witness intimidation on social media: law enforcement's growing challenge

Witness intimidation on social media: Law enforcement's growing challenge It?s exposed all sorts of possibilities which are challenging the existing guidelines regarding criminal justice and also criminal procedure,? Natapoff said. ?Sometimes the businesses are a bit much more flexible, when it appears to be an imminent danger or even an imminent threat,? Shear said. the account posted info of a 2012 shooting inside Philadelphia, according to the District Attorney?s office; a police spokesperson said the same info that appeared on the Twitter account appeared around the rats215 Instagram account. There can be even a web-based database, whosarat.com , where members can easily submit and view photos involving 1000s of criminal informants. ?It used being the control of info within the criminal justice has been an essential method that we stored the actual system regular and also safe, along with now social media as well as the World wide web get truly destroyed the government?s ability to control information in cases. ?And it?s only going to boost with frequency.

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It?s exposed all sorts of possibilities which are challenging the existing guidelines regarding crim...


Page 1: Witness intimidation on social media: Law enforcement's growing challenge

Witness intimidation on social media: Law enforcement'sgrowing challenge

It?s exposed all sorts of possibilities which are challenging the existing guidelines regarding criminaljustice and also criminal procedure,? Natapoff said.

?Sometimes the businesses are a bit much more flexible, when it appears to be an imminent dangeror even an imminent threat,? Shear said. the account posted info of a 2012 shooting insidePhiladelphia, according to the District Attorney?s office; a police spokesperson said the same infothat appeared on the Twitter account appeared around the rats215 Instagram account.

There can be even a web-based database, whosarat.com, where members can easily submit and viewphotos involving 1000s of criminal informants.

?It used being the control of info within the criminal justice has been an essential method that westored the actual system regular and also safe, along with now social media as well as the Worldwide web get truly destroyed the government?s ability to control information in cases. ?And it?s onlygoing to boost with frequency.

Page 2: Witness intimidation on social media: Law enforcement's growing challenge


fendant ended up being convicted of witness intimidation and also tampering having a witnessfollowing the witness? testimony and statements had been posted in order to Facebook on the eve ofhis trial. in July, a couple of Louisiana men were indicted regarding threatening the federal witnessthrough Instagram; every face maximum sentences of 3 decades in prison if convicted.Efforts to be able to combat social media witness intimidation possess increased round the nationwithin recent years, however a lot more laws are generally likely, Natapoff said.

Law enforcement deals together with on the internet intimidation inside the same manner thesepeople handle threats within person: These People investigate who is generating the threat, but alsoreach out towards the platforms where the threat is getting place, which often involves court orders.

Page 3: Witness intimidation on social media: Law enforcement's growing challenge

The account about the photo-sharing site ? referred in order to as ?rats215? ? had identified a lot alot more than 30 witnesses since February, as well as had posted pictures, police statements as wellas testimony, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

In Philadelphia, where witness intimidation, each online and otherwise, provides resulted in therecord quantity of cases being dismissed, District Attorney Williams went to Facebook founder MarkZuckerberg in February to be able to ask for that removal of a Facebook page allegedly soliciting thekilling of a witness.

The subsequent month, throughout Philadelphia ? where the District Attorney?s workplace sayswitness intimidation will be with a ?near epidemic? level ? a 20-year-old man was sentenced to endup being able to as significantly as 23 a handful of months within prison with regard to Facebookposts in which he threatened witnesses, including posts showing a new witness? statement and alsostatus updates which mentioned ?Kill all rats.? A New Pottstown, Pa., woman is presently serving atwo- for you to five-year sentence pertaining to using Facebook in order to intimidate a witness ofan attempted murder by simply your ex boyfriend.Already, a range of courthouses have gone up to now regarding ban cellphones. Cook County?s banexcludes reporters, judges, law enforcement officers, jurors, domestic violence advocates and alsocounselors, and these seeking an investment regarding protection.

First revealed November 15 2013, 12:55 AMOn Tuesday, Philadelphia police made an arrest within connection towards the ?rats215? account:Nasheen Anderson, the 17-year-old associated with East Germantown, Pa., had been faced withwitness intimidation along with terroristic threats with regard to labeling victims as rats in Twitter.Folks possess being so careful together with where they are, who is taking pictures of them.?

?Social media is actually certainly 1 of those double-edged swords,? she said. Within general,however, social media platforms are generally even now trying to figure out ?how much they canbalance protecting his or her users? privacy vs. helping out law enforcement,? he said.

Page 4: Witness intimidation on social media: Law enforcement's growing challenge

Rolf Vennenbrnd / EPA file

While intimidating witnesses isn?t new, social media will always be the most recent vehicle simplyby which in turn to complete so.

Circuit Court associated with Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans said he pushed for that ban,which include laptops as well as tablets, since cellphone pictures and videos have got led to themurders associated with witnesses throughout Cook County.

?It?s absolutely not really surprising in order to me. people tend to be capturing involving witnesses,they?re posting them online, along with they?re doing the work particularly regarding witnessintimidation,? stated Bradley Shear, the Bethesda, Md., attorney which focuses primarily on socialmedia law, adding in which each Facebook as well as Twitter are also part of the particularexpanding trend. Sadly along with Google Glass and a few associated with the goods its competitorsare generally being released with, the issue is simply likely to find worse.?. Cook County, Ill., where gang intimidation may be a new persistent problem, passed a law banningmobile phones through their particular criminal courthouses this past April.

Page 5: Witness intimidation on social media: Law enforcement's growing challenge

Justice Department officials possess furthermore called throughout latest many years for federalcourts to make it harder for the public to access court documents on your internet as witnessintimidation on social media is becoming more prevalent, so when whosarat.com has outed morethan 5,000 witnesses which cooperated with the government.

?Witness intimidation provides lengthy been a new part of the particular challenge of utilizingcriminal informants within our justice system,? stated Alexandra Natapoff, the professor from LoyolaLaw Institution inside Los Angeles. ?Social media and the on the internet exchange of knowledge getchanged many in the ways we believe about law enforcement along with crime control, and this isamong your crucial ways.?

When information broke last Friday which there is an Instagram account devoted exclusively toratting out witnesses for you to crimes across Philadelphia, social media experts barely blinked aneye.Threatening individuals or perhaps posting their particular photos about Facebook and alsoInstagram is the latest method regarding intimidating witnesses to keep them coming fromtestifying.

But limiting cellphones poses problems of its own: Members with the media along with lawyers oftenwant their particular cellphones inside courtrooms. ?If you?re doing anything in public, an individualmight be recorded. ?On usually the particular one hand, it can easily spread your perils related withintimidation as well as fear and even specific sorts of crime, but in addition, it provides your groundsfor new types involving social safety, of sharing information, of protecting victims, regardingproviding information about crimes that we didn?t understand before.?Digital witness intimidation has established new problems pertaining to law enforcement as well asfor courts, experts say.

The account provides since been disabled. Nevertheless it?s just the most recent instance ofwitnesses encountering threatening messages in social networks or becoming photographed insidecourtrooms and also later having their photos present up online.

?I don?t care the grow older of anyone are, in the large event you intimidate the witness within thiscity, I?m going to come following you,? District Attorney Seth Williams warned inside a press releaseon Wednesday.While social media poses great risks pertaining to witnesses, it could even be an opportunity foryour criminal justice system, Natapoff said.

?The capabilities [of a new smartphone] ? it?s a new mini-computer,? Shear, the particular socialmedia lawyer, said