women’s rights

Women’s Rights Brandon Chris Nurthin Taylor Stephen

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Womens Rights

2. Questions
What are the arguments in the Supreme Courts decision to legalize abortion?
What should be the extent of government involvement in regards to abortion?
Discuss the concepts and the cases involved in the abortion/right-to-life issue.
3. Dont hate
Laws treated women unfairly
1970 Court had to reconsider the Constitution
Chose between two standards
Must consider a reason for mistreatment of minority
Strict scrutiny
Adopted both standards
4. discriminate
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Banned sex discrimination in firing, hiring, compensation of employees.
Civil Rights Act of 1972
Banned sex discrimination in local education programs
States couldnt set differences at which men and women legally become adults
Cannot fire for pregnancy reasons
Must pay monthly retirement equal to men, even if they live longer
5. Rostker v. Goldberg
Women to be barred from combat rolls
Men required to register for draft not woman
Women capable ofdefense opened air and sea combat positions
Woman refrained from ground combat rolls
6. Hey kiddo wants some candy?
Two forms of sexual harassments
Requesting sexual favors in condition of promoting
Ex. I have with you, you give me candy
Strictly liable
Working in a sexually offending environment
Ex. Having posters of Miley Cyrus in a bikini on every wall
Liable unless careless
7. "to be, or not to be"
Until 1973, it was States rights whether the mother was in power of having the baby or not
New York was for abortionduring first twenty-four weeks
Texas was against, unless life threatening to mother
South Dakota simply said
8. Roe v. Wade
Case of Roe v. Wade (1973)
Carried out with a seven-to-two vote
Struck down Texas and other similar state laws
Abort before conception
First trimester OK
Second trimester REGULATED
Final trimester - BAN
9. Thats wickidy, wickidy wack
Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection
It is a constitutional liberty of the woman to have some freedom to terminate her pregnancy No state may prohibit a woman from terminating her pregnancy before the fetus becomes viable
10. Even more wickidywack
Argued the decision of when human life began
Moment of birth
Somewhere in between
Court decided conception
Entitled to the 14th amendment
11. Youre such a meany!
Supporters of the Courts decision saw differently
Decided no one can decide when human life began
Woman is entitled to choose to have the baby or not
People began to use slogans
Right to life
Right to choose
12. Dont trip, we got this
Extent of government should be limited to the State at most
People should have the right of choice
Courts shouldnt decide when life begins
Prohibiting based on religion is wickidy, wickidy, wack
13. The END