workshop ios 2: swift - structures

Swift: Structures Jordi Serra – Pierluigi Cifani iOS Workshops

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Page 1: Workshop iOS 2: Swift - Structures

Swift: StructuresJordi Serra – Pierluigi Cifani

iOS Workshops

Page 2: Workshop iOS 2: Swift - Structures


- Structs & Classes- Initialization- Access Levels & Extensions- Enums & associated values

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Structs and Classes

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Structs and Classes

Structs and Classes are the main structures in SwiftBasic syntax:

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Comparing Classes and Structs

Both can:- Define properties & methods- Define initializers to set up their initial state- Be extended through extension syntax- Conform to protocols

Classes have additional capabilities:- Inheritance- Type casting- Deinitializer- More than one reference to a class instance

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Comparing Classes and Structs

Structs are passed by value, Classes are by reference- Structs are non mutating by default- Structs are copied whenever passed into a function

(optimization with copy on write)

When to use struct over class:- Encapsulates few data types- It can be copied around (no struct singletons)- Values inside are structs themselves- It does not need to inherit behavior

Struct examples: Vector, Points, any Models and ViewModel

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Initialization & Properties

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Special function with initkeyword- Accepts params, never

returns- All non-optional values

must be set in initializer- The compiler sets

default initializer if all props have default values

- Can be failable: init?()- And a lot more

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Properties in structs and classes hold values than can change or not over time.Declared using either var or let

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Singletons in swift are very straightforward

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Getters and Setters

Properties can have its own get & set functions

.. and property observers

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Access types & extensions

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Access Types (I)

Access Levels (from less to more restrictive)open, public, internal, fileprivate and private

Open:Enables usage, inheritance and override functionality from anywhere in the module and any other module that imports itPublic:Enables usage, from anywhere in/out the module, enables inheritance and override from the same module only.

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Access Types (II)

Internal:Enables usage from anywhere inside the module, but not outside the moduleFileprivate:Restricts the use of an entity to its own defining source filePrivate:Restricts the use of an entity to the enclosing declaration

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Used to add new functionality to classes and structsExtensions in Swift can:- Add computed instance properties and computed type

properties- Define instance methods and type methods- Provide new initializers- Define and use new nested types- Make an existing type conform to a protocol- Provide default protocol implementations

Extensions allow extending types for which you do not have access to the original source code

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Extensions Syntax

Computed Property

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Extensions Syntax



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Mutating Functions

Structs are always passed as values. Therefore, it can never be changed inside a function (they are always a copy)To mutate a struct, use mutating keyword

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Enums & associated values

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Declaration Usage

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Enums can be extended the same way as any other struct

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Raw Values

Enum declaration can extend a raw value type. Then, it has rawValue property available

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Associated Values

Enum cases can have a type associated. This should be initialized whenever the enum is.

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Associated Values (II)

The associated values can be taken inside the switch statement, as a let or var parameter

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