wistiafest presentation by kristen craft

Kristen Craft, Wistia @thecrafty

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Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Kristen Craft, Wistia


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Why we love video

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Video Marketing by the Numbers

Traffic: on-site video increases traffic 200-300%

Marketing Sherpa, 2015 @thecrafty

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Traffic: on-site video increases traffic 200-300%

Engagement: video content doubles time on site

Marketing Sherpa, 2015 @thecrafty

Video Marketing by the Numbers

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Traffic: on-site video increases traffic 200-300%

Engagement: video content doubles time on site

Demand gen and leads: Video drives the most leads

Marketing Sherpa, 2015 @thecrafty

Video Marketing by the Numbers

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Zappos sells 6-30% more when using product videos

Business Insider, 2015 @thecrafty

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It’s a rich medium

…for conveying information, ideas, and emotion

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“Video is the new HTML”-Benedict Evans


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Instead of asking: “Where should this video live?”


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Ask: “Where can I make a bigger impact, using video?”


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5 Videos You Need in 2016 (to Drive ROI!)

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The Product Video


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The Product Video

Helps people learn if your product fits their pain point


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The Product Video

Helps people learn if your product fits their pain point

Lets you show, not tell


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The Product VideoHelps people learn if your product fits their pain point

Lets you show, not tell

ROI = leads, conversions, engagement


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The Teaching Video


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The Teaching Video



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The Teaching Video

Establishes expertise and credibility


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The Teaching Video

Establishes expertise and credibility

Empowers your audience


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The Teaching VideoEstablishes expertise and credibility

Empowers your audience

ROI = site traffic, time on site, brand


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The Recorded Webinar


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The Recorded Webinar

Easy to make


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The Recorded Webinar

Easy to make

Lets you partner with others


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The Recorded WebinarEasy to make

Lets you partner with others

ROI = traffic, time on site, leads


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The FAQ Video


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The FAQ Video

Helps customers get answers faster


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The FAQ Video

Helps customers get answers faster

Lets you show, not tell


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The FAQ VideoHelps customers get answers faster

Lets you show, not tell

ROI = time saved, higher ARPC, lower churn


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The Sales Video


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The Sales Video

Lets you establish a more authentic connection with prospects


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The Sales Video

Lets you establish a more authentic connection with prospects

Differentiates your brand


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The Sales VideoLets you establish a more authentic connection with prospects

Differentiates your brand

ROI = big conversion boost


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Videos that Didn’t Make the Cut (And why)

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The Video Testimonial

Medium-high return, but requires a large investment


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The Video Testimonial

Medium-high return, but requires a large investment

Can feel scripted or inauthentic


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The Video TestimonialMedium-high return, but requires a large investment

Can feel scripted or inauthentic

Technical limitations can make it look shoddy (noise, lighting, etc)


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The “About Us” Video

Very hard to make


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The “About Us” Video

Very hard to make

Feels bad when it’s “off”


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The “About Us” Video

Very hard to make

Feels bad when it’s “off”



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The Holiday Video



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The Holiday Video


Can rub some people the wrong way (for many reasons)


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The Holiday VideoAnti-evergreen

Can rub some people the wrong way (for many reasons)



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Effort: Return


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Stay in touch!@thecrafty