words of wisdom - wisdom of the...

A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016 This issue is comprised primarily of excerpts from student papers, and Barry, Cyn and I have taken a “holiday” from writing our usual columns and highlighting a “Medicinal Angel”. Enjoy the life-changing experiences shared by these people, recognizing that this connection is open to all, if we but ask & trust. WORDS OF WISDOM Guest Editorial: The Importance of Self Care Barry Kapp, Master Medicinal Aromatherapist and Founder of Wisdom of the Earth, has studied aromatherapy internationally, and shares his experiences, explorations, feelings and knowings via seminars, his books, and through his own medicinal aromatherapy practice. While he has had many human mentors, he believes that his Tree, Plant & Animal friends have influenced him even more. Barry was introduced to the wonders of the Natural World by his parents, and his passion is still the same today. Formerly a dairy farmer, Barry grew his own crops and used herbs to treat his animals; they, in turn, taught him many truths about all beings’ true connection to Mother Earth. Welcome to the Summer 2016 issue of Words of Wisdom…on behalf of Barry, I want to express our gratitude for the support of our clients, students, distributors and teachers as WOTE continues to be a messenger for the Plants & Trees we all so dearly love. As Barry & Cynthia enjoy a long-awaited and much deserved vacation in Italy, I am reminded of the importance of self-care on so many levels. Reading his infrequent emails from Italy, I am grateful that he has allowed himself to trust that all is well “back at the office”, and that he can fully and deeply enjoy his well-earned time off to just relax, play and enjoy the reflective time that we all need to truly replenish. The notes he does send are upbeat, positive and in awe of the beauty of Italy; the other distinguishing characteristic is the appreciation for the opportunity to steep himself in another culture and geographic energy, with all of the learning and understanding those unique experiences bring. Barry always says how important it is to love oneself…for how can you deeply love another, or love the planet, or your fellow humans if you do not feel a love for the life, soul and precious body you were gifted with for this earthly experience? The same goes for self-care…how can you truly understand the need to care for this beautiful planet and all of its creatures if you neglect your own needs? How can you respond to the needs of your loved ones if you are depleted yourself? Deeply understanding your needs…physically, emotionally and spiritually…is not always easy, especially if you were taught to suppress your own needs in service to others. So, spending time in reflection, along with the support of essences like Yarrow, Violet and Bergamot, which support our sense of self and our needs, and Patchouli, Spikenard, Black Spruce and Laurel Leaf, which help us clarify our purpose and mission in life, can give us renewed commitment to caring for ourselves. White Pine, Rose and Ylang Ylang open our hearts to self love, so with the essences in our corner, we can honor ourselves and our calling with time for play, inner reflection, experiences with loved ones, and deeper connection to the natural world. Summer is a great time to do this, so what are you waiting for? J Lots of love, Audre

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Page 1: WORDS OF WISDOM - Wisdom of the Earthwisdomoftheearth.com/.../2016/06/Words-of-Wisdom_Summer-2016.pdf · taught him many truths about all beings’ true connection to Mother Earth

A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016

This issue is comprised

pr imarily of excerpts

from student papers, and Barry, Cyn and I have

taken a “holiday”

from writ ing our usual

columns and highlighting a “Medicinal


Enjoy the l i fe-changing experiences

shared by these people, recognizing

that this connection is open to

al l , i f we but ask & trust .

WORDS OF WISDOM GuestEditorial:TheImportanceofSelfCare







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A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016










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A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016









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A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016

Patchouli – “Peace flows through me”


I have heard that people tend to gravitate to the oils that they need. As a teenager, I found myself strongly attracted to the scent of Patchouli. My oldest brother, to whom I was close, wore it and because I felt such a bond with him, I developed a real connection to the oil as well. There was a sense of safety and calmness when we were together. Years later, after my brother passed away, I would wear this scent and get those same feelings. It is comforting to me to this day.

When I discovered that Patchouli was effective in dealing with depression and anxiety, I understood that the attraction that both my brother and I had to the oil was two-fold…it represented both an emotional connection and provided a therapeutically important solution to the depression and anxiety that has touched everyone in my family.

The oil has a sacred quality. I find that often I can be more deeply seated in my meditation when diffusing this oil. I feel a sturdiness and rootedness, and yet I also know that I can safely travel in my internal meditation garden with a lightness and freedom not available to me when using other oils. Patchouli does not bring the desire for physical action, only stillness. It is the internal, spiritual realm that feels the agility

to move freely. A recommended mantra for meditating with this oil is “Peace flows through me.”

From an intuitive perspective, Patchouli represents unity for all levels of our existence – the heart and mind work together to create an overall sense of peace. There is a wisdom about the oil, a knowing on a very deep level. It has helped to center me both physically and spiritually. I believe that there is a connection between the plants and the people who inhabit this planet. In researching Patchouli, I feel I have one of my strongest earth connections through this essence.

I am deeply concerned that our planet will not survive unless we re-awaken the instinctual healing abilities of women. We must identify oils that bring strength and conviction to the feminine spirit. I believe Patchouli is a powerful oil for women to use in finding their healing voice.

Ed. Note: Thank you, Jeanie, for this journey to the heart of Patchouli. She is, indeed, an oil of conviction.




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A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016









While working with Cypress, I realized many truths about the essence and myself. Early in the morning of the second day of the WOTE Level 1 class, I closed my eyes and allowed Cypress to choose me for the morning meditation.

I was happy with this choice because I have always had a connection with trees. In fact, I have always seen more beauty in a forest than in a garden of roses. At times, I have felt physical discomfort when driving past deforested areas. My favorite animals, squirrels and raccoons, are tree dwellers and I love a woodsy, rustic decorating style. It’s so simple, and should have been apparent, but I did not notice the connections until now.

At the time of the meditation, I didn’t know anything about Cypress, so the following revelations were highly spiritual, beautiful moments for me. While listening to the music during meditation, I felt myself rising through a forest of tall trees, like Alice did when she ate the mushroom in Wonderland. Welcomed by the trees’ embrace, I heard them ask me, “Where have you been?” I realized in that moment that my time in nature has been limited lately; I do not spend the time under trees that is necessary for my happiness and theirs, as well.

As time went on in meditation, I heard the girl next to me crying. I asked the trees to comfort her and give her peace. This was important for me, as I tend to feel that I do not have the power or permission…”who am I to ask

that of Spirit”? I realized that I need the strength and courage of the trees to lift me up more often. I need to stop hiding and show the beauty and power within me.

Soon after this realization, a new song began which had all the sounds of the forest. As it played, I heard axes chopping wood and chainsaws riveting. I became extremely irritated and sad, and hoped and prayed for it to stop. I told the trees “I am sorry” and asked for the sounds to end. Soon, I felt a light fill up inside me, as a new, happy, beautiful song began. I welled up a little with happy tears as the meditation ended. I was not surprised to find that I was the only one who heard the chainsaws.

Shortly before the class, I had decided to go back to school as part of my path to become a Death Doula. Death midwifery is not common in our area, but there are some resources available. When I decided to do my paper on Cypress, the most incredible revelation occurred which supports my life plan. To discover that Cypress is the tree of death, mourning, grief and comfort is a most amazing and beautiful truth. She most definitely will accompany me in my journey of self-discovery and purpose.

Ed. Note: Beautiful, Joanna! A true testament to the ancient adage, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear!”

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A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016

You’re in Good Hands with Emerald Cypress

Ed. Note: One of our Japanese students shared his experience of using Emerald Cypress with the intention of opening his heart. Be ready to have your heart opened, too!

One of the challenges of my life is to live happily; for this purpose, I thought Emerald Cypress is willing to support to open my heart. I like the deep green color of this essence; I feel a powerful pull to the color. This color makes me feel that Emerald Cypress may contain the wisdom of ancient Earth. I like the aroma of this essential essence, too. It smells like something sweet and recalls the affection and words in me.

Usually I apply Emerald Cypress to my 4th, heart chakra. Initially, I used just one drop, as it is a little expensive. Therefore, I did not feel any of the effect of this essence. In the course, I learned that a sufficient amount should be use, so I put on my chest a lot

of Emerald cypress, which brings many kinds of feelings to me.

After I take a shower in the morning, I lie down and drop the essence on my heart. I spread it slowly by my hand and I repeat a deep breath for a few minutes. In a short time, I feel that my heart becomes warm, then the warm feeling spreads throughout the body from my chest at a slow pace. After that, the energy of this essence is wrapping around my whole body. I feel that I am tightly guarded by the warm, gentle energy of this essence.

Moreover, this essence has helped me to open my heart, little by little. This process is still ongoing even now. Emerald Cypress encloses my heart with the gentle energy. The energy gently taps on the door of my heart. This essence keeps a close eye on my and helps me to open my heart without fear.

With the support of Emerald Cypress, I have experienced a variety of emotions in everyday life in an unhurried way, with no panic. And, I have to face the emotions that I have been avoiding to experience, like anger, sadness, loneliness.

When I meditate with Emerald Cypress, I feel very calm, like I am in the forest and being watched by many old friends, such as the plants, animals and fairies. It makes me feel that I came back to my home. I feel that the energy of this essence spreads in a horizontal direction; this reminds me of ties with the people and connection to nature. The energy of Emerald cypress reaffirms to me the significance of these connections.

In meditation, Emerald Cypress told me: It is all right. Put your heart at ease. You’re in good hands. You are protected firmly. You are loved from many people, nature, Earth and the Infinite Universe. Open your heart. Be more confident.




Available August 2016: Voices of Light, Voices of Love…Messages from the Plants and Trees by Audre

Gutierrez, Barry Kapp & Cynthia Olivera de Kapp


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A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016












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A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016

Audre Gutierrez is a Master Medicinal Aromatherapist and partner in Wisdom of the Earth. She has studied in France with Dr. Malte Hozzel and in the US with Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, John Steele, & Barry Kapp. Audre consults with clients on using medicinal essences to bring more authenticity, joy and health into their lives. She is also the editor of Words of Wisdom. Her personal practice, Shining Sun Aromatherapy, is located in Santa Fe, NM, where she lives with her husband, Leonardo.

For over three decades, Cynthia Olivera de Kapp has been a movement educator and therapist, energy healer and spiritual counselor. Her roots are with the indigenous nations of the Caribbean and Corsica. This rich heritage provides an ancient lineage in the healing arts, including natural medicine. She has been teaching women to dance their prayers, heal their sexual issues and meditate with the Earth and the essences as their allies. Cynthia teaches women how to rediscover the juicy-ness and aliveness of the divine feminine through sacred dance, sacred sexuality, essential oils and heart dreaming.









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A periodic newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Issue 61 Summer 2016

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Emails:[email protected](Audre) [email protected](Barry) [email protected](Cynthia)





