world regional geography ptolemy’s first world map, circa a.d. 150

World Regional Geography Ptolemy’s First World Map, circa A.D. 150

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Page 1: World Regional Geography Ptolemy’s First World Map, circa A.D. 150

World Regional Geography

Ptolemy’s First World Map, circa A.D. 150

Page 2: World Regional Geography Ptolemy’s First World Map, circa A.D. 150

Michael ReedOffice: Natural Sciences (NS) 209

Phone: 310-660-6016 Email: [email protected]

Web Page: • B.A. History, Brown University, 1992• Geography Coursework, Cabrillo College, 1995• M.A. Geography, SDSU, 1999• Associate Professor of Geography, Glendale CC, 2000-2005• Instructor of Geography, El Camino CC, 2005-present.

• 27 jobs at last count, including tour guide, gondolier, waiter, newspaper reporter, N.Y.C. fashion executive, McDonald’s kitchen crew, stereo salesman, shoe salesman, receptionist, and many others.

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My Teaching Philosophy

• I try to teach this class the same as I would anywhere else. Community colleges should not be second rate.

• You are responsible for your own education, particularly now that you are in college. I am a guide, a helper, if you will. College is what you make of it.

• I consider my responsibilities to include fairness, honesty, and compassion. Most of all, I think it is my job to earnestly attempt to make geography interesting and fun, without making it frivolous.

• I promise this: if you take this class seriously, you will learn a great deal about the world.

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What Is Geography?• Introduce yourself to two other people.

• Spend the next three minutes deciding together what geography is about.

• Each person writes their definition on a blank sheet of paper for submission. Include your name and class time.

• Three correct answers (randomly selected) get extra credit on the first test: 5 points for an A, 4 for a B, 3 for a C.

• GO!

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What is Geography?Geography is the study of what is where and why it’s there.

Mike Reed

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What is Geography?

Organized knowledge of the earth as the world of people.

Dave Balogh

Geography is a representation of the whole known world together with the phenomena which are contained therein.

Ptolemy, Geographia 2nd Century A.D.

Geography is the science of place. Its vision is grand, its view panoramic. It sweeps the surface of the Earth, charting the physical, organic and cultural terrain, their areal differentiation, and their ecological dynamics with humankind. Its foremost tool is the map.

Leonard Krishtalka, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 20th Century A.D.

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Five “Key Themes” of Geography

• 1. Location – specific location, where?

• 2. Place – unique properties of a place

• 3. Movement – diffusion, communications

• 4. Region – an area’s uniform characteristics

• 5. Human-Earth Relationships – human interaction with an environment

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Divisions of Geography• Physical Geography Human Geography• Rocks and Minerals Population• Landforms Settlements• Soils Economic Activities• Animals Transportation• Plants Recreational Activities• Water Religion• Atmosphere Political Systems• Rivers and Other Water Bodies Social Traditions• Environment Human Migration• Climate and Weather Agricultural Systems

Geography is a bridge between the natural and social sciences.

Geography is a holistic or synthesizing science.

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Fig. 1-7, p. 12

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Map of World Regions (fig. 1.2)

Regions defined by Rowntree et al.

Chapter 1:Globalization and Diversity

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Week One GoalsWeek One Goals• Understand framework for studying world regional

geography• Examine varied aspects of globalization

– Economic, cultural, geopolitical, environmental, social

• Understand the following models and terms– Demographic transition– Measures of population growth and change– Indicators of social development– Measures of economic development– State, nation, and nation-state– Culture– Core-periphery model

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GlobalizationGlobalization• The increasing

interconnectedness of different parts of the world through common processes of economic, political, and cultural change. Economic globalization is happening fastest.

Panama, 1997

Discussion: How is globalization affecting you? Can you see it in your everyday life?

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Diversity Amid GlobalizationDiversity Amid Globalization• Globalization: the increasing interconnectedness of people and

places through the converging processes of economic, political, and cultural change

• Converging Currents of Globalization– Global communications link world regions– Global transportation moves goods quickly– Transnational conglomerate corporations; international financial

institutions more powerful than many countries– Global free-trade agreements– Market economies replace state-controlled economies– Globalized market for consumer goods (needed or not)– Globalization of workers, managers, executives

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• Global Consumer Culture• May erode local diversity• Can cause social tensions between traditional

cultures and new, external globalizing influences– Examples: clothing, food, movies, and more– Hybridization: sometimes occurs when forms of

American popular culture spread abroad then are melded with local cultural traditions

• world beat music, Japanese comic books, global rap, that are now found worldwide

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• The Geopolitical Component• Globalization goes beyond national boundaries• United Nations provides representation to all countries • Global trade and cultural exchange are the product of

international agreements• Environmental Concerns

• Globalized economy creates and intensifies environmental problems, disrupts local ecosystems as transnational firms search for natural resources and factory sites

• Native peoples may lose resource base• Globalization aggravates world environmental problems

(climate change, air & water pollution, deforestation)• International treaties may help

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• Social Dimensions• Increased international migration

– Asians, Latin Americans to the U.S.– Africans, Asians to Western Europe– Japan and Korea less homogeneous– Immigrants from poor countries to less poor countries


• Criminal element to globalization– Terrorism (discussed later in the chapter)– Drugs

• Illegal narcotics link remote mountains of Burma to the global economy

• Economies reorient to drug smuggling & money laundering

– Pornography and prostitution– Gambling

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Drug TradeDrug Trade

The Global Drug Trade (Fig. 1.6)

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• Advocates and Critics of Globalization– The Proglobalization Stance (Advantages)

• Globalization is logical expression of capitalism

• Removing trade barriers will increase efficiency, spread new technology and ideas

• Free flow of capital will enhance global economic wealth

• The world’s poorer countries will catch up through globalization

– The Antiglobalization Stance (Disdvantages)• Today’s core, developed countries did not use globalization’s free-

market economic model to foster their own development

• Globalization creates greater inequalities

• It promotes free-market, export-oriented economies, at the expense of local, indigenous economies

• Spreads undesirable things (diseases, crime, harmful flora and fauna)

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InequityInequityGlobal Economic Inequity 1960-2000

(Fig. 1.9)

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• Diversity in a Globalizing World• Will globalization bring a homogenous,

culturally bland world?• The world is still a diverse place

– Language, religion– Foods, architecture, urban form– Politics, economics

• Ethnic and cultural differences are contributing to separatist political movements

• Politics of diversity demands attention to worldwide tensions over terrorism, ethnic separateness, regional autonomy, political independence

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Themes and Issues in World Themes and Issues in World Regional GeographyRegional Geography

• Geography describes Earth and explains spatial patterns

• Themes and Issues in World Regional Geography

• Environmental geography• Population and settlement• Cultural coherence and diversity• Geopolitical framework• Economic and social development

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• The human population is at its largest point: more than 6 billion people on earth– About 86 million born each year (10,000 each hour)– 90% of population growth in developing regions (Africa, Latin

America, South Asia, East Asia)• Several important population issues

• Population growth rates vary from region to region; some grow rapidly, others with slow or no growth

• Regions and countries have vastly different approaches to family planning (to increase or decrease population), from regulation to incentives and social cooperation

• Migration is very important; some migrate for better life, but others migrate to flee war, persecution, or environmental disasters

• The greatest international migration in human history is occurring NOW

Population and Settlement: People on the Land

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(Fig. 1.12)(Fig. 1.12)

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– Population Growth and Change• There are several important population statistics

that you need to know (memorize)– Rate of Natural Increase (RNI): annual growth rate for a

country or region as a percentage increase • (annual number of births) – (annual number of deaths) =


• Current world RNI is 1.3% per year

– Crude Birth Rate (CBR): total number of births divided by the total population, giving a figure per 1,000 of the population; world CBR is 22 per 1,000

– Crude Death Rate (CDR): total number of deaths divided by the total population, giving a figure per 1,000 of the population; world CDR is 9 per 1,000

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– Population Growth and Change• More population statistics you must know

– Total fertility rate (TFR): the average number of children born by a statistically average woman (world average is 2.8, 1.4 in Europe to 5.2 in Africa)

– Percentage of population under age 15• Signals future rapid population growth

– Percentage of population over age 65• Older people need more health care, social security

from younger workers– Population pyramids: show the gender and percentage

of the population in specific age groups

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Population PyramidsPopulation PyramidsPopulation Pyramids (Fig. 1.14)

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Demographic Transition ModelDemographic Transition ModelThe Demographic Transition (Fig. 1.15)

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• Migration Patterns– Today, about 125 million (2%) of total world population

are migrants of some sort• Much international migration linked to global

economy• Push factors: negative conditions that drive people

from a location– Examples: cultural oppression, war, unemployment,

natural disasters• Pull factors: favorable conditions at a destination

that attract people – Examples: economic opportunity (jobs), freedom, good

climate• Most migration involves both push and pull factors

working together– Networks of families, friends, and sometimes labor

contractors connect migrants from their origins to their destinations

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• An Urban World– Cities are the focal points of the modern globalizing

world– The size and growth rate of some cities is staggering

• Mexico City and Sao Paolo (Brazil) – More than 20 million residents– And they’re adding 10,000 new people each week– Both are predicted to double in the next 15 years

• Urbanized population: percentage of a country’s people who live in cities

– Currently, 47% of world’s population lives in cities– U.S., Europe, Japan, Australia are more than 75%

urbanized– Rates of urbanization in developing world is usually less

than 50%, and may be considerably lower

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Growth of World Cities Growth of World Cities (Fig. 1.18)(Fig. 1.18) (2000 and projected 2015)(2000 and projected 2015)

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• Culture• Culture is LEARNED (not innate), is shared (not individual)

behavior, and includes both abstract (language, religion) and material elements (architecture, technology)

• When Cultures Collide• Cultural imperialism: active promotion of one’s

cultural system over another • Cultural nationalism: the process of defending a

cultural system against offensive cultural expression while at the same time actively promoting local or national values

• Cultural syncretism or hybridization: the blending of elements of culture to form a new culture

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• Language and Culture • Language and culture are closely tied

– Language is often the characteristic that best defines cultural groups

– Since language is the means for communication within a cultural group, it includes other aspects of cultural identity (politics, religion, commerce, folkways, customs)

• Dialect: a distinctive form of a language associated with a specific region (e.g., American and British English)

• Lingua franca: a third language that is adopted by people from different cultural groups within a country who cannot speak each other’s language (e.g., Swahili in Africa, or English in India)

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LanguagesLanguagesWorld Languages (Fig. 1.22)

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Geography of World Religion

• Religion is another extremely important defining trait of cultural groups

• Universalizing religion: attempts to appeal to all people regardless of location or culture (examples: Christianity with 2 billion, Islam with 1.2 billion, Buddhism)

• Ethnic religion: identified closely with a specific ethnic group; does not actively seek converts (examples: Judaism, Hinduism with 850 million in India)

• Secularization: exists when people consider themselves to be non-religious or outright atheistic (about 1 billion)

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Major Religious Traditions (Fig. 1.36)

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Geopolitics: Fragmentation & UnityGeopolitics: Fragmentation & Unity• Geopolitics: term that describes the close link

between geography and political activity– Focuses on the interaction between power, territory,

and space at all scales

• State: a political unit with territorial boundaries recognized by other countries and internally governed by an organizational structure

• Nation: a large group of people who share many cultural elements (e.g.: language, religion, cultural identity) and view themselves as a single political community

• Nation-state: a relatively homogenous cultural group with its own fully independent political territory (e.g.: Japan, France); Kurds are a nation without a state

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Kurds: A Nation without a State (Fig. 1.26)

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Geopolitics: Fragmentation & UnityGeopolitics: Fragmentation & Unity

Micronationalism: group identity with the goal of self-rule within an existing nation-state

- On the rise, and a source of geopolitical tension in the world

Centrifugal and Centripetal ForcesCentrifugal forces: Cultural and political forces acting to weaken or divide an existing state

- Examples: linguistic minority status, ethnic separatism, territorial autonomy, disparities in income and well-being

Centripetal forces: Forces that promote political unity and reinforce the state structure

- Examples: shared sense of history, need for military security, overarching economic structure

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• Global Terrorism• 9/11 terrorist attacks not attached to a nationalist or

regional geopolitical aspiration to achieve independence or autonomy

• Global terrorism is a product and an expression of globalization

– Asymmetrical warfare: the differences between a superpower’s military technology and strategy and the lower level technology and decentralized guerilla tactics used by al Qaeda and the Taliban

• Colonialism and Decolonialization• Colonialism: formal establishment of rule over a foreign

population • Decolonialization: the process of a colony’s gaining (or

regaining) control over its territory and establishing a separate independent government

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The Colonial World in 1914 (Fig. 1.42)

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Economic and Social Economic and Social Development: The Development: The

Geography of Wealth Geography of Wealth and Povertyand Poverty

• Economic development, when successful, brings increased prosperity to individuals, regions, and nation-states

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Measuring Economic Wealth• Gross Domestic Product (GDP): value of all final

goods and services produced within a country• Gross National Product (GNP): GDP plus the net

income from abroad; but omits non-market economic activity (bartering, household work)

• Gross National Income (GNI): the value of all final goods and services produced within a country plus net income from abroad

– GNI per capita – obtained by dividing the GNI by a country’s population

• Purchasing power parity (PPP): a comparable for a standard “market basket” of goods and services purchased with a local currency

• Economic growth rate: annual rate of expansion for GNP (Gross National Product)

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GNIGNIWorld Gross National Income (GNI) Per Capita (Fig. 1.31)

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Indicators of Social Development

•Life expectancy: average length of life expected at birth for a hypothetical male or female, as based on national death statistics

•Mortality rate under 5 years: measure of the number of children who die per 1,000 persons

•Adult illiteracy rates: percentage of a society’s males and females who cannot read

•Female labor force participation: percentage of a nation’s labor force that is female

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• Conclusion• Globalization is driving a fundamental

reorganization of economies and cultures through trade agreements, supranational organizations, military alliances, and cultural exchanges

• Discussion of each region includes 5 themes: – Environmental Geography– Population and Settlement– Cultural Coherence and Diversity– Geopolitical Framework– Economic and Social Development

GeographiesEnd of Chapter 1: Diversity and


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Fig. 1-4a, p. 8

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Maps Affect OurEnvironmental Perception

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Human-Environment Interaction(Cultural Ecology)

• Successful cultures are those that adapt well to their environments. (Chaco Canyon, North Africa, Fertile Crescent, Easter Island)

Chaco Canyon, New Mexico Easter Island, Polynesia