winter sunrise chapter 1-2


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Emily Anders' life changes dramatically when she sets out to fulfill a dead man's last wishes. She finds herself lead to a quiet town in the Rockies, hidden from the outside world. There she meets a pale-looking but handsome Alexander Godwin. She soon discovers all of the secrets hidden in Wilde Lake, including her own and that of her family's...Emily faces many trials in her desire for love after leaving her negligent parents. This is a fantasy love story about one young woman's fight for happiness and goodness and a struggle with her fate that was set thousands of years before she was born.


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Winter SunriseWinter SunriseAllicens Thorp


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Translator: Timea Abonyi

Editor: Maria F.L. Robichaud

Text Copyright © 2014 Allicens ThorpText Copyright © 2014 Allicens Thorp

All rights reserved All rights reserved


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Chapter 1

Emily gazed out the window at the city covered under a thick blanket of snow which

sparkled like diamonds. She loved winter, especially December. There was some

inexplicable mystery of that month, which beautifully brought the year to an end.

Apart from autumn, it was the most beautiful and most romantic time for her.

Looking down at the city from the Penthouse, its rows of buildings looked like tiny

brick blocks.

She had once lived in a similar appartment where she had also had a view from

above. And she, the elder daughter, who had been brought up among the elite and

taught at the best schools, turned her back on that life: her parents’ wishes, the high

life, and the Upper East Side.

“Such a thing cannot occur in our family. If you step out that door, you’re not our

daughter anymore.” The words resounded again in her mind. But she was different

from the rest, she wanted something else. The Wall Street, the several million dollars

she was heir to seemed insignificant in Emily’s eyes. She just wanted to leave the

cage and fly free into the world. And she had made it. At last she was free; and

deadweight ball and the tight chains that had burdened her, held her back no more. It

was a relief to be able to walk along the street without the barricade of photographers

and the blinding flashes of the cameras. The world had forgotten Emily Anders name

and that was good. She has never liked to pretend or put on airs like the others did.

Now she could be herself and not a puppet in a play to be controlled by others at their

fancy. At last she was happy, very happy.

“My life has found its path”, she mumbled to herself and her lips softened into a


“Well, I’m here, dear.” The old man stepped forward. “I’m ready to start.” He held

his arms towards the girl as if asking for a dance. A wide smile lit Emily’s face and


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she helped the old man to an armchair.

“How are you, Mr. Monroe?” She asked, pulling up the end of the plunger for the

usual insulin dosage.

“Great, dear.” He said. “When you’re here, even the air is warmer within the walls of

my lonely home.”

“You certainly know how to compliment a woman.”

“I’m an old fox”, he muttered and with a faraway look in his eyes, he changed the

subject. “I know a place, a tiny little town that is almost non-existent. Its name is

Wilde Lake. It lies next to a gigantic lake in the Rocky Mountains and has no more

than seven hundred and forty-two inhabitants. The town is surrounded by mountains

as if embraced by a giant with infinitely long arms. Crystal clear streams run down

the hillsides, some falling down as waterfalls in the crevices and clefts of the pine

forests. I’ve never been to a more wonderful, mysterious place in my life. That tiny

little town is the embodiment of a dream. The people living there are friendly and

they count on each other for everything. It’s a far cry from what goes on here in the

big city. It’s a place that calms you. It’s natural silence changes you irreversibly. Once

you’ve been there, no matter how far away you go, you always have that inner

peacefullnes with you. The longing to return there is impossible to get rid of. It

constantly urges you to return there. That tiny little town is nothing less than the

home where I constantly yearn to return, where I belong, where I should have always

lived. There’s nothing more beautiful than the advent of spring when nature comes

alive, trees begin to bloom and the world wakes up. There’s nothing cozier than the

landscape all flourishing with autumn colors when you sit on the porch with a mug of

steaming hot chocolate in your hands and the leaves fall in your lap from the trees.

Despite the descending thin layer of mist among the houses and the gloomy sky,

nature urges you to seize every moment.”

“Sounds great, but it sounds too good to be true”, said Emily and pulled the needle

out from the old man’s arm.

“I have known you for ten months now and I love you as if you were my own


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daughter.” Mr. Monroe began to talk seriously. “I’d like you to listen carefully to

me”, he said and gently grabbed the girl’s hand. “I want you to travel there one day.

When I am gone… When I die, I’d like you to let my ashes float down from the

highest mountain peak. Let Wilde Lake be my eternal resting place.”

“Mr. Monroe…” Emily sighed. You will live a hundred years, believe me. Don’t

think about death and your eternal resting place. I don’t want to hear another word.”

“Promise me, Emily!” He looked at the girl desperately. “Promise me that you’ll

fulfill my last wish.”

“I promise”, Emily replied in a choked voice. “But that’s not going to happen. Not

yet.” She hugged the old man who had, as of late, become like a father to her. He

was the one she had been able to count on right from the time they had met. Mr.

Monroe was the one whom she could tell all her sorrows to from whom she got

attention, understanding and unselfish love.

“Now go home and surprise your beloved”, he ordered the girl. “I’ll take a nap.”

“Thank you. But are you sure you’re going to be fine alone?” Emily asked with an

anxious look in her eyes. I can stay the night if you don’t feel good. Ethan

understands. Anyway, we agreed that I would spend the night here.”

“I’ll be fine. Go, because it’s getting dark and I don’t like it when you’re wandering

around alone at night. There are so many dangers lurking in the city nowadays.”

“Well then goodbye, Mr. Monroe. See you in the morning”, said Emily and with light

steps, she skipped out the door.

Standing in the bus, holding on to one of the loops hanging down, her thoughts

revolved around her love. She was thinking about how she could surprise the man

who might be her husband one day. The love who gave her his heart, his life and his

future. For whom her heart was pounding so crazily. Perhaps some new underwear

from Victoria’s Secret? A candlelight dinner with champagne and she could be the

dessert with some chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Or both? Yes, this was going

to be the perfect evening. A light dinner and all-night lovemaking. A shiver ran down

her spine when she recalled her love’s naked body, bare chest, soft caressing touch


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and the softness of his kisses. She gently bit her lips; desire was pounding in her

chest. She awoke out of her daydream by a sound. She was not alone. She was

surrounded by people, by strangers. She scanned the bus. No one was watching, so

she gave a sigh of relief. She took a deep breath. She hoped her sexual desire, for

Ethan’s perfect body would somewhat lessen. But she could not think about anything

else. He was constantly in her thoughts along with the night where her fantasy will be

played out. “Even the stars will feel ashamed.” She thought and a discreet smile

appeared on her face.

She stood in front of the building and looked up. Pale light filtered out the bedroom

window and her eyes brightened. She excitedly got into the elevator, untied her hair

that then fell onto her back and pressed button 5. She looked at herself in the mirror.

Her cheeks colored red due to the cold air, a hint of lip gloss glittered on her pink

lips. She adjusted the collar of her coat and smoothed her waist. She opened the

apartment door, pleased. Her eyes sparkled with happiness that she could soon lie in

the arms of her love, feel his warmth and the closeness of his body. She tiptoed across

to the bedroom, almost flew because of the happiness that flooded her heart and soul.

She opened the door a crack and stopped. She stood there for a second and then

opened the door wide. She could not believe her eyes. It was like as if someone had

stabbed a knife in her heart. She staggered and leaned against the wall, dizzy. She

gasped while the world was spinning around her that was not at all so perfect as she

had just thought. She was choking with nausea and disgust permeated her body,

which swirled inside her like a hurricane.

“Oh my God!” A scream escaped. “Emily, what are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here?” asked Emily as soon as she could squeeze sounds out of her

body. “This is MY home.”

“Before you see this all wrong, let me explain.” Ethan jumped out of the bed and

wrapped the bed sheet around his naked body.

“I don’t care what you say. Get out of my sight. I trusted you; I offered you my whole

life, my future. I loved you more than anything. I was faithful to you, I loved even


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your footprints and you treat me like this?”

“Let’s talk about this”, said Lucy, who watched the girl with a trembling stomach.

We’ll solve this just like everything else, we’re friends.”

“Friends?” Emily snorted. “I considered you my best friend. I always stood by you

when you needed me, but that obviously means nothing to you. Friends don’t hurt

each other, don’t betray each other. I would never have done this to you. I hate you

both. Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again.” She said firmly, then picked

up the clothes lying on the floor and stepped out onto the balcony. “Get out!” She

screamed louder than necessary and dropped the clothes.

“What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?” Ethan asked nervously and raised his


“Oh, what? Go on, what are you waiting for? Show your true colors! You’re having

sex with my best friend and you would still be able to hit me? Come on, hit me but

then beat me to death because if not, I swear to God, you’ll regret that you were born.

Now get the hell out of my sight!”

“Bitch.” Lucy growled. “How can I go home without my clothes?”

“You’ll find your stuff in the street and before calling me a bitch, look at yourself. It’s

not me standing in front of my best friend wrapped in a blanket because I slept with

her boyfriend. You deserve each other, traitors. Go, get out!” She shoved them out the

appartment’s door and slammed it furiously.

She walked into the bedroom and stared. The pain and disgust alternately filled her

heart. A shudder ran through her body and she burst into loud crying. Now alone, she

gave way to her anguish and weakly slumped to the floor. Her face was no longer

gleaming; teardrops streaked her face and flooded her eyes. Her body was shaking,

the throbbing pain almost exploded from of her chest. She wanted to die there that

very instant. She felt like screaming until her vocal cords split. She wanted to release

the anger, the rage and the pain. She hated that feeling, as she hated them too, she

could not pronounce their names anymore. She slowly got back on her feet and

stepped in front of the mirror. The girl looking back at her was not the one who had


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smiled in the elevator mirror. The cheerful face was replaced by a suffering, worn

one. She wiped her eyes filled would tears and changed her complexion to a florid

look by refreshing it with cold water. She did not want to suffer. She tried to suppress

the pain and not to think about what had happened but the anguish rose again and

again inside her. Anger and suffering raged inside her like boiling lava in a fuming

volcano. A huge hole gaped in her heart, as if a piece had been torn out. Betrayal

hurts; perhaps it is harder to bear than death. Betrayal is like a beast cutting up a

person from within and the harder the person tries to take the little beast out, the more

it cuts and rages causing more and more deadly wounds. She felt she had to let it do

whatever it wanted. She had to let the little monster release the anger, even if the pain

seemed unbearable. She summoned the memories one after the other. The many years

of friendship and love vanished in an instant. In her mind’s eye, Lucy’s face appeared

again and again. The previous years continuously flashed through her mind. Ever

since she could remember, they had been friends. All those secrets, fun, passion and

love that they had shared with each other over the years that connected them

disappeared into the void. And Ethan, her first and only love; what cruel destruction

he has done to her vulnerable soul, in her heart. She felt that she will never be able to

trust anyone again. It seemed unimaginable to be able to love anyone again. Her heart

was torn out and it was shred into pieces. Perhaps it will be possible to patch those

pieces back together but it will never be the same. The scars will always be

uninviting to the eye and conceal its real beauty.

The night passed so slowly, as if eternal darkness fell upon the world, and the sun hid

behind the dark clouds as if it also felt her pain. Through the living room window,

Emily watched as the deserted streets slowly filled with life again. Only her heart

was empty and dark as the night. Again, a single tear rolled down her cheek. “I can’t

crack. They don’t deserve any teardrops.” She thought, and gathered all her strength.

She stared out the window for one minute, and then hurried to the bathroom. She

enjoyed the hot bath, the soft music and the smell of candles. It seemed they made a

tiny, barely visible stitch in her broken heart. “It’s not going to last forever, this


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anguish will fade away and I’ll be happy again.” She encouraged herself and

stretched out on the very uncomfortable couch. Days passed by, but she was still

imprisoned within the walls of the appartment. She had found nothing to vent her

emotions and thus cracked even more. The contaminated bedroom was untouched;

the disgust had become too powerful for her to step in for even a second. She sank

into the pit of self-pity and helplessness and it seemed she would not be able to climb

out of there. She did not want to see anyone or talk to anyone. The answering

machine informed her every day that there were people who were worried about her,

who loved her but she was not ready for the questions, the pitying glances.

It was late in the afternoon when ambulance sirens startled her. A bad feeling seized

her; she felt it in her gut that something bad was going to happen. Her thoughts

flashed around in her mind. She walked restlessly up and down the appartment, as if

she were stuck in an unfamiliar place from where she couldn’t break free. Suddenly,

everything seemed so strange to her. She wanted to escape. No matter where, just

away from there, from the place where she had been humiliated and betrayed.

Feelings of self-pity and revenge raged inside her. She wanted to cause pain, physical

and mental pain to both of them. She wanted them to feel at least as horrible as she

did and if she could, she would cause them such pain that would seal their fate

forever. But she controlled herself, her temper. She was terrified by her thoughts and

realized that only her pride had been injured; humiliation made her feel all this. She

was not vindictive; she would never hurt them, even if at the moment she wanted to

break Ethan’s neck. Her impulses abated but that deep pain did not cease even for a

moment leaving her gasping for breath. Then the phone rang. An ominous feeling

came over her again as she raised the receiver to her ear.

“Hello?” She whispered in a slightly hoarse voice.

“It’s Mrs. Martinez speakin’. The lord doesn’ feel good an want te see ya”, sputtered

the old lady barely comprehensible with her Spanish accent. The phone fell out of

Emily’s hand. For a second she stood riveted to the ground, and then as fast as she

could she started to run.


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She ran along the main road among the moving cars. She did not pay attention to

anyone or anything, only the old man’s wrinkled face appeared constantly in front of

her. Nothing else mattered just getting there in time and to see that he was alright.

She could not lose him; she needed him, even if in the last few days she hadn’t been

able to show it and didn’t want to talk to him. But he has to know how much she

loves and respects him. He can’t go yet, he can’t leave her alone right now.

Emily raged against herself. Even at that moment, she could only think of herself.

“How can I be so selfish?” She asked while nervously, almost hysterically pushing

the elevator’s button but it seemed stubborn and the elevator didn’t bother to arrive

for her. The doorman scowled at her; with a grimace, Emily ran to the stairs and went

up taking two steps at a time. Her lungs expanded, she breathed more and more

rapidly and beads of sweat rolled down her forehead and temple by the time she

reached the top of the building.

“Mr. Monroe”, she leaned over the old man’s bed. “I’m here.”

“Oh, darling. I was afraid that I have to leave this world without you by my side,

without seeing your angelic face.”

“Please, don’t say that. Everything’s gonna be fine, I’ll call the doctor.”

“I’ve already informed him.” Mrs. Martinez interrupted in a choking voice, and then

walked out of the room so that they couldn’t see tears flooding her oval face.

“Don’t forget your promise. Fulfill my last wish. You’ll do it, won’t you?”

“I keep my word”, said Emily, and stroked the old man’s hand.

“Thank you for letting me be in your life. I leave this world happily because the last

thing I can see is your face, my child. You’re my precious little girl. I’m grateful to

you for being a part of my life, that fate brought you to me. Your light, your smile has

lit up my lonely, old days. I love you Emily, you have become the child I have always

wanted.” He whispered weakly and Emily’s voice choked. “Don’t cry, my dear. I’ll

always be there with you in your heart.” The old man said with his last breath, and

then with a gentle smile on his face, passed away. Emily looked fearfully at the thin,

lifeless body and screamed.


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“Mrs. Martinez, come! Where’s that doctor?” She shouted at the top of her lungs. “He

can’t die, he can’t die…” she kept on saying, and then fell on the old man’s chest. No

sound came from her throat. Dark mourning filled her heart; a gray veil clouded her

eyes. She was oblivious to the world around her. Only the sorrow, suffering, and grief

consumed her soul, her mind and her body.

She stood beside his grave, anguished, with a bouquet of white lilies in her hand. She

did not cry, her body wasn’t shaking. Only emptiness remained in her tired soul. Her

smiling face, her eyes, shining with happiness became gloomy; her ethereal body

movements had become tired and heavy. It was as though the old Emily Anders had

died, and had never existed. But not only her heart was filled with grief. In the corner

of the cemetery, there was someone dressed in black; no one took notice of him.

Someone had loved the old gentleman as she did. He stood under a barren tree and

watched the girl’s mournful face. Emily looked up, straight at the distant figure.

There were only the two of them and the urn full of Mr. Monroe’s ashes. Although

she did not see the boy’s face, Emily’s body trembled and a shiver ran down her

spine. Maybe the angel of death appeared in the distance that was after her soul. She

glanced at him once again but no one was there. As if the wind had blown him away

like a vision. She picked up the urn and walked quickly towards the waiting car.

“Ms. Emily Anders?” A middle-aged man stepped in front of her.

“Yes.” She said suspiciously.

“I’m Dr. Joseph Smith, Thomas Monroe’s attorney. Please, come with me.”

“Why?” asked Emily, clutching the urn. “I really don’t have time for this, now.”

“Please. It’s important. You are also an heir to Mr. Monroe.”

“What?” asked Emily, surprised. “There must be some misunderstanding.”

“I assure you that there’s no misunderstanding. Since Thomas Monroe has no living

relatives, he gave you half of his fortune. But it’d be better not to talk about this


“Look, I don’t need the money, give it to someone else.”

“Mr. Monroe willed it to you and here’s his letter. You should read it before rejecting


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your inheritage.”

Emily anxiously reached for the envelope as if she was afraid that it could blow up in

her hand if she didn’t fulfill the old man’s wish. She took a deep breath, exhaled and

opened the sealed envelope.

Dear Emily,

By the time you read this letter I'll have been gone, but that does not mean

that I do not care about you and your future. You know how much I love

you so I’m giving you half of my fortune which is eight million dollars. I

want to give the other eight million dollars to someone who played just as

important role in my life a long time ago as you did, to a person, whom I

love as much as I love you. I know I never told you this but believe me, I

had good reason. If you meet this person one day, you will understand the

reason for my silence. I gave the rights of all of my houses to Mrs.

Martinez except for one. Because she has steadfastly looked after me

during the past twenty years, she deserves this moderate payment.

Emily, my little daughter, I know that you turned your back on wealth when

you left family, but please, do not reject my gift. Fulfill my last wish and

travel to the town of Wilde Lake. There is house that I have given to you

and my other heir. You can stay there. Let my ashes fall there so that I can

rest in peace, let me go home to the world’s most beautiful place. I wish

you a wonderful life, find true happiness and never let your smile cease to

shine on your angelic face.”

Emily pressed the sheet of paper to her chest; warmth overflowed her heart as she

read every single word again. The lawyer was observing Emily’s face and its tiny

movements with serious eyes and as if he had read her mind, he opened the car’s

door. Emily sighed loudly.

“So be it, then. I accept my inheritage.” She said and got into the back of the

limousine, accompanied by the lawyer.


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Chapter 2

Alexander Godwin stood on the balcony and scanned the frozen landscape, as

though he did not mind the biting wind that swept through the town, blowing dense

snowdrifts between the houses. He just stood there and stared straight ahead. He

liked this season, especially the sunrise when the first rays of sun paints the bottom of

the sky red, when the snow cracks under walking feet, echoing in the silence that

covers the world before the birth of a new morning. He loved the romantic nature of

small towns, in contrast to big cities’ noisy streets. He was willing to leave the perfect

idyll only when he had to refill his food reserves. With every outing, he had taken the

opportunity to visit his one and only dear friend, who had always greeted him

warmly. But this was over now. He would not be able see him anymore because his

mortal body has already been turned to dust. His heart trembled when he thought of

him. Unusual pain took control over his soul and this frightened him. Although he

was never afraid. There hasn’t otherwise been a single moment in his life when he

has been afraid of anything. But the loss of his friend left a hole in his heart which

made him more sombre than before.

“The old man’s on your mind again?” Sofia appeared at the top of the stairs. “That’s

why we shouldn’t attach ourselves to any human beings. They don’t mean anything

to us; they’re only part of the circle of the food chain. You should have learned this

after so many centuries.”

“I didn’t ask for your opinion.” Alexander said sternly. “Who is with you?” He asked,

without looking at the girl.

“Just a guy I brought to cheer you up.”

“Dearest Sofia”, Alexander looked into the girl’s shining eyes. “Did I ask for this?”

He asked in a still calm voice.

“Well, if you don’t need him, then I’ll have him.” The girl shrugged and with a

sudden movement, she bit the guy’s neck.


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“Stop it!” He pushed the girl across the room, then he got to her in an instant and

stood above her. “Now listen to me carefully because this is the last time I’ll be

telling you this. Not in this house!”

“But he doesn’t live in the town, he’s just a visitor. Thomas Monroe only said not to

feed on the locals in town.”

“I forbid you to try to kill someone in this house. Am I understood?” The boy said

while getting angrier. Sofia nodded with downcast eyes. “Right. Then go and delete

his memories and let him go.” He gave instructions to the girl and stepped out again

onto the frosty balcony.

Sofia left the room, sulking, walked beside her victim, offended, thinking about

how ungrateful Alexander was to her. He should have thanked her for her kindness

and accepted her present. Instead, he snapped at her and gave her orders. If they did

not belong together, if he was not her creator, she could have a much easier life. Then

she could do whatever she wanted. She wouldn’t spend her life in that dusty little

town. She would visit only the world’s most beautiful cities like New York and Paris.

The vibrant nightlife, the crowds of people, beautiful dresses and innumerable shoes

waiting for the taking. But this will remain only a dream, although Alexander had

promised her a real life. She felt as if she was dying because that place was hell itself.

A sleepy little town at the edge of the world, which is so insignificant that it isn’t

even on the map.

The cold air slapped her in the face as they stepped out the door. She looked up at

Alexander standing on the balcony, and then sighed. Not prompting the wanted

attention to herself, she glanced at the boy waiting beside her, gritting her teeth.

“Forget the day we met and go straight home”, she said while her eyes darkened and

the boy immediately walked away as if nothing had happened. “Are you satisfied?”

The girl asked, but Alexander did not deign to answer.

“Is it gonna be like this from now on?” Sofia shouted. “He’s gone. He died because

he chose the miserable human life. He had a choice but he didn’t take the opportunity

because he didn’t want to be like us. And you’re still mourning him? I’ve been here


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with you for four hundred years, and you’re angry with me because I wanted to feed

in this damn house?” She asked desperately, but Alexander did not reply. He

continued to stare as if he hadn’t heard what the girl had said. “For God’s sake, say

something!” She said in a choking voice but the loud cracking of snow behind her

silenced her.

“What do you want?” asked Sofia after a moment of silence. “I could tear your head

off before you take a breath.” She said, then turned around calmly and looked straight

into the eyes of the unexpected visitor.

“I’ve just met Mr. Jefferson’s nephew, who was walking home. I smelled the scent of

blood on him and he had interestingly, no idea where and with whom he had been and

what he had done.”

“What can I say? He is probably senile.” Sofia laughed, and then said “Mind your

own business and go home while I’m still nice.”

“You broke the rule!” growled the visiter, letting her know that he is certainly not

afraid of Sofia’s threats and is ready to fight if it were to come to that.

“The old man’s dead. His rules don’t count anymore.”

“You’re no exception to penalization and if nobody else can control you, then I

will…” He glanced up at the Alexander.

“Oh, how scared I am… Joe Clark the big bad wolf.” Sofia was taunting him. “Get

out of here, kid.” By the time she had stepped closer, the boy’s eyes lit up ruby red in

the darkness and with a sudden movement, he turned into a snow white wolf. Both of

them were ready to fight and growled at each other.

Alexander rolled his eyes and contemplated whether or not he should do it. Take a

stand for Sofia again or let her get out of trouble on her own and let them deal with

their own conflict. With a flash he saw in his mind’s eye what would happen if he let

them clash, if he did not intervene, that the girl might learn a lesson she would never

forget all the days of her life. Thousands of ‘ifs’ went flashing through his mind, and

all of the outcomes were not in Sofia’s favor up against Joe. He could not let the

situation get out of hand; he could not let her get hurt just because he wants to


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discipline her. “Maybe someday, in the distant future.” This thought ran through his

mind like the loud sound of a warning siren before danger comes.

“That’s enough!” Alexander jumped between them. “I’m the only one who can judge

Sofia’s actions and you know this. Now, go, I promise I’ll impose a suitable

punishment on her.”

“I’m not moving an inch until I hear it.” Joe protested when he regained his human

form and put on his clothes that were lying on the ground. “I want to make sure that

she gets what she deserves”, said Joe. Alexander wearily turned to the girl, he pierced

his gaze into hers and after a moment of hesitation, he said:

“As your creator, I have the right and it is my duty to discipline you as I deem

necessary. From this moment on I forbid you to feed on humans without my

permission for a year.”

“Please, no!” She frantically grabbed Alexander’s hand. “You can’t expect me to live

on blood bags for a whole year. I’ll weaken and I’ll be like a fourth generation

vampire. Please, don’t do this to me.”

“Stop this childish whining”, Alexander growled at her while his eyes turned beetle

black. “Don’t argue with me!” He said and Sofia bowed like an obedient little girl.

She knew she could not protest against her creator especially when he gets angry,

which hasn’t occurred very often during these last few centuries. God help those who

contradict his will. Even Joe Clark, the alpha male of the wolf pack, knew that it was

better to accept Alexander’s decisions so he strolled away.

“Forgive me for causing so much trouble. I know that I’m unruly and don’t show my

appreciation but you know exactly that you’re the only one who is important to me.”

Sofia kneeled down in front of Alexander.

“Stand up.” Alexander reached for the girl. “Don’t ever fall on your knees begging

for forgiveness.” He said, and hugged the girl.

“Do you remember when we first met?” Sofia asked as she gently pulled away from

the boy’s arms.

“How could I forget that?” He stroked the girl’s cheek. “You were like an angel in


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your long, silk dress. You stood there at the top of that crag, ready to throw yourself


“But you didn’t let me die. You promised me eternal life. We traveled around the

globe and you revealed to me the wonders of the world.”

“Australia was our first destination.” Alexander remembered and a slight smile

appeared on his face. “Then came Europe.”

“And we spent unforgettable nights at the allegedly dead Count Dracula’s. We

travelled for more than three hundred years and we were happy. But we’ve been

living here in this remote place for fifty-two years among a bunch of miserable

pricks. How long must we stay here? Now that the old man’s dead, we can leave. You

kept your promise and took care of the town but this is not our dream. We don’t have

to stay here any longer.”

“I promised to protect Wilde Lake’s residents. I like living her but if you’re unhappy,

you’re free to go.”

“Without you?” Sofia asked, surprised. But you are the only one who is important to

me. What would I do without you? You promised that you’d never leave me.”

“I want you to be happy.”

“Then don’t ask me to live my life without you.”

“I’m not asking that, but you have to know that you have a choice.” He smoothed

down the girl’s hair, and then hugged her tightly.

Sofia was the most important thing to him. During his one thousand, six hundred

years, she was the only person he had transformed and he would do anything for her.

Sofia was his child, his friend and she gives meaning to his life. He would walk

through fire for her, he would sacrifice his life for her at anytime and this was a

mutual feeling. In Sofia’s whole life, Alexander was the only good thing that had

happened to her. They fitted perfectly together and couldn’t be separated from each

other. They had a bond which tied their fate and a love that was stronger than the

toughest steel. It was an unbroken and beautiful bond that had spanned over



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“Sun will come up soon.” She laid her head on the boy’s shoulder. “It’s time to


“You can go. I’ll wait for the first rays. There’s nothing more beautiful than winter

sunrise”, said Alexander and placed a tiny kiss on Sofia’s forehead.

The daybreak. He has been watching this ritually for more than one and a half

thousand years at frosty and hot dawns. Even after all these years, the sight still filled

him with wonder. The sky was shining in all shades of red as the sparkling ball

emerged from behind the mountains, casting away the darkness and all the secrets

with its rays. Alexander stood still for a second by the lake, with closed eyes and

enjoyed the sun caressing his porcelain white skin. He was happy like a little child.

His heart was bursting with delight that he could be part of the miracle that brings

him joy with each and every sunrise.

“Are you comin’?” Sofia’s voice broke the silence, and it distracted Alexander from

the harmony with nature.

“I’m coming”, he replied and at the same time was already at the door. As he crossed

the threshold, he stopped and looked back at the sky, as if it was the last time he

would be a part of this amazing phenomenon of daybreak. He stood behind the open

door and watched as the rays of the sun became brighter and hotter. How he longed to

venture out and feel the light even if it was deadly. But Alexander Godwin loved to

live more than to tempt his fate. Perhaps this was what he missed the most in his life.

The caressing rays on his face as he turns towards the yellow ball of fire, absorbing

its life force. He couldn’t remember a time when immortality caused him such joy

like his short human life, of which he had been deprived of against his will. He halted

at the door and stepped out into the light again that continuously seduced him like a

sinister spell, which was futile to resist. Sofia feasted her eyes on him, watched him,

every twitch of his muscles. She was dazzled just as much by the sight of him as he

was dazzled by the play of the morning lights above the snow-covered town.

Alexander was jolted back to reality by the quiet murmur of the approaching car in

the distance. It signaled to him that it is time to retreat. The car’s growing noise on


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the icy road let him know that it had reached the town’s limit.

“Tell me, Sofia, would you mind if I slept at your house?” asked Alexander, and the

girl’s eyes lit up, then she tried to answer indifferently while hiding her excitement.

“Oh, no, not at all.” She replied, and after a moment of pause, she continued quietly.

“But can I ask you why?”

“Because my guest is about to arrive”, said Alexander, and slipped swiftly out the
