wmvm* - nys historic papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031930/1850-11-28/ed-1/seq-5.pdf ·...

lit! .Aii^ftltae:iSt^alatir; ; ^:i';^te'..^'.^.^^V.'.' , •'•• •••' '" '••• • - ; OXI4>. •>:•' --. -,.,...;-;, •< ••-.->,• feilSte.iap^H'aK'^ Coffi, « B O M 0 t o | : T3AR'jCBfiSl\'3# : ,«t'oiyccl'by,' ' ' .!*,. . ^ ;«* •ynctwe Cracker* Wholesale and Retail. yBA'^i-hekoi'sft>y.<y.lflbox,, "•"t'jr.llWl.d'iSiOiucito Wmvm* mi ' *.. |JiJti: : oMioyi^^ \.r.:-: , ; f e o m i r h o m o ; '• =.i>v_--6.-i' —X; s - ! -y-<••:?• s *s 5 >»•""' I**' Jutia-privMfe'-'J^t!fei!l«.^i , 1 ! , £? "lictanfuisii-; •-^T^^cA'^M^tbemtgn;-. 3ity'S'»br%®<V. fornix- Im^iftsTste^t^o, ;$$»; # > $ ' " ,4r, '" f "" ; "• A " ta " i -" M *"'' -••i»'-*-<w"«>>i '.wercjagftin;. ^stoweys and Cwrisolto^ •ijd'.^ww- : !09i<* «»,.*? 'Iron tpa ^j!^<SpSj^gMjg<>fe: LA.,';.',. ,.....y.'iflWi&ipiwAi', ' •• '"''^uitl-:-.rcsiJMt»vlly. ^forttt Iw f>A^rael JraokqrA.hy'tli! iintJjvdH']i'aiUljKj3 t * r •'•*.' ' fi,"B,3(f)l^V|?.,. .... ...... -, .,.£., ,, V . . ;,':.BjC!iuitjr..u r ,-,_^. 7 , . . . „ ... jPKDPtEmiaorstgnCod'tciirtorfcliqirsprvieoS:torillpoi-sbli* :'%,cVfitlcil;tb'.B(\Mfy<.'©htasw^bq. •latpV.net.oNJbnV i ;'/!tiiSa;".' •Jtty.i^7':V?Ul.' :, !Jteia5tt-'JE»S^d - Warrants' '.bhlthb. most fayorablp tbrins, Qnapplieiitlqnpitlici'in.pefeqtuo> by . 4ottor,.nt.tli<jii;iiaV-0^(!Utr5\:afeto,vv'h,-.j.; . . '• ,• Mtrh: •••£ - '-4^4^^4i^^^4i»^)i)^PSX'W»W^«' : - :v , ^i.;'*if i E w i ^ ^ W f |5^'''^S'".-' " : - ' "•: '- : t%$r»^?|%'wfe.Of'yiinili'fiilyeiip',. > i^-P-^r,'' -.. ;: .H'r\^'^^n.8hliiaiii»«lioiyo%itlW%v ; '/ ^.* &iidMitoTfebtlaiid ? ^ 6r^Wcnt<if niii»t^ %ip"feinp8rorjpW as death;; aiiiJitrfcm^ihg-m w : ^r*h'^(j;^o'sbl 1 ahd#p1rflJiSKR<l' *p|^PH!?f;;. W J t%: ? 2^6 ! ^^»8lBtoKi.j)n..?: ',.*' j^L;%^jgi^.|^£W^i^.;'.s.-,.'.'-'; *m. ilijBfepllftrS! my. bWi) r -goo'|:\?os«pl(injS>l..:Vpn yrohSer- f tii«ii' m/*WJ.Il. .My- #oar??tHiM#ojis-' m'olii'oh^apa^y'fiimself, lbimecl l i g a i n s t i pil.lap, folded h'is 4^1* hpfin Histytfiasfyandj>( perfect; sj!en(!0vi api%rentl^ 1# M.glftojiay thought;:i;e. 'maine!d':moti'onleaa as. a^tatue* , A'cire.ulttr tafilp ^poniiiisvBiero Was a^WKltffigiW^^bf {rold. 'AvMa^tarj^^haic'ilW'pd'IPffl^'.M'e^Wd,. My': "lifd^lc^r ifi^- gfiiil6iiflfe*«^itlj iiijirif.aVitp. ih&ifc the; h n&d$i1ed^Srtfs^ lbp'n eonienipiat?diSe.sje. irj^uraen'ts of,a mor'e areadftii eSecWtiQii; ^&*Jil&±hTi8i';••'\ •¥•'•.'*'-'> "Attoiiioy^hdeoiiniidiibfcfttla^iMtcqitfHa^^ l 4n v-t 'st^W^SpfflTOlJAlCl);.-' ; -: ••"•-""••• BeA'ln'Grbcoi;les;j?rd«Sioh3i':eoh,feetioneri!is^^ .W'oocl^n. .M'ai-Oj .1'iuikcW.KFqtipnSj.-,&<>«, &o, r .??o,. (5, J'^i^Btiigiiif;' South ;iidts,/of the Public Squiire, '•'<aiifard''fij^Buttor,;^ft,tpdfl»o^;fcM!!#prFop' jnc^sjiyo^jl^... ' •..' F-~ '"'•"" '•«-"•' .'V .•.'• ':*'"• J,. „friSn#i; anil' ti; 'constantly .'''Spmnji.a! general oSgortrnflnt:. Burpchtiho,. B*ftshs»,. ghisa;Elrtf<!,"0i)'Owi •aipl^no.aokjcap^h.^.X&tfe$Kj»te)W 'igSiAo. • ^ '.M.®1!II|Mi^. .'^itertowjV.SKptiS,-!»?' :.CS)0gghfflgt?S»_ !tnr.o%i\l . To Worpliants/Poddlors^ and IWilirier* i '' W l'i;,whliUBa8y'WW^ye^|^ia!#p'4pB®n|}jho "'S.cnkoyi,-witepj'eftii^' liitgei'atoo'to .'OiiM-TOHblS*- \ - •Sido pricesYiqiiS ,ci(M«li!totl.tp ' i t e t ovory ..eSpedfatioh, . ns wo .-iVilhsupplytMirij, #;.ii«Ha^ if 3Sw#Xor)WJay •PrioosJ - ' Hi? SKW'G^EA^C BHAT^LB! 'J. • ., •' |i»-.' « ; Votie:' Tourgelf ajr*rini»% r T I I E tawTof Cb))sfcss,',/jitst pa^a,-'?nti.41MWjor-j J^ori^Wbo^eTfVB^oiW'mpii^orinow^ 1 ^-*^*'. 61 .^ v'fUS'oi'the" tTriifticl ^iatcs..&inqe W& •OAA v Bav'S^ttf,'AV*«%4otf ; '^'T5imii«»;. olLvoel:" .OIJIU Eo9^§hjiwk.fti»W 4??s,"Pi ^oliibjSifiglo.Mia DouWo BwohSifi^lifeoro t .^llk,.Stm[tel.r(i,«SB..J«H *ft-." ceJvoCl'.'ivna Will h'n sSl'd 4 'trio f6<W rbiisoriablovpiiijca. ,'nfc- '•>''.."•>'.':'' 'I • . /&&HvS^<mm®'J.* Ocf;26»t8SQ/ • ;'-• r •;. .: A- ' ' .';'~.^,?30 .' ?6XC"opfftiei6l- \> .T.-ASEIV AI>~ •m«$t : yi'eidfd'the:iii.tef:e9ta^'bfPittcoT' .. . . cib6i}fat6 -fifes: :&ii!ifedtana, jfell: :lifbl03WHJpJ!,thp fjbbrj'-' )Sapo'Io6i(i/tt1toN^i>*ftVOpn:'' 1 Ml d $P'. 6f m mftsMa Wfflf&^dV-'^AtadanU. ffrofti.rihb: nhte-ifftoin iinfflematprj"entf ed, '• Ja- ppie'bp'.J;bo)j:';a t i t o ^ j g p j h ^ l ^ M i y i J n U ^ n j M - ; ; "ing"flbt!i\vor.d,.hut:p!HP^^ iotlid^ftbunt de^Bea^inbi^fr-to;tako4hti/B^l|)re i P, l!Vrllfe-itrif«.* - { & M ^ i ' S i U H t ft^n^^#^^ 1 i5fi thinL<'brtt ; i)Bgujfto-rnB>to '•^^^'-Aj^&oiiphot^Urbljj'ab.'jt,'- Ybu: \iawa . ^JVEi&VVBI.K& ; .S3TlMAN. •"•:' iWibna'bio S p w ^ r n »-d: (Sabinot. AVaro. Booing, •J!^l^di:]?uaairig^ppoxtu4oo!i,^^y(*'^«^.'W80. •at'rc.et'.. . -"j -• .. ( i:-•.,•./-.•'.'•'. .-; ; --~s* - \—^•»5'' WIST- 10 .. fltU- &'«te<^8 l 'X'niiiiiilly8oi8. , lWm':£i:f(>ii #e«Ky Sd: Wi.Htiiit/s-, How oftoTinif at?"" " •T^P* ibAlim'3vth6flcWostJiiia^rdtU'est-jmttcrnsi'Hvill i/'l)6-soia'.-ir^m ! la.:tQ.lj.' , '9(li.at ; .-. , \^-i-{.:. , • "'ip- .,',,-'•"..•.. • ; • ,.|fo. : J-,AVood™tfaoolr.' •^^GpiBBgL'U. #:BA^¥'J-'9?€ A\ T holegalo and-retail doaloriiiHarclwarb, Cutlery, 3?nn«y Gobfla, •Trjia, StpoU 'Kailsj.-^c&ej, JTo. S >} *iVWSftthi.lh.~-..' ••-•• -'.. .it ..--pi',..- . • ,...'... . arid tfoodr Uifr:ljliekyrn;en,,tho.r;Wjap\y6.or;'irt : :,^___Bl»trlSrrJBhawlrr-fhmwl»T . t:ht.vd,pxtra tulvaiitageB,w;d-aInrgoi|«ni»of «a-. T>j;eJJIVJ5B'tjiikdivy,byJifpfpsaialamoassorfinont sea, nndwlfcolicorfully « n * ^ ^ V ^ f i i ^ , ' ' Jti--^ «ay ^tfttb.^ufera »te' wet }|aWw.-wool oe33v»feomplying-VintU-«i:to«l'»ies«that:-.^ •mp-JiritU-'a«4)kor.appiy;i)yJett,cr .pr-/0jhei'tj:!i5ei, 4,Q. >^-,>^-.\'- 'J M " '•';' -•y.'e/JHgKtyBr^CO" eop:unlo99 thQiiiEpiis'Seoured.., ^ lEvfatfS 1 ' Sfill^J^tdbor ~W| Bounty tiuids! ;jAMls'il39}V ; EN,"»sist v .l'* "St JIartlijU. -_..... ,^,.,.». '--gijoO, ' ' _?7._ _ Jjnn.ds iIIE underfigried.ja/p:ispa.r«d:tp rccoiv6jap|))ie«tipna .J. tiom .peraonS-."•ontja.AljJo.-Boijn!*.•-J^ifeunclej. .tho ,act-'6f'Cbngreas 'Bppfc 28, ,]6SQ, and fpwar<t.thq Aurao- ^o'tlie prope'g, doparhnpnt :iit^u«l|ingtQi»-.'_tt\*fitf»'•• f!pil "Atlpn^th theimoiirnMsilpilcbWaS interrupted Wfclip opening pf 4 s&lblloQS and. ths eptrimce .of Jbsepinne. The .palIbf;4fjd.pS"£!i Wiis, Up„6ii„ TuTfibrovy, jhd'Ri&'i^linii!^i%.p„f;di^^i.rii0ryp4 into-'a teftipbrary c'fiiiiiVnp^. !Silo wgs loaning: •upoii the ato bf Hortenspj .\v',l»p, twit rpinssp^iiig- 't,ii|"FortitiidP : oilier•.m'o'tKfe^V^'«ntiJWr;«n'iplEi; tb v ebnttbl Jier feejipg^j 1>u^:iniii)pdiiiCely lipbrt entor)riffthprobui,.Jbp^3tipfo^^ . ffc&triftlt«d^Pth6;Wbih&;JounJnl from aftrtlipflldlbitt ';' ^ j i a l i b n Jwi/oBebiiic ypi^^rfrpitof^iitttjpJied ffe;.^irtporbr^ 1 i c i^way^pngbt5|OTkpa^ ito^hs^JiparfpiBii^^tb^Bmpf^ -tijqijfcpl^Mpplabiiappnied^npxHo"-^ •uttered s.b'ino aii'tipliorci'ifeBontenoes abbufvff.yio- ybntWnS>«3 T ^fI!0i^^ M.'.-\ . • /wljleh-deli^htpd-^hc/ •Bniplero'iv? -Nnppljson „h|d. . ^n|i^jtIjf#tpi'»iinedto"map ^llleM O^lii^lp^-jg^tteraljy^tlt^r'-tiniicc^tAnd- phlM *i«^-^t|iteiteiiiw,-nndiserfinfc'dnysngiiin .m#iio^lippi} hbr henrfc... " ': .^jHyttt'w«h-c((;*tiptps-' weradoBfcndihg r 4non.-five- . »y«rii'#.jige,:Wa».wiz«d:(iuddenryJandvM^^^ ..wjiji-<liflcr<>apii iindsin d'fftw houwdted; The. .'. ;.:l)^f«)iiyp4iH|i^^rt^:7o^pliinUwitb' most' •l^'WjfSpo^fe- pftcpWwilSiLeilWipt «tthe t£^!^J!^.*«gu> I M r i view »f ; tlioBpTearrul con- .'•ec|lhti«cii, <wliicb sliu i|iuddurwl15' ooiituinnliitc-.. '.Bhrf-kWimi?thiit^npfeoti^gdjiiij'i^iwlly. . But, t 'ttie *I*b?km)*'itne rtrpiigtli pf•h.f*:nmbiilpivluid which, in.jiJ»'vicvy t .would»ijb9crve thPinterciits „ •«._r.».. wh^ ^::lll«t|)pw«r 1 «rKl.hr$ glory, ..^dif Mitch days-Blio •lint jierablf up teller rooW and w^Ppntrnpii'Ify : Mttlcdrid't&ar^. "'.'-,.- < -• •. , ,-•••. •'• '•-. - '• Tho i«<l Mcl|i)fe!!<;o, H'ft» «ipntoypdto Nnpo-i JjDflji t 4^en4w-waB:iHr-from^hoii«7-ic:thftwidSt* "pftftd JniMiap-eainpttigii. Up bad been victb^ :«f«tiiiei, HeTiadgtiined ace'essiobs of pbwer, '(Mi.c|i.a»:ifl#«s" wildesi dnsariis -,pr youtir :ha.lihS. ^jnifdlyiiniiginod.. All onpositfoa tp'Iii^ sway ,Wm rKMy»pparciit|y:Prii'8l!cd.. Najbieon Bad lei.. i«4Mk#e^«re,ito'raf.!ting3^»id:.Um proudeat ,8te6p«riiiiVri , m^r3lffi r CWnt' d P--Wp% 'b^aF-'i!i#ijT»dy-of Ai\4l !i#l.PsS loiejdliiiiMtta^. 4he^hebta-of^th^mpiyjigr^ Vistcdrlft^ayTrthBilighOWrtttei^^ r ^-'- -*•- *i:~-=^^^ porting tier -liiriljs'hiinsplifj'thpiy rcaPbcd the db'br bf-:fifp"-hed-ro : 6iii; - ffapo'leb'n,-.- thOtv 'dismissing his'-ninie atfondniit4:iiii(i .laying Jpsej*(iinQ :i .iipph •-••'••• • ••• lEfeJiung nt tho bpdstdo-. p f th.P' Ejnpresa^ EV'sry hour, tlip.rgstlpiis,: yet iinreienti'ng Eioppror, esdlcdafr the doorj.o iptluire concerning. hcr.Situation. : .•/*Oh. recPVerihg from niy, swoon',!' iayi_ Jo> Kephin'Pf "Iperceived that iGorvisart \yaS'.ii(-''ht-' ]t9hdjfncci.and''my^0iAr^a!Tg(it$tIId , rt6n^&'\vjo^. jiig 'pver'mtf, l^b! iio|: 1 eiuiuot djjsoribp'ihe liorrur bf my situation diiriiintibatmj;ht^JSva'ii- JWjl^ffiWfc-flileEted to take in iYiyiufiiring' sceiiie4fe n W additipnideruSlty.. Hbiv-TriiTch reasoii.liadt to:droad beebmlrig.liiEuiprpBal?? ftjtfaWwsk-;.- - r ~^7~7Tf>oei\ war. J.;siKESe • • - Ollioo on<l.jiesi<lcnoo on- Frajilclin, 8t'fcet,"dirtetly gguth. Oftf°-tfnB-6?^j.Wgiiiirpi.-.:..-.-S.. iied^^ sobbing".MdSt^o1^1siyie1yi,-;'!FHo->yKoile-as;, ^nJbfly r.bSeiuppftSli^ Wpie nlpyed tp- tears, yy^itiv .t.hat.-.g'riiiie syliieh 'fii^^tingiiiShettlfef'tabyemPnts^ sileptly^o-the-aeatf-^ dpwil,.arid l^jnjng ; (ierT6rjeKeyd>Bpby.lj^'fTi8iia,. ^ ^ j g t e y ^ = 6 F t l J g ^ g g ^ | p g p l ' tli.u apt.rpP^fep;rhb5 ^rbn^' A NoHiiri#^sturbe'djri^ i n ^ j ^ ^ B b i T ^ ^ T r J 8 r t e t e 4 blo.rtdirig \yjth tire itntornful:^itprteApfi^lio^,'.renaijr>--Voice. Eugene,. iiiihe nieantiihei .had taken 4 position by tits' Snrgcpii Dontis'ti SeTrpunontOfficooppositetl(&Amer- joan, ctiroatly over (Jampbell. &.JJray.toii'a stpro. ' .t;. K; Y; .:,'C"?]i' P.ancttolly uttgiiuedwT "fifext door east df tbb'TfornJloSK, wholMido aiiij retai j}^)rei^Jtt-Hwl«^tritioit<iqv^crioaicah. Mtignrinea, •TToAva'papwtiHlSlitTnpUurc^ uo^WbliMfipiw-n'twEly! - •- "' j-*~- '_-?— motbor'a sid^.,, Silont'fearsi-we.ro trickling-down ^3;spon as &b,jceftdhT^ ot ? thfeapt of spparib tibn Was tinishedi iTpsppJiinc-for ti mpitiont.p.i-ess^ ed tier bn'ndkpreliief. to; her y/eeping eyes, and theii rising,.]rtclear.<and niusiea^ but f,rennilp,U3, 'tbnes,pronounced^"the oatliof acpoptjince. Slfe ih?n7sinrdowri, tpplt the ;pe'rt a.nd aHhcqd her sigr ntUufe.to the dcedyyliiph stindptpd'^tho^'earest' _ iiPpe^'andth^fopdelirtier-wKich. huniah Beartsf jngjfii' left fliprbppi.; .Njipplpojj did iidt'pvtip crth fepl. TPb'brEugene coiild emtTird^tiija lan- lljrpw; liimHolf:.«po.0>l!is: bed itliat night. : Hp; *uage lio, ibngpr; .-Jlis 'brain? rcelpd, nj|"'.heart' pae'ed^hp lloor until thc.da\Wl'of ithempr^m^ TI10 rWai surgeqn, Corvisaffc, {iasse'd; the niglit ^Josephine and Horteiiso rfetirPd with the attend; IODD"& EBAXISJiL, , > .. < . PeaJerai'n-Boo.ts, Show;^flatef^iul-K!«diil^y--Oua-v tbni ^yprkjuuekto qfdcf, at tho pld staiid of Tiafc & Rltcsj -oppoaite tho Aliiori'can. " ' tics-arq-sviolKia to onabto^ilia tP> Plil^MltJ*^^ ra'ilW^^i^%i1>'na- : fl - il)rpiifctli(ists. ypxatiaus^oJnys 'usttnlly attendant- iipon. Hrtqh .applications, Imvmg a« agentWWiislnrifttbn... 8tf- » J. .II..,t>.TjraQN. . VVa'tprtoini, ect'1.5,,185,p.... • _ • . '~* \* ^Tb-'6arriIg¥lBtakoT«i,' " ' . . W AGON-.Springs^- Kiivd8 t 3>ce,Triii«o, Um«. TiiftK,Bbxea,.i)a3liorSiXd"lits,. JinMsarnnd, Oil - - -Gloth, .Malleable. Iron, Knolis,^ JIoplca,;Jfail8i Joiat*,- ^\y4,jSn^l&g,,.So.J4flf8alotitlOWQ.qhuni^itin,i)rie3(} ^ _4—EpjtiirSSSO?? &' W!$~- " Stove olt norti.s.ifcofX'.oitit-'iriet, ttkctth kij'Utf. nj(^jpp6sit<)-0ti?:\3lktA •_. "_ J_;vW. : •The siibswibcj "•...,'. . Biriging'.Bookfi. -'.-,•-... A JUL ffid Variotiea for. Oliiiroh' Olioirgj, Singing J?L So'liop!s;<S;e.,,lbrftiloatlo'^'timn.'pUblVsherstf'pri- ' 4ea, : - ' .1.1 —~ K^OWJ^WTJtl^ytJd.;. '.-' '.' '.,• 'OiM^..6uw,Cfiins.,'. ' '.." A. iWapufipdhtstbolvbfBoiiWoandSinglo,',Wire, Stub •J7X,. nhd'T\yjst--mid .cbuiritoii Qiih's,' Aiilp, JPistpli, •tfiuw, BlttSksy BoJt« &c, for-snip Vpfrfqjy, W-' " '.' '.. , .-' !;• a'JPIifeM.ifeSON-.-' ' Store on north side oj (butt street, afow tfi l&rly ^Ho^o^jQii^M^^ ' . ...,..'; j:;lt>. MpA X J «.< 1.B .flCei forth To -tliuir; -'.id: g5cpc count -il P^n pott'G ^=Sr*H}{£eEr: :.A, „ . BLONDEN, ',. .= BaABtfnwl.Uair-DrcsfflfjX&idpr'^ilfc^^r^sStQTp', J(3ner.i«m'3loefc'i~-STiFvirig;.51wriipobing,,n.»ir-ei &S.., dpno.with. llcatncaii an<Vdes]jiitcli; -AVEKfY-^l ! H0i«ASr fTonse, Sign, and' Qrnnrhcntal Painter, .Gilder and- Varriislicr, four dopra west of the.Enipiro Jloiise, . , FO§TE^BEWIS7 Doidor-ln-BoQt3,:Siipe9, tciitlior nnd : Findings; 3Tp. 3, Peck's Woqk". .'. :' . - - • -^- ^""iinNriNtfroisi &, : urns: ~~ ^Ioi:chantT(iilbra,donloi4ip lieudy Jludp Clothing, Tiii- 'lbrs* Trimming", &<:. Sl'iopftndStoro,in tliestphqTlloclv nt'ow dobiS liortB of tho.BrownyiIloHbtol, BrbwitvPfe. BAKER, & \Y05lftRU#r mahntiicturmg; tura, fW*Hi ^. ., . -nfMttirod-ftbni tile very best material flit uiarSctat- foril*^.-ThepMbliV-J«a¥JJK%«.<rt'tlie-flxce»nc<i[ - ofmy- 3&l^ToolsMiewt'l9-fcnovr»that.tlieJirrf^WW«MW' JefeiWK Cbiintu Miir. ' ._ . . ^___ '^Ed^rrjtnf-wn^tmKis'Tnriirarir^rroT^ m1o"aii(f J 'KEtftilr iVl| r TiftlcIeS "Srmy liittirufpturd" anfl warrantbd to dbgood service, prowled a JUir-trrial is given. -StonorCutters Tpols jnoflo and rsjgalreA- tp^or- don' ' .: '. 1" ' ~ "" "~" nXouslin de>rliaiii08. f A A- PIECES gbbd Do. Iniiftfi.at la.ppr- lUv ISQp'eees (Sold oiiixed ©e taiiics. BO.piccoa Caslnnores. 111st TCqeived-at - ••'•• "' '-" ...... '..v .w.e.^DKi-NS&iCOV," - ' 1X-" ..•-'. . Qppositp.Qtijt'Blpcik-qoiirt'Stt Second- Bxtensivo Arrival of Fall mai •• • wintor Goods. ' '.* : - , j,: & M, spiiialtAii,'. • -',;•-" A, Ulti-eeoiviiiwugaiii, a largo mul splendid p"tbclc a 'JpL PliV-GOODS,.vvhit!li iiipoint of qtmntjt)V"qu5l" it}", liria low i>riet^ l»is never beon'n'yfffillMl 'li'nfaw!. '.', T ~"I'Uoptibiioitro.invited to eiillrtnd:oxaniinei" 'Plio'ttfention of tllo ladies particulitrly^iairespcet- " "'" '' •---•'•'• -•• •• » ,<SpiiL_ 'drlh- gibm Ifrwil •will t ji ^suipr adftgtunsvsiiaHpjr "_ 10- |UuliiueoaunovliitTtig4oiHiiB..- ¥atcr|oj-i!,^«tj-2S;- WW. ; •• - y - - . A r iNEW PtoBWCATION*. •;.'.T'" r ' flit c Gatpi niaiin sissip -ininy ' -inost °.fiity, a-BOU tPife JfGJ^'OK DOUGLAS. -Satinet and Tweed JBanofactofgX^ I). •GitEAVE^rj'rSiDElir * & XITXMEK, p'nfs,-A v ' ,c *- DOrCl C ut " m in^ensrblp^pfnrofTIie affectionate son aiid brother.-. It was ji fitting tpriniPation of this mournful hut sublime tra- gedy- '. "'"•''.' -.- .... Btit the anfjiiish bf tho day was pot yei, Oyer, Josephine,.half delirious -with.'grief, fiiid another aHUA1 ;sy,one still more paiiifiil to pasa throudi^Ju-ia-- i=^ Kn'g-iirfitisliTidieffTrf^inin \v\\o Mad becli bpr iitip-. biihdi Jospphine 'fprnnined in her biinmb.er in WhotcBalo'androtail ; dei>'era'inEftst and "West .India Gpods,. Xeasi.-EoflttuBntter,.t;hqe30rHn)ni5 i l s b ; Povv- lldr,.Sh ot, Ianip'twj: Gdndles.Stono aiidJV ooilenAyare „,. „ „ , , , . . ....,v,..p... ripiy passedta»vnj',.during which »llpn,,luid NapolBoh^TOi^^s'cBhvho^^V-MJ^^I^*^^ heivrferbndingv'speqchlpss grief, iititji the hour in which Napblbori li.yiiilly .Tetireifoethejii^bt, . . «nons , „ by Messrs.. Milium. &:Sa\vyeri Qric.floortvest iiks' Tiinnoiy,.and known,as the " .Waiintns' &c,'. AU'ki8a»ofeopntry.prpdneolSken in excliimj»e 'forgoodsv.^tNosi.l.-andi; basemont Paddopk's ]!|ock. JC.li.. ttUreit,. ; V'-•' J. E. WoouRWW. Doillcr ini)rng3.an43ffidicino'a^E|lints, Oils, Dyewoods and groceries, No, 3; MeehaiiiPs'ExeliuniJ-e. . .montHfchiii^ Eu'rbtie \Vctp cmintraihpd to.dp Ida jthoiiflojiriiruttiding*rpftphediilrhi, iHq.s:itdo\vn in »ileftce,.huridd liis fjioo in his hnndm, ahd-forr% .Iwi^titiie '^eiubd.lost in the riioatpainful ttiii- .=^- bet^ecn-hiajpyofor'Josophine.nlialils-anjbitions ,. .„ . ^.dcslrb iiti%und^lf>'ni\r.'4yiially^'and'.t9 Irnnsniit '•ttVEug*enp r ipadp : .no-teply :r but-preiscd lik hand- ^hWiWMQiMrrtfftraPtp idl. Wtstprity^ wasso. ' EugPne vtith{ ,*thoro occurred thfcjiiif-* liiyewirj'.of tfib-cproiia'tlbiinnjd of tho' Victory of Apsterlitz. £ar]s-wsi!}.filled with rejoicing. 'Shis' bellsfapjjjljci'r'iperriciitpciiia; Tho niPtr.op.blis "lViprofu%eat ivitli-ithiniiiiatibiis.' ,Ih €Iiqi*«j;V.$eaH-" tmty^sjjbjejjhinu^asj^^^ Sriejy "thuWflio^spVerpigris jind .prince* thoivas- Bcmbiudihl'aris Wereinfdrrned ol'lier fl]iproaPh- iijg-dfejgrace.. MM tlicsp founds-, of trlulnph sho ]icardbut'lnp;Rnoll of lier owntlooin. And though' n careful observer, in her .rapistened pyp and-pallid; fclicekjivotdd.have observed indica- tions pf~th^-secrct vvbp which' was- consuming ii*8r heart, herhabitiialiUTability amLxrasO'-ifiiVdr-. 'iii'public fbr piio naombiit.foraookJifln_lIor^ ^ensej'ianCTUijOTd-sorww^slrlekPiij^ns^yith her iiiothpf," Eirgeno \yn8.silsp sunimoiied'froni Itiv- ;iy-Jx3^i^Jnbm4^ a ^^^^^^4>ti^tUo'lrIiyorcc ¥ •IlisMit-sHakir^My ,\¥3<i .With }fA -n.^her. - Fpp* tlip siilodi! Jib vypnt.direcf ly to 1 the; cabinet of Wa- poieoh, nitd- juqxiircii of the Eth'peror if ho Imd deeided thcrttnestroirof a divorce;front nis'mgfli- tjr,i iS'hpplconjivvho was most stfoiigly attpcticd ' ci" :*li jyaaMaiiifcstJh hwpallid.clipe.Mn his restltiss if e r 'm#e J6«tf of npp^lte-iind of sleep.".. But ..ttaafe'ritAviir^ —^-J'teipttrjwspsi.^ WitliTin oiicrgyr wtioii tlie" world "*"".<MIII" , J5^ciRi«asclfin the bed from jyliklj he '-h v aid pjeeted. his most faithful aifd devoted ivitc, and the nttendh.nfc.WMC oi»- the- point pf leaving the' room when the private, door of his ajiartmbnt was slowly -opehedjani Josephine trcniblinrfly bulercd. vHpreyes-vvcrps\yolle^i.'Witli.griet;iher 'hallf-dishcvelledrand sho> appaaiod in all the disv ItjibUlP of unutterable anguish. "She tpt'tcrpd into the middle of the room,, arid approached the .bed—then irrbseltttcly stopping, she burst- into n "flood Of tears. A foelijig of- doliciioy seemed-fbi a inpinoOt "tp havo arresfc(| hpr steps^^a.^ con- •Miousness that' now slip had ho right to cntpr the chamber of NapobjOilV-butTn another mqmenfc all-thP-pent up Jove of her heart burstforib, and, 7orgetting-eyerythirig T --Rhe^thre^^^ thb lied, clasped hex arms, artninfl—WiipoL'dn's necki nhd.eJCcl!iiming,. tr AFy husbiitfdXiny luis- b,an'd"!" T BTjbbod:iis tIioii#'hftr Tieaft "was- Break- *«igrr1CiP iiiippiST spirjlt of ^f,ipp|eon was for tliomomententirelyvan((iii.shed,andhoiil30wbRt almost, convulsivcd^l He assured' Josephine oT ?luslove, of -ardenVaTn.d. undyiflglove. InJ'dyery Ayayjio tried 'to so'btlie and comfort her, and for J: C. STERLING; Bookseller and Stationer," No. 10, Washington street, PaddPck'sJU.oclCi--..•• f y .,),-' : «•'• j ^fiOCT.'^OSoWBRIDGE-oVSONr^ OlHi.-ciiith& : IronyTOooWo.voiwI^«^fc-M'"'>« ; »'^ t ° r g' — -1- 0. P. WESgefTi J)agitorrcaii- Artist,- Clarke's BitildulgS, oppositb'tho Post Otnco,,JCasliingtoii,strect. Gold ILoekots, Eanoy Cases, &c, eoiistantly on Iinnd. Dilguprreatt. Artistss suji])Uc.d With stookat irtiolosiilo prices. - * . . 1 A " ILK. tfEWCOMB, Donlorhi.Watqlies, Clocks, Jovvoljy-of oven' variety, Silver null Silver Platpd. W-iire^oa5t sido W iisliiiigton street, first' doors"onth of Kn6wltbn,Eicc & Co's llook- stow.-^? \ ' •'. "J.'K. BATES, •Physician, Office in -the Safford Black.' J *~~- mTB^rm¥mKpr~ : , ^~ Wholesale and Ectftii Dealer in Wet arid J>ry GroeeT- ies, Provisions, && Ac, No. 12 JFa$l)iiigton streoh titniij & they oocifpirfby of Eairbaiik .— , ..... ^V-bfllaii.'ibUs^\^cro.wiii-ifriojmda«^i!ll_ciiiios-a:gooti- aude^tmiSiyaassorru'ioiitpF .. " TWBBDS AND BATINBTB, whjqhwill be 8oiil : \vbole!inle.and'retuil, .atoxtromel^v loiv prices. JYom .a practical knoivlfifeo -of the biisi- iiesa, pud u strict attention to it, vo lliitter onraqlvca tliiit Vo can manufactUrb elbtlis as. gBeil and lis cheap ascanbepiircliasc'din"No\vi!orft. - * McrofifffitBT «nd Jtcrcbnnt Tailojy, irortld find it to tltEil-' interest to liallnuul cvannin (j'ur sioek si jjooija jUe^onder.oiiJlic-l-siilniitr-iji-S-vOliiinesi — - - t - - Bnrnps, Ji'uihily Prayqrs, , '•'. •• • . Christianity, lioyivod in t|i0 East,oro Karr»ti>r»>r. the Works ot God amoiig tlie Armciitena of Turkey,. •by II. G-..O.Dwig.ht, Missionary of flip Amofcic'an Board. _ -j. ^-j^!..'•-•-'-—^-"'' , ' J -'.' -.•[•' ^hon'sTiiriidW Lost, wittthotos by J!ov. J..K; BbytT". P(iin«atii>1 lktr,rv.nl'-t.lu-Ajmiia.»>^«U>^li,>ir,ri.|iliji Mir^ Ellcf, Aittliocbf' the W6ii»iLQf-Am-E5.voli Life,:.here unt] tborc hy N. P. Willis*. •Xholiilly and tho Tntiiii,' tiy-W.'Q.SiiniiionS, autliPr ftCVeimissco, Iiilbof Jrarion,. <So; . '"; iroitinn's 3'rlfjnda.hlp, by -Gricce Agnijar, .sntboroiT- yonjffiJujUujaiev&e- and prices be&ro ptircliaiiiiig elsewliero, Fanners andothora, who iniiy h»>:c wool tlioy^«oul« like manufactured, woitldiiliikc. 2i}peT:ticnt,j:by letting li8tnttniifactnM>it.oivi*ttrii*o>r*>ytr,c_. y„fa. leiWtera g;n-iiT,«n->i'nn(m<ii-ili uiai-J«!tJiLintlu;irJiKjki;ii..\^iml $**! W o o l ivantedi ibr which -iv'oSvill pav the cash. s..i>, (iKi:,v\ r ia & o«. WtU<nimvn,<Q"'ttHi&-^,X^().. '. u ^___ '"".'" »HY OOODS W-AHBHOtrSB. W.G.AIJiaNS&.CO., . ••• A BE no\f opening tit'tlicir Wiirehonse on Court et., , an. oxte.nsiyo assortment of BltY (iOODS, Stoat kjndjtotConntry. Er^tu^tokgy^onsjiarigefc u conH^o^tH^^ooda^j'--tJjs-noive3ntyle nnil-most ^EGfoeeriea, . •"-",,;.• . a loiiablq'iiiiifcriitl^aiidjvejMU-tifiHliirly Invite- the"! .Certain fit- from a dte- Wholosalo and Retail. As we sell exclusively Ibr casiij.iin<yrum cilities wo "have in buying goods,aixU,iilsO'.'l.. position to sol! for small profits, wc are onap.lejcl^to ot- ter goods nt prices' which Will ilety coi«|ictition. Our . stock" is largo nndotiralSflTtiiWntiaccniiiioscdo'fi-verv- thihg.in fbq Day Goods, line, from the nimplcst-to the "richest articles, and will lK',coiisU»ntly_kq|it uji by-.weulv- lyreeeipts'-Wuiyciv'-ybrk'and liosroti. • ^ Ojirjtssortirient of D r e s s Goods is .complete, hoing •J-mosstllisli- "T3iiigt'elI5w , s1' , ooins,. a no.w- editioitil) two volumes. The Ainaninth for lR5i,.'l'hoGnvlaud for 1851,Ericnd- ". ship's Offering: for 1H0K In addition to the above, T <un constantly receiving: nc(y works, iill ofwbioli .s»hiill bo-sold at tho lowest cttshprieca. II. SCU1 H>'KK,undef tbeBaprCIturcli. .'.'" ^KNovruroir, nxon *ob., : -." - ' IS. iy. lu«p>vi.n»r J CCCKKIT KICK,. JOHN If. fitci. ojieirmaniHltHiiwf^no^aeBerH/ltoolrBindersanit Power .l'ress, Friutirfl, itttheold. stind, opposite tlie Banks, 'll'nshingttin street, "rt'ntertown J{. Y. con- ; tiune toTOcipn-eate .favor* in the several' brnjichci of their bnauiess. " Proimisa"' was nailed totlicir ninSt JjiaS!iiiaJ5U!iat>__IilluU£jfuiUiei^u^ they acknowledge ninons otlior't'hingsi, the siubunhig" band aftbo aurxomidhig conmuinlly. In imitation of that Providence- whichftiiytillps] tinero it plants, full 'reliance m placed oil ii cnntiniiauce of .'post favorsfromold friends, ami the acquisition ot aid and comfort from fresh .uequaijitancc, - » 1'jiper of mOat descriptionapn hand, or nwdo to or- der j Books and Statipiwry, Maps, S>dioof Apparatiis, ' Paper Hanging, Jitney Articles, &e. &c„ a fall supply; Alley had almost neglected to sav cheap ii tho cheap- * est,.it'-not cheaper, '- 7'. ' A. n iV^tPHiNE/fresirj^ry: week,—Burning Flulil, nt. ,r—nr* ..- •' -..• SMITH'S' KJ SJUTH'S. The Dulcimor, A Jfawcnlleottou of Ohnreh Jhniio by J.-B. -Wood- bury. .A,neiv'8upnly^H>lrrecolreJ!t~by~*' ... - . : .•' .... •'- "Ji G. STEKIiINO. TBB strz^namit, T-.0STfrceqlvca, Price *e,7Bj CM, ' drpwhis band, Aiid said: " Sifo i'iii that case permit me to withdraw fronvyou+'Befvi66," "„..,.,". ' - ""-Jlowri"-"cxclnimed Nnpojeoriy'sadly;-''wilt 'y.ourEitgetie,.'inyf adopfcdsoii; .leaVD-mtrV' "'.. - '/'I'L-s, sireif -flu^biip, firnily replied, jJL'Wio son of her-^ylJO is'nft lpnMjr Empress eiinnot re r inaih\ncPrPy^XwJU'fon^\v„myJnoltein^^^ her children^ •". ihjstrki^uspjiowerftiVsnd-ljjip^Tu^^ ewrisceh.:. S!of;tlu$ ho'yfW ready toitecrjflce cohifoft,eiiec*liM hiSabiisaof r^bt ForiMs ' ; lte',\ViM| <i»dy'to:*aufider the sttoiigyst ties of-aC fepipi.'." •„ ,'-.- .• .-•-,--: - ' -.----', ,* "Jpaephino. ItnfeW Napoltioii, Slip kiiew r th<i -powpP of Tils atnl3itioii. With Slinost insiipporti *tIo arfgtiish, *ho iyopt pver this child, upbu \v'h.o»o.4ciithafc8 : lior own''Seemed to bo sofoaV- . ' •• fully bje(id6d, and, with- * treinhlifigjioarty sho. - tamt^-heMmsbiiwlVTetiini. Mvatprlp'® liihte bfegap tb nH : ^h(> journals of tiitF cphtempn'ifcd. "diV'Orce, tfi'd of ihonllihtjco: bf Napoleon -iyith . yanput nfee.«-.of! fproign courts. 'In Odtb&n 18Q9, Napoleon . rttjiriimj ftoin. Vii'Hnn, fT» titno with tlib .greittesf kitiftnessT __"l^ljiuViK^poii.pereoi«^ mintl.yVas ill at •./, ,t cise, And thStli6..>\-hs pbiideriug'"'tl(.e.,dfcadful •" 'PuM,faKv--Ho:»pp^r;cd - ,.M&^ . .fe,hio;Jfre^ufcntprtvntoh!tpr.vipw* withilis- iliiii-.- -"istcnj, ,-hk :§eh6rnt: fceliii&-of conslKiiiit-pefVa- de^h'a^urv.." HPpolppii *;aice)5 , -. ychtjSjreiio I b ^ p p i t l i w \yi(p,,ps: if>ipprcl?PMSivtt that tho \^jBglftJ£gne::Jm; had lby«ljlM4tclI,inight; embrace. . The attendant wiis disuiis'sud, anifor \\Vuirtpw«'Oct.S 185Q? °^' ^ C E & ? °f auhourdheyijontinuedjn.thishistprivnte inter- ^fili&ktSmkTc*Vr^vcT,W+~~ view, Josephine then, in the. experience oi an <• \\ - - » „ filled his eyes,. In a tnonmful' voiee.lremulous witli ontotion, ho repiiedt ' , , - •" Eiigenp,you know the stem iipecsaity wliilii eompoh) 'fh'is.ihpnsuro.- And will ybu forsake infel. Who, theft—should .1 hayo ii son, the ob- fect'of lily.-.desires- arid presprycV of niyinfer.ests. •^whdft-oald yyntqli'-' bvoethe 'child when t ain 4baonW if 1 die, whb will prove to him a fath- er? Who will :b;irig him up? Who is to" make A-'Mlah of Jtitn.?' Ku|ptiO'was deeply affected,, midt taking Niu -allies to c4U and. exuniiiic theui,' idso our assortment of fur- jiiahin'g gobdar-- - -.-• . . Farrnei-s of JoffcrSoh and adjoining counties, and residents Of villages contiguous toflus market, will by calling'findIt greatly to- their..advantage to iiurc'haac of this honac. .. . .—°—<. ,•- l'articuliir attention will bu paid to tho Whoicsale trade i:s Ave propose to sell at such prices aa .will coin-. mum) a large share of tliat.tmdfe. _; _ lstd§5rcnu~Gcnt!cnicu iviirpIeaseTeaTniiitT.exaniilrP onrstoekMtndsatjsfy thciilsclvcs. " 11 ^yate^tawrl, Moy. C.'JSfiP. , '-. . j "•- - The Xost.roundi anguish which few hearts have ever Jtnow.ri, purt- etl forever fropi thp lmsbiUpi Aylipin, she had 30 Ibfeio^WyrWfcab^ - r Tlibljenutiful.palace of Sfcilmnison, winch Na- poleon had embellished with every possible "flt- -iractioV,-and:wherectIic-Emrigf6i^nTid-Bm^^s' had passed ninny of their happiest hours, was as- . ( ., . signed to Jbsqphine to. lief future residonce,—•> Napoleoit was^'not^totlL0iii^eliBgsti==Cenr^=^ her a joihttiro of . SMITH'S, No. 3, Salfprd Block. W OOIv Lopg iUawls, of late style and superior eol- orai Also a full assortment, of Caahmero and "TCoclia Sha\vls., justrqeoited by B CA>ffJ?ELh & BRAYTOK. andp Jo se: to St 'little" only ' land. -.shr-ul tho % tcndii rived hurry ' '-Unioi Calift were, river when frieili] Wild : On jnrlscl pliys'i us fr B OOT^VNDRHOK S'l'OUK KEMOVEO.—TOitt <0 FKA7.KI.L Jniyii reinpted their stock of Boots- and .Shoes to the' Fi-fc i- llaUv store, No. S, SafTord . Block, whore they are nmv offeringforsije, wholesnlo - 1 .audjetjiil,.a-larg«iissortnii-ntof Oootls-js dlleaii lurtlib J\ cheapest;- Theirsjoek.at' yoods bus been selected and sad muiiul.uturcd vtith thc=TrrCTlcstHratE nnit cna, __„ tlicv hiivo now-thc siiliatli^ion nf 'hftftriiirt-as. ptarcIiYi- _sept a hctii-r assortment tfUn'trrvr bot'orc bltSr^din watertown, - — - —iMrtle? Wear, of nil Jlie.. latest stvtes and nntttraty Ixith or I'-tsUiFi iiudoiiroiyumanilliictiTre, wliicbir* wnmuited.tii do good service-. - Ofiitljimcii -furnished, at. tlis.sliMfist-BBticOr-witlw elegant-pcw-l »rISIWIJ..! lluuta, which for bcautyd an finish ti'reniisnrpnssed.' ' •' Measures tilltun, and oid'crslillod; with thd greVfcat' P_roitt[4|ie»-W)Tl-t!isuatvh— ~- ; : : °3'^ " J^a«V f^ElxiiArScnESlABLlsil, rj SIEAX. -Just received at the store of"VV. If Siir- •—J!fi}^_n-j»plemlid fts.W ' -" ' ,-, I'onsistiljg. iji putt i-B^XepitiO^aiid lomi ,->m "" Stone, nhout she hundred thousand dollars ayciir. She I was also still" tp retain tho -title and- tBs rank- of Empress Queen.. . s . . . - Tho ensuing day, at:elove« o-'eloek, nil tho houseJiold of tlie Tiillefioa were assembled up- on. tbe*gran.d staireascr jind. iii tlie vestibule, to ^yitne8s4he-departurP of tlieii .beloved- mistress frpiiv scenes where, she Ijad. so long been the brightest Ornament. Josephine dbseended, veil- ed, from head to foot. Her cmoftohs were too deep for iitferance,' and she waived an-aduiiutAfaa r -. - -"r-pWJ ATflBHSr™-'"""- 1 ——^__ K A A $?•• -Ciye-Geese Feathers. ,n superior qiiidifcy 0\J\J Jtt8t received bv ' •• 9 CALfiWELE ife- Sf'lU,irAN-. Octoher.22. . No. 14, Court street. urafiJVn-sp'emlid ftssortn;ciit Of Watches iiiid'j'ow-" city, tonsistiijg.lH putt of Gold and- Silver Patent Lev?" T --— iJa '—'-''' ,.*-. . T HE subiterdtcnrwTsh to urftmitthe inhabitants of 1 ,.•.-. br T , ...m•* ,1 -- <if ;.~, 3 i---. •.•>«,» Wiitortovvn and vicinity, that UieV can pm-clmso' 1 ^\«> i l*Piu*.«a;l (wninon iyatchcn, warranted titn« OAM/fflTJl'MMairo. mpei-iorquality, wil'liontbe- 5? cp !; r!, ; 1 c G,i y ^tyr-aud lob. Chains and Keys; - - chanjedtm exorbitant pviea. / A ,_ \^^^^t^^M,?&F^^&^:- JstlirmvTt tofetlicr-oii the tan knot to the hour sys- thec/iOTiOw/ool'the r -<?«'« /iamb, J'i'It- . _ .,finish-Jindstyle, cannot bo suritossed in tins feiuih j and wiiiit to tho Furni- •»YPW rnriria -n>r—T—^7 ~rr~ i turo purohasiug conimunity.*t> the most important, is N tZil.MyStjJ,h^Tr^pr?^?r% T ?"!??«• I 'b' 1 ' *cy do -Hot sonimeliec by iilla^ing^u for Iwv wlw^™^L«^?^Wif l ¥ M yovlcaaim, for cXpen/es-to-Kor YorE4d-trclght store No 2 Iron B i o " 'Ilardiraro on furniture, nor tor hisrl/ronts, but instead of-nddtiii Thuy do not profess' tpli'ifvo speiit^HJvff}'cars"" in \\ mHil™tafics-imd-genflomon;TSoTdmid UairBnicc- ycrtiiiyi'^^tojlaJiilsiiiessaii an extensive, scale, nor i x>^"-^'"."K^ A ^" lvv " ----- do they urnnYtlioir furmturerlroin N v cw York where it i-. 1 ,"?" : ''J' 1 ' 1 ,";"I Si.\,r . __ t --••--• - „,„• «,>.; ?«vcr .t-jiectijelw,' Gold und Silver Slides, Silver COOPEE& WOODRUFF. Scph 10, 1850. -\riLES'-Pflited fe'Sfo's Ipoiltiig BoOk-coinprisTiig O S i the rudiments of the English Laiigtingo, the Al- phabet and a series of Spelling.Lessons, uxilve parts; by Josinh Miles,forsale by j. c. STEEEINO.' Watertown, Sept. 12,1850. '•' ' s- - jmlbop's nrm j . U ^ K - ^ r i r ^ i H i ^ r v e w e d - u t o l g ^ ^ h e ' atteetionnte and weepini' friends^Whb'sur^ tunp_tbgidlierl—ll'lie noble JPsephiiie, ever saer? Rcinglicroiynvfocling.s1oproinofelheFlnppto rounded her. A close cairiagc, with six horses, •r---a.™> ; ^ ii i. " .'.••• • a. •> ^", s wnsheforpthe'doOr.' She entered it, sank back yf othprayiirgedhor sontp remain the friend of iipim_the-mi S lmta« T J»iripJ--!i,.r fitcem hor Inind. |(a|Wteorr^^iTirEniperor,''sliP.-jiud f * « ydiir-" kerehief, and loft the f uillarii causchiu) to waver in lii».iirin-*j)jifppsp,- Jdsp, gtaJQ'$f, tlie tiipsf ibpnslt'sbljwf udey ittti^^Vw^onlp^ifpd^oitpiffeir^ piniCossp^.'who wers :motnbers. of tlwInipSriai '" -"---^ ' *-"••• •" d'H" Wly soitie'forolip* ^family,:^ \\Hu\g doom; Sh"r-Wiitehedj Btftpifii , -itit^e 1 griiind:s':i,lob»of tnbVTiiii^r}es.f- bpnofactor-r?,y o iir. more tbiin. father,-to- wliomyoif artMn.debtod-lor cv^rytliinjj^hndto whom-there"- furer5"otCb\y.o -a botindlesfobediclicp," The faisd day fofc the'consummation pf tjiedi- ^ f 6ftio at l e h p i arflVed. Tt Was flipfifteenthday; ; of JDccenibeiveiglitceii luindred and iiiiie. NaV poleO!i;,liad.tesdml)leti/all tbu kiiigs,.priiicc"s and phiriowas'aatai poflafeiiiidd,' V AjTyot %e.;lm.d"oitly sonieforobo- djnOT^'bcc hnp^djhg doom; Shr-WiitehenV . ... ...=,... ,-, - wl<}vffiP»^^ti^ipp^6a8ioi»,otery Ey*y.iiidiVidtiiit r pr6se'nt\Vaabppres8Qd\vitbtIip oMJ"i^^r6r!|r: Wei .• oVpty JII^ Niiuoleon *5TOfe^^«3P-".'*^*'*i«&^ t tt*. :tf&-"jjttiDrcttk """^JBif^' 'tlfA5f2 tlrtia-. ndareteiea tticm: .. ' " - •< 8^Mi! A »ijfcjk?ftto^^^ .^'lip'pdlBicaliittcro.&pf.jny ,monarchy, the •mWM>^-$Q?tl! te86c^) v ihfej«yato:ac<- dWmy)nctiOtis : i reijrtiro tliat I should traiistirittb 1 ^^^SJ^'I'*- . ^ J S ^ ^ l - V W s ^ f i S e a ? ' lift, an li'6ir.l!ih;cfjtirtg ttiy To.vo for. the pobplp,thp' * l ^ f i p ^ # # ^ M M f c r 8 p n i | a h d -iffcoWe'vct lip tllrOlifijOfi \VhW > r.O>ld'enpbhas plapcd.'jUP; For ^^^W^ ! *'^?'^^^^^ ,v ^^^* a ^*^ oiic jH'''•^ tip*, artiuBjft'imy- belbyctt'-Spopso, llio Enipress Jose- ?% : ^lP^f'^M^ ; -' W; ijeno\k!r"JtjSfephuie};. •gfitb.e.", It^ ^ this; considorafioii ^v•h^c^l iriduccs aiiijiii,i,.^ -:.---^aJi-_«Ji-. ••..i;:-^.i;- i -if^.ii,,i,-j- s ^,-s-E>-^^«i:,&^^ b> IhrtWrrthii^io'vifiiajUk.u.-.uti.i.^iiL J.S.S"^iii' ^•r^y^^ff* 4 ? " ^ ^ ^lt^fffl^fflgf4Ven#ifnVy, hpa.rt '^SIew«V "-.%-' w^-^.<i.h«^^b'^i)a: . t. -• • • «• ^ < . < i fioifriiaicp^iHy:^ >wiipll ! is aboVp:niycpu.raga.wheli'it-i»'pfiive"d%; i Tuillaries fqro©;r.' CoNtAoiox Pirltesic.—Wo were struck witltjJia coii-- tagtous inflnquco ofinusie, by an incident that occurred •atjtlio Deuham cattle show lastAvoek. Among the hymns aung.wi-.tlifl. exercises. •nt.tlia.;c!raroh, was a , bontttilul oildfltWuShedfor. thq .occasion .by Mrs Sk- onftey. IbwRs'^elt" fothotuiroofjiOldillutthred'!- ,Iohicd-.-in ; fln-uiider-tone-, ai('if eoiisoibiis" of trespnsaing- npon forbidden ground. -Buta-breach linvih& boon ohcomado, tho Btroilg" current of devout onthusiosOl rushed linpctuPnaly towards it for eseape,,aiuV as the hymn wont. oft. One ^ahd nnottei' of the collgrcation' ioinedin:with lotidbr and louder toiiesj until the whole audieftcq.pburedlbrth-jho-"saeredsoiigi"-n-ith lienrti- ncss of cxpreasion thrttVauid haWttcIighted the Ger- -nian KefontieK" It w^ftstruo "heart iniisio, " miiijx- | n o ayeqijnqn of cpftgrogatibiul siuglng-a speoiea best-adapted to awaken and perpetuate the spirit of de- yohon,.and whicfiwohbticO isghiduiillv'beingrevbed m different parts of thc-conntry;H-^«)c. Jbvr. t tyPP^feoNouo^TVlfialtP speculative-. Nliet tliei rttje absolute Of-penduct. is not easy. Tte* flesh" rebelstufd ovefpfti'Ors jig. Yet even llrdcfeaftliplnMepf vTtiaicates its. supariorityi. artd'finds.the-best:pPssitfte rTcasdnafor its dcfeaV ASpaiHSh-pricSt, piiec. exhoriing: the §fe)diers to %htlhMhoiis,.addedyiii tliaardbrof.erithiisinsrrL -j-"Rffltieh, ay. : brethrbn, that wltosoaver falls to- Soif Adjusting Carta'" ,«*i--htrc. f^TSt s improved Self Adiustiiig Curtain Fix- ture for s-stle by - •-• —. eAED^TJEEASTIEEMAN, .i--._.- £!.?_• l!t ' Exculaior Block, Court street. ^anecticn-FTire Insurance OompanT. - .??:AiS t 5.*5 ro "'f rnr . tl8r < 1 ' Conn ._ Capitmia'oo;ooo.' Insnre;real and peraonalproperty of.all kinds, on tho . most favprablo tcnnsi Directoft-Joscnh. Trumbnll, | A "Iteiyamm-'W. Greene, Jiunes B. ffosaer. iavdd i ' ' A , -i- , ,, . . -T .H»IS..I.™. r..i:... „_.,!:. "tj" ta "•„»'" BU *Yi .-y. u> f" i - 1 jri^lmve.recejvcd at,th«iirjustl to the. price of their Wu/cforextra .expenses and ions experipneeiihey content themselves b y putting on the ejctrSr tifoeheii of 'finish to tlieirwoHC . Particulor attention given to the ninlarig of BOOK GAHES AM) SUVRJimitlJES,, and various articles of Furniture, txprcsslv to order, a'nd wamuitcd to suit those for -whohx fhoy jire mode; ._ Remember that any thing yon ivnatJu-Xhe-xit/wiw •fcwj-iioiiiir'fijoi-itbbl to a soiii, wulbemiuJo for vou exactly ns you want it, and atthe lowest price., .' Onr Kooms are in Cbrj-'s block, west sido* of the imblie square, over Robinson's tin shop, wlicw wc in- vite nil to esamhie our work, and i'ec-1 corcfldcrrt that those who patronise us will ba satisfied with ltrices nitd quality. - (tylj J. E..& g. D.,_i'U(3M. Xure and Let Xdve Clothing Store. - -•<? WJS £AT£ami>!-^Gc:uiiC(b wtseixs _ •-. , . ... v -,- eelebruted live and LetLiVi . . . "andsi .,. Cond, Sloiie and plain'EaV \ , r PttaamlI*encilsj.-,Gold and. (•..inbs.h'ilvef, Poirlmidrotnuiou Card Cases Silver ahd GenVnii, Silver Butter Kiiivc.% S i t v e r S i * ii! uing, Tea and Pickle F o t e , ua},tendia arthfeTf 8 il?or Uiky iiiislvqts. plitted and common CandlesBcks,- Brit- annia f™ SiiN, plutcd and common CnsfOrs, Giran- doles, (iothic Iw-H with -otlier nfticles too aumdroiis to mention, nil of which rail bo sold." cTaatxr. than at any otjicr.store -in Xortbern Npw Yonk, Plcas'6 call ami cSimuno dor yourselves, boibro' p'urohasing elao- Allknffsflnr ffl teIies,noclisVandjQWflIry*ropftlroa m&mrnntti, at No. 1, Saflbrd Blot-k, Wntettown. _1 J; . W-'JI. SJ.GOPBNEY. Blackwood^ Igagazino and tti« BritfTh BuiVce; TE^aon. for WatertMv'n, BBMJAMIN JOHN E\V N GKOCEKYJn Jj, .Piiddoek's new Block, '.'id ihrcctly utidor the. Bookstore of J , C'.Stor- •WV-aT/n^M" a f:" S 6n » r ai:!issoriniotit ofAIJf- lrJi-ft*-i S >?i M 8°0' 1 - < i"nllty as at phyother store in town. and-spld'on,roasoiiablo terms for citsli, oxplnwgPd for Butter, .. .. Cliccseifes,tard: mi rostkimla of country produce. ^ * Oash paid for .first WtoGmfted Fruit W?° 100 boxes Iloiiey'irantod. --'.--- r- CALEB B. MORGAN, OKD &EANSOSI. PLAm MAMEM,M the -.. s !*" ,l> f' l 'h^ % Wane, Fai-nhUm's Tannery, Bee- t--«eHoc^^^ay,-brethren-,that 'vrhosmimu-t^ : vl nlv\i70rjrjmm'i-k-^ J n - '„ , Sl^^ 1 ?^ 0 --^^ 4 ^ 0 ^*-^ -Tlie, ni 'fPWeausos,jieoTdeiiVoraiscas-oo^^ P»^«^fe«n4^titt!C> bl.fempres*' AboV6nIfclet. : te-i«yerdBliH«iy«iooMng^%.--"^ra' iiiti hut 4i«r;hcf^tid^dt'aJteWvlri<ald^' , nt 1 fighmgaii^tlie ranks. Whverod, tlib priesi took to dnslibelM whett- a'sOUtief jitbpping liim referred ^ " ^ " y ^ 6 ^ M i ^ S u p n e y in feriidise. .,.$Pjm,;p*y^^*W^^n1t .that just: licklohenvithnhoe and she laughs .witlrrrjfh harvest, , , ; . • " ' . " ' ' " ^ L OBD &UANSOM 1 , s !*-f'"C' 1 '^ Biff Plane, rarnnmns -wnnory, jitu- bce 8 island, keep constantly on hand, and will mamt- ni«ttiro'to.ordw, al! kinds of'IteUio-iWHilino 'of bu- siness, such .(is Joiners], Oaiimt and Coach. Makers 1 . Joot.1, which they will-sell, wholesale-or- retail,.choap torcash. 'flioso de»lnng-fo ptffc)iaso will please give •us a cuP. Pattoriis Of all-descriptions made to-brdtif' such as btoveyM^ill,MapIiinc, and Cbrriice Patterns; IWIOHAIICB i " r ^~^ ^ \JCO., Capita1,.t8OP,O00i . : $1 g^ i ?^'^ a *^^^^-Caplht- WtJgrfo CMltitu/ with all irfiakihg fn,«!litic ( i ivTll:waTnint'. rooioB may bo fbund o\«r 10,* uyv H'»""^v«i, , -"'"'.""i r ig in part of Pilot and Blanket Overcoats,-Black,^ Brown and .Drab Beaverdo., If"iiiter .$'nol«' Clotli, itnd T.wecd db.,E»rcs8iua'Froclc-Oloth Coatsj Blaek andFaiieyOsihiero Pants, sheep's gray and Satinpt do., silk, satin, cassimer'e nud Vuleiicm Vesta,-Over-alls, striped blurts,. Ac, &c;, besides Vilrii ^lul other styles-notenumerntdd. Aiaonest our exten- sive assortment will bo foimd Goods stilled to ovorv nmii a n d t o i n Nprthcni Xew Y'orlt., Tbo iwst par- ticular aftcntioii paid tp the custom department. In this .branch, as woil-as the rciidy-mnde, we are .not to •bc-oirf*j|tA . B^o would ^artipulflrlv Invito those wlio visit this place to make Oustfiillmid winter purebasos to call'and exallll^Ie.olli , 'stock before bayhigfajiToater .uiditoonjontawill bq offered tltaii have p\orbcoiiexhU bttod. ^-Koniember tho- l i v e and lot-Lavo'Cio'fli- mgiMbfo, No. 4, Gourtsitv 1 o - tiousjunoug Quarterly HovieWgl" -olutio into i on tli on a ' habit boon, duty const of .01 river, until or Si •tlia-w "couiil our c til wi Kcar wide, a vail . ttdn in he: —wc goats Piatt Of 31 miles , usual mnUs . modi: ^iy In puree wlult light. onp c Jengt diate' audi ly al lho-h M opir ^RfferT tor *•«? M i l l i o n . .. °S$ $• TKEAT are .selling OptLIng forcash-n httlctow'crthiin'nnybfldy.elBo b ,- " whatbvor. LPSSOS loss;: Sm£ AF/QX, Ihrttjonl Zi/iqndllcaUh Imuran*) &,niuiw ' &?hW* a^Mamintu^nfmpi| ^ , iSof1 1 "^ n gfv<m V nild 4l^«crved'k ""JlRPrthcntwvi^mtiucdiigeii&l. 5ml" """ WILL SELL! *„£?t W n Q lmvo ff /<= siro lb olotto themselves fori! VCS'small amount cf MONEY may do-so by culling on,tli.om.in-.tliocOrncr of the old « f e * i s nots^ssedf *. stylestoT GLOTm QA$mmmT,:mFvgsm~G><,, lire. Let it bo.romombemd. -fh„ t thiBja-tlie-original- />; * Ai iS.. bo ^Wberod. hpl f %T P ,•^ift^SS^lnrSBBiron'o- that has brought'. Into re vein ttbliB arid coiih'ter-rovolu- r—- 1- ," It -" atl0lis -b^iuroper which-layofol- lowyd eueli.other"hi auelr. 4uicR sttcccssiori, andof which flip 'ENH 'is NOTVKT,' tlie leading periodicals of Great Britain llnvo hecmno uivestedNvifh a degreffot interest lntherto unknown. They occupy a lriiddlo ground betnvecu the hasty; disjointed, and necessarily nrtpcrieet records -otthe newspaporsi.mid tfipclabo-- nltc nnd pondkroiis treatises. („ D0 U miisf>ed bythP histonim offtJnture rinjj. The American Publisliors, thcrcforc, i dccinit proper to cull renewed attention to - these I eriOfheals,.and the very lowest prices at which • they are oilered to -anhsoriljers. 'fbo'followUigIfc their hat.: j -. , *: Tin-: TSTWDTOI (ir.\i!fiati.Y REVIEW, - - fiui-EiiiNuwioil EliVrEir, «' . t ' Tijfe Sofe'fn Bitrristi KEVIEW, » * * Till! "N E-STMlNSTEU IJliVIEW, AK1, ° Bi.it>KWoop's Eiux»unOir JSfAOAzira. In these periodicals are eoiltainadthe views Motlii.' mtejy though clearl} and ihijdy cspressed if S three great parrres'ii, Eiigla,1-TovTw'hif £$ .Radical-.' Blackwood" n aU "«,„"« LSO'^S^S^ are Tory, the ^Edinburgh B ' ic^ W%^ ana tg 0 - HVestoibister Review;,' Liberal. ' T ie * §§Ah%&&> te* . u ^ its ttJ»WWmientto t h P l f t S t q c c l o i ' siashfal.moveineiith, i S;cPtand,anl.ia 11 otSin.i& •a 011 miy.ond.of thegrnndtlelpmjmenlaof human' wledge-; it.wits originally alltodV' Br ChalE, now s,„eo hi s death, is condnctccl by Ids 2 - f f i - law Br. Ilaituii, as»ocintqtl'with Sir David Bre ? w^tSr Its.bterary-chiiiiictcr Is', of tho very -Iii" W S* 'Tlie Westiiiiii-ster,' tlioucb view know and now! illo WestiiiihHer though rc,printod°.nnder;tha^f- ' ?P; ¥> r, l ' hlls ^f m^n^l.d'jtmdbfri^t'it.lo'Of tlo the au£?e#r£ f 'f ®^n^'tSm£t puhulcd. no- rpprinted uudor sopiirutotitlos. It hiis thomi 'il e ', I'°,f J ,;' n "/'«i' bj'twicoiiiblnati n ofSC^to sua) ! ° ' m m a othatil '«• Votoforf & . The above poribdicols^ro reprinted Sh 'NewYbi'k- mimodintclv on their arrival.by,the .British Bt«Mcr' n&fXe® 1 '- 0 ^ i ^ % H j v o b a > k a g * u n o bojhc uii-cxact liiesuinlc oi'thc Edinburgh oditiqn - ' TEEAfS. -' " ' " For imy 1 prtho4 ; .Re.vie\i-s, I'oiMihy 2 'FbJ.itiiy A Fb'-filU.oi'tlieRqviews, -tpr-BtalnyoTTrlTifi?!. sKoTT S3,0d por,j«ar< , 5,t)d « 7,00 «" 8,00 << ^.8,00-*—»— •Blackwood, and iiioTRpV." $Bj It • iWlion* 8 -W bo made inliill cases in advance'. Kemittanoes mid. communications should'be al*a*a, addressod, postpaid o ^ n n W^o^^S^f*'_ -;-- - -•.. LJs.ONAI(t> SC'O'fa' dnUQt•'• •••' ,,...„ ' * .. ' , fy.Ettl.TpKSMitanri ' 11W6- 1 Enti-ntipc S l - J C T o l d - a t ^ ^ f e -X «,?*-* *»^»<Wrf -*W^*. jl>uMi«KM. I H«>^ " «wn*w«»«iDf»»».Bwam<«ib«i»ni,.- ,,J slily- into Wtlul were ahd.i for 1 \vhic cd ni hims ho iu cliasi all v _camj soon then] wcro aiiflc tiiofv »-.Toet viler crcd cotlti not 1 oxce O roelc •"f'g tho nest •ing cluix the ime( Vigl pass •whit 'M01 we- -~ntatc Jindi l$^£*jkrr.

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Page 1: Wmvm* - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031930/1850-11-28/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · lit! .Aii^ftltae:iSt^alatir;;^:i';^te'..^'.^.^^V.'.'; OXI4>. •>:•'' --

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ilijBfepllftrS! my. bWi)r-goo'|:\?os«pl(injS>l..:Vpn

yrohSer- ftii«ii' m/*WJ.Il. .My- #oar??tHiM#ojis-'

m'olii'oh^apa^y'fiimself, lbimecl ligainsti pil.lap, folded h'is 4^1* hpfin His tytfiasfyand j>( perfect; sj!en(!0vi api%rentl^ 1 # M.glftojiay thought;:i;e. 'maine!d':moti'onleaa as. a^tatue* , A'cire.ulttr tafilp

^poniiiisvBiero Was a^WKltffigiW^^bf {rold. 'AvMa^tarj^^haic'ilW'pd'IPffl^'.M'e^Wd,. My':

"lifd^lc^r ifi - gfiiil6iiflfe*«^itlj iiijirif.aVitp. ih&ifc the; hn&d$i1ed^Srtfs^ lbp'n eonienipiat?diSe.sje. irj^uraen'ts of,a mor'e areadftii eSecWtiQii;

^ & * J i l & ± h T i 8 i ' ; • • ' \ •¥•'•.'*'-'> "Attoiiioy^hdeoiiniidiibfcfttla^iMtcqitfHa^^ l 4 n v-t 'st^W^SpfflTOlJAlCl);.- ' ;-: ••"•-""••• BeA'ln'Grbcoi;les;j?rd«Sioh3i':eoh,feetioneri!is^^ .W'oocl n. .M'ai-Oj .1'iuikcW.KFqtipnSj.-,&<>«, &o,r.??o,. (5, J '^i^Btiigiiif; ' South ;iidts,/of the Public Squiire,

• '•'<aiifard''fij^Buttor,;^ft,tpdfl»o^;fcM!!#prFop' jnc^sjiyo^jl^... ' •..' F-~ '"'•"" '•«-"•' .'V .•.'• ':*'"•

J,. „friSn#i; anil' ti; 'constantly .'''Spmnji.a! general oSgortrnflnt:. „ Burpchtiho,. B*ftshs»,. ghisa;Elrtf<!,"0i)'Owi

• a i p l ^ n o . a o k j c a p ^ h . ^ . X & t f e $ K j » t e ) W 'igSiAo. • ^ ' . M . ® 1 ! I I | M i ^ .

.'^itertowjV.SKptiS,-!»?' :.CS)0gghfflgt?S»_


. T o Worpliants/Poddlors^ and IWilirier* i ''

Wl'i;,whliUBa8y'WW^ye^|^ia!#p'4pB®n|}jho • "'S.cnkoyi,-witepj'eftii ' liitgei'atoo'to .'OiiM-TOHblS*- \ -

•Sido pricesYiqiiS ,ci(M«li!totl.tp ' i tet ovory ..eSpedfatioh, . ns wo .-iVilhsupplytMirij, #;.ii«Ha^ if 3Sw#Xor)WJay •PrioosJ

- ' • Hi? SKW'G^EA^C


• ., •' |i»-.' «;Votie:' Tourgelf ajr*rini»% rTI IE tawTof Cb))sfcss,',/jitst pa^a,-'?nti.41MWjor-j J^ori^Wbo^eTfVB^oiW'mpii^orinow^1^-*^*'.61.^ v'fUS'oi'the" tTriifticl iatcs..&inqe W&

•OAAvBav'S^ttf,'AV*«%4otf;'^'T5imii«»;. olLvoel:" .OIJIU Eo9^§hjiwk.fti»W 4??s,"Pi ^oliibjSifiglo.Mia DouWo BwohSi fi^lifeorot.^llk,.Stm[tel.r(i, «SB..J«H *ft-." ceJvoCl'.'ivna Will h'n sSl'd 4 'trio f6<W rbiisoriablovpiiijca. ,'nfc- '•>''.."•>'.':'' ' I • . /&&HvS^<mm®'J.*

Ocf;26»t8SQ/ • ;'-• r•;. .: A- ' ' . ' ; '~ .^ ,?30 .'

?6XC"opfftiei6l-\> .T.-ASEIV A I > ~

•m«$t:yi'eidfd'the:iii.tef:e9ta^'bfPittcoT' .. . .

cib6i}fat6 -fifes: :&ii!ifedtana, jfell: :lifbl03WHJpJ!,thp fjbbrj'-' )Sapo'Io6i(i/tt1toN^i>*ftVOpn:''1Mld$P'. 6f m mftsMa Wfflf&^dV-'^AtadanU. ffrofti.rihb: nhte-ifftoin iinfflematprj"entf ed, '• J a -ppie'bp'.J;bo)j:';a tito^jgpjh^l^MiyiJnU^njM-;;

"ing"flbt!i\vor.d,.hut:p!HP^^ iotlid^ftbunt de^Bea^inbi^fr-to;tako4hti/B^l|)reiP, l!Vrllfe-itrif«.* -{&M^i 'S iUH t f t ^n^^#^^ 1 i 5 f i thinL<'brtt;i)Bgujfto-rnB>to '•^^^'-Aj^&oiiphot^Urbljj'ab.'jt,'- Ybu:\iawa

. ^JVEi&VVBI.K& ;.S3TlMAN. •"•:' iWibna'bio S p w ^ r n»-d: (Sabinot. AVaro. Booing, •J!^l^di:]?uaairig^ppoxtu4oo!i,^^y(*'^«^.'W80. •at'rc.et'.. . -"j -• . . (i:-•.,•./-.•'.'•'. .-;;--~s* - \—^•»5''


.. fltU- &'«te< 8l'X'niiiiiilly8oi8.,lWm':£i:f(>ii #e«Ky Sd: Wi.Htiiit/s-, How oftoTinif at?"" "

•T^P* ibAlim'3vth6 flcWost Jiiia rdtU'est-jmttcrnsi'Hvill i/'l)6-soia'.-ir^m!la.:tQ.lj.','9(li.at ; .-. , \^-i-{.:. , • " ' ip - .,',,-'•"..•.. • ; • ,.|fo.:J-,AVood™tfaoolr.'

• ^ ^ G p i B B g L ' U . #:BA^¥'J-'9?€

A\Tholegalo and-retail doaloriiiHarclwarb, Cutlery, 3?nn«y Gobfla, •Trjia, StpoU 'Kailsj.-^c&ej, JTo. S >} * iVWSf t th i . l h .~ - . . ' ••-•• - ' . . . i t . . - -p i ' , . . - . • , . . . ' . . .

. arid tfoodr

Uifr:ljliekyrn;en,,tho.r;Wjap\y6.or;'irt : : ,^___Bl»tr lSrrJBhawlrr - fhmwl»T . t:ht.vd,pxtra tulvaiitageB,w;d-aInrgoi|«ni»of «a-. T>j;eJJIVJ5B'tjiikdivy,byJifpfpsaialamoassorfinont sea, nndwlfcolicorfully « n * ^ ^ V ^ f i i ^ , ' ' J t i - - ^ «ay tfttb.^ufera » t e ' wet }|aWw.-wool oe33v»feomplying-VintU-«i:to«l'»ies«that:-.^ •mp-JiritU-'a«4)kor.appiy;i)yJett,cr .pr-/0jhei'tj:!i5ei, 4,Q. >^-,>^-.\'- 'J M " • '•';' -•y. 'e/JHgKtyBr^CO" eop:unlo99 thQiiiEpiis'Seoured..,

lEvfatfS1' Sfill^J^tdbor ~W|

Bounty t iuids!

;jAMls'il39}V;EN,"»sistv.l'* "St JIartlijU. -_..... ,^,.,.». ' - -g i joO, ' ' _ ? 7 . _

_ Jjnn.ds iIIE underfigried.ja/p:ispa.r«d:tp rccoiv6jap|))ie«tipna

.J. tiom .peraonS-."•ontja.AljJo.-Boijn!*.•-J ifeunclej. .tho ,act-'6f'Cbngreas 'Bppfc 28, ,]6SQ, and fpwar<t.thq Aurao-^o'tlie prope'g, doparhnpnt :iit^u«l|ingtQi»-.'_tt\* fitf »'••


"Atlpn^th theimoiirnMsilpilcbWaS interrupted Wfclip opening pf 4 s&lblloQS and. ths eptrimce .of Jbsepinne. The .palIbf;4fjd.pS"£!i Wiis, Up„6ii„ TuTfibrovy, jhd'Ri&'i^linii!^i%.p„f;di^^i.rii0ryp4 into-'a teftipbrary c'fiiiiiVnp . !Silo wgs loaning: •upoii the a to bf Hortenspj .\v',l»p, twit rpinssp^iiig-'t,ii|"FortitiidP: oilier•.m'o'tKfe^V^'«ntiJWr;«n'iplEi; tbv ebnttbl Jier feejipg^j 1>u :iniii)pdiiiCely lipbrt entor)riffthprobui,.Jbp^3tipfo^^

. ffc&triftlt«d^Pth6;Wbih&;JounJnl from aftrtlipflldlbitt

' ; ' ^j ial ibn Jwi/oBebiiic ypi^^rfrpitof^iitttjpJied

f fe; .^irtporbr^ 1 i c i ^ w a y ^ p n g b t 5 | O T k p a ^

ito^hs^JiparfpiBii^^tb^Bmpf^ -tijqijfcpl^Mpplabiiappnied^npxHo"-^ •uttered s.b'ino aii'tipliorci'ifeBontenoes abbufvff.yio-ybntWnS>«3 T ^f I !0 i^^


. • /wljleh-deli^htpd-^hc/ •Bniplero'iv? -Nnppljson „h|d. . ^n|i^jtIjf#tpi'»iinedto"map

^ l l l e M O^lii^lp^-jg^tteraljy^tlt^r'-tiniicc^tAnd-

phlM *i«^-^t|iteiteiiiw,-nndiserfinfc'dnysngiiin .m#iio^lippi} hbr henrfc... "

': . jHyttt'w«h-c((;*tiptps-' weradoBfcndihgr4non.-five-. »y«rii'#.jige,:Wa».wiz«d:(iuddenryJandvM^^^ ..wjiji-<liflcr<>apii iindsin d'fftw houwdted; The.

.'. ; . :l)^f«)iiyp4iH|i^^rt^:7o^pliinUwitb' most' • l^ 'WjfSpo^fe- pftcpWwilSiLeilWipt « t the

t£^!^J!^ .*«gu> I Mri view »f;tlioBpTearrul con-.'•ec|lhti«cii, <wliicb sliu i|iuddurwl15' ooiituinnliitc-..

'.Bhrf-kWimi?thiit^npfeoti^gdjiiij'i^iwlly. . But, t 'ttie *I*b?km)*'itne rtrpiigtli pf•h.f*:nmbiilpivluid

which, in.jiJ»'vicvyt.would»ijb9crve thPinterciits

„ •«._r.»..

w h ^ ^::lll«t|)pw«r1«rKl.hr$ glory, .. dif Mitch days-Blio •lint jierablf up teller rooW and w^Ppntrnpii'Ify

: Mttlcdrid't&ar^. "'.'-,.- < -• •. , ,-•••. •'• '•-. - '• Tho i«<l Mcl|i)fe!!<;o, H'ft» «ipntoypdto Nnpo-i

JjDfljit4^en4w-waB:iHr-from^hoii«7-ic:thftwidSt* "pftftd JniMiap-eainpttigii. Up bad been victb^

:«f«tiiiei, HeTiadgtiined ace'essiobs of pbwer, '(Mi.c|i.a»:ifl#«s" wildesi dnsariis -,pr youtir :ha.lihS. ^jnifdlyiiniiginod.. All onpositfoa tp'Iii^ sway ,Wm rKMy»pparciit|y:Prii'8l!cd.. Najbieon Bad lei.. i«4Mk#e^«re,ito'raf.!ting3^»id:.Um proudeat

,8te6p«riiiiVri,m^r3lffirCWnt'dP--Wp% 'b^aF-'i!i#ijT»dy-of Ai\4l !i#l.PsS loiejdliiiiMtta^. 4he^hebta-of^th^mpiyjigr^ Vistcdrlft^ayTrthBilighOWrtttei^^ ™r^-'- -*•- *i :~-=^^^ ~» porting tier -liiriljs'hiinsplifj'thpiy rcaPbcd the db'br bf-:fifp"-hed-ro:6iii; - ffapo'leb'n,-.- thOtv 'dismissing his'-ninie atfondniit4:iiii(i .laying Jpsej*(iinQ:i.iipph

• - • • ' • • • • ••• l E f e J i u n g

nt tho bpdstdo-. pf th.P' Ejnpresa^ EV'sry hour, tlip.rgstlpiis,: yet iinreienti'ng Eioppror, esdlcdafr the doorj.o iptluire concerning. hcr.Situation. : .•/*Oh. recPVerihg from niy, swoon',!' iayi_ Jo> Kephin'Pf "Iperceived that iGorvisart \yaS'.ii(-''ht-' ]t9hdjfncci.and''my^0iAr^a!Tg(it$tIId,rt6n^&'\vjo^. jiig 'pver'mtf, l^b! iio|: 1 eiuiuot djjsoribp'ihe liorrur bf my situation diiriiintibatmj;ht^JSva'ii-JWjl^ffiWfc-flileEted to take in iYiyiufiiring' sceiiie4 fe nW additipnideruSlty.. Hbiv-TriiTch reasoii.liadt to:droad beebmlrig.liiEuiprpBal??

ftjtfaWwsk-;.- -r~^7~7Tf>oei\ war. J.;siKESe • • - Ollioo on<l.jiesi<lcnoo on- Frajilclin, 8t'fcet,"dirtetly

gguth. Of tf°- tfnB-6?^j.Wgiiiirpi.- • .:..-.-S..

iied ^ sobbing".MdSt^o1^1siyie1yi,-;'!FHo->yKoile-as;, ^nJbfly r.bSeiuppftSli^ Wpie nlpyed tp- tears, yy itiv .t.hat.-.g'riiiie syliieh 'fii^^tingiiiShettlfef'tabyemPnts^ sileptly^o-the-aeatf-^ dpwil,.arid l^jnjng;(ierT6rjeKeyd>Bpby.lj 'fTi8iia,.

^^jgtey^=6FtlJg^gg^|pgpl' tli.u apt.rpP^fep;rhb5 ^rbn^'ANoHiiri#^sturbe'djri^ in^ j^^BbiT^^TrJ8 r t e t e4 blo.rtdirig \yjth tire itntornful:^itprteApfi^lio ,'.renaijr>--Voice. Eugene,. iiiihe nieantiihei .had taken 4 position by tits'

Snrgcpii Dontis'ti SeTrpunontOfficooppositetl(&Amer-joan, ctiroatly over (Jampbell. &.JJray.toii'a stpro. ' . t ; .

K; Y; .:,'C"?]i' P.ancttolly uttgiiuedwT

"fifext door east df tbb'TfornJloSK, wholMido aiiij retai j}^)rei^Jtt-Hwl«^tritioit<iqv^crioaicah. Mtignrinea, •TToAva'papwtiHlSlitTnpUurc^ uo^WbliMfipiw-n'twEly! - •- "' j - * ~ - '_-?—

motbor'a sid^.,, Silont'fearsi-we.ro trickling-down

^3;spon as &b,jceftdhT^ ot?thfeapt of spparib tibn Was tinishedi iTpsppJiinc-for ti mpitiont.p.i-ess^ ed tier bn'ndkpreliief. to; • her y/eeping eyes, and theii rising,.]rtclear.<and niusiea^ but f,rennilp,U3,

'tbnes,pronounced^"the oatliof acpoptjince. Slfe ih?n7sinrdowri, tpplt the ;pe'rt a.nd aHhcqd her sigr ntUufe.to the dcedyyliiph stindptpd'^tho^'earest'

_ iiPpe^'andth^fopdelirtier-wKich. huniah Beartsf jngjfii' left fliprbppi.; .Njipplpojj did iidt'pvtip crth fepl. TPb'brEugene coiild emtTird^tiija lan-lljrpw; liimHolf:.«po.0>l!is: bed itliat night.: Hp; *uage lio, ibngpr; .-Jlis 'brain? rcelpd, nj|"'.heart' pae'ed^hp lloor until thc.da\Wl'of i thempr^m^ TI10 rWai surgeqn, Corvisaffc, {iasse'd; the niglit ^Josephine and Horteiiso rfetirPd with the attend;

IODD"& EBAXISJiL, , > . .< . PeaJerai'n-Boo.ts, Show;^flatef^iul-K!«diil^y--Oua-v tbni ^yprkjuuekto qfdcf, at tho pld staiid of Tiafc & Rltcsj -oppoaite tho Aliiori'can. " '

tics-arq-sviolKia to onabto^ilia tP> Pli l^MltJ*^^ ra'ilW^^i^%i1>'na-:fl-il)rpiifctli(ists. ypxatiaus^oJnys 'usttnlly attendant- iipon. Hrtqh .applications, Imvmg a« agentWWiislnrifttbn... 8tf- » J. .II..,t>.TjraQN. .

VVa'tprtoini, ect'1.5,,185,p.... • _ • . '~* \* ^Tb-'6arriIg¥lBtakoT«i,' " ' . .

WAGON -.Springs - Kiivd8t3>ce,Triii«o, U m « . TiiftK,Bbxea,.i)a3liorSiXd"lits,. JinMsarnnd, Oil -

- -Gloth, .Malleable. Iron, Knolis, JIoplca,;Jfail8i Joiat*,-^\y4,jSn^l&g,,.So.J4flf8alotitlOWQ.qhuni^itin,i)rie3(}

^ _4—EpjtiirSSSO?? &'W!$~- " Stove olt norti.s.ifcofX'.oitit-'iriet, ttkctth kij'Utf.

nj(^jpp6sit<)-0ti?:\3lktA •_. "_ J_;vW.: •The siibswibcj

"•. . . , ' . . Biriging'.Bookfi. - ' . - , • - . . . A JUL ffid Variotiea for. Oliiiroh' Olioirgj, Singing

J?L So'liop!s;<S;e.,,lbr ftilo atlo' 'timn.'pUblVsherstf'pri- ' 4ea, : - ' .1.1 —~ K ^ O W J ^ W T J t l ^ y t J d . ; .

'.-' '.' '.,• 'OiM^..6uw,Cfiins.,'. ' ' . ." A. iWapufipdhtstbolvbfBoiiWoandSinglo,',Wire, Stub

•J7X,. nhd'T\yjst--mid .cbuiritoii Qiih's,' Aiilp, JPistpli, •tfiuw, BlttSksy BoJt« &c, for-snip Vpfrfqjy,W-' " '.' '..

, .-' !;• a'JPIifeM.ifeSON-.-' • ' Store on north side oj (butt street, afow tfi l&rly ^Ho^o^jQii^M^^ ' . . . . , . . ' ; j:;lt>.

MpA XJ«.<

1 . B

• .flCei forth

To -tliuir;

-'.id: g5cpc count

-il P ^ n


^ = S r * H } { £ e E r :

:.A, „ . BLONDEN, ',. • .= BaABtfnwl.Uair-DrcsfflfjX&idpr'^ilfc^^r^sStQTp', J(3ner.i«m'3loefc'i~-STiFvirig;.51wriipobing,,n.»ir-ei &S.., dpno.with. llcatncaii an<Vdes]jiitcli;

-AVEKfY-^l!H0i«ASr fTonse, Sign, and' Qrnnrhcntal Painter, .Gilder and-Varriislicr, four dopra west of the.Enipiro Jloiise,

. , FO§TE^BEWIS7 Doidor-ln-BoQt3,:Siipe9, tciitlior nnd: Findings; 3Tp. 3, Peck's Woqk". .'. :' . - - • -^- •

^""iinNriNtfroisi &,: urns: ~ ~ ^Ioi:chantT(iilbra,donloi4ip lieudy Jludp Clothing, Tiii-'lbrs* Trimming", &<:. Sl'iop ftndStoro, in tliestphqTlloclv nt'ow dobiS liortB of tho.BrownyiIloHbtol, BrbwitvPfe.

BAKER, & \ Y 0 5 l f t R U # r

mahntiicturmg; tura, fW*Hi „ . ., . -nfMttirod-ftbni tile very best material flit uiarSctat-foril* .-ThepMbliV-J«a¥JJK%«.<rt'tlie-flxce»nc<i[-ofmy-3&l^ToolsMiewt'l9-fcnovr»that.tlieJirrf^WW«MW'

JefeiWK Cbiintu Miir. ' ._ . . ___ '^Ed^rrjtnf-wn^tmKis'Tnriirarir^rroT^ m1o"aii(fJ'KEtftilr—iVl|rTiftlcIeS "Srmy liittirufpturd" anfl warrantbd to dbgood service, prowled a JUir-trrial is given. -StonorCutters Tpols jnoflo and rsjgalreA- tp^or-don' ' .: '. 1" ' ~ " " "~"

nXouslin de>rliaiii08. • f A A- PIECES gbbd Do. Iniiftfi.at la.ppr-l U v ISQp'eees (Sold oiiixed ©e taiiics. BO.piccoa Caslnnores. 111st TCqeived-at - ••'•• "' '-"

. . . . . . '..v • .w.e.^DKi-NS&iCOV," -' 1X-" ..•-'. . Qppositp.Qtijt'Blpcik-qoiirt'Stt

Second- Bxtensivo Arr iva l of F a l l mai •• • w i n t o r Goods. '

'.* : - , j , : & M, spiiialtAii,'. • - ' , ; • - " A, Ulti-eeoiviiiwugaiii, a largo mul splendid p"tbclc a

'JpL PliV-GOODS,.vvhit!li iiipoint of qtmntjt)V"qu5l" it}", liria low i>riet^ l»is never beon'n'yfffillMl 'li'nfaw!. '.',T ~"I'Uoptibiioitro.invited to eiill rtnd:oxaniinei "

'Plio'ttfention of tllo ladies particulitrly^iairespcet-" " ' " ' ' • - - - • ' • ' • -•• • •• » ,<SpiiL_


gibm Ifrwil •will t

j i ^suipr

adftgtunsvsiiaHpjr "_


¥atcr|oj-i!,^«tj-2S;- WW. ; •• - y - - . A r iNEW P t o B W C A T I O N * . •;.'.T'"r'

flit c Gatpi niaiin sissip

-ininy ' -inost

°.fiity, a-BOU



-Sat inet and Tweed JBanofactofgX^ I). •GitEAVE^rj'rSiDElir * & X I T X M E K ,

p'nfs,-Av',c*-DOrClCut " m in^ensrblp^pfnrofTIie affectionate son aiid brother.-. It was ji fitting tpriniPation of this mournful hut sublime tra­gedy- '. " ' " • ' ' . ' - . - . . . .

Btit the anfjiiish bf tho day was pot yei, Oyer, Josephine,.half delirious -with.'grief, fiiid another aHUA1 ;sy,one still more paiiifiil to pasa throudi^Ju-ia-- i=^ Kn'g-iirfitisliTidieffTrf^inin \v\\o Mad becli bpr iitip-. biihdi Jospphine 'fprnnined in her biinmb.er in

WhotcBalo'androtail;dei>'era'inEftst and "West .India Gpods,. Xeasi.-EoflttuBntter,.t;hqe30rHn)ni5 ilsb; Povv-

lldr,.Sh ot, Ianip'tw j : Gdndles.Stono aiidJV ooilenAyare

„ , . „ „ , , , . . ....,v,..p... ripiy passedta»vnj',.during which »llpn,,luid NapolBoh^TOi^^s 'cBhvho^^V-MJ^^I^*^^

heivrferbndingv'speqchlpss grief, iititji the hour in which Napblbori li.yiiilly .Tetireifoethejii^bt,

. . «nons , „ by Messrs.. Milium. &:Sa\vyeri Qric. floor tvest iiks' Tiinnoiy,.and known,as the " .Waiintns'

&c,'. AU'ki8a»ofeopntry.prpdneolSken in excliimj»e 'forgoodsv.^tNosi.l.-andi; basemont Paddopk's ]!|ock.

JC.li.. ttUreit,. ; V'-•' J. E. WoouRWW.

Doillcr ini)rng3.an43ffidicino'a^E|lints, Oils, Dyewoods and groceries, No, 3; MeehaiiiPs'ExeliuniJ-e.

. .montHfchiii^ Eu'rbtie \Vctp cmintraihpd to.dp Ida

jthoiiflojiriiruttiding*rpftphediilrhi, iHq.s:itdo\vn • in »ileftce,.huridd liis fjioo in his hnndm, ahd-forr%

.Iwi^titiie '^eiubd.lost in the riioatpainful ttiii-


bet^ecn-hiajpyofor'Josophine.nlialils-anjbitions ,. .„ . ^.dcslrb iiti%und^lf>'ni\r.'4yiially^'and'.t9 Irnnsniit '•ttVEug*enpripadp:.no-teply:rbut-preiscd lik hand-^hWiWMQiMrrtfftraPtp idl. Wtstprity^ wasso. ' EugPne vtith{

,*thoro occurred thfcjiiif-* liiyewirj'.of tfib-cproiia'tlbiinnjd of tho' Victory of Apsterlitz. £ar]s-wsi!}.filled with rejoicing. 'Shis' bellsfapjjjljci'r'iperriciitpciiia; Tho niPtr.op.blis "lViprofu%eat ivitli-ithiniiiiatibiis.' ,Ih €Iiqi*«j;V.$eaH-" tmty^sjjbjejjhinu^asj^^^ Sriejy "thuWflio^spVerpigris jind .prince* thoivas-Bcmbiudihl'aris Wereinfdrrned ol'lier fl]iproaPh-iijg-dfejgrace.. MM tlicsp founds-, of trlulnph sho ]icardbut'lnp;Rnoll of lier owntlooin. And though' n careful observer, in her .rapistened pyp and-pallid; fclicekjivotdd.have observed indica­tions pf~th^-secrct vvbp which' was- consuming ii*8r heart, herhabitiialiUTability amLxrasO'-ifiiVdr-.

'iii'public fbr piio naombiit.foraookJifln_lIor^ ^ensej'ianCTUijOTd-sorww^slrlekPiij^ns^yith her iiiothpf," Eirgeno \yn8.silsp sunimoiied'froni Itiv-;iy-Jx3^i^Jnbm4^a^^^^^^4>ti^tUo'lrIiyorcc¥ •IlisMit-sHakir^My ,\¥3<i .With }fA -n.^her. - Fpp* tlip siilodi! Jib vypnt.direcf ly to1 the; cabinet of Wa-poieoh, nitd- juqxiircii of the Eth'peror if h o Imd deeided thcrttnestroirof a divorce;front nis'mgfli-tjr,i iS'hpplconjivvho was most stfoiigly attpcticd

' c i "

:*li jyaaMaiiifcstJh hwpallid.clipe.Mn his restltiss if er'm#e J6«tf of npp^lte-iind o f sleep.".. But ..ttaafe'ritAviir^

—^-J'teipttrjwspsi.^ WitliTin oiicrgyr wtioii tlie" world "*"".<MIII"

, J5^ciRi«asclfin the bed from jyliklj • he '-hvaid pjeeted. his most faithful aifd devoted ivitc, and the nttendh.nfc.WMC oi»- the- point pf leaving the' room when the private, door of his ajiartmbnt was slowly -opehedjani Josephine trcniblinrfly bulercd. vHpreyes-vvcrps\yolle^i.'Witli.griet;iher 'hallf-dishcvelledrand sho> appaaiod in all the disv ItjibUlP of unutterable anguish. "She tpt'tcrpd into the middle of the room,, arid approached the .bed—then irrbseltttcly stopping, she burst- into n "flood Of tears. A foelijig of- doliciioy seemed-fbi a inpinoOt "tp havo arresfc(| hpr steps^^a.^ con-•Miousness that' now slip had ho right to cntpr the chamber of NapobjOilV-butTn another mqmenfc all-thP-pent up Jove of her heart burstforib, and, 7orgetting-eyerythirigT--Rhe^thre^^^ thb lied, clasped hex arms, artninfl—WiipoL'dn's necki nhd.eJCcl!iiming,.trAFy husbiitfdXiny luis-b,an'd"!"TBTjbbod:iis tIioii#'hftr Tieaft "was- Break-

*«igrr1CiP iiiippiST spirjlt of ^f,ipp|eon • was for tliomomententirelyvan((iii.shed,andhoiil30wbRt almost, convulsivcd^l He assured' Josephine oT ?luslove, of -ardenVaTn.d. undyiflglove. InJ'dyery Ayayjio tried 'to so'btlie and comfort her, and for

J: C. STERLING; Bookseller and Stationer," No. 10, Washington street, PaddPck'sJU.oclCi--..•• fy .,),-' : «•'• j ^f iOCT. '^OSoWBRIDGE-oVSONr^

OlHi.-ciiith&:IronyTOooWo.voiwI^«^fc-M'"'>«;»'^t°rg' — -1-0 . P . W E S g e f T i J)agitorrcaii- Artist,- Clarke's BitildulgS, oppositb'tho Post Otnco,,JCasliingtoii,strect. Gold ILoekots, Eanoy Cases, &c, eoiistantly on Iinnd. Dilguprreatt. Artistss suji])Uc.d With stookat irtiolosiilo prices. - * . . 1

A " I L K . tfEWCOMB, Donlorhi.Watqlies, Clocks, Jovvoljy-of oven' variety, Silver null Silver Platpd. W-iire oa5t sido W iisliiiigton street, first' doors"onth of Kn6wltbn,Eicc & Co's llook-s t o w . - ^ ? • • \

' • ' . "J.'K. BATES, •Physician, Office in -the Safford Black.'

J*~~- mTB^rm¥mKpr~ :,^~ Wholesale and Ectftii Dealer in Wet arid J>ry GroeeT-ies, Provisions, && Ac, No. 12 JFa$l)iiigton streoh

titniij & they oocifpirfby of Eairbaiik .— , . . . . . ^V-bfllaii.'ibUs^\^cro.wiii-ifriojmda«^i!ll_ciiiios-a:gooti-aude^tmiSiyaassorru'ioiitpF .. "

T W B B D S A N D B A T I N B T B , whjqhwill be 8oiil:\vbole!inle.and'retuil, .atoxtromel^v loiv prices. JYom .a practical knoivlfifeo -of the biisi-iiesa, pud u strict attention to it, vo lliitter onraqlvca tliiit Vo can manufactUrb elbtlis as. gBeil and lis cheap ascanbepiircliasc'din"No\vi!orft. - *

McrofifffitBT «nd Jtcrcbnnt Tailojy, irortld find it to tltEil-' interest to liallnuul cvannin (j'ur sioek si jjooija

jUe^onder.oiiJlic-l-siilniitr-iji-S-vOliiinesi — - - t - -Bnrnps, Ji'uihily Prayqrs, , '•'. •• • . • Christianity, lioyivod in t|i0 East,oro Karr»ti>r»>r.

the Works ot God amoiig tlie Armciitena of Turkey,. •by II. G-..O.Dwig.ht, Missionary of flip Amofcic'an •

• Boa rd . _ - j . ^ - j ^ ! . . ' • - • - ' - — ^ - " ' ' , ' J-'.' -.•[•' ^hon'sTiiriidW Lost, wittthotos by J!ov. J..K; BbytT". P(iin«atii>1 lktr,rv.nl'-t.lu-Ajmiia.»>^«U>^li,>ir,ri.|iliji M i r ^

Ellcf, Aittliocbf' the W6ii»iLQf-Am-E5.voli Life,:.here unt] tborc hy N. P. Willis*. •Xholiilly and tho Tntiiii,' tiy-W.'Q.SiiniiionS, autliPr

ftCVeimissco, Iiilbof Jrarion,. <So; . '"; iroitinn's 3'rlfjnda.hlp, by -Gricce Agnijar, .sntboroiT-


and prices be&ro ptircliaiiiiig elsewliero, Fanners andothora, who iniiy h»>:c wool tlioy^«oul«

like manufactured, woitldiiliikc. 2i}peT:ticnt,j:by letting li8tnttniifactnM>it.oivi*ttrii*o>r*>ytr,c_. y„fa. leiWtera g;n-iiT,«n->i'nn(m<ii-ili uiai-J«!tJiLintlu;irJiKjki;ii..\ iml


Wool ivantedi ibr which -iv'oSvill pav the cash. s..i>, (iKi:,v\ria & o«.

• WtU<nimvn,<Q"'ttHi&-^,X^().. ' . u ^ _ _ _ '"".'" » H Y OOODS W-AHBHOtrSB.

W.G.AIJ iaNS&.CO. , . •••

ABE no\f opening tit'tlicir Wiirehonse on Court et., , an. oxte.nsiyo assortment of BltY (iOODS,

Stoat kjndjtotConntry. Er^tu^tokgy^onsjiarigefc uconH^o^tH^^ooda^j'--tJjs-noive3ntyle nnil-most ^EGfoeeriea, . •"-",,;.• . a loiiablq'iiiiifcriitl aiidjvejMU-tifiHliirly Invite- the"!

.Certain fit-from a dte-

Wholosalo and Retail . As we sell exclusively Ibr casiij.iin<yrum

cilities wo "have in buying goods,aixU,iilsO'.'l.. position to sol! for small profits, wc are onap.lejcl to ot­ter goods nt prices' which Will ilety coi«|ictition. Our

. stock" is largo nndotiralSflTtiiWntiaccniiiioscdo'fi-verv-thihg.in fbq Day Goods, line, from the nimplcst-to the "richest articles, and will lK',coiisU»ntly_kq|it uji by-.weulv-lyreeeipts'-Wuiyciv'-ybrk'and liosroti. • ^

Ojirjtssortirient of Dress Goods is .complete, hoing •J-mosstllisli-

"T3iiigt'elI5w,s1',ooins,. a no.w- editioitil) two volumes. The Ainaninth for lR5i,.'l'hoGnvlaud for 1851,Ericnd-". ship's Offering: for 1H0K

In addition to the above, T <un constantly receiving: nc(y works, iill ofwbioli .s»hiill bo-sold at tho lowest cttshprieca. II. SCU1 H>'KK,undef tbeBaprCIturcli.

.'.'" ^KNovruroir, nxon *ob., : -." - ' IS. iy. lu«p>vi.n»rJ CCCKKIT KICK,. JOHN If. fitci.

ojieirmaniHltHiiwf^no^aeBerH/ltoolrBindersanit Power .l'ress, Friutirfl, itttheold. stind, opposite

tlie Banks, 'll'nshingttin street, "rt'ntertown J{. Y. con- ; tiune toTOcipn-eate .favor* in the several' brnjichci of their bnauiess. " Proimisa"' was nailed totlicir ninSt JjiaS!iiiaJ5U!iat>__IilluU£jfuiUiei u^ they acknowledge ninons otlior't'hingsi, the siubunhig" band aftbo aurxomidhig conmuinlly. In imitation of that Providence- which ftiiytillps ] tinero it plants, full 'reliance m placed oil ii cnntiniiauce of .'post favors from • old friends, ami the acquisition ot aid and comfort from fresh .uequaijitancc, - »

1'jiper of mOat descriptionapn hand, or nwdo to or­der j Books and Statipiwry, Maps, S>dioof Apparatiis, ' Paper Hanging, Jitney Articles, &e. &c„ a fall supply; Alley had almost neglected to sav cheap ii tho cheap- * est,.it'-not cheaper, '- • 7' . ' A.

niV^tPHiNE/fresirj^ry: week,—Burning Flulil, nt. , r — n r * ..- •' -..• SMITH'S' • KJ SJUTH'S. T h e Dulcimor,

A Jfawcnlleottou of Ohnreh Jhniio by J.-B. -Wood­bury. .A,neiv'8upnly^H>lrrecolreJ!t~by~*'

• ... - . : . • ' . . . . • ' - "Ji G. STEKIiINO.

T B B strz^namit, T-.0STfrceqlvca, Price *e,7Bj CM, '

drpwhis band, Aiid said: " Sifo i'iii that case permit me to withdraw

fronvyou+'Befvi66," " „ . . , . , " . ' -

""-Jlowri"-"cxclnimed Nnpojeoriy'sadly;-''wilt 'y.ourEitgetie,.'inyf adopfcdsoii; .leaVD-mtrV' "'.. -'/ 'I 'L-s, sireif -flu^biip, firnily replied, jJL'Wio son of her- ylJO is'nft lpnMjr Empress eiinnot rer inaih\ncPrPy^XwJU'fon^\v„myJnoltein^^^

her children^ •". ihjstrki^uspjiowerftiVsnd-ljjip^Tu^^ ewrisceh.:. S!of;tlu$ ho'yfW ready toitecrjflce cohifoft,eiiec*liM hiSabiisaof r ^ b t ForiMs

' ; lte',\ViM| <i»dy'to:*aufider the sttoiigyst ties of-aC f ep ip i . ' . " •„ ,'-.- .• .-•-,--: - ' -.----', • ,* "Jpaephino. ItnfeW Napoltioii, Slip kiiewrth<i

-powpP of Tils atnl3itioii. With Slinost insiipporti *tIo arfgtiish, *ho iyopt pver this child, upbu \v'h.o»o.4ciithafc8:lior own''Seemed to bo sofoaV-

.'•• fully bje(id6d, and, with- * treinhlifigjioarty sho. - tamt^-heMmsbiiwlVTetiini. Mvatprlp'® liihte

bfegap tb nH:^h(> journals of tiitF cphtempn'ifcd. "diV'Orce, tfi'd of ihonllihtjco: bf Napoleon -iyith . yanput nfee.«-.of! fproign courts. 'In Odtb&n 18Q9, Napoleon . rttjiriimj ftoin. Vii'Hnn, fT»

titno with tlib .greittesf kitiftnessT __"l^lj iuViK^poii .pereoi«^ mintl.yVas ill at •./, , t cise, And thStli6..>\-hs pbiideriug'"'tl(.e.,dfcadful

•" 'PuM,faKv--Ho:»pp^r;cd-,.M&^ . .fe,hio;Jfre^ufcntprtvntoh!tpr.vipw* withilis- iliiii-.--"istcnj, ,-hk :§eh6rnt: fceliii&-of conslKiiiit-pefVa-

de^h'a^urv. ." HPpolppii *;aice)5,-. ychtjSjreiio I b ^ p p i t l i w \yi(p,,ps: if>ipprcl?PMSivtt that tho \^jBglftJ£gne::Jm; had lby«ljlM4tclI,inight;

embrace. . The attendant wiis disuiis'sud, anifor \\Vuirtpw«'Oct.S 185Q? ° ^ ' ^ C E & ? ° f auhourdheyijontinuedjn.thishistprivnte inter- ^fili&ktSmkTc*Vr^vcT,W+~~ view, Josephine then, in the. experience oi an <• \ \ • - - » „

filled his eyes,. In a tnonmful' voiee.lremulous witli ontotion, ho repiiedt ' , , - • •" Eiigenp,you know the stem iipecsaity wliilii eompoh) 'fh'is.ihpnsuro.- And will ybu forsake infel. Who, theft—should .1 hayo ii son, the ob-fect'of lily.-.desires- arid presprycV of niyinfer.ests. •^whdft-oald yyntqli'-' bvoethe 'child when t ain 4baonW if 1 die, whb will prove to him a fath­er? Who will :b;irig him up? Who is to" make A-'Mlah of Jtitn.?'

Ku|ptiO'was deeply affected,, midt taking Niu

-allies to c4U and. exuniiiic theui,' idso our assortment of fur-jiiahin'g gobdar-- - -.-• . .

Farrnei-s of JoffcrSoh and adjoining counties, and residents Of villages contiguous toflus market, will by calling'findIt greatly to- their..advantage to iiurc'haac of this honac. .. . .—°—<. ,•-

l'articuliir attention will bu paid to tho Whoicsale trade i:s Ave propose to sell at such prices aa .will coin-. mum) a large share of tliat.tmdfe. _; _lstd§5rcnu~Gcnt!cnicu iviirpIeaseTeaTniiitT.exaniilrP onrstoekMtndsatjsfy thciilsclvcs. " 11

^yate^tawrl, Moy. C.'JSfiP.,'-. . j "•- -The Xos t . r ound i

anguish which few hearts have ever Jtnow.ri, purt-etl forever fropi thp lmsbiUpi Aylipin, she had 30 I b f e i o ^ W y r W f c a b ^ - r

Tlibljenutiful.palace of Sfcilmnison, winch Na­poleon had embellished with every possible "flt--iractioV,-and:wherectIic-Emrigf6i^nTid-Bm^^s' had passed ninny of their happiest hours, was as-

. ( ., . signed to Jbsqphine to. lief future residonce,—•> Napoleoit was^'not^totlL0iii^eliBgsti==Cenr^=^ her a joihttiro of

. SMITH'S, No. 3, Salfprd Block.

WOOIv Lopg iUawls, of late style and superior eol-orai Also a full assortment, of Caahmero and

"TCoclia Sha\vls., justrqeoited by B • CA>ffJ?ELh & BRAYTOK.

andp Jo se: to St

'little" only

' land. -.shr-ul

tho % tcndii rived hurry

' '-Unioi Calift were, river when frieili] Wild :

On jnrlscl pliys'i

• us fr

BOOT^VNDRHOK S'l'OUK KEMOVEO.—TOitt <0 FKA7.KI.L Jniyii reinpted their stock of Boots-

and .Shoes to the' Fi-fc i- llaUv store, No. S, SafTord . Block, whore they are nmv offering for sije, wholesnlo

-1.audjetjiil,.a-larg«iissortnii-ntof Oootls-js dlleaii lurtlib J\ cheapest;- Theirsjoek.at' yoods bus been selected and

sad muiiul.uturcd vtith thc=TrrCTlcstHratE nnit cna, __„ tlicv hiivo now-thc siiliatli^ion nf 'hftftriiirt-as. ptarcIiYi-

_sept a hctii-r assortment tfUn'trrvr bot'orc bltSr^din watertown, • - — -

—iMrtle? Wear, of nil Jlie.. latest stvtes and nntttraty Ixith or I'-tsUiFi iiudoiiroiyumanilliictiTre, wliicbir* wnmuited.tii do good service-. -

Ofiitljimcii -furnished, at. tlis.sliMfist-BBticOr-witlw elegant-pcw-l »rISIWIJ..! lluuta, which for bcautyd an finish ti'reniisnrpnssed.' ' •'

Measures tilltun, and oid'crslillod; with thd greVfcat' P_roitt[4|ie»-W)Tl-t!isuatvh— ~- ; : : ° 3 ' ^ " J ^ a « V f ^ E l x i i A r S c n E S l A B L l s i l , rj SIEAX. -Just received at the store of "VV. If Siir-•—J!fi} _n-j»plemlid fts.W ' -" '

,-, I'onsistiljg. iji putt i-B^XepitiO aiid lomi

,->m "" Stone,

nhout she hundred thousand dollars ayciir. She I was also still" tp retain tho -title and- tBs rank- of Empress Queen.. . s . . . - Tho ensuing day, at:elove« o-'eloek, nil tho houseJiold of tlie Tiillefioa were assembled up­on. tbe*gran.d staireascr jind. iii tlie vestibule, to

^yitne8s4he-departurP of tlieii .beloved- mistress frpiiv scenes where, she Ijad. so long been the brightest Ornament. Josephine dbseended, veil­ed, from head to foot. Her cmoftohs were too deep for iitferance,' and she waived an-aduiiutAfaa

r -. - -"r-pWJ ATflBHSr™-'"""-1——^__ K A A $?•• -Ciye-Geese Feathers. ,n superior qiiidifcy 0\J\J Jtt8t received bv ' ••

9 CALfiWELE ife- Sf'lU,irAN-. „ Octoher.22. . • No. 14, Court street.

urafiJVn-sp'emlid ftssortn;ciit Of Watches iiiid'j'ow-" city, tonsistiijg.lH putt of Gold and- Silver Patent Lev?" T--—iJa'—'-''' ,.*-. . THE subiterdtcnrwTsh to urftmitthe inhabitants of 1 ,.•.-.br T , . . .m•* ,1 -- <if;.~, 3 i--- . •.•>«,»

Wiitortovvn and vicinity, that UieV can pm-clmso' 1 ^\«>il*Piu*.«a;l (wninon iyatchcn, warranted titn« OAM/fflTJl'MMairo. mpei-iorquality, wil'liontbe- 5?cp!;r!,;1cG,iy ^tyr-aud lob. Chains and Keys; - - chanjedtm exorbitant pviea. / A , _ \^^^^t^^M,?&F^^&^:-

JstlirmvTt tofetlicr-oii the tan knot to the hour sys-thec/iOTiOw/ool'the r -<?«'« /iamb, J'i'It-

. _ . , finish-Jind style, cannot bo suritossed in tins feiuih j and wiiiit to tho Furni-

• » Y P W rnriria -n>r—T—^7 ~rr~ i turo purohasiug conimunity.*t> the most important, is N tZil.MyStjJ,h^Tr^pr?^?r% T ?"!??«• I 'b'1 ' *cy do -Hot sonimeliec by iilla^ing^u for Iwv w l w ^ ™ ^ L « ^ ? ^ W i f l ¥ M yovlcaaim, for cXpen/es-to-Kor YorE4d-trclght store No 2 Iron B i o " 'Ilardiraro on furniture, nor tor hisrl/ronts, but instead of-nddtiii

Thuy do not profess' tpli'ifvo speiit^HJvff}'cars"" in \\ mHil™ tafics-imd-genflomon; TSoTdmid UairBnicc-ycrtiiiyi'^^tojlaJiilsiiiessaii an extensive, scale, nor i x>^"-^'"."K^ A "lvv " - - - - -do they urnnYtlioir furmturerlroin Nvcw York where it i-.1,"?": ''J'1'1,";"I Si.\,r . __ t„

- - • • - - • - „,„• «,>.; ?«vcr .t-jiectijelw,' Gold und Silver Slides, Silver

COOPEE& WOODRUFF. Scph 10, 1850.

-\riLES'-Pflited fe'Sfo's Ipoiltiig BoOk-coinprisTiig OSi the rudiments of the English Laiigtingo, the Al­phabet and a series of Spelling.Lessons, uxilve parts; by Josinh Miles, for sale by j . c. STEEEINO.'

Watertown, Sept. 12,1850. '•' ' s- -

jmlbop's nrm j . U ^ K - ^ r i r ^ i H i ^ r v e w e d - u t o l g ^ ^ h e ' atteetionnte and weepini' friends^Whb'sur^ tunp_tbgidlierl—ll'lie noble JPsephiiie, ever saer? Rcinglicroiynvfocling.s1oproinofelheFlnppto

rounded her. A close cairiagc, with six horses, •r---a.™> ; ^ ii i. " . ' . • • • • a. •> " , s wnsheforpthe'doOr.' She entered it, sank back

yf othprayiirgedhor sontp remain the friend of iipim_the-miSlmta«TJ»iripJ--!i,.r fitcem hor Inind. |(a|Wteorr^^iTirEniperor,''sliP.-jiudf * « ydiir-" kerehief, and loft the f uillarii

causchiu) to waver in lii».iirin-*j)jifppsp,- Jdsp, gtaJQ'$f, tlie tiipsf ibpnslt'sbljwf udey

ittti^^Vw^onlp^ifpd^oitpiffeir^ piniCossp^.'who wers :motnbers. of tlwInipSriai ' " -"---^ ' *-"••• •" d'H" Wly soitie'forolip* ^family , :^

\\Hu\g doom; Sh"r-Wiitehedj Btftpifii,-itit^e1griiind:s':i,lob»of tnbVTiiii^r}es.f-

bpnofactor-r?,y o iir. more tbiin. father,-to- wliomyoif artMn.debtod-lor cv^rytliinjj^hndto whom-there"-furer5"otCb\y.o -a botindlesfobediclicp,"

The faisd day fofc the'consummation pf tjiedi-^f6ftio at l e h p i arflVed. • Tt Was flip fifteenth day;;

of JDccenibeiveiglitceii luindred and iiiiie. NaV poleO!i;,liad.tesdml)leti/all tbu kiiigs,.priiicc"s and phiriowas'aatai

poflafeiiiidd,' VA jTyot %e.;lm.d"oitly sonieforobo-djnOT^'bcc hnp^djhg doom; Shr-WiitehenV . . . . . . . = , . . . , - , -wl<}vffiP»^^ti^ipp^6a8ioi»,otery Ey*y.iiidiVidtiiitrpr6se'nt\Vaabppres8Qd\vitbtIip oMJ" i^^r6r ! | r : Wei .• oVpty JII^ Niiuoleon *5TOfe «3P-".'* *'*i«& ttt*. :tf&-"jjttiDrcttk """ JBif ' 'tlfA5f2 tlrtia-. ndareteiea tticm: . . ' " - •< 8 ^ M i ! A » i j f c j k ? f t t o ^ ^ ^ .^'lip'pdlBicaliittcro.&pf.jny ,monarchy, the

•mWM>^-$Q?tl! te86c^)vihfej«yato:ac<- dWmy)nctiOtis:i reijrtiro tliat I should traiistirittb1

^ ^ ^ S J ^ ' I ' * - .^JS^^l-VWs^fiSea? ' lift, an li'6ir.l!ih;cfjtirtg ttiy To.vo for. the pobplp,thp' * l ^ f i p ^ # # ^ M M f c r 8 p n i | a h d -iffcoWe'vct lip tllrOlifijOfi \VhW>r.O>ld'enpbhas plapcd.'jUP; For

^^^W^ !*'^? '^^^^^ , v^^^* a^*^ o i i c jH' ' ' •^ tip*, artiuBjft'imy- belbyctt'-Spopso, llio Enipress Jose-? % : ^ l P ^ f ' ^ M ^ ; - ' W;ijeno\k!r"JtjSfephuie};. •gfitb.e.", It this; considorafioii v•h c l iriduccs

aii i j i i i , i , .^ -:.---^aJi-_«Ji-. •• . . i ; :-^. i ;- i-if^. i i , , i , - j- s ^ , - s - E > - ^ ^ « i : , & ^ ^

b> IhrtWrrthii^io'vifiiajUk.u.-.uti.i. iiL

J.S.S" iii' • r ^ y ^ ^ f f * 4 ? " ^ ^ ^l t^fff l^ff lgf4Ven#ifnVy, hpa.rt '^SIew«V


w ^ - ^ . < i . h « ^ ^ b ' ^ i ) a :

. t. -• • • «• ^ < . < i

fioifriiaicp^iHy:^ >wiipll!is aboVp:niycpu.raga.wheli'it-i»'pfiive"d%;

i Tuillaries fqro©;r.'

CoNtAoiox Pirltesic.—Wo were struck witltjJia coii--tagtous inflnquco ofinusie, by an incident that occurred •atjtlio Deuham cattle show lastAvoek. Among the hymns aung.wi-.tlifl. exercises. •nt.tlia.;c!raroh, was a, bontttilul oild fltWuShed for. thq .occasion .by Mrs Sk-onftey. IbwRs'^elt" fothotuiroofjiOldillutthred'!-

,Iohicd-.-in;fln-uiider-tone-, ai('if eoiisoibiis" of trespnsaing-npon forbidden ground. -Buta-breach linvih& boon ohcomado, tho Btroilg" current of devout onthusiosOl rushed linpctuPnaly towards it for eseape,,aiuV as the hymn wont. oft. One ahd nnottei' of the collgrcation' ioinedin:with lotidbr and louder toiiesj until the whole audieftcq.pburedlbrth-jho-"saeredsoiigi"-n-ith lienrti-ncss of cxpreasion thrttVauid haWttcIighted the Ger--nian KefontieK" It w ftstruo "heart iniisio, " miiijx-| no ayeqijnqn of cpftgrogatibiul siuglng-a speoiea best-adapted to awaken and perpetuate the spirit of de-yohon,.and whicfiwohbticO isghiduiillv'beingrevbed m different parts of thc-conntry;H-^«)c. Jbvr.

t tyPP^feoNouo^TVlfialtP speculative-. Nliet tliei rttje absolute Of-penduct. is not easy. T t e * flesh" rebelstufd ovefpfti'Ors jig. Yet even llrdcfeaftliplnMepf vTtiaicates its. supariorityi. artd'finds.the-best:pPssitfte rTcasdnafor its dcfeaV ASpaiHSh-pricSt, piiec. exhoriing: the §fe)diers to %htlhMhoiis,.addedyiii tliaardbrof.erithiisinsrrL -j-"Rffltieh, ay.: brethrbn, that wltosoaver falls to-

Soif Adjusting Car ta ' " ,«*i--htrc. f^TSt s improved Self Adiustiiig Curtain Fix­

ture for s-stle by - •-• — . eAED^TJEEASTIEEMAN,

. i - - . _ . - £!.?_•l!t' Exculaior Block, Court street. ^ anec t i cn -FT i r e Insurance OompanT. -.??:AiSt5.*5ro"'frnr.tl8r<1'Conn._ Capitmia'oo;ooo.' Insnre;real and peraonalproperty of.all kinds, on tho .

most favprablo tcnnsi Directoft-Joscnh. Trumbnll, | A "Iteiyamm-'W. Greene, Jiunes B. ffosaer. iavdd i ' ' A , -i- , ,, . . -T .H»IS..I.™. r..i:... „_.,!:. " t j " t a "•„»'"BU*Yi .-y.u>f" i - 1 jri^lmve.recejvcd at,th«iirjustl

to the. price of their Wu/c for extra .expenses and ions experipneeiihey content themselves by putting on the ejctrSr tifoeheii of 'finish to tlieirwoHC

. Particulor attention given to the ninlarig of BOOK GAHES AM) SUVRJimitlJES,,

and various articles of Furniture, txprcsslv to order, a'nd wamuitcd to suit those for -whohx f hoy jire mode; ._ Remember that any thing yon ivnatJu-Xhe-xit/wiw •fcwj-iioiiiir'fijoi-itbbl to a soiii, wulbemiuJo for vou exactly ns you want it, and atthe lowest price., . ' —

Onr Kooms are in Cbrj-'s block, west sido* of the imblie square, over Robinson's tin shop, wlicw wc in­vite nil to esamhie our work, and i'ec-1 corcfldcrrt that those who patronise us will ba satisfied with ltrices nitd quality. - (tylj J. E..& g. D.,_i'U(3M.

Xure and L e t Xdve Clothing Store . --•<? WJS £AT£ami>!-^Gc:uiiC(b wtseixs

_ • - . , . . . . v -,- eelebruted live and LetLiVi . . . "andsi

.,. Cond, Sloiie and plain'EaV \ , r PttaamlI*encilsj.-,Gold and.

(•..inbs.h'ilvef, Poirlmidrotnuiou Card Cases Silver ahd GenVnii, Silver Butter Kiiivc.% S i t v e r S i * i i ! uing, Tea and Pickle Fote , ua},tendia arthfeTf 8il?or Uiky iiiislvqts. plitted and common CandlesBcks,- Brit­annia f™ SiiN, plutcd and common CnsfOrs, Giran­doles, (iothic Iw-H with -otlier nfticles too aumdroiis to mention, nil of which rail bo sold." cTaatxr. than at any otjicr.store -in Xortbern Npw Yonk, Plcas'6 call ami cSimuno dor yourselves, boibro' p'urohasing elao-

AllknffsflnrfflteIies,noclisVandjQWflIry*ropftlroa m&mrnntti, at No. 1, Saflbrd Blot-k, Wntettown. _1 J; . W-'JI. SJ.GOPBNEY. Blackwood^ Igagazino and tti« BritfTh

BuiVce; TE aon. for WatertMv'n,


E\V N GKOCEKYJn Jj, .Piiddoek's new Block,

'.'id ihrcctly utidor the. Bookstore of J, C'.Stor-•WV-aT/n^M"af:" S6n»rai:!issoriniotit ofAIJf-lrJi-ft*-iS>?i M8°0'1-<i"nllty as at phyother store in town. and-spld'on,roasoiiablo terms for citsli,

oxplnwgPd for Butter,.. ..Cliccsei fes, tard: mi rostkimla of country produce. ^ * Oash paid for .first WtoGmfted Fruit W?° 100 boxes Iloiiey'irantod. - - ' . - - - r- CALEB B. MORGAN, „

OKD &EANSOSI. PL Am MAMEM,M the -..s!*",l>f'l'h^ % Wane, Fai-nhUm's Tannery, Bee-

t--«eHoc^^^ay,-brethren-,that'vrhosmimu-t^ :vlnlv\i70rjrjmm'i-k-^ J n - ' „ ,

S l ^ ^ 1 ? ^ 0 - - ^ ^ 4 ^ 0 ^ * - ^ -Tlie, ni'fPWeausos,jieoTdeiiVoraiscas-oo^^

P»^«^fe«n4^titt!C> bl.fempres*' AboV6nIfclet.:

te-i«yerdBliH«iy«iooMng^%.--"^ra' iiiti hut 4i«r;hcf^tid^dt'aJteWvlri<ald^',

nt 1

fighmgaii^tlie ranks. Whverod, tlib priesi took to dnslibelM whett- a'sOUtief jitbpping liim referred ^ " ^ " y ^ 6 ^ M i ^ S u p n e y in feriidise.

.,.$Pjm,;p*y^^*W^^n1t .that just: licklohenvithnhoe and she laughs .witlrrrjfh harvest, , , ; . •

" ' . • " ' ' " ^

LOBD &UANSOM 1 , s!*-f'"C'1'^ Biff Plane, rarnnmns -wnnory, jitu-bce 8 island, keep constantly on hand, and will mamt-ni«ttiro'to.ordw, al! kinds of 'IteUio-iWHi lino 'of bu­siness, such .(is Joiners], Oaiimt and Coach. Makers1. Joot.1, which they will-sell, wholesale-or- retail,.choap torcash. 'flioso de»lnng-fo ptffc)iaso will please give •us a cuP. Pattoriis Of all-descriptions made to-brdtif' such as btoveyM ill,MapIiinc, and Cbrriice Patterns;

IWIOHAIICB i "r^~^ \JCO., Capita1,.t8OP,O00i . • :

$ 1 g ^ i ? ^ ' ^ a * ^ ^ ^ ^ - C a p l h t -

W t J g r f o CMltitu/ with all irfiakihg fn,«!litic(i ivTll:waTnint'.

rooioB may bo fbund o\«r 10,* uyv H'»""^v«i,,-"'"'.""irig in part of Pilot and Blanket Overcoats,-Black, Brown and .Drab Beaverdo., If"iiiter .$'nol«' Clotli, itnd T.wecd db.,E»rcs8iua'Froclc-Oloth Coatsj Blaek andFaiieyOsihiero Pants, sheep's gray and Satinpt do., silk, satin, cassimer'e nud Vuleiicm Vesta,-Over-alls, striped blurts,. Ac, &c;, besides Vilrii ^lul other styles-notenumerntdd. Aiaonest our exten­sive assortment will bo foimd Goods stilled to ovorv nmii a n d t o i n Nprthcni Xew Y'orlt., Tbo iwst par­ticular aftcntioii paid tp the custom department. In this .branch, as woil-as the rciidy-mnde, we are .not to •bc-oirf*j|tA . B o would ^artipulflrlv Invito those wlio visit this place to make Oust fiill mid winter purebasos to call'and exallll Ie.olli,'stock before bayhigfajiToater .uiditoonjontawill bq offered tltaii have p\orbcoiiexhU bttod. ^-Koniember tho- live and lot-Lavo'Cio'fli-mgiMbfo, No. 4, Gourtsitv 1 o -


Quarter ly HovieWgl" -olutio

into i on tli on a

' habit boon, duty const of .01 river, until or Si •tlia-w

"couiil our c til wi Kcar wide, a vail

. ttdn in he: —wc

• goats Piatt Of 31 miles

, usual mnUs

. modi: • ^iy In

puree wlult light. onp c

Jengt diate' audi ly al lho-h

Mopir ^ R f f e r T tor *•«? Million. .. °S$ $• TKEAT are .selling OptLIng forcash-n httlctow'crthiin'nnybfldy.elBo • b ,- "

whatbvor. LPSSOS loss;: Sm£ AF/QX,

Ihrttjonl Zi/iqndllcaUh Imuran*) &,niuiw

' &?hW* a^Mamintu^nfmpi| ^

, i S o f 1 1 " ^ n gfv<mVnild 4 l ^ « c r v e d ' k ""JlRPrthcntwvi^mtiucdiigeii&l. ™ 5ml" """

WILL SELL! *„£?t WnQ l m v o ff/<=siro lb olotto themselves fori! VCS'small amount cf •

MONEY may do-so by culling on,tli.om.in-.tliocOrncr of the old « f e * i s n o t s ^ s s e d f * .

stylestoT GLOTm QA$mmmT,:mFvgsm~G><,,

lire. Let it bo.romombemd. -fh„t thiBja-tlie-original-/>; * Ai iS..bo Wberod . hpl f %TP,•^ift^SS^lnrSBBiron'o- that has brought'.

Into re vein ttbliB arid coiih'ter-rovolu-r—- 1- ," It -"atl0lis-b^iuroper which-layofol-lowyd eueli.other"hi auelr. 4uicR sttcccssiori, andof which flip 'ENH 'is NOTVKT,' tlie leading periodicals of Great Britain llnvo hecmno uivestedNvifh a degreffot interest lntherto unknown. They occupy a lriiddlo ground betnvecu the hasty; disjointed, and necessarily nrtpcrieet records -otthe newspaporsi.mid tfipclabo--nltc nnd pondkroiis treatises. („ D0 Umiisf>ed bythP histonim of ft Jnture rinjj. The American Publisliors, thcrcforc,idccinit proper to cull renewed attention to -these I eriOfheals,.and the very lowest prices at which • they are oilered to -anhsoriljers. 'fbo' followUig Ifc their hat.: j -. , *: •

Tin-: TSTWDTOI (ir.\i!fiati.Y REVIEW, - -

fiui-EiiiNuwioil EliVrEir, «' . t ' Tijfe Sofe'fn Bitrristi KEVIEW, » * * Ti l l ! "N E-STMlNSTEU IJliVIEW, AK1, ° Bi.it>KWoop's Eiux»unOir JSfAOAzira. In these periodicals are eoiltainadthe views Motlii.'

mtejy though clearl} and ihijdy cspressed if S three great parrres'ii, Eiigla,1-TovTw'hif £$ .Radical-.' Blackwood" naU "«,„"« L S O ' ^ S ^ S ^ are Tory, the Edinburgh B ' i c ^ W % ^ ana tg0- • HVestoibister Review;,' Liberal. ' T ie * §§Ah%&&> te* . u ^ i t s ttJ»WWmientto t h P l f t S t q c c l o i ' siashfal.moveineiith,iS;cPtand,anl.ia11otSin.i&

•a 011 miy.ond.of thegrnndtlelpmjmenlaof human' wledge-; it.wits originally alltodV' Br C h a l E , now s,„eo his death, is condnctccl by Ids 2 - f f i -

law Br. Ilaituii, as»ocintqtl'with Sir David Bre?w^tSr Its.bterary-chiiiiictcr Is', of tho very -Iii" W S * 'Tlie Westiiiiii-ster,' tlioucb

view know and now!

illo WestiiiihHer • though rc,printod°.nnder;tha^f-' ?P; ¥> r,l'hlls ^ f m^n^l.d'jtmdbfri^t'it.lo'Of

tlo the

a u £ ? e # r £ f ' f ® ^ n ^ ' t S m £ t puhulcd. no- rpprinted uudor sopiirutotitlos. I t hiis thomi ' i l e ' , I'°,fJ,;'n"/'«i' bj'twicoiiiblnati n o f S C ^ t o sua) !° ' m m a othatil '«• Votoforf & . The above poribdicols^ro reprinted Sh 'NewYbi'k-mimodintclv on their arrival.by,the .British Bt«Mcr'

n&fXe®1'- 0 ^ i ^ % H j v o b a > k a g * u n o bojhc uii-cxact liiesuinlc oi'thc Edinburgh oditiqn - ' TEEAfS. -' " ' "

For imy 1 prtho4;.Re.vie\i-s, I'oiMihy 2 'FbJ.itiiy A Fb'-filU.oi'tlieRqviews,

-tpr-BtalnyoTTrlTifi?!. sKoTT

S3,0d por,j«ar< , 5,t)d « 7,00 «" 8,00 << .8,00-*—»—

•Blackwood, and iiioTRpV." $Bj It • iWlion*8-W bo made inliill cases in advance'. Kemittanoes mid. communications should'be al*a*a,

addressod, postpaid o^nn W ^ o ^ ^ S ^ f * ' _ -;-- - - • . . LJs.ONAI(t> SC'O'fa' dnUQt•'• •••'

,,...„ ' * .. ' , fy.Ettl.TpKSMitanri ' 11W6-

1 Enti-ntipc S l - J C T o l d - a t ^ ^ f e

- X

«,?*-* *»^»<Wrf - * W ^ * .

j l > u M i « K M . I H « > ^ " «wn*w«»«iDf»»».Bwam<«ib«i»ni,.-


slily-into Wtlul were ahd.i for 1 \vhic cd ni hims ho iu cliasi all v

_camj soon then] wcro aiiflc tiiofv

»-.Toet viler crcd cotlti not 1 oxce

O roelc

•"f'g tho nest •ing cluix the ime(

Vigl pass •whit

'M01 we-


