wordskills unit 2. agon contest or struggle agony- agon (struggle) y(result of) agony- agon...

Wordskills Unit 2

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Wordskills Unit 2

Agoncontest or struggle

Agony- Agony- agon agon (struggle) (struggle) yy(result of)(result of)

Antagonist- Antagonist- antianti(against) (against) agonagon(struggle) (struggle) istist(one who)(one who)

Protagonist- Protagonist- protoproto(first) (first) agonagon(struggle) (struggle) istist(one who)(one who)

Baroweight, pressure

Barometer- Barometer- barobaro(pressure) (pressure) metermeter(measure)(measure)

Barograph- Barograph- barobaro(pressure) (pressure) graphgraph(write, (write, record)record)

Baritone- Baritone- barobaro(pressure) (pressure) tonton(sound)(sound)

Cerebbrain Cerebellum- Cerebellum- cerecere(brain)(brain)

part that controls voluntary part that controls voluntary movement, posture, equilibrium movement, posture, equilibrium (balance)(balance)

Cerebral- Cerebral- cerecere(brain) (brain) alal(pertaining to)(pertaining to) Cerebrate- Cerebrate- cerecere(brain) (brain) ateate(make, (make,

cause)cause) to thinkto think

Clam (claim)shout, cry out

Clamor- Clamor- clamclam(shout) (shout) oror(state, quality)(state, quality)

Exclamatory- Exclamatory- exex(out) (out) clamclam(shout) (shout) oryory(pertaining to)(pertaining to)

Proclamation- Proclamation- propro(forth, forward) (forth, forward) clamclam(shout) (shout) ationation(act of)(act of)


Clarify- Clarify- clarclar(clear) (clear) fyfy(make)(make)

Declare- Declare- dede(down, from) (down, from) clarclar(clear)(clear)

Clairvoyant- Clairvoyant- clairclair(clear) (clear) voyvoy(see) (see) ant ant (one who)(one who)

Cosmworld, universe, order

Cosmic- Cosmic- cosmcosm(universe) (universe) icic(related to)(related to)

Cosmonaut- Cosmonaut- cosmcosm(universe) (universe) nautnaut(sail)(sail) Cosmopolitan- Cosmopolitan- cosmcosm(world) (world) politpolit(city) (city)

anan(pertaining to)(pertaining to) having international sophistication having international sophistication

and experience; common to the and experience; common to the world; not local or limitedworld; not local or limited

Doc (doct)teach

Doctor- Doctor- doctdoct(teach) (teach) oror(one who)(one who)

Docile-Docile- doc doc(teach) (teach) ileile(capable of being)(capable of being)

Indoctrinate- Indoctrinate- in(in(in, into) in, into) doctdoct(teach) (teach) ateate(make, cause)(make, cause)

Errwander, stray

Error-Error- err err(wander, stray) (wander, stray) oror(that which)(that which)

Erratic- Erratic- errerr(wander, stray) (wander, stray) icic(related to)(related to) having no fixed coursehaving no fixed course

Aberration- Aberration- abab(away from) (away from) errerr(wander, stray) (wander, stray) ationation(act of)(act of) abnormalityabnormality


Foliage-Foliage-folifoli(leaf) (leaf) ageage(result, process)(result, process)

Exfoliate- Exfoliate- exex( out) ( out) folifoli(leaf) (leaf) ateate(make, cause)(make, cause) to peel in small flakes like leaves or skinto peel in small flakes like leaves or skin

Portfolio- Portfolio- portport(carry) (carry) folifoli(leaf)(leaf) device for carrying “leaves” of work, device for carrying “leaves” of work,


Gestcarry, bear

Gestation- Gestation- gestgest(carry) (carry) ationation(act of)(act of)

Digest- Digest- didi(through) (through) gestgest(carry)(carry)

Gesticulate- Gesticulate- gestgest(carry) (carry) ateate(make, (make, cause)= producing movementcause)= producing movement


Holistic- Holistic- holoholo(whole) (whole) icic(related to)(related to)

holocaust- holo(whole) holocaust- holo(whole) caustcaust(burn)(burn) wholesale destruction; complete burningwholesale destruction; complete burning

Holograph- Holograph- holoholo(whole) (whole) graphgraph(write)(write) wholly in handwriting of one who signs itwholly in handwriting of one who signs it

Idiopeculiar, private(unknown),

distinct Idiot- Idiot- idioidio(private)(private)

originally, a private citizen; one unaware of public originally, a private citizen; one unaware of public eventsevents

Idiom- Idiom- idioidio(peculiar(peculiar an expression that is peculiar to a language and an expression that is peculiar to a language and

cannot be translated literally, such as “kick the bucket,” cannot be translated literally, such as “kick the bucket,” meaning “to die”meaning “to die”

Idiosyncrasy- Idiosyncrasy- idioidio(peculiar) (peculiar) synsyn(together) (together) krasiskrasis(mix) (mix) yy(result of) = mental or physical characteristics which are (result of) = mental or physical characteristics which are peculiar to an individualpeculiar to an individual

Lexword, law

Lexicology- Lexicology- lexlex(word) (word) ologyology(study of)(study of)

Lexophobia- Lexophobia- lexlex(word) (word) phobiaphobia(fear of)(fear of) fear of readingfear of reading

Lex non scripta- Lex non scripta- lexlex(law) (law) nonnon(not) (not) scriptscript(written)(written) Unwritten law, common lawUnwritten law, common law


Mariner- Mariner- marmar(sea) (sea) erer(one who)(one who)

Submarine- Submarine- subsub(under) (under) marmar(sea) (sea) ineine(pertaining to)(pertaining to)

Maritime- Maritime- marmaritimus(sea)itimus(sea) Located near the sea; concerned with Located near the sea; concerned with

navigation or shippingnavigation or shipping

Oste (osteo)bone

Osteoarthritis- Osteoarthritis- osteoosteo(bone) (bone) arthrarthr(joint) (joint) it isit is(inflammation)(inflammation)

Osteoporosis- Osteoporosis- osteoosteo(bone) (bone) porpor(pore, (pore, opening) opening) osisosis(disease)(disease)

Osteotomy- Osteotomy- osteoosteo(bone) (bone) tomytomy(cut)(cut)

Petrstone, rock

Petroleum- Petroleum- petrpetr(rock) (rock) oleumoleum(oil)(oil)

Petrify- Petrify- petrpetr(rock, stone) (rock, stone) fyfy(make)(make)

Peter- Peter- petrpetr(rock)(rock)

Ple (plen, plet)fill, full

Plenty- Plenty- pleple(full) (full) yy (result of) (result of)

Complement- Complement- comcom(with) (with) pleple(fill) (fill) mentment (result)(result)

Deplete- Deplete- dede (down, from) (down, from) plet plet (fill)(fill)


Popular- Popular- popul popul (people) (people) arar(pertaining to)(pertaining to)

Depopulate- Depopulate- dede(down) (down) populpopul(people) (people) ateate (make or cause)(make or cause)

Vox populi- Vox populi- vox vox (voice) (voice) populpopul(people) (people) ““Voice of the people” or popular opinionVoice of the people” or popular opinion


Pyre- Pyre- pyrpyr(fire)(fire)

Pyrogenic- Pyrogenic- pyropyro(fire) (fire) gengen(start, begin) (start, begin) icic(related to)(related to)

Pyrophobia- Pyrophobia- pyropyro(fire) (fire) phobiaphobia(fear of)(fear of)

Schizsplit, divide

Schism- Schism- schizschiz(split) (split) Division in the church because of Division in the church because of

difference in doctrinedifference in doctrine Schizophrenia- Schizophrenia- schizschiz(split) (split) phreniaphrenia(mind)(mind)

Mental illnessMental illness Schizogenesis- Schizogenesis- schizschiz(split) (split) gengen(start) (start)

sissis(process)(process) Reproduction by fissionReproduction by fission


Solo- Solo- solsol(alone)(alone)

Desolate- Desolate- dede(down, from) (down, from) solsol(alone) (alone) ateate(characterized by)(characterized by)

Soliloquy- Soliloquy- solsol(alone) (alone) loquyloquy(talk)(talk)


Solar- Solar- solsol(sun) (sun) arar(related to)(related to)

Solarium- Solarium- solsol(sun) (sun) ariumarium(place where)(place where)

Parasol- Parasol- parapara(near, beside) (near, beside) solsol(sun)(sun)

Ten (tenu)thin

Tenuous- Tenuous- tenutenu(thin) (thin) ousous(full of) (full of) Having little substance; weakHaving little substance; weak

Attenuate- Attenuate- atat(very) (very) tenutenu(thin) (thin) ateate(make)(make) To reduce or weakenTo reduce or weaken

Extenuate- Extenuate- exex(out) (out) tenutenu(thin) (thin) ateate(make)(make) To reduce in seriousness with excusesTo reduce in seriousness with excuses

Tom (tomy)cut

Atom- Atom- aa(not) (not) tomtom(cut)(cut)

Anatomy-Anatomy- ana ana(apart, through) (apart, through) tomytomy(cut)(cut)

Dichotomy- Dichotomy- dichodicho((two) two) tomytomy(cut)(cut)

Vict (vinc)conquer, show conclusively

Victor- Victor- victvict(conquer) (conquer) oror(one who)(one who)

Convince- Convince- concon(with) (with) vinc vinc (show (show conclusively)conclusively)

Invincible- Invincible- inin(not) (not) vincvinc(conquer) (conquer) ibleible (able)(able)