word stress handout - saylor academy€¦ · lecture 18: word stress ... stress in compounds1 word...

Saylor URL: www.saylor.org/esl101 Subunit 1.5.1 The Saylor Foundation Saylor.org Page 1 of 2 Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation As taught in: Fall 2004 Lecture 18: Word Stress (cont.); Stress in Compounds 1 Word Stress Handout Instructor Isaiah WonHo Yoo starts his class with an activity adapted from Pronunciation Games by Mark Hancock 2 . He reads the following words aloud as the class repeats after him. He leads them through the whole list for the first 1:55. Until 8:15 he has a student say the first word, his neighbor the next word and so on through the list again. Use this handout as you watch the video to help you follow what is happening. Civil Civility Civilized Civilization Equal Equality Equalize Equalization Fertile Fetility Fertalize Fertalization Final Finality Finalize Finalization General Generality Generalize Generalization Hospital Hosplitality 1 http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/foreign-languages-and-literatures/21f-223-listening-speaking-and-pronunciation-fall- 2004/video-lectures/lecture-18/ 2 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN 0521467357.

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Saylor URL: www.saylor.org/esl101 Subunit 1.5.1

The Saylor Foundation Saylor.org Page 1 of 2

Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation As taught in: Fall 2004

Lecture 18: Word Stress (cont.); Stress in Compounds1

Word Stress Handout

Instructor Isaiah WonHo Yoo starts his class with an activity adapted from Pronunciation Games by Mark Hancock2. He reads the following words aloud as the class repeats after him. He leads them through the whole list for the first 1:55. Until 8:15 he has a student say the first word, his neighbor the next word and so on through the list again. Use this handout as you watch the video to help you follow what is happening. Civil Civility Civilized Civilization Equal Equality Equalize Equalization Fertile Fetility Fertalize Fertalization Final Finality Finalize Finalization General Generality Generalize Generalization Hospital Hosplitality 1 http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/foreign-languages-and-literatures/21f-223-listening-speaking-and-pronunciation-fall-2004/video-lectures/lecture-18/

2 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN 0521467357.

Saylor URL: www.saylor.org/esl101 Subunit 1.5.1

The Saylor Foundation Saylor.org Page 2 of 2

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