world war ii: the great patriotic war (1941-1945)

World War II: World War II: The Great Patriotic War The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) (1941-1945)

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Page 1: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

World War II:World War II: The Great Patriotic War The Great Patriotic War


Page 2: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

I.I. Pre-War Developments:Pre-War Developments:Nazi-Soviet PactNazi-Soviet Pact

Throughout the 1930’s, the Soviet Union looked to actively Throughout the 1930’s, the Soviet Union looked to actively oppose the rising strength of the Fascists in Germany and Italyoppose the rising strength of the Fascists in Germany and Italy

- “Popular Fronts” – Communist Parties were - “Popular Fronts” – Communist Parties were instructed to cooperate with Governments instructed to cooperate with Governments actively opposed to Fascist aggression actively opposed to Fascist aggression

- The only major country to aid the anti-Fascists in the - The only major country to aid the anti-Fascists in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

- Was willing to defend Czechoslovakia as per their agreement - Was willing to defend Czechoslovakia as per their agreement in 1934 / France was not. USSR & Czechoslovakia were not in 1934 / France was not. USSR & Czechoslovakia were not even invited to the Munich Conference even invited to the Munich Conference

• Germany & Japan signed anti-Comintern Pact against the USSR Germany & Japan signed anti-Comintern Pact against the USSR in 1936. Italy and Spain joined in 1937 & 1936. Italy and Spain joined in 1937 & 1939.

Page 3: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

I. Pre-War Developments:I. Pre-War Developments:Nazi-Soviet PactNazi-Soviet Pact

Only after Germany’s annexation of Only after Germany’s annexation of all of Czechoslovakia did Great all of Czechoslovakia did Great Britain & France show interest in Britain & France show interest in building an anti-German alliance with building an anti-German alliance with the USSR:the USSR:

- They sent a low-ranking - They sent a low-ranking mission to mission to Moscow indicating the Moscow indicating the lack of lack of seriousness of the seriousness of the mission (Spring, mission (Spring, 1939) 1939)

Page 4: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

I. Pre-War Developments:I. Pre-War Developments:Stalin’s Assessment of European Relations Stalin’s Assessment of European Relations

on the Eve of the Nazi-Soviet Pacton the Eve of the Nazi-Soviet Pact Given a choice between a non-aggression pact with Britain and France or Given a choice between a non-aggression pact with Britain and France or

Germany in 1939, Stalin chose Germany because:Germany in 1939, Stalin chose Germany because:

1.1. Alliance with Britain & France would mean war would be avoided. Based Alliance with Britain & France would mean war would be avoided. Based on the events of 1917-1939, Stalin firmly believed that a successful on the events of 1917-1939, Stalin firmly believed that a successful communist revolution was impossible in peaceful conditions.communist revolution was impossible in peaceful conditions.

2.2. Non-aggression pact with Germany would mean partition of Poland and Non-aggression pact with Germany would mean partition of Poland and Soviet borders moving 200 miles westwardSoviet borders moving 200 miles westward

- Soviet acquisition of the Baltic states and Moldavia- Soviet acquisition of the Baltic states and Moldavia- spheres of influence in Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary- spheres of influence in Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary- possible sphere of influence in Yugoslavia- possible sphere of influence in Yugoslavia

3.3. The “Sovietization” of Germany is likely only after a long, protracted war The “Sovietization” of Germany is likely only after a long, protracted war that exhausts Britain, France and Germany.that exhausts Britain, France and Germany.

4.4. If Germany was victorious against Britain & France, it would not pose a If Germany was victorious against Britain & France, it would not pose a threat to the USSR for at least 10 years because it would be too threat to the USSR for at least 10 years because it would be too exhausted.exhausted.

Page 5: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

I. Pre-War Developments:I. Pre-War Developments:Nazi-Soviet PactNazi-Soviet Pact

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (August, 1939)Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (August, 1939)

- Non-aggression pact - Non-aggression pact

- Germany was free to fight in the West / Soviet - Germany was free to fight in the West / Soviet Union bought Union bought time to build up its defenses time to build up its defenses

- a secret protocol allowed the Soviet Union to - a secret protocol allowed the Soviet Union to annex the Baltic states and occupy eastern annex the Baltic states and occupy eastern

Poland Poland (Belorussian and Ukrainian territory (Belorussian and Ukrainian territory taken by the taken by the Poles during the Russian Civil War in Poles during the Russian Civil War in 1921).1921).

- 1940: The Soviet Union also annexed territory from - 1940: The Soviet Union also annexed territory from Romania Romania and formed the Moldavian Soviet Socialist and formed the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic.Republic.

Page 6: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

Development of the Soviet Development of the Soviet Armed Forces, 1939-1941Armed Forces, 1939-1941

January 1January 1, , 19391939

June 22June 22, , 19411941

% % increase increase

Divisions Divisions calculated calculated

131.5 131.5 316.5 316.5 140.7 140.7

Personnel Personnel 2,485,000 2,485,000 5,774,000 5,774,000 132.4 132.4

Guns and Guns and mortars mortars

55,800 55,800 117,600 117,600 110.7 110.7

Tanks Tanks 21,100 21,100 25,700 25,700 21.8 21.8

Aircraft Aircraft 7,700 7,700 18,700 18,700 142.8 142.8

Page 7: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

I. Pre-War Developments:I. Pre-War Developments:The Soviet-Finnish War (1939-The Soviet-Finnish War (1939-

1940)1940) The Soviet Government requested that the The Soviet Government requested that the

Finns give up some of its territory near Finns give up some of its territory near Leningrad, the second largest city inn the Leningrad, the second largest city inn the USSR, in exchange for a much larger area USSR, in exchange for a much larger area further north (Karelia).further north (Karelia).

The Soviets were anxious to defend The Soviets were anxious to defend Leningrad and keep the Gulf of Finland free Leningrad and keep the Gulf of Finland free of German and enemy ships.of German and enemy ships.

A border incident where Finnish forces A border incident where Finnish forces shelled Soviet border forces sparked the shelled Soviet border forces sparked the war. (Nov. – Feb.)war. (Nov. – Feb.)

Page 8: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

I. Pre-War Developments:I. Pre-War Developments:The Soviet-Finnish War (1939-The Soviet-Finnish War (1939-

1940)1940)The much smaller Finnish Army The much smaller Finnish Army

fought very well, inflicting large fought very well, inflicting large losses on the Red Army.losses on the Red Army.

Page 9: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

II. The Outbreak of the War: Why Did II. The Outbreak of the War: Why Did Nazi Germany Want War with the Nazi Germany Want War with the

USSR?USSR?1.1. Eastward colonial expansionEastward colonial expansion

- - LiebensraumLiebensraum for German farming settlers for German farming settlers

- Raw materials and food produce from Ukraine, - Raw materials and food produce from Ukraine, Russia.Russia.

- Soviet industries would be dismantled / the - Soviet industries would be dismantled / the population would be worked to death by the population would be worked to death by the Nazis.Nazis.

- Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians (Slavs) were - Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians (Slavs) were subhumans and barbarians not worthy of being subhumans and barbarians not worthy of being civilizedcivilized

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II. Nazi Racial Theory Regarding II. Nazi Racial Theory Regarding the Peoples of the USSRthe Peoples of the USSR

1.1. According to Nazi racial theory, According to Nazi racial theory, Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians) were subhuman.Belorussians) were subhuman.

2.2. Armenians biologically were related Armenians biologically were related to Jewsto Jews

3.3. Soviet Asians – “inferior Mongols”Soviet Asians – “inferior Mongols”4.4. Georgians & Estonians – AryansGeorgians & Estonians – Aryans5.5. Latvians & Lithuanians – fit for Latvians & Lithuanians – fit for


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II. The Outbreak of the War: Why Did II. The Outbreak of the War: Why Did Nazi Germany Want War with the Nazi Germany Want War with the

USSR?USSR?2. Bolshevism – a “Jewish-Slavic conspiracy” against 2. Bolshevism – a “Jewish-Slavic conspiracy” against

the German race.the German race.

- Hitler wrote extensively in “Mein Kampf” his - Hitler wrote extensively in “Mein Kampf” his hatred of Jews. The Jews were responsible for hatred of Jews. The Jews were responsible for Communist ideology (Marx was a Jew) that looked Communist ideology (Marx was a Jew) that looked to destroy German culture in favor of “proletarian to destroy German culture in favor of “proletarian internationalism”internationalism”

- The Slavs were barbarians duped by the Jewish - The Slavs were barbarians duped by the Jewish BolsheviksBolsheviks

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II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War: The Warnings The Warnings

Soviet authorities received many accurate warnings of the Soviet authorities received many accurate warnings of the coming attack from:coming attack from:

- diplomatic, military, and intelligence channels - diplomatic, military, and intelligence channels from Soviet from Soviet as well as Western sources. as well as Western sources.

- Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt - Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt DIRECTLY DIRECTLY warned Stalin of the impending attack warned Stalin of the impending attack

- German deserters - German deserters

- even the GERMAN AMBASSADOR to the Soviet - even the GERMAN AMBASSADOR to the Soviet Union!Union!

• Stalin believed this was all Western disinformation that Stalin believed this was all Western disinformation that tried to provoke the USSR into war with the Nazis. Stalin tried to provoke the USSR into war with the Nazis. Stalin and his inner circle mistrusted Hitler, but mistrusted and his inner circle mistrusted Hitler, but mistrusted Roosevelt & Churchill even more.Roosevelt & Churchill even more.

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II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War: The Warnings The Warnings

Friedrich-Werner Graf von der Friedrich-Werner Graf von der Schulenburg (1875-1944)Schulenburg (1875-1944)

• Named German ambassador to the Soviet Named German ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1934.Union in 1934.

• Favored good relations with the Soviet Favored good relations with the Soviet Union.Union.

• Played an important role bringing about the Played an important role bringing about the Nazi-Soviet Pact.Nazi-Soviet Pact.

• Warned the Soviet Ambassador to Berlin Warned the Soviet Ambassador to Berlin about the coming Nazi attack on the USSR:about the coming Nazi attack on the USSR:

• ““My ambassador, perhaps this has never My ambassador, perhaps this has never yet taken place in the history of diplomacy, yet taken place in the history of diplomacy, but I intend to reveal to you state secret but I intend to reveal to you state secret number one: pass this on to Mr. Molotov, number one: pass this on to Mr. Molotov, and I hope he will inform Mr. Stalin; Hitler and I hope he will inform Mr. Stalin; Hitler has decided on 22 June to start a war has decided on 22 June to start a war against the USSR. You ask, why am I doing against the USSR. You ask, why am I doing this? I was brought up in the spirit of this? I was brought up in the spirit of Bismark, and he was always against war Bismark, and he was always against war with Russia.”with Russia.”

• Schulenburg was executed in 1944 for Schulenburg was executed in 1944 for being part of a plot to assassinate Hitler.being part of a plot to assassinate Hitler.

Page 14: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War: The Repression in the Red Army of the Red The Repression in the Red Army of the Red

ArmyArmyThe losses as a result of the Purges in the military were staggering:The losses as a result of the Purges in the military were staggering:

• 3 of the 5 Marshals3 of the 5 Marshals• 15 of the 16 army commanders15 of the 16 army commanders• All of the corps commandersAll of the corps commanders• Almost all division and brigade commandersAlmost all division and brigade commanders• 1937-1938: the Purge in the Soviet Army led to the loss of 15,000 officers, about 10-1937-1938: the Purge in the Soviet Army led to the loss of 15,000 officers, about 10-

15% of the total.15% of the total.

• 1940: of the 225 regional commanders on active duty: 1940: of the 225 regional commanders on active duty:

- not 1 was educated in a military academy- not 1 was educated in a military academy- 25 finished a military school- 25 finished a military school- remaining 200 had only completed the course for junior - remaining 200 had only completed the course for junior lieutenants lieutenants

• At the beginning of 1940At the beginning of 1940

- more than 70% of the divisional commanders- more than 70% of the divisional commanders- about 70% of the regimental commanders- about 70% of the regimental commanders

had occupied these positions for only a yearhad occupied these positions for only a year

Page 15: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

The Destruction of the Soviet The Destruction of the Soviet High CommandHigh Command

• The Soviet Marshals: Tukhachevsky, The Soviet Marshals: Tukhachevsky, Voroshilov, Yegorov, Budenny, Blyuher. Voroshilov, Yegorov, Budenny, Blyuher. Only Voroshilov and Budenny survived the Only Voroshilov and Budenny survived the Purges of 1937-1938.Purges of 1937-1938.

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II. The Outbreak of the WarII. The Outbreak of the War June 22, 1941 – Germans launched Operation Barbarossa – June 22, 1941 – Germans launched Operation Barbarossa –

the attack on the Soviet Unionthe attack on the Soviet Union

- Largest land-air invasion in military history: 190 - Largest land-air invasion in military history: 190 divisions (5.5 divisions (5.5 million troops) of German, Romanian, million troops) of German, Romanian, Finnish, Hungarian, Finnish, Hungarian, Slovakian and Italian troops along a Slovakian and Italian troops along a 2,000 mile front2,000 mile front

- 4,000 tanks / 5,000 aircraft, 47,000 artillery pieces- 4,000 tanks / 5,000 aircraft, 47,000 artillery pieces 200 warships200 warships

- The entire Eastern Front was 3,720 miles long. - The entire Eastern Front was 3,720 miles long.

• After the invasion took place, Stalin disappeared from After the invasion took place, Stalin disappeared from public view for more than a week.public view for more than a week.

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Operation BarbarossaOperation Barbarossa

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II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War:The FrontsThe Fronts

3 Main Fronts of the War:3 Main Fronts of the War:

1.1. German Army Group North > German Army Group North > LeningradLeningrad

2.2. German Army Group Center > German Army Group Center > MoscowMoscow

3.3. German Army Group South > Kiev, German Army Group South > Kiev, Rostov-on-DonRostov-on-Don

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II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War:The Siege of LeningradThe Siege of Leningrad

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II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War:The Siege of LeningradThe Siege of Leningrad

1.1. Army Group North > Leningrad / The Siege of LeningradArmy Group North > Leningrad / The Siege of Leningrad

- By September 8, 1941 the Germans had fully encircled Leningrad and the blockade - By September 8, 1941 the Germans had fully encircled Leningrad and the blockade began.began.

- The siege lasted for a total of 900 days, from September 8 1941 until January 27 - The siege lasted for a total of 900 days, from September 8 1941 until January 27 1944. 1944.

- The city's almost 3 million civilians (including about 400,000 children) refused to - The city's almost 3 million civilians (including about 400,000 children) refused to surrender and endured rapidly increasing hardships in the encircled city. surrender and endured rapidly increasing hardships in the encircled city.

- In January 1942 in the depths of an unusually cold winter, the city's food rations - In January 1942 in the depths of an unusually cold winter, the city's food rations reached an all time low of only 125 grams (about 1/4 of a pound) of bread per person reached an all time low of only 125 grams (about 1/4 of a pound) of bread per person per day. per day.

- In just two months, January and February of 1942, 200,000 people died in Leningrad - In just two months, January and February of 1942, 200,000 people died in Leningrad of cold and starvation. Despite these tragic losses and the inhuman conditions the of cold and starvation. Despite these tragic losses and the inhuman conditions the city's war industries still continued to work and the city did not surrender. city's war industries still continued to work and the city did not surrender.

- Several hundred thousand people were evacuated from the city across Lake Ladoga - Several hundred thousand people were evacuated from the city across Lake Ladoga via the famous "Road of Life" via the famous "Road of Life"

- Dmitry Shostakovich wrote his Seventh "Leningrad" Symphony and it was - Dmitry Shostakovich wrote his Seventh "Leningrad" Symphony and it was performed in the besieged city. performed in the besieged city.

- In January 1943 the Siege was broken and a year later, on January 27 1944 it was - In January 1943 the Siege was broken and a year later, on January 27 1944 it was fully lifted. At least 641,000 people had died in Leningrad during the Siege (some fully lifted. At least 641,000 people had died in Leningrad during the Siege (some estimates put this figure closer to 800,000). estimates put this figure closer to 800,000).

Page 21: World War II: The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War:The FrontsThe Fronts

2. Army Group Center > Moscow2. Army Group Center > Moscow

- The Germans aimed their main blow at Moscow. - The Germans aimed their main blow at Moscow. Hitler increased his and his allies divisions to 240 Hitler increased his and his allies divisions to 240 and made an all-out push to capture the Soviet and made an all-out push to capture the Soviet

- By November, 1941, The Germans encircled the - By November, 1941, The Germans encircled the city on three sides and they came within 20 miles city on three sides and they came within 20 miles of it but never captured it.of it but never captured it.

- In late-November, the first successful Soviet - In late-November, the first successful Soviet counter-offensive led by Marshal Georgy Zhukov counter-offensive led by Marshal Georgy Zhukov resulted in the successful defense of Moscow.resulted in the successful defense of Moscow.

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II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War:The FrontsThe Fronts

3. Army Group South . Kiev, Rostov-on-Don3. Army Group South . Kiev, Rostov-on-Don

- Entire Soviet armies were smashed and taken - Entire Soviet armies were smashed and taken prisoner at Bialystok, Minsk and Kiev.prisoner at Bialystok, Minsk and Kiev.

- As a result of early German successes, 40% of - As a result of early German successes, 40% of the Soviet population, half of its industrial output the Soviet population, half of its industrial output and a third of its food production where under its and a third of its food production where under its control.control.

- Nazi troops advanced up to 155 miles by June - Nazi troops advanced up to 155 miles by June 25 and 372 miles by July 10, 1941.25 and 372 miles by July 10, 1941.

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II. The Outbreak of the War:II. The Outbreak of the War:German LossesGerman Losses

In the first four months of the Great In the first four months of the Great Patriotic War:Patriotic War:

- over 500,000 officers and soldiers. - over 500,000 officers and soldiers. The The Nazis lost a total of 300,000 troops Nazis lost a total of 300,000 troops in the in the first two years of WWII. first two years of WWII.

- Although the Germans occupied - Although the Germans occupied much much Soviet territory, they Soviet territory, they failed to take failed to take Leningrad, Moscow Leningrad, Moscow or the rich oil reserves or the rich oil reserves in the in the Caucasus.Caucasus.

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III. Soviet and German III. Soviet and German Offensives, 1942Offensives, 1942

December, 1941 – April 1942December, 1941 – April 1942

• Soviet counter-offensive in December pushed German Soviet counter-offensive in December pushed German troops between 62-155 miles from Moscow.troops between 62-155 miles from Moscow.

- However, they failed to achieve their overall - However, they failed to achieve their overall objectives of objectives of lifting the siege of Leningrad, smash the lifting the siege of Leningrad, smash the three main German three main German Army groups and to clear German Army groups and to clear German troops out of Crimean and troops out of Crimean and the Donbass. the Donbass.

• Overall, between January & April 1942, Soviet forces Overall, between January & April 1942, Soviet forces advanced some 186-248 miles to the west.advanced some 186-248 miles to the west.

- The Germans lost between 400,000-800,000 men- The Germans lost between 400,000-800,000 men- The Soviets lost an average of 19,000 people a - The Soviets lost an average of 19,000 people a More than 50 Soviet generals were taken prisoner - More than 50 Soviet generals were taken prisoner

in the in the first year of the war. first year of the war.

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III. Soviet and German III. Soviet and German Offensives, 1942Offensives, 1942

Summer – Fall, 1942Summer – Fall, 1942

• The Germans launched an offensive with 2 The Germans launched an offensive with 2 main goals in mind:main goals in mind:

1. capture the oil fields in southern 1. capture the oil fields in southern Russia (the Caucasus) Russia (the Caucasus)

2. capture Stalingrad2. capture Stalingrad

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III. Soviet and German III. Soviet and German Offensives, 1942Offensives, 1942

1.1. The Caucasus FrontThe Caucasus Front

- Before the Caucasus offensive, the Germans recaptured - Before the Caucasus offensive, the Germans recaptured all of the Crimea (Sevastopol), taking 90,000 Soviet all of the Crimea (Sevastopol), taking 90,000 Soviet prisoners. They also retook the Donbass, capturing prisoners. They also retook the Donbass, capturing 200,000 more Soviet soldiers.200,000 more Soviet soldiers.

- Germans desire to capture Soviet oil fields failed partly - Germans desire to capture Soviet oil fields failed partly as a result of the fierce fighting at a result of the fierce fighting at Stalingrad.

- Red Army halted German advances in December. - Red Army halted German advances in December. January, 1943 they launched a counter-attack. January, 1943 they launched a counter-attack.

- Soviets killed 200,000 German troops and destroyed - Soviets killed 200,000 German troops and destroyed approximately 900 tanks and 2,000 aircraft.approximately 900 tanks and 2,000 aircraft.

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III. Soviet Counter-Offensive, III. Soviet Counter-Offensive, 1942-19431942-1943

2. Battle of Stalingrad2. Battle of Stalingrad

• Hitler wanted to capture Stalingrad because it bore the Hitler wanted to capture Stalingrad because it bore the Soviet leader’s name.Soviet leader’s name.

• The battle was waged for over 200 days and nights / the The battle was waged for over 200 days and nights / the fiercest battle in all of the Warfiercest battle in all of the War

• The Germans surrendered on February 2, 1943. This was The Germans surrendered on February 2, 1943. This was the first major loss the Germans experienced during the the first major loss the Germans experienced during the war:war:

- German losses: about 800,000- German losses: about 800,000- Soviet losses: about 1,080,000- Soviet losses: about 1,080,000

• Turning point of WWII for the Allies.Turning point of WWII for the Allies.

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III. Allies in Action During the III. Allies in Action During the Battle of Stalingrad: 1942-1943Battle of Stalingrad: 1942-1943

October 1942 – British under General October 1942 – British under General Montgomery defeated the Germans in El Montgomery defeated the Germans in El Alamein in North Africa.Alamein in North Africa.

- The victory resulted in 55,000 - The victory resulted in 55,000 German and Italian deaths and the German and Italian deaths and the destruction of 320 tanks and nearly 1,000 destruction of 320 tanks and nearly 1,000 pieces of artillery.pieces of artillery.

• Compared to Stalingrad where the Germans Compared to Stalingrad where the Germans had over 1 million soldiers in battle, at El had over 1 million soldiers in battle, at El Alamein, less than 100,000 German and Alamein, less than 100,000 German and Italian forces opposed the British.Italian forces opposed the British.

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IV. From Stalingrad to the IV. From Stalingrad to the Liberation of the Soviet UnionLiberation of the Soviet Union

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IV. From Stalingrad to the IV. From Stalingrad to the Liberation of the Soviet UnionLiberation of the Soviet Union

Summer, 1943 – Battle of KurskSummer, 1943 – Battle of Kursk

• In the absence of a second front in Europe, Hitler sent In the absence of a second front in Europe, Hitler sent massive reinforcements (200 divisions in total) to the Eastern massive reinforcements (200 divisions in total) to the Eastern Front.Front.

• The largest tank battle in the history of warfare began on July The largest tank battle in the history of warfare began on July 5, 1943:5, 1943:

- 1.3 million Soviet soldiers 3,444 tanks, 2,900 - 1.3 million Soviet soldiers 3,444 tanks, 2,900 aircraft, aircraft, 19,000 guns faced 900,000 Germans 19,000 guns faced 900,000 Germans with 2,700 tanks, with 2,700 tanks, 2,000 aircraft, and 10,000 guns. 2,000 aircraft, and 10,000 guns.

• The fighting lasted for 50 days:The fighting lasted for 50 days:

- The Red Army won / heavy casualties- The Red Army won / heavy casualties- German forces lost 30 divisions including 7 armored - German forces lost 30 divisions including 7 armored divisions: 500,000 men, and almost 1,500 divisions: 500,000 men, and almost 1,500


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IV. From Stalingrad to the IV. From Stalingrad to the Liberation of the Soviet UnionLiberation of the Soviet Union

Between August and December 1943, the Between August and December 1943, the Red Army liberated most of central Russia Red Army liberated most of central Russia and the Ukraine. and the Ukraine.

200,000 German & Romanian troops were 200,000 German & Romanian troops were trapped in the Crimea.trapped in the Crimea.

By the end of 1943, the Germans lost 2/3 By the end of 1943, the Germans lost 2/3 of the territory they had occupied since of the territory they had occupied since June, 1941.June, 1941.

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IV. From Stalingrad to the IV. From Stalingrad to the Liberation of the Soviet UnionLiberation of the Soviet Union

1944 became known as the year of Stalin’s “ten great 1944 became known as the year of Stalin’s “ten great victories.”victories.”

1.1. The relief of Leningrad (January)The relief of Leningrad (January)2.2. The encirclement of German troops in south-west The encirclement of German troops in south-west

Ukraine and entry into Romania (Feb.-Mar.)Ukraine and entry into Romania (Feb.-Mar.)3.3. The destruction of German forces in the Crimea (May)The destruction of German forces in the Crimea (May)4.4. The defeat of Finnish forces and re-establishment of the The defeat of Finnish forces and re-establishment of the

1940 frontier (June)1940 frontier (June)5.5. Liberation of Belorussia (Belarus), including the Liberation of Belorussia (Belarus), including the

destruction of 25 German divisions (June)destruction of 25 German divisions (June)6.6. The entry of Soviet forces into Poland against fierce The entry of Soviet forces into Poland against fierce

resistance (July)resistance (July)7.7. The liberation of Romania and Bulgaria (August)The liberation of Romania and Bulgaria (August)8.8. The liberation of Latvia and Estonia (September)The liberation of Latvia and Estonia (September)9.9. The liberation of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (October)The liberation of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (October)10.10. The expulsion of German troops from northern Finland The expulsion of German troops from northern Finland

and Norway (October)and Norway (October)

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V. The Road to BerlinV. The Road to Berlin

Poland – Liberation of Warsaw Poland – Liberation of Warsaw (Jul. 1944 – Sept 1945)(Jul. 1944 – Sept 1945)

• Soviet forces under Konstantin Rokossovsky reached the Soviet forces under Konstantin Rokossovsky reached the Vistula River across from Warsaw in July 1944.Vistula River across from Warsaw in July 1944.

• Soviet forces stopped their advance.Soviet forces stopped their advance.

• Warsaw’s underground resistance rose up against the Warsaw’s underground resistance rose up against the Germans, anticipating Soviet help. Soviet response to why Germans, anticipating Soviet help. Soviet response to why there was no help given to the Poles was that the Red Army there was no help given to the Poles was that the Red Army needed to rest after heavy advances.needed to rest after heavy advances.

• 300,000 Poles were killed resisting the Nazis.300,000 Poles were killed resisting the Nazis.

• Soviet forces liberated Warsaw in January, 1945.Soviet forces liberated Warsaw in January, 1945.

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V. The Road to BerlinV. The Road to Berlin Operation Overlord – Allied invasion of Normandy (June, 1944)Operation Overlord – Allied invasion of Normandy (June, 1944)

- the Second Front that Stalin was calling for from the - the Second Front that Stalin was calling for from the AlliesAllies

- Anglo-American forces crossed the English Channel, - Anglo-American forces crossed the English Channel, capturing a vital beachhead in Normandy. capturing a vital beachhead in Normandy.

• In the winter / spring of 1943-1944, the Wehrmacht’s mounting In the winter / spring of 1943-1944, the Wehrmacht’s mounting losses in the East forced the German High Command to send losses in the East forced the German High Command to send some 40 additional divisions to the Soviet front. some 40 additional divisions to the Soviet front.

- By the time of the landing in France, almost 75% of - By the time of the landing in France, almost 75% of the the divisions of the Nazi bloc countries were fighting in the divisions of the Nazi bloc countries were fighting in the East.East.

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V. The Road to BerlinV. The Road to Berlin

April 1945 began the Battle for BerlinApril 1945 began the Battle for Berlin

- More than 6,000 tanks, 8,000 - More than 6,000 tanks, 8,000 aircraft and 40,000 guns of all types aircraft and 40,000 guns of all types were used by the Red Army.were used by the Red Army.

• April 25, 1945, Soviet forces crossed April 25, 1945, Soviet forces crossed the Elba River and established contact the Elba River and established contact with units of the American First Army.with units of the American First Army.

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Soviet Flag Hoisted Over the Soviet Flag Hoisted Over the Reichstag – May, 1945Reichstag – May, 1945

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VI. The Cost of Victory – VI. The Cost of Victory – The FightingThe Fighting

1.1. The Soviet forces never faced less The Soviet forces never faced less than 90% of German frontline combat than 90% of German frontline combat strength on land.strength on land.

2.2. The Eastern Front saw:The Eastern Front saw:- the largest artillery battle - the largest artillery battle (Stalingrad)(Stalingrad)- the largest tank battle (Kursk)- the largest tank battle (Kursk)- the largest single land operation - the largest single land operation


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VI. The Cost of Victory – VI. The Cost of Victory – The Human TollThe Human Toll

1. 1. In the winter of 1941-1942, more Leningraders starved to In the winter of 1941-1942, more Leningraders starved to death every month as a result of the German siege than death every month as a result of the German siege than the total of British civilians killed by German bombs in the the total of British civilians killed by German bombs in the entire war.entire war.

- the 1 million premature deaths in this one city exceeded - the 1 million premature deaths in this one city exceeded the combined military and civilian casualties of the British the combined military and civilian casualties of the British Empire and the United States.Empire and the United States.

2. Between 50-60 people died worldwide as a result of WWII 2. Between 50-60 people died worldwide as a result of WWII – half were Soviet citizens.– half were Soviet citizens.

- 27-30 million Soviet citizens died- 27-30 million Soviet citizens died- 5.7 million Soviet prisoners of war fell into German - 5.7 million Soviet prisoners of war fell into German hands. As many as 4.7 million died.hands. As many as 4.7 million died.

3. 60% of the Red Army was comprised of peasants. They 3. 60% of the Red Army was comprised of peasants. They bore the brunt of the fighting casualties.bore the brunt of the fighting casualties.

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VI. The Cost of Victory – VI. The Cost of Victory – The Economic TollThe Economic Toll

1.1. Roughly 30% of the pre-war economy had been destroyed.Roughly 30% of the pre-war economy had been destroyed.

- In the occupied territories (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) up to 2/3 of the economy - In the occupied territories (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) up to 2/3 of the economy was destroyed.was destroyed.

2.2. The Germans completely or partially destroyed and burnt:The Germans completely or partially destroyed and burnt:

- 1,710 towns and settlements and more than 70,000 villages and hamlets- 1,710 towns and settlements and more than 70,000 villages and hamlets- 6 million buildings and rendered homeless about 25 million people- 6 million buildings and rendered homeless about 25 million people- destroyed 31,580 industrial enterprises- destroyed 31,580 industrial enterprises

- decomissioned metal works that accounted for 60% of the country’s steel and - decomissioned metal works that accounted for 60% of the country’s steel and mines yielding more than 60% of the country’s coalmines yielding more than 60% of the country’s coal

- destroyed 65,000 kilometers of railroads and 4,100 stations- destroyed 65,000 kilometers of railroads and 4,100 stations- destroyed 36,000 post and telegraph installations, telephone exchanges and - destroyed 36,000 post and telegraph installations, telephone exchanges and

other communications enterprisesother communications enterprises

- slaughtered, seized, or drove back to Germany 7 million horses, 17 million - slaughtered, seized, or drove back to Germany 7 million horses, 17 million cattle cattle and oxen, 20 million pigs, 27 million sheep and goats.and oxen, 20 million pigs, 27 million sheep and goats.

- destroyed and looted 40,000 hospitals and other medical establishments- destroyed and looted 40,000 hospitals and other medical establishments- destroyed and looted 84,000 schools, colleges, universities, research institutes - destroyed and looted 84,000 schools, colleges, universities, research institutes

and 43,000 libraries.and 43,000 libraries.

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VII. Reasons for Soviet VictoryVII. Reasons for Soviet Victory1.1. The evacuation of industries and capital assets out of reach of the The evacuation of industries and capital assets out of reach of the

Germans (east of the Ural Mountains and Central Asia)Germans (east of the Ural Mountains and Central Asia)

- 1,523 large-scale key and military industries were evacuated or 10% of - 1,523 large-scale key and military industries were evacuated or 10% of the country’s net capital stockthe country’s net capital stock

- led to a mini industrial revolution in places like Kazakhstan and - led to a mini industrial revolution in places like Kazakhstan and UzbekistanUzbekistan

- The results of the industrial evacuation were critical: it supplied the Red - The results of the industrial evacuation were critical: it supplied the Red Army with the equipment necessary to survive through Stalingrad and win Army with the equipment necessary to survive through Stalingrad and win there.there.

2. The Third Five Year Plan had the Soviet economy producing a wide range of 2. The Third Five Year Plan had the Soviet economy producing a wide range of weapons exceeded only by Germany.weapons exceeded only by Germany.

3. The war was seen as a war for defense of the motherland / patriotic, not 3. The war was seen as a war for defense of the motherland / patriotic, not communist goalscommunist goals

- Stalin referred to heroes of the Russian past- Stalin referred to heroes of the Russian past- met with the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church and allowed it to - met with the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church and allowed it to openly operateopenly operate

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The Russian Orthodox Church The Russian Orthodox Church During the Great Patriotic WarDuring the Great Patriotic War

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VII. Reasons for Victory: The VII. Reasons for Victory: The Evacuation of IndustriesEvacuation of Industries

• The government ordered a project to recommission the big The government ordered a project to recommission the big Zaporozhstal’ steel works from the Ukraine to Chebarkul’, Zaporozhstal’ steel works from the Ukraine to Chebarkul’, near Chelyabinsk in the Urals – a job which, under prewar near Chelyabinsk in the Urals – a job which, under prewar circumstances, might have taken years. They were given circumstances, might have taken years. They were given seventy-five days, from the end of December, 1941 to mid-seventy-five days, from the end of December, 1941 to mid-March, 1942. They had to reestablish seven main and March, 1942. They had to reestablish seven main and eleven auxiliary production shops together with railway eleven auxiliary production shops together with railway lines, water supplies, air shafts; all of this in -45 degree lines, water supplies, air shafts; all of this in -45 degree weather, with the soil frozen to the depths of two meters. weather, with the soil frozen to the depths of two meters. They had to heat the ground, drill it and break it up with They had to heat the ground, drill it and break it up with explosives, keep the concrete from freezing, working round explosives, keep the concrete from freezing, working round the clock, often holding production conferences at 2 and 3 the clock, often holding production conferences at 2 and 3 a.m. The job was finished ahead of schedule, in six weeks.a.m. The job was finished ahead of schedule, in six weeks.

- Barber and Harrison, “The Soviet Home Front: 1941-1945, - Barber and Harrison, “The Soviet Home Front: 1941-1945, pg. 139pg. 139

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VII. Reasons for Soviet VictoryVII. Reasons for Soviet Victory

4. The heroism of the Soviet people4. The heroism of the Soviet people

- the soldiers- the soldiers

- the Partisans- the Partisans

- the women, children and old-- the women, children and old-aged aged who worked in the factories who worked in the factories and the and the farms replacing the able- farms replacing the able-bodied men bodied men called to the front called to the front

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VII. Reasons for Soviet VictoryVII. Reasons for Soviet Victory

5. 5. The superiority of the Soviet CommandersThe superiority of the Soviet Commanders

- Georgiy Zhukov – planned or commanded every major - Georgiy Zhukov – planned or commanded every major Soviet victory in WWII (Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, Soviet victory in WWII (Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, liberation of the USSR, Berlin)Kursk, liberation of the USSR, Berlin)

Zhukov Rokossovsky TimoshenkoZhukov Rokossovsky Timoshenko Konev Konev Vasilevsky MalinovskyVasilevsky Malinovsky

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VII. Reasons for Soviet VictoryVII. Reasons for Soviet Victory

6. Allied Help6. Allied Help

- Soviet Union received aid from the United States - Soviet Union received aid from the United States through through Lend-Lease. A smaller amount came from Lend-Lease. A smaller amount came from Great Britain.Great Britain.

- Aid arrived by 3 main routes:- Aid arrived by 3 main routes:

a) Arctic convoys up the coast of Scandinavia to the a) Arctic convoys up the coast of Scandinavia to the White Sea White Sea and the Soviet ports of Arkhangelsk & and the Soviet ports of Arkhangelsk & MurmanskMurmansk

b) Land route through Iran (brought under Allied b) Land route through Iran (brought under Allied occupation occupation Aug.-Sept 1941) over the mountains into Aug.-Sept 1941) over the mountains into Soviet Central AsiaSoviet Central Asia

c) Far East – From Alaska across the Bering Straitsc) Far East – From Alaska across the Bering Straits

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VII. Reasons for Soviet VictoryVII. Reasons for Soviet Victory Lend-Lease meant:Lend-Lease meant:

- thousands of aircraft, tanks, trucks and jeeps- thousands of aircraft, tanks, trucks and jeeps- 1.3 million tons of machinery & - 1.3 million tons of machinery &

industrial equipment industrial equipment- 6 million tons of steel & non-ferrous metals- 6 million tons of steel & non-ferrous metals- 4 million tons of foodstuffs- 4 million tons of foodstuffs- 15 million pairs of army boots- 15 million pairs of army boots- chemicals & petrochemicals- chemicals & petrochemicals- $ 10 billion worth of aid or 4% of overall Soviet - $ 10 billion worth of aid or 4% of overall Soviet


• The majority of this aid came AFTER the Soviet defeat of Nazi The majority of this aid came AFTER the Soviet defeat of Nazi forces at Stalingrad. Soviet domestic production contributed to forces at Stalingrad. Soviet domestic production contributed to the defense of the country and the victory at Stalingrad. Allied the defense of the country and the victory at Stalingrad. Allied aid contributed to the speedier defeat of the Nazis.aid contributed to the speedier defeat of the Nazis.

• What the Allies paid for in weapons and material aid, the Soviets What the Allies paid for in weapons and material aid, the Soviets paid for in blood.paid for in blood.

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VIII. Liberation of Holocaust VIII. Liberation of Holocaust SurvivorsSurvivors

The Red Army liberated most of the concentration camps The Red Army liberated most of the concentration camps located in eastern Europe while American, British, Canadian located in eastern Europe while American, British, Canadian and French forces liberated concentration camps in and French forces liberated concentration camps in northern and western Germany.northern and western Germany.

Major concentration camps liberated by the Red Army:Major concentration camps liberated by the Red Army:

1. Auschwitz-Birkenau – the largest concentration camp1. Auschwitz-Birkenau – the largest concentration camp2. Majdanek2. Majdanek3. Chelmno3. Chelmno4. Sachsenhausen4. Sachsenhausen5. Ravensbrueck5. Ravensbrueck6. Stutthof6. Stutthof

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VIII. Jews in the Red ArmyVIII. Jews in the Red Army

More Jews served in the Red Army than any other Allied More Jews served in the Red Army than any other Allied army in World War II (501,000 / 1939 prewar Jewish army in World War II (501,000 / 1939 prewar Jewish population was 3 million). population was 3 million).

- 167,000 officers / 276 Generals and Admirals / - 167,000 officers / 276 Generals and Admirals / 334,000 334,000 enlisted men) enlisted men)

- 198,000 died fighting- 198,000 died fighting- 160,772 received awards & medals- 160,772 received awards & medals- 149 – Hero of the Soviet Union- 149 – Hero of the Soviet Union- 25,000 Jewish Partisans fought in Ukraine- 25,000 Jewish Partisans fought in Ukraine- 30,000 Jewish Partisans fought in Belarus- 30,000 Jewish Partisans fought in Belarus

Anatoly Shapiro, the first Soviet officer to lead his troops Anatoly Shapiro, the first Soviet officer to lead his troops into Auschwitz when it was liberated, is Jewish. into Auschwitz when it was liberated, is Jewish.

- - "I was very proud of being in the vanguard of the "I was very proud of being in the vanguard of the liberators, not so liberators, not so much because I was a Jew liberating the much because I was a Jew liberating the camp, but because we, camp, but because we, the Red Army, liberated it." the Red Army, liberated it."

- - "The Soviet Union has disappeared, but these medals "The Soviet Union has disappeared, but these medals remain. I remain. I am very sorry the Soviet Union no longer am very sorry the Soviet Union no longer exists. I lived the exists. I lived the majority of my life there, and it was my majority of my life there, and it was my home.“ (Shapiro is 94 home.“ (Shapiro is 94 / resides in NY) / resides in NY)