wm. e. hay newsletter june 2016 attendance line: 403...

It is hard to believe that the school year is just about over. It seems like only yester- day I was welcoming the students back to our newly reconfigured school. However, with the end of our graduation ceremony you know that the year will soon be over. Regarding our Graduation, I would like to thank all of our staff and parent volun- teers for their time, effort and patience in planning, organizing and executing such a huge event. As usual, our students were fantastic and everyone that was in at- tendance enjoyed the evening very much. I am very excited and pleased to an- nounce that Alberta Education is continu- ing to go forward with their High School Re-Design efforts at the provincial level again. What this means is that next year our school, Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus, will be able to continue to oper- ate as we have for the last seven years with respect to organizing for instruction outside of the restrictions of the Carnegie Unit. The Carnegie Unit, which mandates that students receive 25 hours of face-to- face instruction to attain one credit, may not be meeting the needs of today’s 21st century learners. The elimination of the time-restrictions of the Carnegie Unit al- lows our school the freedom to implement best practices that enhance student learn- ing and student engagement. With the removal of the Carnegie Unit, Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus will continue to explore various strategies in which high school education in Alberta is being orga- nized and delivered to our students. We are still required to ensure that the curric- ular outcomes are achieved and that students have access to 1000 hours of teacher support each school year. One of the things that we will be continu- ing with at our school in the fall of 2016 is our student assessment, evaluation and reporting practice. We have spent a lot of time reviewing literature and research surrounding best assessment practices over the last five years. As a result of our work our entire staff and school will be continu- ing to move towards a more formative way of assessing our students in the work that they are doing. With our newly re- configured school our assessment practice will again be one of our main priorities for next year and the years to come to be sure that our assessment practices are aligning from grades seven through twelve. Our high school timetable has changed slightly just about every year for the last six years since being a part of the High School Flexibility Enhancement Pilot Project and also because of listening to student voice and concerns. However, next year the timetable will be different because of two main factors that are beyond our control. First, two sets of instructional hours within one timetable (950 Hrs. Min. grades 7-9 and 1000 Hrs. Min. grades 10-12) that needs to be met and second, the sharing of staff and resources with three schools. There will also be a few new changes next year to how we will be organizing our classes for instruction in the Jr. High. Students will be organized in large academies by grade and will be taught their core subjects by teams of teachers. More information will be sent out at the start of the new school year and will also be posted on our school website once some final decisions have been made. Continuing in September 2016, Clearview School Division will be entering into the tenth year of embedded Professional De- velopment for all of their teaching staff. Embedded Professional Development al- lows teachers in all Clearview schools, the opportunities to work with the same grade and subject colleagues to plan units, lessons and projects together. It also gives teachers an opportunity to share common assess- ments, evaluations, teaching strategies, best practices and resources within their areas of expertise. Also, next year our teachers will again be spending time un- derstanding and implementing the Ministe- rial Order, Curriculum Prototyping and the Inspiring Education document. Our staff will also be continuing their work on Google Apps For Education (GAFE) in our classrooms as well as continuing with Pro- ject Based Learning, as part of the regular classroom-learning environment. We have also taken on a new initiative with Profes- sional Learning Communities (PLC’s) that will be a part of our regular Professional Days. The days of our Divisional Collabo- rative times have changed slightly and now include full Professional Days in most months to allow our teachers more flexi- bility in how to use the collaborative Pro- fessional Days. Next year’s school learning calendar is also on-line on the division’s website and on our schools’ website out- lining all of the Embedded Professional Days in which the students will not be required to be in school. Please remem- ber that in September there will be no early PD Monday dismissals or early Fri- day dismissals. Our school days will start at 9:00 A.M. and end at 3:15 P.M. Mon- day to Friday. A reminder and calendar of important school dates will be availa- ble at the start of the school year and also on our school website. ~(CONTINUED on Page 2)~ WM. E. HAY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 Principal’s Message ATTENDANCE LINE: 403-742-3476 Wm. E. Hay JUNE Dates to Remember: Early Monday 6 Color Night 7 Arts Gala & Awards Night 8 Last Day of Regular Classes 21 Father’s Day 19 Final EXAMS 13-28 Last day of School-All students 28 Report Card Pick-up –11-2 30 Stettler Secondary Campus

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Page 1: WM. E. HAY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 ATTENDANCE LINE: 403 …wmehay.clearview.ab.ca/documents/newsletters/June 2016.pdf · Inspiring Education document. Our staff will also be continuing

It is hard to believe that the school year is just about over. It seems like only yester-day I was welcoming the students back to our newly reconfigured school. However, with the end of our graduation ceremony you know that the year will soon be over. Regarding our Graduation, I would like to thank all of our staff and parent volun-teers for their time, effort and patience in planning, organizing and executing such a huge event. As usual, our students were fantastic and everyone that was in at-tendance enjoyed the evening very much.

I am very excited and pleased to an-nounce that Alberta Education is continu-ing to go forward with their High School Re-Design efforts at the provincial level again. What this means is that next year our school, Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus, will be able to continue to oper-ate as we have for the last seven years with respect to organizing for instruction outside of the restrictions of the Carnegie Unit. The Carnegie Unit, which mandates that students receive 25 hours of face-to-face instruction to attain one credit, may not be meeting the needs of today’s 21st century learners. The elimination of the time-restrictions of the Carnegie Unit al-lows our school the freedom to implement best practices that enhance student learn-ing and student engagement. With the removal of the Carnegie Unit, Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus will continue to explore various strategies in which high school education in Alberta is being orga-nized and delivered to our students. We are still required to ensure that the curric-ular outcomes are achieved and that students have access to 1000 hours of teacher support each school year.

One of the things that we will be continu-ing with at our school in the fall of 2016 is our student assessment, evaluation and reporting practice. We have spent a lot of time reviewing literature and research surrounding best assessment practices over the last five years. As a result of our work our entire staff and school will be continu-ing to move towards a more formative way of assessing our students in the work

that they are doing. With our newly re-configured school our assessment practice will again be one of our main priorities for next year and the years to come to be sure that our assessment practices are aligning from grades seven through twelve.

Our high school timetable has changed slightly just about every year for the last six years since being a part of the High School Flexibility Enhancement Pilot Project and also because of listening to student voice and concerns. However, next year the timetable will be different because of two main factors that are beyond our control. First, two sets of instructional hours within one timetable (950 Hrs. Min. grades 7-9 and 1000 Hrs. Min. grades 10-12) that needs to be met and second, the sharing of staff and resources with three schools. There will also be a few new changes next year to how we will be organizing our classes for instruction in the Jr. High. Students will be organized in large academies by grade and will be taught their core subjects by teams of teachers. More information will be sent out at the start of the new school year and will also be posted on our school website once some final decisions have been made.

Continuing in September 2016, Clearview School Division will be entering into the tenth year of embedded Professional De-velopment for all of their teaching staff. Embedded Professional Development al-lows teachers in all Clearview schools, the opportunities to work with the same grade and subject colleagues to plan units, lessons and projects together. It also gives teachers an opportunity to share common assess-ments, evaluations, teaching strategies, best practices and resources within their areas of expertise. Also, next year our teachers will again be spending time un-derstanding and implementing the Ministe-rial Order, Curriculum Prototyping and the Inspiring Education document. Our staff will also be continuing their work on Google Apps For Education (GAFE) in our classrooms as well as continuing with Pro-ject Based Learning, as part of the regular classroom-learning environment. We have also taken on a new initiative with Profes-sional Learning Communities (PLC’s) that

will be a part of our regular Professional Days. The days of our Divisional Collabo-rative times have changed slightly and now include full Professional Days in most months to allow our teachers more flexi-bility in how to use the collaborative Pro-fessional Days. Next year’s school learning calendar is also on-line on the division’s website and on our schools’ website out-lining all of the Embedded Professional Days in which the students will not be required to be in school. Please remem-ber that in September there will be no early PD Monday dismissals or early Fri-day dismissals. Our school days will start at 9:00 A.M. and end at 3:15 P.M. Mon-day to Friday. A reminder and calendar of important school dates will be availa-ble at the start of the school year and also on our school website.

~(CONTINUED on Page 2)~


Principal’s Message

ATTENDANCE LINE: 403-742-3476

Wm. E. Hay

JUNE Dates to Remember:

Early Monday 6

Color Night 7

Arts Gala & Awards Night 8

Last Day of Regular Classes 21

Father’s Day 19

Final EXAMS 13-28

Last day of School-All students 28

Report Card Pick-up –11-2 30

Stettler Secondary Campus

Page 2: WM. E. HAY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 ATTENDANCE LINE: 403 …wmehay.clearview.ab.ca/documents/newsletters/June 2016.pdf · Inspiring Education document. Our staff will also be continuing

Diploma, PAT and regular finals will be starting soon. The Gr. 12 final exams begin on Monday June 13th and continue until the end of June. The last day of regular scheduled classes for all students is Tuesday June 21st. Please check the enclosed

exam schedule for the dates and times of when your child is writing. Our exam schedule is also posted on our schools’ website. Most of the grade 12 diploma and grade 9 PAT exams will once again be written in our school in our high school Flex Space (Room 202, 204 and the Flex Room). All other exams will be written in the teacher classrooms or the Jr. High Gym, please check with your teacher to confirm the room that you will be writing in.

Please be aware that there will be NO school mail out in August. Student timetables will be available to view and/or print from the Maple-wood system in August. There will be no timetable changes in August. High School students will be given the opportunity to make necessary timetable (class) changes during the first days of the school year. Notifications and reminders will be sent out through our Synrevoice message system, Remind, Facebook, Twitter, School Website and Memo as well as our new outdoor sign. School calendar magnets showing important school year events will be available again but will not be mailed out. They will be distributed to students to bring home at the start of the school year as well as available to be picked up at our open house on Tuesday, September 13th.

The first day back for grade 10, 11 and 12 students is Monday August 29th, grade 7,8 and 9 students will return to school on Tuesday August 30th. The first day back for all students is Wednesday August 31st. Our school picture day will be happening on Thursday September 1st. Information from Lifetouch, our photography company will be available on our first day of school and on our website.

As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school or via e-mail at [email protected].

I hope everyone has a pleasant and relaxing summer vacation.

Mr. Baharally Principal

Principal’s Message ~continued~

A huge thank you to all the staff of Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus who helped out with the fundraising

efforts to support Fort McMurray on Friday, May 13th! The efforts of the staff and students raised $3348.15!!

WAY TO GO Wm. E. Hay!!

And Thank You to all who came out to support the cause!

Mrs. Hadley continues to work with our students to ex-

plore art and design. This month the students will be

doing tie dye shirts, as well as the very popular - design

your own skateboard deck. It will be wonderful to see all the unique designs that the students will come up with.

Once again our students went over to Superfluity to help with unloading all of the stored items – so that Superfluity could get back to business as


A BIG reminder to all students that are doing Outreach’s ADLC courses, COURSES MUST BE COMPLETED and HANDED IN BY JUNE 21. This will

ensure they receive credits for their courses. Students should also contact either Mrs. Hoekstra - mornings (Math /Science) or Mrs. Hawkins- after-

noons (English/Social) to arrange an exam time during exam week: June 22-June 28. The best way to contact them is by calling the school at 403-

742-3609 or email [email protected] or [email protected]

Our Grade 9 and Grade 12 students will be over at the Secondary Campus to write their PAT’s and Diploma Exams this month. Good Luck students!

Reports Cards will be ready to pick up at Outreach June 30 at 1:30- 3:00pm. Any not picked up will be mailed home.

We would like to congratulate and wish every success in the future to all of the grads, several who took 1 or 2 courses with us, but especially to Roxy

one of our own.

We hope everyone enjoys a safe and relaxing summer holidays, see you all August 29!

Page 3: WM. E. HAY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 ATTENDANCE LINE: 403 …wmehay.clearview.ab.ca/documents/newsletters/June 2016.pdf · Inspiring Education document. Our staff will also be continuing

REPORT CARDS Will be available for pick-up Thursday, June 30th 1:30-3:30pm At the High School Office

**All outstanding accounts should be paid in full and all library books should be returned before receiving your report card**

Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus

Exam Schedule June 2016

Students with Exam Conflicts must notify their Teachers ASAP


May 10 - LA9 Part A PAT - 9:00-11:00 a.m. (SH - May 30)

- K&E LA9 Part A PAT - 9:00-10:20 a.m.

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 13 14 15 16 17

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 9:00-11:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 9:00-11:30 a.m.

ELA30-1 Part A SST30-1 Part A ELA30-1 Part B SST30-1 Part B

ELA30-2 Part A 9:00-11:30 a.m. ELA30-2 Part B SST30-2 Part B

SST30-2 Part A

20 21 22 23 24

9:00-10:15 a.m. LAST DAY REGULAR 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.


9:00-10:15 a.m. 9:00-10:30 a.m. 9:00-10:15 a.m. 9:00-10:20 a.m.


9:00-10:15 a.m. 9:00-10:15 a.m. 9:00-10:15 a.m.


Gr. 7 MATH Gr. 7 LA Gr. 7 SST

Gr. 8 MATH Gr. 8 LA Gr. 8 SST

12:15-3:00 p.m. 12:15-3:00 p.m. 12:15-3:00 p.m.

Math10C ELA10-1 SST10-1

Math10-3 ELA10-2 SST10-2

Math20-1 ELA20-1 SST20-1

Math20-2 ELA20-2 SST20-2

Math20-3 ELA20-4 SST20-4

Math20-4 ELA30-4 TM Diploma courses

Math30-3 (9:00 a.m.)

27 28 29 30

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

PHYSICS 30 SCIENCE 30 No School No School



Biology 20 courses

Chemistry 20 (9:00 a.m.)

Physics 20

Gr. 7 SCN

Gr. 8 SCN


Click on link... http://www.topuniver






Page 4: WM. E. HAY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 ATTENDANCE LINE: 403 …wmehay.clearview.ab.ca/documents/newsletters/June 2016.pdf · Inspiring Education document. Our staff will also be continuing


“We’ve Only Begun...”

Page 5: WM. E. HAY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 ATTENDANCE LINE: 403 …wmehay.clearview.ab.ca/documents/newsletters/June 2016.pdf · Inspiring Education document. Our staff will also be continuing


Welcome back Stettler Concert Band! This group was an amazing representation of themselves, the band program, the school, the community, and even of Canada! Our students received many, many comments on how they behaved as a group by being so polite and pleasant to everyone who had to put up with ALL 107 of us!! All that and they sounded awesome too! Great job and CONGRATULATIONS!

Special Thanks also goes out to Mr. Rahn for all of the hard work and planning that he did to make this trip (and our band program!) possible! THANK YOU!!

2016 Track ~Congratulations to all of our track athletes who participated in the Zone Track Meet in Camrose:

Shayna Brower, Talon Connor, Riley Cornelssen, Alyssa Henderson, Jordan Lane, Kerrigan Martin,

Kayla Myshaniuk, Clayton Page, Sydney Poapst, Derek Smyth & Noah


Thank you very much to all of our coaches this year. Your commitment and dedication to our

extracurricular programs is very much appreciated!

The Fine Arts Board Presents:

Celebration of the Arts Gala & Awards Night

Wednesday, June 8th 7:00 pm

Performing Arts Centre ~featuring the Stettler Concert Band

and Wm. E. Hay Jazz Bands~

Clayton Page waiting to take his turn in the senior boys javelin competition at the Zone track meet in Camrose.

Clayton placed first in the boys shot put and moved on to Provincials along with Talon Conor in the junior 4X100 relay.

Upcoming Track & Field Dates:

June 2– Jr. High Track Meet-WEH

June 3/4 –Provincials –Edmonton

June 7-CARA Track Meet– at WEH

The Wm. E. Hay Athletic Board Presents

The 47th Annual

Tuesday, June 7 7:30pm Wm. E. Hay Gym

The last junior high dance was a formal dance put on by

student union. They crowned a king and queen in each grade

that night. Not only did they get crowns, but they each got a

rose as well. It was a fantastic evening and it was great to see the students dressed in their


Page 6: WM. E. HAY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 ATTENDANCE LINE: 403 …wmehay.clearview.ab.ca/documents/newsletters/June 2016.pdf · Inspiring Education document. Our staff will also be continuing

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 30 31 1 2


Track Meet



Track -Edmonton


5 6

Early Monday 7

CARA Track-WEH Color Night 7:30pm


Celebration of the Arts 7pm PAC






14 15




19 20 21

Last Day of Regular Classes


23 24


26 27 28


29 30

Report Cards

Pick up 1:30-3:30

July 1 2

June 2016


Stettler Public Library Events

Tuesdays 5:00-8:00pm: Tutoring

There are MANY events planned at the Library during the month of JUNE & for the rest of the summer!—-Here are just a few—check out the Library WEBSITE (spl.prl.ab.ca) for more information and other events that may be of interest…

Tuesdays @ 3 pm – Make, Take, Create (weekly)

Thursday June 9 @ 4 pm— Design Your Own Mug. An after school program for kids of all ages. Use sharpies to

make a beautiful mug to use or to give away!

Monday June 20 @ 6:30 pm— Cookbook Club

Monday July 4 - Summer Reading Program starts! Programming 5 days/week for ages 5 to 16.

Thank You to the Yearbook photographers for

supplying the photos from Grad 2015

~EXAMS—see exam schedule Pg 2~


Science 9 PAT

ELA 30 Part A ELA 30 Part B SS30 Part A SS 30 Part B