wmr 379494

Research Paper Magnetic separation of coal fly ash from Bulgarian power plants Annie S. Shoumkova Abstract Fly ash from three coal-burning power plants in Bulgaria: ‘Maritza 3’, ‘Republika’ and ‘Rousse East’ were subjected to wet low-intensity magnetic separation. The tests were performed at different combinations of magnetic field intensity, flow velocity and diameter of matrix elements. It was found that all parameters investigated affected the separation efficiency, but their influence was interlinked and was determined by the properties of the material and the combination of other conditions. Among the fly ash characteristics, the most important parameters, determining the magnetic separation applica- bility, were mineralogical composition and distribution of minerals in particles. The main factors limiting the process were the presence of paramagnetic Fe-containing mineral and amorphous matter, and the existence of poly-mineral particles and aggregates of magnetic and non-magnetic particles. It was demonstrated that the negative effect of both factors could be considerably limited by the selection of a proper set of separation conditions. The dependences between concentration of ferromagnetic iron in the ash, their magnetic properties and magnetic fraction yields were studied. It was experimentally proved that, for a certain set of separation conditions, the yields of magnetic fractions were directly proportional to the saturation magnetization of the ferromagnetic components of the ash. The main properties of typical magnetic and non- magnetic fractions were studied. Keywords Coal fly ash, magnetic separation, solid waste, Bulgaria Date received: 5 March 2010; accepted: 4 July 2010 Introduction Coal fly ash (FA) are generally aluminosilicate materials, containing also Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Ti, mainly in oxide forms, unburned carbon, and tens of other elements in micro or trace concentrations, some of which are toxic (Turner, 1981) or radioactive (Papp et al., 2002). In recent years a very large number of investigations worldwide have been devoted to the characterization of FAs, in order to esti- mate the potential environmental impact of FA waste, and its significance as a material resource for different industrial applications (Bayat, 1998; Iyer and Scott, 2001; Goodarzi, 2006; Kostakis, 2009). A significant number of the methods and technologies already elaborated for FA utilization includes a magnetic separation step, applied not only when the purpose of the reprocessing is to obtain Fe-containing products (Brown, 1980; Aldrich, 1984; Dobbins and Murtha, 1983; Orlov et al., 1999; Sripriya et al., 2003), but also in cases when iron is an undesirable ingredient – for instance in Al 2 O 3 production (Cohen and Mercier, 1976; McDowell and Seeley, 1981; Styron and Abiodun, 2001), or when limitations on its concentration in the final products exist (Boybay and Demirel, 1982; Molina and Poole, 2004; Paya´ et al., 1996; Prakash et al., 2001). Magnetic separation can be carried out by very different methods, with respect to the aims of its application, require- ments for the quality of the final products, properties of raw materials, etc. With regard to iron concentrate extrac- tion, wet low-intensity magnetic separation, performed in one (Hurst and Styron, 1978; Murtha and Burnet, 1978; Baitenev and Murzaeva, 1984) or two stages (Hwang, 1993; Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria. Corresponding author: Annie S. Shoumkova, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, bl. 11 ‘Acad. G. Bonchev’ Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria. Email: [email protected] Waste Management & Research 0(0) 1–12 ! The Author(s) 2010 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0734242X10379494 wmr.sagepub.com Waste Manag Res OnlineFirst, published on August 10, 2010 as doi:10.1177/0734242X10379494

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Research Paper

Magnetic separation of coal fly ash fromBulgarian power plants

Annie S. Shoumkova

AbstractFly ash from three coal-burning power plants in Bulgaria: ‘Maritza 3’, ‘Republika’ and ‘Rousse East’ were subjected to wet

low-intensity magnetic separation. The tests were performed at different combinations of magnetic field intensity, flow

velocity and diameter of matrix elements. It was found that all parameters investigated affected the separation efficiency,

but their influence was interlinked and was determined by the properties of the material and the combination of other

conditions. Among the fly ash characteristics, the most important parameters, determining the magnetic separation applica-

bility, were mineralogical composition and distribution of minerals in particles. The main factors limiting the process were the

presence of paramagnetic Fe-containing mineral and amorphous matter, and the existence of poly-mineral particles and

aggregates of magnetic and non-magnetic particles. It was demonstrated that the negative effect of both factors could be

considerably limited by the selection of a proper set of separation conditions. The dependences between concentration of

ferromagnetic iron in the ash, their magnetic properties and magnetic fraction yields were studied. It was experimentally

proved that, for a certain set of separation conditions, the yields of magnetic fractions were directly proportional to the

saturation magnetization of the ferromagnetic components of the ash. The main properties of typical magnetic and non-

magnetic fractions were studied.

KeywordsCoal fly ash, magnetic separation, solid waste, Bulgaria

Date received: 5 March 2010; accepted: 4 July 2010


Coal fly ash (FA) are generally aluminosilicate materials,

containing also Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Ti, mainly in oxide

forms, unburned carbon, and tens of other elements in

micro or trace concentrations, some of which are toxic

(Turner, 1981) or radioactive (Papp et al., 2002). In recent

years a very large number of investigations worldwide have

been devoted to the characterization of FAs, in order to esti-

mate the potential environmental impact of FA waste, and its

significance as a material resource for different industrial

applications (Bayat, 1998; Iyer and Scott, 2001; Goodarzi,

2006; Kostakis, 2009).

A significant number of the methods and technologies

already elaborated for FA utilization includes a magnetic

separation step, applied not only when the purpose of the

reprocessing is to obtain Fe-containing products (Brown,

1980; Aldrich, 1984; Dobbins and Murtha, 1983; Orlov

et al., 1999; Sripriya et al., 2003), but also in cases when

iron is an undesirable ingredient – for instance in Al2O3

production (Cohen and Mercier, 1976; McDowell and

Seeley, 1981; Styron and Abiodun, 2001), or when limitations

on its concentration in the final products exist (Boybay and

Demirel, 1982; Molina and Poole, 2004; Paya et al., 1996;

Prakash et al., 2001).

Magnetic separation can be carried out by very different

methods, with respect to the aims of its application, require-

ments for the quality of the final products, properties of

raw materials, etc. With regard to iron concentrate extrac-

tion, wet low-intensity magnetic separation, performed

in one (Hurst and Styron, 1978; Murtha and Burnet, 1978;

Baitenev and Murzaeva, 1984) or two stages (Hwang, 1993;

Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,Bulgaria.

Corresponding author:Annie S. Shoumkova, Institute of Physical Chemistry, BulgarianAcademy of Sciences, bl. 11 ‘Acad. G. Bonchev’ Str., 1113 Sofia,Bulgaria.Email: [email protected]

Waste Management & Research

0(0) 1–12

! The Author(s) 2010

Reprints and permissions:


DOI: 10.1177/0734242X10379494


Waste Manag Res OnlineFirst, published on August 10, 2010 as doi:10.1177/0734242X10379494

Orlov et al., 1999), usually provides magnetic fractions,

having two to six times higher iron content, at yields of

10–30% of the feed material. Wet high intensity magnetic

separation is generally applied for separation of iron–lean

(0.2–6% Fe) fractions, at typical yields of 70–80% (Hurst

and Styron, 1978; Prakash et al., 2001).

The process of wet magnetic separation of some

Bulgarian FAs has also been explored (Shumkov and

Shoumkova, 2002, 2004; Shoumkova, 2006b).

All these investigations demonstrate that the efficiency of

the magnetic separation and the quality of the resulting frac-

tions depends to a high degree on the separation conditions.

Therefore a profound study of magnetic separation process,

the abilities of its management and optimization is of great

importance for the practice, as it would contribute to the

increase of profitability of the reprocessing technologies

and their practical application.

The main aims of the present study were to character-

ize the physical and chemical properties of three types of

Bulgarian FAs, to explore the applicability of the low-inten-

sity magnetic separation process and to check the possibilities

for its management by investigating the influence of the main

technological parameters on separation efficiency.

Materials and methods


Coal ashes from three Bulgarian power stations: ‘Maritza 3’

(FAM3; 120MW), burning local lignite coals, ‘Republika’

(FAR; 460MW), burning local sub-bituminous coals and

‘Rousse East’ (FARE: 400MW), burning foreign bituminous

and anthracitic coal, were investigated. The FAM3 and FAR

are taken directly from electrostatic precipitators, and the

FARE represents a mixture of FA and slag. In some studies

also FAs from power plants ‘Varna’ (FAV), ‘Bobovdol’

(FAB) and ‘Maritza East 1’ (FAME1) were used.


The FA materials were pretreated by dry sieving and the

fractions <0.125mm (representing 20% for FAM3, 94%

for FAR, and 85% for FARE), were collected and analysed.

Then they were subjected to wet low-intensity magnetic sep-

aration in a laboratory solenoid magnetic separator of matrix

type, because it provided high repeatability and an additional

instrument for process management–gradient variation. In

the separator the gradient is generated by a matrix of steel

spheres and can be approximately calculated by the formula:

gradB � 2 Bj j:d�1 (Svoboda, 2004), where B is the magnetic

flux density, d is the diameter of the matrix elements. The

matrix exhibits low remanent magnetization (0.004T) and

mechanical capturing capacity (0.2–0.8% depending on

d and V). It is situated in a cylindrical canister (radius

0.025m and height 0.125m). Magnetic induction is measured

directly in the geometric centre of the matrix using a

Teslameter Model 310A, Thorn Emi Technology GmbH.

Real flow velocity (V) is calculated from apparent flow veloc-

ity (Vm) and free volume in the matrixes.

The FA–water suspensions were prepared by intensive

stirring (for 5min, at 2000 rpm) of 100 g of ash in 1000 g

water. Then the slurry was passed through the working

camera of the separator where strongly magnetic particles

were captured onto the matrix, forming the magnetic fraction

(MF), while weakly magnetic ones passed through it to form

the non-magnetic fraction (NF). The MF was then washed

by water while the magnetic field was switched on in order to

prevent the mechanical capture of particles in the camera.

The separately collected MF and NF were dewatered,

dried, weighed and analysed.

The main quantitative and qualitative parameters for

magnetic separation process efficiency estimation were

defined as follows: yield of magnetic (YMF) or non-magnetic

(YNF) fraction, the quantity of this fraction obtained,

expressed as wt.% of the initial sample; recovery (RFe), the

quantity of Fe, extracted in MF or NF, expressed as wt.% of

its quantity in initial sample; enrichment factor (FFe), the

ratio of concentration of Fe in MF or NF to that in the

initial FA; selectivity (SFe), the difference between the con-

centration of Fe in MF and NF.

Analytical methods and equipment

In the present study, the chemical composition of FA was

investigated by a combination of standard silicate analysis

for macro elements Si, Al, Fe, Ca andMg, and atomic absorp-

tion spectroscopy (AAS; Perkin-Elmer Model 306 AA spec-

trophotometer) for microelements K, Na and Ti. The content

of unburned carbon (including organic matter) and sulfur was

estimated on the base of the parameter ‘loss on ignition at

1073K’ (LOI1073K), determined by thermogravimetric analy-

sis (TGA; using (Setaram 92 16.18 apparatus). The mineral-

ogy of the samples was studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD;

Siemens Diffractometer D 5000 with CuKa radiation at scan-

ning speed 1�/min). For MoS electromechanical spectrometer

Wissenschaftliche Elektronik GmbH working at regime of

constant acceleration at 293K, 57Co/Rh radiation

(Activity�10mCi), with standard �-Fe was used. Magnetic

properties were determined on the basis of the magnetization

curves obtained by SQUID (ModelMPMS). Themorphology

was observed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM; Jeol

Superprobe 733 and Jeol JSM -5800LV) with an energy dis-

persive X-ray detector (EDX) for chemical analyses. Particle

size distribution data were obtained by laser analyser

(Beckman Coulter LS 230) working in a combined centrifu-

gal–gravitational regime. Specific weight was determined by

electron pycnometer (Micrometrics AccuPyc 1330). Specific

surface and micro- and mezzo-porosity were measured by

inert gas adsorption using a Micrometrics ASAP 2010.

2 Waste Management & Research 0(0)

Results and discussion

Initial fly ash samples

The studied FAs represented inhomogeneous powders, con-

sisting of particles of different shapes, from almost ideal

spherical to highly irregular with different texture and surface

formations (Figure 1).

The chemical composition and physical properties of the

initial FA samples (Table 1) were close to previously reported

(Vassilev et al., 2001; Vassilev and Vassileva, 2009) values.

Particle size analyses showed that the FAs had a quite

inhomogeneous composition, which, in addition to the com-

plicated hydrodynamics of the magnetic separation process,

made the available magnetic separation models (Svoboda,

2004) inapplicable, and the results of the separation difficult

to predict. According to the number statistics, all the samples

consisted exclusively (>99.9%) of respirable size particles

(<10 mm) and predominantly (>80%) of submicron particles.

The mineralogical composition of the three FAs studied

was complicated, but in general it matched the theoretical

expectations based on the composition of parent coals and

burning regimes (Mitchell and Gluskoter, 1976; Hatt

and Bull, 1990; Vassilev and Vassileva, 1996; Vassilev

et al., 1996; Jak et al., 1998; Demir et al., 2001). The main

iron-bearing crystal phases in FAs were impure maghemite,

hematite and Ca-Fe oxide. Unfortunately, the low-intensity

and overlapping of characteristic peaks of magnetite, and

maghemite complicated their definitive recognition and

quantitative determination by XRD (Figure 2). That is the

reason why, although the sets of peaks in obtained

XRD-patterns fitted better to maghemite, it could be

assumed that impure magnetite was present in addition or

instead of it, because the Mossbauer spectroscopy (MoS)

(Figure 2) identified sextets with parameters closer to mag-

netite’s standard. This analysis showed that iron ions were in

third and second oxidation states, high-spin and octahedral

or tetrahedral coordination, but, unfortunately, it provided

only some approximate information about the mineralogy of

Fe-containing minerals, because some of the determined

parameters did not correspond exactly to those of the pure

mineral standards, but denoted the existence of non-stoichio-

metric iron compositions, solid solutions, partially substi-

tuted iron oxides, etc. That is why the most important

information extracted from the MoS was the relative

weight of ‘strongly magnetic’ (magnetite or maghemite),

‘weakly magnetic’ (hematite and goethite) and ‘non-mag-

netic’ (pyrite, Fe-bearing aluminosilicate crystal and glass

phases) iron compounds, estimated on the basis of the sum

Figure 1. SEM micrographs of fly ash particles FAM3 (a), FAR (b) and FARE (c).

Shoumkova 3

of the relative weights (g) of the corresponding partial com-

ponents. The obtained values are shown in Table 1 along

with the data for magnetic properties, estimated on the

basis of the magnetization curves (Figure 3).

The total magnetization of the FA samples was determined

by the magnetization of ferromagnetic (magnetite and maghe-

mite), paramagnetic (pyrite, etc.) and ferrimagnetic (Ca- and

Mg-ferrites) and antiferromagnetic (hematite, goethite, etc.)

constituents, all having different characters of magnetization

curves. Actually, at room temperature, hematite exhibits

paramagnetic and parasitic ferromagnetic behaviour

(Svoboda, 2004). Below Neel’s temperature (403� 2K)

goethite also exhibited weak ferromagnetism and its magnetic

susceptibility was strongly field-dependent (Svoboda, 2004).

All magnetization curves had light hysteresis character

due to the presence of small quantities of ferromagnetic com-

ponents and probably to the presence of fine hematite

powder (Svoboda, 2004).

Table 1. Chemical composition and physical properties of the initial ashes

Material FAM3 FAR FARE

Chemical compositiona

SiO2 (wt.%) 42.12 57.13 54.57

Al2O3 (wt.%) 19.92 27.63 29.54

Fe2O3 (wt.%) 12.89 5.82 4.36

CaO (wt.%) 10.74 3.24 3.48

MgO (wt.%) 3.07 1.04 2.33

K2O (wt.%) 1.20 2.47 1.82

Na2O (wt.%) 1.12 0.28 0.66

TiO2 (wt.%) 2.20 2.27 1.43

LOI 1273J(wt.%) 6.3 1.13 0.28

Physical properties

Specific weight, �, (kg m�3) 2363 2180 2635

Bulk density (kg m�3) 1980 960 2340

Specific surface (m2 g�1) 15.4 15.3 6.8

Pores’ volume (pm3 g�1) 3.6 3.5 1.6

Colour Dark grey Grey Dark grey

Particles size distribution (%), statistic by

Equivalent diameter (mm) Volume Number Volume Number Volume Number

0.5 0.11 24.3 0.3 28.0 0.73 28.0

1.0 1.25 83.1 3.8 87.9 7.05 89.9

5 8.01 99.5 18.9 99.6 22.9 99.9

10 15.3 99.9 35.7 99.9 30.7 99.98

20 28.7 99.97 57.3 100 40.2 100

40 55.0 100 80.4 – 59.0 –

60 72.2 – 89.9 – 65.2 –

80 81.0 – 100 – 75.2 –

100 92.4 – – – 98.3 –

150 100 – – – 100 –

d50 35.7 0.64 16.3 0.56 34.58 0.58

Magnetic properties and characteristics

Saturation magnetization of ferromagneticcomponents, Ms (A m2 kg�1)

2.78 1.04 1.38

Remanent magnetization, Mr, (A m2 kg�1) 0.61 0.18 0.07

Coercive force, Hc (A.m�1) 11943 8758 5971

Paramagnetic contribution in M at 796 kA m�1 (%) 3.8 5.8 9.3

Paramagnetic contribution in M at 2389 kA m�1 (%) 10.9 15.3 23.1

Strongly magnetic iron, as Fe2O3 (%) 6.06 1.16 –

Weakly magnetic iron, as Fe2O3 (%) 1.16 0.84 –

Non-magnetic iron, as Fe2O3 (%) 5.67 3.82 –

aObtained values for metal content are recalculated as oxides content and are not normalized to 100%.

4 Waste Management & Research 0(0)

This made the correct measurement of magnetic suscep-

tibility of the samples extremely complicated, because

although the magnetic susceptibility of paramagnetic mate-

rials was independent of the magnetic field, paramagnetic

minerals containing admixtures of magnetically ordered min-

erals exhibited field-dependent magnetic susceptibility

(Svoboda, 2004). This phenomenon can seriously alter the

predictions for the results of magnetic separation based on

the field-independent magnetic susceptibility (Svoboda,

2004). That is why magnetic susceptibility is not discussed

in the investigation, but an attempt for approximate

evaluation of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic contributions

on specific magnetization has been made on the basis of the

data obtained (Table 1).

The maximum magnetization values and the widest hys-

teresis loop were observed for the FAM3 sample having the

highest iron content among the three FAs studied. The data

obtained now and previously, for another three Bulgarian

FAs, show almost linear (Figure 3) correlation between the

concentration of ferromagnetic iron and the saturation mag-

netizations (Ms). Only FAV was found to possess lower Ms

than the expected one, but since it consisted almost entirely

































e tr



ce (




96–10 –10 –5 0 5 10–8 –6 –4 –2

Velocity (mm s–1) Velocity (mm s–1)

0 2 4 6 8 10

20 30 402-theta-scale

50 60 70

Figure 2. (a) XRD patterns of FAM3, FAR and FARE. Legend: Q, quartz (SiO2); M, maghemite (g-Fe2O3); H, hematite(a-Fe2O3); C, calcite (CaCO3), A, Ca-Al silicate (Ca0.88Al1.77Si2.23O8); Ml, mullite (3Al2O3.2SiO2), CF, calcium iron oxide(CaO.FeO); (b) Mossbauer spectra of FAM3 and FAR. The curve passing through data points is a least-square fitcomposed of Lorentzian shaped components, drawn as lighter curves (3 sextets and 2 doublets for FAM3; 4 sextetsand 2 doublets for FAR).

Shoumkova 5

of spherical particles (Shoumkova, 2006a), this phenomenon

could be explained by the demagnetization effect of the par-

ticles’ shape.

Although in all of the fly ashes Ms was achieved at mag-

netic field strength of 700–800 kAm�1, actually, more than

90% of Ms was reached at about 240 kAm�1 which deter-

mined the applicability of the low-intensity magnetic separa-

tion process.

Magnetic separation results

The experimental conditions, yields and compositions of

some MF and NF are shown in Table 2.

The comparison between some YMF obtained at similar

V/B ratio showed that only two pairs of experiments

(No.6–No.8 and No.9–No.45) confirm Svoboda’s (2004)

model, supposing that at equal other conditions the yield

of MF depends only on V/B. However, the data obtained

(Figure 4(a)) showed good correlation between the concentra-

tion of ferromagnetic iron andYMF for all sets of experimental

conditions. The dependences were quite similar to those

shown in Figure 3; again the values for FAV were much

lower than the expected ones. Figure 4(b) illustrates clearly

that for closer prediction of the YMF, the obtained data for

saturation magnetization (Ms) of ferromagnetic constituents

could be used.

The experimental data for all series separated in the inter-

val 0.022–0.088T showed that the increasing magnetic induc-

tion and/or the decreasing of flow velocity led to improving

RFe and the YMF, but at the expense of Fe2O3 content in the

MF. These dependencies have already been observed

(Shoumkova, 2006b) and could be explained by the fact

that at higher magnetic field intensity and gradient, the selec-

tivity of iron separation gets worse, owing to the retaining of

more weakly magnetic particles (having Fe< 25%) on the

matrix (proved by SEM-EDX for all FAs).

The comparison between the test pairs No.1–No.4 and

No.3–No.5 shows that MFs separated at the lowest B had

less Fe content, which could be explained by the supposition

that at such weak magnetic field the magnetic force acting on

the finest iron-rich particles was too small, while the hydrody-

namic force, being considerably stronger, led to their involve-

ment in the NF. This hypothesis is also confirmed by the

observation that the influence of the velocity on the yield of

MF was more significant at lower magnetic inductions. This

last statement was valid for all FAs, but to a different extent.

For all FA samples the highest selectivity and enrichment

factors were achieved at B¼ 0.022T and V¼ 0.325m s�1.

This observation matched the results from previous studies

(Shoumkova, 2006b), but generally, the magnetic separation

results were worse, as under the same conditions the Fe2O3

content in FAV, FAB and FAME1 were 36.3% (FFe¼ 4.2),

31.9% (FFe¼ 3.5) and 37.7% (FFe¼ 1.4), respectively. The

most likely reason for the low efficiency of separation of

FARE was the uniform distribution of iron in the volume

of material, proved by SEM-EDX studies. Another possible

reason for poor selectivity and low level of extraction was the

presence of large amounts of Fe, incorporated in the glass

phases. Additional negative impact on magnetic separation

of all FAs may be associated with the presence of agglomer-

ates and aggregates of phases, rich and poor in iron,

observed by SEM-EDX in all samples (Figure 5).

4.0(a) (b)















n of







(A m

2 kg




0.00.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Concentration of strongly magneticiron (as Fe2O3) (%)

From left to right: FAR, FAB, FAME1, FAM3 OFAV

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0








n (A







–4.0–3000 –2000 –1000 0

Magnetic field strength (kA m–1)

1000 2000 3000

Figure 3. (a) Magnetization curves, obtained at 293 K; (b) Saturation magnetization of ferromagnetic components as a functionof their concentration.

6 Waste Management & Research 0(0)

Table 2. Magnetic separation conditions and results

Test no. Separation conditions Chemical compositionof MF, (wt.%)a

Magnetic separationefficiency

FA B(Tesla)

V o

(m.s�1)d (mm) Grad B

(T m�1)YMF

(%)SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO RFe

(%)FFe SFe


1 FAM3 0.011 0.130 3 7.3 16.9 39.32 18.82 22.95 12.17 2.72 30.1 1.8 12.1

2 FAM3 0.011 0.087 3 7.3 21.08 39.40 18.86 21.61 11.73 3.28 35.2 1.7 11.0

3 FAM3 0.011 0.025 3 7.3 40.3 42.33 20.70 18.31 11.84 2.98 57.2 1.4 9.1

4 FAM3 0.022 0.130 3 14.7 24.8 37.16 17.68 25.07 11.67 3.22 48.3 1.9 16.2

5 FAM3 0.022 0.025 3 14.7 49.7 40.20 18.46 20.66 11.82 2.58 79.6 1.6 15.4

6 FAM3 0.022 0.012 3 14.7 55.0 40.90 19.65 19.91 11.80 2.66 84.9 1.5 15.6

7 FAM3 0.044 0.130 3 29.3 40.6 – – – – – – – –

8 FAM3 0.044 0.025 3 29.3 54.3 – – – – – – – –

9 FAM3 0.044 0.012 3 29.3 63.1 – – – – – – – –

10 FAM3 0.088 0.130 3 58.7 45.2 – – – – – – – –

11 FAM3 0.088 0.087 3 58.7 57.7 – – – – – – – –

12 FAM3 0.011 0.130 3 7.3 6.5 30.91 15.16 37.51 10.53 3.54 18.8 2.9 26.4

13 FAM3 0.022 0.130 3 14.7 11.2 32.83 17.28 33.53 9.42 3.73 29.0 2.6 23.2

14 FAM3 0.044 0.130 3 29.3 14.0 37.36 18.19 26.41 10.61 3.85 28.7 2.1 15.7

15 FAM3 0.088 0.130 3 58.7 22.1 39.34 19.08 23.82 10.19 3.87 40.8 1.9 14.0

16 FAM3 0.022 0.130 12 3.7 6.0 33.96 17.1 32.03 11.3 2.43 14.9 2.5 20.4

17 FAR 0.022 0.130 3 14.7 5.0 50.88 25.26 14.43 3.98 1.85 12.4 2.5 9.1

18 FAR 0.022 0.087 3 14.7 6.5 – – – – – – – –

19 FAR 0.022 0.025 3 14.7 14.0 – – – – – – – –

20 FAR 0.022 0.012 3 14.7 22.0 – – – – – – – –

21 FAR 0.044 0.130 3 29.3 6.4 52.97 26.23 12.10 3.32 2.35 13.3 2.1 6.7

22 FAR 0.044 0.087 3 29.3 7.8 54.49 26.01 9.98 2.72 2.17 13.4 1.7 4.5

23 FAR 0.044 0.025 3 29.3 16.0 55.50 26.85 8.20 3.25 2.00 22.5 1.4 2.8

24 FAR 0.044 0.012 3 29.3 25.4 56.08 27.33 7.61 3.34 1.45 33.2 1.3 2.4

25 FAR 0.088 0.130 3 58.7 11.4 – – – – – – – –

26 FAR 0.088 0.087 3 58.7 12.6 55.32 27.00 8.52 3.14 1.95 18.5 1.5 3.1

27 FAR 0.044 0.087 5 17.6 7.2 52.21 25.56 12.12 3.68 2.26 14.9 2.1 6.8

28 FAR 0.044 0.087 10 8.8 5.7 49.30 24.01 16.80 4.24 1.65 16.5 2.9 11.7

29 FAR 0.088 0.087 5 35.2 9.5 53.61 26.12 10.21 3.01 2.22 16.7 1.8 4.9

30 FAR 0.088 0.087 10 17.6 8.4 51.03 24.54 15.22 3.62 2.36 22.0 2.6 10.3

31 FARE 0.022 0.130 3 14.7 6.0 54.48 26.27 6.58 3.95 2.52 9.1 1.5 2.4

32 FARE 0.022 0.087 3 14.7 10.2 54.09 28.37 4.97 3.57 2.25 13.7 1.14 0.7

33 FARE 0.022 0.025 3 14.7 24.0 54.53 29.02 4.55 3.50 2.30 25.1 1.04 0.3

34 FARE 0.022 0.012 3 14.7 41.6 – – – – – – – –

35 FARE 0.044 0.130 3 29.3 15.1 – – – – – – – –

36 FARE 0.044 0.087 3 29.3 19.8 – – – – – – – –

37 FARE 0.044 0.025 3 29.3 46.0 – – – – – – – –

38 FARE 0.044 0.012 3 29.3 65.1 – – – – – – – –

39 FARE 0.088 0.130 3 58.7 20.8 – – – – – – – –

40 FARE 0.088 0.087 3 58.7 33.8 – – – – – – – –

41 FARE 0.022 0.087 5 8.8 4.8 45.24 22.32 11.3 3.24 2.21 12.4 2.6 7.3

42 FARE 0.022 0.087 10 4.4 2.7 42.54 20.21 21.2 3.21 2.33 13.1 4.8 17.3

43 FARE 0.022 0.087 12 3.7 2.1 39.7 17.88 26.0 2.90 2.35 12.5 6.0 22.1

Test no. Separation conditions Chemical compositionof NF, (wt.%)a

Magnetic separationefficiency

FA B(Tesla)

V o

(m.s�1)d (mm) Grad B

(T m�1)YNF

(%)SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO RFe

(%)FFe SFe


44 FAM3 0.088 0.025 3 58.7 26.9 44.78 20.32 8.41 10.80 2.40 17.6 0.65 6.1

45 FAR 0.088 0.025 3 58.7 71.7 65.39 29.72 3.43 2.25 0.81 42.2 0.59 8.5

46 FARE 0.088 0.025 3 58.7 64.0 57.31 31.66 4.31 2.71 2.12 63.3 0.98 0.2

aThe analytical results are recalculated as oxides and are not normalized to 100%.

Shoumkova 7

In order to explore the opportunities for improving the

efficiency of separation by limiting the negative impact of the

presence of poly-mineral aggregates and agglomerates in the

ash, a series of additional experiments (Table 2, Tests 12–15),

including wet preliminary milling (15min in planetary ball

mill) of the material was carried out. The results show 1.8

to 2.9 times decreased yields of MF (in comparison with

those for unground ash under the same conditions), but sig-

nificantly higher iron content in MFs; therefore the influence

of pre-milling of FA can be estimated as positive.

A comparison between Test 1 and Test 15 proved that the

proper selection of separation conditions can lead to an

increase in both quantity and quality of the obtained frac-

tions and thus it is very important for the magnetic separa-

tion process. Tests 13 and 14, in which equal quantities of

iron were extracted in MFs of different volumes, confirm the

same conclusion.

The increasing size of matrix elements can also prevent

the undesired mechanical capturing of large aggregates and

agglomerates. Additionally, it would influence the magnetic

separation process by decreasing the magnetic field gradient

that takes part in the calculation of the magnetic force.

The influence of matrix spheres’ diameter on magnetic sepa-

ration efficiency was studied in a few additional experiments

(Table 2), performed with matrixes of steel balls of 5, 10 and

12mm in diameter.

The comparison of results of magnetic separation tests

provided at equal other conditions (B and Vo) but using

ball matrixes of different size showed substantial differences

in the yields and chemical composition of the obtained frac-

tions. Generally, the increasing diameter of the balls had a

positive effect on magnetic SFe and FFe, but led to a reduction

of YMF and RFe. Its quantitative influence was different for

different materials, since the change of size of balls had a

complex effect: it mainly affected the field gradient, but

also the flow velocity, mechanical capturing and loading

capacity of the matrix.

Magnetic and non-magnetic fractions

From the comparison of typical MFs (Tests 4, 17 and 43) and

typical NFs (Tests 44, 45 and 46) it could be deduced that wet


Series 2-0.088T, 0.0325 ms–1Series 1-0.088T, 0.062 ms–1

Series 3-0.044T, 0.0325 ms–1

From left to right: FAR, FAB, FAV, FAME1, FAM3Series 4-0.022T, 0.0325 ms–1





MF (





00.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Concentration of strongly magnetic iron (as Fe2O3) (%)

4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5


Series 2-0.088T, 0.0325 ms–1

Series 1-0.088T, 0.062 ms–1

Series 3-0.044T, 0.0325 ms–1

From left to right: FAR, FAV, FARE, FAB, FAME1, FAM3

Series 4-0.022T, 0.0325 ms–1






F (





00.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Ms of ferromagnetic components (A m2 kg–1)

2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0



Figure 4. (a) Dependence between concentration of strongly magnetic particles and yield of magnetic fraction; (b) dependencebetween magnetic separation of ferromagnetic components of fly ashes and yield of magnetic fraction.

8 Waste Management & Research 0(0)

low-intensity magnetic separation was a good method for

separating ash fractions with different chemical compositions

and properties (Table 2, Figure 6). All magnetic fractions had

darker colour and higher specific weight (�), due to the mag-

netite enrichment in magnetic fractions, and negligible

LOI1273K. The average size of the particles (d50) of typical

MFs was bigger than that of the non-magnetic ones, confirm-

ing previous investigations (Hower et al., 1999; Blaha et al.,

2008). The MFs also had a lower volume percentage of par-

ticles under 20–30 mm and very low content of submicron

particles which could be a result of the significant effect of

hydrodynamic forces on particles of smaller size.

The comparison of chemical compositions of typical MFs

and NFs, showed slight enrichment in Ca and noticeable

(up to twofold) enrichment in Mg in all MFs which can be

explained by the presence of magnetic minerals containing

Ca and Mg, such as ferrites and partially substituted magne-

tite, as has been reported by Gomes et al. (1999).

The XRD patterns of the MFs and NFs (Figure 6(a)) are

a little bit clearer than those of the initial samples. Pure or

impure magnetite, maghemite and hematite are the typical

minerals for FA magnetic concentrates (Hower et al., 1999).

In the present samples maghemite (or magnetite) was avail-

able in all MF. The presence of the non-magnetic minerals,

quartz, mullite, Ca-Al-silicate, in the MFs was expected and

it was determined by the existence of poly-mineral aggregates

with strongly magnetic minerals (Hower et al., 1999). Such

were often observed in magnetic fractions. Additionally,

SEM-EDX analyses of MFs also showed the existence of

poly-mineral particles, having an Si or Si-Al core and

Fe-rich shell, most probably formed by secondary crystalli-

zation of iron oxides (Gomes et al., 1999) on the surface of

quartz or mullite kernels.

Quartz is the most important crystal phase in NFs.

Temperatures above 1473–1573K for more than 30min

and oxidizing conditions led to glass formation from quartz

(Mitchell and Gluskoter, 1976). That was the case of FARE,

where the XRD patterns showed a very high amorphous halo

in the initial and NF fraction.

On the base of the Mossbauer spectrum of the MF of

FAM3 (Test 4) it was calculated that under the separation

conditions about 69% of iron oxides (magnetite and hema-

tite), and about 22% of Fe-bearing aluminosilicate minerals

and amorphous phases were collected in the MF. The partial

Figure 5. SEM images of: (a) aggregates of (1) silicon-rich crystal (Si> 99%) and (2) iron-rich matter (Fe> 90%), observed inmagnetic fraction, FAM3; (b) aggregates of (1) Ca-rich crystals and iron-rich matter (Fe> 85%), observed in magnetic fraction,FAM3; (c) aggregates of particles with (1) moderate content of iron (Fe¼ 44%) and (2) aluminosilicate particle (Fe¼ 0%),observed in magnetic fraction, FAR; (d) aggregates of particles with (1) moderate content of iron (Fe¼ 32%) and low contentof iron (Fe¼ 5.1%), observed in magnetic fraction, FAR; (e), (d) large agglomerates of particles, observed in magneticfraction, FARE.

Shoumkova 9

extraction of paramagnetic iron by low-intensity magnetic

separation was probably due to its coexistence with ferro-

magnetic iron minerals in the particles.


On the basis of the analyses carried out in the present study,

several conclusions can be summarized.

1. Magnetic properties correlate directly to the concentra-

tion of ferromagnetic iron in FAs. The total magnetiza-

tion in the studied interval of magnetic fields is determined

mostly by ferromagnetic components, but the relative con-

tribution of paramagnetic magnetization at more intensive

magnetic fields could be significant.

2. Wet low-intensity magnetic separation is a good method

for separating ash fractions having different and control-

lable chemical composition. All the technological param-

eters investigated: magnetic field intensity, suspension

flow velocity and the size of matrix elements, affect mag-

netic separation efficiency, but their influence is inter-

linked and is determined not only by the properties of

the material, but also by the combination of other


3. For a certain set of separation conditions, the yields of

magnetic fractions are directly proportional to the satura-

tion magnetization (Ms) of the ferromagnetic components

of the FAs. This allows reliable predictions of magnetic

separation yields (YMF) to be made only on the basis of

magnetization curves, while the pre-estimation based on























































00 20 40 60 80

Particle size (mm)

100 120



d50=29.7 mm

d50=48.5 mm



d50=8.2 mm

d50=69.6 mm


FARE MFd50=30.3 mm

d50=54.7 mm













00 20 40 60 80 100 120

Particle size (mm)

140 160 180 200












00 20 40 60 80 100 120

Particle size (mm)

140 160 180







r= 2850 kg m–3

FAM3 NFr= 2315 kg m–3

FAR NFr= 2143 kg m–3

FAR MFr= 2228 kg m–3


20 30 40


50 60

r= 3120 kg m–3

FARE NFr= 2595 kg m–3

Figure 6. (a) XRD patterns of magnetic and non-magnetic fractions. Legend: Q, quartz (SiO2); M, maghemite (g-Fe2O3); H,hematite (a-Fe2O3); C, calcite (CaCO3); A, Ca-Al silicate (Ca0.88Al1.77Si2.23O8); Ml, mullite (3Al2O3.2SiO2); CF, calcium iron oxide(CaO.FeO); S, silicon oxide (Si96O192); K, potassium iron oxide (K6Fe2O5); (b) particle size distribution in magnetic andnon-magnetic fractions.

10 Waste Management & Research 0(0)

the concentrations of ferromagnetic components could

sometimes be less accurate.

4. The concentrations of iron in the richest magnetic

concentrates obtained for FAM3, FAR and FARE

respectively were 37.5% (RFe¼ 18.8%, SFe¼ 26.4%),

16.8% (RFe¼ 16.5%, SFe¼ 11.7%) and 26% (RFe¼

12.5%, SFe¼ 22.1%). Although these results are not sat-

isfactory enough for the direct utilization of MFs as iron-

bearing raw materials, the additional tests indicated that

after further optimization of the separation conditions,

small yields of higher grade magnetic concentrates could

be obtained.

5. The observations indicate that the mineralogical compo-

sition and the distribution of minerals in particles are fun-

damental parameters in the determination of the

applicability of magnetic separation. The main factors

limiting the process are: (1) the presence of paramagnetic

Fe-containing mineral and amorphous matter; (2) the

existence of poly-mineral particles and the existence of

aggregates of magnetic and non-magnetic particles. The

first factor cannot be managed, but its influence can be

pre-estimated on the base of chemical, XRD and MoS

analyses. The second factor can be affected by the appli-

cation of appropriate pre-treatment (seeding, grinding,

physical or chemical de-agglomeration, etc.). It was exper-

imentally proven that the negative effect of both factors

could be considerably limited by the selection of proper

sets of separation conditions.

6. For the extraction of more concentrated iron fractions,

further optimization should be performed at low magnetic

field induction 0.01<B< 0.02T, high suspension flow

velocity (0.2<V< 0.4m s�1), moderate field gradients

(3<GradB< 30Tm�1), and suitable pre-treatment.


Part of the reported data have been included in the PhD thesis,‘High gradient magnetic separation of coal fly ashes’(Shoumkova, 2006a, b) elaborated at the University of

Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria, withthe kind support of Professor Dr I. Grancharov and AssociateProfessor Dr S. Shumkov.

The help of the Institut de Materiaux Jean Roxel (Nantes,

France) – Laboratoire de Physique Cristalline for the analysesof physical properties, XRD, MoS and microscopic studies isgreatly appreciated.

List of frequently used abbreviationsand acronyms

AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy

EDX energy dispersive X-ray detector

FA fly ash

FAB fly ash from TPS ‘Bobov dol’

FAM3 fly ash from TPS ‘Maritza 3’

FAME1 fly ash from TPS ‘Maritza East 1’

FAR fly ash from TPS ‘Repulika’

FARE fly ash from TPS ‘Rousse East’

FAV fly ash from TPS ‘Varna’

LOI1073K loss on ignition at 1073K

MF magnetic fraction

MoS Mossbauer spectroscopy

NF non-magnetic fraction

SEM scanning electron microscope

SQUID superconducting quantum interference device

TGA thermogravimetric analysis

TPS thermopower station

XRD X-ray diffraction


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