witch island book i new beginnings original

Robin L Loveless 20770 Sycamore Street Weston, Ohio 43569 Cell # (419) 309-0971 [email protected] WC 19,470 WITCH ISLAND SERIES I A WITCH NAMED MEM Written by R. Loveless How close to death will she have to get to win the day? Let us begin with the day of reckoning. The day she finds her own inner being. On a night in the full noon light, she falls upon her face to ask the universe for her right to the powers to be. The clouds part and the wise old owl, Screech, present her with the gifts of intuition and dream sight. What happens next is magickal. Once like a small child with eyes closed tight, now has become a force to reckon with. Slowly and cautiously, she progresses toward her true gifts. She begins to look into the wonders that she is destined to achieve. Follow deep for in the darkness is her keep. From her awakening come great powers received. THE GIFTS On a night in the full moon light, she is feeling over- whelmed by despair and fear. The life she has worked so hard for is gone forever. Not knowing what else to do, she begins to construct a spell of reveal. She cleanses herself of all negative forces. She begins by filling her bathroom with ritual. In a tub of warm water, she adds essence of rose oil and lights three candles, a white one, a yellow one, and a

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Robin L Loveless20770 Sycamore StreetWeston, Ohio 43569Cell # (419) [email protected] 19,470


A WITCH NAMED MEMWritten by R. Loveless

How close to death will she have to get to win the day? Let us begin with the day of reckoning. The day she finds her own inner being. On a night in the full noon light, she falls upon her face to ask the universe for her right to the powers to be.

The clouds part and the wise old owl, Screech, present her with the gifts of intuition and dream sight. What happens next is magickal.

Once like a small child with eyes closed tight, now has become a force to reckon with. Slowly and cautiously, she progresses toward her true gifts. She begins to look into the wonders that she is destined to achieve. Follow deep for in the darkness is her keep. From her awakening come great powers received.


On a night in the full moon light, she is feeling over-whelmed by despair and fear. The life she has worked so hard for is gone forever. Not knowing what else to do, she begins to construct a spell of reveal. She cleanses herself of all negative forces. She begins by filling her bathroom with ritual. In a tub of warm water, she adds essence of rose oil and lights three candles, a white one, a yellow one, and a purple one. She concludes a whispered prayer to the Lord and Lady for blessings and protection. She lowers herself into the waters of purification and meditation. With reverence for all she has learned from her studies of the Wiccan way, she looks forward to what she will do next in her reveal.

The time had arrived for her to bare her soul to the powers to be. Feeling cleansed and purged of negativity she wraps herself in a black lacey cloak. On the way out to her place of power, she picks up the alter candle that has been dressed, blessed, and dedicated to the Moon Goddess. In the dark of the deck overlooking the river she loves, with only the light of the moon shining bright upon it, she begins the ritual. The circle is drawn and the directional corners are established and stand firm for the calling. With a deep breath, she lights the Altar candle. Her feelings become raw and surface into heart-felt emotion. She begins to cry freely as if morning for a lost love claimed by death. Unable to contain the pain she feels inside her body, she speaks aloud demanding an answer or a sign sent. While she lays face down weeping

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in desperation, she hears the faint sound of a screech owl nearby. She looks up in the direction of the sound and sees for herself that she is not imagining. Bigger then life, an owl has perched itself on a branch in the tree that her bat house is nailed. At first, the sight is startling; for several moments, their gazes lock in wonderment of one another. She feels relaxed until a voice gently settles in her ears. She hears, “Mem, calm yourself, I am here.” She stumbles to her feet and whirls around almost catching fire to her black cloak. She asks, “Who’s there? Is anybody there?” but doesn’t hear a sound. She turns back to see if the owl is still present and observes the owl’s movements. The owl slowly turns its head in the direction of the river and then takes flight. Left alone in the dark with only the moonlight shining and a candlelight flicker upon her, she wonders if this is real or if she is dreaming. She sits back down still safe within the circle and stares into the flame of the candle. Tears come to her eyes as she replays the words she heard as if inside her head. ‘Mem, calm yourself, I am here.’

The name Mem has a meaning that she somehow knows. She remembers seeing it in an alphabetical chart in one of her books. She is brought back to the earth ever so gently; she realizes it is very late and that the ritual rite is fulfilled. She gives thanks to the powers of conjuring, bids a farewell, and then closes the circle with the offerings. The candle is left burning in place to safeguard the magick that exists now and forever, from that day forward.

She gets ready for bed then retrieves the book she believes that has the name ‘Mem’. For several hours she reads and researches the word that she was now named. This name is her secret witch name or eke name given to her by the Moon Goddess meaning; first mother, bringer of winter.

On this night is a rebirth and born to her a Book of Shadows that will keep her secrets sacred. She lain in the candle lit safety of her room and imagines all that she will do from now on. Not knowing clearly what door, she has opened; but knew everything changed for the better. Content and satisfied with the outcome of the ritual, she falls asleep and dreams of many white kittens bouncing and frolicking about in the tall, green, swaying grass all around where she is resting. White kittens in your dream means a fortunate sign of powerful gifts that she will receive.

On rising the next morning in her sun filled room, she rolls from her side onto her back and stretches like her kitty cats do. They are with her in the fluffy covered bed stretching and yawning welcoming the daylight. She bounces out of bed with a feeling of great rest and wonders what will happen today. She goes to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and fills the cat’s bowl with their favorite food. While the cats have their breakfast, she decides to take a quick shower. While in the shower, she prays for a good day.

The bathroom fills with the scented mist of the shower gel. The moisture from the hot water covered the fixtures. When she pulls back the shower curtain and then wipes her eyes and face, she is astonished at what she sees in her looking

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glass mirror. She feels frozen in time as she stares at the mirror and the image that has appeared. She hurries to dry off and then grabs her Book of Shadows. She runs back into the bathroom as quickly as she can before what seems to be an image message fades away. She puts pencil to paper to draw what she sees in the mirror. Not looking away from the image, she draws as fast as she can before the image clears from the mirror. With the rough sketch in her hand, she goes out to the living room and seats herself in her favorite chair to examine what she has sketched. She works the drawing into a detailed image of a crowned feline. This cat image is profound and of royalty. When completed, she lays it down and gazes at it for what seemed to be twenty minutes or more. So much had transpired in such a short period of time that felt like hours. The image of the cat queen has to signify something. Therefore, she goes to the local library to research goddesses of every Kind and found the Goddess Bast, the goddess of creatures, especially cats. This information pleases her because she is very fond of cats. When she returns home, she goes directly to the bathroom and prepares the mirror to be sacred and blessed with many more image-messages that will soon come to guide and remind her of the honorable position she holds with the Goddess.

Filled with delightful feelings of importance, her life becomes like a beautiful song that she just cannot stop singing. She believes in new beginnings and successful conclusions again. Mem is who she is now and the Goddess Bast and she become more and more acquainted and closer then blood sisters. Mem’s spell casting becomes stronger and more effective with the blessing of the Goddess Bast re-enforcing Mem’s every conjuring and request. With each prayer offered to the Goddess Bast, for example, “Oh hear me Goddess Bast, my favorite goddess, the goddess of creatures and of cats; wield the magick that I ask and make it last; fulfill this petition is my will by the power of three, so shall it be!”

In the circle of protection in deep conversation the two of them come to know well one another and with sacred words conjoin as one in secret. The spells are spun without any harm to anyone. Their union now bound and sealed with goodness for them and others on many occasions, especially her loved ones.

Day one with the Goddess Bast has been filled with joy and great happiness. Mem can barely stand to wait for their next encounter when they merry meet again. Mem offers this prayer, “All is well in the house of Mem with her cats and conjuring; I am blest by the presence of the Goddess of creatures, the Goddess Bastet. Blessed be times three, for all that I will, have been fulfilled without delay and consequences. Only that which is good and beneficial has been sealed.”

Now Mem must gather the tools of her craft. This becomes an interesting and fun task. All the things that she seeks are found in nature. She journeys down the

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magickal path with the Goddess Bast. Within a week, she finds a shop in town that is conveniently located and will

be having a grand opening. This is a gift amongst many to come. Once inside her senses are filled with the many wonderful aromas and her newfound existence. She moves through the shop in amazement of all the supplies she will need. With the reasonable prices, she is able to purchase everything that will be part of her apothecary cupboard. She is so pleased with the variety of incense and essence of oils. There are candles, herbs, and ritual jewelry. She finds scented soaps and powders, colored ribbons, string, and rope. The greatest gifts found are the two new friends that she feels she already knows. They also feel the connection and ask if they had met before because she seems familiar to them as well. Their friendship is short but fulfilling. Within one year of the grand opening, the shop closes because of the lack of business. These two sisters taught her much in one year about the properties of their products that they created. Shannon is the chemist behind the making of the products Mem uses. Maggie is the smile and story keeper of all they experience.

They move their business to Texas and are doing great with the new shop ‘Essence of Romance and Mystery’. Mem misses them and has to find new suppliers. There is very few days that the sisters of the gifted shop don’t enter Mem’s thoughts. To find a new shop is no easy task, but Mem is not one to give up. With months passing like days, Mem’s supplies become depleted, but then a friend informs her of another such shop that is about twelve miles farther. The trip is well worth the drive for now. When it is time…a new place will be found…for Mem has the gift of wish magick. If it is needed or necessary, she will only have to think it and it will be given.

Mem prepares her spells and rituals on paper first because this is the beginning of success in her craft of Patients, preparation, presentation, and practice, practice, practice is what makes perfect. With her colored pens, pencils, and paper matching her every intention, she does well and is learning from trial and error to always strive for perfection. Haste makes waste, waste not, and want not. With perfect love and perfect trust as her main ingredient, the rest is just icing on the success. Always be well rested and in a healthy frame of mind, body, and spirit is her best advice. “When at first you cast, for protection and guidance you will do well to ask.” She has carefully sown these gifts. Her gifts she longs to share and make known. So heed the warning, “Do no harm,” these words are her gifts to you above all else, for what you send out, returns three-fold. She closes her eyes, bows her head, and speaks these words. “Blessed be times three to understand and take heed and from harm will be free. Trust and believe in thee.”

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The need for a wand arrives. She is not sure where to retrieve a wand and meditates about it. A few weeks later, for some unknown reason, she cannot remember why she ends up in Michigan at the farm of her dead grand parents. Her youngest went with her and they visited her Uncle El Brockway. He leads her out to a shed and reaches up into the rafters. When he has in his hand what he was searching for he begins to tell her the story of why he carved it. She is amazed at what he has made for her. From the twisted roots of a tree is born the enchanted creation of her wand.

He starts with, “When I saw this root I only thought of you.” He describes to her how it resembled the head of a horse. “I remember how much you love the horses at your grandfather’s house when you were young.”

He hands it to her and says, “It is my gift to you and a part of who you are.” While holding it with both hands she can feel the power of creation he has

enlivened. She has no idea that he even thought about her until that day. She thanks her uncle with a warm hug and a gentle kiss.

Her eyes start to fill with tears when he looks away and asks, “Would you like to see my brown, egg-laying chickens?”

She follows her uncle as he loads her up with fresh eggs and stories of her and the horses. Her daughter is in awe over what she has just heard and witnessed between her mother and great uncle. She is starting to become a firm believer in all that is unusual and hard to reason away with logic. They now proceed back up to the house to join the rest of the family. While within the home of her uncle, more memories of Mem’s pass are enjoyed when her cousins arrive. Mem believes that this visit was arranged by a higher power. There are too many magickal incidents for this to be a coincidence or chance happening. When she and Ceece return home, they both know instinctively what to do next with the horse headed walking stick. It will become Mem’s creative wand of magick.

Mem clears an area on the counter and sanctifies the house. They gather string and feathers that she has found on her many walks. She feels that she needs a pair of silver bells to help ward off any negative spirits. She prepares a blessing potion of rose oil and salt in a bowl of purified water. With incense of sage, all surfaces and items are blest, sanctified, and directed in their purpose.

Ceece washes her hands in the holy water and begins constructing the wand. She places each found treasure carefully and binds them with the string of natural fibers. Her face is serious and serene as she creates this majestic instrument of power. When Ceece is finished, she speaks the words blessed be three times just as natural as a witch could be. The walking stick is complete and now is directed in what it shall be by these words, “The wand and Mem bound as one, do thy will, for the good of all, harm none, this ritual now is done.” Blessed Be!

This project inspires Ceece to new and magickal heights. She now wants to

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know more about what also seems to dwell within her. Together they create and conjure at will and it happens with bigger results than they originally intended.

Soon Ceece realizes she has wish magick and all her desires begin to manifest themselves. Mem and Ceece have always had a close connection. There is a special bond between them that will never end, even after death claims them.

After a year of magickal conjuring and ritual practice, they come to the decision to make talismans for themselves. This is a very important next step in developing their craft. The talismans must accurately represent the Witch’s inner essence. Mem discovers who she is by meditation and self-examination with truth. They both begin by studying their personalities. They write down every discovery and underline their every strength. The description of their element, which is calculated by their date of birth, also was used. Their birth sign is entered into the information and then all is analyzed. Carefully chosen symbols of their best qualities are constructed and assembled into the talismans. Ceece’s occupational connections come in handy. The creations of the emblems represent what they stand for.

The rope of leather for strength, silver discs for purity and its protective properties, copper wire to form the star and circle of life and knowledge, Hebrew letters to name the five elements, a bird and a dragonfly are what make up Mem’s talisman. Ceece’s differs only in the creatures she has chosen to engrave upon hers. Mem is amazed at the results of her daughter’s designing of the talismans.

They join them together in a circle to be made sacred. At the completion of the ceremony of offering and acceptance by the god and goddess, they find themselves concerned more for spiritual being rather then their physical needs. They are now a part of a higher ordinance and calling. They realize that they have a new respect for even the most mundane objects, living things, and a reverence unmatched to anything they have acquired from bible studies in the past.

In their continued growth in the craft and their abilities to cause change for the better in many situations, there is a new found peace deep within that they have never felt before. They now feel ready to become initiated into a coven. They don’t know of any local coven that they can contact. They have been practicing their craft as solitary witches for two years. Not sure as to what to do, they decide to form their own private coven. With prayer and meditation on this matter, born is the Secret Hearts of The Sacred Star Coven. Since the founding of the coven, they now consist of four members. With each of them representing one of the elemental directions, they become a strong force of power. With power, they display great responsibility, doing what is right and beneficial and harm to no one. For another year, they grow, study, and have many wonderful experiences together. Then as we all are aware, circumstances tend to change, when least expected. Four become two again and that is acceptable, when they consider what is for the greater good for those involved.

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The two newest members decide to establish their own place of power. They only have what Mem shared with them and the gifts of incense and candle. They for themselves did not make any tools or Book of Shadows. When the winds of change came in full force even the familiar that Mem assigned to one of them deserted them by running away.

Next is the saddest outcome of all. Mem’s daughter, Ceece, also must move on to her own life. Ceece stays in contact with her mother unlike their departed sisters of the craft. On the day that everyone moves to his or her new surroundings, Mem prepared herself for the solitary existence that will be her reality. With the circle formed and candles lit, she offers up all that she has in exchange for protection against all negativity. When she believes all is well, the feeling of woe presses in on her senses. Not knowing what this feeling is, she continues to go about as if it was just her imagination because of being alone.

A few days have passed and the intruder is knocking and then gains access into her thoughts. The Simp of mind bending begins its reign of spiritual attack. She gathers every tool available, her intense studies and practices over the pass three years will aide in this battle against psychological attacks.

Her daughter senses her dilemma and comes to her aide. With only the power of two to guide them, they call on the Goddess of truth and light. The Goddess Thea is present, firm, and willing to assist in any way possible to vanquish the influence of this troublesome Simp. Now with the power of three established and reinforcements of a higher power, they engage in war against all that the Simp tries to inflict upon them. This battle waged on for nearly a year. Many spells and incantations are cast before the witches realize that what they are dealing with is their own powers being returned to them. This Simp is more cunning and crafty then they gave it credit. Their power of compassion proves to be more powerful then its power to bend reality.

The witches proceed with new tactics and enlightenment. The Simp is invited to stay and then ignored after they cast the ‘Return to Sender Spell.’ Within three months time the Simp grows weary of its exile into its own realm of inflictions. It ceases to attack any further torment on them. The Simp is subdued and relinquished of its power over Mem and her daughter. They feel with the battle won there still looms the many wars that will erupt over their lifetime. She writes in her journal that the power over negativity is the power to recognize the source of the attacks and act accordingly. Most cures come without bells and spells. First identify the source, name it, accept it, ex-spell it, and then forget it, but always be prepared for a return of it. There is nothing to fear accept fear itself. Do as you will, harm none is the best advice one witch can give to another and the world.

Mem returns to dealing with the issues she now faces in her life. She to must move and establish a new place of power. The Simp has ceased to attack but has continued to stay. Unable to co-exist with a negative force, she abandons the

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dwelling and moves to different surroundings not cohesive to her well being. She struggles to maintain her sanity as she strives to cause change in her circumstances. The power of prayer and fortitude toward survival of her mind, body and spirit sustains her for now. With the necessities needed to exist met and her dreams to feed on, this will keep her safe, for she is strong and accomplished in her beliefs.

Several moons pass before she returns to the old dwelling. Mem’s daughter calls her to inform that the old dwelling is sold. They arrange to meet there one last time to close that part of their lives forever.

The familiar that ran away returns on the very day that Mem and her daughter are there to pack everything and leave forever. They cannot believe that she is still alive. At first glance, they are not sure that it’s Mystical kitty. As if frozen in time, Mem and her daughter stand still and so does Mystical. They feel that the familiar has stopped time so she can check them out to be sure, of whom they are.When they all have come to the same conclusion about each other, it is as if the world started spinning again. With great relief that she is in fact alive, they run to one another with happiness filling their hearts. Mem is so awe struck that she does not notice how frail Mystical has become. She feels like skin and bone when Mem embraces her. Mem and Ceece immediately give her some food and water. She eats with great urgency and keeps her eyes trained on them while she consumes every morsel. Once they are reacquainted and relaxed from the excitement, Mem and her daughter pack up the remaining items that they have decided to remove from the dwelling. Mem takes Mystical kitty with her to the new place. Mem whispers in Mystical’s ear, “This is only temporary, don’t be afraid.

Mystical’s sister, Calico, is very accommodating to Mystical’s needs. Many weeks have passed and the cat sisters are as close as before separated by time and space. With the girls together again so is the power of three evident. Mem’s broken heart is repaired by the return of Mystical and the three of them are happier now then before the nightmare of her running away.

Mem eventually tells the two former members of Mystical’s return and her intentions to keep Mystical with her. She calls the two former members to set up a time to visit with them. They claim to be too busy that this endeavor takes up to three weeks to accomplish. When they finally meet after many weeks of unsuccessful attempts, Mem is not at all surprised about what she finds. The once competent spell-casters have fallen into ruin. Their surroundings are intact, but their state of mind is not. They have nearly forgotten everything she had taught them. They have stopped practicing and believing because their senses were dull by their loose drinking habit and all night parties. She is very disappointed in their abandonment of all that was sacred. With disgust and anger, Mem recuperates a sense of reasonableness toward them. Many of her belongings fill their home and this she regrets. They understand however that this is only a temporary condition of the

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agreement. Mem intends to retrieve all that is hers unwaveringly. She departs with settle pleasantries and returns later, she promises them. Since this unpleasant visit, many things have changed for them. Not all is good, but they seem content in their new situation. She finds herself feeling detached from them and uncomfortable with them. Mem resolves herself to her feelings of lose and continues her pursuits and improved things for herself. She realizes that she has only one thing to remember, to take care of her and in time, the rest is added. With her faith intact, she pushes toward to an unforeseen future that is hers alone.

In her visualization exercises she concentrates on her desires and needs, to some day have her own space, to be free to wield the powers that she believes in.With this kind of freedom comes contentment for her and those she loves. The time has come for the winds of change to blow advantageously in her direction. The witch’s New Year is upon them. The moon is now waning, as is the turbulence of this situation. Before the next full moon, all will be as it should be.


Much has happened. Many moons she has waited for an answer. Mem is now closer to the outcome of her choices. Good news or bad news, soon to be revealed.

The money and housing pursuit is now at a close. The outcome will be what it should be. She knows that all things happen for a purpose, sometimes not for us to understand at first. She has been driven or directed many times in her life to know with certainty that what ever will be, will be. With confidence, she feels that all will be more or less, what she needs. She has done everything humanly possible and magickal to ensure she will receive exactly, what she needs and when it is needed.

The time of need is very close and taunting. It must be soon for she feels weakened by the mental trials of just existing in this unsatisfying environment. Her magick is fading and hard to hold. She renews what is left of her magick and tries to build on it every night. The human presence is crowding her style of living. She has lost the freedom to do as she wills. With their chores to do as well as her own and the duties to pay for her stay, she feels trapped and suffocated. This cannot continue on this way. She needs to be saved from this decay. She fights for every breath she takes inside this tomb. The light that shines in this darkness is also fading with each passing day. With each candle she lights she prays, “Give me tolerance and the strength to endure, so when I am free there can be a rejoicing.”

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She yearns for the future that will take her away from this cesspool of corruption. She longs for the colors of freedom and the peace of contentment that only she can know through solitary existence where there is no one to answer to and nothing in her way of progression. She has a need for growth in self-reliance and a place to lay her weary mind and body, which for her is sacred. She wants the privacy of oneness and the joy of independence. When she comes to visit, it will be on her terms; moreover, she loves her family; but is a hermit. She wishes not to bother anyone and not to be bothered. She wonders, is this too much to ask? She thinks not. Therefore, she says, “It will be, as it is written times three!”

Mem has many times demanded a result with great success. She has no fear that this to will become as she wills. Longing to escape she goes on a long walk to reflect, then on her return to her new dwelling, she returns to her reality. Feeling tired and cold she retreats to her space. Welcomed by her kitties she is comforted. Thinking about the wanderings, she knows that the visions are not nothing and writes these thoughts; [The wild life is robust with activity. The season is coming into autumn and the leaves are changing and falling from the trees. The sky takes on a clear crisp blueness and the air is fresh and sweet with mature fruitage. Bright orange and yellow pumpkins are ready for carving. The children are filled with excitement about All hallows’ Eve approaching. The stores filled to capacity with a variety of candy, costumes and tricks of the season. With the cooling temperatures, everyone seems to be feeling invigorated. The whole earth is celebrating the newfound relief of plantings. Everything and everyone is getting ready for a much needed sleep. Day light becomes less and the night becomes a welcomed friend for many. The promise of the coming holidays of colored lights and presents incites the memories of gathering friends and family. The feasts of food and drink are upon them. Looking forward to new beginnings and better tomorrows are what comforts them. They hope against hope for another chance at fortunate endings and worthy of a blessing. This is the year of changing. Mem starts to slip into a trance like state. She is still aware of her surroundings but her thoughts and images play in her mind like a movie. She continues with the thoughts of new elections and campaigning for a lofty position; debates and questioning for a position in the presidency; a woman for president sounds crazy. The winds of change are desperately needed. We are in a season that none other can compare.

The year Two Thousand Twelve is the year of reveal. The message is in the stars, has been sealed, and will be broken in July of that year. The face of religion forever smeared and the beast will be not only killed. The fires of redemption will burn deep on Capitol Hill. No more will humankind rule to its extinction. Mother Earth is making the distinction of her revolution. The Universe joins in the celebration of truth in this final awakening. Astrologists worldwide are scrambling for the understanding of alignments they are scanning. Archived writings and drawings stir and frighten nonprofessionals. Suffer not a witch of gnosis. Buffer not the agnostic. Shout on high the knowledge. We will release the truth of our dawning.

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The truth and the light will set us free. The sword will guard our gates and the meek will inherit life ever lasting. No more will we suffer the agony of humanity. All will become its opposite to encourage the positive. As it has been written, so will it be commissioned.]

It will be fulfilled even better then in her vision. This she knows from the depth of her soul. Her walk was more then she anticipated. Her gift of dream sight she takes seriously. She cannot share it because it is not given to her to be exploited. Besides, no one will believe her anyway. The information is given in secret and must be respected and held as precious. She knows what must happen with no regards for self-interest, this for her becomes a comfort not something to be feared. Whatever the outcome, it will end all suffering and those who cause it. Some innocence will be lost. This is a cost unavoidable. Is it too late to change the outcome? If you must ask this question, then you must also accept that possibility. Mem is not a gloom and doom soothsayer. She holds dear all hope for happiness for everyone. She purposes her talents to help herself and others often. The purest of evil is the only element she seeks to neutralize. She is one among many who work toward beneficial results for the Earth and its inhabitances. This work is very important to her and to the powers that enable her to practice magickal efforts to this end. When it is time, all that was, will be again and then some.

She looks forward to the day of her release from these environmental restraints. This reality is a reminder of what is important to Mem. Therefore, she arranges to visit close family and be thankful for the simpler things in life. For two days, she is able to relax and enjoy the company of her children and reconnect with what is precious to her. Her daughter, Ceece, is planning an October wedding. Mem is happy to be of help in the arrangements of such a celebrated event.

They spend most of the weekend window shopping and searching the Websites for great ideas. They come up with a theme that is very much a part of what they are about. The groom is agreeable and gets involved at a certain level, his suit and the kind of cake they will have. The cake is a medieval castle covered in climbing roses, surrounded by an enchanted dragon. There is much yet to decide on in the coming months. There is a little over a year to pull this all together and have everything ready for the happy day.

Mem’s future son-in-law aware of all that is needed gives Mem a small, but very thoughtful gift. It is a leather-bound journal with a leather tie strap to use, as she needs. Mem is grateful and thrilled about the journal and is on the last few pages of the last one he gave her a year ago. He is a very kind and giving person and deserves a name. I now introduce her future son-in-law K.C. Cochis. This marriage will be a great success because they are so blessed. Mem adores him and cast many well wishing chants for them. They all have so much in common and are already a close-knit family. This union is a promise of all the great things they hope. There are some in-law issues to be dealt with, but Mem is confident that they can all work it out to benefit their children. Wedding bells and wishing wells will be the keys to their family’s unity under the “Get along Spell” Ceece and K.C. Cochis naturally will

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seal, with their pure and sincere love, any gaps that may exist. Tranquility is the recipe of their enchanted seed to be. Their children will be the seeds of the magick that will bind their families. In this, they can be sure for love conquers all that is dark and negative in the world above and below. This Mem believes. She says her good-bye and returns to her reality after what she feels has been a very good day.

She goes straight to her journal to record all that she experienced on this day. Once all her thoughts are carefully written, she ends it with a blessing and a prayer of gratitude and for further enlightenment into her life to be. Many a daydream reveals to her secrets that are the sacred words of her ancestors. The primal truth of her existence is hard to accept and yet they comfort her. She whispers to herself, “Truth is not always a welcome visitor, but with the sweet comes the bitter, Yea, who loves a lie have feet in a hurry to run to badness and fall into ruins, Yea, who loves the truth will find comfort and rejoicing and have strength of endurance.”

Now she enters into her journal these words: [The truth no matter how it comes, out shines the darkness of lies. Many died by the sword of truth and happy to do so. Those who die by the edge of a lie have died in vain and forever. The truth sets us free and makes us worthy of life. The very truth sustains us in life. We will fare much better in spite of the lies that are bombarding us if we hold fast to the truth that is in all of us; the Kingdom is within and all around us. We can be like the greatest one who ever lived we are the Jesus that the Christians speak of figuratively. We all possess the gifts he demonstrated time after time. The Magick that comes from unconditional love is contagious. If we only learn to infect one another with it, we to could perform miracles for the masses of lost souls. I believe that we could end all wars because we would have the truth about the greatest lie ever told, ‘believe in me and you shall be saved’. You must believe in yourself first, because there lay the Kingdom we must all seek. The source of our power is inside every one of us.]

She believes that we are One, rather we choose to agree or not. She continues by writing, [What effects one of our members, does it not affect the entire body? Stop being misled by what is customary to some and seek first yourself from within. Question the master and challenge its answers. Be not afraid because fear is an enemy that will devour the truth that can set us free. The knowledge of the Master of the truth and light will reign supreme and darkness will be found no more in all the inhabited Earth, until time indefinite. Blessed be all will be made free, great and small for eternity.]

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Mem has much knowledge about religion and realizes how controversial it can be. The proof is in the textbooks of history as to what is behind wars and hatred. We all have a divine right to believe whatever we please. So now, you know a little more about the witch and her beliefs. There were times in her searching that she studied intensely. She finds the truth in their lying. She watches them carefully and without preconceived judging. She does not claim to have all the answers; however, she is not misled by human hypocrisies. She is always working toward a peaceful outcome; moreover, she is a peacemaker and a voice in a wilderness of blackness that she is born from. The blackness is her light and power. When in the blackness she strives to seize the light of truth and the power to endure all things. The blackness is her strength and where she finds determination to go forth and conquer the madness. When she emerges victorious, the angels, faeries, gnomes, sprites, and spirits greet her with gifts of gratefulness. She is never alone for she has a home safe within the realm of imaginings.

We all have this capability. We are born of it. Some time after we become a certain age, we tend to forget our child and leave it alone in the blackness. If we never look for it, the child will cease to exist. Mem claims that she just never grew up or old. She never stopped believing in magick. For a short time, however, she had misplaced it. It took many loses in her life of loved ones to awaken what she knew deep down was always there stirring.

When she loses her mother, Mem finds out after three moons that her mother is trying to contact her. At first, it is just in dreams and then one day while out in her garden, Mem gets a whiff of her mother’s perfume. She looks around trying to find the source of the scent and hears a voice calling her name. She feels as if she is being watched. She proceeds to walk around the house to investigate. The incident is unnerving. She sees that there is no one around or out side. With this reveal, she runs back to the garden and there she finds an empty packet of four o’clock blown in by the wind. This flower is her mother’s favorite. Mem believes that this is a message from her mother. She goes into the house to reconsider this event. With logic and understanding about paranormal activity, she concludes that this is her first encounter with the realm of the nonphysical. Mem doesn’t put much weight into the event and goes on with her every day activities. It is the following mother’s day that she finally understands the message from her departed mother.

On the next visit, her mother has with her, Mem’s grandmother. Mem is once again working in her garden when she feels that she is not alone. In a dream-like state, Mem hears two familiar voices whispering behind her. With a quick turn, so not to miss what is standing there, she sees two spirits. She can smell their perfume and feels their love filling her heart with an aching sensation of loneliness. In an instance with tearful eyes, she recognizes them and embraces it with her whole soul. As quickly as they appear, they disappear. The feeling however, is with Mem forever. When she returns to her gardening; wrapped around the handle of her shovel are two strands of gray hair. As she stares at them, she recalls the message that is in her

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mother and grandmother’s visit. The message is clear and loving. This helps change Mem’s perspective on life as well as on death. No matter how lost or alone one feels, love will find you in the most unexpected way. Rather past, present, or future, love perseveres. Life is not the beginning; moreover, death is obviously not the end. All is eternal in one’s heart and mind. With a sigh of sudden loneliness overcoming her heart, she sinks back into the present.

The place that she feels exiled to is full of miseries. The Simp of mind bending has returned. She is aware of it by the dangerous way in which she is thinking. The Simp is stronger now then when she vanquished it. Mem needs the power of three to win again. The foreigners are unwilling to help. They feel that her problems did not concern them. She battles the Simp herself. Mem knows she may not win to fight another day. With a phone call to her daughter, she finds some strength to survive this one-day alone. She knows all too well her weaknesses. She prepares for the battle, not knowing what will become of her. She commits herself to the task of surviving. The mental attacks are deep and dark. Her emotions begin to unravel as her eyes fill with the bitter tears of defeat. She has no money and nowhere to hide. All her resources have dried up. Her daughter is unable to be at her side this time. Mem is too far away to reach even telepathically. Thinking that only a few days ago, she felt positive about her situation. She wonders if she will ever be free and happy.

She is in the eve of her season. The end is not far from her residence. She has nowhere to fall back. She must go forth and fight for what she believes in. The Simp is relentless and has no mercy or remorse for what it is doing. This Simp is selfish and self-centered. Mem knows that the Simp couldn’t be anything more or less because of its nature. With this in mind, she realizes that she will rise to the occasion.

Nighttime is fast approaching and she has to make a move before the Simp does. Mem gathers everything she has in her arsenal. She begins to meditate and pray for the daylight to find her alive.

The Darkness is back and not to comfort her, but to consume what is left of her. There is no recourse but to come out fighting with everything she is capable.

This battle wages great damage to her psyche. She suffers from short-term amnesia. Unable to reveal the cause of her condition to the worldly physicians, they are left clueless. Mem seeks out and finds an alchemist to treat her memory loss. She is a well-known hobbit named, Bonitah Noeblet. Mem has known her for several years from working as an associate in medicine. She trusts and respects Bonitah with her well being. Mem knows that if anyone can save her from this mental condition she will.

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A short time has past and Mem is in better health; however, the Simp’s attacks have permanent effects on her. With her weak financial situation and no home of her own, hopes for a complete recovery take longer than expected. The attacks continue on lower levels of impact everyday. Mem suffers the ills of this Simp until she finds security in her homeland. Someday, Mem hopes to buy her freedom from the rulers of this foreign wasteland of human afflictions. The companions that Mem has found on her latest travels agree to assist her in anyway possible while in Exile; unfortunately, they are limited in their powers of persuasion over the foreigners that control this land.

Mem walks in poverty and oppression of her gifts, she battles with the negative dictators and sharp-tongued persecutors. She is full of spirit and hopes for a brighter path even while in her agony. For however long it takes, she walks bravely with nothing but a lantern of faith. Day after day and night after night, she travels toward her freedom. She wonders if anyone will remember what she has endured? Would anyone be inspired? Would she be free in time for her daughter’s wedding? Could she defeat the Simp that pursues her, who hopes to devour her and take possession of her powers?

Mem still has one last gift that even the Simp cannot take. She knows that if it kills her, it will not survive the most powerful gift of all, the power of love! Therefore, she invites the Simp to feast on the last of her gifts, the ultimate gift. She begs the Simp to do its worst. The Simp also has this knowledge and refuses to partake of such an offering. Mem realizes that her adversary has a weakness as well. She uses this information to defeat it.

She concedes that all she has to do is survive one attack at a time. While under attack, she fills herself with every good thought and feeling.

The power of love and loving thoughts become so sweet, the Simp cannotWith stand the bitterness once ingested. The Simp has no choice but to back off.

The attacks become less and Mem handles the few and far between episodes of attacks. She regains most of her strength and is able to think more clearly. She finds her joy again in the little things that she is thankful.

On first rising, she counts every blessing and prays for strength to endure, absorb, and to reconstitute the negative energy into positive energy for her benefit. She hopes it will be enough to get her to her next destination on this journey, back to herself and her homeland.

After several more moons of battle with the Simp, she needs sleep. When the night falls and covers the land like a black cloak. She dreamt of a happier place in which her children live. When the flickering flame of faith from her lantern no longer gives forth its light, it is time to move on. Her dear friend and associate, Bonitah, returned to her trade and work place. She leaves Mem with many ready mixed remedies for future use. They kiss each other’s cheeks and say farewell.

Mem lays in the shelter alone and frazzled. She is exhausted from the emotional strain. It is very late and Mem just wants to sleep. Therefore, she takes

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one of Bonitah’s remedies and does just that. The sounds from outside her dwelling fade away into muffled noises. The cats curl up beside her in bed and fall asleep as well. She begins humming a song to her feline friends and then slowly slips into a dream, or is it a nightmare?


She found herself in front of a roaring fire. There were people outside making a racket. She could only make out shapes and shadows as she tried to figure out what was going on. She felt drowsy and uncoordinated in her movements. She was at the opening of her little space of existence remembering how she got there and why. She let out a loud scream as her surroundings started to spin. She realized that she was trapped inside of some sort of void. She started to reason with herself that it was just a dream and would wake up soon and all would be as it was. A myriad of thought gripped her. At first, she tried to rationalize what happened. She didn’t know if this was real or just a bad dream. She wasn’t sure about what day it was or for that matter what year. She only thought about a way out from wherever this was. Everything seemed as real as was before she fell asleep. She even cut herself to make sure she would bleed. The air smelt and felt the same, wretched and old. She walked a little ways from the opening of her space to get a better look around. All seemed quite normal as she remembered. After convincing herself that all was as it should be, she lay back down next to the kitty-girls. While staring at the ceiling she fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up the next morning, as usual, she counted her blessings, made a few entries in her Book of Shadows, and then began a new journey with her familiars at her side. In short, new dangers arrive.

In the dawn of winter, Mem reached her final days of exile in a foreign land of desperation. On December 11 at first morning light, she found what she thought was a way of escape, which meant a long trip to endure. Mem was not afraid of traveling. She cannot rest and was accustom to moving around and never stayed in one place. She knew that she must continue moving or be killed. She sent word of her intentions to her children, but no response. She found herself alone again facing the trials of her life. Will she ever be truly free from her nightmares and day terrors?

Mem changed her name and appearance. She gathered some herbs, lit three candles, and got to work on a spell. She cleansed herself in rose water and smudged in incense of sage. The spell that she decided on was a glamour lotion. This would

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make her appear to others as a harmless stranger. She needed to be able to move through them freely; however, this spell did not fool the Darkness. What ever she had to do, she had to move quickly. She prepared a chant for her name change and it went like this: “Same name, name change, and my name now hide from fame! Blessed be times 300 seas.” This spell made anyone who wished harm against her not understand what she said, the words became jumbled in their heads, they would let her go and be out of her way.

The hour was nearing. She must wait for the dark of the moon before she started out on this dangerous journey back to her homeland. She had several appointments to keep with persons who wished to help her in anyway possible. These people had influence over the local residents and magickal talents.

She had only seven more days before Half-light would expose her to theDarkness.

Half-light was a liar and a cheat. It was the eyes of the Darkness. This creature could travel day or night and was undetectable by the human eye. Mem knew this and befriended a faerie of tri-sight who had agreed to travel with Mem as her companion and scout. This beautiful faerie’s name was Trinitee. She had telepathic powers that aided in the quiet conversations while on their quest for Mem’s freedom. There was much to do and pack. In two weeks time they must be ready to leave the hiding place.

Mem had been in this place for six moons now. Winter was upon them and this made traveling dangerously wicked. The heaviness of the air made it harder to hear anything or know from which direction a noise may be coming. Mem’s safety and health was very important to Trinitee because they depended on one another for everything. If they were to make it through alive, they had to trust and believe in one another. They had prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. There were mountains, valleys and rivers to cross. The scariest place they would venture through would be the forest.

Mem collected seven white stones. Each stone represented one day. When night turned to day, she would cast one of the stones into the smoldering campfire before they started on their way.

On the night of their departure, Mem cooked up a meal and saved some of the leftovers for the journey. She gathered her familiars, Tabby and Calie, and they slept snuggled all through the night. Mem’s faerie companion arrived at first morning light and then they packed up the sled and were on their way.

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The Mountains, covered in white caps of ice and snow, were not very far away and seen for miles. The winds blew down from their peaks with a chilling force. Mem and Trinitee had to stay close to the foothills in the shelter of the evergreens. The river ran through these hills, so they followed the river until they reached the valley. The landscape was beautiful but dangerous. The hill’s steepness was full of obstacles of impending doom. There were creatures roaming about hungry and scared. The hills were dotted with small encampments of nomads; they were not always friendly. Mem and Trinitee sometimes had to give away their reserves to gain passage. This weakened their efforts in making it to their next destination. With the cats following close by, they did their part to survive.

Tabby and Calie worked together as a team and always had a fresh kill for all of them to feast on. When they had reached the other side of the mountain, they knew that they would be safe at least from the foreigners that they left behind. No longer able to see the tiniest flicker of light from the land behind them, they could only look forward into the unknown.

After several nights and days of traveling through this vastness of wilderness, Mem’s spirit of determination was worn. She took a moment to herself to reflect on how far they had traveled. She put her hand inside her coat pocket to pull out the bag of stones. She poured what was left of them into her hand. She looked around at the location and then counted the stones that were left. She calculated that they had traveled for three days. This meant that they were halfway through the mountain. They still had three or four more days before reaching the flatlands.

They hoped that when they had arrived in the flatlands, that there would be a place to restock their supplies. It was frigid at this altitude in November. They must make their descent immediately or it could mean the end of their lives. The reality of their situation was the driving force for them to continue down the mountain for as long as they could. They needed to get to warmer temperatures of the flatlands to ensure their survival.

They had been traveling northeast along the ridge of the mountain with the wind forces in front of them. They finally reached the bottom of the steep foothills and started walking due east to the flatlands. They could see it as the day faded into night. They found a giant, hollowed-out tree that they used as shelter. Mem started a small fire and cooked up what the cats had dragged in for supper. It was big, gray, and plenty for the four of them.

The next morning while Mem was taking a walk, she found a small watering hole. She took a bath and replenished her spirit to endure the remainder of the journey. When Mem retrieved her clothing, one white stone fell from the pocket of her coat. She stared at it for what seemed like thirty minutes. Then a sound startled her back to reality. She had a dream sight of the forest, a scary place, which she was warned. This was a place of enchantment. Few had gone and returned to tell the tales of the things that they had heard and seen. From what she could see in her

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vision, this place was a mystery. This place was full of magickal powers and beings and winged things. The prospects of what she might encounter excited her. She ran to where the others were and told them about what she had seen in her vision. When they had heard everything that she wanted to share with them, they became just as excited and their spirits were up-lifted to renewed energy. They packed up what they had left and started out for the flatlands. There they stocked up on the supplies needed for their exciting adventure through the forest of mystery and intrigue.

The forest was named for the lives lost. They called it Tymelast Forest for this place may be the last time you are heard from, if heard at all. The trees were close and dense with mold and moss. The canopy overhead was like a web of death. There was no light shining through even when it was day it was pitch black and full of movement above and below. A person traveling through here was well advised to expect nothing good to come of it. With what they came up against Mem and Trinitee were prepared. They knew that fear was their greatest enemy. They had brought with them white-lighter stycks. All they had to do is strike the styck against any hard surface and it would glow like a streak of lightening. The glow pierced through the dense darkness like a hot knife through melted wax and lasted for up to four hours. The forest lasted for two days. They met up with some unpredictable characters while journeying toward the center. The images were not what they expected to meet up with, considering their surroundings. One would think that the only thing found in a place like this would have to be as ugly as its environment to become undetectable. We were foolish to believe what our eyes showed us. Hard lesson learned and miracles do happen even in darkest hours.

The center of this forest was as dark as dark can get. This was the point of life and death. This was the curse and the cure of both. With a deep ragged breath, Mem went in first ahead of Trinitee. What seemed unreal became their reality for however long it took to make it past the center.

There at the center it seemed as if time had stopped. There were no sounds and nothing moved. This place in time was ageless and eternal. The power there was neither good nor evil, neither positive nor negative. The closer they came to the core of this point in time, the more anxious they became. Their feelings of anxiety subsided after the appearance of something neither of them could describe in human language terms. In this place there were no words spoken, only the very essence of being. Here is where only the metaphysical existed. They were no longer within but without. This place revealed the defining truth of what they are and would become. There was a sense of self without the burden of flesh and bone to obscure their inner spirit. Here they entered with what was within them and left with so much more.

‘The spiritual condition of self by which you enter determines the condition of self by which you exit’ was written on a piece of wood tied to a dead tree. Trinitee and Mem hesitated for a moment after reading these words. They knew that they had no other choice but to enter with what they believed in. The unpredictable characters were of their own creation. They were their inner fears and ambitions in life. They knew they had to purify their feelings and thoughts if they wanted to see

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daylight again. They puffed up their faith, humbled their flesh, and entered with perfect love and perfect trust that they would be better for it.

Facing their fears and conquering them was a battle in itself. The greatest powers of destruction are fear and love. Mem’s personages now had faces and her virtues had essence of spirit.

When they had reached the core, a message was given through the waters of the Divine. This is what they experienced and witnessed. In the waters of the Divine were two images, one of a giant healthy tree and the other of a petrified rock.

“Hither stands the truth and Tether sits the lie, the truth is not seen through human eyes. To bare the soul, you must abandon the body and its members there of. The lie is easier to see for it celebrates openly. The truth you seek is deep within thee and most are afraid to see me. ‘THE DIVINE’ does not judge, punish, or condemn. The understanding is that all those living are not perfect but still learning. Being born is not the beginning neither is death an ending. All are travelers on a celestial journey. We are many; we are one in origin. When all admit that, they know nothing, only then will they know something. The blind do not see and those who see are blind.” “Seeing is not believing. Believing is seeing.”

Mem’s understanding is that the core of our existence is of the collective. We are all connected but divided. When we realize the source of our division, we understand the words that are written. This knowledge is born in us and then distorted by humanity. Mem would rather lie down with the truth and rest easy then stand with the lie and grow weary because of it. Life is hard enough and short-lived, so why fight and argue over religion. She has read; do not forsake the gathering of yourselves to one another. Nowhere is it written, do not forsake the gathering of (denominations, ethnic groups, color, race, gender, generations, or specific beliefs.) we are not divided by ‘THE DIVINE’ we are divided by humankind’s need to control humankind.

Mem further expressed it in this way, “THE DIVINE; it is a light that lives inside us. It is untouchable by hands. It cannot be seen or heard by human eyes or ears. It is a feeling deep down in the core of our hearts and minds. It is beneficial and all that is good. It moves humans toward compassion for others. She knows it lives inside of her. It does not reveal itself. You must search for it. It is the miracles by humankind. It only lives in living things and is expressed naturally through kindness to others and then yourself. Its light does not co-exist with the darkness. It illuminates the badness to its punishment. What one sends out returns three-fold. What goes around comes around. Do onto others what you would have them do onto you. These are the Golden Rules to live by and live for. It has been said, ‘love covers a multitude of sin’. With unconditional love, humankind would never war against one another again is the opinion of Mem.

Mem knows all too well the reality of human condition, she writes, “It was found wanting and was judged imperfect. We all fall short of divine grace.” She also is aware that as long as we are alive there is hope. “We cannot give up or give in to the wilds of our fleshly desires.”

The end is not yet for Mem and her companions. They still had to find their

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way out of the notorious forest of great secrets and mystery. Mem began to wonder what time of day it was. The dense and endless night that existed there fooled their minds.

Trinitee took flight as she often did to fly up through the canopy to measure the placement of the sun. She had excellent navigational skills. Trinitee was of a celestial nature. She originated from the blue stars of Troika, the stars that exists behind the moon. She had an aura that matched her world. There were times that she lit their path with just her illuminating personality. She really liked to play hide and seek with Mem’s cats, which was quite entertaining.

Trinitee returned with the time of day. It was noon and they all noticed that they were hungry. It did not seem appropriate to eat in the presence of what felt Holy. They walked through the center and around the core with respectful silence. Once outside of the center, they felt the climatic element of the dank, dark, and musky forest again. When they looked back, the center was non-existent. The forest had consumed it into oblivion. They were puzzled about this and walked back to where they believed it was. There was no evidence that there was a center to this place.

Strangely, the words of Mem’s father came to mind; he once asked her a question. ‘How far can you go into the forest’? The answer was only halfway, because then you would be coming out. It amused her and she had to share it with the others. They found it to be as humorous as Mem did and they all had a good laugh. The laughter served as a release valve for the stress that they had been under since the beginning of their journey.

The kitty girls reminded Mem with playful intentions that they were all very hungry now. Mem caught the hint, they gathered up their belongings, headed out and found a clearing with better lighting.

On the way out of the forest, Mem heard the little voice of Trinitee in her ear. She was reminding Mem that seeing is not believing-believing is seeing. Her heart filled with warmth and she could not hold back the smile that burst forth onto her face.

Mem remembered a time with her sister, Alephax. She could see herself sitting next to her on the living room floor. They were watching the television program, Bewitched! Ale leaned over to Mem to whisper a secret. “You know, our aunts and grandma, on Mayjee Island, are witches don’t you?”

She remembered how their secret made her feel. She had a tickle in her stomach and a giggle in her throat. She felt excited and happy to know the truths revealed.

They noticed that their eyes were starting to see a dimly lit haze in front of them. After being in the dark for so long, they thought that maybe it was a trick of some sort. The light became brighter as they began to run toward the daylight. The colors were so vivid and bright that they could barely look at them. The forest widened and the trees seemed to part from one another. They could hear birds flying and singing with such joy, it was as if they were welcoming them back into the land of the living. By the position of were the sun was they could tell it was late afternoon.

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Before Mem could walk any further, she had to stop and take one more look at where they had emerged. In her silence, she gave thanks to the Tymelast Forest for its gifts to them. She made a promise that she would never forget any of it. Her companions sincerely agreed with her and came away with the greatest gift of all ‘the validation of knowledge’ that had enriched their lives and forever changed them for the better. If there were never hard times, we would never appreciate the good times. These words came from her mother and grandmother. “May they continue to live within Me. Blessed be times three.” were Mem’s parting words of appreciation.

“The color of life is the magick of miracles.”


Mem had traveled many roads. They all seemed to lead to the same end. The hidden road had room for only one vessel. It is tailored to the one who dared to brave what it had to offer. Mem had chosen this path for reasons unbeknown to her. It was more like the road had chosen her. This road was a lonely road. Seldom do you see another soul during your travels. What you needed found you along the way. This was what Mem had to say about her hidden road days.

Now that Mem and her companions seemed to be out of harm’s way. They looked forward to the road ahead of them. It was scary and sometimes dark. This road was littered with unforeseen obstacles. Mem felt alone even with her companions. What she endured was personal. Many had traveled this road but were unknown. There were moments that made her scream and shout and holler. The only gain from such lunacy was silence, because no one was listening and no one knew her agony or cared. She kept most of it to herself because she felt that no one had the power to help. So she knew she had to be stronger than the problems she dealt with. There were very few places along the way where she could seek comfort. She came to a sad conclusion that her companions had become a burden of extra responsibility. They held her back from what would have been easy. In fact, she blamed them for ending up in Exile. These feelings disturbed her but she just could not shake them. She loved Trinitee and her kitty-girls and could not live without them. They became more then just companions. They were her reasons for living. More times then Mem cared to admit, her feelings would get in the way of her logic. Logically she knew that her decisions, because of love, were hard choices. It took a lot more strength to do what was right when love was the reason behind the decision. Mem never did anything unless it was something to do with love. She was a romantic. She loved and dreamed of happy endings and had yet to realize them.

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Trinitee, with her telepathic talent knew what Mem felt. So in her little faerie voice she tried to send comfort for Mem’s heart and whispered, “Mem, I am here. You are not alone. I love you to.”

On hearing these words that were not hers, Mem looked around frantically. She cried out to Trinitee and her kitties to forgive her of her selfishness. To Mem’s relief they were close by and came running to her. Mem felt ashamed of the way she had been behaving. She knew her thoughts were not normal. She had a suspicion that maybe the mind-bending Simp had followed her. Mem had to be on her guard against her own thinking. She told her friends about what this Simp had done and was capable of. Mem felt that if she shared this knowledge with those who loved her, that they would have a better chance at recognizing their enemy. Trinitee would be the first to alert Mem of any mental attacks since she was psychic. The cats had a unique gift of sight as well and a keen sense of smell. So the power of three had been activated by faerie sight, feline instincts, and a witches’ intuition.

Mem’s daughter had packed a special item for her. When they stopped to rest, Mem was looking through her backpack. She found a small leather book with a wrap strap to secure it closed. She pulled it out carefully and was amazed. She knew that her daughter, Ceece, had to of packed it for her. It was safely wrapped in a brown sandwich bag. When she opened it there was a note attached to the front cover. After reading the note, Mem began to cry. If ever she needed to see her daughter’s words, it was right then. In the note were words of renewed hope for the future. Ceece had written the most beautiful words a mother could ever hope for, they read like this; There will be a new arrival come spring. You will have to be home because she wants to meet her Grandma. We miss you and want you with us to share in raising our new little witch. She will need you to teach her our way. I need you Mom more then ever. Love you, Ceece--P. S. She needs a name that only you can give her. Blessed be! I thought maybe you might need a new Book of Shadows. It has been charged in bringing you home. (A witch should never be without her weapon of choice) I knew you would agree. So do your will -- Harm none! XX OO

P.S.S. Love and Life surrounds us and binds us, now & forever.

Trinitee heard every word that Mem had read and was so full of encouragement that she jetted straight up into the sky. She looked like a rocket taking off with a stream of colors like the rainbow flashing all around. When she finally returned from her emotional flight of cheerful joy, she gave Mem a tender faerie kiss that felt like a million butterflies fluttering on her face. Mem never stopped thinking about the words of her daughter’s news. She was so excited and happy. She felt like she could do anything now.

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Once Trinitee had settled down, they realized that Tabby and Calie where nowhere to be found. So off Trinitee flew again to see if she could spot them from above. Sure enough, there they were, hiding in a bush nearby. Trinitee flew above where she could see them until Mem reached the spot. Mem quietly walked over to where they were. She stood there looking at them all curled up and frightened. Mem waved to Trinitee that she had found them. Mem carefully bent down and sat next to them in the bush. She let them decide for themselves when it was safe to come out. They had been frightened by the commotion that Trinitee had stirred up on her exciting little flight. Tabby and Calie recovered and came out on their own once they saw that Trinitee was all right. After a half hour of soothing them with calmness, they were themselves again, curious and playful. They went back to where they had been sitting and had some dinner for the long road ahead was awaiting their arrival.

After dinner Mem took the last white stone from her coat pocket. She held it in her hand for a moment and then together they buried it along side the road. The sun was about to set and they had to get going. They had to find some shelter before dark. Trinitee flew out ahead of them in search for a safe place. After about twenty minutes of walking, Trinitee flew back with good news. She had found a rocky out cropping in the side of a hill just ahead about a quarter of a mile. Mem was very relieved to learn what her dear friend had found for them. On the way to their resting place, they gathered some branches and sticks to make a fire.

By the light from the fire, Mem conjured up a blessing spell for good fortune and health to remain with them for the remainder of their journey. She encircled them with sea salt for protection to shield them from harm. By first morning light they would start again on their quest to find home. Mem dreamt about her unborn grandchild and it inspired her to drum up every ounce of strength she possessed to make it home before the baby’s due date. She figured that her granddaughter would be born around her birthday in June. Which would be late spring or early summer. There was so much she wanted to teach her and so much Mem would learn from such an innocent. She prayed that her daughter would be okay during her pregnancy. Ceece was not in the best of health to carry a baby. This knowledge made everything else seem small in comparison to being with her children. Mem knew that what she would go through was not as important as her daughter’s needs. This put a whole new perspective on the issues at large. Mem didn’t get much sleep that night after reading her daughter’s note. She woke in the morning feeling very tired. They had already decided to camp there for a few days.

Trinitee had gone off into the bright morning sky to search for water. She always found what they were in need of. She was the best scout of her kind. Mem and kitty-girls were very fortunate that Trinitee wanted to go on this journey with them. You see, the great thing about good faeries is that they love helping humankind and love a good adventure; especially magickal ones that expose them to a world beyond their own.

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Now getting back to the day’s tasks. Tabby and Calie went hunting for food and brought back a pheasant and a rabbit. Mem came across a nest of eggs and they had a hardy breakfast to start their day. After breakfast they followed Trinitee to the watering hole that she had found. There they were able to relax and bathe and fill all the water jugs.

“Blessed be times three.” Mem thought, “The Gods are watching over us and blessing our every effort to survive.”

They loaded up the sled and headed back to the campsite. In the safety of the elevated rock ledge, they sang some songs and fixed the leftovers from breakfast. That night Mem was sure to get the proper rest she needed for the next days travels. They huddled together for warmth and comforted one another with love and appreciation.

Mem fell asleep only to awake after a few hours. She looked around into the darkness. When her eyes had adjusted to the faint lighting from the embers of the fire, she gently moved out from under her kitty-girls. She found that she needed some alone time to think. She walked over to the opening of the alcove. Her thoughts were muddled with past memories and what the future may hold. She started to wonder what it is she felt she had to run from, or was she running toward something? She decided it was time for a reading. She went to her bag and pulled out her magick sack of goodies. By the light of a single white candle she did a tarot reading. The first card was the High Priestess card. This is always an important message. She knew by the appearance of this card that she would receive a very special message. She did a full reading of all eleven cards. The time was midnight and also the first day of December. (The cards revealed painful changes were on the way; however they would be beneficial in her personal growth. While proving to be a force to reckon with, she would become the person she was meant to be. Old negative influences would soon be replaced with her own self-confidence that was developing. All her hard work was about to be rewarded and she deserved it no matter what others may believe). The High Priestess card message informed Mem [that she had to learn to be flexible and handle more than one crisis at a time. This is not something to fear. In fact only death should she fear for it would come and take someone close to her.]

When she saw this message, she immediately thought of her ailing father. She recently was told of her father’s will. He had left everything to her including, the continued care of her brother. Mem realizes that these facts were part of why she is on the move. She does not want to deal with lose of her father then deal with the responsibility of her mentally challenged brother. She realized that she must accept and be thankful for what she had by making it better, not by eliminating it.

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She had a strange feeling that she was being watched from the dark. Then she realized that the spell she had cast on herself to appear as a harmless stranger had expired. She had returned to looking like herself. The spell only lasted for seven days. She now had three days to make it to her next destination, ‘The Blind Valley Retreat’. It was somewhere in the flatlands. She had to meet with the Sorceress of future sight. This Sorceress had a plan on how to change her life’s course for the better. She only had until two o’clock on the third of December in the afternoon to complete this journey.

Mem felt overwhelmed by a feeling of something touching her. She heard a noise in the bushes below them. She went to investigate and found a small being sneaking around in the brush. She tried to catch it but it was not something solid. It was more of a shadow. It disappeared and she knew then what it was. Half-light had recognized her now that she was no longer protected by the image spell. She knew it would report her location to the Darkness. This Darkness would never stop stalking her and she would always be at battle with its influence. Mem wondered how she would survive the elements that wanted to destroy her and consume her powers. She needed to find security in something or someone. This Sorceress may have an answer for her. This situation had turned into a life and death matter.

In the morning Mem gathered them for a meeting. There were serious decisions that had to be made. She did not want them to risk their lives for her in this way. The Darkness was very powerful and destructive. She remembered how bad it was when it had her in its void. She wanted to spare them the pain and the insanity that she knew it could inflict upon anyone, who tried to help her.

She activated her cloak of disguise. It was an effective source of magick and she had used it before on her travels. This may at least get them through to the Sorceress safely. With Mem in a weakened state, casting was not a good option. It took a lot of energy to hold a spell in place for extended amounts of time. The change appearance spell had used a dangerous amount of magick. Mem’s power of will was low and she was so tired. She needed a safe place to refortify her inner powers. But nevertheless, she pulled her cloak from her bag; they stood in a circle around the cloak, and called the corners. Mem offered up a libation and a prayer of protection. Mem now was ready to invoke and cast the activation spell. It went like this; “Cloak of stark black lace, change and transform my face; protect those who travel with me, with heavenly grace. Surround us and now embrace; hold the magick securely in place. Blessed be as I will, for all to see now fulfill; harm to none, times three!

Then Mem gave thanks and closed the circle. The cloak was now enchanted and would get them to where they needed.

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The trip to see the Sorceress was not long. In just eight hours they were at her hide-a-way in the valley past the end of the flatlands. She was expecting them for several days. She spotted them on the horizon, whisked them to her dwelling with her mind. The Sorceress could teleport objects and living things if necessary. She introduced herself as Janknight. Mem did like wise with her friends for Janknight. Mem started to tell Janknight of her problems but before Mem could utter another word, the Sorceress quieted her in her heart. Janknight told them that she was aware of the situation and that they need not explain.

The Sorceress had a feast spread out before them and invited them to just rest and to enjoy the food she had prepared. She said, “It is the hour of great powers, Mem, I send thee the powers to be. Accept and be healed! To your companions with hope and accomplishment they will lead! To each of you I give the gifts to set you free. The darkness, not one of you, will it see. I blind Darkness and Its servant of dark deeds, you will now flee!”

The den filled with blue smoke and then white light and the Sorceress was gone. This was the place she had prepared for them to stay. Mem was hoping to spend more time with her because she felt indebted. They did what Janknight had asked of them and they were completely refreshed by morning. Mem cut a lock of her hair to leave behind as a gift of gratitude. Each of them had their own gifts to give. They slept like babies in the arms of the Great Mother. Never had they felt so safe. Never had they dreamt of such beauties as on that night.

On rising the next morning, Mem still had a weight pressing down upon her heart. With all the knowledge she had gleaned from her journeys, she still was lacking faith. She had faith that the sun would rise that the moon would shine, and that the seasons would continue to bring renewed life. The most important faith of all that she lacked was faith in her self. She was saddened by this realization. She wondered what it would take for her to finally believe in her own abilities. Mem wondered, what was holding her back from the gift of faith in herself. All the elements that she fought everyday were her own views of the world she created. It must come down to one simple solution. Maybe soon she would discover her inner being and inner strengths and be able to just love who she was. Some things stay the same for a good reason. Maybe she had to change something about herself before something outwardly changed?

The weather was taking on a wintry air. The sky opened up and the snow began to fall. She called her friends to see the beautiful snowfall. They ask if they would be leaving the den in this weather. Mem turned to them and sighed and just shook her head in a no answer. There was plenty of food to hold them over if needed.

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Mem was thinking about a piece of cake and when she looked at the table it just appeared out of nowhere. Not only was this den enchanted, but everything within it was also. So they stoked the fire and sat back down to refigure what was next.

They were safe in the Sorceress’s cave because she had cloaked it with her magick before she left. Janknight left them with gifts of plenty for she knew they would need to stay longer then they realized. They stayed for one week and during that week Mem learned a lot about herself and her friends. They shared their secrets and wishes about life and told stories that were inspiring. After a very filling lunch on their second day in the protection of Janknight’s den, Mem opened her Book of Shadows to begin a new entry on their adventures thus far. She always began her entries with; Dear Guardians of the Universe small and great I praise thee. Mem kept a journal for the rest of her days. Every entry was dated and the weather was mentioned on each date entered. She would draw little pictures and random designs around the edges and top and bottom margins. There were drawings of dreams that she had and visions of friends and foes. Each and every one of her journals was unique and special. She was quite an artist and a poet at times.

Trinitee was so full of magick and insight that she gave very useful advice. She never had a bad attitude or lost sight of the mission.

Tabby and Calico were mostly playfully serious when hunting for the day’s meal. They were great companions and entertainment. The four of them as a team could not be matched. They came to love one another very much. Their parting would be heart breaking. Thankfully the kitties would remain with Mem and live together forever. Trinitee continued to stay in contact with them even when she was thousands of miles away. Mem knew that Trinitee would telepathically be with her no matter how far apart they became. She would envision Trinitee’s world if she became lonely for her faerie friend. It was a beautiful vision of color and phenomena with a blanket of stars and astral colors that revolve around their planets made up of three blue stars. They are blue because of the freezing temperatures. They share the same source of sunlight and warmth that, in itself, makes them close to one another. Trinitee’s world was a land of winter and wonder. They lived in ice castles and played in the snow and looked like angels. They had a kindness never heard of except in faerie tales. Her eyes were like watery emeralds and her hair was white spun silk. When she smiled it reminded Mem of polished enamel. She was all of three inches with a heart thrice that in size. Mem could only imagine what it would be like to feel the love Trinitee had, multiplied by One Hundred Thousand like her, everyday for eternity. She and her kind have been gifted with immortality.

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Mem had to ask, “How does one achieve immortality?”

Trinitee replied, “One does not achieve immortality; it is a birth right.” She tried to explain it but mortals have no concept of forever. She continued with, “Your kind live always for yourselves and that is what blocks your inheritance of life ever-lasting. Humankind lack faith and trust in one another and that had turned into a curse upon all humankind. Humankind had forgotten how to believe in what they can not see and had depended on only “that” which they do see.”

Then Trinitee asked Mem, “In your world what do you see endlessly?”

When Mem started to reflect on the world she lived in she began to cry.

Trinitee touched Mem with her heart felt thoughts and said in her tiny voice, “You and yours are so full of sadness; how could you ever embrace a gift of pure joy?” She continued with, “When humans have everything that they thought could make them happy, humankind still remain unhappy and hopelessly search for that, which cannot be possessed by mere mortals.” she sighed and kissed Mem’s cheek tenderly.

Trinitee could feel the agony of humankind, especially Mem’s, for she loved Mem more than any human she had ever met. Because of Mem’s special child-like quality, she bestowed upon her a gift that she would carry with her to the afterlife.

Trinitee passed her hand across Mem’s face and placed Mem in a dream state of her passing and rebirth. Mem saw herself as a very elderly woman with great insight and knowledge of the world that most could not see. She felt an abundance of love all around her. What she had suffered was like that of a bad dream that she had finally woke from. She was warm in a bed surrounded by loved-ones when she took her last breath. When her son-in-law had released her ashes to the mountainous winds, her essence was released and reborn into a new life. She was embodied with all the knowledge of her pass life but not of the loved ones from it. They faded into strangers that she would meet again in her new existence. This revealed a lot about what would become of those she loved and it served as a comfort to her soul. Now she heard Trinitee’s voice calling her back to the present.

When Mem felt awake, she also felt humbled and thanked Trinitee for what she had done and knew she could never pay back such a wonderful gift of dream sight. Trinitee reassured Mem that there was no repayment expected of her, only appreciation and for Mem to never stop believing in the miracle of magick.

Mem made a promise and sealed it with a single drop of blood. The crimson color spread out on the freshly fallen snow and then crystallized into the shape of a dragonfly with wings outspread as if in flight. This was a sign for the gods and

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goddesses to see that Mem was in deed serious and committed to this solemn oath, sealed in her own blood.

It was late and getting colder. So the two souls moved inside to prepare a meal to share with their beloved furry friends. The snow showers turned into a snowstorm that kept them safe inside the den of so many gifts, which were only theirs to enjoy. Blind Valley looked like a winter wonderland from the rocky hide-a-way just above the flats. Since their stay was extended they made snowshoes and heavy cat sacks for Tabby and Calie so they would not have to walk through the cold wet snow.

Trinitee was accustomed to the cold because she was made from the sparkle of blue ice. She loved the snow and ice and cold. She had said many times that this time of year reminded her of home and that it pleased her deeply.

Mem had to be responsible for the comforts and health of herself and her fury little friends. On the last night there, they thought up practical foods to take with them on their final trek home. The first day of the last miles home were full of activity to make sure nothing was forgotten or left behind, that could tip off Half-light as to where they were going.


The weather turned out to be a blessing. Once they had started out, the snow that was still lightly falling covered their tracks. Although, Half-light was close behind, it was not going to be easy for it to find them.

They meet a menacing-looking soul that wanted to help get them home safely. It seemed like an unlikely character to do this, but you can never judge a book by its cover. Destiny had become a friend, believe it or believe it not. Destiny had its good qualities as well as anything else did. What Mem felt was a threat, turned out to be a friend with deeds that many did not know about. She found out that Destiny aka Death aka Omagi could become useful, if it chooses.

When Mem spotted it on the side of the road, she was a bit apprehensive. The air around them took on an ominous feeling and odor. To Mem, it was all so familiar. She felt this presence before. She knew what the odor was. She stopped with fear in her heart.

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Trinitee quietly whispered in her ear, “Mem, I am here, calm yourself.”

This phrase was once whispered to Mem three years ago. The night that she was drawn up into the embrace of the Goddess of the Moon and immediately became calm. The image that was standing before her raised its arms in an out spread gesture to welcome them. It changed from an ominous apparition into that of an angel of light. No longer tall, dark, and fear inspiring, but looked like a shining star with spears of light reaching toward them. They could feel that its intentions were good. When the light had faded to a dull glow it spoke to them in a gentle, deep, and soothing manner. Mem was now able to breathe and speak in return. Its words moved Mem with compassion toward it. Death gave itself a name and male gender for Mem and her companion’s sake. It wished to be addressed as Omagi. This seemed to mean, seer of the end and beginning. He had showed her something from her future that expressed to Mem goodwill is what he was offering.

Knowing who and what he was made her afraid to ask the questions that were on her mind concerning him. Sometimes it’s better not to know the truth about certain subjects, objects, or beings in this case. Mem accepted his offer to help and they were on their way in short order.

As they were walking, one question was intensely on Mem’s mind that Omagi heard and said, “Be not afraid to ask what is pure and honest from your heart.”

Mem jerked her head toward him and on doing so, caught sight of his eyes beneath his grayish blue cloak. He told her that there was no need for words before she could speak them. He continued to connect with Mem as Trinitee did. He stated that silence speaks volumes of its own. She somehow understood it completely. The telepathic connections pleased Mem deeply and she smiled and said in a soft voice, blessed be!

On hearing these words, Omagi replied, in his soft-spoken voice, “It has been supremely.”

Mem, every now and again, looked over at him remembering only the bright-blue, icy appearance of his eyes. She wondered what was in this quest for him. How surreal it was to be walking in partnership with Death. It had materialized itself into an image of comfort for all their sakes. Things started to make sense now.

When they were in the Tymelast Forest at the core of the truth it was written, seeing is not believing-believing is seeing. She also remembered that there was

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nothing to fear, accept for fear itself. Then she wished that she could defeat the Darkness that stalks her.

At that thought, Omagi remarks, “Sometimes defeat is not victory. To co-exist is sometimes conquest, and that is admirable.”

She realized that the darkest personification known to humankind was enlightening her. She felt so honored to be in his presence, that it filled her with deep appreciation for such an opportunity. To be chosen, by such an icon of awesome power over life and death, was beyond human description of Mem’s feelings. There were no words magnificent enough. In Omagi’s words, ‘silence speaks in volumes’ is the truth when there are no words that can do justice to describe what is beyond greatness.

She started to wonder about her ailing father. Reflecting on the tarot reading, the message from the High Priestess came to Mem about the fear and that death would come and someone close to her would die. Was Destiny here to take her father? Was her father already dead? She knew in her heart that Destiny was not here to take, but to preserve. She felt confused and at that moment, Omagi with his white-icy blue eyes reassured Mem that her father was fine for now.

They continued to move through the Valley quietly as the snow gently fell upon them. It was so peaceful and magickal along the winding path, that it felt like they were the only creatures on Earth.

It was two days before they reached the edge of the flat open land. In the next small dwelling of huts and dens a message for Mem from her sister, Scythia, was waiting. In Scythia’s letter, she expressed that she wished to join Mem when she was settled in her new situation. She wrote that she would be free to go wherever she pleased, come February 1st. P.S. I need your help if I am to remain free of the strangers that are lording over a small group of us with special talents. They have made slaves and prisoners of us. Urgently, I beg for your help! Your blood sister and sister of the craft. Love and prayers for your safe return has been sent, Love, Scythia and Raynha XX OO

Mem knew that this situation with her sister existed and had already made preparations to change Scythia’s circumstances. Mem still had two months before she would have to deal with her sister’s dilemma. She safely placed the letter in her Book of Shadows and turned her attention back to the situation at hand. When she turned to speak to Trinitee she was already up to speed on the latest news. Trinitee informed Mem that she had sent a helper faerie to her sister so Mem would not be over concerned and keep her mind on their survival. Gratefully Mem thanked her

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faerie friend and they got on with the task before them.

They had traveled most of the day and it was late evening. Therefore, they went outside the little habitat of huts and dens and made camp for the night. Omagi, a supernatural being, not in need of rest, stood over them like a guardian angel. Omagi assured them he would let nothing and no one do them harm. He then transformed himself into the starkness of the night and could not be seen by human, animal or other super beings.

In an abandoned stone building they started a small fire and prepared a nice warm meal. By the fireside light Mem added several new entries in her Book of Shadows. All through the night as she continued to write, there were attacks on the camp. Omagi managed to keep all harm from his new charges. Mem’s writings began with [Omagi was ordered by the supreme council of the Goddess Hecate to preserve the lives of we four creatures. The protection had been extended to Mem’s true friends and loved ones. There were lesser guardians of Omagi’s realm surrounding those closest to Mem. Her family members had been chosen for their courage and purity of heart to be protected and would become an inspiration for humankind.

Mem and her relatives had gone up against great adversity and tyranny that aimed to destroy what was good and magickal.

The attacks on mortals awakened the great gods and goddesses and reminded them of why they themselves exist.

The financially strong and selfish try to exterminate those who prove to be pure in heart and lovers of humankind’s spiritual beauty and godly potential. The super beings who were sent to watch and protect the lesser beings argued the case of human worth to the great and powerful gods and goddesses. This occurred in the year nineteen hundred fourteen in the month of the Witch’s New Year, October Thirty-first. For the wages of sin is death ever lasting. Sayeth, The Great One.

The wrath of The Great One was a fearful scene of great cruelties by humankind. The pangs of the world had increased ten-fold. Born was the age of darkness. Darkness so dense no one was with reasonableness. The destruction became irreversible and so came the complete cleansing of the whole inhabited Earth. This cleansing was not of a supernatural element, but that of super-human intervention; the age of knowledge, the knowledge of truth, ‘Gnostics’. They came as alchemist, illusionist, soothsayers, and wise-ones witches. They were inventors, magicians and artists of philosophy. They were the first Christians. They spoke of gods and goddesses and the oneness of conscience, the supreme being of male and

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female and the importance of balance in all things.

The concept of good and evil was a false teaching. Evil was not a natural element, but a symptom of sick individuals. Good was a natural element, the product of the human spirit. So whenever evil reared its ugly head, there you found the goodness of human spirit defending itself against the forces of darkness; thereby maintaining the balance between the two forces. This was the internal war that we engaged. When we came to the realization of what it was we were fighting, half the battle was over and the war was on. They became partners with the realm of the unseen soldiers.

In the year nineteen hundred fourteen the elite fighting forces of the gods and goddesses of the ancients joined humans. Blessed be! In an age, when mortal man thought they no longer needed them, the ancients turned their attentions toward the interests of the world of mortals with zeal. There was a great many miracles and countless unexplainable events that marked the times that they were living. The most remarkable battles waged in the presence of the Great One. Recognizing this gave them the assurance of victory over the dark forces.

The purpose behind calamity was that balance needed restored. Balance was the key to all things that succeeded and existed in harmony. Anything worth having was worth fighting for. Those humans were not ashamed to ask for the help of the almighty deities. The human race had always possessed a unique and tender place in the hearts of the supreme beings of the unseen realm. We had a quality that no other species had, compassion. What some see as a disadvantage was in their eyes a strength that was stronger then the hardest steel and more precious then the most precious stones. Humankind had great potential for godliness that only the gods and goddesses recognized and judged worthy. The humans prayed to overcome their weaknesses and to conquer the enemies.]

These things Mem had entered into her Book of Shadows after clear approval from the supreme order of the Guardians watching over them. It was now the Witch’s hour of midnight. Time to sleep and rest up for the next day’s travels; she concluded, [Stand firm and protect the Magick from within and from without, blessed be times three! May we all become pleasing to the Lord and Lady. May we be made firm and complete, worthy of continued blessings of special gifts of magickal workings. On this night all will be made right in our sight as a witness to the very existence of the ancients of the old world. Balance and restoration will be fulfilled.] Mem closed her book and fell asleep.

By sunrise on the third day, they had reached the crimson circle village. Here there are angels of light and of dark. Here was neutral ground and equal powers at work. Here Omagi must depart, but not without first performing the laying on of hands ritual. A Witch cannot breach the gateway unless she has this rite

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put upon her to safeguard the lives of those with whom she traveled.

With great care, Omagi led Mem to an isolated realm. There he blest Mem with immunity from harm and from recognition by the spirits of the dark ones. Omagi transformed into his true image to perform the ritual. Mem can no longer look at him because in his original form no mortal ever lived.

Mem bowed her head and knelt before him in reverence of his awesome powers. Omagi began with an ancient prayer. It spoke in a language unlike anything Mem had ever heard. It spoke in tones that only it could resonate. Mem felt anxiety and fear arose inside her. Not able to see what was happening, she was frighten and vulnerable in its presence. Through her closed eyes, she saw an intense light surrounding her. She knew that if she opened her eyes, she would go blind and die. Remembering all the good that Omagi did for them was her only comfort and reason she kept herself from looking. She prayed for courage to withstand the supreme power that was entering and surrounding her. In a realm that was unseen by mortal eyes she was alone and scared. She clutched her cloak in front and could not take in a breath. She felt light-headed and like she was going to pass out any minute. Suddenly all stopped and she felt nothing. Still holding her eyes tightly closed and not able to breathe, she saw stars and streams of color flashing past her. Mem realized that she was flying through time and space. When she reached the farthest point in time, she returned through the same vortex and was gently released onto the ground. She reached up to her chest and took in a huge gasping breath of cold winter air. When she opened her eyes, she found herself on her back looking up into the dark starry sky. She continued to lie there for several minutes awed and amazed at what she had experienced. Omagi was nowhere. She sat up when her friends arrived at her side to help her back to the campsite. Mem, alone, could barely walk. She could not explain to them what she went through. There were no words to describe it. She asked them how long she was gone. They said that she was gone for three hours. Mem exhausted from what seemed to be astral travel slept six hours straight, there at the gateway.

On rising the next morning at seven o’clock sharp, Mem could not remember what had happened. To her it was a dream that was full of incoherent images or a vision of a place that she had never been. Mem’s companions never once brought it up or asked any questions about what happened to her when she went off alone with Omagi. In the days following, Mem wondered if any of it was real. She kept thinking that she should feel or look different or something. She knew deep inside that she had experienced something miraculous. How does one reconcile such reverence of feeling?

Mem knew that it would be a highly magickal night, because December 24 was the night of the winter solstice, full moon, and Christmas Eve. There were three elements at work that night. Something told her that it would be a short way home.

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She could not think of anything else except to be home with her family and to see for herself how her father was.

They crossed the gateway into the village that was on the crimson line. When she looked at the map, she saw that the crimson line encircled the flatlands completely. They now were inside the crimson circle of white and black magick. What the locals called ‘the neutral lands’. No magick of any kind permitted while inside the line. There was plenty of talk and sharing of written spells and castings. This place was rich with magickal tools, books, and supplies for spell casting and protective objects and jewelry. Mem felt like a child with a sweet tooth that just walked into a candy store. Mem did not resist the urges to buy everything she always needed or wanted and could never find back home. She stocked up on candles of every imaginable color and shape, incense of every common aroma, stones and crystals, feathers and cat whiskers, herbs and essence of oils from lands that she would never be able to visit. She was able to buy treats for her companions and gifts for her loved ones, who were waiting for her to come home. Once Mem had all the supplies she needed, she decided that it was time to go home and deal with whatever was there waiting. She was lonesome for her family, and ready to conjure an extreme spell that she had never conjured in her life.

With the aide of Faerie magic and wiccaning with kitties, she knew she would be successful. They did not have long before midnight. This spell had to start at mid-night between the worlds. Therefore, they got to work on what they needed to pull this off. This spell was going to enable time and place travel. The power of four and the element of three was a magickal seven spell. This would require high-level magick. They needed the Lord and Lady and the Ancients to make this succeed without consequences.

The time was ten O’clock a.m. They had fourteen hours to prepare for the sacred ceremony of place and time travel. Transformation must be concealed; therefore, Trinitee scouts the area just outside the crimson line for a secluded spot to form a circle and to raise the shield of protection. When she located the best place, she covered it in faerie dust to hide it from anyone that might stumble onto it.

Mem, outside the village away from prying eyes, prepared a bath to cleanse and purify her body and soul for this kind of ritual and blest the items used in the casting.

She purchased a basket of fruit, fancy bread and wine for the god and goddess as an offertory gift of appreciation. When Mem saw Trinitee on her way back, she gathered everything into her magickal bag of magickal purposes, called to her kitty-girls, and as soon as they came running, they followed Trinitee to where the ritual would take place.

When they had arrived at the chosen spot, Mem felt the presents of the Ancient Ones. The Universe was already stirring for the event. She told Trinitee that she did well and that the spot was perfect. They sat up a temporary camp and

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prepared the final additions for the ritual. Mem told them that at sunset they would enter the circle and cloak themselves with the shield; there they would finish purifying themselves for travel. Everything they needed must be within the circle or left behind. They must think of good intentions and have perfect love and perfect trust in what they are about to experience if they were to succeed.

‘Home Sweet Home’ was the name of the ritual. By candlelight, they traveled faster then the speed of light. Mem began working on a written chant to indicate the exact co-ordinance they wished to arrive at. She knew she had to be as precise as possible so they would not be lost to the world of the living. She recorded every thing she did and spoke, in her Book of Shadows. In the blue-white flash of light, they arrived exactly where they all intended. Home Sweet Home was where they all wanted to be and that was right where they began.