worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.1 ANIMALS Animals can be classified into different classes according to their characteristics: Match each class with its correct description: MAMMALS They are vertebrates. They have feathers and they born-out of hard-shelled eggs. BIRDS They are vertebrates that are born in water. When they are born, they breathe with gills like a fish. But when they grow up, they develop lungs and they can live on land. FISH They are vertebrates with scaly skin. They have got cold blood and they are born on land. REPTILES They are invertebrates. They have an external skeleton that supports their body structure, which can be divided in 3 parts: head, thorax and abdomen. They have six legs AMPHIBIANS They are vertebrates. When they are babies, they drink milk, and they have hair on their bodies. ARACHNIDS They are invertebrates. Their body structure can be divided in 2 parts: abdomen and cephalothorax. INSECTS They are vertebrates that live in water and have gills, scales and fins on their body.

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Page 1: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.1


Animals can be classified into different classes according to their characteristics:

Match each class with its correct description:

MAMMALS They are vertebrates. They have feathers and they born-out of hard-shelled eggs.


They are vertebrates that are born in water. When they are born, they breathe with gills like a fish. But when they grow up, they develop lungs and they can live on land.

FISH They are vertebrates with scaly skin. They have got cold blood and they are born on land.


They are invertebrates. They have an external skeleton that supports their body structure, which can be divided in 3 parts: head, thorax and abdomen. They have six legs


They are vertebrates. When they are babies, they drink milk, and they have hair on their bodies.


They are invertebrates. Their body structure can be divided in 2 parts: abdomen and cephalothorax.

INSECTS They are vertebrates that live in water and have gills, scales and fins on their body.

Page 2: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.1

Write the names of the following animals:

Now classify the animals according to their class:

MAMMALS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

BIRDS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

FISH: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

REPTILES: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

AMPHIBIANS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ARACHNIDS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

INSECTS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Page 3: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.1

Learn the body parts of the different animal classes:

Now write a description of your favorite animal:












Page 4: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.2


1. Match sentences (1-5) with sentences (a-e) and write the complete sentence.

1 If we protect their habitat,

2 If we adopt an animal,

3 If we recycle paper, bottles and cans,

4 If we use public transport

5 If we take care of our world

A we won’t pollute so much.

B we will help to save him from extinction.

C we will protect the environment.

D we will save many animals.

E we will live in a better place.

2. Complete the sentences with the present simple affirmative or negative.

1. If scientists ……………………….. (discover) new medicines, doctors

will have cures for our diseases.

2. If doctors ……………………. (have) cures for more diseases, people

will live longer.

3. If people ………………….. (live) longer, world population will increase.

4. If world population ……………………………. (increase), the planet will need more


5. If the planet …………………………. (need) more food, farmers will

need more plants.

6. If farmers …………………… (need) more plants, genetic engineering

will be very important.

Page 5: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.2

3. Complete the sentences with the future with will affirmative or negative.

1. If you break the printer, I ……………….. (not buy) a new one.

2. If I am home before seven, I ……………………. (send) you an email.

3. If you go to bed early, you …………………………. (not be) tired in the morning.

4. If we go to London, we ……………………. (buy) a new computer.

4. Put the verb in the correct form: will/won’t or present simple. Are these things


1. If we ……………………. (continue) using cars, we ……………………… (not have)


2. If we………………… (not have) petrol, we …………………….. (need) other kinds of


3. Pollution ……………………. (increase) if we …………………… (use)

more oil and coal.

4. If pollution ……………………. (increase), a lot of trees …………………


5. The climate …………………….. (change) if trees …………………….. (die).

5. Write sentences about things we can do to protect animals from extinction:

1. If we _____________________, _______________________________.

2. If we _____________________, _______________________________.

3. If we _____________________, _______________________________.

4. If we _____________________, _______________________________.

5. If we _____________________, _______________________________.

Page 6: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.3

Most of Europe has a ‘temperate’ climate — neither too hot nor too cold. The coldest places

are in the far north and in the high mountains. The warmest places are in the far south and


The weather is warmest and driest in summer (roughly June to September) and coldest in

winter (roughly December to March).

Europe had record-breaking hot summers in 2003 and 2006. Is this a sign that the climate is

changing? Climate change is a world-wide problem that can only be solved if all countries work


Coping with the winter

Wild animals in cold regions usually have thick fur or feathers to keep them warm, and their

coats may be white to camouflage them in the snow. Some spend the winter sleeping to save

energy. This is called hibernating.

Many species of birds live on insects, small water creatures or other food that cannot easily be

found during cold winter months. So they fly south in the autumn and don’t return until spring.

Some travel thousands of kilometres, across the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert, to

spend the winter in Africa. This seasonal travelling is called migrating.

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Worksheet 8.3

Enjoying the spring and summer

When spring comes to Europe (March to May), the weather

gets warmer. Snow and ice melt. Baby fish and insect larvae

swarm in the streams and ponds. Migrating birds return to

make their nests and raise their families. Flowers open, and

bees carry pollen from one plant to another.

Trees put out new leaves which catch the sunlight and use its

energy to make the tree grow. In mountain regions, farmers

move their cows up into the high meadows, where there is now

plenty of fresh grass.

Cold-blooded animals such as reptiles also need the sun to give

them energy. In summer, especially in southern Europe, you will

often see lizards basking in the sunshine and hear the chirping of

grasshoppers and cicadas.

Autumn: a time of change

In late summer and autumn, the days grow shorter and the

nights cooler. Many delicious fruits ripen at this time of year,

and farmers are kept busy harvesting them. Nuts too ripen in

autumn, and squirrels will gather and store heaps of them

ready for the winter.

Many trees shed their leaves in autumn because there is no longer

enough sunshine for the leaves to be useful. They gradually change

from green to shades of yellow, red, gold and brown. Then they fall,

carpeting the ground with colour. The fallen leaves decay, enriching

the soil and providing food for future generations of plant life.

This yearly cycle of the seasons, and the changes it brings, make the

European countryside what it is — beautiful, and very varied.

Page 8: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.3

1. Read The photocopies of “Climate and nature” and answer the questions below:

a) Which months correspond to the summer in Europe?



b) How do animals cope with the winter?



c) Why do some species fly south in the autumn?



d) When does ice melt in Europe?



e) Where can cows find fresh grass?



f) What do farmers do in the autumn?



2. Read the following definitions and match them with words from the text:

1. Clothes or colours that hide you by making you look the same as the things around you.


2. Travelling to a warmer part of the world in winter and coming back in the spring.


3. A very small river. (ENJOYING THE SPRING AND SUMMER) =

4. A field with wild grass and flowers. (ENJOYING THE SPRING AND SUMMER) =

5. A type of reptile that has four short legs and a long tail (ENJOYING THE SPRING AND


6. A large seed that you can eat, that usually grows in a hard brown shell. (AUTUMN: A


Page 9: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.3

7. The light and heat that comes from the sun (AUTUMN: A TIME OF CHANGE) =

8. The top layer of the earth in which plants grow (AUTUMN: A TIME OF CHANGE) =

3. Click on the link below and test yourself on the climate and nature of Europe:

Taken from

Page 10: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.4


Watch the commercial linked on the blog:


What animals appear in the video?

What does the commercial advertize?


What is the turtle’s name?

Which animal is Freddy?


What does Ellen want to talk about in the meeting?

What does she want to buy in the food machine? Is that what she gets?

Page 11: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.5






Television Magazine Newspaper Cinema





OPINION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Page 12: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.6



Exercise 1

You are going to hear Chris talking about the animals living in the zoo. Listen to the

conversation and try to understand as much as you can.

Now click on NEXT and listen to the statements about the conversation. Are they TRUE or


If you need it, you can click on VIDEO and watch the video again.

Exercise 2

Rosa is going to describe some animals. Listen to her descriptions and decide which animal

she is talking about:

Page 13: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.6


Exercise 3

Read the text about animals’ characteristics. Which is the fastest animal? Which is the

animal that lives the longest?

Read the text. Then click on NEXT and order the animals correctly:

Page 14: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.6


Exercise 4

Do you know any story which has an animal as a protagonist? In this exercise you have to

match the animals with the story they appear in:

Exercise 5

One of the most famous stories with an animal as the protagonist is MOBY DICK. Put the

words in the correct order to discover the story:

Page 15: Worksheets unit 8

Worksheet 8.6

Exercise 6

You are going to write a story. This story will have the following structure:

Choose one option from each part and build a complete story which makes sense. Once you

have it finished, write it down here:











