with the colors 7-11-1944

Eastern Illinois University e Keep 1944 With the Colors: Jasper County IL Servicemen Overseas, 1941-1945 7-11-1944 With the Colors 7-11-1944 Newton Illinois Public Library Follow this and additional works at: hp://thekeep.eiu.edu/with_the_colors_1944 is Book is brought to you for free and open access by the With the Colors: Jasper County IL Servicemen Overseas, 1941-1945 at e Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1944 by an authorized administrator of e Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Newton Illinois Public Library, "With the Colors 7-11-1944" (1944). 1944. 140. hp://thekeep.eiu.edu/with_the_colors_1944/140

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Eastern Illinois UniversityThe Keep

1944 With the Colors: Jasper County IL ServicemenOverseas, 1941-1945


With the Colors 7-11-1944Newton Illinois Public Library

Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/with_the_colors_1944

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the With the Colors: Jasper County IL Servicemen Overseas, 1941-1945 at The Keep. It hasbeen accepted for inclusion in 1944 by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationNewton Illinois Public Library, "With the Colors 7-11-1944" (1944). 1944. 140.http://thekeep.eiu.edu/with_the_colors_1944/140

With the Colors

Corporal Charles Wooden Jr., j w rites from Pueblo, Colorado: “I jhaven’t w ritten for quite a while, but j I ’ve been kept p re tty busy. I have ! been off duty and staying here in j Pueblo w ith my father, m other and j sisters for alm ost a week. They’re j leaving this morning to re tu rn t o !Dixon.

“We found plenty to do while they j were here. W e’ve been to the Gar- j den of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, j P ike’s Peak, Will Rogers Shrine, Mount Manitou, Bald * mountain, ; Sheep’s mountain. Lookout Rock, j Mount Crest crags, U te pass and a ; million other in teresting places.

I expect soon to see some a c tiv e , combat. I have checked out as a n ! aerial engineer, gunner, arm orer, and photographer, so you can see my train ing is p re tty well completed. I am on a B-24 L iberator heavy bomber.

“I t doesn’t look as though I ’m go­ing to get a furlough before I go over bu t maybe I ’ll ge t one when I get back.”

His address is Corporal Charles Wooden Jr., 215th C. C. S., ClassPB7-8, P. O. Box No. 5067, A. A. B.,Pueblo, Colorado.

H eadquarters Antilles A ir Com­mand, Puerto Rico, Ju ly 10.—Prom o­tion of Glen O. A lexander of Newton, j to the grade of sergeant in the A rm y j A ir Forces was announced here todayj a t Antilles A ir Command headquar- | ters.

E ntering the A rm y November 18, 1924, a t Columbus, Ohio, Sergeant A lexander w as assigned to his present overseas unit in April, 1941, and is stationed a t an A rm y A ir base in Puerto Rico.

Sergeant Alexander was born May 27, 1905, near Newton, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es I. A lexander of Route Five, Newton.

Bases of the Antilles A ir Command, of which Sergeant A lexander is a member, are located strategically from the w estern tip of Cuba to equa­toria l South Am erica covering an I area th irty -six tim es th a t of Illinois. The bases form protective barriers for the gatew ays to the three A m er­icas and serve as stepping stones on the air supply route to the fighting fron ts of the world.

* * * * * *

Francis A. Huber, electrician’s m ate th ird class, w rites the P ress from Shoemaker, California: “I thoughtI would drop you a line to le t you know, th a t my address has changed, since I have arrived here in Califor­nia. I will probably like it. I t is hot here in the daytime and could enough a t n ight to use two blankets.

“I received m y Press only a couple of days afte r I arrived here. I t sure comes in handy. Sure i£ bad th a t I won’t get to the fa ir this year, as I read in the Press. P lease tell all m y friends to drop me a few lines.”

His address is F rancis A. H uber E. M. 3/c, U. S. N. R. B., B arracks 0134, F irs t battalion, Shoemaker, California.

* * * * *Technical Sergeant John W elker of

Newton was graduated recently from an intensive course in electronic sup­ercharger control a t an A ir Service j Command depot in England. He was one of a small group of men specially selected by his commanding officer to attend the school.

Sergeant W elker received his tra in ­ing a t Chanute field, Rantoul.