word wall unit 1


Upload: ahmed-baxter

Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Word Wall Unit 1. Alter = other. Latin. Alter ego- another side of oneself. Alternate -acting in the place of another. jur = law. Latin. Jury - a group of persons sworn to render a verdict. perjure - to be guilty of swearing falsely. Latin. numer = number. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Alternate-acting in the place of another

Alter ego- another side of oneself

perjure- to be guilty of swearing falsely

Jury- a group of persons sworn to render a verdict

numerous- existing in great quantity

numeral- a word, letter, symbol, expressing a number

Scribe- a writer

Transcribe- to write a copy

zygospore- a large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes

zygote- the cell produced by the union of gametes

Exit – used as a stage direction to specify who goes off stage

Exit poll- a poll taken of voters leaving the voting place to predict a winner

summation – a summary of the chief points of thoughts

Summit- the highest point