world history & geography

World History & World History & Geography Geography Classroom Routines and Procedures 2012-2013

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World History & GeographyWorld History & Geography

Classroom Routines and Procedures


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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

What are procedures and What are procedures and routines?routines?

• Procedures are the way you are instructed to do something.

• Procedures become routines when they are done the same way over and over again, such as raising your hand.

• The goal in our class is to quickly, quietly and correctly follow classroom procedures and routines each day.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Plan to SucceedPlan to Succeed

• Your success in this class begins even before the tardy bell rings.

• Being prompt and prepared requires you to plan ahead, manage your time carefully, and prioritize your tasks.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Passing PeriodPassing Period

• Please take care of all your personal needs during your break or passing period.

• Your personal needs are not part of our classroom agenda, and you will rarely be excused from class once the period begins.

• So…take care of your personal business during your personal time.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Bathroom Before the BellBathroom Before the Bell

• Visit the bathroom BEFORE you come to class.

• If you think you’ll be tardy, go directly to class instead.

• You will have limited access:– No bathroom in the first 10 minutes

or the last 5 minutes of class.

– No bathroom during teacher’s instruction, student or teacher presentations or interruptions.

– A pass must be filled out. (You will receive three passes every six weeks.)

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

GroomingGrooming• Groom yourself and/or attend to your personal hygiene in

the bathroom or in the locker room.

• Grooming in class is distracting.

• Be considerate; many are allergic to perfumes and other cosmetics.

• Note: Lip balm for chapped lips will be allowed in class as long as you are discrete.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright


• Get a drink of water or fill your water bottle BEFORE the bell.

• You will have limited access to the drinking fountain in class:

– No fountain in the first 10 minutes or the last 5 minutes of class

– No fountain during teacher’s instruction, student or teacher presentations, testing/quizzing, or interruptions.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Socialize Before Entering Socialize Before Entering ClassroomClassroom

• Quickly say “hello” to your friends IN PASSING.

• Do not stop or hang out.

• Remember, during passing period, your time is limited.

• Getting to class on time is your top priority.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Entering the ClassroomEntering the Classroom1. Walk calmly through the door.2. Speak softly.3. Read the agenda on the

board. 4. Pick up a warm-up.5. Take out your notebook &

materials.6. Sharpen your pencil, if

necessary.7. Be seated.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

The Pencil Sharpener The Pencil Sharpener

• Please respect the electric pencil sharpener.

• Sharpen number 2, graphite pencils only as color pencils and crayons jam/break the mechanism.

• Do not play with the settings.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Classroom SuppliesClassroom Supplies

• Please respect all classroom materials and supplies.

• These supplies do cost money, and they need to last as long as possible.– Think of materials as TOOLS not

TOYS– Take only what you need.– Use with care.– Return materials/supplies when you

have finished.– Report any misuse or theft of

classroom supplies.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright


• Keep the aisles clear.– Don’t hang on backpacks

on chairs.– Don’t leave backpacks

under a chair.

• Backpacks must be under your table, standing against the leg of the table at either your right or left side. here hereor

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright


• Four on the Floor: Always sit with all four feet of the chair FLAT on the floor.

• Tip and Tumble: Leaning back or rocking in your chair is a danger, and it is forbidden.

• Keep it Clean: Never stick gum, glue, or tape on/under chairs. Don’t write on or scratch chairs.

• No Pressure: Do not sit on, apply pressure, or hang items on the back of the chair--this includes backpacks.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

If you are tardy…If you are tardy…

1. Take a tardy form from the bookshelf at the front of the room.

2. Silently fill it out. No debating with teacher.3. Place the yellow duplicate in your class period’s bin.4. Keep the white slip to take home.5. Have a parent/guardian sign it.6. Return signed slip at the beginning of the next class


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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright


• Tardiness will lower your citizenship grade.

• If you are not in your assigned seat at your assigned location when the bell STARTS ringing, you are tardy.

• This is non-negotiable.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Seated & SilentSeated & Silent

• All students must be seated and silent at the tardy bell.

• We all need to get down to business right away.

• The teacher will take attendance and check homework while students complete a warm-up activity.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Warm-ups Warm-ups

• You will be assigned a daily warm-up.

• This activity will last 7-10 minutes.• Work silently, whispering only if

you need to ask for help from one of your seatmates.

• If you complete you warm-up earlier than other students, silently make sure your notebook is organized and your planner is updated properly.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright


• Homework is due at the beginning of class.• All assignments should be ready to pass in

(projects/papers) or ready to view (if inside interactive notebook) without delay.

• Work that is not fixed (glued or taped) to the notebook or collated (stapled or packaged) will receive LATE CREDIT.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Late CreditLate Credit

• Late work leads to playing catch-up and is highly discouraged.

• Work that is not turned in at the beginning of class but is turned in later on the due date will earn up to 75% of the possible score, or a “C.”

• Work that is not turned in on the due date at all will receive up to 50% of the possible score, or an “F.”

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

If You’re AbsentIf You’re Absent

• Go online to and find the homework posted for your class period.

• Call a homework partner (names and numbers should be in your student planner.

• If you are too ill to look up the day’s assignment(s), find the “While You Were Out” form in the hanging folder in the classroom.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Make-up AssignmentsMake-up Assignments

• Only homework and class work assigned during your excused absence can be made up for full credit.

• For short-term assignments, you must complete and submit (turn in) your assignments within three school days of your absence.

• For long-term projects or papers that are announced in advance, you must submit your assignment immediately upon your return to the classroom.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Extra CreditExtra Credit

• Extra credit is rarely offered in this class.• Any extra credit that is offered is directly

related to the assignments or assessments (tests/quizzes) already established by the teacher.

• No extra credit assignment will be created to help an individual student “replace” or “make up for” work that was assigned as part of the curriculum.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Keep Your Planner UpdatedKeep Your Planner Updated

• You are responsible for all of your assignments.

• Fill out your planner and refer back to it daily.

• Again, if you are absent on a day where an assignment is due--especially a project or a paper--that work is due immediately upon your return.

• Assignments posted on the whiteboard and/or the homework site ( will not count as make-up assignments for full credit.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Rubrics and Checklists• Many of your assignments will be

assessed using a rubric. – Rubric scores are usually based on a five

(5) point scale: 5=Advanced, 4=Proficient, 3=Basic, 2=Below Basic, 1=Far Bellow Basic 0=No Evidence. A proficient score is roughly translated into a “B” letter grade.

• Checklists often reveal how elements within an assignment are weighted. Some elements are worth more than others.

• The teacher will do her best to make the rubric clear and available BEFORE the assignment is due.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Writing: Final DraftsWriting: Final Drafts

• You will complete several writing projects this year.

• Your writing projects must demonstrate your ability to organize and express your learning in a clear and creative manner.

• Always check your word choice, spelling, and grammar BEFORE submitting a final draft.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Formatting Final DraftsFormatting Final DraftsFirst and Last Name

History, Per.Date


The body of the assignment: should follow these

guidelines unless stated otherwise:

• Use a simple font such as Times or Arial.

• Use a 12-point font size.

• Indent all new paragraphs, using the “tab” key; leave no blank space between paragraphs.

• Double-space all text except for long quotations (4 or more lines).

• Use standard margins of 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches.

• Use black ink for text.

• Pages must be numbered and single-sided.

• NEVER, EVER conclude your paper with the phrase “The End.”


Body: Unless stated otherwise, use these guidelines for the body of the paper. This includes an introduction and a conclusion.

Title:Use the “enter” key to leave one blank line above and one blank line below the title, which is always centered.

Proper Heading: Use the right alignment button, to place your heading in the right-hand corner of the first page.

Page 27: World History & Geography

[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

If You Don’t Have a ComputerIf You Don’t Have a Computer

• Plan ahead!• You have been assigned a personal account

on the district’s network/server.• Make arrangements with the teacher to work

on a classroom computer or a netbook.• Don’t wait until the last minute.• In cases of emergency, legibly write your final

draft in blue or black ink.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

If Your Computer CrashesIf Your Computer Crashes

• As a precaution, ALWAYS backup your writing/assignments as you go:– On your home computer– At your district account– On a flash drive (USB drive)

• Printing an occasional hard copy is also a good habit. If your data becomes corrupted or your computer crashes, it’s easier to recreate your document—even with partial information. Having something is better than having nothing.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

If Your Printer Runs Out of If Your Printer Runs Out of Ink…Ink…

• Send the document as an attachment to a friend via email. Ask him/her to print it for you.

• Save your document on a flash drive, bring it to school early and print it at the library or a teacher’s classroom.

• As a last resort, legibly write the paper in blue or black ink. Be prepared for a phone call home to verify that the final draft could not be delivered in typed format.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Group ActivitiesGroup Activities

• Be an active and productive participant. Do your part.

• Be polite and considerate, working cooperatively with your group.

• Use a oft voices that only your group will hear.

• Allow one group member to speak at a time; please don’t interrupt.

• Solve problems and answer questions together.

• Send one group member to speak with the teacher if necessary.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Clock Buddies/PartnersClock Buddies/Partners

• You will each have a copy of a Clock to paste into the front of your interactive notebook.

• Find 12 classmates, one for each time slot on your clock.

• Each of those other students, in turn, has your name in the matching time slot.

• When the teacher says, “Meet with your 4 o’clock buddy,” look at your clock and move to work with that partner.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

G-O, goG-O, go

• Before you get up and move about the room during partner or group activities, wait for the teacher to say:

• “G-O, go.”• The instructions are not complete

until the teacher says, “G-O, go.”

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Silent SignalsSilent Signals

• The teacher will request your attention/silence in two ways.

1. She will ring a bell.• Everyone should be silent within 5 seconds of the

bell’s ringing.

2. She will clap a rhythm and wait for you to repeat the rhythm without speaking. (Call and Response)

• When the teacher stops providing a rhythm, the students should remain silent.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Interruptions or VisitorsInterruptions or Visitors

• Announcements over the PA system, alarms or drills, office monitors, and adult visitors are all common interruptions.

• When there is an interruption, sit silently and wait for your teacher’s instructions.– Don’t call out to or talk to a visitor or

monitor.– Don’t start a conversation or begin

playing a game with your classmates.– Don’t get out of your seat to do something

you want to do (water fountain, dump trash, etc.).

• If you become an additional interruption, you will be detained by the teacher.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Closing ClassClosing Class

• During the close of the class--approximately 3-5 minutes before the bell…

• Write your homework in your planner.• Pack you backpack• Pick up trash around you immediate area.• Have one seatmate empty the mini-garbage

can into a trash can.• Straighten your tables and return chairs to

their proper location.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

The Recycling BinsThe Recycling Bins

• Please place recyclable materials in the blue bins located in the classroom.

• Plastic bottles or aluminum can must be EMPTY and caps must be trashed in a brown bin.

• Paper must be free of crayon wax or any biological substances. (mucus, blood, food, etc.)

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright


• Please wait silently for the teacher to dismiss you with the following phrase:

• “Adios, Amigos!”• Remember the teacher

dismisses the class, not the bell.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

If You Face a Social ProblemIf You Face a Social Problem

• If you have a problem that affects your safety or emotional well-being, tell an adult right away.

• Remember, if the teacher cannot help you, she will refer you to someone who can.

• If you want to see your counselor, fill out a blue, “Request to See Counselor” form located on the wall near the door.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

You May Discuss Concerns…You May Discuss Concerns…

• If you have a common concern such as your seating assignment or your grade, visit Ms. Wright before school or after school, write a note, or send an email to [email protected]

• Individual grades are NEVER discussed during class time. This time is devoted to instruction, practice and reflection.

• During the semester, updated grades will be posted at StudentConnect. Use this resource to check your grades.

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[email protected] by Andrea L. Wright

Additional HelpAdditional Help

• Ms. Wright will offer additional help each Wednesday from 2:25-3:20.

• If you are concerned about your grade, have specific questions, or require assistance, please meet with Ms. Wright.

• On occasion, Ms. Wright may need to cancel these “office hours” to make room for essential district business.