winter series: ة يطلا ايحلا - day 5 · 2014-01-07 · al hayat al tayyiba page 1 winter...

Al Hayat al Tayyiba Page 1 Winter Series: الط ي بةل ح ياة ا- Day 5 Friday, December 27 2013 Lecture by Sister Eman al Obaid Chapter (16) sūrat l-nal (The Bees) 16:97 Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do. All praises be to Allah Rabbil Alameen, the One Who reforms and nurtures all mankind and all the worlds. We are going through the different meanings of Al Hayat Al Tayyibah (The Good Life). Al Hayat al Tayyibah is a pure, clear and easy life. Al Hayat al Mubaraka This is one of the meanings of Al Hayat al Tayyibah A Blessed Life.

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Al Hayat al Tayyiba

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Winter Series: بة ي ط ياة ال ح Day 5 - الFriday, December 27 2013

Lecture by Sister Eman al Obaid

Chapter (16) sūrat l-naḥl (The Bees) 16:97 Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do.

All praises be to Allah Rabbil Alameen, the One Who reforms and nurtures all mankind and all the worlds. We are going through the different meanings of Al Hayat Al Tayyibah (The Good Life). Al Hayat al Tayyibah is a pure, clear and easy life.

Al Hayat al Mubaraka

This is one of the meanings of Al Hayat al Tayyibah – A Blessed Life.

Al Hayat al Tayyiba

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A good and Blessed Life – for a life to be good it should be a blessed life.

The Meaning of At Tayyib One of the meanings is – goodness, benefit. If the blessings should fall upon something small, the blessing will be enlarged, be more in abundance, like the grain. The blessing will be beneficial.

We all want Al Barakah in everything – in our money, in our time, in our health, in our children (sadaqa jariyah). Even with the knowledge we want the blessing. Some people have so much knowledge but there is no blessing – it doesn’t benefit society and it doesn’t benefit them. We want blessing in our friends & companions – some people have so

many friends but there are no blessed friends. The blessed friends are a door opening for good. I want to live a blessed life I want to live a life which is full of blessings where there is blessings in everything – in my money, in my time, in my health, in my children, in my house, car, knowledge, people etc. in everything there is a blessing – in people or in things. I need to believe and do righteous good deeds – this we cannot get away from. Some people are seeking the blessings from people or things. Things by themselves will not bring blessings. People want a short cut, they want people to bring them the blessings, they want people to come and bless their house. If you want a blessed life you must - amanu wa amilus salihat – believe and do good deeds. What do I need to believe in order to get the blessing?

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Al Baraka is an attribute of Allah subhana wa ta'ala

- Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the Blessed One - Allah subhana wa ta'ala is having the baraka - Allah subhana wa ta'ala bestows the baraka

It is important to believe this if you want to live a blessed life. In your heart the blessings mean Allah subhana wa ta'ala, and He is the Blessed One. Imagine anyone other than Allah subhana wa ta'ala, they don’t have the blessing as a personal attribute. The concept of ‘baraka’ is a personal attribute of Allah subhana wa ta'ala, Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the Blessed One, His Names are all blessed, all the attributes of Allah subhana wa ta'ala are all blessed, all the actions of Allah subhana wa ta'ala are all blessed. Everything of Allah subhana wa ta'ala’s is blessed. Whatever Allah subhana wa ta'ala does for His creation is blessed. We need to believe this, don’t seek blessings from anyone else. One word / verb is only for Allah subhana wa ta'ala – Tabaraka (Blessed be Allah). Let’s see the word ‘Tabarka’ in the Qur’an. Chapter (40) sūrat ghāfir (The Forgiver God):64

When Allah subhana wa ta'ala reforms and nurtures this is a blessing. Blessed be Allah. Allah subhana wa ta'ala mentions His Lordship. Allah subhana wa ta'ala made the earth for you – this is a blessing. Allah subhana wa ta'ala made the sky, Allah subhana wa ta'ala gave you shade, Allah subhana wa ta'ala made your shape and Allah provided for you. These actions of Allah subhana wa ta'ala increase in benefit.

Chapter (40) sūrat ghāfir (The Forgiver God):61 There is baraka in all of Allah subhana wa ta'ala’s actions and you need to believe in that. Allah subhana wa ta'ala is telling you big things, Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the Blessed One so in your heart you are seeking the baraka from Allah subhana wa ta'ala.

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What makes you to seek the barakah from Allah subhana wa ta'ala? When you understand that it is ‘Tabarka Allah’ – Blessed be Allah that He is the Reformer. Blessed be Allah – Allah subhana wa ta'ala made the earth, the stars, the sun and the moon for the human being to benefit from them. All the blessings from Allah subhana wa ta'ala are barakah. Chapter (24) sūrat l-nūr (The Light):14

The best of the Creator is Allah – when we see amazing & wonderful things we say ‘Tabarka Allah’ (Blessed be Allah). Allah subhana wa ta'ala mentioned the detailed creation of the foetus – clot, lump, bones, flesh. Allah is the Blessed One because of His nurturing. Blessed be Allah the best of the Creator.

Chapter (67) sūrat l-mulk (Dominion):1 Nobody else has in his hands the Dominion except Allah subhana wa ta'ala and He is able to do everything in the dominion. Nobody can reject what Allah subhana wa ta'ala wants. The key word is Tabaraka – we cannot use this word for people, we can only use this verb for Allah subhana wa ta'ala. You need to believe ‘Allah huwa Mubaraka’ and Allah is The Bestower of the barakah.

Allah Mubarak – Tabarka Allah Rabbil Alameen

Allah Mubarak – In His Hand is the Dominion

Allah Mubarak – Allah is able to do everything Chapter (55) sūrat l-raḥmān (The Most Gracious):78 All the Names of Allah are blessed. When you utter and believe in the Names of Allah you will get the blessings.

Allah owns the Majesty

Allah owns the Honour

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This belief will impact the good deeds. You will live the good life when you know Tabarka Allah. Al Qur’an By itself the Qur’an is Tabarka.

Chapter (25) sūrat l-fur'qān (The Criterion):1

Chapter (38) sūrat ṣād:29 The Qur’an is Allah’s attribute. The words of the Qur’an are Kalam Ullah Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the Blessed One, and He is Blessed because He sent down to us the Qur’an, this is a blessing, this is a barakah. The Qur’an is barakah – a Blessed Book.

Blessed be Allah

Blessed be Allah because He sent down the Qur’an

The Qur’an is full of blessing. Whether you hear, read or memorise etc. the Qur’an it is a blessing – Allah subhana wa ta'ala will put the blessing in your time when give the Qur’an your time. You are never wasting your time spent with the Qur’an – time will standstill, your time will be more. So ponder upon the Qur’an to get the best type of blessing. Based on your belief you do righteous good deeds. Be with the Qur’an and you will see the blessings. May Allah subhana wa ta'ala make us not to forsake the Qur’an. Ameen.

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From all these ayat

the blessing are from Allah subhana wa ta'ala

Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the Blessed One

Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the Bestower of the Blessings. This is what I need to have in my heart

- Don’t seek the blessings except from Allah subhana wa ta'ala

- Be with the Qur’an because this is the blessed book

How to live a Blessed Life

How to apply this in our life?

1. Be with the Qur’an – be a friend of the Qur’an and you will live a blessed life.

2. You need to have Taqwa Chapter (7) sūrat l-aʿrāf (The Heights):96 Taqwa is all the actions of the heart which come with the belief. Taqwa is righteous good deeds. Allah subhana wa ta'ala will pour the blessings from the earth and the sky if you believe and have taqwa.

Don’t do or say anything without asking yourself will Allah subhana wa ta'ala be pleased with this, will Allah subhana wa ta'ala be happy or will Allah subhana wa ta'ala be angry. When asking yourself and accounting yourself for you actions and deeds you will live a blessed life.

the blessing are from Allah subhana wa ta'ala

Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the Blessed One

Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the Bestower of the Blessings.

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3. Make du’a for others for blessings

When you make du’a for others an will angel say ‘And the same for you’. So when you make du’a for blessings for others you are getting the barakah. You are seeking the barakah from Allah subhana wa ta'ala.

Du’a for specific occasions. Someone is getting married ‘May Allah bless you and unite you both in goodness’. The du’a by itself is full of baraka.

When visiting someone and eating their food. Dua for the host: ’May Allah bless them with what You have provided for them, forgive them and be merciful upon them’.

There are many more du’a. A General Du’a – May Allah bless you / May Allah bless this ________. But we seek the blessings the wrong way.

4. Blessed time (after fajr)

Do any worldly thing in this time and Allah subhana wa ta'ala will put barakah in it. Nabi sallallāahu ‘alayhi wa sallam made the du’a: ‘O Allah, bless my Ummah in the early hours’.

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If you want to accomplish something do it in the early hours as this is a blessed time.

5. Blessed wealth Do you want barakah in your money / wealth? Hadith: ‘Whenever you get the money, how you received the money will show you the barakah. If anyone receives the money and is not satisfied, is looking for more, it will not be blessed, as if one is eating and not satisfied.’ If you received the money with contentment and gratefulness Allah subhana wa ta'ala will give you the contentment – so take the money with a good heart, even with 1p. You either receive wealth with contentment, satisfaction, happiness & gratefulness or you receive money with greediness, and wanting more – this is how you will get or not get the blessings.

6. Blessed Buying and selling

To have a blessing in whatever you buy or whatever you sell. Hadith: If both the buyer and seller are both truthful Allah will bless whatever is being sold. If the seller conceals something they will be deprived of the barakah. Sometimes people sell things expensively so there is no barakah – the truthfulness and clarity is the key to the barakah in buying and selling.

May Allah subhana wa ta'ala bless our time and give us more. May Allah subhana wa ta'ala put the blessing in our knowledge. May Allah subhana wa ta'ala put the blessing in our teaching and learning. Ameen

This is a transcript of a lecture given by Sister Eman al Obaid. Anything that is good from these notes is from Allah subhana

wa ta’ala. Any mistakes & misrepresentations are my own.