world war ii and the struggle for rights. standards ss8h10 the student will evaluate key post-world...

GA Studies Unit 11 World War II and the Struggle for Rights

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World War II and the Struggle for Rights Slide 2 Standards SS8H10 The student will evaluate key post-World War II developments of Georgia from 1945 to 1970. a. Analyze the impact of the transformation of agriculture on Georgias growth. b. Explain how the development of Atlanta, including the roles of mayors William B. Hartsfield and Ivan Allen, Jr., and major league sports, contributed to the growth of Georgia. c. Discuss the impact of Ellis Arnall. Slide 3 GA Performance Standards SSH8, SSH9, SS8E1, SSE2a Social/Political Impact of WWII Slide 4 Essential Questions 1. What events led to WWII and U.S. involvement? 2. How did U.S. involvement determine the outcome of WWII? 3. What was the social, political and economic impact of WWII in Georgia? Slide 5 World War II Resulted from the growth and combination of two regional conflicts in Europe and East Asia Germany and Japan wanted to expand their borders In order to do so, they had to conquer other countries Lasted from 1939 to 1945 Slide 6 World War II Allied Powers Axis Powers Britain France Soviet Union United States Germany Italy Japan Slide 7 World War II Two major events that led to the United States getting involved The Holocaust Nazi Germanys systematic killing of Jews, Gypsies, communists, intellectuals, and political dissenters; ended in 1945 Japan bombing Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; this attack led to the U.S. entrance into World War II Slide 8 U.S. Involvement Followed isolationism policy in which it kept itself politically and militarily apart from the rest of the world Franklin D. Roosevelt was President of the U.S. during World War II Develop the Lend-Lease Act; the U.S. would sell weapons to its allies Slide 9 Georgia during World War II GA was mainly an agricultural state The U.S. involvement in the war brought economic opportunities to Georgia Georgia played a significant role in the war effort Carl Vinson, Richard B. Russel, Jr., and President Franklin D. Roosevelt shaped Georgias experience during the war Slide 10 Congressman Carl Vinson Helped build the U.S. Navy in the years leading up to World War II Many of the ships were built in Savannah and Brunswick Created jobs for Georgians A.k.a Admiral to his peers Slide 11 Richard B. Russel, Jr. A senator that helped build up the U. S. military before WWII Helped to bring over a dozen military bases to Georgia Became an expert in military strategy Slide 12 President Franklin D. Roosevelt Spent a lot of time in Warm Springs, GA in hopes of curing his Polio; died there in 1945 His close relationship with GA led to the building of the Bell Aircraft plant in Marietta Slide 13 Summary Questions 1. What two events led the United States to join the fight in World War II? 2. What company did President Roosevelt help bring to Georgia? 3. What idea did Roosevelt have in regards to supplying allies with weapons? 4. Who greatly increased the size of the U.S. Navy before World War II? 5. Who brought many military bases and war time factories to Georgia? 6. How did World War II change Georgias economy? Slide 14 World War II made Georgia change from a farming state to an industrial state. Before and during the war many factories that built aircraft, weapons, uniforms, and ships were opened in Georgia which provided many jobs. After World War II was over, that industrial trend continued in Georgia, especially Atlanta. Slide 15 William B. Hartsfield (1937 - 1961) Served as mayor of Atlanta longer than any other mayor in the citys history Atlantas population multiplied by 10 times The Atlanta Airport was later named in his honor Slide 16 Ivan Allen, Jr. Served as mayor of Atlanta from 1962 1970 He was the only politician in the South at that time to support Civil Rights Known for bringing professional sports teams to Atlanta Slide 17 Ellis Arnall Served as governor of GA from 1943 1947 allowed African Americans to vote in white primary elections Was appointed attorney general of GA at the age of 31 (the youngest in the country) Was defeated by Talmadge Worked to bring progressive reform to the state Slide 18 Summary Questions 1. What event made Georgia change from an agricultural state to an industrial state? 2. Who is Atlantas airport named after? 3. What mayor brought the Braves to Atlanta? 4. Who owns the Atlanta Falcons? 5. Where do the Hawks and Thrashers play their home games? 6. Who defeated Ellis Arnall and became Georgias Governor in 1946? Slide 19 From its founding in 1733 until 1865, Georgia was dependent on slavery for the economic stability of the state. Change came slowly to the state. In the 1940s and 1950s, Georgia saw a great deal of social change. These changes set the stage for the modern civil rights movement Slide 20 Reverend Dr. Benjamin E. Mays A distinguished African American minister, educator, scholar, and social activist Best known as the president of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia Slide 21 Civil Rights Movement Herman Talmadge was governor of GA from 1948 1951 Resisted the desegregation of public schools Started 1 st sales tax in the state; used money to improve the public school system Served four terms as Senator Slide 22 Brown v. Board of Education In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas The court ruled that schools must be desegregated Supreme Court decided that segregation denied equal opportunity to all groups in the U.S. Took many years for segregation and discrimination to end Slide 23 1956 Georgia Flag In 1955, GAs Democratic Party Leader, John Sammons Bell, raised the issue of changing the state flag Wanted the new flag to contain the Confederate battle flags symbols of stars and bars The General Assembly of Georgia voted to change Georgia state flag in 1956 Slide 24 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A principal leader of the U. S. civil rights movement A clergyman and an advocate of nonviolent protest Entered Morehouse College at the age of 15 Was instrumental in the social and political advancement of African Americans Career in the civil rights movement began in December of 1955 after the arrest of Rosa Parks In April 1968, Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee Slide 25 Summary Questions 1. Why was the Georgia flag changed in 1956? (to include what) 2. Who influenced and helped shape the ideas of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? 3. After serving a governor, Herman Talmadge served four terms as what? 4. What brought about change in the way children are educated in the U. S.? Slide 26 Even though the U.S. Congress had passed laws that protested civil rights in 1964 and 1965, the struggle for civil rights continued well into the 1970s. Slide 27 The SNCC The Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee or SNCC (called Snick) was one of the main groups fighting for civil rights in the 1970s Formed in April 1960 after meeting Ella Baker, the executive secretary of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Helped planned the 1963 March on Washington Slide 28 Sibley Commission A.k.a the General Assembly Committee on Schools Formed in 1960 Used to survey how Georgians felt about desegregation of schools; it slowed the process Desegregation of schools began in GA in the late 1960s Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter were the first African American students to go to the UGA (in 1961) Slide 29 Albany Movement The goal of the Albany Movement was to desegregate the Albany, Georgia region Began in 1961 Slide 30 Civil Rights Act Goals from March on Washington came together in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Guaranteed equal voting rights, prohibited segregation in public places, banned segregation by trade unions, schools, and employers that were involved in interstate commerce or do business with the federal govt, called for the desegregation of public schools, and assured nondiscrimination in the distribution of federal funds In 1972, an amendment called the Equal Employment Opportunity was added to this law, to extend protection against discrimination to women in the work place. BrainPop Civil Rights Slide 31 Lester Maddox Became the governor of GA in 1967 Governor of GA during the March on Washington Strongly supported segregation Slide 32 African Americans in Office Maynard Jackson Elected mayor of Atlanta in 1973 1 st African American mayor of a major southern city Mayor from 1974 to 1982 and was elected again in 1990 Andrew Young An aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Executive director of the SCLC In 1972, won GAs Fifth District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives 1 st African American from GA to be elected to Congress since the 1860s Slide 33 The state of Georgia has had many important political, economic, and social developments since 1970. Many of these changes began at the end of the county unit system. Slide 34 County Unit System Started in GA in 1917 GA used this system from 1917 1962 Became legal when the Neil Primary Act was passed Before 1962 GA did not allow each individual to cast a vote The winner of the popular vote in each county received the unit votes for that county The system was declared unconstitutional in 1962 and was ended by the Supreme Court Slide 35 County Unit System Kept segregation going in Georgia When it ended, it gave African Americans equal voting rights Carl Sanders was the first governor of Georgia to be elected by popular vote Slide 36 Carter did not approve of the segregation laws throughout the South. These views have shaped many of his policies and actions during his life. Slide 37 Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Born October 1, 1924 in Plains, GA Served in the navy from 1946 - 1953 Elected to the GA Senate in 1962 and in 1964 Won race for Governor in 1970 Slide 38 President Jimmy Carter Won the presidential election in 1976 Significant Fact He was the only person from GA to serve as President of the United States Two Positive Things Signed a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel Signed the Panama Canal Treaty Two Negative Things Poor economy Iranian Hostage Crisis Slide 39 Life after presidency In October 2002, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to find peaceful solutions to problems around the world In 1999, President Clinton awarded him the highest civilian honor in the United States, the Presidential Medal of Freedom Slide 40 From the early 1900s until the early 1970s, Georgia could be considered a one-party state. Slide 41 GAs Two-Party System Considered a one party state b/c politics were controlled by the predominately white Democratic Party A one-party system allows only one political party to have political power Slide 42 Political Developments Since 1970 Voting Rights Act of 1965 encouraged many blacks to vote Julian Bond, an African American civil rights leader, won a seat in the GA state legislature in 1965 Maynard Jackson became the first black mayor of a large southern city, or Atlanta; in 1973; served 3 terms African Americans organized the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus in 1975; to help African Americans legislators make changes Slide 43 African American leaders Calvin Smyre appointed as the assistant floor leader in 1983; became floor leader in 1986 Gene Walker elected as the Senate majority whip in 1989 Bob Holmes appointed to the House Budget subcommittee in 1990 Al Scott Commissioner of Labor; 1 st African American to hold a statewide constitutional office Slide 44 Georgias Political Changes Affect the Economy Farming is still important, more industry has come to the urban areas of the state Georgias leading manufactured goods are now chemicals, food products, textiles, and transportation equipment Slide 45 Social Developments Since 1970 Public Transportation systems in the state improved Education improved Racial equality improved Public housing improved More African American voters registered for the first time Slide 46 Slide 47 1996 Olympic Summer Games Came to Georgia in 1996 Idea started with Billy Payne, an Atlanta lawyer 9 years earlier Andrew Young, mayor of Atlanta at the time Two things that impressed the Olympic committee Georgias mild climate The citys history as a center of the United States civil rights struggle in the 1960s Slide 48 1996 Olympic Summer Games Federal government paid to replace sidewalks, put up street signs, and plant trees to make the Olympic sites more beautiful Cost the country millions of dollars Streets and highways had to be fixed and enlarged to handle all the traffic that would come to town during the 17 days of the Olympics More than 72 million visitors Games were held in Savannah, Columbus, Athens, Gainesville, and Cleveland Slide 49 1996 Olympic Summer Games Atlanta continues to host sporting events today Housing was improved in Downtown Atlanta Slide 50 Immigrants Coming to Georgia Immigrant is a person that moves to another country to stay In 1965 a larger number of immigrants moved to the United States For better jobs and homes Most came from Mexico Mostly worked in agriculture in Georgia Mostly worked in textile mills in Dalton, GA Main concern of the U.S. government is the abundance of immigrants coming illegally. Slide 51 Immigrants Coming to Georgia The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 created penalties, or punishments, for companies that hire illegal immigrants