workover well control

Workover Well Control Real differences between drilling and workover well control. In drilling, the uphole shoe is weak zone, while in workovers, the pay is weak zone. Operations in drilling that might break down the shoe (e.g., shutting in over night with gas migrating up the annulus), would cause no problem in workovers in cased holes. Workover Well Control and Blow Out Prevention Guide BP-Chevron Alliance Text

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Workover Well Control


Page 1: Workover Well Control

Workover Well Control

• Real differences between drilling and workover

well control.

• In drilling, the uphole shoe is weak zone, while in

workovers, the pay is weak zone.

• Operations in drilling that might break down the

shoe (e.g., shutting in over night with gas

migrating up the annulus), would cause no

problem in workovers in cased holes.

Workover Well Control and Blow Out Prevention Guide – BP-Chevron Alliance Text

Page 2: Workover Well Control

Massive shallow gas release – West Vanguard

Page 3: Workover Well Control

Working Fluids

• Drilling – muds - fluid loss control – allows

operations at high overbalance with

minimum fluid losses.

• Workovers – often clear brines – even small

overbalance causes excessive fluid loss.

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Page 4: Workover Well Control

Well Control Methods

• Drilling – drillers method

• Workovers – bullheading is common

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Page 5: Workover Well Control

Surface Pressure and Equipment

• Allowable surface pressures are higher for

workovers and completions as compared to

drilling operations, at least in relatively new


• Workovers in older wells may have surface

pressure limitations due to loss of casing

integrity. (Most older wells have lower

formation pressures due to depletion).

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Page 6: Workover Well Control

Well Control Considerations

• Well History (mechanical damage, corrosion, abrasion, etc)

• Tubular and wellhead details

• Casing and cementing details

• Annular heating and thermal expansion

• Workover fluid program

• Current mechanical condition

• Directional Survey data

• Expected reservoir and fracture pressures

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Page 7: Workover Well Control

Four Well Conditions

• Static Condition – wellbore fluid and tubing are stationary.

• Forward circulating – fluids are pumped down the tubing and up the annulus.

• Reverse circulating – fluids are pumped down the annulus and up the tubing.

• Tripping – tubing is being pulled or run into well.

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Page 8: Workover Well Control

Static – Hydrostatic Pressure

• Ph = 0.052 * FD * TVD

Ph = hydrostatic pressure, psi

FD = fluid density, ppg

TVD = true vertical depth, ft

0.052 = 7.49 (gal/ft3) / 144 (in2/ft2)

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Page 9: Workover Well Control

Static – Hydrostatic Pressure

• Calculate the hydrostatic pressure exerted in a vertical well on the perforations at 5000 ft in a well filled with 10 ppg workover brine.

Ph = 0.052*10*5000 = 2600 psi

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Page 10: Workover Well Control

The Extreme Case – Horizontal

Well • MD or TVD?

Difference in volumes and in pressures

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Bottom Hole Pressure

• BHP = Ph + Ps

– BHP = bottom hole pressure

– Ph = hydrostatic pressure

– Ps = surface pressure

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Page 13: Workover Well Control

Forward Circulating/Friction


• Pump Pressure =

Friction pressure in flow line +

Friction pressure in tubing string +

Friction pressure in downhole tools +

Annular friction pressure +

Annular hydrostatic pressure -

Tubing hydrostatic pressure

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r F



Tool Fric


g F


Page 14: Workover Well Control

Forward Circulation

• Circulation Path

• Friction pressures make BHP during circulation higher than at static conditions.

• Annular backpressure is additive to annular friction pressure for BHP

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Page 15: Workover Well Control

BHP with a Choke

• During regular circulation,

with 10 ppg brine, there is

200 psi annular friction and

300 psi backpressure is held

with a choke.

• Calculate the BHP.

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Page 16: Workover Well Control

BHP with a Choke

• BHP = Ph + Ps + Pfann

Note that this is the back pressure side of the


• BHP = 0.052*(10)(5000)+300+200

• BHP = 3100 psi

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Page 17: Workover Well Control

Equivalent Circulating Density

• ECD = Pfann /(0.052 * TVD) + FD

ECD = equivalent circulating density, ppg

Pfann = annular friction (psi)

TVD = true vertical depth (ft)

FD = fluid density, ppg

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Page 18: Workover Well Control

Equivalent Circulating Density

• Calculate ECD for circulation with 10

ppg brine and 200 psi annular friction


• ECD = 200 / (0.052*5000) + 10

• ECD = 10.77 ppg

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Page 19: Workover Well Control

Reverse Circulating

• BHP = Ph + Ps + Pftbg

BHP = bottom hole pressure, psi

Ph = hydrostatic pressure

Ps = surface pressure

Pftbg = tubular friction (psi)

The bottom hole pressure is highly influenced by the tubing friction – annular friction is not felt except as a loss of surface pressure or hydrostatic – only important in close annular clearances.

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Page 20: Workover Well Control

Reverse Circulating

• Calculate the BHP at 5000 ft while

reverse circulating with 10 ppg brine

and holding 300 psi back pressure on

the tubing choke. Friction in the

tubing is 500 psi. Friction in the

annulus is 0.

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Page 21: Workover Well Control

Reverse Circulating

• BHP = Ph + Ps + Pftbg

• BHP = 0.052(10)(5000) + 300 + 500

• BHP = 3400 psi

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Page 22: Workover Well Control

ECD Reverse Circulating

• ECD = Pftbg/(0.052* TVD) +FD

Pftbg = friction pressure in the tubing, psi

TVD = true vertical depth, ft

FD = fluid density, ppg

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Page 23: Workover Well Control


Swab occurs in upward

tool/tube movement.

Any large BHA can swab.

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Page 24: Workover Well Control

Red Flags for Swabs

1. Fast Pipe Movement

2. Viscous Fluids and High Gel Strengths

3. Tool OD > 80% Pipe ID

1. Packers

2. Liners

3. Perf guns

4. Scrapers

5. Pumps

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Page 25: Workover Well Control

Possible Indicators of a Kick

1. Cutting of fluid

2. Change in chloride content of water

3. Incorrect fill-ups

4. Decrease in pump press while circulating – decrease in hydrostatic pressure from kick.

5. Increase in flow line temperature

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Page 26: Workover Well Control

Handling a Workover Kick

• Minimize the influx

– Early recognition and quick shut in

– Estimate of type of kick from pressure


– Problems with hole geometry

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Page 27: Workover Well Control

Trapped Pressures and Fluids

• Completions well work may encounter trapped fluids or pressures

• Trap areas:

– Plugs, packers, SSSV, surface valves – need equalization path

– Tools – below large tools with viscous fluids in wellbore

– Debris plugs – fill, paraffin, scale, corrosion

– Well Design – large annuli (minimize), dual strings, cross-overs, deviation, washouts, cross-flows

– Annular thermal expansion Workover Well Control and Blow Out Prevention Guide – BP-Chevron Alliance Text

Page 28: Workover Well Control

Special Cases of Control

• Trapped Gas

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Gas in the annulus above the end of

tubing, is stored energy. High stored

energy after fracturing or bullheading

will pressure up after shut down. It

may bleed off rapidly by displacing

fluid into the formation.

Page 29: Workover Well Control

Mechanical Failures

• Equipment malfunction or failure is

involved in 20% of blowouts.

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Page 30: Workover Well Control

Effect of Casing Size

• 10 ppg fluid, 20 bbl gas kick, 2-7/8” tubing

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Page 31: Workover Well Control

Effect of Kick Type and Density

• 10 ppg fluid,

20 bbl kick,

7” Casing,

2-7/8” tbg

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Page 32: Workover Well Control

As Gas Migrates Upward…..

• Gas migration is the upward movement of a gas

bubble – occurs without circulation – fluid

density difference is the driver.

• Calculate the increase in BH pressure and

surface pressure when a gas kick migrates 500 ft

in a 5000’ deep well filled with 10 lb/gal brine.

Initial SICP is 400 psi and initial reservoir

pressure is 3000 psi.

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Page 33: Workover Well Control

Gas Migration Problem

BHP = bubble press + hydrostatic below bubble

BHP = 3000 + (0.052)*(10)*(5000’-4500’)

BHP = 3260 psi

4500 ft


3000 psi

400 psi

3260 psi

660 psi

Ps = bubble press +

Phyd to bubble = 3000-

(0.052(10)(4500) = 660


Page 34: Workover Well Control

Gas Expansion

• Expansion – simple approach – Boyle’s Law

• P1V1 = P2V2

Calculate the volume of gas downstream of the

choke when a 1 bbl kick at 3000 psig (3014.7

psia) is bled off.

V2 = P1V1/P2 = (3014.7 psi)(1 bbl) / (14.7 psi)

V2 = 205 bbl of gas (standard conditions) vented.

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Page 35: Workover Well Control

Gas Expansion

• One barrel of gas, vented to atmospheric pressure,

expands to:

– From 500 psi => 35 bbl

– From 1000 psi => 69 bbl

– From 1500 psi => 103 bbl

– From 2000 psi => 137 bbl

– From 3000 psi => 205 bbl

– From 5000 psi => 341 bbl

Large kick volumes under high pressures will take very long

time to vent!

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Page 38: Workover Well Control

Calculation – 10 bbl gas kick

Workover Well Control and Blow Out Prevention Guide – BP-Chevron Alliance Text

• 10 bbl gas kick in casing, perforations at

5000 ft. 7”, 23 lb/ft casing, 2-7/8” tubing, 9

ppg brine. SITP = 260 psi. Gas gradient =

0.1 psi/ft, Calc BHP and SICP. Annulus

capacity = 0.0313 bbls/ft.

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Calculation – 10 bbl gas kick

Workover Well Control and Blow Out Prevention Guide – BP-Chevron Alliance Text

• BHP = Phyd + Ps = 0.052(9)(5000) + 260 = 2600 psi

• Need height of gas kick in casing

• Kick height = 10 bbls/0.0313 bbls/ft =319.5’

• Mud height = 5000 – 319.5 = 4680.5 ft

• Phyd = (319.5 ft)(0.1 psi/ft)

+(0.0052)(9)(4680.5) = 2222 psi

• SICP = BHP - Phyd = 2600 – 2222 = 378 psi

Page 40: Workover Well Control

Abnormal Pressures

• Reservoir pressure above normal (0.465 psi/ft or 9


• Sources

– Known high pressure pays

– EOR projects (floods, gas inj, WAG, CO2, steam, etc)

– Disposal zones

– Tool and thread leaks

– Cross-flowed zones

– Recharged zones

– Annular heating (thermal expansion) during start-up

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Page 41: Workover Well Control

Production – Temp rises 45oF / 7oC to 115oF / 46oC

Gas lift supply – 2000 psi

Trapped Annular Fluid

82 ft or methane gas

2118 ft of diesel

2200 ft

13-3/8”, 72 lb/ft, L-80, Burst rating is 5370 psi

9-5/8”, 47 lb/ft, N-80, Collapse rating is 4700 psi.

Problems – Will annular pressure rise to a level that

could collapse the 9-5/8” or burst the 13-3/8”?

What prevention methods are available?

Page 42: Workover Well Control


Temp rises from 45oF / 7oC to 115oF / 46oC

Diesel expands w/ temp rise: 0.0004 /oF or 0.00072 /oC.

Gas expands with temp rise and is compressed by liquid

expansion – also opposes liquid expansion – result?

Pressure rises quickly – liquid is dominant effect.

Page 43: Workover Well Control

82 ft

2000 psi

2000 psi

3000 psi

25 ft

45oF or 7oC 75oF or 24oC

>5000 psi <3 ft

100oF or 38oC

Page 44: Workover Well Control

Shut-In Procedures –

circulating/drilling/cleanout 1. Alert crew

2. Position work string w/ tool joint clear of BOP and

accessible from rig floor

3. Stop pumps

4. Close uppermost applicable preventer – confirm shut in.

5. Read and record:

1. SITP (bump float if one is in use)


3. Pit gain, bbl

4. Time

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Page 45: Workover Well Control

Shut-In Procedures – while

tripping 1. Alert crew

2. Stab fully open safety valve

3. Close safety valve

4. Position work string w/ tool joint clear of BOP and accessible from rig floor

5. Stop pumps

6. Close uppermost applicable preventer – confirm shut in.

7. Read and record:


2. Pit gain, bbl

3. Time

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Page 46: Workover Well Control

Shut-In Procedures – wireline

1. Alert crew

2. Increase pressure to grease injector

3. Attempt to pull wireline tool into lubricator without additional flow. Close in if necessary – avoid moving wire through ram blocks.

4. Close uppermost applicable tree valve (or wireline blind ram if wire is in the hole) confirm shut in. Cut wire as a last resort.

5. Read and record:

1. Shut in surface pressure

2. Estimate loss of fluid from lubricator, if any.

3. Time

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Page 47: Workover Well Control

Special Cases – special

procedures needed • Pipe out of hole

• Fishing operations

• Pulling/running rods

• Wells on gas lift

• Pulling/running submersible pumps

• Wells with ScSSV’s

• Daylight only operations

• Interchanging production tree and BOP stack

• Coiled tubing

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