be liabilities in some careers or personal situations, could be assets in others. A low score on Sociability, for example, would be a liability for an individual in a sales position, but would be an asset for a person in a technical position; a very high score on Assertiveness can be a concern for a physician, but would be an asset for a prosecuting attorney.

Position Analysis Your report describes your personality in the abstract, compared to others in our culture. If you participated in this program through your organization, you will have the unique opportunity to compare your behavior to the behavioral requirements for your particular position. Review the Position Compatibility Summary, and then compare your Personality Profile to the color-coded Success Profile overlays. This comparison will enable you to identify behaviors that will enhance performance, and those which may prevent you from achieving your potential in this position.

Report Accuracy If you experienced difficulty reading and/or understanding the questions or incorrectly selected some answers to questions, your assessment results will be inaccurate. There are control questions in the assessment instrument that determine the accuracy of the results. The Accuracy Statement in the Report Validity Section indicates the accuracy of your report. If your report is "questionable", you should retake the assessment, if you do not have a reading or comprehension problem. A new report will be prepared if the results of your reassessment are accurate.

Report Objectivity The Objectivity Statement in the Report Validity Section indicates if you answered the questions objectively, or presented a positively biased description of yourself. If you presented a positive image of yourself, you described the behavior you would like to have, or believe others want you to have, instead of describing yourself as you actually are. As a result, you positively biased the assessment and your

results were consequently invalid. To obtain an objective description of your behavior, you must retake the assessment and have a new report prepared.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 6

Assessment Validity

To determine the accuracy and objectivity of the assessment results, control questions were included in the questionnaires. The Accuracy control questions determine if this individual accurately read and understood the questions and correctly marked the answer sheets. The Objectivity control questions detect if this individual objectively described himself, or if he positively or negatively biased his trait scores.


This person was objective in answering the questions and did not present a favorable or unfavorable impression. As a result, his trait scores were unaffected by a desire to impress others, and this report should be an objective description of his behavior and attitudes.


This individual understood the questions and experienced no difficulty in accurately completing the questionnaire. Consequently, this report should be an accurate description of his behaviors and attitudes.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 7

Trait Descriptions

In this section, each of the twenty-four behavioral characteristics is described as it applies to you. An individual's behavior is the result of the interaction of many traits. However, to establish a basic understanding of your behavior, this section describes each trait individually. Knowing what they mean individually, will enable you to better understand the combination and interaction of your traits.

In reading this section, it is imperative that you pay strict attention to the specific definition of each trait as used in the report. The trait definitions appear in the appendix section of your report. To use definitions other than those provided by the authors of the questionnaire will be misleading. Although some of the traits may seem similar to you, they do differ in important ways, and you should make sure that you understand these differences in order to maximize the value of your report.

To aid in understanding the interrelationships of the traits, each of the twenty-four traits is included in one of four Personality Trait Groups. The traits within each group have the greatest influence on one another, even though some may also influence traits in other trait groups. The Personality Trait Groups are as follows:

Interpersonal Traits influence the quality and effectiveness of interactions with managers, peers, subordinates, friends, relatives and others.

Organizational Traits affect your ability to organize and control all elements of your physical and interpersonal environment.

Dedication Traits influence your level of commitment to achieving success and to your organization.

Self-Control Traits indicate your normal emotional state, and your ability to cope with stress and to control your emotions in stressful situations.

Keep in mind that trait descriptions explain how most individuals with a score similar to your score would behave. Also remember that some of the examples given may not exactly describe your behavior. However, the basic concept behind each example should be relevant to your behavioral style.

How you manifest each trait depends upon your scores on the other traits, your career, and your particular lifestyle.

However, to describe your traits independently, we assume that your scores on all the other traits are average (scores of five or six) and therefore, (not) influential. This method of isolating traits is necessary if you are to understand the effect each has on your general behavior.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 8

Interpersonal Traits

Sociability (Score: 1 - Low Range) You are a very reserved person when interacting with others, and often remain aloof, rather than participate in social activities. You strongly prefer activities you can do alone or with family and close friends, rather than anything that requires group involvement. Because of this preference, you probably reject most activities that involve interaction with others, particularly those which require you to socialize with strangers, or acquaintances you do not know very well. You feel most comfortable, and are at your best, when dealing with projects, information, or physical things, rather than with people. In your career, you prefer assignments that allow you to function alone, rather than as a member of a team. When required to interact, you are inclined to be detached and critical of the functioning of the group. When socializing, you are usually cool and distant, particularly with strangers, and sometimes even with friends. There are probably a few select persons with whom you enjoy spending time, and then only on a limited basis. These relationships, however, are likely to be close and long lasting. Consequently, most people probably consider you to be a loner, rather than gregarious or sociable. In some careers this is a desirable characteristic. In others, it could create problems and limit your opportunities for potential growth. Recognition (Score: 1 - Low Range) You do not concern yourself with what others think of you, and care very little if they hold you in high esteem. As a result, you do not seek the approval and recognition of others. When you achieve something or do an outstanding job, you do not care whether or not others recognize or praise your accomplishment. You also do not go out of your way to gain the respect of others, or do things simply because you think society expects it. You are a self-motivated individual and not inclined to do things solely to meet the expectations of others. Consequently, you are very casual about social rules and tend to set your own standards of behavior. This can cause you to do some things which others may consider to be eccentric or anti-social. Your behavior may be offensive to those who are socially proper, and it could restrict your advancement in certain organizations or careers. However, this probably does not bother you since you are not concerned with the impression you give to others. Who you are, what you do, how you behave and how you appear to others are matters decided by your standards, not theirs. You set your own priorities and follow your own preferences, which may cause others to think you are self-centered and perhaps even selfish. The lower your score in Conscientiousness, the higher the probability that this observation is true.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 9

Interpersonal Traits

Conscientious (Score: 1 - Low Range) Your responses to the assessment questions indicate that you are a self-centered person who is motivated by what you want and what is good for you. This is not necessarily a problem, if others in your life want the same things you do; otherwise, there is a conflict of interest. When there is conflict, you, consciously or sub-consciously, almost always act in your own best interest. Your sense of commitment and duty is extremely low. Dedication is unimportant to you, and you do not consider doing things dutifully to be important. You do not have a strong sense of obligation to keep your commitments, and often place your desires before those of others. Because of your tendency to rationalize this behavior, you may not be fully aware of your inclination to satisfy yourself without considering the needs and preferences of others. Frequently, you say or do things that hurt others, sometimes without realizing you have done so. You feel little personal loyalty to your organization, managers or most coworkers. You do not approach situations as if there is a right and a wrong way of doing things. You prefer YOUR way of doing things, and believe you can accomplish them your way, rather than according to external demands. You perceive rules and regulations as limits on your freedom. When they interfere with your desires, you do not hesitate to bend or break them. Exhibition (Score: 1 - Low Range) You have little, if any, desire to be the center of attention, and dislike having an audience. You are very unlikely to say or do anything that would cause others to focus their attention on you. Your selection of clothing, automobiles, and other possessions is conservative to avoid having these objects attract attention. Situations which require you to share information with others, particularly strangers, causes you discomfort. Chances are, you rarely speak out at group meetings and do not enjoy making presentations. If required to do so, you probably feel uncomfortable, unless you are very familiar with both those in the audience and the material. You also do not enjoy entertaining most people, and are not prone to be ostentatious in any way. Rather, you make an effort to refrain from being conspicuous, and it would be extremely rare for you to be the "life of the party". While you may enjoy participating in functions and being one of the crowd, you become uncomfortable when singled out. Your behavior in this characteristic may cause others to think you are socially inhibited. This trait is not a major concern unless your career requires you to be colorful and demonstrative, and/or your spouse or others in your life desire you to be more exhibitionistic. You will be more expressive with family members and close friends, but even then only moderately so.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 10

Interpersonal Traits

Trust (Score: 2 - Low Range) You find it very difficult to trust people, and frequently suspect the motives of others. As a rule, you do not consider most people to be honest and trustworthy. You usually think people do not mean what they say, and worry that they intend to deceive or take advantage of you. Because you are so guarded in your interactions, you frequently reject information and advice which could be valuable. Your communication is also influenced by your suspiciousness, since you often withhold information. Since it is difficult for you to communicate openly, you rarely share your true feelings with most people. You are not candid because you are concerned about what others will do with the information you give them. As a result, you do not let your guard down in most situations, either in your career or personal life. In group activities, you find it difficult to cooperate, and tend to become resentful, especially if there is friction. When there is conflict, you are quick to take sides, because you do not have faith in a group's ability to resolve problems. Since you insist on getting your point across and are quick to take offense, others may see you as being oppositional. This characteristic also causes you to be jealous of others, which further reduces teamwork and good interpersonal relationships. This attitude is confirmed, and will be magnified, if you also scored low in Conscientiousness. Nurturance (Score: 5 - Average Range) Your willingness to provide sympathy, compassion, and comfort to others in their time of need is similar to that of most people. There are occasions when you will be compassionate and assist others, but more than likely you will not overly inconvenience yourself to do so. However, there are certain friends, relatives and coworkers to whom you are sympathetic and will readily provide assistance. Even with them, you probably will not provide any more support, comfort, and concern than average. People may come to you for support, if they are close to you, or when their need is great. However, most people would not ordinarily consider you to be a person who is always receptive to listening to problems and to providing help. In some cases you are willing to listen to other's problems, but in other cases, you would rather not. For you, being nurturing and supportive depends upon the particular people and circumstances involved. In some situations you are not even aware that others are experiencing problems or need your comfort and assistance. Your willingness to offer support to others will also depend upon your own internal state at the time. In essence, you may be compassionate and receptive to assisting close friends and family, but will not necessarily go out of your way to nurture or in other ways extend yourself to meet the needs of most others.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 11

Organizational Traits

Alertness (Score: 10 - High Range) You have remarkably high general mental abilities, which should be of value in your career and personal activities. You can comprehend complex concepts and are adept at problem solving. This characteristic also provides you with the ability to make good decisions and to respond intelligently to challenging situations and individuals. As a fast learning, intelligent person, you probably have more intellectual interests and pursuits than most. Projects and activities that are repetitious or boring cause you to become impatient, and you try to avoid them whenever possible. As an abstract thinker, you find intellectual people, projects and activities to be interesting and an important part of your life. Individuals who are slow to learn may cause you to become impatient. Consequently, you prefer to associate with others who have intellects similar to yours. You also have the potential to grow in your career and to make considerable contributions to your organization, and possibly even to your field. Your other traits will determine how effectively you utilize, and how much you will benefit from, your intellect. It is important to keep in mind that intellectual prowess alone is not sufficient for success. If combined with proper motivation and good organizational and interpersonal skills, however, it should provide great opportunity for unlimited personal and career success. Structure (Score: 4 - Below Average Range) Your score in this trait indicates that your thinking is not systematic and your planning is not well organized. Apparently, you do not have a high need for information to be accurate, detailed, and complete. You are rather tolerant of ambiguity and uncertainty, and may appear lax to those who insist on perfection. When making decisions and planning, you do not usually attempt to evaluate, or even acquire, all available data. In many situations, you believe that attention to detail is a waste of time. You do not routinely consider all the variables involved in a situation, nor attempt to anticipate all possible consequences of your decisions or actions. You are comfortable to "fly by the seat of your pants" or to "shoot from the hip", rather than to be calculating and careful. Since you are not apt to check for accuracy or completeness, you may make avoidable mistakes. As a result, some managers and coworkers may see you as disorganized and lacking discipline. Acquaintances may think you are easygoing, because you do not question the validity of their ideas or plans. Since you rarely plan ahead and structure your activities, you are often late for appointments, forget your commitments, or take on conflicting obligations. Lack of discipline may also prevent you from sticking with projects, even those which could provide direct personal or career benefits.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 12

Organizational Traits

Order (Score: 10 - High Range) You are a remarkably well-organized individual who considers it most important to keep your personal effects and surroundings neat and orderly. You have a place for everything and tend to keep everything in its place. You rarely leave anything cluttered or messy, but, instead, make a point of being detailed and meticulous. In your career, you strive to organize things efficiently and systematically, according to proper procedures. Because of this attribute, you are usually punctual in keeping appointments and tend to become annoyed when others are not. Those whom you live and work with who are disorderly and untidy can also annoy you. Individuals less orderly than yourself probably think you are too fussy or compulsive, and therefore could become frustrated by your demands for order. Since orderliness is so vital to you, you cannot tolerate an environment which is disorganized or uncontrolled. This characteristic is a valuable asset in careers and organizations, which require strict order and/or precision. On the other hand, excessive need for order could lead to inflexibility, becoming lost in details, and the inability to focus on the total picture. Therefore, it is important to make certain that your need for order serves as an asset and not as a liability. Flexibility (Score: 3 - Below Average Range) You are rather slow to accept changes in your environment, and would prefer that most things stay as they are. You are comfortable doing things in the manner you are accustomed, rather than being innovative or spontaneous. In your career, home, and social life, you are content with the routine of patterned activities and rarely seek out new and different experiences. Some people may think you are slow to adapt, inflexible, and reluctant to try something new, unless you contribute to or initiate the modification. Others look upon you as being consistent and solid in your values. You do not readily change your opinions, even when given information that would justify change. You usually resist change, but will accept innovations when you are personally convinced they are practical. Of course, you are most likely to accept change when you initiate the changes yourself. While you are able to stay on course with a project for extended periods, you may easily be upset by unexpected developments or other unanticipated changes in circumstances. In extreme cases, you may have a tendency to persist in a course of action, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that it is no longer feasible or practical. This inflexibility could cause unnecessary difficulties for you in your career and personal life.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 13

Organizational Traits

Creativity (Score: 9 - High Range) Intellectually, you are a very experimental person with strong motivation to create new things and to make improvements in your environment and circumstances. You often harbor doubts about things others consider to be fundamental, or even unquestionable. Frequently, you are not content with the way things are, and spend a great deal of time thinking about how they should be. While your intentions may be to create and improve, some may consider your creativity to be radical and disruptive. Your creative imagination could cause you to become absorbed in abstract ideas and to be oblivious to practical realities. Because you are so imaginatively enthralled by inner creations, you tend to daydream and have fantasies that distract you from focusing on priorities. Your thinking may be so unusual that it causes others who are anxious to get things done to become annoyed. This imaginative attitude can cause you to be absent-minded, possibly bohemian, and could lead to unrealistic creations. You are potentially creative. The question is, is your creativity practical or fanciful? Other traits will influence this characteristic and determine whether your creativity will yield a constructive approach to change, or unrealistic concepts with little practical value. In your career, try to stay focused on what is important, rather than allow interesting but impractical ideas to distract you. Responsibility (Score: 5 - Average Range) You are as likely as most to accept responsibility for the consequences of your words, actions and the errors you make. While you are not free of guilt when things go wrong, guilt does not dominate your behavior. Your average level of guilt-proneness may cause you to deny responsibility for some errors, while accepting blame for others, perhaps even when you are not clearly at fault. Your actual emotional reaction and behavior will depend upon the particular circumstances and individuals involved. However, when something goes wrong and it is clearly your fault, you are willing to accept the responsibility. You tend to learn from your errors, and are usually receptive to suggestions from others to help you avoid future mistakes. While you do not normally dwell on your mistakes and are able to recover from them rather quickly, major errors do concern you, and you can be rather slow in getting over them. Your mistakes affect you to a degree that is similar to most people, and you are unlikely to punish yourself too harshly. While you may, on some occasions, act in a less than responsible manner, in most situations, particularly important matters, you can be relied upon to act in a mature way. In most cases, your acceptance of responsibility for your actions should help, rather than hinder your performance and success.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 14

Dedication Traits

Ambition (Score: 9 - High Range) You are an exceptionally ambitious individual, and consider it very important to be successful in almost all activities you undertake. Your high aspirations motivate you to pursue goals until you accomplish them. You are a fierce competitor who accepts most challenges. The higher your confidence in your abilities, the greater the challenges you will accept. Success in competitive situations is a major source of your personal satisfaction and self-esteem. The more competitive the situation, the more important and enjoyable it is to you. Your desire to achieve and to be successful in your career is exceptionally strong. In your career, educational pursuits, sports, and leisure activities, you set high standards for yourself and expect others to do likewise. You continually strive for greater accomplishments and to reach your maximum potential. Once these accomplishments are met, you set even loftier goals. You are not the type of person who will ever be content to "rest on your laurels". Your score in Endurance will indicate if you are willing to put forth the physical effort and persistence necessary to fulfill your ambitions. Clearly, you have sufficient drive to be extremely successful; the key is the appropriate management and direction of this desire. Endurance (Score: 2 - Low Range) Compared to others, your energy level and persistence is very low. Rarely do you invest the time or put forth the physical effort of which you are capable. As a result, you frequently experience difficulty in completing tasks and achieving goals. When projects are demanding or difficult, you tend to give up easily, and do not seem to have as much energy and stamina as most individuals. You are probably not aware of the fact that your energy level and persistence is significantly lower than your peers. Your low Endurance may be due to physical ailments, emotional fatigue, short attention span, lack of interest, or "burnout". Regardless of the reasons, you are not as energetic and persistent as you are capable of being, and are more than likely working at a level well below your capacity. However, when certain projects or activities are personally appealing, you willingly put forth substantially more energy, effort and persistence than normal. Even in these cases your level of energy, when compared to most others, is probably quite low. Your Endurance will be greater than described in this message, IF you score high in Ambition, Social Recognition and/or Conscientiousness. Furthermore, If you scored high in Mental Alertness, Structure, and/or Order you probably rely on "working smarter" rather than "working harder".

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 15

Dedication Traits

Assertiveness (Score: 1 - Low Range) As a very humble person, you exhibit a great deal of submissiveness in your interactions. You do not believe assertiveness is important, and as a result, allow others to take the offensive in competitive situations. Because of your tendency to wait for things to happen, more assertive individuals can take advantage of you. You also have no desire to influence the opinions of others or to force your ideas upon them. You readily accept the leadership of others, support their positions and are quite willing to allow them to direct your activities. You hesitate to speak out, even when you know you should, and it is difficult for you to express opinions, especially when they conflict with the views of others. You usually do not debate issues or try to enforce your point of view, since you consider these experiences to be unpleasant. As a non-aggressive, mild-tempered, forgiving person, you do not want to get involved in arguments. Rarely, if ever, do you quarrel with others, and you dislike the role of antagonist. As a result, you probably do everything possible to avoid conflict and disagreements. Occasionally, more aggressive individuals could interpret your desire to avoid hostility as a sign of weakness, and therefore attempt to take advantage of you. It is possible that your passivity and reluctance to assert yourself is impeding your career success and personal happiness. Boldness (Score: 8 - Above Average Range) You are above average in Boldness in comparison to others. As a rather adventurous person, you are receptive to trying new and different experiences. You rarely hesitate to venture into new and unfamiliar environments, or to enter into conversation with strangers. You are not reluctant to speak out, and willingly share your thoughts with others. When in discussions, you are probably one of the first to express your opinions and to take a position, even on very sensitive and controversial issues. On occasion, your frankness could offend others and possibly may hurt the feelings of sensitive individuals. When it comes to risk-taking, you are more willing than most to take some chances in pursuit of your goals and objectives. By checking your scores in other traits you will be able to determine if your risk-taking behavior is astute and calculating, or impulsive and reckless. You also are inclined to react spontaneously to others, and you are not intimidated by the pressures of dealing with challenging individuals and problems. Because of your Boldness, on occasion, some may think you are not cautious, and perhaps even reckless. However, most would probably describe you as being confident, straightforward, and carefree. Be careful, however, that this trait does not cause you to ignore danger signals, be careless of detail, or consume too much time talking and not listening.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 16

Dedication Traits

Coachability (Score: 2 - Low Range) You currently have very little respect for managers, the management process, and for authority figures in general. You do not believe they can enhance your performance or help advance your career. In fact, you resent the demands managers place upon you. You pay little attention to managers, their feedback or their opinions. Perhaps this attitude is based on prior negative experiences with managers and/or other authority figures. Regardless of the reason, this negative attitude could prevent you from attaining information, advice, and guidance that could significantly improve your performance. It is obvious that you prefer your own decisions, and rarely ask for the opinions of management. You are strongly independent, and believe that you are the best judge of what you need to do. When you think your freedom is being curtailed, you become non-conforming and even defiant. These rebellious tendencies could cause you to be viewed as a poor team member. Group friction could result because you disregard authority and have little respect for those who follow it. It is difficult for you to accept directions and advice, especially from those whom you do not respect. A review of your relationships with current and past managers, organizations, and other authority figures, could provide insight into the root causes of your lack of respect for managers and poor Coachability. Leadership (Score: 1 - Low Range) You have relatively little, if any, desire to control your environment or to direct others, and almost never assume such responsibilities. Instead, you prefer to follow the leadership of others rather than be the leader, and will avoid situations in which you might be placed in leadership roles. You do not enjoy managing work situations or directing social activities, and you do not think that others perceive you to be a leader. If you do seek or accept positions of authority, it will be for motivations other than the desire to manage or control others. When in positions of leadership, you prefer to lead by example or consensus, rather than actively direct or dominate the group. It also takes considerable time and effort for you to attain any level of comfort in leadership positions. Because you are so willing to let others take charge, it is quite possible that you are easily dominated, and perhaps even intimidated, by more forceful or aggressive individuals. It is also not your style to attempt to persuade others to accept your point of view. In fact, you may even abandon your position on most subjects when confronted by more domineering individuals. While you may take a stand on issues of extreme personal importance, you basically dislike influencing others and prefer to be a team player, or even a bystander, rather than the person in charge.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 17

Self-control Traits

Self-confidence (Score: 1 - Low Range) You are a person who is very apprehensive about a wide variety of things. While you may have confidence in your abilities in some specific areas, you are relatively unsure of yourself in most situations. You question your knowledge, skills, and ability to be successful in both your career and personal life. Unexpected situations frequently upset you, and you do not like having to express your feelings or opinions to others. More than likely, you worry about many things, spend a great deal of time brooding over situations that occurred, and often become quite moody or anxious. You do not have much faith in your ability to cope with problems, and tend to become easily discouraged. When things go wrong, or even when you think they may, you are inclined to let it affect you in a negative manner. It is rather difficult for you to feel accepted in most groups and to feel free enough to participate. Since you are extremely sensitive to people's disapproval, you fear their criticism, rejection, and possible punishment. Because you underestimate your capabilities, you are easily intimidated by others. These circumstances make it very difficult for you to appreciate the abilities you have, to take pride in your accomplishments, or to recognize your potential for improvement. Composure (Score: 4 - Below Average Range) Your score in this trait indicates you have less emotional control than most people. In stressful situations, you have difficulty managing your emotions effectively. You sometimes feel tension when there is little stress involved. Due to your emotional nature, you have difficulty effectively channeling your energy in stressful situations. Your emotionality also causes you to become easily annoyed and to feel resentment toward others, perhaps without realizing you are doing so. When stress is high, you may avoid responsibility, give up easily, become irritable, or create other problem situations. These emotional reactions may also result in fatigue, loss of sleep, and may make it difficult for you to settle down. During stressful events your performance is not always consistent; this can reduce the effectiveness, quality and quantity of your work. Because of your emotionality, changes in your environment easily unnerve you, and prevent you from effectively focusing your efforts. In group activities, you often take a negative view of the level of orderliness, unity, and leadership involved. This is particularly true when you face important career activities, are given additional responsibility, are criticized for your performance, or at other times of high stress. In summary, you currently do not have the ability to control your anxiety and restrain your anger to the extent you may desire.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 18

Self-control Traits

Tough-minded (Score: 4 - Below Average Range) You are an emotionally sensitive person, and your feelings can be easily hurt. You often find situations in your career and personal life to be harsh and painful. When you make a mistake it bothers you a great deal, and strong criticism is upsetting to you. At times, your emotional reaction to criticism prevents you from fully hearing and benefiting from the message. It is difficult for you to work for tough and demanding managers, since you often perceive their management style to be critical, rather than motivating or helpful. Because you are easily intimidated you see many career arenas as harsh, threatening environments where you feel uncomfortable. You dislike crude people and avoid rough situations and occupations whenever possible. Coworkers may view you as being somewhat dependent, as you have a tendency to seek reassurance and support. As a sentimental person, you are aware of sensitive happenings that occur around you and you can be emotionally effected by them. You are easily touched by, even occasionally brought to tears by, sad events. Sometimes, you can be so emotionally effected that it negatively influences your performance. On occasion, you may even appear overly sensitive to others when a situation bothers you. You may be more prone to have physical ailments than most individuals, and are concerned about your health. Autonomy (Score: 10 - High Range) You are exceptionally self-reliant in both career and personal activities. Because you are so temperamentally independent, you are accustomed to doing things your way. You are not team oriented, preferring to function alone instead of as part of a group. Rather than delegate, you like to do most things yourself. In your career and personal life you make decisions on your own and rarely ask for the opinions of others. Usually, you select hobbies and activities you can do independently, or at least those which you can control. When placed in situations where you believe your freedom is curtailed, you may become non-conforming, difficult to manage, and possibly even defiant. This characteristic may also cause you to avoid group activities because you believe they waste time, not necessarily because of a fear of rejection. However, if you score low in Sociability, Boldness, and/or Exhibition, the motivation could be a reluctance to associate with others, rather than a desire for autonomy. If this is true, this trait could prevent you from obtaining input from others, which could be beneficial to you. This isolation could also diminish your performance and decision-making capabilities. In essence, you have a strong desire to function independently, and are inclined to become rebellious in situations when you are not in control.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 19

Self-control Traits

Contentment (Score: 4 - Below Average Range) While you may be content in some aspects of your career and personal life, your responses to the assessment indicate you are dissatisfied with many aspects. While it may be possible that these unhappy circumstances are temporary, they may well represent more long-term conditions. Sometimes one negative event can cause a person to be discontent in other areas of their life. If this is true for you, the reasons behind your discontentment could be based on numerous independent or interrelated circumstances. Some individuals who are unhappy surrender to their situation and do not recognize opportunities to change their circumstances. Some tend to blame others for their problems, rather than accept responsibility for them. Still others assume they are simply unlucky or destined by fate to be dissatisfied, and therefore resign themselves to a less than contented life. On the other hand, some individuals will do whatever is required to achieve happiness, no matter how difficult the task or how long it takes. Which of these descriptions best describes your attitude in dealing with discontentment? Are you analyzing problems, setting goals, and planning action? Are you willing to take the steps necessary to achieve contentment? Your success will be significantly higher if you identify those aspects of your life that are diminishing your contentment and then resolve to change them. Control (Score: 5 - Average Range) Compared to others, you are average in your level of Control. Sometimes you may act spontaneously, by doing things "on the spur of the moment". You may give vent to feelings and wishes without considering the consequences of your actions, but no more than most others. Only occasionally will you make hasty, rash, or foolhardy moves in your career or personal life. There are also times when you give considerable thought to situations before making decisions or moves. In these instances, you may hesitate to act, or perhaps, not even take action at all. When among friends and certain acquaintances, you are somewhat more likely to be impulsive, whereas with strangers, you are probably more hesitant to be spontaneous or to express yourself. Rarely, if ever, will you impulsively do something so radical that there is the potential for extremely negative consequences. In most situations, the people and circumstances involved will influence your actual behavior in this characteristic. This trait can be influenced by your scores in the traits of Boldness and Flexibility. If you are the type of person who does not readily take risks and who does not feel comfortable trying new things, it is unlikely that you will act impulsively in most situations. In essence, your style strikes a good balance between being too rash and being too controlled.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 20

Influential Traits

In the previous section, we provided descriptions of your attitudes and behaviors on all twenty-four traits. Each individual has some dominant traits which influence behavior and attitudes more than others. This section focuses only on those traits that are most influential in your behavior, and consequently your success and personal happiness.

Each Influential Trait description reflects on your probable emotions and behavior in key areas of your personality. The emphasis is on how these characteristics may affect your career performance and personal satisfaction. Some of these Influential Traits will enhance your success and happiness, while others will diminish your performance and may create problems for you. Paying particular attention to your Influential Traits will help you develop an integrated conceptualization of your complete profile.

Whether a trait serves as an asset or a liability depends upon your specific career, lifestyle and environment. A characteristic that would be an asset in one career or situation could serve as a liability in a different career or situation. For example, a high score in Sociability is an asset for salespersons, as most sales positions require people-oriented individuals. On the other hand, a reserved personality (a low score in Sociability) is an asset for scientists, as most technical positions require individuals to focus on data or things, rather than people. Therefore, consider the descriptions in relation to your particular career and your specific personal circumstances. By doing so, you can determine which traits have a positive, and which have a negative, influence in your particular lifestyle.

Each influential trait description describes scores from one to three, or from eight to ten. The higher or lower your score, (for example, "1" or "10"), the more descriptive the message will be for your behavior, and the more intensely and frequently this trait will influence your career and personal life.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 21

Interpersonal Traits

Sociability (Score: 1 - Low Range) You are a reserved person who prefers to deal with ideas and things rather than with activities that require interpersonal contacts. Defining Adjectives: aloof, reserved, solitary, withdrawn, unsociable, retiring, uncommunicative. This trait is a concern if you are in a career or an organization that requires frequent interpersonal contact with individuals you do not know very well. This trait is an asset if your work involves things, rather than people. Related Traits: Low scores in the traits of Recognition, Self-confidence, Boldness, Exhibition, Conscientiousness, Trust, Nurturance, Contentment, Responsibility, Flexibility, and/or a very high score in Autonomy will further reduce both the frequency and quality of your interpersonal relationships. High scores in these same traits and an average or lower score in Autonomy will enhance your enjoyment of others and your ability to relate to them.

Career: You enjoy and function best in solitary careers that allow you to function alone or with small groups. Your aloof attitude and indifference could limit open communication with others. These behaviors could isolate you from others, causing career difficulties and limiting your opportunities for advancement.

Social: Your reserved and distant style may prevent you from establishing close personal relationships with individuals who could provide much pleasure and satisfaction. Because of your dislike of social interaction, you avoid activities that could be rewarding and enjoyable.


Is your turning away from others the result of unsatisfactory relationships with people in the past, or simply a preference to be alone? Review your past interpersonal experiences to reveal if they caused you to develop a general discomfort with people and social events.

You may find it easier to interact with others who have the same interests. Consider meeting with others or participating in events related to your career and personal interests.

When required to interact with others be aware of your attitudes and how others are reacting to your behavior. This awareness can help avoid problems in your career and with those in your personal life that are important to you. Ask close friends, trusted coworkers or family for feedback on your interpersonal style.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 22

Interpersonal Traits

Recognition (Score: 1 - Low Range) Your reputation does not concern you and the acknowledgment of others is not important to you. As a result you do not usually seek approval and recognition from others. Defining Adjectives: independent-minded, indifferent, non-conforming, unconcerned, self-satisfied, uninfluenced, detached, not accommodating. This trait could be a concern in some situations because of the importance that some groups and people place on socially proper behavior. Related Traits: Low scores in Conscientiousness, Sociability, Coachability, Trust, Contentment, and/or Responsibility, and very high scores in Autonomy and Self-confidence will further reduce your Recognition. Opposite scores in these same characteristics will increase your desire to have others view you as a desirable person and to receive recognition.

Career: You may experience difficulty working for highly structured organizations with rigid rules and regulations that place great emphasis on protocol. You may offend managers and customers by not acting appropriately or providing the respect to which they may feel entitled.

Social: Your lack of concern about the opinions of others and their social expectations could cause you to behave inappropriately in some situations. This behavior could be intentional or unintentional, but in either case could cause discomfort for others and possibly even you.


Examine your behavior to determine if your lack of Recognition is causing you to offend others or, in some cases, to ignore social expectations. An objective evaluation of the consequences of these actions will reveal if a change in this trait would benefit you.

The degree to which this trait has a negative impact on your life will depend upon the organization for whom you work and your particular friends. If your friends and/or your organization are also casual and unconcerned about social norms, this trait will not be as much of a liability.

Self-motivation should be a very important issue for you, since the expectations, approval, or recognition of others do not motivate you. Define clearly your own internal standards and goals, then compare them to those of your organization or group. Be aware that points of direct conflict may cause problems.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 23

Interpersonal Traits

Conscientious (Score: 1 - Low Range) You are a self-centered person who is motivated primarily by what you want and what is good for you. You take a rather casual approach to your commitments and obligations to others, and lack the dedication required for many undertakings. Defining Adjectives: egocentric, self-centered, selfish, nonchalant, self-indulgent, casual, conceited. This trait is a concern because you do not have a strong sense of your obligation to keep commitments, and often place your desires before those of others. This lack of dependability could prevent you from meeting the demands of your career or social life. Related Traits: Low scores in the traits of Recognition, Sociability, Nurturance, Coachability, Responsibility, Trust, and/or Contentment will further decrease your Conscientiousness. High scores in these same traits will motivate you to be more conscientious than indicated.

Career: You have a strong tendency to do what you want to do, and readily change things to suit your own purposes. Employers rarely give authority to individuals who lack dedication and commitment, and who do not follow necessary, established guidelines.

Social: In social situations you can be very demanding of others and yet show very little concern about them. Chances are you do not normally respect the rights of others and may take advantage of them. You are late for appointments more frequently than most, which can be annoying to others and ultimately detrimental to you. This characteristic may offend many people and cause them to avoid you.


Most likely you have long term issues with authority, and are basically a rebellious person. Past experiences of being taken advantage of or being betrayed may have caused you to develop your current attitude as a method of self-protection. Your first goal should be to allow yourself to be open to the benefits of cooperation, commitment and trust.

Review your commitment to your organization, group, and coworkers. It is essential to realize that you have made a personal decision to join your organization, and that all organizations require discipline. By choosing to participate you automatically accept certain obligations. Analyze which rules you are most likely to break or ignore. If they seem unnecessary, discuss them with your manager.

Determine the degree to which you have become a "law unto yourself." How many times has this characteristic led to difficulties in your career and personal activities? Review these situations to see if you tend to rationalize your self-involved attitude. Is your lack of commitment in some situations preventing you from reaching your potential?

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 24

Interpersonal Traits

Exhibition (Score: 1 - Low Range) You are uncomfortable when you are the center of attention. Consequently, you avoid saying or doing anything that would cause others to focus their attention on you. Defining Adjectives: reserved, undemonstrative, constrained, modest, restrained, bashful, retiring. This characteristic is a potential concern if your career requires you to be demonstrative or conspicuous. Related Traits: Low scores in the characteristics of Boldness, Self-confidence, Assertiveness, Sociability, Recognition, Contentment, Leadership, and/or Tough-mindedness will further reduce your level of Exhibition. High scores in these same characteristics will increase your desire to be the center of attention.

Career: In some careers, being colorful is an important requirement for success. In others, Exhibition is not required or may even reduce a person's productivity. How a person manifests their Exhibition is also important, because of the impact it can have on coworkers and clients.

Social: Exhibition is less important in one's personal life. However, individuals who openly entertain others with appropriate behavior are welcomed friends and guests. Their presence usually adds pleasure to social activities and functions and is entertaining to others. Very timid or retiring individuals usually experience difficulty in social settings and making new friends.


Review the behavioral requirements of your career to determine if your low Exhibition is serving as an asset or a liability. If your career requires Exhibition, check with your manager and coworkers for help in determining how you can be more demonstrative.

Analyze your personal and social situations to find out if your lack of Exhibition is affecting relationships with your significant other, relatives, coworkers and friends. Ask yourself what fears you have (such as the fear of rejection) that may be holding you back.

Evaluate the influence your other personality traits are having on increasing or decreasing your Exhibition. Explore how you can utilize these influential traits to achieve the behavior you desire in this area.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 25

Interpersonal Traits

Trust (Score: 2 - Low Range) You are a suspicious person who questions others' motives and is constantly on guard and defensive, thinking that others are against you. Defining Adjectives: suspicious, defensive, cautious, distrustful, wary, doubting, guarded. This trait is a concern because your self-protecting and suspicious nature inhibits open interaction with others. Your inability to share information and accept others openly prevents you from attaining a wealth of experience that could enhance your pleasure and personal growth.

Related Traits: Low scores in the characteristics of Self-confidence, Conscientiousness, Responsibility, Sociability, Coachability, Composure, Recognition, Nurturance, and/or Contentment will further reduce your level of Trust. High scores in these same traits will increase your Trust in others.

Career: Suspicious individuals find it difficult to accept feedback from others. This could prevent you from attaining objective feedback on your actions, which could improve your performance. Most careers require cooperation and collaboration, and individuals who suspect the motives of others and are quick to take offense do not make good team members.

Social: Your tendency to disbelieve most people and to question their reliability makes it difficult for you to form close relationships. People may be hesitant to approach or associate with you because of your defensiveness. Consequently, you may remain isolated and miss the opportunity to associate with others that could be enjoyable.


Review your circumstances to determine the reasons for your distrustful attitude. Do your current circumstances justify your defensiveness, or is it the result of past situations? Being on guard expends much of your energy that could be more appropriately utilized in developing your assets.

You may want to trust people, but you usually need to know them a long time before you do. Try allowing yourself to be a little more open, and a little more willing to give others the opportunity to prove they are deserving of your trust. The only way to increase trust is through positive experiences.

Evaluate the consequences of trusting others and be willing to take some calculated risks. As you experience positive results, you will become less guarded and more trusting. It is difficult, but not impossible, to learn to be more trusting.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 26

Organizational Traits

Alertness (Score: 10 - High Range) Your score indicates that you have higher general mental capacity than most. As a fast learning, intelligent person, you have the ability to make good decisions and to respond intelligently to challenging situations and individuals. Defining Adjectives: intelligent, smart, sharp, bright, understanding, intellectual, fast learning, insightful, cerebral. This is an asset because intellectual ability has a profound influence on many aspects of a person's career and personal life. Related Traits: High scores in Self-Confidence, Structure, Boldness, Composure, Control, Creativity, and Flexibility will enhance your mental Alertness. Low scores in these same traits and a score of ten in Assertiveness and/or a low score in Responsibility, will prevent you from attaining your intellectual potential.

Career: You have the ability to learn quickly and to comprehend complex relationships and concepts. This talent should help qualify you for more challenging and responsible positions. You grasp new concepts quickly, and find alternative or creative solutions to problems. You are usually challenged, rather than overwhelmed, by complexity.

Social: Your mental abilities and good judgment can have a positive influence on your social activities, if you have the appropriate interpersonal characteristics. People who have similar intellectual aptitude and interests will make the best friends for you. You may have less tolerance and patience for those who do not have your intellectual capacities.


Review your career and social lifestyle to determine if you are using this characteristic to your maximum benefit. Changes in your activities could provide the intellectual stimulation you desire and, as a result, provide additional opportunities for growth.

A high score on Creativity indicates that you are especially talented in using your intellect. Does your current career situation allows you to maximize these skills?

If your score is 10, be careful not to take a superior or arrogant attitude, which could alienate others and prevent you from effectively using your intellectual abilities.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 27

Organizational Traits

Order (Score: 10 - High Range) You constantly strive to maintain physical order in your environment, and have a strong dislike for disorganization. For you to be comfortable, both your career and social environments should reflect this physical order. Defining Adjectives: orderly, methodical, tidy, neat, clean, thorough, organized, deliberate, systematic. This characteristic is an asset because a high degree of orderliness saves time, effort and usually results in increased effectiveness. Related Traits: High scores in Structure, Alertness, Conscientiousness, Recognition, Responsibility, Endurance, Self-Confidence, Autonomy, Coachability, Control, and Flexibility will enhance your ability to organize your environment. Low scores in these same traits will diminish your effectiveness in organizing your possessions and things.

Career: By keeping your work environment neat and orderly, you are more effective. Your systematic methods allow for the maximum utilization of your time and also enhance job performance. Your concern for order and organization should provide additional opportunities for advancement in your career.

Social: Your tidy and well-ordered manner probably makes a good "first impression" on those whom you meet socially. Others are probably willing to loan you their possessions because they are confident you will take good care of them.


Seek out career opportunities and projects that require a disciplined environment and organizational efficiency. Think of specific ways you can use this trait to positively influence your other personal traits.

Be aware that your focus on an orderly environment could make you somewhat rigid and inflexible and could limit your enjoyment of spontaneous events and opportunities.

If your score is a 10, be careful not to waste time and effort by being excessively neat or perfectionistic when that level of order is not required. Be aware of your potential to turn simple organizing tasks into major, complex projects.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 28

Organizational Traits

Flexibility (Score: 3 - Low Range) You are a person who prefers things remain as they are. You resist innovation and new ideas, preferring to continue doing things in your customary way. Consequently, you rarely change methods or attitudes even when the need for change is obvious. Defining Adjectives: steadfast, rigid, unchanging, inflexible, uncompromising, non-adaptable, predictable, stubborn. This trait is a concern because your lack of receptivity to change, new ideas and experiences can restrict your opportunities for growth. Related Traits: Low scores in the traits of Self-confidence, Creativity, Boldness, Composure, Control, Trust, and/or Assertiveness will reduce further your Flexibility and receptivity to change. High scores in these same characteristics will improve your Flexibility.

Career: It is difficult for you to adjust to new systems or methods introduced in your work. This resistance to new ideas can negatively affect your productivity and limit your opportunities for advancement. This is particularly true in organizations that have frequent requirements for innovation.

Social: You prefer to associate with people you already know and may find it difficult to make new acquaintances. A tendency to select friends who also like routine further reduces your chances for variety and growth. You may also inhibit your personal life by this reluctance to try new things and participate in new activities.


Analyze situations involving change to determine specifically what traits or circumstances are causing you to resist change. Ask the significant people in your life to help you pinpoint your areas of resistance.

Remain constantly aware of your tendency to be inflexible, and do not automatically reject new ideas and opportunities to introduce changes in your career and personal life. Begin with small, manageable adaptations, and keep in mind that it is difficult for people who are low in this trait to change anything, including their behavior.

For many people, the need for a constant, unchanging environment is based upon chaotic experiences in the past that were detrimental. Honestly evaluate your resistance to innovation, and do not allow the past to handicap you in the present.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 29

Organizational Traits

Creativity (Score: 9 - High Range) You have an open, experimental approach to life, with a strong desire to make improvements and invent new things. You have an exceptional level of intellectual curiosity and are able to see alternatives that are not readily apparent to others. Defining Adjectives: innovative, inquisitive, analytical, artistic, curious, investigative, experimenting, decorative, inquiring, theoretical. This is an asset if your efforts to create or reform are practical and useful rather than mere intellectual exercises. Related Traits: High scores in Alertness, Structure, Flexibility, Self-Confidence, Conscientiousness, Trust, Order, and Endurance will enhance your creativity and help assure that your innovations are useful and effective. Low scores in these same traits and/or Control, and a score of 10 in Assertiveness and/or Boldness, could cause you to reject ideas and suggestions that could improve your creativity.

Career: Your inquisitiveness should be helpful in creating unique and useful improvements in your career. The variety of information you have accumulated as a result of your curiosity should also contribute to your resourcefulness. Your ability to conceptualize alternatives should make you a valued member of most organization.

Social: Others appreciate it when you listen intently and show interest in their activities and ideas. Close friends see you as a creative person and probably seek your advice. This provides you with personal satisfaction and with additional social opportunities.


You are interested in a wide variety of subjects. However, you may derive more benefit by focusing your attention in a few areas that have practical applications in your career and personal life. Be alert to realize when you have accumulated sufficient information required to make a decision or to take action.

Be on guard that your ability to think creatively does not cause you to become unnecessarily or inappropriately critical of the "status quo."

When you are involved in innovative and novel approaches, do not allow yourself to lose sight of the practical, "down-to-earth" applicability of your concepts.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 30

Dedication Traits

Ambition (Score: 9 - High Range) You are an exceptionally ambitious person who desires to reach higher levels of achievement and responds positively to competitive situations. Defining Adjectives: competitive, aspiring, enthusiastic, goal-oriented, eager, enterprising. This trait is a marked asset, as your focus on achievement provides you with the desire and drive necessary to attain career success and personal self-fulfillment. Related Traits: High scores in Endurance, Self-Confidence, Assertiveness, Boldness, Alertness, Structure, Tough-Mindedness, Coachability, Flexibility, Conscientiousness, and Responsibility will enhance your ability to be successful. Low scores in these same characteristics will prevent you from achieving your potential.

Career: Your desire to achieve can benefit both you and your employer. Because of your ambitious nature, you maintain high standards of excellence in your career, creating personal achievements that can lead to even greater career opportunities.

Social: Your interpersonal relationships will be more enjoyable if close friends are as competitive and industrious as yourself. You tend to associate with individuals who can assist you in attaining the social success and personal status you desire.


Analyze your lifestyle to make certain that your current career and personal circumstances will allow the growth opportunities and ego fulfillment you require.

Check your score in Endurance to determine if you are willing to put forth the physical effort and persistence required to achieve your aspirations. Do not become impatient if you do not receive immediate recognition for your accomplishments, and if you are not advanced in your organization as quickly as you desire. It is essential, however, that you acknowledge your achievements to yourself.

If you scored ten on Ambition, be aware that you may be inclined to use others to advance yourself. Your competitive nature could also overwhelm those who are less competitive and impact your ability to form positive relationships with them.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 31

Dedication Traits

Endurance (Score: 2 - Low Range) Your energy level and persistence are very low. You are unwilling to put forth the physical effort and perseverance to succeed, and probably have difficulty completing tasks and attaining goals. Defining Adjectives: lacking persistence, gives up easily, not determined, easily fatigued, inactive, idle, indolent. This characteristic is a concern if your lack of energy or failure to complete tasks prevents you from achieving your maximum potential. Related Traits: Low scores in Ambition, Conscientiousness, Recognition, Coachability, Self-confidence, Tough-mindedness, Structure, Autonomy, and/or Responsibility will reduce your Endurance. High scores in these same traits and a high score in Composure will enhance your Endurance.

Career: Low Endurance is a concern in your career since you may not be as productive and effective, as your talents would allow. This could raise doubts about your competence in performance evaluations, or when being considered for promotion. It could also be a symptom of job burnout or complacency.

Social: This trait may not be as detrimental in personal and social situations. However, failure to fulfill social obligations or to see projects through to completion could disappoint and frustrate your friends and relatives. It is possible that you are avoiding more rigorous endeavors that could both be enjoyable and expand your social horizons.


Set a few specific goals for yourself that require a little more energy, time or persistence than you are now putting forth. Stick with these tasks until you reach these goals. Each time you accomplish a goal, set a new one, and make certain it is slightly more physically demanding than the one attained. Feedback and assistance from your manager may help.

When you encounter obstacles and are tempted to put a task or project aside until later, or to ask others for help, first take a moment to analyze why you are procrastinating or otherwise unwilling to face the task. Then make a point of working through the problem, and reward yourself for its successful completion.

Low Endurance may indicate a disinterest in your current career or employer. Evaluate your career direction and attitude toward your current organization. Seek feedback from friends and coworkers who will honestly comment on your level of persistence. If your lack of energy is due to fatigue, a physical problem, or "burnout," consider what you might do to address the root problem.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 32

Dedication Traits

Assertiveness (Score: 1 - Low Range) You are a humble person who is submissive in your interactions. You are reluctant to express opinions and do not believe assertiveness is important, or you do not have what it takes to be assertive. Defining Adjectives: compliant, obedient, submissive, subservient, humble, retiring, meek. This could be an area of concern if your submissive attitude is preventing you from expressing yourself or exercising control over your life. Related Traits: Low scores in Self-confidence, Boldness, Tough-mindedness, Ambition, Recognition, Autonomy, Exhibition, and/or Leadership will further reduce your assertiveness. High scores in these same characteristics will enhance your ability to assert yourself.

Career: You prefer careers where others are in control. You are reluctant to accept leadership roles. You hesitate to give your group or organization the benefit of your input, and avoid debating to convince others of your point of view. Since most responsible positions require assertiveness, it will be essential if you wish to advance in your career.

Social: In social situations, you are content to accept the guidance of your friends, partner, or relatives rather than assert yourself. Rarely, if ever, do you attempt to control social events or the activities of others. As a result, your time and energy may be directed in areas not of your choosing.


Initially, avoid risking setbacks from confronting much more assertive persons, however, do not be afraid to take on challenges. Strongly consider reading books on assertiveness and participating in an assertiveness training program.

Learning to say "no" on occasion could eliminate many problems for you. This would help prevent you from doing things you know you should not do, or really do not want to do. Try asserting yourself with close friends and relatives in situations that are not threatening.

Be alert to recognize those situations in which you now do assert yourself. Concentrate on making your views known and being more forceful in situations in which you would usually be passive, and pay attention to what happens.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 33

Dedication Traits

Boldness (Score: 8 - High Range) You are an uninhibited person who is willing to try new and different experiences, and who can function normally in unfamiliar environments. Defining Adjectives: adventurous, daring, carefree, brave, courageous, audacious, fearless. This characteristic is usually an asset because your adventurous attitude and willingness to accept challenges allow you to take the risks necessary to achieve success. Related Traits: High scores on Ambition, Endurance, Assertiveness, Self-Confidence, Alertness, Recognition, Conscientiousness, Coachability, Composure, Control, Structure, Exhibition, and Responsibility will enhance the positive aspects of Boldness. Low scores on these traits will amplify the negative aspects of this trait, possibly causing you to be careless or reckless.

Career: The ability to actively seek what you desire and to function confidently in new environments are very important in most organizations. This trait also enables you to tolerate the inconvenience and discomforts you encounter in pursuit of your career goals.

Social: In social situations, your gregarious, adventurous nature can attract people to you. You do not hesitate to explore new relationships or participate in new activities that enhance your pleasure. Occasionally, you could inadvertently impose yourself on others.


Review the related traits that influence your behavior in this area, to make certain it will serve as an asset and not a liability. If your related traits indicate that your Boldness will be reckless rather than calculating, focus on maintaining discipline and taking the time to think and plan before speaking and/or taking action.

You may feel most fulfilled in environments that support risk taking and so you may actively seek opportunities that are challenging. Be certain that you are taking adequate time to plan in sufficient detail and that you are not oblivious to obstacles

It is sometimes difficult for bold individuals to engage in self-reflection, or to accept constructive feedback from others. Make sure you are open to input on your interpersonal style and that you maintain your flexibility.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 34

Dedication Traits

Coachability (Score: 2 - Low Range) You currently have little respect for managers, the management process and for authority figures in general. You are not convinced they can help to enhance your performance or advance your career. Defining Adjectives: unmanageable, difficult, insubordinate, rebellious, irrepressible, unruly, uncooperative. This characteristic is a concern because lack of respect for capable managers and other authority figures could prevent you from attaining input that could have a very positive influence in your career and personal life. Related Traits: Low scores in Conscientiousness, Recognition, Responsibility, Trust, Ambition, Sociability, Contentment, Flexibility, and Composure will further reduce your Coachability. High scores in these traits will enhance your respect for managers and other authority figures.

Career: Chances are you have had little respect for most of your previous managers. Frequently, you think that company policies and procedures are ineffective, and you want to change, improve or ignore them.

Social: You may experience frustration when interacting with the conservative individuals in your personal life. These traditional people may interpret your attitudes as antagonistic, and consider you difficult to get along with.


Re-examine your attitude toward managers, the management process and authority figures in general. Perhaps former managers let you down, and you now refuse to accept the leadership of another manager. Is your behavior in this trait a reaction to present reality, or to past feelings of resentment toward other authority figures?

You may feel capable of developing your career ability without the direction or coaching of others. Perhaps you are simply a very independent individual who resents any form of supervision. Whatever the reason, analyze whether your performance could benefit from being more receptive to the input provided by management and coaching.

Possibly your current manager's experience and insight can contribute directly to your career growth. Request a private meeting with your manager to discuss any issues you may have. Be open to the possibility that working more closely with him/her may be mutually rewarding. When you find yourself resenting direction or advice, pause to objectively analyze the situation and the reasons you feel resistive.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 35

Dedication Traits

Leadership (Score: 1 - Low Range) You have little desire to control your environment or to direct the activities of others. Rather than be the leader, you prefer to follow the leadership of others or to function independently. Defining Adjectives: obedient, amenable, follower, compliant, passive, humble, non-domineering. This trait is a potential concern because leadership is essential for career advancement and gives direction to many social activities. Such leadership could enable you to take charge of your circumstances and effect positive changes. Related Traits: Low scores in Self-confidence, Assertiveness, Boldness, Ambition, Exhibition, and/or Tough-mindedness will reduce your Leadership drive and abilities. High scores in these same traits will enhance your Leadership.

Career: There is great demand in all organizations for individuals who are willing and capable of assuming the responsibility of being in charge. Your lack of desire for leadership could limit your opportunities for advancement in your career. Your reluctance to control your environment could also prevent you from attaining positions you may otherwise be qualified.

Social: You are not the kind of person who is interested in directing social functions. This lack of motivation to be socially influential may not be a concern unless it limits or prevents you from participating in activities you would enjoy.


Your goal does not necessarily have to be to develop primary leadership qualities, but rather to reduce your tendency to allow yourself to be dominated. Pay attention to times when you feel intimidated, and try asserting yourself in these situations. Do not be afraid to let others know what you think, or to ask for what you want and note what happens.

Analyze the reasons why you are not currently interested in leadership. Could your lack of dominance be influenced by other traits? Awareness of your leadership motivations, or lack thereof, will be helpful in deciding which, if any, types of people you can most effectively manage. Workshops and training in leadership skills may be of assistance.

Be willing to accept limited leadership when circumstances permit, and monitor your reactions. Being more in control is a skill that can be learned with time and practice. You will feel awkward being more forceful, but you may be surprised by the results.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 36

Self-control Traits

Self-confidence (Score: 1 - Low Range) You are a person who is apprehensive about a wide variety of things. You question your skills, knowledge, and ability to be successful in your career and personal life. Defining Adjectives: apprehensive, insecure, indecisive, unsure, timid, uncertain, worrying, possibly discouraged. This characteristic is an area of concern because you apparently do not appreciate, or effectively utilize, the assets you possess. Instead, you tend to focus on your weaknesses and the negative aspects of your life.

Related Traits: Low scores in the traits of Autonomy, Contentment, Composure, Boldness, Assertiveness, Tough-mindedness, Control, and/or Flexibility will further reduce your Self-confidence. High Scores in these same characteristics will serve to enhance your Self-confidence.

Career: It is difficult to function effectively in a responsible position when one questions one's own knowledge, skills and abilities. Insecure, anxious people find it hard to concentrate on their work, to learn new things and to perform successfully. The quality of your work and your production may be lower than your potential because of your hesitancy to act confidently.

Social: While some people enjoy helping those in need, most people tend to avoid individuals who are apprehensive, moody, and anxious. More social activity could increase your confidence and provide relief from worry, particularly in those areas where your interest is high and you feel most comfortable.


Since Self-confidence is a crucial trait for success, building your Self-confidence should be your primary goal. Take time to objectively make an inventory of your knowledge, skills, experiences, accomplishments and other assets. Ask close friends and relatives to assist you in analyzing the assets you currently possess. Talk with your managers and coworkers, and ask them for feedback on your assets and strengths.

Set some realistic career and personal goals for yourself. Focus on slow, steady improvement, rather than setting goals that are so high you may frustrate yourself. When you succeed, give yourself credit for what you accomplished, and do not be afraid to share with others what you have done.

Concentrate on your assets rather than any liabilities you may have. Keep your problems in perspective rather than focusing on your shortcomings. Do not worry about minor problems, nor allow major ones to overwhelm you and make you feel helpless.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 37

Self-control Traits

Autonomy (Score: 10 - High Range) You are a self-reliant person in both your career and personal activities. Because you are so temperamentally independent, you are accustomed to doing things your own way, and may become rebellious when faced with restraints. Defining Adjectives: autonomous, independent, free, self-reliant, individualistic, self-governing, possibly insubordinate. This trait is an asset if you possess the knowledge, experience, and other characteristics to function independently, and if your circumstances allow you the freedom you desire. It is a concern, if you cannot exercise the independence you desire without causing negative consequences. Related Traits: High scores in Self-Confidence, Coachability, Responsibility, Recognition, Conscientiousness, Trust, Boldness, Control and Structure, will enhance the positive aspects of Autonomy. Low scores in these same traits and/or a low score in Sociability will amplify the negative aspects of this characteristic.

Career: You function most effectively in careers or on projects that allow you to control your own schedule and activities. You resent rules and regulations that restrict your autonomy. This independent attitude could cause difficulties for you in highly structured organizations.

Social: You do not usually like to be tied to people, places, or obligations. This need for independence could prevent you from always meeting social obligations and commitments. Other like-minded individuals will be drawn to your self-reliance.


Analyze your personality to determine if your need for autonomy is based on a desire to function independently, to avoid giving up control to others, a rebellious attitude, or a desire to avoid interacting with others.

Review your career and your organization to determine if they allow you the freedom you desire. If your career or personal circumstances require close cooperation with others, this trait could cause frustration for both you and for them.

Before bending or breaking any rules or regulations, consider the rationale for them, and any possible consequences should you violate them.

Personal Action Plan: _________________________________________________________




Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 38

Personality Profiles

Presented on the following page are Profiles of your behavioral traits. The Personality Profiles graphically illustrate the degree of influence each characteristic has on your overall interpersonal style and behavior. By scanning these profiles, you can quickly determine how you compare to others on each of the twenty-four traits. As you work to address issues raised by this report, you will find it helpful to continually refer back to these profiles.

Keep in mind that Personality Profiles take different forms, just as the human body takes different forms. Therefore, a profile with some scores very high and/or very low does not necessarily mean that you are extreme. Such differences simply indicate some characteristics in your personality are more or less prominent than others.

Another important point to remember is that a high score is not necessarily positive, nor is a low score necessarily negative. Your report does not offer or imply judgments regarding the different traits. Rather, the assessment results describe your personality and behavior in the abstract; it is for you to decide whether you are content with yourself, or wish to modify or control your attitudes and behavior.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 39

Winslow Dynamics Profile

Personality Trait Groups

Interpersonal Traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sociability

Recognition Conscientious

Exhibition Trust


Group Score

Organizational Traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Alertness Structure

Order Flexibility Creativity


Group Score

Dedication Traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ambition

Endurance Assertiveness

Boldness Coachability


Group Score

Self-control Traits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Self-confidence

Composure Tough-minded

Autonomy Contentment


Group Score

Copyright © 1996-2004 By Winslow Research Institute, All Rights Reserved

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 40

Personal Development

Initial Development

1. Before setting goals or establishing a development program for yourself, we recommend that you read your report several times, including the Introduction. This approach should provide a thorough understanding of your traits and how they relate to one another.

2. We encourage you to consider sharing your report with your manager, spouse, and trusted friends and coworkers. Select individuals in your career with whom you function closely, and those who know you very well in your personal life. Discuss with them their perceptions of your behavior and performance in relation to your personality and attitudes as described in this report.

3. After you have read your report several times and have discussed it with confidants, refer to the Influential Traits Section. Read the first description and concentrate on this one particular trait; think about it carefully. Objectively determine if this is an accurate description of your behavior for this trait. Even if every example does not precisely describe your behavior, is this description basically correct? If you think this description is inaccurate, perhaps this trait is a paradox in your personality. This means that one or more related traits are in opposition to this one. For example, an individual may score high in Ambition, and score low in Endurance. The high Ambition score indicates that this individual is very ambitious and competitive, while the low Endurance score indicates that this person is inherently not energetic or persistent. However, when this person’s ego is involved in something, when he/she wants to achieve something, they will be far more energetic than described because of the influence of their Ambition.

4. With this description in mind, think about specific past situations in your career and personal life where this trait had a positive influence on your behavior. Analyze the specific ways it improved your effectiveness and/or enhanced your happiness. Think about how it helped you in those past situations and how you could use it to your advantage in the future.

5. Now think about other circumstances and situations in your career and personal activities where this particular trait had a negative influence. How did it limit your performance, or prevent you from attaining the maximum success and happiness you desired? What could you do differently?

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 41

6. Decide if you are content with your present behavior in this area, or if you wish to control or change it. Read the Comments Section for this trait. Think about the suggestions presented, and others of your own, which could help you obtain the maximum benefit from analyzing this trait. Should you desire to change this characteristic, determine exactly what you will do to change. Establish a definitive plan of action, including measurable goals for yourself; then make certain you follow your plan. Share your goals with your manager and/or your close friends, and obtain their support. Ask for feedback on your progress as it applies to important situations.

7. Repeat the above procedure for each trait in the Influential Traits Section. As you proceed, it is imperative that you explore the relationship between each Influential Trait, particularly those in the same trait group. How does each characteristic influence other traits in various situations? Which traits are most dominant? Which are most helpful? Which are most harmful? Which are most consistent? Which are most changeable? Which can you control, and under what circumstances?

Continuing Development

To receive maximum benefit from your participation in this program, you must refer to your report on a regular basis. We recommend that at first you read your report once a week, preferably on Sunday evening or Monday morning. After reading your report:

1. Focus on each characteristic presented in your Influential Traits Section. Recall the achievements, successes, and pleasures you experienced during the prior week. Consider how your behavior on this one trait may have caused or enhanced these successes. Think about specific ways you could have used other characteristics to further improve your performance and increase your pleasure in these situations.

2. Recall any errors, problems, disappointments or failures you experienced during the prior week. Think about how each of your Influential Traits may have caused, or contributed to, those circumstances. Think about specific ways that negative characteristics in other traits could have amplified those situations. Consider specific ways your positive traits could have prevented, or minimized, the impact of those unpleasant experiences.

3. Periodically consult with your manager, spouse and/or close friends and coworkers to discuss your progress.

Discuss your behavior and performance in your career and personal life. Ask them for advice and suggestions on what they think you could do to improve your behavior and attitudes in the future. Continue to seek their feedback on your progress in controlling and modifying traits.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 42

Future Development

Individuals and their behavior continue to change. You are different now than you were last year, and chances are you will be different next year. This is particularly true when you are part of a dynamic organization, with sophisticated development programs, or when your personal lifestyle changes. For these reasons, you may want to retake the questionnaires annually and have a new Winslow Dynamics Report prepared. Your new report will describe your behavior and attitudes at that time, and allow you to measure your progress. It will assist you in evaluating your methods for changing traits. It will also help you establish new plans and goals for the coming year.

After retaking the questionnaires, and before receiving your new report, review this report one final time. Read each Trait Description carefully. Decide if your current behavior and attitudes are the same as, or different from, the score and description in this report. Mark on your Personality Profiles the score you think you will have for each trait in your new, updated report. This technique will enable you to determine objectively how insightful you have become concerning your behavior.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 43


Excited? Confused? Inspired? Alarmed? Impatient? Impressed ? How do you feel right now, after reading what we consider to be a comprehensive assessment of your behavior? Whatever your feelings, we encourage you to face them openly, honestly and realistically. You hold in your hands an abundance of information about yourself that can be transformed into terms that are personally meaningful to you, your values and your goals.

Our objective has not been to flatter or embarrass you, to feed your ego or deflate it. Rather, our intention is to present objective information about your behavior and attitudes that you can actually use. However, your report alone is not a recipe for success, or a diagnosis. For personal satisfaction to be yours, the principal architect in achieving success will have to be you. Therefore, the value of your report depends upon the use to which you put it.

No matter what the results may show, each individual must think about the information carefully. Some people are content with their present self, while others want to change their behavior. You may wonder whether this is even possible. The answer is emphatically yes. There is much evidence to support the theory that one’s character is developed in the long process of growing up. By maturity, these traits show a fairly high degree of stability, which makes it possible to measure them. It does not necessarily follow, however, that our personalities as adults are rigid and unchangeable. If we can develop a behavior, we can also modify it. If humans did not have the capacity to change, there would be no point to education, training, counseling, therapy and other similar activities. However, change will require much reflection, thought, planning, time, effort and patience on your part.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 44

Any Questions?

We have attempted to make your report as easy to understand as possible. However, if you have any questions concerning any aspect of your report, do not hesitate to contact us. Simply telephone or write our organization.

Any Suggestions?

It is our goal to make the Winslow Dynamics Program as meaningful and valuable as possible. To accomplish this goal, feedback from the participants in our program is very important. We, therefore, invite you to write our organization. Give us the benefit of your thoughts and opinions concerning your development report, or any phase of our program. We assure you that your comments are important to us and we will consider them in making future improvements.


Winslow Dynamics Profile Copyright 1995 - 2004 by Winslow Research Institute Discovery Bay, California

Personnel Requirements Form Copyright 1971 - 2004 by Winslow Research Institute Discovery Bay, California

Winslow Dynamics Report Authors: Denis Waitly, Ph.D., J. Michael Priddy, Ph.D. Joan L. Francis, M.A.

Personal Development Report Authors* Thomas A. Tutko, Ph.D., Jack Fleming, Ph.D., Ben N. Ard, Ph.D. Michael Dansker, Ph.D., Leland P. Lyon, M.A.

* Some of the text in the Winslow Dynamics Report are derivations of text in the Personal Development Report also published by Winslow Research Institute.

Dedicated in Loving Memory of Kimberlee J. Winslow,1955-1991

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 45

Trait Definitions (Descriptions of High Scores)

The personality characteristics measured by the Winslow Dynamics Profile are grouped into twenty-four specific traits. The descriptions that follow describe the behavior of those individuals who score high in the trait. These definitions have been formulated specifically for the Winslow Dynamics Profile, and it is imperative that you use these definitions when reviewing this Winslow Report.

Interpersonal Traits Organizational Traits Sociability Extroverted, outgoing, friendly, gregarious, neighborly, congenial. Warmhearted individuals who enjoy interacting and participating with others. They greet strangers openly, are quick to form friendships, and enjoy careers dealing with people rather than things. They are rarely content in solitary work.

Alertness Intelligent, bright, fast learning, insightful, cerebral, understanding. Have higher general mental capacity and are able to think in the abstract. Have the ability to learn quickly and comprehend complex relationships. Able to make good decisions, see alternative or creative solutions to problems, and be innovative.

Recognition Proper, cooperative, courteous, accommodating, considerate, polite, respectful. Have a strong desire to be viewed as a socially desirable person by friends, coworkers and others. Try to do things correctly and meet the expectations of others. Want their accomplishments to be recognized and rewarded.

Structure Meticulous, exacting, precise, definite, perfectionistic, fastidious, exacting, planful. Have highly structured thinking processes. Have the ability to structure their thinking and organize their thoughts effectively. Carefully plan and organize activities, and make few mistakes. This structure, however, may limit their creativity.

Conscientious Dependable, loyal, ethical, honorable, trustworthy, dutiful, faithful, moralistic. Place the desires and welfare of others before their own personal preferences. Willing to do things according to rules; will not attempt to bend the rules to suit their personal needs; will not attempt to take advantage of others. Could be inflexible.

Order Methodical, tidy, orderly, neat, clean, organized, systematic. Constantly strive to maintain physical order in their environment, and have a strong dislike for disorder and clutter. For them to be comfortable, their career and personal environments should reflect this physical order.

Exhibition Exhibitionistic, entertaining, demonstrative, expressive, flamboyant, colorful, dramatic. Have a strong desire to be the center of attention and to have an audience. Will use words, actions and possessions to draw attention to themselves. Sometimes this behavior can be inappropriate or overwelming, depending upon their timing and tact.

Flexibility Adaptable, changeable, open, versatile, flexible. Very receptive to change and do not become upset when required to adapt to changes in their career or personal life. Readily accept new ideas and procedures, and let go of old ones when they are no longer productive. May be inconsistent and unpredictable.

Trust Open, confiding, trusting, unsuspicious, believing, tolerant, ready to forget difficulties, naive. Exceptionally trusting individuals who readily accept others for who they are. Believe what others say; are free of jealous tendencies and tend to get along well with most people; pliant to changes. Could be gullible.

Creativity Innovative, inquisitive, artistic, curious, experimenting, theoretical. Have an experimental approach to life, with a strong desire to make improvements and create new ways of doing things. Frequently discontent with the way things are and, spend much time thinking about how they could be improved

Nurturance Compassionate, sympathetic, kindhearted, benevolent, caring, protective, charitable. Very nurturing individuals who provide compassion and support to others. Readily communicate their concern for the well-being of others and express their willingness to do whatever they can to assist others. May take on the problems of others inappropriately.

Responsibility Accountable, reliable, humble, answerable, possibly self-critical and guilt-prone. Willingly accept total responsibility for the consequences of their words and actions. View criticism from others as a challenge to improve, rather than a cause for anger. Try very hard to meet the expectations of others. May accept responsibility even when not at fault.

Participant: Deybis Abril Organization: Rich Dad's Coaching Assessment Date: October 01, 2006 Page: 46

Trait Definitions

Dedication Traits Self-control Traits Ambition Competitive, aspiring, enthusiastic, enterprising, industrious, goal-oriented, eager, striving. Strong desire to reach higher levels of achievement and to respond positively to competitive situations. Aspire to accomplish difficult tasks and set and maintain high goals. Tend to approach most situations competitively.

Self-confidence Self-assured, certain, secure, brave, fulfilled, poised, self-reliant. Believe they have the knowledge and ability to be successful at whatever they attempt. Cope successfully with challenges and are not easily discouraged. Handle unexpected situations well, make decisions with assurance, and are quick to express ideas and opinions.

Endurance Industrious, energetic, determined, vigorous, diligent, enduring, persevering. Willing to put forth the physical effort necessary to be successful. Will exert sustained effort and persistence to accomplish their tasks and goals. Unrelenting in work habits, will practice long and hard, and will not give up easily on problems.

Composure Calm, emotionally mature, tranquil, peaceful, serene, unperturbed, placid, composed. Can control their emotions and function effectively in stressful situations. Have the capability to maintain composure and deal with stress in a calm, objective manner. Rarely allow their feelings to negatively effect performance, and are not easily discouraged or frustrated by problems. Will not become upset over mistakes or misfortune.

Assertiveness Aggressive, persuasive, influential, headstrong, opinionated, possibly argumentative and hostile. Believe that being assertive and taking the offensive is essential to attaining success. They make things happen, rather than waiting for them to happen, and are willing to be forceful in order to get a job done. May be authoritarian.

Tough-minded Resilient, realistic, unsentimental, tough-minded, durable, hard, possibly insensitive and callous. Can function normally in difficult and unpleasant situations. Not deterred by obstacles, disappointments or setbacks. Can accept strong criticism, do not become easily upset, and recover quickly when things go wrong. Do not need excessive praise or encouragement from others.

Boldness Adventurous, daring, carefree, brave, courageous, audacious, fearless. Uninhibited individuals who are willing to try new and different experiences. They can function normally even in unfamiliar environments, and are quick to accept challenges and willing to take risks to accomplish their objectives. May be pushy and ignore warning signs.

Autonomy Independent, individualistic, self-governing, self-reliant, possibly insubordinate. Prefer to function independently and are accustomed to doing things their way. Rarely ask for opinions, since they favor their own decisions. When their freedom is curtailed, they may become rebellious and difficult to manage.

Coachability Cooperative, dependable, compliant, responsive, respectful, considerate, compliant, obliging, accommodating, devoted, loyal. Have respect for managers and the management process. Believe that direction, feedback, and even criticism are crucial to career development. Strive to meet their managers' demands and will respect other authority figures.

Contentment Satisfied, fulfilled, cheerful, gratified, joyful, happy, contented. Exceptionally content with themselves and the vast majority of circumstances in their life. Cope with most problems well and have an optimistic outlook on life. Laugh frequently, smile readily, and find humor in situations, even negative ones.

Leadership Dominant, influential, controlling, dynamic, commanding, forceful, directing, authoritative. Very strong desire to control, influence and direct others. Assume the role of leader naturally and enjoy the responsibility and challenge of being in charge. Have an active leadership style, and are quick to take control of situations.

Control Deliberate, calculating, analytical, designing, possibly indecisive and prone to procrastinate. Highly disciplined, maintain control over their behavior and do not act impulsively. It would be unusual for them to speak or act without considering the consequences. May be slow to act or hesitant to make decisions in some situations.