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Page 1: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,



Page 2: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

The World Languages program at Charles Herbert Flowers High

School is committed to the development of proficiency in the target

language through the use of communicative situations and National

Standards as a Framework. Our purpose for learning a second

language is to be able to communicate with the people who speak it

and to understand their cultures in this global society.


Page 3: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

To communicate in languages other than English

To connect with other disciplines, and acquire information

To develop insight into the nature of language and culture through


To participate in multilingual communities at home and around the


To provide 90% of instruction in the target language

To assist and enhance language learning for engagement through

the infusion of technology


Page 4: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

Arungwa, Chinenye Ph.D.

Cuadrado, Maria

Fairfield, Ehren

Gewirtz, Amanda

Hull, Marie

Nwanna, Leo Ph.D.

Richardson, Denise

Faculty ΙCOurses Taught

French I

Spanish II

Chinese I, II, III, & IV

Spanish I, & II

Spanish I, II, & II Honors

French I, & II

Spanish III, & IV

Page 5: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

With an Advanced Certificate from MSDE teaching for 26 years, Dr. Arungwa was born and raised in

Nigeria. He attended the University of Nigeria, The University of Dakar Senegal, the University of Tours France for his B.A. in the French

Language and French Studies. Later on he attended the University of

Wisconsin-Madison for the M.A. and Ph.D in French Literature.

Hobbies inc lude: Jogging,

Tennis , and Reading Cer t i f ica t ion


Page 6: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

With an Advanced Certificate from MSDE teaching for 20 years, Maria M. Cuadrado

was born in Puerto Rico, and studied at the University of Puerto Rico, University of

Phoenix, and the University of El Turabo. She has earned two Bachelor degrees in

Secondary Spanish Education and Modern Languages and two Masters degrees in

Supervision and School Administration, and School Guidance and Counseling. Ms. Cuadrado served as a school principal for nine years at the Escuela de la Comunidad

Intermedia Nueva de Ceiba.

Hobbies inc lude: Reading,

Trave l ing, and Technolog y Cer t i f ica t ion


Page 7: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

With a Chinese Language Certificate from Peking University and having

taught for 7 years, Mr. Ehren Fairfield received his Bachelors

Degree from Dickinson College in East Asian Studies. Mr. Fairfield also

holds a Standard Certificate from MSDE in Chinese levels 7 through 12. Mr. Fairfield and his wife, Kim, are expecting their first child this


Hobbies inc lude: Camping,

and Trave l ing Cer t i f ica t ion


Page 8: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

Amanda Gewirtz is a member of the Resident Teacher program and will receive her Standard Certificate this

year from MSDE. Born and raised in New Jersey, she attended Rutgers

University, where she graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Economics and Spanish. While at Rutgers, she also spent a semester studying in Madrid and traveling throughout Europe.

Currently, Ms. Gewirtz is also working toward her Master of Arts in Teaching

at American University.

Hobbies inc lude: Trave l ing,

Spor ts , and loves Dogs Cer t i f ica t ion


Page 9: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

With an Advanced Professional Certificate from MSDE teaching for over 10 years, Marie Hull attended Tufts University, where she was on

the Dean’s List, and earned a Bachelor’s degree in history. She

received a Master’s degree in Teaching and Curriculum from

Harvard University. She also spent a semester studying at the University of Salamanca, in Salamanca, Spain.

Hobbies Inc lude : Reading,

Baking, Trave l ing, and Camping Cer t i f ica t ion


Page 10: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

With an Advanced Certificate from

MSDE teaching for nearly 20 years,

Dr. Leo Nwanna attended The

University of Paris-Sorbonne and

studied political science and the

French Language. After 11 years at

the University he earned a Doctoral

Degree in political science. He

currently resides in Maryland with

his wife and two sons.

H o bb i e s I n c l u d e : Po l i t i c s , C h u r c h , S o c c e r , a n d Yo u t h P r og r a m s Cer t i f ica t ion


Page 11: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

With an Advanced Certificate from MSDE teaching for 39 years, Denise Richardson earned her Bachelors Degree from Park College, Masters Degree from Villanova

University, and was a doctoral candidate at Temple University which afforded her the

opportunity to attend El Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico. Mrs. Richardson has served as a lecturer at The

Catholic University of America in the Professional Development Workshops and

Institutes for the last 13 years. Mrs. Richardson was a bilingual teacher for 17 years. She currently resides in Maryland

with her husband and one son.

H o bb i e s i n c l u d e : Tr a ve l i n g , M i n i s t r y o f C a r e G iv i n g, V i e w i n g

O l d M ov i e s Cer t i f ica t ion


Page 12: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

Traditional Chinese Board Game

Club to enhance higher order

thinking skills.

Nationa l Chinese Honor

Society Chinese Game Club


To acknowledge the superior achievement of

secondary students studying Chinese as a

second language and its culture.

Page 13: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

National organization to recognize

those who excel in the study of

Spanish and its culture. The

organization is leadership and


La Sociedad Honorar ia



Page 14: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

Provides the opportunity to speak

Spanish and increase knowledge and

awareness of the Spanish-speaking


Spanish Club


Page 15: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

National Foreign Language Week occurs annually

during the first week of March to recognize the

importance of Foreign Languages and other

cultures and is sponsored by Alpha Mu Gamma.

New themes are provided each year.

Poster Contest with 3 prizes awarded

Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from

France, Spain, Italy, China, Mexico, etc.

Foreign Film Festival

World Language Corridor is decorated

displaying flags from many different countries

Field Trips to the Latino Center, National

Gallery of Art, Organization of American

States, and cultural restaurants


International Night:

• This event connects

Flowers to the community,

offering many multicultural

experiences. Sponsored by

La Sociedad Honoraria

Hispanica and The National

Honor Society.

Page 16: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

Charles Herbert Flowers World Language Department proudly offers four

levels of Chinese, the National Chinese Honor Society, provides opportunities

for students to travel abroad to China, and has a sister school in Hefei city,

China, called Hefei Number 1 High School.

We took our first EF Tour trip to China during the spring of 2010, traveling

to Beijing, Xi’an Shanghai, and Hong Kong. We had roughly 30 Flowers

students on that trip. This year, 18 students will be joing us on a tour to

Beijing, Ji’an and Shanghai. This tour is unique because while in Beijing,

students will be taking Chinese language classes and living with a host family.


Page 17: World Languages Departmental Contest with 3 prizes awarded Foods featured in the cafeteria daily from France,

In 2008 Mrs. Richardson sponsored a trip to Mexico with approximately 34

students. Cities visited included Mexico City, Taxco, and Acapulco. Flowers

students were warmly welcomed by the students and administration of La

Escuela Secundaria Técnica No. 190 Jose Azueta in Acapulco, Mexico. We

have maintained a close relationship with this school even today. We most

graciously look forward to the day that they can visit our high school.