wireless communications through reconfigurable intelligent

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Wireless Communications Through ReconfigurableIntelligent Surfaces

Ertugrul Basar, Marco Di Renzo, Julien de Rosny, Merouane Debbah,Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Rui Zhang

To cite this version:Ertugrul Basar, Marco Di Renzo, Julien de Rosny, Merouane Debbah, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, et al..Wireless Communications Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces. IEEE Access, IEEE, 2019, 7,pp.116753-116773. �10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2935192�. �hal-02395891�

Received July 19, 2019, accepted August 9, 2019, date of publication August 13, 2019, date of current version September 3, 2019.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2935192

Wireless Communications ThroughReconfigurable Intelligent SurfacesERTUGRUL BASAR 1, (Senior Member, IEEE), MARCO DI RENZO2, (Senior Member, IEEE),JULIEN DE ROSNY3, MEROUANE DEBBAH4,5, (Fellow, IEEE),MOHAMED-SLIM ALOUINI 6, (Fellow, IEEE),AND RUI ZHANG 7, (Fellow, IEEE)1Communications Research and Innovation Laboratory (CoreLab), Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koç University, Sariyer 34450, Turkey2Laboratory of Signals and Systems (CNRS - CentraleSupelec - Univ. Paris-Sud), Université Paris-Saclay, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France3Institut Langevin, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielle, CNRS, 75005 Paris, France4CentraleSupelec, Université Paris-Saclay, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France5Mathematical & Algorithmic Sciences Laboratory, Huawei Technologies France SASU, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France6Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955, Saudi Arabia7Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583

Corresponding author: Ertugrul Basar (ebasar@ ku.edu.tr)

The work of E. Basar was supported in part by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under Grant117E869, in part by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) GEBIP Programme, and in part by the Science Academy BAGEPProgramme. This article has been presented in part at the 2019 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC),Valencia, Spain, June 2019 [1].

ABSTRACT The future of mobile communications looks exciting with the potential new use cases andchallenging requirements of future 6th generation (6G) and beyond wireless networks. Since the beginningof the modern era of wireless communications, the propagation medium has been perceived as a randomlybehaving entity between the transmitter and the receiver, which degrades the quality of the received signaldue to the uncontrollable interactions of the transmitted radio waves with the surrounding objects. The recentadvent of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in wireless communications enables, on the other hand, networkoperators to control the scattering, reflection, and refraction characteristics of the radiowaves, by overcomingthe negative effects of natural wireless propagation. Recent results have revealed that reconfigurableintelligent surfaces can effectively control the wavefront, e.g., the phase, amplitude, frequency, and evenpolarization, of the impinging signals without the need of complex decoding, encoding, and radio frequencyprocessing operations. Motivated by the potential of this emerging technology, the present article is aimed toprovide the readers with a detailed overview and historical perspective on state-of-the-art solutions, andto elaborate on the fundamental differences with other technologies, the most important open researchissues to tackle, and the reasons why the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces necessitates to rethinkthe communication-theoretic models currently employed in wireless networks. This article also explorestheoretical performance limits of reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted communication systems usingmathematical techniques and elaborates on the potential use cases of intelligent surfaces in 6G and beyondwireless networks.

INDEX TERMS 6G, large intelligent surfaces, meta-surfaces, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, smartreflect-arrays, software-defined surfaces, wireless communications, wireless networks.

I. INTRODUCTIONAccording to the February 2019 report of Cisco [2], by theyear of 2022, the number of networked devices and con-nections will reach up to 28.5 billions, and 12.3 billions ofthem will consist of mobile-ready devices and connections.

The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript andapproving it for publication was Feng Li.

Furthermore, the overall mobile data traffic is expected togrow to 77 exabytes per month by 2022 with a seven-foldincrease over 2017. Meanwhile, after years of researchand development, the first commercial 5th generation (5G)mobile communication standard (3GPP Release 15) has beencompleted in June 2018. As of mid-2019, 5G wireless net-works have been already deployed in certain countries, whilethe first 5G compatible mobile devices are being introduced

VOLUME 7, 2019 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 116753

E. Basar et al.: Wireless Communications Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

to the market. The advent of 5G has led to a new visionof mobile communications, which encompasses three usecases with different requirements: enhanced mobile broad-band, ultra-reliable and low-latency communications, andmassive machine type communications. However, one thinghas become certain during the standardization process of 5Gwireless networks: there is no single enabling technology thatcan support all 5G application requirements. From this per-spective, researchers have already started research on beyond5G, or even 6th generation (6G), technologies by escapingfrom the comfort-zone of 5G-oriented solutions. Even thoughfuture 6G technologies seem to be an extension of their 5Gcounterparts at present [3], as 5G technologies were viewed10 years ago, new user requirements, new applications anduse cases, and new networking trends will bring more chal-lenging communication engineering problems, which neces-sitate radically new communication paradigms, especially atthe physical layer.

During the past few years, there has been a growing interestin novel communication paradigms in which the implicitrandomness of the propagation environment is exploited toeither simplify the transceiver architecture and/or to increasethe quality of service (QoS). A notable example is spatialmodulation (SM) [4]–[7], which is by far the most popu-lar member of the index modulation (IM) family [8]–[10].SM maps information bits onto transmit antenna indicesby exploiting different fading realizations of multiple-inputmultiple-output (MIMO) antennas. Taking SM one step fur-ther, spatial scattering modulation [11] and beam IM [12]exploit the indices of the scatterers available in the envi-ronment to convey information. Finally, media-based modu-lation (MBM) utilizes reconfigurable antennas [13]–[15] byencoding the information bits onto multiple distinguishableradiation patterns [16]–[18]. In the aforementioned schemes,different signatures of the received signals, which originatefrom the interaction of the transmitted signals with the envi-ronment, are used to transmit information bits at a low imple-mentation complexity.

In the recent period, a brand-new technology was broughtto the attention of the wireless research community: recon-figurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). The RISs are man-madesurfaces of electromagnetic (EM) material that are elec-tronically controlled with integrated electronics and haveunique wireless communication capabilities. Current imple-mentations include conventional reflect-arrays, liquid crys-tal surfaces, and software-defined meta-surfaces [19]–[21].In contrast to any other technology currently being used inwireless networks and current design principles of wirelesscommunications, the distinctive characteristic of RISs lies inmaking the environment controllable by the telecommunica-tion operators, and by giving them the possibility of shapingand fully controlling the EM response of the environmen-tal objects that are distributed throughout the network [22].The RISs share similarities but have major differencescompared with SM-based systems: the RISs are, in fact,aimed to intentionally and deterministically control the

propagation environment in order to boost the signal qualityat the receiver [1], [22], [23].

The RISs have given rise to the emerging concept of‘‘smart radio environments’’ [23]. In contrast to current wire-less networks where the environment is out of control of thetelecommunication operators, a smart radio environment is awireless networkwhere the environment is turned into a smartreconfigurable space that plays an active role in transfer-ring and processing information. Smart radio environmentslargely extend the notion of software networks. Future wire-less networks, in particular, are rapidly evolving towards asoftware-based and reconfigurable platform,where every partof the networkwill be capable of adapting itself to the changesin the environment [24]. In this optimization process, how-ever, the environment itself remains an uncontrollable factor,i.e., it is unaware of the communication process undergoingwithin it. Apart from being uncontrollable, the environmenthas usually a negative effect on the communication efficiencyand the QoS. The signal attenuation limits the radio con-nectivity, multipath propagation results in fading phenomena,and reflections and refractions from large objects are themainsources of uncontrollable interference. In smart radio envi-ronments, on the other hand, the wireless environment itselfis turned into a software-reconfigurable entity [25], whoseoperation is optimized to enable uninterrupted connectivity,high QoS guarantee, and where the information is transmittedwithout necessarily generating new signals but recycling theexisting ones whenever possible [23].

RIS-empowered smart radio environments are a brand-newtechnology that has the potential of fundamentally changinghow wireless networks are designed and optimized today.Controlling the propagation of radio waves opens the possi-bility of overcoming the negative effects of natural EM prop-agation, which is highly probabilistic in nature, by shapinghow the radio waves interact with the surrounding objects thatare coated with reconfigurable thin layers of EM material.In simple terms, the RISs allow network planners to coun-teract the destructive effect of multipath fading by coher-ently combining the radio waves reflected, refracted, andscattered from large surfaces [1]. The core technology behindthis promising concept is the meta-surfaces, which is the 2Dequivalent of meta-materials [22], [23].

It is worth noting that the RISs are different compared withother, and at the first sight, related technologies currentlyemployed in wireless networks, such as relaying, MIMObeamforming, and backscatter communications. Details willbe provided in the sequel, but it suffices to say that the RISshave the following distinguishable features:• They are nearly passive, and, ideally, they do not needany dedicated energy source.

• They are viewed as a contiguous surface, and, ideally,any point can shape the wave impinging upon it (softprogramming).

• They are not affected by receiver noise, since, ide-ally, they do not need analog-to-digital/digital-to-analogconverters (ADCs and DACs), and power amplifiers.

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As a result, they do not amplify nor introduce noisewhen reflecting the signals and provide an inherentlyfull-duplex transmission.

• They have full-band response, since, ideally, they canwork at any operating frequency.

• They can be easily deployed, e.g., on the facades ofbuildings, ceilings of factories and indoor spaces, humanclothing, etc.

These distinctive characteristics make RIS-assisted com-munication a unique technology, but introduce importantdesign challenges, which will be discussed and elaborated inthe sequel.

Although traditional meta-surfaces with fixed EM func-tionalities have been used in various applications, includ-ing radar and satellite communications, their application inmobile communications is relatively limited [26]. Passivesurfaces that do not have the ability to alter (or recon-figure) their EM characteristics to control the propaga-tion environment, in fact have a very limited impact inhighly dynamic wireless communication environments. Forapplication to wireless networks, it is fundamental that themeta-surfaces are reconfigurable in order to adapt themselvesaccording to the changes of the wireless environment [19].The modeling, analysis, and design of RISs for applicationto wireless networks is a highly multidisciplinary researchendeavor at the intersection of wireless communications,communication theory, computer science, physics, electro-magnetism, and mathematics. Within this context, we mayneed to revisit meta-materials from the perspective of com-munication engineering by combining physical and digitaldomains.

The aim of the present article is to summarize the lat-est research activities on RIS-empowered wireless networks,to elaborate on the fundamental differences with other tech-nologies, to discuss the most important open research issuesto tackle, and to highlight why the use of RISs necessi-tates to rethink the communication-theoretic models cur-rently employed in wireless networks. We will describe,in particular, the potential use of RISs either for sharping theradio waves or for realizing low-complexity MIMO transmit-ters. Simple analytical models to convey the distinguishablefeatures of RISs will be used, with focus on link budget (path-loss) and error performance.

The rest of the article is summarized as follows. We revisitthe popular two-ray model in wireless communications toillustrate the concept of controllable wireless propagation inSection II. In Section III, we shed light on the basic operationmechanisms of RISs. In Section IV, we provide a mathemat-ical framework for the calculation of the error performanceof RIS-assisted systems. RISs employed as low-complexitytransmitters are introduced in Section V. A detailed histor-ical perspective and an overview of state-of-the-art solu-tions on RISs are presented in Section VI. Potential usecases and open research issues are discussed in Sections VIIand VIII, respectively. Finally, Section IX concludes thepaper.

FIGURE 1. Two-ray propagation model with a LOS ray and aground-reflected ray.

II. CONTROLLABLE WIRELESS PROPAGATION THROUGHRECONFIGURABLE INTELLIGENT SURFACES – ANILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLEIn a typical wireless communication environment, a trans-mitted radio signal encounters multiple objects on its way,which produce reflected, diffracted, and scattered replicasof the transmit signal. These copies are called multipathcomponents, and arrive at the receiver with different (mostprobably random and unpredictable) magnitudes, phases, anddelays that produce significant distortions on the received sig-nal because of their constructive and destructive summation.This effect is known as fading in wireless communicationsand is a major limiting factor in modern and future wirelesscommunication systems. The main motivation of using RISsis to realize a controllable radio environment, in which thehighly probabilistic wireless channel is turned into a deter-ministic space by carefully re-engineering the propagationof the EM waves in a software-controlled fashion. In thissection, we illustrate the basic working mechanism of RISsby focusing on their use to modify the signals reflected bylarge planar surfaces. We consider a simple example that isbased on revisiting the well-known two-ray channel modelin a free-space environment, but in the presence of an RISdeployed on the ground plane.

A. THE CONVENTIONAL TWO-RAY SYSTEM MODELIn particular, we consider the two-ray channel model depictedin Fig. 1. In this model, the received signal consists of twocomponents: the line-of-sight (LOS) ray and the ray reflectedfrom the ground. Our systemmodel and analysis are based ona geometrical optics (or ray optics) model for the propagationof radio waves [27]. Geometrical optics, or ray optics, is amodel of optics that describes the propagation of radio wavesin terms of rays, and assumes that the geometric size ofthe objects is much larger than the wavelength of the radiowave. For ease of illustration, we assume that the groundplane is sufficiently large compared with the transmissionwavelength and that it produces only specular reflections.Further information on the geometric size of the RISs tobehave as reflectors is given in further text. Under theseassumptions, the energy is regarded as being transportedalong certain curves, i.e., the radio waves (the rays) areassumed to propagate in straight-line paths if they travelin homogeneous media, and to bend and split in reflectedand refracted signals at the interface between two dissimilar

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media. In more general terms, the propagation of radio wavesmodeled as rays adhere to the Fermat’s principle, which statesthat the path taken by a ray between two points is the path thatis traversed in the least time.

In Fig. 1, the distance between the transmit and receiveantennas is denoted by l, and the distance between the pointof reflection, G, on the ground and the transmit and receiveantennas are denoted by r1 and r2, respectively. Accordingto the geometrical optics and Fermat’s principle, the pointof reflection G corresponds to the trajectory that allows thetransmitted signal to reach the receiver in the least time. Thisis the well-known Snell’s law of reflection. Accordingly, G isthe point in which the angle between the incident ray andthe perpendicular line to the ground is the same as the anglebetween the reflected ray and the perpendicular line to theground [28].

We denote the ground reflection coefficient by R, whichtypically depends on the properties of the material of theground, the polarization of the radio wave, and the angle ofincidence [29]. Without loss of generality, we assume unitgain transmit/receive antennas and a narrow-band transmis-sion signal, i.e., x(t) ≈ x(t − τ ), where x(t) is the complexbaseband transmitted signal and τ is the relative time delaybetween the ray reflected from the ground and the LOS path,which is given by τ = (r1 + r2 − l)/c with c being the speedof light. Then, the received (noise-free) baseband signal canbe expressed as follows:

r(t) =λ

e− j2π lλ

l+R× e−

j2π (r1+r2)λ

r1 + r2

x(t) (1)

where λ is the wavelength. In simple terms, the receivedsignal is the sum of the LOS and ground-reflected signalswith phase delays 2π l/λ and 2π (r1 + r2)/λ, respectively,which are proportional to the propagation distances.

Assuming that the transmit power of x(t) is Pt , the receivedpower Pr can be expressed, from (1), in terms of Pt asfollows:

Pr = Pt

)2 ∣∣∣∣1l + R× e−j1φ

r1 + r2

∣∣∣∣2 (2)

where 1φ = 2π (r1+r2−l)λ

is the phase difference between thetwo paths.

Assuming that the distance d is large enough, i.e., d �ht + hr , then we obtain d ≈ l ≈ r1 + r2 and R ≈ −1for a specular reflection from the ground [29, Eq. (2.15)].Therefore, (2) simplifies as follows:

Pr ∝ Pt




which decays with the fourth power of the distance d .If the ground reflection is not present, i.e., the second term

in (1) is equal to zero, the LOS free-space propagation modelyields a received signal power that decays with the second

power of the distance:

Pr = Pt



. (4)

Comparing (3) and (4), one can easily observe the destruc-tive effect, on the power of the received signal, that theuncontrollable reflection from the ground generates becauseof the misaligned phases of the two paths shown in Fig 1.In other words, just a single uncontrollable reflection from theground may cause major degradations on the received signalstrength, even in the very optimistic transmission scenariowith no user mobility and no random effects induced by theenvironment.

B. THE TWO-RAY SYSTEM MODEL WITH A SINGLERECONFIGURABLE META-SURFACELet us consider the same system model with the only excep-tion that a reconfigurable meta-surface is laid on the groundto assist the communications between the transmitter andreceiver. In particular, we assume the simple case studywhere the meta-surface acts as a reflecting surface, whichis capable of modifying the direction of the reflected ray(i.e., the angle of reflection) according to the generalizedSnell’s law [28], as well as the phase of the reflected rayas described in [30] and [31]. Further details on the oper-ation of reconfigurable meta-surfaces are provided in thenext section. It suffices to say that the angle and phase ofthe reflected ray can be modified by engineering the phasegradient of the meta-surface [28], [30], [31]. Similar to thereflection from the ground, the reflection coefficient usuallydepends on the characteristics of the incident wave, e.g.,the polarization of the incident EM field, the material thatthe meta-surface is made of, and the angles of incidence andreflection [30].

In the considered example, we focus our attention onthe possibility of optimizing the phase of the reflected rayand assume that no anomalous reflection is needed, i.e., theSnell’s law applies. Also, we assume that the entire groundis coated with a reconfigurable meta-surface. Conceptually,the reconfigurable meta-surface can be viewed as an idealphase shifter that is capable of adjusting the phase of thereflected wave so that the LOS and reflected rays sum upcoherently, and the signal strength of their sum is maximized.If we assume that the reconfigurable meta-surface is capableof optimizing the phase of the reflected ray in an optimal fash-ion, i.e., by coherently aligning the phases of the direct andthe reflected rays for any angles of incidence and reflection,we would obtain the following:

Pr = Pt

)2 ∣∣∣∣1l + 1r1 + r2

∣∣∣∣2 ≈ 4Pt




which corresponds to setting R = ej1φ , and by consideringd ≈ l ≈ r1 + r2.

By comparing (3) with (5), we evince that the use ofreconfigurable meta-surfaces has the potential of changingthe scaling law that governs the received power as a function

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FIGURE 2. Conceptual illustration of an RIS made of 20 reconfigurablemeta-surfaces whose phases (8i ) can be tuned independently and whosereflected rays are steered toward the same reflection angle. For ease ofrepresentation, multiple incident rays are depicted, but only one incidentray is present in practice.

of the distance: the received power does not decay anymorewith the fourth power of the distance but only with the secondpower of the distance, which is the same as the LOS ray.In further text, we will show that this simple result is oneof the main distinctive differences of RISs with respect torelaying and backscatter communications.

C. THE TWO-RAY SYSTEM MODEL WITH AN RIS MADE OFMANY RECONFIGURABLE META-SURFACESLet us now go one step further, and assume that theground floor is not coated with a single reconfigurablemeta-surface but with an RIS that is made ofN reconfigurablemeta-surfaces each of which capable of tuning the angle ofreflection according to the Snell’s law and the phase of thereflected ray independently of the othermeta-surfaces. A con-ceptual diagram of the considered system model is sketchedin Fig. 2. In the sequel, we will keep using the followingterminology: i) a reconfigurable (reflecting) meta-surface isa surface that allows the angle and the phase of the reflectedray to be arbitrarily controlled, and ii) an RIS is the collec-tion of several reconfigurable (reflecting) meta-surfaces thatare capable of steering the reflected ray towards the sameangle and of adjusting the phase of the reflected ray inde-pendently of the other reconfigurable meta-surfaces. Underthese assumptions, the received signal power can be writtenas follows:

Pr = Pt

)2∣∣∣∣∣1l +


Ri × e−j1φi

r1,i + r2,i



where the symbols have the same meaning as in (2), and theindex i is referred to the ith reconfigurable meta-surface ofthe RIS.

From (6), we evince that the power of the received signalmay fluctuate significantly if the reflection coefficients ofthe N reconfigurable meta-surfaces are not optimized. Letus assume that each Ri is optimized so that the phase ofthe received signal from the N reflecting meta-surfaces isaligned with the phase of the LOS path, i.e., Ri = ej1φi andr1,i + r2,i ≈ l ≈ d for all i. Then, the received power can beformulated as follows:

Pr ≈ (N + 1)2Pt



. (7)

By direct inspection of (7), two major conclusions can bedrawn: 1) the received power is proportional to N 2, whichis the number of phases of the RIS that can be controlledindependently, and 2) the received power decays with theinverse of the square of the distance between the transmitterand the receiver. In other words, as a function of the distance,the received power decays as for the LOS path, while apower gain that is proportional to the square of the number ofcontrollable phases is obtained. This shows the potential ofusing the RISs in wireless networks. It is worth mentioningthat this illustrative example is relatively simple and relies ona number of assumptions, e.g., the possibility of optimizingthe reflection phases without any discretization error andfor any angles of incidence and reflection, the absence ofreflection losses, and the perfect knowledge of the phases atthe RIS. In addition, the optimization of the phases is usuallynot a straightforward task for more practical system models,e.g., [32].

D. ON THE GEOMETRIC SIZE OF AN RIS TO BE ASPECULAR REFLECTORFrom (7), it is worth investigating the size that an RIS isexpected to have as a function of the number of reflectingmeta-surfaces that it is made of, i.e.,N . As a reference for thisstudy, we can consider the samples of meta-surfaces avail-able in [20], [33]–[35]. Based on, e.g., [33], we can assumethat a meta-surface that is capable of shaping the angle andthe phase of the reflected signal has a size of the order of10λ × 10λ. This size allows, in general, a meta-surface tobe viewed as a specular reflector according to geometricaloptics. If we assume that an RIS is made of N = 100reconfigurable meta-surfaces whose reflection phase can becontrolled independently of the others, then the size of theRIS would be of the order of 100λ × 100λ. If the operatingfrequency is of the order of 30 GHz, e.g., for applicationin the millimeter-wave frequency band where the RISs mayhave promising applications for enhancing the coverage incellular networks as discussed in the sequel, then we haveλ ≈ 1 cm, which results in an RIS of 1 m2. A structureof this type can be readily deployed either in indoors oroutdoors, and yields, according to (7), the same power decayas a function of the distance as the LOS path, but a ∼ N 2


1002 = 104 = 40 dB increase of the received power.Even though, as just mentioned, these results are obtainedunder a number of ‘‘comfortable’’ assumptions, the poten-tial gain is sufficiently large to motivate further research onthe potential and limitations of using the RISs in wirelessnetworks.

E. INTELLIGENT REFLECTION VS. RELAYING ANDBACKSCATTERING: REFLECTORS VS. DIFFUSERSWe close this section, by elaborating on the main dif-ference that renders the concept of RISs a unique andpeculiar technology when compared to, at the first sight,similar technologies. The two technologies that are oftendeemed to be equivalent to the RISs are relay-aided

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transmission [36] and backscatter communications [37].As far as the relays are concerned, in particular, the mostsimilar approach is the amplify-and-forward (AF) ortransparent relaying scheme [36, Sec. 2.4]. From [36,Eq. (2.118)] and [37, Eqs. (2)-(4)], we evince that thereceived power decays with the fourth power of the distancefor transparent relaying and backscatter communications.By ignoring the LOS path, in particular, the received powercan be formulated as follows:

Pr ∝ Pt


)2 ( 1r2



where r1 and r2 stand for the distances between the relay andthe terminals. By assuming r1 ≈ r2 ≈ d/2, i.e., the relayis placed mid-way between the transmitter and the receiver,we obtain Pr ∝ Pt/d4 as reported in [36, Eq. (2.118)]and [37, Eqs. (2)-(4)]. This is the well-known ‘‘product chan-nel’’ or radar-like equation that is usually used for ana-lyzing relaying and backscatter communications. Basedon the above product channel model, a comprehensiveoverview of RIS-assisted wireless networks can be foundin [26].

By direct inspection of (7), we note that the scaling lawof the received power as a function of the distance of theRISs is in sharp contrast with the scaling law that dictatesthe path-loss of relay-aided and backscatter communications.This is a simple but net evidence of the difference between theRISs and the two most similar approaches currently availablein the literature. The motivation of the different scaling lawlies in the geometric size of the RISs, the geometric sizeof the antennas that constitute the relays (even if arrays ofantennas are employed), and the geometric size of the tagsused for backscattering. The geometric size of the RISs islarge enough, i.e., much larger than the wavelength, to bemodeled as specular reflectors. The geometric size of theantennas of relays and backscattering tags is, on the otherhand, smaller than or comparable with the wavelength, whichrender AF relaying and backscatter tags diffusers rather thanspecular reflectors. The different path-loss function of theRISs is due, in addition, to their passive nature, i.e., theyare supposed not to store and process the impinging signals.The geometric size of the RISs, if appropriately optimized,may yield remarkable link budget gains in comparison withrelaying and backscatter communications. It is worth men-tioning, in addition, that a perfect RIS, i.e., with infinite sizeand no reflection losses, in the presence of transmitters andreceivers with omni-directional antennas is capable of focus-ing towards the receiver half of the transmit power regardlessof the distance.

Finally, we emphasize that the path-loss model in (1)is widely used in ray tracing in order to model specularreflections, e.g., [38]. The difference between the specularreflections in (1) and the diffusely scattered field in (8) isbriefly discussed in [39]. The path-loss model in (1) wasrecently employed in [40] to analyze the performance of RISsfor application to millimeter-wave communications.

FIGURE 3. The structure of an RIS (intelligent wall) that is made of anactive frequency-selective surface.

III. RECONFIGURABLE INTELLIGENT SURFACES: HOW DOTHEY WORK?The RISs are reconfigurable sheets of EMmaterial that inten-tionally control the propagation in the environment in order toenhance the signal quality at the receiver. The RISs are madeof a large number of low-cost and passive elements that arecapable of modifying the radio waves impinging upon themin ways that naturally occurring materials are not capable of.A simple example where the RIS is made of meta-surfacesthat act as programmable reflectors is depicted in Fig. 2.Unlike other similar technologies, e.g., relays and MIMObeamforming, the RISs do not require any power sourceand complex processing, encoding, and decoding algorithms.It is worth mentioning that the RISs are often referred to assoftware-defined surfaces (SDSs) in analogywith the conceptof software-defined radio (SDR), i.e., ‘‘a radio in whichsome or all of physical layer functions are software defined’’.According to this terminology, an RIS can be viewed as anSDS whose response of the radio waves is programmed insoftware. In this section, we describe the operating principleof the RISs in simple but general terms.

In [41], the authors introduced intelligent walls that areequipped with frequency-selective surfaces. These surfaceshave a planar structure and PIN diodes are embedded onthe metal connection parts of each surface element. ThesePIN diodes are switched on and off by an external bias andprovide two different states for the intelligent wall. In the firststate (when the PIN diodes are off), an almost transparentsurface, which allows the incoming energy to pass through,is obtained. When the PIN diodes are switched to the secondstate, on the other hand, the majority of the incident energyis reflected. In other words, two important EM functionalities(the waves either pass through or are reflected from the sur-face) are realized by an intelligent wall. In Fig. 3, the structureof this intelligent wall is illustrated.

In [42], the authors fabricated a 0.4 m2 spatial microwavemodulator that consists of 102 controllable EM reflectors,and operates at a working frequency of 2.47 GHz. These 102reflectors are controlled by using two Arduino 54-channeldigital controllers. The authors demonstrated that spatial

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FIGURE 4. Reconfigurable reflect-arrays with tunable resonators.

microwavemodulators can efficiently shape, in a passiveway,complex existing microwave fields in reverberating envi-ronments with a non-coherent energy feedback. In particu-lar, the authors showed that binary-only phase state tunablemeta-surfaces allow one to obtain a good control of thewaves,owing to the random nature of the EM fields in complexmedia. Subsequent research works from the same group ofresearchers can be found in [43], [44].

Another approach for obtaining reconfigurable and smartreflect-arrays is to use varactor-tuned resonators [45],as shown in Fig. 4. The idea of this implementation is tochange the resonant frequency of the available patches byelectronic tuning instead of changing the resonator dimen-sions as done in non-reconfigurable reflect-arrays. In thissetup, a tunable capacitor (varactor) is used in each reflectorunit and a tunable phase shift is obtained by adjusting thebias voltage applied to the varactor in order to change itscapacity. Using this approach, a smart reflector with 48patch elements is constructed in [46]. In particular, the EMresponse of the patch elements can be altered by using micro-controllers, which generate input signals to tune the varactorsand to change the phase of the reflected signal. A moreadvanced reflect-array with 224 reconfigurable patches isdesigned in [47] for application to 60 GHz WiFi signals,which is made of electronically-controlled relay switches.In this implementation, each reflector can be turned on and offaccording to the status of its switch. A beam searching-basedreflect-array control algorithm is introduced as well, wherethe access point (AP) and the reflect-array perform beamsearching to ensure amaximized signal quality at the intendeduser. Due to hardware limitations, however, a binary phasecontrol (two possible phases) is considered, which causes adegradation of the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

The concept of HyperSurfaces is based on coating objects,such as walls or furniture, with thin sheets of EM mate-rial that enable one to control the EM behavior of a wire-less environment through software [22]. The HyperSurfacesbelong to the family of software-controlled meta-surfaces.Depending on the states of electronic switches that areembedded throughout the meta-surface, the distribution ofthe current can be controlled, which enables the meta-surfaceto adapt its response depending on the impinging radiowave and on the desired response. From this perspective,one can easily notice the conceptual similarity between this

FIGURE 5. Reflection from an RIS in a dual-hop communication scenariowithout a line-of-sight path between S and D.

implementation of a meta-surface and reconfigurable anten-nas, in which the resulting radiation pattern is altered bychanging the current distribution. In [22], the constituentmeta-surfaces depicted in Fig. 2 are referred to as ‘‘tiles’’,which are rectangular structures that can realize functionssuch as wave steering, wave polarization, and wave absorp-tion, in a software-defined fashion. In simple terms, a Hyper-Surface tile supports various software-defined EM functions,which can be programmed in software by setting the directionof the incident wave, the direction of the intended reflection,and the frequency band of interest, etc.

Liquid-crystal reconfigurable meta-surface-based reflec-tors are proposed in [48] by exploiting electronically tun-able liquid crystals to enable the real-time reconfigurabil-ity of the meta-surfaces for beam steering. By varying DCvoltages on microstrip patches of liquid crystal loaded unitcells, the effective dielectric constant of each unit can beadjusted. Consequently, the phase shifts at various locationsof a meta-surface can be controlled in real-time and thereflected wave can be manipulated.

IV. CONTROLLING THE MULTIPATH THROUGHRECONFIGURABLE INTELLIGENT SURFACESIn this section, we present the system model of a genericRIS-based single-input single-output (SISO) scheme andintroduce a unified framework for the calculation of thesymbol error probability (SEP) through the derivation of thereceived SNR distribution. The block diagram of the con-sidered RIS-based transmission scheme is shown in Fig. 5,where hi and gi are the fading channels between thesingle-antenna source (S) and the RIS, and between the RISand the single-antenna destination (D) for the ith reflectingmeta-surface (i = 1, 2, . . . ,N ), and N is the number ofreflecting meta-surfaces of the RIS. Under the assumptionof Rayleigh fading channels, we have hi, gi ∼ CN (0, 1),where CN (0, σ 2) stands for complex Gaussian distributionwith zero mean and σ 2 variance. For clarity, we empha-size that, as usual practice, the path-loss is not consideredin the fading coefficients hi and gi, since it is implicitlytaken into account in the (receiver) SNR that is defined infurther text. Therefore the structure of the RIS is similarto that depicted in Fig. 2, and we assume that it providesadjustable phase shifts that are controlled by and programmedthrough a communication-oriented software. In our analysis,we assume perfect knowledge of the channel phases of hi

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and gi for i = 1, 2, . . . ,N at the RIS, which corresponds tothe best scenario in terms of system operation and yields aperformance benchmark for practical applications.

Let us assume a slowly varying and flat fading channelmodel. The received signal reflected by an RIS that is madeof N reflecting meta-surfaces can be expressed as follows:

r =



]x + n (9)

where φi is the adjustable phase induced by the ith reflectingmeta-surface of the RIS, x stands for the data symbol selectedfrom anM -ary phase shift keying/quadrature amplitude mod-ulation (PSK/QAM) constellation and n ∼ CN (0,N0) isthe additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) sample. As faras the channels are concerned, we have hi = αie−jθi andgi = βie−jψi . In matrix form, (9) can be also re-written asfollows:

r = gT8hx + n (10)

where h =[h1 h2 . . . hN

]T and g =[g1 g2 . . . gN

]Trepresent the vectors of channel coefficients between the twoterminals and the RIS, and 8 = diag(

[ejφ1 ejφ2 . . . ejφN


is a diagonal matrix that contains the phase shifts appliedby the reflecting meta-surfaces of the RIS. By direct inspec-tion of (10), the obtained model resembles that of a pre-coding/beamforming system in conventionalMIMO systems.However, the precoding/beamforming operation is realizedover the transmission medium (the environment) rather thanat the transmitter or at the receiver. As far as the fast fadingis concerned, we note, in particular, that the channel modelfor the RISs and the relays are similar, while their path-lossmodels are different if the RISs are sufficiently large tobehave as reflectors.

From (9), the instantaneous SNR at D can be formulatedas follows:

γ =

∣∣∣∑Ni=1 αiβie

j(φi−θi−ψi)∣∣∣2 Es


where Es is the average transmitted energy per symbol. It isnot difficult to infer that γ is maximized by eliminatingthe channel phases (similar to co-phasing in classical max-imum ratio combining schemes), i.e., the optimal choice ofφi that maximizes the instantaneous SNR is φi = θi + ψifor i = 1, . . . ,N . This solution, notably, requires that thechannel phases are known to the RIS. How to perform channelestimation in RIS-empowered wireless networks along withthe challenges that this entails if the RISs are assumed to bepassive, as opposed to, e.g., the relays, is discussed in thesequel. In detail, the optimal choice of the phases, φi = θi+ψifor i = 1, . . . ,N , is obtained from the identity:∣∣∣∣∣






z2i + 2N∑i=1


zizk cos(ξi − ξk ) (12)

which is maximized if ξi = ξ for all i.

Therefore, the maximized SNR can be formulated asfollows:

γ =

(∑Ni=1 αiβi



. (13)

Since αi and βi are independently Rayleigh distributedrandom variables (RVs), the mean value and the variance oftheir product are E[αiβi] = π

4 and VAR[αiβi] = 1 − π2

16 ,respectively. For a sufficiently large number of reflectingmeta-surfaces, i.e., N � 1, according to the central limittheorem (CLT), A converges to a Gaussian distributed ran-dom variable with parameters E[A] = Nπ

4 and VAR[A] =

N(1− π2


). Therefore, γ is a non-central chi-square random

variable with one degree of freedom and has the followingmoment generating function (MGF) [49]:

Mγ (s) =


1− sN (16−π2)Es8N0



sN 2π2Es16N0

1− sN (16−π2)Es8N0


Furthermore, the average received SNR can be written asfollows:

E [γ ] =(N 2π2

+ N (16− π2))Es16N0


which is proportional to N 2, i.e., E [γ ] ∝ N 2 EsN0, if N �

1. This result is in agreement with the received signal powerin (7).

From (14), we can compute the average SEP of M -aryphase shift keying (PSK) signaling as follows [50]:

Pe =1π

∫ (M−1)π/M


(− sin2(π/M )


)dη (16)

which for binary PSK (BPSK) simplifies to

Pe =1π

∫ π/2



1+ N (16−π2)Es8 sin2ηN0


× exp

−N 2π2Es

16 sin2ηN0

1+ N (16−π2)Es8 sin2ηN0

dη. (17)

In order to gain further insights, (17) can be upper boundedby setting η = π/2, which yields:

Pe ≤12


1+ N (16−π2)Es8N0



−N 2π2Es16N0

1+ N (16−π2)Es8N0

. (18)

In Fig. 6, we plot the average SEP of the consideredRIS-based scheme by using (17) and (18) for N = 16 andN = 32. From Fig. 6, we observe that an RIS-based schemeachieves significantly better SEP performance comparedwiththe classical BPSK scheme operating in an AWGN channel.In other words, an RIS is capable of converting a hostile

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FIGURE 6. Theoretical average SEP of RIS-based scheme for N = 16 andN = 32 with BPSK.

wireless environment into a reliable communication channelthat provides one with a low SEP for low values of theSNR, which outperforms AWGN channels. Let us analyzethis behavior in detail.

By observing Fig. 6, we note that the average SEPhas a waterfall region and a slowly-decaying region. ForNEsN0� 10, in particular, (18) unveils that Pe is proportional


Pe ∝ exp(−N 2π2Es16N0

). (19)

This explains the superior performance of an RIS-basedscheme. In this range, notably, even though the SNR Es/N0is relatively low, the average SEP is quite low. This is due tothe N 2 term inside the exponential function.

If NEsN0� 1, on the other hand, (18) can be approximated

as follows1:

Pe ∝(N (16−π2)Es


)− 12exp





which explains the slowly-decaying behavior of the SEP forhigh values of the SNR. In particular this slowly-decayingregion is caused by the scaling factor in front of the expo-nential function, which decays with the negative square rootof the SNR. However, the SEP still decays exponentiallyas a function of N , and, therefore, Pe can be reduced byappropriately increasing N .

In Fig. 7, we depict the average SEP of an RIS-basedscheme for different numbers of reflecting meta-surfaces Nand by assuming BPSK signaling. Fig. 7 confirms that ourtheoretical approximation in (17) that is based on the CLTis sufficiently accurate for large values of N . In the consid-ered setup, our proposed approximation is accurate for N ≥

1It is worth noting that NEs/N0 is measured in linear scale and the giventwo critical points have been determined based on several calculations forthe considered values of N .

FIGURE 7. Simulated average SER performance (BPSK) of an RIS-basedscheme with a varying number of reflecting meta-surfaces - Comparisonwith the theoretical formula in (17).

32. In particular, we note that doubling N yields approxi-mately 6 dB improvement (four-fold decrease) of the requiredSNR in the waterfall region. This can be readily verifiedfrom (19).

With the aid of the MGF of the received SNR, Mγ (s),we can obtain the average SEP for square M -QAM constel-lations as well [50]:





)∫ π/2



2(M − 1) sin2η





)2 ∫ π/4



2(M − 1) sin2η



This integral can be upper bounded by letting η = π/2and η = π/4 in its first and second terms, respectively.By assuming NEs

N0� 10, which is the SNR region of interest,

the average SEP can be expressed as follows:

Pe ∝ exp(−

3N 2π2Es32(M − 1)N0


where the second exponential term coming from (21) isignored since its contribution is negligible. Since M appearsin the exponent of (22), an RIS-based scheme experi-ences a degradation of the error performance if the mod-ulation order is increased, as in conventional modulationschemes. However, RISs can take advantage of large val-ues of N 2 to counteract the detrimental effect of increasingthe modulation order. This can be a remedy for increas-ing the energy efficiency of future extreme mobile broad-band applications of 6G and beyond, which will rely onhigh-order constellations to support extremely high datarates.

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V. RECONFIGURABLE INTELLIGENT SURFACE AS ALOW-COMPLEXITY AND ENERGY-EFFICIENTTRANSMITTERIn this section, we discuss the potential of using RISs as atechnology that enables low-complexity and energy-efficientimplementations of MIMO transmitters. The basic idea con-sists of illuminating an RIS with a feeder (antenna), and ofencoding the data to transmit onto the phases of the signalsreflected from the different reconfigurable meta-surfaces thatrealize the RIS. If the RIS is made of N reconfigurablemeta-surfaces whose reflection phase can be optimized inde-pendently of the others, then a N -stream virtual MIMO sys-tem can be realized by using a single RF active chain [1].A similar solution (even though not based on reconfigurablemeta-surfaces) is the concept of symbiotic radio, where abackscatter device modulates its own information over anincident signal from a transmitter by varying its reflectioncoefficient [51]. This solution is similar to distributed SMapplied to relay-aided systems [52].

Recently, the idea of using an RIS as a transmitter wasvalidated with the aid of a testbed platform. In [53], in par-ticular, the authors have realized a 8-PSK transmitter thatutilizes a programmable surface with 256 reconfigurableelements. By changing the bias voltage of varactor diodes,a high phase modulation resolution is obtained. The authorsshowed that an unmodulated carrier can be modulated by thereconfigurable meta-surface through a series of DACs thatcontrol bias voltages. In [54], the same authors have realizeda virtual quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) constellationbased on the same principle and by using a smaller recon-figurable meta-surface that is made of 128 reconfigurableelements. In [55], the idea of joint passive beamformingand data transmission is considered in the context of anRIS-assisted uplink transmission scheme. In this scenario,the authors considered the communication of a multi-antennabase station (BS) with a single-antenna user, where theon/off states of the RIS elements convey additional data.These results substantiate the potential of RISs for realiz-ing low-complexity MIMO transmitters with a large numberof equivalent radiating elements, but a few, even a single,RF chain.

In this section, we analyze the error performance ofRISs when utilized as transmitters. For simplicity, as single-stream transmitter is considered. The block diagram ofthe considered RIS-based concept is shown in Fig. 8.The RIS is illuminated by a nearby RF signal generatoror contains an attachment that transmits an unmodulatedcarrier signal cos(2π fct) at a certain carrier frequency fctowards the RIS. The unmodulated carrier can be gen-erated by an RF DAC with an internal memory and apower amplifier [56], and information bits are conveyed onlythrough the reflection-induced phases of the RIS. We assumethat the RF source is close enough to the RIS that its transmis-sion is not affected by fading. On the other hand, the channelbetween the ith reflector of the RIS and D is modeled asgi = βie−jψi .

FIGURE 8. Using an RIS as a transmitter.

In the considered communication scenario, RIS-inducedphases carry information in addition to perform intelligentreflections that improve the received SNR. In other words,the RIS adjusts the phases of its reflecting elements withthe aim of optimizing the reflected phases that maximizethe received SNR, and, at the same time, that properly alignthe reflected signals so as to create a virtual bi-dimensionalM -ary signal constellation diagram. For this system model,the received signal is expressed as follows:

r =√Es


giejφi]+ n (23)

where Es is the average transmitted signal energy of theunmodulated carrier and φi is the reconfigurable phaseinduced by the ith reflecting element of the RIS.

We assume that log2(M ) bits are transmitted in each sig-naling interval by adjusting the reflection phases so thatthe equality φi = ψi + wm is fulfilled, where wm,m ∈{1, 2, . . . ,M}, is the message-dependent phase term intro-duced by the RIS that carries the information of the mthmessage. In light of this, the received signal can be expressedas follows:

r =√Es



]ejwm + n =

√EsBejwm + n. (24)

It is worth noting that the equivalent received signal resem-bles a PSK-modulated signal that is transmitted through achannel whose gain is B. Consequently, to minimize theaverage SEP, the information phases w1,w2, . . . ,wM of thisM -ary signaling scheme can be selected as in the classicalM -PSK scheme, i.e., wm = 2π (m− 1)/M for m = 1, 2, . . . ,M .Therefore, the instantaneous received SNR can be written

as follows:

γ =EsB2

N0. (25)

By using again the CLT for large values of N and byassuming that βi is a Rayleigh-distributed random variablewith mean

√π/2 and variance (4 − π )/4, we obtain B ∼

N (mB, σ 2B), where mB = N

√π/2 and σ 2

B = N (4 −π )/4. Consequently, the MGF of γ , which is a non-central

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chi-square random variable, is the following:

Mγ (s) =


1− sN (4−π )Es2N0



sN 2πEs4N0

1− sN (4−π )Es2N0

. (26)

The average SEP of the proposed scheme can be calculatedby substituting the obtained MGF in the SEP formula of M -PSK signaling given in (16). In particular, for binary signaling(w1 = 0 and w2 = π ), we obtain the following:

Pe =1π

∫ π/2



1+ N (4−π )Es2 sin2 ηN0



− N 2πEs4 sin2 ηN0

1+ N (4−π )Es2 sin2 ηN0



By letting η = π/2 and considering the SNR range ofinterest NEsN0

� 10, Pe becomes proportional to:

Pe ∝ exp(−N 2πEs4N0

). (28)

Two main conclusions can be drawn from (28). If the RISis used as a transmitter, it can convey information with highreliability, similar to using the RIS as a reflector (see Fig. 5).In addition, by comparing (19) and (28), 1 dB gain in the SNRis obtained by an RIS used as a transmitter with respect tousing it as a reflector.

If M -ary signaling is considered, we can plug (26) in (16)and obtain the average SEP in the form of the definite integralas follows:

Pe =1π

∫ (M−1)π/M



1+ N (4−π ) sin2(π/M )Es2 sin2 ηN0


× exp

−N 2π sin2(π/M )Es

4 sin2 ηN0

1+ N (4−π ) sin2(π/M )Es2 sin2 ηN0

dη. (29)

By letting η = π/2, an upper-bound can be obtained.By considering the SNR range of interest, we obtain:

Pe ∝ exp(− sin2(π/M )

N 2πEs4N0

). (30)

Comparing the obtained result with (22), we conclude thatan SNR loss is expected for higher order signaling M ≥ 16.However, this loss may not be significant by taking intoaccount that, in the relatively low SNR range of interest,the SEP can be reduced by increasing N .

VI. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AND STATE-OF-THE-ARTSOLUTIONSWithin the context of unconventional wireless communica-tion paradigms, there has been a growing interest in control-ling the propagation environment in order to increase the QoSand/or spectral efficiency. IM-based emerging schemes suchas MBM [13]–[15], spatial scattering modulation [11], andbeam IM [12], use the variations in the signatures of received

signals by exploiting reconfigurable antennas or scatter-ers to transmit additional information bits in rich scatter-ing environments [9]. Similarly, SM schemes [4]–[6], [8], [9]create a new and extended signal constellation by exploit-ing the indices of the available transmit antennas of MIMOsystems, still benefiting from the distinguishable propagationcharacteristics of different transmit antennas in rich scatter-ing environments. On the other hand, the RISs are smartdevices that intentionally control the propagation environ-ment to boost the signal quality at the receiver. In this section,we present a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art solu-tions based on intelligent surfaces.

A. ORIGINSIn this subsection, we briefly review the first concepts andideas on reconfigurable wireless systems and intelligent sur-faces that focus on the manipulation of EM waves in adeliberate manner to improve specified key performanceindicators.

Transmission through intelligent walls is reported in [41]and is based on active frequency-selective surfaces that con-trol the signal strength. In particular, the authors focusedtheir attention on controlling the propagation environmentby influencing radio channel parameters in order to enhancethe overall system performance, including signal coverageand interference. The main motivation of the authors is tochange the EM properties of the material of the walls deploy-ing frequency-selective surfaces in an indoor environment.It is shown that an active frequency-selective surface can berealized by changing the on/off states of PIN diodes, wherea fully transparent or a highly reflective surface is obtained.It is shown by computer simulations that an active wall canbe an efficient instrument for controlling the signal coverageand QoS.

In [57], the same authors of [41] extended their intelli-gent walls concept by considering an artificial neural net-work (ANN) to learn the best configuration for the intelligentwalls. According to sensory data and relative system per-formance measures, two binary outputs are obtained (wallswith on and off states) by the ANN. In other words, a cog-nitive engine equipped with machine learning algorithms isdeployed to make decisions and control the intelligent walls.In [58], an active frequency-selective surface-based antennais considered to enable switched beamforming by adjustingthe on/off states of the PIN diodes mounted on surface panels.By exploiting the on and off combinations of the diodeson each surface panel, beam steering is achieved in variousdirections.

In [42], the authors demonstrated that spatial microwavemodulators are capable of shaping, in a passive way, complexmicrowave fields in complex wireless environments, by usingonly binary phase state tunable metasurfaces.

In an attempt to control the indoor wireless cover-age, 3-D reflectors were realized by the authors of [59]in order to be mounted around wireless APs. Optimizedbut non-reconfigurable (static-shaped) reflector designs are

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introduced to extend the wireless coverage in indoor environ-ments.

The concept of coding meta-materials is proposed in [60]for manipulating EM waves by changing the phase responseof the surface elements. A meta-surface composed of binaryelements (with 0 or π phase differences) is considered.By changing the coding bit sequences, the authors demon-strated the feasibility of changing the scattering patterns.Particularly, the authors determined the optimal codingsequences (the pattern of binary phases) to minimize theradar cross section of surfaces by redirecting the incomingEM energy into all directions. Similar to [41], the authorsused the on/off status of PIN diodes to change the phaseresponses of meta-material elements. Finally, the authorsconstructed an FPGA hardware to control programmablemeta-surfaces through PIN diodes. It is argued by the authorsthat these programmable meta-materials can be used toreduce the scattering features of targets and to manipu-late radiation beams of antennas. The same authors intro-duced the concept of space-time coding digital metasurfacesin [61] by exploiting the time dimension, which enablesthe control of EM waves in both space and frequencydomains. In particular, the authors aimed to control notonly the propagation direction but also the harmonic powerdistribution.

Another programmable meta-surface design that is basedon PIN diodes, is proposed in [62]. It is shown by the authorsthat besides a reconfigurable phase, polarization control, scat-tering, and beam focusing are possible through adjusting theon/off status of PIN diodes.

With the aid of reconfigurable reflect-arrays realizedthrough tunable (varactor-tuned) resonators [45], the conceptof communications that employ smart reflect-arrays withpassive reflector elements is proposed in [46]. The authorsuse smart reflect-arrays as an alternative to beamformingtechniques that require large number of antennas to focusthe transmitted or received signals, which is relatively dif-ficult to implement for portable, wearable, or even smallerdevices. It is demonstrated that reflect-arrays can be usedin an effective way to change the phase of incoming sig-nals via smart reflections without buffering or processingthem, and that the received signal quality can be enhancedby optimizing the phase shift of each reflecting elementof the reflect-array. Through experiments and simulations,the authors showed that higher spectral efficiencies can beobtained by using smart reflect-arrays without any majormodification in the hardware and software of user equipment.The authors introduced a phase optimization algorithm tomaximize the transport capacity as well. In their later study,the authors investigated the feasibility of using reconfig-urable reflect-arrays to support millimeter-wave communi-cations in the context of the IEEE 802.11ad standard [47].In this work, the authors considered electronically-controlledrelay switches with on/off states in order to control reflectorunits instead of PIN diodes. A relatively large reflect-arraywas built and a beam-searching protocol was designed for

application to 802.11ad networks and to overcome the LOSblockage problem of millimeter-wave networks.

As a beyond massive MIMO solution, the large intel-ligent surface (LIS) concept is proposed in [63]–[65].2 Inparticular, a system with a massive number of radiating andsensing elements, which create a contiguous and electromag-netically active surface, is considered. A major differencebetween traditional massive MIMO [71] and the LIS is theemployment of the whole contiguous surface for transmissionand reception. The authors also introduced a signal modelby considering a procedure called match filtering (through2-D integration of the received signals on the surface) andinvestigated the capacity of the system.

Finally, the concept of software-controlled HyperSurfacesis proposed in [19], [22], [72], [73] with the aim of enablingfull EM manipulation of the radio waves. Equipped with alightweight Internet-of-Things (IoT) gateway, intelligent sur-faces consisting of ultra-thin meta atoms receive commandsfrom a centralized controller and adjust their EM behavior byabsorbing, focusing, and steering the impinging EM wavesin any direction. The functional and physical architecture ofHyperSurfaces, equipped with controllable switch elements(with on/off states) and square patches, is defined. By com-puter simulations, it is demonstrated that the signal coverageand signal strength can be improved in indoor environmentsfor communication at 60 GHz, which is usually affected byhigh propagation losses in non-LOS transmission.

The same authors generalized their programmable wirelessenvironment concept considering a general multi-user sce-nario and proposed solutions for interference minimization,eavesdropping, andmultipathmitigation [72]. A general opti-mization problem was formulated to maximize the receivedsignal power and to minimize the maximum delay spread forarbitrarily distributed users.

In Table 1, we summarize the main studies on intelligentsurfaces reviewed in this subsection by highlighting theirarchitectures and functionalities.

B. STATE-OF-THE-ART SOLUTIONSIn the last few months, several studies and innovative solu-tions related to RISs have been conducted by many authors.In particular, different authors have used different termsto denote the RISs, which include: reconfigurable intelli-gent surfaces, large intelligent surfaces, smart reflect-arrays,intelligent reflecting surfaces, passive intelligent mirrors,artificial radio space, and so on. Specifically, researchersfocused on theoretical SNR and SEP derivations, channelestimation, signal-to-interference-ratio (SINR) maximiza-tion, and joint active and passive beamforming optimizationproblems, investigated the application of machine learningtools, explored physical layer security solutions, and eval-uated the potential of intelligent surfaces for applicationto millimeter-wave/terahertz, free space optical, and visible

2It is worth noting that the term of LIS is also used by otherresearchers [1], [66]–[70] in lieu of smart reflect-arrays and RISs.

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TABLE 1. Initial examples of communications through intelligent surfaces.

FIGURE 9. Multi-user downlink transmission through an RIS (the LOSpath is optional).

light communication systems. Furthermore, the first attemptson combining RISs with orthogonal frequency division mul-tiplexing (OFDM) and SM/space shift keying (SSK) schemeshave been reported.

In this section, we briefly describe research works onintelligent surfaces, which appeared in the literature duringthe past 1-2 years by following a historical order.

An RIS-assisted downlink transmission scenario is con-sidered in [74] to support multiple users. More specifically,the authors considered the system model shown in Fig. 9,where a multi-antenna BS supports K single-antenna usersthrough intelligent reflections without a clear LOS pathbetween the users and the BS. The RIS elements only reflectphase shifted versions of the incoming signals as in the modelof Fig. 5. As a result, denoting the number of BS antennasand RIS elements (reflecting meta-surfaces) by M and N ,respectively, the received signal at user k can be expressedas

rk = gTk8Hx+ nk (31)

where x ∈ CM×1 is the precoded data vector, H ∈ CN×M

is the matrix of channel coefficients of the BS-RIS link,gk ∈ CN×1 is the vector of channel coefficients betweenthe RIS and user k , and nk is the AWGN sample at thisuser. Similar to (10), 8 = diag(

[ejφ1 ejφ2 · · · ejφN

]) is a

diagonal matrix that yields the phase shifts applied by thereflecting elements of the RIS. The authors focused theirattention on the maximization of the system sum-rate byoptimizing the phases of the RIS and user powers. The result-ing non-convex optimization problem is solved by combin-ing alternating maximization and majorization-minimization

algorithms, and improvements in the overall system through-put are reported.

In [70], the same authors studied the maximization of theenergy efficiency by considering RIS reflectors with finiteresolution phases. It is shown by computer simulations thateven 1-bit phase (0 and π ) resolution reflecting elementsincrease the energy efficiency of the system compared to con-ventional AF relaying systems. In [32], the authors reportedmore comprehensive simulation results on energy efficiencyand system sum-rate for a more practical system setup andsystem parameters. It is worth noting that the implementationof this scheme requires full channel state information (CSI)and the knowledge of RIS phase terms at the BS for transmitbeamforming.

Th problem of joint active and passive beamformer designis investigated in [75] and [76]. The authors, in particular,analyzed the minimization of the total transmit power at theBS by jointly optimizing the transmit beamforming vectorsof the BS and the phase shifts of the RIS by imposing SINRconstraints for the users considering a multi-user downlinkcommunication system. The obtained non-convex optimiza-tion problem is tackled by employing semidefinite relaxationand alternating optimization techniques. The authors showedthat the transmit power of the BS scales by 1/N 2 as thenumber of reflector unitsN goes to infinity. In their follow-upstudy [77], the authors considered the same power minimiza-tion problem by assuming discrete (finite resolution) RISphase shifts. It is shown that, compared to the ideal case withcontinuous phase shifts, an RIS with discrete phase shiftsachieves the same power scaling law as a function of N asfor infinite-resolution phase shifts but a constant performanceloss is observed. The effect of erroneous reflector phases onthe error performance is investigated recently as well [78].

In [1], the author introduced a mathematical framework forthe calculation of the average SEP of RIS-assisted systems.Furthermore, the possibility of using an RIS as an AP (trans-mitter) by utilizing an unmodulated carrier for intelligentreflection is studied. With the aid of computer simulations,it is shown that doubling the number of reflecting elementsprovides one with a 6 dB reduction of the SNR to obtainthe same SEP. In other words, the average received SNR ofRIS-based systems is shown to be proportional to the squareof the total number of reflecting elements of the RIS (N ).

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In the follow-up study [79], the author considered the con-cept of intelligent surfaces-assisted IM by proposing RIS-SMand RIS-SSK schemes. In these schemes, the optimizationof the phases of intelligent surfaces and the concept of IMare jointly exploited for improving the signal quality andthe spectral efficiency. Maximum energy-based suboptimal(greedy) and exhaustive search-based optimal (maximumlikelihood) detectors are formulated, and a unified frameworkto calculate the theoretical average bit error probability is pro-posed. It is shown by computer simulations that the resultingbit error probability is significantly better than conventionalfully-digital precoding-based receive SSK schemes. A trade-off between the receiver cost and the BER performance isinvestigated as well.

The authors of [66] investigated the maximization of theminimum SINR for an RIS-assisted multi-userMISO schemein rank-one or full-rank LOS channels between the BS andthe RIS. Furthermore, correlated Rayleigh channels are con-sidered between RIS elements and users, and an algorithm tooptimize the RIS phases in the presence of large-scale fadingis proposed. For the same system, the authors of [80] focusedtheir attention on optimizing the transmit beamformer andRIS phases, and proposed two algorithms to jointly optimizethe beamformer at the AP and the phase shifts at the RISby considering the maximum achievable spectral efficiency.It is shown that, unlike [75] and [66], the proposed algorithmsguarantee locally optimal solutions with the perfect knowl-edge of channels at the AP and the RIS.

In [68], the authors considered an RIS-assisted large-scale antenna system in which a BS communicates witha single-antenna user. Similar to previous works, assumingthe knowledge of CSI and RIS phases at the BS, precodingcan be performed, and the ergodic capacity of the systemis maximized through the optimization of the RIS phases.The authors also investigated the effect of different RicianK factors and discrete phase shifts. It is shown by computersimulations that the use of 2-bit phase shifts can ensure a highcapacity.

The authors of [81] proposed a new channel estimationprotocol for an RIS-assisted single-user MISO system withenergy harvesting. In particular, the authors take into accountthat RISs do not have active components. To enable efficientpower transfer, both active and passive near-optimal beam-forming designs are formulated. In [69], with the motivationof reducing the training overhead in the presence of passiveRIS elements, the authors considered two separate methodsfor the RIS design in the presence of unknown channel knowl-edge: one is based on compressive sensing and the other isbased on deep learning. In this work, a novel RIS architecturebased on sparse channel sensors, in which some of the RISunits are active (have a connection to a baseband processor),is proposed. In other words, a number of active elementsare used at the RIS to simplify the channel estimation pro-cess. The authors considered a deep learning-based solution,in which the RIS learns how to interact with the incom-ing signals in an optimal way by exploiting the estimated

channels at the active elements. On the other hand, the authorsof [67] considered the problem of cascaded channel estima-tionwith fully passive RIS elements for the communication ofmulti-antenna terminals through an RIS. A general concept isproposed for the estimation of the S-RIS-D cascaded MIMOchannel.

For the scenario of multi-user uplink transmission, the per-formance of the over-the-air computation scheme, in whichthe AP computes a target function of the aggregated data fromall users, is investigated in [82] by exploiting RISs.

The physical layer security of RIS-based systems is inves-tigated in [83] and [84]. Specifically, the authors of [83] con-sidered an RIS-assisted secure communication system thatconsists of a legitimate receiver and an eavesdropper. Boththe beamformer at the BS and the RIS phase shifts arejointly optimized to enhance the secrecy rate. Furthermore,the secrecy rate of massive MIMO and RIS-aided systemsis compared and it is revealed that increasing the numberof RIS reflecting elements is more beneficial than increas-ing the number of antenna elements at the BS. A downlinkMISO broadcast system with multiple legitimate receiversand eavesdroppers is considered in [84]. The authors for-mulated a minimum-secrecy-rate maximization problem byjointly optimizing the beamformer at the BS and reflect-ing coefficients (both discrete and continuous) at the RIS.Globally optimal and low-complexity suboptimal algorithmsare proposed. Recently, the authors of [85] focused on theproblem of stronger eavesdropping channel and maximizedthe secrecy rate of the legitimate user by jointly designingthe AP’s transmit beamformer and the RIS phases.

Recent research contributions on the design of Hyper-Surfaces include the following. A sensing system to esti-mate the radio waves impinging upon the HyperSurfaces thatcan operate without additional external or internal hardwaresuch as field nano-sensors, is proposed in [86]. It is shownthat HyperSurfaces can be programmed for wave sensingand wave manipulation simultaneously. Finally, an approachbased on machine learning (neural networks) to adaptivelyconfigure HyperSurfaces-aided programmable environmentsis proposed in [87].

As for using RISs for transmission and reception,researchers focused their attention on outage probability [88],asymptotic data rate [89], and uplink spectral efficiency [90].

More recently, researchers considered RIS-assistedmillimeter-wave/terahertz communications [91], visible lightcommunications [92], free space optical communica-tions [93], and OFDM systems [94].

The emerging concept of programmable radio environ-ments is receiving considerable attention from the researchcommunity of computer scientists as well. In the last coupleof years, in particular, a few large scale-scale testbeds havebeen realized, and promising results have been obtained.Notable examples include [95]–[97]. The underlying ideaof these research activities is to prove the feasibility ofmoving beamforming functions from the radio end-pointsto the environment. In [97], in particular, the author

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TABLE 2. State-of-the-Art schemes with intelligent surfaces.

realized a testbed that is today considered to be the largestRIS currently available in the world: The prototype has 3, 720inexpensive antennas that are deployed on a 6 square-metersurface. Experimental results in an indoor environment haveshown an improvement of the median of the signal strengthof 10.5x, and an improvement of the median of the data rateof 2.1x [97, Fig. 11].

In Table 2, we present a summary of the major contribu-tions of the recent studies reviewed in this subsection.

VII. POTENTIAL USE CASESIn this section, we briefly discuss a few use cases in whichthe RISs may play a fundamental role either for enhancingthe coverage probability, spectral efficiency, and energy effi-ciency or for reducing the implementation complexity andpower consumption of wireless networks. Five potential usecases are briefly discussed.

Overcoming non-LOS Scenarios – One of the mostpromising use cases to leverage the RISs in wireless networksconsists of employing them as reconfigurable reflectors inscenarios in which the LOS path is either blocked or is notstrong enough to support cell-edge users. For example, RISscan be easily attached to walls or ceilings in indoors, andcan be integrated into the facades of buildings in outdoors.This application scenario seems to be relevant in the highfrequency transmission range, e.g., in the millimeter-wavespectrum, in the D-band spectrum (> 100 GHz), and inthe visible light spectrum. In these cases, in fact, the LOSpath is often obstructed, and the possibility of realizingstrong and reconfigurable non-LOS links is a promising usecase, especially because of the promising scaling laws asa function of the distance and of the number of reflecting

meta-surfaces that are obtained in Section II. Field trials thatsubstantiate the applicability and potential gains of this casestudy were recently reported for application to vehicular net-works by research scientists of NTT Docomo and MetawaveCorporation [98].

Overcoming Localized Coverage Holes – Anotherpromising case study consists of using the RISs to counter-act localized coverage holes in urban scenarios, and indoorharsh propagation environments. In many urban and denselypopulated cities worldwide, in fact, there exist localizeddead zones where the signal quality is not sufficiently good.Similar issues occur in indoor environments, like industrialfactories and underground metro stations. In these scenarios,conventional solutions to overcome coverage holes are todeploy more BSs or relays/repeaters. Unfortunately, thesesolutions are expensive and increase the carbon footprint ofwireless communications. The deployment of RISs is, on theother hand, a cost-effective and environmental-friendly solu-tion to solve the problems of localized coverage holes.

Reducing the EM Pollution – In contrast to othercommunication technologies, one of the main features ofRISs is recycling the radio waves in a constructive andenergy-efficient manner. Multipath propagation is, in fact,often perceived as incontrollable and is usually counteractedby increasing the complexity of the transmitters and thereceivers. This usually entails an increase of the number ofradio waves emitted, e.g., by deploying more BSs or relays,which produce additional signals in the environment. Thisresults in increasing the emission of EM radiations. The useof RISs, on the other hand, does not foresee the generation ofnew signals, but their intelligent utilization. So, the conceptof RISs is a promising solution to lower the levels of EM

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radiations, with major applications in scenarios like, hospitalsand airplanes.

Energy-Free Internet of Things – The IoT is regarded asa fundamental component of 5G and 6G wireless networks.The possibility of collecting data from large numbers ofsensors deployed throughout the network has a myriad ofapplications. These devices, however, are expected to com-municate the sensed data to fusion centers, which are then incharge of the subsequent processing and analysis. The totalamount of energy that these devices need in order to report thesensed data cannot be underestimated, and is one of the bot-tlenecks to make the IoT a pervasive technology. The conceptof RISs in combination with backscatter communications is apromising alternative to allow IoT devices to report the senseddata in a energy free manner. Imagine to realize clothingsand IoT devices with reconfigurable meta-surfaces that arecapable of modifying the reflected waveforms according tothe sensed data. By using the backscatter communicationsprinciple, the sensed data may be piggybacked into the shapeof the reflected signals at no overhead and at a zero energycost [23].

Low-Complexity and Energy-Efficient Massive Trans-mitters – The advantages of using MIMO, and, morerecently, massive MIMO are undeniable. However, thesegains are not obtained for free. In particular, the benefits ofMIMO come at the cost of using a number of RF chains thatis usually the same as the number of radiating elements. As aresult, the complexity and power consumptions associatedwith using large numbers of antennas cannot be under esti-mated. The use of RISs as transmitters offers a unique oppor-tunity to realize very large antenna arrays with a few, possiblyone, RF chain [1]. The testbed recently implemented in [53]and [54] is a tangible example that realizing low-complexitymassive MIMO is possible, by leveraging the principles ofSM, MBM, and, more in general, IM.

VIII. OPEN RESEARCH ISSUESIn this section, we briefly discuss the major open researchissues that need to be tacked in order to leverage the potentialof RISs in wireless networks. We discuss, in particular, howthe use of RISs necessitates to rethink how wireless networksare analyzed and designed today.

Physics- and EM-Compliant Models – A major limi-tation of current research on RISs in wireless networks isthe lack of accurate and tractable models that describe thereconfigurable meta-surfaces as a function of their EM prop-erties. The vast majority of research works available to daterely, e.g., on the assumption that the meta-surfaces act asperfect reflectors. However, the meta-surfaces are meant toapply functions other than reflection, and, more importantly,their response to the radio waves depends on several factors,among which the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection,the angle of refraction, the polarization of the incident wave,and the specific materials that the meta-surface is made of.Also, the size of the meta-surface plays an important roleon its properties. Physics- and EM-compliant models are,

therefore, needed in order to avoid studying too simplisticsystem models and to obtain too optimistic performance pre-dictions. The zero-thickness sheet model of the meta-surfacesis a good starting point to build such models [99].

Experimentally-Validated Channel Models – To date,there exist no experimentally-validated channel models thatprovide wireless researchers with accurate and realistic infor-mation on the path-loss, shadowing, and fast-fading statisticsfor RISs. In Section II, we have predicted that the path-lossfunction of an RIS that acts as a perfect reflector scales withthe sum of the distances between the RIS and the transmitterand receiver. This theoretical model is based on geometri-cal optics approximations (and the application of Fermat’sprinciple), whose accuracy depends on the geometry andthe materials that the meta-surface is made of. In addition,the signals reflected from the elementary meta-surfaces oreven by each of their individual scattering particles may notnecessarily be uncorrelated. Some level of spatial correlationsare likely to be expected, which may affect the ultimateperformance limits and achievable scaling laws.

Information- and Communication-Theoretic Mod-els – The use of RISs renders the information- andcommunication-theoretic models employed in wireless com-munications obsolete [23, Fig. 6]. The conventional formu-lation of the Shannon capacity, in particular, needs to berevisited, since the system itself can be programmed, and thedistribution of the input needs to be adapted to the possiblestates that the system itself can assume. The possible statesof the system are dictated by the functions that are appliedby the meta-surfaces, and by their statistical distribution.The achievable limits of the RISs and their interpretationin small-scale and large-scale wireless networks need tobe determined. In the presence of RISs, in fact, not onlythe input is an optimization variable, but the system itselfbecomes an optimization variable, and they need to be jointlyoptimized.

Communication-Theoretic Performance Limits – Withthe exception of [1], [79], [100], the optimization of, e.g.,the phases of the RISs that act as intelligent reflectingsurfaces are obtained by solving complicated, and oftennon-convex, optimization problems. The optimal reflectingphases, which are channel-dependent, are, therefore, onlyavailable numerically. This prevents communication theoristsfrom developing tractable analytical frameworks for analyz-ing the performance of RIS-empowered wireless networks,and to shed light on the corresponding performance trends.In the present paper, we have proposed simple analyticalframeworks under simple system models, where the optimalphases can be easily determined. By slightly modifying thesystem model as in [100], we readily note that the analyt-ical complexity of the resulting optimal phases to employincreases significantly. Due to the insights for system designthat we gained in the previous sections based on simplesystem models, it is considered to be important to developtractable and insightful communication-theoretic frameworksfor unveiling the achievable performance of RISs in future

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wireless networks, as a function of their many constituentparameters.

Spatial Models for System-Level Analysis and Opti-mization – As just mentioned, the analysis and optimizationof point-to-point wireless networks in the presence of RISsis an open and not an easy task. More difficult is, therefore,the analysis and optimization of large-scale networks wheremultiple RISs are spatially distributed according to somecomplex spatial patterns. A simple framework was recentlyintroduced in [101] by using the theory of line processes,and under the assumption that the RISs can reflect signalscoming from any direction and can direct them towardsany direction. In contrast with typical approaches that areused in the literature for system-level analysis, which areprimarily based on stochastic geometry models, the use ofRISs necessitates new models and methods of analysis. It isknown, in fact, that signals’ reflections are usually ignoredwhen analyzing large-scale networks due to the inherentanalytical complexity [102]. Furthermore, the spatial corre-lation that originates from the spatial positions of objects,transmitters, and receivers is not easy to be modeled ina tractable manner [103]. In RIS-empowered wireless net-works, reflections, refractions, and blockages due to theobjects are exploited and optimized for increasing the net-work performance, since the RISs aim to take advantage ofthem. Major open issues on the modeling and analysis oflarge-scale networks need, therefore, to be solved.

Channel Estimation and Feedback Overhead – One ofthe fundamental assumptions that make RIS-assisted commu-nications a competitive low-complexity and energy-efficienttechnology lies in its almost passive implementation. Thisimplies that, ideally, the RISs are expected not to rely onpower amplifiers, channel estimators, ADCs, DACs, etc.Therefore, the fundamental issue lies in how the RISs canestimate the channels that are needed for optimizing, e.g.,the reflection phases, and how they can report them to thetransmitter, the receiver, or any network controller in chargeof computing the optimal phases as a function of the channelsthemselves. A possible solution may be to embed low-powersensors throughout the RISs, possibly powered by energy har-vested modules, which are in charge of sensing the channels,and then reporting them to a gateway that is located on theRISs, which, in turn, sends them to the network controller.This solution relies on the availability of at least one poweramplifier and one ADC, but has the advantage that no compu-tation is made on the RISs [23]. Another promising solutionrelies on estimating the optimal phases without assumingthe knowledge of the individual channels between the RISand the transmitter and the receiver, but by considering onlythe combined (or product) channel between them. This solu-tion was recently reported in [67]. The optimality of thisapproach compared with knowing the individual channels,and the associated complexity vs. performance vs. estimationoverhead trade-offs are an important open issue. More ingeneral, the design of efficient channel estimation and feed-back protocols that make the RISs as passive as possible, and

the associated performance vs. complexity trade-offs are notknown yet.

Implementation, Testbeds, and Field Trials – In thelast few years, a few promising testbeds and experimen-tal activities to substantiate the potential gains offered byRISs have been reported [42], [47], [72], [97], [98]. Theseresearch activities are promising, and have initially confirmedthat the use of RISs inwireless networks is a practically viablesolution. However, the details of these experimental tests areoften difficult to find, and are not sufficient to judge the actualpotential of RISs in realistic operating conditions.

Data-Driven Optimization – RIS-empowered wirelessnetworks are much more complex systems to model, ana-lyze, and design than current and next-generation wirelessnetworks. Due to their inherent system complexity, the useof data-driven methods based on deep learning, reinforce-ment learning, and transfer learning are promising tools toleverage [25]. Machine learning, in particular, is a promis-ing solution to simplify the implementation of RIS-basedcommunication systems, and to increase the efficiency of thecommunication system [69], [87].

Integration of RISs with Emerging Technologies –The concept of RIS-empowered wireless networks has atits core the fundamental idea of moving the functions thatare usually implemented at the radio end-points of a com-munication network, i.e., the base stations, the APs, andthe mobile terminals, to the environment. In that regard,the synergistic integration of RISs with state-of-the-art andemerging technologies, such as small cells, massive MIMO,millimeter-wave communications, visible light communi-cations, terahertz communication, free space optics, IoT,drones-aided communications, energy harvesting, physicallayer security, beamforming, etc., is a promising and unex-plored research direction. For example: i) RISs can be usedfor sculpting and exploiting non-LOS reflections at veryhigh transmission frequencies, e.g., above 100 GHz, whereit is very difficult to have reliable LOS links in mobileenvironments [98], ii) RISs can be leveraged to introducea new concept of beamforming that is not realized at thetransmitter anymore, but is moved to the environment, thusenabling low-complexity and tiny single-antenna devices tobenefit from high-precision beamforming [97], and iii) RISsmay be a fundamental enabler to realize advanced securityschemes at the physical layer, thanks to their potential ofsculpting the wireless environment [83]–[85].

IX. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we have summarized the latest research activ-ities on the emerging field of RIS-empowered wireless net-works. We have illustrated the main differences that renderRISs a new technology compared with, at the first sight,similar technologies, such as relaying and backscatter com-munications. We have described two possible uses to lever-age the potential of RISs in wireless networks: to shape theradio waves in order to control, in a deterministic fashion,the multipath propagation, e.g., the signals reflected from

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walls are steered toward specified directions, and to realizelow-complexity and energy efficient transmitters that requireonly a limited, ideally one, active RF chain. The error prob-ability of both implementations has been studied by capi-talizing on the CLT, and it has been shown that the errorprobability exhibits a water-fall behavior as a function ofthe number of reconfigurable elements of the RISs and ofthe SNR. As far as the link budget analysis is concerned,we have highlighted that the concept of RISs is differentfrom relaying and backscatter communications, since, if theirgeometric size is sufficiently larger than the wavelength,they can be treated as specular reflectors, and the receivedpower as a function of the distance is determined, at the first-order, by the Fermat’s principle. Finally, we have illustratedpossible use cases where the RIS may play a significant role,and have discussed fundamental research issues to tacklein order to fully exploit the potential of RISs in wirelessnetworks.

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ERTUGRUL BASAR (S’09–M’13–SM’16) wasborn in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1985. He receivedthe B.S. degree (Hons.) from Istanbul Uni-versity, Turkey, in 2007, and the M.S. andPh.D. degrees from Istanbul Technical University,Turkey, in 2009 and 2013, respectively.

He is currently an Associate Professor with theDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engi-neering, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey, and theDirector of Communications Research and Inno-

vation Laboratory (CoreLab). His primary research interests include MIMOsystems, index modulation, waveform design, visible light communications,and signal processing for communications.

Dr. Basar received recognition for his research, including the ScienceAcademy (Turkey) Young Scientists (BAGEP) Award, in 2018, the MustafaParlar Foundation Research Encouragement Award, in 2018, the TurkishAcademy of Sciences Outstanding Young Scientist (TUBA-GEBIP) Award,in 2017, and the first-ever IEEE Turkey Research Encouragement Award,in 2017. He currently serves as an Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON

COMMUNICATIONS and Physical Communication (Elsevier), and as an Asso-ciate Editor of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. He served as an AssociateEditor for IEEE ACCESS, from 2016 to 2018.

MARCO DI RENZO (S’05–AM’07–M’09–SM’14) was born in L’Aquila, Italy, in 1978.He received the Laurea (cum laude) and Ph.D.degrees in electrical engineering from the Uni-versity of L’Aquila, Italy, in 2003 and 2007,respectively, and the Habilitation à Diriger desRecherches (Doctor of Science) degree from Uni-versity Paris-Sud, France, in 2013. Since 2010,he has been with the Laboratory of Signals andSystems (L2S), Paris-Saclay University - CNRS,

CentraleSupélec, University Paris Sud, Paris, France, where he is currentlya CNRS Research Director (CNRS Professor). He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, and as an Editor of the IEEETRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS

COMMUNICATIONS. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Tech-nology Society and the IEEE Communications Society. He was a recipient ofseveral awards, including the 2013 IEEE-COMSOC Best Young ResearcherAward for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, the 2013 NoE-NEWCOM BestPaper Award, the 2014–2015 Royal Academy of Engineering DistinguishedVisiting Fellowship, the 2015 IEEE Jack Neubauer Memorial Best SystemPaper Award, the 2015–2018 CNRS Award for Excellence in Researchand Ph.D. Supervision, the 2016 MSCA Global Fellowship (declined),the 2017 SEE-IEEE Alain Glavieux Award, the 2018 IEEE-COMSOCYoung Professional in Academia Award, and eight Best Paper Awards atIEEE conferences (2012 and 2014 IEEE CAMAD, 2013 IEEE VTC-Fall,2014 IEEE ATC, 2015 IEEE ComManTel, 2017 IEEE SigTelCom, EAI2018 INISCOM, and IEEE ICC 2019).

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JULIEN DE ROSNY received the M.S. and Ph.D.degrees in wave physics from University Pierreand Marie Curie, Paris, France, in 1996 and 2000,respectively. He held a postdoctoral position withthe Scripps Research Institute, CA, USA, from2000 to 2001. In 2001, he joined the Labora-toire Ondes et Acoustique, CNRS, France. Since2014, he has been a CNRS Senior Scientist withthe Institut Langevin, Paris, France. His researchinterests include telecommunications in complex

media, acoustic, and electromagnetic waves-based imaging.

MEROUANE DEBBAH (S’01–M’04–SM’08–F’15) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degreesfrom the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay,France. He was with Motorola Labs, Saclay,France, from 1999 to 2002, and also with theVienna Research Center for Telecommunications,Vienna, Austria, until 2003. From 2003 to 2007,he was an Assistant Professor with the MobileCommunications Department, Institut Eurecom,Sophia Antipolis, France. From 2007 to 2014,

he was the Director of the Alcatel-Lucent Chair on Flexible Radio. Since2007, he has been a Full Professor with CentraleSupelec, Gif-sur-Yvette,France. Since 2014, he has been a Vice-President of the Huawei FranceResearch Center and the Director of the Mathematical and AlgorithmicSciences Laboratory. He has managed eight EU projects and more than24 national and international projects. His research interests include funda-mental mathematics, algorithms, statistics, information, and communicationsciences research. He is aWWRFFellow and aMember émérite SEE.Hewasa recipient of the ERC Grant MORE (Advanced Mathematical Tools forComplex Network Engineering), from 2012 to 2017. He was a recipient ofthe Mario Boella Award, in 2005, the IEEE Glavieux Prize Award, in 2011,and the Qualcomm Innovation Prize Award, in 2012. He received 20 bestpaper awards, among which the 2007 IEEEGLOBECOMBest Paper Award,the Wi-Opt 2009 Best Paper Award, the 2010 Newcom++ Best Paper Award,the WUN CogCom Best Paper 2012 and 2013 Award, the 2014 WCNCBest Paper Award, the 2015 ICC Best Paper Award, the 2015 IEEE Com-munications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize, the 2015 IEEE Commu-nications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize, the 2016 IEEE CommunicationsSociety Best Tutorial Paper Award, the 2016 European Wireless Best PaperAward, the 2017 Eurasip Best Paper Award, the 2018 IEEE Marconi PrizePaper Award, the 2019 IEEE Communications Society Young Author BestPaper Award and the Valuetools 2007, Valuetools 2008, CrownCom 2009,Valuetools 2012, SAM 2014, and 2017 IEEE Sweden VT-COM-IT JointChapter best student paper awards. He is an Associate Editor-in-Chief ofthe journal Random Matrix: Theory and Applications. He was an AssociateArea Editor and a Senior Area Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL

PROCESSING, from 2011 to 2013 and from 2013 to 2014, respectively. He isthe Co-founder of Ximinds and Ulanta.

MOHAMED-SLIM ALOUINI (S’94–M’98–SM’03–F’09) was born in Tunis, Tunisia.He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engi-neering from the California Institute of Tech-nology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA, USA, in 1998.He has served as a Faculty Member with theUniversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA,and the Texas A&M University at Qatar, Educa-tion City, Doha, Qatar, before joining the KingAbdullah University of Science and Technology

(KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, as a Professor of electrical engineering,in 2009. His current research interests include the modeling, design, andperformance analysis of wireless communication systems.

RUI ZHANG (S’00–M’07–SM’15–F’17) receivedthe B.Eng. (Hons.) and M.Eng. degrees in elec-trical engineering from the National Universityof Singapore, Singapore, and the Ph.D. degree inelectrical engineering from Stanford University,Stanford, CA, USA.

From 2007 to 2010, he was a Research Sci-entist with the Institute for Infocomm Research,ASTAR, Singapore. Since 2010, he has been withthe Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-

neering, National University of Singapore, where he is currently a Dean’sChair Associate Professor with the Faculty of Engineering. He has authoredover 300 papers. He has been listed as a Highly Cited Researcher (alsoknown as the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds), by ThomsonReuters, since 2015. His research interests include wireless information andpower transfer, drone communication, wireless eavesdropping and spoofing,energy-efficient and energy-harvesting-enabled wireless communication,multiuser MIMO, cognitive radio, and optimization methods.

Dr. Zhang was an elected member of the IEEE Signal Processing Soci-ety SPCOM (2012–2017) and SAM (2013–2015) Technical Committees.He serves as a member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE WIRELESS

COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. He was a recipient of the 6th IEEE Communica-tions Society Asia-Pacific Region Best Young Researcher Award, in 2011,and the Young Researcher Award from the National University of Singapore,in 2015. He was a co-recipient of the IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Awardin wireless communications, in 2015, the IEEE Communications SocietyAsia-Pacific Region Best Paper Award, in 2016, the IEEE Signal ProcessingSociety Best Paper Award, in 2016, the IEEECommunications Society Hein-rich Hertz Prize Paper Award, in 2017, the IEEE Signal Processing SocietyDonald G. Fink Overview Paper Award, in 2017, and the IEEE TechnicalCommittee on Green Communications & Computing (TCGCC) Best JournalPaper Award, in 2017. His coauthored paper received the IEEE SignalProcessing Society Young Author Best Paper Award, in 2017. He servedfor over 30 international conferences as a TPC Co-Chair or OrganizingCommittee Member, and as the Guest Editor for three special issues inIEEE JOURNALOF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING and the IEEE JOURNALON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. He served as the Vice Chair of theIEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Board Technical Affairs Com-mittee (2014–2015). He served as an Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON

WIRELESSCOMMUNICATIONS (2012–2016), the IEEE Journal on Selected Areasin Communications: Green Communications and Networking Series (2015–2016), and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING (2013–2017). He iscurrently an Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS and theIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GREEN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING.

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