working with angry customers. leader's guide

WORKING WITH ANGRY CUSTOMERS October 2008 W W O O R R K K I I N N G G W W I I T T H H A A N N G G R R Y Y C C U U S S T T O O M M E E R R S S F F a a c c i i l l i i t t a a t t o o r r s s G G u u i i d d e e Customer Service Training Guide

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Customer Service Training Guide


October 2008



ANGRY CUSTOMERSExperienced Customer Account Specialists in the

Target Audience: Length:

Water Bureaus Service Center and Call Center Two hours Up to 20 per class

Recommended Class Size: Training Materials: Participant handouts a) Learning Objectives b) What Makes People Angry c) Step-by-Step Approach for De-Escalating Anger d) Things that Can Make Matters Worse e) Methods that Make a Huge Flipchart (Things that Really Help) Post-It pads Attendance sheet

f) g) h) i) j)

Difference Strategies for the Call Center and Service Center Case Problems Your Success Story Summary Card Course Feedback

Learning Objectives:

After completing this training module, Customer

Account Specialists will be able to 1. Recognize situations that can cause frustration for customers, and seek ways to minimize the issues. 2. Avoid using words and behaviors that contribute to stressful situations. 3. Use techniques to help defuse emotions, and take control of the customer interaction in order to achieve a positive outcome. 4. Recognize how our own beliefs and expectations can add stress to working with upset or angry customers.


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Course Outline:I. Introduction a. Opening b. How angry customer situations can make you feel c. How most people respond d. What happens if dealt with effectively e. Working with vs. handling f. What well cover today g. Flipchart: Things that Really Help What Makes Customers Angry a. Our own experience as customers b. What makes people angry (general) c. Specific things that may upset Water Bureau customers A Step-by-Step Process for De-Escalating Anger a. Four positive steps b. Overall benefit Things that Can Make Matters Worse a. Not listening b. Excuses c. Defensiveness d. Quoting policy e. Jargon, abbreviations f. Words to avoid g. Rudeness and sarcasm Methods that Make a Huge Difference a. Apologize b. Soothe c. Listen d. Assure you can help e. f. g. h. VI. Set stage for taking control Two tips for taking control How to give bad news Flipchart: Things that Really Help

Specific Situations You May Encounter a. First, some good news! b. Threats c. Insults, yelling, swearing d. When to get help e. About hanging up Call Center and Service Center-Specific Issues a. Strategies for the Call Center and Service Center b. Service Center c. Call Center Case Problems a. Assign problems b. Read out Noting the Customer Record a. What to include in Memo b. What NOT to include Stress Management Tips and Techniques a. Our own expectations b. Stress management techniques Success Stories a. Your best story b. Lessons Conclusion a. Recovery b. Future interactions c. Review flipchart d. Summary cards e. Closing












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INTRODUCTIONOpening Welcome & introductions. In July 2008, we attended Managing Difficult Customers. Discussed several types of difficult customers Psychologically Challenged Chemically Impaired Upset for a Reason Angry at the World

Today well drill deeper into how to work with upset and angry customers. In some ways, both are similar: Can be emotional, irate. In some ways, different: Upset for a Reason, by definition, has a reason, which we can work to identify and resolve. Both upset and angry customers can be hard to work with, because have the potential to upset you, impact your own emotions, ruin your day. MDC course made some valid recommendations about what needs to happen in an irate customer situation: Defuse, take control, dont escalate with the customer. All of these recommendations are correct. But how do you do these things? What techniques work and what makes matters worse? In this course youll learn some tools and skills that will help you, in many cases, to work more effectively with irate customers.


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How angry customer situations can make you feel

Working with an upset or angry customer can be one of the hardest, most stressful parts of your job. Since we provide water services for all citizens of the city, were exposed to a wide variety of people and personalities. While were required to be professional and courteous, some customers behavior can be downright hostile and abusive. In your experience, when youve had these kinds of interactions, how has it made you feel? Upset; stressed for a few minutes, hours, or longer Wiped out, exhausted Physical signs may be faster breathing, tense feeling in stomach Feel a lack of control Takes the fun out of the job Feel a loss of confidence in your ability to do your job In extreme cases: may feel disgusted, dread coming into work the next day. In some organizations, leads to increased absenteeism and turnover.

How most people respond

Common (negative) reactions of service providers: Getting angry back: Raising voice, interrupting, speaking disrespectfully. Feeling intimidated: Overly apologetic, letting customer take over the interaction. Escaping: Trying to end (or refer) the conversation as fast as possible to make the customer go away.


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What happens if dealt with effectively

If we work with the customer effectively, lots of benefits: For Customer: Can decrease or eliminate anger. Feels like youre listening to them. Increased customer satisfaction. Less likely to follow through on threats to notify media or mayor or commissioners office. Less likely to tell their friends and family about their negative experience (negative stories often get exaggerated). For Water Bureau: Increases customer goodwill. Likely to have positive interactions with that customer in the future. Avoids lawsuits and bad publicity. Improves morale among customer service team. Can help retain good customer service reps. For You: Less stress. Feel good, feel confident. More job satisfaction. Feel like you can help others. You become more valuable to the Water Bureau.

Working with vs. handling

We named this course Working with Angry Customers instead of handling angry customers. What is the difference? (Handling implies were trying to dominate. Sounds like we consider the customer a nuisance that has to be dealt with. What we want to do is work together, and work as partners to solve issues or concerns together.)

What well cover today

Bad News: Working with angry customers is almost always difficult, and there are no simple answers, no recipe or formula you can follow in every case. Have to read situations and use judgment to decide how to respond. Good News: There are some skills and techniques, which we can learn and use, that will help in 90% of situations. Will also learn some things about ourselveshow we react, how our own expectations can set ourselves up for disappointmentand some methods for managing stressful situations.


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Flipchart: Things that Really Help

You probably have some good techniques that help you when you work with an angry customer. We have a flipchart for those techniques that help you the most. If you hear a technique today that you really like, or if you have a favorite technique that we didnt discuss in class, write it on a Post-It note and post it on the flipchart. Well save time at the end of class to go over your favorite techniques.

WHAT MAKES CUSTOMERS ANGRYOur own experience as customers One of the best ways to deal with angry customer situations is before they happen Think about how you feel when youre a customer and something has upset or frustrated you. Maybe a long line, rude waiter or apathetic salesperson. If you can remember how you felt in those situations, you can relate to the feelings our customers might have. Its not excusable for a customer to harass you, but it helps to realize that theyre human. And humans can have bad days and can be on their worst behavior. What makes people angry (general) Lots of things can make a customer angry. Most of the time, the customer will be pretty vocal about letting you know whats upsetting them. We need to pay attention and respond based on what is upsetting them. What would you do to help manage, in each of the following situations? [Refer to handout. Have participants work in groups of four. Assign each group one of the situations. Have groups read out how they would handle the situation. The following table shows both the situations and some recommended methods.]


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1. Customer is having personal problems or just having a bad day. 2. Customer is frustrated by a lack of information; they dont understand something or think were trying to take advantage of them. 3. Customer has gotten the runaround or has gotten conflicting stories.

Show empathy, listen. Show appreciation that customer came in (or called). Be positive and indicate that you can help. Indicate youre glad customer has brought the matter to your attention. Provide clear, concise explanations.

4. Customer perceives we didnt do what we said we would do. 5. Customer is in a rush and system is running slow. Might be on lunch hour or parked at a meter thats about to expire.

Apologize, go out of your way to be helpful. Be sure to be honest about what you can (or cannot) do for the customer. Provide clear explanations. Check facts to make sure your information is accurate. Apologize, and make sure any follow up actions are arranged correctly, so that we keep the commitments we make to the customer. Apologize, briefly explain how long transaction will take. Assure customer you realize theyre pressed for time and that youll help as quickly as you can. Keep explanations brief. Focus on business; dont chitchat with customer or other people.


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Specific things that Certain events are upsetting by definition and have the may upset Water potential to make a customer angry. Some things that Bureau customers can happen: Customer receives Final Notice card Water is shut off Customer perceives there is an error on bill Perceives bill as too high Payment not posted, or posted as wrong amount Cannot pay (embarrassment, frustration and worry can convert into anger) Customer is denied opportunity to make another payment arrangement Customers car was towed for covering meter Other situations youve experienced?

What do all of these situations have in common? What does the customer want?


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A STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS FOR DE-ESCALATING ANGERFour positive steps [Review the following, and have participants complete the Benefits column of their handout, Step-by-Step Process for De-Escalating Anger.] STEP 1: Let the customer vent. Listen and encourage them to talk without interrupting. Use words like I see, or Go ahead. Dont try to cut them off. (Benefit: Begins the rapport, shows that you respect the customer. Later on, well talk about some techniques that will help you steer the conversation so that the venting wont go on forever.) STEP 2: When the customer pauses (youll hear a break or a change in tone), recap and ask for confirmation: As I understand it, your concern is XYZ, is that correct? (Benefit: Shows customer you listened and that you understand the issue. Gives customer chance to clarify.) STEP 3: Ask if there is anything else they wanted to add. (Benefit: Shows youre not rushing them. Enables you to get more information. Positions you as the one controlling the interaction.) STEP 4: Begin to problem solve together with the customer. (Benefit: Mutual striving to solve the problem; not adversarial.) Overall benefit Its natural to want to rush through a transaction with an irate customer so you can get it over with. Using this four-step process may take extra time. But it will enable you to help the customer better, because Youve bought time to think about causes of problems and possible solutions. You now thoroughly understand the situation and the customers viewpoint. The customer is more inclined to work with you as a partner to solve the problem.


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THINGS THAT CAN MAKE MATTERS WORSENot listening Think about how you feel when youre telling someone about a problem and they seem to be not listening. They interrupt, they look bored, you get the impression theyre paying attention to something else. Even a polite customer can be pushed into anger when they feel theyre not being heard. Makes them feel disrespected. Makes them think we wont help them. We may have a good reason to not listen. May have already heard about the same problem from several other customers today. So we try to save time and aggravation by gently pushing the customer to get to the point. But this customer may have some new, additional facts. If we cut them off, may miss some relevant information. And well make the customer mad! Listening will make the customer feel valued and help you get all the information you need. Good listening includes: Not interrupting. Encouraging person to continue by saying things like I see and Yes. (And in Service Center: nodding and making eye contact.) Paraphrasing what the customer said so they can confirm your understanding.


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Suppose a customer calls about an error on a bill. Lets say the customer is right; it is an error. You know why the error occurred, and you want to explain the reason to the customer. But to the customer, it sounds like were making excuses. Customers perceive that as us saying were not going to help. A better technique is to get right to problem solving. Use action-oriented words that suggest youre going to help. For example, Let me see what I can do to help you or May I have the address so I can look at the account?


Its natural to try to explain why you think were right and the customer is wrongespecially when youre sure you are right! Unfortunately, even if youre right, the customer perceives it as being argumentative on your part. In most cases, defending doesnt help solve the problem, and it doesnt help set the stage for partnering. It comes across as stubborn or confrontational. Important to continue using a calm tone of voice (not condescending) when you explain things, so you wont come across as defensive. Easier said than done when someone is yelling at you? A good technique to try: Take a deep breath. Exhale quietly through your mouth. Will give you a moment to regain your composure, think about what you want to say, and focus on something (breathing) other than the fact that you feel attacked.


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Quoting policy

Toward the beginning of the customer interaction, avoid words like policy or regulations. Dont read the customer city codes, laws or practices. It can make customer think were trying to hide behind bureaucratic rules, rather than seeking to work together to resolve a problem. Keep in mind that less information can be better. Keep your explanation brief, then get right to actions and problem solving. A tip for making your interactions more positive: When you need to refer to a policy or business practice, avoid using the words they and their to refer to the city or Water Bureau. Using those words sounds like you are separate from the city/bureau. It implies you disagree with the policy. A better way to refer to the city/bureau is we. Words like we and our sound more positive, more unified. Sounds like you consider yourself part of the team. What would be a more positive way to say the following when making payment arrangements with a customer? Theyre going to cut your water off if you dont pay them $120 by Tuesday. (Well be able to keep your water on if youll make a payment of $120 by Tuesday.)

Jargon, abbreviations

A related problem is using technical terms and acronyms when explaining something to the customer. We know what the words mean, but the customer gets confused, and confusion can turn into anger. What are some of the terms we use that would be unfamiliar to most customers? (One example: LINC) What might we say instead when we talk to a customer? (Instead of LINC, financial assistance program)


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Words to avoid

Try to avoid using negative, emotionally charged words. Certain words can cause a negative reaction. They may sound accusatory and confrontational. Example of emotionally charged words: You claimed you would pay the bill in full by September 1, yet you failed to pay anything. What might you say instead? (Our records show you indicated youd pay the bill by September 1. Unfortunately, as of today, we have not received a payment.)

Rudeness and sarcasm

Even if the customer is rude or sarcastic, its never helpful, or permissible, to be condescending and sarcastic. It may seem temptingand even natural to respond the same way. But its part of being a professional to stay calm and courteous. Begin all interactions in a positive way by addressing the customer with respect: Use Mr. or Ms. together with their last name, unless theyve asked you to call them by their first name. Never use words that can be taken as offensive; for example, dont call a customer Sweetie or Hon. In addition, try to listen to your own tone of voice to make sure youre not escalating with an angry customer. It can be hard to know how you come across. Two techniques to try: 1. Ask to listen to one of your recorded calls where a customer was being especially challenging. Now that youre listening to the call as an observer, you might hear something in your voice that you want to work on. 2. Ask a coworker or lead or supervisor for their honest impression of how your voice sounded during a challenging interaction. Try to learn from the experience.


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METHODS THAT MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCEApologize During the initial part of the interaction, apologize for the situation. The words should be simple. For example My apologies for your inconvenience, or Im sorry you had to take the time to come in (or call). When apologizing, sincere tone of voice is essential. What you dont have to do: You dont have to agree with the customer (for example: Yes I agree, it is a dumb policy). You dont have to take the blame or say we are wrong. You dont have to break a policy and give in to everything the customer asks for.

An apology is usually important to the customer. It shows the customer that you respect their feelings. The customer may not be expecting an apology. So apologizing right up front can help turn a potentially unpleasant transaction into a positive one. Soothe Important to convey empathy. Empathy doesnt mean pity. It doesnt mean agreeing with the customer or being disloyal to the Water Bureau. It means showing you recognize and acknowledge the customers feelings. To help yourself empathize, picture yourself as a customer when youve been angry or upset in a store or restaurant or on the phone. It usually helps to tell the customer you understand that they feel frustrated. For example, if you say: I understand how frustrating this can be. You might even say, I would be frustrated too. This acknowledges that you recognize the customers feelings, and that youre not trying to argue with them.


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Before you can start to solve the problem, you need to understand the problem. Those of you who like books about personal growth are probably familiar with Stephen Coveys Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. One of the seven habits is: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. In other words, dont start making your point until youve really listened, heard and understood the customers point of view. Because youll probably learn some things that are relevant and that will influence your response. So let the customer know you want to listen and understand. This will help you gain their cooperation, plus youll gain control of the visit (or call).

Assure you can help

Assure customer you can help (if you can). Accept the responsibility, and let them know they came to or calledthe right place.

Set stage for taking Tell customer: control Im glad you called to let us know about the situation, and for giving me the chance to help. This has at least three benefits: Its positive (something the customer may not have expected). It establishes that you want to help. It indicates that you will be in charge of the next steps in resolving the problem.


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Two tips for taking control

1. Its reasonable and helpful to let the customer vent. But if customer is repeating himself/herself, or bringing up problems unrelated to Water Bureau, you can take control of the conversation by asking: Is there anything else I can do for you? Why is this question helpful? (Brings customer back to reality, helps them focus on the key things they want, indicates you are willing and ready to help.) 2. Another technique to take control: Ask closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions will: Help you direct and focus the discussion. Puts you in charge instead of letting the customer repeat or ramble. Help you find out facts/information you need. Help you determine what the customer wants.

What is an example of a closed-ended question you might use with a customer? (Are you receiving your bills at that address?)


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How to give a customer bad news

Sometimes you have to tell a customer something they dont want to hear. Two methods to give bad news that can keep the conversation positive: 1. Instead of saying what you cant do, say what you can do. Tell the customer what is within your scope of authority. For example, customer has not paid, and came in today because they received a Final Notice Card: Yes, I see that your water is scheduled to be turned off on Tuesday. Heres what I can do (Explain options for payment arrangements and assistance programs). Makes the customer feel you are working with them and trying to help. 2. When you have to give bad news, ease it by making some positive statements. For example, if a customer believes their bill is incorrect because its higher than usual: I appreciate your concern. Im looking at your account and I see you use Budget Billing. I see this is the month that your billing trues up, which means (explain). So the amount on the bill is correct. But Im glad you brought it to my attention so I could have a chance to clarify. Words like appreciate, glad and clarify are positive and help keep the situation positive. (As opposed to saying Let me see whats wrong, or I see the problem or You misunderstood.)


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Flipchart: Things that Really Help

Remind participants to write their best techniques or advice on Post-It notes. Have them add their initials and post on flipchart. Will discuss toward the end of this class. If cant think of a technique, ask yourself: When youve been angry with a store or other business, what did the salesperson or customer service person do that helped make you feel better? Or, what did a customer service person do that made you more satisfied with the interaction and earned your future business?

SPECIFIC SITUATIONS YOU MAY ENCOUNTERFirst, some good news! Angry customer situations will not happen often! Call Center reps may get a couple a week, per Carrie. In Service Center, even lessmaybe one difficult interaction a month, per Corbett. If the customer says they want to speak to the Mayor or Water Bureau Commissioner, or threatens to contact a TV station or send a letter to the editor of The Oregonian, dont panic. Its not unusual for a customer to question a policy or a rate increase. Customers have the right to talk to the Mayors office or Commissioners office about policies, codes or rates. If a customer threatens to call the media or the Mayor or Commissioner, use your best problem solving skills to try to assist the customer. If that doesnt suffice, involve a lead or supervisor. What we dont want to happen is for a customer to contact the media or the Mayor/Commissioner because they got poor service. Be sure to document what you covered with the customer in the account Memo.



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Insults, yelling, swearing

True or False: If you work in a customer service job, youre required to periodically put up with abusive language or swearing. False. Giving good customer service does not mean having to be a door mat. When someone is yelling at you, its human nature to take it personally and yell back or respond sarcastically. It may be temping to say, Would you shut up! What is your problem?? or Do you mind if I get a word in edgewise? or You need to calm down and listen! More likely that the person is angry at a situation or at the City than at you personally. Direct the conversation by telling the customer you want to help them if they would calm down. Here are two options that work well: I understand you are frustrated. Id like to help you resolve this issue. To do that, we need to be able to have a calm conversation together. Or, Id certainly like to help you, but the profanity is making it impossible. Would you like me to give you a few minutes to gather your thoughts? Or if you like, Id be glad to call you back. What advantages would these statements have? (Acknowledges their feelings. Gives person a chance to realize what theyre doing and calm down. Allows them to save face because youre not screaming back. Sounds like you sincerely want to help.) Above all: Dont let yourself be confrontational to match the customer; it makes the customer more argumentative and more agitated. If you stay professional, calm and composed, they will calm down. As Corbett White has said, Its hard to have an argument by yourself.


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When to get help

Handle the interaction yourself if possible. Benefits: Customer doesnt get passed around and have to tell their story again. Customer realizes you are empowered to help. Next time they have a problem, they dont immediately ask for a supervisor.

If you feel the situation is extreme, or if you get to the point where you cant help the customer, you can ask for help from a lead or supervisorthey are here to support you. Before you decide to get help, make sure youve done everything within your power to work with the customer. Use good judgment to decide if you need to get help. If you ever feel youre in danger Incidents when you might be in danger will be extremely rare. Nonetheless, if you work in the Service Center, its important to know what to do in case you should ever feel threatened. Since our office is open, if volume starts to raise, your lead will realize that emotions are starting to escalate and will step in to assist. If your lead isnt nearby, you should call the lead over and ask for assistance. The lead will probably ask the customer to step over to the third station and handle the transaction from there. Your lead and your manager have remote controls they can use to summon Security. Security will ask the person to leave the premises, although they cannot force them. If you should ever feel that a situation is physically dangerous to you, or you perceive that the person is attempting a robbery, there is a Police buzzer under the cashier station.


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About hanging up

Some people have been taught that you can never hang up on a customer. But remember, you are not paid to take abuse. Youre paid to use your best skills and judgment to solve problems. If youve done everything you can and the customer is still screaming, cursing, or insulting you, dont just hang up on them. First issue a warning: I really do want to assist you, however, Im unable to do so if you continue to use profanity (or shout at me). If the customer continues the behavior, say, I am sorry, I am terminating this call now, and hang up. Immediately tell your supervisor about the call and the reason you hung up. Make a note in the account Memo. If the customer calls back, theyll know were serious about how we are willing to interact with them. That should minimize the likelihood of them continuing the abusewith you or with other service reps. Service Center: You cant hang up, but what technique could you use in such an interaction? (Similarly, state you will not continue this discussion if they continue to use profanity. Use words we reviewed earlier: Id like to be able to help you, but the profanity is making it impossible. Would you like a few minutes to gather your thoughts?) If the situation is still extreme, get support from your lead or supervisor.


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CALL CENTER AND SERVICE CENTER-SPECIFIC ISSUESStrategies for the Call Center and Service Center Most of the skills and techniques for working with angry customers apply equally to the Service Center and Call Center. But there are some differences in physical circumstances and in how we can respond. [Refer participants to worksheet titled Strategies for the Call Center and Service Center. As we go through the next sections, have them fill out the column titled Implications for Working with Angry or Upset Customers.] Service Center WHATS UNIQUE ABOUT WORKING IN THE SERVICE CENTER Customer took the time/trouble/expense to come in, so they may feel more entitled to get desired outcome. IMPLICATIONS FOR WORKING WITH ANGRY OR UPSET CUSTOMERS Since any customer who comes into the Service Center has made an effort to be there, important to provide accurate, timely and productive service. Use the chance to start positive, with a friendly greeting, smile and eye contact. If youre assisting another customer, acknowledge the new customer with a glance, eye contact and smile. Nodding and making eye contact shows that youre listening to the customer. Avoid negative body language. (For example, crossing arms suggests youre angry or displeased. Looking away = disinterested. Looking at watch = impatient). We can observe if the customer looks stressed, frustrated, confused, embarrassed, etc. and respond accordingly.

Since were face to face, we have the ability to use our body language and facial expression to communicate.

We can read the customers body language.


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Cant hang up if customer is abusive. Customer may demand to see Mayor or Commissioner. If customer is extremely agitated, it can feel frightening for us. Other unique factors: _______________ _______________

Explain that the behavior is making it impossible to help them, and ask them to stop the profanity or shouting. Use techniques we just discussed regarding threats. Should call for assistance from lead, as discussed previously. May need to contact Security or Police or Advanced Solutions Team if appropriate. [Have participants add other factors, and review with group.]


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Call Center

WHATS UNIQUE ABOUT WORKING IN THE CALL CENTER Customer feels theyre invisible, so can be on worst behavior. Customers are more likely to yell or use abusive language by phone than when face to face.

IMPLICATIONS FOR WORKING WITH ANGRY OR UPSET CUSTOMERS Sometimes customers who are having a terrible day take it out on us. Try not to take it personally. If they say words like You are incompetent, you need to get your act together, remember they dont mean you, they mean the City or the Water Bureau. Use the skills youve learned to improve the situation to the extent you can. All you can go by are the customers wordswhat they say and how they say it. To be sure you understand the customers issue, ask questions to clarify. Paraphrase to make sure you understand. Use your tone of voice to convey concern, empathy or authority. Keeping a calm tone of voice is essential to keeping control. What does calm sound like? (When peoples emotions escalate, their words usually get higher pitched, louder, and faster. To sound calm and in control, keep your voice at the same pitch, speed and volume as normal.) [Have participants add other factors, and review with group.]

There is no way for you to read the customers body language.

Cant use your own body language to help you communicate.

Other unique factors: _______________ _______________


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CASE PROBLEMSAssign problems [Have participants work in groups of four. Assign a Case Problem to each group. Tell them they have five minutes to discuss, and they should choose a note taker and a speaker.] [Have each group explain their situation and what techniques they would use to work with the customer. Ask other teams: 1. What would be helpful about that method, and 2. What else they might do.]

Read out

NOTING THE CUSTOMER RECORDWhat to include in Memo Like any customer transaction, this transaction should be documented. As always, you will include relevant facts. For example: The name of the person you talked to What you discussed Any arrangements made Any relevant dates, etc.


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What NOT to include

Do not make any statements that would be considered offensive if the customer were to read them. Memos in the system are considered public information, so anyone can read them. Consider the newspaper test: If you were quoted in the newspaper, would you be comfortable with what you had written? If not, leave it out of the Memo. In all cases: No sarcasm No character defamation No judgment of customers sanity, intelligence or sobriety Do not mention customers anger (furious, irate) or behavior (yelled, screamed, cursed). You might state, The customer was concerned about XYZ. If customer made threats (said they would call the Mayor or Water Bureau Commissioner or newspaper), put a note in the account to document what they said and how you responded. When in doubt, ask a lead or supervisor to read the Memo before you finalize it.


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STRESS MANAGEMENT TIPS AND TECHNIQUESOur own expectations We cannot fix other people, but can adjust our own attitudes. Lets look at some common attitudes and what happens to us as a result of having those attitudes: 1. When were at work, we expect things to go pleasantly, or at least neutral, most of the time. When we get a situation thats unpleasant, takes us by surprise and throws us off balance. 2. Were nice people and we wouldnt treat someone else badly. When a customer is abusive, it makes us indignant because its unfairafter all, we didnt do anything wrong. 3. We tend to take things personally. Hard not to when the customer is yelling at YOU! Using the skills in this course will help you work with the customer. It may also help to remember that part of our reaction comes from our own expectations. If we can remind ourselves that people are human and have bad days, or they may have legitimate reasons to be angry, it can help us manage our own feelings. Stress management techniques Some techniques that help: Take a deep breath. Release slowly. Pause before you speak. Try to not take the customers frustration personally. Remember in most cases, its not about you its about a policy or problem or about the city, or even about the customer themself. After the interaction, stretch or take a walk. Doing something physical can help. Call Center: Place a small mirror near your phone so you can see your facial expression. Scientific studies show that smiling can actually make you feel better. Talk to another rep or supervisor for moral support.

What other techniques help you?


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SUCCESS STORIESYour best story Think of a situation where you worked effectively with a customer who had been upset. Write down: What was the situation; what did the customer want? How did you handle it? What worked/what helped? What could you have done better?

[Have several participants read or summarize their story.] Lessons What do some of these success stories have in common? [Discuss lessons we can learn from each other.]

CONCLUSIONRecovery When you have a customer interaction that starts out negative and turns out positive, the customer usually comes away with a good impression of the Water Bureau. From the viewpoint of the customer that you helped, you are the Water Bureau. Chances are that when you worked effectively with them to solve a problem, you improved their attitude about the Water Bureau and maybe even the City.


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Future interactions

Using these techniques doesnt mean youll never have to work with another angry customer. You may not be able to turn every experience into a happy one, but you will feel less stressed, and more in control. Its important to remember that were here in Customer Service to serve customers. Without customers, we dont have a job. Even when you get a customer whos angry or challenging, theres usually a way to defuse the anger and make it a more positive experience. You now have a few more techniques for being successful in working with angry customers, plus youre more aware of your ability to manage your own attitudes and reactions.

Review flipchart

[Review items participants posted on Things that Really Help flipchart. Add any final items participants want to add. Tell participants we will summarize techniques from all classes and email everyone the list of techniques.]


October 2008, Page 30 of 31

Summary cards

[Hand out Reminders and Key Phrases summary cards. These are laminated cards to post by the phone, with the following reminders and key phrases:

REMINDERS AND KEY PHRASES FOR DIFFICULT INTERACTIONS Breathe. Apologize, soothe, listen, recap; then problem solve together. Focus on the positive: Heres what I can do for you If comments become repetitive or unrelated to Water Bureau: Is there anything else I can do for you? If swearing or yelling: Id like to be able to help you resolve this concern, but the profanity is making it impossible. Would you like me to give you a few minutes to gather your thoughts? If need to terminate the call: Issue a warning: I want to assist you, but Im unable to do so if you continue to use profanity. If profanity continues: I am sorry, I am terminating this call now. Tell your supervisor about the call. Remember, its usually not personal. You are awesome and youre doing a great job! Closing [Ask for any final comments or questions. Ask how many picked up some techniques they think will help. Have participants fill out Course Feedback form. Ensure everyone has signed Attendance sheet.]


October 2008, Page 31 of 31